PROGRAMA 8:30 hs – ACREDITACIÓN Y RECEPCIÓN DE ASISTENTES PONENCIAS INTERNACIONALES 9:15hs: Bienvenida a cargo del Presidente de la UAHE: D. Juan Carlos Núñez y del Director General de EUROMETAL: Sr. Georges Kirps 9:30 hs: Inauguración Institucional por parte de la Consejera de Desarrollo Económico y Competitividad del Gobierno Vasco: Dña. Arantxa Tapia 9:45 hs: Situación y Tendencias de los Mercados del Acero de la UE: Sr. Jeroen Vermeij, EUROFER 10:30hs: La Consolidación como solución para los Centros de Servicio del Acero Europeos: Sr. Cesare Vigano, Director General AMCLN 11:15 hs: Pausa Café 11:45 hs: El Valor para la determinación del Precio: Una estrategia de supervivencia para la Distribución de acero: Sr. Georges Kirps, Director General EUROMETAL 12:15 hs: Futuros Retos de la Distribución de Acero de la UE: Sr. Alain Le Grix de La Salle, Presidente EUROMETAL 13:00 hs: Almuerzo PONENCIAS IBERIA 14:15 hs: “Iberia, un Futuro Esperanzador aunque desafiante”: D. Roberto Ruiz-Scholtes, Director de Estrategia UBS España 15:00 hs: Mesa Redonda: Iberia, ¿Otra forma de Distribución? Ferpinta – D. Nuno Ribeiro Pires, Chinchurreta – D. Francisco García, Tata Steel Distribution – D. Fernando Espada, Gonvarri – D. Juan Silvestre, Bamesa – D. Alejandro Hernández 16:00 hs: Cierre de la parte correspondiente al Sector Ibérico: D. Gonzalo Urquijo, Presidente UNESID 16:20 hs - CLAUSURA STEEL NET FORUM IBERIA: D. Fernando António Oliveira Pinto, Presidente AÇOMEFER y Sr. Alain Le Grix, Presidente EUROMETAL Mediante su inscripción usted presta su consentimiento para que la UNION DE ALMACENISTAS DEL HIERRO DE ESPAÑA ( UAHE) por ella misma o mediante terceras personas, puedan almacenar y usar su nombre y/o imagen en relación con el Evento STEEL NET FORUM En cumplimiento del art.5 de la Ley Orgánica 15/1999, de 13 de diciembre, de protección de datos de carácter personal, se le informa que los datos personales facilitados por los participantes y las imágenes obtenidas serán objeto de tratamiento automatizado e incorporados a los ficheros automatizados de la UNIÓN DE ALMACENISTAS DEL HIERRO DE ESPAÑA siendo esta ASOCIACIÓN titular y responsable de sus propios ficheros, los cuales, conforme a la normativa vigente, se encuentran debidamente registrados en el Registro General de la Agencia de Protección de Datos, todo ello con a finalidad de gestionar las inscripciones, la organización del Evento y demás finalidades derivadas del mismo. Le informamos que en cualquier momento podrá ejercitar los derechos de acceso, rectificación, cancelación y oposición enviando una solicitud por escrito acompañada de su DNI dirigida a la UNIÓN DE ALMACENISTAS DEL HIERRO DE ESPAÑA: Calle Príncipe de Vergara n 74, 28.006 - Madrid. Así mismo, les informamos que los datos de contacto que nos ha facilitado, podrán ser cedidos a los patrocinadores del Evento para su uso con fines comerciales. En caso de no desear recibir comunicaciones comerciales de alguno de los patrocinadores deberá ponerse en contacto con ellos, por el medio que le indiquen y en este sentido, en el momento en que se produzca la primera comunicación. Organizan: Patrocinan: Colabora: Zona X UAHE Invitation & Practical Information Dear Colleague in the European Steel Industry, EUROMETAL and the Steel Stockholders Association in Spain UAHE are pleased to welcome you to the EUROMETAL Steel Net Forum Iberia in beautiful Bilbao! The program is looking very promising and we hope that you will learn all about the latest news and trends in the industry and bring back lots of information and inspiration back to your office. EUROMETAL Steel Net Forum Iberia 2015 with the theme “La recuperación del mercado Ibérico” “RECOVERY OF THE IBERIAN MARKET” count also on AÇOMEFER (Portuguese Association) support. This conference on Steel Markets in Southern Europe is not to be missed by anyone who has an interest in the European steel market. WELCOME PROGRAMME OCTOBER THE 8TH Concert in the Auditorium of Palacio de Euskalduna Welcome Dinner at Sociedad Bilbaína Tickets of the concert and dinner are included in the conference fee. DATES & PRACTICAL INFORMATION ACCOMODATION DETAILS DATES Conference on October 9, 8.30-16.30 Welcome Dinner and Concert on October 8, 21.00 Extra activities: Closure Dinner on October 9, 21:00 Carlton Hotel 10th october: Boat Ride on the Ria Bilbao and lunch in Cubita Restaurant CONFERENCE VENUE Palacio Euskalduna - Conference room “Sala E” Directions to Palacio Euskalduna: You’ll find us at Lehendakari Leizaola 29, 48001 Bilbao Getting here is easy. From Bilbao airport: Taxi to the hotel. ACCOMMODATION The accomodation is not included in the conference fee, please fill the accomodation form attached and send to: [email protected] Rooms are 130-145 € including buffet breakfast and wifi. For a listing of other nearby hotels, please contact with us :[email protected] PRACTICAL INFORMATION CONFERENCE FEE AND BOOKING • The conference fee is Euro 280 € for members of EUROMETALL and the Steel Stockholders Associations in Spain and Portugal al and 450 € for non-members. Morning and afternoon coffee ee and lunch is included. • The dinner and the concert on October 8 are also included in the conference fee. Please indicate when booking if you will be attending the dinner and if you have any special dietary requirements. • There is organized a social program for the night of 9th October and 10th in the morning, it has an additional cost of 150 € by person. • Please register and make your payment by bank transfer to UAHE. Please see the details payment in the registration form. • Accommodation is not included in the conference fee. *Once registered and paid, the conference fee is non-refundable. • For any question, please contact: [email protected] ABOUT THE CONFERENCE The conference language are English and Spanish. Translation in Portuguese will be provided. All participants will get access to the conference documentation / presentations after the conference. REGISTRATION FORM REGISTRATION AND FEE Please complete and return this form together with the proof of payment to: [email protected] DELEGATE DETAILS • Name______________________________________ First Name________________________ • Position_____________________________________ Division__________________________ • Company_____________________________________________________________________ • Address______________________________________________________________________ • Postal code __________________________________ Country___________________________ • Tel __________________________________________ Fax____________________________ • E-mail_______________________________________________________________________ CONFERENCE FEE ASSOCIATE (280 €) NON ASSOCIATE (450 €) SOCIAL PROGRAM (9th and 10 th October): 150 € per person Numbers of participantes TOTAL = TERMS OF PAYMENT BANK TRANSFER TO: UAHE € IBAN: ES 05 0030-1525-40-0000456271 *THE ACCOMODATION IS NOT INCLUDE IN THE REGISTRATION FEE MEDIA PARTNERS: Zona X UAHE ORGANIZED BY: Hotel Meliá Bilbao Lehendakari Leizaola, 29 - 48001 Bilbao, SPAIN - Tel: (34) 94-428 00 80 - Fax: (34) 94-428 00 01 Contact: Reservations Department (e-mail: [email protected]) CIF A78304516 UAHE 8 and 9 October 2015 Last and First name _____________________________________________________________________________________________ DNI / Passport __________________________________________________________________________________________________ Address ________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Postal code _________________________________________ City/Country ______________________________________________ Tel number__________________________________________ Email _____________________________________________________ INVOICE DETAILS Company __________________________________________________________________ ________________________________ Address ________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Postal code__________________________________________ City/Country _____________________________________________ Tel number __________________________________________ E-mail ____________________________________________________ Arrival date __________________________________________ Arrival time ______________________________________________ Departure date ________________________________________________________________________________________________ ROOM TYPE Room type Standard double for single use Standard double for double use Rate 130€ 145€ INDICATE ROOM TYPE 10 % VAT included. Buffet breakfast included. Method of payment Credit card VISA ________ AMEX ________ MASTERCARD ________ DINERS CLUB ________ Card number __________________________________ Expiry date ________ /________ RELEASE DATE FOR RESERVATIONS: September 11th 2015 After September 11th, any request will be subject to availability Cancellation policy If the cancellation occurs after 6pm 2 days before the arrival date, 100% cancellation fees will apply. In case of no show, 100% fees will apply. The fees will be applied in the credit card provided as a guarantee for booking. Signature and name __________________________ Date ________________________________________________ Please send this document by fax or email to the Reservations department
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