Activists make case for `Sanctuary City` in S.A.

Activists make case for
‘Sanctuary City’ in S.A.
By Kristian Jaime
[email protected]
Amid a national primary Presidential election increasingly focused on border security, local
activists are lobbying for a “Sanctuary City” designation for San
At a recent press conference,
Hispanic community leaders called
for San Antonio to formally adopt a
similar ordinance already in effect
in: Austin, Baytown, Brownsville,
Denton, Dallas, El Paso, Fort
Worth, Houston, Katy, Laredo,
McAllen and Port Arthur.
In Texas alone, the movement
to establish cities where local law
enforcement cannot ask for documents pertaining to citizenship also
joins 200 cities nationally. Major
hubs like New York, Los Angeles,
San Francisco, Boston, Chicago,
Denver, Minneapolis, New Orleans Philadelphia and Seattle have
already become “sanctuaries.”
“Leaders calling for this come
from across the country and the
world. We have worked very hard
to get the vote on becoming a
‘Sanctuary City’ in San Antonio.
There are 13 cities [across the
See Sanctuary City
on page 4-A
International ports of entry along the Texas border are seeing longer lines as more strict security measures are enforced by the
Border Patrol under the direction of the Department of Homeland Security. The proposed ordinance, those crossing over will not
have to provide paperwork concerning their citizenship status if asked by law enforcement without just cause. (Courtesy photo)
Texas A&M San Antonio honors Bill
Greehey for $1 million donation
philanthropist Bill Greehey on
Oct. 7 at the sixth annual Texas
A&M University Dream Maker
Award Lucheon.
Texas A&M San Antonio
The Greehey Family Foundahonored corporate executive and tion donated $1 million to support
By Lucy Almanza
[email protected]
the First Generation Endowed
Scholarship late last year to support first-generation students at
the university, one of the fastestgrowing segments of the overall
college population.
“I want to spend my time giving back to the community that
has been so good to me, both
financially and with my time,”
said Greehey. “We [the Greehey
See Texas A&M on page 3-A
11 de octubre de 2015
SAPL and Mayor
Ivy Taylor launch
fall 2015 Mayor’s
Book Club
By Natalie Bobadilla
[email protected]
Mayor Ivy Taylor unveiled “The Boy Kings of Texas: A
Memoir” by Domingo Martinez as the fall 2015 selection of
the Mayor’s Book Club at the Central Library Friday morning.
Recognized as a New York Times Bestseller and a 2012
National Book Award Finalist, “The Boy Kings of Texas” is a
Mexican American coming-of-age narrative that explores family
dynamics and the culture of machismo. In his gritty memoir,
Martinez reflects on the struggles and beauty of growing up in
a border town (Brownsville, Texas) in the 1980s.
“I just finished the book and I thought it was incredible,”
Mayor Taylor told La Prensa. “It really gave me a lot of insight
into growing up in South Texas and into some of the experiences
that Latinos go through.”
She selected this particular book in honor of Hispanic Heritage Month.
“I know that some folks may not be able to relate to everything
in the book, but I think it’s really rich and there’s a lot to think
about and talk about as far as families, family structure, and the
impact that has on people as they become mature,” Taylor added.
The Mayor’s Book Club is a community wide reading campaign designed to cultivate a community experience through
reading and discussion. The program launched for the first time
in October 2014 with the primary goal of expanding an appreciation for literature in the San Antonio community.
“We need to boost our literacy rates here in San Antonio,”
Taylor said. “A literate community is more active, dynamic
and engaged, and people that read more tend to pursue additional educational opportunities and all of that is a win for
San Antonio.”
Throughout October and November, the San Antonio Public Library will host programs and discussions related to the
themes of the book. Since the selection is a memoir, the Mayor
is interested in getting San Antonians to think about and write
down their life experiences.
“We’re going to have some workshops on how to write your
memoir and I think it would be really great, especially for older
San Antonians if they would write down their growing up experiences,” Taylor said.
Over the last year, San Antonio Public Library Director
Ramiro Salazar has noticed an increase in community engagement during the launch of a new Mayor’s Book Club selection.
“We’re so fortunate that the mayor not only is a reader, but
is really passionate about reading,” Salazar said.
Taylor hopes to see more community members participating
in the reading campaign this season.
Copies of “The Boy Kings of Texas” can be checked out from
any Library branch, or digitally at
For more information on the mayor’s book club, call (210)
207 – 2500 or visit
Bill Greehey’s donation will support first-generation students at Texas A&M San Antonio, one of the fastest-growing segments of Mayor Ivy Taylor shared information about her fall book club selection Friday morning. (Photo, Natalie Bobadilla)
the overall college population. (Courtesy photo)
Comentarios... Paz para mis amigos
Mis amigos colombianos, que para
mi suerte son
muchos, no han
vivido un solo
Jorge Ramos día en paz. Ni
uno. Pero de
pronto el destino les ha cambiado.
La paz casi se puede tocar.
El presidente Juan Manuel Santos y el principal líder de las Fuerzas Armadas Revolucionarias de
Colombia, Rodrigo Londoño,
alias Timochenko, acordaron en
Cuba que para marzo del 2016
firmarán la paz.
Timochenko, de 56 años, tiene
casi la misma edad del conflicto
guerrillero que ha costado más de
220 mil muertos y ha afectado a
millones de personas.
Pero con tantos años de guerra,
lo curioso ha sido el temor que
muchos colombianos le tienen a la
paz. No dejan de sorprenderme los
que prefieren seguir peleando. Es
como si se hubieran acostumbra­
do a la violencia. Pero si algo ha
quedado claro en este medio siglo
es que ni el ejército ni la guerrilla
han podido ganar por la fuerza.
Probemos, pues, algo distinto.
“Toca” es una maravillosa expresión colombiana que significa,
a la vez, responsabilidad e inevitabilidad. Si algo toca es que no
hay opciones más que una. Y en
Colombia la paz toca.
El papa Francisco, quien ha
hablado tres veces con el presidente Santos para ayudar en la
negociación del conflicto armado,
lo tiene muy claro. No tenemos
derecho a permitirnos otro fracaso más en este camino de paz y
reconciliación, dijo en su reciente
visita a Cuba. Cada fracaso se
mide en miles de vidas.
Cuántas vidas se hubieran
salvado si el entonces líder de
las FARC, Manuel Marulanda,
no hubiera dejado plantado al
presidente Andrés Pastrana en
las primeras negociaciones de
paz en el Caguán, en enero de
1999. Ese es el episodio conocido
como de la silla vacía. Las cosas,
claramente, no le salieron bien
a Pastrana. Pero, en una plática,
me dijo que algún día le darán
crédito por haber sido el primero
en tratar. Tiene razón.
No hay paz perfecta. Y como la
paz se hace con los enemigos, no
hay manera de que los propios líderes de las FARC acepten largas
penas de cárcel para ellos y sus
principales colaboradores una vez
que se firme la paz. Es ahí donde
la paz duele.
La justicia y la rendición de
cuentas para guerrilleros, paramilitares y soldados que violaron
los derechos humanos será muy
pobre. Esa es la realidad. Lo cierto
es que este acuerdo permitiría que
los máximos responsables de los
peores abusos puedan eximirse
de pasar siquiera un solo día en
prisión, dijo José Miguel Vivan­
co de Human Rights Watch. Es
difícil imaginar que esta fórmula
de justicia transicional supere un
escrutinio riguroso en la Corte
Constitucional colombiana o, en
última instancia, en la Corte Penal
Traducción: Esta paz cocinada
y remendada durante tres años
va a dejar muchos asuntos pendientes. Y es cierto, muchas de
las víctimas del conflicto armado
nunca verían a sus victimarios
y verdugos pagar por lo que
Un ejemplo entre millones.
¿Quién va a pagar por el secuestro
y los años que perdió Ingrid Betancourt? La exsenadora colombiana fue retenida como rehén
durante más de seis años por fuerzas de las FARC. ¿Responderán
algún día sus captores por sus
crímenes? No sé lo que Betancourt piensa con respecto a este
trato propuesto, pero recuerdo lo
que ella me dijo en 2008, poco
después de haber sido rescatada
por fuerzas gubernamentales:
“Yo llevaba seis años, cinco meses, en que todos los días me dolía
algo, todos los días físicamente
estaba siendo picada por algún bi-
cho, me rascaba en algún sitio, me
dolía alguna parte de mi cuerpo;
ese horror de horrores, esa presencia hostil, de arbitrariedades, de
crueldad diaria, de refinamiento
de la maldad”.
¿Quiénes van a ser llevados a
la justicia por este y muchos otros
Muy pocos. Esa es la respuesta
más honesta que tenemos.
En Colombia la paz va a preceder a la justicia. Ya después
que se entreguen las armas, que
se seque la tinta del acuerdo y
veamos a los guerrilleros meterse
en el bajo mundo de la política,
quizás se pueda explorar la idea
de una comisión de la verdad. Eso
ha funcionado en otros países y no
hay razón alguna para pensar que
Colombia no podría, con calma,
ver hacia atrás.
Pero por ahora, lo urgente es la
paz. Las reuniones de la Habana
no deben ser el nuevo Caguán.
Miles más morirán si hay otro
Así, desde lejos, no me atrevo a
decirle no a la paz. No me atrevo
a negarles esa posibilidad a mis
amigos y a sus hijos. Toca.
(¿Tiene algún comentario o
pregunta para Jorge Ramos?
Envíe un correo electrónico a
[email protected]. Por
favor incluya su nombre, ciudad
y país).
Just a Thought: ‘A man of your age’
Recently, I
found myself
pondering a
phrase that
has been used
to describe
me on more
Steve Walker than I would
like. And I
am not really handling well the
thoughts it evokes. This almost
despised phrase starts out with,
“For a man of your age,” then
goes into all sorts of interesting
details. Have you been referred to
as “a person of your age” before?
What was your reaction?
This saying brings to mind
things like, “I’m getting old or
older” and reminds me I am not
the young viral man that lives in
my head with my face attached
to it. What a shock to my system!
Thank God I use oil of Olay on
my face to keep it soft so I don’t
appear to be “a man of my age!”
While celebrating my 69 birthday Sept. 5 of this year, I found
myself being rushed into the
emergency room of a local hospital after visiting a med clinic near
my home. At the clinic the doctor
on call checked me out, since I
was experiencing chest pains. He
then directed me immediately to
the hospital for further investigation for fear I was having a heart
attack for “a man of my age.”
At the hospital, they admitted
me and administered a CAT scan,
chest x-rays, an EKG and blood
work. I remember joking with
the attendant, who administered
the CAT scan, if he was able to
locate my brain. He smiled goodnaturedly answering, “You have
one, but I can’t attest to how well
it is working.”
We laughed and I also shared
that it was my birthday as well.
He wished me happy birthday and
told me I was only the second patient he encountered that arrived
on their birthday. I inquired how
the other person fared and his
response was, “Sure you want to
know?” It made my day for “a
man of my age.”
Eventually I was cleared, released and instructed to contact
a cardiologist. I did and was happily given a clean bill of health
for “a man of your age.”
In sharing my story with older
friends, I discovered many others
have been referred to by doctors
as a “person of your age,” when
dealing with health problems
that occur with more frequency
than as a younger person. Since I
have experienced extremely good
health for most of my life, being
“a man of my age,” has changed
all that.
Looking back on my 69 years,
my life has been interesting and
exciting to say the least. Hope it
has been for the mature readers
as well.
I would point out that Presidents Bill Clinton and George
W. Bush are literally “men of
my age,” as well as former HUD
Secretary Henry Cisneros. I have
travelled to 26 countries and four
continents. From floating down
the Nile River on my 34 birthday, to attending the running of
the bulls in 1973 in Pamplona,
Spain, up until now it has been
a great life.
I shook hands with then
94-year-old comedian Bob Hope
in Hawaii at the 50 anniversary of
the Second World War in 1995.
He lived to be 100. Having met
President Barack Obama three
times in San Antonio before he
became president to include a
hand shake is another memory of
“a man of my age.” I have written
about these experiences for my
column for the Sunday edition of
La Prensa.
Readers who have read my
column for nearly five years know
my encounter and interview with
activist Cesar Chavez in 1982
when I was a reporter at KENS
5. And the list goes on to include
covering the former President of
Mexico Vicente Fox.
Serving as a Justice of the
Peace for four years without attending law school or practicing
law is an awesome experience for
“a man of my age,” as well. As
“a man of my age,” I hope I will
be around for another chance to
experience that again.
To all the readers in a high
age range like myself who are
experiencing being “a person of
your age,” hang in there so we can
continue to be a man or woman of
age for a long time to come. Here
is looking to reaching the age of
100 when we will really be “a
person of our age!” It certainly
beats the alternative.
Anyway, as always, what I
write is “Just a Thought.”
Steve Walker is a Vietnam
Veteran, former Judge and
Opciones de Marco Rubio
Por Humberto Caspa
No sabemos exactamente el
momento en que la campaña de
Donald Trump se va a desinflar.
Lo que sí sabemos es que Marco
Rubio, a pesar de que en las
encuestas recientes todavía se
mantiene en tercer, cuarto y hasta
quinto lugar, es el candidato con
más opciones reales de vencer a
la candidata presidencial de los
Si la inteligencia convencional
se equivoca y es electo Trump
como candidato republicano de
cara a las elecciones presidenciales de 2016, la probabilidad
de que llegue a la Casa Blanca,
sin el apoyo de voto latino, es
muy difícil. Es como pedirle a
un fanático del club América
que apoye a un entrenador de
las Chivas para que entrene a la
selección mexicana.
Más aun, Trump está totalmente estigmatizado con las
declaraciones que hizo contra
las mujeres. No simplemente
las ha insultado, sino que en su
vida diaria las ha tratado como
si fueran personas de segunda
La población liberal feminista
es un verdadero grupo de interés
que, a la hora de votar, no tolera
actitudes chovinistas, paternalistas y sexistas de cualquier
candidato a la presidencia.
Debajo de Trump tenemos al
cirujano retirado Ben Carson con
una opción mínima de ganarse
la candidatura de su partido
político. Lamentablemente las
bases del Partido Republicano
han sido infiltradas por facciones radicales (racistas) que
no ven con buenos ojos a los
afroamericanos. Estos grupos
radicales no están de acuerdo
que un afroamericano, como
Carson, se convirtiera en el líder
de su partido político.
Es muy probable que tenga
algún apoyo en el caucus de
Iowa y las elecciones de New
Hampshire, pero cuando llegue
el turno del Sur de Carolina el 27
de febrero, Carson desaparecerá
del mapa de la competencia
política como por arte de magia.
El prejuicio contra los afro­
americanos por parte de los
estadounidenses de ascendencia
europea sigue latente en los
estados sureños. Por eso el mensaje anti-inmigrante y racista
de Trump tienen tanto efecto
por allá.
Seguro y con mucha confianza
se encuentra Marco Rubio en
tercer, cuarto o quinto lugar,
dependiendo del estado donde
se ha hecho la encuesta. Su
meta principal es llegar a las
elecciones del primero de marzo
(Super Tuesday) en un segundo
lugar o, en el peor de los casos,
en tercer lugar.
En el Super Tuesday votan
el electorado de South Dakota,
New Mexico, West Virginia,
California y New Jersey. La
mayoría de estos estados contiene una base moderada del
voto republicano. Tomando
en cuenta que Bush no logre
re-identificarse con sus bases
políticas, Rubio tiene todos los
elementos para adjudicarse la
mayoría de delegados de estos
estados, particularmente en
New Mexico, California, South
Dakota y New Jersey.
Si es que gana el derecho de
representar a los republicanos en
la recta final de noviembre 2016,
la candidatura de Marco Rubio
es sólida con relación a la de
Hillary Clinton, segura ganadora
de los demócratas.
Una final entre los dos sería
una contienda muy reñida y
muy difícil de predecir. Hillary
Clinton, por su parte, tiene la experiencia de haber sido elegida
al Senado, haber sido nombrada
a la Secretaría del Estado y ser
la líder de facto del movimiento
feminista en Estados Unidos.
Mientras tanto Rubio es joven, carismático y con muchas
capacidades para expresar sus
proyectos de gobierno a través
de los medios de comunicación.
Sin embargo, al final, yo creo,
que la experiencia se sobrepondrá sobre la juventud.
Humberto Caspa, Ph.D. es
profesor e investigador de Economics On The Move.
11 de octubre de 2015
Calendario de la comunidad
LOS ALTARES DE EL MERCADO – It is that time of year
again when we celebrate Día de los Muertos. This year there
will be altars created by local elementary, middle, and high
school students that will be on display for the entire community
to view in commemoration of Día de los Muertos (Day of the
Dead). Admission is free. Call (210) 207-8600 or visit for more details. Sunday,
Oct. 11 from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. at Historic Market Square, 514
W. Commerce St.
SUNDAY JAZZ – Adrian Ruiz Quintet Sunday Jazz at the
Witte returns for its 11th season! Join us on second Sundays of
the month and enjoy a relaxing afternoon listening to jazz under
the pecan trees of the Will Smith Amphitheater. Food and beverages are available for purchase from Picante Grill. Sunday Jazz
at the Witte is presented in partnership with Trinity University’s
KRTU Jazz 91.7. Blankets and lawn chairs are welcome. In case
of rain, we’ll move indoors to the Prassel Auditorium. Museum
galleries close at 5 p.m. Sunday Jazz at the Witte is included
with museum general admission. Admission is free for Witte
and KRTU members. Schedule is subject to change. Sunday,
Oct. 11 at 3 p.m. at The Witte Museum, 3801 Broadway St.
– The Southwest School of Art offers a panel discussion on how
artists pursue varied and successful career paths. The panelists,
all working artists, will include: Stuart Allen (, Jennifer Ling Datchuk (http://jenniferlingdatchuk.
com/), Jack McGilvray (http://www.jacquelinemcgilvray.
com/), and Chris Sauter ( Moderated by
Southwest School of Art President Paula Owen, each artist will
discuss their careers, challenges and successes. There will be a
Q & A to follow. Tuesday, Oct. 13 at 7 p.m. at the Southwest
School of Art, 300 Augusta St.
famous French tradition, the event welcomes everyone for a
night of feasting and friendship. The beautiful Landa garden is
drenched in white French inspired decorations while vintage
Parisian films procured by Ghost Town Ventures writer/producer/director Alex Schenker flicker in the background. The
foundation modeled Nuit Blanche after the fabulously famous
“Diner en Blanc” held annually in Paris where thousands of
fashionable Parisians, dressed all in white, converge on the
city’s most picturesque locations for a feast where they bring
their own Epicurean banquet. Our favorite local restaurants
provide French/Continental inspired gourmet meals for eight
packed into a basket, decorated entirely in white, for guests to
share. Past restaurant participants include Bohanan’s, Boudro’s,
Feast, Restaurant Gwendolyn and Bistro Vatel. Along with a
fine meal and drink, friendly competition sparks with our silent
auction. Come and see an experience through Paris. Thursday,
Oct. 15 from 7 to 10:30 p.m. at the Landa Library Gardens,
233 Bushnell Ave.
MARKET – The Junior League of San Antonio is excited to
host their 22 annual Holiday Olé Market: A Joyeux Noël. The
market is a four-day shopping fundraiser that showcases over
115 regional and national merchants for shoppers seeking the
latest in fashion, beauty and home décor trends, as well as unique
gifts and holiday merchandise. The merchants that attend our
show are juried to ensure a well-balanced selection of products
and quality merchandise. Prices vary from general shopping to
one of Olé’s fabulous parties! Thursday, Oct. 15 at 5 p.m. at
Freeman Expo Hall, 3201 E Houston St.
BEAUTY AND THE BEAST - The show tells the story of
Belle, a young woman in a provincial French town, and the
Beast, who is a young prince transformed by an enchantress as
punishment for his insensitivity. If the Beast can learn to love
and be loved in return, the curse will be lifted and he will be
transformed to his former self. If not, he and his palace of servants will remain under the spell for eternity. The score features
the songs from the 1991 movie by Alan Menken and Howard
Ashman with additional lyrics by Tim Rice, such as “Belle,” “Be
Our Guest” and the titular ballad. The show, directed by Rob
Roth, stars Jillian Butterfield as Belle, Ryan Everett Wood as the
Beast, Cameron Bond as Gaston, Patrick Pevehouse as Lumiere
and Samuel Shurtleff as Cogsworth. Hurry and get your tickets
to this family-friendly musical today! Call (210)226-3333 or
visit for more details. Friday, Oct.
16 at 8 p.m.; Saturday, Oct. 17 at 2 & 8 p.m. and Sunday, Oct.
18 at 2 & 7:30 p.m. at the Majestic Theatre, 224 E. Houston St.
YEARS OF DANCE! - In celebration of National Hispanic
Heritage Month and the San Antonio Parks & Recreation
Department, the San Antonio Public Library (SAPL) will host
80 Years of Dance at select Library branches. Cultural programming has been the hallmark of the San Antonio Parks and
Recreation Department for over 80 years, making their dance
program the longest running municipal program in the country.
The dance program was begun by Bertha Almaguer in 1934. She
taught dance to thousands of children during her tenure, which
ended when she retired in 1970. We honor her during Hispanic
Heritage Month for her contribution to San Antonio’s creative
economy. 80 Years of Dance will take place at the following
dates and times: Saturday, Oct.17 at 2 p.m. at Encino Branch
Library, 2515 E. Evans Rd.
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11 de octubre de 2015
Making your care wishes
S.A. and GLO to sign agreement
with Alamo establishments
known: Taking the time to plan
Special to La Prensa
The City of San Antonio and
the Texas General Land Office
will enter into a Cooperative
Agreement with the Alamo
Endowment to fund and oversee the development of a Joint
Master Plan and the implementation of that plan for the Alamo
Historic District and Alamo
The agreement will be voted
on by the San Antonio City
Council on Oct. 15 and signed
by representatives from each organization at a formal ceremony
at the Alamo later that day.
The master planning process
will be managed by the GLO
and the Endowment, in coordination with the city, and will
benefit by a huge infusion of
capital including $17 million
previously approved by the City
Council, $31 million approved
by the State Legislature, and
potentially hundreds of millions
of dollars raised privately by the
“A new dawn is rising at the
Alamo and it is one rooted in
collaboration and historical
appreciation,” Commissioner
Bush said. “I am energized by
the relationship that is developing among state and local leaders, and with the community
that surrounds, supports, and
loves the Alamo. The members
of the committees and advisory
groups that are coming together
under this Alamo Cooperative
Agreement have demonstrated
a steadfast and selfless dedication to preserving our sacred
Shrine of Texas Liberty. This
is a proud day for San Antonio
residents, all Texans, and for
all who remember the Alamo.”
The Texas Land Commissioner and Mayor of San Antonio will serve as the Executive
Committee, providing executive
management oversight for the
master plan. The Executive
Committee will be advised by
the Alamo Management Committee, which will consist of
two representatives each from
the city of San Antonio, the
GLO and the Alamo Endowment.
The Alamo Management
Committee will receive input
and advice from the Alamo
Advisory Group, comprised of
state and local elected officials
and representatives, and by a
Citizens Advisory Group, comprised of 26 people appointed
by the mayor, city council and
the GLO. The Citizens Advisory Group may meet bi-monthly
and all meetings will be open to
the public.
“The city of San Antonio has
worked tirelessly over the past
several years to bring the Alamo
Complex and the San Antonio
Missions to the forefront,” said
San Antonio Mayor Ivy R.
Taylor. “We won a huge victory
by securing the World Heritage
Designation this summer, and
this agreement is evidence that
we’ve now completely succeeded in bringing together the
powerhouse fundraising and
management of the Endowment
and the oversight of the GLO.
I’m pleased and proud to work
closely with Commissioner
Bush and all the citizens of San
Antonio to create something
exceptional here that honors our
collective history.”
The Alamo Endowment is a
nonprofit organized to assist the
GLO in preservation, management, operation and restoration
of the Alamo Complex. It is led
by a board of directors, chaired
by Texas Land Commissioner
George P. Bush, and comprised
of local and state business
community leaders committed
to a world class planning and
redevelopment process, and to
fundraising to the level required
to achieve the results that the
Alamo and all the Missions so
richly deserve.
“The World Heritage Designation is evidence that the
scope of this project should go
far beyond the Alamo. As the
scope has grown dramatically,
the management and fundrais-
ing efforts will have to grow
to match the broader scope and
goals,” said Chairman of the
Alamo Endowment’s ‘Remember the Alamo Foundation’
Gene Powell. “The good news
is that the UNESCO designation
opens up international fundraising opportunities, which will
make it possible to raise the
funds necessary to implement
this new master plan and tell
the wonderful story of all five
Although the city and the
GLO have directed a master
planning process for the Alamo
Complex since April, several laws enacted by the Texas
Legislature during the 2015
session regarding oversight of
the Alamo Complex, and the
San Antonio Missions designation as a World Heritage Site
by the United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural
Organization (UNESCO) in
July significantly changed and
broadened the scope of the effort.
“As a licensed architect and
avid historian, I am thrilled
by the opportunities we now
have with this expanded scope
and the means to hire the best
professionals in their field to
develop a master plan,” said
Councilman Roberto Treviño.
“By entering into this agreement, we’ve essentially removed all the limits we were
facing geographically and financially. The pieces are now
in place to do this the right way
and to create something we can
be proud of for generations.”
“Although the Alamo is bestknown for the Battle of 1836,
the global community views the
Alamo’s historical significance
in a much broader context,” said
Alamo Director Becky Dinnin. “By engaging the Alamo
Endowment and working in
partnership with the city, we
can develop a plan that honors
those that sacrificed their lives
at the Battle of the Alamo and
the history of all the Missions
The MPO’s latest Spotlight on Mobility highlights current
and upcoming events. In this issue you can learn about:
Metropolitan Planning Organization
MPO named Silver Level Bicycle Friendly Business
GIS Day is just around the corner
What is the future of US 281?
e p Y o u M o vin g
“Spotlight on Mobility” is available in Spanish and English.
Visit and click on “Newsroom” or
call 210-227-8651 and ask for a copy.
El boletín más reciente de la MPO «Spotlight on Mobility» sobresale los
avances en transporte y planeación. En este número se puede aprender
¿Cuál es el futuro de la autopista US 281?
La MPO recibe reconocimiento nivel plata en iniciativas para el
Se aproxima la celebración del Día de GIS
«Spotlight on Mobility» esta disponible en inglés y español.
Por favor visite en «Newsroom» o
llame al 210-227-8651 y solicite una copia.
Tips on how to have important have a thoughtful conversation.
After all, no one wants to be
conversations with loved ones
guessing about what a loved one
about care wishes
would want should a difficult
By James Mittelberger, M.D., decision need to be made.
Here are some simple steps to
director and chief medical officer, Optum Center for Pallia- begin the conversation and planning for important end-of-life
tive and Supportive Care
health care decisions:
• Start with your loved ones.
According to a national survey
by the National Hospice and Pal- Honest communication can
liative Care Organization, more help families avoid the stress of
than 90 percent of people think guessing what a family member
it’s important to talk about their would want. You may find that
loved ones’ and their own wishes you and your loved ones may
for end-of-life care, but fewer see some things differently.
than 30 percent of people have That’s okay. It is most important
that your loved ones know how
actually had the conversation.
Many people simply haven’t you want to be treated and are
gotten around to taking the nec- willing to respect your wishes.
essary steps to crystallize what Decide who you prefer to make
they want and to formalize it. decisions on your behalf in case
Sometimes it’s because people you are unable to express your
don’t know how to start the con- choice.
• Think about what is most
versation with their loved ones.
As a physician, I have seen important to you. What are your
how advance care planning greatest fears, hopes and goals?
conversations and completing What do you most care about?
advance directives change the Most people can be effectively
experience for a patient and treated for pain, but how much
their loved ones. It may feel a bit do you want to be at home;
uncomfortable to get started, but or avoid being on a breathing
rewarding conversations with machine; or being dependent in
family members today can as- a nursing home? How sure are
sure medical care preferences are you of your choices? Do you
honored while reducing stress want your chosen proxy to have
leeway to change your deciand uncertainty in the future.
A great way to start is by sions? Discuss these topics with
thinking about what is most im- your loved ones to reach a shared
portant to you if you were facing understanding of your desires.
• Use the resources available
a life-threatening or serious illness and could not convey your to get better informed and be
wishes. Start reflecting on what sure to discuss your choice with
you and your loved ones would your health care providers. You
want, express those desires, and can find valuable resources to
Texas A&M ...
Family Foundation] have given
$130 million since the Foundation has started - 70 percent has
supported local colleges and universities and all we have given is
local to San Antonio.”
Held at the Pearl Stable, the
luncheon also celebrated TAMUSA’s expansion to accept
freshman and become a four-year
university next year.
“Providing scholarship opportunities from this endowment gift
will increase the opportunities
for those who may not be able to
afford college tuition without it,
eliminating one of the significant
barriers for these students,” the
university said in a statement.
The event was attended by the
foundation’s board members, as
well as other prominent figures, to
celebrate Bill Greehey’s commitment to scholarship programs and
for helping create opportunities
for students in the future.
“The goal of the foundation
is to see that every person who
wants to attend Texas A&M
to improve themselves or the
community can do so and won’t
be turned away for financial
reasons,” said C. Clark Welder,
chair-elect of the Texas A&M
San Antonio Foundation. “Mr.
Greehey’s contribution’s a big
step toward accomplishing that
Greehey, a nationally renowned
philanthropist, currently serves as
board chairman of San Antonio’s
NuStar Energy LP and NuStar
GP Holdings. He founded the
Greehey Family Foundation in
2003 to support health and human
welfare issues, children’s causes,
education, and the homeless.
The $1 million gift is the first
endowment the university has
received, which will focus on
TAMUSA’s emphasis of outreach, enrollment and graduation
of its large population of firstgeneration college students.
“Talent is universal. Opportunity is not. And that is what we’re
creating at Texas A&M is opportunity,” said university President
Dr. Cynthia Teniente-Matson.
“One of our signature initiatives
is to be accessible and affordable
- to serve all students, but most
notably, the first-generation college students.”
Dr. Matson announced that
since the university’s expansion to accept applications from
incoming freshmen and sophomores on Oct. 1, the institution
has had 60 applications submitted, with more than 100 in
help you and your loved ones
make decisions more manageable at www.prepareforyourcare.
• Make it official. Once you
have had the conversation, it is
essential to formalize your decisions by putting them in writing.
Complete an advance directive.
Special medical orders can be
developed with your doctors to
represent your care decisions
for providers. Finally, assigning a health care proxy or agent
identifies the person you trust to
act on your behalf if you are unable to make decisions or communicate your wishes. Be sure
to share your documents with
your providers and your proxy,
and to have copies available in
case they are needed.
This is something that takes
time, but can be a rewarding
experience. I have seen firsthand
the sense of peace, calm and
satisfaction families experience
when they are talking about what
is important and knowing their
loved ones wishes are or will be
Dr. James Mittelberger is the
Executive Director and Chief
Medical Officer of Optum’s
Center for Palliative and Supportive Care. Optum’s Center
for Palliative and Supportive
Care brings together industry
experts and Optum capabilities to lead the advancement of
palliative and supportive care
to ensure every patient facing
serious illness lives their best
possible life.
(continued from page 1-A)
With a nearly 700-acre Main
Campus, TAMUSA plays an active role in recruiting and serving
this population of underserved
students. It currently enrolls
nearly 4,600 students, making it
one of the fastest-growing universities in the state.
Undergraduate and graduate degrees are available for
the lowest university tuition in
San Antonio for a variety of indemand fields, including teacher
preparation, business, information technology, and cyber security. To learn more, visit www.
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11 de octubre de 2015
Supportive resources help families succeed
families living in our neighborBy Yvette Sanchez, chief pro- hoods and communities who do
gram officer, The Children’s not have these items to care for
their children. These basic items
help offer a stable, nurturing, and
Many of us take for granted consistent home environment for
the basic items we use daily such children to thrive. Without these
as personal care items, bedding, critical basic needs, families
food, diapers, kitchen items and are more fragile and at-risk of
etc. As such, families with chil- neglect and abuse.
dren have additional basic needs
The Children’s Shelter has
such as diapers, formula, wipes, offered family strengthening
children’s shampoo, and the list programs since 1998. Through
goes on.
our work in the community, we
Unfortunately, there are many have strengthened our partner-
Sanctuary City...
country] that have already approved
the measure,” said Jaime Martinez,
founder and president of the Cesar
Chavez Legacy and Educational
The issue of San Antonio becoming a “Sanctuary City” has come up
before but has failed to gain traction.
That has led many local leaders to
keep proposing similar ordinances
throughout the year.
With many supporting the move,
it also has its detractors citing that
law enforcement officials might not
be able to comply with their duties
without the ability to ask for citizenship documentation.
“It is important for the people
of San Antonio to speak to their
members of City Council so they
can remind Mayor Ivy Taylor that
she celebrates the work of Dr.
Martin Luther King. But [Latinos]
also marched in that movement,”
Martinez continued.
With San Antonio poised to become the sixth largest city in the nation, the large Hispanic community
it boasts makes it an ideal location
to have such an ordinance. Yet the
push to do so comes on the heels of
many Republican contenders for the
White House painting the border as
under siege.
Activists, on the other hand, make
it a human rights issue.
“The [civil and constitutional
rights] of Latinos are no different
than any other minority group. The
push to become a ‘Sanctuary City’
is a revolution to protect these rights.
This is about not dividing families
and not putting children in detention
centers,” Martinez explained.
San Antonio once again looks to
be in the spotlight for many Presidential candidates and organizers at
the Bexar County Democratic Party
are taking advantage of the impending limelight.
“We are all in agreement that
those immigrants that arrive here
and [commit crimes] must be deported. The majority of immigrants
in this country though are good
people that work hard, pay their
taxes and takes care of their family,”
said Manuel Medina, county chair
for the Bexar County Democratic
Those providing the strongest
paean for the measure are also
finding common ground with those
who oppose it. If the issue is security
along the Texas border, holding a
firm line on criminal background
checks for immigrants is also a
shared goal.
“We need to protect the good immigrants in this country and deport
the bad ones. That is at the very heart
of being a ‘Sanctuary City’ and that
is what we want from the city,”
Medina said.
According to the proposed ordinance, such a measure will be
vital to fostering better community
relationships with law enforcement.
ships within the community to
create a bridge between families
and local agencies who offer supportive resources such as basic
needs items.
Among our many partners
include Texas Diaper Bank,
formerly known as the Hispanic
Religious Partnership for Community Health. The mission of
Texas Diaper Bank is to provide
services and resources to respond
to families in crisis in Bexar
County and to improve the daily
conditions of their lives. Texas
(continued from page 1-A)
“The Mayor and City Council
shall formerly declare San Antonio
a Sanctuary City. We stand proud
in encouraging diversity, welcoming full participation in all that our
country and our city offers, and
supporting community policing by
increasing trust between immigrant
resident and law enforcement,” says
the proposed ordinance.
Among the main points is also
allowing the police provide the
same level of both investigative
and jurisdictional leeway they have
always enjoyed.
“The city of San Antonio shall
continue to guarantee due process
and equal protection under the law
to all of its residents as required by
the Fourteenth Amendment of the
United States Constitution,” continued the proposed ordinance.
Lastly, it highlights the continued
partnership between legal entities
from across the country when it is
“These policy statements shall
not prohibit police from cooperating
with federal authorities in identifying criminally active undocumented
gang members, human trafficking
cases and suspected acts of terrorism,” concluded the proposed
The formal presentation of the
proposed “Sanctuary City” ordinance will take place in from of San
Antonio City Council at the earliest
date possible for local activists.
Diaper Bank offers three programs that address the health,
wellness and basic needs of families and reaches approximately
40,000 individuals per year.
Texas Diaper Bank assists The
Children’s Shelter in reaching its
mission: restoring innocence and
strengthening families. The Children’s Shelter began to partner
with Texas Diaper Bank in 2013.
Through this partnership, The
Children’s Shelter is able to
provide supportive resources
such as diapers, wipes, formula
and access to their market days
and mobile food pantries. During
the course of our partnership,
our programs have been able to
provide approximately 60,500
diapers to clients in need through
Texas Diaper Bank.
The Children’s Shelter understands that parents can focus on
being the best parent when basic
needs are met. For this reason, all
our families enrolled in services
receive resources and referrals
to local agencies to access basic
need support.
Our programs iParent SA,
Nurse-Family Partnership, Compadre Y Compadre focus on
providing parents and caregivers
tools that will help them succeed
at parenting. If you or someone
you know needs help, please
call us to learn about our family
strengthening programs, please
visit us online at or
call 210-212-2576.
For more information on Texas Diaper Bank, please visit or call 210731-8118.
Find Out More About
SAWS Proposed
Rate Adjustments
San Antonio bills will remain the
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All meetings begin at 6 p.m.
Oct. 13 (Tues.)
Hardberger Park Ecology Center
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Oct. 14 (Wed.)
Copernicus Community Center
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Oct. 19 (Mon.)
Alicia Trevino Lopez Senior Center
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Oct. 21 (Wed.)
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102 Mabry
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11 de octubre de 2015
Celebrate Hispanic Heritage
on Sunday, October 11th
Local mural artist – David Blancas
Real Possibilities is a trademark of AARP.
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Culture with a day full of fun, family-friendly
activities. Enjoy live music, dancing, face painting
and more. Bring your lawn chairs and dancing
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Sunday, October 11, 2015 • 12:00 Noon – 6:00PM
Traders Village Market • 9333 Southwest Loop 410
at Old Pearsall Road, San Antonio, TX 78242
For more information, call
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11 de octubre de 2015
Inventario de salud personal
Por José I. Franco
[email protected]
Entramos al cuarto trimestre de
2015 por lo que en este testimonio
invito a mis tres lectores para que
juntos hagamos un “inventario”
de nuestra salud personal; de lo
bueno y lo malo que hemos hecho
durante nueve meses, y checar si
es que hemos venido cumpliendo
con nuestros propósitos del año
nuevo para lograr buena calidad
de vida.
Solamente así podremos sacar
cuentas de ver qué haremos para
superar los achaques que nuestra
estructura corporal comienza a
padecer o si ya la estamos atendiendo curándonos de algunas
enfermedades, ya sea tomando
medicamentos recetados por
nuestros médicos o remedios
caseros que por tradición sole­
mos prepararnos para aliviar
cualesquier malestar.
Recientemente, un amigo me
pidió que si conocía o tenía plantas de sábila en casa. A lo que le
respondí que esa curativa planta
de la buena suerte por años la he
venido cultivando, ya que me ha
ayudado bastante, especialmente
cuando mi hijo estaba pequeño
(y también de adulto). Cuando
tenía alguna picadura de hormiga
y mosquito, él de inmediato me
pedía que le pusiera sábila y sal.
Las ronchas de inmediato desaparecían y él podía seguir jugando.
Mi esposa gusta que le dé ma-
sajes con sábila recalentada (en
pencas), lo cual le ayuda a reducir
dolores musculares.
“Si tienes alguna planta extra
me la puedes dar, ya que me han
dicho que la sábila es curativa
y que a la vez cura el mal de
amores”, dijo mi amigo. Le dije
que sí le iba a regalar una planta,
lo cual he hecho con otros amigos
que las han plantado y obtenido
más cosecha. Uno de ellos ha llegado a tener plantas de la misma
en su casa y en su negocio, donde
le ha ido de maravillas, tanto en el
amor como en lo económico. Él
se volvió a casar (con una mujer
30 años menor que él y su negocio
tiene el triple de clientela).
Con este inventario podremos
tomar cartas en el asunto y ver de
qué forma podremos –en los meses que restan de 2015– empezar
un plan preventivo para males­
tares que comienzan a darnos
problemas y dolores de cabeza.
Para quienes tenemos la cober­
tura de seguro médico nos será
más fácil acudir a la clínica
especializada, donde se nos dé
atención médica y se logre establecer un calendario para corre­
gir enfermedades en el sistema
gástrico, mental, cardiovascular,
muscular y de la vista.
Quienes no cuentan con seguro médico, porque sus recursos económicos son limitados, pueden acudir al programa
Obamacare o bien a los servicios
médicos que proporciona el
sistema de salud universitaria,
entre otras organizaciones sin
fines de lucro que facilitan ayuda
a la comunidad.
Yo en verdad no estoy de acuerdo en seguir pagando la mitad de
mi sueldo mensual a la compañía
de seguro médico que tengo. Ya
he discutido con mi media naranja
(esposa), quien es la que se enoja
cuando tiene que enviar el pago.
“Mira nomás, que tu seguro se
lleva casi todo el cheque”, ha
expresado la señora Franco, a lo
que de inmediato le he respondido: “Mira, no te preocupes, así
de fácil, simplemente cancela la
póliza y asunto arreglado”.
Sin embargo, ella luego recapacita diciéndome que saldría
lo mismo ya que al enterarse el
gobierno que no tengo seguro
médico me multaría con un impuesto (penalty tax), porque la
actual administración federal ha
establecido de ley que quienes
no pagamos por seguro médico,
se nos multa. Y, pues, ni modo
qué le voy hacer, tengo que pagar,
porque mi esposa quiere estar
segura que si algo inesperado
pasa a mi salud y si no tengo
póliza de seguro, entonces ella
tendrá que pagar el precio normal
que un paciente paga por recibir
atención médica, ya sea en la sala
de emergencia o en la sala de ope­
raciones, así como el tiempo que
duré convaleciendo en la cama
del hospital.
En fin, no hay que hacer que
la “waifa” se enoje y a seguir
adelante trabajando para pagar
el seguro médico y uno que otro
Mi esposa como ya cuenta con
la edad de 65 años en lo que va
de 2015 ha logrado ahorrar buen
dinero, ya que desde el mes de
diciembre pasado tiene cobertura
médica mediante su póliza federal
Medicare. Esta póliza le ayuda a
cubrir un ochenta por ciento de
sus gastos médicos, pero como
no se ha retirado por completo
de la fuerza laboral, todavía tiene
que pagar más de $300 cada tres
meses. Para el año 2016 ella ya se
podrá retirar y entonces no tendrá
que pagarle al Tío Sam ni un centavo más. El otro veinte por ciento
se lo cubre el seguro médico
privado por el que paga una cuota
de más de $100 mensuales.
Para recibir ese beneficio las
personas mayores de 65 años son
las únicas que pueden aplicar y
obtenerlo, ya que se les otorga por
ley, tras haber trabajado entre 40
y 47 años pagando sus respectivos
impuestos al gobierno federal.
Para recibir esos beneficios a
mí me faltan cinco abriles; sin
embargo, como he trabajado
desde 1975 y le he puesto bastante
dinero a mi seguro social podría
solicitar un retiro temprano y
darme el placer de recibir una
buena pensión, retirarme de La
Prensa, irme a vivir a mi Tijuana
querida, dejarme crecer la barba
y escribir la historia de mi vida.
Todo esto es un sueño para mí
ya que por ser alcohólico vivo al
día y le pido al Creador Divino
qué me dé la oportunidad de
vivir un día a la vez al lado de
mis seres queridos. No creo que
pueda llegar a la dorada edad de
los 65 años, pero pues solo Dios
sabe, cuando me mandará llamar.
No estoy aferrado a la vida, sino
todo lo contrario, estoy dispuesto
a irme al viaje sin retorno cuando
El Creador Divino lo decida. He
vivido a mi manera estos sesenta
años. No tengo nada de que arre­
pentirme, y con 16 años de sobriedad he logrado establecer una
dieta especial que no descompone
mi sistema de vida.
De lo único que padezco es de
alta presión arterial y ansiedad,
enfermedades que heredé tras
dejar la bebida y los bocadi­
llos “cura crudas”, las que cada
día controlo con medicamentos
recetados por mi doctor.
La enfermedad del alcoholismo
la sigo conteniendo con el amor
que le tengo a mi familia y dedicación a mi profesión, que han
sido el escudo principal que me
ha protegido para no recaer en el
alcohol de nuevo.
Mis tres lectores, por favor no
dejen pasar el tiempo, acudan
de una forma u otra a consultar
con médicos especialistas, e­llos
sabrán qué medicamentos y
planes de salud les darán para
que obtengan un sistema de
vida sana, tanto alimentándose
correctamente como tomando a
tiempo los medicamentos que les
Hasta la próxima D.M.
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11 de octubre de 2015
UTHSC San Antonio offers free Cada vez más hospitales brindan apoyo
advice related to physical therapy para favorecer lactancia materna
Special to La Prensa
In conjunction with National
Physical Therapy Month in OcHave an ache or pain related tober, physical therapy faculty
to physical activity? Ask a UT members from the School of
Health Science Center physical Health Professions at the UT
Health Science Center San Antonio are offering free advice.
The public can call (210) 5678750 from noon to 1 p.m. on
Tuesdays and Wednesdays during October to discuss issues related to health, physical activity,
neuro-musculoskeletal injury, or
sports- and fitness-related performance enhancement.
Physical therapists are experts
in improving mobility and motion. They often specialize in
geriatrics, neurological rehabilitation, orthopedics, manual
therapy, sports medicine and
“Pain-free movement is crucial
to quality of daily life, the ability
to earn a living and the opportunity to pursue leisure activities,”
says Catherine Ortega, Ed.D.,
PT, ATC, OCS, associate professor and chair of the Department
of Physical Therapy.
The University of Texas
Health Science Center at San
Antonio, one of the country’s
leading health sciences universities, ranks in the top 13 percent
of academic institutions receiving National Institutes of Health
(NIH) funding. The university’s
schools of medicine, nursing,
dentistry, health professions and
graduate biomedical sciences
have produced more than 31,000
graduates. The $787.7 million
operating budget supports six
The public can call physical therapy faculty members to discuss campuses in San Antonio and
issues related to health, physical activity, neuro-musculoskeletal Laredo. For more information on
injury, or sports- and fitness-related performance enhancement. the many ways “We make lives
(Courtesy photo)
better,” visit
EFE - Cada vez más hospitales
brindan apoyo sobre lactancia
a madres de bebés recién nacidos en Estados Unidos, lo que
favorece mejores prácticas que
benefician tanto a la madre como
a su hijo.
Las iniciativas de apoyo a la
lactancia materna en los hospitales de Estados Unidos ha
aumentado de un 29 % en el
2007, al 54 % en el 2013, según
el más reciente informe Signos
Vitales de los Centros de Control
y Prevención de Enfermedades
El uso de las recomendaciones
establecidas en “Diez pasos hacia
una feliz lactancia natural”, el
estándar mundial para una atención hospitalaria que apoya la
lactancia materna, aumentó casi
el doble en seis años.
“La lactancia materna tiene
inmensos beneficios para la salud
de los bebés y sus madres. Más
hospitales apoyan mejor a las
madres para que puedan amamantar a sus bebés; todo recién
nacido debería tener el mejor
comienzo posible en la vida”,
declaró el director de los CDC,
Tom Frieden.
De los casi cuatro millones
de bebés que nacen al año en
Estados Unidos, el 14 % nace
en hospitales designados como
“Amigo del Niño”, una cifra
que casi se ha triplicado en los
últimos años.
No obstante, pese a los avances
logrados, los investigadores
destacan la necesidad de seguir
trabajando para mejorar la tasa
de lactancia.
De acuerdo con el reporte,
solo el 26 % de los hospitales se
aseguraron de que se les diera
exclusivamente leche materna a
los bebés sanos en 2013.
También en el mismo año, solo
el 45 % de los hospitales mantu-
vieron a las madres y a sus bebés
juntos durante toda la estadía en
el hospital, lo que permite más
oportunidades para amamantar.
Por otra parte, solo el 32 % de
los hospitales ofrecieron apoyo
a las madres que amamantaban
después de ser dadas de alta tras
el parto.
La “Iniciativa Hospital Amigo
del Niño” (IHAN) fue establecida por la Organización Mundial
de la Salud y la UNICEF, y ha
sido avalada por la Academia
Estadounidense de Pediatría.
Los expertos han destacado
en numerosas ocasiones los
beneficios de la lactancia, tanto
para la salud de la madre como
para el bebé.
De acuerdo con datos de los
CDC, los bebés que son amamantados tienen menos riesgo de
tener infecciones respiratorias,
de oído, del estómago y de los
intestinos, así como menor riesgo
de padecer de asma, obesidad y
síndrome de muerte súbita del
lactante (SMSL).
Por su parte, las madres que
amamantan tienen menos probabilidad de tener cáncer de mama
y de ovario, diabetes tipo 2 y
enfermedad cardíaca.
Fotografía de una madre amamantando a su hijo. EFE/Archivo
Reagan’s death from Alzheimer’s disease
Learn about:
Resources for caregivers of
loved-ones with Alzheimer’s
and Memory Loss
Alzheimer’s from Caregivers
and Experts
Alzheime Impact on Latino
November 6th & 7th, 2015
Day 1: Welcome & Reception
Day 2: Presentations & Activities
El Tropicano Riverwalk Hotel
San Antonio, TX
Ca for loved-ones with Alzheimer’s is
increasing most among Hispanic families in
the US. Caregivers need their own care and
support for their commitment to their
Free Registration Available
for those bringing their
loved-ones with Alzheimer’s.
provided on-site
Register online at
$20 for Caregivers
$40 for Health Professionals
Scholarships available for those
unable to afford fee.
President Ronald Reagan was a
beloved and long-time partner to
and supporter of the Alzheimer’s
• Through their courage and
commitment, he and his wife,
Nancy, changed the face of Alzheimer’s disease by increasing
public awareness of the disease
and of the need for research into
its causes and prevention.
President Ronald Reagan’s
effect on Alzheimer’s disease
• His openness helped lift the
stigma from the disease.
• He showed families and caregivers that they are not alone.
• In a letter to the American
people in 1994, Reagan shared his
diagnosis with everyone, making
a huge contribution to building
awareness about the disease.
• In large part due to President
Reagan, there has been increased
funding and enormous progress in
Alzheimer research.
• There is real potential for
major breakthroughs in the next
10 years. Boomers could be the
first generation to face a future
without Alzheimer’s disease if we
act now to achieve breakthroughs
in science.
Donations to the association to
honor President Reagan
• The Alzheimer’s Association
is honored that the Reagan family
has designated the association as
one of three organizations to which
they recommended people donate
in honor of President Reagan.
The association’s relationship
with the Reagan family
• The Alzheimer’s Association’s
relationship with the Reagan fam-
ily has been significant and longstanding.
•bIn 1983, we were pleased to
partner with the president to create National Alzheimer’s Disease
• We were also proud to have
worked with the Reagans to establish the association’s Ronald and
Nancy Reagan Research Institute.
• Nancy Reagan is an honorary
member of our board of directors.
• Maureen Reagan was also an
active member of our board for
many years, and was a powerful
advocate for the cause. (Note: Maureen was the daughter of President
Reagan and actress Jane Wyman.
Maureen passed away on Aug. 8,
2001, after a battle with malignant
The Reagans’ financial contributions to the association
• The Reagans made direct financial contributions and the family
generously shared book royalties
with the association.
President Reagan’s treatment
• The Alzheimer’s Association
was not involved in the president’s
• We do not know what medications he took.
• We do not know if the Reagan’s
participated in clinical trials or any
other sort of experimental treatment
for the disease.
Did President Reagan have
the disease while serving in the
White House?
• Although the Alzheimer’s disease process typically starts 10 or
20 years before symptoms appear,
we are not in a position to speculate
on the specifics of his case.
• Our focus is on the former
president’s extraordinary contributions to the fight against the disease.
What might the last days of
President Reagan have been like?
• As Alzheimer’s disease progresses, it affects all physical and
mental abilities, and those with the
disease rely on others for all of their
basic needs.
• Alzheimer’s is a disease that is
eventually fatal.
• As with many debilitating
diseases, the body gradually fails.
How close are we to a cure for
• A worldwide quest is under
way to find new treatments to stop,
slow or even prevent Alzheimer’s.
• Because new drugs take years
to produce from concept to market
— and because drugs that seem
promising in early-stage studies
may not work as hoped in largescale trials — it is critical that
Alzheimer’s and related dementias
research continue to accelerate.
• To ensure that the effort to
find better treatments receives the
focus it deserves, the Alzheimer’s
Association funds researchers looking at new treatment strategies and
advocates for more federal funding
of Alzheimer’s research.
• Over the last 30 years, researchers have made remarkable progress
in understanding healthy brain
function and what goes wrong in
Alzheimer’s disease. The following
are examples of promising targets
for next-generation drug therapies
under investigation in current research studies:
• Beta-amyloid
• Tau protein
• Inflammation
• Insulin resistance
11 de octubre de 2015
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11 de octubre de 2015
Week In
By Jose Arredondo
All in
the act
By Jessica Duran
[email protected]
The San Antonio Spurs have
always been able to show they’re
the good guys in the league.
They are the guys that make
it hard for other fans to dislike
them and, as many Spurs fans
know, our favorite men in black
in silver have a goofy and lighter
side to them.
This week they shot their infamous H-E-B commercials for the
2015-2016 season. Adding to the
already hilarious cast of Manu Ginobili, Tony Parker, Patty Mills,
Kawhi Leonard, and Tim Duncan
will be LaMarcus Aldridge.
The past 10 years, these guys
have made us all want to buy ice
cream, laundry detergent, and
brisket. Thanks to mainly Kawhi,
we have all added the word “indubitably” to our vocabulary. You
weren’t alone, Tim, we didn’t
know what that meant either.
Tim, Tony, and Manu are the
only three that have all been in
every single commercial. Former
Spurs that have appeared in them
include Bruce Bowen, Brent Barry, current player Matt Bonner.
Even though he makes reporters
laugh with one-word responses,
he even joined in for an H-E-B
commercial with his players once
or twice before.
Fans get excited for October
not only because our Spurs are
back in action, but we actually want and like watching these
commercials during the games.
The Spurs organization released
pictures from behind the scenes
of them filming the fresh batch
of commercials on their social
media outlets.
In the released pictures, the
guys looked like they couldn’t
keep their composure as they
were filled with immense laughter. The pictures showed backdrops of a construction site, and
a boat. Manu, who usually has
the funniest line and act in all the
commercials, was seen in one
picture, a fisherman’s bucket hat
with LaMarcus Aldridge.
Come the first game of the
regular season, everyone will
be waiting patiently to see what
our team has in store for us, but
judging by the pictures, they sure
will be having our stomachs hurt
from our laughter. Opening day is
Oct. 28 as the Spurs take on the
Oklahoma City Thunder.
Scan with phone
QR reader for
more sports news
from La Prensa.
Omer Asik sidelined by
calf injury
Tramon Williams was
not offsides
New Orleans Pelicans center Omer
Asik will miss three weeks due to a calf
strain he suffered this past Wednesday
at practice. Asik averaged 7.3 points and
9.8 rebounds for the Pelicans. There is a
possibility he may return for their season
opener Oct. 27 against the Golden State
An offsides penalty costs the Cleveland Browns
a game against the San Diego Chargers in overtime. “The coaches sent in the tape questioning
it, because it was close and I thought I got a
good jump,” Williams said. “It came back that I
wasn’t offside.’’ Although it was a controversial
call he has moved on, “Only thing you can do
is learn from it and keep going.”
Rampage de gira comienza temporada en la AHL
Por José I. Franco
[email protected]
El entrenador Dean Chynoweth
se declaró listo con su alineación
oficial para marcar su debut como
el nuevo timonel del club de hockey profesional Rampage de San
Antonio, afiliado a la American
Hockey League (AHL), y como
sucursal del equipo Avalanche
de Colorado (asociado a la National Hockey League –NHL–),
con el que San Antonio estará
siendo sucursal hasta la temporada 2019-20.
El trabajo de Chynoweth será
desarrollar habilidades de jugadores novatos y prospectos, que
con el tiempo por méritos propios
logren sus respectivos ascensos al
club mayor, con sede en la ciudad
de Denver, Colorado.
Con la llegada de Chynoweth,
él se convertirá en el décimo entrenador en jefe en los 14 años de
la franquicia Silver & Black, que
es propiedad de la empresa Spurs
Sports & Entertainment (SS&E),
que en el mes de abril de 2015
firmó el acuerdo de afiliación con la
gerencia general del Avalanche,
a cargo del ejecutivo Joe Sakic,
quien en conjunto con Rick Pych,
presidente de SS&E, firmaron la
cédula que confirmó su sociedad.
La gerencia general del Rampage estará bajo la administración
del ejecutivo Craig Billington,
quien además es asistente de la
gerencia general de Colorado.
Billington estará dirigiendo las
operaciones y la administración
del hockey dentro de la organización del Rampage.
Chynoweth cuenta con una experiencia de 10 años dirigiendo a
los equipos de liga menor y en la
NHL, donde de 2009 al 2012 fue
asistente del equipo New York
Islanders. En su estancia en San
Antonio, Chynoweth ha logrado
establecerse tanto en su vida
personal como en la preparación
del equipo.
Teniendo como sede de su
campo de entrenamiento el rink
(pista de hielo) en el Northwoods
Ice Center (ubicado en el 17530
Henderson Pass y Autopista
1604), Chynoweth sostuvo nueve
fechas preparándose para jugar
dos partidos de pretemporada
y alistarse para comenzar este
sábado sus partidos de gira, que le
llevará a visitar las plazas de Stars
de Texas, con sede en el Cedar
Park Center (Austin, Texas), y
Grand Rapids, donde jugará dos
partidos en las fechas del viernes
16 y sábado 17 de octubre.
Su apertura local de la temporada 2015-16 AHL la hará el sábado
24 de octubre contra el visitante
Heat de Stockton en el horario de
las 7 p.m. en el renovado AT&T
Rampage estará jugando en la
Conferencia del Oeste, en donde
tendrá de rivales en la división
oeste a los equipos: Condors de
Bakersfield, Reign de Ontario
(California), Gulls de San Diego,
Barracudas de San José, Heat de
Stockton y Stars de Texas.
“La conferencia y división del
oeste es una de las más competitivas, cuenta con equipos de
expansión, entre ellos cinco con
sede en el estado de California.
Sin embargo, Rampage, con su
nuevo talento, en el que contamos
con estatura, habilidad y velocidad, estará buscando ubicarse
entre los primeros lugares”, dijo
Rampage, jugará en la temporada 76 partidos, con 38 partidos de
gira y 38 de local. “Cada uno de
nuestros jugadores con sus habilidades y estilo ofensivo y defensivo de juego, se estará ganando
su puesto en la rotación estelar y
entre los suplentes. Como buen
planificador que soy, a la fecha
ya tengo estructurado el roster que
nos dará buenos resultados. Con
optimismo esperamos comenzar
la temporada regular, ya que en
Dean Chynoweth, exjugador de hockey profesional en la NHL con los equipos Islanders de Nueva
York y Bruins de Boston, como entrenador del Rampage se ha destacado por realizar las prácticas
dentro de la pista de hielo, patinando al lado de sus pupilos, factor que de mucho ayudará a la franquicia en la preparación de talento para el equipo mayor Avalanche de Colorado. (Foto, Franco)
los partidos de pretemporadas se
logró una victoria con derrota en
tiempo extra”, dijo Chynoweth.
Los porteros del Rampage, Calvin Pickard y Roman Will, serán
parte de la rotación en los partidos
de apertura. Roman Will en su
partido de pretemporada contra
Stars de Texas se combinó con
su compañero Spencer Martin,
atajando 30 disparos a gol. Los
goles de San Antonio fueron anotados por Troy Burke, Andreas
Martinsen, Brock Montgomery y
Ben Street.
En el segundo partido de pretemporada Rampage y Stars, en
el Cedar Park Center, en tiempo
reglamentario finalizaron empatados 4-4, y en tiempo extra Stars se
impusieron con marcador de 5 por
4. Por Rampage, se destacaron los
patinadores Collin Smith y Chris
Bigras con dos tantos por cabeza,
mientras que el gol de la victoria
de Stars fue anotado por Julius
Honka en asistencia de Branden
Troock, que le combinó el puck
restando 1.9 segundos de acción.
“Como se puede ver, el resultado de partidos de pretemporada
fue bueno, se jugó buen hockey
tanto en la ofensiva como en la
defensiva. Con ello logré sacar
una excelente evaluación sobre
el desempeño de nuestros patinadores, todos jugaron en equipo,
enseñaron sus habilidades con el
bastón y estupenda velocidad,
que son requerimientos en cada
partido”, añadió Chynoweth.
La gerencia general de Avalanche, para asegurar un buen
comienzo de temporada, envió
al Rampage nueve patinadores
que se estuvieron entrenando
con el equipo mayor, y que al
hacer el recorte de su roster
oficial, quedaron a disposición
de ser enviados a sus respectivas
sucursales tomando en cuenta a
San Antonio por ser la de nueva
Rampage le dio la bienvenida al alero derecho Andrew
Agozzino, el defensor Chris
Bigras, el central Joey Hishon,
el defensa Maxim Noreau, el
arquero Calvin Pickard, el alero
derecho Patrick Bordeleau, el
centro Mar-Andre Cliche, y el
defensa Zach Redmond.
Rampage, en sus pasadas 13
temporadas, estuvo asociado
con los equipos Coyotes de
Phoenix (NHL), luego en doble
ocasión se afilió con Panthers
de Florida, en ese lapso San
Antonio, en su última campaña
como sucursal de Florida, en
la temporada 2014-15, bajo la
dirección de Tom Rowe, ganó el
banderín de la división oeste y
el trofeo John D. Chick, el cual
viene a ser el primer galardón
que se estará exhibiendo en el
techo y la vitrina del renovado
AT&T Center.
Tony Parker to host parent and child basketball camp
By Jose Arredondo
[email protected]
Four time NBA Champion, six
time NBA all star and one time
finals MVP Tony Parker will host
a basketball sponsored by AARP
specifically designed for kids and
their parents on Oct. 17.
The camp will take place at
Mission Concepcion Sports Park
located off of 714 E. Theo Ave
and will start at 3 p.m.
The ages range from grades
The cost of the camp is $248,
which covers both the parent and
the child.
Parents who attend the camp
are expected to participate in
drills, so parents bring your hooping shoes.
Campers will receive basketball tips from Parker and maybe
he will reveal his secret on how
to successfully make his patented
floater or hit mid-range jumper
with ease.
The campers will also get an
official camp T-shirt, autograph
from Parker and a group photo
with him as well.
According to,
“Campers will experience various
stations specializing in fundamental basketball skills and will
participate in basketball games.”
The future hall of famer can’t
Tony Parker signs autograph for a young fan. (Courtesy photo, Youth basketball camps)
wait for his camp to commence
either, “Excited to announce I am
hosting a Parent & Child Basketball Camp in San Antonio! @ProCamps @AARPTX #AARPSA,”
Parker shared via Twitter.
Founded in 1998, ProCamps
is a best-in-class event management and sports marketing company specializing in developing,
managing, and operating sports
camps, player appearances, brand
activations, and related experiences with professional athletes
and coaches in the NFL, NBA,
and NFHL.
ProCamps helps Fortune 500
brands activate and execute more
than 175 events across the country
to effectively deliver brand messaging to thousands of parents,
kids, and coaches via retail promotions, TV/radio/print, social
media, and on-site activations.
For more information, visit
La Prensa de San Antonio
Spurs release 2015-16
TV broadcast schedule
Special to La Prensa
The San Antonio Spurs recently announced their 2015-16 TV
broadcast schedule, highlighted
by 37 games airing locally in high
definition (HD) on FOX Sports
Southwest, KENS-TV (CBS 5)
and KMYS-TV (CW 35).
FOX Sports Southwest will
air 60 games this season, KENSTV will broadcast 11 games
and KMYS-TV will carry the
action for two games. The Silver and Black’s remaining nine
regular-season games will be
carried exclusively on national
TV. To view the full broadcast
schedule, please visit
or download the Official Spurs
Mobile App.
The season tips off on KENSTV on Wednesday, Oct. 28 at
7 p.m. when the Spurs travel to
Oklahoma to play the Oklahoma
City Thunder. San Antonio will
then host the Brooklyn Nets in the
first regular-season game at the
newly renovated AT&T Center
at 7:30 p.m. on Friday, Oct. 30
on FOX Sports Southwest.
Veteran broadcaster Bill Land
returns to call his 13th season of
Spurs basketball as the lead playby-play announcer and former
Spur Sean Elliott returns for his
15th season as the lead analyst.
The versatile Andrew Monaco
will primary serve as the sideline
reporter and studio host, and will
be joined in the studio by Richard
Oliver. Rachel Santschi will act
as the special correspondent during the broadcast.
All 60 FOX Sports Southwest
broadcast will include “Spurs
Live” pre and post-game shows,
hosted by Ric Renner. FSSW will
also continue the weekly airing of
“Spurs Insider,” which provides
fans unprecedented access and
in-depth look at Spurs basketball. All games on FSSW this
season will be streamed on FOX
Sports Go, which can be accessed
through the Official Spurs Mobile
The Spurs announced their 2015-16 TV broadcast schedule with
73 games airing locally. FOX Sports Southwest will broadcast 60
games, while KENS-TV (CBS 5) will show 11 games, and KMYSTV (CW 35) will carry two games. (Photo, Franco)
App. FSSW has been televising Schoening calling the action
Spurs games since 1987.
and KCOR-Am 1350 with Paul
KMYS-TV will broadcast the Castro providing play-by-play
Spurs vs. Los Angeles Clippers in Spanish.
game in San Antonio on Friday,
Tickets to Spurs preseason
Dec. 18 and Spurs at Houston matchups and individual tickRockets on Christmas Day. Both ets for regular season games
KMYS-TV broadcast will feature through Feb. 6 are now on sale.
30-minute pregame specials. Be- Tickets are available online at
ginning on Dec. 6, basketball fans or AT&
looking for more Spurs coverage and may also be purchased at
can also tune in to “Max Spurs,” the AT&T Center Box Office
hosted by Chuck Miketinac. Monday through Friday from 10
“Max Spurs” airs weekends on a.m. to 5:30 p.m. or on weekend
KBBA-TV (FOX 29). Check Spurs games starting at noon. The
your local listings for details.
mobile box office is temporarAll Spurs games can also be ily located next to the Freeman
heard on WOAI-AM with Bill Coliseum.
Hayatou descarta ser candidato y
compromete toda su dedicación
EFE - El camerunés Issa
Hayatou, presidente en funciones
de la FIFA tras la suspensión
durante 90 días del suizo Joseph
Blatter dictada por el Comité de
Ética, descartó presentarse a las
elecciones del próximo febrero
y se comprometió a “dedicar
sus mejores esfuerzos a la organización”.
“Hoy, debido a circunstancias
extraordinarias, he asumido la
presidencia de la FIFA de acuerdo al artículo 32 de los Estatutos. Lo ejerceré solo de forma
interina. Un nuevo presidente
será elegido en el Congreso Extraordinario el 26 de febrero de
2016. Yo no seré candidato para
ese puesto”, aseguró.
En un comunicado facilitado
por la FIFA, Hayatou se compromete a dedicar “sus mejores
esfuerzos a la organización,
las asociaciones miembro, los
empleados, los patrocinadores
y los aficionados al fútbol de
cualquier sitio”.
“La FIFA mantiene su compromiso con el proceso de reformas, que es crítico para recuperar la confianza pública.
Nosotros también continuaremos
cooperando totalmente con las
autoridades y seguiremos con la
investigación interna hasta donde
nos dirija. El fútbol nunca ha
tenido tanto apoyo a lo largo del
mundo y es algo de lo que debe
estar orgulloso todo asociado con
la FIFA”, añade.
StMU Women’s Soccer earns
NSCAA academic team award
The NSCAA recently announced
the recipients of the College Team
Academic Award for the 2014-15
academic year. In order to qualify
for the award, the average GPA for
Leyenda del béisbol mexicano Triple A
Alejandro “Pato” Ortiz visitó S.A.
Por José I. Franco
[email protected]
El exinicialista y tercera base
Alejandro Ortiz Díaz, de 55 años
de edad, apodado “Pato” por su
manager Jorge Calvo y quien vio la
primera luz en Santa Fe (Veracruz),
estuvo de visita en San Antonio
acompañando a su compadre Jaime
Guerrero (gerente general de Colt 45
Baseball League) durante jornadas
en el béisbol sabatino y dominical.
Los partidos se jugaron en
el legendario Estadio Colt 45,
donde fans y amistades estuvieron
saludando y felicitando a Ortiz tras
haber dejado una brillante carrera
de 25 años en el béisbol mexicano
Triple A.
Por su parte, Ortiz dijo sentirse
contento por las marcas que estableció durante un cuarto de siglo
jugando para franquicias de la Liga
Mexicana de Verano Triple A y
Liga Mexica del Pacífico (LMP)
Triple A (temporada invernal),
donde se desempeñó jugando contra
la crema y nata de su época, entre
ellos su buen amigo el lanzador Luis
Alfonso Velázquez “Chorejas”,
con quien charló personalmente
el sábado 3 de octubre durante los
partidos de playoff que se estuvieron
jugando en el diamante Colt 45.
En son de broma ambos recordaron anécdotas de cuando se llegaron a enfrentar Ortiz vistiendo el
uniforme de Águilas de Mexicali y
Velázquez la franela de Naranjeros
de Hermosillo (Liga del Pacífico).
Ortiz recontó los cuadrangulares
que llegó a pegarle a Velázquez. Y
este le regresó la moneda recordándole las veces que lo dejó con la
carabina al hombro recetándole
espectaculares ponches.
“Pato Ortiz fue un jugador de
mucho respeto. Los pichers que lo
enfrentábamos sabíamos de su poder
con el bate, le teníamos que lanzar
con cuidado. Para mí es un orgullo
saludarlo hoy”, dijo Velázquez.
Pato Ortiz dijo a La Prensa que
su poder en el bateo quizá lo obtuvo
por naturaleza, dándole crédito a
las labores que desarrolló cuando
pequeño y adolescente en la ordeña
de vacas lecheras.
Fue a la edad de 22 años cuando
a team must average a 3.0 or higher.
St. Mary’s Women’s Soccer
was one of four Heartland Conference schools to receive the honor
posting a cumulative 3.52 GPA as
a team during the last academic
year. The Rattlers’ hard work in
the classroom helped them post
the second highest GPA in the
Jaime Guerrero, gerente general de Colt 45 Baseball League,
tuvo de visita a su compadre Alejandro “Pato” Ortiz, quien en su
retiro del béisbol profesional jugó para su equipo Signo Express
en la liga fronteriza de Laredo. (Foto, Franco)
Ortiz Díaz se puso el uniforme de
béisbol jugando en la Liga Caribeña
con el equipo de Isla Mujeres, donde
lo dirigió el timonel Jorge Calvo. De
ese circuito pasó a debutar en la Liga
Mexicana de Verano con el club
Tecolotes de Nuevo Laredo (que
luego se fusionó como Tecolotes
de Los Dos Laredos), equipo con
el cual en la temporada de 1989 se
coronó campeón y con el que jugó
18 años en las décadas de los 80’s
y 90’s, haciendo tripleta con los
jonroneros Andrés Mora Ibarra y
Carlos Soto Mota, llamados como
“3 mosqueteros”.
Por su poder de botar la pelota
tras la barda (cuadrangulares), Ortiz
Díaz llegó a ser nombrado como El
Gran Cañón Jarocho.
Entre sus hazañas personales se
destaca el partido en el que en una
entrada pegó dos jonrones, marca
que hasta la fecha no ha sido igualada, así como sus 434 cuadrangulares
conectados en 25 temporadas en la
Liga Mexicana de Verano. En LMP
jugó 15 temporadas, jugando cinco
con Águilas de Mexicali con el que
fue campeón en la temporada 198586 con viaje a la Serie del Caribe.
También cinco con Yaquis de
Ciudad Obregón, 3 con Cañeros de
Los Mochis y 2 con Algodoneros
de Guasave.
“Lo más emotivo para mí tras
finalizar mi carrera fue cuando se
me indujo al Latinoamerican Sports
Hall of Fame en Laredo y en el
Salón de la Fama en México (Monterrey, Nuevo León, México), nunca
jugué béisbol pensando en la fama,
sino todo lo contrario, porque me
gustaba hacer un buen trabajo para
todos los equipos que me dieron la
oportunidad de jugarlo”, dijo Pato
En su inmortalización en el Salón
de la Fama en México, Ortiz Díaz
tuvo de compañeros de Clase 2012
al lanzador Ángel Moreno, el segunda base Juan Francisco “Chico”
Rodríguez, y al cronista Eduardo
Valdez Vizcarra (fallecido).
Su marca de 25 campañas, 434
jonrones y 1,603 carreras producidas
fueron los factores que lo llevaron
a ser elegido como el tercer mejor
beisbolista en la historia del béisbol
profesional mexicano (Liga de
“Es algo bonito que Jaime Guerrero, aquí en Colt 45, siga impulsando el béisbol a nivel veteranos.
Aquí hay mucho talento y jugadores
que fueron profesionales y que
como amateurs tuvieron excelente
trayectoria”, apuntó Ortiz Díaz.
Su carrera en el béisbol lo llevó a
una nueva etapa siendo contratado
para aportar sus experiencias en
lo profesional. Así dirigió como
manager a los equipos Petroleros
de Minatitlán, Veracruz, y Toros
de Tijuana. Recientemente aceptó
empleo como hitting coach (instructor de bateo) del club Vaqueros de
la Laguna, con sede en la industrial
ciudad de Torreón, Coahuila.
in the paint for the 1989 Cougars
who won the Class 3A state boys
basketball championship. In a
magical, unbeaten season, O’Neal
placed Cole to its first title with a
36-0 record.
A solid supporting cast included
Andy Armondo, Eric Baker, Joe
Cavallero, Dwayne Cyrus, Robbie
Dunn, Kyle Henson, Sean Jackson,
Darren Mathey, Jeff Petress, Tony
Richardson, Dan Sandburg, Doug
Sandburg and John Sherner. Head
coach was Dave Madura and assistant coaches were Herb More
and Ken Kuwamura. The team
included manager Mike Mennito
and statisticians Tre Haliburton and
Chris Jennings.
Darold Williamson graduated
from Holmes High School in 2001
where he distinguished himself in
1999 as the sophomore second leg
of the Huskies’ 4x400 relay team
by winning the Texas State Championship and ultimately setting five
school relay and dash records. In his
senior year at Holmes, he won state
titles in the 200 and 400 meter races.
Williamson entered Baylor in
2002 and won four NCAA track
titles and 13 All-American honors
and 13 Big 12 Conference championships with his team and individually. In the 2004 Olympic Games in
Athens, Williamson anchored the
United States’ 4x400-meter relay
to the gold medal.
He also earned gold medals at the
2005 and 2007 World Championships, running the third leg of the
4x400-meter relays.
George Block was the director
of aquatics for the Northside Independent School District (NISD)
beginning in 1977 and Assistant
Director of Athletics since 1993.
He retired in 2009 and the District
honored him by re-naming its pool
the George Block Aquatics Center.
During his tenure at Northside,
Block also served as head coach
of the U.S. Pentathlon team and
served USA Swimming in many
official roles, most recently as vicepresident of the national governing
Today, Block serves USA Swimming as a member of its Governance Committee. He is also the
president of the World Swimming
Coaches Association. Block developed eight different Olympians in
three different sports (swimming,
triathlon and pentathlon) from four
different countries, Olympic Trials
qualifiers in 1984-88-92-96 and
2000, 52 University Interscholastic League State gold medalists,
more than 285 All-Americans,
and numerous national and junior
champions. He is a founder of
San Antonio Sports Foundation
(now San Antonio Sports) and
still remains active in the nonprofit
The San Antonio Sports Hall
of Fame is a partnership between
San Antonio Sports, the City of
San Antonio and San Antonio
Express-News. The black-tie San
Antonio Sports Hall of Fame Tribute, where the Class of 2016 will be
inducted, will be held in the Stars
at Night Ballroom of the Henry B.
Gonzalez Convention Center and
feature a live performance from
The Fab Four, a Beatles tribute
band. Proceeds from the San Antonio Sports Hall of Fame Tribute
benefit San Antonio Sports’ kids
programs. For more information
or to purchase tickets, visit www.
S.A. Sports Hall of Fame
announces Class of 2016
Special to La Prensa
El camerunés Issa Hayatou, que presidirá la FIFA durante el
periodo de suspensión de Josep Blatter al ser el vicepresidente
de la organización más veterano. (EFE/Archivo)
11 de octubre de 2015
The San Antonio Sports Hall
of Fame (SASHOF) recently announced its Class of 2016. NBA
All-Star Shaquille O’Neal, Darold
Williamson, Baylor track standout
and anchor of the 2004 U.S. 4x400relay gold medal team, former
Northside ISD aquatics coach and
administrator George Block, and
the 1989 Cole High School Class
3A Championship basketball team
will be recognized at the San Antonio Sports Hall of Fame Tribute
on Saturday, Feb. 27, 2016 at the
Henry B. Gonzalez Convention
Shaquille O’Neal is a 15-time
NBA All-Star who was one of the
best centers in the league. He was
the number one draft pick of the
Orlando Magic in 1992, named
Rookie of the Year in 1993 and took
the Magic to their first ever NBA
Finals in 1994-95.
In 1996, he signed with the LA
Lakers and helped them win three
consecutive NBA Championships
(2000-2002). He was traded to
Miami in 2004 and won his fourth
championship with the Heat. He
was traded to the Phoenix Suns
(2008-2009), and then to Cleveland
Cavaliers (2009), and ended his
career in Boston in 2001. Over the
course of his 19-year career, he was
named 1999-2000 MVP, held two
scoring titles and was a member of
the 1996 gold medal U.S. Dream
Team III.
O’Neal, son of a U.S. Army
Sargent, moved with his family to
Fort Sam Houston in 1987 where
he played center for the Cole High
School Cougars. He dominated
11 de octubre de 2015
La Prensa de San Antonio
High Sox doblegó a Tecolotes Broncos de Reynosa S.A. y
Con éxito se jugaron los tres
partidos del rol regular en la segunda fecha de la liga de béisbol
Tex-Mex Independent Baseball,
que este otoño e invierno le ha
dedicado su temporada al señor
Juan García y en memoria del
beisbolista Esteban Rivera García, quien fue integrante de la
alineación del club High Sox que
logró la conquista del campeonato
invernal en 2013-14.
En el clásico dominical mañanero la novena de los Marlis se
impusieron 15 a 2 carreras ante el
debutante club Swagger Jackers.
El subcampeón Juggernauts, con
picheo de su as Raúl Originales,
cayó abatido con pizarra de 4-3
ante el nuevo equipo Woodpeckers.
El clásico de clásicos invernal
debutó con éxito y con victoria
para los High Sox, que pasaron a
ser dirigidos por el jugador César
Juárez, que entró al relevo del Marine Eddy Rodríguez, quien ahora
es vicepresidente de Tex-Mex IBL.
High Sox derrotó al campeón
Tecolotes, dirigidos por Gustavo
Torres, Gilbert Rodríguez y Meño
Rodríguez, con pizarra de 10-7.
La derrota en la lomita de los
disparos fue para el zurdo James
Santillán, quien después de dos
años en la ciudad de Nueva York
retornó a San Antonio para establecerse como entrenador deportivo. La victoria fue para Jonathan
Vaquera de los Calcetones (High
Rol de juegos tercera fecha en
Estadio Capitol: 9 a.m. Juggernauts vs. High Sox.
12 p.m. Tecolotes vs. Woodpeckers.
3 p.m. Indios de Nava vs. Swagger Jackers.
Rick Rodríguez, bateador de gran experiencia de los High Sox, conectó extra base para remolcar
una carrera con la que ubicó a su equipo al frente de la pizarra contra la serpentina del campeón
Tecolotes. (Foto, Franco)
Bravos ganó el primero a Diablos
Por Sendero Deportivo
La gran final por el campeonato
del Torneo Dominical Potranco II se
puso color de hormiga con la primera victoria para los Bravos, que
dirigen Francisco Navarro y Mario
Cárdenas, con lo que pusieron en
desventaja a su rival Diablos, que
se clasificó invicto en la temporada
A los directivos Jesús Ramírez y
José Villalobos les falló la estrategia y su lanzador estelar Max De
La Cruz y relevista de lujo Chris
Pacheco, en 10 peleados episodios,
dejaron ir la victoria.
Bravos, con su lanzador derecho
relevista José Espinoza, se agenció
el primer triunfo en su serie a ganar
2 de 3 partidos.
Este encuentro concluyó favoreciendo a Bravos con pizarra de 5 a
3 carreras. Espinoza anotó la cuarta
carrera por imparable de Tomás Rodríguez, quien posteriormente fue
impulsado con la quinta anotación
por imparable conectado por su
compañero Américo Pejeiro, cuarto
bate en la alineación titular.
Diablos ganaba 3-2 en el octavo
episodio en el que fueron empatados
por cuadrangular conectado por Undre Smith, quien puso la pizarra 3-3.
Bravos, que se clasificaron se-
gundo lugar, hicieron varias jugadas claves, una de ellas que no
les resultó fue un “squeeze play”
(robo del home plate) en el noveno
“Gracias a Dios, nuestras familias, seguidores y jugadores se logró
ganar el primer partido. Vamos
tranquilos por el segundo juego, con
todo y con la esperanza de ganarlo”,
dijo el timonel Navarro.
Por su lado Jesús Ramírez, quien
también es parte de la alineación
estelar, dijo que aún la serie sigue
viva con dos partidos por jugarse.
“Se jugó buen béisbol, diez entradas bien peleadas. Faltan dos partidos por jugarse”, apuntó Ramírez.
Colt 45 toman la delantera
Por José I. Franco
picheo de Cali y José. Tenemos
bateo con Chalo Castro y José
Martínez y ello es importante”,
dijo el timonel Espinoza.
Tomás Muñoz, manager de
Broncos, expresó que con las
últimas victorias se ha logrado
superar tropiezos de temporada.
“Con esta victoria ya podemos estar tranquilos. Tenemos la mira en
el campeonato, se jugó en equipo
y ello fue el factor de la victoria”,
apuntó Muñoz.
Por Broncos se destacó bateando el primera base Kelly Skeens,
quien conectó la friolera cantidad
de 3 dobletes con 4 carreras producidas.
En el segundo partido del playoff los “Pistoleros” de Colt 45 le
sacaron la victoria del bolsillo a
los Rieleros, que fueron superados por errores que cometieron
tras un breve zafarrancho en el
que se descompuso el buen ritmo
de juego que les llevó a ubicarse
en la pizarra con 5 a 2 carreras.
El trabajo defensivo del jardinero izquierdo Johnny López y
del receptor Francisco Nájera, así
como de su lanzador José Dolores
Cardona, que se trenzó en duelo
hasta el noveno episodio ante el
derecho rival Chris Lee, quien al
final celebró el triunfo con pizarra
de 9 a 5 carreras.
Su segundo partido será a las
11 a.m. este sábado 10 de octubre.
Una mala experiencia para el
manager Rielero, Juan Sánchez,
quien hizo buena labor en la caja
de la dirección, pero sin embargo
no logró superar las emociones
del cerrado cotejo que fue observado por un buen número de
El lanzador derecho Gilberto Rodríguez, de los Broncos
de Reynosa S.A., una vez más
cumplió con su labor monticular
lanzando nueve entradas para
adjudicarse el primer triunfo del
playoff en la temporada de béisbol categoría veteranos dedicada a
don Jaime M. Guerrero. Así puso
contra la pared al trabuco de Red
Sox que con su lanzador Calixto
Moreno y su relevista José Espinoza nada pudieron hacer por detener la ofensiva de los bateadores
de Broncos, que ganaron con
pizarra de 9 a 5 carreras.
Rodríguez comenzó el partido recetando ponche al primer
bateador y cerrando la justa con
ponche para consumar el out
número 27, lo cual es difícil por
la superstición existente de que
el lanzador que comience ponchando al final pierde el partido
en el rey de los deportes.
“Poché al primer y al último
bateador y logré la victoria para
mi equipo, que es lo principal en
esta serie”, dijo Rodríguez.
Para el timonel de Red Sox,
Pedro Espinoza, en el segundo
partido a jugarse este sábado en
el horario de las 3 p.m. la aparición de su as del pitcheo, Will
Martínez, es una esperanza, por
lo que no pierde la esperanza de
verlo arribar al estadio Colt 45.
“Will es nuestra esperanza para
Chris Lee, del equipo Colt 45, se agenció la primera victoria ante
empatar la serie. Si no llega a estar
Rieleros. (Fotos, Franco)
presente entonces volveremos a
echar mano de la rotación con el
Maury Esparza tuvo bateo libre (ver la pelota en su hombro
derecho) sin lograr remolcar a su compañero Francisco Nájera,
anclado en la antesala, quien posteriormente anotó en imparable
ejecutado por Johnny López.
José Espinoza de tercera base pasó al montículo para guiar a la primera victoria a los Bravos contra Diablos en serie de campeonato en Torneo Dominical Potranco II. Espinoza, a la vez, anotó la
carrera del triunfo. (Foto, Sendero Deportivo)
Kelly Skeens, primera base y
cuarto bate de Broncos, con
tres dobletes impulsó cuatro
En partidos de la liguilla, por el mediocampista Gilberto la semifinal con los partidos anotaciones en la victoria ante Gilberto Rodríguez guió a su primera victoria a los Broncos de
Reynosa S.A. ponchando al primero y último bateador de Red Sox.
que se jugaron en las canchas Carranza, empató 1-1 ante Club programados entre Real San Red Sox.
Semifinales en Soccer L.D.A.
Luis vs. Deportivo Sandoria en
la cancha No.2 en el horario de
las 3 p.m. y a las 5 p.m. irán el
Real Nacional vs. Deportivo
En partido amistoso Sandoria
vs. Deportivo Kuezal, celebrado
en la cancha No. 1 del Monterrey Park el primero de octubre
en el que estuvo de por medio
flamante trofeo, se logró estrechar lazos deportivos y de
Los resultados favorecieron
a Sandoria, que puso 3-0 en el
marcador contra el invitado que
juega en Liga La Cantera.
“Buen partido, los locales se
vieron bien contra un duro rival,
lo cual nos tiene contentos”,
dijo el presidente Padilla. Equipos que se interesen en jugar
con Soccer L.D.A. que ofrece
premio económico, pueden
llamarle al señor Padilla al teléfono particular (210) 426-4305.
Además de trofeos de buen
Ricardo Padilla, mediocampista del equipo Deportivo Tech (de tamaño para los mejores cuatro
frente al balón), espera volver a tener buena participación en equipos de liguilla y torneo de
partido de semifinal contra Real Nacional. (Foto, Franco)
de Levi Strauss Park a muerte
súbita en Soccer Liga de Los
Altos, que preside el señor
Juan Padilla, se registraron los
siguientes resultados.
Real San Luis y Deportivo Jiménez empataron 1-1, yéndose a
penaltis con victoria global para
los sanluisinos que superaron al
rival con marcador de 4-2.
Deportivo Tech, dirigidos
Deportivo San Jacinto, sobreponiéndose en tiros de penalti
con marcador de 6 a 5 goles.
Deportivo Talgua fue superado 1-0 por el Deportivo
El campeón Real Nacional de
Enrique Carreto doblegó 3-1 al
Deportivo Louisiana.
Los ganadores este domingo
11 de octubre se enfrentarán en
La Prensa de San Antonio
11 de octubre de 2015
Giving thanks to God for the gift of “La droga me acercó al infierno”
human life during Respect Life Month
Por Carlos Rey
Respect Life Month opened
with a liturgy celebrated by Archbishop Gustavo García-Siller,
MSpS, at St. Mary Magdalen
Church on Oct. 3.
The archbishop had just returned from the weeklong visit to
the U.S. by Pope Francis. Toward
the beginning of the pope’s visit,
the pontiff gathered all bishops
from throughout the nation into
St. Matthew Cathedral in Washington, D.C. and spoke of the
mission of the church.
The Holy Father challenged
the bishops at that gathering to
give a bold witness to Christ. He
said: “This kind of witness is a
beacon whose light can reassure
men and women sailing through
the dark clouds of life that a sure
haven awaits them; that they
will not crash on the reefs or be
overwhelmed by the waves. I encourage you, then, my brothers, to
confront the challenging issues of
our time. Ever present within each
of them is life, as gift and responsibility. The future freedom and
dignity of our societies depends
on how we face these challenges.”
The pope continued, “The innocent victim of abortion, children
who die of hunger or from bombings, immigrants who drown in
the search for a better tomorrow,
the elderly or the sick who are
considered a burden, the victims
of terrorism, wars, violence and
drug trafficking, the environment
devastated by man’s predatory
relationship with nature -- at stake
in all of this is the gift of God, of
which we are noble stewards but
not masters. It is wrong, then, to
look the other way or to remain
Archbishop Gustavo said it was
a blessing to be with the flock
entrusted to his care by the Holy
Spirit to speak of these challenging issues. “We come to celebrate
the gift of life, which must never
and in no way be disrespected,
de-valued, or destroyed,” he said.
“We are the stewards of creation
and of the dignity of human life.”
Speaking about the Gospel
reading at the liturgy from Luke
1:39-55, the archbishop said the
Lord shows his power in the innocent and the helpless. When
he was just a child in the womb,
Jesus proclaimed the glory of
heaven by causing his cousin,
John, to leap for joy in the womb
of his mother, Elizabeth. Even
before Lord emerged into this
world at his birth, he moved in
the womb of his mother, inspiring
her great song.
Mary proclaims her Magnificat
that becomes our own song, the
archbishop explained. “It is a
challenging song, one that speaks
of the proud and mighty being put
low -- not because God is spiteful,
but because they have ignored and
trampled the life of the lowly,”
he said. “God will protect the innocent. We, who are his people,
must do the same.”
Archbishop Gustavo recalled
Pope Francis’ visit to the United
Nations, where the pontiff said:
“The common home of all men
and women must continue to rise
on the foundations of a right understanding of universal fraternity
and respect for the sacredness of
every human life, of every man
and every woman, the poor, the
elderly, children, the infirm, the
unborn, the unemployed, the
abandoned, considered disposable
because they are only considered
as part of a statistic.”
Referring to the recently celebrated the Memorial of St.
Thérèse of the Child Jesus, the
San Antonio prelate spoke specifically about the need to protect the
littlest among us -- the most vulnerable -- the unborn. “If we are to
be a nation of “’liberty and justice
for all,’ we cannot be a nation that
ignores the death of millions and
millions of innocents, so many of
whom are poor or disabled,” he
emphasized. “The moment life
begins; it must be respected and
cherished. All Catholics and all
people of good will must never
forget this foundational truth.”
The archbishop called on all
people here to remember the
church’s call to care for the poor
by remembering the words of
the Psalm: “the Lord hears the
poor, and does not spurn those in
“We must remember our call to
tirelessly care for the poor, the orphan, the mother who is pregnant
and afraid, the immigrant, the
people dying in war, the refugee.
The Gospel of Life is big enough
for all lives,” he stressed, and
then asked the question, “Are our
hearts big enough to take on its
While the Holy Father challenged bishops with his visit, he
truly challenged us all, acknowledged Archbishop Gustavo. “So
many people worked to spin what
he said to suit their own worldview, their own comfort zones,
and I would dare say many of
us Catholics did the same. The
church answers to Christ, not to
human ideologies, and he calls
us to protect life, to respect it, to
foster it, and to cherish it.”
The archbishop challenged the
faithful to build a communion of
life. “Never succumb to the temptation to see those who disagree
with the Gospel as our enemies.
They are our brothers and sisters,
and their life is to be respected
as well. Never succumb to the
temptation to exempt yourself
from any part of the challenge of
the Gospel. We are the missionaries of Christ, the missionaries of
the Good News. We are people
of hope.”
Archbishop Gustavo concluded by praying for the Blessed
Mother, Our Lady of Guadalupe,
to intercede for her little ones.
“May she help us protect all life
from conception to natural death,
and in each and every moment in
between. May she guide us to be
truly disciples of her Son, who is
the way, the truth, and the life.”
The following day, on Oct. 4,
the archbishop led the opening
prayer for the 28th Annual Life
Chain, which took place along
San Pedro Ave.
In continued observance of
Respect Life Month, the faithful
are again invited to gather for a
Mass at Holy Trinity Church on
Saturday, Oct. 24, at 5 p.m., for
an opportunity to meet with the
many pro-life agencies, which
work to promote the dignity of
all human life.
En este mensaje tratamos el
caso de un hombre que “descargó su conciencia” de manera
anónima en nuestro sitio www. y nos autorizó a
que lo citáramos, como sigue:
“Estoy destrozado. Tengo treinta y cinco años. Tuve una crianza
y enseñanza de vida muy buenas.
Jamás había tocado ni tan siquiera
un cigarro ni alcohol. Trabajé toda
mi vida. Es lo que me enseñaron
mis padres. Así pude llegar a tener
con solo treinta años mis cuatro
negocios propios....
“Hace dos años conocí el peor
castigo que pueda existir. El dinero y la comodidad me jugaron en
contra, y gente a la que no critico,
ya que ellos están enfermos igual
que lo estoy yo ahora. La maldita
cocaína me sentenció y me llevó
a ese infierno que solo el adicto
conoce.... Perdí a mis amigos.
La droga me aisló de lo bueno,
me acercó al infierno. En tan
solo seis meses perdí todos mis
negocios, dos autos y las ganas
de vivir. Nunca imaginé que me
quedaría sin nada.... Hoy en día
toqué fondo.... La angustia crece
cuando la droga se va acabando y
solo se piensa en cómo hacer para
poder buscar más. Estoy al borde
de la depresión. La vida no tiene
más sentido para mí”.
Este es el consejo que le dio
mi esposa:
“Estimado amigo:
“¡Sentimos mucho lo que le
está pasando! Y nos entristece
saber que sus decisiones han
afectado a toda su familia. Es
importante que no pierda de vista
que usted no es el único que está
destrozado; su amada familia
también está sufriendo.
Usted dice que el dinero, la
comodidad y ciertas personas (a
las que sin duda consideraba amigas) jugaron en su contra y fueron
factores que contribuyeron a su
vicio. Las personas que carecen
de recursos económicos creen
que, si solo tuvieran más dinero,
con eso se resolverían todos sus
problemas. Las personas solitarias creen que, si solo tuvieran
amigos, su vida sería mejor. Y
Pope Francis: why do good
things happen to bad people?
Special to La Prensa
God does not abandon the righteous, while those who sow evil are
like strangers, whose names heaven
remembers not. This is the lesson
Pope Francis drew from the readings of the day at Mass Thursday
morning in the chapel of the Casa
Santa Marta in the Vatican.
A courageous young mother
with a husband and three children – and a tumor – “one of the
ugly ones” – that keeps her nailed
to her bed. “Why?” An elderly
woman, prayerfully pious in her
heart, whose son was murdered
by the Mafia.
Why do good things happen to
bad people?
Pope Francis on Thursday used
this perennial query of the heart
that loves good and desires to know
God’s plan, as the way into the
mystery of iniquity and its relation
to God’s providence, justice and
Drawing on the reading from
the prophet, Malachi, in which the
Lord rebukes the people, saying,
“You have defied me in word, says
the LORD, yet you ask, ‘What have
we spoken against you?’ You have
said, ‘It is vain to serve God, and
what do we profit by keeping his
command, and going about in penitential dress in awe of the LORD
of hosts? Rather must we call the
proud blessed; for indeed evildoers
prosper, and even tempt God with
impunity,’” Pope Francis said:
“Dame entendimiento para seguir tus
preceptos, pues quiero meditar en tus
Salmo 119:27
5400 Daughty @ Evers Just
inside Loop 410, 680-0111
Raúl C. García, Pastor
8:30 A.M. Spanish Service
11:00 A.M. English Service
Sunday Evening Worship 5:00 P.M.
Wednesday Worship 7:00 P.M.
Bible Centered Preaching
Active Youth and
Children’s Programs
Spanish & English Services
sin embargo usted tenía todas
esas cosas buenas, así como su
feliz y saludable vida pasada, y
a pesar del éxito y de los logros
que obtuvo, es obvio que sintió
que algo faltaba.
En su caso usted salta de todo lo
ganado a todo lo perdido, y no nos
cuenta acerca de la primera vez
que decidió usar la droga. ¿En qué
estaba pensando ese momento?
¿Qué hacía falta en su vida? ...
Ahora que reconoce que es un
vicioso y que no quiere seguir con
ese estilo de vida, es necesario que
busque ayuda. En primer lugar,
reconozca que lo que faltaba en
su vida entonces, y lo que falta
ahora, es una relación personal
con su Creador. Pídale a Dios, en
el nombre de su Hijo Jesucristo,
que le perdone los pecados que ha
cometido y que le dé la sabiduría
y la fuerza para dar los siguientes
pasos. Luego pídale perdón a su
familia, como también que lo
ayuden a encontrar un programa
que ofrezca tratamiento para su
vicio. La adicción a la cocaína
no se vence con determinación y
deseo nada más....”.
508 Paseo de la Villita
(210) 226-3596
Sunday Worship
11:00 A.M.
Cleo Edmunds, Pastor
“How many times do we see
this reality in bad people, in people
who do evil, and seem to do well
in life: they are happy, they have
everything they want, they want for
nothing. Why Lord? This is one of
the many questions we have. Why
does this brazen evildoer who cares
nothing for God nor for neighbor,
who is an unjust person – even
mean – and things go well in his
whole life, he has everything he
wants, while we, who want to do
good, have so many problems?”
The Lord watches over the
Pope Francis discovered the
answer in the responsorial Psalm
– Psalm 1 – which proclaims,
“Blessed the man who follows
not the counsel of the wicked Nor
walks in the way of sinners, nor sits
in the company of the insolent, But
delights in the law of the LORD.”
Pope Francis went on to say:
“Now we do not see the fruits of
this suffering people, this people
carrying the cross, as on that Good
Friday and Holy Saturday the fruits
of the crucified Son of God, the
fruits of His sufferings were yet
to be seen: and whatever He does,
turns out well; and what does the
Psalm say of the wicked, of those
for whom we think everything is
going fine? ‘Not so the wicked,
not so; they are like chaff which
the wind drives away. For the
LORD watches over the way of
the just, but the way of the wicked
Only an adjective
This ruin, this scattering and
oblivion, which is the end of the
wicked, is one Pope Francis found
dramatically and emphatically
stressed in the Gospel parable of
Lazarus – the symbol of misery
with no escape, to whom the rich
reveler refused even the scraps
from his table:
“It is curious: that [rich] man’s
name is never spoken. He is just
an adjective: he is a rich man
(It. ricco, Gr. πλούσιος). Of the
wicked, in God’s record book,
there is no name: he is an evil one,
a con man, a pimp ... They have no
name. They only have adjectives.
All those, who try to go on the way
of the Lord, will rather be with
His Son, who has the name: Jesus
Saviour. It is a name that is difficult
to understand, inexplicable for the
trial of the Cross and for all that He
suffered for us.”
San Fernando Cathedral
Daily Masses: 6:15 am and 12:05 pm
Saturday Masses: 8:00 am Sabatina Espanol
5:30 pm Bilingual (Mariache Choir Mass)
Sunday Masses: 6:00 am (Spanish); 8:00 am (Spanish Televised);
10:00 am (English); 12:00 noon (Spanish); 2:00 pm (English);
5:00 pm (Bilingual)
Confessions: Mon-Fri 11:45am-Noon and Sat. 4pm-5pm
115 Main Plaza
Downtown • 227-1297
11 de octubre de 2015
La Prensa de San Antonio 5-B
San Antonio Herb Market Natalie Wagner evolving
returns to the Pearl Oct. 17
into a golf phenom
Jose Arredondo
[email protected]
Special to La Prensa
When summer fades to fall, it
is time for the 24th Annual San
Antonio Herb Market.
The Herb Market returns to
the Historic Pearl Brewery on
Saturday, Oct. 17. Setting up on
Avenue A, hours are from 9 a.m.
– 3 p.m., with free admission, free
seminars and free parking.
The 2015 Herb of the Year is
savory, and it has been used to enhance the flavor of food for over
2,000 years. Savory is an herb
that is bold and peppery in flavor.
Chef Jeff Balfour, dishing up
his brand of Texas cross-cultural
cuisine at Southerleigh, will no
doubt take advantage of this
flavor to illustrate the ease of
incorporating savory into your
creations as he tackles the Cooking with Savory demonstration.
The program for this year’s
Herb Market includes growing
and cooking demonstrations on
savory, the many uses of herbs in
the home, efficient irrigation, and
gardening in containers.
Dr. Connie Sheppard, Texas
AgriLife Extension, will present
Cooking with Herbs, incorporating different types of herbs in
your culinary efforts. The Ask the
Experts booth will be staffed by
local professionals and specialists
to answer your herb and gardening questions throughout the day.
Jr. Master Gardeners will have
an area for children to pot an herb
to take home and begin their gardening and culinary adventures.
At this event, you can purchase
herbs, both familiar and exotic,
and celebrate this year’s “Herb
of the Year.” Food items, herbal
blends and other herbal items will
also be available.
The San Antonio Herb Market
began as an educational venue
that put growers and public together to learn about herbs. Over
the years, it has evolved into an
event that brings “herbivores” and
herbal experts together to gain
knowledge of growing, “up and
coming” herbs, trends, culinary
uses and more.
The nutritional and dietary
information is shared with Herb
Market visitors, as well as other
educational venues throughout
San Antonio and the surrounding
area during the year.
Organized by the San Antonio
Herb Market Association, the Presenting Partner is the San Antonio
Water System. Sponsors include,
Fanick’s Nursery, Natures Herb
Farm, San Antonio Herb Society,
Bexar County Master Gardeners,
Gardening Volunteers of South
Texas, Fratello’s Italian Market
& Deli, Rainbow Gardens, and
For more information on events
and scheduling, visit the website
at www.sanantonioherbmarket.
While nine year olds are worried about what time their favorite
cartoons start, Natalie Wagner is
concerned with her ability on the
golf course.
It all started when Wagner
was with her mother Carol Ann
Wagner and prompted the idea
of having a substantial amount
of money and being on television.
“Well I was in my mother’s
car and I was thinking how cool
it would be to win lots of money
and be on TV,” Wagner said. “I
called my grandfather and asked
him ‘can I play golf?’”
Her grandfather, “Papa” Joe
Castillo, agreed to take Wagner
to go golfing.
“We went out on the course and
the first put I ever hit went in,”
Wagner said. “The first drive I
ever hit went down the middle.”
Wagner and her grandfather
realized she was a natural.
Castillo immediately started
teaching Wagner the basic rules
and fundamentals of the game.
“My grandfather told me all
of the rules, what I can and can’t
do,” Wagner said. “All of the
rules of golf, when I’m at a tournament I have to be quiet.”
Castillo enrolled Wagner at
the Leon Springs golf range;
however, he felt she was not
receiving the individual training
he wanted. There were about 1012 kids enrolled and the trainer
spent 10 minutes with each kid
“We started thinking this isn’t
what she probably needs right
now,” Castillo said. “She needed
individual training.”
So he enrolled her in a pro
within the area at Oak Valley
Golf Course and she received the
training he and her both wanted.
The trainers worked her for an
hour a day and three times a week
and she improved significantly.
“We could see she was getting
a lot better,” Castillo said.
Wagner understood that her
work ethic was going to have to
hit the next gear. However, her
dedication and hunger to enhance
her skills are essential to her.
For a three-week period, Wagner and her grandfather would
wake up at 5 a.m. and go the range
to develop her game. Afterwards
she would go to school.
She admits initially it was difficult for her to be accustomed too.
“I was starting to think it was
getting a little hard,” Wagner said.
“But I got used to it.”
This is Wagner’s third year
playing golf and the second year
she has participated in the Drive,
Chip and Putt tournament.
She recently competed in Houston, TX at the regional Drive,
Chip and Putt. Winners had an op-
portunity to compete in Augusta.
However, she didn’t advance to
the next tournament.
Her grandpa was proud of the
way she has handled not only
winning but also losing.
After hearing she didn’t advance she looked to her grandfather and said, “We are going to go
home and start over and we are
going to win next year.”
Wagner acknowledges her
nervousness but she has a motto
and it is “I was born to do this.”
At nine years old, Wagner has
many goals and aspirations. First
is to get a scholarship and play
at either UTSA or Notre Dame.
Second is to get her mother a big
Her grandfather understands
she possesses all of the mechanics
to maybe play at the pro level but
he wants her to get an education.
“10 years from now I think she
will be on scholarship at some
school to play golf,” Castillo said.
“That’s what we want, to get her a
good education. Then worry about
pro golf later.”
Wagner is a golfer loaded with
a great deal of potential combined
with drive that a normal nine year
old doesn’t posses.
When asked where she see’s
herself in 10 years she responded
with assurance “I’d like to be in
New York because that is where
my uncle is at. Playing golf in
front of a huge crowd.”
An Authentic Taste of Mexico
at Twilight in the Park
Special to La Prensa
Save the date for the al fresco dining event of the season! Twilight in
the Park is back on Tuesday, Nov.
17 in Travis Park from 6-9 p.m.
and promises to be an evening of
culinary celebration and authentic
Mexican cuisine.
Hosted by the City of San Antonio in partnership with the San
Antonio Parks Foundation and
Centro San Antonio, Twilight in
the Park is a seated dinner under the
stars that raises funds necessary to
further activities and developments
of Travis Park.
With a cocktail hour, appetizers
and a three-course dinner under the
stars, accompanied by live music,
Twilight in the Park will highlight
the flavors of Mexico prepared by
Executive Chef Michael Mata of
The St. Anthony Hotel featuring
recipes from the newly-released
cookbook “Enchiladas: Aztec to
Authored by restaurateur Cappy
Lawton and food writer Chris Waters Dunn and published by Trinity
University Press, this cookbook
provides an authentic look at the
evolution of the beloved enchilada and the many mouthwatering
recipes that incorporate this storied
Mexican dish.
The evening will conclude with a
special sneak peek of 250,000 holiday lights that will be on display at
Travis Park throughout the holiday
season, made possible by the Public
Improvement District and Centro
San Antonio.
“We are delighted to be part of
Twilight in the Park in such a special way,” said Lawton and Dunn.
“Enchiladas Norteñas, filled with
Allen Bros. Prime beef, Enchiladas
Langosta, featuring lobster covered
in a luxurious poblano cream sauce
and a spectacular ice cream dessert with Oaxacan chocolate and a
caramel mole sauce will make this
Twilight in the Park event one to
Tickets are now available for
purchase at $150 per person, which
includes a signed copy of the cookbook ($40 value). Event attire is
business casual and valet parking
Natalie Wagner practices her swing at Oak Valley Golf Course with her grandfather looking on.
Twilight in the Park is a seated dinner under the stars that raises (Photo, Kristian Jaime)
funds necessary to further activities and developments of Travis
Park. (Courtesy photo)
will be available at the St. Anthony
Hotel for $5. To purchase tickets
or to sponsor a table, visit www. or call 210207-3914.
For more information on other
Travis Park programming throughout the year, visit www.sanantonio.
gov/ccdo or follow Travis Park on
About Enchiladas: Aztec to
Written by Cappy Lawton and
Chris Waters Dunn, Enchiladas:
Aztec to Tex-Mex is an in-depth
exploration of one of Mexico’s most
historic and popular foods. Illustrated with sumptuous photography,
the book showcases more than 60
traditional and contemporary recipes
for enchiladas, as well as recipes for
the salsas, salads, and sides that accompany them.
Pet of the week
No snowman here, just Frostie, the pup in need of a
caring family who will accept her shy demeanor. At first
glance, you will notice her silky floppy ears, cute face,
and soulful eyes. Frostie is a 1 year old Hound mix who
is willing to show her true self once she feels comfy with
her people. She enjoys daily walks and does very well on
a leash. So if you are interested in joining her on a stroll,
stop by the SAHS today and give this sweet gal a chance!
Please remember to spay/neuter your pets to help ensure
every dog and cat born has a home waiting for them. San
Antonio Humane Society, Connecting Friends for Life.
Adoption fees for Dogs:
25 pounds and under - $99
26 pounds and over - $65
*Adoption fees may vary
This adoption fee includes: spay/neuter surgery, first set
of vaccinations, microchip, de-wormer, flea and heartworm prevention, collar, tag, complimentary
wellness exam within the first 5 days of adoption, 14 day complimentary follow up care at any
VCA animal hospital, 30 days 24PetWatch Pet Insurance, and a starter bag of Hill’s Science Diet
pet food. For more information, visit the San Antonio Humane Society at 4804 Fredericksburg Rd.,
visit, or call (210) 226-7461.
Need a baker specializing in Mexican bread & cookies. Good working
environment. Please
call (210) 226-2979
or apply in person at
2200 W. Martin.
---------------------¿Cansado de tu
economía? Empresa
busca 3 personas que
quieran ingresos extra. Llame (210) 2641340.
---------------------Clark Const. de TX,
Inc. está aceptando cotizaciones de
MBE de, AABE de,
y WBE de para diversos Ciudad de 2016
proyectos de asfalto
de superposición de
San Antonio. Para
los planes / especificaciones / alcance
de la llamada de trabajo 210-661-6785.
Cotizaciones fax al
210-579-6788 o por
correo electrónico
[email protected] Si a usted
le gusta citar, pero no
es un MBE, AABE o
WBE certificadas y le
gustaría asistencia en
convertirse en parte
minoritaria de propiedad de la empresa
por favor contacte
Theona en 210-6616785.
---------------------HG Roofing Repair.
Google me. Missing
shingles, leak repair
350 n up, 17 years
experience (210) 3960922.
---------------------Panifico Bake Shop:
Solicito personal para
panadería, panadero,
y ventas. Informes
(210) 639-6241
---------------------Clark Const. of TX,
Inc. is accepting
quotes from MBE’s,
AABE’s, & WBE’s
for various City of
San Antonio’s 2016
Asphalt Overlay projects. For plans/specs/
scope of work call
210-661-6785. Fax
quotes to 210-5796788 or email estimating@clarkpave.
com If you would
like to quote but are
not a MBE, AABE,
or WBE certified and
would like assistance
on becoming a minority owned enterprise
please contact Theona at 210-661-6785.
---------------------Hiring experience
line cook, tortillera
and wait staff for
Mexican restaurant
on Potranco Rd.
---------------------Looking for cashier,
cooks and general
help please call (210)
---------------------Hiring bilingual paralegal for a law firm,
Mr. Monterey (956)
---------------------Hiring for sweet &
sour treats, part time
help, Mr. Monterey
1604 near UTSA
(956) 200-7928
---------------------Buscando cajera,
cocinero/a y ayudante
general favor de llamar (210) 440-1204.
We pay cash for
houses, fast, any area
and any condition,
25 years experience.
Privacy assured! Call
John (210) 414-4210.
$99 Move in Special
apply today, move in
today, 1010 N Frio St.
---------------------Casa de renta para
más información
llamar al (210) 4722128
La Prensa de San Antonio
Bandera RV LOT,
small down and only
$145 mo, owner financing available
(830) 328-1571.
---------------------LAND REPO Water & Sewer &
electric installed,
call (830) 328-1571.
---------------------Venta para Niños @
Kendal County Fairgrounds Oct. 8 a las
9 a.m. – 6 p.m. Oct.
9 9 a.m. – 5 p.m. Oct.
10 505 de descuento
venta 9 a.m. -3p.m.
Juguetes, ropa, zapatos, bicicletas.
LLAME A (210)
---------------------Pintura, plomería,
cercas de madera,
alambre, textura,
shower reparación,
sheetrock, carpintería, instalo puertas y ventanas reparación. Habla con
Jesús Villa. Llame a
(210) 797-6677.
---------------------Reparamos desde $49
lavadoras, secadoras,
refrigeradoras, estufas, A/C’s. Todas
marcas, garantizado.
Llame a (210) 6059418 o (210) 4890604 o (210) 4880779.
---------------------Roofing, sheet-rock,
carpintería y anivelamiento de casas,
llamar al (210) 3633852.
Request for Proposals
The SAN ANTONIO HOUSING AUTHORITY and its Affiliates request proposals for:
Data Broker Services. Proposals will be received until 2:00
p.m. (CST) on, November 3, 2015 and publicly opened at that
time at the offices of the SAHA Procurement Department,
818 S. Flores, San Antonio, Texas 78204. A pre-submittal
meeting will be held on October 13, 2015 at 10:00 a.m. (CST)
at the SAHA Central Office, 818 S. Flores, San Antonio,
Texas 78204
This is a Section 3 covered contract. As a result, contractors
will be required to provide economic, educational and/or
training opportunities to very low and low income individuals.
Specifications packages are available online at http://www.,, http://www.nahro., or at SAHA’s Office of Procurement,
located at 818 S. Flores, San Antonio, Texas 78204 or by
calling (210) 477-6059.
San Antonio Housing Authority
By: David Nisivoccia
Interim President and CEO
what I want of you,
this very second
Don’t wait another
day, Grant me what
I ask for I know your
power I know you
because of your work
I know you can help
me. Do this for me
and I will spread Your
name with love and
honor so that it will
be invoked again and
again. Expedite the
wish with speed, love,
honor and goodness.
Glory to you, Saint
El Espíritu Santo
Ven, Espíritu Santo,
llena los corazones de
tus fieles y enciende
en ellos el fuego de tu
amor. Envía, Señor,
tu Espíritu y todo será
creado. Y renuevas la
faz de la tierra.
Oremos. Oh Dios,
que ha enseñado a
los corazones de los
fieles con la luz del
Espíritu Santo, concédenos el don del
mismo Espíritu seamos siempre siempre
del bien y gozar.
suelo en mi difícil
situación, no me desampares de las puertas
que se me deben de
abrir en mi camino,
sea tu Brazo Poderoso
el que las abra para
darme la tranquilidad
que ansío (tres peticiones difíciles). Súplica que te hace un
corazón afligido por
los duros golpes del
cruel destino que lo
han vencido siempre
en la lucha humana,
ya que sin tu poder
divino no intercede en
mi favor sucumbiré
por falta de ayuda.
Brazo poderoso, asísteme, ampárame y
condúceme a la gloria celestial. Gracias
dulce Jesús (rezar
quince días empezando viernes). Publicar antes de los ocho.
Confío en Dios Padre
y en su misericordia
divina, por eso pido
a Él que ilumine mi
camino y me otorgue
la gracia que tanto
deseo. Gracias Padre por oírme. Mande
publicar y observe lo
que ocurrirá el cuarto
La sombra de
El Espíritu Santo
Ven, Espíritu Santo,
llena los corazones de
tus fieles y enciende
en ellos el fuego de tu
amor. Envía, Señor,
tu Espíritu y todo será
creado. Y renuevas la
faz de la tierra.
Oremos. Oh Dios,
que ha enseñado a
los corazones de los
fieles con la luz del
Espíritu Santo, conSaint Expedite
cédenos el don del
Prayer of Urgent
mismo Espíritu seaNeeds in Thanks- mos siempre siempre
giving for a Quick del bien y gozar de su
consuelo. Por Cristo
Saint Expedite you nuestro Señor. Amen.
lay in rest I come to M.M.C.
you and ask that this
wish be granted (Re- Para los casos más
Saint Expedite now Ante ti vengo con la
what I ask of you
fe de mi alma, a busSaint Expedite now car tu sagrado con-
Novena Los tres
Novena Los tres
ángeles Protectores:
San Gabriel, San
Miguel, y San Rafael.
Prenda 3 velas blancas en un plato con
agua y azúcar y haga
su petición. A los tres
días publique esta
oración. Aunque no
crea mire que pasa el
cuarto día.
San Miguel Arcángel,
San Miguel Arcángel, defiéndenos en
la lucha. Sé nuestro
amparo contra la perversidad y acechanzas del demonio. Que
Dios manifieste sobre
él su poder, humildemente te lo pedimos.
Y tú, oh Príncipe de la
Milicia Celestial, con
el poder que Dios te
ha conferido, arroja al
Miraculous Prayer
Dear Heart of jesus, in
the past I have asked
for many favours, this
time I ask for a special
one (mention favour).
Take it dear Heart
of Jesus and place
it within your own
broken heart where
your Father sees it.
Then in his merciful
eyes it will become
your favour not mine.
Say this prayer for
3 days and promise
publication and your
favour will be granted
no matter how imposible
Prayer to the Sacred Heart of Jesus
O most holy heart of
Jesus, fountain of every blessing, I adore
you, I love you, and
with lively sorrow
for my sins I offer
you this poor heart
of mine. Make me
humble, patient, pure
and wholly obedient
to your will. Grant,
Good Jesus, that I
may live in you and
for you. Protect me in
the midst of danger.
Comfort me in my
afflictions. Give me
health of body, assistance in my temporal
needs, your blessing
on all that I do, and
the grace of a holy
death. Amen.
Request for Qualifications
request proposals for:
Environmental Engineering Services. Submittals will be
received until 2:00 p.m. (CST) on November 3, 2015 and
publicly opened at that time at the offices of the SAHA Procurement Department, 818 S. Flores, San Antonio, Texas
78204. A pre-submittal meeting will be held on October 15,
2015 at 10:00 a.m. (CST) at the SAHA Central Office, 818
S. Flores, San Antonio, Texas 78204
Specifications packages are available online at http://www., or at, or at
SAHA’s Office of Procurement, located at 818 S. Flores, San
Antonio, Texas 78204 or by calling (210) 477-6059.
San Antonio Housing Authority
By: David Nisivoccia
Interim President and CEO
11 de octubre de 2015
infierno a Satanás, y
a los demás espíritus
malignos que vagan
por el mundo para
la perdición de las
almas. Amén.
Oración a María
Rosa Mística
Oh María, Rosa
Mística, Madre de
Jesús y también
Madre nuestra! Tú
eres nuestra esperanza, nuestra fortaleza
y nuestro consuelo.
Danos desde el cielo
tu maternal bendición
en el nombre del Padre, del Hijo y del
Espíritu Santo, Amén.
Rosa Mística, Inmaculada Virgen, Madre
de la gracia, en honor
de tu Divino Hijo,
nos postramos ante
Ti, para implorar la
misericordia de Dios.
No por nuestros
méritos, sino por la
bondad de tu corazón
maternal, pedimos
ayuda y gracias, con
la seguridad de ser
escuchados. (Rezar
un Avemaría)
Rosa Mística, Madre
de Jesús, Reina del
Santo Rosario y
Madre de la Iglesia,
Cuerpo Místico de
Jesucristo. Te pedimos para el mundo
destrozado por las
discordias, el don de
la unión, de la paz y
de todas las gracias
que pueden convertir los corazones de
tantos hijos tuyos.
Rosa Mística, Madre
de los apóstoles, haz
florecer alrededor de
los altares eucarísticos, numerosas vocaciones sacerdotales y
religiosas, que con la
santidad de su vida y
el celo ardiente por
las almas, puedan extender el Reino de tu
Hijo Jesús por todo el
mundo. Derrama, Oh
Madre sobre nosotros
tus dones celestiales.
Salve, Oh Rosa
Mística, Madre de
la iglesia, ruega por
San Pedro
¡Oh! Felicísimo
apóstol San Pedro.
Singularísimo príncipe de los discípulos
del redentor, primer
vicario de Jesucristo
en su Iglesia Católica,
confesor de sus dos
naturalezas, divina
y humana, sencillo
pescador a quien dio
el Salvador el distinguido título de piedra fundamental de
su templo militante;
por esas prerrogativas concedidas a tus
excelentes virtudes y,
especialmente a la de
tu Santísima Sombra,
pues con ella se libra
el que con devoción
implora tu amparo
a tu sombra se libra
el caminante, con tu
sombra se auxilia al
que sorprende el malhechor, tu sombra refrigera al afligido, al
enfermo y a cuantos
te piden favor.
¡Oh! Sombra prodigiosa por cuya intercesión obró el Señor
tantos favores y tan
admirables prodigios, permíteme, Pedro Santo, que a tu
sombra los pecadores
alcancen el perdón de
sus culpas, para que
arrepentidos se alisten
en las banderas de la
gracia y a tu sombra
no pierdan el derecho
que tienen a la gloria.
Oración a Santa
Clara de Asís
Gloriosa Santa Clara
de Asís, por aquella
fe inquebrantable que
te hizo servirte de las
cosas terrenas buscando las del cielo,
por aquella esperanza
firme con que venciste todas las dificultades que se oponían
a tu santificación,
por aquella caridad
pura y ardiente que
te movió en todo los
momentos de la vida,
yo te suplico con humilde confianza que
intercedas ante Dios
y me obtengas su favor en lo que te pido
(hágase la petición)
y esperanza firme y
caridad ardiente para
con Dios y el prójimo.
Padre nuestro, Avemaría y Gloria.
Prayer to the Infant
of Atocha
You are the powerful
Savious of all people,
protector of the invalid and almighty
doctor of the infirm.
Holy Infant, we honor
Here you say three
Our Fathers, Hail
Marys, and Glory be
to God.
To remember this
day I pray to you to
answer my requests.
Holy Infant of Atocha I ask you with all
my heart to help me.
Please be with me
in thought and spirit
when I find my peace
and that you will be
with me in the Heavens of Bethlehem.
San Judas Tadeo
¡San Judas Tadeo!,
pariente de Jesucristo, glorioso apóstol y
mártir reconocido por
tus virtudes y milagros. Fiel y puntual
intercesor de todos
los que te honran
y confían en ti. Tú
eres poderoso protector y auxilio en las
grandes aflicciones.
Te ruego, desde lo
más profundo de mi
corazón, que vengas
en mi ayuda con tu
poderosa intercesión,
pues has recibido de
Dios el privilegio de
socorrer con tu ayuda
a aquellos que casi
carecen de toda esperanza. Vela por mí.
Mi vida es una vida de
cruces, mis días son
días de tribulación y
mi corazón es un océano de amargura. Mi
alma está envuelta en
las tinieblas. El desasosiego, el desánimo,
la desconfianza, y a
veces, aún la falta de
esperanza, agobian
mi alma. La Divina
Providencia parece
perderse de mi vista
y la fe parece fallar en
mi corazón. Abrumado por estos pensamientos, pido tu ayuda.
No me abandones en
esta triste situación.
Apresúrate en mi ayuda. Te lo agradeceré
toda mi vida y te honraré como mi especial
patrono. Agradeceré a
Dios todos los dones
que te ha otorgado y
fomentaré tu culto cuanto me sea posible.
Divino Niño
Niño amable de mi
vida, consuelo de los
cristianos, la gracia
que necesito, pongo
en tus benditas manos, Padre Nuestro...
Tú sabes mis pesares,
pues todo te lo confío, dad la paz a los
turbados y alivio al
corazón mío, Dios te
11 de octubre de 2015
salve María...
Y aunque tu amor no
merezco, no recurriré
a ti en vano, pues eres
el Hijo de Dios y auxilio de los cristianos,
Gloria al Padre…
Acuérdate ¡Oh Niño
Santo! que jamás se
oyó decir que alguno
te haya implorado
sin tu auxilio recibir. Por eso con fe y
confianza, humilde y
arrepentido, lleno de
amor y esperanza este
favor yo te pido.
Pedir la gracia que
se desea y decir siete
Divino Niño Jesús,
cruel destino que lo
han vencido siempre
en la lucha humana,
ya que sin tu poder
divino no intercede en
mi favor sucumbiré
por falta de ayuda.
Brazo poderoso, asísteme, ampárame y
condúceme a la gloria celestial. Gracias
dulce Jesús (rezar
quince días empezando viernes). Publicar antes de los ocho.
Confío en Dios Padre
y en su misericordia
divina, por eso pido
a Él que ilumine mi
camino y me otorgue
la gracia que tanto
deseo. Gracias Padre por oírme. Mande
Novena To
publicar y observe lo
St. Jude
que ocurrirá el cuarto
Most holy Apostle, día.
St. Jude, faithful servant and friend of
Prayer to the SaJesus, the Church cred Heart of Jesus
honors and invokes O most holy heart of
you universally, as Jesus, fountain of evthe patron of diffi- ery blessing, I adore
cult cases, of things you, I love you, and
almost despaired of, with lively sorrow
Pray for me, I am so for my sins I offer
helpless and alone.
you this poor heart
Intercede with God of mine. Make me
for me that He brings humble, patient, pure
visible and speedy and wholly obedient
help where help is to your will. Grant,
almost despaired of. Good Jesus, that I
Come to my assis- may live in you and
tance in this great for you. Protect me in
need that I may re- the midst of danger.
ceive the consolation Comfort me in my
and help of heaven afflictions. Give me
in all my necessities, health of body, assistribulations, and suf- tance in my temporal
ferings, particularly needs, your blessing
- (make your request on all that I do, and
here) - and that I may the grace of a holy
praise God with you death. Amen.
and all the saints
forever. I promise,
Oración a la
O Blessed St. Jude, Virgen de Juquila
to be ever mindful Madre Querida, Virof this great favor gen de Juquila, Virgen
granted me by God de nuestra esperanza,
and to always honor tuya es nuestra vida,
you as my special and cuídanos de todo mal.
powerful patron, and
to gratefully encourage devotion to you.
Si en este mundo de
injusti­cias, de miseria y pecado ves que
nuestra vida se turba,
no nos abandones.
Madre Querida, protege a los peregrinos,
acompañanos por
todos los caminos,
vela por los pobres sin
sustento y el pan que
se les quita retribúyeselos. Acompáñanos
en toda nuestra vida y
libéranos de todo tipo
de pecado. Amén.
San Pedro
¡Oh! Felicísimo apóstol San Pedro. Singularísimo príncipe
de los discípulos del
redentor, primer vicario de Jesucristo en
su Iglesia Católica,
confesor de sus dos
naturalezas, divina
y humana, sencillo
pescador a quien dio
el Salvador el distinguido título de piedra fundamental de
su templo militante;
por esas prerrogativas concedidas a tus
excelentes virtudes y,
especialmente a la de
tu Santísima Sombra,
pues con ella se libra
el que con devoción
implora tu amparo
a tu sombra se libra
el caminante, con tu
sombra se auxilia al
que sorprende el malhechor, tu sombra refrigera al afligido, al
enfermo y a cuantos
te piden favor.
¡Oh! Sombra prodigiosa por cuya intercesión obró el Señor
tantos favores y tan
admirables prodigios, permíteme, Pedro Santo, que a tu
sombra los pecadores
alcancen el perdón de
sus culpas, para que
La Prensa de San Antonio Clasificados
arrepentidos se alisten
en las banderas de la
gracia y a tu sombra
no pierdan el derecho
que tienen a la gloria.
Oración Milagrosa
Benignísima Madre
de Misericordia, Hija
de Dios Padre, Madre
de Dios Hijo, Esposa
del Espíritu Santo,
noble descanso de
toda la Santísima
Trinidad; elegida del
Padre, preservada por
el Hijo y amada del
Espíritu Santo.
Vos sois en las cosas
dudosas nuestra luz,
en las tristes das consuelo, en las angustias
alivio, y en los peligros y tentaciones fiel
socorro. Sois paraíso
de gracias y espirituales dones.
Bienaventurados los
que de veras os aman
y sirven, y los que
por santidad de vida
se hacen siervos y
devotos, a vuestra
piedad, pues, recurro,
Reina y Señora mía,
para que me enseñéis,
gobernéis y defendáis
en todas las horas
y momentos de mi
vida; suplicándoos,
humildemente ahora
me alcancéis de la
Majestad Divina la
gracia que al presente
os pido, si conviniere
para bien de mi alma
y si no conviene, vos,
como abogada mía,
dirigid mi voluntad
solo a lo que sea honra y gloria de Dios, y
salvación de mi alma.
Dear Heart of Jesus, in
the past I have asked
for favors. This time
I ask you this very
special one (mention
favor). Take it dear
Jesus and place it
within your own broken heart where your
father sees it, then in
your merciful eyes it
will become your favor not mine. Amen.
Say this prayer for 3
Prayer to the Infant days, promise å and
of Atocha
favor will be granted.
You are the powerful Never known to fail.
Savious of all people,
protector of the inDivino Niño
valid and almighty Niño amable de mi
doctor of the infirm. vida, consuelo de los
Holy Infant, we honor cristianos, la gracia
que necesito, pongo
Here you say three en tus benditas maOur Fathers, Hail nos, Padre Nuestro...
Marys, and Glory be Tú sabes mis pesares,
to God.
pues todo te lo conTo remember this fío, dad la paz a los
day I pray to you to turbados y alivio al
answer my requests. corazón mío, Dios te
Holy Infant of Ato- salve María...
cha I ask you with all Y aunque tu amor no
my heart to help me. merezco, no recurriré
Please be with me a ti en vano, pues eres
in thought and spirit el Hijo de Dios y auxwhen I find my peace ilio de los cristianos,
and that you will be Gloria al Padre…
with me in the Heav- Acuérdate ¡Oh Niño
ens of Bethlehem. Santo! que jamás se
oyó decir que alguno
te haya implorado
Miraculous Prayer sin tu auxilio reci-
bir. Por eso con fe y
confianza, humilde y
arrepentido, lleno de
amor y esperanza este
favor yo te pido.
Pedir la gracia que
se desea y decir siete
Divino Niño Jesús,
Novena To
St. Jude
Most holy Apostle,
St. Jude, faithful servant and friend of
Jesus, the Church
honors and invokes
you universally, as
the patron of difficult cases, of things
almost despaired of,
Pray for me, I am so
helpless and alone.
Intercede with God
for me that He brings
visible and speedy
help where help is
almost despaired of.
Come to my assistance in this great
need that I may receive the consolation
and help of heaven
in all my necessities,
tribulations, and sufferings, particularly
- (make your request
here) - and that I may
praise God with you
and all the saints
forever. I promise,
O Blessed St. Jude,
to be ever mindful
it within your own broken heart where your
father sees it, then in
your merciful eyes it
will become your favor
not mine. Amen. Say
this prayer for 3 days,
promise å and favor
will be granted. Never
Prayer to the Infant known to fail.
of Atocha
You are the powerful
Divino Niño
Savious of all people, Niño amable de mi
protector of the in- vida, consuelo de los
valid and almighty cristianos, la gracia que
doctor of the infirm. necesito, pongo en tus
Holy Infant, we honor benditas manos, Padre
Here you say three Tú sabes mis pesares,
Our Fathers, Hail pues todo te lo confío,
Marys, and Glory be dad la paz a los turbados
to God.
y alivio al corazón mío,
To remember this Dios te salve María...
day I pray to you to Y aunque tu amor no
answer my requests. merezco, no recurriré a
Holy Infant of Ato- ti en vano, pues eres el
cha I ask you with all Hijo de Dios y auxilio
my heart to help me. de los cristianos, Gloria
Please be with me al Padre…
in thought and spirit Acuérdate ¡Oh Niño
when I find my peace Santo! que jamás se oyó
and that you will be decir que alguno te haya
with me in the Heav- implorado sin tu auxilio
ens of Bethlehem.
recibir. Por eso con fe
y confianza, humilde
Miraculous Prayer y arrepentido, lleno de
Dear Heart of Jesus, amor y esperanza este
in the past I have favor yo te pido.
asked for favors. Pedir la gracia que
This time I ask you se desea y decir siete
this very special one veces.
(mention favor). Take Divino Niño Jesús,
it dear Jesus and place bendícenos.
of this great favor
granted me by God
and to always honor
you as my special and
powerful patron, and
to gratefully encourage devotion to you.
Sealed bids for furnishing all the labor and materials and
doing all work in connection with the FM 1957 (Potranco
Road) Pass-Through Finance Project will be received by
the Bexar County Purchasing Department, 1103 S. Frio,
Purchasing Suite, San Antonio, Texas, 78207, until exactly
10:00 a.m., local time on Friday, November 13, 2015, at which
time all bids received will be opened and read aloud. Time is
of the essence. Bids received after the exact time and date
set for submission above will be returned unopened. Online
bidding is also available through
FM 1957 (Potranco Road) Pass-Through Finance Project
IFB 2016-002
Bid Proposal Request Forms, Plan Sheets, and Specifications for the Project may be downloaded free of charge or
the option to purchase hard copies ($.90 per page for plans
and $.10 per page for specifications and bid forms) at www. Click on “FM 1957 (Potranco Road) Pass
Through Finance”. A mandatory pre-bid conference will
be held on Friday, October 23, 2015 at 10:00 A.M. in the
Purchasing Department, Multi-Purpose Room - 18, 1103
S. Frio, Purchasing Suite, San Antonio, Texas, 78207. Bidders should use unit pricing. Bid, payment, and performance
bonds are required. For additional information, contact Mary
Salas, Bexar County Interim Purchasing Agent at 210 3352212 or [email protected].
Para los casos más
Ante ti vengo con la
fe de mi alma, a buscar tu sagrado consuelo en mi difícil
situación, no me desampares de las puertas
que se me hacen de
abrir e mi camino,
sea tu Brazo Poderoso
el que las abra para
darme la tranquilidad
que ansío (tres peticiones difíciles). Súplica que te hace un
corazón afligido por
los duros golpes del
Please submit all bid questions for the FM 1957 (Potranco
Road) Pass-Through Finance Project by Wednesday, October 28, 2015 at 4:00 PM through in
the Q&A portal or to the Interim Purchasing Agent, Mary
Salas, [email protected] (CC:[email protected]).
After all questions have been answered, an addendum will
be issued on CivCast. You will be notified of this addendum
automatically through email.
¿Le gustaría empezar una amistad interesante? ¿Está cansado de buscar por donde quiera a una persona especial con quien compartir su vida y sigue sin encontrarla? La Prensa de San Antonio le ofrece una mejor alternativa. Envíenos su anuncio personal, mencione su nombre, edad, peso, estatura, sus gustos. Envíe su carta acompañada de $5. Su aviso se publicará durante dos semanas. Mande $15 si quiere que se publique durante
cuatro semanas. Conteste todas las cartas aunque no esté interesado. Una nota de “No gracias, tal vez la próxima ocasión” es muy importante para la persona que le escriba. ¿Desea contestar un anuncio? 1.- Envíe su
carta dentro de un sobre en blanco, con timbre postal de .44 cts. y con el número clave que le haya interesado (aparece abajo, a la derecha). Incluya $5. 2. No olvide incluir su número de teléfono, escriba con letra clara
es muy importante. La Prensa de San Antonio, P.O. Box 830768, San Antonio, Texas 78283
Hola. Soy blanca, ojos color miel,
cabello largo de color oro, estatura
regular, peso regular. Tengo 59
años. Soy retirada de enfermera.
Busco un caballero que tenga 75 a
80 años, que le guste ir a la iglesia,
que no tenga vicios y que le guste
viajar. Que tenga rancho a orillas
de San Antonio. Yo soy alegre,
me gusta mucho la música clásica,
antiguas canciones. Soy viuda.
Sola. Hablo poco inglés.
----------------------------Soy una mujer divorciada. Trabajo
en escuela con estudiantes. Ando
buscando un hombre de 46 a 60
años, sincero, trabajador y que
le guste viajar. Soy una persona
luchadora. Si quieres escríbeme.
----------------------------Hola, tengo 48 años, soy blanca,
pelo y ojos cafés, pelo corto,
estatura mediana. Soy divorciada
sin compromisos. Ando buscando
un caballero de 50 a 60 años
que sea cristiano, que no tenga
vicios, trabajador, para conocernos
como amistad. Me gusta salir a
los parques, viajar, salir juntos.
Si no es cristiano, que sea una
buena persona, que sea nacido
aquí en San Antonio. Hablarme o
escribirme, por favor.
----------------------------Hello, I am single 57 year
old female that is asking for a
believing Christian gentleman to
have a friendly relationship. I am
5’2 height, 125 lbs. Salt & Pepper
hair color, shoulder length. Light
skin tone. Please, be honest when
answering back. The man I like is
to be between 5’7-5’11 tall, 180200 lbs. Salt & Pepper hair color,
nonsmoker or drinker, medium
built. I know there is someone
out there that also wants to have
a new friendship with someone.
God bless and hope to hear from
you. Please be ages 55-60.
----------------------------Hola, soy mujer de 46 años y
me gustaría conocer a un
hombre que sea detallista que
crea en Dios, que le guste vivir
una vida sana sin problemas
familiares ni económicos, que
sea trabajador, fiel, amoroso,
cariñoso, divorciado, soltero o
viudo, que quiera una relación
sana y estable. Soy ciudadana,
pero nací en México. Me gusta
leer, viajar, soy fiel, muy cariñosa,
me gusta caminar. Me gustaría
que nos entendiéramos. Yo estaré
esperando tu amor. Llámame,
escríbeme. Te espero. Manda tu
foto y número de teléfono. Te
espero con mucho amor.
----------------------------¡Hola! Me llamo H. Soy algo alto,
cuerpo normal, un poco blanco,
trabajador, sin vicios. Me gusta
divertirme sanamente, vivo solo.
Tengo dos hijos que viven en
mi país. Busco una mujer seria,
trabajadora, noble y con deseos
de amar y ser amada. Interesada
mandar su número para empezar a
conocernos sin juegos, ni mentiras.
Te espero.
----------------------------Caballero jubilado sin vicios, de
buen carácter, de mente moral y
espiritual de EUA, en busca de una
damita que sea seria, de carácter
humilde, hogareña, sin vicios,
que sea de estatura y peso regular.
Que sea cariñosa, sin problemas
familiares, que sea honesta. Para
una amistad seria, no importa
origen ni estado migratorio. Con
fines matrimoniales.
----------------------------Dama de 46 años desea conocer un
gran caballero que sea fiel, amable,
detallista, romántico, trabajador,
sin problemas económicos ni
familiares. Soy divorciada. Me
gusta una vida sana, no tomo,
no fumo, no tengo vicios, me
considero que soy muy romántica
y quiero una relación seria para
fines serios y estable. Quiero que
nos conozcamos y si se llega a un
compromiso está bien. Espero tu
llamada, foto y dirección. Tengo
una hija y un hijo grandes, viven
----------------------------Deseo conocer un gran caballero
que sea trabajador, detallista,
amoroso, cariñoso, que no tenga
vicios, de buen carácter, humilde
de corazón, estabilidad económica,
que sea muy romántico. Me
considero ser una dama romántica,
fiel, soy divorciada, amorosa y
cariñosa, me gusta la estabilidad y
ser fiel. Quiero una relación estable
para fines serios, sin problemas
familiares. Hay que conocernos
y te aseguro no te arrepentirás.
Espero tu llamada, dirección y
foto. Te espero con mucho amor.
----------------------------¡Hola! Soy un hombre soltero.
Tengo 56 años. 5’10’’, 220,
ojos azules y calvo. Me gustan
los libros, música, películas y
ejercicio. He aprendido español.
Estoy buscando una mujer
simpática, de 45 a 60 años. Bonita,
fiel, con intereses similares.
----------------------------Soy puertorriqueña. Mido 5’6’’.
Peso 195. Tengo 62 años, soy
viuda y busco un amigo con
quien compartir un buen rato.
Soy hogareña, me gusta la cocina,
me gusta hacer chistes. Soy muy
alegre. Si hay alguien de 62 a
68 años que quiera ser amigo o
algo más, estoy libre y en Texas.
La Prensa de San Antonio
diferente a todas...
Igual a ti
Oficina: 210-270-8914 Cabina: 210-270-7500
Anúnciate con nosotros y haz crecer tu negocio
Llegando a casi
todo el sur de texas
Austin, San Antonio, Seguin, San Marcos, Uvalde,
Laredo, Eagle Pass, Victoria, Kenedy, Del Río, Corpus Christi
11 de octubre de 2015
11 de octubre de 2015
Larga Cadena por La Vida en San Pedro Ave.
Texto y fotos por
Roberto J. Pérez
El domingo 4 de octubre fieles
de todas las confesiones cristianas
unieron sus manos en una cadena
por la vida (Chain for Life) a lo
largo de la Avenida San Pedro en
una celebración por la vida y en
oración para poner fin al aborto,
desencadenado como “una plaga”
en el decir del pastor Warren
Beemer del templo Healing Place
En la organización de Cadena
por La Vida toman parte San
Antonio Family Association, San
Antonio Coalition for Life, grupos parroquiales y el Arzobispado
de San Antonio, todos unidos en
la misma filosofía en pro de la
vida en cumplimiento con el sexto
El arzobispo de San Antonio,
Gustavo García-Siller, elevó una
plegaria por el don de conocer el
Evangelio que inspira para actuar
en favor de quienes no pueden
El pastor Warren Beemer y el arzobispo de San Antonio, Gustavo
García-Siller, participaron en la Cadena por La Vida, entre otros
ministros que asistieron a este servicio en el cruce de San Pedro
Ave. y Loop 410.
Posando para los medios, el guardia neoyorquino Danny Green
dijo estar ansioso porque la temporada en la NBA comience y
poder continuar con su brillante carrera defendiendo los colores
Silver & Black. Green, con nuevo contrato (por tres años), estará
jugando su séptima campaña en la NBA, donde se ha establecido
entre los mejores encestadores de tres puntos.
El alero y guardia neoyorquino Kyle Anderson, de 22 años de
edad, entrará a temporada de la NBA con etiqueta de prospecto,
lo cual será para que dé el estirón entre los suplentes del pentacampeón. Anderson con su carisma y estilo de juego se ha ganado
la simpatía de fans, por lo que en su segundo año con Spurs tendrá
que aprovechar cada minuto de acción.
11 de octubre de 2015
Kawhi Leonard, amablemente en el Media Day de los Spurs, posó
para los medios que lo estuvieron entrevistando. Dio además su
punto de vista sobre el comienzo de lo que será su quinta temporada vistiendo los colores Silver & Black. Leonard, en cuatro
temporadas con Spurs, se ha convertido en el jugador más laureado por su intensidad de juego y labor comunitaria.
Bajo la dirección del entrenador Dean Chynoweth y con nueve días de entrenamiento en Northwoods
Ice Center, el club Rampage de San Antonio concluyó su preparación para iniciar la temporada
2015-16 AHL, que comienza este sábado en Cedar Park contra Stars de Texas. Con apertura local
el 24 de octubre en el renovado AT&T Center vs. Heat de Stockton (7 p.m.).
Durante la colorida fiesta para observar el 2015 WNBA Draft Lottery, celebrada en el popular
centro de diversión y restaurante Dave & Busters (440 Crossroads Blvd.) y ofrecida por la gerencia
general del club Stars de San Antonio, Janelle Díaz, representante de ventas, fue captada ofreciendo
a clientes y fans paquetes de boletos de admisión y reservaciones.
Los magnates Alejandro “Rábano” Becerra, dueño del club Cachorros de Nava, Juan “Pachín”
Martínez, propietario del plantel Indios de Nava, y Héctor Ibarra, socio mayoritario del equipo
Águilas de La Sauceda, en el Estadio Capitol disfrutaron del ambiente beisbolero acompañados
por jugadores y amistades, entre ellos el tumba bardas Alfredo (Freddy) Rodríguez.
Disfrutando del sabadito lindo del béisbol categoría Veteranos, que está jugándose en la fase semifinal en el estadio Colt 45. En el lugar, familiares y seguidores del popular equipo Rieleros, a todo
pulmón, echaron porras y vivas a sus jugadores favoritos. A la vez disfrutaron de una excelente
tardeada en la que predominó el clima de otoño y buen ambiente musical.
Alfredo (Freddy) Rodríguez captado con los hermanos Ever
García y Fernando, oriundos de la bella ciudad de Salamanca,
Guanajuato. Los tres se dieron cita en su lugar favorito, Colt 45
Baseball Field, donde su equipo Cachorros de Nava se encuentra
descansando tras una buena campaña de verano.
Los estimados y enamorados esposos Juanita Ramírez-Martínez
y Juan Martínez, conocido por el nombre de Pachín en círculos
deportivos y sociales de San Antonio y su natal Ciudad Nava,
Coahuila, estuvieron conviviendo con paisanos en Capital Park
recordando bellas anécdotas vividas en sus 47 años de feliz vida
Doña María Muñoz fue captada feliz de la vida al lado de sus compadres Roberto y Linda Garza y teniendo en brazos a su pequeña
ahijada Emily Sophia Garza de 19 meses de edad. Doña María es
fiel seguidora del club Broncos de Reynosa S.A. que es propiedad
de sus compadres, equipo al que desea todo lo mejor en lo que
resta de su serie de semifinal en el béisbol categoría Veteranos.
11 de octubre de 2015
ACL returns to music capital of Texas
Text and photos by
Kristian Jaime
Once again, Zilker Park was
home to one of the foremost music festivals in the country.
The Austin City Limits Music
Festival featured 130 bands on
eight stages and runs from Oct.
2-4 and 9-11. The thousands
expected at this year’s festivities are poised and ready to see
the likes of: The Foo Fighters,
Drake, Deadmau5, The Strokes,
The Weeknd, Sylvan Esso, A$AP
Rocky, and Hozier to name a few.
The fall tradition kicks off the
music festival season across the
United States and Austin prepares
for Fun Fun Fun Fest just a month
from now.
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11 de octubre de 2015
Lion and Rose adds location with new menu
By Christina Acosta
[email protected]
Price Range: $$
If you are a fan of European
food and spirits, you need not
travel over 3,000 miles to visit
a pub.
Here in San Antonio, the Lion
and Rose pub offers their customers a British/Irish environment,
unique dishes, and even a variety
of beers to choose from the menu.
The European invasion of the
restaurant started back in 2004
when restauranteur Allen Tharp
decided he wanted to add the flair
to the city.
“I’ve been through Europe and
at the time we did not have a European style pub here in San An-
tonio, so we brought the concept
up and started to observe many
pubs,” discussed Tharp about the
early origins of the restaurant.
“Some were beautiful some were
not. So, we decided to take the
best features of the pub. And we
kind of compiled them into what
is now the Lion and Rose.”
In order to bring the idea to
life, the restaurateur decided to
also look into popular European
dishes that are served at a pub.
The process to create the menu
was something interesting to try
because there are no other restaurants who offered British and Irish
dishes in San Antonio.
“If you are going to a British
pub you got to have Sheperd’s Pie
and Fish and Chips. We traveled,
we tried different recipes, we had
our taste testing panel set up, and
we would all try different dishes
and then we agreed on a Shepherd’s Pie and then we would
go to the next one such as beef
stew,” Tharp further explained
that, “The most fun part of it was
the beer. We had to test which
beers we wanted to bring in. The
menu was a long process just to
put together.”
The process of creating a menu
and an environment that came
straight from Europe became a
hit to customers that San Antonio
now has more than three locations. For the fourth location at
The Rim, the crew decided it was
time for a change.
At the new location they decided to add on American, Italian,
and even Tex-Mex to the menu.
The price range for the menu is
between $6.99 for appetizers such
as diablo chicken bites all the way
up to $22.99, for the rib eye.
“We have added several new
menu items including Flat Bread
Pizzas, Seared Ahi Tuna, Street
Tacos and Jameson Cheddar
Burger. We offer full bar service
and a great selection of draught
beers, ales, stouts and lagers,”
Tharp said.
As the local restaurant chain
continues to grow, there are
plans to continue to stretch. Chris
Royter, area director, discussed
The Jameson Bacon Burger is a half-pound, 100 percent Black Angus beef, grilled and basted
with house made Jameson BBQ sauce, topped with apple wood smoked bacon, melted cheddar
cheese and hand breaded onion straws. All served on a toasted Kaiser bun with a side of English
Chips. (Courtesy photo)
that for the future, instead of
blooming in one area, they would
like to grow around the city.
“We would like to be in the
Alamo ranch area someday soon.
We are also looking at Sea World
and Loop 1604, it is an up and
coming area in town… We’d like
to be downtown at some point just
trying to find the right location
down there. It would be worth the
adventure to go down there and
build it,” explained Royter about
his exciting plans.
If you are interested in biting
into Britain and Ireland, visit the
new Lion and Rose pub located at
17627 La Cantera Pkwy between
the hours of 11 to 2 a.m. If you
would like more information
about the pub or want to look at
the menu, visit www.lionandrose.
com or call (210) 798-5466.
11 de octubre de 2015
“La Bella y la Bestia” llega al Majestic con artista hispano
Danny Burgos interpretará al
personaje Monsieur D’Arque
en la obra musical “La Bella y
la Bestia”. (Foto, cortesía)
Por Natalie Bobadilla
[email protected]
La exitosa producción musical “La Bella y la Bestia” llega
al escenario del Teatro Majestic
el 16 de octubre y cuenta con la
participación de talento hispano.
Danny Burgos, nacido en los
Estados Unidos pero de madre
cubana y de padre puertorriqueño,
interpretará al villano Monsieur
D’Arque, entre otros papeles. La
obra tiene mucho significado para
Burgos, ya que es la primera vez
que forma parte de una producción
en gira nacional.
El joven de 24 años de edad
descubrió su pasión por la música
cuando empezó a cantar en la
iglesia a tan solo 5 años de edad y
actuó en su primera obra de teatro
a los 16 años de edad. A pesar de
encontrar su llamado a una corta
edad, no pensó que podría ganarse
la vida haciendo lo que amaba.
Al graduarse de la preparatoria,
Burgos inicio sus estudios para la
carrera de enfermería en Florida
State University en la ciudad de
Tallahassee. Durante un viaje a
Miami, sus amigos lo invitaron a
que cantara en un concierto con
ellos. Impresionados con la voz de
Burgos, los amigos le aconsejaron
que dejara la carrera de enfermería
y se enfocara en el canto.
Burgos les comentó que seguiría
“La Bella y la Bestia” se presentará del 16 al 18 de octubre en el Teatro Majestic. (Foto, cortesía)
con su plan de ser enfermero, pero
sin que él lo supiera, sus amigos
lo inscribieron para una audición
de una presentación del departamento de arte de Florida State
“Me aceptaron, y bueno, por
supuesto, que lo quería hacer”,
relató el artista.
Después de sus primeros dos
años en la universidad, era tiempo
de escoger su carrera definitiva.
Burgos aplicó para el departamento de enfermería y para el
departamento de música de teatro.
Para su sorpresa, lo aceptaron en
los dos.
Su madre le aconsejó que estudiara lo que él quisiera, pero
cuando el joven le comentó a su
madre que quería cantar, la madre
le advirtió que no era una profesión
muy segura. Después de mucha
deliberación, Burgos escogió su
pasión y decidió que si no le iba
bien, regresaría a la universidad a
estudiar enfermería.
Hasta ahora, el cantante admite
que le ha ido de lo mejor. Meses
antes de graduarse, Burgos asistió
al South Eastern Theatre Conference, donde los agentes de casting
de “La Bella y la Bestia” se interesaron en él. En los siguientes dos
meses, el estudiante viajó a Nueva
York un total de cuatro veces para
audicionar para la obra.
Cuando recibió una llamada de
teléfono durante su clase de teatro,
supo que todo había valido la pena.
“Empecé a llorar ahí mismo”,
relató Burgos. “Estaba con mi
clase de teatro, solamente eran
como 8 personas y estábamos
ensayando para nuestro showcase,
ellos me vieron sonriendo cuando
estaba en el teléfono y me preguntaron qué había pasado, empecé a
brincar en el teatro y lo único que
pude decir fue: “I got it, I got it!”.
Burgos se graduó de la universidad en mayo del 2015 y la gira
nacional comenzó el mes pasado.
El espectáculo cuenta la historia
de un príncipe que es transformado
en una bestia como castigo por
su arrogancia y egoísmo. Para
convertirse en humano otra vez, el
príncipe deberá aprender a amar y
a ser amado de regreso por Belle,
una joven inteligente y bella.
El personaje de Burgos, Monsieur D’Arque, es dueño del manicomio y un antagonista en la obra.
Gastón, quien está enamorado de
Belle, le paga a Monsieur D’Arque
para que encierre al padre de Belle,
Maurice, en el manicomio. La idea
es que Gastón finja ayudar a su
padre a salir del manicomio para
que Belle se enamore de él. Al oír
este plan tan malvado, Monsieur
D’Arque acepta con mucho gusto.
Para Burgos, los personajes de
villanos son su fuerte, pero asegura
no ser un villano en la vida real.
“Creo que tengo una cara de
malo”, expresó el artista entre
risas. Le ha dado vida a tantos
personajes villanos que hasta los
entiende, añade.
“La diferencia entre un villano
y alguien bueno es que un villano actúa por su propio interés y
alguien bueno actúa por el interés
de alguien más”, explicó Burgos.
El actor hispano formará parte
del tour nacional hasta junio del
2016 y espera mudarse a Nueva
York, y así continuar trabajando
en su pasión.
La producción musical se presentará en el Teatro Majestic del
16 a 18 de octubre.
El precio de los boletos comienza en $35 por persona y están
disponibles vía web en www. y por teléfono
marcando al (800) 982 – 2787.
When high art meets pop culture
By Kristian Jaime
[email protected]
When artist Victor De La
Fuente steps into his studio in the
Fine Silver building downtown,
the face of a pensive Tim Duncan
immediately greets him.
The large painting on the wall
of the iconic Spurs power forward
is one of three that has garnered
him accolades by both the artist
and sports community. Yet his
works portraying Duncan, Manu
Ginobili and Kawhi Leonard are
a reminder of a career that almost
did not happen.
“I could think back to grade
school and how I was competitive
to see who could color better than
me. I really took pride in my work
and took time. It was something
that teachers started noticing,”
said De La Fuente.
The early potential De La
Fuente exhibited was easy to see
and flourished in high school
when his talent caught the eye of
an art teacher. That allowed him
to do independent study instead
of the established curriculum and
was a lesson in honing his craft he
still recalls today.
What happened next started a
new phase in the budding artist’s
life. Following high school, he
got married and welcomed a child
soon thereafter. Before long, three
more would be born and the reality of supporting a family set in.
“I actually stopped. I went
to school, got married and had
kids. For 10 years, I didn’t do
any art. Right away, I went into
the workforce to support the
family working six days and 70
hours a week,” De La Fuente
Artist Victor De La Fuente has made a successful career of finding inspiration from all around him. Among his latest projects include immortalizing iconic Spurs players on canvas. (Photo, Kristian Jaime)
Foregoing an artistic career was
not easy. De La Fuente called this
a dark time where his life was
more about the economics of living rather than the joy of it.
On a fateful day, all that would
change when he heard a message
that prompted another phase in
his life.
“In 2003, I came across a sermon about the gifts [a person has]
and how if you don’t use them,
you lose them. Immediately, I en-
rolled in classes with Jim Hught.
That actually got me back in the
groove to start painting,” De La
Fuente explained.
The drive to create once again
returned to the painter and the
San Antonian soon found himself
producing original works again.
With each new painting, his confidence as an artist grew, but so
did his competitive drive.
The critical eye that first began so many years earlier was
alive and well. What seemed like
doubt was more aptly the will to
improve. It is that impetus that
has De La Fuente admitting he
is far from where he wishes his
skills could be.
“I’ve never been satisfied with
my paintings. It’s always [a process] where I feel I could have
done more. But I know that every
time I’m painting, I’m getting
better. Right now, I’m a long
way from being a master,” De La
Fuente said.
Despite the meandering journey
to his time as an artist, he is still
cognizant that every work he finishes is an extension of himself.
The praise that has come his
way with such little time as a
professional artist could be overwhelming if it was not for his
motivation and humility. There
is little to suggest he could be
otherwise as he downplayed any
success thus far.
“Whatever I paint is a piece of
me. It’s validation that I’m doing
something right and I want people
to see the light in my paintings.
There’s just so much darkness
in the world, that I want to paint
light,” he explained.
When he started painting the
Spurs, it was for more than just
fanfare. It was a deeper appreciation of who these people were. As
deified as the silver and black are
in the Alamo City, De La Fuente
was more intrigued by their cultural and personal significance.
He has even transformed the
likeness of Spurs great Manu
Ginobili into a statement on the
current political client.
“To me, even though they’re so
great, there’s a humble quality to
them. My Ginobili painting was
my first political piece. With all
the focus on immigration now, I
thought that one thing I’ve never
seen is him wearing an American
flag,” he explained.
Aesthetics are important to
De La Fuente, but that is not the
end game for him by any stretch.
Exemplifying why they are a
source of inspiration is not as easy
as it seems and runs deeper than
recognizing the famous faces on
the canvas.
“There are personality traits
in all three players I can really
gravitate to [and admire]. I want
to portray the most beautiful piece
that I can, but I want them to be
more than just that. I want it to be
deeper,” concluded De La Fuente.
De La Fuente will be featured
in an upcoming exhibition at the
University of Incarnate Word
entitled “Angels Among Us”
on March 4 from 6-9 p.m. For
more information, visit www.
11 de octubre de 2015
Yoko Ono pays tribute to Lennon Fans help Hugh Jackman look for
best street taco in Mexico City
with giant human peace sign
EFE - John Lennon’s widow, the
legendary artist Yoko Ono brought
together politicians, students and
activists at New York City’s Central
Park to form a human peace symbol
on Tuesday, to celebrate her late
husband’s 75th birthday on Oct.9.
Around 2,000 people, across ages
and nationalities, had started gathering for the free event since midmorning.
“I think it’s an incredible cause,”
volunteer Isabel Goodman told EFE,
adding that with all the wrongs taking place in the world, she felt it was
important to do what one could to
promote peace in their community.
Late Beatles star John Lennon and
Yoko Ono are recognized for their
efforts towards peace, including
their two week-long “bed-ins for
peace” during the Vietnam War as
a non-violent protest.
Many of Lennon’s songs also
carried a message of peace including
the much-acclaimed “Imagine” and
“Give Peace a Chance”.
An aerial photograph of the peace
sign was taken from a helicopter
after a short speech by Yoko Ono.
The event was an attempt by Ono
to set a Guinness World Record for
the largest human peace sign.
But, according to Guinness, at
least 5,000 participants were required for an official record.
The current record was set in
Ithaca in New York State where
5,814 had taken part.
Yoko, however, did not seem
to mind having fallen short of the
expected turnout of 6,000 to 10,000
people and urged those present to
change the world using the power
of love.
Japanese artist Yoko Ono joined thousands of people who met at
Central Park, New York to form a peace sign to celebrate the 75th
birthday of John Lennon on Oct. 6. (Courtesy photo)
She told the 2,000-strong gathering that their participation was
a huge tribute to Lennon and the
“best birthday present for him” and
reiterated her husband’s and her
belief that humans have been given
the challenge to use their wisdom
for making the world a better place.
The controversial Japanese artist sang some verses from “Give
Peace a Chance,” amid cheers from
the crowd.
Ray Davies from the 60s rock
British band, The Kinks, also performed at the event.
Speaker of the New York City
Council, Melissa Mark Viverito
thanked Ono and members of the
non-profit organization, John Lennon Educational Tour Bus, who had
helped organize the event.
She stressed the importance of
such an event in these times of “toxic
dialogue,” while, Daniel Dromm,
who heads the council’s education
committee, indicated a pressing
need for artistic education.
New Yorker Andy Cohen, who
skipped work to bring his son to the
event, expressed his admiration for
Lennon as well as Yoko Ono for
her stand in favor of gun control in
the country.
An excited 30-year-old Argentinian tourist Damian Trimboli said, “I
just couldn’t miss it...I wanted to be
part of the peace sign because I grew
up listening to Lennon.”
Lennon was shot dead on Dec. 8,
1980 outside the Dakota apartment
building where he lived, adjacent to
Central Park.
Following his death, Ono spearheaded the setting up of “Strawberry
Fields,” a permanent memorial garden dedicated to Lennon, which till
date continues to draw Lennon’s
TV, cadena en la que laboraba
como presentador principal de
“Cierra de Edición”.
“Con profundo dolor, Estrella
TV deja saber a su audiencia que
el reconocido conductor y periodista Enrique Gratas falleció
hoy (el 8 de octubre). Enrique
Gratas, quien es parte de la historia de la televisión en español de
Estados Unidos, estuvo al frente
del programa informativo ‘Cierre
de Edición’ por los últimos seis
años. Nuestras condolencias a la
familia del señor de las noticias.
Te extrañaremos nuestro querido
Enrique Gratas”, publicó la televisora.
Enrique Gratas, de 71 años,
había estado ausente de “Cierre
de Edición” (un programa de
noticias) desde agosto. Y a finales de septiembre Estrella TV
emitió un comunicado de voz en
donde él mismo explicaba que
estaba pasando un duro momento
debido a una enfermedad.
El periodista argentino Enrique Gratas se hizo un espacio
en la televisión hispana de Estados Unidos gracias a su programa
de noticias (con tinte sensacionalista) “Ocurrió Así”, en la década
de 1980 por Telemundo.
Después de varios años de
conducir este programa pasó a
la cadena competidora Univisión
para ser el principal presentador
del programa nocturno “Última
Hora”, de formato similar.
Años más tarde, pasó a formar parte del equipo de noticias
de Estrella TV conduciendo el
programa de noticias nocturno
“Cierre de Edición”.
A través de sus 30 años de
trabajo, Gratas entrevistó, entre
otros, a Yolanda Saldívar (asesina de Selena), el expresidente
George W. Bush, Donald Rumsfeld y Colin Powell. Además de
cubrir diversos acontecimientos
tanto en Estados Unidos como en
Murió Enrique Gratas
Por La Prensa
Raúl de Molina, María Celeste
y otras celebridades de la televisión hispana en Estados Unidos
lamentaron el fallecimiento de
Enrique Gratas el pasado jueves
8 de octubre.
“Fue quien me enseñó a hacer
televisión en ‘Ocurrió Así’.
Siempre estará en mi corazón”,
expresó Raúl de Molina vía
“Es con tristeza que recibimos
hoy la noticia de que nuestro
colega Enrique Gratas falleció
hoy…”, comentó también María
Elena Salinas de Univisión ante
la noticia.
Enrique Gratas, un conocido
presentador de la televisión
hispana durante los últimos 25
años, falleció la noche del jueves
8 de octubre.
Su muerte fue confirmada por
la cuenta de Facebook de Estrella
El periodista argentino Enrique Gratas era uno de los periodista hispanos más conocidos en Estados Unidos. (Foto, cortesía)
EFE - Australian actor Hugh
Jackman, who was in Mexico
City to promote his movie “Pan,”
posted a video on social media
Wednesday asking locals to tell
him where he could find the best
taco in the city.
“Ok, so we are in Mexico City
and we got a hankering for some
street tacos. It’s early in the morning. It’s not that early, 10:30.
Recommendations, best street
taco in Mexico City, please,” said
the Wolverine actor.
Facebook, Twitter and Instagram users instantly responded
to Jackman’s request with names
including the famous “Chupacabras” in Coyoacan to “Borrego
Viudo,” known for its grilled
Until now, the video has had
807,696 hits on Facebook, 3,779
comments, 60,856 likes and been
shared 4,264 times.
On Instagram, it has had 51,240
likes and 1,411 comments and
retweeted 1.8 million times.
Australian actor Hugh Jackman signs autographs during the
presentation of the film “Pan” in Mexico City, Mexico on Oct. 6.
(EFE / Sashenka Gutierrez)
While one user advised Jackman to ditch fancy places for
more modest ones, such as a
tianguis (an open air market) to
sample the best traditional food in
the city, another user said a place
in which a lot of people were waiting for their tacos was a sure sign
it was the right place.
“Pan” narrates the story of
Peter Pan, an orphan who is carried away to the magical world
of Never Never Land where he
meets the pirate Blackbeard,
played by Jackman.
The Joe-Wright directed movie
also stars Levi Miller, Garret
Hedlund, Rooney Mara and Cara
Delevingne and will be screened
in Mexico on Oct.9.
11 de octubre de 2015
Malala inspires in
‘He Named Me Malala’
By Christina Acosta
[email protected]
Movies have the power and
message to encourage many audiences to believe in themselves.
These days, however, it is hard to
find a movie that will give that
deep impact.
“He Named Me Malala,” is an
influential movie that will inspire
young women all over the world
to work hard for an education.
Davis Guggenheim, who also directed, “An Inconvenient Truth,”
and “It Might get Loud,” paints
a story of a young girl by documenting her every move before,
during, and after becoming a
target for the Taliban.
The movie begins with the story of how Malala got her name.
When Malala was born, her father
chose the powerful name because
it comes from a story about a
young girl who wanted to change
a village using her voice and stop
the violence around her.
After being praised, she gets
shot and dies instantly, a reflection of how women are treated
in the Middle East. Malala was
passed the torch to follow her
dreams and surpass the barriers
of education.
Before she became the Malala
we know today, she led a normal
life. The help and support from
her father allowed Malala to
work hard for an education even
though the Taliban banned young
girls to go to school because,
“they can get an education in the
The power that the Taliban carried did not stop Malala and did
not stop her from speaking about
the injustices women go through
in Pakistan. Her voice became
so powerful that many people
began to hear it and supported
Malala holding on to her father and hero, ready to take on the
world ahead of her. (Photo,
her. However, speaking out to the
world came with a price.
One day, the Taliban decided
to pay a visit to Malala and shot
her in the head to forever shut her
voice out. Fortunately, the Taliban lost their battle with Malala
when she was transported to a
hospital in Britain and survived.
When the world heard about
Malala, her life changed forever.
She began a new life in the United
Kingdom as a hero, celebrity, and
even a student.
When she was not in school,
she was meeting President
Obama and Hillary Clinton. She
would also travel all over the
world to send a message to young
girls to stay in school and even
built schools.
She was also writing a book,
“I Am Malala,” to tell her story
to audiences all over the world.
She promoted her book until it
became the best seller all over
the world.
The life after her survival
seems glamourous, but there is
still something missing in her life.
Malala explains that she misses
living in Pakistan, her home, her
friends, the sights, and the things
she was once used to.
Ultimately, she must face the
new life in front of her that includes school assignments and
celebrity status.
The documentary captured
‘Pan’ prequel falters mid-flight
By Kyle Spishock
[email protected]
Movie studios are profit-famished
entities, consuming current film
trends for monetary sustenance.
The current fad of reboots and
prequels has producers salivating
– eagerly pouring through source
materials for any possibilities of
spawning a franchise, like pirates
pillaging unsuspecting vessels for
“Pan,” the latest retelling of author
J.M. Barrie’s beloved Neverland
fable, does little to unearth boxoffice gold.
The film, directed by talented Joe
Wright (so capable with “Atonement,” but lacking with his latest
efforts of “Hanna” and “Anna
Karenina”), is at times creative eye
candy that sweetens the senses, but
also putrid fluff that wrinkles the
“Pan” begins with Peter as a
baby, abandoned on the doorsteps
of an orphanage by his mother Mary
(Amanda Seyfried), who harbors
secret ties to Neverland. She drapes
a necklace adorned with a pan flute
around the baby’s neck, and vows
an eventual reunion with her son,
murmuring “I’ll see you again, in
this world, or another.”
Peter (Levi Miller) grows up as
a rambunctious orphan; he eagerly
disobeys oppressive nuns, and seeks
out mischief as World War 2 desolates London.
During an airborne bomb raid, the
orphans are plucked from their beds
by bungie jumping pirates, descending from the roof and snatching them
up onto their levitating pirate ship.
The captives are taken to Neverland, where they labor within mines
presided over by Blackbeard (Hugh
Jackman, clearly having fun with a
role with limited depth). The pirate
has a fondness for Nirvana and the
Ramones, hosting sing-a-longs with
his slaves and belting tunes like a
displaced character from “Moulin
Blackbeard desperately seeks
“Fairy Dust,” a fossilized crystal
that possess the keys to immortality.
After Peter is falsely accused of
pocketing “Fairy Dust,” he is sentenced to walk the plank. When he
tumbles to his death, he flies for an
instance, and captures the attention
of fellow miner James Hook (Garrett
Blackbeard takes Peter to his
personal chambers and tells him a
prophesy of a half-human and halffairy boy who is destined to defeat
him. To prevent this from happening, he imprisons Peter. While in
captivity, Peter agrees to use his
flying abilities to help James Hook
escape, if he returns the favor by aiding his search for his mother.
Accompanied by Smee (Adeel Akhtar), Peter and Hook flee.
Shortly after, the Natives intercept
them, where they meet Tiger Lily,
who pledges herself to assisting
their plight.
Their adventure is an interesting
and flawed addition to the Peter
Pan mythos, but lacks originality or
relevance to distinguish it from past
movies from a clunky script.
Prior Peter Pan movies ranged
from the good – “Peter Pan” (1953),
“Hook” (1991), “Finding Neverland” (2004) – to the awful – “Return to Neverland” (2002), “Peter
Pan” (2003).
The latest telling ranks somewhere in the middle – a decent
adaptation that lingers between
the realism of early 1940s London
and the fantasy of Neverland, but
never quite showcases the enthralling magic exhibited by it’s finer
Its unusual that Wright’s “Pan”
was created, when superior material
existed for a better adaptation.
Within the last decade, authors
Dave Barry and Ridley Pearson
wrote a fine young adult trilogy
entitled Peter and the Starcatchers
– prequels that garnered both praise
from critics and audiences alike.
Anticipate a redux in the future,
especially when the taste of a possible blockbuster series is a financial
delicacy for those profit hungry
the story of a young girl that everybody wanted to know about.
Malala was the main character of
the story; however, the timeline
of the movie was unorganized.
Once the credits roll in, it takes
a while for the audience to get a
deeper understanding of everything that happened to Malala in
a timeline. For example, in one
scene, Malala is talking about
her book, but then it jumped into
what got her there until the Taliban found her.
Although the plot can give you
a headache, the documentary did
offer some qualities that allowed
the movie to pop out. Guggenheim used painted animations
throughout the movie that told
stories about how Malala came
about with education.
The colorful moving scenes
gave a greater visual of what
many went through during a
rough patch to get to the end of
the bright tunnel. In those scenes,
the audience will feel like they
are going through an art piece
that will give you the full story
instead of trying to figure out the
story behind the painting.
Ultimately, Malala’s story
gives an understanding that anything is possible after leaving
your seats to go back into the real
world. Keep in mind, you must
pay very close attention because Hugh Jackman plays the role of the villain pirate Blackbeard in the latest retelling of the Pan
you might miss something.
mythos. (Courtesy photo)
Instant Classic
Hollywood Academy pays homage to Guillermo del Toro
EFE - The Hollywood Academy held a symposium in honor
of Mexican filmmaker Guillermo
del Toro, stressing on his career
and his ability to invent worlds
and his fascination for monsters.
The event on Wednesday was
hosted by Michael Mann, who
referred to the director from Guadalajara as “a true visionary” who
can make movies from dreams,
like he did in ‘In The Labyrinth’
(El laberinto del fauno).
During his hour and a half-long
Mexican director Guillermo del Toro poses during the photocall of
with Academy Muhis film ‘Crimson Peak’ in Barcelona, northeastern Spain on Oct.
Kerry Brougher,
5. (EFE/Alberto Estevez)
del Toro, who received best
screenplay Oscar nomination for
‘In The Labyrinth’, discussed his
influences and obsessions.
The Mexican director, who
reached the symposium after recording his intervention in the TV
program ‘Jimmy Kimmel Live!’
revealed before a packed house
at the Samuel Goldwyn Theater,
at California’s Beverley Hills,
‘El espinazo del diablo’ (The
Devil’s Backbone) is his favorite
from among all the movies he
has made, followed by ‘In The
Labyrinth’ and ‘Crimson Peak’.
‘Crimson Peak’, starring Mia
Wasikowska, Tom Hiddleston
and Jessica Chastain, is scheduled
for release in the U.S. on Oct. 16.
Del Toro spoke at length about
his love for David Lean’s ‘Great
Expectations’, a film he feels
“very close” to, as he does to all
of Charles Dickens’ works for
their “poetry” and the “fairytale”
He said his own universe was
the result of all types of art that
inspired him as a child, whether
they were movies, literature or
He also confessed his fascination for monsters since the age of
five or six, and that David Lynch
was his favorite director in the
horror genre because his works
are “based on real nightmares.”
Finally, between clips of landmark films like ‘Freaks’ (1932)
and ‘The Bride of Frankenstein’
(1935), he said he advised youngsters to feed their curiosity, and
concluded saying “movies are a
refuge for people who want to
Actor Wilmer Valderrama llama a hispanos
a unirse contra ataque de candidatos
EFE - El actor de origen colombiano y venezolano Wilmer
Valderrama ha sido un apasionado de las causas de los latinos
en Estados Unidos, especialmente del voto, y ahora es un
crítico de los precandidatos
con perfil antiinmigrante que
llama a su comunidad a unirse
y defender sus derechos y sus
En entrevista con Efe, el actor y activista nacido en Miami
(Florida), hizo un llamado a
los latinos en el país para que
se unan por una misma causa,
recordándoles que “en la unión
está la fuerza”.
Valderrama, quien se hizo
famoso con la interpretación
de “Fez” en la popular serie de
televisión “That ‘70s Show”,
cree que el clima político contra
los inmigrantes promovido por
algunos precandidatos republicanos a la Presidencia del país,
requiere una acción inmediata.
“Este es el momento de olvidar las diferencias y concentrarnos en lo que nos une; es el
momento de unirnos bajo una
sola bandera, porque así somos
más fuertes”, expresó.
El latino actualmente goza
de popularidad en papeles
estelares en las series “Minority Report”, una producción
de Steven Spielberg, y “From
Dusk Til Dawn: The Series”,
del realizador mexicano-americano Robert Rodríguez.
De acuerdo con Valderrama,
uno de los fundadores de la
organización Voto Latino, la
falta de unión de los latinos les
da permiso a ciertos políticos
de atacar.
Unos de esos comentarios
han sido los del precandidato
republicano Donald Trump,
quien ha prometido deportar a
“todos” los indocumentados y
se ha referido a los inmigrantes de origen mexicano como
“criminales” y “violadores”.
“La única razón por la que
esas conversaciones están ocurriendo, el motivo por el que
El actor Wilmer Valderrama. (EFE/Archivo)
nos faltan al respeto, es porque
no estamos unidos”, lamentó
el artista.
Valderrama y Voto Latino
buscan llevar diversidad a la
arena política y educar a la
población sobre sus derechos y
responsabilidades para obtener
una posición de liderazgo en
el país.
El activista recordó que
diez años atrás, cuando apenas ayudó en la fundación de
la institución, los hispanos en
Estados Unidos estaban bajo
la impresión de que no tenían
poder, por ser una minoría.
“Muchos creían que éramos
unos pocos latinos viviendo
en una vecindad”, expresó, al
destacar que los latinos “son
los que hacen los trabajos que
mueven este país”.
“Tenemos una ética de trabajo muy fuerte”, agregó el
artista, orgulloso del logro de
Voto Latino de concientizar e
impulsar a los latinos.
“Ahora más que nunca los
hispanos tenemos la oportunidad de reconstruir este país”,
apuntó. Y para él, la única
manera de hacerlo, es salir a
Eso es en la arena política,
porque en la artística, el también productor considera que
las historias que se cuentan en
el cine y la televisión tienen el
poder de cambiar mentes y de
abrir corazones.
“Yo creo que Hollywood
tiene una responsabilidad de
mostrar cómo es este país,
multicultural y diverso. Creo
que en estos momentos está
comenzando a hacerlo. En
‘Minority Report’, por ejemplo,
tenemos actores de todas las
razas”, señaló.
Al mismo tiempo, el actor
expresó que es muy importante
que los hispanos apoyen estos
programas, para que resulten
“Nuestra comunidad latina
debe apoyar estos proyectos,
porque de esa manera se les
demuestra a los productores de
Hollywood que existe un mercado para ellos. Entonces van a
contar más de nuestras historias
y esas historias van a cambiar la
percepción que algunos tienen
de nosotros”, explicó.
Su pasión por la causa latina
es de alguna manera un tributo
a su familia, pues fue en el seno
de su hogar donde Valderrama
dice que aprendió las dos cualidades que más le han servido
en la vida: “La humildad y la
gratitud por las oportunidades
que nos ha dado este país”.
“Por eso quiero recordarles a
todos los latinos que nos unamos, porque este es nuestro
momento”, expresó.
11 de octubre de 2015