Mail or fax this completed registration form with payment to: Telephone: (954) 907.9445 Email: [email protected] Dr. Jose Valerio, Dr. Paul Gardner and Dr. Jose Antonio Soriano invite you to attend its annual Brain Tumor & Minimally Invasive Spine Symposium 2016. The event will be held at The Diplomat Resort & Spa, Hollywood, FL, March 17th - 20th, 2016. The program will provide the latest updates and techniques in the field of neurosurgery. (Please print or type all information. You may duplicate this form for multiple registrations) Full Name / Nombre Completo: Degree / Grado: Another objective is to improve the communication within the surgical team that is integrated by the surgeons, nurses, technicians, monitoring team, radiology technicians, anesthesiologists, and rehabilitators who participate in the final results of the surgical treatment of brain and spinal disorders. DO PhD PA NP Other Birth Date / Fecha de Nacimiento: Nationality / Nacionalidad: Medical Specialty / Especialidad Medica: Address / Dirección: _________________________________________ Neurosurgeons, neurosurgery residents, nurse practitioners, physicians assistants and other health professional can participate in this program. It is the objective of this Symposium to establish a forum for the discussion of topics related to the latest techniques in brain and spine surgery in order to strengthen the level of competence of the participants. MD Street Adress: ______________________________________________ City: _______________________ State:__________________________ Postal / Zip Code:__________ Country:___________________________ E-mail: ____________________________________________________ Phone Number / Numero de telefóno: ____________________________ REGISTRATION FEE Before Nov 30 Dec 30 Jan 30 FLANC Member Neurosurgeon: $350 $450 $550 AANS/CNS Member Neurosurgeon: $400 $500 $600 SLANC Member Neurosurgeon: $250 $350 $450 Non Member Neurosurgeon: $500 $550 $600 Resident or Fellow: $150 $250 $350 Physician Assistant: $150 $250 $350 Nurse Practitioner $150 $250 $350 Member Lab Registration (Participation is limited 24 physicians) $800 Gala Dinner $150 $175 $200 Welcome Cocktail $100 $125 $150 PAYMENT METHOD Check payable to Latinoamerica Valerio Foundation Credit Card: Visa Mastercard American Express Discover Wire Transfer Card Number: ________________________ Expires Mo/Yr _____________ V-Code (3 digits on back of Creditcard) _________ Signature _______________________________ Date_________________ V Brain Tumor & Minimally Invasive Spine Surgery Symposium Telephone: (954) 907.9445 | Email: [email protected] This is the fifth in a series of Brain Tumor and Minimally Invasive Spine Symposiums organized by the scientific committee of Brain and Spine surgeons sponsored by the Latin American Neurosurgical Society, USA/Canada directed to physicians that have a special interest or training in the field of Brain (Tumors) and Minimally Invasive Spine Surgery. The committee has chosen the most frequently utilized procedures, and has designed a program of lectures and cadaver workshops, as well as live demonstrations for the (brain tumor) and MISS team. At the completion of the Symposium the participants will be able to identify the indicators for brain tumor and minimally invasive spine surgeries, have a detailed and practical knowledge of the approaches and technical pitfalls for each of the selected procedures, and able to assess the results, prevent the risks, and manage the potential complications related to them. Scientific Program for March 17, 2016 Gliomas 8:12-8:30 Low Grade Gliomas Marcos Maldaun, MD 8:35-8:55 Strategies to improve safety and the amount of surgery resection in gliomas. Mitchell Berger, MD 9:00-9:20 Molecular Management in Gliomas Marcus Rotta, MD 9:25-9:45 Surgical management in awake craniotomies for brain Tumor resections Eduardo Lovo, MD 9:50-10:05 Recess 10:05-10:25 Surgery in Malignant Gliomas Advances and Challenges Mitchell Berger, MD 10:30-10:50 New advances in Gliomas Jose Valerio, MD 1:40-2:00 Endoscopic Sagittal Plane transclival ,transodontoid Paul Gardner, MD 2:00-2:20 Transcranial approaches for tuberculum sella meningiomas Gerardo Guinto, MD 2:20-2:40 Endoscopic transpterigoid Approach Juan Fernandez- Miranda, MD 2:40-3:00 Lateral Skull base Gerardo Guinto, MD 3:00-3:20 Cushing and surgical treatment Blass Lopez Felix, MD 3:20-3:40 Resection of Giant pituitary adenomas through a craniotomy Gerardo Guinto, MD 3:40-4:00 Pterional,pretemporal and OZ for Brain Tumors Feres Chaddad, MD Coffee Brake in the room 10:55-11:15 Brain Tumor resection in Limbic and Para limbic region Feres Chadad, MD 4:00-4:15 11:20-11:40 Low Grade Gliomas and Insular tumor resection Mitchell Berger, MD Radiosurgery 4:20-4:40 Radiosurgey for functional and nonfunctional Pituitary tumors Aizik Wolf, MD 4:40-5:00 Clinical experience in intracranial radiosurgery with Infini Gamma Ray. The first in the continent. Eduardo Lovo, MD 5:00-5:20 Gamma Knife Radiosurgery experience in Brain Metastasis Aizik Wolf, MD 1:00-1:20 Intraventricular flexible endoscopy Jaime Torrez Corzo, MD 5:20-5:40 Radiosurgery treated with EDGE technology in Beatriz Amendola , MD 1:20-1:40 8:00 Welcome Cocktail at the Hotel (area to be determined) Brake and lunch in the room Skull Base and Endoscopic Skull base 11:50-12:10 Anatomy of the sellar region Alvaro Campero, MD 12:15-12:35 Surgical Approach to sella and endoscopic approach Carl Snyderman, MD,MBA 12:40-1:00 Craniofacial resection of Sinonasal malgnancy Carl Snyderman, MD, MBA Endoscopic Sagittal Plane Trans Planum, Transcribiforme Juan Fernandez-Miranda, MD Endoscopic Coronal Plane Paul Gardner,MD Brake and lunch in the room 12:15-12:35 Lesion and treatment of the posterior interoseos nerve Marcos Massini, MD HONOR PRESENTATIONS Presentation Gabriel Vargas, MD President of the neurosurgical oncology section of the FLANC Armando Basso, MD Sellar region and surgical management 12:40-1:00 Presentation Marcus Maldaun, MD President of the SNOLA Aldo Stamm, MD Endoscopic surgery of the Sella and Beyond Presentation Jose Valerio, MD Director of the Academic Program Vice President Neurosurgical Oncology section of the FLANC Mitchell Berger, MD Advances in Glioma Surgery Spine and Peripheral nerve 10:00-10:20 Mini TILIF Ricardo Bermudez, MD 10:20-10:40 Spine Motion Preservation Graham Mouw, MD 10:40-11:00 Peripheral Nerve Lesions Indication and timing. Wilson Faglioni, MD 11:00-11:20 Tarsian Tunnel Syndrome Carlos Rodriguez, MD. 11:20-11:40 Management of recurrent carpal Tunnel Luciano Faroni, MD 11:40- 12:00 Direct Lateral approach Ramiro Perez, MD Brake and lunch in the room Scientific Program for March 19, 2016 CADAVER LABORATORY WORKSHOPS “A” & “B” Location: The M.A.R.C., Doral 7:00 - 8:00 Registration and Breakfast for Groups “A” and “B” Workshop “A” 8:00 – 8:15 Welcome and Introduction to the Course 8:15 – 8:45 Mini-TLIF Technical notes 8:45 – 9:15 Percutaneous Screw System 9:15 – 10:00 Break 10:00 – 1:00 Spine Navigation, Kyphoplasty, 1:00 – 2:00 Lunch Break Workshop “B” 2:00 – 2:30 Lateral Interbody Fusion Technical Notes 2:30 – 3:00 Percutaneous screw instrumentation vs. Free cages 3:15 – 3:30 Break 3:30 – 6:30 Workshop Dynamic interspine spacer: Felix Dolorit, MD Scientific Program for March 18, 2016 Advances of Endoscopy skull base in Latin America 7:30-7:45 Endoscopic surgery in Mexico Luis Amador, MD 8:00-8:15 Endoscopic Surgery in Colombia Gabriel Vargas, MD 7:45-8:00 Endoscopic Surgery in Argentina Pablo Pereda, MD Endoscopic CRANIAL LAB Endoscopic Endonasal Approach for Skull base GARDNER Management of spine tumors TBD, MD 1:00-1:30 Mediolateral screw in LES Surgery Carls Bruce, MD 1:30- 2:00 Lunch 2:00-2:20 Surgical Management of the Chiari Malformation Edgardo Spagnuolo, MD 2:20-2:40 MISS spine surgery in Surgical centers Jose Valerio, MD 2:40-3:00 Cortical screws, fusion and Navigation Graham Mouw, MD 3:00-3:20 3:20-3:40 MISS for Elder Patients Marcos Masini, MD. Lumbar Microdisckectomy Pablo Pereda, MD 3:40-4:00 Posterior Cervical Fusion in AR Felix Dominguez, MD 4:00-4:20 Treating a long term controversy: Microdisckectomy vs endoscopy Ramiro Perez, MD 4:20-4:35 Meta Analysis of the inter spinal spacers in the degenerative spine disease Felix Dolorit, MD Scientific Program for March 20, 2016 FLANC Young Neurosurgeons Program and inter-chapter of the FLANC March 20, 2016 Palabras de Bienvenida al Sección de Neurocirujanos Jóvenes de La FLANC Dr. Edgardo Spagnuolo Presidente de La FLANC Dr. Gustavo Melo Presidente Neurocirujano Jóvenes de La FLANC 8:35-8:50 Presentacion Magistral 11:00-11:10 8:50-9:00 pm Eduardo Lovo (El Salvador) Correlacion Anatomica-Patologica de Ultrasonido Intraoperatorio y Resonancia Magnetica. 9:00-9:10 Gabriel Vargas (Colombia) Nuevos avances en cirugia con flurescencia en gliomas 9:10-9:20 Gabriel Vargas ( Colombia) Image Guidance for Primary Tumors 9:20 9:30 Fabricio Cohn (Ecuador) 9:30-9:40 Orbito Zygomatic Approach Gerardo Guinto MD Noe Santiago, MD Trans Petrosal Approach Feres Chaddad, MD Anatomy dissections: Intranasal landmarks Suprasellar/transplanum approach Ethmoidectomy Medial orbital decompression Optic nerve decompression Frontal sinusotomy Craniofacial resection Pituitary transposition Transclival dissection Transodontoid approach Medial transpetrous approach Cavernous sinus approach Antrostomy Sphenopalatine artery ligation Middle cranial fossa approach Parapharyngeal approach Infratemporal Skull Base Ramiro Perez de La Torre (Mexico) Tumores Coordinadores de Mesa Presidente Oscar Hernández Feo (Colombia) Secretario Gustavo Isolan (Brasil) 8:00-11:00 Formal Dinner (area to be determined) Extended Frontal Aproach Alvaro Campero 10:40-10:50 Surgical outcome post DBS in Parkinson Abordaje transpetroso en meningiomas petroclivales Transcranial Approaches to the skull base Funcional y Epilepsia Coordinadores de Mesa Presidente Juan Carlos Acevedo (Colombia) Secretario Oscar Fernando Zorro (Colombia) Experiencia en el manejo quirurgico combinado de los macro adenomas de hipofisis MAURO LOYO-VARELA PRESIDENTE HONORARIO DE WFNS Y DE LA FLANC 7:00-8:00 Cocktail Reception (area to be determined) Juan Fernandez Miranda Juan Luis Amador 10:30-10:40 Manuel Soto (México) Experiencia de manejo de Aneurismas de la circulación Anterior Wagner Marcos (Brasil) Manejo endonasal para el tratamiento de fistulas de LCR 10:50-11:00 José Damián Carrillo (México) Neuromodulacion en la Enfermedad de Parkinson Mauro segura ( Mexico ) Propuesta de nueva clasificacion de Neuralgia del Trigemino 11:20-11:30 Pablo Pereda ( Uruguay) Hemisferotomía funcional de Vilemure en Sindrome de Rassmusen 11:30-11:40 Gustavo Melo (Mexico) Casos Clinicos Endovascular Preguntas Vascular y Funcional/Epilepsia Columna Coordinadores de Mesa Presidente Roberto Carlos Díaz (Colombia) Secretario José Pérez Berrio (Costa Rica), Miguel Barbeo (Colombia) 11:40-11:50 Ricardo Santamaría (El Salvador) Manejo de mínima invasión para columna lumbar 11:50-12:00 Felix Dominguez (México) Biomechanics of off-axis rod orientations in lumbar pedicle screw constructs 9:40-9:50 Barbara Nettel ( Mexico) Utilidad de la cirugia desde el punto de vista molecular en gliomas de alto grado 9:50-10:00 Jose Valerio (USA) Analaisis del manejo post operatorio en la reseccion completa de un craniofaringioma Pediatría Coordinadores de Mesa Presidente Eva Cardona Gallego (España) Secretario Gonzalo Costa (Uruguay), Kemel Ghotme (Colombia) 10:00-10:10 Juan Luis Amador ( Mexico) Implementacion de technicas de Endoscopia en cirugia de base de craneo 12:30-12:40 Enrique Azmitia (Guatemala) Vascular Coordinadores de Mesa Presidente Juan Carlos Puente (Colombia) Secretario Pablo Graff (Argentina) 10:00-10:10 Pablo Pereda (Uruguay) Cirugía de aneurismas Cerebrales en Tacuarembó. Centro de referencia Para la mitad de Uruguay 10:10-10:20 Feres Chaddad (Brasil) Anatomía Microquirúrgica de la MAV supratentoriales 10:20-10:30 Carlos Sigüenza (Ecuador) Tiempo ideal quirúrgico: es conveniente la cirugía tardía en aneurismas cerebrales? 12:00- 12:10 Juan Guapo Mendoza (México) Ventajas y desventajas de la microdisectomía endoscópica lumbar Manejo de la Craniosinostosis 12:40-12:50 Kemel Ghotme Ventriculos en Hendidura 12:50-1:00 Adrian Cáceres (Costa Rica) Manejo de epilepsia en el paciente pediátrico 1:00-1:10 Griselda Ramírez (México) Revascularización Cerebral Indirecta de la Enfermedad de Moya Moya 1:10-1:20 Casos Clinicos Preguntas de Columna y Pediatría Clausura Dr. Jose Valerio VicePresidente de la seccion de Neurocirugia Oncologica de La FLANC Director of the IV Brain Tumor and Spine Symposium
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