Antoni Roig (January, 2015) Academic/professional activities - 1988, BA, Chemistry, University of València, Spain - 1994, Ph.D. Physical Chemistry, University of Valencia. - 2002, Professor of Analytical Chemistry, University Jaume I, Castelló, Spain - 2001, Researcher of the GLP-certified Laboratory of Pesticide Residue Analysis (LARP), Univ. Jaume I. LARP is the Reference Laboratory of the Spanish Ministry of Agriculture for GLP studies to establish pesticide MRLs. - 2005, Researcher of the Research Institute for Pesticides and Water (IUPA), Univ. Jaume I Publications - 44 peer-reviewed articles in international Journals (ISI Web Science) Total citations 638. h-index = 16. Average citations per item: 19.94 (data from ISI Web of Science: author identifier L-4464-2014 Most relevant publications Development and validation of a LC-IDMS method for the reliable quantification of alkyphenols in environmental water samples by Isotope Pattern Deconvolution Neus fabregat-Cabello, JV Sancho, Andreu Vidal, Florenci V. González, AF Roig-Navarro. Journal of Chromatography A 1328, 43– 51 (2014) Identification of electroactive sites in Prussian Yellow films J. Agrisuelas, J.J. García-Jareño, C. Moreno-Guerrero, A. Roig, F. Vicente Electrochimica Acta 113 (2013) 825– 833 Electrochromic behavior of Prussian Yellow J. Agrisuelas, C. Delgado, J.J. García-Jareño, C. Moreno-Guerrero, A. Roig, F. Vicente ECS Transactions 50 (31) 435-447 (2013) Fast methodology for the reliable determination of nonylphenol in water samples by minimal labeling isotope dilution mass spectrometry Neus fabregat-Cabello, Ángel Castillo, JV Sancho, Florenci V. González, AF Roig-Navarro. Journal of Chromatography A 1301, 19-26 (2013) Isotope pattern deconvolution-tandem mass spectrometry for the determination and confirmation of diclofenac in wastewaters Ángel Castillo, Emma Gracia-Lor, AF Roig-Navarro, JV Sancho, P Rodríguez-González, JIG Alonso. Anal. Chim. Acta 765, 77-85 (2013) Fast and accurate procedure for the determination of Cr(VI) in solid samples by Isotope Dilution Mass Spectrometry Fabregat, Neus; Rodriguez-Gonzalez, Pablo; Castillo, Angel; Malherbe, Julien; Roig Navarro, Antoni; Long, Stephen; Alonso, Jose Ignacio Garcia. Environ. Sci. Technol. 46, 12542−12549 (2012) Rapid screening of arsenic species in urine from exposed human by inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry with germanium as internal standard A. Castillo, C. Boix, N. Fabregat, A.F. Roig-Navarro, J.A. Rodríguez-Castrillón J. Anal. At. Spectrom. 27 (2), 354 - 358 (2012) Multiple Spiking Species-Specific Isotope Dilution Analysis by molecular mass spectrometry: simultaneous determination of inorganic mercury and methylmercury in fish tissues A. Castillo, P. Rodríguez-González, G. Centineo, A.F. Roig-Navarro. J.I. Garcia Alonso Analytical Chemistry 82, 2773-2783 (2010) Capabilities of microbore columns coupled to inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry in speciation of arsenic and selenium A. Castillo, O.J. Pozo, A.F. Roig-Navarro Journal of Chromatography A 1202, 132-137 (2008) Characterization of the Salinisation Processes in Aquifers Using Boron Isotopes; Application to South-Eastern Spain Ignacio Morell, Antonio Pulido-Bosch, Francisco Sánchez-Martos, Angela Vallejos, Linda Daniele, Luis Molina, José María Calaforra, AF Roig-Navarro and Alejandra Renau Water, Air & Soil Pollution 187, 65-80 (2008) Main research projects (last 10 years) Título: Desarrollo de metodología analítica rápida y fiable para la determinación de compuestos regulados en el campo ambiental por dilución isotópica y deconvolución de perfiles isotópicos mediante LCMS/MS Entidad Financiadora: UJI. (Evaluado por ANEP) Referencia: PB-1B2013-55 Duración: 01/01/2014 - 31/12/2016 Importe: 33.460 € Investigador principal: Antoni F. Roig i Navarro Título: Entidad Financiadora: Referencia: Duración: Investigador principal: Título: Entidad Financiadora: Referencia: Duración: Investigador principal: Desarrollo de metodos electrogravimetricos y espectroelectroquimicos para la caracterizacion interfacial de materiales y procesos electrodicos MICINN CTQ2011-28973 01/01/2012 - 31/12/2014 Importe: 98.890 € Francisco Vicente Pedrós. Universitat de València Aplicación de la técnica de deconvolución de perfiles isotópicos a la cuantificación de especies de cromo en muestras sólidas medioambientales UJI. Fundació Bancaixa (Evaluado por ANEP) P1-1B2009-29 01/01/2010 - 31/12/2011 Importe: 19.000 € Antoni F Roig i Navarro Título: Entidad Financiadora: Referencia: Duración: Investigador principal: Título: Entidad Financiadora: Referencia: Duración: Investigador principal: Título: Entidad Financiadora: Referencia: Duración: Investigador principal: Título: Entidad Financiadora: Referencia: Duración: Investigador principal: Desarrollo de estrategias analíticas, basadas en el uso de técnicas avanzadas de espectrometria de masas, en el campo de la salut pública GV PROMETEO/2009/054 01/01/2009 - 31/03/2010 Importe: 35.000 € Félix Hernández Hernández Estudi sobre la presència d’espècies metàl·liques a l’aqüífer de la Plana de Castelló GV AE07/110 2007. Importe: 2.500 € Antoni F Roig i Navarro Estudio del potencial de la cromatografia liquida capilar en la determinacion de especies organometalicas mediante sistemas acoplados microHPLC-ICPMS GV GV05/120 2005-2006. Importe: 29.000 € Antoni F Roig i Navarro Aplicación del acoplamiento cromatografía líquida – espectrometría de masas (LC-MS/MS Y LC-QTOFMS) a la identificación de metabolitos de plaguicidas en muestras de interés ambiental y toxicológico MCYT BQU2003-02685 2003-2006. Importe: 75.000 € Félix Hernández Hernández Other information - Principal researcher of 4 projects. Researcher of 17 projects. - Supervisor of 2 PhD and 2 running - Reviewer for journals including, among others, Anal. Chim. Acta, Food Sci Technol., J. Chromatogr. A, Talanta, Int. J. Environ. Anal. Chem. - Main current research is focused on the applications of hyphenated chromatography/mass spectrometry using LC-MS in the field of environment. Investigation is directed towards different organic contaminants and residues, such as endocrine disrupting compounds, among others. Other research developments are related to metal speciation in environmental and biological sample. ID-MS along with Isotope Pattern Deconvolution quantification methodology is the most relevant developments in both research lines. In addition, a collaborative research is conducted with the group of Electrodic Processes form University of València to support electrochemical thin films investigations.
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