angle marker La baliza Angle marker es un elemento señalizador de línias simples y elegantes. Está equipada con una tira estanca de Led en su placa superior, que de noche, representa el flujo vital de la ciudad y de sus habitantes. The beacon Angle marker is an indication element with simple and elegant lines. It is equipped with a waterproof Led strip on its upper plate, representing at night the city’s life flow and that of its inhabitants. geometría geometry características characteristics ESCALA 0 CM 25 CM instalación installation medidas | sizes: 13 x 40 x 13 cm Opción 1 | Option 1: anclaje mecánico visto | anchored with screws 16 peso | weight: 17 Kg Placa aluminio e=10mm/ Aluminum plate e=10mm 40 acabado | finish: Tira LED estanca/ Watertight strap LED color | colour: White, metal, fusion, black 13 13 colocación | fixing: 17 19 Anclaje mecánico visto | Anchored with screws personalizable | customization: • Frontal | Front view Peso | Weight: 17 kg Lateral | Side view Placa inox e=6mm/ Stainless steel plate e=6mm Grabado en placa de aluminio | Engraving aluminim plate 19 complementos | complements: • Placa metacrilato e=10mm/ Methacrylate plate e=10mm Iluminación LED | LED lighting 17 Planta | Plan view A Acometida/ Service conduit A Sección AA | Section AA Planta | Plan view combinaciones combinations 3 tacos expansivos M10, Ø12/ 3 expansion bolts M10, Ø12 Opción 2 | Option 2: empotramiento directo | encastrament direct pulido e hidrofugado | polished and waterproofed Casquillo M20/ M20 socket Placa galvanizada e=6mm/ Galvanized plate e=6mm white metal fusion A' opciones options A' 13 iluminación LED / LED lighting >20cm 16 Varilla roscada M20x200/ Rod screwed M20x200 Acometida/ Service conduit SEPARADORES METÁLICOS Planta | Plan view DECORATIVE METAL SPACER Sección A'A' | Section A'A' RUEDAS LED LED REFLECTANTE REFLECTING black Detalle técnico LED | LED technical detail HIDRO Placa aluminio e=10mm/ Aluminum plate e=10mm TAPA TOP ARO SUJETA BOLSA 2 HYDRO Tira LED estanca/ Watertight strap LED TASH BAG FIXING RING CENICERO ASHTRAY APOYABRAZOS ARMREST RESPALDO BACKREST MODULABLE MODULABLE WOODY/SYNTREWOOD Placa metacrilato e=10mm/ Methacrylate plate e=10mm voltaje | voltage: 12 V medida LED | LED size: tira de | bande de a=10mm x a=4mm x l=110mm consumo por unidad | consumption per unit: 0,55 W colores |colours: cyan, cold white and warm white límites límites WHEELS
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