Special Education Training IEP Strategy Understanding Evaluations

Jerry Brown,
S t a t e
L o s
A n g e l e s
O f f i c e
C o u n c i l
o n
D e v e l o p m e n t a l
[email protected]
D i s a b i l i t i e s
411 N. Central Avenue, Suite 620
Glendale, CA 91203
818/543-4631 Voice
818/543-4635 FAX
SCDD LA Announces a Training Opportunity!
Special Education Training
IEP Strategy
Understanding Evaluations
Thursday, February 25, 2016, 9:30 AM – 1:30 PM
Veterans Memorial Building, Rotunda Room,
4117 Overland Avenue, Culver City, CA 90230
Presenter: Christofer Arroyo, Advocate
Do you have difficulty getting services your child needs? While many presentations are
about the law and rights of students, this one is about strategy and how to obtain the
services and education your child needs. In this workshop you will:
• Learn how to create an overall
• Understand the structure of the IEP
advocacy strategy & how to implement
so you know what to expect & how to
it at every phase of the IEP meeting
strategize during the IEP meeting
• Learn how to present your information
• Understand school evaluations &
& ask questions strategically in order
how to use them strategically to get
to obtain the services your child needs
needed services
• Learn how to specifically respond to
• Understand all of the options
school staff when they make
available to you in order to resolve
statements that confuse you or
disagreements and/or problems
somehow result in your child getting
inappropriate or no services
Space is limited, so please make your reservation by calling 818/543-4631.
Translation requests for Spanish must be submitted by Friday, February 19.
While this free training is open to anyone, reservations for Los Angeles County
residents will be given priority. Please note we are unfortunately unable to provide
childcare. Light refreshments will be served. Thank you!
“The Council advocates, promotes & implements policies and practices that achieve self-determination, independence,
productivity & inclusion in all aspects of community life for Californians with developmental disabilities and their families."
Jerry Brown,
S t a t e
L o s
A n g e l e s
O f f i c e
C o u n c i l
o n
D e v e l o p m e n t a l
[email protected]
D i s a b i l i t i e s
411 N. Central Avenue, Suite 620
Glendale, CA 91203
SCDD LA Anuncia una Oportunidad de Entrenamiento!
Entrenamiento de Educación Especial
Estrategia de IEP
Entender Evaluaciones
El Jueves, el 25 de febrero de 2016, 9:30 AM – 1:30 PM
Veterans Memorial Building, Rotunda Room,
4117 Overland Avenue, Culver City, CA 90230
Presentador: Christofer Arroyo, Defensor
¿Tiene dificultades para obtener los servicios que su hijo necesita? Mientras que
muchas presentaciones son sobre la ley y los derechos de los estudiantes, éste es
sobre la estrategia y como obtener los servicios y la educación su hijo necesita. En
este taller, usted va a:
implementerla a cada parte de la junta
• Entender la estructura del IEP para
de IEP
saber que puede esperar y cómo
• Aprender cómo presentar su
desarrollar estrategias durante la
información y hacer preguntas
junta del IEP
estratégicamente para obtener los
• Enteder evaluaciónes escolares y
servicios que su hijo necesita
cómo usarlas estrategiamente para
obtener servicios necesarios
• Aprender cómo responder
específicamente a empleados de la
• Entender todas las opciones
escuela cuando hacen declaraciones
disponibles para resolver
que confunden o de alguna manera
desacuerdos y/o problemas
resulta en servicios inapropiados o sin
• Aprender cómo crear una estrategia
global de abogacía y cómo
El espacio es limitado, por favor haga su reserva llamando al 818/543-4631. Las
solicitudes de traducción a español deben enviarse antes del viernes, el 19 de
febrero. Mientras esta entrenamiento gratuito está abierta a cualquier persona,
reservas para los residentes del condado de Los Ángeles tendrán prioridad. Tenga en
cuenta que no podamos prestar servicios de guardería. Refrescos serán servidos.
“The Council advocates, promotes & implements policies and practices that achieve self-determination, independence,
productivity & inclusion in all aspects of community life for Californians with developmental disabilities and their families."