From the Shelves of the Fellows Program Selected Publications by WCFIA Fellows, 1958 – 2015 Weatherhead Center for International Affairs Harvard University Abdul-Hadi, Mahdi F. The Jordanian Disengagement: Causes and Effects. East Jerusalem: Palestinian Society for the Study of International Affairs (PASSIA), 1988. Adeniyi, Olusegun. The Last 100 Days of Abacha: Political Drama in Nigeria under One of Africa’s Most Corrupt and Brutal Military Dictatorships. The Bookhouse Company, 2005. _________. Politricks: National Assembly under Military Dictatorship in Nigeria (July 1992 – Nov’ 1993), 2nd ed. The Bookhouse Company, 2010. _________. Power, Politics & Death: A front-row account of Nigeria under the late President Yar’Adua. Lagos, Nigeria: Kachifo Limited, 2011. Aquino, Jr., Benigno S. Testament from a Prison Cell. Manila: Benigno S. Aquino Jr. Foundation, 1984. Aubrey, Stefan M. Combating Al-Qaeda and the Jihadist Ideology: An in-progress review of the US National Counter-Terrorism Strategy. Schriftenreihe der Landesverteidigungsakademie. Vienna: BMLV/LVAk, 2006. Babalı, Tuncay. Caspian Energy Diplomacy since the End of the Cold War. Ankara: Basım Yeri ve Tarihi, 2006. Baker, John A. Italian Communism: The Road to Legitimacy and Autonomy. Washington, D.C.: National Defense University Press, 1989. Berner, Örjan. Soviet Policies Toward the Nordic Countries. Lanham, MD: University Press of America, 1986 (co-published by arrangement with the Center for International Affairs, Harvard University). Burayzat, M. Jordan, the League of Arab States, and the Question of Palestine: Cooperation or Conflict? Ann Arbor, MI: UMI Dissertation Information Service, 1989. Burns, Robert Andrew. Diplomacy, War, and Parliamentary Democracy: Further Lessons from the Falklands or Advice from Academe. Lanham, MD: University Press of America, 1985 (co-published by arrangement with the Center for International Affairs, Harvard University). Caradon, Hugh MacKintosh. The Future of Jerusalem: A Review of Proposals for the Future of the City. National Security Affairs Monograph Series 80-1, February 1980. Washington, DC: Research Directorate, National Defence University, February 1980. Carvajal, Mario. El Reto del Desarrollo. San José, Costa Rica: Universidad Estatal a Distancia, 1991. Cassiers, Juan. The Hazards of Peace: A European View of Detente. Harvard Studies in International Affairs, Number 34. Cambridge, MA: Center for International Affairs, Harvard University, 1976. Conesa, Eduardo. The Argentine Economy: Policy Reform for Development. Cambridge, Mass.: Center for International Affairs, Harvard University, 1989. Dambazau, A. B. Law and Criminality in Nigeria: An Analytical Discourse. Ibadan: University Press PLC, 2008. Dambazau, Abdul-Rahman Bello. Criminology and Criminal Justice, 2nd ed. Abuja: Spectrum Books Limited, 2007. Davidow, Jeffrey. A Peace in Southern Africa: the Lancaster House Conference on Rhodesia, 1979. Boulder and London: Westview Press, 1984. Decherf, Dominque. Bainville: L’intelligence de l’Histoire. Paris: Bartillat, 2000. Díaz, Rodolfo. Prosperidad o ilusión? Las reformas de los 90 en la Argentina. Buenos Aires: Verlap S.A. Producciones Gráficas, 1998. Dookeran, Winston. Crisis and Promise in the Caribbean. London: Ashgate, 2015. Dookeran, Winston, ed. Choices and Change: Reflections on the Caribbean. New York: Inter-American Development Bank, 1996. Drüke, Luise. Preventive Action for Refugee Producing Situations. European University Studies, Series XXI, Politicl Science, vol. 150. Frankfurt am Main: Peter Lang, 1990. Emerson, Michael. What Model for Europe? Cambridge, Massachusetts: The MIT Press, 1988. Engberg, Katarina. The EU’s Collective Use of Force; Exploring the Factors behind its First Military Operations. Uppsala: Uppsala Universitet, 2011. Enríque Cabot, Juan. El Reto de México: Tecnología y Fronteras en el Siglo XXI. Mexico City: Editorial Planeta Mexicana, S.A. de C.V., 2000. Escovar Salom, Ramón. Los demonios de la democracia. Caracas: Los Libros de El Nacional, 2006. Fairbanks, Michael, Malik Fal, Marcela Escobari-Rose, and Elizabeth Hooper, eds. In the River They Swim: Essays from Around the World on Enterprise Solutions to Poverty. West Conshohocken, Pennsylvania, Templeton Press, 2009. Forbes, John D. Jamaica: Managing Political and Economic Change. Washington and London: American Enterprise Institute for Public Policy Research, 1985. Foresti, Paolo, ed. Il Dialogo con Gli Stati Uniti e Il Malesere Europeo. Bologna: Società editrice il Mulino, 1986. Franci, Paolo. I remember: In Praise of Julian M. Sobin. Milan, 2002. _________. Quadernetto di Harvard: Cronaca di una ricerca deviate con un’appendice di Umberto Colobo e Lucio Triolo e una inervista ad Anthony Oldcorn. Milano: Vanni Scheiwiller, 1990. Gallardo Zavala, Jorge. Ecuador: Lecciones de otra Década Perdida y la Dolarización. Guayaquil: POLIGRÁFICA,2003. __________________. La Verdad sobre la Deuda Externa. Guayaquil: POLIGRáFICA, 2004. Gazit, Mordechai. President Kennedy’s Policy toward the Arab States and Israel: Analysis and Documents. Tel Aviv: Shiloah Center for Middle Eastern and African Studies, Tel Aviv University, 1983. Gemayel, Amine. Conférences Américaines 1989: Méditations d’espoir. Jean-Claude Lattès, 1990. Grassi, Vincenzo, and Rocco Antonio Cangelosi. Dalle Comunità All’Unione: Il Tratato di Maastricht e la Conferenza intergovernativa del 1996. Milan: FrancoAngeli s.r.l., 1996. Gürüz, Kemal. Higher Education and International Student Mobility in the Global Knowledge Economy. Albany: State University of New York Press, 2008. Handke, Werner. Shanghai: Das China von Morgen. Göttingen: Cuvillier Verlag, 1994. Hassan, Farooq. The Genesis of the Constitutional Dilemmas of Pakistan. Lahore, Pakistan: Aziz Publishers, 1989. Hendrix, Henry J. Theodore Roosevelt’s Naval Diplomacy: The U.S. Navy and the Birth of the American Century. Annapolis, Maryland: Naval Institute Press, 2009. Hernández Haddad, Humberto. Colosio y Ruiz Massieu, Veinte Años Despues. Mexico, 2014. Hidalgo, Diego. El futuro de España: El país que dejamos a nuestros hijos. Madrid: Pensamiento, 1996. ____________. Europa: Globalización y Unión Monetaria. Madrid: Siddharth Mehta Ediciones, 1998. Howard Russell D., and Reid L. Sawyer, eds. Terrorism and Counterterrorism: Understanding the New Security Environment, readings & interpretations. Guilford, CT: McGraw-Hill/Dushkin, 2002. Hume, Cameron R. Negotiations Before Peacekeeping. International Peace Academy, Occasional Paper, Number 5. New York: International Peace Academy, Inc., 1991. ____________. The United Nations, Iran, and Iraq: How Peacemaking Changed. Bloomington, IN: Indiana University Press, 1994. Jervell, Sverre, Mare Kukk, and Pertti Joenniemi, eds. The Baltic Sea Area – a region in the making. Sarpsborg: Trykket I Vardings Trykkeri, 1992. Jervell, Sverre, and Kare Nyblom, eds. The Military Buildup in the High North: American and Nordic Perspectives. Cambridge, MA: Center for International Affairs, Harvard University, 1986. Kartasasmita, Ginandjar. Managing Indonesia’s Transformation: An Oral History. Singapore: World Scientific Publishing, 2013. Keliher, John G. The Negotiations on Mutual and Balanced Force Reductions: The Search for Arms Control in Central Europe. New York: Pergamon Press, 1981. Kent, Glenn A. On the Interaction of Opposing Forces Under Possible Arms Agreements. Occasional Papers in International Affairs, Number 5, March 1963. Harvard University Center for International Affairs. Khalidi, Walid. Conflict and Violence in Lebanon: Confrontation in the Middle East. Harvard Studies in International Affairs, Number 38. Center for International Affairs, Harvard University, 1979. Kim, Dae Jung. Mass-Participatory Economy: A Democratic Alternative for Korea, revised and updated edition. Cambridge: Center for International Affairs, Harvard University, and University Press of America, 1996. Kitamura, Hiroshi, Ryohei Murata, and Hisahiko Okazaki. Between Friends: Japanese Diplomats Look at Japan – U.S. Relations. New York and Tokyo: John Weatherhill, Inc., 1985. Kitamura, Hiroshi. Psychological Dimensions of U.S.-Japanese Relations. Occasional Papers in International Affairs, Number 28, August 1971. Harvard Univeristy, Center for International Affairs. Klenberg, Jan. The Cap and the Straits Problems of Nordic Security. Cambridge, Mass: Center for International Affairs, Harvard University. Occasional Papers in International Affairs, Number 18, February 1968. Kotzias, Nikos and Petros Liacouras, eds. EU – US Relations: Repairing the Transatlantic Rift (Kastellorizo Papers). Hampshire, UK: Palgrave Macmillan, 2006. Le Corre, Philippe. Tony Blair, Les Rendez-vous Manqués. Paris: Lehmann, Ingrid A. Peacekeeping and Public Information: Caught in the Crossfire. London: Frank Cass Publishers, 1999. Mahbubani, Kishore. Beyond the Age of Innocence: Rebuilding Trust Between America and the World. New York: Public Affairs (a member of the Perseus Books Group), 2005. Mangat Rai, E. N. Civil Administration in the Punjab: An Analysis of a State Government in India. Occasional Papers in International Affairs, Number 7. Cambridge, MA: Center for International Affairs, Harvard University, 1963. Manske, Chad T. The Machinery of Government Needs a Tune-Up: Lessons for the US National Security Council from the British Committee of Imperial Defense (Walker Paper No. 15). Maxwell Air Force Base: Air University Press, 2009. Meyer, Christopher. DC Confidential: The Controversial Memoirs of Britain’s Ambassador to the U.S. at the Time of 9/11 and the Run-up to the Iraq War. Chatham, Kent (UK): Weidenfeld & Nicolson, 2005. Moreno León, José Ignacio. America Latina: Del Realismo Magico a la Sociedad Global: El Reto de Renovar la Democracia y La Opcion del la Economia Social de Mercado. Venezuela y Chile: Un Estudio Comparativo. Caracas: CEPET, 1994. Moragoda, Milinda. A Warm Heart, A Cool Head and a Deep Breath, speeches (2000-2003). Edited by M.D.D. Pieris. Colombo, Sri Lanka: Lake House Printers & Publishers Ltd, 2003. Nieminen, Tauno. Flank or Front: An Assessment of Military-Political Developments in the High North. Finnish Defence Studies 2. Helsinki: War College, 1991. Ocitti, Jim. Political Evolution and Democratic Practice in Uganda, 1952—1996. Wales, UK: The Edwin Mellen Press, Ltd., 2000. Oropeza, Luis J. Tutelary Pluralism: A Critical Approach to Venezuelan Democracy. Harvard Studies in International Affairs, Number 46. Cambridge, MA: Center for International Affairs, Harvard University, 1983. Osborne, Tommy T. Better Telephone Service for the Have Nots: In Whose Interest, by Which Means, and Who Pays? Program on Information Resources Policy. Cambridge, MA: Center for Information Policy Research, Harvard University, 1992. Pardo Rueda, Rafael. De Primera Mano. Colombia 1986—1994: Entre Conflictos y Esperanzas. Santafé de Bogotá, Colombia: Cerec, 1996. Puheloinen, Ari. Russia’s Geopolitical Interests in the Baltic Area. Finnish Defence Studies, 12. Helsinki: national Defence College, 1999. Ramsaran, Ramesh and Winston Dookeran, guest eds. The Caribbean Quest: Directions for Structural Reforms in a Global Economy (special issue). Nordic Journal of Latin American and Caribbean Studies, vol. XXVIII: 1-2 1998. Institute of Latin American Studies, Stockholm University. Russbach, Olivier. Onu Contre Onue: Le Droit International Confisqué. Paris: Éditions la Découverte, 1994. Sandström, Anders. Prospects of Mutual Force Reductions in Europe. Stockholm: Ministry of Defence Sweden, 1976. Scheper, Elisabeth E. Preventing Deadly Conflict in Divided Societies in Asia: The Role of NGOs. Amsterdam: Academisch Proefschrift, 2005. Schmunk, Michael. “Berlins zivil-militärische Wiederaufbauteams am Hindukusch: Entstehung, Konsept and Erfolgschancen deutscher Provincial Reconstruction Teams.” In Unterwegs in die Zukunft: Afghanistan – drei Jahren nach dem Aufbruch vom Petersberg,329-361. Berlin: Berliner WissenschaftsVerlag, 2005. Small, Michael. The Forgotten Peace: Mediation at Niagara Falls, 1914. Ottawa: University of Ottawa Press, 2009. Štambuk, Drago. I Šišmiši su Ptice u Bezpjevnoj Zemlji. Zagreb: Nakladni Zavod Matice Hrvatske, 2002. Stearns, Monteagle. Talking to Strangers: Improving American Diplomacy at Home and Abroad. Princeton, New Jersey: Princeton University Press, 1996. Tamara, M. Nasir. Indonesia in the Wake of Islam: 1965 – 1985. Kuala Lumpur: Institute of Strategic and International Studies, 1986. Tevoedjre, Albert. Pan-Africanism in Action: An Account of the UAM. Occasional Papers in International Affairs, Number 11, November 1965. Cambridge, MA: Center for International Affairs, Harvard University. Tickell, Crispin. Climatic Change and World Affairs (revised edition). Cambridge: Center for International Affairs, Harvard University and University Press of America, 1986. Toscano, Roberto. Soviet Human Rights Policy and Perestroika. Lanham, MD: University Press of America and Center for International Affairs, Harvard University, 1989. Vivas Peñalver, Leonardo. Crónicas de un Tecnócrata en Apuros: Para que el País no se Olvide. Caracas: Editorial Panapo, C.A., 1995. Woehrling, Francis. The Euro: New European Monetary Order, A new International Monetary Standard, A Renewal of European Humanism. De Pecunia, vol. VIII, No 2-3, 1998.
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