ANA ISABEL PÉREZ MUÑOZ Department of Experimental Psychology (University of Granada) Tel: +34 660308256 Email: [email protected] Personal profile I have a PhD in Experimental Psychology and Behavioural Neuroscience. I’m interested in the cognitive processes and skills that underlie language comprehension (e.g., inference making or updating information). I have investigated in different research teams in Spain, Italy and UK, and I have advanced knowledge in linear mixed effects models analysis, using R software. Education 2009 – 2014 PhD in Experimental Psychology and Behavioural Neuroscience (Funded by Spanish Ministry of Education and Science; FPU AP2008–01893) University of Granada, Experimental Psychology Thesis title: ‘Inferential processes, updating information and working memory in reading comprehension of adults’ Supervisors: Professor Teresa Bajo and Professor Kate Cain 2008 – 2009 Master’s degree in Cognitive and Behavioural Neuroscience (Funded by SMES) University of Granada, Experimental Psychology Dissertation title: ‘The visuospatial component of working memory and its relationship with intuitive geometric ability’ Supervisors: Professor Teresa Bajo and Professor Cesare Cornoldi 2003 – 2008 Degree in Psychology by the University of Granada 3rd year: Charles University of Prague (Funded by Erasmus Programme) 4th year: University of Salamanca (Funded by Sicue-Séneca Programme) Visiting scholar 2011 – 2012 Stay of research (4 months; Funded by SMES) University of Oxford, Experimental Psychology Study title: ‘Monitoring and revision of inferential comprehension in narrative texts: an eye movement study’ Supervisors: Professor Kate Nation and Dr. Holly Joseph 2011 – 2012 Stay of research (4 months; Funded by SMES) Lancaster University, Faculty of Science and Technology Study title: ‘Inferential revision in narrative texts: an ERP study’ Supervisors: Professor Kate Cain and Professor Teresa Bajo 2009 Stay of research (3 months) University of Padova, Faculty of Psychology Study title: ‘Geometric ability and visuospatial working memory in adults’ Supervisors: Professor Cesare Cornoldi and Professor Teresa Bajo Employment 2015 jan/jun PhD contract in a research project (Funded by Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation; PSI2012–33625) University of Granada, Experimental Psychology Project title: ‘Individual differences in the control of memory interference’ Principal investigator: Professor Teresa Bajo 2014 jun/dec PhD contract in a research project (Funded by SMSI; PSI2012–33625) University of Granada, Experimental Psychology Project title: ‘Individual differences in the control of memory interference’ PI: Professor Teresa Bajo Research experience My main interests remain in the cognitive processes that are involved in the development of language comprehension. Accordingly, I have conducted three lines of research. First, I have studied the neural mechanisms associated with semantic and grammatical anomalies in sentence comprehension, where a critical result has been that the P600 component (commonly related to grammatical processing) reflects semantic processing of animicity. Second, I have investigated distinct cognitive processes that underlie the construction of a situation model during on−line comprehension. On the one hand, in collaboration with prof. Kate Cain, I investigated the behavioural and neural mechanisms that underlie revision of the situation model. A relevant finding here it is that the P3b subcomponent seems to be related to the ability to replace no longer relevant information, which it is also associated with individual differences in working memory. On the other hand, in collaboration with prof. Kate Nation, I studied the eye movements’ pattern generated when a probable inference must be replaced with unexpected information. Here we found that working memory differences in the revision of the situation model seem to be restricted to the verbal (but not visuospatial) domain. Finally, I’m currently investigating these processes in adults and children bilinguals. IT Skills I have advanced knowledge of several softwares used for: Programming experiments: E-Prime, Experiment Builder, and Eyetrack 1. Statistical analysis: Excel, Statistica, SPSS, R software, EyeDoctor and EyeDry. ERP analysis: Neuroscan, Net Station. Publications Pérez, A., Mammarella, I., Del Prete, F., Bajo, T., & Cornoldi, C. (2014). Capacidad geométrica y memoria visoespacial en población adulta (Geometry ability and visuospatial memory in adult population). Psicológica, 35(2), 225−249. Pérez, A. I., Paolieri, D., Macizo, P., & Bajo, T. (2014). The role of working memory in inferential sentence comprehension. Cognitive processing, 1−9. Muñoz, A. I. P. (2013). La capacidad de actualizar información inferencial en la lectura (The ability to update inferential information in reading). Ciencia Cognitiva, 7−3, pp. 43−45. *I have also other three articles that are under revision or in the process to be submitted (one was recently demanded to be resubmitted at the journal of ‘Memory & Cognition’). Conference presentations 2014 sept Scientific Inauguration Conference of the Research Center Mind, Brain and Behaviour (CIMCYC) Place: Granada, Spain. Poster title: ‘Discourse comprehension and training in executive control’ Authors: Mª Jesús Maraver, Giulia Togato, Ana I. Pérez, Pedro Macizo, Mª Rosario Rueda, Carlos J. Gómez-Ariza, and Mª Teresa Bajo 2013 aug 18th Meeting of the European Society for Cognitive Psychology (ESCoP) Place: Budapest (Hungary) Poster title: ‘Inferential updating in narrative texts: an ERP study’ Authors: Ana I. Pérez, Kate Cain, María C. Castellasnos, and Teresa Bajo 1 2012 may Belgian Association for Psychological Sciences and Spanish Society of Experimental Psychology (BAPS−SEPEX) Meeting Place: Liege, Belgium Poster title: ‘Eye movements in inference making’ Authors: Ana I. Pérez, Joseph Holly, Teresa Bajo, and Kate Nation 2011 sept 17th Meeting of the European Society for Cognitive Psychology (ESCoP) Place: Donostia−San Sebastián, Spain Poster title: ‘Semantic and grammatical anomalies in sentence processing’ Authors: Ana I. Pérez Muñoz, Pedro Macizo Soria, Daniela Paolieri, and Teresa Bajo 2011 jan Neuroscience and Education International Workshop Place: Seville, Spain Poster title: ‘The role of working memory in inference generation during the reading of expository texts’ Authors: Ana I. Pérez Muñoz, Daniela Paolieri, Teresa Bajo, and Pedro Macizo 2010 apr Spanish Society of Experimental Psychology (SEPEX) Place: Granada, Spain Organising committee member 2009 oct XVIII National Conference of the Italian Association of Research and Intervention in the Learning of Psychopatolgy (AIRIPA) Place: La Spezia, Italy Talk title: ‘Geometric ability and visuospatial working memory’ Authors: Ana I. Pérez Muñoz, Irene Mammarella, Teresa Bajo, and Cesare Cornoldi Courses attended 2014 sept Analysis and design in Psychology Place: Granada, Spain Duration: 28 hours 2012 aug Sixth European Graduate School on Literacy Acquisition Place: Egmond aan Zee, The Netherlands Duration: 40 hours 2011 oct MATLAB for Neuroscientifics Place: Granada, Spain Duration: 32 hours 2011 jul Methods of Mathematical and Computational Analysis in Human Neurophysiology Place: Seville, Spain Duration: 30 hours 2009 nov ERFAI Winter School on Eye-tracking methodology (WSETM) Place: Barcelona, Spain Duration: 48 hours Research project participations 2014 jan National research project of the Spanish Ministry of Economy, Innovation, Science and Employment (P12-CTS−2369) Project title: ‘El desarrollo de las habilidades lingüísticas y atencionales de niños en programas de educación bilingüe’ Duration: 1461 days Amount: 176.565 euros PI: Professor Teresa Bajo 2013 jan National research project of the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation (PSI2012−33625) Project title: ‘Individual differences in the control of memory interference’ Duration: 1095 days Amount: 128.700 euros PI: Professor Teresa Bajo 2009 jan National research project of the Spanish Ministry of Science and Technology (EDU−2008−01111) Project title: ‘Inhibitory control of memory’ Duration: 1825 days Amount: 377.520 euros PI: Professor Teresa Bajo Teaching experience 2012 – 2013 Course: ‘Psychology of Language’ (core subject−4th year) Psychology degree, University of Granada Type: practice (four−month period) 2011 – 2012 Course: ‘Psychology of Memory and Representation’ (core subject−3th year) Psychology degree, University of Granada Type: practice (four−month period) Academic awards 2009 – 2013 Doctoral research grant from the Spanish Ministry of Education and Science (FPU AP2008–01893) Professional memberships 2010 – 2015 Spanish Society of Experimental Psychology (SEPEX) 2011 – 2014 European Society for Cognitive Psychology (ESCoP) Referees Professor Kate Cain ( Department of Psychology, Lancaster University Bailrigg, Lancaster, LA1 4YF United Kingdom Tel: +44 (0)1524 593990 Email: [email protected] Professor Kate Nation ( Department of Experimental Psychology, University of Oxford South Parks Road, Oxford, OX1 3UD United Kingdom Tel: +44 (0)1865 271444 Email: [email protected] Professor Teresa Bajo ( Researchers:M%26ordf%3B_Teresa_Bajo) Department of Experimental Psychology, University of Granada Facultad de Psicología, Campus de Cartuja S/N, 18071 Granada, Spain Tel: +34 958243769 Email: [email protected]
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