3Q14 Results Results’ Conference Call Monday, October 27 2014 9:00 a.m. Mexico City CST Tel: (55) 4624 0133 Dial in Code: 00424338 Paseo de la Reforma 725 Col. Lomas de Chapultepec, Miguel Hidalgo, CP. 11000, Distrito Federal, México. 1 Highlights 3 Independent Proteak Valuation 4 MDF Project 4 Results and Key Indicators 5 Balance Sheet Analysis 7 Cash Flow Analysis 8 Environmental and Social Development 8 Proteak Informs 9 Financial Statements 10 Paseo de la Reforma 725 Col. Lomas de Chapultepec, Miguel Hidalgo, CP. 11000, Distrito Federal, México. 2 Highlights • 414 Capital conducted an independent valuation of Proteak, situating the value of its OPCs (Ordinary Participation Certificates or CPOs in Spanish) between MXP 25.30 and 29.40 as of June 2014. • Proteak decided to increase by 40% the production capacity of the MDF plant currently under construction in Huimanguillo, Tabasco. • Production of the first board is still expected in the second semester of 2015. • Despite adverse climate conditions in the region, 100% of the Teak hectares and 80% of the Eucalyptus hectares planned for 2014 have been planted or prepared for planting. • During the quarter, Proteak achieved the highest Teak export prices to Asian markets of its entire history, with a positive effect on sales margins. • The annual FSC® Chain of Custody audit was successfully completed for Proteak subsidiaries. • Proteak was nominated and awarded Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) Company of the Year by The European LATAM Awards. Paseo de la Reforma 725 Col. Lomas de Chapultepec, Miguel Hidalgo, CP. 11000, Distrito Federal, México. 3 Independent Proteak Valuation In August 2014, the independent valuation performed by 414 Capital, was published. This valuation places the fair market value of Proteak’s OPCs between MXP 25.30 and MXP 29.40 as of June. The valuation was performed based on discounted cash flows, considering the company’s Teak business as well as the development of the MDF plant in Huimanguillo, Tabasco. The valuation report is currently published on Proteak’s website: http://proteak.com/index.php/en/investors/financial-information/quarterly-reports. MDF Project On August 13, Proteak announced a 40% increase in the production capacity of the MDF plant currently under construction in Huimanguillo, Tabasco with an investment of over USD 200 million. The plant’s initial annual production was contemplated at 200,000 m3. However, after reviewing Proteak’s solid competitive advantages to enter this highly deficient market in Mexico, it decided, together with machinery supplier Dieffenbacher, to make the necessary adjustments to the plant in order to increase its capacity to 280,000 m3. During the quarter, the construction of the MDF plant continued in line with the Project’s schedule. The first stage of grade works was completed and pile installation started, prioritizing those areas where foundations will begin. The Energy Regulatory Commission (Comisión Reguladora de Energía, CRE) granted Proteak the co-generation permit and the company continued signing all the contracts necessary for the Project’s on-time, on-budget development. Important progress was made in the preparation and planting of the Eucalyptus plantations that will supply the MDF plant. During the quarter, 574 has were planted, 258 has were prepared for planting and preparation was started in an additional 741 has. As of quarter-end, total hectares planted with Eucalyptus amounted to 7,828. Paseo de la Reforma 725 Col. Lomas de Chapultepec, Miguel Hidalgo, CP. 11000, Distrito Federal, México. 4 Results and Key Indicators SUMMARY OF RESULTS AND KEY INDICATORS I. Income Statement Analysis Quarterly results were positive in both, Teak and Eucalytus operations. Total quarterly sales reached MXP 32.9MM, for a total of MXP 126.4MM for the year, 18% higher than the same period a year ago. In the case of Teak, Proteak continued emphasizing its price optimization strategy, prioritizing it over volume, with a positive effect in net income; thus, despite a decrease in sales volume, the company achieved a higher sales margin. The ban on export of round logs from Burma has been highly effective by sea; nevertheless, by land and through illegal channels, large quantities of wood have been introduced to China. We estimate that this effect will last for close to a year. Nevertheless, Proteak managed to obtain unprecedented sales prices for its exports to Asia, achieving a gross margin of 16.5%. Quarterly Teak sales totaled MXP 26.8MM. Paseo de la Reforma 725 Col. Lomas de Chapultepec, Miguel Hidalgo, CP. 11000, Distrito Federal, México. 5 Regarding Eucalyptus, Proteak continued implementing a strategy where it sells wood only from plantations that are too far away to supply the MDF plant. Quarterly Eucalyptus sales totaled MXP 6.1MM. Income from revaluations resulting from wood growth added up to MXP 21.7MM for the quarter. Moreover, quarterly cost of sales registered a significant improvement as a percentage of the latter, in comparison with the same quarter last year. This resulted in a gross profit of MXP 31.3MM, 22% higher than the same quarter of 2013. Total Sales FY14 vs FY13 Sales by Quarter ('000.000 MXP) ('000.000 MXP) 140 60 120 18% 100 40 80 60 20 40 20 YTD13 Teak Sales YTD14 Euc. Sales -‐ 4Q11 1Q12 2Q12 3Q12 4Q12 1Q13 2Q13 3Q13 4Q13 1Q14 2Q14 3Q14 Administrative expenses, including those related to the operation of FOMEX and the MDF Project, were in line with the company’s annual plan, with an 11% nominal increase vs. the same quarter of last year. The positive results of Proteak’s sales strategy, combined with the efficiency in logistic costs and the stable performance of general expenses, resulted in an operating income of MXP 6.1MM, 45% higher than the one registered in 3Q13. Financial statements show the effect of foreign currency conversion derived from company operations in Colombia, Costa Rica and Mexico. Net income for the first nine months of the year includes a negative effect of MXP (15.1MM); total capital, however, includes a direct positive effect of MXP 23.1MM. Both effects combined result in an accumulated comprehensive income of MXP 21.4MM. Paseo de la Reforma 725 Col. Lomas de Chapultepec, Miguel Hidalgo, CP. 11000, Distrito Federal, México. 6 E ffe c t in Ne t Inc om e C ountry E ffe c t in C om pre he nsive Inc om e Inc om e (L os s ) A c c um ulate d C ountry Inc om e (L os s ) A c c um ulate d Cos ta Ric a (8,968) Cos ta Ric a 5,158 Colombia (6,184) Colombia 8,329 2,107 US A -‐ US A Mex ic o -‐ Mex ic o Total (15,152) Total 7,466 23,060 MXP '000 II. Balance Sheet Analysis Compared to year-end 2013, total assets grew 8%, mainly reflecting the revaluation of biological assets. So far this year, the provision for the revaluation of biological assets amounts to MXP 63.9MM reaching a 977.7MM balance, without considering inventory. The value of Proteak’s plantations is mainly modified by four factors: (i) capitalized forestry expenses, (ii) exchange rate, (iii) revaluations representing the growth of the biological assets, and (iv) outflows from wood’s cost of sales. So far this year, the following has been registered: (i) MXP 68.3MM in capitalized forestry expenses, destined for the maintenance of existing plantations to improve their expected return by promoting higher growth rates, as well as the plantation of 1,200 Teak hectares and 2,000 Eucalyptus hectares in 2014, (ii) MXP 2MM from revaluation of the US dollar, (iii) MXP 63.9MM for revaluation derived from the previously discussed growth, and (iv) MXP 67.9MM, which represent the wood’s cost sales. During the year, harvested wood amounts to 72.3Mm3 (thinnings and harvest). Long-Term assets kept for sale are mainly non-strategic land that will be sold in the medium term. These assets are located in Costa Rica and are worth MXP 102.8MM. Paseo de la Reforma 725 Col. Lomas de Chapultepec, Miguel Hidalgo, CP. 11000, Distrito Federal, México. 7 Evolution of Total Assets Debt/Equity Ratio ‘000,000 100% 3 80% 151% 2 60% 40% 1 20% 0% 2011 2012 2013 Equity Liabilities 2014 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 Two items stand out within total assets: investments and pre-payments for the MDF Plant for a total of MXP 223MM and investments in land for MXP 19MM. Fixed Assets are mainly composed by 17,224 hectares of land, two nurseries, machinery and agricultural, forestry and transportation equipment, and other forestry assets. Other receivables include mainly taxes that are in a refund process. Long-Term Debt includes a net credit from Financiera Rural, which totals MXP 182MM, including interest, and the loan from the IFC, that amounts to MXP 67MM. The Company´s total capital as of quarter-end amounts to MXP 2,119MM, with a solid debt-toequity ratio of 1:4.7. III. Cash Flow Analysis The quarter’s cash flow evolved as projected, with a net operating cash flow of MXP 15MM. Among investments, it is worth highlighting the purchase of land for MXP 4MM and the investment in civil works for the MDF Plant for a total of MXP 61 MM. Positive cash flow transactions reflect the company’s continuing collection improvements for a third consecutive quarter, which amounted to MXP 58MM, and income from subsidies for MXP 6MM, representing 80% of the expected total for the year. The ending cash position for the quarter totaled MXP 165MM. Paseo de la Reforma 725 Col. Lomas de Chapultepec, Miguel Hidalgo, CP. 11000, Distrito Federal, México. 8 Environmental and Social Development FSC® Certification During the quarter, annual FSC® Chain of Custody audits were successfully completed for Comefor and Proteak Renewable Forestry. Social Development Thanks to its contribution to social development in the rural sector, Proteak was nominated and awarded Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) Company of The Year by The European LATAM Awards. As part of its continued efforts towards fostering social development, Proteak continued applying socio-economic surveys among representatives of ejidos and small communities neighboring plantations in different regions of Mexico in order to prepare an ad hoc Program. Proteak Informs • Independent Analyst As part of the independent analyst program, follow-up of Proteak’s OPC is performed by: Ernesto Gustavo O´Farrill Santoscoy [email protected] Tel: (55) 5531 0042 Bahía de todos los santos #26 Col. Verónica Anzures Delegación Miguel Hidalgo C.P. 11590, México, D.F. • Investor Relations Agency Alejandro Ramírez Arcia [email protected] Tel: +52 (55) 5256 – 5705 Paseo de la Reforma 725 Col. Lomas de Chapultepec, Miguel Hidalgo, CP. 11000, Distrito Federal, México. 9 Financial Statements The following chart presents a summarized quarterly and semi-annual Income Statement in MXP ‘000, and a comparison with the same periods of 2013. For gross profit, operating profit and net income, the table shows the percentage of net sales (incl. revaluations) they represent. Paseo de la Reforma 725 Col. Lomas de Chapultepec, Miguel Hidalgo, CP. 11000, Distrito Federal, México. 10 The following table presents the consolidated balance sheet as of the third quarter of 2014 in MXP ‘000, and its comparison with the year-end figures. Paseo de la Reforma 725 Col. Lomas de Chapultepec, Miguel Hidalgo, CP. 11000, Distrito Federal, México. 11 Mexico City, October 24, 2014. Today, Proteak Uno, S.A.B. de C.V. (BMV: TEAK) has presented its financial results for 3Q14. This information has been prepared according to Financial Reporting Standards (NIF) and is presented in nominal terms. Paseo de la Reforma 725 Col. Lomas de Chapultepec, Miguel Hidalgo, CP. 11000, Distrito Federal, México. 12
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