NOVEMBER 2, 2014: WELCOME TO OUR COMMUNITY CELEBRATION OF ALL SOULS DAY. S T . M A R Y M A G D A L E N C AT H O L I C P A R I S H Our Mission & Values Community St. Mary Magdalen Catholic Parish is a Eucharistic community that places God first in all things and comes together as a family to Love as Christ Loves and Serve as Christ Serves . Engagement Eucharist a welcoming spirit loving God with all of our celebrating the and a culture of heart, our soul, our center of our faith genuine inclusion strength and our mind to through creative, into our diverse actively and passionately vibrant and diverse parish family build the Kingdom liturgies Faith Formation committing to life-long learning through Catholic education from childhood through adulthood Family Stewardship nurturing, responding gratefully empowering with sacrificial and supporting generosity for all God strong families has given us in today’s world Witnessing & Evangelizing living the Gospel by sharing & teaching our faith through conversion of mind, heart, & reconciliation with God & one another Mass Times Daily: Monday through Friday: 7am, 8:30am Thurs.: 7pm (Español ) Weekends: Sat: 8am, Vigil: 5pm, 7pm (Español) , Sun: 8am, 10am (Interpreted for the Deaf) , 12Noon, 5:30pm Contact A DDRESS : 861 Maitland Avenue, Altamonte Springs, FL 32701 ✥ W EBSITE : P HONE : 407.831.1212 ✥ F AX : 407.831.1560 ✥ E-M AIL : [email protected] LETTER FROM Dear Brothers and Sisters, THE PASTOR those we don’t know? How are we preparing to leave a legacy our Catholic heritage for those who will come after us? This weekend we begin our November Message series “Loving the way God Loves, Giving the Way God gives.” We are going to look at ways in which God loves and gives and how we, too, may be loving and giving to others. We begin our message series by celebrating All Souls – the day when we remember loved ones – those who have gone to the Banquet of the Lord before us. To prepare to join in the banquet, we need to prepare ourselves. To do God’s will, not our own. Even Christ recognized this, when he said in today’s Gospel: “I came down from heaven not to do my own will but the will of the one who sent me.” Our CHALLENGE for the week: Please commit 20 minutes of quiet time with God during the next week to read and reflect upon the brochure we mailed and are in the pews entitled “Loving the Way God Loves… Giving the Way God Gives…” During your daily prayer time (which could be during the week at Mass), during our Eucharistic Adoration (Monday through Friday from 9am to 7pm), or in the quiet of your home, please reflect upon how you have personally experienced God’s Love and God’s Giving in your own life. What led to it? Prayer? Did it come by surprise? How did it make a difference in your life? How did it make you feel? How did you respond to give thanks to God? Did you learn Christ has shown us, by concrete example, how to live our anything from it about God showing you how to live by the lives and how to do the Father’s will. He didn’t just tell us way he loved or gave to you? This could also be a good how with eloquent wor ds of wisdom, but by his own example. Together, what can we learn from the life of Jesus – exercise to do with your family or spouse at the table after from the loving actions of God the Father and the Holy Spirit dinner or while gathered together before bedtime. Offer each that can help us to be more loving and giving in our everyday the optional opportunity to share something from their life lives? For instance: experience they are grateful for. If you have young children (or artists or aspiring artists of any age), we would love to receive simple drawings illustrating an act of God showing how he loves and gives to his people. Name and age are optional. Example: Jesus giving “For God so loved the world that he gave his only Son, so that everyone who believes in him might not perish but might someone a smile or loaf of bread or healing a sick person. have eternal life” (John 3:16). “For us men and for our salvation he came down from heaven… For our sake he was In Christ, crucified under Pontius Pilate, he suffered death and was P.S. I can’t believe a month has passed already since Fr. buried, and rose again on the third day in accordance with the Scriptures...” (From the creed we recite at Mass) Michael’s arrival. We look forward to his joining us each year, and when he gets here, immediately put him to work. When we see the symbol of Jesus on the cross, it reminds us As you know, Fr. Michael is a gifted preacher, a scholar of of the degree to which he loved us… Every married person Canon Law, and an all-around good fellow. His good sportsknows the joy of marriage and every parent knows the joy of manship truly comes to the surface at CommunityFest, when having a child. But they will also tell you of the sacrifices we dressed him up, this year as the Tin Man, and put him in often required in marriage or parenthood… Love and the opening parade. We might as well have wrapped him in sacrifice go hand-in-hand – joy and suffering. Our God has aluminum foil and set him in the oven with the outfit we walked that struggle with us and reminds us we are never made him wear. But he wore it, and soldiered on. alone in that journey and will always give us the strength we need to get through tough times. Believe it or not, Fr. Michael has been coming to our Diocese since the days of Fr. Caverly. He loves this parish, and we love him. I say to him every year that we look forward to the God has shown us by example how to love and give generously – without counting the cost: Scripture is full of day that he will join us permanently. That day has not yet come, but you never know. good news stories of Jesus healing the sick, feeding the hungry and helping those in every imaginable need, despite Fr. Michael heads back to the dank, gray winter of Wales just being tired and in need of food, shelter and rest. as we enter into the beautiful days of Florida’s winter months. We wish him the very best, and look forward to his How should we give? As God has given to us… joining us again, next fall. Our Father Michael is like the reWe have inherited a great deal from our spiritual ancestors turn of the swallows to Capistrano. You know autumn has (our family, loved ones, and even those we don’t know – those in our parish who went before us.) We have inherited arrived with Fr. Michael’s arrival. The Fr. Michael Burke room at the rectory remains ready for him. our faith. We have inherited everything around us, often from those who didn’t even know us. How do we give to God has shown us by example how to love and give sacrificially: Youth Steward of the Month In gratitude for God’s gifts of time and talent to all of us, we gratefully acknowledge and salute: MARCIA BOWERS Marcia graciously shares the Body and Blood of Christ as a Eucharistic Minister and serves our brothers and sisters in Christ who cannot join us at Mass by bringing the Most Holy Eucharist to them as a Minister to the Sick. In addition, she helps out at CommunityFest and enriches her own faith by participating in Bible Study. She has also participated in the Great Adventure Bible Study and Living the Eucharistic Series. With deep gratitude, we thank you, Marcia! Parish Sacrificial Giving In gratitude for the gifts we have received from God, parishioners and visitors made a joyful return to the Lord of $35,283 on October 25 and 26 for the mission and ministries of St. Mary Magdalen. Thank you for helping us carry out Christ’s mission and ministry. Thanks for Giving First Fruits & Taking a Step! ✥-Ofrenda con Sacrificio: En gratitud por los dones que hemos recibido de Dios, los feligreses y visitantes hicimos retorno gozoso al Señor de $35,283 el 25 y 26 de octubre para la misión y ministerios de la Parroquia Santa María Magdalena. Gracias por ayudarnos a seguir llevando a cabo la misión y el ministerio de Cristo. !Gracias por dar los primeros frutos y dar un paso! Free Car Wash to ALL SOULs aged 65 and up, with Coupon! Join us on Sunday, November 2 from 8:30AM to 2PM! This coupon is good for 1 carwash for seniors age 65 and up and all veterans regardless of age. Time Talent Treasure iempo alento esoro Stewardship Thought for the Week? During the past two weeks you should have received two mailings exploring Stewardship and Sacrificial Giving. You were asked to prayerfully reflect upon what the priorities of your life are and where God fits among these priorities. In the second mailing of October 28, you were asked to decide the portion or percentage you will give to the parish and to other charities during this coming year. Please bring your completed commitment card with you to Mass next week for “Covenant Sunday”. It is the day our Sacrificial Giving Commitment Cards are brought to the altar during the offertory procession and presented with the rest of the gifts as “First Fruits” to our Lord. “When you have come into the land which the Lord, your God, is giving you as a heritage, and have occupied it and settled in it, you shall take some first-fruits of the various products of the soil which you harvest . . . and, putting them in a basket . . . you shall go to the priest . . . (who will) set it in front of the altar of the Lord, your God” (Deuteronomy 26:1-4). Visitors & New Parishioners . We are so blessed that you decided to join us! Won’t you join our Catholic community by registering at St. Mary Magdalen? Registration forms are available at the Connection Central “Concierge” table in front of the Church, by calling Lisa Oak at the Parish Office 407.265.2300, or by filling out the form below. Please drop it in the mail, collection basket, or you can sign up online at Name: ____________________________________ Address: ___________________________________ C o u p o n f o r SMM’s Youth Ministry 4th Annual Car Wash Lavado de coches gratis a todas las almas de 65 años en adelante, ¡con cupón! ¡Únase a nosotros el domingo 2vde noviembre, de 8:30AM a 2PM! Este cupón es válido para 1 car wash para las personas mayores de 65 años o más. Además, tambien invitamos a todos los veteranos sin importar la edad. E-mail:_____________________________________ City/Zip: __________________________________ Phone: ____________________________________ 861 Maitland Ave — Altamonte Springs — FL — 32701 THIS WEEK AT SMM First Steps Tour & Reception Are you new or visiting? Did you miss the last session or just want to participate? Then you are cordially invited for a parish tour and general information on our ministries, services, mission and vision on Sunday, November 9 after the 12NOON Mass. Enjoy a light reception to formally welcome and help you become acclimated to parish life! We will meet at the Connection Central Concierge table at the front of the Church. ✥-Un Recorrido de Primeros Pasos y Recepción: ¿Es nuevo, o está de visita? ¿No pudo asistir a la última presentación, o sólo quiere participar? Está cordialmente invitado a un recorrido de la parroquia. Recibirá información sobre los ministerios, servicios, misión y visión de la parroquia el domingo 9 de Noviembre después de la Misa de 12PM. Seguidamente disfrute de una recepción para extenderle nuestra bienvenida y ayudarlo a ambientarse a nuestra vida parroquial. Nos encontraremos al frente de la Iglesia en la mesa del Connection Central Concierge. Gleaning is Back We will be going gleaning once again, this time for corn. Join us on Saturday, November 8 as we caravan together from our parking lot to the Apopka/Mount Dora area. The day will start at 7AM and we will return around 1PM. Sign up today after Mass if you are interested in going. E-mail Stephanie Spies at [email protected] for more information. ✥¡Vuelve el tiempo de cosecha! Nuevamente vamos a cosechar, esta vez maíz, el sábado 8 de noviembre. Saldremos en caravana desde nuestro estacionamiento de la iglesia al área de Apopka/Mount Dora. El trabajo comenzará a las 7AM y volveremos aproximadamente a la 1PM. Los que quieran participar, por favor inscríbanse después de cada Misa este fin de semana, o contacten a Stephanie Spies a [email protected] para más información. Marriage and Family Retreat St. Mary Magdalen is hosting the "Together in Holiness" Marriage & Family Retreat on Saturday, November 15 from 8AM to1PM in the Parish Life Center. Presented by the John Paul II Foundation for Life and Family, spouses will receive motivating insights and practical guidance for embracing a vibrant spiritual life in their marriage and family. Come and treat yourselves to this morning of inspiring presentations, prayerful reflection and conversation with the one you love. Meals included. Free childcare. $45/couples and $25/ individuals. Register today at or ✥- Retiro de Matrimonio y Familia: Santa María Magdalena es el anfitrión del "Together in Holiness"Marriage & Family retreat el sábado 15 de noviembre de 8AM - 1PM en el. PLC. Presentado por John Paul II Foundation for Life and Family. Las parejas recibirán ideas motivadoras y orientaciones prácticas para abarcar una vida espiritual viva en su matrimonio y con su familia. Vengan y participen en esta mañana de inspiración, oración reflectiva, y de poder tener conversaciones con la persona que amas. Comidas incluídas. Cuidado de niños gratis. $45 /parejas y $25 individual. Regístrese hoy en o 50 + Ministry Join us on Sunday, November 9 at 11:30AM at LongHorn Steakhouse on Douglas Avenue in Altamonte Springs for an afternoon of good food and fellowship. Please R.S.V.P. by November 8 so the restaurant can prepare the proper number of tables. Contact Terry at 407.761.1506 or Jeanne at 407.260.9515 to save your spot! ✥- 50 + Ministry: Únanse a nosotros el domingo 9 de Noviembre a las 11:30AM en el Longhorn Steakhouse de Douglas Ave. en Altamonte Springs para disfrutar la tarde con una buena comida y amistades. Por favor respondan el 8 de Noviembre a más tardar para que el restaurante pueda preparar las mesas necesarias. Llame a Terry al 407.761.1506 o a Jeanne al 407.260.9515 para reservar su lugar. Tear Drops Prayer Devotional There is power in prayer! All are invited to gather as a community on Monday, November 10 at 7PM in the Chapel to pray for your own and our fellow parishioners’ children, siblings, spouses, relatives, co-workers, and friends who need our prayers, as well as for those who left their faith, that all will find peace in the Lord. ✥-Tear Drops Oración Devocional: ¡Hay poder en la oración! Todos están invitados a reunirse como comunidad el lunes, 10 de noviembre a las 7PM en la capilla para orar por todos nuestros hijos, hermanos, cónyuges, familiares, compañeros de trabajo y amigos que necesitan nuestras oraciones, así como para aquellos que abandonaron su fe, para que todos puedan encontrar la paz en el Señor. COMING SOON Grief Support Ministry The Church dedicates November to remembering those who have died in our community. The SMM Grief Support Ministry is available to anyone suffering the loss of a loved one recently or in the past. Everyone is welcome Monday and Thursday mornings from 10 to 11:30AM in the Parish Office. Additionally, a diocesan certified grief counselor is available for private and individual counseling to anyone having trouble dealing with a loss and unable to come to the Parish. For directions or more information call Rosemary in the Parish Office at 407.265.2307. ✥-Ministerio de Soporte para los Afligidos: La Iglesia dedica el mes de noviembre para recordar a todos a todos aquellos que han muerto en nuestra comunidad. El Ministerio de Soporte a los Afligidos de SMM está disponible para todos los que han perdido un ser querido recientemente o en el pasado. Y todos son bienvenidos a participar en nuestras reuniones las mañanas de los lunes y jueves de 10 a 11:30AM en las Oficinas Parroquiales. Además, un consejero diocesano para los afligidos está disponible para atender, privadamente, a todos los que tienen dificultad con la pérdida de un ser querido y no pueden venir a la parroquia. Para dirección o más información favor de llamar a Rosemary a la oficina parroquial al 407.265.2307. Eucharistic Adoration "Could you not watch an hour with me?" (Matt. 26:40). You are invited to spend time before the Blessed Sacrament sharing your deepest thoughts with Jesus or just be still with Him offering praise and thanksgiving for all He has given us. Adoration will be provided in the Chapel between October 27 and November 26, Monday through Wednesday & Friday, 9AM to 7PM and Thursday 9AM to 6:30PM . Become a "Guardian of the Hour" by signing-up at the concierge desk after weekend Masses or in the room outside the Chapel during the week. ✥- Adoración Eucarística: ¿"¿Así que no habéis podido velar conmigo una hora? (Mateo 26:40.). Los invitamos a compartir ante El Santísimo Sacramento. Comparta con Jesús sus pensamientos más profundos, o simplemente quédese tranquilo con El ofreciéndole alabanzas y acción de gracias por todo lo que Él le ha dado. Tendremos la Adoración en la Capilla desde el 27 de octubre al 26 de noviembre, de lunes a viernes de " uardián de la Hora". Vaya a la mesa del 9AM a 7PM. Conviértase en un G conserje para inscribirse después de las Misas de fin de semana o en la salón afuera de la capilla durante el fin de semana. \ Living the Beatitudes Join us Monday, November 17 at 7PM in the Mother Teresa Room where Deacon Henry Libersat will present on Blessed are the Merciful and Blessed are the Peacemakers of the Beatitudes! Evening hosted by Acts 29 and the Evangelization Team ✥-Viviendo las Bienaventuranzas: Únase a nosotros el 17 de noviembre a las 7PM en el salón de la Madre Teresa, donde el Diácono Henry Libersat explorará las Bienaventuranzas: ¡Bendito sean los misericordiosos; y Benditos sean los que trabajan por la Paz! La noche ha sido organizada por Hechos 29 y el Equipo de Evangelización. “Living Your Strengths” Free One-Day Retreat! We are, indeed, uniquely created to serve God in wonderful and powerful ways! Join us Sunday, November 16 at 1:30PM in the Parish Life Center and don’t miss this one-day retreat that provides foundational information on the “Living Your Strengths” concept that will begin you on the journey of being the best version of yourself for the Kingdom of God. We focus on what you naturally do well, because that is where God has gifted you! In preparation for the retreat, we highly recommend taking the Clifton StrengthsFinder® (theme names are trademark of Gallup, Inc.) to discover your Top 5 “Signature” themes of talent. The “Living Your Strengths” book can be purchased for $15 in the Parish Office or Religious Book Store. If you are not ready to take the Clifton StrengthsFinder® and just want to learn more about the strengths concept, you are more than welcome to attend. There is no fee for the retreat itself! Contact Melissa Findley at 407.265.2311 or [email protected]. ✥Viviendo Sus Fortalezas: ¡Un día de retiro gratis! Verdaderamente somos creados como individuos únicos, para servir a Dios de una forma maravillosa y poderosa. No se pierda el retiro el 16 de Noviembre a la 1:30PM en el Parish Life Center. Este día de retiro nos proveerá la información fundamental sobre el concepto de “Vivir Sus Fortalezas” para iniciar el camino que lo guiará a ser su mejor versión de sí mismos para el Reino de Dios. Nos enfocamos en lo que cada uno de nosotros hacemos bien naturalmente, porque éstos son los dones que Dios nos ha dado a cada uno. Les recomendamos que haga el ejercicio: Clifton StrengthsFinder® (los títulos de los temas son propiedad de Gallup, Inc.)” que se encuentra en el libro “Viviendo Sus Fortalezas” que está a la venta por $15, en la oficina parroquial o en la tienda de libros religiosos. Este ejercicio le ayudará a descubrir sus primeros 5 talentos principales. Si no está dispuesto a hacer el ejercicio, sino simplemente quiere conocer más sobre el concepto de “fortalezas"también puede asistir. No se cobra nada por la asistencia. Póngase en contacto con Melissa Findley llamando al 407.265.2311 o [email protected]. MINISTRY NEWS: XLT is back! Please join us in the church on Friday, November 14 at 7PM, for an evening of praise, worship and Adoration of the Most Blessed Sacrament. Our first XLT of fall will feature Deacon Henry Libersat, Michael Scotchie, and the XLT Band. We hope to see you there! If you have never been to XLT before, now is the time to check it out. You will be glad you did! Adopt a Family The Adopt-a-Family parish program is looking for parishioners interested in adopting a family this holiday season. Please consider sharing your blessings with a family that could use a little extra help this Christmas. If you are interested in sponsoring a local family, please contact Sandy Matusz at [email protected] or 407.325.4390 for more information. “In the same way, let your light shine before others, so that they may see your good works and give glory to your Father who is in heaven.” Matthew 5:16. ✥- Adopte una Familia: El programa Adopt-a-Family parroquial está buscando feligreses interesados en la adopción de una familia durante la época navideña. Por favor, considere compartir sus bendiciones con una familia a quien le vendría bien un poco de ayuda en esta Navidad. Si está interesado en patrocinar a una familia local, póngase en contacto con Sandy Matusz al [email protected] o 407.325.4390 para más información. D " e la misma manera deja que tu luz brille ante los hombres, para que vean vuestras buenas obras y glorifiquen a vuestro Padre que está en los cielos."Mateo 5:16 Children's Holy Hour: All children and their parents are invited to a Children's Holy Hour on Friday, November 14 at 3:30PM in the Chapel. There will be prayer, songs, and adoration at a child's level. Contact Dulce at 407.538.7833 for more information. ✥- Hora Santa de los niños: Los niños y sus padres están invitados a la Hora Santa de los Niños el viernes 14 de noviembre a las 3:30PM en la Capilla. Habrá oración, canciones, y adoración apropiada para la edad de los niños. Para más información por favor llamen a Dulce al 407.538.7833. Kids Mass Ministry is Here! Ministering to families with children ages 6 months to 5 years, Kids Mass Ministry offers a safe, friendly, and welcoming environment to inspire children to know and love God through Bible stories, crafts and activities. The ministry is currently offered during the 10AM Mass. For more information and to register, please contact Larann Wilson at [email protected] or 407.265.2303. . Disciple Volunteers needed! Our Children’s Liturgy of the Word Ministry is in need of disciple volunteers for the 10AM and 12PM Masses to help us in bringing the Word of God to our K-5 grade children in such a way that they understand the teaching and can apply the lesson in their own daily lives. Please contact David Salazar at 407.310.8150 or [email protected] for further information. ✥ ¡Necesitamos Discípulos Voluntarios!: El Ministerio de la Liturgia para Niños necesitan más voluntarios durante las Misas dominicales de las 10AM y de las 12PM. Por favor, ayúdenos a llevar la Palabra de Dios a nuestros niños de Kínder al 5to. grado de tal manera que comprendan las enseñanzas y para que aprendan como aplicarlas en sus vidas cotidianas. Para más información por favor, póngase en contacto con David Salazar al 407.310.8150 o Spiritual food, physical food, & fellowship: 5:30 to 8:30 Sunday’s Middle School Night: Wednesdays 7 to 8:30pm How our Youth Thank God ✥ ✥ ✥ ✥ I sang for my sister. I gave my turn to someone else. I made a birthday card for a friend. I prayed every morning for a sick friend. ✥ I made dinner. ✥ I helped babysit my brother. ✥ I spent time with my grandmother. ✥ I vacuumed downstairs. ✥ I made breakfast for my family. ✥ I shared with my friend. ✥ I did my best on my Red Ribbon poster. ✥ I rubbed dad’s back. ✥ I went to LifeTeen. ✥ I helped work on the kitchen at my great-grandma’s house. Youth Stewardship 10/26: $105.83 MUSTANG MOMENT: ✥-Early Learning Center: St. Mary Magdalen’s Early Learning Center fall enrollment is open! Stop by to learn about our VPK and Pre-K through 3 enrollments. We are open Monday through Friday from 7AM to 6PM. Call 407.831.3740 ext5381 for more information. ✥-S t . M a r y M a g d a l e n ’ s E a r l y L e a r n i n g C e n t e r : ¡Inscriba a sus niños este otoño! Estamos abiertos de lunes a viernes de 7AM a 6 PM. Los invitamos a que visiten el centro de VPK y Pre-K. Habrá 3 oportunidades distintas para inscribir a sus niños. Llame al 407.831.3740 ext.5381 para más información.. ✥-SMM School: Give your child the opportunity of a lifetime! Register for the 2014– 2015 school year at St. Mary Magdalen Catholic School. It is our mission to teach gospel values, build a community of faith, and provide a rigorous educational experience in a safe, supportive environment. SMM accepts Sister Parish Tuition as well as Florida Step Up for Students Scholarships for those families who meet the criteria. Visit their website, for more information. Contact the School Office or email [email protected] for additional information or an appointment to take a tour of our school. ✥-E s c u e l a d e S M M : Ha comenzado la inscripción para el año escolar 2014-2015. Las familias, el profesorado y la parroquia comparten en el desarrollo del potencial espiritual, académico y social de cada estudiante como un único hijo de Dios. Para obtener más información sobre nuestra escuela o programar un recorrido, póngase en contacto con Brenda East al teléfono 321.280.5330. Our Lady of Grace Shrine What Does the Pope Say? From Cradle to Kingdom Did you know that Pope Francis has a Twitter? He posts often and below you can find a few recent highlights: ✥ Would you like to honor a loved one or a special event by providing flowers for the Shrine of Our Lady of Grace in the Church? If you are interested in donating, please contact Jo Ann at the Parish Office at 407.831.1212. From the Seminara Family ✥ ✥ Jesus’ Cross shows the full force of evil, but also the full power of God’s mercy. The family is where we are formed as people. Every family is a brick in the building of society. To change the world we must be good to those who cannot repay us. Do you want to follow Pope Francis on Twitter? Go to Pray for these parishioners who are celebrating new life in Baptism, Marriage, or Eternal Life. Baptisms: Adeline Christine Ames Joseph Michael Haslach Abigail Grace Toschlog Stella Grace White Deaths: David Deardorff Julia Gruskin Ron York Michael Slivinski Alan Getz (Husband of Zita) G ENERAL P ARISH I NFORMATION Hours: Mon-Thur 8:30 AM -7 PM ; Fri 8:30 AM -4:30 PM Sat 9 AM -12 PM Phone Number: 407.831.1212 PASTORAL TEAM Pastor Associate Pastor Associate Pastor Sacramental Minister Pastoral Associate Deacons x2316 Fr. Charlie Mitchell x2315 Fr. Ed Thompson x2318 Fr. Alfonso Cely, O.P. Fr. Patrick Patton x2317 Lois Locey Marshall Gibbs, Juan Cruz, Jerry Kelly, Henry Libersat, Greg Nelsen & Bill O’Brien, Israel Colon MUSIC AND LITURGY Steward for Music & Liturgy Liturgy Assistant Steward for Contemporary Christian Choirs Mark Ayers Debbie Karleskint Andres Ocampo Fax: 407.831.1560 407.831.1212 x 2310 x 2310 X2603 Lorianne Rotz 407.339.7301 SCHOOL OFFICE x 5332 Brenda East Principal x 5330 Elisa Steiner (Director) Registration 407.831.1212 EARLY LEARNING CENTER MEMBERSHIP SERVICES Cecile Bertot (Chair) 407.831.3740 x5381 x2307 Rosemary Kazyk Ministry to Sick & Grieving Joe Hillebrandt (Vice Chair) PASTORAL COUNCIL x2311 Melissa Findley Time, Talent & Evangelization Adult Center 407.423.5311 SHARE THE CARE x2313 Vince Edman Facilities Director x2314 Leslie McCranie Assistant Facilities Director S A C R A M E N T I N F O R M A T I O N x2300 Lisa Oak Membership Admin. Assistant x2312 5PM, 7 PM (Español ) SATURDAY VIGIL Heidi Lewis Parish Accountant x2302 8AM, 10AM (Interpreted for the deaf), SUNDAY Julie Daligney Administrative Intern 12NOON, 5:30 PM Jo Ann Kuhn/Wanda Padin x2309/x2320 Receptionist Mon-Fri: 7AM, 8:30AM, Saturdays 8AM, WEEKDAY Lisa Sojourner [email protected] Bulletin Editor Thurs 7PM (Español) Morning Rosary 8 AM (Monday-Saturday) LIFELONG FAITH FORMATION 9 AM - 5PM (In the Chapel) Adoration First Friday x2318 Fr. Alfonso Cely, O.P. Steward for Faith Formation Prayer Line 407.830.9042 [email protected] x2304 Steward for Adult Sacramental Preparation Deacon Marshall Gibbs Sacrament of Reconciliation Sat 3-4PM (English), Sat after 5PM Mass (Eng/Sp) x2303 Steward for Children & Family Larann Wilson Sacrament of Initiation, Deacon Marshall x2305 Steward for Youth Ministry Darryl Dziedzic Baptism and Matrimony Lucy Berger/Fr. Charlie Mitchell x2306 Steward for Annulments Sister Pat O’Malley Sacrament of the Sick Rosemary Kazyk x2301 Project Coord . for Faith Formation Lucy Berger Religious Bookstore Contact Jo Ann Kuhn O UR C ATHOLIC F AITH : S ACRIFICIAL G IVING A Prayer of Thanksgiving… Our gifts are most appropriately presented at the Offertory of the Mass. The celebration of Christ’s sacrifice is a fitting context for our own sacrificial offering which is a grateful response to the unfathomable love God has shown for us. Too often, we want to separate the issue of giving, particularly the giving of money, from those more “spiritual” aspects of our faith life. However, the Catholic Bishops of the world at the Second Vatican Council recognized and taught us that: “The separation between faith and life is one of “the more serious errors of our age.”* Yet, the commitment to Sacrificial Giving is one of the most important expressions of what our faith means to us. Offering our gifts at Mass places them in an appropriate context of prayer and response to God. In the offering, we can express our joy in having first received and in now being able to give back. We are able to say, “Thanks be to God!” We can give back some portion of the tremendous gifts that have first been given to us, the most important of which we celebrate at the Eucharist. There is no better time to fulfill our commitment to Sacrificial Giving than in the atmosphere of prayer and thanksgiving. We remember, too, that this commitment is one of personal as well as communal prayer and part of a lifelong process of turning toward God. Just as our giving forms an integral part of the ritualized expression of our faith—the Mass—so is it woven into struggles and joys we experience on our personal faith journey. * From Vatican II, Guadium et Spes (no. 43) and repeated many years later in the U.S. Bishops’ Pastoral Letter entitled, Stewardship: A Disciple’s Response (1992). IS …. A Gift... No gift is truly a gift unless it is given freely, without reservation or condition. The gifts of God are given to us in just such an unconditional manner and we are called to model our giving after God’s. This does not negate the idea of a challenge grant or a matching grant. These grants are given above and beyond one’s regular unconditional giving to spur or motivate others to give or take a step in their giving. The donor does not normally set the conditions of the challenge grant, but the organization itself does. More often than not, the organization actually seeks out a challenge grant donor because the tool is well known for being effective in motivating the membership at large. Our challenge grant donors have all been very loyal, generous, committed and sacrificial in their giving, and they want to do everything they can to help our parish to carry out its God-given mission. The motive for giving a sacrificial gift is not the expectation of getting something back. However, there are many passages throughout both the Old and New Testament where God promises to abundantly bless the generous giver and to look out in a special way for those who place their faith and trust in God enough to tithe. Thus, we don’t give in order to get something back, but God will bless our generosity a hundred-fold. We are able to give what we give because God has already given to us. Sacrificial Giving is really a response, then, to the generosity of a loving and merciful God. Thus, the motive for giving is a grateful response for all the many gifts God has given us, including the gift of life itself and the gift of being repeatedly forgiven. We acknowledge that we are not the starting point for the giving, but we are simply passing on a portion of what we have received. The important concept of unconditional giving does not mean that the parish or the charities to which we give are not to be accountable for the gifts given. It does mean that our decision to give is not contingent upon the particular use of the gift. F AT H E R E D ’ S Q U E S T I O N B OX © Question from the Collection Plate ✥ Can You pray for the Dead? ✥ The Bible in statement and the Church in practice enjoin prayers for the dead. “…It is a holy and wholesome thought to pray for the dead, that they may be loosed from their sins.” (2 Machabees 12:44). The Church celebrates Masses for the dead and dedicates the month of November to praying for the dead. In the Lazarus – Rich Man “story” of Luke 16, the Rich Man in Hell cannot profit from the prayers or any other kind of help (a point of the story), but those in Purgatory can. Do you know by name for sure anyone in Hell? Eternal rest grant to all our dead. (“Catechism, #958). MASS INTENTIONS W E E K LY C A L E N D A R 3 Mon: PHIL 2:1-4; PS 131; LK 14:12-14 7:00AM 8:30AM 4 Tue: PHIL 2:5-11; PS 22; LK 14:15-24 7:00AM 8:30AM Louis Poposky Intentions of John De Caprio, Jr. Josephine Slivinski Joe, Jerry and Chris Cina Rene Sandeau 5 Wed: PHIL 2:12-18; PS 27; LK 14:25-33 7:00AM 8:30AM Sunday, November 2 Don Gallagher Edith Pelegrino Daria Dittmer Hardin David Hartman Brennan-Schad Families Joseph Spellman Family Daylight Savings Time Ends at 2am Today!! Baptism Class – School Cafeteria – 3:00PM The Bible Timeline Series – Adult Center – 6:30PM LifeTeen – PLC – 6:30PM Monday, November 3 Men’s Bible Study – Mother Teresa Room – 7:00AM Grief Support Group – Parish Office – 10:00AM Confirmation Class – PLC – 6:30PM Young Adult 20’s & 30’s Meeting – St. Francis of Assisi Room – 7:00PM Centering Prayer Meeting – Parish Office – 6:30PM Parent Confirmation Meeting – Adult Center – 7:00PM New Beginnings Meeting – School Room 105 – 7:00PM The Gospel of Matthew Series – San Juan de la Cruz Room – 7:15PM Margaret Kiffe Betty Wheeler Chris Aurand Emma Sisco 6 Thur: PHIL 3:3-8; PS 105; LK 15:1-10 7:00AM 8:30AM Gary and Michael Sydnor Jim Cathcart Donald J. Feulner Intentions of Hibett Lozada Intentions of Luis Ocampo In thanksgiving to St. Jude of Thaddeus Tuesday, November 4 Father Ed’s Bible Class – Parish Office – 7:30AM CCW Planning Meeting – Mother Teresa Room – 9:30AM First Reconciliation Class – PLC – 6:30PM American Sign Language Class – Parish Office – 6:30PM The Bible Timeline Series – Mother Teresa Room – 7:15PM Wednesday, November 5 The Gospel of Matthew Series – PLC – 9:45AM Women’s Theology Group – St. Francis of Assisi Room – 11:30PM 7:00PM Wednesday Afternoon Seniors – San Juan de la Cruz Room – 1:00PM P.R.E.P. – Church – 4:00PM 7 Fri: PHIL 3:17–4:1; PS 122; LK 16:1-8 Quick Journey through the Bible – St. Ignatius of Loyola Room – 6:30PM 7:00AM Rosa M. Colon EDGE – PLC – 7:00PM Fermin and Myriam Arana Our Lady’s Rosary Group – Chapel – 7:00PM Deceased Members of the Gulde-Ernst Families 8:30AM Matthew Musick Thursday, November 6 Joan Floegel The Bible Timeline Series – Mother Teresa Room – 9:30AM Dean and David Clausen Grief Support Group – Parish Office – 10:00AM 8 Sat: PHIL 4:10-19; PS 112; LK 16:9-15 8:00AM 5:00PM 7:00PM Consuelo Fraga Ruiz Rosalinda Paz Pascual Eva Verdeja Somilia Bazile Rosa M. Colon Deceased Members of the K of C Guillermo Rizo Fernando Lema 9 Sun: EZ47:1-2,8-9,12;PS46;1COR3:9-11,16-17;JN2:13-22 8:00AM 10:00AM 12:00PM 5:30PM Friday, November 7 Oración Centrante – Parish Office – 10:00AM Niño’s en Accion – St. Francis of Assisi Room – 6:30PM Renovacion Carismática – San Juan de la Cruz Room – 7:00PM Saturday, November 8 Confirmation Retreat – PLC – 9:00AM P.R.E.P. – Church – 9:15AM Sunday, November 9 Jerry Mc Donough Angelo Agrusa Irish American Society Meeting – School Cafeteria – 1:00PM Frances Mc Carron Newcomer’s Church Tour – Church – 1:30PM Patrick and Marie Scanlon Retrovaille Meeting – Pope John Paul II Room – 2:00PM Safe Return of our U.S. Deployed Military The Bible Timeline Series – Adult Center – 6:30PM Joe Verlander LifeTeen – PLC – 6:30PM Eleanor Mulson Lou Di Lello If anyone has up to three tickets to a Disney World park (after 4pm is Drew Martinez Josephine Benetto great!) that would be valid on November 15, 2014, and are willing to do John Carta. Jr. nate them to the parish, would you please contact Lois at 407.265.2317 or Victoria Isola [email protected], We would be most grateful! Gary Fasen
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