OSTEGUNA/JUEVES EKAINAK 25 EGITARAUA / PROGRAMA 25 DE JUNIO Elkargunea 3.5 EUSKAL HIZKERA ETA DIALEKTOAK GAUR EGUN 09:15ean “Nola erabili onomastikaren ekarpenak dialektologia ikerketetan” Pat xi Salaberri Zarategi Nafarroako Unibert sitate Publikoa (NUP). Iruñea. 10:30ean Etenaldia 10:45ean “Amiküzeko heskuara” Iñaki Camino Lert xundi Letren Fakultatea. Vitoria-Gasteiz. UPV/EHU. 12:00ean Etenaldia 12:15ean “Goizuetako hizkera” Oihana Lujanbio Begiristain Letren Fakultatea. Vitoria-Gasteiz. UPV/EHU. 13:30ean Laburpen saioa / Bibliografiari buruzko saioa 16:30ean “Euskal Herriko Ahot sak: herri hizkerak eta ahozko ondarea” Asier Sarasua Aranberri Aint zane Agirrebeña Ubera Badihardugu Euskara Elkartea. Eibar. Congress 2.4 22 / 26 June THE 15TH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON VIBRATIONS AT SURFACES (VAS15) http://vas15.dipc.org/ www.facebook.com/UIK.cverano.EHU @UPVeranoEHUdan Prentsa Bulegoa: [email protected] 943219079 / 630769652 Congreso 2.5 24 / 26 junio III CONGRESO INTERNACIONAL DE CIENCIAS DE LA EDUCACIÓN Y DEL DESARROLLO http://congresoeducacion.es/edu_web/ Congress 2.6 (Centro Carlos Santamaría. Plaza Elhuyar, 2). Donostia 25 / 27 June INTERDISCIPLINARY ADVANCES IN STATISTICAL LEARNING 09:00 - 09:50 Keynote speaker 1: Morten Christiansen. SEPEX Sponsored Speaker. 09:50 - 10:50 Oral Session 1 • • • 09:50 - 10:10 (OS-1.1.) Generalizing visual rules in 3-dimensional perceptual space. Jozsef Fiser & Johanna Ledley 10:10 - 10:30 (OS-1.2.) Processes Underlying Infants' and Adults' Visual Statistical Learning. Lauren Slone & Scott Johnson 10:30 - 10:50 (OS-1.3.) How Abstract is Statistical Learning? Comparing Learning Across Visual and Auditory Perceptual Modalities In Infancy. Lauren Emberson, Jennifer Misyak, Jennifer Schwade, Morten Christiansen & Michael Goldstein 10:50 - 11:20 Coffee break 11:20 - 13:10 Symposium 1: Neurobiology and Cognitive Neuroscience Symposium • • • • 11:20 - 11:50 (S-1.1.) Theme Speaker: Barbara Knowlton Barbara Knowlton 11:50 - 12:10 (S-1.2.) Learning the statistics of uncertainty: a neurobiological perspective. Uri Hasson 12:10 - 12:30 (S-1.3.) The neural representation of optimal decision-making during human spatial forward planning. Raphael Kaplan, John King, Raphael Koster, Will Penny, Neil Burgess & Karl Friston 12:30 - 12:50 (S-1.4.) Competitive neurocognitive networks underlying statistical learning. Dezso Nemeth & Karolina Janacsek www.facebook.com/UIK.cverano.EHU @UPVeranoEHUdan Prentsa Bulegoa: [email protected] 943219079 / 630769652 • 12:50 - 13:10 (S-1.5.) Sensitivity to visual and auditory disorder in modality-specific sensory cortex is reduced in a multi-modal audio-visual context. Ben Davis & Uri Hasson 13:10 - 14:40 Break (Lunch on your own) 14:40 - 16:30 Symposium 2: Computational Modeling • • • • • 14:40 - 15:10 (S-2.1.) Theme Speaker: Erik Thiessen Erik Thiessen 15:10 - 15:30 (S-2.2.) Modelling short- and long-term statistical learning of music as a process of predictive entropy reduction. Niels Chr. Hansen, Psyche Loui, Peter Vuust & Marcus Pearce 15:30 - 15:50 (S-2.3.) Longterm semantic adaptation as statistical learning. Padraig O'Seaghdha, Hector Munoz-Avila & Tyler Seip 15:50 - 16:10 (S-2.4.) Predicting semantic constraints in implicit language learning with distributional semantics. Dimitrios Alikaniotis & John N Williams 16:10 - 16:30 (S-2.5.) The Retention & Recognition Model: A Processing Model of Artificial Language Learning. Raquel G. Alhama & Willem Zuidema 16:30 - 18:00 Coffee break + poster session 18:00 - 18:50 Keynote Speaker 2: Linda Smith, Indiana University Curso G.1 EVALUACIÓN Y MEDICIÓN DE LOS RESULTADOS DE LA CSR 09:30 h Acto de apertura Ángel Toña Departamento de Empleo y Políticas Sociales. Gobierno Vasco-Eusko Jaurlarit za. Vitoria-Gasteiz. Carmelo Garitaonandia Garnacho Vicerrector del Campus de Bizkaia. UPV/EHU. José Luis Retolaza Avalos Universidad de Deusto. Bilbao. Maite Ruiz Roqueñi Facultad de CC. Económicas y Empresariales. Bilbao. UPV/EHU. 10:00 h “Estándares y tendencias en los informes sociales corporativos” Juan José Almagro DIRSE. Madrid. Javier Perera Enagas. Madrid. 11:30 h Pausa www.facebook.com/UIK.cverano.EHU @UPVeranoEHUdan Prentsa Bulegoa: [email protected] 943219079 / 630769652 12:00 h “Índices y Ratings de CSR: FTSE4Good/Dow Jones Sustainability” Isaac Ruiz Gamesa. Bilbao. Cristina Moral Ferrovial. Madrid. 13:20 h Pausa 13:30 h “Metodologías para la cuantificación del impacto social” María Lambarri Deloitte. Bilbao. Alberto Castilla Erns&Young. Madrid. www.facebook.com/UIK.cverano.EHU @UPVeranoEHUdan Prentsa Bulegoa: [email protected] 943219079 / 630769652
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