UCSN Elementary School Enrollment I UNO Charter Schools 3/18/2015 DIRECTORY WHO WE ARE OUR SCHOOLS QUICK LINKS OUR ,. ,,i, UCSN Elementary School Enrollment Schools Now Accepting Applications. To Apply, Visit a School Near You. Enrollment Lottery Results La Cocina UCSN TWITTER FEED Tweets UNO Schools @UNOschools Follow 14 Mar Find a school near you at ~· . • :.www.UNOCharterSchools.org 6 schools and a big crowd here for the cheer exh1b1t1on! pic.twitter.comijSXpf8y55f Visite la pagina y busque la escuela que le quede mas cerc:a Expand UNO Schools 14 Mar @UNOschools Welcome back to some of our alums for the annual alumni game. Great to hear about the successes in HS! pic.twitter.rnmiYMq2NyDeFZ Tweet to @UNOschools ~SPIR ZON Academic success is not a hope; it is an expectation. El.exito academico no es una esperanza; es una expectativa. Click here for a list of schools by address http://unocharterschools.org/enrol 1_elementary 1/2 UC SN High School Enrollment I UNO Charter Schools .................. ,., l!iiO"':Si'!: '_c:lLR_5C:.!2.~Y .............-.-·-----~-'Handbooks Ca!omlar DOCK Login Contact Us OUR SCHOOLS GUE APPf'<OACH UCSN High School Enrollment QUICK LINKS Schools Now Accepting Applications. Apply Today! Enrollment Lottery Results **To receive your application, visit one of our three high school campuses. LaCocina UNO Rogers Park High School (7416 N. Ridge Blvd, Chicago, IL 60645) UCSN Maj. Hector P. Garcia High School (4248 W. 47th Street, Chicago, IL 60632) TWITTER FEED I Follow Tweels UNO Schools 14Mar @UNOschools Soccer Academy High School (5025 S. St. Louis Ave, Chicago, IL 60632} 6 schools and a big crowd here for the cheer exhibition! pie twitter.corn/jSXpf8y55f Expand g g 14Mar UNO Schools @UNOschools Welcome back to some of our alurns for the annual alumni game. Great to hear about the successes in HS! p',c.twitt•=r.corn/yMq2NyD~FZ Tweet to @UNOschools ~SPIR ZON PUP.CHASE SPIRIT\\'EAP. • http://unocharterschools.org/enroll _high_school#Apply DONATE 7/1512015 UCSN_HighSchool_1.jpg (1Q98x255Q) http://www.ucsnschools.org/wp-content/upl oads/2015/05/U C SN_Hi ghSchool _ 1.jpg 1/1 7/15/2015 f~i~!!~,X '":las eXµer:iencias ograma i::le Apoyo 'tidi~nt~sa1e .· i: :::.:;~ ~~ :.. :· 1 '.' ~ : &•~1 .,-.,...-·. http://www.ucsnschools.org/wp-contenVupl oads/2015/05/U C SN_Hi ghSchool _Brochure_2,jpg 1/1 7/15/2015 .-_-; ·-~ UCSN_HighSchool_Brochure_3.jpg (1101x2550) "' ti;j~iQ;,c\}>Ne strongly believe that all students can learn and deserve the t!M'.~f~,i 1:6pi:)ortunity to realize their potential. Through our rigorous \?'r.r:.. Ji';curriculum and individualized approach, we develop students , ' ·ci ad with integrity; are civically engaged, intellectually L..····· .:C:unc::ius, and prepared for success in college and beyond. •;y:,,(,:,·~:~n)ject-Based Learning Model: Our project-based approach ~I:Ciir~ctly addresses the 21st century demands that high school 1 ~~~~~ic~~d~::e;:,:::::i::i::~gh Adv~ories: our students are t~"'.iJhcY~~gfduped together in single-gender advisory groups with a j;"~~~f~''Wteacher who will remain their Advisor through graduation. \~;··:z,g; Advisors develop authentic, meaningful relationships with '~~''.;~.ii:.\'. students and their families via weekly phone conferences, ·/> u'nionthly check-ins, home visits, and ongoing collaboration to 't·~~·:l;~elp the student succeed throughout his/her academic career :;,:&]:' ,. a:1rjd graduate college-bound. ;J'"""'.,?.'•i{(t9mmuriity Service: In conjunction with our emphasis on 'tf~;ts.r{Civies, our students learn to serve their communities through a ;; variety of projects and immersion experiences. All students ; roust complete a minimum of 250 service hours in order to t .. ...... raduate. Students can qualify for college scholarship awards ·:'.'.l\;'i,·rn~~~ed on outstanding community service leadership and ~i~t~~~~f:~rmitment. i/~;,W~'Y>P,jl!pared for College: All UCSN high school students will be ~:;.;?;:;;ff prepared for college. Honors, Advanced Placement (AP), and ]' ·'··~,•:'.College-Bridge courses are offered for 11th and 12th grade ·· . :;{'stllaents. Summer experiences on college campuses and our · 'b'Gradi.Jate Support Program further expose our students to J·ii~~:·"'~~::::::~::~:~~~:~ents engage in rigorous, critical '.;Jj;~']L\'stlldy over their four years at UCSN. When they graduate, they ;~•'~<.'i':H1reglobal, model citizens who are self-disciplined, articulate, "'~~\~?.>'.:~entrepreneurial, and lifelong thinkers. . .---., '· "·{~~::·'· http://www. ucsnschools .org/wp-content/upl oads/2015/05/U CSN_Hi ghSchool _Brochure_3.j pg 1/1 UCSN_HighSchool_Brochure_4.jpg (1101 x2550) 7/15/2015 EPJQCLJS::SPORTSSCll:NCE AND SPORTS BUSINESS/ 'EPARACION UNIVERSITARiA: CIENCIA YNEGOClOS Appio~ht&5,lortsi Our stu.dents havethe opportunity '·.· '•. pa55lon for athleticsthrciugh in-depth study of the. tiet\veeri spo~and science, as well as sports and business. Ccrtivo lmerdiSciplinario: · Nuestros estudiantes tienen la ·•. _i:.fiacer lo que iesapasioria, el deporte, mediante el ' "' ''dfo "de la relaci6n eritre el de po rte y la ciencia; as[ como ''":&iiegocios.; ·· · ··· ?>:'/..-->. Y_:@FOCUS; ?Cl ENCE, TE~HNOlOGY,·ENGINEERING; AND '.CS (sTEM)/ FOCUS DE PREPARACION UNIVERSITARIA:. '.'GNQi.dGIA,INGENiERIA; YMATEMATICAS · l{lurrnultimedia lahahd our horticulture, arthitecture, art, dhg ~l.ldio lcibsare specially designed to provide students ' ''r)g edge iechl')ology skills needed to succeed in this day • ,~1-· ' •. . ·. ~.. ~~st,ro Jaboratorio multjmedia y nuestros laboratories de. ortjcultura: arquitectura, ingeriier[a yarte eStan ' edisenados para proporcionar a los estudia.ntes con las ~cho16gk:as de vanguardia riecesa rias para tener exito en ., ' ·',··.~-:·. r ' , . . : . . ' .• • -- -. _. ·. -.- ;;·~.:~r:->~. .- . , -. E;P:REP FOCUS: CREATIVE AND PERFORMING ARTS/ FOCUS DE . .. '6N UNIVERSITARIA: ARTES CREAllVAS YESCENICAS ,:+:;> '• . .· . '·· '' '· . ' ' ' . ' )he Curriculum:. Our students have the opportunity to 'lr~assionfor both the creative and performing art5through 'f;c,~ui"ses; Ourteachers also integrate arts into the core 'ckldingreading arid matliematies. ' ·'':°f~d del cUrricul~m: Nuestros estudiantes tienen la ·:~i'de hacer lo que Jes apasidna;.tanto para las artes creativas ')'ls~~riicas rpediante una variedad de curses. NueStros l;Ji~n iritegr1m I.as artes en terr:ias basicos que inch.iyen 'tJrna~cas: . :·it:::~·:· ·:-'/,.: ~ ';_,~·.' ' •• ~·· • •C - •• '- ' ' I http://www.ucsnschools.org/wp-contentluploads/2015/05/UCSN_HighSchool_Brochure_4.jpg 1/1 7/15/2015 UCSN_HighSchool_Brochure_5-e1431561597473.jpg (1Q56x2454) QUICK FACTS: • Disciplined and structured learning environment • Longer school year & longer school day • Four-year Mandarin language program • 100% of graduates accepted to college Our academic results speak for themselves. Our students: • Have higher school attendance than their Chicago Public Schools (CPS) counterparts, with less than half the number of absences. • Graduate at higher rates, an 83% four-year graduation rate, compared to 62% for CPS high school students. •Are all accepted into college. DATOS INTERESANTES: • Ambiente de aprendizaje disciplinado y estructurado •Ano escolar y dfas mas largos • Cuatro anos del lenguaje mandarino chino • 100% de graduados son admitidos a la Universidad Nuestros resultados academicos hablan por si mismos. Nuestros estudiantes: • Estudiantes que asisten a escuelas secundarias no selectivas de CPS. • Graduaci6n de 83% sabre un perfodo de cuatro af\os en comparaci6n al 62% que tienen los estudiantes de secundaria (preparatoria) de las escuelas de CPS. • Han sido aceptados en las universidades. UCSN Students Achieve Higher 4 Year Graduation Rates Los estudiantes de UCSN obtienen tasas de graduaci6n de 4 ai'ios masaltas 100 80 60 40 20 0 CPS Illinois Source: UCSN and CPS/ Fuente: UCSN y CPS tnJ.p://www.ucsnschools.org/wp-content/uploads/2015/05/UCSN_HighSchool_Brochure_5-e1431561597473.jpg 1/1 7/1512015 UCSN_H ighSchool_Brochure_6.jpg ( 1105x 2550) http://www.ucsnschools.org/wp-content/upl oads/2015/05/U CSN_HighSchool _Brochure_6.jpg 1/1 • APPLICATION FORM 2015-2016 NETWORK Choose an item. PARENT I GUARDIAN INFORMATION Parent/Guardian Name#1 Last, First M.I. Parent/Guardian #1 HOME Phone Number I City Address State Relationship to Student (Parent/Guardian #1 ): Parent/Guardian Name#2 Email: Parent/Guardian #2 HOME Phone Number Last, First M.I. I City Address Parent/Guardian #1 CELLULAR Phone Zip code State Parent/Guardian #2 CELLULAR Phone Zip code Relationship to Student (Parent/Guardian #2): Email: STUDENT INFORMATION Last Name, First Name, M.I. Date of Birth Gender Grade Entering Current School 2015-2016 I? 0 Yes ON 0 Does t he app11cant r have a B rot her or s·1ster at an UNO Ch a rter Sc h00. Sibling Name (Last, First, M.I.) Current Grade Current UNO School 2014-2015 REGISTRATION AGREEMENT I certify that I have read and understand that each student applying for enrollment in an UNO Charter School Network attendance center must be a resident of Chicago; that the information contained in this application is true and accurate to the best of my knowledge; that I understand the submission of this application does not guarantee acceptance to an UNO Charter School Network attendance center; and that I understand that this application is intended only for the upcoming 2015-2016 school year. After submitting the application for enrollment, you will be provided with a paper copy of the information that will be entered into the enrollment lottery system. If you do not see or receive a copy of the information, please contact campus staff for assistance. It is your responsibility to ensure that information included in the application is correct. Once the enrollment lottery is conducted, the results of the lottery will not be changed as a result of any errors or omissions with respect to the information provided, regardless of who completed the application. Also, please note that it is your responsibility to update all campuses to which you apply of any changes to information provided in the application, such as address or telephone number. You further agree that you will notify staff as soon as possible, and no later than the day prior to the lottery, if there is an omission or error with respect to information entered on the application. ParenUGuardian Signature UCSN Application Form 2015-2016 Date
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