Route 50 E ANAHEIM 5 Haster 47/47A ANAHEIM CONVENTION CENTER DISNEYLAND Walnut 83, 430 NOTE: Timepoint for ARTIC is effective December 2014 when station opens. Euclid 37 2 3 Brookhurst 35 Magnolia 33 4 Beach 29 GARDEN GROVE STANTON Knott 25 Valley View 21 Katella Bloomfield 5 Los Alamitos 42/42A CYPRESS LOS ALAMITOS Willow 605 VA HOSPITAL CSULB AREA 1, 50, 60; LBT: 81, 91, 92, 93, 94, 171, D, ZAP 96; METRO: 577x Studebaker LBT 173 405 CSULB Channel SERVICE TO / SERVICIO A 1 3 4 5 LONG BEACH 7th Orange - The Village at Orange - Lincoln Park-and-Ride - Yorba Middle School Anaheim - Anaheim Regional Transportation Intermodal Center (ARTIC) - Honda Center - Angel Stadium of Anaheim - Anaheim Train Station (Metrolink/Amtrak) - Anaheim Resort - Anaheim Convention Center - Disneyland - Anaheim Garden Walk - Loara High School Garden Grove - Louis Lake Intermediate School - Rancho Alamitos High School Stanton - Stanton Civic Center Cypress - Cypress Business Park - Cypress Plaza Los Alamitos - Los Alamitos Race Track - Los Alamitos Medical Center - Los Alamitos Civic Center - Oak Middle School Long Beach - El Dorado Park - Cal State Long Beach - VA Hospital Ho w el Bus Stop Kat ella l 2 4:02 ANAHEIM AMTRAK / METROLINK STATION Below East Shuttle Area Harbor 43, 83, 430, 543 METRO 460 to LA Pedestrian Walking Path Bus Stop 2400 Building 2300 Building Anaheim Amtrak/Metrolink Station Pedestrian Gate Pedestrian Undercrossing NORTH Pedestrian gate open 4 am to midnight LEGEND / LEYENDA Scheduled Departure 1 METRO LBT RTA Regular Routing Eastbound Only New Route Alignment to ARTIC in Dec. 2014 Middle or High School = Los Angeles Metro = Long Beach Transit = Riverside Transit Agency Numbers on streets indicate transfers. Números en la calle indican transbordos. Route 050/090514 Katella & Harbor See Inset Anaheim 47/47A Katella & Brookhurst 57 ANGEL STADIUM OF ANAHEIM State College 57 Katella & Beach ARTIC (OPENING DEC. 2014) Douglas Katella & Los Alamitos Katella Main 53 7th & Channel Taft 46 Meats 153 HONDA CENTER 4:23 4:29 4:38 ORANGE 1 Glassell 59 4:13 4:48 5:00 The Village at Orange W MAP NOT TO SCALE Tustin 71 Heim Canal MONDAY - FRIDAY: Eastbound TO: The Village at Orange S Katella & Glassell N Anaheim Regional Transportation Center* (ARTIC – Dec. 2014) THE VILLAGE AT ORANGE 24, 42/42A, 46, 50, 71, 167, 213/213A; RTA: 216 167 LINCOLN PARK-AND-RIDE Long Beach to Orange via Katella Ave 5:12 4:53 5:03 5:16 5:26 5:38 5:48 5:59 6:11 5:51 6:03 6:19 6:27 6:38 6:49 7:00 7:14 6:16 6:28 6:44 6:52 7:03 7:14 7:25 7:39 6:34 6:46 7:04 7:14 7:28 7:38 7:51 8:05 6:59 7:11 7:29 7:39 7:53 8:03 8:16 8:30 7:24 7:40 7:57 8:06 8:18 8:28 8:40 8:54 7:49 8:05 8:22 8:31 8:43 8:53 9:05 9:19 8:14 8:30 8:47 8:56 9:08 9:18 9:30 9:44 8:55 9:08 9:26 9:34 9:47 9:56 10:10 10:24 9:36 9:49 10:07 10:15 10:28 10:37 10:51 11:05 10:16 10:29 10:47 10:55 11:08 11:17 11:31 11:45 10:56 11:09 11:27 11:35 11:48 11:57 12:11 12:25 11:30 11:43 12:05 12:13 12:26 12:35 12:49 1:03 12:16 12:29 12:47 12:55 1:08 1:17 1:31 1:45 12:56 1:09 1:27 1:35 1:48 1:57 2:11 2:25 1:34 1:47 2:06 2:15 2:28 2:39 2:52 3:06 2:14 2:27 2:46 2:55 3:08 3:19 3:32 3:46 2:39 2:52 3:11 3:20 3:33 3:44 3:57 4:11 3:04 3:17 3:36 3:45 3:58 4:09 4:22 4:36 3:29 3:42 4:01 4:10 4:23 4:34 4:47 5:01 3:54 4:07 4:26 4:35 4:48 4:59 5:12 5:26 4:19 4:32 4:51 5:00 5:13 5:24 5:37 5:51 4:44 4:57 5:16 5:25 5:38 5:49 6:02 6:16 5:09 5:26 5:48 5:56 6:08 6:18 6:31 6:46 5:36 5:50 6:08 6:18 6:33 6:42 6:56 7:11 6:29 6:42 7:01 7:11 7:23 7:33 7:45 8:00 7:25 7:37 7:53 8:01 8:13 8:22 8:33 8:46 8:15 8:27 8:43 8:51 9:03 9:12 9:23 9:36 9:23 9:34 9:46 9:53 10:03 10:13 10:23 10:35 10:27 10:38 10:49 10:55 11:03 11:13 11:23 11:31 11:30 11:41 11:50 11:56 12:04 12:12 12:20 12:28 12:38 12:49 12:58 1:04 1:12 1:20 1:28 1:36 * NOTE: The time point for Katella/State College has been removed. The time point ARTIC will become effective when the station opens in December 2014. Prior to the opening of ARTIC, eastbound trips may arrive early at Katella/Glassell and westbound trips may arrive early at Katella/Harbor. If buses arrive early, they will wait until the scheduled departure time. Effective October 12, 2014 Route 50 Long Beach to Orange via Katella Ave The Village at Orange Katella & Glassell Anaheim Regional Transportation Center* (ARTIC – Dec. 2014) Katella & Harbor Katella & Brookhurst Katella & Beach Katella & Los Alamitos 7th & Channel SAT, SUN and HOLIDAY: Eastbound TO: The Village at Orange 7th & Channel Katella & Los Alamitos Katella & Beach Katella & Brookhurst Katella & Harbor Anaheim Regional Transportation Center* (ARTIC – Dec. 2014) Katella & Glassell The Village at Orange MONDAY - FRIDAY: Westbound TO: Long Beach 4:00 4:06 4:15 4:24 4:33 4:39 4:51 5:04 4:00 4:10 4:22 4:28 4:40 4:48 5:00 5:11 4:44 4:54 5:05 5:14 5:23 5:30 5:47 6:05 5:06 5:16 5:28 5:34 5:46 5:54 6:06 6:17 5:24 5:34 5:45 5:54 6:03 6:10 6:27 6:45 6:05 6:17 6:31 6:40 6:53 7:03 7:16 7:32 5:59 6:09 6:20 6:29 6:38 6:45 7:02 7:20 6:58 7:10 7:24 7:33 7:46 7:56 8:09 8:25 6:20 6:30 6:42 6:54 7:04 7:11 7:29 7:47 7:53 8:06 8:22 8:31 8:46 8:56 9:10 9:26 6:45 6:55 7:07 7:19 7:29 7:36 7:54 8:12 8:53 9:06 9:22 9:31 9:46 9:56 10:10 10:26 7:11 7:22 7:34 7:44 7:54 8:03 8:19 8:39 9:34 9:47 10:03 10:12 10:27 10:37 10:51 11:07 7:36 7:47 7:59 8:09 8:19 8:28 8:44 9:04 10:28 10:41 10:57 11:06 11:21 11:31 11:45 12:01 8:01 8:12 8:24 8:34 8:44 8:53 9:09 9:29 11:21 11:34 11:50 11:58 12:14 12:24 12:38 12:56 8:26 8:37 8:49 8:59 9:09 9:18 9:34 9:54 12:18 12:31 12:52 1:00 1:14 1:24 1:39 1:55 8:51 9:02 9:14 9:24 9:34 9:43 9:59 10:19 12:58 1:11 1:30 1:40 1:56 2:06 2:20 2:37 9:29 9:40 9:54 10:04 10:16 10:24 10:42 11:00 2:04 2:17 2:36 2:46 3:02 3:12 3:26 3:43 10:09 10:20 10:34 10:44 10:56 11:04 11:22 11:40 2:48 3:01 3:20 3:30 3:46 3:56 4:10 4:27 10:49 11:00 11:14 11:24 11:36 11:44 12:02 12:20 3:49 4:01 4:18 4:27 4:40 4:50 5:03 5:19 11:29 11:40 11:54 12:04 12:16 12:24 12:42 1:00 4:31 4:43 5:00 5:09 5:22 5:32 5:45 6:01 12:09 12:20 12:34 12:44 12:56 1:04 1:22 1:40 5:18 5:30 5:47 5:56 6:09 6:19 6:32 6:48 12:49 1:00 1:14 1:24 1:36 1:44 2:02 2:20 6:09 6:20 6:37 6:44 6:56 7:05 7:18 7:32 1:19 1:30 1:44 1:54 2:06 2:14 2:32 2:50 6:59 7:10 7:27 7:34 7:46 7:55 8:08 8:22 1:59 2:10 2:24 2:34 2:46 2:54 3:12 3:30 7:55 8:07 8:25 8:32 8:46 8:58 9:10 9:22 2:22 2:34 2:48 2:59 3:12 3:20 3:45 4:07 9:04 9:16 9:30 9:36 9:46 9:56 10:07 10:19 2:47 2:59 3:13 3:24 3:37 3:45 4:10 4:32 9:50 10:02 10:16 10:22 10:32 10:42 10:53 11:05 3:12 3:24 3:38 3:49 4:02 4:10 4:35 4:57 11:17 11:27 11:38 11:44 11:53 12:00 12:09 12:20 12:40 12:50 1:01 1:07 1:16 1:23 1:32 1:43 3:37 3:49 4:03 4:14 4:27 4:35 5:00 5:22 4:02 4:14 4:28 4:39 4:52 5:00 5:25 5:47 4:27 4:39 4:53 5:04 5:17 5:25 5:50 6:12 4:52 5:05 5:19 5:29 5:43 5:53 6:11 6:30 5:32 5:45 5:59 6:09 6:23 6:33 6:51 7:10 6:12 6:25 6:39 6:49 7:03 7:13 7:31 7:50 6:55 7:05 7:18 7:29 7:39 7:45 7:59 8:14 7:55 8:05 8:18 8:29 8:39 8:45 8:59 9:14 8:55 9:05 9:18 9:29 9:39 9:45 9:59 10:14 10:05 10:12 10:23 10:34 10:44 10:50 11:01 11:14 11:10 11:17 11:28 11:39 11:49 11:55 12:06 12:19 12:30 12:37 12:48 12:59 1:09 1:15 1:26 1:39 * NOTE: The time point for Katella/State College has been removed. The time point ARTIC will become effective when the station opens in December 2014. Prior to the opening of ARTIC, eastbound trips may arrive early at Katella/Glassell and westbound trips may arrive early at Katella/Harbor. If buses arrive early, they will wait until the scheduled departure time. Effective October 12, 2014 Route 50 Long Beach to Orange via Katella Ave 5:21 5:28 5:41 7th & Channel 5:11 Katella & Los Alamitos Katella & Beach Anaheim Regional Transportation Center* (ARTIC – Dec. 2014) 5:03 Katella & Brookhurst 4:52 Katella & Harbor 4:44 Katella & Glassell The Village at Orange SAT, SUN and HOLIDAY: Westbound TO: Long Beach 5:55 5:29 5:37 5:48 5:56 6:06 6:13 6:26 6:40 6:27 6:35 6:46 6:54 7:04 7:11 7:24 7:38 7:13 7:24 7:35 7:46 7:57 8:04 8:20 8:39 7:58 8:09 8:20 8:31 8:42 8:49 9:05 9:24 8:52 9:03 9:14 9:25 9:36 9:43 9:59 10:18 9:44 9:55 10:06 10:17 10:28 10:35 10:51 11:10 10:36 10:49 11:02 11:12 11:24 11:32 11:50 12:08 11:16 11:29 11:42 11:52 12:04 12:12 12:30 12:48 12:10 12:26 12:40 12:52 1:08 1:17 1:38 1:54 1:06 1:19 1:33 1:43 1:56 2:05 2:23 2:38 2:05 2:17 2:30 2:41 2:54 3:03 3:22 3:37 2:47 2:59 3:12 3:23 3:36 3:45 4:04 4:19 3:36 3:48 4:01 4:12 4:25 4:34 4:53 5:08 4:22 4:32 4:45 4:57 5:11 5:20 5:38 5:54 5:12 5:22 5:35 5:47 6:01 6:10 6:28 6:44 6:02 6:12 6:25 6:37 6:51 7:00 7:18 7:34 6:56 7:06 7:18 7:30 7:42 7:49 8:04 8:20 7:52 8:03 8:15 8:27 8:39 8:46 9:01 9:17 8:56 9:05 9:17 9:27 9:38 9:46 10:00 10:14 9:51 10:00 10:12 10:22 10:33 10:41 10:55 11:09 11:10 11:17 11:27 11:37 11:45 11:51 12:04 12:18 12:24 12:31 12:41 12:51 12:59 1:05 1:18 1:32 * NOTE: The time point for Katella/State College has been removed. The time point ARTIC will become effective when the station opens in December 2014. Prior to the opening of ARTIC, eastbound trips may arrive early at Katella/Glassell and westbound trips may arrive early at Katella/Harbor. If buses arrive early, they will wait until the scheduled departure time. Your safety & security Su seguridad we’re minutes away. be the one to alert us! When you board an OCTA bus, you’re more protected than you think. Between a video surveillance system and quick access to law enforcement, help can arrive within a matter of minutes. But we also need your assistance. What you see could help save lives. So if you see anything suspicious, please contact your driver immediately or call 911. For additional information on our safety and security measures, visit ESTAMOS A MINUTOS DE USTED.¡SEA USTED QUIEN NOS ALERTE! Cuando viaja en un autobús de la OCTA, usted está más protegido de lo que cree. Entre un sistema de vigilancia por video y un rápido acceso a la seguridad pública, la ayuda puede llegar en cuestión de minutos. Pero también necesitamos su ayuda. Lo que usted ve podría ayudar a salvar vidas. Entonces si ve algo sospechoso, avísele al conductor inmediatamente o llame al 911. Para obtener información adicional acerca de nuestras medidas de seguridad, visite Effective October 12, 2014
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