THE CATHOLIC CHRISTIAN COMMUNITY OF SANGER AND DEL REY Office- 828 “O” Street, Sanger, California 93657 Phone 875-2025 — Fax 875-2618 PROCLAIM THE GOSPEL Today we celebrate one of the tenets of our creed: that the Lord ascended into heaven. From Mark’s Gospel we hear the final words Jesus spoke to his disciples shortly before he ascended into heaven. Those were words of commissioning, no less real for us today than they were to the disciples then. We are called to “proclaim the gospel to every creature.” For the vast majority of us, this means that we proclaim the gospel by the witness of our everyday lives. Treating others with dignity and respect, providing for those less fortunate than ourselves, being good stewards of the many gifts showered on us, coming together as God’s family in worship and praise—these are all signs that the gospel has taken root in our lives. The Ascension of the Lord May 17, 2015 ÁMENSE UNOS A OTROS El domingo pasado escuchamos el familiar pasaje del Evangelio de san Juan en el que Jesús usa el símbolo de la viña y las ramas. En ese pasaje escuchamos que si permanecemos en Cristo daremos mucho fruto. El Evangelio de hoy nos dice cuál es ese fruto: el amor. La segunda lectura de hoy junto con el Evangelio crean un gran himno de amor. El coro de este himno es sencillo –Dios nos ama tanto que envió a Jesús al mundo para que tuviéramos vida. El Señor Jesús que nos dijo la semana pasada que permaneciéramos en él, esta semana nos dice que permanezcamos en su amor. En un mundo marcado por las divisiones y el terrorismo, las últimas palabras del Evangelio de hoy son un gran reto: “Esto es lo que les mando: que se amen los unos a los otros”. ST. MARYS FAMILY SALSA FESTIVAL 2015 STA. MARIAS SALSA FESTIVAL FAMILIAR 2015 This SUNDAY, May 17, 2015 is our first Salsa Festival on the grounds at North and Bethel Aves. Time: 3:00 pm to 10:00 pm Este DOMINGO, 17 de mayo 2015 es nuestro primer Festival de Salsa en los terrenos en Norte y Bethel Aves. Hora: 3:00 pm a 10:00 pm Come enjoy the food, music, raffle and a Salsa contest and help the church. ENTERTAINMENT: Realidades 3pm to 4pm Diferentes 4pm to 5pm Amanecido 5pm to 7pm Marfil 8pm to 10pm DJ Ruben Sounds Venga a disfrutar de la comida, la música, rifa y un concurso de Salsa y ayude la iglesia ENTRETENIMIENTO: Realidades 3pm to 4pm Diferentes 4pm to 5pm Amanecido 5pm to 7pm Marfil 8pm to 10pm DJ Ruben Sounds ST. MARY’S CHURCH, SANGER CA —ST. KATHERINE’S, DEL REY, CA Schedule of Masses Horario de Misas Adoration and Benediction Adoración “O” street Saturday (Vigil) “O” street 5:30 pm English 5;30 pm DR Español 7:00 pm Español Thursdays 6:00 pm (Español), 6:30pm (English) Sunday New Church Thursday 6:15 pm—7:00 pm Saturday 2:15 pm– 3:15 pm and 6:30 pm—7:00 pm 7:30 am 9:00 am 9:30 am DR 11:00 am 1:00 pm English Español English English Español Weekday “O” street 7:00 am English 5:30 pm Español Holy Days 7:00 am 5:30 pm 5:30 pmDR English Español Español Parish under the Direction of The Rogationist Fathers Fr. John Bruno, R.C.J., V.F. Pastor Fr. Devassy Painadath, R.C.J. Parochial Vicar Fr. Rene Panlasigui, R.C.J., Superior house Fr. Edwin Manio, R.C.J. Seminary Rectory/Rectoría 828 “O” Street, Sanger, Ca. 93657 P.O. Box 335 Office- 875-2025 Fax- 875-2618 May 17, 2015 Confessions Confesiones “O” street St. Hannibal Chapel Baptisms and Weddings Bautismos, Bodas, Quinceañeras Call Parish office/llamar a la oficina Rogationist Residence Vocation Center 2688 S. Newmark Ave, Sanger, Ca. 93657 875-5808 New St. Mary’s Church Fr. Hannibal House Social Service and Thrift Store 1501 14th St. Phone– 875-0564 Finance—Church Support Old St. Mary’s May 9 & 10 5:30PM 7:00PM 7:30AM 9:00AM 11:00AM 1:00PM 5:30PM DR 9:30AM DR TOTAL $ 717.00 247.00 1,116.00 2,386.00 1,315.00 754.00 124.00 652.00 7,927.50 St. Katherine’s Church Hours/Horario Monday—Friday 9:00 am– 5:00 pm (closed 12 noon to 1:00 pm ) Todays 2nd Collection: Catholic Charity Business Manager– Minnie Kirsch Parish Secretary– Julie Mendoza Nepal $1,487.00 Sent to Catholic Relief Services. Thank you. Website: Email: [email protected] Para poder mantener las operaciones parroquiales, necesitamos recibir A weekly collection of $7,000.00 is $7,000.00 cada semana en las colectas needed in order to meet the daily costs of operations. We hope for $8,000.00 del domingo. Deseamos llegar a $8,000.00 cada semana para poder in order to build up a reserve for extener dinero ahorrado por la necesidatraordinary expenses. Please help us des no esperadas. Por favor apoye a su meet this goal. parroquia. MASS INTENTIONS FOR THE WEEK Saturday, May 16 5:30 pm †Dan & Mary Tores 5:30 pm DR Mother’s Day Novena 7:00 pm †Victor Ramos Sunday, May 17 7:30 am Pro Populo 9:00 am Catalina & Ascencion 9:30 am DR 11:00 am Valdez Mother’s Day Novena †Tomasita & Juan Quiroz Lila, Olivia & Enoch 1:00 pm Monday, May 18 7:00 am †Robert Villalobos 5:30 pm Mother’s Day Novena Tuesday, May 19 7:00 am †Rodrigo Caburnay 5:30 pm Wednesday, May 20 7:00 am †Cora Gonzalez 5:30 DR Thursday, May 21 7:00 pm St. Mary’s Altar So 5:30 pm Friday, May 22 †Ma. Luisa Benavides 7:00 pm 5:30 pm †Humberto Gamez, Elida Gamez Chapa, Erica Gamez Garcia Saturday, May 23 5:30 pm †Joe Lascano 5:30 pm DR Salvador Estrada 7:00 pm †Enrique Calderon Sunday, May 24 7:30 am P.P. Virgen De San Juan 9:00 am 9:30 am DR †Francisco Martinez 11:00 am Int. of Padilla family 1:00 pm Audelia Calderon Healing A MASS INTENTION PRAY FOR THOSE WHO DIED RECENTLY Maria C. Reyna, Peter Archuleta, Carmen Cabrera de Martinez May their soul and the souls of the faithful departed thru the mercy of God rest in peace. PRAY FOR THE MILITARY: Jesus Luna, Manuel Garza, Trina Donna Reyes, Brigham Cox, Vincent Mercado, Amando Silva Jr., Jonathan Michael Barnes, Jose Ulises Contreras, Manuel Contreras, Jacob Alexander Arteaga, Tony Mercado, Alvin Sandoval, Jesse Sandoval, Diego Contreras, Karisa Garza, Nate Garza, Eric Joseph Martinez and all young men and women from Del Rey and Sanger. PRAY FOR THE SICK: RCIA Eddie Beltran, Bill Collins, Jacinto Mendoza Jr., Joey Rocha, Maria Cisneros, Soledad Gandara, Ali Magana, Trinidad Rios, Elvia Cantu, Santos Galvan, Elaine Hammerschmidt, Baby Melody Silva, Clarissa Covarrubias, Veronica Gonzalez, Brianna Covarubbias, Ebelina Cobarubia, Gracie Reyes, Gilberto Sanchez, Yvonne Gaona, Dalvin Baker, Jack Ryan, Debbie Pippins, Tina Inequez, Michelle Macias, Ray Cisneros, Lisa Nieto, Ruben Gonzalez Jr., Rudy Sauceda Jr., Christopher Park, Anita Cisneros, Terry Herrera, Aniceto Perez, Phil Santoya, Ryan Sauceda, Consuelo Alcantar, Tomasita Villareal, Rosalina Leon, Socorro Gonzalez, Linda Martinez, Audrey Gallardo, Patsy Martinez, Eva Perez, David Aaron Sanchez, Anna Marie Ruiz, Rodger Ramirez, Lydia Martinez, Lucy Kirsch, Manuela Diaz, Ruben Diaz, Jennie D. Solorio, Alicia Rosales, Eliani Lopez, Kristi Bustamante, Evelyn Sunza, Rosa Padilla, Eric Arreola, Lupe Cortez, Priscillla Bollinger, Monica Alvarez, Tilly and Reyes DeLaTorre, Joe Garcia, Norma Ruiz, P.J. Vawter, Danny Garza, Dan Luna, Raquel Diaz, Slava Kotiuga, Tara Castaneda Villarreal. Are you seven years or older and wish to receive the Sacraments of Baptism, Confirmation, Communion? Call Ella Boyle 875-8425 or Spanish Adults call Samuel Velazco 618-0271. The mass will be offered for your intention, usually for someone who is ill or has died, a birthday or for other intentions. The intention is anMay the Lord lay His healing hand nounced and upon them and bring them peace. printed in the bulletin to encourage everyone at mass to pray for that intention as well. Mass is for a donation of $10. ST. MARY’S Religious Education 12050 E. North Ave., 875-6340. Office hours Monday thru Thursday 9:00 am to 4:00 pm. Elementary—Priscilla Bustamante, Agape, Jr. High, High School— Linda Gallardo and Elsa Rodriguez. ST. KATHERINE Religious Education 5375 Carmel Street, Del Rey 93616, 888-2889. Elementary, Jr./ High School and RCIA call Julia Flores 643-7533. Formator of Catechists– Hna. Reyna Maldonado. Elementary, Jr. /High School Spanish—Maria Morales BAPTISM INFORMATION 1st and 3rd Saturday in Spanish. 2nd and 4th Saturday in English at 10:00am in new church. Bring your child’s birth certificate to the office to begin the process. Donation is $60 per child. ST. MARY’S CHURCH, SANGER CA —ST. KATHERINE’S, DEL REY, CA SANCTUARY CANDLE FOR MAY 2015 In memory of: Elodia & Sebastian Sanchez at “O” street. In memory of: Audon Gallardo at new church. This could be in memory or in honor of a person or family. READINGS FOR THE WEEK Monday: Acts 19:1-8; Ps 68:2-3ab, 4-5acd, 6-7ab; Jn 16:29-33 Tuesday: Acts 20:17-27; Ps 68:1011, 20-21; Jn 17:1-11a Wednesday: Acts 20:28-38; Ps 68:29-30, 33-36ab; Jn 17:11b-19 Thursday: Acts 22:30; 23:6-11; Ps 16:1-2a, 5, 7-11; Jn 17:20-26 Friday: Acts 25:13b-21; Ps 103:12, 11-12, 19-20ab; Jn 21:15-19 Saturday: Acts 28:16-20, 30-31; Ps 11:4, 5, 7; Jn 21:20-25 Sunday: Vigil: Gn 11:1-9 or Ex 19:3-8a, 16-20b or Ez 37:1-14 or Jl 3:1-5; Ps 104:1-2, 24, 35, 27-30; Rom 8:22-27; Jn 7:37-39 Day: Acts 2:1-11; Ps 104:1, 24, 29-31, 34; 1 Cor 12:3b-7, 12-13 or Gal 5:16-25; Jn 20:19-23 or Jn 15:26- 27; 16:12-15 NOCTURNAL ADORATION IN ENGLISH MOTHER’S DAY NOVENA Additional names Novena is May 10th to May 18th. We remember the following mothers living and deceased: Lupe Padilla, Maria C. Gutierrez, Juanita R. Vasquez, Carmen Velasquez, Amelia Martinez, Silvia Garcia, Ana Maria Galvan, Elena Tostado, Salud S. Hernandez, Dolores R. Cantu, Florence Esqueda, Angela Alvarado, Lena Martinez, Nellie Torres, Angela Meza, Olivia Morales, Rosario Puente, Dolores Gonzalez, Christine Villalobos, Ramona Saucedo, Oralia Gutierrez, Ma. Del Refugia. May 17, 2015 THE CHILDREN AND THE YOUTH SEEK THE BREAD OF LIFE , BUT THERE IS NO ONE TO BREAK IT FOR THEM. We are grateful to all the volunteers of CCD, Agape, RCIA, who shared their faith with the children and the youth this year. The Lord is calling many others to join them. Will you answer “YES” to the Lord? Call the office of the Rectory or Religious education. 875-2025 or 875-6340 LIVING ROSARY AND CORONATION FOR THE HIGH SCHOOL BLESSED GRADUATE MASS VIRGIN Sunday, June 7th, 2015 at the MARY Blessed Mary asks us to pray the Rosary for the salvation of the world. The Rosary is a powerful weapon against the sins of the world. We conclude the month of the Rosary with a special celebration. ROSARY & CORONATION St. Mary’s New Church Friday, May 31, 2015 at 6:00pm We invite in a special way the children who made First Communion and their parents, to attend pray one of the Hail Mary’s. We are seeking members in English for the nocturnal adoration on the first Saturday of each month. Remember to pray the Rosary at If you are called to adore the Lord at home. night please call the office. 11:00 am mass. Come and give thanks to God for your Graduation. Catholic High School students are asked to sign up with Mrs. Virgie Panttaja in room #704 at Sanger High School. Parents and students are invited. Students will need to wear graduation gown and arrive at church at 10:30am for the line-up. CONGRATULATIONS TO NEWLYWED IN THE LORD Ernesto & Berenis Martinez and Guadalupe & Victoria Rodriguez SEND. O LORD, HOLY APOSTLES INTO YOUR CHURCH. ST. HANNIBAL, PRAY FOR US association with the Cristero uprising CAPITAL CAMPAIGN which opposed the anti-Catholic Mexi Together with our prayer, they need DONATIONS our financial donations. We will send can government in the 1920’s. The We are still working on details to send $1,487.00 from last Sunday’s collec- Cristero motto was, “Long live Christ you the report of the Capital Campaign the King and the Virgin of Guada tion to Catholic Relief Service. to repair and improve church buildings lupe.” You can still make donations online and grounds. Do not forget to send at or mail your your donation for your pledge. If you Friday: St. Rita of Cascia, Religious donation to Catholic Relief Service have not made a pledge you can begin Rita was born in 1381 in the town of P.O. Box 17090, Baltimore, MD. now. Our next big project is the parkRoccaporena in Um21297-0303, please write “Nepal ing lot at the hall for an estimate of bria. She lived Earthquake” on the memo line. $250,000.00. with a brutal husband and had two sons. AfFAMILY FAITH ter the violent BAPTISM/BAUTISMO murder of her husCOMMISSION Welcome To Our Catholic band, she urged Date: Saturday June 6th Time: 6:00 Christian Community! forgiveness in contrast to the custom- -8:00 pm Location: St. Mary’s Maci A. Villagomez, Izabella M. ary vendetta of her day. Becoming an Church Classroom #1/2 Medrano, Camila Alanis Augustinian nun, she spent some forty Guest Speaker: Vicente Garza years in prayer, contemplation, and Topic: Who wears the Pants in your service to the sick and poor. Toward Relationship? the end of her life, she received a SAINTS AND SPECIAL Have you ever wondered what the real wound from a thorn from the crown of role of a man and woman is in a relaOBSERVANCES thorns. She died in 1457. She is the tionship? What does society want us to Sunday: The Ascension of the Lord patron saint of desperate situations. believe and what does the Bible say it really is? Monday: St. John I, Pope, Martyr Come and join the Family Faith ComPEARLE ZALUD John I, + 526; from Tuscany; intro mission in welcoming guest speaker duced the Alexandrian computation of SCHOLARSHIP Vicente Garza again to St. Mary’s as the date of Easter; led an embassy to You can get an application thru the he helps us examine this question toConstantinople to discuss Emperor church for $200 for music and $300 Justin I’s policy toward Arians in the for agriculture if you are a graduating gether as couples. This once a month seminar is open to any adult men and East. senior and enrolling to be a full-time women who may or may not be in a Wednesday: St. Bernardine of Sicollege student. Applications are due relationship and who want to learn ena, Priest by July 31st. more about God’s plan for us as we Bernardine, + 1444; enter or work to better our relationO.F.M.; famous MEMORIAL DAY MASS ships. Seminars are free to attend. reformer and eloAT ST. PETER’S No RSVP necessary. quent preacher who Contact for more info: Juan Mireles CEMETERY traveled throughout Italy; encouraged Please join most reverend Armando X. (559)618-2552 or Lianna Mireles devotion to the Ochoa, D.D. Bishop, Diocese of Fres- (559)392-2360 Holy Name of Jeno as we celebrate the annual outdoor sus; known for his Memorial Day Mass Monday, May use of the mono25th at 10:00 am at St. Peter’s Cath- BANNS gram IHS (an abThere is a promise of marriage: olic Cemetery 264 N. Blythe Ave., brevi Eulogio Melchor & Mana Del Rocio Fresno. Information call 488-7449. ation of the Greek name for Jesus.) Ibarra (1), Constantino Ortiz Juarez & Elena Ramires Vargas (1), Ernesto Thursday: St. Christopher JUNE 1, 2015 Rios & Iris Ocampo (1), Fidel Neri & Magallanes ST. HANNIBAL FEAST Christopher Magallanes and twentyMana Ortiz (1), Michael Reyes & Masses 7:00 am at “O” st and 5:30 pm one diocesan priests and three laymen Celene Delgado (1) at Seminary followed by procession. were either shot or hanged for their PRAY FOR NEPAL ENVIA, SENOR, SANTOS APOSTOLES A TU IGLESIA—SAN ANIBAL RUEGA POR NOSOTROS LECTURAS DE LA SEMANA Lunes: Hch 19:1-8; Sal 68 (67):23ab, 4-5acd, 6-7ab; Jn 16:29-33 Martes: Hch 20:17-27; Sal 68 (67):10-11, 20-21; Jn 17:1-11a Miércoles:Hch 20:28-38; Sal 68 (67):29-30, 33-36ab; Jn 17:11b-19 Jueves: Hch 22:30; 23:6-11; Sal 16 (15):1-2a, 5, 7-11; Jn 17:20-26 Viernes: Hch 25:13b-21; Sal 103 (102):1-2, 11-12, 19-20ab; Jn 21:15-19 Sábado: Hch 28:16-20, 30-31; Sal 11 (10):4, 5, 7; Jn 21:20-25 Domingo: Vigilia: Gn 11:1-9 o Ex 19:3-8a, 16-20b o Ez 37:1-14 o Jl 3:15; Sal 104 (103):1-2, 24, 35, 27-30; Rom 8:22-27; Jn 7:37-39 Día: Hch 2:1-11; Sal 104 (103):1, 24, 29 -31, 34; 1 Cor 12:3b-7, 12-13 o Gal 5:16-25; Jn 20:19-23 o Jn 15:26-27; 16:12-15 ROSARIO EN VIVO Y CORONACIÓN DE LA VIRGEN MARÍA La Virgen María nos pide rezar el Rosario por la salvación del mundo. El Rosario es un arma poderosa contra los pecados del mundo. Llegamos a la conclusión del mes del Rosario con una celebración especial. ROSARIO Y CORONACIÓN Nueva Iglesia de Santa María domingo, 31 de mayo 2015 a las 6:00 pm. Invitamos de manera especial a los niños que hicieron la Primera Comunión y sus padres, para asistir a rezar una de las Avemarías. Recuerde que debe rezar el Rosario en casa. MISA DE GRADUACION LOS SANTOS Y OTRAS CELEBRACIONES Domingo, 7 de junio 2015 en la misa de las 11:00 am. Ven a dar gracias a Dios por su graduación. Se les pide a los estudiantes católicos de secundaria de firmar con la señora Virgie Panttaja en el salón # 704 en la Escuela Secundaria de Sanger. Se invita a los padres y estudiantes. Los estudiantes tendrán que llevar vestido de graduación y llegar a la iglesia a las 10:30 am para el line-up. Domingo: La Ascensión del Señor; Jornada Mundial de las Comunicaciones Sociales Lunes: San Juan I Miércoles: San Bernardino de Siena Jueves: San Cristobal Magallanes y compañeros; Viernes: Santa Rita de Casia Sábado: La Vigilia de Pentecostés; Shavuot (festividad judía) empieza al atardecer ORAR POR NEPAL Junto con nuestra oración, necesitan nuestras donaciones financieras. Le Usted puede obtener una solicitud a enviaremos $1,487.00 de la colección través de la iglesia por una beca de del domingo pasado a Catholic Relief $200 para la música y $300 para la agricultura. Usted tiene que ser senior Service. Todavía se puede hacer donaciones en línea en de high school e inscribirse para ser Nepal o envíe su donación a Catholic un estudiante universitario a tiempo Relief Servicio PO Box 17090, completo. Las solicitudes deben presentarse antes del 31 de julio en la ofi- Baltimore, MD. 21297-0303, por favor escriba "Nepal Terremoto" en la línea cina de la iglesia. de memo. PEARLE-ZALUD BECA DONACIONES DE CAMPAÑA DE CAPITAL Todavía estamos trabajando en los detalles para enviarle el informe de la Campaña de Capital para reparar y mejorar edificios de la iglesia y estacionamiento. No se olvide de enviar su donación para su compromiso. Si usted no ha hecho una promesa, usted puede comenzar ahora. Nuestro próximo gran proyecto es el estacionamiento en el salón para una estimación de $250,000.00. HOY CLINICA DE “SEE THE LORD” Es para los escribieron y tienen una cita para examen y anteojos. FIESTA DE SAN ANIBAL 1 DE JUNIO Misa 7:00 am ingles en la calle “O” y 5:30 pm bilingüe en el seminario de Newmark Ave. En seguida tenemos una procesión y cena potluck. PARISH GROUPS AND MINISTRIES / GRUPOS PARROQUIALES y MINISTERIOS ENGLISH 2014 Divine Mercy Ruth Alcantar 930-1806, Bible Study– Fr. Edwin Manio 875-2025 Legion of MarySal Rodriguez 892-3031 Catholic Daughters Becky Salinas 260-1568 Knights of ColumbusRafael Lopez 375-5864 Italian Catholic FederationKay Lopez 875-5967 Mission TonalaCecilia Herrera 994-1419, Marriage PreparationJavier & Isabel Luna, 876-2258 Cesar & Cindy Gonzales, 618-0510 Altar SocietyElva Rodriguez, 970-4862 Lectors & CommentatorsArt Mendoza, 304-7040 SMAS (Altar Servers)Vanessa & Levy Lopez 393-3261 Edge ( 6th,7th,8th)Millie Munoz, 875-6764 LifeTeen (High School)Patricia Archuleta 455-8743 LARVA (Lay Rogationist Vocation Animators)-Linda Lopez 977-1988 Safe Environment Jesse Avery 907-2881 Maintenance Supervisors Jose Alvarez 647-8192 Jaime Garza 394-2128 Marriage and Family Counseling— Maria Bustamante 930-1030 Caballeros de ColónJosé Luis Benavides 694-6000 Quinceañera Coordinator– Julia Flores 643-7533 Gift Shop– Lulu Torres (Open Sunday only) Estudio Bíblico Hna. Reyna Maldonado, MEMI 888-2889 Consejería de Matrimonio y familia María Bustamante 930-1030 CHOIRS Adult English (11:00 am) Teresa Castillo 875-4297 Children’s (11:00 am) Beth Musgrave 876-3936 Youth Music Ministry Julie Mendoza 824-4280 ( High School age) COROS Adultos (9:00 am)Mary Lombardo 940-0207 San Pedro (1:00 pm)Rolando Rodríguez 681-1296, Juan Silva 351-6129 Divina Voluntad (7:00 pm sábado)Teresa Castillo 875-4297 SPANISH 2014 Adoración Nocturna— Cesar Torres 876-1568 Divina Misericordia— Ruth Alcantar 930-1806 Encuentro Matrimonial Mundial – Alfredo y Rosa Almeada 876-3567 o 477-0053 Lectores y ComentaristasMartha Lomelí 365-8933 Grupo de Oración (Del Rey)Joaquín Núñez Grupo de Oración (Sanger)Memo Jiménez 312-3050 Padres y Madres OrantesGloria Mendoza 875-5424 Sociedad de Altar - (Del Rey) Vicky Ríos Sociedad GuadalupanaJaime Garza 394-2128 Del Rey (5:30pm Sábado)Lourdes Chávez 888-2508
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