MATTHEW C. MIROW FIU COLLEGE OF LAW 2061 RAFAEL DÍAZ-BALART HALL MIAMI, FLORIDA 33199 [email protected] EDUCATION Leiden University Cambridge University Cornell University Boston University Ph.D. (law) Ph.D. (law) J.D. B.A. 2003 1993 1986 1983 Professor of Law MacCormick Visiting Fellow Director, LL.M. Program Associate Dean of International & Graduate Studies 2008-date 2016 2012-2015 Fulbright Scholar Interim Director Associate Professor of Law 2009 2009 2002-2008 Membre associé (in residence, summer) Director, joint summer program Visiting Professor of Law (spring) Co-teacher, joint summer program Assistant Professor of Law Golieb Fellow in Legal History Visiting Professor of Law (summers) Instructor to Assistant Professor of Law Mentschikoff Tutorial Fellow 2008 2006 2006 2005 1999-2002 1998-1999 1995-1998 1994-1999 1992-1994 ACADEMIC POSITIONS FIU College of Law University of Edinburgh School of Law FIU College of Law Pontificia Universidad Católica de Valparaíso, Chile FIU College of Law Library FIU College of Law Centre Georges Chevrier (UMR 5605 – Université de Bourgogne/CNRS) Universidad de Sevilla/FIU University of Miami Universidad de Sevilla/FIU South Texas College of Law New York University Universidad de Los Andes (Bogotá) Saint Louis University University of Miami 2010-2015 OTHER STUDIES AND QUALIFICATIONS FIU University Graduate School FIU Latin American and Caribbean Center Newberry Library/N.E.H. Summer Institute Cambridge University Spanish Ministry of Education and Science Cambridge University Florida Bar Graduate faculty Affiliated faculty Fellow Diploma in Spanish Diploma in Spanish Certificate in Spanish 2005-date 2002-date 1996 1992 1992 1991 1986 REPRESENTATIVE GRANTS, AWARDS, AND HONORS Instituto de Investigaciones de Historia del Derecho (Buenos Aires) FIU Office of the Provost/IIE/CIES Pacific McGeorge School of Law Global Center American Society for Legal History Florida Historical Society Institute of International Education/Council for International Exchange of Scholars/Fulbright Scholarship Board Universidad Nacional de Córdoba, Arg. Institute of International Education/Council for International Exchange of Scholars/Fulbright Scholarship Board City of Puebla, Mexico J. William Fulbright Scholarship Board University of Florida, Center for Latin American Studies FIU Provost’s Office FIU College of Law Fulbright Commission of Perú American Society for Legal History Centre Georges Chevrier (UMR 5605 – Université de Bourgogne/CNRS) Gerda Henkel Stiftung Davidson College Gerda Henkel Stiftung FIU Provost’s Office/FIU Foundation FIU College of Law South Texas College of Law S.B.A. South Texas College of Law Saint Louis University Law Journal Saint Louis University N.E.H. Lexis-Nexis Saint Louis University C.V.C.P. of the U.K. Cambridge U. Overseas Trust Gonville and Caius College Frederic William Maitland Fund Gonville and Caius College E.S.R.C. of the U.K. Miembro correspondiente Fulbright campus representative 2014-date 2014-2015 Keynote speaker, Global Center Co-director, Student Research Colloquium Golden Quill Award (best article) Fulbright U.S. scholar regional peer review committee (Southern Cone) 2015 2014, 2015 2014 2011, 2012 Huésped de Honor Fulbright U.S. scholar regional peer review committee (Chile/Mexico) 2012 2010 Poblano y distinguido visitante Fulbright scholar, Chile (traditional) Travel research grant 2010 2009 2009 Top scholar (one of 22 selected) Operational excellence award Grant for presentation Board of directors Membre associé 2009 2009 2009 2009-2012 2007-2012 Grant for conference Kelley lecturer Grant for presentation Research award Summer research grant Award for outstanding teaching Summer research grant Recognition award Summer research grant Summer stipend Award for innovative teaching materials Beaumont faculty development award Overseas research studentship Overseas research bursary Overseas student bursary Research grant Travel grant Grant for fees and expenses 2006-2008 2005 2003-2004 2003 2003, 2004 2002 2000, 2001 1997 1996, 1997 1996 1995 1995 1988-1991 1988-1991 1988-1991 1990 1990 1988 EDITING, CONSULTING, AND LEGAL PRACTICE Colección "Persona" (Comares, Spain) Iushistoria (Argentina) Glossae (Spain) Consejo asesor Board of editors Board of editors 2 2014-date 2012-date 2012-date Books of Law: The Formation and Transmission of Western Legal Tradition Scientific committee American Journal of Legal History Advisory Board Brill/Martinus Nijhoff Series co-editor, History of Private Law Revue de droit international et de droit comparé Principal collaborateur étranger American Journal of Comparative Law Board of editors Law and History Review Board of editors Revista de Derecho Privado, Bogotá Comité científico International Relations Referee Anuario de Estudios Americanos (Seville) Referee Comparative Legal History Review Referee University of New Mexico Press Consultant University of Edinburgh Press, legal history Consultant Wolters Kluwer (Aspen), LLM studies Consultant Latin American and Caribbean Journal of Legal Studies Board of editors Centre d’Histoire Judiciare (UMR 8025 Responsable du projet (with Dauchy Université de Lille II/CNRS) and Bryson) American Journal of Legal History Editor, book reviews Oxford UP, Encyclopedia of Legal History Advisory editor, South America Working Group on Property, Syracuse U. Affiliated Faculty Hispanic American Historical Review Referee Wolters Kluwer, Property Consultant Aspen Publishers, International Law Consultant Law and History Review Referee South Texas College of Law Quarterly Editorial board Currents: International Trade Law Journal Faculty advisor Saint Louis-Warsaw Transatlantic L.J. Review editor Lexis-Nexis Consultant American Immigration Lawyers Association Pro-bono part-time attorney Reed Smith Shaw & McClay Summer associate and Associate Conrad Scherer & James Summer associate 2011-date 2010-date 2007-date 2007-date 2006-date 2005-date 2004-date 2013 2013 2012, 2014 2011-2012 2011 2011 2007-2009 2006-2010 2002-2010 2004-2009 2004-2005 2009 2007 2007 2004 2001-2002 2000-2002 1997-1998 1996-1997 1993-1994 1985-1988 1984 COURSES AND SEMINARS TAUGHT American Legal History, Anglo-American Wills and Testaments, Comparative Commercial Law (in Spanish), Comparative Constitutional Law, Comparative Law, English Legal History, European Legal History, International Law, Introduction to Common Law (in Spanish), Land Use, Latin American Law, Property, and Wills and Trusts COLLEGE AND UNIVERSITY SERVICE AT FIU College Advisory Board and Committee Service: Academic Standards (2003-2006), Appointments (2002, 2006-2007, Co-chair, 2007-2008, Chair), Facilities (2002-2004), Graduate Programs (2005) International and Comparative Law Programs (2004-2008); International Law Librarian (2002, Chair 2003), Lecture Review (2005-2008, 2010), Library (2002-2006, 2010-2012, Chair, 2003-2006), Moot Court (2002), Promotion and Tenure (2008-date); Strategic Planning (2009) University Service: Banner Marshal (2003), Curriculum Committee (2004-2005), Graduate Council (20022004, 2012-2013, Vice-Chair, 2004-2005) 3 ASSOCIATION MEMBERSHIPS American Historical Association, American Society for Legal History (Program Committee, 2007; Board of Directors, 2009-2011; Local Arrangements Committee, 2012-2013), Latin American Studies Association, Selden Society PROMOTION AND TENURE EVALUATIONS University of Oregon Ave Maria School of Law University of South Carolina University of Tennessee Saint Thomas University (Minnesota) 2014 2013 2011 2011 2009 DISSERTATION COMMITTEES Mauricio Novoa-Cain, Latin American Studies PhD, Cambridge Univ., awarded 2014 (external examiner) Renzo Honores, History PhD, FIU, awarded 2007 Gregory Weimer, History PhD, FIU, 2011-present Ricardo Pelegrin, History PhD, FIU, 2013-present ADMINISTRATIVE ACCOMPLISHMENTS AS ASSOCIATE DEAN (2010-2015) Established FIU’s first LL.M. (for foreign lawyers, start date 2014, 17 students year 1, 24 students year 2) Established J.D. with advanced standing for foreign lawyers Recruited and admitted the College of Law’s first Visiting Researchers (approximately 20 during term) Oversaw recruitment of the first Latin American Visiting Professor Led the College to join the American Caribbean Law Initiative Direct Seville Summer Study Abroad Program (prepared and monitored ABA site inspection in 2010) Monitor, plan, and coordinate all aspects of international, comparative, and graduate studies Negotiate and establish agreements with foreign law schools related to academic exchanges Create proposed and actual budgets for various international activities Maintain contact and coordinate activities with other university departments and units Maintain contact and coordinate activities with institutions outside FIU Inform faculty and students of international opportunities Publicize international and comparative activities of the faculty 4 PUBLICATIONS Books: 2015. LATIN AMERICAN CONSTITUTIONS: THE CONSTITUTION OF CÁDIZ AND ITS LEGACY IN SPANISH AMERICA (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press). 2012. FLORIDA’S FIRST CONSTITUTION: THE CONSTITUTION OF CÁDIZ (Durham: Carolina Academic Press). 2010. RATIO DECIDENDI: GUIDING PRINCIPLES OF JUDICIAL DECISIONS, VOLUME 2: FOREIGN LAW (Berlin: Duncker & Humblot) (edited with Bryson and Dauchy). 2006. GLOBAL ISSUES IN PROPERTY LAW: CASES AND MATERIALS (St. Paul: Thomson West) (with Sprankling and Coletta). 2004. LATIN AMERICAN LAW: A HISTORY OF PRIVATE LAW AND INSTITUTIONS IN SPANISH AMERICA (Austin: University of Texas Press). Books in Studies in the History of Private Law Series (Leiden: Brill/Nijhoff) (edited by C.H. (Remco) van Rhee, Dirk Heirbaut & M.C. Mirow): 2015. JOHN FINLAY, LEGAL PRACTICE IN EIGHTEENTH-CENTURY SCOTLAND. 2015. MARIKEN LENAERTS, NATIONAL SOCIALIST FAMILY LAW: THE INFLUENCE OF NATIONAL SOCIALISM ON MARRIAGE AND DIVORCE LAW IN GERMANY AND THE NETHERLANDS. 2014. FREDRIC DELANO GRANT, JR., THE CHINESE CORNERSTONE OF MODERN BANKING: THE CANTON GUARANTY SYSTEM AND THE ORIGENS OF BANK DEPOSIT INSURANCE 1780-1933. 2014. E.G.D. VAN DONGEN, CONTRIBUTORY NEGLIGENCE: A HISTORICAL AND COMPARATIVE STUDY. 2014. E. KOOPS & W.J. ZWALVE (EDS.), LAW & EQUITY: APPROACHES IN ROMAN LAW AND COMMON LAW. 2013. WIM DECOCK, THEOLOGIANS AND CONTRACT LAW: THE MORAL TRANSFORMATION OF THE IUS COMMUNE (CA. 1500-1650). 2012. TILMANN J. RÖDER, FROM INDUSTRIAL TO LEGAL STANDARDIZATION, 1871-1914: TRANSNATIONAL INSURANCE LAW AND THE GREAT SAN FRANCISCO EARTHQUAKE. 2011. JANWILLEM OOSTERHUIS, SPECIFIC PERFORMANCE IN GERMAN, FRENCH AND DUTCH LAW IN THE NINETEENTH CENTURY: REMEDIES IN AN AGE OF FUNDAMENTAL RIGHTS AND INDUSTRIALISATION. 2008. JAN HALLEBEEK & HARRY DONDORP (EDS.), CONTRACTS FOR A THIRD-PARTY BENEFICIARY: A HISTORICAL AND COMPARATIVE ACCOUNT. 5 Articles, essays, book chapters, encyclopedia entries 2016. Juan Solórzano Pereira, in GREAT CHRISTIAN JURISTS IN SPANISH HISTORY (Rafael Domingo & Javier Martínez-Torrón, eds., Cambridge: Cambridge University Press) (forthcoming). 2015. Rerum Novarum: New Things and Recent Paradigms of Property Law, 47 U. PAC. L. REV. ___ (keynote address for symposium on an international law of property, forthcoming). 2015. Translating into Stone: The Monument to the Constitution of Cádiz in St. Augustine, Florida (18131814), in TRANSLATIONS IN TIMES OF DISRUPTION: A MULTIDISCIPLINARY STUDY OF CONSTITUTIONS, MEDICAL KNOWLEDGE, CONFLICT, RESISTANCE AND NEGOTIATIONS IN TRANSNATIONAL CONTEXTS (David Hook & Graciela Iglesias Rogers, eds.). 2015. Bases y Puntos de Partida para la Organización Política de al República Argentina, Juan Bautista Alberdi, in BOOKS OF LAW: THE FORMATION AND TRANSMISSION OF THE WESTERN LEGAL TRADITION (Serge Dauchy, Georges Martyn, Anthony Musson and Heikki Pihlajamäki eds., Leiden: Brill/Martinus Nijhoff) (forthcoming). 2015. Causas civiles en la Florida Oriental, 1785-1821, in ESTUDIOS EN HOMENAJE AL PROFESOR DOCTOR DON ABELARDO LEVAGGI (Ricardo Rabonvich-Berkman & Agustín Parise, eds., Buenos Aires: Editorial de la UBA, forthcoming). 2015. Gonzalo Herrera y las Floridas frente a las Cortes de Cádiz, in ACTAS DEL XVIII CONGRESO DEL INSTITUTO INTERNACIONAL DE HISTORIA DEL DERECHO INDIANO (forthcoming, Córdoba, Argentina). 2015. Educación Legal en los Estados Unidos II: Educación de Postgrado, Educación Continuada, y Consideraciones comparativas, 46 U. MIAMI INTER-AM. L. REV. 135-152 (with Cobas Cobiella). 2015. Testamentary Proceedings in Spanish East Florida, 1783-1821, in STUDIES IN HONOR OF RICHARD H. HELMHOLZ 281-301 (Troy L. Harris, ed., Berkeley: The Robbins Collection). 2015. The Constitution of Cádiz in Cuba and Florida, in THE RISE OF CONSTITUTIONAL GOVERNMENT IN THE IBERIAN ATLANTIC WORLD: THE IMPACT OF THE CÁDIZ CONSTITUTION OF 1812, 194-211 (Scott Eastman & Natalia Sobrevilla Perea, eds. Tuscaloosa: University of Alabama Press). 2015. Law in East Florida 1783-1821, 55 AM. J. LEGAL HIST. 89-118. 2014. Codification and the Constitution of Cádiz, in 3 ESTUDIOS JURÍDICOS EN HOMENAJE AL PROFESOR ALEJANDRO GUZMÁN BRITO 343-361 (Patricio-Ignacio Carvajal & Massimo Miglietta, eds., Trento, Italy: Edizioni dell’Orso) . 2014. Educación Legal en los Estados Unidos I: Facultades de Derecho y el Juris Doctor, 46 U. MIAMI INTER-AM. L. REV. 1-38 (with Cobas Cobiella). 2014. The Age of Constitutions in the Americas, 32 LAW & HIST. REV. 229-235. 2014. Teaching Latin American Legal History, in TEACHING LEGAL HISTORY: COMPARATIVE PERSPECTIVES 235-238 (Robert M Jarvis, ed., London: Wildy, Simmonds & Hill). 2013. Épocas en la historia del derecho en los EE.UU. in GLOBALIZACIÓN, DERECHO SUPRANACIONAL E INTEGRACIÓN AMERICANA 29-32 (Juan Pablo Pampillo Baliño and Manuel Alexandro Munive Páez, eds., México: Escuela Libre de Derecho/Porrúa). 6 2013. Globalización y la educación legal en los EE.UU. in GLOBALIZACIÓN, DERECHO SUPRANACIONAL E INTEGRACIÓN AMERICANA 575-581 (Juan Pablo Pampillo Banliño and Manuel Alexandro Munive Páez, eds., México: Escuela Libre de Derecho/Porrúa). 2013. Pre-constitutional Law and Constitutions: Spanish Colonial Law and the Constitution of Cádiz, 12 WASH. U. GLOB. STUD. L. REV. 313-337. 2013. Orígenes de la función social de la propiedad en Chile, in LA FUNCIÓN SOCIAL DE LA PROPIEDAD (Daniel Bonilla Maldonado, coord., Buenos Aires: Eudebe, Universidad de Buenos Aires) 229268. (Spanish translation of Origins of the Social Function of Property in Chile, 80 FORDHAM L. REV. 1183-1217 (2011)). 2013. Spanje en Portugal van de 19de eeuw tot heden, in HOOGSTE GERECHTSHOVEN IN EUROPA: EEN HISTORISCH PORTRET (A.A. Wijffels & C.H. van Rhee, red., Antwerpen: Maklu) 150-159 (with Alvaro Pérez-Ragone) (Dutch version of Spain and Portugal after 1800 below). 2013. Spain and Portugal after 1800, in EUROPEAN SUPREME COURTS: A PORTRAIT THROUGH HISTORY (A.A. Wijffels & C.H. van Rhee, eds, London: Third Millennium Publishing) 150-159. 2013. The Legality Principle and the Constitution of Cádiz, in FROM THE JUDGE’S ARBITRIUM TO THE LEGALITY PRINCIPLE (Georges Martyn, Anthony Musson, and Heikki Pihlajamäki, eds., Berlin: Duncker & Humblot) 189-205. 2013. Simón Bolívar y el Code Napoleón, 8 REVISTA DE SANTANDER 114-147. Spanish translation and illustrated version of The Power of Codification in Latin America: Simón Bolívar and the Code Napoléon, 8 TUL. J. INT’L & COMP. L. 83-116 (2000). 2012. The Constitution of Cádiz in Florida, 24 FLA. J. INT’L L. 271-330. Florida Historical Society Golden Quill Award for Outstanding Article on Florida History 2014 2011. Origins of the Social Function of Property in Chile, 80 FORDHAM L. REV. 1183-1217. 2010. La tradición romanística en los Estados Unidos con una nota sobre el estado de la Florida, 22 REVISTA DE ESTUDIOS HISTORICO-JURÍDICOS 383-394. 2010. Visions of Cádiz: The Constitution of Cádiz in Historical and Constitutional Thought, in 53 STUDIES IN LAW, POLITICS, AND SOCIETY: MAKING SENSE OF THE PAST 59-88 (Austin Sarat, ed., Bingley, England: Emerald). 2010. Military Orders as Foreign Law in the Cuban Supreme Court 1899-1900, in RATIO DECIDENDI: GUIDING PRINCIPLES OF JUDICIAL DECISIONS, VOLUME 2: FOREIGN LAW 217-228 (S. Dauchy, W.H. Bryson, and M.C. Mirow, eds., Berlin: Duncker & Humblot). 2010. Conclusion: Foreign Law and the Birth of Comparative Law, in RATIO DECIDENDI: GUIDING PRINCIPLES OF JUDICIAL DECISIONS, VOLUME 2: FOREIGN LAW 229-236 (S. Dauchy, W.H. Bryson, and M.C. Mirow, eds., Berlin: Duncker & Humblot). 2010. The Social-Obligation Norm of Property: Duguit, Hayem, and Others, 22 FLA. J. INT’L L. 191-226. 2010. La contribución de Ignacio Vallarta al constitucionalismo mexicano: algunos aspectos norteamericanos, in EL CONSTITUCIONALISMO MEXICANO: INFLUENCIAS CONTINENTALES Y TRASATLÁNTICAS 47-61 (Patricia Galeana, coord., México: Senado de la República). 2009. Coke’s Advice on Executing Wills of Land, in RELATIONS BETWEEN THE IUS COMMUNE AND ENGLISH LAW 239-245 (R.H. Helmholz and V. Piergiovanni, eds., Genoa: Rubbettino) . 7 2009. So Now You’re a Law Professor: A Letter from the Dean, 2009 CARDOZO L. REV. DE NOVO 101-119 (with Frank T. Read). 2009. South and Central America: Overview, in 5 OXFORD INTERNATIONAL ENCYCLOPEDIA OF LEGAL HISTORY 284-287 (Stanley N. Katz, ed., Oxford University Press). 2009. Wills: English Common Law, in 6 OXFORD INTERNATIONAL ENCYCLOPEDIA OF LEGAL HISTORY 102105 (Stanley N. Katz, ed., Oxford University Press). 2008. Latin American Law, in NEW OXFORD COMPANION TO LAW 674-676 (Oxford University Press). 2008. Le Droit Comparé à Miami: Mario Díaz Cruz et The Comparative Juridical Review, 85 REVUE DE DROIT INTERNATIONAL ET DE DROIT COMPARÉ 213-227. Solicited contribution for 100 th anniversary of journal. 2008. The Future of the Economic Analysis of Law in Latin America: A Proposal for Model Codes, 82 CHI.-KENT L. REV. 293-325 (with del Granado). 2007. Marbury in Mexico: Judicial Review’s Precocious Southern Migration, 35 HASTINGS CONST. L.Q. 41-117. 2006. Case law in Mexico 1861-1919 – The work of Ignacio Luis Vallarta, in RATIO DECIDENDI: GUIDING PRINCIPLES OF JUDICIAL DECISION (Berlin: Duncker & Humblot). 2006. Gloria’s Story and Guatemala’s Faith: Adulterous Concubinage, Law, and Religion, 24 LAW & HIST. REV. 441-446. 2005. Andrés Bello, Sucesiones, y el Código Civil Frances de 1804, in SESQUICENTENARIO DEL CÓDIGO CIVIL: PASADO, PRESENTE Y FUTURO DE LA CODIFICACIÓN (Universidad de Chile, 2005) (Spanish adaptation and translation of Borrowing Private Law in Latin America: Andrés Bello's Use of the Code Napoléon in Drafting the Chilean Civil Code, 61 LA. L. REV. 291-329 (2001). This work was solicited by the University of Chile for inclusion in a commemorative volume for the 150th anniversary of Andrés Bello’s civil code for Chile.) 2005. The Code Napoléon, Buried but Ruling in Latin America, 33 DENV. J. INT’L L. & POL’Y 179-194. 2005. Le Code Napoleón régit-il toujours l’Amérique Latine d’outre-tombe? in LE CODE CIVIL, 18042004, ENTRE IUS COMMUNE ET DROIT PRIVÉ EUROPÉEN 179-204 (Bruxelles: Bruylant). French adaptation and translation of The Code Napoléon, Buried but Ruling in Latin America, 33 DENV. J. INT’L L. & POL’Y 179-194 (2005). 2005. El Code Napoléon y los Códigos de Bello y de Vélez Sarsfield, 33 REVISTA DE DERECHO PRIVADO 1-21 (Bogotá, 2005). 2005. Individual Experience in Legal Change: Exploring a Neglected Factor in Nineteenth-Century Latin American Codification, 11 SW. J. L. & TRADE AM. 301-321. English adaptation and translation of El Code Napoléon y los Códigos de Bello y de Vélez Sarsfield, 33 REVISTA DE DERECHO PRIVADO 1-21 (Bogotá, 2005). 2004. International Law and Religion in Latin America: The Beagle Channel Dispute, 28 SUFFOLK TRANSNAT’L L. REV. 1-29. 2004. El origen común de los códigos de dos continentes, in EL FUTURO DE LA CODIFICACIÓN EN FRANCIA Y AMÉRICA LATINA 75-77 (Paris: Association Andrés Bello). 8 2004. Globalizing Property: Incorporating Comparative and International Law into First-year Property Classes, 54 J. LEGAL EDUC. 183-200. 2001. An Obituary of the Federal Estate Tax, 43 ARIZ. L. REV. 625-632 (with B.A. McGovern), reprinted in 52 MONTHLY DIGEST OF TAX ARTICLES 61-63 (2002). 2001. Borrowing Private Law in Latin America: Andrés Bello's Use of the Code Napoléon in Drafting the Chilean Civil Code, 61 LA. L. REV. 291-329. 2001. Latin American Legal History: Some Essential Spanish Terms, 12 BERKELEY LA RAZA L.J. 43-86. 2001. Kennewick Man, Identity, and the Failure of Forensic History, in HISTORY IN COURT: HISTORICAL EXPERTISE AND METHODS IN A FORENSIC CONTEXT 240-266 (Ius Deco, Leiden). 2000. The Power of Codification in Latin America: Simón Bolívar and the Code Napoléon, 8 TUL. J. INT’L & COMP. L. 83-116. 2000. Laws on Religion from the Theodosian and Justinianic Codes, in RELIGIONS OF LATE ANTIQUITY IN PRACTICE 263-74 (Princeton University Press) (with K. Kelley). 1999. Bastardy and the Statute of Wills: Interpreting a Sixteenth-Century Statute with Cases and Readings, 69 MISS. L.J. 345-371. 1999. The Ascent of the Readings: Some Evidence from Readings on Wills, in LEARNING THE LAW: TEACHING AND THE TRANSMISSION OF ENGLISH LAW 1150-1900 (Hambledon Press). 1999. Legal History in the Law School Curriculum, in LEGAL EDUCATION FOR THE 21ST CENTURY (ed. D.B. King, Rothman). 1998. Confronting Inadvertent Plagiarism, 6 PERSPECTIVES 61-64 (1998). 1997. Monks and Married Women: The Use of the Yearbooks in Defining Testamentary Capacity in Sixteenth- and Seventeenth-Century Readings on Wills, 65 LEGAL HIST. REV. 19-39. 1997. Codificación del Derecho Comercial en los Estados Unidos, in EVOLUCIÓN DEL DERECHO COMERCIAL (Diké). 1997. Plagiarism and Textual Ownership in the Digital Source Environment, 14 PROTEUS: A JOURNAL OF IDEAS 41-43 (with P.J. Shore). 1996. Roman Catholicism on Trial in Victorian England: The Libel Case of John Henry Newman and Dr. Achilli, 36 CATH. LAW. 401-453 (1996). (Listed under both “history” and “libel” in Gerome Leone, Worth Reading, NAT’L L.J., Jan. 27, 1997, at B12). 1996. Plagiarism: A Workshop for Law Students, << html/index.html>> (Lexis-Nexis Electronic Authors Press). 1993. Last Wills and Testaments in England 1500-1800, 60 RECUEILS DE LA SOCIÉTÉ JEAN BODIN POUR L'HISTOIRE COMPARATIVE DES INSTITUTIONS 47-83. 9 Book reviews and shorter works 2013. 1 COMP. LEGAL HIST. 129-133 (reviewing ALEJANDRO GUZMÁN-BRITO, CODIFICACIÓN DEL DERECHO CIVIL E INTERPRETACIÓN DE LAS LEYES. LAS NORMAS SOBRE INTERPRETACIÓN DE LAS LEYES EN LOS PRINCIPALES CÓDIGOS CIVILES EUROPEO-OCCIDENTALES Y AMERICANOS EMITIDO HASTA FINALES DEL SIGLO XIX). 2010. Paper Echoes, Review of GEORGE ATHAN BILLIAS, AMERICAN CONSTITUTIONALISM HEARD ROUND THE WORLD. H-Law, H-Net Reviews. December, 2010. 2008. 58 J. LEGAL EDUC. 147-155 (reviewing GREGORY S. ALEXANDER, THE GLOBAL DEBATE OVER CONSTITUTIONAL PROPERTY: LESSONS FOR AMERICAN TAKINGS JURISPRUDENCE). 2006. GLOBAL LAW BOOKS (reviewing LAWRENCE M. FRIEDMAN & ROGELIO PÉREZ-PERDOMO, LEGAL CULTURE IN THE AGE OF GLOBALIZATION: LATIN AMERICA AND LATIN EUROPE) (NYU 2005. 64 CAMBRIDGE L.J. 512-514 (reviewing MARGARET MCGLYNN, THE ROYAL PREROGATIVE AND THE LEARNING OF THE INNS OF COURT). 2003. 14 J. WORLD HIST. 421-423 (reviewing MARCELLO CARMAGNANI, CONSTITUCIONALISMO Y ORDEN LIBERAL: AMERICA LATINA, 1850-1920). 1998. 42 AM. J. LEGAL HIST. 414-415 (reviewing CHARLES R. CUTTER, THE LEGAL CULTURE OF NORTHERN NEW SPAIN, 1700-1810). 1997. 65 LEGAL HIST. REV. 164-167 (reviewing H.J. HABAKKUK, MARRIAGE, DEBT, AND THE ESTATES SYSTEM: ENGLISH LAND OWNERSHIP 1650-1950). 1997. 65 LEGAL HIST. REV. 211-212 (reviewing F.M.L. THOMPSON, LANDOWNERS, CAPITALISTS, AND ENTREPRENEURS: ESSAYS FOR SIR JOHN HABAKKUK). 1997. Correction, FLA. B.J., Mar. 1997, at 6 (Letter to Editor on Palsgraf). 1996. Faculty editor for Spanish, Conference of the Supreme Courts of the Americas, 40 ST. LOUIS U. L.J. 1135-1315, 1431-1549. 1995. 63 LEGAL HIST. REV. 206-207 (reviewing DANIEL COQUILLETTE, FRANCIS BACON). 1995. 13 LAW & HIST. REV. 202-204 (reviewing EILEEN SPRING, LAW, LAND, AND FAMILY: ARISTOCRATIC INHERITANCE IN ENGLAND 1300-1800). 1994. 31 COMP. JURIDICAL REV. 125-132 (reviewing in English and Spanish DAVID J. WEBER, THE SPANISH FRONTIER IN NORTH AMERICA). 1994. Readings on Wills in the Inns of Court 1552-1631, 54 DAI 3169-3170A (1994). 1987. Keeping Current: Probate, PROBATE AND PROPERTY, Mar.-Apr. 1987: 37-39 (with others). 10 Dissertations 2003. Private Law, Lawyers, and Legal Institutions in Spanish America 1500-2000 (Leiden) Promotor: Prof. dr. dr. A. A. Wijffels 1992. Readings on Wills in the Inns of Court 1552-1631 (Cambridge) Supervisor: Prof. Sir John Baker SELECTED PRESENTATIONS Finnish Cultural Foundation, Fiskars, Finland The influence of colonies on commerical legal practice “Scots Traders and Spanish Law in Colonial Florida” 2016 Pacific McGeorge School of Law, Global Center Keynote speaker, annual symposium International Law of Property 2015 Inter-American Bar Association, San Juan, Puerto Rico Plenary Panel: Comparative Law and the Development of Domestic Law “Comparative Law and Expertise” 2014 Cambridge University, Cambridge, U.K. Centre of Latin American Studies, Easter Term Research Seminar “Law and Constitution in Spanish St. Augustine, 1783-1821” 2014 Oxford University, Oxford, U.K. Roots of Restlessness? Translation in Times of Disruption Translating Constitutions in the Age of Revolution “Translating into Stone: The Monument to the Constitution of Cádiz in St. Augustine Florida (1813-1814)” 2014 FIU College of Law Lessons of Rwanda: Twenty Years after the Rwandan Genocide Moderator 2014 American Society for Legal History, Miami, Florida ASLH Pre-Conference Workshop on Latin American Legal History Commentator on paper by Cristián Villalonga Torrijo’s paper on Chile Closed-session, invitation only workshop 2013 Escuela Libre de Derecho, Mexico City, Mexico Congreso Internacional de Globalización, Derecho Supranacional e Integración Americana “Globalización y la educación legal en los EE.UU.” “Epocas en la historia del derecho en los EE.UU.” 2012 Centre d’Histoire Judiciare, UMR 8025 CNRS, Lille 2, France Books of Law: The Formation and Transmission of the Western Legal Tradition “United States and Latin America” 2012 11 España-Florida Foundation, Coral Gables, Florida Homenaje al Bicentenario de la Constitución de Cádiz “La promulgación de la Constitución de Cádiz en San Agustín de la Florida” 2012 City of St. Augstine and Florida Coastal School of Law, Jacksonville Reflections on the 200th Anniversary of Florida’s First Constitution: Spain’s Constitution of Cádiz “The Constitution of Cádiz in Florida” 2012 Instituto Internacional de Historia del Derecho Indiano, Córdoba, Argentina “Gonzalo Herrera y las Floridas frente a las Cortes de Cádiz” 2012 Miami Consortium on Latin American and Caribbean Studies Commentator on Rogelio Perez-Perdomo, “Legal Education and Professional Legal Culture in Latin America and Beyond” 2012 Pontificia Universidad Católica de Perú, Lima, Peru International Seminar on the Constitution of Cádiz in the Atlantic World “The Constitution of Cádiz in Florida” 2012 Universidad de Buenos Aires, Argentina Keynote Speaker, “Léon Duguit, his lectures in Buenos Aires, and the Social Function of Property” (by videoconference) 2011 American Society for Legal History, Atlanta, GA commentator, Law and Politics in Colonial Latin America 2011 SEALS, Hilton Head, SC “Origins of the Social Function of Property in Chile” 2011 Fordham Law School, New York, NY “Origins of the Social Function of Property in Chile” 2011 Max Planck Institute for European Legal History, Frankfurt, Germany “Visions of Cádiz” 2010 Universiteit Gent, Gent, Belgium “The Legality Principle and the Constitution of Cádiz” 2010 Instituto Internacional de Historia del Derecho Indiano, Puebla, Mexico “El derecho indiano y la Constitución de Cádiz” 2010 European Society for Comparative Legal History, Valencia, Spain “Codification and the Constitution of Cádiz” 2010 NYU School of Law, New York, NY Making Legal History: Conference in Honor of William Nelson (participant) 2010 George Washington University, Washington, D.C. Comparative Constitutional Law Roundtable 2010 12 Philip C. Jessup International Law Moot Court Competition, Miami, Florida Keynote Speaker, Southeastern Regional Round 2010 Cuban Studies Institute, Miami, Florida “Mario Diaz Cruz and the Comparative Juridical Review” 2010 Fulbright Chile, Santiago, Chile U.S. Visiting Scholar Representative, Returning Student Award Ceremony 2009 Universidad Católica de Temuco, Temuco, Chile “Derecho gringo” 2009 Asociación de Magistrados IX Región, Temuco, Chile “El origen y el uso de precedentes en el sistema anglo-americano” 2009 American Society for Legal History, Dallas, Texas International Borrowings panel, Commentator 2009 Schola Serviani Iuris Romani, Universidad de Los Andes, Santiago, Chile “La tradición romana en los EE.UU. con una nota sobre los tribunales del estado de la Florida” 2009 Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile, Santiago, Chile “La codificación y la Constitución de Cádiz” 2009 Pontificia Universidad Católica de Valparaíso, Chile “Gringo Law” 2009 Segundas Jornadas Chileno-Peruanos de Historia del Derecho, Valparaíso, Chile “La codificación y la Constitución de Cádiz” 2009 Pontificia Universidad Católica de Perú, Instituto Riva-Agüero, Comisión Fulbright de Perú, Lima, Perú “La codificación y la Constitución de Cádiz” 2009 Pontificia Universidad Católica de Valparaíso, Chile “Las Influencias de la Constitución de Cádiz” 2009 Senado de la República, México Seminaro Internacional: El constitucionalismo mexicano “La contribución de Ignacio Vallarta al constitucionalismo mexicano: algunos aspectos norteamericanos” 2009 American Society for Legal History, Ottawa Chair of panel on racial determination and the law 2008 Instituto Technológico Autónimo de México, Mexico City, ALACDE “The Latin American Trust” 2008 Miami/Henkel Conference on Ratio Decidendi, Miami Conference organizer 2008 13 American Society for Legal History, Tempe “The Social-Function Norm of Constitutional Property in Latin America” 2007 Harvard Law School, Cambridge Global Law in Comparative Perspective “The Social-Function Norm of Constitutional Property in Latin America” 2007 Chicago-Kent Law Review Symposium, Chicago “Law and Economic Development in Latin America ALACDE Model Codes” (with J.J. Del Granado) 2007 University of Cádiz, Jerez, Spain “U.S. legal education and the Bologna Agreement” 2006 University of Genoa/University of Chicago, Genoa, Italy “Wills of Land, the Statute of Wills, and Butler and Baker’s Case” 2006 AALS Annual Meeting, Washington, D.C. Integrating Transnational Perspectives into the First Year Curriculum Property panel 2006 Davidson College, Davidson, North Carolina Kelley Lecture 2005 American Society for Legal History, Cincinnati Chair of panel on history of family law in Latin America 2005 Pacific McGeorge conference on Globalizing the Curriculum, Squaw Valley Property group member 2005 University of California, Boalt Hall, ALACDE “The Future of Law and Economics in Latin America: A Proposal for ALACDE Model Codes of Civil and Commercial Law” (with Del Granado) 2005 Washington University Latin American Law Workshop, St. Louis “Marbury in Mexico” 2005 Working Group on Property, Citizenship, and Social Entrepreneurism, Washington “Globalizing Property” 2004 American Society for Legal History, Austin “Case Decisions as Sources in Mexican Legal History” 2004 Richmond/Henkel Conference on Ratio Decidendi, Richmond 2004 “Case law as ratio decidendi in Latin America: Origins of the Mexican jurisprudencia” Association Andrés Bello des Juristes Franco-Latino-Américains, Paris “El origen común de los códigos de dos continentes” 2004 Center for Legal Responsibility, Houston “On-line Mediation of Latin American Commercial Disputes” 2001 Southeastern Association of American Law Schools, Captiva, Florida "Milestones in the Development of Latin American Private Law" 2000 14 American Society for Legal History, Toronto organized panel "Colonial and Early Republic Latin American Law" presented paper "Borrowing Private Law in Nineteenth-Century Latin America" 1999 NYU School of Law, New York Legal History Colloquium “The Power of Codification in Latin America” “Latin American Law” 1998, 1999 Trinity Hall, Cambridge, U.K. Thirteenth British Legal History Conference: Learning the Law “The Ascent of the Readings: Some Evidence from Readings on Wills” 1997 Colegio de Abogados de Medellín, Medellín, Colombia XII Congreso Nacional de Derecho Comercial “La Codificación del Derecho Comercial en los Estados Unidos” 1996 Universidad Pontificia Bolivariana, Medellín, Colombia Ciclo de Conferencias conmemorativo de los 60 años de la Facultad de Derecho: “Formación del Derecho Común” 1996 Pontificia Universidad Javeriana, Santa Fé de Bogotá, Colombia "Origenes del Sistema de Precedentes Judiciales" 1995 Central-States Law School Conference, St. Louis “Legal History in the Law School Curriculum” 1995 University of Chicago, Chicago Center for Comparative Legal History Legal History Workshop: “Bastardy and the Statute of Wills” 1995 Jean Bodin Society, Eötvös Loránd University, Budapest, Hungary Congress on last wills and testaments: General Reporter for early modern England 1990 15
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