DOCIS INFORMA Año 6 - N° 3 Julio setiembre 2015 NUEVAS ADQUISICIONES La Biblioteca Central PUCP con la adquisición del Software de EBSCO – EDS – pone al alcance del usuario una herramienta que le permite hacer más fácil la búsqueda en las fuentes de información, ya que con una sola estrategia ubicará la información en muchas de las bases de datos a las que suscribimos incluyendo los catálogos en línea de todas las bibliotecas PUCP. También las últimas semanas ha suscrito a la base de datos de los eJournals de Wiley Online Library, Oxford eBooks y pronto lo hará a Taylor & Francis, y en DOCIS estamos suscribiendo, en forma conjunta con el sistema de Bibliotecas los journals de SAGE Pub. Tanto Wiley como SAGE son editoriales de prestigio, muchos de los journals que editan son ISI. En este momento estamos incorporando a nuestra colección de eBooks 700 títulos de Springer, libros en texto completo en los temas de negocios de los años 2014 y 2015. El objetivo es poner al alcance tanto de nuestros usuarios locales como a los que están fuera de Lima y del Perú, la mayor cantidad de recursos electrónicos que apoyen sus trabajos de investigación. Base de datos de artículos de 1,400 revistas científicas en áreas de Ciencias de la Salud, Ciencias Sociales, Física, Matemáticas, Ingenierías, Ciencias de la Vida, Economía, Finanzas, Gestión, Psicología, y Humanidades. Se accede al contenido desde el año 1997. Desde el 1° de octubre tenemos acceso a las publicaciones de SAGE Publishing, una base de datos con cerca de 800 títulos de revistas muchos de los cuales son publicaciones ISI, en los temas de negocios, ciencias sociales, tecnología, etc., El Sistema de Bibliotecas PUCP acaban de hacer la suscripción a Oxford Handbooks Online en los temas de economía y finanzas, ciencias política, etc. Como sabemos los habdbooks contienen artículos de los más sobresalientes expertos en los temas. Por ahora podrá acceder desde este enlace y solamente en el campus posteriormente lo podrá hacer desde nuestra página de Bases de Datos de DOCIS ADQUISICIONES RECIENTES LIBROS Dijkahuizen, Josette .- Entrepreneurship, easier said then done …. A study on success and wellbeing among entrepreneurs in the Netherlands. [Maastrich, 2015] (LIBRO DONADO POR LA AUTORA) (en proceso) Carroll, Archie B. – Corporate responsibility : the American experience / - Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 2012. HD 60 C1 Casado, Juan Fernando, ed.---- Base of the Pyramid 3.0 : sustainable development through innovation & entrepreneurship /- Sheffield : Greenleaf Publishing, 2015 HD 60 B1 Fry, Louis W. Maximizing the triple bottom line through spiritual leadership - Stanford, CA, : Stanford university press, 2013. HD 57.7 F859 Avolio Alecchi, Beatrice. Métodos cualitativos de investigación : una aplicación al estudio de caso / - México, D.F. : Cengage Learning, 2015. H 62 A926 Hensher, David A. - Applied choice analysis / 2nd. Ed. Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 2015. QA 279.4 H39 2015 Chopra, Sunil, 1960-. Supply chain management : strategy, planning, and operation / 6th ed. Boston, MA : Pearson, 2015. HF 5415.13 CH74 2015 Reb, Jochen, ed. --- Mindfulness in organizations : foundations, research, and applications /- Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 2015. HF 5548.85 M Freeman, R. Edward.- . Strategic management : a stakeholder approach. - Marshfield, MA : Pitman ; University of Minnesota (1984) 2015? HD 30.28 F82 Sison, Alejo José G. Happiness and virtue ethics in business : the ultimate value proposition /Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 2015. BF 575.H27 S577 Freixas, Xavier. - Systemic risk, crises, and macroprudential regulation / Cambridge . MIT Press, 2015 HG 230.3 F82 Garner, Bryan A. HBR guide to better business writing / Boston: Harvard Business Press HF 5718.3 G25 Pfeffer, Jeffrey,. - Leadership BS : fixing workplaces and careers one truth at a time New York, NY : Harper Business, 2015. HD 57.7 P493 Kotter, John P., -. Accelerate : building strategic agility for a faster-moving world / - Boston, MA : Harvard Business Review Press, [2014] HD 58.8 K778A Rivera Martínez, Francisco. Administración de proyectos : guía para el aprendizaje / 2a ed. México, D.F. : Pearson, 2015. HD 69.P75 R68 2015 Moss, David A., A concise guide to macroeconomics : what managers, executives, and students need to know / 2a ed. Boston, MA : Harvard Business School Press, 2014. HB 172.5 M81 Lumbreras, José Carlos. - Logística y cadena de suministros en el Perú = Logistics and supply chain in Peru / Investigación a cargo de José Carlos Lumbreras y Renata Di Lello.. Lima : Peru Top Publications, 2015. HD 38.5 L (REF) HBR guide to getting the mentoring you need.. Boston, MA : Harvard Business Review Press, 2014. HF 5385 H On emotional intelligence.. - Boston, MA : Harvard Business Review Press, 2015. BF 576 O The definitive management ideas of the year from Harvard Business Review 2015.. - Boston, MA : Harvard Business Review Press, 2015. HD 31 D ARTÍCULOS DE REVISTAS GAMIFICACIÓN Seung-Kwan, R., & Jae-Hwan, B. (2014). A Gamification Model Design for IPTV Contents Promotion. International Journal of Software Engineering & Its Applications, 8(7), 205-214. Armisen, A., & Majchrzak, A. (2015). Tapping the innovative business potential of innovation contests. Business Horizons, 58(4), 389-399. Chen, Y., Burton, T., Mihaela, V., & Whittinghill, D. M. (2015). Cogent: A Case Study of Meaningful Gamification in Education with Virtual Currency. International Journal Of Emerging Technologies In Learning, 10(1), 39-45. Gallego Gómez, C., & De Pablos Heredero, C. (2013). La gamificación y el enriquecimiento de las prácticas de innovación en la empresa: Un análisis de experiencias. (Spanish). Intangible Capital, 9(3), 800. Hee Jung, P., & Jae Hwan, B. (2014). Study and Research of Gamification Design. International Journal Of Software Engineering & Its Applications, 8(8), 19-27 Armstrong, D. (2013). The new engagement game: the role of gamification in scholarly publishing. Learned Publishing, 26(4), 253-256. Cheong, C., Filippou, J., & Cheong, F. (2014). Towards the Gamification of Learning: Investigating Student Perceptions of Game Elements. Journal of Information Systems Education, 25(3), 233-244. Erenli, K. (2013). The Impact of Gamification. International Journal of Emerging Technologies In Learning, 15-21. Fuchs, M. (2014). Gamification as twenty-firstcentury ideology. Journal of Gaming & Virtual Worlds, 6(2),143-157. DuVernet, A. M., & Popp, E. (2014). Gamification of Workplace Practices. TIP: The Industrial Organizational Psychologist, 52(1), 39. Ruizalba Robledo, J. L., Navarro Lucena, F., & Jiménez Arenas, S. (2013). Gamificación como estrategia de marketing interno. (Spanish). Intangible Capital, 9(4), 1113. Morford, Z., Witts, B., Killingsworth, K., & Alavosius, M. (2014). Gamification: The Intersection between Behavior Analysis and Game Design Technologies. Behavior Analyst, 37(1), 25 Moise, D. (2013). Gamification - The new game in marketing. . Romanian Journal of Marketing, (2), 29. Kim Saxton, M. (2015). Adding badging to a marketing simulation to increase motivation to learn.. Marketing Education Review, 25(1), 53-57 ETICA EN EDUCACIÓN Rasche, A., Gilbert, D.U., and Schedel, I. (2013). Cross Disciplinary Ethics Education in MBA Programs: Rhetoric or Reality?. Academy of Management Learning & Education, 12(1), Wang, L., & Calvano, L. (2015). Is Business Ethics Education Effective? An Analysis of Gender, Personal Ethical Perspectives, and Moral Judgment. Journal of Business Ethics, 126(4), Bara, F. E., Vinagre, T. M., & Buxarrais Estrada, M. R. (2014). University Lecturers' Conceptions of Ethics and Citizenship Education in the European Higher Education Area: a Case Study. RUSC: Revista De Universidad Y Sociedad del Conocimiento, 11(3), 2231. Gülcan, N. Y. (2015). Discussing the Importance of Teaching Ethics in Education. Procedia Social And Behavioral Sciences, 174(International Conference on New Horizons in Education, INTE 2014, June 2014, Paris, France), Rakestraw, T. L. (2014). The Role of Knowledge in the Effectiveness of Business Ethics Education. Business Education Innovation Journal, 6(2), 8185. Rowe, S. (2015). Ethics, Transformation, and Practice: A Perspective on Liberal Education in the Global Age. Teaching Ethics, 15(1), Brennan, R., Eagle, L., Ellis, N., & Higgins, M. (2010). Of a complex sensitivity in marketing ethics education. Journal of Marketing Management, 26(13/14), Sigurjonsson, T., Vaiman, V., & Arnardottir, A. (2014). The Role of Business Schools in Ethics Education in Iceland: The Managers' Perspective. Journal of Business Ethics, 122(1), 2538. Acevedo, A. (2013). But, Is It Ethics? Common Misconceptions in Business Ethics Education. Journal of Education For Business, 88(2), 6369. Jorge, M. L., & Peña, F. A. (2014). Determinants of corporate social responsibility and business ethics education in Spanish universities. Business Ethics: A European Review, 23(2), SetóPamies, D., & Papaoikonomou, E. (2015). A Multilevel Perspective for the Integration of Ethics, Corporate Social Responsibility and Sustainability (ECSRS) in Management Education. Journal of Business Ethics, 16p. MUJERES EJECUTIVAS Bullough, A., [et al.] (2015). Developing women leaders through entrepreneurship education and training. . Academy Of Management Perspectives, 29(2) Belden Charles, G. (2014). Sustaining a Learning Community for Women Leaders Over Twenty Years. AI Practitioner, 16(3) Fairchild, C., [et al..] (2014). The 50 most powerful women. . Fortune, 170(5),. Barnakova, Y; Shen, F., & Krupp, S. (2014). Women as strategic leaders. Mworld, 13(4), 1622. Chefneux, G. (2015). Women managers in meetings Ways of expressing power. Bulletin Of The Transilvania University Of Brasov, Series IV: Philology & Cultural Studies, 8(1), 518. Heath, K., Flynn, J., & Holt, M. D. (2014). Women, Find Your Voice. Harvard Business Review, 92(6), Groysberg, B., & Connolly, K. (2013). Great Leaders Who Make the Mix Work. (cover story). Harvard Business Review, 91(9), 6876. Peus, C., Braun, S., & Knipfer, K. (2015). On becoming a leader in Asia and America: Empirical evidence from women managers. The Leadership Quarterly, 26 (Asian Models of Leadership), 5567. Kogut, B., Colomer, J., & Belinky, M. (2014). Structural equality at the top of the corporation: Mandated quotas for women directors. Strategic Management Journal, 35(6), 891902. Schiffer Stautberg, S. -. (2014). Family business boards need women directors. Family Business, 25(3), 1423. Pai, K., & Vaidya, S. (2006). Glass Ceiling: Role of Women in the Corporate World. Competition Forum, 4(2), 421426. INVESTIGACIÓN EN NEGOCIOS Wallace, M., & Sheldon, N. (2015). Business Research Ethics: Participant Observer Perspectives. Journal Of Business Ethics, 128(2), Kernbach, S., Eppler, M. J., & Bresciani, S. (2015). The Use of Visualization in the Communication of Business Strategies: An Experimental Evaluation. Journal Of Business Communication, 52(2), 164187. Lambert, S. C. (2015). The Importance of Classification to Business Model Research. Journal Of Business Models, 3(1), Pisano, P., Pironti, M., & Rieple, A. (2015). Identify Innovative Business Models: Can Innovative Business Models Enable Players to React to Ongoing or Unpredictable Trends?. Entrepreneurship Research Journal, 5(3), Perdomo Charry, G., Arias Pérez, J. E., & Lozada Barahona, N. E. (2014). Business incubator research: a review and future directions. Pensamiento & Gestión, (37), O'Brien, J. P., Drnevich, P. L., Crook, T. R., & Armstrong, C. E. (2010). Does Business School Research Add Economic Value for Students?. Academy Of Management Learning & Education, 9(4), Wirtz, B. W., Pistoia, A., Ullrich, S., & Göttel, V. (2015). Business Models: Origin, Development and Future Research Perspectives. Long Range Planning, Vitell, S. (2015). A Case for Consumer Social Responsibility (CnSR): Including a Selected Review of Consumer Ethics/Social Responsibility Research. Journal Of Business Ethics, 130(4), Asymmetric Learning from Financial Information (pages 2029–2062) CAMELIA M. KUHNEN Article first published online: 3 SEP 2015 | DOI: 10.1111/jofi.12223 Hsinchun, C., Chiang, R. L., & Storey, V. C. (2012). Business intelligence and analytics from big data to big impact. . MIS Quarterly, 36(4), Informational Frictions and Commodity Markets (pages 2063–2098) MICHAEL SOCKIN and WEI XIONG Article first published online: 3 SEP 2015 | DOI: 10.1111/jofi.12261 Grosse, R. (2013). The Role and Value of Global Business Research: Perspective of a Business School Dean. Journal Of Teaching In International Business, 24(3/4. Osathanunkul, C. (2015). A classification of business models in video game industry. International Journal Of Management Cases, 17(1), Bruton, G.D. [et al.] (2015). Stateowned enterprises around the world as hybrid organizations Academy Of Management Perspectives, 29(1), Ryan, L. V., Buchholtz, A. K., & Kolb, R. W. (2010). New Directions in Corporate Governance and Finance: Implications for Business Ethics Research. Business Ethics Quarterly, 20(4), Sharma, P., & Chua, J. H. (2013). Asian family enterprises and family business research. Asia Pacific Journal Of Management, 30(3), Saraswat, S. P., Anderson, D. M., & Chircu, A. M. (2014). Teaching Business Process Management with Simulation in Graduate Business Programs: An Integrative Approach. Journal Of Information Systems Education, 25(3), TABLAS DE CONTENIDO THE JOURNAL OF FINANCE CEO Turnover and Relative Performance Evaluation (pages 2155–2184) DIRK JENTER and FADI KANAAN Article first published online: 3 SEP 2015 | DOI: 10.1111/jofi.12282 The Cost of Capital for Alternative Investments (pages 2185–2226) JAKUB W. JUREK and ERIK STAFFORD Article first published online: 3 SEP 2015 | DOI: 10.1111/jofi.12269 Outsourcing in the International Mutual Fund Industry: An Equilibrium View (pages 2275–2308) OLEG CHUPRININ, MASSIMO MASSA and DAVID SCHUMACHER The Role of Institutional Investors in Voting: Evidence from the Securities Lending Market (pages 2309–2346) Journal of futures markets V. 35(9) sept. 2015 Volatility Risk Premium in Indian Options Prices (pages 795–812) Sonia Garg and Vipul Clustering and Mean Reversion in a Hawkes Microstructure Model (pages 813–838) José Da Fonseca and Riadh Zaatour Valuing Retail Credit Tranches with Structural, Double Mixture Models (pages 849–867) Taehan Bae, Ian Iscoe and Changki Kim v. 70(5) oct. 2015 Reaching for Yield in the Bond Market BO BECKER and VICTORIA IVASHINA Market Making Contracts, Firm Value, and the IPO Decision (pages 1997–2028) HENDRIK BESSEMBINDER, JIA HAO and KUNCHENG ZHENG Do Momentum-Based Trading Strategies Work in the Commodity Futures Markets? (pages 868–891) Paresh Kumar Narayan, Huson Ali Ahmed and Seema Narayan Financial management Fall 2015 44(3) Investor Protection, Investment Efficiency and Value: The Case of Cross-Listed Firms Chinmoy Ghosh and Fan He Professors in the Boardroom and Their Impact on Corporate Governance and Firm Performance Bill Francis, Iftekhar Hasan and Qiang Wu Should Independent Directors Have Term Limits? The Role of Experience in Corporate Governance Ying Dou, Sidharth Sahgal and Emma Jincheng Zhang Does Labor Power Affect the Likelihood of a Share Repurchase? Sheng-Syan Chen, Yan-Shing Chen and Yanzhi Wang The Effects of Liquidity Shocks on Corporate Investments and Cash Holdings: Evidence from Actuarial Pension Gains/Losses Takafumi Sasaki XII Reunión de Directores de Bibliotecas y Centros de Información de CLADEA, en Viña del Mar. Como en años anteriores, en el marco de la Quincuagésima Asamblea de Cladea que se realizó en Viña del Mar, los días 7 al 10 de setiembre, se realizó la XII Reunión de Directores de Bibliotecas y Centros de Información de Cladea. El anfitrión fue la Universidad de Valparaíso Asistimos 24 Directores de Escuelas Miembros de Argentina, Colombia, Chile, Perú, España y Alemania, que participamos en talleres y charlas de Profesores de las Universidades de Valparaíso y Adolfo Ibáñez así como se hicieron visitas a Bibliotecas y Centros de Información de Universidades tanto en Valparaíso como en Viña del Mar, así como también la visita al Congreso de Chile. El objetivo de estas reuniones es tratar temas de mutuo interés, compartir recursos e información, ofrecer capacitación continua a los miembros en las diferentes áreas propias de la especialidad, exponer experiencias y proyectos y a la vez establecer contactos y colaborar con organizaciones similares en otros continentes. Otro de los temas que se trataron fue el de la biblioteca del futuro y el nuevo rol y retos del profesional de la información.
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