DR. BRADLY J. CONDON WTO Chair Professor, Instituto Tecnológico Autónomo de México (ITAM) Río Hondo No. 1, Colonia Progreso Tizapán, 01080 México, D.F., México 011-52-555-628-4000, ext. 3789, [email protected] Permanent Residency: Mexican Citizenship: Canadian Languages: English, French, and Spanish RECENT POSITIONS Professor of International Trade Law, ITAM, 1997-Present Founding Director, Centre for International Economic Law, ITAM, 2008-Present Senior Fellow, Tim Fischer Centre for Global Trade and Finance, School of Law, Bond University, Australia, 2002-2014 Visiting Professor, University of Victoria, Victoria, Canada, 2014 Visiting Professor, University of New South Wales, Sydney, Australia, 2013 Visiting Professor, Permanent Mission of Mexico to the WTO, 2006-2007 EDUCATION Ph.D., 2004, Bond University (International Trade Law) LL.M., 1993, University of Calgary (International Trade and Environmental Law) LL.B., 1988, McGill University B.A., 1985, University of British Columbia SELECTED DISTINCTIONS Member, Mexican Academy of Sciences, International Economic Law Mexican National Research System, Level II Listed in Who’s Who in the World Teaching Awards & Research Awards, Instituto Tecnológico Autónomo de México Geneva Association Lumina Award for Pioneering Research, Law and Regulation International Visitor, International Trade, United States Congress 2 SELECTED PUBLICATIONS BOOKS The Role of Climate Change in Global Economic Governance (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2013) (with Tapen Sinha). Global Lessons from the AIDS Pandemic. Economic, Financial, Legal and Political Implications (Berlin: Springer Verlag, Law and Economics, 2008) (with Tapen Sinha). El Derecho de la Organización Mundial del Comercio: Tratados, Jurisprudencia y Práctica (London: Cameron May, 2007). Environmental Sovereignty and the WTO: Trade Sanctions and International Law (Ardsley, NY: Transnational Publishers, 2006). Insurance Regulation in North America: Integrating American, Canadian and Mexican Markets (London and the Hague: Kluwer Law International, 2003) (with Joyce Sadka and Tapen Sinha). Drawing Lines in Sand and Snow: Border Security and North American Economic Integration (Armonk, NY: M.E. Sharpe, 2003) (with Tapen Sinha). NAFTA, WTO and Global Business Strategy: How AIDS, Trade and Terrorism Affect Our Economic Future (Westport: Quorum Books, 2002). ARTICLES IN ENGLISH INTERNATIONAL INVESTMENT AGREEMENTS “Climate Change and International Investment Agreements”, 14:2 Chinese Journal of International Law 305-339 (2015). TREATY INTERPRETATION “Treaty Structure and Public Interest Regulation in International Economic Law”, 17:2 Journal of International Economic Law 333-353 (2014). “The concordance of multilingual legal texts at the WTO”, 33:6 Journal of Multilingual and Multicultural Development 525-538 (2012). “Lost in Translation: Plurilingual: Interpretation of WTO Law”, 1:1 Journal of International Dispute Settlement 191-216 (2010). 3 INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY RIGHTS “Climate Change and Intellectual Property Rights for New Plant Varieties”, 47:4 Journal of World Trade 897-923 (2013). “China – Intellectual Property Rights and the criminalization of trade mark counterfeiting and copyright piracy under the TRIPS Agreement”, 4:9 Journal of Intellectual Property Law & Practice 618-619 (2009). “Global Diseases, Global Patents and Differential Treatment in WTO Law: Criteria for Suspending Patent Obligations in Developing Countries”, 26:1 Northwestern Journal of International Law and Business 1-41 (2005) (with Tapen Sinha). TRADE AND ENVIRONMENT “The Role of International Economic Law in Addressing Climate Change” in M. Jansen, M. Sadni Jallab and M. Smeets (eds), Connecting to global markets: Challenges and opportunities. Case studies presented by WTO Chair Holders (Geneva: WTO, 2014), 117-128 (with Tapen Sinha). “Climate Change and Unresolved Issues in WTO Law”, 12:4 Journal of International Economic Law 895-926 (2009). “GATT Article XX and Proximity of Interest: Determining the Subject Matter of Paragraphs b and g”, 9:2 UCLA Journal of International Law and Foreign Affairs 137162 (2004). “Reconciling Trade and Environment: A Legal Analysis of European and North American Approaches” 8:1 Cardozo Journal of International and Comparative Law 1-26 (2000). “Multilateral Environmental Agreements and the WTO: Is the Sky Really Falling?” 9:2 Tulsa Journal of International and Comparative Law 533-567 (2002). “NAFTA and Environment: A Trade-Friendly Approach”, 14 Northwestern Journal of International Law & Business 528-548 (1994). REGIONAL TRADE AGREEMENTS “EU – Mexico FTA: Case Study”, in Simon Lester and Bryan Mercurio, eds, Bilateral and Regional Trade Agreements: Commentary, Analysis and Case Studies (London: Cambridge University Press, 2009) 74-96. “Do You Know the Way to San José? Resolving the Problem of Illegal Mexican Migration to the United States”, 17:2 Georgetown Immigration Law Journal 251-297 (2003) (with Brad McBride). 4 “The Twin Security Challenges of AIDS and Terrorism: Implications for flows of trade, capital, people and knowledge”, in Ross Buckley, ed., The WTO and the Doha Round: The Changing Face of World Trade (London and the Hague: Kluwer Law International, 2003), 251-284. “NAFTA at Three-and-One-Half Years: Where Do We Stand and Where Should We Be Headed? A Cross-Cultural Analysis of North American Legal Integration” 23 CanadaUnited States Law Journal 347-367 (1997). “The Impact of NAFTA, the NAAEC, and Constitutional Law on Environmental Policy in Canada and Mexico” en S. Randall y H. Konrad, eds, NAFTA in Transition (Calgary: University of Calgary Press, 1995), 281-294. TRADE IN SERVICES “Digesting the Regulatory Layer Cake in the North American Insurance Market: Integrating Trade Agreements in the International Expansion Plans of Insurance and Reinsurance Companies”, Études et Dossiers No. 246, Geneva Association Lumina Awards 83-94 (2001) (with Tapen Sinha). “The Mexican Insurance Sector under the Shadow of the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA)” 20:2 Journal of Insurance Regulation 207-219 (2001) (with Tapen Sinha). “Smoke and Mirrors: A Comparative Analysis of WTO and NAFTA Provisions Affecting the International Expansion of Insurance Firms in North America” 8:1 Connecticut Insurance Law Journal 97-130 (2001). “An Analysis of an Alliance: NAFTA Trucking and the US Insurance Industry” 2 Estey Centre Journal for International Law and Trade Policy 235-245 (2001) (with Tapen Sinha). PUBLIC HEALTH “The Effectiveness of Pandemic Preparations: Legal Lessons from the 2009 Influenza Epidemic”, 22:1 Florida Journal of International Law 1-30 (2010) (with Tapen Sinha). “Who is that Masked Person: The Use of Face Masks on Mexico City Public Transportation during the Influenza A (H1N1) Outbreak”, Health Policy 95 (2010) 50–56 (with Tapen Sinha). ARTICLES IN SPANISH Monografía del Acuerdo sobre Obstáculos Técnicos al Comercio, http://cdei.itam.mx/medios_digitales/archivos/educacion/Monografia%20OTC%20v.5junio-14.pdf (México: ITAM, 2014) (con Yahir Acosta) 5 "Los mexicanos no fueron la causa de la influenza A(H1N1) en Estados Unidos", en Lorena Raquel Pérez Floriano y Juan Manuel Rodríguez Esteves (coordinadores) El análisis del riesgo y riesgos de frontera: aportes desde las ciencias sociales (Tijuana, COLEF, 2013) 207-238 (con Tapen Sinha). “Trato Nacional en el GATT y el Acuerdo General sobre Comercio de Servicios de la OMC” en Foro de Arbitraje en Materia de Inversión: Tendencias y Novedades, editado por Herfried Woss y Sonia Rodríguez (UNAM, agosto de 2013) 247-280. “Los Países en Desarrollo, el Cambio Climático y los Derechos de Propiedad Intelectual para las Variedades Vegetales”, 2:3 Revista de Derecho Económico Internacional (2012) 133-162, dei.itam.mx (con Tapen Sinha). “La ‘polinización cruzada’ en la interpretación de los acuerdos de la OMC en los casos de comercio y medio ambiente”, 2:1 Revista de Derecho Económico Internacional (2012) 61-102, dei.itam.mx. Monografía del Acuerdo sobre la Aplicación de Medidas Sanitarias y Fitosanitarias, http://cdei.itam.mx/medios_digitales/archivos/educacion/Monografia_MSF.pdf (México: ITAM, 2011). La interpretación del derecho de la OMC y su efecto en los sistemas jurídicos nacionales, http://cdei.itam.mx/medios_digitales/archivos/educacion/Monografia_interpretacion.pdf (México: ITAM, 2010) “El Futuro del TLCAN desde una perspectiva trilateral”, in Arturo Oropeza García, Coordinador, América del norte en el siglo XXI (México: Instituto de Investigaciones Jurídicas, UNAM, 2010) 417-436 (con Tapen Sinha). “La interpretación plurilingüe en los informes de los grupos especiales y del Órgano de Apelación” 1:1 Revista de Derecho Económico Internacional 32-50 (2010). “Acceso Igual a Derechos Legales en Tratados Comerciales: Un Reto para Países en Desarrollo”, en Ruperto Patiño Manffer, coord., Los Retos de la Integración en el Continente Americano (México: UNAM, 2005), 1-19. “Del Tratado de Libre Comercio entre Estados Unidos y Canadá al Área de Libre Comercio de las Américas. Una visión global” en Arturo Oropeza, coord., ALCA: un debate sobre la integración (México: Instituto de Investigaciones Jurídicas, UNAM y Consejo Argentino para la Relaciones Internacionales, 2003), 57-75. 6 PROFESSIONAL ACTIVITIES World Trade Organization 2009-2015 Regional Expert, Dispute Settlement, WTO Regional Trade Policy Course for Latin America 2011 Coordinator, Workshop on the concordance of multilingual legal texts at the WTO, WTO Secretariat, Geneva 2010-11 Lecturer, Seminars on WTO Dispute Settlement for Government Officials, WTO Secretariat, Geneva 2010 Professor, Seminar on WTO Dispute Settlement, Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic Editorial Boards Advisory Board Member, Global Trade Law Series, Kluwer Law International Editorial Director, Revista de Derecho Económico Internacional Editorial Board Member, Journal of International Dispute Settlement Peer Reviews Books Cambridge University Press, Oxford University Press, Kluwer Law International English Academic Journals World Trade Review, Journal of International Dispute Settlement, Journal of Multilingual and Multicultural Development, McGill Journal of Sustainable Development Law, UBC Law Review Spanish Academic Journals Problemas del Desarrollo, Revista Latinoamericana de Economía, Revista Cuadernos de Economía, Anuario Mexicano de Derecho Internacional
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