Innovation, Competitiveness and Resource Efficiency Meeting Report WRF is an independent non-profit international organization that serves as a platform connecting and fostering knowledge exchange on resources management amongst business leaders, policy-makers, NGOs, scientists and the public. This report was drafted by Bas de Leeuw, Sonia Valdivia, Mathias Schluep, Ana Quiros, Philip Strothmann, Julio Díaz and Angel Versetti based upon inputs from workshop reporters, speakers and participants. The report has not been reviewed by the speakers. Photos Manuel Zuñiga Villarreal Ministry of the Environment of Peru Technical support and layout María Lucía Híjar (WRF) Brigitte Bänziger, Urs Bünter (Empa) St. Gallen, Switzerland, April 2015 ISBN 978-3-906177-09-0 Contact information Lerchenfeldstrasse 5, CH-9014 St. Gallen, Switzerland WRF Secretariat Phone + 41 71 554 09 00 [email protected] Visit us on Facebook, Twitter and Linkedin … together we can shape the future WOR L D RESOURCES FORUM Table of contents Chairman‘s Summary 5 1. Photo Gallery 8 2. Selected Workshop Highlights 10 3. Overview Scientific Sessions and Awards 31 4. Participants Survey 32 Appendices33 Appendix 1: Programme 33 Appendix 2: Scientific Sessions Programme 36 Appendix 3: Poster Exhibition 40 Appendix 4: Committees 42 Appendix 5: Sponsors and Partners 46 Meeting Report 2014 I Page 5 Chairman’s Summary 1. Over 1,000 participants coming from 40 countries and international organisations attended and actively contributed to World Resources Forum 2014 in Arequipa, Peru, on 20–22 October 2014. 2. Participants, representing governments, businesses, thinktanks, scientific communities and civil societies, as well as students and young researchers, exchanged their views on strategies to increase resource productivity, to fight climate change, to decrease the environmental and social burden of current consumption and production patterns, and to achieve a high quality of life for the current and future generations. 3. Strongly committed representatives of stakeholders from many countries, in particular from Peru, highlighted the need to address the impact of climate change on agriculture and food security, as well as other crucial issues of our society. This should be done through technical and financial assistance and through engagement of key stakeholders. 4. New concepts of wealth and prosperity are emerging. The precautionary principle is a key concept when defining a safe operating space for socioeconomic activities in all three dimensions of sustainability. The role of governments in mitigation and adaptation actions was emphasised, as was the need for solid research in order to enable evidence based policymaking. 5.Participants formulated global, national, regional and local policy recommendations (“resource wisdom” for cities) and proposed strategies for further action and research. International policies 6. Political and individual power need to be mobilised to push a wedge between economic growth, resource use and environmental and social impacts (decoupling).Priority WRF staff: Mathias Schluep measures include amendments in legislation, adjustment of financial instruments, promotionofinvestments in technological and social progress, transparency and accessibility of information, and encouragementof solidarity. 7. A “ping-pong” between resource productivity and resource prices, which is to be achieved through fiscal policy, is at the heart of a smart policy framework, based on systemic thinking. Decoupling offers opportunities for leapfrogging, shortcutting and tunneling through for developing countries. 8. Traditional values and technologies need to be revived for sustainable use of resources and safeguardingthe environment as participants learnedfrom the representatives of indigenous Peruvian Andean and Amazonian peoples. 9. International organizations (such as UNEP, UNIDO, World Bank, World Resources Forum and many others)need to establish closer cooperation in order to alleviate poverty and to provide opportunities for sustainable development. Synergies with different national and international organizations working on similar goals (North-South, South-South) need to be strengthened. Cooperation between government bodies will foster coordinated and effective interventions. One such example is the agreement signed between the Peruvian Ministry of Environment and the National Council for Science and Technology, during WRF 2014. Meeting Report 2014 I Page 6 Connecting brilliant ideas to people with power 10.Brilliant ideas originate from people who are dissatisfied, curious, hopeful and open for change. Connecting innovative ideas to people with power has a higher chance of success when not only rational approaches are used but also when emotions, in particular love, fun and laughter, are also taken into account. 11.Walking the talk and rethinking the way we live and work is crucial for both developed and developing countries. Rich people need to create space for the poor. 12.The 10–year Framework on Sustainable Consumption and Production was highlighted as an instrument to achieve tangible and measurable progress on all levels. 13.Information and education alone do not guarantee a sustainable life style. Brands and retailers have the power to influence consumers with product design and marketing. Governments should encourage initiatives from civil society instead of undermining. 14.Technical and social science approaches need to take a more practical solution oriented approach through early involvement of stakeholders (NGOs, governments, industries). The launch of the Latin American chapter of the Global Research Forum on SCP at the WRF 2014 was welcomed. Cleaner production, climate change and circular economy 15.National Cleaner Production Centers have shown that adopting Resource Efficient and Cleaner Production (REDCP) strategies goes hand in hand with creating business value, generating local employment and addressing social and gender issues. 16.The need to implement recycling policies was emphasized, for environmental, social, and health reasons as well as for securing the supply of critical resources, among which metals that are essential for renewable energy technologies. The development of sustainable recycling industries needs to be driven by legislation and the institutionalization of processes. As was shown by a number of successful projects in Peru, such as the Chiclayo Limpio project, recycling begins locally in cooperation with all relevant stakeholders. 17.Code of practices and Chain-of-Custody standards for larger small-scale and medium-scale mines and the Fairtrade and Fairmined standard for artisanal and small-scale mining have been acknowledged as two appropriate certification schemes in the mining sector. 18.The potential of the ICT industry as well as full electrification of society were among the business opportunities presented as new ways for mitigating climate change. Concepts and tools discussed include the concept of circular economy, to be achieved by system thinking, using tools and concepts such as life cycle thinking, eco-industrial parks and zero waste approaches. 19.Sustainable water management including economic incentives through pricing and internalizing of externalities was recommended. Resource policies essential for Climate Change 20. At WRF 2013 delegates stated that governments must move rapidly to combine resource and energy policies, since neither can be successfully achieve its objectives without close coordination with the other. This recommendation was supported and further discussed at WRF 2014. 21.Emissions causing climate change are mostly associated with the use of fossil fuels. Yet, little attention is paid to the contribution of the use of non-energetic resources (e.g. metals and minerals) towards climate change, although those resources are coupled to energy use throughout their life cycle (extraction, manufacturing, consumption, end-of-life treatment); Meeting Report 2014 I Page 7 22.Renewable energy technologies (e.g. photovoltaic, solar, electrified mobility) need to address related material resource supply risks (e.g. lithium), through resource efficiency, diversification of materials used and by improving global resource governance. Measuring progress 23.Performance standards are essential elements of solid policy packages and should be accessible, fair, credible, and aligned to the economic context. 24.Indicators should be developed and improved for biomass, abiotic materials, water and land use which can then be differentiated according to regional, temporal and qualitative aspects. Closing and next steps 25.The next World Resources Forum will be hosted by the Swiss government, in Davos, Switzerland, on 11–16 October 2015. 26.The Asia-Pacific World Resources Forum will be hosted by the University of Technology, Sydney (UTS) and UNSW Australia with support from CSIRO, in Sydney, Australia, on 1–3 June 2015. 27.Participants expressed their great appreciation and gratitude for the warm hospitality of the Peruvian organizers, the hosting Ministry of Environment MINAM, as well as the local community of Arequipa. H.E.Mariano Castro H.E. Mariano Castro (left), Damien Giurco (middle), Xaver Edelmann (right) Meeting Report 2014 2013 I Page 8 1. Photo Gallery Meeting MeetingReport Report2013 2014 I Page 9 Meeting Report 2014 2013 I Page 10 2. Selected Workshop Highlights Global Targets for a Sustainable Use of Natural Resources - Where is a Safe Operating Space? Organised by German Federal Environmental Agency (UBA); Sustainable Europe Research Institute (SERI) • Report by Christina Buczko, SERI Workshop chair: Harry Lehmann, UBA About 100 WRF participants attended and contributed to the workshop organized by the German Federal Environment Agency (UBA) in cooperation with the Sustainable Europe Research Institute (SERI). In his keynote „The feasibility of global resource targets in the areas of land, water and materials“, Fritz Hinterberger (SERI) presented preliminary results regarding the definition of global resource targets which were elaborated within the international research project „IntRESS – Exploring Options for Global Resource Use“ for the German Environment Agency UBA (UBA research ID: 3712 93 10). IntRESS aims firstly at the elaboration of scientifically derived suggestions for global resource targets in the three resource categories materials, water and land, taking into account the limited ecological capacities of our planet, as defined amongst others by the concept of planetary boundaries. Secondly, policy processes and initiatives for the implementation of an international resource policy will be examined and discussed. Internationally accepted, qualitative and quantitative 2050-targets for sustainable resource use will be derived taking into consideration: • • • • multi-scales and spatial differentiations direct vs. indirect resource use absolute vs. relative formulation of targets temporal differentiations. Materials include biomass, metal ores, non-metallic minerals and fossil energy resources. Beyond the above mentioned criteria, the elaboration of targets in this resource category will take into account the distinction between extraction and consumption. In order to address used as well as unused materials, IntRESS experts decided to use Total Material Consumption (TMC) as a headline indicator. Furthermore, productivity and technology aspects, critical flows and scarcities, links to land and water as well as already existing suggestions for thresholds will be considered. The thresholds for all listed materials are difficult to determine due to the great heterogeneity and the interrelatedness of different types of materials. It still has to be decided, if sub-targets for biotic and abiotic materials have to be defined. As there are severe knowledge gaps on the environmental impacts produced by some materials, it is crucial to underline the importance of applying the precautionary principle. Friedrich Hinterberger, SERI In the category of water, the first suggestions for establishing targets include the use of watershed levels as management levels, the definition of annual targets, thresholds for the ratio between water appropriation and availability as well as the inclusion of thresholds for both water use and consumption on the one hand, and direct and indirect water appropriation on the other hand. Considering land, the IntRESS team is about to develop a new approach to identify and limit land cover types according to climatic zones, countries and biodiversity. Tar- Meeting Meeting Report Report 2013 2014 I Page 11 gets of anthropogentic land use change need to include natural land cover as a protection zone and land cover change due to anthropogenic impact. Based upon these initial considerations, indicators for each climate zone can be developed. Joanna Kámiche Zegarra (Centro de Investigación de la Universidad del Pácifico, CIUP, Peru) focussed her presentation on water targets. Water resource management is at the top of the agenda in Peru and whole Latin America, where access to drinking water and sanitation is still not guaranteed for some parts of the population. About 12%of the population, for example, still lacks access to drinking water, with a huge discrepancy between rural and urban areas. While in Peruvian urban areas 84% are connected to the public water net, in rural areas it is only 33%. Another important aspect is the unequal distribution of population and water resources within the country. There is a high concentration of urban areas and population in the coastal zones of Peru, which are mostly water scarce zones. That distribution is also reflected in water use, as 80% of freshwater resources are used by agriculture and only 12% by the population. Latin America offers a variety of different solutions to an improved water management system, , such as integrated water resources management, sustainable supply and consumption of water, and treatment and reuse of wastewater. Enabling factors to achieve these goals in Peru are an existing legal framework implementing precautionary principles and the payment of ecosystem services related to water resources, a higher awareness of water resource topics in the population and a certain involvement of the private sector. Improvements should be made in the coordination of government levels and in the access to water in remote areas, among others. Prof. Dr. María Amélia Enríquez, IRP UNEP Maria Amélia Enríquez (Deputy Secretary of Commerce Bureau of Industry and Mining of the State of Para; member of UNEP Resource Panel, Brazil) shared perspectives of resource targets in the context of extractive economies. 13 out of the 15 largest mineral producing countries of the world are located in Latin America, where some of the planet’s richest mineral resource endowments can be found. The mining industry plays an important socio-economic role in Latin America in terms of share of exports, GDP growth, income growth and tax collection, among others. On the one hand, this contribution is crucial to progress in macroeconomic policies (monetary and external debt balance) and in social policies as poverty alleviation. On the other hand, mining leads to a growing number of social and environmental conflicts. In Peru, agricultural production and extractive industries do increasingly occur in the same geographical areas. These conflicts put limits on the mineral extraction expansion, and could possibly be prevented by a definition of „no-entry-zones“ for mining activities in accordance with the people living in these areas. In addition, an environmental fiscal reform should be implemented to foster fiscal and environmental benefits and to further reduce poverty. Johannes Dobinger (UNIDO) spoke about global resource targets in the context of industrial and economic development.As afundamental aspect he underlined the challenge of decoupling resource use and environmental impacts from economic activities. Resource extraction with no or only low value addition contributes to large parts of public budgets in developing countries, which illustrates their dependance on mining activity. But mining activities also boost environmental conflicts in relation to use of water, land and materials. Therefore resource productivity needs to be enhanced to sustain GDP growth. But resource productivity is not yet recognized as an opportunity for growth and competitiveness. Industrial policies can be seen as a way out of resource dependence and overexploitation. To increase resource productivity, local industrialization of raw materials, integration of value chains and technology transfer should be supported. Environmental and social impacts need to be analysed and local effects have to be understood. According to Mr. Dobinger, the resource targets are feasible if political realities Meeting Report 2013 2014 I Page 12 are taking into account, structural change is supported, several resource targets currently included in SDGs are being taken advantage of and support from the private sector (including multinational companies) is provided. • • Arnold Tukker from the Institute for Environmental Sciences, CML at Leiden University in the Netherlands provided a more sceptical view on global resource targets, referring to previous experiences. He mentioned the establishment of safe limits in the context of toxic substances in Europe, stating that they did not significantly contribute remarkably to solving the problem. He argued for a differentiated approach to the question of resource targets. On the one hand, he underlined the urgent need to reduce the use of fossil fuels, facing the severe danger of climate change. On the other hand, from his point of view there is no need for targets on construction materials. Furthermore, with regard to water he stated that the political background of any ambition for defining targets is more than often questionable. Bruno Oberle from the Swiss Federal Office for the Environment (FOEN) underlined the several roles and commitments of the different World Resources Forum communities, as there are representatives from science, politics and economy. Within the political world facts tend to be ignored, and even a solid knowledge basis is mostly not enough for producing change. At the same time, politicians are „voted to act“. Numeric targets are not per se useful for inducing change, but they can be useful for convincing the public, creating pressure and in a next step influencing political decision-making. In the discussion with the audience, the following issues and questions were raised: • There is a certain risk of specific quantitative tipping points for politicians who are likely to accept and stay tied to a 5% increase instead of moving beyond and promote further advance. • It will be important to follow resource related Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), which will be approved in 2015. • Considering land and soils, it was suggested to include quality in terms of productivity. • • • IntRESS aims at generating global targets with land cover, striving for strong sustainability with a global focus. It is crucial to distinguish between use/ consumption and extraction. Regarding the mining topic, the question of how sustainable mining could work was raised. In Europe mining can be realised in more or less sustainably, as damages mostly can be repaired in retrospect. Above all this it depends on the extent of mining projects and activities. If Brasil provides minerals for all Europe, this can hardly be achieved in a sustainable way. IntRESS started from an ecological point of view, social and economic aspects of resource targets will be included into its future targets framework which will be elaborated next year. An expert workshop in spring 2015 will deal with these horizontal issues. Material exporting countries should be more aware of the value of their exports and start a new policy field, not only by increasing resource productivity by a factor 3, but by a factor 5 to 10. We have to talk about indicators at the global, the regional and the national level. Meeting MeetingReport Report2013 2014 I Page 13 Eco Industrial Parks: Taking Industrial Resource Efficiency and Sustainable Production to Scale Showcasing Resource Wisdom in Cities Organised by the Finnish Innovation Fund Sitra Organised by United Nations Industrial Development Organisation (UNIDO); Governments of Switzerland and Peru; Resource Efficient and Cleaner Production Network (RECPnet) • Report by Jukka Noponen, Sitra • Report byMarcos Alegre,Centre for Eco-effi- The aim of the workshop was to showcase and discuss practical approaches to increase resource wisdom in cities around the world. Resource wisdom is shown to strengthen regional economy, generate new jobs and decrease carbon emissions. Resource wisdom is more than using resources efficiently; it is over-arching resource management with set of tools and experimental cultures. cieny and Social Responsibility of Peru (CER) Workshop chair: René Van Berkel, UNIDO The transition towards a low carbon industry starts with the efficient use of all natural resources in products, industrial processes and global value chains. Despite praiseworthy decoupling achievements in selected companies, it is urgent to scale up and speed up such initiatives. Industrial parks offer an avenue to combine and synergize between different scales of resource efficiency, respectively at process level, within factories, among factories co-located in industrial zones, in value chains and by exchanges with surrounding areas (including cities). Moreover, eco industrial parks are a key instrument for industrial policy. In order to ensure that eco- industrial parks foster inclusive and sustainable industrialization it is imperative that environment, resource conservation and sustainability considerations are being mainstreamed in the planning, construction, operation and management of industrial parks. Concepts and practices of ecoparks should be used to adequate existing industrial zones in order to improve environmental performance and enterprises competitiveness. René Van Berkel, UNIDO Workshop chair: Jukka Noponen, Sitra and Xaver Edelmann, World Resources Forum (WRF) Speakers: • Antti Lippo, Specialist, the Finnish Innovation Fund Sitra • Dr. Pirkko Korhonen, Project Director, City of Jyväskylä • Dr. Ton Bastein, Program Manager Resource Efficiency & Circular Economy, TNO, Netherlands Organization for Applied Scientific Research • Dr. Donna D. Rubinoff, Consultant & Former Senior Advisor Sustainable Urbanization City of Kigali, Rwanda • Luis Neves, Group Sustainability & Climate Change Officer, Deutsche Telekom AG Chairman of GeSI, the Global e-Sustainability Initiative Resource Efficiency Program for Cities Antti Lippo, Sitra Resource efficiency program for cities is an over-arching frameworkforlargeand middle-sized cities that encompasses climate, environment and resource efficiency policies as a modular programme. The programme is a holistic framework, which aims to leverage cities capabilities to reduce ecological footprint, greenhouse gas emissions and material consumption, while boosting local economies and wellbeing. Resource efficiency programme for cities (“RE-PRO”) has been developed in a 2,5 years joint-project called “Towards resource wisdom” together with Sitra Meeting Report 2014 2013 I Page 14 and the city of Jyväskylä. RE-PRO is a modular programme, aiming for three long-term targets: ecological footprint on a sustainable one-planet level - zero waste - and zero greenhouse gas emissions. The path towards a resource wise city begins with baseline assessment on current policies and measures, leading to long-term road-mapping, followed by implementation – that consists of the city’s own internal measures and external operations, initiated together with local stakeholders. Cities applying RE-PRO are obliged to setup cross-departmental task groups, in addition to naming coordinators who operate as chief resource efficiency officers within the city and in extended national cooperation. All cities joining the RE-PRO will be granted the membership in forerunner cities network that receives support from the National Service Centre, which is the second outcome of the project. Cities have emphasized the demand for peer-to-peer network, where information and knowledge on best practices and latest knowhow can be exchanged. It seems utterly important for cities to benchmark each other, in order the find out for example why the generation of household waste is lower in some cities than the national average. The forerunner cities will also be granted the network logo in order to boost the appreciation and awareness of the forerunner cities in national media.The progress and execution of the roadmap, and the development of key indicators is also monitored and reported. Traditionally, upon cities’ environmental management systems, monitoring and reporting is targeted only internally. This does not give enough pressure to execute what has been agreed in different policies and strategies. In Sitra’s framework, it is an obligation to monitor and report annually the progress of the roadmap to the national service centre, but also via publicly available webpage. The reporting includes the main activities, in addition to key resource efficiency indicators. This also enables the benchmarking between different cities. The chosen key indicators are: greenhouse gas emission, waste flows, ecological footprint (Global Footprinting Model), bio capacity (gha) and quality of life (WHOQOL-9). Sitra believes this approach provides a harmonized and common method for cities to enhance design and development within one-planet boundaries, and alleviates the pressure for cities’ to struggle alone on this journey. During the “Towards resource wisdom” Sitra and city of Jyväskylä have executed several practical experiments and created prototypes of scalable sustainable solutions. Culture of experimenting is a great opportunity to introduce new forms of stakeholder participation and promote subsidiarity in society. Collecting ideas for sustainable solutions directly from local residents and engaging them in implementation has also provided acceptance from the local communities for advancing resource wisdom and sustainable development – an issue that is often difficult to achieve. Culture of experimenting related to design-thinking (as seen often in product development and manufacturing), where development is an iterative process; create a prototype, test and develop it before you introduce it to the markets. In the beginning of the project, residents left over 200 ideas, of which 15 were executed in 1–4 weeklong pilots with a minimal budget. The most successful prototype has been the model for selling leftover lunch in schools for near-by residents. This prototype was launched in one school in Jyväskylä, and has now been scaled up to 20 different Finnish cities. Dr. Pirkko Korhonen, Impacts of Resource Wisdom on Regional Economies, Employment and Emissions – Practical Experiments Dr. Pirkko Korhonen, City of Jyväskylä Dr. Korhonen presented a city’s views in developing a resource wise city, and reflected hands-on experiences fromthe“Towards resource wisdom” project. Thecityof Jyväskylä has aimed to enable thecity to work as a test-bed for new solutions. These include the development of a former paper mill into a sustainable and attractive area to live and work.The design of the area was done together in a co-creation model with future residents and different stakeholders. Meeting MeetingReport Report2013 2014 I Page 15 Dr. Korhonen sees culture of experiments as a tool for strategic development and as an enabler for boosting commitment to start acting more sustainably. Further analysis of the executed prototypes and their scale-up has shown remarkable impacts for local economy, job creation and emission reductions. Without the experiments and 25,000 participating residents the (sustainable) change would be much more difficult on the city level and within decision-makers. ved resource and material efficiency. These measures often require investments, and hence we can ask the question whether society is willing to pay the investments, especially when we are lacking the robust symbols of circular economy. Ton Bastein emphasized that the needed change is possible when business sense is achieved. Additionally, the change is easier if we can link the concept of circular economy with improved wealth and wellbeing. Resource Wisdom in Urban Systems – Urban Metabolism – from Awareness to Analysis to Action Dr. Ton Bastein, TNO Improving resource wisdom requires actions both on national and on local level. National policies need strong drivers advancing circular economy, which enable new business models, create knowledge on material flows (“urban metabolism”) and advance opportunities for resource efficient production and consumption. The drivers at local level to pursue resource wisdom and a circular economy are at least partly considered as catalytic investment to the reputation of the city attracting innovative business and newcomers. Changes on national policy level can get leverage from the awareness created by environmental disasters or from robust symbols representing sustainability and circular economy. In the Netherlands, unmanageable landfills and events of polluted ground have been strong drivers for advancing environmental legislation and Dutch waste policies. Currently, the challenges lie on improving the concept of circular economy without such robust symbols showcasing what circular economy is in practice. Circular economy is believed to bring jobs and to improve security of supply, but these are not necessarily strong enough symbols for political breakthrough! To be able to prioritize actions on a local level, it is important to understand the urban metabolism, which gives insight on the material flows within entire areas, cities or neighbourhoods. This approach delivers rough estimates to inspire urban policy, urban design and industrial engineering. It also provides insight on the environmental footprint of different activities and industry sectors, and leverages the knowledge to detect the cost-efficient measures to reduce the harmful impacts on environment, or the opportunities to add value around impro- Dr. Donna D. Rubinoff Victory of Vision and Leadership - Challenges of Implementation, Sustainable Urbanism in Terms of Resource Management in Kigali Dr. Donna D. Rubinoff, Consultant Dr. Rubinoff shared her experience with designing and implementing the master plan for city of Kigali, Rwanda. Kigali has undergone drastic development since 1990s sad history, and currently is a flagship of Africa with its one million population focusing on sustainable urban planning and economic development. According to Dr. Rubinoff, the Kigali master plan case provides key lessons for other growing cities in developing countries. Vision and strong leadership are both necessary in urban development, but not sufficient alone. Vision must filter to implementation at all levels through institutions or actions. Sometimes you need to stimulate vision in creative ways and occasionally you need to set the stage and wait for vision to catch up. Determined city development often requires the urgency to change, but it can also be a block of change, if institutions are weak. To avoid disconnect between these two factors, cities should make sure the structures around planning can implement changes and are agile enough. If this is not the case, then you just have to build structures and wait for connections. When converting a conventional city into something completely new, it should Meeting Report 2014 2013 I Page 16 acknowledged that innovations must be still situated in the local cultural context. Local and cultural meanings must drive change, not only the abstract westernized planning principles or scientific agenda. In order to build political will and civic understanding of the options, demonstrations are also needed, but so is exposure to real examples. Resource Intelligent City – Information and Knowledge Sharing to Help Resource Management Luis Neves, Deutsche Telekom AG /GeSI Luis Neves introduced ICT’s possibilities in carbon emission reduction and resource efficiency. ICT was seen a core tool and infrastructure for cross-sector resource management. A number of policies are needed to harness its reduction potential and to support the rollout and large-scale deployment of ICT-based solutions in urban resource wisdom: • Investment in broadband infrastructure • Cross-sector collaboration between the ICT sector and the transport, buildings and energy sectors • Green public procurement integrating resource efficiency criteria in public tenders • Investment in R&D and support to innovative technology pilots • Increasing users’ awareness of ICT-based solutions to help facilitate behavioural change Global e-Sustainability Initiative (GeSI) had analyzed and researched the ICT sector carbon footprint and opportunities for global reductions. According to Smarter 2020 study, the sector will account for 2,3% of total global emissions, but simultaneously if ICT would be applied in society in accordance with its potential, it can enable 16,5% of CO2 emission reductions of the total expected global CO2 emissions by 2020 that is 7 times more than the total Industry footprint. GeSI‘s Workshop presentation Conclusions: The speakers´ team summed up the discussion in the following four main points, which aim to foster resource wisdom in cities. Show leadership • Leadership has to be visible. We have to show it in all and everything: governance, industry sectors, cities, individuals, and for instance in public procurement. • It is necessary to showcase systemic changes and make robust symbols - grey to green/ landfill to park/industrial zone for housing - visible. It is important to show people that positive changes are possible and we have done them in history. Learn by doing • Experimenting and creating of experimental culture was one of the tools to find new ways to do and get real and fast commitment for cultural and behavioural changes. Design thinking shortens development processes. Design is part of experiments. • Invest in knowledge & quantification. To be able to make right choices and decisions we have to understand what works, and gives scalable results. • From small-scale solutions to large-scale visions – the session highlighted specially opportunities in cities. Bring people together • Education is the key for better future and the change. Cross-sector collaboration and system thinking break barriers and open paths for innovation and understanding cities as metabolism. • We have to respect context of reality and cultures to be able to build commitment and drive. Make the systemic change happen • It is important that well managed experiments and showcases in cities lead to legislative changes and institutionalization nationally. Fundamental behavioural change • Knowledge sharing and breakthroughs of information society that enable resource wisdom and circular economy require information infrastructure. Meeting MeetingReport Report2013 2014 I Page 17 Sustainable Recycling Industries for Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment (WEEE) in Latin American Countries Workshop held in Spanish Organised by Sustainable Recycling Industries (SRI), UNIDO, Swiss State Secretariat at Economic Affairs (SECO), Institute for Materials Science & Technology (Empa), WRF and ecoinvent • Report by Oscar Espinoza, IPES Workshop chair: Oscar Espinoza, IPES and Mathias Schluep, WRF Antecedentes En coordinación entre SRI (Mathias Schluep), EMPA (Heinz Boeni), ONUDI (Alfredo Cueva) e IPES (Oscar Espinoza) se realizó el diseño y posterior organización del Taller RAEE como parte de las actividades técnicas del Foro Mundial de Recursos (WRF 2014). Introducción En los últimos años, el manejo de los RAEE está considerado como una prioridad dentro de las agendas de muchos países latinoamericanos. Debido a iniciativas gubernamentales, a la industria, a organizaciones bilaterales y multilaterales, han ocurrido avances significativos en este campo, que varían de acuerdo a la región. Por este motivo, en un proceso interactivo de múltiples actores, se abordó la necesidad de armonizar el tema a nivel regional. El resultado fue documentado como “Lineamientos para la gestión de los RAEE en Latinoamérica”. Este taller se encargará de retomar dicho proceso, discutir el estado del manejo actual de los RAEE en Latinoamérica e identificar estrategias para una mayor armonización regional. Objetivos • Conocer la situación actual del manejo de los RAEE en el mundo y en Latinoamérica • Conocer los avances de Colombia y Perú en la implementación de Regulación RAEE • Gestión ambientalmente racional de los COPs contenidos en los RAEE • Compartir y analizar casos exitosos de gestión de los RAEE Desarrollo del Taller Mariano Castro, de MINAM, resaltó la importancia de la implementación de la gestión y manejo de RAEE en el Perú por tratarse de una iniciativa exitosa basada en responsabilidad extendida del productor (REP). Olivier Bovet, de SECO, indicó que para la Cooperación Suiza el manejo de los RAEE en países como Perú y Colombia eran una muestra efectiva de aprendizajes y desarrollo de capacidades locales que están permitiendo avanzar hacia la minería urbana. Johannes Dobinger, de ONUDI, indicó que desde Naciones Unidas se tiene la preocupación de fortalecer la gestión de los RAcon una mirada de los contaminantes que tiene y desarrollando también una economía verde. Bloque 1 - RAEE en el mundo y en Latinoamérica EMPA - Heinz Böni - Estado global en el manejo de los RAEE Señaló que existe gran diferencia entre los países del Sur y Norte, respecto a la generación de RAEE, que va de 7 a 29.8 kg/persona/año. Además que gran parte de las extracciones de la minería primaria son destinados a los aparatos eléctricos y electrónicos. EMPA, a través de sus proyectos, promueve: • Recolección eficiente y separada para la recuperación de recursos. • Implementar la responsabilidad extendida del productor (REP) e integrar y/o formalizar a los informales, y el financiamiento de estos procesos. • Como mirada hacia el futuro se tiene la implementación de la REP, el reciclaje sostenible, incrementar tasas de recolección y estándares técnicos. Workshop Meeting Report 2013 2014 I Page 18 Consultor ONUDI – Daniel Ott - La Gestión de los RAEE en Latinoamérica Se mencionó sobre la situación de Latinoamérica respecto a aspectos normativos (tipos, alcance, categorías RAEE y metas de implementación). También se identificaron los manuales y normas técnicas. Se ubicaron las plantas existentes de tratamiento y reciclaje de RAEE. Por último se identificaron los proyectos de manejo de RAEE y sus fuentes de cooperación. En las conclusiones se mencionó que se tienen avances considerables en países como Colombia, Perú, Costa Rica, y México. La fuerza motriz de estos avances es la normatividad, la misma que tiene influencia europea. Plataforma RELAC – Uca Silva - Plataforma RELAC Funciona desde el 2004, y promueve la investigación, el desarrollo de capacidades y la gestión comunicacional. El principal aporte de RELAC consistió en el trabajo participativo para el desarrollo de los “Lineamientos de Gestión de RAEE en LAC” trabajado con actores públicos y privados y en los que se determina las principales definiciones y aspectos de la gestión y manejo de RAEE. normas técnicas y manejo de RAEE del estado orientado al correcto tratamiento (acopio, transporte, desmantelamiento, descontaminación, aprovechamiento y disposición final de componentes peligrosos). Se ha logrado un proceso de institucionalización y de fortalecimiento de empresas operadoras de RAEE (pre procesamiento). CNPML, Colombia – Carlos Hernández - Gestión de RAEE en Colombia Con apoyo de la Cooperación Suiza, desde el 2008, se ha trabajado un conjunto de diagnósticos y planes que han aterrizado en un marco legal basado en resoluciones (2010) y una Ley (2013) en la que los RAEE son regulados bajo el principio de REP. Se cuenta con metas obligatorias que las empresas productoras las cumplen de manera individual y principalmente colectiva. Se cuenta con un Comité Nacional donde se tratan sobre registros de productores, estándares técnicos, sistemas de información, etc. IPES, Perú – Oscar Espinoza - Avances en la Gestión y Manejo de RAEE en Perú Los RAEE son el tipo de residuos de mayor crecimiento y complejidad respecto a su composición. Como en cualquier país, el manejo informal de los RAEE ocasiona serios problemas ambientales y a la salud en Perú. Con apoyo de la Cooperación Suiza, desde el 2009, se ha logrado desarrollar un marco regulatorio basado en REP, Uca Silva, Plataforma RELAC Daniel Ott, Consultor ONUDI Bloque 2 - Gestión ambiental de los COP en los RAEE WRF / SRI Programme – Mathias Schluep - Presencia de COPs en los RAEE Presentación de la definición de los componentes orgánicos persistentes (COP´s) donde resaltan los Policloruros Bifenilos (PCB´s) de los condensadores y capacitores. Así como también los retardantes de llamas en sus diversas formas. Los COP´s son boiacumulables ya que no se degradan y persisten en las cadenas tróficas inclusive. Existen regulaciones (Directiva RoHS) en la Unión Europea en la que se colocan límites en las concentraciones de los COP´s para el ingreso Meeting MeetingReport Report2013 2014 I Page 19 de equipos eléctricos y electrónicos.Se ilustró también que la quema informal de plásticos de los RAEE genera emisiones de dioxinas. ONUDI – Alfredo Cueva // Enfoque de ONUDI para inclusión de COPs en la gestión de RAEE ONUDI promueve el planteamiento del enfoque de Desarrollo Industrial Incluyente y Sostenible (ISID) dentro del cual se promueven las industrias verdes. Las industrias verdes consisten en un modelo que desacopla el crecimiento económico del consumo irracional de recursos y la afectación ambiental. Lo que se quiere es el uso racional de los recursos, generación de empleo de calidad y estar en equilibrio con el ambiente. Los proyectos RAEE de ONUDI deben contribuir a erradicar la pobreza, al desarrollo de industrias verdes y a implementar convenios internacionales como los de Estocolmo (COPs), Minamata (Hg), Basilea, SAICM, entre otros. ONUDI tiene proyectos RAEE en ejecución y en elaboración en África, Asia y Latinoamérica. El proyecto RAEE en LAC consiste de acciones “a la medida» para cada país y un componente regional común a todos. Las acciones se basan en un «menú preestablecido,» ajustados a su situación respecto de las políticas y las instalaciones disponibles para desmantelamiento / reciclaje. Bloque 3 – Discusión de casos exitosos en gestión y manejo de RAEE Caso exitoso 1: SBN – Aldo Muñoz - Manejo de RAEE en el Sector Público de Perú La Superintendencia Nacional de Bienes Estatales (SBN) es la responsable de normar los actos de adquisición, disposición, administración y supervisión de los bienes estatales (muebles e inmuebles). Existe un mandato de MINAM y la SBN de coordinar el manejo adecuado de los RAEE del sector público a través de operadores RAEE especializados. En mayo 2013 la SBN emitió la Directiva de Baja y Donación de RAEE cuyo objetivo es gestionar los RAEE del estado evitando impactos al ambiente y a la salud. El alcance de la Directiva RAEE es nacional y en menos de 16 meses ya se han manejado más de 400 Toneladas de RAEE por 80 instituciones públicas con 5 operadores RAEE. Resultado de esta Directiva ya no se encuentran RAEE del estado en zonas informales. Caso exitoso 2: CNPML – Carlos Hernández Sistemas Colectivos de RAEE en Colombia ECOCOMPUTO es una unidad de cumplimiento o sistema colectivo de productores organizados (fabricantes, importadores y retail) con la participación del gremio empresarial ANDI. Este sistema colectivo organiza la recolección y tratamiento de RAEE de computadores y periféricos. Cuenta con 64 empresas y está operativa desde enero del 2012. Tiene cobertura nacional y a la fecha ha recogido más de 3,000 toneladas de RAEE cumpliendo las metas obligatorias. Desarrolla campañas de concientización e implementa puntos de acopio en campañas itinerantes. Caso exitoso 3: Operadores RAEE - Fortalecimiento de operadores RAEE de Perú El primer aspecto de fortalecimiento que han expuesto los operadores de RAEE de Perú es el incremento constante de RAEE que llegan a sus plantas. Esto se debe al incremento de RAEE que proviene de generadores del sector público y privado así como también de empresas de marca. Consecuencia de lo anterior se ha incrementado el empleo 100% formal y en condiciones adecuadas al interior de las empresas. Se cuenta con mejoras en la infraestructura y equipos para el desmantelamiento, compactación y transporte de los RAEE. También se ha mejorado los procesos internos con su respectivo registro y trazabilidad. Luego de la exposición de los 3 casos exitosos se tuvo la participación de expertos: Daniel Ott, de RLGA, manifestó que la experiencia de la SBN al promover el buen manejo de los RAEE del estado era novedosa y efectiva a nivel regional. Reconoció que Perú y Colombia tienen el mayor avance en Latinoamérica y que los operadores de RAEE están mejorando constantemente. Meeting Report 2014 2013 I Page 20 Michiel Van der Voort, de UMICORE, reconoció también los buenos avances en Perú y Colombia y que los operadores de RAEE estaban realizando muchas mejoras. Raúl Roca, de MINAM, resaltó la importancia de contar con un marco legal claro, basado en REP y que los procesos participativos e inclusivos generan mejores resultados. Cecilia Rosell, de la SNI de Perú, realizó comentarios de índole tributario peruano. Participantes al taller RAEE El taller “Industrias de reciclaje sostenible para RAEE en los países de Latinoamérica” se llevó a cabo el martes 21 de octubre de 09:00 a 13:00 horas y contó con una participación registrada de 128 personas: • Género: Participantes mujeres: 76 (59%) y participantes hombres: 52 (41%) • Ubicación: Participantes de Arequipa: 64 (50%) y de Lima, provincias y el extranjero: 64 (50%). • Institución: Empresa privada: 15 (12%); Cooperación técnica: 17 (13%); Sector público: 24 (19%); Universidades: 72 (56%). • 41 de los 128 participantes tenían relación directa con el tema de RAEE. Workshop presentations Conclusiones del Taller RAEE • El manejo y aprovechamiento informal de los RAEE afecta el ambiente y la salud en todo el mundo. • La creciente generación de RAEE y su complejidad requiere regulaciones REP donde se involucren todos. • Los países con normativa REP para los RAEE son los de mayor avance en LAC (Colombia y Perú). • Existe poco conocimiento de los POPs y otros contaminantes contenidos en los RAEE. • GEF-UNIDO trabajará un proyecto sobre COPs contenidos en los RAEE en 14 países de Latinoamérica. • 100% de RAEE del estado peruano se maneja formalmente. • El volumen de tratamiento formal de RAEE crece y ocasiona ampliaciones y nuevas inversiones. • Los sistemas colectivos de productores de Colombia son un ejemplo de cumplimiento de metas. • Trabajo participativo es efectivo y sinérgico. Meeting MeetingReport Report2013 2014 I Page 21 Zero Waste Approach to Managing Resources Responsible Gold Mining Organised by Zero Waste International Alliance Organised by the Better Gold Initiative (BGI), SECO, Ministry of Environment of Peru (MINAM) Workshop held in Spanish • Report by Richard Anthony, Zero Waste • Report by Guillermo Medina Cruz (BGI) Workshop chair: Richard Anthony, Zerlo Waste Workshop chair: Guillermo Medina Cruz (BGI) This four-hour workshop covered: • The Zero Waste Approach • Organics as a commodity stream in San Diego • Collective take back programs in San Luis Obispo • Zero Waste planned actions in Oceanside Speakers: • Richard Anthony • Ana Lúcia de Carvalho • William Worrell • Colleen Foster With over 250 participants attending the «Zero Waste» workshop at the World Resources Forum in Peru, the Zero Waste model, simply became one of the most engaging and diverse dialogues for the conference that summarized the global need to tackle climate change and resource limitation through tangible community based programs that foster the highest and best use of resources across our planet. The Zero Waste model is a process that is not defined by its end results, but rather is founded on the principle of designing and managing products and processes to systematically avoid and eliminate the volume and toxicity of waste and materials, while actively conserving and recovering all resources. Zero Waste programs as detailed at the Forum, are the fastest and most cost effective way for both large urban and small rural governments to contribute to reducing climate change, to protect human health, create green jobs, and promote local sustainability. Key programs to be modelled across any Country, State, or City should include greater community responsibility that addresses irresponsible consumption and disposal, food security versus wasted food, political responsibility, corporate responsibility, and cradle-to-cradle design. Meeting Report 2014 2013 I Page 22 Transitioning toward Circular Economy through the Application of Closed Looped Cycle Production: Methods and Principles Workshop held in Spanish Organised by Department of Sustainable Development (DSD), Executive Secretariat for Integral Development of the Organization of American States (OAS/SEDI) • Report by the Closed Looped Cycle Production in the Americas Program of the OAS, Department of Sustainable Development Workshop chair: Kevin de Cuba, OAS/DSD El 20, 21 y 22 de octubre la ciudad de Arequipa fue sede del Foro Mundial de Recursos 2014, el cual acogióamásde 1,000 personas entre tomadores de decisiones, investigadores, empresarios, estudiantes, y sociedad civil en general, quienes se reunieron para, en palabras del Sr. Bas de Leeuw, Director Ejecutivo del Foro Mundial de Recursos, “conectar ideas brillantes con tomadores de decisiones”. El gran reto que asumió este foro es cómo desacoplar nuestras economías del agotamiento de recursos y la degradación de ecosistemas, así como de la generación de emisiones y altos niveles de contaminación. En este contexto el Departamento de Desarrollo Sostenible de la Organización de los Estados Americanos (OEA) estuvo presente con dos sesiones bajo el taller titulado “La Transición hacia la Economía Circular a través de la aplicación de Producción en Ciclo Cerrado”, en el cual se abordaron los principios y metodologías de producción en ciclo cerrado y se compartieron las lecciones aprendidas de las Américas. De esta manera se reafirmó el compromiso de la OEA con las prácticas innovadoras de producción sostenible que pueden facilitar la transición a una economía circular y sostenible a lo largo de las Américas. El enfoque del taller estaba dirigido a contestar la pregunta: ¿Cómo las PYMEs pueden innovar y adoptar un nuevo modelo de negocio? La implementación del Programa de Producción en Ciclo Cerrado es un ejemplo claro y concreto de cómo cerrar el círculo de flujo de materiales y como puede ser una solución sostenible y rentable para las PYMEs en las Américas. Día 1 (21 de octubre de 2014) - La inauguración del primer día del taller “La Transición hacia la Economía Circular a través de la aplicación de Producción en Ciclo Cerrado: principios y metodologías” estuvo a cargo del Sr. Kevin de Cuba, Gerente del Programa de Producción en Ciclo Cerrado en las Americas (OEA) y contó con la participación del Sr. Pablo Zuñiga, representante de la OEA en el Perú, quien resaltó que, en un contexto en donde el crecimiento económico esta tradicionalmente acoplado con la creciente demanda de energía, agua y recursos naturales, existe una urgente necesidad de repensar la manera en que los bienes son manufacturados. El modelo de negocio que propone el enfoque de “Cradle-to-Cradle” (de la cuna a la cuna), promovido en la iniciativa de Producción en Ciclo Cerrado, permite desacoplar el crecimiento económico de la explotación insostenible de recursos. Es así que el objetivo de este programa es incrementar la conciencia, el conocimiento y las capacidades en torno a mecanismos y diseño de producción sostenible. Unos de los ejes de reflexión del primer día del taller, fue la diferencia y complementariedad de los conceptos de ecoeficiencia y ecoefectividad. Se contó con la presencia del Sr. Marcos Alegre, Director Ejecutivo del Centro de Ecoeficiencia y Responsabilidad social de Peru (CER) quien compartió sus reflexiones y aproximaciones al concepto de “ecoeficiencia”. Algunos puntos claves que resaltó fueron que este concepto tiene distintas matices en su aplicación en la industria, desde quienes le ponen más énfasis al análisis de ciclo de vida hasta quienes le ponen énfasis en la eficiencia del uso de materiales, o incluso las empresas que generan relaciones de simbiosis entre ellas: por ejemplo los ecoparques. Workshop participants Meeting MeetingReport Report2013 2014 I Page 23 De otro lado, se contó con la participación del Sr. Ken Alston, CEO de McDonough Braungart Design Chemistry (MBDC) de los Estados Unidos, que puso en agenda el concepto de “ecoefectividad” como el siguiente paso a la ecoeficiencia. El principal problema con el paradigma de la “cuna a la tumba” es el flujo linear de los materiales que pasan de insumos a producto y finalmente a desperdicios. Todo se reduce a la elección de los materiales que usamos en los productos, según suspalabras,ala “química de los materiales”. Para ser ecoefectivos necesitamos pensar en cuales son los materiales adecuados, cuál es el diseño adecuado y luego preguntarnos cómo podemos hacer ese proceso de producción más eficiente. En otras palabras, la innovación tiene que ir más allá de los parámetros de la regulación, el diseño tiene que ser tan inteligente que no se necesite regulación. La idea detrás del enfoque de Cradleto-Cradle es imitar, en la medida de lo posible, la forma en la cual la naturaleza opera, el círculo virtuoso de reutilización. Representando al programa de Producción de Ciclo Cerrado, estuvo el Sr. Rubén Contreras, Asesor Técnico Principal del Programa de Producción en Ciclo Cerrado en las Americas (OEA), que sumó a la reflexión aportando que la ecoeficiencia es un paso importante, pero que necesitamos un salto cualitativo y cuantitativo hacia la ecoefectividad. Rubén compartió, además, que el programa se inspiró en el enfoque de Cradle-to-Cradle, y a partir de este enfoque se pensó como impulsar este modelo, reconociendo su potencial, especialmente en las PYMEs, así como sus diferencias aplicativas. “La OEA apostó por esta iniciativa porque cuando hablamos de democracia, de desarrollo económico integral y sostenible, nos damos cuenta de que los recursos de cada país son esenciales para mantener su estabilidad” acotó. De esta manera, dejo en claro que el rol del Departamento de Desarrollo Sostenible es funcionar como puente entre una tecnología o nuevo paradigma y la gente que diseña los marcos regulatorios en los países de las Américas. El objetivo puntual del programa, enfatizó Ruben, es hacer más ecoefectivas, sostenibles y competitivas a las pequeñas y medianas empresas de las Américas, las cuales son el sostén económico de la región. La producción en ciclo cerrado, puede tomarse precisamente como una estrategia en el Workshop OEA modelo de negocios para, desde un punto de vista económico, ser más competitivos y acceder a nuevos mercados. Después de estas reflexiones se abrió el panel a las preguntas del público presente. Los puntos resaltantes y las conclusiones del primer día en plenaria fueron lo siguiente: (1) Se reafirmó el consenso sobre la diferenciación y complementariedad de los enfoques de ecoeficiencia y ecoefectividad. De un lado, la ecoeficiencia está asociada a una producción más limpia en el que se busca ser eficientes en el uso de recursos durante el proceso de manufacturación; del otro lado la ecoefectividad está vinculada a una producción sostenible y a una economía circular, en donde se cierre el flujo de materiales en la producción, lo cual implica pensar desde el diseño y la química de los materiales cómo incorporar ciclos biológicos de materiales o como pensar en reutilizar los materiales no biológicos en ciclos técnicos de otros productos. (2) Se reflexionó sobre cuál debe ser el orden de incorporación de la ecoeficiencia y ecoefectividad en las empresas. Se concluyó que ser ecoeficientes no es suficiente, pero es necesario. Que la ecoefectividad es una apuesta a largo plazo que debe ir trabajándose de manera gradual, y que en esa dinámica la ecoeficiencia debe acompañar de manera paralela a los procesos de la industria para minimizar sus impactos. Sin embargo, hay ciertas industrias, que por su naturaleza, tendrían que descartar todo, la actividad misma y repensar completamente su modelo de negocios desde el diseño de sus productos y la elección de sus materiales, para convertir se más competitivos y sostenibles. (3) Finalmente se reflexionó sobre de qué manera la Producción en Ciclo Cerrado contribuye a un enfoque de Desarrollo Sostenible. Meeting Report 2014 2013 I Page 24 Se concluyó que el programa PPCA contribuye en aspectos sociales, ambientales y económicos. Por un lado, responde a la necesidad de crear una base de capacidad en nuestra región para hacerle frente a los nuevos mercados y no quedarnos enfrascados en un modelo económico basado en la extracción de nuestras materias primas. Por otro lado, plantea la necesidad de invertir en investigación y educación bajo principios de sostenibilidad y una mirada a largo plazo, así como la oportunidad de convertirnos en desarrolladores de tecnología que nos permita competir en el mercado global. Día 2 (22 de octubre de 2014) - El 2do día del taller titulado “La Transición hacia la Economía Circular a través de la aplicación de Producción en Ciclo Cerrado: lecciones aprendidas de las Américas” buscó presentar a este enfoque de producción en ciclo cerrado como una oportunidad para las PYMES a través de casos concretos y tangibles en los países, a partir de la experiencia generada por la OEA en Ecuador, Colombia, Panama y Trinidad y Tobago. En sus palabras de bienvenida, Aída Figari, Jefa de Proyectos de la consultora peruana Libélula y miembro de la Secretaría de la Plataforma Regional LEDS LAC, abordó la importancia de aplicar métodos y conceptos de producción en ciclo cerrado para lograr el desarrollo con bajas emisiones en el sector industrial de la región. La parte técnica estuvo a cargo de Gloria Restrepo del Centro Nacional de Producción Más Limpia de Colombia (CNPML) y compartió con la audiencia algunos hallazgos de estudios técnicos realizados en Colombia y Trinidad y Tobago. Durante su intervención, Rubén Contreras (OEA) destacó que la introducción de este proyecto en Ecuador marcó un hito para despertar intereses en otros países. El primer reto era obtener una base de datos adecuados sobre el material de un empaque para analizar los componentes del producto y ver cómo podíamos hacerlo menos tóxico. Cuando empezamos a pensar en los materiales del empaque, los tintes por ejemplo venían de distintos países y el problema era que teníamos que acceder a la información sobre el contenido de esos tintes. Las empresas normalmente quieren mantener confidencialidad con sus materiales. Sin embargo, se logró obtener el perfil del producto hacia un nivel de 100 partes por millón (100ppm).A partir de esta experiencia nos dimos cuenta de la existencia de un nuevo nicho de mercado. Nos dimos cuenta la necesidad de una base de datos, con la que podamos conocer los componentes de un producto y cuáles podemos reemplazar sin tener que remontarnos a las compañías y sus acuerdos de confidencialidad. De otro lado, otro desafío para el proyecto era capacitar a los expertos de Ecuador para que entendieran el concepto y viabilidad de la producción en ciclo cerrado. Tuvimos muchas reuniones técnicas con el ministerio de la industria y producción con lo que se demostró que es posible trabajar de manera intersectorial. Otro logro del proyecto en Ecuador es la certificación de Cradle-to-Cradle de los empaques que manufactura Batery Alimentos S.A. Con esto el piloto se demostró que sí se puede lograr un estándar en la región a través de una certificación. Es así que a partir de esta primera experiencia se consiguió atraer el interés de 3 países para trabajar este tema en Colombia, Panamá, Trinidad y Tobago, cuyas experiencias se compartieron en el taller. Este segundo día de taller, contó con la participación de la Sra. Lourdes Fernández, Gerente de Investigación y Proyectos del Centro de Ecoeficiencia y Responsabilidad Social de Perú (CER), quien reflexionó sobre la factibilidad de implementar la producción de ciclo cerrada en el Perú. quien reflexionó sobre la factibilidad de implementar la producción de ciclo cerrada en el Perú. Lourdes resaltó el potencial de trabajar con PYMEs en el desarrollo de negocios basados en economía circular. Las PYMES en el Perú representan el 95% de todas las empresas y el 49% del PBI. De otro lado, Perú es un país con crecimiento económico pero con uso intensivo de recursos naturales. Este es un contexto en el cual la producción en ciclo cerrado es una alternativa atractiva para el país. El Perú, hoy en día, está comprometido con la eficiencia de recursos y un desarrollo bajo en carbono, hay un plan de diversificación productiva y en el sector empresarial se invierte en ecoeficiencia. Nos falta dar sin embargo, un paso a la ecoefectividad, hacia una economía circular. Meeting MeetingReport Report2013 2014 I Page 25 A partir de los aportes de los especialistas invitados y de los aportes del público el Sr. Kevin de Cuba (OEA), resumió las conclusiones del 2do taller: (1) Se volvió a hacer énfasis en la complementariedad de una producción más limpia, vinculada con la ecoeficiencia, con una producción en ciclo cerrado, asociada con la ecoefectividad. Siendo la primera necesaria para minimizar los impactos de las industrias desde los modelos de negocios que ya existen; sin embargo,la segunda representa la oportunidad de innovación para replantear nuevos modelos de negocio bajo un enfoque Cradleto-Cradle, la oportunidad para cambiar de paradigma y pensar en nuevos diseños, en nuevos procesos, en nuevos productos. (2) Se evidenció la necesidad de instrumentos nuevos para implementar una producción en ciclo cerrado. Conceptualmente el enfoque Cradle-to-Cradle es aceptado, pero en la realidad necesitamos seguir trabajando en las condiciones habilitantes. En esta transición necesitamos buscar la complementariedad con otros enfoques como el análisis de ciclo de vida. (3) Se evidenció el interés de la OEA por impulsar este enfoque de producción en ciclo cerrado en las Américas y en el caso del Perú, se evidenciaron las razones por las cuales esta alternativa es atractiva para el país. El rol de la OEA, en este sentido, es el de compartir esta idea innovadora y facilitar los canales de articulación para que los actores de la sociedad impulsen estos cambios que nos ayudarán a transitar a una economía circular y sostenible. The Social Dimensions of Sustainability - Environmental Justice and the Governance of Global Resources Organised by the Swiss Academy of Humanities and Social Sciences (SAGW), Centre for Development and Environment (CDE), University of Bern and WRF • Report by Sarah-Lan Mathez-Stiefel (CDE) Workshop chair: Stephan Rist and Sarah-Lan MathezStiefel, CDE Background: The third of a series of events that have been organized since 2012 by the Swiss Academy of Humanities and Social Sciences (SAHSS) and the World Resource Forum (WRF) as a response to the WRF’s concern of involving social scientists and the humanities in its multi stakeholder platform activities, this workshop focused on environmental justice and the governance of global resources, and was co-organized by the Centre for Development and Environment (CDE) of the University of Bern. This bilingual event (English-Spanish), facilitated by Sarah-Lan Mathez-Stiefel from the CDE, was held on October 22, 2014 from 8:30 to 11:45 am and attended by over 50 participants. Environmental justice aims to link distributive (social) justice with issues related to differentiated impacts on social groups by positive and negative environmental externalities, and the question of the rights of non-human communities of the biosphere (ecological justice). Environmental justice is given if the equal distribution of social and ecological goods and services are recognized and allow the expression and legitimate participation of different social groups in adequate ways, recognizing that this needs to be balanced with the requirements deriving from ecological justice. As a concept and approach that integrates various elements stemming from theories of social sciences and humanities as well as elements emerging from social and environmental movements, environmental justice has increasingly gained attention in recent years from public and private actors at local to global policy forums, as well as within the communities dealing with sustainable development. Meeting Report 2014 2013 I Page 26 The workshop aimed to address the following questions: 1. What is environmental justice and why is it a fundamental contribution for more sustainable governance of natural resources? 2. How is environmental justice applied and used for understanding and enhancing processes of more sustainable governance of global resources, e.g. related to land, water or biodiversity? 3. What are potential contributions of environmental justice to the global resource dialogue and what can be done in order to increase its relevance and visibility in the sustainable development agenda? Presentations: The workshop started with a series of five 15 minutes presentations, as follows: 1. “Emergence and current thinking on the concept environmental justice.” Video by David Schlosberg (University of Sydney, Australia). 2. “Environmental conflicts and environmental justice in Peru.” Presentation by Jose de Echave (Cooperaccion, Peru.) 3. “Natural disasters and environmental justice: Examples from Eastern Europe.” Presentation by Stefan Dorondel (Francisc I. Rainer Institute of Anthropology, Romanian Academy of Social Sciences, Romania). 4. “Radical Ecological Democracy: Learnings from India towards a sustainable and equitable world.” Recorded presentation by Ashish Kothari Kalpavriksh’s Environment Action Group, India) 5. “The Rights of Mother Earth and Integral Development for Living Well: the Bolivian experience.” Presentation by Benecio Quispe (Plurinational Authority for the Rights of Mother Earth of Bolivia) and Freddy Delgado (AGRUCO, University of Cochabamba, Bolivia). that the concept has greatly spread in recent years both geographically, and from the local to the global levels. José de Echave reminded us that 40% of all internal conflicts have an environmental origin, according to UNEP (and this figures rises to 47% in Peru). In the Peruvian case, he stated that environmental conflicts reflect governability breaches, and explained how these conflicts were increasing in number and intensity, but also broadening their focus from resistance to extractive projects to also questioning of public policies. Stefan Dorondel described a case of flagrant environmental injustice in Eastern Europe, taking the example of a flood produced by the Danube in April 2006 and the consequences over poor villages lying along the Lower Danube. He showed how the political and economic elite took advantages from this disaster whereas poor people bore the tragic consequences of the event. Ashish Kothari, in his pre-recorded presentation, stressed the fact that “development” as growth at all costs is violence against nature and people. He presented the proposal of “radical ecological democracy”, based on concrete experiences and initiatives from India. This “recipe” for transformational alternatives consists of: 1) new politics, 2) new economics of permanence, 3) just society, 4) ways of knowing, and 5) values and principles. Freddy Delgado, on behalf of Benecio Quispe, explained the historical process witnessed by Bolivia towards ecological justice, with the approval of the Framework Law on Mother Earth and Integral Development for Living Well in 2012. This laws presents the basis of the integral development for living well, in harmony and balance with Mother Earth for Living Well. It secures the regeneration capacity of the components and life systems of Mother Earth, and recognises a complementarity between rights, obligations and duties. In his video, David Schlosberg started by defining “justice” from the view of environmental justice movements, a definition focusing on the inequity in the distribution of environmental bads, the reasons behind these inequities, the issue of cultural and social recognition, the need for participation, and the needs and capabilities of different social groups. He stressed the fact Workshop Meeting MeetingReport Report2013 2014 I Page 27 Discussion: The presentations were followed by a highly interactive debate with the participants, using the “fish bowl” methodology. Four main conclusions emerged from the discussion: 1. Environmental justice is a fundamental aspect of sustainability. Inter- and intra-generational justice an essential pre-condition of sustainable development. Furthermore, a sustainable and functioning environment is the basis for social justice (environment is not just another aspect of social injustice, it is fundamental). 2. There is a need to re-think the current vision and paradigm of development as growth, and recognize the ecological limits of our planet. There is also the need to develop new cross-sectorial tools, approaches, and indicators of sustainable development (ex. Index of environmental degradation). 3. There is a need for participation of all stakeholders and inclusion of plural perspectives in the debate of global resources, especially those from so-called non-scientific actors, including indigenous and local groups. This can be promoted through a dialogue between different forms of knowledge. 4. Rights come with responsibilities and duties. There is a co-responsibility that has to be assumed between the State, the private sector, and the civil society, a duty of care for the natural environment and for society. Sarah-Lan Mathez-Stiefel, CDE A Dialogue on Decoupling Strategies for Sustainable Development: How to make it happen? Organised by the United Nations Environmental Programme (UNEP) • Report by María José Baptista, UNEP Workshop chair: Margarita Astrálaga, UNEP Regional Office for Latin America and the Caribbean Human wellbeing is directly linked to the way in which we manage and protect our natural resources. Given the finite nature of our non-renewable natural resource base, the global economy can only flourish and continue to bring the benefits to everyone on the planet, now and in the future, if we re-think the way in which we consume our resources and manage our waste, select our technologies and production systems, design our institutions and relate to nature. Decoupling economic growth from environmental degradation is a plausible pathway to respond effectively to one of the core challenges of our time, meeting the needs of nine billion people in 2050 in terms of energy, land, water, food and material supply, while keeping climate change, biodiversity loss and other impacts within the Earth’s carrying capacity. The International Resource Panel (IRP) is a science-policy platform launched in 2007 by the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) to provide decision makers and other interested parties with independent and authoritative scientific assessments about the use of natural resources and its environmental impacts. Its assessment reports crystallize the latest scientific, technical and socio-economic literatures on global resource use with the objective of improving the sustainable management of natural resources and contributing to decoupling of escalating resource use and environmental impacts from economic growth. To date, a total of 28 scientists work together with representatives from more than 30 governments and civil society organisations to respond effectively to some of the greatest global challenges in natural resource management.IRP findings note that though increasing resource productivity is important, transformative change is Meeting Report 2014 2013 I Page 28 needed to realise factor improvements in consumption and production patterns. In this regard, the IRP has been providing policy-makers with growing scientific evidence that decoupling will be one of the next big opportunities for innovation, wise use of resources, and thus for continued economic development . Translating scientific findings into action, UNEP is also working in the evolving area of sustainabilityfocused innovation or eco-innovation. Eco-innovation integrates sustainability into the strategy level of a company, throughout its operations and along the value chain, ensuring its economic viability, reduced environmental impacts, positive social impacts as well as its long-term competitiveness. UNEP›s eco-innovation work aims to build local capacity and resources for eco-innovation in developing and emerging economies. It highlights key messaging for both the business and policy cases for action - including the role of technologies for innovation. The side-event presented sectorial and regional options to achieve decoupling of natural resource use and environmental impacts from economic growth, moving from theory to practice. The presentation based on the new IRP report, Decoupling 2: technologies, opportunities and policy options focused on global trends and opportunities through technology and policy change. The presentation on Assessing Global Land Management: Balancing consumption with Sustainable Supply focused on global opportunities for sustainable land management. Prof. Dr. María Amélia Enríquez, member of the IRP and Deputy Secretary of the Commerce Bureau of Industry and Mining of the State of Pará, presented these opportunities at the regional level for the mining sector in Latin America. Marcos Alegre, Executive Director of the National Cleaner Production Centre of Peru, presented the application of decoupling in the business sector. The event consisted of keynote presentations followed by Q&A sessions. Highlights of each presentation are provided below. 1. Moving towards Absolute Decoupling: Policy Options and Technological Opportunities – Presentation by Dr. Yi-Heng Cheng, Member of the Club of Rome. A flagship assessment of the International Resource Panel (Decoupling natural resource use and environmental impacts from economic growth) showed some signs of progress in the global transition towards decoupling. The follow-up IRP report launched in June (Decoupling 2: technologies, opportunities and policy options) points out to existing technological opportunities and policy options for both developing and developed countries to accelerate this progress and reap the environmental and economic benefits of increased resource productivity. Many resource-efficient technologies and techniques are commercially available and widely used in developing and developed economies. They allow economic output to be achieved with fewer resource inputs so reducing waste, savings costs and mitigating risks of resource scarcity and price volatility: • The technical potential to reduce energy demand through improved efficiency is in the order of 50-80% for most production and utility systems. • Solar thermal cookers have achieved five-fold efficiency improvements, making it possible and cost-effective to cook food by sunlight instead of biomass and fossil fuels. • 60-80% improvements in energy and water efficiency are technically possible and commercially viable in sectors such as construction, agriculture, hospitality, industry and transport. • By adopting decoupling technologies, developing countries could cut the increase in annual energy demand by more than half over the next 12 years while realizing their development goals. • Advanced furnace technology with co-generation could achieve up to a 40 per cent reduction in energy intensity for zinc, tin, copper, and lead smelting and processing. Meeting MeetingReport Report2013 2014 I Page 29 • Use of higher-strength steel achieves a 32% reduction in the weight of steel columns and a 19% reduction in beams. There are forms of policy available to promote decoupling. Two that illustrate the policy mix needed are: • Taxation or subsidy reduction to move resource prices upwards in line with documented increases in resource productivity. • Shift revenue-raising onto resource prices through taxation of resources or in relation to product imports, with recycling of revenues back to the economy. 2. Decoupling Economic Growth from Environmental Impacts of Mineral Extraction: Opportunities in Latin America – Presentation by Prof. Dr. María Amélia Enríquez, member of the International Resource Panel (UNEP); Deputy Secretary of Commerce Bureau of Industry and Mining of the State of Pará. Latin America (LA) has 13 out of the 15 largest mineral producers of the world and some of the planet’s richest mineral resource endowments (e.g. 65% of global reserves of lithium, 42% of silver, 38% of copper, 21% of iron). The economic contribution of the mining sector to regional GDP is significant and rapidly increasing. The economic rent of the mining sector in the region, as a percentage of GDP, tripled in 20042009 compared with the 2000-2003 period, rising from 0.6% to 1.98% of regional GDP. Mining sector profitability in LA has reached unprecedented historic levels and exceeds profitability indicators of all other economic sectors in the region. Prof. Dr. María Amélia Enríquez, IRP UNEP However, there are few signs of decoupling occurring in this sector. As the industry grows, so do environmental impacts associated with mineral extraction activities. Intensive use of energy and water resources, greenhouse gas emissions, loss of high-value biodiversity, land degradation and air pollution, among others. Rather than limiting mineral extraction expansion countries should look at adopting extraction targets to curb mineral related conflicts. This can be done through adequate land use planning, to protect environmentally fragile areas (in consultation with the local population); and through a tax reform to capture mineral rents and induce more sustainable practices. 3.Assessing Global Land Use: Balancing Consumption with Sustainable Supply – Presentation by Prof. Dr. Walter Pengue, member of the International Resource Panel (UNEP); Professor, General Sarmiento University and University of Buenos Aires. Under business as usual conditions, the growing demand for food and non-food biomass could lead to a gross expansion of cropland in the range of 320 to 850 million hectares by 2050. Increasing yields alone cannot compensate expansion of such magnitude. While productivity levels have experienced an impressive increase over the past 50 years, yield gains have started to stagnate in some regions. At the same time, land degradation continues to expand, affecting today an estimated 23% of global soils and in its severe form leads to the abandonment and shift of 2 to 5 million hectares of cropland a year.cscsA new assessment report of the International Resource Panel (Assessing Global Land Management: Ba- Dr. Walter Pengue, IRP UNEP Meeting Report 2014 2013 I Page 30 lancing consumption with Sustainable Supply) found that gross expansion of croplands by 2050 could be limited to somewhere between 8% and 37%, provided a multi-pronged strategy is followed for meeting the food, energy and other requirements of the global economy. Such a strategy would need to increase efficiency levels across the life cycle of agricultural commodities and also in the use and re-use of land-based resources. Overall, the combination of consumption-oriented measures such as the improvement of diets to enhance efficiency in biomass use and its substitutes, delinking the biofuels and food markets, the reduction of food loss and waste, the control of biomaterials consumption; with improved land management and restoration of degraded land, may allow us to save 161 to 319 million hectares of land by 2050. 4. Decoupling in Practice: Embedding Eco-innovation in Business Strategies – Presentation by Prof. MSc. Marcos Alegre, Executive Director of the National Cleaner Production Centre of Peru, Centro de Ecoeficiencia y Responsabilidad Social (CER)/ Grupo GEA. Business and industry worldwide are increasingly recognizing the sustainability imperative to shift production and consumption patterns to a new economic paradigm. Science underscores that transformative change is needed - and that the current predominant approach of incremental improvements is insufficient. A company needs to look beyond its gates to assess sustainability risks and opportunities throughout its value chain, and in cooperation with the key partners to unlock the transformational potential to deal with these growing external pressures. UNEP’s work in Eco-innovation seeks to implement this approach, embedding sustainability into the core decision making of a company and integrating it throughout all business dimensions, enabling the creation of novel solutions to satisfy market needs. SMEs are particularly responsive to eco-innovation due to their adaptability and flexibility, and as contributors of as much as 70% of GDP and two-thirds of formal employment in developing and emerging economies, they are a potentially a key driver of a resource efficient economy. MSc. Marcos Alegre, CER/Grupo GEA Many eco-innovative companies are showing an average of a 15% increase in annual growth in an otherwise flat market. In Brazil, the cosmetic company Natura compounded an annual growth rate of 26% from 2005 to 2012. A conducive policy context is also critical to foster innovation. UNEP‘s eco-innovation work is now moving to national level implementation with the pilot testing of the eco-innovation methodology through service providers working with SMEs in the sectors of agri-food, metals and chemicals. In the Latin American and Caribbean Region, national technical and policy efforts in Colombia and Peru will be underway by the end of 2014. The project will offer replicable models, needed tools and methodologies and global network based support. Meeting MeetingReport Report2013 2014 I Page 31 3. Overview Scientific Sessions and Awards WRF 2014 received 74 draft papers, from over 25 countries. Around 50% of the contributions came from Latin America, almost 40% from Europe. The categories were as follows: • Innovation for Resource Efficiency • Policies and Stakeholders Participation • Decoupling Economic Growth and Natural Resource Use • Recycling Industries and Cities • Measuring Progress – Targets and Indicators • Lifestyles and Education • Forestry, Climate Change Mitigation and Adaption The topic of Innovation for Resource Efficiency was most popular; almost 40% of the scientific contributions were proposed for this category, followed by Policies and Stakeholders Participation with 15% and other topics. The best poster award went to: Measuring Progress – Targets and Indicators: Marcela P. Costa and Fabio Cirilo (Brazil) – “Ecoefficiency analysis of integrated and non-integrated crop, forestry and livestock production systems in the Brazilian Cerrado” Yi Heng Cheng (Tongji University, China) and Heinz Böni (Empa, Switzerland) served as evaluators for the poster competition. All WRF 2014 papers/abstracts can be consulted on the World Resources Forum website. Selection of papers from WRF 2013 and 2014 will be published in the course of 2015. The Scientific Committee in charge of the review of abstract submissions, headed by Christian Ludwig (Chair Scientific Committee) and Rosario Gómez (Vice Chair Scientific Committee), consisted of several experts from Latin American countries, supplemented with international colleagues from other continents. With support of the Scientific Session Chairs and the Scientific Committee three presentations were awarded with the WRF Scientific Award: • Resource Efficiency: Daphne Regina Candia Gauna and Agena Llanos Zevallos (Peru) – “Economic potential exploitation of secondary waste from the fishing industry and high quality collagen production as alternative for mitigation of environmental pollution” Christian Ludwig - Chair Scientific Committee Rosario Gómez - Vice Chair Scientific Committee • Policies: Antti Lippo (Finland) – “Resource Efficiency Program for Cities – towards resource wisdom” • Recycling Industries and Cities: Brajendra Mishra (USA) – “Critical Materials Recycling and Recovery“ Agena Llanos Zevallos Meeting Report 2013 2014 I Page 32 4. High Satisfaction with WRF 2014 Participants Survey A large majority of participants of WRF 2014, which took place in Arequipa, October 19–22, 2014, is (very) satisfied with the event. This can be concluded from the results of the participants’ survey. 87% of all respondents were either “very satisfied” or “somewhat satisfied” with the WRF 2014 event as a whole. The venue of WRF 2014, the Cerro Juli Convention Centre, was also very much appreciated and was rated by 91% as “excellent” or “above average”. The WRF team additionally wanted to know how the participants perceived the logistical organisation of the event like registration, hotel reservation etc. 60% of participants concluded that the organisation was “excellent” or “above average”. However, the open question show that there is some room for improvement, in particular in relation to the catering service (e.g. serve native food) or the transportation from and to the venue. The comments will be considered by the organising committee to further improve the WRF events. In relation to the content of the conference, an overwhelming 91% of the responses considered the substantive organisation (agenda, choice of speakers, workshops etc.) as “excellent” or “above average”. The next question of our survey aimed at the choice of topics and how appropriate they were for the conference. A large 98% of the responding participants found themselves “very satisfied” or “somewhat satisfied” with the chosen topics. With regard to the quality of the plenary speeches the feedback is also very favourable, as 90% of the responding participants liked these presentations and considered them as “excellent” or “above average”. The interaction with the audience was also much prised, as replies to the open question indicate. The quality of the workshops and parallel session was likewise judged as “excellent” or “above average” as 92% selected these answers. The next question was tackling the issue of what stakeholder group the WRF participants would like to see more often in future events. 54% of the respondent mentioned the academia, 48% mentioned representatives of the business sector, 44% political leaders and 41% NGOs. This feedback supports WRF in its strategy to be the global science-based platform for sharing knowledge about the economic, political, social and environmental implications of global resource use and its commitment to build bridges among researchers, policymakers, business, SMEs, NGOs and the public. The last question of our survey was related to social media and whether the WRF Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn WRF pages are liked. 80% of the participants responded positively. Meeting MeetingReport Report2013 2014 I Page 33 Appendices Appendix 1: WRF 2014 Programme Meeting Report 2014 2013 I Page 34 Meeting MeetingReport Report2013 2014 I Page 35 Meeting Report 2014 2013 I Page 36 Appendix 2: Scientific Sessions Programme October 20, 2014: 16h00 – 18h00 Topic 1: Innovation for Resource Efficiency Chair: Juan Reiser (Peru) 1. 2. 3. Transport Innovation with ITC technologies to reduce GHG (Renato C. Botto, Brasil) Coupling Earth Observation Data into a hydrological model for an Andean Basin (Saul Montoya, Peru) Resource Efficiency Assessment within Interlinked Production Systems - A Small and Medium Sized Enterprise-capable Approach (Dennis C. Bakir, Germany) 4. An innovative methodology to scale-up energy efficiency in the brick sector (Patricia Tord, Peru) 5. The Potential of Alternative Biomass Based Gas Turbine Cycles in Latin America (Arturo Manrique Carrera, Sweden) 6. Sustainable Energy Systems in Developing Countries – The Implications of Sen’s Capability Approach and Lund’s Choice Awareness Theory (Claudia J. Kuhnke, Germany) Topic 2: Policies and Stakeholder Participation Chair: Richard Anthony (USA) 1. 2. 3. 4. The Game with Impact: Gamification in Environmental Education and Entrepreneurship (Alexandr Iscenco, Moldova) Decision Making in WEEE Management: the Contribution of the Actor-Network Theory (Sandra Méndez-Fajardo, Colombia) Resource Efficiency Program for Cities – towards resource wisdom (Antti Lippo, Finland) Covering the last mile in the Brazilian Amazon – The role of knowledge-sharing strategies in the provision of universal electricity access (Maria Fernanda Gomez Galindo, Sweden) 5. Developing an environmentally aware University (Joan Amir Arroyave-Rojas, Colombia) 6. Methods for assessing local environmental impact of the Installation of biorefinery (Bertrand Laratte, France) Topic 3: Recycling Industries and Cities Chair: Bill Worrell (USA.) 1. 2. 3. 4. Recycling of Scarce Metals from Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment (Heinz Böni, Switzerland) Open Loop Recycling Options for Cathode Ray Tubes (CRTs) (Mathias Schluep, Switzerland) Resource Efficient Product Provision - Closing the resources loop for waste mobile phones (Nicoleta Gurita, Germany) Resource efficiency in industrial SMEs: Drivers and effects on productivity (Lourdes C. Fernandez Felipe-Morales, Peru) Meeting MeetingReport Report2013 2014 I Page 37 October 21, 2014: 08h30 – 10h30 Topic 4: Forestry, Climate Change Mitigation and Adaption Chair: Tobias Welz (Germany) 1. Women and agroecological systems in Bolivia (Ana Dorrego, Bolivia) 2. The impact of climate change on food production in the Andes: the case of Cusco in southern Peru (Cesar Del Pozo Loayza, Peru) 3. Influencing REDD+; Stakeholder Participation in Ghana’s REDD+ Process (Abdul-Razak Saeed, UK) 4. Natural regeneration in environmental liabilities post alluvial mining district of Huepetuhe Manu - Madre de Dios, Peru (Carlos Nieto Ramos, Peru) Topic 5: Decoupling Economic Growth and Natural Resource Use Chair: Ron Zevenhoven (Finland) 1. Business models for a circular world: the case of metals (Nicholas H. Florin, Australia) 2. Measuring Economic Performance and Social Progress of Brazil: An Application of the Stiglitz-Sen-Fotoussi Commission Proposal for Brazilian Regions (Paulo Henrique Feitosa, Brasil) 3. Hacia una construcción de una noción operacional del desarrollo sostenible (Francisco J. Correa, Colombia) 4. How a closed carbon cycle can fail the target of decoupling – a case study of a biogas plant in Germany (Klaus Wiesen, Germany) Topic 1: Innovation for Resource Efficiency Chair: Janeth Sanabria Gómez (Colombia) 1. 2. 3. Global Mapping of Hotspots Analysis Approaches - Identifying critical resources (Sonia Valdivia, France) Life Cycle Analysis for Bricks and Concrete Blocks in San Jeronimo, Cusco (Adrian Montalvo, Peru) Heavy Hydrocarbon Mixtures as fuel for Standard SIEMENS Dry Low Emissions (DLE) Gas Turbines (Mats Andersson, Sweden) 4. Design Installation and Quality Improvement of Air Conditioning Unit Condensate as Drinking Water (Fachrina D. Puspitasari, Indonesia) 5. Dynamic Material Flow Analysis of steel: state of art and methodology development (Daryna Panasiuk, France) 6. The Use of Black Liquor as a Resource of Renewable Energy in the Pulp and Paper Industry in Brazil. The Innovation and Efficient Use of Natural Resources (Antonio J. Juliani, Brasil) Meeting Report 2014 2013 I Page 38 October 21, 2014: 11h00 – 13h00 Topic 1: Innovation for Resource Efficiency Chair: Christian Ludwig (Switzerland) 1. Preliminary Techno-Economic, Environmental and Risk assessments of a Hybrid Solarised Gas Turbine Concept (Fernando Octavio Jimenez Ugarte, Peru) 2. Small Hydropower Potential from Sewage Water Case Study for an Andean City (Edmundo Villacorta, Norway) 3. Wealth from Waste in the Circular Economy (Damien Giurco, Australia) 4. Producing precipitated calcium carbonate (PCC) from steelmaking slags using the slag2pcc concept (Ron Zevenhoven, Finland) 5. Innovation for Resource Efficiency - New Fuel Technology (Aloy Palit, India) 6. Effective management of sub-products through the implementation of «novo technologies» in landfills. Case study Cajamarca, Caraz and Ayacucho in Peru (Alberto Huiman, Peru) October 21, 2014: 17h30 – 19h30 Topic 2: Policies and Stakeholder Participation Chair: Juan Cristóbal Birbuet (Bolivia) and Margaret Chavez 1. Sustainable resource management in Chile in the light of two globally competing economic cooperation notions (Ruya Perincek, UK) 2. International Investment Law as a mean to protect natural resources and the environment, fostering development. The Conga case as a conflict for water allocation in Peru (Victor Saco, Switzerland) 3. National Program to Formalize Recyclers: Pro Recycler (María Albina Ruiz, Peru) 4. National Effort for the Environmental Competitiveness of the Brazilian Products (Antonio J. Juliani, Brasil) Topic 3: Recycling Industries and Cities Chair: Mathias Schluep (Switzerland) 1. Anaerobic Digestion as a technology to optimize the management of municipal organic waste in Colombia (Katherin Rivera Echavarria, Colombia) 2. Directed Bioprospecting as a strategy for the enhancement of waste and microbial diversity valorisation (Janeth Sanarbia Gomez, Colombia) 3. Critical Materials Recycling and Recovery (Brajendra Mishra, USA) Meeting MeetingReport Report2013 2014 I Page 39 October 22, 2014: 08h30 – 10h30 Topic 1: Innovation for Resource Efficiency Chair: Heinz Böni (Switzerland) 1. myEcoCost - an Automated Accounting System for Natural Resources and Environmental Emission of Products (Klaus Wiesen, Germany) 2. Tablet of Efficiency Indicators to Stop the Water Stress (Julio Jesús, Peru) 3. Pyrolysis for coffee pulp valorization (Jürg Schmidlin, Peru) 4. Life Quality and Sustainability for Hog Breeders (Ana Hummel, Peru) 5. Economic impact analysis of agricultural insurance as a measure of adaptation to climate change in three crops: potatoes, corn and beans. A 2030 study. Junín Region. (Bryan R. Gutiérrez Cortez, Peru) 6. Pollution prevention in water bodies through the elimination of TBTO in marine paints (Margaret Nieves Chávez Castillo, Peru) Topic 5: Decoupling Economic Growth and Natural Resource Use Chair: Sonia Valdivia (Peru) 1. Complex human-nature system interactions in a resource constrained world – systems analysis of problems associated to resource use and scarcity, and potential solutions aiming at resource efficiency (Deniz Koca, Sweden) 2. Economic potential exploitation of secondary waste from the fishing industry and high quality collagen production as alternative for mitigation of environmental pollution (Daphne Regina Candia Gauna, Peru) 3. Zero Waste: the world sustainable growth and development process (Ana Lucia de Carvalho, USA) Meeting Report 2014 2013 I Page 40 Appendix 3: Poster Exhibition 1 Innovation for Resource Efficiency 1.1 Innovation for Resource Efficiency Konovalova, Nastya, Russian Federation 1.2 Towards a Resource Efficient Coal Seam Gas Exploitation and Production in Queensland, Australia Uba de Andrade Junior, Milton Aurelio, Brazil 1.3 Anaerobic digestion of vinasse pretreated with advanced photochemical oxidation proceses Clavijo Salinas, Juan Carlos, Colombia 1.4 Sustentabilidad y eficiencia económica con variables ambientales para innovaciones en la producción agrícola. El caso del café en el Perú. Alvarado, Laura Silvia, Peru 1.5 Life Cycle Assessment Enabling Eco-innovations Motta, Wladmir Henriques, Brazil 1.6 Pathways toward Green industry through the Resource Efficiency and Cleaner Production approach Esmeralda Corp. A Peruvian successful case Terrazos Aguilar, Ana Georgina, Peru 2 2.1 2.2 2.3 3 Policies and Stakeholder Participation Gaining profit while conserving nature through multi-stakeholder partnership Kiss, Veronika, Hungary Analysis of Collaborative Processes for Governance to Climate Change in the Ucayali Region, Peru Anicama, Jahir, Peru Citizen Participation in the Conservation of Coastal Wetlands in the region Lima Heredia, Mikelo, Peru Recycling Industries and Cities 3.1 3.2 Taking the high road for recycling e-scrap Van der Voort, Michiel; Guido Flor, Brazil Study of hospital solid waste management in the Arequipa province and election of technological solution of environmental impact retail Condori Apaza, Renee Mauricio, Peru 4 Forestry, Climate Change Mitigation and Adaptation 4.1 Understanding Impacts of Historical Climate Variations on Levels of Lake Rukwa in Tanzania Izdori, Fides John, Tanzania 4.2 Sources of risk and impact of climate change adaptation strategy on farm productivity: the case of Southern Highlands of Ethopia Kebede, Kalkidan Assefa Meeting MeetingReport Report2013 2014 I Page 41 4.3 The Climate Change and Impacts of Chemical Transformations of the Air Pollution on Forestry Dovbysheva, Tatjana, Belarus 4.4 Assessment of the potential of implementing projects of carbon sequestration in value chains of cacao in Peru Cotrina, Denisse, Peru 4.5 Burden sharing, consumption-based emissions and mitigation targets in a global climate change agreement Wiebe, Dr. Kirsten Svenja, Germany 5 Decoupling Economic Growth and Natural Resources Use 5.1 5.2 5.3 Quotas for a better world – How does the energy quota scheme contribute to solve the three problems of environmental economics? Kiss, Veronika, Hungary Mapping the antimicrobial studies of copper for public health Paucar, Tellys, Peru Advocating for resource use capping Kiss, Veronika, Hungary 6 Measuring Progress - Targets and Indicator 6.1 6.2 6.3 Eco-efficiency analysis of integrated and non-integrated crop, forestry and livestock production systems in the Brazilian Cerrado Costa, Marcela Porto, Brazil The Sustainability of Ethanol Production from Sugar Cane in Sao Paulo State – Brazil Juliani, Antonio José, Brazil Patterns of scarcity – a systemic view on resource scarcity Lorenz, Ullrich, Germany 7 Lifestyles and Education 7.1 7.2 The Involvement Effect of Indonesian Youth Progression Awareness in Country Development Based on Relativity Law Miranda, Yolla, Indonesia Influence of lifestyle on water scarcity Carlos, Guillermo Miguel, Peru Meeting Report 2014 2013 I Page 42 Appendix 6: Committees WRF 2014 Scientific Expert Committee Christian Ludwig Heinz Böni (Chair Scientific Expert Committee) Paul Scherrer Institute and EPFL, Lausanne, Switzerland Technology and Society Lab, Empa, St. Gallen, Switzerland Rosario Gómez (Vice Chair Scientific Committee) Universdad del Pacífico, Lima, Peru Jean Acquatella United Nations Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (U.N ECLAC), Santiago, Chile Richard Anthony Halina Brown Clark University, Worcester, U.S.A Carlos Fernando Cadavid National Cleaner Production Centre, Medellín, Colombia Jairo Chacon Richard Anthony Associates, San Diego, U.S.A. Industrial Engineering, Escuela Colombiana de Ingenería Julio Garavito, Bogotá, Colombia Cesar Barahona Martin Charter National Cleaner Production Centre, Managua, Nicaragua Centre for Sustainable Design, Surrey, U.K. Jorge A. Bentin Christian Hagelüken Corporate Environmental Management, Universidad San Ignacio de Loyola – USIL, Lima, Peru Juan Cristobal Birbuet Centro de promoción de Technologías Sostenibles (CPTS), La Paz, Bolivia Umicore AG & Co. KG, Hanau-Woflgang, Germany Meeting MeetingReport Report2013 2014 I Page 43 Luis Alberto Jimenez Juan Reiser Economy and Planning, Universidad Agraria La Molina, Lima, Peru Architecture and Urbanism, Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, Lima, Peru Ramzy Kahhat Armin Reller School of Engineering, Pontificia Universidad Catolica del Peru, Lima, Peru Harald Mattenberger University of Applied Sciences Burgenland, Pinkafeld, Austria Juan Pablo Montero Department of Economics, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile, Santiago de Chile, Chile Daniel Müller NTNU, Trondheim, Norway Mario Omar Opazo University of Augsburg, Augsburg, Germany Markus Reuter Outotec, Finland Janeth Sanabria Gómez School of Environmental & Natural Resources Engineering, Universidad del Valle-Sede Meléndez, Santiago de Cali, Colombia Mathias Schluep World Resources Forum, St. Gallen, Switzerland Franz Georg Simon Environmental Engineering, Universidad del Bosque, Bogotá, Colombia Federal Institute for Materials Research, Berlin, Germany Claudia Penia Fabio Soares de Melo Chilean Life Cycle Network, Chile Institute of Education and Research (INSPER) and Soares de Melo Law Firm, São Paulo, Brasil Meeting Report 2013 2014 I Page 44 Guido Sonnemann Institut de Sciences Moléculaires, Bordeaux, France Walter Stahel The Product-Life Institute and The Geneva Association, Geneva, Switzerland Sangwon Suh Bren School of Environmental Sciences and Management, University of California, Santa Barbara, California, U.S.A Patrick Wäger Empa, St. Gallen, Switzerland Markku Wilenius Finland Futures Research Centre, Turku, Helsinki, Finland William Worrell San Luis Obispo County Integrated Waste Management Authority San Luis Obispo, U.S.A. Ron Zevenhoven Åbo Akademi University, Åbo, Finland Meeting MeetingReport Report2013 2014 I Page 45 WRF 2014 Organizing Committee Mariano Castro Vice Minister Ministry of Environment, Lima, Peru Xaver Edelmann (Chairman Steering Committee) Empa, World Resources Forum, St. Gallen, Switzerland Oscar Espinoza IPES Lima, Peru María Lucía Híjar Wordl Resources Forum, St. Gallen, Switzerland Bas de Leeuw World Resources Forum, St. Gallen, Switzerland Rafael Núñez Organización Gestión de Destino Arequipa OGD, Arequipa, Peru Martin Peter Swiss State Secretariat at Economic Affaris (SECO) Lima, Peru Christian Robin Swiss State Secretariat at Economic Affaris (SECO) Lima, Peru Marcos Alegre Chang National Cleaner Production Centre, CER/Grupo GEA, Lima, Peru Alfonso Eguiluz Organización Gestión de Destino Arequipa OGD, Arequipa, Peru Meeting Report 2014 2013 I Page 46 Appendix 7: Sponsors and Partners Workshop Organisers ISBN 978-3-906177-09-0 Contact information Lerchenfeldstrasse 5, CH-9014 St. Gallen, Switzerland WRF Secretariat Phone + 41 71 554 09 00 [email protected] Visit us on Facebook, Twitter and Linkedin … together we can shape the future
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