Tenth International Conference on Interdisciplinary Social Sciences Interdisciplinary Approaches to Contemporary Social Change 11-14 JUNE 2015 | UNIVERSITY OF SPLIT | SPLIT, CROATIA | THESOCIALSCIENCES.COM Tenth International Conference on Interdisciplinary Social Sciences “Interdisciplinary Approaches to Contemporary Social Change” University of Split | Split, Croatia | 11-14 June 2015 www.thesocialsciences.com www.facebook.com/TheSocialSciences.CG @thesocsciences | #CGSocSci International Conference on Interdisciplinary Social Sciences www.thesocialsciences.com First published in 2015 in Champaign, Illinois, USA by Common Ground Publishing, LLC www.commongroundpublishing.com © 2015 Common Ground Publishing All rights reserved. Apart from fair dealing for the purpose of study, research, criticism or review as permitted under the applicable copyright legislation, no part of this work may be reproduced by any process without written permission from the publisher. For permissions and other inquiries, please contact [email protected] Interdisciplinary Social Sciences thesocialsciences.com Dear Delegate, Welcome to the Tenth International Conference on Interdisciplinary Social Sciences. This conference explores notions of disciplinarily and interdisciplinary in the human sciences. It represents a marvelous collage of specific instances of the study of social life worthy of the label ‘science’ as well as presentations which think in more general terms about the problem of method and the nature of interdisciplinary. The Social Sciences Conference was held in 2006 at the University of the Aegean in Rhodes, Greece; in 2007 at the University of Granada, Spain; in 2008 at Monash University Centre, Prato, Italy; in 2009 at the University of Athens, Athens, Greece; in 2010 at the University of Cambridge, Cambridge, UK; in 2011 at the University of New Orleans, New Orleans, USA; in 2012 at the Universidad Abat Oliba, Barcelona, Spain; in 2013 at Charles University, Prague, Czech Republic; and in 2014 at the University of British Columbia in Vancouver, Canada. We will hold the 2016 Social Sciences Conference in London, UK at Imperial College London. In addition to organizing the Social Sciences Conference, Common Ground publishes papers from the conference at www.thesocialsciences.com/publications/journal. We do encourage all conference participants to submit a paper based on their conference presentation for peer review and possible publication in the collection. We also publish books at www.thesocialsciences. com/publications/books in both print and digital formats. We invite conference participants to develop book proposals for original works, or for edited collections of articles drawn from the journal which address an identified theme. Finally, please join our online conversation by subscribing to our monthly email newsletter, and subscribe to our Facebook, RSS, or Twitter feeds at www. thesocialsciences.com. Common Ground also organizes conferences and publishes journals in other areas of critical intellectual human concern, including diversity, sustainability, health, learning, and the arts, to name several (www.CommonGroundPublishing.com). Our aim is to create new forms of knowledge community, where people meet in person and also remain connected virtually, making the most of the potentials for access using digital media. We are also committed to creating a more accessible, open, and reliable peer review process. Thank you to everyone who has prepared for this conference including our co-organizers and supporters, The Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences at the University of Split. A personal thank you and acknowledgement goes to Jelena Novaković, Sanja Stanić and everyone at the University of Split who helped organize this year’s conference. In addition, thank you to my Common Ground colleagues who have put such a significant amount of work into this conference: Monica Hillison, Marta Llorente, Dana Modrowski, Ana Quintana, and Jessica Wienhold-Brokish. We wish the best for this conference and hope it will provide you every opportunity for dialogue with colleagues from around the corner and around the world. We hope you will be able to join us at next year’s Social Sciences Conference, 2-5 August 2016 in London, UK. Yours sincerely, Dr. Homer (Tony) Stavely Host, Social Sciences Conference Common Ground Publishing | About Common Ground Our Mission Common Ground Publishing aims to enable all people to participate in creating collaborative knowledge and to share that knowledge with the greater world. Through our academic conferences, peer-reviewed journals and books, and innovative software, we build transformative knowledge communities and provide platforms for meaningful interactions across diverse media. Our Message Heritage knowledge systems are characterized by vertical separations—of discipline, professional association, institution, and country. Common Ground identifies some of the pivotal ideas and challenges of our time and builds knowledge communities that cut horizontally across legacy knowledge structures. Sustainability, diversity, learning, the future of the humanities, the nature of interdisciplinarity, the place of the arts in society, technology’s connections with knowledge, the changing role of the university—these are deeply important questions of our time which require interdisciplinary thinking, global conversations, and cross-institutional intellectual collaborations. Common Ground is a meeting place for these conversations, shared spaces in which differences can meet and safely connect—differences of perspective, experience, knowledge base, methodology, geographical or cultural origins, and institutional affiliation. We strive to create the places of intellectual interaction and imagination that our future deserves. Our Media Common Ground creates and supports knowledge communities through a number of mechanisms and media. Annual conferences are held around the world to connect the global (the international delegates) with the local (academics, practitioners, and community leaders from the host community). Conference sessions include as many ways of speaking as possible to encourage each and every participant to engage, interact, and contribute. The journals and book series offer fully-refereed academic outlets for formalized knowledge, developed through innovative approaches to the processes of submission, peer review, and production. The knowledge community also maintains an online presence—through presentations on our YouTube channel, monthly email newsletters, as well as Facebook and Twitter feeds. And Common Ground’s own software, Scholar, offers a path-breaking platform for online discussions and networking, as well as for creating, reviewing, and disseminating text and multi-media works. 6 | About Common Ground España Common Ground España Since its inception, Common Ground Publishing has been committed to building bridges between different languages and cultures, crossing the geographical and linguistic boundaries that slow down the free flow of ideas between the countless communities that populate the planet. We are truly committed to diversity, and that is why we are striving to create synergies between the English, Spanish, and Portuguese-speaking knowledge communities that meet every year at the conference and that interact through the scholarly journals, the book series, and the social networks. To fulfil this ideal, Common Ground Publishing has launched Common Ground Publishing España in order to create and develop Latin American knowledge communities based on the Spanish and Portuguese languages and cultures, crossing geographic, linguistic, and cultural borders. Each of these knowledge communities holds an annual academic conference (which takes place in parallel to Common Ground’s conferences in English) and manages a peer reviewed scholarly journal, a book series, and a number of social networks that allow scholars and practitioners to interact with other peers coming from different geographical, institutional, and cultural origins, as well as to strengthen interdisciplinary discussions. For the time being, Common Ground Publishing España, whose headquarters are located at the Research Park of the Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, has developed ten Latin American knowledge communities; Learning; E-Learning and Innovative Pedagogies; Science in Society; Interdisciplinary Social Sciences; On the Organization; New Directions in the Humanities; The Image; Book and Libraries; Health, Wellness, and Society; and Technology, Knowledge, and Society. 7 Interdisciplinary Social Sciences Knowledge Community Exploring disciplinary and interdisciplinary approaches within and across the various social sciences and between the social and the natural and applied sciences … Interdisciplinary Social Sciences Knowledge Community The Social Sciences Knowledge Community is a forum for discussion of disciplinary and interdisciplinary approaches to knowledge creation within and across the various social sciences and between the social and the natural and applied sciences. The community interacts through an innovative, annual face-to-face conference, as well as year-round online relationships, a family of peer reviewed journals, and book series–exploring the affordances of new digital media. Members of this knowledge community include academics, teachers, administrators, policy makers, and other education practitioners. Conference The conference is built upon four key features: Internationalism, Interdisciplinarity, Inclusiveness, and Interaction. Conference delegates include leaders in the field as well as emerging scholars, who travel to the conference from all corners of the globe and represent a broad range of disciplines and perspectives. A variety of presentation options and session types offer delegates multiple opportunities to engage, to discuss key issues in the field, and to build relationships with scholars from other cultures and disciplines. Publishing The Social Sciences Collection enables members to publish through two media. First, community members can enter a world of journal publication unlike the traditional academic publishing forums—a result of the responsive, non-hierarchical, and constructive nature of the peer review process. The Social Sciences Collection provides a framework for double-blind peer review, enabling authors to publish into an academic journal of the highest standard. The second publication medium is through the book series, The Social Sciences, publishing cutting edge books in print and electronic formats. Publication proposal and manuscript submissions are welcome. Community The Interdisciplinary Social Sciences Knowledge Community offers several opportunities for ongoing communication among its members. Any member may upload video presentations based on scholarly work to the community YouTube channel. Monthly email newsletters contain updates on conference and publishing activities as well as broader news of interest. Members also join the conversation on Facebook and Twitter, or on our new social media platform, Scholar. 11 Interdisciplinary Social Sciences Themes On disciplinary and interdisciplinary practices in the study of the social. Theme 1: Social and Community Studies • Sociology: concepts and practices • Geographical perspectives on spaces and flows • What are the behavioral sciences? • Psychology of the social • Where mind meets world: cognitive science as interdisciplinary practice • Economics as social science • Sociology and history: the dynamics of synchrony and diachrony • Philosophy’s place in the social sciences • Social welfare studies as interdisciplinary practice • Health in community • Horizons of interest: agenda setting in the social sciences • Research and knowledge in action: the applied social sciences • Social sciences for the professions • Social sciences for social welfare • Accounting for inequalities: poverty and exclusion • Social breakdown: dysfunction, crime, conflict, violence • Social sciences addressing social crisis points • Technologies in and for the social • Economics, politics, and their social effects: investment, ownership, risk, productivity, competition, regulation and deregulation, public accountability, stakeholders, trust, worklife, resource distribution, consumption, wellbeing, living standards • Commonalities, differences, and relationships between the social and the natural sciences: research methodologies, professional practices and ethical positions • Research methodologies involving ‘human subjects’ • The social sciences in the applied sciences and professions: engineering, architecture, planning, computing, tourism, law, health On the processes of governance and nature of citizenship. Theme 2: Civic and Political Studies • Political science as disciplinary practice • Investigating public policy • Law as a social science • Criminology as social science • Public health • Social sciences in the service of social policy: risks and rewards • Social transformations: structure and agency in social dynamics • Accounting for the dynamics of citizenship, participation, and inclusion • Trust, social capital, social cohesion and social welfare • Politics in, and of, the social sciences • Interdisciplinary perspectives on politics, public policy, governance, citizenship, and nationality • Security and insecurity, conflict and cohesion, war and peace, terror and anti-terror • The neo-liberal state and its critics • Policy measures: assessing social need and social effectiveness 12 Interdisciplinary Social Sciences Themes On disciplinary and interdisciplinary practices in the study of human cultures and cultural interactions. Theme 3: Cultural Studies • Of human lifeways: anthropology in its contexts • Of human lifecourses: family, childhood, youth, parenting, and aging • Of human origins: paleontology, primate evolution, physical anthropology • Ethnographic methods • Social meanings: language, linguistics, discourse, text • Cultural studies as a constitutive field • Social science stances: modernism and postmodernism; structuralism and poststructuralism • Where humanities and social sciences meet • Social structure and human culture: the sociological and the anthropological • Interdisciplinary perspectives on human differences • Identities in social science: generational, gender, sexuality, ethnic, diasporic • Perspectives on, and voices of, difference: multiculturalism and feminism • Religion and the human sciences • Health, wellbeing, and culture On the dynamics of globalization and the transformation of the local. Theme 4: Global Studies • Global flows • Global security • Human movement: migration, refugees, undocumented migrants • The dynamics of globalization, diaspora, and diversity • Globalized economics: inequalities, development, ‘free,’ and ‘fair’ trade • Developed and developing worlds • Inequalities in international perspective • Poverty and global justice • Human rights in global perspective • The local and the global On the connections between human and natural environments. Theme 5: Environmental Studies • The natural and the social: interdisciplinary studies • Human environments • Sustainability as a focus of interdisciplinary study • What are applied sciences? • Health and the environment • People, place, and time: human demography • Environmental governance: consumption, waste, economic ‘externalities’, sustainability, environmental equity • Human interests in the natural sciences: the politics of the environment 13 Interdisciplinary Social Sciences Themes On the social dynamics of public, community, and privately owned organizations. Theme 6: Organizational Studies • Management as social science • Culture in organizations • Technology and work • The social dynamics of organizations • Human resource management • Workers’ rights • Corporate governance • Organizational and social sustainability • Corporate social responsibility • Knowledge ecologies: embedded knowledge in the organizational setting • Tacit and explicit knowledge • Private and public knowledge • Scenario building and futures forecasting • Organizational change On learning about the social and social learning. Theme 7: Educational Studies • Education as a social science • The learning sciences as an interdisciplinary endeavor • Action research: the logistics and ethics of interventionary social science • Teaching and learning the social studies • History teaching and learning • Economics teaching and learning • Geography teaching and learning • Technology in learning and learning about technology On the representation and communication of human meanings. Theme 8: Communication • Media studies as social science • Communications as a social science • Information and communications technologies • The social web: the internet in its social context • Human-computer interactions • Literacies as a social learning experience 14 Interdisciplinary Social Sciences 2015 Special Focus Interdisciplinary Approaches to Contemporary Social Change Modern societies face a number of overarching changes. The consequences of these changes are equally evident at the local as well as global level, influencing the everyday lives of individuals and large societal aggregates. The role of the social sciences is of pivotal significance in the interpretation of these intense social changes. More than other disciplines, the social sciences are in an integral position to recognize changes and problems, determine causal links, interpret the available information, and offer solutions. Accordingly, the aim of the 2015 Social Sciences Conference is to contribute to the identification and understanding of different recent social issues, with a focus on social changes that we face in the various segments of the social world. The conference offers a wide range of topics that may be discussed in local and global terms, either through the prism of the social sciences or through interdisciplinary collaborations. 15 Interdisciplinary Social Sciences Scope and Concerns The Disciplinary Work of the Social Sciences Each of the sciences of the social is marked by its distinctive disciplinary modes—the thinking practices of Anthropology, Archaeology, Behavioral Sciences, Cognitive Science, Communications, Cultural Studies, Demography, Economics, Education, Geography, Humanities, Law, Management, Media, Politics, Policy Studies, Psychology, Social Welfare, Sociology, to name some of the principal sciences of the social. The disciplinary variation is so broad that practitioners in some of these areas may not even consider their discipline a ‘science’, whilst in other disciplines there is a general consensus about the scientific character of their endeavor. What is a discipline? Disciplines represent fields of deep and detailed content knowledge, communities of professional practice, forms of discourse (of fine and precise semantic distinction and technicality), areas of work (types of organization or divisions within organizations such as academic departments or research organizations), domains of publication and public communication, sites of common learning, shared experiences of apprenticeship into disciplinary community, methods of reading and analyzing the world, ways of thinking or epistemic frames, even ways of acting and types of person. ‘Discipline’ delineates the boundaries of intellectual community, the distinctive practices and methodologies of particular areas of rigorous and concentrated intellectual effort, and the varying frames of reference used to interpret the world. And what is a science? Some of the studies of the social habitually and comfortably call themselves ‘sciences’, but others do not. The English word ‘science’ derives from the Latin ‘sciens’, or knowing. Return to the expansiveness of this root, and studies of the human could lay equally legitimate claim to that word. ‘Science’ in this broadest of senses implies an intensity of focus and a concentration of intellectual energies greater than that of ordinary, everyday, commonsense or lay ‘knowing’. It is more work and harder work. It relies on the ritualistic rigors and accumulated wisdoms of disciplinary practices. These are some of the out-of-the-ordinary knowledge processes that might justify use of the word ‘science’, not only in the social sciences but also in the natural, physical, mathematical and applied sciences: Science has an experiential basis. This experience may be based on direct personal intuition of the already-known, on interests integral to the lifeworld, on the richness of life fully lived. Or it might be experience gained when we move into new and potentially strange terrains, deploying the empirical processes of methodical observation or systematic experimentation. Science is conceptual. It has a categorical frame of reference based on higher levels of semantic precision and regularity than everyday discourse. On this foundation, it connects concept to concept into schemas. This is how science builds theories which model the world. Science is analytical. It develops frames of reasoning and explanation: logic, inference, prediction, hypothesis, induction, deduction. And it sees the world through an always cautiously critical eye, interrogating the interests, motives and ethics that may motivate knowledge claims and subjecting epistemic assumptions to an ever-vigilant process of metacognitive reflection. Science is application-oriented. It can be used to do things in the world. In these endeavors, it may be pragmatic, designing and implementing practical solutions within larger frames of reference and achieving technical and instrumental outcomes. Or it may be transformative—redesigning paradigms, social being, and even the conditions of the natural world. What, after all, is the purpose of knowing other than to have an effect on the world, directly or indirectly? 16 Interdisciplinary Social Sciences Scope and Concerns Science can be any or all of these experiential, conceptual, analytical, and applied things. Some disciplines may prioritize one or other of these knowledge processes, and this may be the source of their strength as well as potential weakness. In any event, these are the kinds of things we do in order to know in the out-of-the-ordinary ways worthy of the name ‘science’. The Interdisciplinary Work of the Social and Other Sciences Interdisciplinary, transdisciplinary, or multidisciplinary work crosses disciplinary boundaries. This may be for pragmatic reasons, in order to see and do things that can’t be seen or done adequately within the substantive and methodological confines of a discipline. Broader views may prove to be more powerful than narrower ones, and even the more finely grained within-discipline views may prove all-the-more powerful when contextualized broadly. The deeper perspectives of the discipline may need to be balanced with and measured against the broader perspectives of interdisciplinarity. Interdisciplinary approaches may also be applied for reasons of principle, to disrupt the habitual narrowness or outlook of within-discipline knowledge work, to challenge the ingrained, discipline-bound ways of thinking that produce occlusion as well as insight. If the knowable universe is a unity, discipline is a loss as well as a gain, and interdisciplinarity may in part recover that loss. Interdisciplinary approaches also thrive at the interface of disciplinary and lay understandings. Here, interdisciplinarity is needed for the practical application of disciplined understandings to the actually existing world. Robust applied knowledge demands an interdisciplinary holism. A broad epistemological engagement is required simply to be able to deal with the complex contingencies of a really-integrated universe. Ways of Seeing, Ways of Thinking, and Ways of Knowing What are the distinctive modes of the social, natural, and applied sciences? What are their similarities and differences? In English (but not some other languages), ‘science’ suffers a peculiar semantic narrowing. It seems to apply more comfortably to the natural world, and only by analogy to some of the more systematic and empirically-based of the human sciences. It connotes a sometimes narrow kind of systematicity: the canons of empirical method; an often less-than reflective acceptance of received theoretical categories and paradigms; formal reasoning disengaged from human and natural consequences; technical control without adequate ethical reflection; an elision of means and ends; narrow functionalism, instrumentalism, and techno-rationalism; a pragmatism to the neglect broader view of consequences; and conservative risk aversion. These are some of the occupational hazards of activities that name themselves sciences—social, natural, or applied. In studying the social setting, however, it’s not good enough just to have a rigorous empirical methodology without a critical eye to alternative interests and paradigmatic frames of reference, and without a view to the human-transformational potentials of knowledge work. Humanistic methodologies sometimes address the social in a deliberate counterpoint to science, distancing themselves from the perceived narrownesses of scientific method. This move, however, may at times leave science stranded, separated from its social origins and ends. The natural and technological sciences are themselves more subject to contestation around axes of human interest than the narrow understanding of science seems to be able to comprehend. Whether it be bioethics, or climate change, or the debates around Darwinism and Intelligent Design, or the semantics of computer systems, questions of politics and ideology are bound closely to the ostensible evidence. Faux empiricism is less than adequate to address the more important questions, even in the natural and technological sciences. Science can be found lacking when it is disengaged from the humanistic. 17 Interdisciplinary Social Sciences Scope and Concerns The humanistic, however, has its own occupational hazards: disengaged critique and supercilious inaction without design responsibility; political confrontation without systematic empirical foundation; ideological fractiousness without apparent need for compromise; the agnostic relativism of lived experience and identity-driven voice; voluntarism that leads to a naive lack of pragmatism and failure in application. A reconstructive view of the social, natural, and applied sciences would be holistic, attempting always to avoid the occlusions of narrow methodological approaches. It would also be ambitious, intellectually and practically. In this context, the Interdisciplinary Social Sciences Knowledge Community pursues two aspirations, two openings. The first is an intellectual opening, founded on an agenda designed to strengthen the theories, the research methodologies, the epistemologies, and the practices of teaching and learning about the social world and the relation of the social to the natural world. The second opening is pragmatic and inventive. All intellectual work is an act of imagination. At its best, it is ambitious, risky, and transformative. If the natural sciences can have human ambitions as big as those of the medical sciences—the fight against MS or cancer or Alzheimer’s, for instance—then the social sciences can have ambitions as large as to settle the relation of humans to the natural environment, the material conditions of human equality, and the character of the future person. 18 Interdisciplinary Social Sciences Community Membership About The Interdisciplinary Social Sciences knowledge community is dedicated to the concept of independent, peer-led groups of scholars, researchers, and practitioners working together to build bodies of knowledge related to topics of critical importance to society at large. Focusing on the intersection of academia and social impact, the Interdisciplinary Social Sciences Knowledge Community brings an interdisciplinary, international perspective to discussions of new developments in the field, including research, practice, policy, and teaching. Membership Benefits As an Interdisciplinary Social Sciences Knowledge Community member you have access to a broad range of tools and resources to use in your own work: • Digital subscription to The Social Sciences Collection for one year. • Digital subscription to the book series for one year. • One article publication per year (pending peer review). • Participation as a reviewer in the peer review process, with the opportunity to be listed as an Associate Editor after reviewing three or more articles. • Subscription to the community e-newsletter, providing access to news and announcements for and from the knowledge community. • Option to add a video presentation to the community YouTube channel. • Free access to the Scholar social knowledge platform, including: ◊ Personal profile and publication portfolio page; ◊ Ability to interact and form communities with peers away from the clutter and commercialism of other social media; ◊ Optional feeds to Facebook and Twitter; ◊ Complimentary use of Scholar in your classes—for class interactions in its Community space, multimodal student writing in its Creator space, and managing student peer review, assessment, and sharing of published work. 19 Interdisciplinary Social Sciences Engage in the Community Present and Participate in the Conference You have already begun your engagement in the community by attending the conference, presenting your work, and interacting face-to-face with other members. We hope this experience provides a www.facebook.com/ TheSocialSciences.cg valuable source of feedback for your current work and the possible seeds for future individual and collaborative projects, as well as the start of a conversation with community colleagues that will continue well into the future. @thesocsciences #CGSocSci Publish Journal Articles or Books We encourage you to submit an article for review and possible publication in the journal. In this way, you may share the finished outcome of your presentation with other participants and members of the community. As a member of the community, you will also be invited to review others’ work and contribute to the development of the community knowledge base as an Associate Editor. As part of your active membership in the community, you also have online access to the complete works (current and previous volumes) of journal and to the book series. We also invite you to consider submitting a proposal for the book series. Engage through Social Media There are several ways to connect and network with community colleagues: Email Newsletters: Published monthly, these contain information on the conference and publishing, along with news of interest to the community. Contribute news or links with a subject line ‘Email Newsletter Suggestion’ to [email protected]. Scholar: Common Ground’s path-breaking platform that connects academic peers from around the world in a space that is modulated for serious discourse and the presentation of knowledge works. To learn more about Scholar, visit the end of the program. Facebook: Comment on current news, view photos from the conference, and take advantage of special benefits for community members at: http://www.facebook.com/TheSocialSciences.cg Twitter: Follow the community @thesocsciences and talk about the conference with #CGSocSci YouTube Channel: View online presentations or contribute your own at http:// thesocialsciences.com/the-conference/types-of-conference-sessions/online-presentations. 20 Interdisciplinary Social Sciences Advisory Board The principal role of the Advisory Board is to drive the overall intellectual direction of the Interdisciplinary Social Sciences Knowledge Community and to consult on our foundational themes as they evolve along with the currents of the community. Board members are invited to attend the annual conference with a complimentary registration and provide important insights on conference development, including suggestions for speakers, venues, and special themes. We also encourage board members to submit articles for publication consideration to The Social Sciences Collection as well as proposals or completed manuscripts to Social Sciences Books. The Interdisciplinary Social Sciences Knowledge Community is grateful for the continued service and support of the following world-class scholars and practitioners. • Patrick Baert, Selwyn College, Cambridge University, Cambridge, UK • Andreja Bubic, University of Split, Split, Croatia • Norma Burgess, Syracuse University, Syracuse, USA • Hillel Goelman, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, Canada • Peter Harvey, Flinders University, Adelaide, South Australia • Vangelis Intzidis, University of the Aegean, Rhodes, Greece • Paul James, University of Western Sydney, Sydney, Australia • Ivana Batarelo Kokic, University of Split, Split, Croatia • Gerassimos Kouzelis, University of Athens, Athens, Greece • Alexandros-Andreas Kyrtsis, University of Athens, Athens, Greece • Massimo Leone, University of Turin, Turin, Italy • José Luis Ortega Martín, Universidad de Granada, Granada, Spain • Francisco Fernandez Palomares, Universidad de Granada, Granada, Spain • Constantine D. Skordoulis, University of Athens, Athens, Greece • Sanja Stanic, University of Split, Split, Croatia 21 Interdisciplinary Social Sciences Local Committee 2015 Local Organizing Committee - University of Split Scientific Board (Faculty of Philosophy) SANJA STANIĆ, Associate Professor, Department of Sociology MARIJA LONČAR, Assistant Professor, Department of Sociology ZORANA ŠULJUG VUČICA, Assistant Professor, Department of Sociology RENATA RELJA, Associate Professor, Department of Sociology IVANKA BUZOV, Assistant, Department of Sociology GORANA BANDALOVIĆ, Assistant, Department of Sociology JOŠKO BOŽANIĆ, Full Professor, Department of Croatian Language and Literature ANDREJA BUBIĆ, Assistant Professor, Department of Psychology INA REIĆ ERCEGOVAC, Assistant Professor, Department of Psychology GORAN KARDUM, Associate Professor, Department of Psychology IVANA BATARELO KOKIĆ, Associate Professor, Department of Pedagogy MAJA LJUBETIĆ, Associate Professor, Department of Pedagogy MARITA BRČIĆ KULJIŠ, Assistant Professor, Department of Philosophy Organizational Board (Faculty of Philosophy) JOŠKO BOŽANIĆ, Full Professor, Department of Croatian Language and Literature SANJA STANIĆ, Associate Professor, Department of Sociology ZORANA ŠULJUG VUČICA, Assistant Professor, Department of Sociology MARIJA LONČAR, Assistant Professor, Department of Sociology IVANKA BUZOV, Assistant Professor, Department of Sociology GORANA BANDALOVIĆ, Assistant Professor, Department of Sociology VLAHO KOVAČEVIĆ, Assistant Professor, Department of Sociology MARINA MARASOVIĆ ALUJEVIĆ, Full Professor, Department of Italian Language and Literature ANTONELA PIVAC, Assistant Professor, Department of Italian Language and Literature GORDANA GALIĆ KAKKONEN, Assistant Professor, Department of Croatian Language and Literature ENI BULJUBAŠIĆ, Department of Croatian Language and Literature EMIL KUŠAN, Assistant, Department of Philosophy JELENA NOVAKOVIĆ, Conference Coordinator MARIN SPETIĆ, Student Coordinator, Department of Sociology 22 A Social Knowledge Platform Create Your Academic Profile and Connect to Peers Developed by our brilliant Common Ground software team, Scholar connects academic peers from around the world in a space that is modulated for serious discourse and the presentation of knowledge works. Utilize Your Free Scholar Membership Today through • Building your academic profile and list of published works. • Joining a community with a thematic or disciplinary focus. • Establishing a new knowledge community relevant to your field. • Creating new academic work in our innovative publishing space. • Building a peer review network around your work or courses. Scholar Quick Start Guide 1. Navigate to http://cgscholar.com. Select [Sign Up] below ‘Create an Account’. 2. Enter a “blip” (a very brief one-sentence description of yourself). 3. Click on the “Find and join communities” link located under the YOUR COMMUNITIES heading (On the left hand navigation bar). 4. Search for a community to join or create your own. Scholar Next Steps – Build Your Academic Profile • About: Include information about yourself, including a linked CV in the top, dark blue bar. • Interests: Create searchable information so others with similar interests can locate you. • Peers: Invite others to connect as a peer and keep up with their work. • Shares: Make your page a comprehensive portfolio of your work by adding publications in the Shares area - be these full text copies of works in cases where you have permission, or a link to a bookstore, library or publisher listing. If you choose Common Ground’s hybrid open access option, you may post the final version of your work here, available to anyone on the web if you select the ‘make my site public’ option. • Image: Add a photograph of yourself to this page; hover over the avatar and click the pencil/edit icon to select. • Publisher: All Common Ground community members have free access to our peer review space for their courses. Here they can arrange for students to write multimodal essays or reports in the Creator space (including image, video, audio, dataset or any other file), manage student peer review, co-ordinate assessments, and share students’ works by publishing them to the Community space. 23 A Digital Learning Platform Use Scholar to Support Your Teaching Scholar is a social knowledge platform that transforms the patterns of interaction in learning by putting students first, positioning them as knowledge producers instead of passive knowledge consumers. Scholar provides scaffolding to encourage making and sharing knowledge drawing from multiple sources rather than memorizing knowledge that has been presented to them. Scholar also answers one of the most fundamental questions students and instructors have of their performance, “How am I doing?” Typical modes of assessment often answer this question either too late to matter or in a way that is not clear or comprehensive enough to meaningfully contribute to better performance. A collaborative research and development project between Common Ground and the College of Education at the University of Illinois, Scholar contains a knowledge community space, a multimedia web writing space, a formative assessment environment that facilitates peer review, and a dashboard with aggregated machine and human formative and summative writing assessment data. The following Scholar features are only available to Common Ground Knowledge Community members as part of their membership. Please email us at [email protected] if you would like the complimentary educator account that comes with participation in a Common Ground conference. • Create projects for groups of students, involving draft, peer review, revision and publication. • Publish student works to each student’s personal portfolio space, accessible through the web for class discussion. • Create and distribute surveys. • Evaluate student work using a variety of measures in the assessment dashboard. Scholar is a generation beyond learning management systems. It is what we term a Digital Learning Platform— it transforms learning by engaging students in powerfully horizontal “social knowledge” relationships. For more information, visit: http://knowledge.cgscholar.com. 24 The Social Sciences Collection Committed to being a definitive intellectual resource on emerging trends in disciplinary and interdisciplinary approaches to knowledge creation within and across the various social sciences and between the social and the natural and applied sciences… Interdisciplinary Social Sciences Collection of Journals About The Social Sciences Collection aims to examine the nature of disciplinary practices and the interdisciplinary practices that arise in the context of “real-world” applications. It also interrogates Indexing Academic Search Alumni Edition Academic Search Complete Academic Search Elite Academic Search Index Academic Search Premier Biography Reference Bank Cabell’s OmniFile Full Text Mega OmniFile Full Text Select Scopus The Australian Research Council (ERA) Ulrich’s Periodicals Directory what constitutes “science” in a social context, and the connections between the social and other sciences. The journals in this collection discuss the distinctive disciplinary practices within the sciences of the social and examine examples of these practices. In order to define and exemplify disciplinarity, the collection fosters dialogue ranging from the broad and speculative to the microcosmic and practical. In considering the varied interdisciplinary, transdisciplinary, or multidisciplinary work across and between the social, natural, and applied sciences, the journals in this collection showcase interdisciplinary practices in action. The focus of papers ranges from the finely grained and empirical, to wide-ranging multidisciplinary and trans-disciplinary practices, to perspectives on knowledge and method. Collection Editor Founded: Gerassimos Kouzelis, Department of Political Science and Public Administration Publication Frequency: University of Athens, Athens, Greece 2006 Quarterly (March, June, September, December) Community Website: thesocialsciences.com Bookstore: iji.cgpublisher.com Associate Editors Articles published in the Social Sciences Collection are peer reviewed by scholars who are active members of the Social Sciences knowledge community. Reviewers may be past or present conference delegates, fellow submitters to the collection, or scholars who have volunteered to review papers (and have been screened by Common Ground’s editorial team). This engagement with the knowledge community, as well as Common Ground’s synergistic and criterion-based evaluation system, distinguishes the peer review process from journals that have a more top-down approach to refereeing. Reviewers are assigned to papers based on their academic interests and scholarly expertise. In recognition of the valuable feedback and publication recommendations that they provide, reviewers are acknowledged as Associate Editors in the volume that includes the paper(s) they reviewed. Thus, in addition to the Social Sciences Collection’s Editors and Advisory Board, the Associate Editors contribute significantly to the overall editorial quality and content of the collection. 27 Interdisciplinary Social Sciences Collection Titles The International Journal of Interdisciplinary Social Sciences: Annual Review ISSN: 1833-1882 (print) Indexing: Academic Search Alumni Edition, Academic Search Complete, Academic Search Elite, Academic Search Index, Academic Search International, Academic Search Premier, Cabell’s, OmniFile Full Text Mega, OmniFile Full Text Select, Scopus, The Australian Research Council (ERA),Ulrich’s Periodicals Directory About: The International Journal of Interdisciplinary Social Sciences: Annual Review examines the nature of disciplinary practices and the interdisciplinary practices that arise in the context of “real world” applications. It also interrogates what constitutes “science” in a social context, and the connections between the social and other sciences. The International Journal of Interdisciplinary Civic and Political Studies ISSN: 2327-0071 (print) | 2327-2481 (online) Indexing: Cabell’s, Political Science Complete, Scopus, Ulrich’s Periodicals Directory About: The International Journal of Interdisciplinary Civic and Political Studies investigates the processes of governance and the nature of citizenship and invites case studies that take the form of presentations of practice, including the documentation of socially-engaged practices and exegeses analyzing the effect of those practices. The International Journal of Interdisciplinary Cultural Studies ISSN: 2327-008X (print) | 2327-2554 (online) Indexing: Cabell’s, Scopus, Ulrich’s Periodicals Directory About: The International Journal of Interdisciplinary Cultural Studies explores and exemplifies disciplinary and interdisciplinary practices in the study of human cultures and cultural interactions. The International Journal of Interdisciplinary Educational Studies ISSN: 2327-011X (print) | 2327-2570 (online) Indexing: Cabell’s, Education Source, Scopus, Ulrich’s Periodicals Directory About: The International Journal of Interdisciplinary Educational Studies explores the processes of learning about the social and social learning. The International Journal of Interdisciplinary Environmental Studies ISSN: 2329-1621 (print) | 2329-1559 (online) Indexing: Cabell’s, Environment Complete, Environment Index, Scopus, Sustainability Reference Center, Ulrich’s Periodicals Directory About: The International Journal of Interdisciplinary Environmental Studies offers social sciencebased interpretations and interdisciplinary explorations of the connections between human and natural environments. iji.cgpublisher.com 28 Interdisciplinary Social Sciences Collection Titles The International Journal of Interdisciplinary Global Studies ISSN: 2324-755X (print) | 2324-7568 (online) Indexing: Academic Search Index, Academic Search International, Cabell’s, Scopus, Ulrich’s Periodicals Directory About: The International Journal of Interdisciplinary Global Studies investigates the dynamics of globalization and the transformation of the local. The International Journal of Interdisciplinary Organizational Studies ISSN: 2324-7649 (print) | 2324-7657 (online) Indexing: Business Source Corporate Plus, Business Source Index, Business Source International, Cabell’s, Scopus, Ulrich’s Periodicals Directory About: The International Journal of Interdisciplinary Organizational Studies explores the social dynamics of public, community, and privately owned organizations. The International Journal of Interdisciplinary Social and Community Studies ISSN: 2324-7576 (print) | 2324-7584 (online) Indexing: Cabell’s, Scopus, SocINDEX, Sociology Source International, Ulrich’s Periodicals Directory About: The International Journal of Interdisciplinary Social and Community Studies presents studies of society that exemplify the disciplinary and interdisciplinary practices of the social sciences. The International Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies in Communication ISSN: 2324-7320 (print) | 2324-7517 (online) Indexing: Cabell’s, Communication Source, Scopus, Ulrich’s Periodicals Directory About: The International Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies in Communication offers social science-based interpretations and interdisciplinary explorations of the representation and communication of human meanings. iji.cgpublisher.com 29 Interdisciplinary Social Sciences Submission Process Journal Collection Submission Process and Timeline Below, please find step-by-step instructions on the journal article submission process: 1. Submit a conference presentation proposal. 2. Once your conference presentation proposal has been accepted, you may submit your article by clicking the “Add a Paper” button on the right side of your proposal page. You may upload your article anytime between the first and the final submission deadlines. (See dates below) 3. Once your article is received, it is verified against template and submission requirements. If your article satisfies these requirements, your identity and contact details are then removed, and the article is matched to two appropriate referees and sent for review. You can view the status of your article at any time by logging into your CGPublisher account at www. CGPublisher.com. 4. When both referee reports are uploaded, and after the referees’ identities have been removed, you will be notified by email and provided with a link to view the reports. 5. If your article has been accepted, you will be asked to accept the Publishing Agreement and submit a final copy of your article. If your paper is accepted with revisions, you will be required to submit a change note with your final submission, explaining how you revised your article in light of the referees’ comments. If your article is rejected, you may resubmit it once, with a detailed change note, for review by new referees. 6. Once we have received the final submission of your article, which was accepted or accepted with revisions, our Publishing Department will give your article a final review. This final review will verify that you have complied with the Chicago Manual of Style (16th edition), and will check any edits you have made while considering the feedback of your referees. After this review has been satisfactorily completed, your paper will be typeset and a proof will be sent to you for approval before publication. 7. Individual articles may be published “Web First” with a full citation. Full issues follow at regular, quarterly intervals. All issues are published 4 times per volume (except the annual review, which is published once per volume). Submission Timeline You may submit your article for publication to the journal at any time throughout the year. The rolling submission deadlines are as follows: • Submission Round 1 – 15 January • Submission Round 2 – 15 April • Submission Round 3 – 15 July • Submission Round 4 (final) – 15 October Note: If your article is submitted after the final deadline for the volume, it will be considered for the following year’s volume. The sooner you submit, the sooner your article will begin the peer review process. Also, because we publish “Web First,” early submission means that your article may be published with a full citation as soon as it is ready, even if that is before the full issue is published. 30 Interdisciplinary Social Sciences Common Ground Open Hybrid Open Access All Common Ground Journals are Hybrid Open Access. Hybrid Open Access is an option increasingly offered by both university presses and well-known commercial publishers. Hybrid Open Access means some articles are available only to subscribers, while others are made available at no charge to anyone searching the web. Authors pay an additional fee for the open access option. Authors may do this because open access is a requirement of their research-funding agency, or they may do this so non-subscribers can access their article for free. Common Ground’s open access charge is $250 per article–a very reasonable price compared to our hybrid open access competitors and purely open access journals resourced with an author publication fee. Digital articles are normally only available through individual or institutional subscriptions or for purchase at $5 per article. However, if you choose to make your article Open Access, this means anyone on the web may download it for free. Paying subscribers still receive considerable benefits with access to all articles in the journal, from both current and past volumes, without any restrictions. However, making your paper available at no charge through Open Access increases its visibility, accessibility, potential readership, and citation counts. Open Access articles also generate higher citation counts. Institutional Open Access Common Ground is proud to announce an exciting new model of scholarly publishing called Institutional Open Access. Institutional Open Access allows faculty and graduate students to submit articles to Common Ground journals for unrestricted open access publication. These articles will be freely and publicly available to the whole world through our hybrid open access infrastructure. With Institutional Open Access, instead of the author paying a per-article open access fee, institutions pay a set annual fee that entitles their students and faculty to publish a given number of open access articles each year. The rights to the articles remain with the subscribing institution. Both the author and the institution can also share the final typeset version of the article in any place they wish, including institutional repositories, personal websites, and privately or publicly accessible course materials. We support the highest Sherpa/Romeo access level—Green. For more information on how to make your article Open Access, or information on Institutional Open Access, please contact us at [email protected]. 31 Interdisciplinary Social Sciences Journal Awards International Award for Excellence The Social Sciences Collection presents an annual International Award for Excellence for new research or thinking in the area of the social sciences. All articles submitted for publication in the Social Sciences Collection are entered into consideration for this award. The review committee for the award is selected from the International Advisory Board for the collection and the annual Social Sciences Conference. The committee selects the winning article from the highest-ranked articles emerging from the review process and according to the selection criteria outlined in the reviewer guidelines. This Year’s Award Winner Dr. Olga Achón Rodríguez, Universitat de Barcelona, Spain For the Article “Migratory Fluxes and the Concentration of Foreign Manpower” Abstract Once the model of family farming was substituted by an industrial agricultural system of production based on hired labor, the agricultural catalonian (Spain) union Unió de Pagesos, with the consent of the State, reinvented itself as a provider of services related to the acquisition of manpower through a recruitment and supply system. The State’s migration polity is responsible for the emergence of such a system, and we can trace its origin in the symbiotic relationship between the State and the Union, whose interests- social control of the foreign worker and the just-in-time delivery of labor- are harmonized in it. In the lodgement, a transformation is intended through different devices -lodgment regulations, the presence of personnel in charge of the facilities, a visit regime, and exit permissions, among others- close to other institutions, as labor camps, where individuality is tamed through subordination to a dominating power in order to create a new subject. 32 Interdisciplinary Social Sciences Subscriptions and Access Community Membership and Personal Subscriptions As part of each conference registration, all conference participants (both virtual and in-person) have a one-year digital subscription to the entire Social Sciences Collection. This complimentary personal subscription grants access to both the current volume of the collection as well as the entire backlist. The period of complimentary access begins at the time of registration and ends one year after the close of the conference. After that time, delegates may purchase a personal subscription. To view articles, go to http://iji.cgpublisher.com/. Select the “Login” option and provide a CGPublisher username and password. Then, select an article and download the PDF. For lost or forgotten login details, select “forgot your login” to request a new password. Journal Subscriptions Common Ground offers print and digital subscriptions to all of its journals. Subscriptions are available to the full Social Sciences Collection, individual journals within the collection, and to custom suites based on a given institution’s unique content needs. Subscription prices are based on a tiered scale that corresponds to the full-time enrollment (FTE) of the subscribing institution. For more information, please visit: • http://thesocialsciences.com/publications/journal/subscriptions-and-orders • Or contact us at [email protected] Library Recommendations Download the Library Recommendation form from our website to recommend that your institution subscribe to the Social Sciences Collection: http://thesocialsciences.com/publications/journal/library-recommendation. 33 Social Sciences Books Aiming to set new standards in participatory knowledge creation and scholarly publication… Interdisciplinary Social Sciences Books Call for Books Common Ground is setting new standards of rigorous academic knowledge creation and scholarly publication. Unlike other publishers, we’re not interested in the size of potential markets or competition from other books. We’re only interested in the intellectual quality of the work. If your book is a brilliant contribution to a specialist area of knowledge that only serves a small intellectual community, we still want to publish it. If it is expansive and has a broad appeal, we want to publish it too, but only if it is of the highest intellectual quality. We welcome proposals or completed manuscript submissions of: • Individually and jointly authored books • Edited collections addressing a clear, intellectually challenging theme • Collections of articles published in our journals • Out-of-copyright books, including important books that have gone out of print and classics with new introductions Book Proposal Guidelines Books should be between 30,000 and 150,000 words in length. They are published simultaneously in print and electronic formats and are available through Amazon and as Kindle editions. To publish a book, please send us a proposal including: • Title • Author(s)/editor(s) • Draft back-cover blurb • Author bio note(s) • Table of contents • Intended audience and significance of contribution • Sample chapters or complete manuscript • Manuscript submission date Proposals can be submitted by email to [email protected]. Please note the book imprint to which you are submitting in the subject line. 37 Interdisciplinary Social Sciences Books Call for Book Reviewers Common Ground Publishing is seeking distinguished peer reviewers to evaluate book manuscripts. As part of our commitment to intellectual excellence and a rigorous review process, Common Ground sends book manuscripts that have received initial editorial approval to peer reviewers to further evaluate and provide constructive feedback. The comments and guidance that these reviewers supply is invaluable to our authors and an essential part of the publication process. Common Ground recognizes the important role of reviewers by acknowledging book reviewers as members of the Editorial Review Board for a period of at least one year. The list of members of the Editorial Review Board will be posted on our website. If you would like to review book manuscripts, please send an email to [email protected] with: • A brief description of your professional credentials • A list of your areas of interest and expertise • A copy of your CV with current contact details If we feel that you are qualified and we require refereeing for manuscripts within your purview, we will contact you. 38 Interdisciplinary Social Sciences Books Democracy and Democratization in Africa Lembe M. Tiky Unlike other studies of democracy and democratization in Africa that start the investigation with postcolonial developments, this book is a comprehensive study that investigates political developments in African colonial and postcolonial states. The research finds that centralized and decentralized African states designed and implemented democratic institutions hundreds of years before they were ultimately defeated by European powers. This argument turns upside down the conventional view that the birth place of democracy is the ancient city-state of Athens; it shows that democracy emerged in Africa and later spread in Greece. Moreover, the book proposes an original theory of democratization that discusses the conditions of the emergence of democracy in the context of precolonial Africa. Analyzing politics in contemporary African states, the study draws a sharp dichotomic line between ISBN—978-1-61229-410-0 118 Pages Community Website: thesocialsciences.com Bookstore: thesocialsciences. cgpublisher.com democracy and dictatorship and proposes a classification and ranking of these two types of political regimes in Africa. Looking ahead, this work also discusses and proposes answers to some of the most important issues regarding the building of democratic regimes in contemporary African states. The methodological strategy adopted by this project is that of triangulation: comparative historical analysis, theoretical and empirical analyses contribute to provide a comprehensive explanation of democratic development in both pre- and postcolonial African states. Author Bio: Lembe Tiky, Ph.D., teaches international relations and comparative politics courses at the University of Connecticut and is an associate of the John Goodwin Tower Center for Political Studies, Southern Methodist University. His research interests include topics such as democratic theory, democratization, development, human rights, security issues, and foreign relations. Dr. Tiky received his B.A. from the University of Yaoundé in Cameroon, his M.A. from the American University in Washington, DC, and his Ph.D. from the University of Texas at Dallas. Prior to moving to the United States, he worked as a journalist and traveled extensively in the continent of Africa to cover political developments; he has published op-ed articles in numerous media outlets, including Slate Afrique and Njangui Press. 39 Interdisciplinary Social Sciences Books The Social Mind: Language, Ideology, and Social Practice James Paul Gee The Social Mind was first published in 1990. It was meant to show that there was no conflict between sociocultural views of language, learning, and thinking and new psychological views of the mind/ brain. Neural network approaches to the mind argue that the mind is furnished by an unbelievably large network of neural associations. These associations are based on our lived experiences, which are different for all of us. It is our social and cultural affiliations that shape and mentor our experiences so that we can share, collaborate, and communicate in terms of a social mind that we all partially share and nonetheless also contribute to in unique ways. The book still stands as a leading statement of how work on situated and embodied cognition leads us to, and contributes to, sociocultural theories of language and learning. ISBN—978-1-61229-368-4 129 Pages Community Website: thesocialsciences.com Bookstore: thesocialsciences. cgpublisher.com 40 Author Bio: James Paul Gee is the Mary Lou Fulton Presidential Professor and Regents’ Professor of literacy studies at Arizona State University. He is a member of the National Academy of Education. His books include: Social Linguistics and Literacies (Fourth Edition 2011); An Introduction to Discourse Analysis (Third Edition 2011); What Video Games Have to Teach Us about Learning and Literacy (Second Edition 2007); How to Do Discourse Analysis (2011); Women and Gaming: The Sims and 21st Century Learning (2010) and Language and Learning in the Digital Age (2011), both written with Elizabeth Hayes. Interdisciplinary Social Sciences Books Health and Human Rights in Ghana: The Political and Economic Aspect of Health Care Isidore Bonabom Many of the people who can afford to pay for health care travel outside Ghana for medical care when they are faced with serious health problems. Public health care should not be about affluence; it is a human rights issue. This inevitable link between health and human rights is sometimes overlooked in the national discourses about public health and individual access to health care. This book examines the domestic legislation on the public health care system in Ghana. The analysis is situated within the provisions of international human rights treaties, the medium-to long-term consequences of some economic policies, the role of the traditional medicine system in public health care, the silent epidemic of the hepatitis B virus (HBV), and the human rights question in an age of HIV/AIDS in the country. State responsibility to respect, protect, and fulfil the right to health translates to many responsibilities for the citizens, not the least of which is providing the framework for good health delivery. ISBN—978-1-61229-470-4 104 Pages Community Website: thesocialsciences.com Bookstore: thesocialsciences. cgpublisher.com Author Bio: Isidore Bonabom is a Jesuit priest from Ghana and a research fellow in the Faculty of Law, University of Cape Coast. He holds postgraduate degrees in law and human rights from the London School of Economics (LSE) as well as a Ph.D. from the University of Sussex. His areas of special interest include rights-based approaches to law and policy-making, the construction of ‘the human being’ in international human rights law, and women’s rights in sub-Saharan Africa. He is the author of several articles on human rights and of two book chapters in Preserving the Universality of Human Rights (Libreria Editrice Vaticana, 2012) and AIDS: 30 Years Down the Line (Paulines Publications Africa, 2013). 41 The Social Sciences Conference Discussing and examining key issues in the social sciences, and building face-to-face relationships with leading and emerging scholars from the field that represent a broad range of disciplines and perspectives… Interdisciplinary Social Sciences About the Conference Conference History Founded in 2006, the International Conference on Interdisciplinary Social Sciences examines the nature of disciplinary practices in the study of society, and the interdisciplinary practices that arise in the context of ‘real world’ applications of social research and theory. It also interrogates what constitutes ‘science’ in a social context, and the connections between the social and other sciences. The focus of papers ranges from the finely grained and empirical (research practices and results exemplifying one or more disciplines), to wide-ranging multi-disciplinary and trans-disciplinary perspectives on knowledge and method. The International Conference on Interdisciplinary Social Sciences is built upon four key features: Internationalism, Interdisciplinarity, Inclusiveness, and Interaction. Conference delegates include leaders in the field as well as emerging scholars, who travel to the conference from all corners of the globe and represent a broad range of disciplines and perspectives. A variety of presentation options and session types offer delegates multiple opportunities to engage, to discuss key issues in the field, and to build relationships with scholars from other cultures and disciplines. Past Conferences • 2006 - University of the Aegean, Rhodes, Greece • 2007 - University of Granada, Granada, Spain • 2008 - Monash University Centre, Prato, Tuscany, Italy • 2009 - University of Athens, Athens, Greece • 2010 - University of Cambridge, Cambridge, UK • 2011 - University of New Orleans, New Orleans, USA • 2012 - Universidad Abat Oliba CEU in Barcelona, Spain • 2013 - Charles University’s Faculty of Social Sciences in Prague, Czech Republic • 2014 - University of British Columbia, Vancouver, Canada 45 Interdisciplinary Social Sciences About the Conference Plenary Speaker Highlights The International Conference on Interdisciplinary Social Sciences has a rich history of featuring leading and emerging voices from the field, including: • Patrick Baert, Selwyn College, Cambridge, UK (2006, 2010) • David Barton, Lancaster University, Lancaster, UK (2006) • Robin Blackburn, The New School for Social Research, New York City, USA (2007) • Leela Fernandes, Rutgers University, New Brunswick, USA (2008) • Sir Jack Goody, St John’s College, Cambridge, UK (2010) • Rom Harré, Georgetown University, Washington DC, USA (2010) • Gerassimos Kouzelis, The National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, Athens, Greece (2009) • Alena Křížková, Institute of Sociology of the Czech Academy of Sciences, Prague, Czech Republic (2013) • Juliet Mitchell, Jesus College, Cambridge, UK (2010) • Jan Nederveen Pieterse, University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign. USA, (2007) • Maria Pournari, University of Ioannina, Ioannina, Greece (2009) • Monica Edwards Schachter, Spanish National Research Council, Madrid, Spain (2012) Past Partners The International Conference on Interdisciplinary Social Sciences has had the pleasure of working with the following organizations: Faculty of Social Sciences Globalism Institute Universidad Abat Oliba CEU Charles University in Prague RMIT University Barcelona, Spain (2012) Prague, Czech Republic (2013) Melbourne, Australia (2006 – 2008) University of the Aegean University of Granada School of Law, Economics and Rhodes, Greece (2006) Granada, Spain (2007) Political Sciences The National and Kapodistrian University of Athens Athens, Greece (2009) 46 Interdisciplinary Social Sciences About the Conference Conference Principles & Features The structure of the conference is based on four core principles that pervade all aspects of the knowledge community: International This conference travels around the world to provide opportunities for delegates to see and experience different countries and locations. But more importantly, the Interdisciplinary Social Sciences Conference offers a tangible and meaningful opportunity to engage with scholars from a diversity of cultures and perspectives. This year, delegates from over 39 countries are in attendance, offering a unique and unparalleled opportunity to engage directly with colleagues from all corners of the globe. Interdisciplinary Unlike association conferences attended by delegates with similar backgrounds and specialties, this conference brings together researchers, practitioners, and scholars from a wide range of disciplines who have a shared interest in the themes and concerns of this community. As a result, topics are broached from a variety of perspectives, interdisciplinary methods are applauded, and mutual respect and collaboration are encouraged. Inclusive Anyone whose scholarly work is sound and relevant is welcome to participate in this community and conference, regardless of discipline, culture, institution, or career path. Whether an emeritus professor, graduate student, researcher, teacher, policymaker, practitioner, or administrator, your work and your voice can contribute to the collective body of knowledge that is created and shared by this community. Interactive To take full advantage of the rich diversity of cultures, backgrounds, and perspectives represented at the conference, there must be ample opportunities to speak, listen, engage, and interact. A variety of session formats, from more to less structured, are offered throughout the conference to provide these opportunities. 47 Interdisciplinary Social Sciences Ways of Speaking Plenary Plenary speakers, chosen from among the world’s leading thinkers, offer formal presentations on topics of broad interest to the community and conference delegation. One or more speakers are scheduled into a plenary session, most often the first session of the day. As a general rule, there are no questions or discussion during these sessions. Instead, plenary speakers answer questions and participate in informal, extended discussions during their Garden Sessions. Garden Conversation Garden Conversations are informal, unstructured sessions that allow delegates a chance to meet plenary speakers and talk with them at length about the issues arising from their presentation. When the venue and weather allow, we try to arrange for a circle of chairs to be placed outdoors. Talking Circles Held on the first day of the conference, Talking Circles offer an early opportunity to meet other delegates with similar interests and concerns. Delegates self-select into groups based on broad thematic areas and then engage in extended discussion about the issues and concerns they feel are of utmost importance to that segment of the community. Questions like “Who are we?”, ”What is our common ground?”, “What are the current challenges facing society in this area?”, “What challenges do we face in constructing knowledge and effecting meaningful change in this area?” may guide the conversation. When possible, a second Talking Circle is held on the final day of the conference, for the original group to reconvene and discuss changes in their perspectives and understandings as a result of the conference experience. Reports from the Talking Circles provide a framework for the delegates’ final discussions during the Closing Session. Themed Paper Presentations Paper presentations are grouped by general themes or topics into sessions comprised of three or four presentations followed by group discussion. Each presenter in the session makes a formal twentyminute presentation of their work; Q&A and group discussion follow after all have presented. Session Chairs introduce the speakers, keep time on the presentations, and facilitate the discussion. Each presenter’s formal, written paper will be available to participants if accepted to the journal. Colloquium Colloquium sessions are organized by a group of colleagues who wish to present various dimensions of a project or perspectives on an issue. Four or five short formal presentations are followed by commentary and/or group discussion. A single article or multiple articles may be submitted to the journal based on the content of a colloquium session. 48 Interdisciplinary Social Sciences Ways of Speaking Focused Discussion For work that is best discussed or debated, rather than reported on through a formal presentation, these sessions provide a forum for an extended “roundtable” conversation between an author and a small group of interested colleagues. Several such discussions occur simultaneously in a specified area, with each author’s table designated by a number corresponding to the title and topic listed in the program schedule. Summaries of the author’s key ideas, or points of discussion, are used to stimulate and guide the discourse. A single article, based on the scholarly work and informed by the focused discussion as appropriate, may be submitted to the journal. Workshop/Interactive Session Workshop sessions involve extensive interaction between presenters and participants around an idea or hands-on experience of a practice. These sessions may also take the form of a crafted panel, staged conversation, dialogue or debate—all involving substantial interaction with the audience. A single article (jointly authored, if appropriate) may be submitted to the journal based on a workshop session. Poster Sessions Poster sessions present preliminary results of works in progress or projects that lend themselves to visual displays and representations. These sessions allow for engagement in informal discussions about the work with interested delegates throughout the session. 49 Interdisciplinary Social Sciences Daily Schedule Thursday, 11 June 8:00–9:00 Conference Registration Desk Open 9:00–9:20 Conference Opening & Host Remarks—Homer Stavely, Common Ground Publishing, USA 9:20–9:40 University of Split Welcome Address and Ceremony 9:40–10:10 Plenary Session—Dr. Sc. Ivo Josipović, University of Zagreb, Croatia 10:15–10:30 Coffee Break & Transition 10:30–11:15 Talking Circles 11:15–11:25 Transition Break 11:25–13:05 Parallel Sessions 13:05–14:30 Lunch—Held at the Radisson Blu Hotel 14:30–16:10 Parallel Sessions 16:10–16:25 Coffee Break 16:25–17:40 Parallel Sessions Friday, 12 June 8:30–9:00 Conference Registration Desk Open 9:00–9:10 Daily Update—Homer Stavely, Common Ground Publishing, USA 9:10–9:40 Plenary Session—Dr. Sc. Vjeran Katunarić, University of Zadar, Croatia 9:45–10:00 Coffee Break & Transition 10:00–11:40 Parallel Sessions 11:40–13:10 Lunch—Held at the Radisson Blu Hotel 13:10–13:55 Parallel Sessions —Workshops and Poster Session 13:55–14:05 Transition Break 14:05–15:45 Parallel Session 15:45–16:00 Coffee Break 16:00–17:15 Parallel Session 50 Interdisciplinary Social Sciences Daily Schedule Saturday, 13 June 8:30–9:00 Conference Registration Desk Open 9:00–9:10 Common Ground España Daily Update —Ana Quintana, Common Ground España, Spain 9:10–9:40 Spanish Language Plenary Session —Jose Morillo-Velarde Serrano, University of Córdoba, Spain 9:45–10:00 Coffee Break & Transition 10:00–11:40 Parallel Sessions 11:40–13:00 Lunch—Held at the Radisson Blu Hotel 13:00–14:40 Parallel Sessions 14:40–14:50 Transition Break 14:50–16:30 Parallel Sessions 16:30–16:45 Coffee Break 16:45–18:00 Parallel Sessions Sunday, 14 June 8:30–9:00 Conference Registration Desk Open 9:00–9:10 Daily Update—Homer Stavely, Common Ground Publishing, USA 9:10–9:40 Plenary Session—Dr. Sc. Jasminka Lažnjak, President Elect, Croatian Sociological Association, and University of Zagreb, Croatia 9:45–10:00 Coffee Break & Transition 10:00–11:15 Parallel Sessions 11:15–11:25 Transition Break 11:25–12:40 Parallel Session 12:40–13:10 Closing Session— Homer Stavely, Common Ground Publishing, USA Featured Sessions Publishing Your Article or Book with Common Ground Friday, 12 June—13:10-13:55 in Room 5 Sunday, 14 June—10:00-10:45 in Room 6 Dana Modrowski, Community Editor, Common Ground Publishing Description: In this session the Community Editor for the Interdisciplinary Social Sciences Collection will present an overview of Common Ground’s publishing philosophy and practices. She will also offer tips for turning conference papers in to journal articles, present an overview of journal publishing procedures, and provide information on Common Ground’s book proposal submission process. Please feel free to bring questions—the second half of the session will be devoted to Q&A. 51 Interdisciplinary Social Sciences Special Events Pre-conference Tour Wednesday, 10 June Description: Enjoy a walking tour of Croatia’s second largest city and the world-famous site where Emperor Diocletian built his famous retirement palace around 298AD, now a UNESCO World Heritage Site. The palace grounds are still home to more than 3,000 people, and offer an amazing tapestry of almost two thousand years of history. Walk through the medieval streets as the Romans did 18 centuries ago and enjoy impressive sites such as the palace of the great emperor Diocletian with his mausoleum, the cathedral, Peristyle, Golden Gate, Venetian dwellings, and much more. Afterwards spend some free time exploring Riva-Split’s beautiful waterside promenade lined with restaurants, shops and cafes. Pre-conference Registration & Welcome Reception Wednesday, 10 June Description: Due to the size of this great conference, there will be a pre-conference registration and welcome reception on Wednesday evening, 10 June. This is a large conference and, if possible, we invite you to come to this pre-conference registration to avoid potentially long check-in lines on the first morning of the conference. After checking-in, we invite you to join your fellow international colleagues at a pre-conference welcome reception hosted by the University of Split. All delegates are welcome to attend and enjoy complimentary light refreshments. This is an excellent opportunity to connect with and get to know your fellow delegates. Dinner Thursday, 11 June —17:45 Description: Enjoy a visit to a Dalmatian village, an unforgettable experience—return to the past through storytelling and entertainment! Your cordial hosts will welcome you with home-made brandy in the pleasant atmosphere of their homes built in the traditional architecture. Accompanied by Dalmatian music, you will be served with traditional Dalmatian specialties made of fresh, home-grown ingredients. You will have an opportunity to taste Dalmatian smoked ham, cheese and roast meat with potatoes cooked under the bell (“peka”). You can then wash it down with excellent local wine that will help you feel at home. Feel and enjoy aromas and sounds of village life in the Zagora hinterland, arrive as a guest and leave as a friend! *The conference dinner is an optional activity, and prior registration is required to attend. Please visit the registration desk for additional information. 52 Interdisciplinary Social Sciences Plenary Speakers Ivo Josipović “Law, Politics, and Changes in Society: The Case of Croatia” Ivo Josipović, was born in Zagreb on 28 August 1957 where he completed his primary and secondary school. He graduated from the Faculty of Law (1980) and passed his bar examination. He obtained his Master’s degree following his post-graduate studies in Criminal Procedure Law (1985) and his doctoral degree with the thesis “Law on Arrest and Pre-trial Detention in Criminal Procedure Law” (1994) at Zagreb University. He also graduated with a degree in Composition from the Zagreb Music Academy. From 2010 to 2015, Josipović served as President of the Republic Croatia. Prior to his election to the office of the President, he was a university professor, a member of the Croatian Parliament, and a composer. He taught criminal procedure law, international penal law, and misdemeanor law. At the Zagreb Music Academy he taught Harmony. He has published several books and a total of 85 scholarly and expert papers in various journals and magazines in the country and abroad. He has composed some 50 compositions for different ensembles (symphony orchestra, chamber orchestra, soloists) that are performed by eminent Croatian and foreign artists, published as sheet music, or sound storage media. He has received Croatian and international artistic prizes and awards, the Grand Prix of the European Broadcasting Union, and two Porin Croatian Record Awards. For a number of years he served as the director of one of the largest festivals of contemporary music, Music Biennale Zagreb, and Secretary-General of the Croatian Composers’ Society. He has collaborated with a host of Croatian and foreign state, scholarly, university, and artistic institutions (from Germany, USA, Canada, Mongolia, Azerbaijan, Austria, Hungary, Finland, and Italy). As a legal expert he took part in the UN PrepCom for the establishment of the International Criminal Court as well as at the Rome Diplomatic Conference. He was an associateexpert of the Council of Europe for monitoring prison systems in a number of countries. As a legal expert he drafted or co-drafted a number of Croatian legislative bills. He represented Croatia before the International Criminal Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia (ICTY) and the International Court of Justice (ICJ). He is a member of a number of legal and artistic associations both at home and abroad, inter alia, the World Academy of Art and Science, Croatian Law Centre, Croatian Society for European Law, and the Croatian Association for Penal Science and Practice. Josipović’s special fields of interest include: penal law, criminal procedure, misdemeanor, international penal law, war crimes, international courts, human rights, fight against corruption, and organized crime. For his scientific, professional, artistic, and social work Josipović has received a number of domestic, foreign, and international awards, honors, and medals. He is Honorary Doctor of Science, University Immanuel Kant in Kaliningrad and at Istanbul University. He has been awarded the prestigious national and international awards for his work in the field of human rights and ecumenism. The European Council on Tolerance and Reconciliation Commission in Brussels awarded him the medal of the European Tolerance in 2011, and the Foundation Premio Galileo in 2000 from the Florence Galileo 2000 Peace Prize. The regional independent agency, European Association of Managers of Zagreb, awarded him the honor of Best Person of South Eastern and Central Europe in 2011, and Večernji list - B & H Edition, declared him the person of the year in the region for 2010. The Serb National Council awarded him the prize “Svetozar Pribićević’’ for the improvement of Croatian-Serbian relations, and the Association for Religious Freedom in Zagreb recognized him for outstanding commitment in promoting religious freedom and tolerance on the occasion of the World Day of Religious Freedom. The European Movement Croatia and Europe House Zagreb has also conferred him with the European Speech of the Year Award in 2011. 53 Interdisciplinary Social Sciences Plenary Speakers Vjeran Katunarić “A Multidimensional Approach to Contemporary Divergence Between Liberalism and Socialism: Brawl in the Family?” Vjeran Katunarić is a professor in the Department of Sociology at the University of Zadar. In addition to his undergraduate and graduate teaching, he participates in “The Joint International Master of Cultural Sociology” and “The International Joint Doctorate in Sociology of Regional and Local Development.” He has published 14 books and 150 scientific and expert articles in the field of sociology and in related scientific disciplines. He has participated in more than hundred scientific and professional conferences. His areas of research interest are ethnic relations, interculturalism, construction theory, women and society, culture, and development. Katunarić has been a visiting professor at universities in the USA, Sweden, Germany, Greece, Slovenia, and Serbia, and he was the head of two projects on Croatian culture: “The Report on the Cultural Policy of the Republic of Croatia” and “The Strategies of Cultural Development of the Republic of Croatia.” In addition, he was an expert, reporter, and a consultant on cultural policies for the Council of Europe. He received the Danica Medal with the image of Marko Marulić for his merit in culture, awarded by the President of the Republic of Croatia (Annual Award for Science from the Ministry of Science, Education, and Sports of the Republic of Croatia); as well as a “Rudi Supek” acknowledgement from the Croatian Sociological Association for significant achievements, accomplishments, and contributions to the development of sociology and the Croatian Sociological Association. Jasminka Lažnjak “Sociology in The Periphery and the European Model of Science Policy” Jasminka Lažnjak is an associate professor in the Department of Sociology at the University of Zagreb where she teaches the following subjects: society and technology; sociology of work and organization; economic sociology; and introduction to methodology of social sciences. She also holds a masters of arts and doctorate in sociology from the University of Zagreb. Lažnjak’s main areas of research are: science, technology and society studies, innovation policy studies, future of work, women in science and engineering. She has worked on projects dealing with innovation culture, S&T, and innovation policy analysis on a national level, and has participated in several FP7 Science in Society projects (MASIS, MORE II, Open Transparent and Merit Based Recruitment of Researchers), and the WBC INCONET project. She is the evaluator for several internationally referred journals and international scientific projects. She has published 35 scientific papers and participated in over 30 scientific conferences. 54 Interdisciplinary Social Sciences Plenary Speakers Jose Morillo-Velarde Serrano (Spanish-language Plenary Speaker) Publicaciones Científicas De Ciencias Sociales En Español: Problemas De Valoración Jose Morillo-Velarde Serrano holds a degree in Hispanic studies from the University of Córdoba. He is currently the Director of Archives and Biblioltecas CEU and CEUNET. He launched the CEU library network, a network that emphasizes heterogeneity by grouping schools, scientific, specialized libraries, and documentation centers. He was previously the general director of the department of the San Pablo CEU University Foundation. In this role he oversees the coordination of three universities: Universidad San Pablo CEU in Madrid, Universidad CEU Cardenal Herrera, and the Universitat Abat Oliva CEU. In addition, he oversees ten colleges, a tertiary professional training center, and two affiliated public universities in Vigo and Sevilla respectively. He has held positions as a professor in the Faculty of Humanities and Communication Sciences at the Universidad San Pable CEU, and a Biblioltecario at the Universidad de Cordoba. He is the author of a dozen articles and has spoken at numerous national and international conferences. He is also the vice president of the Automation and Digiltal Libraries Users Group, a corresponding academic in Madrid at the Royal Academy of Córdoba, a member of the Universia and Net - Biblo editorial committees, a member of the Advisory Council of Net - Library and Academic Search, and editor of the International Journal of the Book Digitization and Libraries. 55 Interdisciplinary Social Sciences Graduate Scholar Awards The following are the 2015 Graduate Scholar Awardees. Savannah N. Carroll Savannah N. Carroll is a doctoral candidate in the W.E.B. Du Bois Department of Afro-American Studies at the University of Massachusetts Amherst. She has successfully defended her dissertation titled, “Creating the Ideal Mexican: 20th and 21st Century Racial and National Identity Discourses in Oaxaca.” Her research interests include racial and national identity formation in post-revolutionary Mexico, the black image in Mexican popular culture, and intersections of race, gender, and sexuality in Mexico. Carroll has a publication in the Journal of Pan African Studies’ Special Edition on Blacks in Mexico, titled “Nationalizing Racism: Government Sponsored Modernization through Formal and Social Education in Oaxaca, Mexico, 1920s.” Her article, “Somos de Morelos: Race, Place, and Claims to National Identity in Morelos, Oaxaca,” has also been published in the International Journal of Interdisciplinary Civic and Political Studies. Carroll earned two bachelor’s degrees in political science and African American studies from Arizona State University and an MA in Afro-American studies from the University of Massachusetts Amherst. Carroll is currently teaching African American studies and history at the University of Texas at San Antonio. Alejandra Díaz de León Alejandra Díaz de León is a PhD candidate and a CONACyT Scholar in the sociology department of the University of Essex. Before starting the PhD program she worked as a researcher at a non-profit organization that helped migrants in transit through Mexico. She then went on to receive a master’s in human rights from the University of Essex. She is interested in creating quality research that will help advocate for the human rights of Central American transit migrants in Mexico. Her research interests include migration, transit migration, refuge, and human rights. She is currently writing her PhD dissertation in which she studies the resources that migrants in transit use while crossing Mexico and the impact these have on their vulnerability to violence and discrimination. Carla Funk Carla Funk is a doctoral candidate in the social sciences doctoral program at Royal Roads University, Canada. She is investigating the role of privately funded aid in development with a focus on the perspectives of the recipient in Tanzania. Funk has lived and worked in Ethiopia managing a program feeding refugees, in Zimbabwe on food security and education related projects, and in Switzerland for a private family foundation committed to supporting education in southern Africa and Eastern Europe. In B.C. Canada she has provided management and capacity building expertise to environmental, health research, arts, children, and First Nations non-profit organizations. Funk studied at the University of Manitoba earning both a degree and masters from the faculty of agriculture studying plant genetics and agronomy. Tea Gutović Tea Gutović was born in Split, Croatia, in 1992. She enrolled in the Faculty for Humanities and Social Sciences, Research Sociology Department in 2011 and obtained her bachelor’s degree in 2014 with a research paper titled “The Quality of Life of Musicians in Split.” She is currently a master’s degree student in the Research Sociology Department starting on her master’s research paper in the area of cultural ethnography and music. She is currently a second year student in the Faculty of Kinesiology in the Sports Coach Department. In 2009 and 2010 she obtained the Cambridge ESOL Level 1 and Level 2 Certificates (B2 and C1) as well as a degree in Spanish. In 2015, she participated in 56 Interdisciplinary Social Sciences Graduate Scholar Awards the Sustainability Conference in Copenhagen, presenting her co-authored work titled “Attitudes and Behaviors of Youth in Relation to the Environment: Survey Results of Water EYE’s 2012 Project Participants.” In 2014 she also participated in the European project ‘Let’s Study Together’ for the integration of the blind and visually impaired in the educational process and in SEECEL entrepreneurial project. She has been an active volunteer for the last five years, and since 2013 has served as the vice president of ‘Inter nos’, an association for the promotion of science, culture, and civil society. She has been a student demonstrator for three classes in the department of sociology research for the last three years. Her areas of interest are cultural, media, marketing, music and religious studies, ethnography research, and the sociology of sport and culture. Paula Jops Paula Jops is a PhD candidate in sociology at the University of New South Wales in Sydney, Australia. She is an Australian Postgraduate Award recipient and a member of the Gendered Violence Research Network at UNSW. Her current research explores contexts of risk, and self-identified coping mechanisms used by refugee women to address or mitigate risk factors in their pursuit of a livelihood. Her doctoral thesis uses a grounded, qualitative methodology to explore the lived experience of urban refugee women from Burma (primarily from Chin State), who engage in risky livelihoods in Delhi, India. Her work has recently been highlighted in a book chapter she co-authored on interdisciplinary and cross-cultural perspectives to research ethics. Prior to her PhD, Paula was an intern at the United Nations High Commission for Refugees (Geneva) in the community development, gender equality, and children section. She is a dual Australian/American citizen and holds a bachelor of arts from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign and an masters of arts from UNSW. Larisa Lara Larisa Lara Guerrero is a PhD Candidate in migration and development at the Paris Diderot University. She studied international relations at the Monterrey Institute of Technology and higher education in Mexico City and Sciences Po Paris as an undergraduate. She holds an MSc in migration studies from the University of Oxford and a master of arts in conflict, security and development from King’s College London. Larisa has been involved in different migration, development, and security projects at the UNODC, PICUM and the Canadian embassy in Mexico City. Recently, she had the opportunity to work as a security analyst at the Mexican embassy in Paris. Her research currently focuses on emigration policies, the role of diasporas in conflict zones, failed states, and development. Tatiana Sánchez-Parra Tatiana Sánchez-Parra is a PhD Candidate in sociology at the University of Essex (Colciencias scholarship). Her background is in anthropology and she holds a MA in social anthropology from the University of Los Andes, Colombia and a MA in theory and practice of human rights from the University of Essex, England. She worked for more than five years in the field of medical anthropology and public health in Bogotá, Colombia’s capital city, where she focused on processes of enforceability and promotion of the right to health. She has also worked on issues regarding violence, memory, and transitional justice. Her recent masters’ thesis with the title “Children Born as a Consequence of Wartime Sexual Violence: Subverting Structures of Discrimination” is the foundation of her current PhD research, now focused on the case of Colombia and contexts of land restitution. At present, she is interested in processes of reconciliation, gender-based violence, and children’s rights. 57 Interdisciplinary Social Sciences Graduate Scholar Awards Ariel Shangguan Ariel Shangguan is a PhD candidate in international politics at Newcastle University, UK. Her research interest concerns the intersection of politics, education, and translation studies. Her PhD thesis examines the politics of translation in contemporary international relations and its pedagogical implication specifically on Chinese IR education. Prior to her doctorate, Shangguan received her MSc from the London School of Economics, where she was working as a department research intern. She is also a commissioning editor at E-IR, the world’s leading website for scholars and students of international politics. Dominic Hakim Silvio Dominic Hakim Silvio is a PhD candidate at Dalhousie University in the interdisciplinary PhD program. His research interests include accountability, corruption, development, poverty, public opinion, foreign aid policy, public policy, public policy-lobbying, and research methods. He is completing his PhD on the relationship between public opinion and foreign aid policy in Canada. Marin Spetič Marin Spetič was born in Split, Croatia, in 1992. He graduated high school in 2010 and enrolled in the faculty for humanities and social sciences in the department of research sociology at the University of Split in the same year. Spetič finished his baccalaureus studies in 2014 with a research focus titled “Water Footprint of an Individual – The Hidden Dimension of Sustainability.” Currently, he is a master’s student in the department of sociology with interest in the sociology of consumption, sustainability, environmental sociology, and action/evaluation research. He has been a student assistant (demonstrator) for five courses over the previous three academic years, and a student representative in the department council as well as the faculty council. Spetič has conducted research in various areas, with the majority as action research for a local NGO environmental education project (EU youth mobility projects). The remainder of his research has been in the field of sociology of consumption and sustainability. Yin Yanyan Yin Yanyan is currently a PhD candidate in the department of real estate and construction at The University of Hong Kong, China. She graduated with the bachelor of management degree in public administration from Zhejiang University, and meanwhile she has completed the minor courses on law. Her current research takes an interdisciplinary perspective to explore different groups of consumers’ preferences of housing and environment characteristics on the basis of demographic and life-cycle characteristics. Her research interests also include housing policies and land planning. 58 THURSDA HURSDAY Y, 11 JUNE 8:00-9:00 CONFERENCE REGISTRA EGISTRATION TION DESK OPEN 9:00-9:20 CONFERENCE OPENING & HOST REMARKS Homer Stavely, Common Ground Publishing, USA 9:20-9:30 UNIVERSITY OF SPLIT WELCOME ADDRESS AND CEREMONY Dr. Sc. Aleksandar Jakir, Dean of the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences Dr. Sc. Simun Andelinovic, Rector of the University of Split 9:30-9:35 SPLIT-DALMA ALMATIA TIA COUNTY WELCOME ADDRESS 9:35-9:40 CITY OF SPLIT WELCOME ADDRESS 9:40-10:10 PLENAR LENARY Y SESSION Dr. Sc. Ivo Josipovic, University of Zagreb, Croatia "Law, Politics and Changes in Society: The Case of Croatia" 10:15-10:30 COFFEE BREAK & TRANSITION 10:30-11:15 TALKING CIRCLES Room 1: Social and Community Studies -and- Civic and Political Studies Room 2: Cultural Studies -and- Global Studies Room 3: Environmental Studies -and- Organizational Studies Room 4: Educational Studes -and- Communication Room 5: Estudios Sociales y Comunitarios Room 6: Estudios Culturales y Estudios Globales Room 7: Estudios Ambientales y Estudios Organizacionales Room 8: Estudios de la Educacion y Comunicacion 11:15-11:25 TRANSITION BREAK 11:25-13:05 PARALLEL SESSIONS Room 1 Perspectives on Social Inclusion Childr Children en Bor Born n as a Consequence of W Wartime artime Sexual V Violence: iolence: Subverting Structur Structures es of Discrimination Tatiana Sanchez, Department of Sociology, University of Essex, Colchester, UK Overview: Omission to include children born out of wartime sexual violence in the reconciliation agenda hinders the projects of national reconstruction. Reconciliation requires their acknowledgement as subjects of the emerging society. Theme: Social and Community Studies Homeless W Women’ omen’ss Stories of Poverty: A Call for a Counter Discourse of Shar Shared ed Humanity Dr. Isolde Daiski, School of Nursing, Faculty of Health, York University, Toronto, Canada Overview: Women's stories of their lived experiences of homelessness are discussed using feminist, Foucault's, and Kearney's ideas. Scapegoating should be replaced with counterdiscourses of a shared humanity. Theme: Social and Community Studies Room 2 Urban Development Pr Predicting edicting Urban Br Brownfield ownfield Regeneration: The Case of B no, Czechia Prof. Bryn Greer-Wootten, Institute for Social Research, Faculty of Liberal Arts and Professional Studies, Faculty of Environmental Studies, York University, Toronto, Canada Overview: A multilevel logistic regression model is specified to p edict the success (or not) of brownfield egeneration in Brno, Czech Republic. The results demonstrate the vital role of public-private sector relations. Theme: Environmental Studies Households' Residential Envir Environment onment Pr Prefer eferences: ences: Evidence fr from om Guangzhou China Using Analytic Hierar Hierarchy chy Pr Process ocess Yanyan Yin, Department of Real Estate and Construction, Faculty of Architecture, The University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong, China Overview: Household preferences for housing and environmental attributes will be studied using Analytical Hierarchy Process based on 600 households’ stated preference data obtained in Guangzhou, China. Theme: Environmental Studies Illegality Illegality,, Informality Informality,, and Urban Commons in Indian Cities Rajesh Bhattacharya, Public Policy and Management Group, Indian Institute of Management Calcutta, Kolkata, India Overview: India is witnessing the urbanization of poverty. Poor people often survive on informally, even illegally created urban commons. We need to rethink urban property rights for inclusive cities. Theme: Social and Community Studies 59 THURSDA HURSDAY Y, 11 JUNE 11:25-13:05 PARALLEL SESSIONS Room 3 Identity Formation and Social Structur Structures es Education and the Challenge to Gender Norms in Gypsy/T Gypsy/Traveler raveler Cultur Culturee in the United Kingdom Dave Cudworth, Education Studies, DeMontfort University, Leicester, UK Overview: With more and more girls from Gypsy/Traveler communities staying on longer at school they are posing a challenge to the traditional gender roles of their communities. Theme: Cultural Studies Women, Higher Education, and the Labor Market: A Cr Cross-cultural oss-cultural Understanding of the Impact of Religion Dr. Shannon Peterson, Jon M. Huntsman School of Business, Utah State University, Logan, USA Allison Fife, Economics and Finance Jon M. Huntsman School of Business, Utah State University, Logan, USA Overview: This research compares the influence of eligion on young, female attitudes towards family, education, and careers in two diverse religious societies: Dubai, UAE and Utah, USA. Theme: Cultural Studies The “Contemporary” fr from om a Socio-cultural Point of V View iew in the Gjakova Region and Its Impacts Bekim Avdiaj, European University of Tirana, Tirana, Albania Overview: New ways of organizing society have impacted the culture of most "isolated" societies. Besides the positive impacts of these new flows they also bring worrying circumstances and a social vacuum. Theme: Global Studies Cosmopolitanism: Challenges and Limitations Ghada Sfeir, The Interdisciplinary Studies Department, University of Saskatchewan, Saskatoon, Canada Overview: This paper investigates cosmopolitanism to clarify some of the theoretical conundrums over its multiple meanings and aims, which pose significant challenges and limitations to its feasibilit . Theme: Global Studies Room 4 Assessment and Evaluation of Lear Learning ning Feedback Using Online V Video ideo Assessment: Facilitating Collaboration with GoReact Dr. Melina Alexander, Department of Teacher Education, Weber State University, Ogden, USA RC Callahan, Center for Instructional and Institutional Effectiveness, Weber State University, Ogden, USA Colleen Packer, Department of Communications, Weber State University, Ogden, USA Overview: This paper provides information from a study aimed at assessing the efficacy of evaluation using an online video assessment tool Theme: Educational Studies Complexities of Cr Cross-cultural oss-cultural Supervision: Thr Through ough the Eyes of a Doctoral Student and Her Supervisor in a Canadian Doctorate Pr Program ogram Snezana Ratkovic, Faculty of Education, Brock University, St. Catharines, Canada Dr. Susan A. Tilley, Faculty of Education, Brock University, St. Catharines, Canada Overview: Little is known about doctoral supervision that includes students and supervisors with different cultural backgrounds. Using ethnographic data, we explore the experiences of supervising/being supervised when individuals’ diverse cultures intersect. Theme: Cultural Studies Re-examination of Factors Determining National Policy for For Foreign eign Language Education: The Case of Compulsory English Education for Primary School Pupils in Japan Shoma Aota, Graduate School of Education, The University of Tokyo, Kawaguchi, Japan Mika Igarashi, Graduate School of Education, The University of Tokyo, Yokohama, Japan Overview: We reanalyzed the structure of factors determining the policy of language education in Japan, so that we obtained a groundbreaking model that is quite distinct from ones in previous studies. Theme: Educational Studies "She T Told old Me: I Am Coming to Be with Y You, ou, and So It W Was": as": The Role of Formal Support for Novice T Teachers eachers Dr. Edna Kapel-Green, Education Department, Special Education Department, The David Yellin Academic College of Education, Jerusalem, Israel Dr. Khansaa Diab, The David Yellin Academic College of Education, Jerusalem, Israel Diana Zadof, The David Yellin Academic College of Education, Jerusalem, Israel Overview: This paper is based on extensive qualitative research aimed at understanding the attributes of success stories of first-year novic teachers, and the sources of support that helped them. Theme: Educational Studies 60 THURSDA HURSDAY Y, 11 JUNE 11:25-13:05 PARALLEL SESSIONS Room 5 Perspectives on Consumption Sociologizing Consumption: A V View iew fr from om Indian Sociology Dr. Manish Thakur, Public Policy and Management Group, Indian Institute of Management Calcutta, Kolkata, India Overview: This paper outlines a critical assessment of the existing sociological research on consumption in India. Theme: Cultural Studies Does T Transpar ransparent ent Information Matter? Gender Similarities and Dif Differ ferences ences Dr. Gargi Bhaduri, Fashion Design and Merchandising, Kent State University, Kent, USA Jung Ha-Brookshire, Textile and Apparel Management, University of Missouri, Columbia, USA Overview: This study investigates how male and female consumers evaluate sustainability-related marketing claims from brands based on transparent information on the claims and their pre-existing schemas about the brand’s sustainability efforts. Theme: Communication Eating Beauty: The Aesthetics of Edible Flowers Prof. Constance Kirker, College of Art and Architecture, Penn State University, Brandywine, Philadelphia, USA Overview: This paper explores the relationship between flowers and food, considering the practice of “eating beaut ,” edible flowers. What a e cultural, historical, contextual, sociological, psychological, and personal factors affecting this experience? Theme: Cultural Studies Brand Piracy in the South African Informal Sector Tony Mtonhodzi Matchaba-Hove, Department of Business Management, Nelson Mandela Metropolitan University, Port Elizabeth, South Africa Xolile Antoni, Business Management Department, Nelson Mandela Metropolitan University, Port Elizabeth, South Africa Prof. Noxolo Eileen Mazibuko, Business Management Department, Nelson Mandela Metropolitan University, Port Elizabeth, South Africa Overview: This study investigates consumer perceptions of pirated goods in the South African informal sector, with specific eference to the clothing industry. Theme: Social and Community Studies Room 6 Spanish-Language Session: Política y der derechos echos humanos 13:05-14:30 LUNCH Held at the Radisson Blu Hotel 14:30-16:10 PARALLEL SESSIONS Room 1 Economics as Social Science A Causal Relationship of Living Behavior Based on Suf Sufficiency ficiency Economy Philosophy for Thai University Student Dr. Oraphin Choochom, Behavioral Science Research Institute, Srinakharinwirote University, Bangkok, Thailand Overview: This study proposes and tests a causal relationship model of Thai university students' living behavior based on sufficiency econom philosophy. Theme: Social and Community Studies Empowerment of Self-help Gr Groups oups thr through ough Str Strengthening engthening Grass-r Grass-root oot Organization: An Interventional Study Dr. Gyan Mudra, Centre for Human Resource Development, National Institute of Rural Development and Panchayati Raj, Hyderabad, India Overview: This paper explores an action research to strengthen grass-root institutions and entrepreneurship skills for self-help groups to encourage over all development, including economic invigoration. Theme: Social and Community Studies Lies, Damned Lies and Capitalism: How to Survive Chaos and Anar Anarchy chy Dr. Clive Begg, Australian Community Safety and Research Organization Incorporated, City East Brisbane, Australia Overview: Conflict bo n of capitalist greed brewing globally will ultimately manifest violently. The decline of capitalism is a function of its own ideology not a symptom of others ineptitude or fundamentalism. Theme: Social and Community Studies Room 2 Employment, Society Society,, and Community Studies Experiences of Unemployment and W Work ork Commitment: A Multilevel Analysis of T Twenty-six wenty-six Eur European opean Countries Prof. Heikki Ervasti, Department of Social Research, University of Turku, Turku, Finland Overview: This paper uses survey data from twenty-six countries to investigate work commitment among people with recent experiences of unemployment. Theme: Social and Community Studies Work Outcomes Pr Prefer eferences ences among Jews, Muslims, and Christians in Israel: The Ef Effect fect of Cultural and Demographic V Variables ariables Dr. Moshe Sharabi, Department of Sociology and Anthropology, The Max Stern Yezreel Valley College, Emek Yezreel, Israel Overview: This unique study examines work outcomes preferences of Jewish, Muslim, and Christian employees. Most of the findings can b explained by cultural differences. The findings and their implications a e discussed. Theme: Organizational Studies The Subjective W Wellbeing ellbeing of W Waste aste Pickers in the Fr Free ee State Pr Province ovince of South Africa Derick Blaauw, School of Economics, North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, Potchefstroom, South Africa Anmar Pretorius, School of Economics, North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, Potchefstroom, South Africa Prof. Rinie Schenck, Department of Social Work, University of the Western Cape, Cape Town, South Africa Dr. Kotie Viljoen, Department of Economics and Econometrics, University of Johannesburg, Auckland Park, South Africa Overview: This study investigates possible determinants of subjective well-being (SWB) in South Africa’s informal economy, using a case study of waste pickers on landfill sites in the F ee State. Theme: Social and Community Studies 61 THURSDA HURSDAY Y, 11 JUNE PARALLEL SESSIONS Room 3 Challenging Social and Public Policy 14:30-16:10 World Cup Dr Dreaming: eaming: Sporting Activism and Incr Incrementalist ementalist Advancement of Sexual Equality thr through ough Association Football Prof. Richard Peltz-Steele, Law School, University of Massachusetts, North Dartmouth, USA José Benavides, Long Island, Immigration Legal Services, New York, USA Overview: This study explores the potential to use FIFA and men’s World Cup football to advance LGBT rights upon a theory of incrementalist social advancement. Theme: Civic and Political Studies Gender Responsive Planning and Budgeting: Indonesia’ Indonesia’ss Experience Fithriyah, Center of Planners’ Development, Education, and Training, National Development Planning Agency/ Bappenas, Jakarta, Indonesia Overview: This paper describes the Indonesia experience in implementing gender mainstreaming in the national development planning documents since 1999. This has been accelerated into Gender Responsive Planning and Budgeting since 2010. Theme: Civic and Political Studies Pr Program ogram of Inter International national Student Assessment and Canada: Canada’ Canada’ss National Education System Is Not Included Dr. Ron Phillips, Faculty of Education, Nipissing University, North Bay, Canada Overview: The federal government of Canada's system of education discriminates against First Nation students. This system is hidden from the world community. Theme: Civic and Political Studies Anti-corruption Discourse in Slovakia: Entr Entrenching enching Past Legacies instead of Fueling Social Change Gabriela Bereghazyova, School of Hospitality and Tourism Management, University of Surrey, Guildford, UK Overview: In Slovakia, international anti-corruption discourse revives past negative experience with the state. This damages relations between governor and governed and undermines the push for less corruption and a better-functioning democracy. Theme: Civic and Political Studies Room 4 Cultural Studies Miami, New Orleans, London, Belfast, and Berlin: Analysis of Geographic Refer References ences in U2’ U2’ss Recor Recordings dings Dr. Joel Deichmann, Global Studies Department, Bentley University, Boston, USA Overview: This paper examines geographical references in the lyrics of U2, one of the most prolific ecording acts in the history of popular music, with reference to recurring themes. Theme: Cultural Studies A Bride for a Ride: V Views iews of Cr Cross-dr oss-dressing essing in Hong Kong Theater versus Reality Assoc. Prof. Arlene Caney, Liberal Arts, Community College of Philadelphia, Philadelphia, USA Overview: In the Hong Kong TV Series "A Bride for a Ride" the main male characters often wore women's clothes. Theatrical acceptance of crossdressing is different than societal acceptance. Theme: Cultural Studies What’ What’ss the Story? Exploring Narratives of Non-binary Gender Identities in the Blogospher Blogospheree Dr. Tracey Yeadon-Lee, Department of Social and Behavioural Sciences, University of Huddersfield, Huddersfield, UK Overview: This paper explores key features of non-binary gender identity narratives found on internet blogs, drawing out the implications of these for broader sociological understandings of gender. Theme: Cultural Studies Reflections of Folk Literatu e in Artistic T Texts exts of Mediterranean Authors: Humor Humor,, Ir Irony ony,, and Satir Satiree Fighting Social Dispr Disproportions oportions Asst. Prof. Antonela Pivac, Department of Italian Language and Literature, Faculty of Humanities, Social Studies, and Arts, University of Split, Split, Croatia Overview: Humor, irony, and satire, typical of literary works of some Mediterranean authors which drive social criticism, are discusses as vehicles to address social issues. Theme: Cultural Studies Room 5 Social W Welfar elfaree and Quality of Life Life Quality of Pr Professional ofessional Musicians in Split County Dr. Ina Reić Ercegovac, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, University of Split, Split, Croatia Tea Gutović, Department of Sociology, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, University of Split, Split, Croatia Dr. Renata Relja, Department of Sociology, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, University of Split, Split, Croatia Overview: This research explores the quality of life of professional musicians in Split County, Croatia, specifically objective aspects (socio-economi parameters) and life satisfaction. Theme: Social and Community Studies One Step at a T Time ime towar towards ds Better Health: Active Design in Af Affor fordable dable Housing Dr. Elizabeth Garland, General Preventive Medicine and Community Health Department of Preventive Medicine, Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai, New York, USA Overview: This paper discusses active design elements in Green affordable housing that influence health attitudes and behaviors among esidents in New York City. Theme: Social and Community Studies Can Public Involvement thr through ough Community Policing Over Overcome come Hate Crime in Local Communities? A Comparative Study of Practices in India Miharu Yui, The Center for Contemporary India Studies, Hiroshima University, Higashihiroshima, Japan Overview: In this study, we establish whether public involvement through community policing can help to overcome hate crime in communities in India. Theme: Social and Community Studies Negotiating Survival: Experiences of Urban Refugee W Women omen in Delhi, India Who Engage in "Risky" Livelihoods Paula Jops, Sociology, University of New South Wales, Sydney, Australia Overview: This paper explores the experiences of urban refugee women from Burma (primarily from Chin State), who engage in or are pursuing a livelihood in Delhi, India. Theme: Global Studies Room 6 Spanish-Language Session: Comer Comercio cio inter internacional nacional 62 THURSDA HURSDAY Y, 11 JUNE 14:30-16:10 PARALLEL SESSIONS Room 7 Late Additions Factors Associated with Cyber Bullying V Victimization ictimization in South Kor Korea ea Younoh Cho, Police Administration Department, Dongguk University, Seoul, South Korea Overview: This study investigates risk factors that affect cyber bullying victimization. There have been unprecedented risks for youth of cyber bullying victimization in Korea. Theme: Cultural Studies The Use of Edutainment Pr Programs ograms for HIV/AIDS Education in the Rural Ar Areas eas of South Africa: A Case Study of V Vukani ukani and Forte Community Radio Stations Vuyolwethu Seti, Department of Communication Science, University of South Africa, Pretoria, South Africa Overview: This paper explores ways to disseminate HIV/AIDS education to youth in rural areas in ways that they can relate to and understand. Theme: Communication The Framing of Bali Bombing One in the Media: "Long Road to Heaven" and National Geographic's "Seconds fr from om Disasters: The Bali Bombing (Disco Bombing)" Azalia Primadita Muchransyah, Film Program, BINUS International University, Jakarta, Indonesia Overview: This study explores how the first Bali Bombing is framed in the media. o do this, we compare and contrast two audio-visual mediums of film and television Theme: Communication 16:10-16:25 COFFEE BREAK 16:25-17:40 PARALLEL SESSIONS Room 1 Human Lifecourses: Adolescents Adolescent Participation in Leisur Leisure-time e-time Activities with Family Dr. Ivana Batarelo Kokić, Department of Pedagogy, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, University of Split, Split, Croatia Antonia Radeljak, Private Preschools and Kindergartens, City of Split, Split, Croatia Overview: Adolescent motivational styles influence their f ee-time choices. This study examines the motivation and demographic characteristics influencing the involvement in leisu e-time activities with family among adolescents. Theme: Cultural Studies Generational Similarities and Dif Differ ferences ences of Reading Pr Prefer eferences ences Šime Pilić, Department of Sociology, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, University of Split, Split, Croatia Zvonimir Parać, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, University of Split, Split, Croatia Overview: This research explores the reading preferences of two age groups - adolescents and their parents. Theme: Communication Room 2 Appr Approaches oaches to Envir Environmental onmental Sustainability Using Film to Uncover Everyday W Workplace orkplace Experiences in Recycling Cooperatives: A Strategy to Reframe W Waste aste and W Waste aste Recyclers Jutta Gutberlet, Department of Geography, University of Victoria, Victoria, Canada Overview: Informal sector recyclers organized in cooperatives perform selective household waste collection with variable local government support. Despite achieved empowerment, multifarious economic and political bottlenecks and general challenges remain unsolved. Theme: Environmental Studies A Plea for Envir Environmental onmental Education That Focuses on Lear Learning ning to Car Caree Dr. Elizabeth Venter, Psychology of Education, University of South Africa, Pretoria, South Africa Prof. Johanna G. Ferreira, Department of Curriculum and Instructional Studies, University of South Africa, Pretoria, South Africa Overview: Parents and teachers have a responsibility to educate children to care for the environment. Factual knowledge is not sufficient - child en need to learn to care through practical experiences. Theme: Environmental Studies Ecosystems Services and Cultural Ecosystem Service: Exploring the Links and Filling in the Gaps thr through ough the Lens of W Wild ild V Vegetables egetables in the Culinary Complexity of Rural Northeast Thailand Dr. Lisa Price, Anthropology Department, Oregon State University, Corvallis, USA Dr. Gisella Cruz-Garcia, Decision and Policy Analysis Research Area, International Center for Tropical Agriculture, Cali, Colombia Overview: The concepts in ecosystem services are enhanced by including food security, dietary diversity, and culinary cultural heritage. This union of provisioning and cultural services is illustrated with a case study. Theme: Environmental Studies Room 3 Global Flows A Thin V Veneer eneer of Quality? Global Dilemmas in Higher Education Quality and Standar Standards ds Jon Yorke, Curtin Teaching and Learning, Curtin University, Perth, Australia Lesley Vidovich, Graduate School of Education, The University of Western Australia, Perth, Australia Overview: This paper analyses the implications of using comparative measures of learning to "prove" institutional quality in a higher education market that is becoming increasingly globalized. Theme: Organizational Studies Self and Community in the Neoliberal Age: Paths of Economic Globalization Dr. Damla Isik, Regis University, Denver, USA Dr. Gil Gardner, Department of Sociology, Regis University, Denver, USA Overview: This paper interrogates how forms of self and communal identities and structures both define and challenge the meanings and practice of neoliberalization and globalization in Turkey and the United States. Theme: Global Studies World Literatur Literaturee and Contemporary Society Dr. Gordana Galic Kakkonen, Department of Croatian Language and Literature, Faculty of Philosophy, University of Split, Split, Croatia Overview: This paper analyzes the role of world literature in contemporary society. Theme: Cultural Studies 63 HURSDAY Y, 11 JUNE THURSDA PARALLEL SESSIONS Room 4 Political Dimensions of Immigration and Migration 16:25-17:40 Pr Problem oblem of Immigration in the United States: United States Policy on the Immigration of Refugees fr from om Nazi Germany Germany,, 1933-1941 Prof. Bat-Ami Zucker, Department of General History, American Studies, Bar-Ilan University, Tel-Avuv, Israel Overview: This paper explores U.S. policy toward German Jewish refugees between the rise of Hitler to power and America's entry into WWII. Theme: Civic and Political Studies Portrayals of T Transit ransit Migrants in the Mexican Media and Its Influence on Public Opinio Diaz de Leon Alejandra, Sociology Department, University of Essex, Wivenhoe, UK Overview: This paper explores if the tone and quality of analysis of the mass media in Mexico have an influence in the negative image Mexican have of transit migrants. Theme: Global Studies African American Migration to W Wester estern n Canada, 1858-1912 Dr. Roger Hardaway, Department of Social Sciences, Northwestern Oklahoma State University, Alva, USA Overview: This paper is about African Americans from California and Oklahoma who moved to western Canada to avoid legal discriminatory treatment. Theme: Global Studies Room 5 Studies in Business Management Per Perceptions ceptions on Negotiation Behavior in a Global Firm Prof. Noxolo Eileen Mazibuko, Business Management Department, Nelson Mandela Metropolitan University, Port Elizabeth, South Africa Dr. Ahmad Mtengwa Burhan, Nelson Mandela Metropolitan University, Port Elizabeth, South Africa Overview: This study assessed the perceptions of negotiation behavior on business agreements based on trust, certainty, and level of commitment. Theme: Organizational Studies Triple Bottom Line Reporting of Businesses in the Nelson Mandela Bay Region Xolile Antoni, Department of Business Management, Nelson Mandela Metropolitan University, Port Elizabeth, South Africa Tony Mtonhodzi Matchaba-Hove, Department of Business Management, Nelson Mandela Metropolitan University, Port Elizabeth, South Africa Prof. Elroy Eugene Smith, Department of Business Management, Nelson Mandela Metropolitan University, Port Elizabeth, South Africa Overview: This paper investigates the influence of selected demographic variables on the triple bottom line eporting of businesses within the Nelson Mandela Bay region. Theme: Organizational Studies Room 6 Spanish-Language Session: Estudios sociales 17:40 64 END OF DAAYY FRIDA RIDAY Y, 12 JUNE 8:30-9:00 CONFERENCE REGISTRA EGISTRATION TION DESK OPEN 9:00-9:10 DAIL AILY Y UPDA PDATE TE Homer Stavely, Common Ground Publishing, USA 9:10-9:40 PLENAR LENARY Y SESSION Dr. Sc. Vjeran Katunaric, University of Zadar, Croatia "A Multidimensional Approach to Contemporary Divergence Between Liberalism and Socialism: Brawl in the Family?" 9:45-10:00 COFFEE BREAK & TRANSITION 10:00-11:40 PARALLEL SESSIONS Room 1 National and Cultural Memory Eur European opean Union Heritage Politics and the Pr Problematic oblematic of Shar Shared ed Eur European opean Cultural Memory Tuuli Lähdesmäki, Department of Art and Culture Studies, University of Jyväskylä, Jyväskylä, Finland Overview: This paper investigates EU heritage politics and the problematic of the politicized idea of shared cultural memory in a Europe that is culturally more diverse than ever before. Theme: Cultural Studies Cultivating Memory in an Urban Setting Dr. Karen Frostig, Creative Arts and Learning, Women's Studies Research Center, Lesley University, Brandeis University, Newton, USA Overview: The Vienna Project, dedicated to remembering multiple groups of persecuted Austrian victims of National Socialism, murdered between 1938-1945, was cultivated as a participatory practice, situated on the streets of Vienna. Theme: Civic and Political Studies Whose Citizens? Dr. Ka-ka Lam, Department of Educational Administration and Policy, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong, China Overview: The school subject “civic education” was examined in an Overseas Chinese School in Hong Kong, in order to understand how national identity was constructed in the 1960-70s. Theme: Cultural Studies Room 2 Spanish-Language Session: La educación y la sociedad Room 3 Organizational Studies Determining the V Validity alidity of an Employee Engagement Instrument acr across oss Industries Prof. Nico Martins, Department of Industrial and Organizational Psychology, University of South Africa, Johannesburg, South Africa Hester Nienaber, Business Management, University of South Africa, Pretoria, South Africa Overview: The focus of this research was to confirm the validity and eliability of the questionnaire across industries. Structural equation modelling was used to determine factorial invariance between industries. Theme: Organizational Studies The Impact of the Savings Bank Scandal on South Kor Korean ean Corporate Structur Structuree Eomji Yang, Political Science and International Relations, Sogang University, Seoul, South Korea Overview: After the South Korean Savings Bank scandal of 2011, this paper explores its process, examines the Korean modern banking system structure, and discusses the issue's impact. Theme: Social and Community Studies Room 4 Mental Health Studies Chr Chronic onic Posttraumatic Str Stress ess Disor Disorder: der: The Evidence and the Flaws in "Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disor Disorders-5" ders-5" Coding Dr. Brock Kilbourne, Psychology, El Camino Psychology Services, PC, Oceanside, USA Dr. Samantha Kilbourne, El Camino Psychology Services, PC, Oceanside, USA Dr. Jerry Goodman, Carlsbad, USA Overview: Eliminating chronic PTSD from the DSM-5 is inconsistent with extant empirical and clinical evidence that PTSD is oftentimes a chronic disorder characterized by cascading medical, psychosocial, and neurophysiological effects. Theme: Social and Community Studies The Operational Mobile Psychology Laboratory and the Social Sciences Dr. Samantha Kilbourne, Oceanside, USA Overview: The Operational Mobil Psychology Laboratory (OMPL) is mobile and adaptable to researcher needs. It provides three tiers of scientifi control: program control, methodological control, and statistical control. Theme: Social and Community Studies The Ef Effects fects of Mentoring on Post-r Post-retir etirement ement Pr Preparation eparation and Indir Indirect ect Ef Effects fects of Generativity and W Work ork Engagement: An Investigation of Middle and Y Young-old oung-old Aged W Workers orkers in South Kor Korea ea Prof. Tae Young Han, Department of Industrial Psychology, Kwangwoon University, Seoul, South Korea Kyo Soo Shin, Department of Industrial Psychology, Kwangwoon University, Seoul, South Korea Overview: This study examines the mediating role of mentoring between generativity and work engagement and post-retirement preparation based on the theory of adult development by Erikson. Theme: Social and Community Studies 65 FRIDA RIDAY Y, 12 JUNE PARALLEL SESSIONS Room 5 Economics, Politics, and Their Social Ef Effects fects 10:00-11:40 Social Change in China as a Socialist Market Economy: Designed Reforms and Their Implementation Xianchu Zhang, Faculty of Law, The University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong, Hong Kong Overview: This paper examines the extensive reforms in China initiated by the party state since late 2012 and their implications on political, economic, and legal institutions. Theme: Social and Community Studies Cultural T Tourism ourism as an Agent for Sustainable Economic Development and Social Change: The Case of Kor Korça ça in Albania Alket Dino, Faculty of Social Sciences, European University of Tirana, Korca, Albania Overview: Albania is no longer “Europe’s last unturned stone.” As the region of Korça demonstrates, the development of cultural tourism is bringing on sustainable economic development and social and cultural change. Theme: Social and Community Studies Economics’ Failur Failuree as a Social Science Dr. Fabien Medvecky, Center for Science Communication, University of Otago, Dunedin, New Zealand Overview: Economics claims to offer solutions to major challenges, but how well does is present its social usefulness? This paper assesses public perceptions of the importance in such issues. Theme: Social and Community Studies The Role of Criminal Diasporas in Drug T Traf rafficking: ficking: Mexico and Colombi Larisa Lara Guerrero, Paris Diderot University - Paris 7, Paris, France Overview: This paper identifies the ole of the Mexican and Colombian "criminal diasporas" in the four different phases of drug trafficking: cultivation production, transit, and distribution. Theme: Social and Community Studies Room 6 Social Media Studies The Relevance of Public and Private for Digital Natives Dr. Lutz Peschke, Department of Visual Communication Design, Ipek University Ankara, Ankara, Turkey Overview: How do users of social media differ in their affinity of self- elevation? The latest results of a scientific study based on George Kelly s personal construct psychology will be discussed. Theme: Communication A Measuring Instrument for Student's Usage of Online Social Networks in Their Identity Formation and Lear Learning ning Experience Prof. Rachel Barker, Communication Science, University of South Africa, Pretoria, South Africa Overview: Through a systematic literature review a measuring instrument has been developed and tested for educational institutions to understand how individuals use online social networks for identity formation and learning experiences. Theme: Communication Photography and Our Digital Mother Stafford Smith, School of Communications, Department of Photography, Grand Valley State University, Allendale, USA Overview: By bringing a Freudian-Marxist lens to social media, this paper will examine the exploitation of human desire and the culture of selfsurveillance. Theme: Communication Twitter Usage Patter Patterns ns by User Relationships in Social Media Youngsub Han, Department of Computer and Information Sciences, Towson University, Towson, USA Hyeoncheol Lee, Department of Computer and Information Sciences, Towson University, Towson, USA Dr. Kwangmi Kim, Department of Mass Communication and Communication Studies, Towson University, Towson, USA Overview: By using Twitter’s “following” feature, this macro-level analysis provides information on how Twitter usage patterns and interactivities of users are different depending on the nature of user relationships. Theme: Communication Room 7 Spanish-Language Session: Estudios sobr sobree el bienestar social y la salud Room 8 Spanish-Language Session: La cultura indígena y movimientos migratorios 11:40-13:10 66 LUNCH Held at the Radisson Blu Hotel FRIDA RIDAY Y, 12 JUNE 13:10-13:55 PARALLEL SESSIONS Poster Poster Session Session Personal Factors of Abusive Supervision in Clinical TTeaching eaching Pui Ling Fung, Division of Nursing and Health Studies, The Open University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong, China Overview: Abusive supervision may result in adverse effect in clinical teaching. Personal factors associated with abusive supervision were identifie from literature. They included personality, power distance, and individual stress level. Theme: Organizational Studies An Examination of Service Pr Provider ovider Activities and Needs to Pr Prevent event Child Abuse in W Windsor indsor-Essex: -Essex: Child Pr Protection otection in the Context of a Network of Family Service Pr Providers oviders Alma Balic, University of Windsor, Windsor, Canada Overview: This poster examines child abuse prevention practices, educational enforcement capacity, and strategy development recommendations, that are structured to progress the sustainability and collaboration of a family service provider network. Theme: Social and Community Studies Health Supportive Behavior in Adults: Pr Prevention evention in Dental Car Caree and Its Corr Correlates elates Dr. Jaroslava Dosedlova, Department of Psychology, Faculty of Arts, Masaryk University, Brno, Czech Republic Dr. Martin Jelínek, Brno, Czech Republic Dr. Iva Buresova, Brno, Czech Republic Overview: This research maps behavioral components related to dental health in adults and links them to selected personality traits and other aspects of health related behavior. Theme: Social and Community Studies The Geographical Distribution of Medieval Plague in Central Eur Europe: ope: Past and Pr Present esent Public Health Interpr Interpretations etations and Implications for T Transmission ransmission of Disease Dr. Craig A. Molgaard, School of Public and Community Health Sciences, University of Montana, Missoula, USA Dr. Amanda L. Golbeck, School of Public and Community Health Sciences, University of Montana, Missoula, USA Overview: Medical historians have noted disease free areas of Europe during plague epidemics. Social and political variables (trade, political boundaries) as common to past and present communities help explain such variability. Theme: Social and Community Studies Two Pathways to Secondary V Victimization ictimization in Police Investigation of Sexual-assault V Victims ictims in Kor Korea ea Dr. Myung Shin Lee, Department of Social Welfare, Gyeongsang National University, Jinju, South Korea Nanmee Yang, Department of Psychology, Gyeongsang National University, Jinju, South Korea Overview: This study explores the secondary victimization process in police investigation of sexual-assault victims and discovers the factors affecting police's investigative behaviors leading to secondary victimization. Theme: Social and Community Studies A Community-based Education Intervention to Incr Increase ease Physical Activity among W Women: omen: Design of a Cluster Randomized T Trial rial Dr. Amanda L. Golbeck, School of Public and Community Health Sciences, The University of Montana, Missoula, USA April Keippel, Office on Women's Health Grant Project, St. Vincent Healthcare, Billings, USA Dr. Elizabeth Ciemins, Center for Clinical Translational Research, Billings Clinic, Billings, USA Overview: We describe the design of a community-based education intervention that aims to determine, as relates to physical activity, whether increased gender awareness leads to increased self-efficac . Theme: Social and Community Studies Health Supportive Behavior in Adolescents: Pr Prevention evention in Dental Car Caree and Its Corr Correlates elates Dr. Iva Buresova, Department of Psychology, Faculty of Arts, Masaryk University, Brno, Czech Republic Martin Jelínek, Department of Psychology, Faculty of Arts, Masaryk University, Brno, Czech Republic Jaroslava Dosedlová, Department of Psychology, Faculty of Arts, Masaryk University, Brno, Czech Republic Overview: This study presents partial results of an extensive research project called Health-Enhancing and Health-Threatening Behaviour: Determinants, Models, and Consequences (GA13-19808S). Theme: Social and Community Studies The Implementation of Inclusive Education Policy in the Republic of Moldova Veronica Uncu, Department of Sociology and Anthropology, University of Ottawa, Ottawa, Canada Overview: This study focuses on the current educational reform in the Republic of Moldova which aims at implementing inclusive education programs in public schools for students with special needs. Theme: Educational Studies The Experiences of Individuals Living in a Family At Risk for a Genetically Linked Condition: Making the Decision to Decline Pr Predictive edictive Genetic T Testing esting Prof. April Manuel, School of Nursing, Faculty of Medicine, Memorial University, St. John's, Canada Dr. Sandra Pike-MacDonald, School of Nursing, Memorial University of Newfoundland, St. John's, Canada Dr. Bridget Fernandez, Disciplines of Genetics and Medicine Faculty of Medicine, Memorial University of Newfoundland, St. John's, Canada Kathleen Hodgkinson, Clinical Epidemiology/Genetics, Memorial University of Newfoundland, St. John's, Canada Overview: This poster reports on the preliminary findings of a phenomenological study examining the experiences of individuals who have made th decision not to have predictive genetic testing. Theme: Social and Community Studies The Economic and Social Ef Effects fects of Health W Work ork For Force ce Migration Dr. Mihaela Cristina Dragoi, Faculty of International Business and Economics, Department of International Business and Economics, Bucharest University of Economic Studies, Bucharest, Romania Overview: This paper focuses on the impact that the health work force migration to other European countries has on the Romanian health care system, from both an economic and social perspectives. Theme: Social and Community Studies Lear Learning ning fr from om Cultural Displacement: Paradigm for Study Abr Abroad oad Smilja Milovanovic-Bertram, School of Architecture, The University of Texas at Austin, Austin, USA Overview: This project explores the importance of study abroad studios as they affect the spatial imagination of architecture students. Theme: Educational Studies 67 FRIDA RIDAY Y, 12 JUNE PARALLEL SESSIONS Room 1 Workshop 13:10-13:55 Teaching for Intellectual and Emotional Lear Learning: ning: A Framework for T Twenty-first wenty-first Century eachers and Lear Learners ners Dr. Christy Folsom, Department of Early Childhood and Childhood Education, Lehman College, City University of New York, New York City, USA Overview: The TIEL Curriculum Design model guides social studies educators to consciously and consistently teach complex skills through integrating the teaching of thinking and social emotional learning into social studies disciplines. Theme: Educational Studies Room 2 Spanish-Language W Workshop orkshop Room 3 Workshop Can W Wee Get Along, Long Enough to Collaborate? A Study of Mono- and Inter Inter-disciplinary -disciplinary Gr Groups oups Dr. Martha Lucia Garcia, Masters in Social Work Program, Arts and Sciences, Pacific University, Eugene, USA Overview: Management of conflict in collaborative g oups can threaten their success. Study results are a springboard to discuss how to successfully manage differences to prevent dissolution before meeting the group's goals. Theme: Organizational Studies Room 4 Workshop Intention, Method, and Evaluation of Mindfulness-based Practice in Higher Education Christine Ella Slavik, Child, Youth, and Family Studies Department, Faculty of Professional Studies, University of the Fraser Valley, Abbotsford, Canada Overview: This workshop examines the foundations of contemplative pedagogy, demonstrating and teaching practices in higher education, and highlighting the effects of mindfulness on health, psychological well-being, concentration, and attention. Theme: Educational Studies Room 5 Publishing Y Your our Article or Book with Common Gr Ground ound Publishing In this session the Community Editor for the Interdisciplinary Social Sciences Collection will present an overview of Common Ground's publishing philosophy and practices. She will also offer tips for turning conference papers in to journal articles, present an overview of journal publishing procedures, and provide information on Common Ground's book proposal submission process. Please feel free to bring questions - the second half of the session will be devoted to Q&A. Room 6 Portuguese-Language W Workshop orkshop Room 7 Workshop The National Institutes of Health and the Grant Review Pr Process: ocess: Insights fr from om the Inside Dr. Mary Ann Guadagno, Center for Scientific Review, National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, USA Overview: This workshop provides a comprehensive introduction to the National Institutes of Health (NIH) peer review process by which applications for funding are reviewed. Theme: Organizational Studies 13:55-14:05 TRANSITION BREAK PARALLEL SESSIONS Room 1 Addr Addressing essing Human Dif Differ ference: ence: Issues of Race 14:05-15:45 An Inter Interdisciplinary disciplinary Appr Approach oach to Race and Social Change Dr. Amy Shriver Dreussi, Department of Associate Studies, College of Applied Science and Technology, The University of Akron, Akron, USA Overview: This paper discusses "Rethinking Race: Black, White and Beyond," an interdisciplinary, multi-platform, co-curricular effort at the University of Akron to address contentious issues of race. Theme: Cultural Studies "Racial" Desegr Desegregation egation in the Post-apartheid South African School System: Pointers for Other Regions Prof. Andre Horn, Department of Geography, College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences, University of South Africa, Johannesburg, South Africa Overview: School desegregation is part of South Africa’s post-apartheid project. After twenty years, what are the results and nuances thereof, and what can the international community learn from it? Theme: Cultural Studies “The Energy of Despair": Empir Empire, e, National Belonging, and the Black Juvenile Reformatory Movement in North Car Carolina, olina, 1918-1945 Dr. Annette Bickford, Interdisciplinary Programme, Department of Social Science, York University, Toronto, Canada Overview: With a focus on the affective workings of empire, I consider how racism was reinscribed through internal colonialism in merciful juvenile reform in interwar North Carolina. Theme: Civic and Political Studies Room 2 Spanish-Language Session: Gestión Medio-ambiental 68 FRIDA RIDAY Y, 12 JUNE 14:05-15:45 PARALLEL SESSIONS Room 3 The Natural and the Social Meanings of Space and Place in Sociocultural Contexts Dr. Jain Kwon, Interior Design, Lamar Dodd School of Art, The University of Georgia, Athens, USA Overview: This study analyzes how the multiplicity of meanings of space and place have been considered in the literature and environmental design practice, in relation to diverse sociocultural contexts. Theme: Environmental Studies Bringing the Envir Environment onment Back: Human Cultur Cultures es and the Natural Envir Environment onment in Recent Macr Macro-sociological o-sociological Perspectives Prof. Domenico Maddaloni, Department of Political, Social, and Communication Sciences, University of Salerno, Fisciano, Italy Overview: This paper focuses on the relationship between human societies and the natural environment in recent macro-sociological approaches, with particular reference to cultural materialism, ecological-evolutionary theory, and world-systems approach. Theme: Social and Community Studies The Moral Imperative of Modest and Local Envir Environmental onmental Policies Prof. Itai Sened, Department of Public Policy, Tel Aviv University, Tel Aviv, Israel Dr. Sarit Smila Sened, TAU International, Tel Aviv University, Tel Aviv, Israel Overview: Global environmental policies are often futile. Even national policies tend to be misleading and counter productive. We argue that local interventions are often more effective but probably more morally justifiable Theme: Environmental Studies The W Water ater Footprint of an Individual: A Hidden Dimension of Sustainability Bacc Marin Spetič, Department of Sociology Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, University of Split, Split, Croatia Dr. Sanja Stanić, Department of Sociology Faculty for Humanities and Social Sciences, University of Split, Split, Croatia Dr. Ivanka Buzov, Department of Sociology Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, University of Split, Split, Croatia Overview: "Water footprint" is a concept connecting consumption and the environment. With this approach we can begin to understand the problem of environmental sustainability in concern to today's consumption. Theme: Environmental Studies Room 4 Human Resour Resource ce Management: Ethics and Sustainability An Analytical Perspective of Gr Growth owth and Development of Sustainable Human Resour Resources ces Practices in the Inter International national Cruise Line Industry Dr. Mary Tanke, Chaplin School of Hospitality and Tourism Management, Florida International University, Miami, USA Stephanie Gomes, Chaplin School of Hospitality and Tourism, Florida International University, Miami, USA Overview: This research examines the relationship between sustainability and Human Resources in companies seeking to leverage their position on sustainability in the international cruise line industry. Theme: Organizational Studies Examining the Ef Efficacy ficacy of Ethics Initiatives: A orthy Cause, or a W Waste aste of T Time? ime? Russell Wordsworth, Management, Marketing, and Entrepreneurship, University of Canterbury, New Zealand Monica Kirsten, Human Resource Management, University of South Africa, South Africa Melissa van Niekerk, Human Resource Management, University of South Africa, South Africa Prof. Barney Erasmus, University of South Africa, South Africa Overview: Based on findings f om a study of 482 human resources professionals in South Africa and New-Zealand, this paper examines the impact of ethics initiatives on observed unethical behavior in organizations. Theme: Organizational Studies Towar oward d a Moral Responsibility Theory of Corporate Sustainability Jung Ha-Brookshire, Textile and Apparel Management, University of Missouri, Columbia, USA Overview: How can a corporation be truly sustainable? Built from ethics, philosophy, law, and organizational behavior literature, our research proposes a moral responsibility theory of corporate sustainability. Theme: Organizational Studies Sustainable Corporate Citizenship Practices: A Demographic Analysis Prof. S. Perks, Business Management, Nelson Mandela Metropolitan University, Port Elizabeth, South Africa Prof. Elroy Eugene Smith, Business Management, Nelson Mandela Metropolitan University, Port Elizabeth, South Africa Overview: This paper outlines the results of a study which investigates the influence of demographics on the pe ceptions regarding sustainable corporate citizenship practices within selected organizations in South Africa. Theme: Organizational Studies Room 5 Gover Governance nance and Citizenship Accountability and the Quality of Democracy in Gr Greece eece Prof. Constantine P Danopoulos, Political Science, San Jose State University, San Jose, USA Overview: This paper will analyze the vertical and horizontal factors that affect the quality of democracy in modern Greece. Theme: Civic and Political Studies Citizenship in Germany: Fr From om Uniformity to Diversity Emmanuel Ndahayo, Faculty of Humanities Department of Social Sciences, University of Siegen, Siegen, Germany Overview: The jus soli principle is relevant in German society, which is becoming pluralist. This change takes place in an ongoing process rooted in the history of the society. Theme: Civic and Political Studies A Model of Anomia in the Baltic States Dr. Jeļena Ļevina, Department of Health Psychology and Pedagogy, Faculty of Public Health and Social Welfare, Rīga Stradiņš University, Riga, Latvia Dr. Kristīne Mārtinsone, Department of Health Psychology and Pedagogy, Faculty of Public Health and Social Welfare, Rīga Stradiņš University, Riga, Latvia Dr. Daiga Kamerāde, University of Birmingham, Birmingham, UK Overview: This research tests the model of anomia (Ļevina, Mārtinsone and Kamerāde, 2015) in the sample of inhabitants of the Baltic states. Three dimensions of anomia were revealed. Theme: Social and Community Studies 69 FRIDA RIDAY Y, 12 JUNE 14:05-15:45 PARALLEL SESSIONS Room 6 Spanish-Language Session: Estudios organizacionales: sector público Room 7 Spanish-Language Session: La influencia de la cultura en la socieda 15:45-16:00 COFFEE BREAK 16:00-17:15 PARALLEL SESSIONS Room 1 Abuse and V Violence iolence in Society Elder Abuse Risk Assessment and Evaluation T Tool: ool: Pr Preliminary eliminary Outcomes Jason Dauenhauer, Department of Social Wrok, The College at Brockport, State University of New York, Brockport, USA Kristin Heffernan, Department of Social Work, The College at Brockport, State University of New York, Brockport, USA Overview: This paper describes the development and preliminary outcomes from a community-based elder abuse risk assessment and evaluation tool developed by an elder abuse prevention program in New York State, USA. Theme: Social and Community Studies Violence against W Women omen in Kosovo as a Matter of Power Xhenet Syka, School of Social Sciences, European University of Tirana, Tirana, Albania Overview: In this paper, the widespread pattern of violence against women as a matter of power is considered in the context of Kosovo’s patriarchal society. Theme: Social and Community Studies Normalizing Alter Alternative native Lifestyles: How Literatur Literaturee and Anti-bullying Laws Can Forge Social Equality Dr. Frank C. Nascimento, School Psychology Professional Diploma Program, Psychology Department, New Jersey City University, Jersey City, USA Overview: This paper explores how literature can be used in conjunction with anti-bullying laws, in order to change perceptions and attitudes toward the LGBTQ community. Theme: Cultural Studies Room 2 Spanish-Language Session: Espacios urbanos y ar arquitectónicos quitectónicos Room 3 Social Policy and Societal Impacts Structural Developments in T Turkish urkish Agricultur Agriculturee fr from om 1994-2003 Dr. Sonya Huffman, Department of Economics, Iowa State University, Ames, USA Deniz Guvercin, Dept of Economics, Baskent University, Turkey Wallace Huffman, Department of Economics, Iowa State University, USA Overview: This paper investigates the changes in the agricultural production structure of Turkey during the period of 1994-2003. Theme: Social and Community Studies Lear Learning ning fr from om the Legalization of Recr Recreational eational Marijuana: The State of W Washington's ashington's Plan for Documenting the Societal Impacts of Legalization in Periodic Cost Benefit Analyses and the United Nations Anti-drug Convention Prof. Nicholas Lovrich, School of Politics, Philosophy, and Public Affairs, College of Arts and Sciences, Washington State University, Pullman, USA Amb. Ugljesa Zvekic, School of Law, University of Belgrade, Rome, Italy Overview: A preliminary assessment is discussed for the planned documentation of societal impacts of the legalization of marijuana (state-regulated growth and sales) in the State of Washington. Theme: Social and Community Studies Room 4 Education and Resear Research ch as a Social Science Explaining Field Supervisors’ Knowledge and Use of Evidence-based Practice in the Field Kristin Heffernan, The College at Brockport, State University of New York, Brockport, USA Jason Dauenhauer, Social Work, The College at Brockport, Brockport, USA Overview: We examine social work field supervisors’ understanding of Evidence-based Practice Theme: Educational Studies How Graduate Pr Professors ofessors and Students Understand the Relationship between Higher Or Order der Thinking and Pedagogical Practice: An Exploratory Study Dr. Verônica Gesser, Graduate School Program, Universidade do Vale de Itajaí, Itajaí, Brazil Dr. Ruth Ban, School of Education, Barry University, Miami, USA Dr. Lilia Dibello, School of Education, Barry University, Miami, USA Overview: This study investigates how graduate faculty members view their students’ higher order thinking skills. It also explores the faculty members’ description of pedagogical practices versus HOT in their graduate students. Theme: Educational Studies A Perspective on Lifelong Lear Learning: ning: The Role of the University of the Thir Third d Age Dr. Carole-Lynne Le Navenec, Faculty of Nursing, University of Calgary, Calgary, Canada Overview: This paper discusses lifelong learning and the role of selected Universities of the Third Age (U3A) Theme: Social and Community Studies Lear Learning ning as an Inter Interdisciplinary disciplinary Pr Process: ocess: Per Perceptions ceptions of Graduate Students fr from om Dif Differ ferent ent Cultur Cultures es Dr. Verônica Gesser, Graduate Program of the School of Education, Universidade do Vale de Itajaí, Itajaí, Brazil Dr. Heidi Whitford, School of Education, Barry University, Miami, USA Dr. Carmen L. McCrink, School of Education, Barry Universityy, Miami, USA Overview: This research examines how graduate students from different cultures conceptualize the meaning of learning as an interdisciplinary process. Theme: Cultural Studies 70 RIDAY Y, 12 JUNE FRIDA 16:00-17:15 PARALLEL SESSIONS Room 5 Law as a Social Science Lawyers' Positions on Literatur Literaturee Beata Ignacek-Kuznicka, Institute of Philosophy, University of Opole, Wroclaw, Poland Overview: Lawyers are at a loss as the number of ethical dilemmas increase. Cultivating an aesthetic sensitivity may help. We study whether this is a good way to observe "ethical hygiene." Theme: Civic and Political Studies New T Tendencies endencies in the Spher Spheree of the Inter International national Legal Personality of Individuals Petra Perisic, International Law Chair, Faculty of Law, University of Rijeka, Rijeka, Croatia Overview: This paper explores whether the changing position of an individual within the international law framework has led to individuals becoming new subjects of international law. Theme: Civic and Political Studies An Historical Perspective of W Wester estern n Ideas of Autonomy and Law: The Influence of Ancient Legal Systems on ester estern n Ideas of Law Prof. Dennis Pavlich, Law Faculty, The University of British Columbia, Vancouver, Canada Overview: This study compares concepts of justice in ancient Israel, Greece, and Rome and their contributions to the differing concepts of individual autonomy through law as manifested in western legal systems. Theme: Cultural Studies Room 6 Spanish-Language Session: La economía como ciencia social Room 7 Spanish-Language Session: Las humanidades y la sociedad Room 8 Social and Cultural Studies Longing Is Belonging: Nostalgia and Identity in Cr Croatian oatian Popular (Heritage) Music Eni Buljubasic, Department of Croatian Language and Literature, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, University of Split, Split, Croatia Overview: The notion of nostalgia is investigated via style and themes in the popular Croatian music form klapa, which has been spurred by heritage discourse and pertains to identity rearticulations. Theme: Cultural Studies Descartes’ Puzzle: Intelligent Solitary Sear Search ch for T Truth ruth and Epistolary Dialogues Dr. Cătălin Mamali, Department of Psychology, Loras College, Dubuque, USA Overview: The study of the epistolary interactions of Descartes suggests that along his intellectual life method he reversed frequently from a relatively solitary mode of inquiry to inter-subjective testing and dialogues. Theme: Cultural Studies Heritage and Heirs Josko Bozanic, Department of Croatian Language and Linguistics, Studia Mediterranea Centre for Interdisciplinary Studies, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, University of Split, Split, Croatia Overview: The author is intrigued by the vision of our prospective posthuman future as he questions the relevance of humankind's accumulated memory in a world which is losing its humanist matrix. Theme: Cultural Studies 17:15 END OF DA AY Y 71 SAATURDA TURDAY Y, 13 JUNE 8:30-9:00 CONFERENCE REGISTRA EGISTRATION TION OPEN 9:00-9:10 COMMON GROUND ESP SPAÑA AÑA DAIL AILY Y UPDA PDATE TE Ana Quintana, Common Ground España, Spain 9:10-9:40 SPPANISH ANISH LANGUAGE PLENAR LENARY Y SESSION Jose Morillo-Velarde Serrano, Universidad CEU San Pablo, Spain "Publicaciones científicas de Ciencias sociales en español: p oblemas de valoración" 9:45-10:00 COFFEE BREAK & TRANSITION 10:00-11:40 PARALLEL SESSIONS Room 1 Spanish-Language Session: Cambios socio-culturales y rreligiosos eligiosos Room 2 Spanish-Language Session: Estudios culturales: incorporación al trabajo Room 3 Spanish-Language Session: Gestionando cambios sociales Room 4 Spanish-Language Session: La formación educativa Room 5 Spanish-Language Session: El estado y los der derecho echo sociales Room 6 Spanish-Language Session: Los cambios sociales contemporaneos Room 7 Spanish-Language Session: La evolución social 11:40-13:00 LUNCH Held at the Radisson Blu Hotel 13:00-14:40 PARALLEL SESSIONS Poster Spanish-Language Poster Session Session Room 1 Spanish-Language Session: Estudios sobr sobree consumo Room 2 Media and Social Change Jour Journalism nalism 2.0: A W War ar of Media in T Taiwan’ aiwan’ss Sunflower Movemen Mei-chun Lee, Department of Anthropology, University of California, Davis, Davis, USA Overview: How did online live broadcasts challenge the mainstream media and empower civil disobedience by merely using an iPad and a pair of slippers during Taiwan’s Sunflower Movement Theme: Social and Community Studies Gender Gendered ed V Violence iolence in South African Society: Rhetorical Strategies in South African Campaigns against Gender Gendered ed V Violence iolence Prof. Piet Swanepoel, Afrikaans and Theory of Literature, University of South Africa, Pretoria, South Africa Overview: This paper analyzes the rhetorical strategies used in South African campaign texts to combat abusive behavior and introduces a framework for assessing their potential impact. Theme: Communication An Activist’ Activist’ss Blogging: “Hooligan Sparr Sparrow ow,” ,” Sexuality Sexuality,, and Pr Prostitution ostitution in Post-socialist China Dr. Wei Luo, Communication Department, Indiana University Purdue University Fort Wayne, Fort Wayne, USA Lindsay Calhoun, Dekalb, USA Overview: This paper examines the personal blogs of Ye Haiyan, a controversial Chinese activist of prostitution. It argues that Ye’s activism becomes an embodied act, exposing intertwined class and gender inequalities. Theme: Cultural Studies Wher Wheree Do They Fall Short? An Examination of Chinese Language Media’ Media’ss Notion of Social Responsibility Dr. Xiaoping Li, Department of Sociology, Okanagan College, Kelowna, Canada Overview: This paper explores the concept of social responsibility Chinese language media outlets and news workers in Canada have adhered to and analyzes its implications for the production of Canadian news. Theme: Communication Room 3 Spanish-Language Session: La economia y los cambios sociales Room 4 Spanish-Language Session: Estudios organizacionales: sector privado 72 SAATURDA TURDAY Y, 13 JUNE 13:00-14:40 PARALLEL SESSIONS Room 5 Resear Research ch and Knowledge Applied Sociology: Sustainable Social Design Pr Programs ograms to Ef Effect fect Social Change Dr. Francis Adu-Febiri, Department of Social Sciences, Camosun College, Victoria, Canada Jacqueline M. Quinless, Department of Sociology, University of Victoria, Victoria, Canada Overview: Applied sociology using social design places an emphasis on the actor’s role and responsibility in society and provides insight into the use of design processes to bring about social change. Theme: Social and Community Studies The V Value alue of Humanities in Forming and Informing Responses to Contemporary Social Change Dr. Kevin Albertson, Department of Accounting, Finance, and Economics MMU Business School, Manchester Metropolitan University, Manchester, UK Dr. Katherine Albertson, The Department of Law and Criminology, Sheffield Hallam University, Sheffield, UK Overview: To motivate the consideration of human values as a complement of monetary values, this paper outlines three indicative research and evaluation case studies in criminology, creative arts, and literature. Theme: Social and Community Studies Competition and Cooperation: Sociology’ Sociology’ss Relation and Other Social Sciences Prof. Fatos Tarifa, Institute for Studies on Democracy and Development, University of New York Tirana, Tirane, Albania Aida Zhupa, School of Social Sciences, European University of Tirana, Tirana, Albania Overview: This paper describes the historical contexts in which the debate on the relationship between sociology and other social sciences was shaped, focusing on the interfaces of sociology with other disciplines. Theme: Cultural Studies How Neur Neuroscience oscience Influences Mode n Social Sciences: The Case of Educational Neur Neuroscience oscience Andreja Bubic, Chair of Psychology, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, University of Split, Split, Croatia Ana Susac, Department of Physics, Faculty of Science, University of Zagreb, Zagreb, Croatia Marijan Palmovic, Laboratory for Psycholinguistic Research, Department of Speech and Language Pathology, University of Zagreb, Zagreb, Croatia Overview: This paper discusses the influence of neu oscience on modern educational science and demonstrates the use of eye-tracking methodology for investigating educational phenomena, namely solving tasks in mathematics and physics. Theme: Educational Studies Room 6 Teaching and Lear Learning ning Pr Problem-based oblem-based Lear Learning ning in T Teacher eacher Education: A Case Study of Pedagogical Innovation and e-Lear e-Learning ning Dr. Oon-Seng Tan, Teacher Education, National Institute of Education, Singapore, Singapore Overview: Problem-based learning and e-learning are used to innovative a teacher education module. Self-directed learning, collaborative inquiry, and creative problem-solving are illustrated. Theme: Educational Studies Lear Learning ning and T Teaching eaching Scholarship: Discovery acr across oss Disciplines Dr. J. Fiona Peterson, School of Media and Communication, RMIT University, Melbourne, Australia Dr. Debra Bateman, School of Global, Urban, and Social Studies, RMIT University, Melbourne, Australia Dr. Suzie Attiwill, School of Architecture and Design, RMIT University, Melbourne, Australia Dr. Andrea Chester, College of Design and Social Context, RMIT University, Melbourne, Australia Overview: This paper compares stories from practice of leading curriculum development across the social sciences, humanities, and creative arts, to explore the potential of interdisciplinary thinking in collaborative knowledge building. Theme: Educational Studies Room 7 Disciplinary Practices and Methodologies Ethnography and the Dialogical Principle Amani Maihoub, Amsterdam Centre for Globalisation Studies, University of Amsterdam, Amsterdam, Netherlands Overview: This paper concerns itself with the idea of anthropology as a kind of writing and investigates the significance of thinking and doin anthropology as dialogue. Theme: Cultural Studies An Autoethnographic Appraisal of Autoethnography as a Resear Research ch Method Prof. Cheryl S Le Roux, Department of Educational Studies, University of South Africa, Pretoria, South Africa Overview: Autoethnographic research is self-focused and context-conscious. It is argued to be theoretical and analytical yet personal. This paper evaluates autoethnographic research in terms of its academic rigour and scientific validit . Theme: Cultural Studies The Making and Unmaking of Anthr Anthropological opological Myths Maria Iacovou-Charalambous, Department of Education, University of Cyprus, Nicosia, Greece Overview: This paper examines how the notion of impairment is engaged in some well-known anthropological accounts of myth, and provides a reproblematization of the relation between Anthropology and Disability Studies. Theme: Cultural Studies Art as Mode and Medium: The Pedagogy of Art as Resear Research ch Inquiry Moshoula Capous Desyllas, Department of Sociology, California State University, Northridge, Northridge, USA Overview: This paper highlights the ways in which arts-based approaches to research can be used in teaching and learning about the qualitative research process. Theme: Educational Studies Room 8 Spanish-Language Session: La influencia de los medios de comunicació 73 SAATURDA TURDAY Y, 13 JUNE 13:00-14:40 PARALLEL SESSIONS Room 9 Intersections of Religion and Politics The Political Relevance of Liberation Theology in Latin America Prof. Dale Story, Department of Political Science, University of Texas at Arlington, Arlington, USA Overview: This paper addresses several questions on the theological basis, the historical role, and the current relevance of Liberation Theology as a political movement in Latin America. Theme: Civic and Political Studies Religious Cultural Heritage and the Decision-making Framework of Pr President esident Harry T Truman ruman Brian Muzas, School of Diplomacy and International Relations, Seton Hall University, South Orange, USA Overview: How does religious cultural heritage influence the decision-making framework of state leaders? Histor , political science, religious studies, and archival data answer this question in the case of President Harry Truman. Theme: Civic and Political Studies 14:40-14:50 TRANSITION BREAK 14:50-16:30 PARALLEL SESSIONS Room 1 Spanish-Language Confer Conference ence Closing Session Room 2 Human Lifecourses: Childr Children, en, Y Youth, outh, and Education What Happens When Evidence-based Practice Is Not Used in Education: A Disconnect between Homeschooling Supervisors and the Resear Research ch Literatur Literaturee on the Subject and Practical Implications of This Gap Dr. Oz Guterman, Department of Human Resources, Western Galilee College, Akko, Israel Dr. Ari Neuman, Department of Education, Division of Management in Educational Systems, Western Galilee College, Akko, Israel Overview: This study focuses on evidence-based practice in one of the alternative educational movements which is growing at a very rapid rate – homeschooling. Theme: Social and Community Studies The Ef Effects fects of Par Parental ental Car Caree and Par Parental ental Contr Control ol on Character Str Strengths: engths: A Study of Secondary School Students in Hong Kong Dr. Steven Sek-yum Ngai, Department of Social Work, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong, Hong Kong Overview: This study found that parental care, parental control, and gender have significant e fects on the development of character strengths among secondary school students in Hong Kong. Theme: Cultural Studies Macr Macroeconomic oeconomic Consequences of Contemporary Car Career eer Planning of University Students in the Czech Republic Dr. Jena Švarcová, Department of Economics, Faculty of Management and Economics, Tomas Bata University, Zlín, Czech Republic Overview: The survey data shows little willingness of university students to follow their parents' profession. It brings problems for companies in the Czech Republic, lacking mainly technically oriented university graduates. Theme: Cultural Studies Child-r Child-rearing earing Practices among Mainland Chinese Immigrants in Australia: Continuity and Changes Dr. Wei-Wei Da, Division of Sociology and Family Studies, Brescia University College, London, Canada Anthony Welch, Faculty of Education, University of Sydney, Sydney, Australia Overview: This paper examines the effect of immigration on child-rearing practices among recent Chinese immigrants from China currently living in Australia. Theme: Cultural Studies Room 3 Human Movement and Lifeways Later Life Migration: Socio-cultural Adaptation and Changes in Quality of Life at Settlement among Recent Older Chinese Immigrants in Canada Dr. Alicia C. Garcia, Food and Nutritional Sciences, Brescia University College, London, Canada Dr. Wei-Wei Da, Division of Sociology and Family Studies, Brescia University College, London, Canada Overview: This paper explores the settlement experiences of older Chinese immigrants, focusing on sociocultural adaptation and quality of life with recommendations for policies, programs, and services to be offered. Theme: Cultural Studies Migrants in Elderly Car Care: e: Marginalization versus Inclusion Nevin Altintop, Department of Social and Cultural Anthropology, University of Vienna, Vienna, Austria Overview: This paper compares elderly care for migrants in Germany and Austria based on a field investigation among clients, ca e-providers, and political players "push-and-pull" factors for culturally sensitive care are analyzed. Theme: Social and Community Studies Still a Place for Hope? Immigration towar towards ds Eur Europe’ ope’ss Periphery in a T Time ime of Crisis Prof. Rocio Blanco Gregory, Department of Business Administration and Sociology, University of Extremadura, Caceres, Spain Prof. Grazia Moffa, Department of Political, Social, and Communication Sciences, University of Salerno, Fisciano, Italy Prof. Domenico Maddaloni, Department of Political, Social, and Communication Sciences, University of Salerno, Fisciano, Italy Overview: This paper discusses results of research on international migration at the time of a crisis in two regions on the periphery of Europe: Extremadura (Spain) and Campania (Italy). Theme: Global Studies 74 SAATURDA TURDAY Y, 13 JUNE 14:50-16:30 PARALLEL SESSIONS Room 4 Technology in Lear Learning ning Developing W Web-based eb-based Academic Adult Education: Lear Learning ning Experiences as Starting Points for Planning and for Continuous Development Dr. Minna Maunula, Jyväskylä University, Kokkola University Consortium Chydenius, Kokkola, Finland Dr. Leena Isosomppi, Kokkola University Consortium Chydenius, University of Jyväskylä, Kokkola, Finland Overview: Globally web-based teaching solutions enable participation in academic education and increase skills of adults in different contexts. Web-based adult education is developed as a continuous process in the changing world. Theme: Educational Studies iPlay: T Teaching eaching and Lear Learning ning with New T Technologies echnologies in Contemporary T Times imes Prof. Nicola Yelland, College of Education, Victoria University, Melbourne, Australia Overview: This paper reports on a two-year interdisciplinary research project which focused on the potential of iPads as learning resources in the early years. Theme: Educational Studies Room 5 Communication and Media Studies The Funny Side of Sex: How Acceptable Ar Aree Sex Appeal Advertizements in Dif Differ ferent ent Cultur Cultures es and What Role Does Humor Play? Silke Maria Engelbart, School of Language, Literature, and International Studies, University of Central Lancashire, Preston, UK Delia Anne Jackson, School of Language, Literature, and International Studies, University of Central Lancashire, Preston, UK Overview: This paper compares results from previous research regarding the influence that humor and ethnic backg ound can have on the acceptance of sex appeal advertising. Theme: Communication Family in Advertising: An Analysis of Chosen Eur European opean Countries Joanna Hernik, Faculty of Economics, Department of Marketing, West Pomeranian University of Technology, Szczecin, Poland Overview: This study considers the similarities and differences in advertising using the family as a main symbol. Theme: Communication The Lack of Phenomenological Mass Communication Resear Research ch and Its Impact on the Quality of Media Analysis and Criticism Prof. Pieter J Fourie, Department of Communication Science, University of South Africa, Pretoria, South Africa Overview: This paper focuses on the lack of phenomenological mass communication research to the detriment of research about the media as a dominant process of meaning production and distribution in society. Theme: Communication Analysis of Body Images and T Text ext Messages in Lifestyle Magazines Zorana Šuljug Vučica, Department of Sociology, Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities, University of Split, Split, Croatia Magdalena Nigoević, Department of Italian Language and Literature, Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities, University of Split, Split, Croatia Marija Lončar, Department of Sociology, Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities, University of Split, Split, Croatia Overview: This paper describes the difference between male and female targeted audience in lifestyle magazines, as well as the ways they impose ideals of contemporary femininity and masculinity. Theme: Communication Room 6 Inter International national Relations and Political Studies Post-Cold W War ar Serbian and Russian Irr Irredentism: edentism: The Inter International national Community’ Community’ss Response Prof. Benedict Edward DeDominicis, Political Science International Studies Department, Catholic University of Korea, Bucheon, South Korea Overview: The international community’s differing response to Serbian and Russian irredentism illustrates critical challenges in developing peace strategies with a foundation in human rights unless national self-determination is included. Theme: Global Studies Evoking W Winston inston Chur Churchill’ chill’ss Dictum on an American-Eur American-European opean Str Strong ong Relationship Alketa Dumani, Institute for Studies on Democracy and Development, University of New York Tirana, Tirana, Albania Iljaz Labi, School of History and Philology, University of Tirana, Durres, Albania Overview: This paper explores the relationship between the United States and Europe in the post-Cold War era. Theme: Civic and Political Studies The Politics of T Translation: ranslation: Inter International national Relations in the Thir Third d Space Ariel Shangguan, Politics Department, School of Geography, Politics, and Sociology, Newcastle University, Newcastle upon Tyne, UK Overview: This paper examines the politics of translation in contemporary study of international relations through Homi Bhabha's concept of the third space of enunciation. Theme: Civic and Political Studies Room 7 Social Change and Community Engagement Youth Empowerment and Social Change: Theory and Practice Dr. Elaine Suk Ching Liu, Department of Applied Social Sciences, City University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong, China Overview: Young people can actively engage in and make real influences to the community and societ , instead of passively presenting themselves as a service recipient in adult agencies. Theme: Social and Community Studies The Cultural and Political Formation of University Student Activists in Mexico: The Path of Dissent Elí Orlando Lozano González, Pedagogy, National Autonomous University of Mexico, México, Mexico Overview: This research studies culture and political formation of a group of university students in Mexico, who are known for their political activism, whose main characteristic is dissidence and rebellion. Theme: Cultural Studies Visual Methodology and Policy Dialogue: Girls Leading Change in Addr Addressing essing Sexual V Violence iolence at a University in South Africa Prof. Naydene de Lange, Education, Nelson Mandela Metropolitan University, Port Elizabeth, South Africa Overview: We explore how visual participatory methodologies can be used with young, first-year university women students to engage polic makers in dialogue around their safety, security, and well-being at university? Theme: Social and Community Studies 75 TURDAY Y, 13 JUNE SAATURDA PARALLEL SESSIONS Room 8 Organizational Change and Lear Learning ning 14:50-16:30 Organizational Lear Learning: ning: Keeping Pace with Change thr through ough Action Lear Learning ning Dr. Annie Yeadon-Lee, The Business School, University of Huddersfield, Huddersfield, UK Overview: This paper discusses the value of action learning in facilitating and supporting both organisational learning and organisational change. Theme: Organizational Studies Dif Diffusion fusion of Information T Technologies echnologies in Hill Farms in New Zealand: An Ethnographic Study Saadhia Awan, School of Management, Massey University, Palmerston North, New Zealand Dr. Richard Whiddett, School of Management, College of Business, Massey University, Palmerston North, New Zealand Dr. Russell Johnson, School of Engineering and Advanced Technology, Massey University, Palmerston North, New Zealand Overview: This ethnographic study explores the use of Information Technologies (IT) by New Zealand hill farmers. Poor usability in the harsh environment was identified as a key constraint on IT di fusion. Theme: Organizational Studies Challenges of Electr Electronic onic Mentoring Nadine Oosthuizen, Department of Business Management, Nelson Mandela Metropolitan University, Port Elizabeth, South Africa Overview: A desk top study on the transformative potential of electronic mentoring for females. Recommendations are made on how to overcome challenges associated with electronic mentoring for female corporates and entrepreneurs. Theme: Organizational Studies Room 9 Psychology of the Social Emotions and Pr Problems oblems in W Writing riting Reports: Considerations on Mistakes as a Sign of the Unmaster Unmastered ed "Remains" in the Italian Context of Divor Divorce ce Drs. Cristina Curtolo, Law Department, University of Macerata, Macerata, Italy Overview: Writing stirs the unconscious. The neologism "separandi" denotes spouses who are in the process of separating and emphasizes their psychological vulnerability. Mistakes in the reports can transform them into victims. Theme: Social and Community Studies Uncovering the Emotional Intelligence of T Teachers eachers in a Deprived Envir Environment onment Prof. Tilla Olivier, Teacher Education, Nelson Mandela Metropolitan University, Port Elizabeth, South Africa Dr. Esme Mack, Nelson Mandela Metropolitan University, Port Elizabeth, South Africa Overview: This paper explains how a qualitative research study revealed that teachers who are confronted by environmental deprivation, display characteristics of emotional intelligence in dealing with their daily challenges. Theme: Social and Community Studies Anxiety and Ar Architectur chitecture: e: Communal Spaces and Mental States Arch Ehud Belferman, Faculty of Architecture and Town Planning, Technion – Israel Institute of Technology, Haifa, Israel Overview: This paper discusses qualitative research which suggests that mental processes and structures related to anxiety in large groups manifest correlations with the built structuring of the surroundings. Theme: Social and Community Studies Family Dynamics and Support Patter Patterns ns in Migrant Families Dr. Gabriele Schäfer, Social Work, University of Applied Sciences Bremen, Bremen, Germany Overview: This paper explores family dynamics and support patterns of older migrants living in Bremen, Germany. Theme: Cultural Studies 16:30 76 END OF DAAYY SUNDA UNDAY Y, 14 JUNE 8:30-9:00 CONFERENCE REGISTRA EGISTRATION TION DESK OPEN 9:00-9:10 DAIL AILY Y UPDA PDATE TE Homer Stavely, Common Ground Publishing, USA 9:10-9:40 PLENAR LENARY Y SESSION Dr. Sc. Jasminka Laznjak, University of Zagreb, Croatia "Sociology in The Periphery and the European Model of Science Policy" 9:45-10:00 COFFEE BREAK & TRANSITION 10:00-11:15 PARALLEL SESSIONS Room 1 Communication and Social Interaction Collective Intentionality and Social Forms of Communication: A Socio-logic of Communication Dr. Berislav Žarnić, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, University of Split, Split, Croatia Overview: Understanding the rational dynamics of collective intentionality formation requires the investigation into the logic of social forms of communication. Theme: Communication Is Argumentation (Mer (Merely) ely) Convention? Gabriela Bašić, Department of Teachers Education, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, University of Split, Split, Croatia Overview: This study applies David Lewis’ account of convention and the discussion it issued (Gilbert) to test whether rules for critical discussion are (merely) conventional in scientific enterprise Theme: Communication Theor Theoretical etical Concepts in Functional Communication: Business Pr Presentations esentations Vipra Tiwari, Faculty- PGDM, Institute of Management Development and Research, Pune, India Prajakta Pradhan, Faculty-PGDM, Institute of Management Development and Research, Pune, India Overview: Business presentations commonly use technological tools; however, the functional aspect of presentations are largely dependent on the cognitive and human aspects, which can be described through communication theories. Theme: Communication Room 2 Community Participation and Envir Environmental onmental Studies Public Participation in the Envir Environmental onmental Health Impact Assessment in Thailand Dr. Umaporn Muneenam, Environmental Management Faculty, Prince of Songkla University, Hat Yai, Thailand Overview: This paper discusses how the public participates in the Environmental Health Impact Assessment (EHIA) in the Thai context concerning the issues of projects, process, and participants. Theme: Environmental Studies Not Exactly for the Money: Conservation Practices among For Forest est Communities Engaging in the REDD+ Readiness Pr Project oject in Cr Cross oss River State, Nigeria Mr Isyaku Usman, Department of Geography, University of Leicester, Leicester, UK Dr. Caroline Upton, Department of Geography, University of Leicester, Leicester, UK Dr. Jen Dickinson, Department of Geography, University of Leicester, Leicester, UK Overview: Here, we examine empirically how market environmentalism could change people's motivation for nature conservation. We argue that incentive payments do not always crowd-out existing intrinsic motivations. Theme: Environmental Studies Room 3 Disaster Management and Social V Vulnerability ulnerability Social V Vulnerability ulnerability and Dr Drought ought Risk as Major Sour Sources ces of Food Insecurity in Karamoja, Uganda Dr. Andries J. Jordaan, Disaster Management Training and Education Centre for Africa, University of the Free State, Bloemfontein, South Africa Overview: Drought risk is linked to climate change but social issues such as cultural beliefs, gender inequality, and low education levels seems to be key issues for food insecurity in Karamoja. Theme: Social and Community Studies Room 4 Dynamics of Development Aid On the A Awar wareness eness and Saliency of Development Aid: Is Development Aid a Salient Issue among the Canadian Public? Dominic Hakim Silvio, Interdisciplinary Ph.D Program, Dalhousie University, Halifax, Canada Overview: This paper argues that the reasons behind lack of correlation between development aid and the Canadian aid policy outcomes is because development aid is not a salient issue to Canadians. Theme: Civic and Political Studies Theory of Change and the Recipient Experience of Privately Funded Development Aid: A Case Study of Moshi, T Tanzania anzania Carla Funk, Faculty of Applied Social Sciences, Royal Roads University, Victoria, Canada Dr. Leslie King, School of Environment and Sustainability, Royal Roads University, Victoria, Canada Overview: Exploring the role of philanthropy in development aid in Tanzania, this study investigates recipient perspectives. Does following a theory of change or particular guiding principles make a difference to recipients? Theme: Global Studies 77 SUNDA UNDAY Y, 14 JUNE PARALLEL SESSIONS Room 5 The Politics of Marginalization 10:00-11:15 The Per Perception ception of Christian Favoritism in British Mandate Palestine: Its Impact on the Formulation of Palestinian Arab National Identity Dr. Erik Eliav Freas, Department of Social Sciences and Human Services, Borough of Manhattan Community College-City University of New York, New York, USA Overview: This paper utilizes sociological/psychological concepts regarding group identification to examine the impact of pe ceived favoritism towards Christian Arabs in Mandate Palestine on the inclusivity of Arab national identity vis-à-vis non-Muslims. Theme: Civic and Political Studies The Alienation of the Norther Northern n Ir Ireland eland Loyalist W Working-class orking-class Community: Fr From om Cultural Defenders to Subcultural Of Offenders? fenders? Dr. Alan Grattan, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, Department of Applied Social Studies, Crime and Justice Research Center, University of Winchester, Winchester, UK Overview: With on-going street protests and violence against the perceived erosion of their culture and identity, is the Loyalist working-class community in danger of becoming an anachronistic subculture? Theme: Civic and Political Studies Inter Interdisciplinary disciplinary Action Resear Research: ch: Reflections f om an Experience with Indigenous People in Mexico Dr. Carlos Cortez, Social and Humanities Division, Interdisciplinary Research Program on Human Development, Metropolitan Autonomous University, Mexico City, Mexico Overview: This paper discusses collaborative and interdisciplinary social research with indigenous people concerning their struggles to demand rights, with the aim to understand their problems and to impact social action. Theme: Social and Community Studies Room 6 Publishing Y Your our Article or Book with Common Gr Ground ound Publishing 10:00-10:45 In this session the Community Editor for the Interdisciplinary Social Sciences Collection will present an overview of Common Ground's publishing philosophy and practices. She will also offer tips for turning conference papers in to journal articles, present an overview of journal publishing procedures, and provide information on Common Ground's book proposal submission process. Please feel free to bring questions - the second half of the session will be devoted to Q&A. Room 7 Facets of Communication in Society Af Affect fect at Play: Politics via V Video ideo Games Sara Shamdani, Social and Political Thought Program, York University, Toronto, Canada Overview: This papers examines the affective capacities of video games, as a mode of cultural communication, and their pedagogical potentials in adult learning and formation of politics via aesthetics. Theme: Communication AT Tale ale of One’ One’ss Own: Exploring How Singles Construct Their Interpersonal Biographies in Relation to Popular Media Dr. Ai-Ling Lai, School of Management, University of Leicester, Leicester, UK Dr. Ming Lim, School of Management, University of Leicester, Leicester, UK Overview: This paper explores the mediated experience of singles through an understanding of how representations of intimacies in popular media shape the interpersonal biography of individuals who are not married. Theme: Communication Salient Issues in the Omani Online Community Abdullah Riyami, Media and Information Studies Program Department of Advertising and Public Relations, Michigan State University, Lansing, USA Overview: Using silent observation in netnography as a methodological technique with focus on Grounded Theory, this paper examines the salient issues in online communities in Oman and their generalizeability. Theme: Communication Room 8 Voting, Discrimination, Equal Rights Fr Free ee and Fair? Rhodesians Reflect on the Elections of 1979 and 198 Dr. Nicholas Waddy, Department of Social and Behavioral Sciences, Alfred State, State University of New York College of Technology, Alfred, USA Overview: Questionnaires distributed to ex-Rhodesians, who were witnesses to the critical elections of 1979 and 1980, will provide insights as to why and how black Zimbabweans voted as they did. Theme: Civic and Political Studies The V Voting oting Rights Act: Bail-in of Formerly Cover Covered ed Jurisdictions Dr. Daniel McCool, Political Science, University of Utah, Ogden, USA Prof. Richard Lee Engstrom, Center for the Study of Race, Ethnicity, and Gender in the Social Sciences, Duke University, Chapel Hill, USA Dr. Henry Flores, Graduate School Department of Political Science, St. Mary's University, San Antonio, USA Overview: The 2013 United States Supreme Court decision of Shelby County versus Holder invalidated the "preclearance" provisions of the Voting Rights Act. This paper examines the "bail-in" procedure of the Act. Theme: Civic and Political Studies The Influence of Gender and Socioeconomic Status on Civic and Political Participation as a Result of Socializatio Ausra Turcinskaite-Balciuniene, Department of Advertising and Communication Faculty of Business Management, University of Applied Sciences, Vilnius, Lithuania Jonas Balciunas, Department of Education Faculty of Education, Lithuanian University of Educational Sciences, Vilnius, Lithuania Overview: This paper discusses survey results, analyzing the influence of gender and socioeconomic status on civic and political participation as result of gender specific socialization and socioeconomic status specific socializatio Theme: Cultural Studies 11:15-11:25 78 TRANSITION BREAK SUNDA UNDAY Y, 14 JUNE 11:25-12:40 PARALLEL SESSIONS Room 1 Fr Freedom eedom of the Pr Press ess The Pr Protection otection of Privacy in the Context of Fr Freedom eedom of the Pr Press ess under T Turkish urkish Regulations Prof. Dr. Seldag Gunes Peschke, Faculty of Law, Yildirim Beyazit University, Ankara, Turkey Overview: In this paper, freedom of the press under privacy matters would be discussed according to Turkish regulations. Theme: Civic and Political Studies Pr Professional ofessional Jour Journalism nalism and Political Af Affiliation filiation of the Media: A Case Study of Indonesian Newspaper Mala Ekayanti, Wee Kim Wee School of Communication and Information, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore, Singapore Dr. Hao Xiaoming, Wee Kim wee School of Communication and Information, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore, Singapore Overview: This study examines the impact of political ownership of Indonesian newspapers on journalists’ practice of professional values in their day-to-day reporting activities. Theme: Civic and Political Studies Room 2 Social Responsibility and Civic Activity African Y Youth outh Experiences of the New Zealand Justice System: The Opposing Intersections Dr. Camille Nakhid, School of Social Sciences and Public Policy, Auckland University of Technology, Auckland Central, New Zealand Overview: This paper discusses a research study investigating African youth experiences of the New Zealand justice system and the role of the state in ensuring its social responsibility. Theme: Social and Community Studies "Bad" Civil Society versus "Good" Civil Society: Combating Right-wing Extr Extremism emism in Germany Christiane Olivo, Department of Political Science and International Affairs, University of Northern Colorado, Greeley, USA Overview: When is citizen engagement in civil society good for democracy? This paper answers the question by examining right-wing extremism and efforts to combat it within German civil society. Theme: Civic and Political Studies Social Audit in Mexico: Citizens as a Supervisory Entity of the Federal Gover Government nment and Its Impact on Public Management Edith Rocio Flores Caliz, Governmental Audit, National Autonomous University of Mexico, Ciudad de Mexico, Mexico Overview: This study discusses the procedures and resources of a social audit in the Federal Government in Mexico, including the challenges and opportunities in the professionalization of this activity. Theme: Civic and Political Studies Room 3 Human Lifecourses: Family Dynamics and Child Rearing Par Parental ental Influences on Child en’ en’ss Ethnic Identity among Kor Korean-American ean-American Families Dr. Kee Jeong Kim, Department of Human Development, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, Blacksburg, USA Overview: Parental influences on child en’s ethnic identity among middle-income Korean-American families including fathers, mothers, and their children were examined. The present study reveals the importance of ethnic socialization as enculturation process. Theme: Cultural Studies Room 4 Social W Welfar elfaree Studies for the Pr Professions ofessions Str Street-level eet-level Bur Bureaucracy eaucracy and the Dilemmas of Public Sector Social W Work ork Revisited: The Practitioner Speaks Dr. Paul Stepney, Department of Social Sciences and Humanities, University of Tampere, Tampere, Finland Overview: Lipsky’s classic study of street-level bureaucracy was used as a reference point for a research project. This confirmed the elevance of his work and identified new practice dilemmas Theme: Social and Community Studies What T Toleration oleration Means for Social W Work? ork? Dr. Jung-Sook Lee, Social Work, Social Sciences, and Policy, University of New South Wales, Sydney, Australia Overview: Toleration is an often assumed but not acknowledged virtue in social work. This study explores its relevance to social work and discusses constraints social workers face in drawing toleration limits. Theme: Social and Community Studies Room 5 Studies in Political Science The Filibuster in the United States Senate Sarah Hardaway, Cherokee Strip Regional Heritage Center, Enid, USA Overview: This paper examines the history of the use of the filibuster by members of the United States Senate to thwart the passage of le islation. Theme: Civic and Political Studies Br Brown own versus the Boar Board d of Education: A Multifaceted Appr Approach oach to Understanding Supr Supreme eme Court Decision Making Prof. Jeffrey Hockett, Department of Political Science, University of Tulsa, Tulsa, USA Overview: The famous 1954 desegregation ruling is used to illustrate the point that the most productive inquiries into judicial decision-making focus on the interplay of instrumental and non-instrumental structures and decisions. Theme: Civic and Political Studies Exceptionalism and United States For Foreign eign Policy: The Case of UNCLOS III in the Senate Hye-Jin Lee, Political Science Department, Sogang University, Gimpo, South Korea Overview: This paper discusses the effect of American Exceptionalism on the United States’ foreign policy, mainly considering the UNCLOS III case. Theme: Civic and Political Studies 79 SUNDA UNDAY Y, 14 JUNE PARALLEL SESSIONS Room 6 Community Studies 11:25-12:40 Value Orientations and Social Justice Per Perceptions ceptions of Social Science and Business Students in Cr Croatia oatia Marita Brčić Kuljiš, Department of Philosophy, Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Split, Split, Croatia Dr. Niksa Alfi evic, Department of Management, University of Split, Split, Croatia Overview: In this paper, we describe and compare the value orientations and worldview of students of social science and business at a major Croatian university. Theme: Civic and Political Studies Fr From om All Sides: How Disparate Gr Groups oups See Their Community Prof. Keith Dewar, Faculty of Business, University of New Brunswick, Saint John, Canada Wen Gao, Interdisciplinary Studies, University of New Brunswick, Saint John, Canada Wenmei Li Li, Faculty of Business, University of New Brunswick, Saint John, Canada Overview: Perceptions of community differ depending on the social/cultural background of the residents. An analysis of unsolicited visual images taken by various groups can lead to new insights into community structures. Theme: Social and Community Studies Room 7 Human Lifecourses: Y Youth outh and Social Impacts To Glass or Not to Glass: A Study on a W Wearable earable Device (Google Glass) Dr. André H. Caron, Department of Communication Centre for Interdisciplinary Research on Emerging Technologies Centre for Youth and Media Studies, University of Montréal, Montréal, Canada Dr. Letizia Caronia, School of Psychology and Science of Education, University of Bologna, Bologna, Italy Overview: This study explores to what extent young people are or are not predisposed to the arrival of a new wearable device called Google Glass. Theme: Cultural Studies Fostering Healthy Dating Experiences during Adolescence: An Intersectional Perspective Robin Repta, Interdisciplinary Studies Graduate Program, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, Canada Overview: In this paper, I discuss the results of a critical ethnographic study on young people and dating that took place in a rural community in North-Central British Columbia, Canada. Theme: Social and Community Studies Room 8 Social Studies in Human Communication Action Cameras as Social Facilitator: An Analysis of Amateur Extr Extreme eme Motor Motorcycle cycle V Videos ideos Dr. Önder M. Özdem, Performing Arts Department, School of Cinematic Arts, İpek University, Ankara, Turkey Overview: For extreme action video records, the presence of an action camera means potential future observers. Consequently, action cameras can be thought as a social facilitator for the actors. Theme: Communication Storytelling in A Aviation viation Education: A Neur Neuroscience oscience Perspective Dr. Willem Jan Homan, Department of Aviation Sciences, College of Aviation, Western Michigan University, Kalamazoo, USA Overview: This paper discusses storytelling as an effective practice for aviation professionals to communicate important information in a Crew Resource Management training environment. It explores storyline development and its neuroscience underpinnings. Theme: Organizational Studies Public Speaking in Politics Based on the Public Speeches of Cr Croatian oatian Prime Minister Zoran Milanovi Milanović Prof. Ozana Ramljak, Languages and Culture Department, Vern' Univesity of Applied Sciences, Zagreb, Croatia Josipa Radoš, Vern' University of Applied Sciences, Zagreb, Croatia Luka Perković, Split, Croatia Overview: The theoretical definition of communication and basic rules of rhetoric a e applied to political public speaking and used to examine the public speeches of Croatian Prime Minister Zoran Milanović. Theme: Communication 12:40-13:10 80 CLOSING SESSION Interdisciplinary Social Sciences List of Participants Adu-Febiri Francis Camosun College Canada Albertson Katherine Sheffield Hallam University UK Albertson Kevin Manchester Metropolitan University UK Alexander Melina Weber State University USA Alfirevic Niksa University of Split Croatia Altintop Nevin University of Vienna Austria Antoni Xolile Nelson Mandela Metropolitan University South Africa Aota Shoma The University of Tokyo Japan Avdiaj Bekim European University of Tirana Albania Balic Alma Windsor Essex Childrens Aid Society Canada Barker Rachel University of South Africa South Africa Batarelo Kokic Ivana University of Split Croatia Bašic Gabriela University of Split Croatia Begg Clive The University of Queensland Australia Begg Fiona Australian Community Safety & Australia Research Organisation Inc. Belferman Ehud Technion Institute of Technology Israel Bereghazyova Gabriela University of Surrey UK Bhaduri Gargi Kent State University USA Bhattacharya Rajesh Indian Institute of Management Calcutta India Bickford Annette York University Canada Blaauw Derick North-West University South Africa Blanco Gregory Rocio Universidad de Extremadura Spain Blenden Janis Henderson Behavioral Health USA Bouchoucha Meriem Centre d’economie de l’universite Paris Nord France Bozanic Josko University of Split Croatia Brcic Kuljiš Marita University of Split Croatia Bubic Andreja University of Split Croatia Buljubasic Eni University of Split Croatia Buzov Ivanka University of Split Croatia Callahan RC Weber State University USA Capous Desyllas Moshoula California State University, Northridge USA Caney Arlene Community College of Philadelphia USA Caron André H. University of Montréal Canada Cho Younoh Dongguk University South Korea Choochom Oraphin Srinakharinwirote University Thailand Cortez Carlos Universidad Autonoma Metropolitana Mexico Cudworth Dave DeMontfort University UK Curtolo Cristina University of Macerata Italy Da Wei-Wei Brescia University College Canada Daiski Isolde York University Canada Danopoulos Constantine P. San Jose State University USA Dauenhauer Jason The College at Brockport, SUNY USA 81 Interdisciplinary Social Sciences List of Participants de Lange Naydene Nelson Mandela Metropolitan University South Africa DeDominicis Benedict Edward Catholic University of Korea South Korea Deichmann Joel Bentley University USA Dewar Keith University of New Brunswick Canada Diaz de Leon Alejandra University of Essex UK Dino Alket European University of Tirana Albania Dosedlova Jaroslava Masaryk University Czech Republic Dragoi Mihaela Cristina Bucharest University of Economic Studies Romania Dreussi Amy Shriver The University of Akron USA Dumani Alketa University of New York Tirana Albania Engelbart Silke Maria University of Central Lancashire UK Engstrom Richard Lee Duke University USA Ervasti Heikki University of Turku Finland Farrell Lindsay Australian Catholic University Australia Ferreira Johanna G. University of South Africa South Africa Fife Allison Utah State University USA National Development Planning Agency Indonesia Fithriyah 82 Flores Caliz Edith Rocio Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico Mexico Folsom Christy City University of New York USA Fourie Pieter J. University of South Africa South Africa Freas Erik Eliav City University of New York USA Frostig Karen Brandeis University USA Fung Pui Ling The Open University of Hong Kong China Funk Carla Royal Roads University Canada Galic Kakkonen Gordana University of Split Croatia Garcia Alicia C. University of Western Ontario Canada Garcia Martha Lucia Pacific University USA Garland Elizabeth Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai USA Gesser Verônica Universidade do Vale de Itajaí Brazil Golbeck Amanda L. The University of Montana USA Grattan Alan University of Winchester UK Greer-Wootten Bryn York University Canada Guadagno Mary Ann National Institutes of Health USA Guerrero Larisa Lara Universite Paris 7 France Gunes Peschke Seldag Yıldırım Beyazıt University Turkey Gutberlet Jutta University of Victoria Canada Guterman Oz Western Galilee College Israel Gutovic Tea University of Split Croatia Ha-Brookshire Jung University of Missouri USA Han Tae Young Kwangwoon University South Korea Hardaway Roger Northwestern Oklahoma State University USA Hardaway Sarah Cherokee Strip Regional Heritage Center USA Heffernan Kristin The College at Brockport, SUNY USA Interdisciplinary Social Sciences List of Participants Hernik Joanna West Pomeranian University of Technology Poland Hockett Jeffrey University of Tulsa USA Homan Willem Jan Western Michigan University USA Horn Andre University of South Africa South Africa Huffman Sonya Iowa State University USA Iacovou-Charalambous Maria University of Cyprus Cyprus Igarashi Mika The University of Tokyo Japan Ignacek-Kuznicka Beata University of Opole Poland Isik Damla Regis University USA Isosomppi Leena University of Jyväskylä Finland Jackson Delia Anne University of Central Lancashire UK Jops Paula University of New South Wales Australia Jordaan Andries J. University of the Free State South Africa Josipovic Ivo University of Zagreb Croatia Kapel-Green Edna The David Yellin College of Education Israel Katunaric Vjeran University of Zadar Croatia Kilbourne Brock El Camino Psychology Services, PC USA Kilbourne Samantha El Camino Psychology Services, PC USA Kim Kee Jeong Virginia Tech USA Kim Kwangmi Towson University USA Kirker Constance Penn State University, Brandywine USA Kirsten Monica University of South Africa South Africa Kovacevic Vlaho University of Split Croatia Kwon Jain The University of Georgia USA Lai Ai-Ling University of Leicester UK Lam Ka-ka The Chinese University of Hong Kong China Laznjak Jasminka University of Zagreb Croatia Le Navenec Carole-Lynne University of Calgary Canada Le Roux Cheryl S University of South Africa South Africa Lee Hye-Jin Sogang University South Korea Lee Jung-Sook University of New South Wales Australia Lee Mei-chun University of California, Davis USA Lee Myung Shin Gyeongsang National University South Korea Li Wenmei Li University of New Brunswick Canada Li Xiaoping Okanagan College Canada Liu Elaine Suk Ching City University of Hong Kong Hong Kong Loncar Marija University of Split Croatia Lovrich Nicholas Washington State University USA Lozano González Elí Orlando Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México Mexico Lukashina Helen Moscow State University Russian Federation Luo Wei Indiana University Purdue University USA Lähdesmäki Tuuli University of Jyväskylä Finland Mack Esme Nelson Mandela Metropolitan University South Africa 83 Interdisciplinary Social Sciences List of Participants 84 Maddaloni Domenico Universita Degli Studi di Salerno Italy Maihoub Amani University of Amsterdam Netherlands Mamali Catalin Loras College USA Manuel April Memorial University Canada Matchaba-Hove Tony Mtonhodzi Nelson Mandela Metropolitan University South Africa Maunula Minna University of Jyvaskyla Finland Mazibuko Noxolo Eileen Nelson Mandela Metropolitan University South Africa McCool Daniel University of Utah USA McCrink Carmen L. Barry University USA McLaughlin Meredith University of Wyoming USA Medvecky Fabien University of Otago New Zealand Milovanovic-Bertram Smilja University of Texas at Austin USA Molgaard Craig A. The University of Montana USA Muchransyah Azalia Primadita BINUS International University Indonesia Mudra Gyan National Institute of Rural Development India Muneenam Umaporn Prince of Songkla University Thailand Muzas Brian Seton Hall University USA Nakhid Camille Auckland University of Technology New Zealand Nascimento Frank C. New Jersey City University USA Ndahayo Emmanuel University of Siegen Germany Ngai Steven Sek-yum The Chinese University of Hong Kong Hong Kong Nienaber Hester University of South Africa South Africa Nigoevic Magdalena Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities Croatia Novakovic Jelena University of Split Croatia Olivier Tilla Nelson Mandela Metropolitan University South Africa Olivo Christiane University of Northern Colorado USA Oosthuizen Nadine Nelson Mandela Metropolitan University South Africa Packer Colleen Weber State University USA Parac Zvonimir University of Split Croatia Parker Jerry University of Missouri USA Pavlich Dennis University of British Columbia Canada Peltz-Steele Richard University of Massachusetts USA Perisic Petra University of Rijeka Croatia Perks Sandra Nelson Mandela Metropolitan University South Africa Peschke Lutz Ipek University Ankara Turkey Peterson J. Fiona RMIT University Australia Phillips Ron Nipissing University Canada Pilic Sime University of Split Croatia Pradhan Prajakta Deccan Education Society India Price Lisa Oregon State University USA Quinless Jacqueline M. University of Victoria Canada Ramljak Ozana Vern’ Univesity of Applied Sciences Croatia Ratkovic Snezana Brock University Canada Reic Ercegovac Ina University of Split Croatia Interdisciplinary Social Sciences List of Participants Relja Renata University of Split Croatia Repta Robin University of British Columbia Canada Riyami Abdullah Michigan State University USA Sanchez-Parra Tatiana University of Essex UK Schäfer Gabriele University of Applied Sciences Bremen Germany Sened Itai Tel Aviv University Israel Seti Vuyolwethu University of South Africa South Africa Sfeir Ghada University of Saskatchewan Canada Shamdani Sara York University Canada Shangguan Ariel Newcastle University UK Sharabi Moshe The Max Stern Yezreel Valley College Israel Silvio Dominic Hakim Dalhousie University Canada Slavik Christine Ella University of the Fraser Valley Canada Smith Elroy Eugene Nelson Mandela Metropolitan University South Africa Smith Stafford Society for Photographic Education USA Spetic Marin University of Split Croatia Stanic Sanja University of Split Croatia Stepney Paul University of Tampere Finland Story Dale University of Texas at Arlington USA Suwannattachote Pongbaworn Prince of Songkla University Thailand Swanepoel Piet University of South Africa South Africa Syka Xhenet European University of Tirana Albania Tan Oon-Seng National Institute of Education Singapore Tanke Mary Florida International University USA Tarifa Fatos University of New York Tirana Albania Thakur Manish Indian Institute of Management Calcutta India Tilley Susan A. Brock University Canada Tomic Vicko Healthy City Croatia Turcinskaite-Balciuniene Ausra University of Applied Sciences Lithuania Uncu Veronica University of Ottawa Canada Usman Isyaku University of Leicester UK van Niekerk Melissa University of South Africa South Africa Venter Elizabeth University of South Africa South Africa Waddy Nicholas Alfred State College USA Whiddett Richard Massey University New Zealand Xiaoming Hao Nanyang Technological University, Singapore Singapore Yang Eomji Sogang University South Korea Yang Nanmee Gyeongsang National University South Korea Yanyan Yin The University of Hong Kong China Yeadon-Lee Annie University of Huddersfield UK Yeadon-Lee Tracey University of Huddersfield UK Yelland Nicola Victoria University Australia Yorke Jon Curtin University Australia 85 Interdisciplinary Social Sciences List of Participants 86 Yui Miharu Kobe University Japan Zhang Xianchu The University of Hong Kong Hong Kong Zucker Bat-Ami Bar-Ilan University Israel Özdem Önder M. Ipek University Turkey Levina Jelena Riga Stradinš University Latvia Šuljug Vucica Zorana University of Split Croatia Švarcová Jena Tomas Bata University Czech Republic Žarnic Berislav University of Split Croatia Décimo Congreso Internacional de Ciencias Sociales Interdisciplinares Enfoques interdisciplinarios del cambio social contemporáneo 11-13 JUNIO 2015 | UNIVERSITY OF SPLIT | SPLIT, CROACIA | LASCIENCIASSOCIALES.COM DÉCIMO CONGRESO INTERNACIONAL DE CIENCIAS SOCIALES INTERDISCIPLINARES UNIVERSITY OF SPLIT SPLIT, CROACIA 11-13 JUNIO 2015 LASCIENCIASSOCIALES.COM 89 DÉCIMO CONGRESO INTERNACIONAL DE CIENCIAS SOCIALES INTERDISCIPLINARES www.lascienciassociales.com First published in 2015 in Champaign, Illinois, USA by Common Ground Publishing, LLC www.commongroundpublishing.com © 2015 Common Ground Publishing All rights reserved. Apart from fair dealing for the purposes of study, research, criticism or review as permitted under the applicable copyright legislation, no part of this work may be reproduced by any process without written permission from the publisher. For permissions and other inquiries, please contact [email protected]. 90 TABLA DE CONTENIDOS Revista Internacional de Ciencias Sociales Interdisciplinares ........................................................................... 100 Programa y horario del Congreso ......................................................................................................................... 105 Horario: comunicaciones en español y portugués .......................................................................................... 106 Ponentes Plenarios .......................................................................................................................................... 108 Becas a jóvenes investigadores ........................................................................................................................ 110 Programación de sesiones ................................................................................................................................ 112 Lista de participantes ....................................................................................................................................... 126 91 REVISTA INTERNACIONAL DE CIENCIAS SOCIALES INTERDISCIPLINARES Acerca de nuestro enfoque editorial Durante 30 años, Common Ground Publishing se ha comprometido con la creación de lugares de encuentro de personas e ideas. Con 10 comunidades de conocimiento en español y portugués y 24 comunidades en inglés, la visión de Common Ground es proveer plataformas que reúnan a personas de diversos orígenes geográficos, institucionales y culturales en espacios donde académicos y otros profesionales puedan conectar por igual a través de distintos campos interdisciplinares de estudio. Cada comunidad de conocimiento realiza un congreso académico anual alrededor del mundo y está asociada a una Revista revisada por pares (o a una colección de Revistas), una colección de Libros y un serie de redes sociales, en torno a un nuevo “espacio social de conocimiento” diseñado y desarrollado por Common Ground: Scholar (http://cgscholar.com/). A través de sus servicios editoriales, Common Ground tiene como objetivo fomentar los más altos estándares de excelencia intelectual. Somos muy críticos con las graves deficiencias que existen en el actual sistema de publicaciones académica, incluyendo las estructuras existentes y las redes exclusivas que restringen la visibilidad de los académicos e investigadores emergentes en los países en desarrollo, así como los costes e ineficiencias insostenibles asociados con la edición comercial tradicional. Para combatir estas deficiencias, Common Ground ha desarrollado un modelo de publicación innovador. Cada una de las comunidades de conocimiento de Common Ground organiza un congreso académico anual. La cuota de inscripción que pagan los participantes del congreso por asistir y presentar en estos congresos, les permite enviar un artículo a la revista (o colección de revistas) asociada sin coste adicional. Así, los autores pueden realizar una presentación en un congreso científico de su área de investigación, incorporar las críticas constructivas que reciben en respuesta a su presentación y, a continuación, enviar un artículo sólido para su revisión por pares, sin que el autor tenga que pagar una tasa adicional. Los académicos que no puedan asistir al congreso en persona, pueden participar de forma virtual, opción que les permite enviar un artículo a la revista. Usando una parte de la cuota de inscripción para financiar los costes asociados a la producción y comercialización de las revistas, Common Ground es capaz de mantener unos precios de suscripción bajos, facilitando así el acceso a todos nuestros contenidos. Todos los participantes del congreso, tanto presenciales como virtuales, pueden subir sus presentaciones al canal de YouTube de Common Ground, además de tener una suscripción electrónica gratuita a la revista por un periodo de un año. Esta suscripción permite el acceso a todos los números, presentes y pasados, de la revista en español/portugués y a la revista (o colección de revistas) en inglés. Además, cada artículo que publicamos está disponible de forma individual con una tarifa de descarga de $3 para los no abonados, y los autores disponen de la opción de publicar su artículo en acceso abierto para llegar así a una mayor audiencia y garantizar la difusión más amplia posible. El riguroso proceso de revisión de Common Ground trata también de abordar algunos de los sesgos inherentes a los tradicionales modelos de editoriales académicas. El conjunto de evaluadores está compuesto de autores que han presentado recientemente artículos a la revista, así como de revisores voluntarios cuyos currículos y experiencia académica han sido evaluados por el equipo editorial de Common Ground. Los artículos son asignados a revisores en base en sus intereses académicos y experiencia. Al tener voluntarios y a otros autores como posibles revisores, Common Ground evita los inconvenientes de depender de la red profesional de un solo editor, que con más frecuencia de la deseable conlleva la creación de grupos de arbitraje cerrado que deciden qué y quién publica. En cambio, Common Ground aprovecha el excelente talante de los participantes del congreso y de los autores de las revistas para evaluar los trabajos, utilizando un sistema de evaluación basado en criterios más democráticos e intelectualmente más rigurosos que otros modelos tradicionales. Common Ground también reconoce la importante labor de los revisores, nombrándoles Editores Asociados de los volúmenes en los que contribuyen. A través de la creación de un software asombrosamente innovador, Common Ground también ha comenzado a hacer frente a lo que considera como un cambio en las relaciones tecnológicas, económicas, geográficas, interdisciplinarias, sociales y de distribución y difusión del conocimiento. Desde hace más de diez años hemos estado construyendo una editorial muy mediada por las tecnologías web y las nueves redes sociales, donde la gente pueda trabajar en estrecha colaboración para aprender, crear y compartir conocimiento. La tercera y última iteración de este proyecto es un entorno social de conocimiento pionero llamado Scholar (http://cgscholar.com/). Esta plataforma informática posee un lugar donde los académicos pueden conectarse en red y dar visibilidad a sus investigaciones a través de una librería personal. Esperamos que se unan a nosotros en la creación de diálogos entre diferentes perspectivas, experiencias, áreas de conocimiento y metodologías a través de las interacciones en el seno del congreso, las conversaciones online, los artículos 92 para la revista o la colección de libros (ambas revisadas por pares). Revista Internacional de Ciencias Sociales Interdisciplinares La Revista Internacional de Ciencias Sociales Interdisciplinares tiene como objetivo examinar la naturaleza de las prácticas disciplinares, y las prácticas interdisciplinares que surgen en el contexto de las aplicaciones del “mundo real”. También se interroga sobre el significado de la “ciencia” en un contexto social, y las conexiones entre lo social y las demás ciencias particulares. La revista discute las prácticas disciplinares distintivas en el seno de las ciencias sociales y examina ejemplos de estas prácticas. Con el fin de definir y ejemplificar lo que constituye las disciplinas, la revista fomenta el diálogo, ya sea desde una perspectiva global, teórica y especulativa, o ya sea desde una perspectiva local y empírica. Al considerar las variadas perspectivas interdisciplinares, trasdisciplinares o multidisciplinares que permean las ciencias sociales, las ciencias naturales y las ciencias aplicadas, la revista muestra el modo en que las prácticas interdisciplinares entran en acción. El enfoque de los artículos puede ir desde aportaciones empíricas y estudios de casos, hasta una amplia gama de investigaciones sobre prácticas multidisciplinares y trasdisciplinares, así como reflexiones sobre el conocimiento sociológico y sobre las metodologías aplicables. La Revista Internacional de Ciencias Sociales Interdisciplinares es revisada por expertos y respaldada por un proceso de publicación basado en el rigor y en criterios de calidad académica, asegurando así que solo los trabajos intelectuales significativos sean publicados. ISSN: 2254-7207 Editores Lucía Sutil Martín, Universidad Rey Juan Carlos, Madrid, España. Alfonso Unceta, Universidad del País Vasco, Bilbao, España. Frecuencia de Publicación 2 números por volumen; los artículos son publicados continuamente online 93 PROCESO DE ENVÍO Cada participante que tenga una propuesta aceptada puede y está invitado a presentar un artículo a la Revista Internacional de Ciencias Sociales Interdisciplinares. El artículo completo podrá ser enviado mediante el sistema de gestión CGPublisher. A continuación encontrará las instrucciones paso a paso sobre el proceso de envío. 1. Presentar una propuesta para el congreso (en persona o virtual). 2. Una vez que su propuesta o el resumen de su ponencia haya sido aceptado, puede enviar su artículo a la revista haciendo clic en "add a paper" dentro de la página donde suministró la propuesta. Puede subir su artículo desde el momento en que realice la inscripción hasta un mes posterior a la fecha en que termina el congreso. 3. Una vez que recibamos su artículo y comprobemos los requisitos de presentación, retiraremos su identidad y datos de contacto del documento para enviárselo a dos evaluadores apropiados y empezar así el proceso de revisión. Puede ver el estado de su trabajo en cualquier momento iniciando sesión en su cuenta CGPublisher en www.CGPublisher.com. 4. Cuando se carguen los informes de los evaluadores, se le notificará por correo electrónico y se le proporcionará un enlace para que pueda ver los informes (después de que las identidades de los evaluadores hayan sido eliminadas). 5. Si el artículo ha sido aceptado, se le pedirá que acepte el acuerdo de publicación y se le enviará una copia final de su artículo. Si el artículo es aceptado solicitando modificaciones, se le pedirá que notifique los cambios realizados en su presentación final a la luz de los comentarios de los revisores. Si se rechaza su artículo, puede volver a presentarlo para una nueva evaluación. 6. Una vez maquetados los trabajos aceptados, le enviaremos las pruebas para su aprobación antes de su publicación. 7. Los artículos individuales pueden ser publicados on-line primero antes de publicarse el número completo de la Revista. 8. Los participantes registrados en el congreso tendrán acceso on-line a la revista desde el momento de la inscripción hasta un año después de la fecha de finalización del congreso. Los artículos individuales están disponibles en la librería de la revista. El autor y los evaluadores externos pueden solicitar copias impresas de artículos o revistas completas a un precio reducido. PLAZO DE ENVÍO Puede enviar su trabajo final para su publicación en la revista en cualquier momento del año, sin embargo, la fecha límite para la presentación del artículo a la revista es de un mes después de la finalización del congreso. 13 de Julio 2015 Cuanto antes envíe el artículo, antes se iniciará el proceso de revisión por pares. Tenga en cuenta que, si lo presenta después de la fecha límite, su artículo será incluido en un volumen posterior. 94 SUSCRIPCIÓN A LA REVISTA, ACCESO ABIERTO Y SERVICIOS ADICIONALES Suscripción Institucional Common Ground ofrece suscripción impresa y electrónica a todas sus revistas. Existen diferentes opciones y paquetes de revistas a las que se puede suscribir, incluso puede tener acceso a la colección completa de revistas en inglés y en español/portugués. Puede utilizar el formulario de recomendación a su Biblioteca (disponible en el siguiente enlace http://lascienciassociales.com/publicaciones/revista/sobre-la-revista - 3-tab) para recomendar que su institución se suscriba a la Revista Internacional de Ciencias Sociales Interdisciplinares. Suscripción Individual Como parte de la inscripción al congreso, todos los participantes (tanto virtuales como presenciales) del congreso cuentan con una suscripción on-line anual a la Revista Internacional de Ciencias Sociales Interdisciplinares. La suscripción de acceso gratuito tanto al volumen actual de la revista como a todo el fondo editorial. El periodo de acceso gratuito comienza en el momento de la inscripción y termina un año después de la finalización del congreso. Después de ese tiempo, los participantes deberán adquirir una suscripción individual. Para ver los artículos, vaya a http://ijies.cgpublisher.com/. Seleccione la opción "Login" e introduzca su nombre de usuario y contraseña en CGPublisher. A continuación, seleccione un artículo y descargue el PDF. Puede solicitar una nueva contraseña del programa CGPublisher en "http://www.cgpublisher.com/lost_login" Para obtener más información, por favor visite: http://lascienciassociales.com/publicaciones/revista/suscripciones-ypeticion-de-ejemplares o póngase en contacto con nosotros en [email protected] Acceso Abierto Las revistas de Common Ground ofrecen un modelo de acceso abierto híbrido a los autores de los artículos. Se trata de un nuevo modelo, en pleno auge en el seno del sector de las publicaciones académicas. Este servicio es ofrecido cada vez más por las editoriales universitarias y por editoriales comerciales de prestigio. Acceso Abierto Híbrido significa que algunos artículos están disponibles sólo para suscriptores, mientras que otros están disponibles gratuitamente para cualquier persona que busca en la web. Los autores que estén interesados en tener su artículo en acceso abierto, es decir accesible de forma gratuita en la web, deben abonar una cantidad adicional si desean hacer efectiva esta interesante opción. Cada vez más agencias de financiación, tanto gubernamentales como fundaciones públicas y privadas, están exigiendo que los artículos de sus investigadores sean publicados en acceso abierto. A cambio, dichas agencias ofrecen financiación adicional a dichos autores para poder abonar la cantidad estipulada por la editorial. Infórmese en su agencia de financiación, en su centro de investigación o en su universidad para solicitar una ayuda por este concepto. Los beneficios de convertir su artículo en acceso abierto son considerables y empíricamente comprobados. Innumerables trabajos de investigación han probado que un artículo en acceso abierto aumenta no sólo su visibilidad y su accesibilidad y por tanto, también el número de lectores potenciales, sino que además puede aumentar el número de citas recibidas en más de un 250% Para más información, por favor visite la página: http://lascienciassociales.com/publicaciones/revista/acceso-abierto Servicios Editoriales Nos complace en ofrecer servicios editoriales para aquellos autores que quieran tener una revisión/edición profesional de su trabajo. Los autores pueden solicitar estos servicios editoriales antes de remitir su artículo o después del proceso de revisión por pares. En algunos casos los evaluadores pueden recomendar que un artículo sea corregido/editado como condición para su publicación. Los servicios descritos a continuación pueden servir de ayuda a los autores en la fase de revisión, antes de presentar la versión final de su artículo. Se ruega contacten para obtener más información [email protected] o visite nuestra pag: http://lascienciassociales.com/publicaciones/servicioseditoriales 95 PROGRAMA Y HORARIO DEL CONGRESO 97 HORARIO: COMUNICACIONES EN ESPAÑOL Y PORTUGUÉS Jueves, 11, Junio 8:00–9:00 Acreditaciones 9:00–9:20 Apertura del congreso: Homer Stavely, Common Ground Publishing, EEUU 9:20–9:30 Bienvenida de la Universidad de Split Dr. Sc. Aleksandar Jakir, Dean of the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences Dr. Sc. Simun Andelinovic, Rector of the University of Split 9:30–9:35 Bienvenida del Condado Split-Dalmatia 9:35–9:40 Bienvenida de la ciudad de Split 9:40-10:10 Sesión plenaria en ingles — Dr. Sc. Ivo Josipovic, University of Zagreb, Croatia "Law, Politics and Changes in Society: The Case of Croatia" 10:15-10:30 Descanso y café 10:30-11:15 Grupos de discusión en español y portugués 11:15-11:25 Descanso 11:25-13:05 Sesiones paralelas en español y portugués 13:05-14:30 Comida: Se celebrará en el Hotel Radisson Blu 14:30-16:10 Sesiones paralelas en español y portugués 16:10-16:25 Descanso y café 16:25-17:40 Sesiones paralelas en español y portugués 17:40-17:45 Fin de la sesión Viernes, 12, Junio 98 8:30-9:00 Acreditaciones 9:00-9:10 Anuncios anfitrión para el día: Homer Stavely, Common Ground Publishing, EEUU 9:10-9:40 Sesión plenaria en ingles: Dr. Sc. Vjeran Katunaric, University of Zadar, Croatia "A Multidimensional Approach to Contemporary Divergence Between Liberalism and Socialism: Brawl in the Family?" 9:45-10:00 Descanso y café 10:00-11:40 Sesiones paralelas en español y portugués 11:40-13:10 Comida: Se celebrará en el Hotel Radisson Blu 13:10-13:55 Talleres en español y portugués 13:55-14:05 Descanso 14:05-15:45 Sesiones paralelas en español y portugués 15:45-16:00 Descanso y café 16:00-17:15 Sesiones paralelas en español y portugués 17:15-17:20 Fin de la sesión Sábado, 13, Junio 8:30-9:00 Acreditaciones 9:00-9:10 Anuncios del anfitrión: Common Ground España 9:10-9:40 Sesión plenaria en español: José Morillo-Velarde Serrano, Universidad CEU San Pablo, España - "Publicaciones científicas de Ciencias sociales en español: problemas de valoración" 9:45-10:00 Descanso y café 10:00-11:40 Sesiones paralelas en español y portugués 11:40-13:00 Comida: Se celebrará en el Hotel Radisson Blu 13:00-14:40 Sesiones paralelas en español y portugués 14:40-14:50 Descanso 14:50-16:30 Clausura del Congreso: Sesiones en español y portugués (Room 1) 99 PONENTES PLENARIOS José Morillo-Velarde Serrano Es licenciado en Filología Hispánica por la Universidad de Córdoba. Actualmente ocupa el puesto de Director de Archivos y Bibliotecas del CEU y ha puesto en marcha CEUNET, la red de bibliotecas el CEU, una red que tiene como característica fundamental su heterogeneidad al agrupar bibliotecas escolares, científicas, especializadas y centros de documentación. Anteriormente ocupó el puesto de Subdirector General de Centros de la Fundación Universitaria San Pablo CEU, ocupándose de la coordinación académica de dicha institución de la que dependen tres Universidades : La Universidad CEU San Pablo de Madrid, La Universidad CEU Cardenal Herrera y la Universitat Abat Oliba CEU. A ellas hay que añadir diez colegios, un centro de Formación profesional Superior y dos centros universitarios adscritos a Universidades públicas en Vigo y Sevilla respectivamente. Ha sido Profesor en la Facultad de Humanidades y Ciencias de la Comunicación de la USP-CEU y anteriormente Bibliotecario de la Universidad de Córdoba. Es autor de una decena de artículos y ha participado como ponente en numerosos congresos de carácter nacional e internacional. Además es vicepresidente del ADLUG (Automation and Digiltal Libraries Users Group), académico correspondiente en Madrid de la Real Academia de Córdoba y Ateneista de número del Ateneo de Cádiz, miembro de los Comités editoriales de Universia y Net-Biblo y del Consejo asesor de NetLibrary y Academic Search y editor de la Revista Internacional del Libro, Digitalización y Bibliotecas. Ivo Josipovic�� Ivo Josipovic, nació en Zagreb el 28 de agosto 1957, donde completó su educación primaria y secundaria. Se graduó en la Facultad de Derecho (1980) y pasó su examen de reválida. Obtuvo su maestría después de sus estudios de postgrado en Derecho Procesal Penal (1985) y su doctorado con la tesis "Ley sobre la detención y la prisión preventiva en la Ley de Procedimiento Penal" (1994) en la Universidad de Zagreb. También se graduó con una licenciatura en Composición de la Academia de Música de Zagreb. De 2010 a 2015, Josipović fue Presidente de la República de Croacia. Antes de su elección para el cargo de Presidente, fue profesor universitario, miembro del Parlamento de Croacia, y un compositor. Enseñó derecho procesal penal, derecho penal internacional y el derecho de delito menor. En la Academia de Música de Zagreb enseñó armonía. Ha publicado varios libros y un total de 85 artículos académicos y expertos en diversos periódicos y revistas en el país y en el extranjero. Ha compuesto unas 50 composiciones para diferentes conjuntos (orquesta sinfónica, orquesta de cámara, solistas) que son realizadas por artistas croatas y extranjeros eminentes, publicadas como partituras, o medios de almacenamiento de sonido. Ha recibido premios internacionales y croatas artísticas y premios, el Gran Premio de la Unión Europea de Radiodifusión, y dos croatas Premios Porin Record. Desde hace varios años es director de uno de los mayores festivales de música contemporánea, música Biennale Zagreb, y Secretario General de la Sociedad de Compositores de Croacia. Ha colaborado como anfitrión del Estado croata, académico, universitario, y las instituciones artísticas (de Alemania, EE.UU., Canadá, Mongolia, Azerbaiyán, Austria, Hungría, Finlandia e Italia). Como jurista, participó en el Comité Preparatorio de la ONU para el establecimiento de la Corte Penal Internacional, así como en la Conferencia Diplomática de Roma. Perteneció como asociado al grupo de expertos del Consejo de Europa para el seguimiento de los sistemas penitenciarios en varios países. Como experto legal redactó o co-redactó una serie de proyectos de ley de Croacia. Representó a Croacia ante el Tribunal Penal Internacional para la ex Yugoslavia (TPIY) y la Corte Internacional de Justicia (CIJ). Es miembro de varias asociaciones legales y artísticas, tanto en casa como en el extranjero, entre otras, la Academia Mundial de Arte y Ciencia, Centro de Derecho de Croacia, Sociedad Croata de Derecho Europeo, y la Asociación Croata de Ciencia Penal y Práctica. Josipovic está especializado en campos de interés como: derecho penal, procesal penal, delito menor, el derecho penal internacional, crímenes de guerra, tribunales internacionales, derechos humanos, lucha contra la corrupción y el crimen organizado. Por su trabajo científico, profesional, artístico y social Josipovic ha recibido varios premios nacionales e internacionales, honores y medallas. Es Doctor Honoris Causa en Ciencias, por la Universidad Immanuel Kant en Kaliningrado y por la Universidad de Estambul. Ha sido galardonado con los premios nacionales e internacionales de reconocido prestigio por su trabajo en el campo de los derechos humanos y el ecumenismo. El Consejo Europeo sobre la Tolerancia y la Reconciliación en Bruselas le concedieron la medalla de la Tolerancia Europea en 2011, y la Fundación Premio Galileo en el año 2000, después del Premio de la Paz Florencia Galileo 2000. La agencia independiente regional, la Asociación Europea de Directores de Zagreb, le concedió el honor de Mejor Persona del Sur Europa Central y Oriental en 2011, y la lista Večernji - B & H Edition, lo declaró la persona del año en la región para el año 2010. El Consejo Nacional Serbio le otorgó el premio "Svetozar Pribićević '' para la mejora de las relaciones de Croacia-Serbia, y la Asociación para la Libertad Religiosa en Zagreb lo reconoció el compromiso excepcional en la promoción de la libertad religiosa y la tolerancia, con motivo del Día Mundial de la Libertad Religiosa . El Movimiento Croacia Europea y Europa Casa Zagreb también le ha premiado con el Discurso Europeo del Año en 2011. 100 Vjeran Katunaric� Vjeran Katunarić es profesor en el Departamento de Sociología de la University of Zadar. Además de enseñar en grados y postgrados, participa en The Joint International Master of Cultural Sociology” y “The International Joint Doctorate in Sociology of Regional and Local Development.” Ha publicado 14 libros y 150 artículos científicos expertos en el campo de la sociología y en las disciplinas científicas relacionadas. Ha participado en más de cien conferencias científicas y profesionales. Sus áreas de investigación son las relaciones étnicas, la interculturalidad, la teoría de la construcción, las mujeres y la sociedad y la cultura y el desarrollo. Katunarić ha sido profesor visitante en universidades de EE.UU., Suecia, Alemania, Grecia, Eslovenia y Serbia, y fue jefe de dos proyectos sobre la cultura croata: “The Report on the Cultural Policy of the Republic of Croatia” y “The Strategies of Cultural Development of the Republic of Croatia.” Además, era experto, periodista y consultor en políticas culturales del Consejo de Europa. Recibió la Medalla de Danica con la imagen de Marko Marulić por su mérito en la cultura, otorgado por el Presidente de la República de Croacia (Premio Anual de Ciencia del Ministerio de Ciencia, Educación y Deportes de la República de Croacia); así como un reconocimiento "Rudi Supek" de la Asociación Sociológica de Croacia por los importantes logros y contribuciones al desarrollo de la sociología y de la Asociación Sociológica croata. J a s m i n k a L a ž n j a k Jasminka Lažnjak es profesora asociada en el Departamento de Sociología de la Universidad de Zagreb, donde imparte las siguientes materias: la sociedad y la tecnología; sociología del trabajo y de la organización; sociología económica; e introducción a la metodología de las ciencias sociales. También tiene un master en artes y un doctorado en sociología por la Universidad de Zagreb. Las principales áreas de investigación de Lažnjak son: la ciencia, la tecnología y la sociedad, estudios de políticas de innovación, futuro del trabajo, las mujeres en la ciencia y la ingeniería. Ha trabajado en proyectos relacionados con la cultura de la innovación, S & T, y el análisis de la política de innovación a nivel nacional, y ha participado en varios proyectos de FP7 Science in Society (MASIS, MORE II, Open Transparent y Merit Based Recruitment of Researchers), y en el proyecto WBC INCO- NET. Es evaluadora de varias revistas a nivel internacional y de proyectos científicos internacionales. Ha publicado 35 artículos científicos y ha participado en más de 30 conferencias científicas. 101 BECAS A JÓVENES INVESTIGADORES Nerea Casado Quintana Doctoranda en Psicología por la Universidad de Psicología (UMA) donde desarrolla su tesis doctoral sobre la influencia del internamiento penitenciario en las características psicosociales que favorezcan la reinserción social en las personas privadas de libertad bajo la dirección de la Dra. Pilar Moreno. Licenciada en Psicología con un Máster en Intervención e Investigación Social y Comunitaria (UMA). Interés por la investigación e intervención en el ámbito penitenciario y en colectivos excluidos. Colaboración en el Centro Penitenciario de Alhaurín de la Torre, realizando terapia individual y grupal, especialmente dirigiendo grupos de tratamiento en delitos de violencia de género y jóvenes, además de realización de investigaciones internas (2011- actualidad).Docente en prácticas en el Departamento de Psicología Social en la Universidad de Málaga (2014). Realización de la investigación sobre el Impacto psicosocial de la cárcel: análisis de la calidad de vida, satisfacción vital, apoyo social y factores influyentes, y presentación como proyecto fin de Máster en la UMA (2014). Ayudante de departamento de psicología básica (UMA) que derivaron en publicaciones: Estudillo, A.J., Bermudo-Romero, E., Casado, N., Prasad-Das, J. & García-Orza, J. Problem-size is relevant: Automaticity in some subtractions; y póster: Estudillo, A.J., Casado, N., & Bermudo, E. (2011). Automatism in subtraction depends on problem size. Poster presented at X International symposium of psycholinguistic. San Sebastián; y, Sing Language effects on memory skills: a study with sign language interpreters and bilinguals en I Joint Conference of the Experimental Psychology Society (EPS) and the Spanish Experimental Psychological Society (SEPEX). Celso Escobar Salinas Doctorando en Ciencia Política por la Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México (UNAM) donde desarrolla su tesis doctoral sobre la reforma del Estado en México bajo la dirección del Dr. Héctor Zamitiz Gamboa. Es Licenciado y Maestro en Derecho (UNAM), Licenciado en Ciencias Políticas (UNAM), Máster en Derecho Constitucional (Universidad de Sevilla) y Diplomado de Derecho Electoral. Actualmente es Catedrático de las asignaturas: Teoría Política, Sistema Político Mexicano, Administración Pública y Sistemas de Control Constitucional en la Facultad de Derecho de la UNAM. Es Consejero Nacional Ciudadano de Seguimiento de Políticas Públicas en Materia de Juventud (2013-2015) del Instituto Mexicano de la Juventud y Consejero Electoral Distrital en el Estado de México. Dentro de sus reconocimientos destacan: La Medalla Gabino Barreda de la UNAM, máximo reconocimiento académico, el Premio Estatal de la Juventud 2012 por parte del Gobierno del Estado de México, así como el Premio Municipal de la Juventud 2011 del H. Ayuntamiento de Atizapán de Zaragoza. Fue campeón nacional de oratoria en el 2010 y miembro de la Comisión Especial para el Congreso Universitario de la UNAM del 2002 al 2008. Ha sido ponente, organizador y delegado en múltiples foros académicos en México, España, El Salvador, Austria, Argentina, Paraguay, Francia y Canadá. Sus líneas de investigación versan sobre Teoría Política, Sistema Político Mexicano, Reforma del Estado y Derecho Constitucional. Ha laborado en la administración pública y en el sector privado. Marta Llorente Pascual Doctoranda en Arquitectura por la Universidad Politécnica de Madrid (ETSAM) donde desarrolla su tesis doctoral en el Dpto. de Proyectos Arquitectónicos sobre el Espacio Dialógico, la relación cuerpo-contexto a través del análisis de la obra coreográfica de ATDK y WVK, bajo la dirección de la Dra. Mª Jesús Muñoz Pardo. Licenciada en Arquitectura Superior en las especialidades de Edificación y Urbanismo por la Universidad Politécnica de Madrid ETSAM 1992-1999, intercalando dos años de estudios en las Universidades técnicas alemanas RWTHA Aachen (1995) y TU Berlin (1997). Actualmente realizando Master de formación de Profesorado para Ed. Secundaria, en la Universidad San Pablo CEU. Profesora de dibujo 3D, Universidad Antonio Nebrija 2006-2007. Ha participado en varios congresos presentando de comunicaciones, asimismo varios artículos publicados (2012-2013-2014). Formación en Interpretación teatral, danza contemporánea e improvisación desde 2000. Colabora con Babirusa Danza en desarrollo de conceptos escenográficos y de vestuario; está involucrada en proyectos coreográficos y artísticos. Jaddy Brigitte Nielsen Nino Doctoranda en Educación con énfasis en investigación. Ha participado a nivel internacional en varios eventos de corte académico tanto en Latinoamérica, Norteamérica y Europa referente al aprendizaje-enseñanza-evaluación, la didáctica de las lenguas y adaptación de material, procesos investigativos y tecnológicos para aplicar en el ámbito académico, social y cultural. Su experiencia de trabajo ha girado, principalmente, alrededor del campo de la enseñanza-evaluación e investigación de las lenguas, específicamente en el área de docencia en educación superior desde hace diez años en varias instituciones educativas del país lugares que han sido fuente de inspiración tanto profesional, social y personal. Incluso, su campo de acción se ha ampliado en los últimos 3 años ha realizado algunas publicaciones e investigaciones sobre los procesos de inclusión y violencia tomando como objeto de estudio a la primera infancia. Actualmente, es líder de un grupo de investigación registrado en Colciencias en Colombia y docente investigadora de una universidad reconocida del país, Universidad La Gran Colombia. Es una persona quien cree que nunca se termina de aprender pues se debe tener una mentalidad abierta a los cambios constantes a nivel pedagógico, educativo y cultural. 102 Bibiana Pérez González Doctoranda en Comunicación por la Universidad de Valencia desarrollando la tesis: “Biopolítica y modos de subjetivación en la sociedad enjambre”. Es Licenciada en Psicología (Univalle), Máster en Intervención y Mediación con Menores en Situación de Desprotección y/o Conflicto Social (Universidad de Deusto), Máster en Estudios de Género y Políticas de Igualdad (Universidad de Valencia), Diplomada en Mediación de Conflictos, Cultura Política y Participación Ciudadana (Univalle). Ha participado como ponente en varios congresos nacionales e internacionales en España, Republica Checa y Colombia, publicando además varios artículos en revistas internacionales. Es coatura del libro: “Feminidad y castración: ¿Una relación posible?” (2012), Pérez y Serrano. Alemania: Editorial LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing GmbH& Co. Sus intereses investigativos van encaminados hacia la filosofía política, el psicoanálisis, los estudios de género y la teoría de la comunicación. Álvaro Andrés Rivera Sepúlveda Estudiante de doctorado en Educación en la Universidad de Salamanca-España. Becario distinguido del programa de la Unión Europea Erasmus-Mundus, acción 2. Desarrolla su tesis doctoral sobre los sentidos ético-políticos y pedagógicos de la educación ciudadana en tres instituciones educativas rurales del Caribe colombiano. Es magister en docencia y licenciado en educación religiosa. Fue maestro de escuela pública y privada entre los años 2003 y 2012 de donde se derivó su interés por la investigación pedagógica y educativa. Actualmente es catedrático de ética, ciudadanía y filosofía moral y política en la Universidad de La Salle y en la Universidad Santo Tomás de Colombia. Desde el año 2010 pertenece al grupo de investigación Educación ciudadana, ética y política de la ciudad de Bogotá, el cual se encuentra categorizado en nivel “A” según el Departamento Administrativo de Ciencia, Tecnología e Innovación colombiano (Colciencias). En este grupo ha desarrollado estudios cualitativos sobre creencias y significados de democracia, ciudadanía y participación política en niños, adolescentes y jóvenes escolarizados. Ha asistido en calidad de ponente a diferentes congresos académicos sobre educación, humanidades y ciencias sociales. Y cuenta con la publicación de artículos en revistas especializadas, así como capítulos de libro alusivos a sus líneas de investigación. Isabel Rodríguez Peña Soy Mexicana. He realizado un doctorado en Ciencias Económicas en la Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana en la Ciudad de México. Mi tema de investigación durante el doctorado fue sobre la discusión de la introducción del dinero en el modelo macroeconómico ortodoxo. Por ello mis áreas de investigación son: metodología del modelo macroeconómico, teoría monetaria, fundamentos de microeconomía, historia del pensamiento económico y análisis alternativos para la incorporación del dinero y el espacio financiero dentro del modelo macroeconómico ortodoxo. En la actualidad mi investigación abarca análisis aplicados sobre “los impactos de los procesos de financiarización dentro de las economías en desarrollo, en particular, en México”. Éste tema lo desarrollo dentro de un proyecto posdoctoral que realizo en la universidad libre de Berlín. Además, me encuentro trabajando en un proyecto sobre “el impacto de la concentración del mercado petrolero en la emergencia de los biocombustibles, una alternativa para reducir la dependencia petrolera”. Dicho proyecto lo desarrollo en conjunto con la doctora Alicia Puyana, quien es profesora de tiempo completo en FLACSO sede México, y lo discuto con el grupo de investigación “Entre Espacios” sede Berlín. Ana Verde Trabada Investigadora y docente en la Universidad P. Comillas de Madrid, en la Universidad de Valladolid y la Universidad CEU San Pablo. Apasionada por las Ciencias Sociales y la Música. Licenciada en Humanidades por la Universidad CEU San Pablo, licenciada en Pedagogía y licenciada en Música en la especialidad de Guitarra por el Real Conservatorio Superior de Música de Madrid. Master en Periodismo Cultural. Estancias investigadoras en Italia y Alemania. Actualmente compatibiliza su docencia universitaria cursando estudios de doctorado en "Análisis de la Sociedad de la Información y nuevas formas de Comunicación". Becada como investigadora distinguida por el Ministerio Educación, Cultura y Deporte de España, ha formado parte de la Subdirección de Ordenación Académica del Ministerio de Educación, Cultura y Deporte de España realizando proyectos de innovación educativa. Acreditación de excelencia por la Comunidad de Madrid como estudiante con aprovechamiento académico excelente. Igualmente en el ámbito musical, obtiene premios y menciones musicales. En su labor docente, también ha sido profesora en el ámbito de la educación secundaria y bachillerato promoviendo la realización de proyectos interdisciplinares en los centros. Así mismo, ha sido profesora en las especialidades musicales de Guitarra y de dirección de conjuntos instrumentales. 103 Ciencias Sociales Interdiciplinares Programación de sesiones JUEVES, 11 JUNIO JUEVES, 11 JUNIO 8:00-9:00 ACREDIT CREDITACIONES ACIONES 9:00-9:20 APER PERTURA TURA DEL CONGRESO Homer Stavely, Common Ground Publishing, EEUU 9:20-9:30 BIENVENIDA DE LA UNIVERSIDAD DE SPLIT Dr. Sc. Aleksandar Jakir, Dean of the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences Dr. Sc. Simun Andelinovic, Rector of the University of Split 9:30-9:35 BIENVENIDA DEL CONDADO SPLIT-DALMA ALMATIA TIA 9:35-9:40 9:40-10:10 BIENVENIDA DE LA CIUDAD DE SPLIT SESIÓN PLENARIA EN INGLÉS Dr. Sc. Ivo Josipovic, University of Zagreb, Croatia "Law, Politics and Changes in Society: The Case of Croatia" 10:15-10:30 DESCANSO Y CAFÉ 10:30-11:15 GRUPOS DE DISCUSIÓN Room 1: Social and Community Studies -and- Civic and Political Studies Room 2: Cultural Studies -and- Global Studies Room 3: Environmental Studies -and- Organizational Studies Room 4: Educational Studes -and- Communication Room 5: Estudios Sociales y Comunitarios Room 6: Estudios Culturales y Estudios Globales Room 7: Estudios Ambientales y Estudios Organizacionales Room 8: Estudios de la Educacion y Comunicacion 11:15-11:25 DESCANSO SESIONES PARALELAS Room 1 Sesión en inglés: Perspectives on Social Inclusion Room 2 Sesión en inglés: Urban Development 11:25-13:05 Room 3 Sesión en inglés: Identity Formation and Social Structur Structures es Room 4 Sesión en inglés: Assessment and Evaluation of Lear Learning ning Room 5 Sesión en inglés: Perspectives on Consumption 104 JUEVES, 11 JUNIO 11:25-13:05 SESIONES PARALELAS Room 6 Política y der derechos echos humanos (sesión en español y portugués) El pensamiento complejo en el pr proceso oceso de investigación jurídica del Der Derecho echo Inter Internacional nacional en asuntos de agenda global Dr. Armando Osorno Sánchez, Facultad de Derecho, Benemérita Universidad Autónoma de Puebla, Puebla, Mexico Overview: La inclusión del pensamiento complejo (Edgar Morín) en los procesos de investigación del Derecho Internacional, permite comprender axiológicamente y sociológicamente los sistemas jurídicos del mundo. Theme: Estudios Globales Inter Internacionalização nacionalização de empr empresas, esas, política exter externa na e integração rregional: egional: Uma análise do caso brasileir brasileiro o durante o Gover Governo no Lula Mr. Bruno Vicente Lippe Pasquarelli, Social Sciences Department, Federal University of São Carlos (UFSCar), Bauru, Brazil Ms. Tatiana Chimbo, International Relations Department, Universidade do Sagrado Coração (USC), Bauru, Brazil Overview: O objetivo do artigo é examinar o processo recente de internacionalização de empresas no Brasil, destacando a inserção comercial como estratégia de política externa e de integração regional. Theme: Estudios Civicos y Politicos Reforma de rrégimen égimen político y transformación de Estado en México (1988-1994): Un análisis de sus negociaciones, acuer acuerdos dos y efectos desde el enfoque teórico de Migndal, Mann y T Tilly illy Dr. Celso Escobar Salinas, Facultad de Derecho, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, Atizapán de Zaragoza, Mexico Overview: Esta ponencia aborda el tema de las reformas neoliberales implementadas en México de 1982-2014, donde se analiza sus negociaciones y efectos en la sociedad. Theme: Estudios Civicos y Politicos Ley de víctimas y rrestitución estitución de tierras en Colombia: Un análisis socio jurídico Prof. Rodolfo Alfonso Torregrosa Jiménez, Law scool, Universidad Libre, Bogotá, Colombia Overview: Analizar la lucha por un control territorial, los abusos y hechos de violencia asociados al conflicto armad interno colombiano que han forzado a millones de colombianos a abandonar sus hogares. Theme: Estudios Civicos y Politicos 13:05-14:30 COMIDA Se celebrará en el Hotel Radisson Blu 14:30-16:10 SESIONES PARALELAS Room 1 Sesión en inglés: Economics as Social Science Room 2 Sesión en inglés: Employment, Society Society,, and Community Studies Room 3 Sesión en inglés: Challenging Social and Public Policy Room 4 Sesión en inglés: Cultural Studies Room 5 Sesión en inglés: Social W Welfar elfaree and Quality of Life Room 6 Comer Comercio cio inter internacional nacional (sesión en español) La desconexión jurídica-axiológica-teleológica del comer comercio cio inter internacional-medio nacional-medio ambiente-der ambiente-derechos echos humanos Dra. Blanca Yaquelin Zenteno Trejo, Facultad de Derecho y Ciencias Sociales, Benemérita Universidad Autónoma de Puebla, Puebla, Mexico Overview: La dinámica comercial internacional y sus principios rectores entran en colisión con los principios internacionales del medio ambiente y de los derechos humanos. Se propone una transversalidad axiológica efectiva. Theme: Estudios Globales La inter interdependencia dependencia entr entree energía y desarr desarrollo ollo Dr. Antonio Blanc-Altemir, Departamento de Derecho Público, Universidad de Lleida, Lleida, Spain Overview: El acceso a la energía constituye la piedra angular sobre la que se sustenta nuestro modelo de desarrollo, estableciéndose de esta forma una indiscutible interdependencia entre ambos elementos. Theme: Estudios Globales O consumo de moda e a construção social do valor econômico sob a perspectiva da inter internacionalização nacionalização das Indústrias Culturais Dr Leandro Valiati, Departamento de Economia e Relações Internacionais, Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul, Porto Alegre, Brazil Natalia Rava, Derpatamento de Economia e Relações Internacionais, UFRGS, Porto Alegre, Brazil Overview: O artigo analisa a produção social do valor econômico na perspectiva teórica da socioeconomia, considerando os ganhos simbólicos e as motivações da internacionalização do setor da moda como indústria cultural. Theme: Estudios Sociales y de la Comunidad 16:10-16:25 DESCANSO Y CAFÉ 105 JUEVES, 11 JUNIO 16:25-17:40 SESIONES PARALELAS Room 1 Sesión en inglés: Human Lifecourses: Adolescents Room 2 Sesión en inglés: Appr Approaches oaches to Envir Environmental onmental Sustainability Room 3 Sesión en inglés: Global Flows Room 4 Sesión en inglés: Political Dimensions of Immigration and Migration Room 5 Sesión en inglés: Studies in Business Management Room 6 Estudios sociales (sesión en español) La Segunda República española y pr prostitución: ostitución: Un modelo a tener en cuenta en la actualidad Doctora Mercedes Rivas Arjona, Departamento de Economía Aplicada I, Historia e Instituciones Económicas y Filosofía Moral, Universidad Rey Juan Carlos, Madrid, Spain Overview: Medidas adoptadas por la Segunda República española en materia prostitucional Theme: Estudios Sociales y de la Comunidad ¿Bahía de los piratas? Inter Internet net y el pr problema oblema de infracción de der derechos echos de autor en Mexico y Brasil Dr Alicja Fijalkowska, Center for Latin American Studies, University of Warsaw, Warsaw, Poland Overview: La ponencia analiza el problema de infracción de derechos de autor en internet en México y Brasil. Se presenta la escala del problema y los proyectos de leyes antipiratería. Theme: Comunicacion La estrategia en la comunicación publicitaria: Una perspectiva interdisciplinar de la mente del planificador de cuentas publicitario PhD Omar Muñoz Sánchez, Facultad de Publicidad, Universidad Pontificia Bolivariana, Medellín, Colombia Overview: El planificador de cuentas en publicidad tiene la misión de entender al consumidor desde la visión interdisciplinar que se establece entre: psicología, sociología, antropología, marketing, comunicación, entre otras. Theme: Estudios Sociales y de la Comunidad 17:40-17:45 106 FINAL DE LA SESIÓN VIERNES, 12 JUNIO VIERNES, 12 JUNIO 8:30-9:00 ACREDIT CREDITACIONES ACIONES 9:00-9:10 ANUNCIOS DEL ANFITRIÓN PPARA ARA EL DÍA Homer Stavely, Common Ground Publishing, USA 9:10-9:40 SESIÓN PLENARIA EN INGLÉS Dr. Sc. Vjeran Katunaric, University of Zadar, Croatia "A Multidimensional Approach to Contemporary Divergence Between Liberalism and Socialism: Brawl in the Family?" 9:45-10:00 DESCANSO Y CAFÉ 10:00-11:40 SESIONES PARALELAS Room 1 Sesión en inglés: National and Cultural Memory Room 2 La educación y la sociedad (sesión en español y portugués) La educación ciudadana como objeto de estudio: Análisis y pr prospectiva ospectiva para América Latina Álvaro Andrés Rivera Sepúlveda, Facultad de Educación Doctorado en Educación, Universidad de Salamanca, Salamanca, Spain Overview: Se presenta un análisis sobre las investigaciones desarrolladas en torno a la educación ciudadana como objeto de estudio en América Latina con el fin de plantear algunos desafíos y p ospectivas. Theme: Estudios Civicos y Politicos Ciencias Sociales e innovación y desarr desarrollo ollo de las TIC en la enseñanza universitaria: los alumnos del pr presente, esente, los pr profesor ofesores es del futur futuro o Ana Verde Trabada, Departamento de Educación, Métodos de Investigación y Evaluación, Universidad Pontificia de Comillas, Madrid, Spain Overview: se analiza el impacto, acogida, dificultades y beneficios de las ecnologías de la Información y la Comunicación en el sistema educativo universitario español. Theme: Ciencias de la Educacion Los "semiller "semilleros" os" de investigación como estrategia de enseñanza en Educación Superior Prof. Luisa F Ramirez Cuervo, Facultad de Ciencias Sociales, Universidad Colegio Mayor de Cundinamarca, Bogotá, Colombia Overview: La investigación como eje trasversal en la educación superior, tiene un papel fundamental, por ello los "Semilleros" nacen como propuesta para la investigación formativa que permite aprender a investigar investigando. Theme: Ciencias de la Educacion Room 3 Sesión en inglés: Organizational Studies Room 4 Sesión en inglés: Mental Health Studies Room 5 Sesión en inglés: Economics, Politics, and Their Social Ef Effects fects Room 6 Sesión en inglés: Social Media Studies 107 VIERNES, 12 JUNIO 10:00-11:40 SESIONES PARALELAS Room 7 Estudios sobr sobree el bienestar social y la salud (sesión en español y portugués) La rrelación elación trabajo social y familias en la pr prestación estación de servicios de salud: Estrategias de intervención en instituciones de salud pública de Cór Córdoba, doba, Argentina, en los años 2012 y 2013 Magister Nelly Beatriz Nucci, Escuela de Trabajo Social, Universidad Nacional de Córdoba, Córdoba, Argentina Overview: Análisis del proceso de intervención con familias para la resolución de problemas sociales por los que demandan los sujetos desde la perspectiva de trabajadores sociales de las instituciones de salud. Theme: Estudios Sociales y de la Comunidad A docencia, pesquisa e gestão: Interfaces entr entree serviço social e saúde Dra Maria Isabel Barros Bellini, Faculdade de Serviço Social Secretaria Estadual da Saúde, Pontificia Universidade Catolica, Porto Alegre, Brazil Overview: Apresenta experiência de docência, pesquisa e gestão no Serviço Social (Trabajo Social/ciências sociais aplicadas) na interface com a políticas públicas no Brasil em uma universidade privada confessional. Theme: Estudios Civicos y Politicos As contribuições inter e transdisciplinar transdisciplinares es para as constantes rreformas eformas do Sistema da Saúde e da Educação no contexto brasileir brasileiro. o. Dra. Sandra Regina Martini, Post-Graduation (Masters and Doctoral studies) in Law, Universidade do Vale do Rio Sinos UNISINOS, Porto Alegre, Brazil Overview: Nosso foco é mostrar como a postura interdisciplinar e transdisciplinar é fundamental na relação entre sistema da saúde e da educação no contexto das sociedades funcionalmente diferenciadas. Theme: Tema destacado 2015: Enfoques interdisciplinarios del cambio social contemporaneo Tipos de violencia que sufr sufren en los estudiantes universitarios: Escenario de la Universidad V Veracruzana, eracruzana, México Dra. Jeysira Jacqueline Dorantes Carrión, Especialización en Estudios de Opinión del Centro de Estudios de Opinión y Análisis de la Universidad Veracruzana/México, Universidad Veracruzana, Xalapa, Mexico Dr. Miguel Angel Casillas Alvarado, Instituto de Investigaciones en Educación, Universidad Veracruzana, Mexico Overview: Se presentan los tipos de violencia que sufren los estudiantes de la Universidad Veracruzana/México, se da cuenta de un escenario donde la violencia predomina por los compañeros, amigos y profesores. Theme: Estudios Sociales y de la Comunidad Room 8 La cultura indígena y movimientos migratorios (sesión en español) La mirada del indio en el neoliberalismo Dr. Carlos Humberto Durand Alcántara, Departamento de Derecho, División de Ciencias Sociales y Humanidades., Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana, Distrito Federal, Mexico Overview: Este trabajo pretende el análisis de algunas características del pensamiento de ciertos pueblos indios en relación a su entorno y específicamente a su vínculo con las culturas no indígena Theme: Estudios Sociales y de la Comunidad Indígenas quechuas peruanos en Madrid: Identidad y tiempo, una etnografía trasnacional Tadeja Golubovic, Departamento de Antropología Social y Pensamiento Filosófico Español, Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, Facultad de Filosofía y Letras, Madrid, Spain Overview: El artículo parte de las trayectorias biográficas y los p oyectos migratorios de un grupo de indígenas migrantes quechuas de la sierra peruana que residen o han residido en Madrid. Theme: Estudios Culturales Migración y calidad de vida: Estudio de casos en un grupo de migrantes mexicanos en Los Ángeles Califor California nia Victor Hugo Renteria, Facultad de Humanidades y Ciencias Sociales, departamento de Sociología, Universidad Autónoma de Baja California, Tijuana, Mexico Andrea Lyn Spears, Facultad de Ciencias Sociales, Universidad Autónoma de Baja California, Ensenada, Mexico Overview: Se trata de un estudio de calidad de vida en un grupo de migrantes mexicanos asentados en Los Angeles California en Estados Unidos Theme: Estudios Sociales y de la Comunidad 11:40-13:10 COMIDA Se celebrará en el Hotel Radisson Blu 13:10-13:55 SESIONES PARALELAS Posters Sesión en inglés: Posters Room 1 Sesión en inglés: T Taller aller 108 VIERNES, 12 JUNIO 13:10-13:55 SESIONES PARALELAS Room 2 Sesión en español: T Taller aller Rondas infantiles que incitan a los niños y niñas a ser parte de una sociedad más violenta y desigualitaria: Perspectiva colombiana Prof. Jaddy Brigitte Nielsen Nino, Facultad de Ciencias de la Educación, Universidad la Gran Colombia, Bogotá, Colombia Magister Zaida Mabel Angel Cuervo, Secretaria de Educación, Bogotá, Secretaria de Educación, Bogotá, Bogotá, Colombia Overview: El siguiente trabajo es un producto de una investigación que aún se encuentra en curso, planteado dentro de un contexto latinoamericano, específicamente en el territorio colombiano Theme: Estudios Culturales Room 3 Sesión en inglés: T Taller aller Room 4 Sesión en inglés: T Taller aller Room 5 Sesión en inglés: T Taller aller Room 6 Sesión en portugués: T Taller aller Análise de práticas pr profissionais ofissionais em p ofissões elacionais: Pr Problemas, oblemas, desafios e método Dr. Anderson Araújo-Oliveira, Université du Québec à Montréal, Montréal, Canada Isabelle Chouinard, Université du Québec en Abitibi-Témiscamingue, Val-d'Or, Canada Nicholas Legault, Regroupement des maisons de jeunes du Québec, Montréal, Canada Fernando Vieira, Universidade Federal Fluminense, Niteroi, Brazil Alejandra Morales, Univerdidad Alberto Hurtado, Santiago, Chile Oscar Labra, Département du développement humain et social, Université du Québec en Abitibi-Témiscamingue, RouynNoranda, Canada Overview: Este colóquio propõe um conjunto de discussões em torno de trabalhos científicos e/ou experiência significativas elativos à análise de práticas profissionais em dife entes profissões elacionais (ensino, serviço social, psicologia, etc.). Theme: Ciencias de la Educacion DESCANSO 14:05-15:45 SESIONES PARALELAS 13:55-14:05 Room 1 Sesión en inglés: Addr Addressing essing Human Dif Differ ference: ence: Issues of Race Room 2 Gestión Medio-ambiental (sesión en español y portugués) Gestión ambiental transfr transfronteriza onteriza en la rreserva eserva de la biósfera del volcán T Tacaná, acaná, Chiapas: Entr Entree el conflicto y l cooperación Dra. Celia Ruiz de Oña, Programa de Investigaciones Multidisciplinarias sobre Mesoamerica y el Sudeste (PROIMMSE), Institute of Anthropological Research of the National Autonomous University, San Cristobal de Las Casas, Mexico Overview: La conservación en áreas protegidas transfronterizas enfrenta retos particulares, especialmente en el área centroamericana. Se presenta el caso de la Reserva del Volcán Tacaná, entre Chiapas y Guatemala para ilustrarlo. Theme: Estudios del Medio Ambiente La educación ambiental para la sustentabilidad local: Rescate d dee saber saberes es comunitarios Ing. Abimael Montejo Haas, Departamento de Sociología Rural- UACh. Comisionado de Patronato y patrimonio HCU. Comisionado de Organización en el CGR-CEE, Universidad Autonoma Chapingo, Texcoco, Mexico Overview: En un contexto de crisis ambiental, social, económico existe la necesidad de construir nuevas investigaciones, metodologías, formas de producción que se transformen en acciones que mejoren la calidad de vida. Theme: Estudios del Medio Ambiente La investigación transdisciplinaria y estudios de casos en una rregión egión centr centroamericana. oamericana. Consideraciones para entender una investigación en esta modalidad Dr. Liberio Victorino Ramirez, Sociología Rural, Universidad Autonoma Chapingo, Texcoco, Mexico Rocio Angeles Atriano Mendieta, Pedagogía, Universidad Pedagógica Nacional, Mexico Overview: Se trata de unas experiencias narradas en artículos publicados Theme: Estudios del Medio Ambiente Room 3 Sesión en inglés: The Natural and the Social 109 VIERNES, 12 JUNIO 14:05-15:45 SESIONES PARALELAS Room 4 Sesión en inglés: Human Resour Resource ce Management: Ethics and Sustainability Room 5 Sesión en inglés: Gover Governance nance and Citizenship Room 6 Estudios organizacionales: sector público (sesión en español y portugués) ¿Quien quier quieree trabajar en el sector público? Los motivos de funcionarios brasileños Dra. Tatiane Paschoal, Departamento de Administración, Universidad de Brasilia, Brasilia, Brazil Clarissa Leite Flores, Universidad de Brasilia, Brasilia, Brazil Dr. Francisco Antonio Coelho Junior, Departamento de Administración, Universidad de Brasilia, Brasilia, Brazil Dr. Pedro Paulo Murce Meneses, Departamento de Administración, Universidad de Brasilia, Brasilia, Brazil Dr. Rodrigo Rezende Ferreira, Departamento de Administración, Universidad de Brasilia, Brasilia, Brazil Overview: Este trabajo presenta los resultados de una investigación de campo y exploratoria que describe los motivos de funcionarios brasileños para trabajar en el sector público. Theme: Estudios Organizacionales Satisfacción y liderazgo en una organización pública mexicana Dr. Juan Manuel Herrera Caballero, Ciencias Sociales y Humanidades, Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana, mexico, Mexico Mtra. Norma Georgina Martell Martínez Martell, Ciencias sociales y humanidades, Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana, mexico, Mexico Overview: Se investigó a los individuos en una organización pública mexicana, en lo referente a la satisfacción laboral y el liderazgo, ubicados desde la posición de los individuos en su desempeño. Theme: Estudios Organizacionales Calidad de vida en el trabajo: Repr Representaciones esentaciones de trabajador trabajadores es del sector agrícola brasileño Silvia Salgado Carvalho, Universidad de Brasilia, Brasilia, Brazil Dra. Tatiane Paschoal, Departamento de Administración, Universidad de Brasilia, Brasilia, Brazil Dr. Onofre Rodrigues Miranda, Departamento de Administración, Universidad de Brasilia, Brasilia, Brazil Dr. Mario Cesar Ferreira, Departamento de Psicología Social del Trabajo y de las Organizaciones, Universidad de Brasilia, Brasilia, Brazil Dr. Rodrigo Rezende Ferreira, Departamento de Administración, Universidad de Brasilia, Brasilia, Brazil Overview: Este trabajo presenta los resultados de una investigación de campo que describe las representaciones de trabajadores del sector agrícola brasileño sobre la calidad de vida en el trabajo. Theme: Estudios Organizacionales O Paradoxo e implicações na criação da nova Agência Nacional de Assistência T Técnica écnica e Extensão Rural: um passo para trás? Mr Pedro Henrique F. M. Aguiar, Escola de Veterinária, Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais, Belo Horizonte, Brazil Mr Matheus Anchieta Ramirez Ramirez, Escola de Veterinaria, Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais, Belo Horizonte, Brazil Ms Bruna Ferreira Pereira Pereira, Ciência da Informação, Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais, Belo Horizonte, Brazil Ms Priscilla Nelsina Lunardi Lunardi, Escola de Veterinária, Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais, Belo Horizonte, Brazil Overview: A política no campo não foi destinada ao longo da história do Brasil a democratizar as condições de trabalho no campo excluindo por um longo período os pequenos produtores rurais. Theme: Estudios Civicos y Politicos Room 7 La influencia de la cultura en la sociedad (sesión en español y portugués) Cuerpo Femenino/cuerpo social dentr dentro o del performance de Lor Lorena ena W Wolf olffer fer M.a. Maria de Lourdes Perez Cesari, Licenciatura en Arte Dramático Instituto de Artes, Universidad Autónoma del Estado de Hidalgo, Pachuca, Mexico Overview: El trabajo gira en torno al performance de la artista mexicana Lorena Wolffer quien usa su cuerpo como receptáculo del cuerpo social para hablar de los conflictos de géne o. Theme: Estudios Sociales y de la Comunidad Pasiones por lo Real en la contemporaneidad: Ninfomanía (2013) de Lars von Tde Lars von Trierrier Bibiana Perez Gonzalez, Depart. Teoría Lenguajes y Ciencias de la Comunicación. Universitat de València. España. Overview: ¿Es la pasión por lo Real el rasgo característico del siglo XX? La película Nymphomaniac (2013), nos servirá para reflexionar por el signo de los tiempos Theme: Tema destacado 2015: Enfoques interdisciplinarios del cambio social contemporaneo La cultura de la legalidad en México Mtra. Vania Pérez, Universidad Autónoma de México, México Overview: Cómo se construye la cultura de la legalidad en una sociedad como la mexicana. Theme: Estudios Civicos y Politicos Democracia, olvido y autoritarismo en Costa Rica: Un análisis a partir del crimen político del “Codo del diablo” Dr. Osvaldo Duran Castro, Escuela de Ciencias Sociales, Instituto Tecnológico de Costa Rica, Los Santos, Costa Rica Overview: Negación, olvido, autoritarismo, proscripciones y exclusión, pueden ser elementos del ejercicio del poder incluso en las democracias formales. A partir del Crimen del Codo del Diablo analizaremos esos aspectos Theme: Estudios Civicos y Politicos 110 VIERNES, 12 JUNIO 15:45-16:00 DESCANSO Y CAFÉ 16:00-17:15 SESIONES PARALELAS Room 1 Sesión en inglés: Abuse and V Violence iolence in Society SESIONES PARALELAS arquitectónicos quitectónicos (sesión en español) Room 2 Espacios urbanos y ar 16:00-17:15 Urbanismo y territorio. Fundaciones franciscanas del siglo XVI en El Bajío, Guanajuato, Mexico.en El Bajío, Guanajuato, Mexico. Dra Carmen Dolores Barroso Garcí, Universidad de Guanajuato, Guanajuato, Mexico Dra Ma Eugenia Sanchez Ramos, Universidad de Guanajuato, Guanajuato, Mexico Overview: Las Actas de Fundación de los pueblos y las Relaciones Geográficas del siglo XVI permiten el análisis interpretación de los espacios urbano-territoriales de la región conocida como El Bajío. Theme: Estudios Culturales Espacios de Inter Interdisciplinaridad disciplinaridad en la Sociedad Contempora?nea: la Obra Cor Coreogra?fica eogra?fica de Anne er eresa esa de Keersmaeker Marta Llorente Pascual, UPM DPA, Escuela Técnica Superior de Arquitectura de Madrid, Madrid, Spain Overview: Espacios de Interdisciplinaridad en la Sociedad Contempora?nea: la Obra Coreogra?fica de la belga-flamen Anne Teresa de Keersmaeker. Theme: Tema destacado 2015: Enfoques interdisciplinarios del cambio social contemporaneo El ciclo de vida del edificio y la egeneración urbana integrada Manuel Hernández Muñiz, Departamento de Economía Aplicada. Facultad de Economía y Empresa, Universidad de Oviedo, Oviedo, Spain Overview: Este trabajo examina la lógica económica de los programas de regeneración urbana integrada a la luz del concepto de ciclo de vida del edificio, con una aplicación empírica en España Theme: Estudios Sociales y de la Comunidad Room 3 Sesión en inglés: Social Policy and Societal Impacts Research ch as a Social Science Room 4 Sesión en inglés: Education and Resear Room 5 Sesión en inglés: Law as a Social Science Room 6 La economía como ciencia social (sesión en español y portugués) A prática do mecenato e seus determinantes institucionais: Uma justaposição de elementos selecionados da teoria econômica de Thorstein Veblen e Pierre Bourdieu Dr Pedro Cezar Fonseca, Uinversidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul, Porto Alegre, Brazil Dr Leandro Valiati, Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul, Porto Alegre, Brazil Overview: O artigo compara as teorias de Veblen e Bourdieu no que respeita a instituições, hábitus e capital cultural, com enfoque nos elementos sociais que condicionam as escolhas dos agentes econômicos. Theme: Estudios Sociales y de la Comunidad O debate desenvolvimentista no Brasil: T Tomando omando partido Maria de Lourdes Mollo, Departamento de Economia, Universidade de Brasília, Brasilia, Brazil Overview: O artigo analisa as várias vertentes do desenvolvimentismo no Brasil, tomando partido. Theme: Estudios Sociales y de la Comunidad Sobreviviendo: discapacidad, mendicidad e impacto subjetivo de los procesos de desafiliación en la II Región de Chile Dra. Carolina Ferrante, CONICYT-FONDECYT Universidad Católica del Norte, Calama, Chile Overview: El propósito de esta ponencia es analizar el impacto del ejercicio de la mendicidad en la subjetividad de las personas con discapacidad, partiendo de una investigación cualitativa post-doctoral en curso. Theme: Estudios Sociales y de la Comunidad Room 7 Las humanidades y la sociedad (sesión en portugués) Análise de práticas docentes na pesquisa em didática das ciências humanas e sociais: Contextos, ângulos de análise, quadros de referência e metodologias Dr. Anderson Araújo-Oliveira, Université du Québec à Montréal, Montréal, Canada Overview: A comunicação trata das características da pesquisa relativa à análise de práticas pedagógicas em ciências humanas e sociais bem como das suas contribuições/limites ao processo de formação de professores. Theme: Ciencias de la Educacion Juventudes e tecnologias digitais no ensino médio: Encontros e confrontos Srª Sueli Salva, Santa Maria, Brazil Overview: Este artigo tem como objetivo refletir acerca do uso das tecnologias digitais nos contextos escolares de ensino médio, fazendo um estudo comparativo entre escolas brasileiras e escolas italianas. Theme: Estudios Sociales y de la Comunidad 17:15-17:20 FIN DE LA SESIÓN 111 SÁBADO, 13 JUNIO SAATURDA TURDAY Y, 13 JUNE 8:30-9:00 ACREDIT CREDITACIONES ACIONES 9:00-9:10 ANUNCIOS DEL ANFITRIÓN Ana Quintana, Common Ground España, Spain 9:10-9:40 ESPAÑOL AÑOL SESIÓN PLENARIA EN ESP José Morillo-Velarde Serrano, Universidad CEU San Pablo, España - "Publicaciones científicas d Ciencias sociales en español: problemas de valoración" 9:45-10:00 DESCANSO Y CAFÉ SESIONES PARALELAS Room 1 Cambios socio-culturales y rreligiosos eligiosos (sesión en español y portugués) 10:00-11:40 La secularización de la imagen del Divino Niño: El uso de la imagen rreligiosa eligiosa con fines publicitarios en l ciudad de Bogotá entr entree 1991 y 2013. Carlos Andres Arango, Programa de Publicidad de la Facultad de Arte y Diseño, Universidad de Bogotá Jorge Tadeo Lozano, Bogotá, Colombia Overview: La búsqueda de la imagen religiosa como elemento gráfico en publicidad, ar ojó ejemplos donde se carga la imagen de connotaciones que se reinsertan con nuevos significados en el medio social Theme: Estudios Culturales La Interminable Noche del "Nihilismo": Por una Crítica de Patologías Inter Interdisciplinar disciplinar.. Sr Borja García Ferrer, Departamento de Filosofía II, Universidad de Granada, Granada, Spain Overview: Occidente está enfermo. La evolución del capitalismo impone unas condiciones estructurales de vida con implicaciones patológicas ontológicas y socio-culturales, cuyo diagnóstico constituye un reto sin parangón para el pensamiento contemporáneo. Theme: Estudios Culturales Análise sociológica do discurso pentecostal inspirado em fontes não rreligiosas eligiosas Dra. Monica Bernardo Schettini Marques, Departamento de Sociologia, USP - FFLCH /FAPESP, São Paulo, Brazil Overview: Examina-se a justaposição de discursos de origens diversas presente na pregação de pastores nas reuniões da prosperidade, promovidas pela IURD (Igreja Universal do Reino de Deus). Theme: Estudios Culturales Room 2 Estudios culturales: incorporación al trabajo (sesión en español y portugués) A experiência vivida por jovens universitários na transição dos estudos acadêmicos ao mer mercado cado de trabalho Tânia Regina Raitz, Pós-graduação em Educação (Mestrado e Doutorado em Educação)., Universidade do Vale do Itajaí - Santa Catarina - Brasil, Florianópolis, Brazil Alexandre Vanzuita, Departamento: ensino técnico e superior do Instituto Federal de Educação, Ciência e Tecnologia Catarinense e pós-graduação em Educação da Universidade do Vale do Itajaí., Instituto Federal de Educação, Ciência e Tecnologia Catarinense e Universidade do Vale do Itajaí, Itajaí, Brazil Jéssica Maiara Siqueira, Pós-Graduação em Educação, Universidade do Vale do Itajaí, Itajaí, Brazil Overview: Estudo da experiência vivida por alunos do curso de Pedagogia, de uma universidade brasileira, na transição dos estudos universitários ao mercado de trabalho no que se refere à formação profissional Theme: Estudios Culturales Con trabajo los dejaba solos: Discursos oposicionales y la construcción de identidades laborales y de género en la industria pesquera mexicana Dra. Andrea Lyn Spears, Universidad Autónoma de Baja California, Ensenada, Mexico Dra. Hilarie J. Heath, Universidad Autónoma de Baja California, Ensenada, Mexico Dra. Sheila Delhumeau, Universidad Autónoma de Baja California, Ensenada, Mexico Overview: En esta ponencia, presentamos un análisis de la construcción de identidades laborales y de género de mujeres casadas que laboraban en la industria pesquera bajacaliforniana entre 1970 y 1990. Theme: Estudios Culturales Análise do processo de inserção profissional de enfermeiros recém-formados em uma universidade brasileira Tânia Regina Raitz, Pós-graduação em Educação, Universidade do Vale do Itajaí - Santa Catarina - Brasil, Florianópolis, Brazil Profa. Mayara A, Cunha, Centro de Ciências da Saúde e Pós-Graduação em Educação, Universidade do Vale do ItajaíSanta Catarina, Brasil, Itajaí, Brazil Overview: A investigação objetiva compreender o processo de inserção profissional de egressos recém-formados da enfermagem, de uma universidade brasileira e analisa se estão preparados para enfrentar o mercado de trabalho. Theme: Estudios Culturales 112 SÁBADO, 13 JUNIO 10:00-11:40 SESIONES PARALELAS Room 3 Gestionando cambios sociales (sesión en español) Gestionando lo intangible se pr promueven omueven cambios tangibles María Teresa Kobila, Rosario, Argentina Overview: Investigación cualitativa sobre cultura, gestión y cambio organizacional. Los objetivos se concentran en explorar, comprender y describir las prácticas y procesos relevantes que instituyen la vida y dinámica institucional. Theme: Estudios Organizacionales Construcción de sujetos sociales a partir de mujer mujeres es rurales: Desarr Desarrollo ollo y géner género o Dra. María Almanza, Universidad Autónoma Chapingo Departamento de Sociología Rural, Municipio de Peñamiller, Querétaro., Texcoco, Mexico Overview: Actividades de desarrollo local buscan generar condiciones para que mujeres rurales se autodesarrollen, actividades productivas que crean autonomía económica. autoestima promueve construcción de sujetos sociales. Evalué el cambio con entrevistas. Theme: Estudios Sociales y de la Comunidad Avaliação das ações do Conselho Municipal de Desenvolvimento Rural Sustentável (CMDRS) de Pompéu-MG Mr Leonardo Brega Resende Resende, Escola de Veterinária, Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais, Belo Horizonte, Brazil Mr Matheus Anchieta Ramirez Ramirez, Escola de Veterinária, Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais, Belo Horizonte, Brazil Ms Bruna Ferreira Pereira Pereira, Escola da Ciência da Informação, Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais, Belo Horizonte, Brazil Sr Pedro Damas Ferreira de Melo, Escola de Veterinária Departamento de Zootecnia Extensão Rural, Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais, Belo Horizonte, Brazil Overview: Surgimento dos conselhos de desenvolvimento rural no Brasil decorrem das transformações requeridas para a superação de desigualdade e democratização de políticas públicas, para o atendimento das demandas da Agricultura Familiar. Theme: Estudios Sociales y de la Comunidad Room 4 La formación educativa (sesión en español y portugués) O err erro o e a emergência da racionalidade Mr. Jaime Biella, Departamento de Filosofia Programa de Pós-graduação em Educação, Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte, Natal, Brazil Overview: O objeto investigado foi o erro em sua dimensão epistemológica, ou seja, buscamos compreender como a ocorrência do erro atua no processo de emergência da racionalidade. Theme: Ciencias de la Educacion Beneficios de la enseñanza online: La experiencia de la UOC con los máste es universitarios Dra. Ana María Delgado, Law School, Universitat Oberta de Catalunya, Barcelona, Spain Blanca Torrubia Chalmeta, Law Faculty, Universitat Oberta de Catalunya, Barcelona, Spain Overview: La educación virtual facilita la formación de ciertos sectores de la población que, de otro modo, quedarían excluidos, trasladándoles los beneficios de su uso en la enseñanza Theme: Ciencias de la Educacion Los afectos en el apr aprendizaje endizaje de lenguas extranjeras: Comunicación y empatía en el aula Dr. Karin Davidovich, Spanish Department, Lancaster, USA Overview: Las teorías sobre los afectos se examinan para explorar el rol de las emociones y los afectos en el aprendizaje de lenguas extranjeras. Theme: Ciencias de la Educacion A Divulgação científica por meio da utilização de mídias Ms Bruna Ferreira Pereira, Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais, Belo Horizonte, Brazil Mr Matheus Anchieta Ramirez, Escola de Veterinária, Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais, Belo Horizonte, Brazil Ms Priscilla Nelsina Lunardi, Escola de Veterinária, Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais, Belo Horizonte, Brazil Ms Raphaella Hamara dos Santos Silva, Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais, Belo Horizonte, Brazil Mr Leonardo Brega Resende, Escola de Veterinária, Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais, Belo Horizonte, Brazil Sr Pedro Damas Ferreira de Melo, Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais, Belo Horizonte, Brazil Ms Andressa Laysse da Silva, Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais, Belo Horizonte, Brazil Mr Pedro Henrique Ferreira Menezes Aguiar, Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais, Belo Horizonte, Brazil Overview: No Brasil, boa parte da população possui pouca escolaridade e o acesso a informação científica é restrito. A utilização de mídias pode apresentar um importante canal para socialização destas informações. Theme: Comunicacion 113 SÁBADO, 13 JUNIO 10:00-11:40 SESIONES PARALELAS Room 5 El estado y los der derecho echo sociales (sesión en español) La impartición de justicia y garantismo pr procesal ocesal en México Dr Enrique Antonio Carrete Solis, Facultad de Derecho, Universidad Autonoma de Chihuahua, Chihuahua, Mexico Dra. A. Patricia Cobos Campos, Facultad de Derecho, Universidad Autónoma de Chihuahua, Chihuahua, Mexico Overview: La problemática de los nuevos esquemas procesales como políticas públicas para alcanzar la seguridad jurídica y una adecuada impartición de justicia y el garantismo como auxiliar a alcanzar tales metas. Theme: Estudios Sociales y de la Comunidad El der derecho echo a la pr protección otección de la salud Der Derecho echo a la pr protección otección de la salud: Alcances y rresponsabilidad esponsabilidad del estado en su tutela Dra. A. Patricia Cobos Campos, Facultad de Derecho, Universidad Autónoma de Chihuahua, Chihuahua, Mexico Dr. O. Arámbula Arámbula Hernández, Facultad de Derecho, Universidad Autónoma de Chihuahua, Chihuahua, Mexico Dra. A. D. Herrera Márquez, Facultad de Derecho, Universidad Autónoma de Chihuahua, Chihuahua, Mexico Overview: Garantizar el derecho a la salud como obligación del estado moderno, requiere precisar cuáles son los alcances de esa responsabilidad e igualmente qué mecanismos pueden activarse para su tutela. Theme: Estudios Civicos y Politicos Repr Representaciones esentaciones sociales en el pr proceso oceso de desmovilización y rreintegración eintegración social en Colombia: Estudio de caso en la ciudad de Neiva (Huila) Magister Carlos Mario Torres Ramirez, Facultad de Ciencias de la Educación, Universidad del Tolima, Ibagué, Colombia Overview: Estudio de caso sobre la reintegración a la vida civil de personas que se desmovilizan de las FARC en la ciudad de Neiva (Huila) desde las RS. Theme: Estudios Sociales y de la Comunidad Formación en educación para la paz y derechos humanos como tema transversal en educación superior Dr Carlos Humberto Sierra Becerra, C. Invest.y Docencia en Humanidades del Estado de Morelos, Cuernavaca, Mexico Overview: Necesidad real de los profesores de educación superior que trabajan con los estudiantes en sus aulas los conceptos de educación para la paz y los derechos humanos. Theme: Estudios Sociales y de la Comunidad Room 6 Los cambios sociales contemporáneos (sesión en español) De la catástrofe a la transformación social: La perspectiva eco-comunalista M. Adrián Almazán Gómez, Departamento de Filosofía (Facultad de Filosofía y Letras), Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, Madrid, Spain Overview: Exposición de un horizonte de transición poscapitalista eco-comunalista. Esbozo de un posible programa estratégico para transitar desde el escenario actual de catástrofe socioecológica hacia un mundo justo y sostenible. Theme: Tema destacado 2015: Enfoques interdisciplinarios del cambio social contemporaneo El teatro, un proceso terapéutico que facilita la inclusión de personas sordas a la universidad Jose Carlos Camacho Lozano, Nimes Ecole de Managment, Paris, France Overview: El objetivo de este artículo es presentar el juego como un proceso musical y teatral con el fin de facilitar la inclusión de personas sordas a la universidad. Theme: Ciencias de la Educacion El medio audiovisual y digital como vehículo transmisor interdisciplinar entre el mundo académico y el mundo laboral en la educación superior de la Sociedad del Conocimiento: Un estudio de caso David Martínez Sánchez, Universidad de Salamanca, Soto de la Marina, Spain Overview: El presente estudio trata de enfatizar mediante un estudio de caso, la necesidad de una nueva concepción de la enseñanza del medio digital y audiovisual transversal en la educación superior. Theme: Ciencias de la Educacion Hacia la construcción de una idea pedagógica: El desarrollo humano en la formación de sujetos en Nezahualcóyotl norte Ulises Cortez, Facultad de Estudios Superiores Aragón. División de Estudios de Posgrado. Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México., Nezahualcóyotl, Mexico Overview: Es una investigación doctoral sobre la idea pedagógica que podría corresponder al mundo global en el que vivimos. Los sujetos y el escenario de investigación pertenecen a Nezahualcóyotl en México. Theme: Ciencias de la Educacion 114 SÁBADO, 13 JUNIO 10:00-11:40 SESIONES PARALELAS Room 7 La evolución social (sesión en español) Consumo, bienestar y desarr desarrollo ollo de las capacidades Dra Sandra Maceri, Instituto Interdisciplinario de Economía Política de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Ciencias Económicas., Universidad de Buenos Aires, Buenos Aires, Argentina Overview: El bienestar de los seres humanos es posible más por el desarrollo de las capacidades que por la variable medible del consumo. Theme: Estudios Sociales y de la Comunidad Criminalidad femenina y rreacción eacción policial en Ecuador en el mar marco co de la democracia (1979-2010): Una rrevisión evisión histórica Andrea Romo Pérez, Lateinamerika-Institut (LAI), Freie Universität Berlin, Berlin, Germany Overview: Comúnmente la delincuencia está pensada como algo de hombres, de ahí que exista la necesidad por ampliar el estudio sobre criminalidad femenina y su manejo desde la policía Theme: Estudios Civicos y Politicos La salud mental y la universidad como red de apoyo Dra Patricia Duque Cajamarca, Facultad de Ciencias Sociales, Universidad Colegio Mayor de Cundinamarca, Bogotá, Colombia Overview: A partir de los resultados de la investigación, condiciones de salud mental y de capital social, en estudiantes de Trabajo Social” se reflexionara en el contexto de las dos categorías. Theme: Estudios Sociales y de la Comunidad 11:40-13:00 COMIDA Se celebrará en el Hotel Radisson Blu 13:00-14:40 SESIONES PARALELAS Posters Posters en español y portugués La pér pérdida dida de lazos afectivos en las personas privadas de libertad Sra. Nerea Casado-Quintana, Universidad de Málaga, Málaga, Spain Sra. Rosa Agúndez del Castillo, Universidad de Málaga, Málaga, Spain Sra. Pilar Moreno-Jimenez, Universidad de Málaga, Malaga, Spain Sra. Celia Urbano-Martín, Universidad de Málaga, Malaga, Spain Overview: The influence of social support pe ceived by the detainees perceive the environment and prison staff are studied; the relationship to quality of life, life satisfaction and self-destructive behavior is analyzed Theme: Estudios Sociales y de la Comunidad Renta per cápita, cambio poblacional y mortalidad pr prematura ematura en España Dr Enrique Regidor Poyatos, Departamento de Medicina Preventiva,Salud Pública e Historia de la Ciencia de la Facultad de Medicina, Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Madrid, Spain Dra Cruz Pascual, Departamento de Medicina Preventiva, Salud Pública e Historia de la Ciencia, Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Madrid, Spain Dr David Martínez, Departamento de Medicina preventiva, Salud Pública e Historia de la Ciencia, Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Madrid, Spain Overview: El papel del cambio poblacional en el aumento de las diferencias en mortalidad prematura según la renta per cápita en España Theme: Estudios Sociales y de la Comunidad El papel de la Inteligencia Emocional y otras variables psicoló psicológicas gicas en la Satisfacción V Vital ital en personas inter internas nas del centr centro o penitenciario de Alhaurin de la T Torr orree (Málaga) Sra. Rosa Agúndez del Castillo, Department of Social Psychology, Universidad de Málaga, Málaga, Spain Sra. Nerea Casado-Quintana, department of social psychology, Málaga, Spain Sra. Pilar Moreno-Jimenez, department of social psychology, Universidad de Málaga, Malaga, Spain Overview: Se estudia la predicción de la satisfacción vital a partir de la Inteligencia Emocional, Autoestima, Apoyo Social y fatalismo. Se tienen en cuenta las características sociodemográficas para analizar dife encias grupales. Theme: Estudios Sociales y de la Comunidad A desigualdade social na morte: AA desigualdade social na morte: Avanço da mortalidade por Diabetes no Brasil emergentevanço da mortalidade por Diabetes no Brasil emergente Formiga Maria Célia Carvalho, Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte, Natal, Brazil Ramos Paulo Cesar Formiga, Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte, Natal, Brazil Lima André Luiz Barbosa, Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte, Natal, Brazil da Costa Severina Alice Uchôa, Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte, Natal, Brazil Dr Rudgy P. Figueiredo, Universidade Federal da Paraíba, João Pessoa, Brazil Overview: Este trabalho tem por objetivo mostrar que o avanço da mortalidade por diabetes (2000-2010), ocorre paralela. ao desenvolvimento dos Estados brasileiros, revelando a desigualdade social na morte no Brasil emergente. Theme: Estudios Sociales y de la Comunidad 115 SÁBADO, 13 JUNIO 13:00-14:40 SESIONES PARALELAS Room 1 Estudios sobr sobree consumo y desarr desarrollo ollo (sesión en español) Una alter alternativa nativa de éxito al consumo continuo de nuevas experiencias como constructor de la identidad en la sociedad del riesgo: El desarr desarrollo ollo de las motivaciones individuales Laura Aso Miranda, Universidad de Barcelona, Barcelona, Spain Overview: Se ha identificado que el desar ollo de las motivaciones individuales representa una alternativa al consumo continuo de nuevas experiencias como constructor de la identidad en la sociedad del riesgo Theme: Tema destacado 2015: Enfoques interdisciplinarios del cambio social contemporaneo Ações para desenvolvimento de comunidades de agricultura famili familiar ar no município de Pompéu/MG Ms Andressa Laysse da Silva Silva, Escola de Veterinária, Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais, Belo Horizonte, Brazil Mr Matheus Anchieta Ramirez Ramirez, Escola de Veterinária, Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais, Belo Horizonte, Brazil Ms Bruna Ferreira Pereira Pereira, Escola da Ciência da Informação, Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais, Belo Horizonte, Brazil Overview: O Brasil tem história marcada por desigualdades originadas pela concentração fundiária. A superação destas passa pelo apoio a organização política e social de comunidades de agricultura familiar, historicamente excluídas. Theme: Estudios Sociales y de la Comunidad El impacto de la gestión pública en el centro histórico de la Ciudad de México de 1970 a 2012 Arq. Mario Efrén Bermúdez, Maestría en Arquitectura, Campo de investigación Economía, Política y Ambiente, Universidad Nacional Autonoma de México, México, Mexico Overview: Desde los setentas, se ha incrementado la fragmentación del Centro Histórico de la Ciudad de México, generando segregación y desapropiación socio-territorial. Debido a modelos de gestión influenciados por tendencias globales. Theme: Estudios Civicos y Politicos Rol de la seguridad privada en la Ciudad de Asunción: Perspectiva de los dueños de las empresas Lic Carlos Peris, Departamento Academico, Universidad Nacional de Asuncion, Asuncion, Paraguay Overview: Desde una metodología cualitativa, con un enfoque teorico funcionalista, se ha indagado sobre el rol social de la seguridad privada en la Ciudad de Asuncion. Theme: Estudios Sociales y de la Comunidad Room 2 Sesión en inglés: Media and Social Change 116 SÁBADO, 13 JUNIO PARALLEL SESSIONS Room 3 La economía y los cambios sociales (sesión en español y portugu portugués) és) 13:00-14:40 Economía como ciencia social, una discusión sobr sobree la metodología del equilibrio general en la actualidad Isabel Rodríguez Peña, Economía, Posdcotorado, Berlín, Germany Overview: El objetivo del trabajo es evidenciar la relevancia de la metodología del Equilibrio General en la incapacidad del modelo macroeconómico en considerar y responder ante una crisis. Theme: Estudios Sociales y de la Comunidad ¿Existe un bono estructural en el cr crecimiento ecimiento de la pr productividad oductividad laboral en la industria? Evidencia de un análisis de descomposición para 150 actividades de 28 países Dr. Raúl Vázquez López, Unidad de Economía Industrial Instituto de Investigaciones Económicas, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, Mexico, Mexico Overview: El presente artículo calcula la productividad laboral para 150 actividades industriales de 28 países. El principal resultado es la inexistencia de un bono estructural en el crecimiento del indicador. Theme: Estudios Globales Room 4 Estudios organizacionales: sector privado (sesión en español) Motivo de logr logro o en el servicio por parte de los trabajador trabajadores es de American Expr Express ess Dr. Juan Manuel Herrera Caballero, Ciencias Sociales y Humanidades, Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana, mexico, Mexico Mtra. N. Georgina Martell Martínez, Ciencias sociales y humanidades, Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana, Mexico, Mexico Overview: Describir las atribuciones de los empleados de American Express sobre el servicio que ofrecen y su relación con el motivo del logro. Un estudio estadístico correlacional. Theme: Estudios Organizacionales El diseño organizacional en los Museos: Un enfoque desde la teo teoría ría organizacional y la calidad en los servicios Dra Ma Eugenia Sanchez Ramos, Departamento de Estudios Organizacionales, División de Ciencias Económico Administrativas, Universidad de Guanajuato, Guanajuato, Mexico Overview: El presente trabajo presenta una intervención organizacional en el Museo de Historia Natural Alfredo Dugès de la Universidad de Guanajuato mediante un estudio observacional, descriptivo, transversal con un enfoque cualitativo Theme: Estudios Organizacionales Room 5 Sesión en inglés: Resear Research ch and Knowledge Room 6 Sesión en inglés: T Teaching eaching and Lear Learning ning Room 7 Sesión en inglés: Disciplinary Practices and Methodologies Room 8 Medios de comunicación: Publicaciones académicas (sesión en español) Publicaciones de acceso abierto y comunidades de conocimiento tecnocientífico Karim Gherab Martín, Facultad de Humanidades y Ciencias de la Comunicación, Universidad San Pablo CEU, Spain Overview: Se define el movimiento de acceso abierto a las publicaciones académicas y se analizan los diversos modelos de negocio propuestas para hacer sostenibles las revistas de acceso abierto. También se estudia la relación de estos modelos con las prácticas de comunicación de algunas comunidades. Theme: Comunicacion Room 9 Sesión en inglés: Intersections of Religion and Politics 14:40-14:50 DESCANSO 14:50-16:30 CLAUSURA DEL CONGRESO Room 1 $MBVTVSBEFM$POHSFTP 4FTJPOFTFOFTQB×PMZQPSUVHVÏT José Morillo-Velarde Serrano, Universidad CEU San Pablo, España Ana Quintana, Common Ground España, Spain Homer Stavely, Common Ground Publishing, EEUU FIN DE LA SESIÓN 117 Ciencias Sociales Interdiciplinares Listado de participantes 118 Pedro H. F. M. Aguiar Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais Brazil Rosa Agúndez del Castillo Universidad de Málaga Spain María Almanza Universidad Autónoma Chapingo Mexico M. Adrián Almazán Gómez Universidad Autónoma de Madrid Spain Carlos Andrés Arango Universidad de Bogotá Jorge Tadeo Lozano Colombia Anderson Araújo-Oliveira Université du Québec à Montréal Canada Laura Aso Miranda Universidad de Barcelona Spain María Isabel Barros Bellini Pontificia Universidade Catolica Brazil Carmen Dolores Barroso García Universidad de Guanajuato Mexico Mario Efrén Bermúdez Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México Mexico Mónica Bernardo S. Marques USP - FFLCH /FAPESP Brazil Jaime Biella Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte Brazil Antonio Blanc-Altemir Universidad de Lleida Spain Camacho Lozano José Carlos Nimes Ecole de Managment France Enrique Antonio Carrete Solis Universidad Autónoma de Chihuahua Mexico Nerea Casado-Quintana Universidad de Málaga Spain Miguel Ángel Casillas Alvarado Universidad Veracruzana Mexico Isabelle Chouinard Université du Québec en Abitibi-Témiscamingue Canada A. Patricia Cobos Campos Universidad Autónoma de Chihuahua Mexico Ulises Cortez Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México Mexico Karin Davidovich Franklin & Marshall USA Ana María Delgado Universitat Oberta de Catalunya Spain Jeysira Jacqueline Dorantes Carrión Universidad Veracruzana Mexico Patricia Duque Cajamarca Universidad Colegio Mayor de Cundinamarca Colombia Osvaldo Duran Castro Instituto Tecnológico de Costa Rica Costa Rica Carlos Humberto Durand Alcántara Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana Azcapotzalco Mexico Carolina Ferrante CONICYT-FONDECYT Chile Mario Cesar Ferreira Universidade de Brasília Brazil Rudgy Pinto Figueiredo Universidade Federal da Paraíba Brazil Alicja Fijalkowska Universidad de Varsovia Poland Pedro Cezar Fonseca Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul Brazil Borja García Ferrer Universidad de Granada Spain Karim Gherab Martín Universidad CEU San Pablo Spain Tadeja Golubovic Universidad Autónoma de Madrid Spain Manuel Hernández Muñiz Universidad de Oviedo Spain Juan Manuel Herrera Caballero Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana Mexico María Teresa Kobila Facultad de Ciencias Económicas y Estadística Argentina Bruno Vicente Lippe Pasquarelli Federal University of São Carlos Brazil Marta Llorente Pascual Universidad Politécnica de Madrid Spain Sandra Maceri Universidad de Buenos Aires Argentina N. Georgina Martell Martínez Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana Mexico David Martínez Sánchez Universidad de Salamanca Spain Pedro Damas Ferreira de Melo Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais Brazil Ciencias Sociales Interdiciplinares Listado de participantes Maria de Lourdes Mollo Universidade de Brasília Brazil Abimael Montejo Haas Universidad Autónoma Chapingo Mexico Omar Muñoz Universidad Pontificia Bolivariana Colombia Jaddy Brigitte Nielsen Niño Universidad la Gran Colombia Colombia Nelly Beatriz Nucci Universidad Nacional de Córdoba Argentina Armando Osorno Sánchez Benemérita Universidad Autónoma de Puebla Mexico Tatiane Paschoal Universidad de Brasilia Brazil Cruz Pascual Universidad Complutense de Madrid Spain Bruna Ferreira Pereira Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais Brazil María de Lourdes Pérez Cesari Universidad Autónoma del Estado de Hidalgo Mexico Bibiana Pérez González Universidad de Valencia Spain Vania Pérez Morales Universidad Autónoma de México Mexico Tânia Regina Raitz Universidade do Vale do Itajaí Brazil Luisa F Ramírez Cuervo Universidad Colegio Mayor de Cundinamarca Colombia Enrique Regidor Poyatos Universidad Complutense de Madrid Spain Sandra Regina Martini Universidade do Vale do Rio Sinos Brazil Víctor Hugo Renteria Universidad Autónoma de Baja California Mexico Rodrigo Rezende Ferreira Universidad de Brasilia Brazil Mercedes Rivas Arjona Universidad Rey Juan Carlos Spain Álvaro Andrés Rivera Sepúlveda Universidad de Salamanca Spain Isabel Rodríguez Peña Freie Universität Berlin Germany Andrea Romo Pérez Freie Universität Berlin Germany Celia Ruiz de Oña Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México Mexico Sueli Salva Universidade Federal de Santa Maria Brazil Ma Eugenia Sánchez Ramos Universidad de Guanajuato Mexico Carlos Humberto Sierra Becerra C. Invest. y Docencia en Humanidades Estado de Morelos Mexico Andressa Laysse Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais Brazil Andrea Lyn Spears Universidad Autónoma de Baja California Mexico Rodolfo Alfonso Torregrosa Jiménez Universidad Libre Colombia Carlos Mario Torres Ramírez Universidad del Tolima Colombia Blanca Torrubia Chalmeta Universitat Oberta de Catalunya Spain Leandro Valiati Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul Brazil Alexandre Vanzuita Universidade do Vale do Itajaí Brazil Ana Verde Trabada Universidad P. Comillas Spain Liberio Victorino Ramírez Universidad Autónoma Chapingo Mexico Raúl Vázquez López Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México Mexico Blanca Yaquelin Zenteno Trejo Benemérita Universidad Autónoma de Puebla Mexico 119 Interdisciplinary Social Sciences Notes 120 Interdisciplinary Social Sciences Notes 121 Interdisciplinary Social Sciences Notes 122 Interdisciplinary Social Sciences Notes 123 Interdisciplinary Social Sciences Notes 124 Interdisciplinary Social Sciences Notes 125 Interdisciplinary Social Sciences Notes 126 Interdisciplinary Social Sciences Notes 127 Politics in a World of Inequality Call for Panels - NOW OPEN Call for Papers - 7 August 2015 DEADLINES Call for open panels: 8 July 2015 Call for closed panels: 7 October 2015 Call for papers: 7 October 2015 www.ipsa.org [email protected] International Political Science Association (IPSA)
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