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(Heb. 4: 12) Our readings this Sunday remind us that the word of God is meant to challenge us. Today's Gospel should afflict each of us because each of us has something that may make us, as wealth did for the rich young man, "to go away sad." This young man whom Jesus "looked upon with love" (MK 10: 21) had many possessions which he put before his love of God. “Porque la Palabra de Dios es viva y eficaz, y más cortante que cualquier espada de doble filo” (Heb. 4:12). Las lecturas de este domingo nos recuerdan que la palabra de Dios está destinada a desafiarnos. El evangelio de hoy nos debe afligir a cada uno de nosotros, porque cada uno de nosotros tiene algo que puede hacernos, “irnos tristes” como la riqueza del joven rico. Este joven a quien Jesús “miró con amor” (Mc 10:21) tenía muchas posesiones que puso antes que su amor por Dios. In most societies today, money equals power. This is probably most evident in the United States when it comes to the power money has in politics. Since the Supreme Court lifted limits on political spending by unions and corporations in 2010, and subsequently lifted spending limits to candidates, political parties and political action committees, money has served to silence the voice of the electorate. Unlimited political spending by corporations and certain individuals is undermining our system of representative democracy. En la mayoría de las sociedades actuales, el dinero significa poder. Esto es probablemente más evidente en Estados Unidos cuando vemos el poder que el dinero tiene en la política. Desde que la Corte Suprema levantó los límites en el gasto político de las sindicatos y empresas en el año 2010, y subsecuentemente elevó límites de gastos para candidatos, partidos políticos y comités de acción política, el dinero ha servido para silenciar la voz del electorado. El gasto político ilimitado de las empresas y ciertos individuos están debilitando nuestro sistema de democracia representativa. Franciscan Action Network is part of an interfaith coalition, Faithful Democracy, which studies the effects of money in politics. This coalition looks at the issue from both a faith and legislative perspective. When examining the societal concerns around climate change, gun violence prevention, and immigration and private prisons they found that every one of these issues is affected by big money. Is political influence being bought? Our legislators appear to be putting monetary "donations" over the wishes of the electorate and the common good. For example, over 90% of the American people support controls on the sale of guns, such as universal background checks. Close to 90,000 children, women and men have been killed by guns in the United States since the mass killing in Newtown, Connecticut nearly three years ago. Yet, our legislators are still unwilling to take any action that would limit who may legally purchase guns. Pope Francis has said that the ideology of money has become the new golden calf. The power of money has turned many of us, as well as our legislators, away from what is best for the common good of all people. Pope Francis challenges us to find ways to use financial resources and political power to aid poor people. Are we using our resources and our wealth, both as individuals and as a nation, to bring us to God or is it turning us, as it did the young man in today's Gospel, away from God? May the word of God be for us living and effective, sharper than a two-edged sword. Sr. Maryann Mueller, CSSF FAN Board Member 2 La Red Francisca de Acción es parte de una coalición interreligiosa, Democracia Fiel, que estudia los efectos del dinero en la política. Esta coalición ve el tema desde una perspectiva legislativa y de fe. Al examinar las preocupaciones de la sociedad sobre el cambio climático, la prevención de la violencia armada, la inmigración y las prisiones privadas se encontraron con que cada uno de estos temas se ve afectada por grandes sumas de dinero. ¿Se está comprando la influencia política? Nuestros legisladores parecen estar poniendo “donaciones” sobre los deseos del electorado y el bien común. Por ejemplo, cerca del 90% de estadounidenses apoyan el control en la venta de las armas, así como la verificación de antecedentes universales. Cerca de 90,000 niños, mujeres y hombres han sido asesinados por armas de fuego en los Estados Unidos desde la matanza en Newtown, Connecticut hace casi tres años. Sin embargo, nuestros legisladores están todavía poco dispuestos a tomar cualquier acción que pudiera limitar quien puede comprar armas legalmente . El Papa Francisco ha dicho que la ideología del dinero se ha convertido en el nuevo becerro de oro. El poder del dinero nos ha alejado a muchos de nosotros, así como a nuestros legisladores, de lo que es mejor para el bien común del pueblo de Dios. El Papa Francisco nos desafía para encontrar la manera de utilizar los recursos y el poder político para ayudar a la gente pobre. ¿Estamos usando nuestros recursos y nuestra riqueza, como individuos y como nación, para que nos lleven hacia Dios, o nos estamos alejando de Dios como lo hizo el joven rico del evangelio de hoy? Que la palabra de Dios sea para nosotros viva y eficaz, más cortante que espada de dos filos. This Week in our Parish ... St. Camillus is a Tithing Parish Last week’s collection: $ 20,746.00 Thank you for your generosity! St. Camillus Faith Formation 301-434-2111 [email protected] Important Announcements Tuesday, October 13, 2015: REQUIRED Parent Meeting for Confirmation 2 at 7:00 PM. NEW OFFICE HOURS FOR FAITH FORMATION: Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Fridays 9:00 AM – 5:00 PM, and Sundays 9:00 AM – 2:00 PM. Wednesdays and Saturdays CLOSED. “Feed the Hungry” Community Services Opportunities: you MUST RSVP by contacting the Faith Formation Office as soon as possible. The space is limited. Meal for day workers: Saturdays, November 21 & December 19 from 6:00am-9:00am. st Please pick up your child’s 1 Communion or Confirmation pictures and certificate in the Faith Formation Office, Monday - Friday. ******************************************** Anuncios Importantes Martes, Octubre 13, 2015: Reunión OBLIGATORIA para Padres de Familia de Confirmación 2 a las 7:00 PM. NUEVA HORARIO DE LA OFICINA DE FORMACION EN LA FE: Lunes, Martes, Jueves, y Viernes 9:00 AM – 5:00 PM, and Domingos 9:00 AM – 2:00 PM. Miércoles y Sábados CERRADO. Oportunidades de Servicio Comunitario “Alimentar a los Hambrientos”: TIENE que anotarse con la Oficina de Formación de Fe lo más pronto posible. El espacio es limitado. Comida para los Jornaleros: Los sábados 21 de Noviembre y el 19 de diciembre de 6:00 AM- 9:00 AM. Por favor recoja las fotos y el certificado de Primera Comunión o Confirmación de su hijo/a en la Oficina de Formación en la Fe de Lunes - Viernes. St. Camillus multicultural Justice, Peace and the Integrity of Creation committee invites you to a very important meeting in preparation for a new strategic plan for our parish. We will fill out a special survey based on the best JPIC practices and then haveh a group discussion. The meeting will take place on Wednesday, October 21, 7:30pm-9pm at Clare Center (2nd floor - entrance on the corner of St. Francis International School, to the right of Camila room). For more information, contact Fr. Jacek at [email protected] or call 301-502-7621. 3 Food Pantry CORNER Help Us Help Others Thanks to your continued donations, we were able to serve 215 families last weekend. EXCITING PROGRESS Thanks to everyone's generous support using our Go Fund Me site at www.gofundme.com/trpqnc, we were able to achieve our first milestone of collecting over $1000 online toward our goal of $25,000! To date, we have already distributed over 8200 emergency food packages this year. We continue to need your support. All donations to this site go directly to support the purchase of food. WE NEED: Special request: white flour You can help us by donating 2-5 lb bags of rice and dry red or black beans, canned tuna, vegetable oil, canned fruit, pasta sauce, canned soup, and corn flour (masa harina). We appreciate your donations of reusable shopping bags for distribution to the families we serve at the Pantry. Each week you can bring food items during the offertory and place in the gray bins to the left and right of the altar. Also, you can place a monetary donation in the collection in an envelope marked “St. Camillus Food Pantry” or write a check payable to the St. Camillus Food Pantry. Now, it is easier to help us by providing an online donation to: http://www.gofundme.com/trpqnc If you would like to help us, contact: [email protected] Follow us at “St. Camillus Food Pantry” Follow us at “STC Food Pantry” English for Beginners St. Camillus offers English classes for beginners. The classes are offered on Tuesdays and Thursdays 7:00pm – 8:30pm until mid-December. We still have spaces available. If you are interested please come and register with one of our volunteers. Reminder: Monday, October 12th, the parish office will be closed to observe Columbus Day. There will be 8:30am Mass only this day in the church. Upcoming Events in in Greater Washington… Upcoming Events Greater Washington… Tell Congress to improve national nutrition programs for our children Child nutrition programs are a lifeline for our nation's most vulnerable children. Our faithfulness in speaking out is critical in ensuring Congress writes and passes a strong child nutrition bill that connects more children with the meals they need to thrive, and without cutting other safety-net programs. When volunteers from throughout Maryland (including from St. Camillus) met with members of Congress on Lobby Day in June, they specifically asked the members to cosponsor and pass the Summer Meals Act of 2015. As of September 24, Senator Barbara Mikulski is now a cosponsor; Sen. Ben Cardin still is not. Cosponsors from Maryland of the House version of the bill include Representatives John Sarbanes and Chris Van Hollen. Society for the Propagation of the Faith Second Collection Sunday, October 18 Your ongoing support of the Society for the Propagation of the Faith is vital to the missionaries serving in 1,150 dioceses throughout Asia, Africa, parts of Latin America and Europe, and on the Islands of the Pacific. Your generosity makes it possible for local priests, religious, and catechists to reach out to communities, families and children in desperate need, bringing the light of Christ to the darkest of circumstances. The World Mission Sunday celebration highlights the outreach of local churches through priests, religious and laity among the poor and marginalized half a world away. Lifechanging help is provided to mission churches in territories covering more than half the globe. Your prayers and generous support offered to the Society for the Propagation of Faith on World Mission Sunday directly benefit the mission church – and deepen your relaThe Stop Child Summer Hunger Act of 2015 would pro- tionship with Jesus by helping so many around the world. vide low-income families with additional resources to pur- Thanks for your generosity! chase groceries during the summer months while children are out of school. As of last month, Sen. Barbara Mikulski Are you being called to serve as Extraordinary is a cosponsor; Sen. Ben Cardin is not. Rep. Chris Van HolMinister of Holy Communion (EMHC)? len is the only Maryland cosponsor of the House version. On a typical Sunday, more than 1,000 people come to worPlease contact Senator Ben Cardin (www.senate.gov/ ship at our 10:30AM multicultural Sunday Mass. senators/contact) and your U.S. representative Unfortunately, the number of our Eucharistic Ministers (www.house.gov/representatives), and urge them to available to serve at this Mass has sharply decreased. We help end hunger by cosponsoring these bills. Tell them to believe that we can and should do better. It is a great also pass a budget deal that replaces sequestration with a privilege to serve as a Eucharistic Minister. Many of the balanced approach that protects funding for critical anti- people who participate in this ministry can attest to how hunger programs. much it has enriched their spiritual lives. For those willing to serve as new Eucharistic Ministers, a 270Catholic’s Volunteer Event! workshop will be offered by the archdiocese of WashingAll young adults age (20s and 30s) are invited for ton. Then another, shorter training will be scheduled to 270Catholic's monthly Holy Hour on October 27th, help you learn about how we organize ourselves 2015 at St. Mary's Historical Chapel (520 Viers Mill Road, at Sunday Masses as Eucharistic Ministers here at St. CaRockville, MD). Following the holy hour, we will gather for millus Church. bbq and socializing. Also, Holy Hour will happen every last To register for the next training choose from the following Tuesday of each month, so please mark your calendar for dates: future months! For more details about this event vis- * November 7, 2015 at Archdiocese of Washington Pastoral it https://www.facebook.com/270Catholic/events or send Center, 5001 Eastern Ave. Hyattsville MD 20782 from 9am an email to [email protected] to 12 noon. * December 5, 2015 at St. Joseph Catholic Church, 11007 The Bethlehem Museum Exhibit is coming to DC for Montgomery Rd. Beltsville MD 20705 10am to 1pm. one day only! These workshops will instruct you and other prospective It will be on exhibit at the 17th International Conference EMHC on how to serve effectively in the parish setting as and Awards Banquet. well as when taking Holy Communion to the sick and shutThe story of Palestine through the eyes of the Palestinians ins. Christians Please, RSVP by emailing [email protected] or call the WorSaturday, October 17, 2015 ship Office at 301-853-4594. Then contact Fr. Jacek at [email protected] or call him at 301-502-7621. 8:30am—5:30pm Washington Marriot Georgetown Marriage Encounter 1221 22nd St., NW Washington, DC 20037 See expertly crafted mother of pearl works from the En- The next Worldwide Marriage Encounter Weekend rique Yidi collection, olive wood models of the Church of is November 6-8, 2015 in Rockville, MD. For Nativity and Holy Sepulcher Church, a brilliant iconography, more information and to apply online visreplica of the oldest known mosaic map of the Holy Land, it welovematrimony.org, or call 301-541-7007, or email at and rare traditional dresses of Palestine, among other [email protected]. treasured artifacts. Learn more by visiting: bethlehemmuseum.com To register go to www.hcef.org 4 Comunidad hispana … ESTUDIO BIBLICO La Biblia es el libro más vendido en el mundo y quizás también el más controvertido y el menos comprendido de todos. La Biblia ha sido usada para justificar todo tipo de ideas y comportamientos dentro y fuera de la Iglesia. Pero, ¿Qué es realmente la Biblia? ¿Quién la escribió, dónde, cuándo, para quién y con qué intenciones? ¿Qué contiene la Biblia? ¿Es la Biblia de verdad “Palabra de Dios”? ¿Se puede creer todo lo que la Biblia dice? ¿Hay alguna manera correcta de interpretar la Biblia? ¿Es importante que un cristiano católico conozca e interprete la Biblia correctamente? Si quieres saber estas y muchas cosas más acerca de la Biblia y conocer a profundidad tanto el Antiguo como el Nuevo Testamento, te invitamos al Programa de Estudio Bíblico que la Parroquia San Camilo ofrecerá a partir del día 14 de octubre, 2015. Las sesiones serán en el salón Fr. Grace todos los miércoles de 8:30 a 9:30 de la noche. Traer tu Biblia, cuaderno, lapicero y sobre todo muchas ganas de aprender y mentalidad muy abierta. Te esperamos. Expositor: Br. Javier Del Ángel de los Santos, OFM. Mexicano, fraile franciscano de la Provincia de Holy Name. Antes de ingresar a la Orden Franciscana fundó un centro de estudios bíblicos en la Ciudad de México. Ha dado cursos, talleres, conferencias sobre Biblia a los públicos más diversos en México, Estados Unidos, Israel e Italia. Sus comentarios semanales al evangelio dominical llegan a miles de personas en diecisiete países. Pastoral de Enfermos Si hay enfermos en casa que necesitan recibir la visita de un ministro de la Eucaristía, por favor, no olvide dar la información los domingos después de Misa a uno de los integrantes de la Pastoral de Enfermos. También puede llamar a la oficina parroquial para solicitar la visita de un Ministro de la Eucaristía. Clases de Inglés para Principiantes Las clases de ingles son los días martes y jueves de 7:00pm a 8:30pm. Aún tenemos espacios disponibles. Si esta interesado en participar, venga uno de estos días para inscribirse con alguno de los voluntarios. “Católico: Vive y Defiende Tu Fe” www.defiendetufe.com Movimiento de Retiros parroquiales Juan XXII Tiene el agrado de invitarles a la presentación del Misionero y escritor Católico … MARTIN ZAVALA Has oído alguna vez… * que todas las Iglesias son iguales… * que la confesión no es bíblica... ? * que los católicos somos idólatras...? * que no vale el bautismo de niños... ? * que no hay que pedirle a los santos... ? * que el Papa es el anticristo y el 666... ? * que no hay que llamarle “padre” al sacerdote… Aprende la respuesta a estas y otras Preguntas asistiendo a estas Charlas Martin Zavala · Ha dado conferencias en: México, Chile, Perú, USA, Inglaterra, El Salvador, Guatemala, República Dominicana y Puerto Rico. · Misionero laico por 29 años. Casado y con tres hijos. · tiene programas de radio de Defensa de la fe que se transmiten semanalmente en Centro y Sudamérica. · Actualmente promueve a nivel Internacional la acción de la Iglesia para enfrentar el problema de las sectas FECHA Y LUGAR Día y Hora: Sábado 24 de Octubre 8:00 a.m. a 4:00 p.m. Lugar: Salón San Camilo Donación: $10 Informes: Teléfonos: (301)915-7441 o (703) 3806904 (240)380-0589 e-mail: [email protected] TENDREMOS LIBROS VIDEOS Y CDS www.defiendetufe.com Y POR SUPUESTO, NO OLVIDES TRAER TU BIBLIA Se Venderá Comida y Artículos Religiosos Sociedad para la Propagación de la Fe Catequesis Bautismal 2da Colecta ~ 18 de octubre Su generosidad hace posible que los sacerdotes, religiosos y La próxima clase de Preparación Bautismal para padres y padrinos será el jueves 5 de noviembre a catequistas lleguen a las comunidades, familias y niños que las 6:30p.m. en el salón San Camilo necesitan ayuda, llevándoles la luz de Cristo a las más oscu(cafetería de la escuela.) Para inscribirse debe ras de las circunstancias. venir a la oficina parroquial trayendo la PartiSus oraciones y generosa ayuda benefician a la Sociedad da de Nacimiento de su hijo(a). Por favor llapara la Propagación de la Fe y a la misión de la iglesia, y me a la Oficina Parroquial para más informaprofundiza su relación con Jesús ayudando a muchos de ción. Esta es la última charla de este año. nuestros hermanos y hermanas en el mundo. Gracias por su generosidad. 5 Comunidad hispana … LEGION DE MARIA te invita al 2do Encuentro Mariano: “María como Instrumento de Salvación” Día: Sábado 31 de octubre Hora: 7:00pm a 11:00pm Lugar: Salón San Camilo Invitados Especiales: Hermano Predicador Misionero: Elmer Villanueva de El Salvador El Grupo Carismá'co de la Parroquia San Camilo Tendremos Hora Santa, Alabanzas y venta de comida Donación: $10.00 Los fondos recaudados serán donados a la parroquia. Para más información llamar a la coordinadora Hermana Alma Flores (240) 277-8561 ¿Interesado en ser Servidor del Altar? ¿Cursas del 5-10 grado? ¿Has recibido la Primera Comunión? ¿Tienes un deseo grande de ser un Servidor del Altar? Si es así, ven a la próxima sesión de entrenamiento para conocer más sobre tu papel en este llamado especial para servir a la iglesia como un miembro del ministerio de los Servidores del Altar. Esta sesión de entrenamiento es para los nuevos y actuales servidores. Sesión de Entrenamiento: Sábado 31 de octubre de 10:00am a 1:00pm en la iglesia Se espera que los servidores del altar sirvan durante las Misas del fin de semana regularmente y asistan a las reuniones adicionales y ensayos para las celebraciones especiales. Es importante que un servidor sea atento, se mantenga en silencio durante la Misa y muestre reverencia en el Altar del Señor. Llame con la oficina parroquial para mayor información. Si tiene alguna pregunta comuníquese con Ottoniel Perez [email protected]. Anuncio del Día de Oración y Sanación ¿Ha tenido usted sentimientos de culpabilidad, vergüenza, remordimiento y tristeza Después de un aborto provocado? ¿Siente usted que Dios jamás podrá perdonarla? Las mujeres que se han Provocado un aborto en sus vidas están invitadas a un Día de Oración y Sanación que será el sábado 7 de Noviembre, 2015 El lugar es confidencial se le dirá el día de su inscripción. Para más información puede llamar al Ministerio del Proyecto Raquel: 301-853-4565 Pregunte por Luz Menjivar. Todos nuestros contactos son estrictamente confidenciales. [email protected] Encuentro Matrimonial Todo Matrimonio merece darse el regalo de un Fin de Semana del Encuentro Matrimonial Mundial. Así como las plantas necesitan agua y sol para crecer, los matrimonios necesitan momentos de reencuentro para renovar y hacer crecer su amor sin importar los años que tengan de casados. El Fin de Semana es una experiencia enriquecedora para todo matrimonio. Las fechas de los próximos Fines de Semana son: 21 y 22 de noviembre en Virginia. Para inscribirse o pedir más información, llamar a Baltazar y Gloria Ortiz al 301-879-4411 o a Fidel y Edis Granados al 301-252-2946. DIA DE RETIRO Y SERVICIO DE SANACIÓN EN ESPAÑOL- "El progreso de la vida espiritual: como saber si estás avanzando o retrocediendo - en la espiritualidad de San Juan de la Cruz y Sta. Teresa de Ávila". El retiro será dirigido por el Padre Felipe Scott y tendrá lugar el 7 de noviembre 2015 en el gimnasio del colegio Mother of God en Gaithersburg, MD. Donación $25, incluye desayuno y refrescos. Informes: Vicky al 301-926-7014 o al email [email protected]. La oficina parroquial estará cerrada el lunes 12 de octubre (Columbus Day). Gracias. 6 Parish Calendar ~ Calendario Parroquial Monday (lunes), October (octubre) 12 Room Coro Evangelización 7:00pm Music Grupo de Intercesión 7:30pm Chapel & Grace Silent Prayer Group 7:30pm Meditation Room Escuela de Dirigentes 7:30pm Camillia Tuesday (martes), October (octubre) 13 Haitian Legion of Mary 6:00pm Grace ESOL classes 7:00pm School Equipo Evangelizacion 7:00pm Friary Silent Prayer Group 7:00pm Meditation Seglares 7:00pm Upper Room Coro San Camilo 7:00pm Music Equipo Pequeñas Comunidades 7:30pm Friary Cristo Joven Intercession 7:30pm Upper Room English Charismatic Prayer 7:30pm Chapel Wednesday (miércoles), October (octubre) 14 Bible Study 9:00am Grace Just Faith 6:30pm Meditation Room Contemplative Photography 7:00pm KOC French Choir 7:00pm Music Bible Study 7:00pm Francis French Legion of Mary (MRduM) 7:30pm Anthony Evangelización 7:30pm Friary Thursday (jueves), October (octubre) 15 Hora Apostolica/Cursillo 6:30pm Chapel ESOL classes 7:00pm School Talleres de Oracion y Vida 7:00pm Grace Círculos de Amor 7:00pm Francis Multicultural Choir Rehearsal 7:00pm Church & Music Pastoral de Evangelización 7:30pm Friary Coro Carismático 7:30pm Music Friday (viernes), October (octubre) 16 Liturgical Dance Ministry 7:00pm Francis Grupo de Oracion Carismatico 7:00pm Chapel & Grace Renouveau Charismatique 7:00pm Camillia Comunidad Evangelizacion 7:00pm Clare Charismatic Youth Group 7:00pm Anthony Equipo Timon Cristo Joven 7:30pm Meditation Room AA 8:00pm Friary Saturday (sábado), October (octubre) 17 English Legion of Mary 9:30am Grace Bautismos 10:00am Church Food Pantry 10:00am Friary French Charismatic Prayer Gr. 4:00pm Friary Pequeña Comunidad Xto Joven 4:00pm Anthony Ministerio Musica Xto Joven 6:00pm Anthony Lumiere Du Monde Choir 6:30pm Music Juan XXIII 7:00pm Chapel & Grace Min. Guadalupano 7:30pm Clare Evangelizacion 7:30pm Church & Francis Sunday (Domingo), October (octubre) 18 All Choirs All Day Music Men’s Group 8:00am Friary Legion de Maria 9:30am Grace Children’s Liturgy 10:30am Friary Coro Cristo Joven 12:00pm Anthony French Legion of Mary(MMdeM) 12:30pm Clare Youth Group 12:30pm KOC Pastoral de enfermos 2:00pm Grace Hospitalidad 2:00pm Friary Utopia Franciscana 2:00pm Clare French Legion of Mary (NDdeV) 4:30pm Francis French choir practice 4:30pm Friary 7 Mass Intentions Intenciones de la Misa para esta Semana Sunday (domingo) October (octubre) 11 7:30am ╬ Shane McNeil 9:00am ╬ Jean Harrod 10:30am ╬ Tony Bonanno ╬ Gabriel Kwame-Green 12:30pm ╬ Francisca Lopez ╬ Sebastian Garay 2:30pm Souls in Purgatory 5:00pm Peace in the world Monday, (lunes) October (octubre) 12 8:30am ╬ Santiago Chacoon Tuesday, (martes) October (octubre) 13 7:30am ╬ Jane Burke 8:30am Jean Louis Boco—Special Int. Wednesday, (miércoles) October (octubre) 14 7:30am ╬ Cristina Splaine 8:30am School Mass 7:30pm ╬ Oscar lopez Thursday, (jueves) October (octubre) 15 7:30am ╬ Shirley Rivera 8:30am ╬ Roberto Roman Friday, (Viernes) October (octubre) 16 7:30am ╬ Lola Najarro 8:30am Eric Boco—Special Int. Saturday, (sábado) October (octubre) 17 8:30am Souls in Purgatory 4:30pm ╬ Eleanor Wascavage 6:00pm Haitian Mass 6:30pm ╬ Ascencia Quispe Scripture Readings for next Sunday Oct. 18, 2015 – 29th Sunday Ordinary Time 1st Reading/1 Lectura: Is 53:10-11 2nd Reading/2 Lectura: Heb 4:14-16 Gospel/Evangelio: Mk/Mc 10:35-45 Pray for our sick – Oremos por nuestros enfermos Ron Dickenson, Patricia Webster, Clara Bassey, Georgina Omuse, John Montanaro, Roberto Molina, Sara de Jesus Jacome. Pray for our Deceased Oremos por nuestros Difuntos Shane McNeil, Francis Del Bianco, Maria Luz de Perez, Margarita Franco, Manuel Guevara, Julia Chavez, Antonio Quinteros, Oscar Lopez. A prayer request will remain on the prayer list for two weeks unless we are notified who should remain on the list. Please contact the parish office for information. LA COMUNIDAD CATÓLICA DE LANGLEY PARK 1408 Merrimac Drive, Langley Park, MD 20783 Misión de San Camilo: Beata Madre Teresa de Calcuta Provincia Franciscana del Santo Nombre http://www.cclangleypark.com/ Esperanza Latina Invita a todos los Jóvenes a participar en la reunión todos los Domingos a las 12:00pm después de la Misa en la Oficina 1408 Merrimac Dr. Para mayor información llamar a: Ricardo Pérez Tel: 240 501 6620 Celebración de la Palabra Join us! Franciscan Youth in Langley Park JUFRA, JESUCRISTO HOY Es un grupo Carismático que se reúne todos los domingos a las 8:50 am en la Escuela McCormick. Para más información llamar a: invites youth ages 13-17 to join us. Pedro Majano 240 705-3379 We are an English group of Rosario Reyes 240 505-2638 Hispanic origins following the steps of St. Francis of Assisi. We play, share our lives, go on field trips, Despensa St. Antonio and serve our community. 8102 Tahona Dr. For more information call Sergio Silver Spring MD 20903 Lainez Tel: 240 715 – 7910 Distribución de comida Sábados de 10:00am 12:00pm El grupo de Oración Te invita a compartir la palabra de Dios en sus hogares, como acción de gracias a Dios por las bendiciones que nos regala. Se reúnen los martes y domingos a las 7:00 p.m. en distintos hogares. Carismático Para mayor información llamar a EL BUEN PASTOR Diego Ortega 240-429-1299, Te invita a su reunión todos los Zacarías Cervantes 240 304- 0887 viernes, en la oficina de la Comunidad Católica a las 7:00pm. Grupo Guadalupano Para más información comunicarse El Grupo Guadalupano se reúne con Alex Grande al tel. 240 898los viernes en diferentes hogares 7729 de 7:30 a 9:00 p.m. Para las personas que desean la visita de la virgen y rezar el rosario los domingos pueden comunicarse con Isidra Rivera al Tel: 301 7284366 ¿Le hace falta el Bautismo, la Comunión o la Confirmación? Si usted o algún conocido no ha recibido alguno de estos sacramentos, no es demasiado tarde para hacerlo. Si usted aún no es católico pero tiene interés en saber más de la Iglesia, tenemos personas con quienes puede informarse. Leonel López 301 252-4689 Marcial Quijivix 240 602-9813 8 Horario de Misas Domingos 10:30 am En el Gimnasio de la Escuela Mc Cormick Jueves a las 7:30p.m. en la Oficina de la Comunidad Católica Servicio Social Martes y Jueves 1:00pm -4:00pm Clases de Inglés de martes a viernes 9:30am a 11:00 am. En la noche de lunes a miércoles 7:00pm-8:45pm Clase de Computación Los sábados de 10:00 am 12:00pm Clases de Catecismo los domingos de 8:45am a 10:15am en la escuela Mc Cormick RICA para adultos de 8:30am a 10:15am En la oficina de la comunidad los domingos 2015-2016 Parish Council Kathy Gallaher has been a St. Camillus parishioner since 2005. Since 2007 she has been involved with the Comunidad Catolica in Langley Park where she has served as a Catechist and currently teaches ESL, works with the Youth Group, and is a Eucharistic Minister. She’s one of the facilitators of the Silent Prayer group and is involved in various social justice initiatives. She is deeply grateful for the diversity and life-giving vibrancy of parish life at St. Camillus. This is her first year on the Parish Council. Alex Grande has attended St. Camillus Comunidad Catolica in Langley Park (CC-LP). Originally from El Salvador, he has attended our parish since 2005. Alex is the coordinator of the community’s charismatic group “El Buen Pastor”. He is also a lector, Eucharistic Minister and serves on the CC-LP Board. This is Alex’s first year on the Council. Beth Hood has been a member of St. Camillus since 2010 and has been involved with RCIY, St. Francis Builds mission trips, and the food pantry. She lives in Silver Spring, has two daughters and is a high school social worker for ESOL students. This is her third year on the Parish Council, and she is on the Executive Committee. Louis Kimmakon has been an active member of this parish for 10 years and President of the African French community for 7 years. He resides in Wheaton and is the married father of 2 twin girls now attending college. He is has been working for the past 8 years with a graphic and printing supplier. This is his second year on the council. Rudolph “Rudy” Lawrence Rudy has been a member of St. Camillus for the past 8 years. Rudy is employed with the Federal Aviation Administration and resides in Hillandale, Silver Spring, with his wife Ann Marie Gordon. This is his second year on the Council and this year he will be involved in several new ministries. Silvio Mbouyo Silvio is a member of the French Pastoral Council. He lives with his wife and children in Arbutus. They have been members of the parish since 2007. Silvio, a Certified Public Accountant, has been involved in several ministries in the French Community of St Camillus, the Young Adults Group, the Youth Choir “Magnificat” and the Lector Group. This is Silvio’s second year on the Council and his second term serving. Marcelin Ngantchou lives in the Adelphi area of Hyattsville and has been a parishioner since 2004. Marcelin is a high school math teacher and currently serves in the French community council, Marie Reine du monde choir, Legion of Mary, Renewal Charismatic, and French committee JPIC. This is his third year as a member of the Parish Council. Russell Pereira has been a member of St Camillus Church for over 7 years. He has served as a Lector. Russell lives in Silver Spring and has one daughter. Russell is a Policy Executive for the Federal Government. His passion lies in his call to service as a Life Coach focused on aligning mind, body, and spirit. He is active in the Domestic Violence Ministry. This is his second year on the Council. Alan Magan lives in Clarksville, where he and his wife, Geralyn, raised 3 wonderful children. Alan works in the food business. He is a St. Camillus lector and also helps out with the Parish Festival and the St. Francis School salad garden. Both he and Geralyn are Secular Franciscans. They also enjoy Irish dancing. This is Alan’s second year on the Council. Linda Ramirez has attended St. Camillus since childhood. Native to the area, she was born of Guatemalan immigrants and lives in Silver Spring, MD with her family. She works as a government contractor in the Information Assurance field. She is involved with St. Francis Builds missions, Food Pantry, and JPIC initiatives and enjoys serving our diverse community. This is her second year with the parish council, and is on the Executive Committee. Helber Ribeiro has been a member of St. Camillus for almost 3 years. He is Brazilian and serves as an Eucharist minister and in the parking ministry. He is involved in the group Juan XXIII and in the Hispanic Committee. He is finishing up his studies in information systems and currently works for an IT firm in Virginia. In his free time, he enjoys playing soccer and going to the beach. He is in his first year on the Parish Council. Carlos Tejada has been an active parish member since 2001. He and his wife live in Bowie with their two daughters. Carlos has been active with Juan XXIII, and is now very active with Kairos Prison Ministry. This is Carlos’ third year on the Council. Marco Vonhof has been a parish member since 2012. He and his wife, Elizabeth, live in the Long Branch area of Silver Spring. Marco normally attends the 9:00 Mass and is involved with Saint Francis Builds, Kairos prison ministry, the food pantry, and the hospitality ministry, as well as strategic planning, the multicultural young adults group, and other activities around the parish. This is his third year on the Parish Council and he is currently serving as Secretary. - ST. CAMILLUS CATHOLIC CHURCH THANKS OUR BULLETIN ADVERTISERS – PLEASE PATRONIZE THEM WHEN POSSIBLE - Servimax Insurance Agency Agencia de Seguros 301-589-8456 Jenny Meléndez, Agente Auto Casa y Negocios MVA Placas al Instante 9411 Colesville Rd. • Silver Spring, MD Same Day Service HIGH QUALITY YOUR PLUMBER THE ONLY ONE YOU’LL EVER NEED “The Only One You’ll Ever Need” SAME DAY SERVICE GUARANTEED!* *Certain Conditions Apply $25 OFF Auto • Casa • Vida • Pequeños Negocios WSSC #70985 1835 University Blvd E Suite 324 Hyattsville, MD 20783 $35 OFF Faucet or Toilet Replacement It's www.Your1Plumber.com 301-658-7045 (Not valid with any other offer or service fee) Nails, Hair and Skin Care Open Every Day Except Monday $5 OFF $2OnOFF Any Full Threading Over $20 Agente 301-439-3400 Any Plumbing Service ELEGANT Juan Carlos Gale Any Nail Services Above $35 301-937-2566 www.elegantnailshsc.com 11442 Cherry Hill Rd., Beltsville Call: 410-578-3600 for more information To Advertise Wedding Programs Personalized Full Color • Unlimited Designs Call 410-578-3600 DIGITAL PRINTING Fast, Reliable, Local Service TODAY! 301-960-5335 Fast Turn Around All Types of Jobs Send your file for a quote to printing@ fataonline.com 410-578-3600 SPACE AVAILABLE WWW.COLLINSFUNERALHOME.COM CASH Silver Spring Jewelry $$$ for Gold 11205 New Hampshire Ave. Silver Spring, MD 20904 9421 Georgia Ave. 1525 University Blvd. E. Silver Spring, MD 20910 Hyattsville, MD 20783 (White Oak Shopping Center) (National Wholesale Shopping Center) (301) 588-0188 (301) 439-4260 www.SilverSpringJewelers.com (301) 439-8033 The bulletin is available online… Visit parish website to view… Sign up to receive the bulletin electronically each week CUSTOM DESIGNS Call 1-800-934-1620 / 410-578-3600 for pricing or email: [email protected] WE THANK OUR ADVERTISERS. PLEASE LET THEM KNOW YOU SAW THEIR AD IN YOUR PARISH BULLETIN. LOCAL BUSINESS MERCHANTS, PROFESSIONALS AND SERVICE PROVIDERS ARE INVITED TO PARTICIPATE. For ad information, Call Tim Maher or Phil Maher at (410) 578-3600, toll free 1-800-934-1620, or write P.O. Box 4889, Baltimore, MD 21211 - ©2015 - ST. CAMILLUS CATHOLIC CHURCH THANKS OUR BULLETIN ADVERTISERS – PLEASE PATRONIZE THEM WHEN POSSIBLE - ABOGADO Victor Palmeiro ABOGADO CO GRNSU AT LT IS A •Overtime sin Pago •Bancarrota •Accidentes Consulta Gratis 301-933-2595 www.PalmeiroLaw.com HILLANDALE OPTICIANS Piney Branch Opticians Eye Exams • Eyeglasses Contact Lenses HILLANDALE ANIMAL HOSPITAL dennis j. sweeney, V.M.D., P.A. 1900 Powder mill rd. ZP Tax, Inc. Fast & Right / Rápido y Correcto Carlos Perozo, President PLUMBING – HEATING W. H. Winegar & Son SMALL JOBS A SPECIALTY Repairs • Replacements • Water Heaters • Electric Drain Cleaning WSSC 375 384-5818 PAIN CONTROL Acupuncture, Acu Massage, Herbs 11120 New Hampshire Ave. #409 P St. Vincent Pallotti High School 8736 Flower Ave., Ste “B” THE RIGHT CARE FOR CHILDREN AND FAMILY PRUNING CLEARING STUMP GRINDING Lic. 782 Call today for your FREE consultation 11120 New Hampshire Avenue, Suite 402 301-593-6363 Accounting 301-434-9300 & Tax 1835 University Blvd. E • Suite 300 Hyattsville, MD 20783 Services • Accounting for business and nonprofit organizations • Personal & Business tax preparation • Business Consultant • Notary public • Payroll & bookkeeping services • Se habla Español • New business start-ups 9744 Hedin Drive TRADITION • EXCELLENCE • COMMUNITY Silver Spring, MD (301) 300-6697 (301) 439-2044 113 St. Mary’s Place • Laurel, MD • 20707 [email protected] www.MaryKay.com/lgarvey2044 6525 Belcrest Rd, Suite 220 Hyattsville, Maryland 20782 • Coronas • Blanqueamiento DEMA’S ACADEMY Affordable Nursing Assistant Training Certification in Four Weeks Morning and Evening Classes Available 301-213-1812 www.demashealthcareacademy.com For More Information MENTOR Maryland 5720 Executive Drive Baltimore, MD 21228 Craig Powell 410-455-4640 • Rellenos Abogado Defensa Criminal Accidente de Trabajo Accidentes de Auto / DUI 301-445-2070 7676 New Hampshire Ave, Suite 425 1425 University Blvd Suite 203 Hyattsville, MD COSMETIC IMPLANT GENERAL DENTISTRY 301-593-4749 700 Northwest Dr., Silver Spring, MD Off Rt. 29 & White Oak 301-589-2040 1620 Elton Rd. Ste. 202, Silver Spring, MD Hillandale Shopping Center J&M Jewelry 301-431-3141 Variedad en Joyas y Relojes Vendemos Y Activamos Celulares Por Su Compra el 15% off Gold & Silver SIM CARD es Gratis Le diceñamos Sus Prendas 1401 University Blvd. G-26 • “Union Mall” Hair Braiding VARICOSE VEINS JustineProfessional 301-679-5773 Se habla español. Rodeen Rahbar, MD, FACS www.washingtonveininstitute.com Home visits & Discounts for St. Camillus Parishioners (301) 441-4505 [email protected] www.phillipsmudd.com HERITAGE PARK APARTMENTS Latin Multi Services 1-888-481-7170 Impuestos Todo el Ano Contabilidad • Bancarrota • MVA • Muy bajo costo! Treated with Laser Technology 301-434-3300 w w w.PallottiHS.org Julio C. Hernandez, Esq. Olgalin Forrester, DDS Let us relieve you & take your tasks off your hands. 301-681-8986 Steven B. Mudd Parishioner and Attorney Independent Beauty Consultant Raymon K. Nelson, MD Too much to do & too little time. 301-779-7525 Call 301-326-1357 Today! Phillips & Mudd, P.C. Linda Garvey Virtual Road Runner Cardiology/Internal Medicine Coastal Cardiology Give the gift of a family to a child in foster care. We pay a generous stipend. Drs. DeMarco & Tilkin Orthodontists Tax PreparationPreparacion de Impuestos Payroll Services Business Accounting Call Dr. Lee 301-592-1234 301-262-1500 www.acupuncture-drs.com www.delpinoriveracpa.com Silver Spring 1730 Elton Rd. silver spring, md 20903 In front of Flower Theater (301) 439-1655 (301) 439-9444 Individual & Business www.hillandaleopticians.com DOCTOR'S HOURS BY APPOINTMENT Tax Preparation Tree & Stump Removal Experts 301-384-4746 Marianela del Pino-Rivera, CPA African Braiding Shop 240-444-9700 240-264-6241 695 Washington Blvd 20707 www.Heritage-Park-Apts.com 1818 Metzerott Rd. Hyattsville, MD 20783 Premiere Primary Care Internal Medicine ...is proud to announce the opening of their new medical office located at 8714 Georgia Avenue, Silver Spring MD 20910 • Specializing in the care of patients 18 years & older • Sick visits • Adult check-ups and Flu-shots; travel clinic • Physical exams • Same day appointments available • Evening hours & limited Saturday hours available • Now accepting new patients • Most major insurances accepted 301-588-2888 Dr. Adaku Onukogu, MD SPACE AVAILABLE Global Promise Travel, LLC Cotonou - Direct International Shipping, LLC 301-909-0639 • 202-706-2805 4031 Silver Hill Rd. • Suitland, MD 20746 Real Estate Settlements—Commercial & Residential Gaithersburg, MD—(301)921-2667 Bowie, MD—(301)352-8000 Rockville, MD/White Flint—(301)816-1717 “Experience the Classic Difference” www.globalpromisetravel.com www.settlements.com www.cotonoudirectinter.com For ad information, Call Tim Maher or Phil Maher at (410) 578-3600, toll free 1-800-934-1620, or write P.O. Box 4889, Baltimore, MD 21211 - ©2015
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