Estación Científica Yasuní, Pontificia Universidad Católica del Ecuador 1 Algunas AVES de la Estación Científica Yasuní, Prov. Orellana Héctor Cadena-Ortiz Pontificia Universidad Católica del Ecuador Fotos de: Héctor Cadena-Ortiz (HC) y Daniela Bahamonde (DB). Producido por: Héctor Cadena-Ortiz y Tyana Wachter. Ayuda en identificación por: Tjitte de Vries, Juan Freile, Galo Buitrón y Carlos Rodríguez. © Daniela Bahamonde y © Héctor Cadena-Ortiz [[email protected]]. 1 Penelope jacquacu (foto HC) Spix's Guan 5 Spizaetus tyrannus (foto HC) Black Hawk-Eagle 2 Ictinia plumbea Plumbeous Kite (foto HC) 6 Crotophaga ani (foto HC) Smooth-billed Ani 9 Megascops choliba 10 Nyctibius grandis (foto HC) Tropical Screech-Owl Great Potoo (foto HC/DB) versión 1 3 Ictinia plumbea Plumbeous Kite (foto HC) 09/2012 4 Buteo magnirostris Roadside Hawk (foto HC) 7 Crotophaga ani (foto HC) Smooth-billed Ani 8 Megascops choliba (foto HC) Tropical Screech-Owl 11 Nyctibius grandis Great Potoo 12 Nyctibius grandis Great Potoo (foto HC/DB) (foto HC/DB) 13 Threnetes leucurus (foto DB) Pale-tailed Barbthroat 14 Threnetes leucurus 15 Threnetes leucurus (foto DB) (foto HC) 16 Campylopterus largipennis (foto HC) Pale-tailed Barbthroat Pale-tailed Barbthroat Gray-breasted Sabrewing 17 Campylopterus largipennis (foto HC) Gray-breasted Sabrewing 18 Trogon viridis 19 Momotus momota (foto HC) (foto HC) White-tailed Trogon Blue-crowned Motmot 20 Momotus momota (foto HC) Blue-crowned Motmot Yasuni Research Station, Pontificia Universidad Católica del Ecuador Some BIRDS of the Yasuni Research Station, Prov. Orellana Héctor Cadena-Ortiz Pontificia Universidad Católica del Ecuador Photos by: Héctor Cadena-Ortiz (HC) and Daniela Bahamonde (DB). Produced by: Héctor Cadena-Ortiz and Tyana Wachter. Help with identifications by: Tjitte de Vries, Juan Freile, Galo Buitrón and Carlos Rodríguez. © Daniela Bahamonde y © Héctor Cadena-Ortiz [[email protected]]. 21 Notharcus hyperrhynchus White-necked Puffbird 25 Eubucco richardsoni Lemon-throated Barbet 29 Ibycter americanus Red-throated Caracara 33 Geotrygon montana Ruddy Quail-Dove 37 Pionites melanocephalus Black-headed Parrot (HC) (HC) (HC) (DB) (HC) 2 22 Notharcus hyperrhynchus White-necked Puffbird 26 Ramphastos tucanus White-throated Toucan 30 Falco rufigularis Bat Falcon (HC) (HC) (DB) 23 Monasa nigrifrons Black-fronted Nunbird 27 Pteroglossus pluricinctus Many-banded Aracari 31 Falco rufigularis Bat Falcon version 1 (DB) (HC) (HC) 09/2012 24 Monasa flavirostris Yellow-billed Nunbird 28 Ibycter americanus Red-throated Caracara 32 Falco rufigularis Bat Falcon 34 Ara severus 35 Ara severus 36 Pionites melanocephalus (HC) (HC) Chestnut-fronted Macaw Chestnut-fronted Macaw Black-headed Parrot 38 Thamnophilus schistaceus Plain-winged Antshrike HC) 39 Thamnophilus schistaceus Plain-winged Antshrike (HC) (HC) (HC) (HC) ( HC) 40 Epinecrophylla erythrura (HC) Dusky-throated Antshrike Estación Científica Yasuní, Pontificia Universidad Católica del Ecuador 3 Algunas AVES de la Estación Científica Yasuní, Prov. Orellana Héctor Cadena-Ortiz Pontificia Universidad Católica del Ecuador Fotos de: Héctor Cadena-Ortiz (HC) y Daniela Bahamonde (DB). Producido por: Héctor Cadena-Ortiz y Tyana Wachter. Ayuda en identificación por: Tjitte de Vries, Juan Freile, Galo Buitrón y Carlos Rodríguez. © Daniela Bahamonde y © Héctor Cadena-Ortiz [[email protected]]. 41 Thamnomanes ardesiacus (HC) Dusky-throated Antshrike 42 Epinecrophylla erythrura Rufous-tailed Antwren 45 Myrmotherula brachyura Pygmy Antwren 46 Myrmotherula axillaris White-flanked Antwren (HC) 49 Myrmotherula axillaris (HC) White-flanked Antwren 50 Myrmotherula menetriesii Gray Antwren 53 Willisornis poecilinotus Scale-backed Antbird 54 Willisornis poecilinotus Scale-backed Antbird 57 Willisornis poecilinotus Scale-backed Antbird (HC) (HC) (HC) (HC) (HC) (HC) 43 Epinecrophylla erythrura Rufous-tailed Antwren 47 Myrmotherula axillaris White-flanked Antwren 51 Myrmotherula menetriesii Gray Antwren 55 Willisornis poecilinotus Scale-backed Antbird versión 1 (HC) (HC) (HC) (DB) 09/2012 44 Myrmotherula brachyura Pygmy Antwren (HC) 48 Myrmotherula axillaris (HC) White-flanked Antwren 52 Pithys albifrons juvenil (HC) White-plumed Antbird 56 Willisornis poecilinotus Scale-backed Antbird (DB) 58 Glyphorynchus spirurus (HC) 59 Glyphorynchus spirurus (HC) 60 Xiphorhynchus guttatus (HC) Wedge-billed Woodcreeper Wedge-billed Woodcreeper Buff-throated Woodcreeper Yasuni Research Station, Pontificia Universidad Católica del Ecuador Some BIRDS of the Yasuni Research Station, Prov. Orellana Héctor Cadena-Ortiz Pontificia Universidad Católica del Ecuador Photos by: Héctor Cadena-Ortiz (HC) and Daniela Bahamonde (DB). Produced by: Héctor Cadena-Ortiz and Tyana Wachter. Help with identifications by: Tjitte de Vries, Juan Freile, Galo Buitrón and Carlos Rodríguez. © Daniela Bahamonde y © Héctor Cadena-Ortiz [[email protected]]. 61 Mionectes oleagineus (HC) Ochre-bellied Flycatcher 62 Myiozetetes luteiventris (HC) Dusky-chested Flycatcher 63 Megarynchus pitangua Boat-billed Flycatcher 65 Tyrannus melancholicus Tropical Kingbird 66 Gymnodermus foetidus Bare-necked Fruitcrow 67 Cotinga cayana Spangled Cotinga 69 Lepidothrix coronata Blue-crowned Manakin 73 Pipra filicauda Green Manakin 77 Pipra filicauda Wire-tailed Manakin (HC) (HC) (HC) (HC) 4 70 Lepidothrix coronata Blue-crowned Manakin 74 Xenopipo holochlora Green Manakin (DB) (DB) (HC) 78 Pipra erythrocephala juv. (HC) Golden-headed Manakin 71 Lepidothrix coronata Blue-crowned Manakin version 1 (HC) (HC) (DB) 09/2012 64 Empidonomus aurantioatrocristatus (HC) Crowned Slaty-Flycatcher 68 Lepidothrix coronata Blue-crowned Manakin 72 Chiroxiphia pareola Blue-backed Manakin 75 Pipra pipra (HC) 76 Pipra filicauda White-crowned Manakin Wire-tailed Manakin 79 Tityra cayana Black-tailed Tityra (HC) 80 Catharus ustulatus Swainson's Thrush (DB) (HC) (HC) (DB) Estación Científica Yasuní, Pontificia Universidad Católica del Ecuador Algunas AVES de la Estación Científica Yasuní, Prov. Orellana Héctor Cadena-Ortiz Pontificia Universidad Católica del Ecuador Fotos de: Héctor Cadena-Ortiz (HC) y Daniela Bahamonde (DB). Producido por: Héctor Cadena-Ortiz y Tyana Wachter. Ayuda en identificación por: Tjitte de Vries, Juan Freile, Galo Buitrón y Carlos Rodríguez. © Daniela Bahamonde y © Héctor Cadena-Ortiz [[email protected]]. 81 Catharus ustulatus Swainson's Thrush 85 Tangara nigocincta Masked Tanager (DB) (HC) 5 82 Turdus albicollis White-necked Thrush 86 Dacnis flaviventer Yellow-bellied Dacnis (HC) (HC) 83 Turdus albicollis White-necked Thrush 87 Ammodramus aurifrons Yellow-browed Sparrow versión 1 (HC) (HC) 09/2012 84 Ramphocelus nigrogularis (DB) Masked Crimson Tanager 88 Euphonia xanthogaster (HC) Orange-bellied Euphonia
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