Sts. Peter and Paul Catholic Church Sanctuary of St. Toribio Romo Iglesia Católica de San Pedro y San Pablo Santuario Santo Toribio Romo Join us on Sts. Peter and Paul Catholic Church Tulsa, OK Sts. Peter & Paul Church 1419 N. 67th E. Ave., Tulsa, Ok 74115 Rev. Timothy L. Davison, Pastor Rev. Juan Pablo Robles, Associate Pastor Tommy Young, Deacon (Ret.) Patrick Martin, School Principal Maria Walsh, School Secretary Gayle Casey, Parish Secretary Karen Campbell, Director of Religious Education Parish Office 918-836-2596 Fax 918-836-2597 Rectory 918-933-4272 School Office 918-836-2165 Pre-School 836-3114 Email: [email protected] Web: WEEKEND MASSES/DOMINGOS Saturday 6:00 p.m. (English) Sunday 7:30 am (Español) 9:00 a.m. (English) 10:30 a.m. (Latin) 12:30 p.m. (Español) 6:00 p.m. (Español) WEEKDAY MASSES/MISAS DIARIAS Monday-Saturday 8:30 a.m. (English) Mon.- Fri. 7:00 a.m. (Latin) Tues.- Thurs. 7:00 p.m. (Español) Fri. 5:00 p.m. (Latin) ADORATION/ADORACION Tuesday 12:00 - 10:00 p.m. Thursday 12:00 - 10:00 p.m. SACRAMENT OF PENANCE/CONFESIONES Tuesday 4:00 - 5:00 p.m. Thursday 4:00—5:00 p.m. Sunday 8:30 - 8:50 a.m. 10:30 - 11:00 a.m. 5:30 - 6:00 p.m. From the Pastor Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ, Happy Mother’s Day!!! I hope your day will be full of sunshine and happiness. May the Lord bless you in your sacred duties as a mother. The Feast of the Ascension The Feast of the Ascension falls on Thursday of this week. However, the Bishops of our Province have decided to move the Feast to May 17th and so there is no obligation to attend Mass on Thursday of this week. However, there will be a traditional Latin High Mass at 5:30 p.m. this coming Thursday to celebrate the great Feast of the Ascension. Everyone is welcome to attend, of course. The 8:30 a.m. and the 7:00 p.m. Novus Ordo Masses will be celebrates as normal that day and the liturgical celebration of the day will not be of the Ascension as that will be transferred to Sunday. First Communion and Confirmation for the Latin Mass Goers Jenny Hausher has been working on getting the information from the parents who are getting ready to celebrate the First Communion or the Confirmation of their children. The Latin Confirmation Mass will be held this year at Precious Blood parish at noon on June 14th. The Latin First communion Mass will be held here at Sts. Peter and Paul parish on Sunday June 7th at the 10:30 a.m. Mass. Confirmations fro the Novus Ordo Mass Goers Confirmations for those who attend the Ordinary Form of the Mass will be held at the Cathedral at 2:00 p.m. on next Sunday, May 17th. The Mass will be offered by Bishop Slattery. Parents, teachers and godparents please make sure that those to be confirmed have made a good confession the week before their confirmation. Check with Mrs. Campbell regarding the Confirmation practice and confessions. May 10, 2015 St. Toribio Chapel Project We have had some unfortunate delays in the construction of the St. Toribio Chapel project. This time the delays were caused by the problems we encountered with the Construction Management itself. Those problems are being resolved and we should be “back in business” again soon. The June 29th date for the blessing might have to be moved even further ahead into the future if it looks like the construction will not be finished by that date. Originally we were hoping to have the chapel completed in time for the St. Toribio Feast Day celebrations. The annual Carnival will take place on Sunday, May 24th. More details to follow. Convent Restoration The Knights of Columbus are continuing with the renovation of the old convent and have been able to raise a little more money as well for this project. We are hopeful that the convent will be restored and completed by August of this year. If anyone would like to help work on the convent or donate money I would really appreciate it. Take care now and have a great week. Sincerely yours, Father Tim Davison Interested in women's ministry? Please join us for Mass @ 8:30 am on May 16th followed by a gathering in the Sister Jamesetta Room for an introduction to the Council of Catholic Women. Our guest speaker will be the outgoing president, Mary Bisett and meet the new incoming president. For more info contact Becky Wisdom @ 918-720-3771. Newman Center TU Catholic Newman Center will resume its 8PM Sunday Mass for the Summer starting on Sunday, June 7th and going until Sunday, July 26th. Confessions will be heard from 6:457:45pm prior to Mass. My mother was the most beautiful woman I ever saw. All I am I owe to my mother. I attribute all my success in life to the moral, intellectual, and physical education I received from her. George Washington Knights of Columbus breakfast today after the 9:00 and 10:30 am Masses. DDF The Diocese of Tulsa is conducting a survey to gather opinions about the Diocesan Development Fund (DDF) and its procedures. All those in the diocese are encouraged to participate between now and June 1. The survey is available in English and Spanish. ( St. Joseph Monastery The Benedictine Sisters of St. Joseph Monastery sponsor a retreat/workshop three times each year titled: The School of Lectio Divina. It is held at the monastery, 2200 South Lewis and is taught by a trained staff who practice Lectio Divina regularly themselves. The purpose of this experience is to give you an opportunity to learn and practice this way of praying with the scriptures and other revelatory texts in your life. Registration is open for June 9-12 and also for September 23-26, 2015. For further information and to register go to and click on the Lectio tab. If you have questions, you are welcome to call Sr. Barbara at 918-746-4209. Faithfulness in little things is a big thing. St. John Chrysostom Lectors May 10th M. Brungardt & S. Eschman Mon. 8:30 a.m. Tues. 8:30 a.m. Prayer Intentions of Pope Francis May Universal: That, rejecting the culture of indifference, we may care for our neighbors who suffer, especially the sick and the poor. Evangelization: That Mary’s intercession may help Christians in secularized cultures be ready to proclaim Jesus. Contributions for April 26th Checks and envelopes Cash Special Needs Total Year to Date Capital Improvement Education Endowment St. Toribio Fund Home Missions For the poor Mowing May 11th - May 16th 2599.00 1988.52 200.00 4787.52 257,067.13 40.00 50.00 208.00 2.00 50.00 Birthright Mother’s Day Collection Birthright of Tulsa has been helping mothers and their babies for more than 40 years. We are a pro-life, non-profit international organization dedicated to a healthy mother having a healthy baby. Every year we ask for your support. As this is our major source of income for the year, we ask that you prayerfully consider participating in our Mother’s Day Collection. Please call Birthright at 918-481-4884 if you would like additional information. Wed. 8:30 a.m. Thurs. 8:30 a.m. 7:00 p.m. Fri. 8:30 a.m. 5:00 p.m. Sat. 8:30 a.m. 6:00 p.m. Sts. Peter & Paul Priests Deceased members of Swift & Moran Families + Brian Reed Amanda Extension Society Anilka Dickinson Kris Boyne Shannon Reed George Reed Myrtle Dibble, Rolling Hills, Catoosa; Dana Petrilla, Frances Strietel Villa; Lelia Romine, Franciscan Villa; Belle Conner, The Parke and Ada Gonzalez. Members who are ill and/or homebound: Owen Campbell, Rita Tilman, Colleen Young, Andrea Knepp, Norma Cates, Dolores Gonzalez , Yvonne Perez (Stephanie Eschman’s mother), Tim (Colleen Young’s son), Kathy Borro (Susie Kelley’s sister), Larry Davison (Fr. Tim’s brother), Simon Navarro, Becky Moore, Fr. Festus Maliwa, Debbie Dismang and Susan Sam’s daughter. To make changes in this list, please call Gayle at the office, 918-836-2596. The Year of Consecrated Life So it is in accordance with the Divine Plan a wonderful variety of religious communities has grown up which has made it easier for the be equipped for every good work and ready for the work of the ministry - the building up of the Body of Christ. Decree on the Adaptation and Renewal of Religious Life, Perfectae Caritatis, no. 1 Ordinary Form:: Sixth Sunday of Easter Extraordinary Form: Fifth Sunday after Easter St. Gregory’s University St. Gregory’s University is excited to introduce our newest degree program coming this fall 2015: Early Childhood Education. The Tulsa campus is located off I-44 and 41st Street on the 9th and 10th floors of Commerce Tower in front of Bishop Kelley High School. We offer Associates, Bachelors and Masters level programs in an 8-week accelerated format from 6pm-9pm Monday thru Thursday. Our Tulsa campus provides focus to the working adult who comes to us with personal and professional goals and who attends only one or two nights per week. We are pleased to offer a $100 scholarship, per 8-week module, to students who meet our acceptance criteria and who are practicing Roman Catholic. St. Gregory’s University is an affirmative action, equal opportunity institution. Classes start the week of May 4, 2015! Please visit our website at and click the Admissions tab or call us at 918-6108888 to speak with either Danielle Malone or Lindsey Jensen. Classical pianist Kayla Jones will be performing a benefit concert to raise funds for the Saint Toribio Romo Chapel in Tulsa. The performance will be on Thursday, May 28th, 2015 at 7:30 PM. This piano recital will be held in the Gussman Concert Hall of the Lorton Performing Arts Center on the University of Tulsa campus (5th and Harvard). The benefit concert will feature works by Beethoven, Busoni, and Ernesto Lecuona. Admission is free and open to the public with donations to be accepted for the Saint Toribio Romo Chapel. For more information, please contact Jeremy Jones by phone at 918 630 8422 or by e-mail at [email protected]. Each small task of everyday life is part of the total harmony of the universe. St. Therese of Lisieux TREASURES FROM OUR TRADITION With June not far off, attention in the parish turns to the celebration of weddings. Perhaps no other area of parish life is more shaped or challenged by the expectations of our culture. An old Irish proverb, “Marry in Lent and you’re soon to repent,” is amplified by another warning: “Marry in May and rue the day!” Memories of old pagan parties in May endured, and the Irish felt wedding receptions in May would be a stress on community morals. Queen Victoria did not approve of May weddings either, and her influence is still felt on family calendars, as is her daughter’s introduction of the white wedding gown. Sometimes we mistake customs and curiosities for tradition. Tradition with a capital “T” has to do with Christ’s miraculous rescue of the wedding feast at Cana, his affirmation of a man and woman pledging lifelong fidelity at the heart of a community's feast. The Church cherished that memory over time, but it took a millennium for us to think of marriage as a sacrament. Much of the rest of what we associate with weddings has to do with culture, customs, and family practices. A wise rabbi once said that “tradition is not wearing your father’s hat; tradition is having a child.” Don’t let Queen Victoria Reign over your wedding plans! Rev. James Field Copyright J. S. Paluch Co. What is the Discalced Carmelite Secular Order? Come and see by attending a visitors' session April 18 and/or May 16. Msgr. Gier is our Spiritual Advisor. Please call Mickey, 918-991-8465, for more information and to register. Bulletin Advertiser of the Week Tulsa Auto Service and Sales 3729 E. 11th St. 918-838-9999 Serving Tulsa for over 20 years ASE certified, member BBB Please support our advertisers! Informaciones Generales Párroco: Rev. Timothy Davison Vicario: Rev. Juan Pablo Robles Oficina Parroquial:918-836-2596 Fax: 918-836-2597 Rectoría:918-933-4272 Oficina de la Escuela 918-836-2165 Kinder 918-836-3114 Correo electrónico: [email protected] Sitio web: Misas en Español Martes a jueves: Domingo 7:00 p.m. 7:30 a.m. 12:30 p.m.. 6:00 p.m. Confesiones Martes 4:00-5:00 p.m. Jueves 4:00-5:00 p.m. Media hora antes de cada Misa Adoración Martes 12:00 - 10:00 p.m. Jueves 12:00 – 10:00 p.m. Adoración toda la noche el primer viernes de cada mes. Preparación Pre-Matrimonial: Domingo, Salón de Conferencia, Oficina Parroquial 7:30-9:00 AM Llame a Miguel & Matilde de la Torre 933-4365 Clase Pre-Bautismal Cada domingo , Salón Madre Teresa, 1:30-3:30 PM. Quinceañeras Sábado, Salón Madre Teresa, 4:00-5:00 PM. Llame a Carolina Gutiérrez: 835-7617 Catecismo para Niños Martes- Preparación Sacramental 6-7:30 PM Miércoles- Clases De Educación Religiosa 6-7:30 PM RICA para Adultos (18 años +) Domingo 10:30 am - 12:00 pm. Krafft Hut Luis & Remedios Rivas 407-5095 Grupo de Oración Jueves, 7:00 p.m.-8:30 p.m. Krafft Hut Del Párroco: Hermanos y hermanas en Cristo, Feliz Día de las Madres! Espero que su día sea llena de la luz del sol y de alegria. Que el Señor bendiga todas sus tareas sagradas de madre. La Fiesta de la Ascensión Este jueves es la Fiesta de la Ascensión. Sin embargo, los Obispos de nuestra Provincia han decidido mover esta Fiesta a domingo, el 17 de mayo así que no es un día de precepto. De todos modos, ofreceremos una Misa Solemne en latín a las 5:30 pm para celebrar esta gran Fiesta. Todos están invitados a asistir. Ofreceremos la Misa en inglés a las 8:30 am y la Misa en español a las 7:00 pm como normal pero las lecturas serán de ese día y no de la Fiesta. Primeras Comuniones y Confirmaciones de los que Asistan a la Misa en Latín Jenny Hausher ha sido trabajando duro obteniendo información de los padres de familia de sus hijos que están preparándose a recibir la Primera Comunión o la Confirmación. La Misa de Confirmación en latín se llevara a cabo este año en la Parroquia de la Santísima Sangre a medio día el 14 de junio. La Misa de Primera Comunión en latín tendrá lugar aquí en San Pedro y San Pablo domingo, el 7 de junio en la Misa de 10:30 am. Confirmación de los que Asistan a la Misa de Novus Ordo Confirmaciones de los que asistan al Forma Ordinario de la Misa tendrán lugar en la Catedral a las 2:00 pm el próximo domingo, el 17 de mayo. El Obispo Slattery celebrara la Misa. Padres, catequistas y padrinos, favor asegurar que los que van a recibir confirmación han hecho una confesión buena una semana antes de la confirmación. Pueden comunicar con la Sra. Campbell sobre el ensayo y las confesiones. Proyecto del Santuario Sto. Toribio Desafortunadamente hemos experimentado otras demoras en la construcción. Ahora las demoras se atribuyen a la Compañía de Construcción misma. Estamos resolviendo los problemas y pronto debemos poder comenzar de nuevo. Tal vez vamos a tener que mover la fecha de la dedicación del 29 de junio a otra fecha mas en el futuro. Originalmente quisimos tener el proyecto completo para la Fiesta de Santo Toribio. Sí vamos a tener la Carnaval anual domingo, el 24 de mayo. Daré más información en el futuro. Renovación del Convento Los Caballeros De Colon siguen trabajando renovando el convento viejo y también han recaudado unos fondos para este proyecto. Tenemos esperanzas que este proyecto será completo en agosto de este año. Seria muy agradecido si alguien quiere ayudar con el trabajo o con donaciones. Cuídense todos y tengan una semana excelente. Sinceramente, Padre Timothy Davison Feliz Día de las Madres! Mi madre fue la mujer más bella que jamás conocí. Todo lo que soy, se lo debo a mi madre. Atribuyo todos mis éxitos en esta vida a la enseñanza moral, intelectual y física que recibí de ella. George Washington La Diócesis de Tulsa está llevando a cabo una encuesta para recaudar opiniones sobre el Fondo Diocesano de Desarrollo (DDF) y sus procedimientos. Todos los de la diócesis se les anima a participar desde ahora hasta junio 1. La encuesta está disponible en Inglés y Español. ( Lectores, Monaguillos 10 de mayo Misa de las 12;30 PM Primera: Noe Sánchez Salmo: Angélica Pérez Segunda: Reyna Sánchez Oraciones: Reyna Bustos Monaguillos: Fernando Muñoz, Jaime Gutiérrez, Agustín Avelar, Jorge Estebane, Luis E. Muñoz, Miguel Moreno Misa de las 6:00 PM Primera: Ceci Estebane Salmo: Luis Estebane Segunda: Paty Estebane Oraciones: Triny Carbajal Monaguillos: Christopher López, Martín García, Noé Flores Oraciones de Misa del Papa Francisco - mayo Universal: Que rechazando la cultura de la indiferencia, cuidemos nuestros prójimos que sufren, especialmente los necesitados y los enfermos. Evangelización: Que la intercesión de María ayuda a cristianos viviendo en culturas seculares a estar dispuestos a proclamar Jesús. ÁMENSE UNOS A OTROS El domingo pasado escuchamos el familiar pasaje del Evangelio de San Juan en el que Jesús usa el símbolo de la viña y las ramas. En ese pasaje escuchamos que si hermanemos en Cristo daremos mucho fruto. El Evangelio de hoy nos dice cual es el fruto: el amor. La Segunda lectura de hoy junto con el Evangelio crean un gran himno de amor. El coro del himno es sencillo-Dios nos ama tanto que envío a Jesús al mundo para que tuviéramos vida. El Señor Jesús que nos dijo la semana pasada que permaneciéramos en él, esta semana nos dice que permanezcamos en su amor. En un mundo marcado por las divisiones y el terrorismo, las ultimas palabras del Evangelio de hoy son un gran reto: “Esto es lo que les mando: que se amen los unos a los otros. Copyright J. S. Paluch Co.
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