November 29, 2015 - St. James Catholic Cathedral

Welcome to St. James Cathedral
215 N. Orange Avenue, Orlando FL 32801
Phone: 407407-422422-2005—
2005—Fax: 407407-422422-2009
November 29, 2015 First Sunday of Advent
Bishop of Orlando
Most Reverend John Noonan
Reverend John McCormick
Parochial Vicars:
Rev. Vilaire Philius
Rev. Richard Zgorzelak, SDS
David Gray & Carlos
Pastoral Ministry:
Sr. Mary Katherine Palisin, SND
School Principal:
Dawn Helwig
I realize there is a program on NBC “The
Voice” which I admit I have never
watched. However, I think it was Cat Stevens
who used to remind us in song that we are
only on the earth for a short while, so we
should strive to leave the world a better
place. The news is often a reminder of
how ,in the cacophony of voices, goodness
strives to be heard. In the headlines this past
week was a woman at a public meeting in
Seminole County proclaiming “she is happy to
be the voice of the black bears.” I am not a
hunter, but her conviction to her commitment
to the bears made me think of our
parishioners who are willing to be a voice for
the less fortunate, whether they tutor inner
city children, assist people in finding their
documents, volunteer in health clinics, feed the
hungry or build housing for homeless
veterans. The New York Post highlighted a
man who sits with his dog outside of Grand
Central Station in New York and, on a good
Friday, takes in $200 an hour. A voice for
ingenuity or scam artists, and how would we
know the difference? An 85-year old woman
arrives at a national cemetery in Oklahoma in
the month of August, five minutes before it
closes for the day. Two retired warriors who
are anxious to visit the nearest watering hole
for a cold one, are on duty and in full
uniform. She brings flowers to five grave
sites, her father, uncle, husband and two sons,
all Marines who served and died in the service
of our land. A voice of gratitude, even when it
is not Veteran’s day! A house destroyed in a
fire, but all occupants are safe including 30
birds, more than 20 dogs and cats. One can
only hope that a shelter for battered women
would receive the same outpouring of
support. In our cathedral we are all being
encouraged to be generous with our resources
of time and treasure and ways in which I can
further raise my voice of commitment. Even
unnoticed generosity, let me not ignore the
invitation of Our Master to be a light to
those around me and to perhaps comfort a
brother or sister with a friendly greeting or a
moment of my time. Hard to grasp that
goodness is not measured by ratings or the
number of folks who watched Donald T on
SNL, but “did that soul in need of a moment
of consolation hear my voice?”
God Bless,
Fr. John
Your participation in St. James
Cathedral Offertory Enhancement
Initiative is important. Please give
prayerful consideration to Bishop
Noonan and Father McCormick’s
request for a reasonable increase in
your weekly offering.
Next weekend please return the
envelope you were mailed. In doing
so you, will not receive any further
request mail. This will help us to
meet our financial obligations.
Thank you for your generosity.
The Parish and the St. Vincent de
Paul Society are once again
sponsoring the Advent Angel Tree
to provide Christmas gifts to less
fortunate children in our
community, including in our Parish
and School. Please look for the Advent Angel Tree
in the entrance of the Cathedral (Robinson Street
side). Select an ornament from the Tree (a gift
request is written on each angel ornament), purchase
the requested gift and return it to the Parish Office
no later than Wednesday, December 19. Please
attach the ornament to your gift, so we can
deliver it to the appropriate child. If you don't
find an ornament, check back later. Ornaments are
added throughout Advent as requests come in.
Information sheets with more detailed instructions
are available near the tree. Thank you for your
generous spirit.
Special Collection Next Weekend
Support elderly religious. A
parishioner writes, “As a
Catholic school student
from grades K–12, I was
formed to be the person I am by many religious
brothers and sisters, and I am forever grateful.”
Show your appreciation for the senior Catholic
sisters, brothers, and religious order priests who
made a positive difference in so many lives. Please
give generously to next week’s collection for the
Retirement Fund for Religious.
Attention Barnes & Noble Shoppers!
The school will be holding
their Annual Book Fair on
Wednesday, December 9
from 2:45-7 PM at the
Barnes & Noble at Colonial
Plaza Marketcenter on the
corner of Colonial and
Bumby. Come and get in the Holiday Spirit with
performances by our children and Cathedral
choirs, bells, cheers, cookie decorating and
storytelling! Can’t make it? Visit BN.COM/
bookfairs and support us online from December
9-14 by entering the ID # 11649498 at checkout.
A percentage of sales will benefit our school.
Chanticleer loves the
acoustics at St. James.
They return with a
special program
inspired by “Pierrot
Lunaire,” newly
written for them by
acclaimed composer Nico Muhly. Themed “Over
the Moon,” the program celebrates the exuberance
of popular composers such as Elbow, Bart Howard,
Porter and Mancini in specially commissioned
arrangements. Chanticleer never fails to thrill, with
selections from classical and popular music. Open
seating tickets are $20, Students are $15, preferred
seating in the first five rows is $30. Ticket order
forms can be found in the entrance of the
Cathedral, in the Parish Office or at
St. James Cathedral is proudly one of the
founding churches for IDignity, a monthly
event held to get those in need essential
identification documentation. St. James is
responsible for providing volunteers at the
December 17 event, would you consider
assisting? If you would like more
information about IDignity, contact Lisa at
407-888-8296 or visit to
The next wedding music
session will be on
Saturday, December 5
immediately following the
4 PM Mass in the choir
loft. Please email
Elizabeth at [email protected] if
you will be attending.
Reception desk volunteers needed
We are in need of volunteers to cover our
reception desk on Wednesday evenings. If
you are interested in volunteering one night
a month, please contact Mary at 407-4222005 or email [email protected]
for more details.
Joy to the World, it’s that time
of year again! The Christmas
season is upon us, which
means holiday parties! Join the
Saint James Young Adult
group (ages 21-40) for their
annual Christmas Potluck
Party. Dust off the ugly
sweater your aunt Bea made
you last year, and sport it at the “Elfie Selfie”
photo booth or while mingling at the hot cocoa
bar. Bring your favorite holiday dish for a feast
with friends, food, fellowship and fun! We look
forward to seeing you there!
S O A R Saints On A Road
Upcoming SOAR Events
A big thanks for all the prayers,
our NCYC pilgrimage will be pictorialized on the
website under Youth. It was an experience!
December 4 & 5 High School retreat at Holy
Family. You will be TRANSFORMED! RSVP if
interested, must register before November 30.
December 6 Come wash the Parish bus and get
some community service hours. We’ll meet by the
garage at 3:30 PM, be ready to scrub and shine!
Afterward, SOAR on with us from 6-8 PM in the
Social Hall. Dinner will be served.
See the website for any changes or upcoming
events at
A Way Of Life For A Grateful Disciple
“But when these signs begin to happen, stand erect
and raise your heads because your redemption is at
(Luke 21:28)
We celebrate Advent each year in preparation of the
birth of Jesus, His first coming, as we await His
second coming. In this Advent season, use the
sacrament of Reconciliation to strengthen your
relationship with Jesus. It’s never too late.
Offertory amounts will be in next week’s
bulletin due to the holiday schedule.
For your convenience, electronic funds transfer and
credit card giving is available at
Thank you for placing God first!
MEN OF ST. JAMES, Happy Thanksgiving
from your "That Man Is
You!" Core Team. We're
headed into week 11 this
Friday at 6:30 AM in the
Social Hall, where the topic is
Developing a Spiritual Plan of Life. See you
there, bring a friend!
Did you know that you can DOUBLE
your gift to St. James Cathedral School
with Publix’s Matching Gift Program?
For more information, call Tammy
White at 407-841-4432 ext. 151.
The school is located at 505 East Ridgewood Street,
Orlando, Florida 32803. 407-841-4432
Vigil (Saturday) 4:00 PM, Sunday: 7:30 AM, 9:00 AM, 10:30 AM,12:15 PM (Spanish),
5:00 PM, 6:30 PM (Kreyole) Weekdays: 7:00 AM, 12:10 PM Saturdays: 8:00 AM
Confessions: Monday-Friday: 11:30 AM Saturdays: 3:00 PM, Spanish: Sunday, 11:45 AM
Adoration and Exposition Monday-Friday: 7:30 AM-noon ProPro- life Holy Hour Wednesday 6:00 PM
St. James is offering a
faith-based, family
program called
Learning about
L.I.F.E. The program
is designed to teach
awareness as well as
chastity, values and virtues. All parents
are invited to participate in these
sessions with their children. The next
session is for Grades 5 & 6 and will be
held on Sunday, December 6 in the
Social Hall, from 10:15-11:30 AM.
All men over the
age of 18 are
invited to join
Bishop Noonan at a
discernment retreat
at San Pedro Center
in Winter Park on
December 18 & 19. For further
information, contact the Vocations
Office at [email protected].
Monday, November 30
7:00 AM Noah Wilson †
12:10 PM Father Frank Allen, S.J. †
Tuesday, December 1
7:00 AM Murray Osgood
12:10 PM Andro Fred Jean Baptiste †
Wednesday, December 2
7:00 AM James Bernard Kinney †
12:10 PM Norman Roberts †
Thursday, December 3
7:00 AM Joshua Ramsey
12:10 PM Lana Joseph †
Friday, December 4
7:00 AM Kristin Sanborn Todd
12:10 PM Dr. James Farrell †
Saturday, December 5
8:00 AM Baltasar & Pilar Diaz †
4:00 PM Judy Reilly †
Sunday, December 6
7:30 AM Anne Leblanc †
9:00 AM Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Guido †
10:30 AM Joseph Sevick †
12:15 PM Humberto Reyes †
5:00 PM Dionisio & Romeo Quirante
Monday, December 14 at 7 PM
Join the St. James Cathedral Choir in celebrating
Lessons and Carols, a service of choral music,
congregational song and readings from Scripture.
Come and let your heart and soul be stirred by the
beautiful music of the season as we reflect on the
birth of Jesus Christ. There will be a reception with
holiday treats in the Social Hall following the
La Voz
Me di cuenta que hay un programa en NBC
"The Voice" (La Voz), el que tengo que admitir
que nunca había visto. Sin embargo, creo que
fue Cat Stevens quien siempre nos recordaba en
una canción que solo estamos poco tiempo en
la tierra, así que debemos de hacer del mundo
un mejor lugar. Las noticias frecuentemente nos
recuerdan como en la cacofonía de nuestras
voces, la bondad se esfuerza para ser escuchada.
En los titulares esta semana pasada en una
reunión pública en el Condado Seminole
proclamando "ella está feliz de ser la voz de los
osos negros". No soy un cazador, pero la
voluntad de su compromiso me hizo pensar en
nuestros parroquianos quienes están dispuestos
a ser la voz de los menos afortunados, ya sea
siendo tutores, ayudando a las personas a
encontrar documentos, siendo voluntario de las
clínicas de salud, alimentando al hambriento o
construyendo casas para los veteranos sin
El New York Post destacó a un hombre que se
sienta con su perro afuera de la estación Grand
Central en New York y recoge $200 la hora en
un buen viernes. ¿Una voz por la ingenuidad o
artistas estafadores y cómo sabremos la
diferencia? Una mujer de ochenta y cinco años
que llega al cementerio nacional en Oklahoma
en el mes de agosto, cinco minutos antes de que
cierre por el día y dos guerreros retirados que
están ansiosos por visitar el abrevadero cercano
para una cerveza fría, de guardia y en uniforme
completo. Ella le lleva flores a cinco fosas, su
padre, su abuelo, tío, esposo y dos hijos, todos
de la Marina quienes sirvieron y murieron
durante el servicio por nuestro país. Una voz de
agradecimiento y, ¡ni siquiera es el Día de los
Veteranos!". Una casa destruida por el fuego,
pero todos sus ocupantes están a salvo 30
pájaros, más de 20 perros y gatos: solo podemos
esperar que un refugio para mujeres maltratadas
reciba las mismas muestras de apoyo.
Actualmente, todos en la catedral estamos
siendo animados a ser generosos con nuestros
recursos de tiempo y tesoro, y maneras en las
que podamos alzar aún más nuestra voz de
compromiso. Aunque sea un murmullo de
generosidad que no se note, déjame no
ignorar la invitación de Nuestro Maestro de
ser la luz de los que me rodean y quizás, ser
el consuelo de un hermano o hermana con
un saludo amistoso o un momento de mi
tiempo. Es difícil de entender que esa
bondad no es medida por las encuestas o el
número de personas que vieron a Donald T.
en SNL, pero sí esa alma en necesidad de un
momento de consuelo escucha mi voz?
Dios le bendiga,
Padre John
¡Compartir es demostrar interés! Por
favor comparta una donación semanal
con la Catedral de Santiago que refleje
un sacrificio que vaya de acuerdo con sus
medios. Necesitamos que cada familia
considere en oración un aumento
razonable a su nivel actual de ayuda
semanal. Por favor ayude
consistentemente a la Catedral de
Santiago al ‘compartir justamente’, para
ayudar financieramente a la parroquia
que usted ha escogido para ser miembro.
Apoye a los religiosos y religiosas ancianos. Uno de
los feligreses escribe, “Como estudiante católico entre K
y 12, fui formado como la persona que soy por muchos
hermanas y hermanos religiosos, y estaré agradecido para
siempre”. Muestre su agradecimiento a los hermanos,
hermanas y sacerdotes de órdenes religiosas quienes
marcaron la diferencia en tantas vidas. Sea generoso en
su donativo a la colecta de la semana próxima del Fondo
para la Jubilación de Religiosos.