600 Avenue B Sterling, IL 61081 1.815.625.0640 August 9, 2015 19th Sunday In Ordinary Time Weekday Masses MonFri 8.30 AMChapel School Schedule: Wed 8.30 AMChurch Saturday 8.30 AMChurch Sunday Obligation 5.00 PM Sat., 7.00 AM, 8.30 AM, 10.00 AM 11.30 AM In Spanish Vigil/Holy Day MassesChurch 7.00 PM, 8.30 AM, 5.15 PM 7.00 PM In Spanish Adoration/BenedictionChapel Tuesday 9.00 AM to 6.00 PM Sacraments Anointing of the Sick If you or someone you know would like to receive the anointing of the sick, please notify the parish office. Baptism Following the birth of your child, please contact the parish office. Catechetical Instruction (Grades 1 ± 8) Confirmation Preparation Call Religious Education Office. Matrimony Arrangements to be made by calling parish office (9) months in advance. RCIA (Adult Initiation) If interested in learning more about the Catholic Faith, please contact Jane Olson at the parish office. Reconciliation Saturday: 4.00 4.45 PM, also by appointment. Communal Penance Services during Advent and Lent. Parish Registration We welcome new parishioners. Please come to the parish office to receive welcome information. Bulletin Notices Please submit notices in writing or email [email protected] to the Parish Office by Friday noon, one week prior to publication. Pastor Rev. James R. Keenan………..……………...Ext.211 Parochial Vicar Rev. Adalberto Sanchez……………….……..Ext.212 Residence(after 4 PM & weekends).1.815.625.4768 Deacons John Kellen……………………………………..Ext.226 Larry Zitkus……………………………………..Ext.226 Parish Office Hours MondayFriday……………………9.00 AM 4.00 PM Parish Administration Offices 600 Avenue B Sterling IL………...….1.815.625.0640 Fax 815.625.1684 Email:………[email protected] Website: …………………..www.stmarysterling.com Parish Staff…………...………….….1.815.625.0640 Bert Davis, Bookkeeper……………..…...…..Ext.225 Lupe Larson, Secretary……………………....Ext.210 Jane Olson, Pastoral Associate……………..Ext.220 Janie Atilano, Hispanic Ministry……1.815.626.5735 Sally Kellen, Shutin Ministry………………...Ext.226 Cemetery Andres Quintana, Cemetery Manager……...Ext.222 Religious Education Office………1.815.625.6688 (located in St. Mary School) Gerry Williamson, Director……………….….Ext.244 Dianne Williamson, Secretary……………....Ext.214 St. Mary School 6 West 6th Street…………….……...1.815.625.2253 Rebecca Schmitt, Principal…………………. Ext.227 Jeannie Ramos, Bookkeeper………………..Ext.221 Robbin Clifton, Secretary…………………….Ext.223 Newman Central Catholic High School 1101 W. 23rd Street………………...1.815.625.0500 Kathleen Howard, Interim Principal St. Vincent DePaul Society 7 West 6th Street…………………....1.815.625.0311 Office Hours: MondayFriday…..12 Noon 2.30 PM G Mass Intentions Mon Aug 10 8.30 AM Living & Deceased Fathers Tue Aug 11 8.30 AM †Mike Ebersole Dad & Mom Wed Aug 12 8.30 AM †Crystal Banda Mullen The Burger Family Thu Aug 13 8.30 AM †Mary L. Poci Fri Aug 14 8.30 AM †Richard Saunders, Sr. Beverly Saunders Sat Aug 15 8.30 AM †Leo & Helen Miller Jeff & Maureen Fischbach Sat Aug 15 5.00 PM †Mary Ruth Sandoval The Filimon Sandoval Family Sun Aug 16 7.00 AM †Lori Saunders †Michele Saunders Gould Dad & Mom 8.30 AM †Mary Little The Hannan Family 10.00 AM Dave & Mary Stefano Audrey Dekker 11.30 AM †Juan Ignacio †Isidro Herrera †Maria Marquez Luz Herrera Coll_]tion R_port 2015-16 @ugust 1-2 WEEKLY Envelope Collection Loose Collection Children's Collection Total Collection Needed Weekly Over $ 15,179.00 $ 547.16 $ 23.04 $ 15,749.20 $ 14,875.42 $ 873.78 Debt Reduction Collection Current$ 802.00 Debt Reduction Balance $9,417.00 Envelopes this week 261 GGGG Lectors Sat Aug 15 5.00 PM Terry McGinn Carolyn Gaziano Sun Aug 16 7.00 AM Mary E. Bradley 8.30 AM Teresa Gingrich Kelly Keaschall 10.00 AM Audrey Dekker Steve Randall The Recently Deceased † Dean Winchell Virginia Gallardo Benjamin Amesquita Liturgi][l Rol_s Eucharistic Ministers Sat Aug 15 5.00 PM Concha Sitter Paul Hess & Flora Whitman Sun Aug 16 7.00 AM Ann Stroup Alice Ports & Gloria Olds 8.30 AM Deacon Sally Kellen & Beth Summers 10.00 AM Linda Campbell Sharon McKenna & Julie Smith Altar Servers Sat Aug 15 5.00 PM Libby Nichols Kate & Ellie Preston Sun Aug 16 8.30 AM Monica Healy Ethan & Olivia Edmondson 10.00 AM Angelina Lopez Sarah Navarro SANCTUARY LAMP MEMORIALS The Sanctuary Candle will burn the week of August 815 in memory of Mike Ebersole Given by Rita Heeren SANCTUARY LAMP MEMORIALS Please consider remembering a loved one or family member by having the sanctuary candle burn for their intention. A customary offering (donation) is asked of $10.00. If you have any questions please call the parish office. Religious Education Let’s Feed Our Children Cathedral of St. Peter Sterling & Rock Falls The Cathedral of St. Peter has openings Last Day is Aug 13th in the Cathedral Chorale. We are seeking singers in all voice parts. United Way will provide FREE lunches to children on Tuesdays, Rehearsals are Thurs. evenings Wednesdays and Thursdays in both (6:30 Ͳ 8:30 PM) and Sunday Masses Sterling and Rock Falls. are 9:00 AM and 11:00 AM on alternate weeks. There are addi(onal rehearsals Sterling Sites: and services for Christmas and Holy Broadway Methodist Church Week. Previous choral experience and 501 Broadway sightͲreading skills are helpful, but not Macedonia Church 6W$QGUHZ¾V6FKRRO&DUQLYDO necessary. The Cathedral Chorale strives 1313 Woodburn for excellence in musicianship, while St. Paul’s Church St. Andrew's "Back to School leading our faithful in song and 1701 16th Ave Carnival" at Northland Mall performing sacred works which inspire in Sterling on August Sterling Mobile Sites: the prayer life of our assembly. For 12th16th 2015.Daily SterLynn Apartments more informa(on, contact Director of Armbands are $20.00 or you can Douglas Park purchase a MEGA Band that is good Music & Liturgy, Gregory Buchberger at Steelton and Grimes 815Ͳ965Ͳ2765 x103 or for the whole carnival (Unlimited Salvation Army (back door) Rides Every Day) for $50.00 if [email protected] Sterling Public Library purchased in advance. Advance (at the back entrance) 6LOYHU*ROG:HGGLQJ MEGA Bands can be purchased at Rock Falls Sites: St. Andrew School in Rock Falls. $QQLYHUVDU\0DVV $QQLYHUVDU\0DVV Coloma Homes Call 815 6251456if you have any 401 West 18th questions. MEGA Bands are Couples celebrating the milestone available at the carnival for $60.00. wedding anniversaries of 25, 50, 55, Rock Falls Methodist Church 210 Fourth Ave 60, 65, and 70 or more years of /LYLQJ5RVDU\ First Congregational Church marriage in 2015 are invited to a ROCKFORD DIOCESAN COUNCIL special Mass in their honor at 905 Dixon Ave OF CATHOLIC WOMEN St. Mary Parish in Huntley, IL, on Rock Falls Mobile Sites: INTERNATIONAL LIVING ROSARY Sun., August 30th at 2:30 PM CedarWood SUNDAY, AUGUST 16, 2015 celebrated by Bishop Country Acres ST. PATRICK CATHOLIC CHURCH David J. Malloy. A cake and punch Easy Living 612 HIGHLAND AVENUE reception will immediately follow. Yeowardsville DIXON, IL 61021 Are you celebrating a special 2:00 PM All sites will distribute lunches from milestone? The Life & Family Please join usBe a “Bead” say 11:30 AM-12:30 PM Evangelization Office welcomes the Hail Mary in English or in a foreign your registration by phone Mobile sites will have lunches delivered language. To reserve your “Bead” between (815) 3994300 or online at please call Josie at 8154405374. 11:30 AM-12:30 PM www.rockforddiocese.org/ Refreshments will be served in anniversary by August 7th. ****************************** Holloway Center Commemorative certificates Need to know where the Catholic to mark this special occasion Knights of Columbus Church stands on today’s issues? will be available for those who Check out these faithbased St. Mary Church Council 662 of the preregister for this event. websites at churchmilitant.com and Knights of Columbus will be meeting catholic. com. th St. Mary Church on Thurs. August 13 at 7 PM in the KC room. Would anyone be interested in knitting or crocheting on Thurs. mornings at 9 AM in CHARISMATIC MASS Special Thanks To the Parish Center. Please call Sally Davis at There will be a Charismatic Mass at 815-625-3242 for more information. St. Mary Church in Sterling on The Medicine th Adoration Wed. August 26 at 7:00 PM. th Shoppe Presided by Fr. Chris Kuhn, Pastor of New closing time starting Aug. 4 for St. Mary Church in Elgin. Music Tuesday’s Adoration and Benediction MinistrySpirit Touch and Friends in the chapel. It will close at 5 PM instead of 6 PM. Everyone is welcome. Our Advertiser of the Week Registraon for 2015Ͳ2016 religious educaon classes, grades 1Ͳ8, will be Sun., August 9th from 9:00 AM to 1:30 PM in the Parish Center Bales Hall. Classes will be held on Wed. evenings beginning in September. Confirmaon: If you have a child eligible to receive the Sacrament of Confirmaon, you will receive a le.er by the end of July. Any quesons, please phone 815Ͳ625Ͳ6688. Ministerio Hispano J[ni_ @til[no 1.815.626.5735 Hor[rio ^_ Ofi]in[s Nuestro horario para el Centro Parroquial es de Lunes a Viernes, 9:00 AM-4:00 PM. ```````````````````````````````````````````````````````````` Programadevisitade laVirgendeSanJuandelosLagos Jueves 17 de Sepembre: 6:00 PM Bienvenida a Nuestra Señora de San Juan 6:30 PM Misa de Bienvenida Convivencia en el Salón Parroquial. Viernes 18 de Sepembre: 9:30 AM Misa en honor a NS de San Juan Confesiones hasta las 11:30am 4:00 PM Coronilla al Señor de la Misericordia 5:00 PM Santo Rosario a NS de San Juan 6:00 PM Misa de Enfermos ± reflexión durante la homilía. Ministros para el fin de semana del 16 de Agosto Lectores: Cristina Olivas, Esther Ramírez Ministro de Eucaristía: Rubén Cisneros, Linda Balderas y Ana Rosa Olivo Monaguillos: Kasey Estrella, Rosa y Noelia Ibarra Acomodadores: Juan Barrientos, Juventino Trujillo, Adrián & Jesús Villa Clases de Preparación Para Bautismo Las pláticas serán el 5 de Septiembre de las 2:004:00 PM, en el Centro Parroquial. Por favor no traer niños. Únicamente para los padres y padrinos. Por favor llamar al Centro Parroquial con Janie para confirmar su asistencia a las pláticas. Presentaciones de niños en la Iglesia Si usted quiere presentar a su niño o niña en el templo. Favor de contactar al Centro Parroquial 18156265735 con Janie. Tarde de Alabanza y Oración Sábado 19 de Sepembre: 6:30 AM Mañanitas a NS de San Juan y Santo Rosario 8:30 AM Misa en Inglés 10:00 AM Misa en Español y reflexión durante la homilía. 3:00 PM Confesiones en Español 4:00 PM Confesiones en Inglés 5:00 PM Misa en Inglés. Domingo 20 de Sepembre: 7:00 AM Misa en Inglés 8:30 AM Misa en Inglés 10:00 AM Misa en Inglés 11:30 AM Misa de Despedida a NS de San Juan Convivencia en el Salón Parroquial. Su Ayuda Es Indispensable Fecha: 29 de Agosto 2015 Hora: 6:30 PM Lugar: Bales Hall²Centro Parroquial Predicador: Chuyin Gutierrez Nuestra comunidad hispana de Santa María le toca ser anfitriona de Nuestra Señora de San Juan de Los Lagos este mes de Septiembre. Como comunidad necesitamos su apoyo para llevar acabo este evento. Les pedimos donar su valioso tiempo de 2 a 4 hrs. De ante mano les damos nuestras más Fin de Semana de el Encuentro Matrimonial sinceras gracias, sabemos que Nuestra Sra. de San Juan de los Invitamos a todas las parejas a un fin de semana del 4 al 6 de Lagos se los recompensará. Por favor comuníquese al Septiembre. Es necesario que se inscriban para asistir al fin Centro Parroquial con Janie al 8156255735 o con de semana. Para mas información llame al Centro Parroquial La Sra. Elvira Brown al 9179213625. con Janie 815.625.5735. Misionero El Director Diocesano de la Propagación de la Fe, y dentro de lo que permita el Plan de la Misión Cooperativa, ha invitado al P. Joe Jablonski, MSC Misionero del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús, para hablarnos en todas las Misas del fin de semana, el 22 y 23 de Agosto, para solicitar nuestro apoyo económico. Esto nos da una oportunidad para pensar que la Iglesia es universal y misionera por naturaleza, y por lo tanto, necesita de nuestra ayuda para realizar su labor misionera. CAMBIO DE HORARIO El nuevo horario para la Adoración al Santísimo será de 9 AM a 5 PM cada martes. Revisión de la Presión Cada martes de la semana desde las 911 AM en el Centro Parroquial. El Amor Es Nuestra Misión Si te preguntas por qué los católicos creen ciertas cosas acerca del matrimonio, la oficia de la Vida, la Evangelización y la Familia de la Diócesis de Rockford tiene algunas respuestas. Desde el primero de mayo, mensajes acerca de la visión católica para la vida y el amor, llegarán diariamente a quienes se suscriban al programa: El Amor es Nuestra Misión. El correo electrónico y los mensajes de texto continuarán hasta que el papa Francisco llegue a los Estados Unidos para el Encuentro Mundial de las Familias. Una vez se haya inscrito, podrá decidir cómo quiere recibir estos cortos mensajes. Inscríbase en www.flocknote.com/DioceseofRockford o envié la palabra AMOR al 84576, el servicio es gratuito aunque el servicio de su proveedor de celular podría tener costo.
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