"to death with a smile" 2015 - 2016

"TO DEATH WITH A SMILE" 2015 - 2016
“Some think you can smile to death,
because they feel they have lived a good life and is time to go,
many smile to the crossing over to eternal life,
others to the possibility of reincarnating once again,
some smile to comfort the ones they left behind,
the fearless defy death,
several deal with it daily,
others worship death devotedly,
most people fear it,
but we all keep it in mind.”
Alvaro Rego
MUMEDI, the Mexican Museum of Design, represented by MUMEDI Foundation, convened for the sixth time,
designers, students, teachers, professionals and anyone interested in the subject, to participate in the International
Poster Contest "To Death with a Smile 20015-2016" to promote the exercise of good design.
The theme of the poster was on the subject of death, be it a personal reflection, the meaning it has in our culture or
country, as we fear, celebrate or overcome it.
Again the enthusiastic participation in the call, took us to receive a huge number of proposals, which was now of 22321
proposals from 152 countries.
After much work MUMEDI team, we have made a selection of 402 finalists that will be shown physically in different halls
and areas of the museum.
Participating countries: Iran, Urugual, Canada, United States, Colombia, Venezuela, Argentina, Chile, Brazil, England,
France, Spain, Portugal, Czech Republic, Croacia, Slovakia, Russia, Poland, Italy, Cyprus, Greece, Germany, Switzerland,
Latvia, Sweden, Finland, Iran, Philippines, Russia, Dubai, India, China, Japan, Hong Kong, Taiwan, Nepal, Thailand,
Singapore, Latvia, Cyprus, Pakistan, Australia, New Zealand, South Africa, Peru, Ecuador, Macedonia, Ireland, Vietnam,
Serbia, Hungary between many others.
The exhibition is open to the public at a cost of 25 pesos, from the 1st day of November and the end of February 2016.
In November 2016, a selection of some of the best posters from the collection will be exhibited in Madrid, Spain.
And in 2017 a more extensive selection will be made into a poster museum in the city of Lahti in Finland.
One of the main purposes of the exhibition, is the production and marketing of signs, so MUMEDI makes photo-quality
reproductions of all posters are on display and for sale in the museum shop. Each of the authors receive royalties from
the sale of his own poster.
SELECTION PROCESS _________________________________________________________________________________
The process of selecting the winning posters was:
In this year's contest it was decided to have a jury of renowned national and international designers, with different
points of view.
The judging panels took in account that the entry pieces were presented inside the guidelines of this contest. The jury
also took into consideration the degree of creativity, aesthetics, originality and innovation, also the concept and
message in their own criterion.
Also, each of the visitors to the exhibition have voted for their favorite poster that will receive the recognition and prize
for MUMEDI´s Popularity Vote.
18956M15 Abdollahvand Smaeil
Karaj, Irán
18959M15 Abnormal Design
Atenas, Grecia
21210M15 Aguilar Cortés Israel Alberto
Chetumal Quintana Roo, México
21202M15 Aguilera Ambriz Leslie Jazmín
Aguascalientes Aguascalientes, México
2035M15 Aguirre Durán Francisco Javier
Distrito Federal, México
21101M15 Alipour Javidi Neda
Tabriz, Irán
19282M15 Allahyari Ahmad
Rash Guilan , Irán
19683M15 Alsayed Lamis
El Cairo, Egipto
19306M15 Alvizo Espinoza Diana Elizabeth
Ciudad Juárez Chihuahua, México
21001M15 Ananyeva Yuliya
Tver, Rusia
1235M15 Anh Ho Tu
21011M15 Anita Celic Cella
2585M15 Arguello Casas Marisol Araceli
Sibenik, Croacia
Distrito Federal, México
21005M15 Arres Bellacetin Michelle
Xalapa Veracrúz, México
21002M15 Arsova Marijana
Kocani, Macedonia
19537M15 Asgharzadeh Charandabi Zoha
Tabriz, Irán
2029M15 Atilano López Betzaida Anahí
Distrito Federal, México
2151M15 Avila Cruz Juan Arturo
Estado de México, México
21003M15 Avilés López Armando Damián
Distrito Federal, México
19610M15 Avramidis Filippos
21134M15 Azgharzadeh Amir
Tehrán, Irán
18960M15 Bagdasaryan David
Moscú, Rusia
19317M15 Bailey Charley
Basildon , Reino Unido
81M15 Balasheva Maria
Arkhangelsk, Rusia
15003M15 Balleza Castrejón Carlos
Morelos, México
19723M15 Bardi Nahuel
Buenos Aires, Argentina
19716M15 Bartoszi Choryan
Wonin, Polonia
19717M15 Bartoszi Choryan
Wonin, Polonia
2650M15 Bautista Andrade Daniel
Estado de México, México
21004M15 Bautista Carballido Luis Ángel
Xalapa Veracrúz, México
21102M15 Bayrami Amir
Tehrán, Irán
2349M15 Becerra Corral Sebastián
Distrito Federal, México
19349M15 Bedö Tekla
Bátonyterenye , Hungría
19615M15 Belousova Anastasia
San Petesburgo, Rusia
2542M15 Beltran González Norman Alonso
19248M15 Belyaeva Maria
Estado de México, México
Moscú , Rusia
2125M15 Benitez Bañales Luis Gerardo
Estado de México, México
2291M15 Benítez Salado Sergio Daniel
Estado de México, México
2570M15 Bernal Álvarez DarÍo
Estado de México, México
19396M15 Bett Natalie
Nairobi , Kenya
19761M15 Bird Clara
19640M15 Bjelis Barbara
Zarajevo, Croacia
19285M15 Bogdanov Denis Alekseevich
Transbaikalian , Rusia
19456M15 Borna Paniz Saldle
Terán, Irán
21006M15 Botta González Fiorella
Montevideo, Uruguay
19708M15 Bourton Lucy
Londres, Reino Unido
19300M15 Bracho Sulbaran Ricardo Andrés
2612M15 Bravo Cipriano Eduardo
Distrito Federal, México
19289M15 Bryoni Anne Ryan
Durham , Reino Unido
21007M15 Burgos Martínez Mauricio
Distrito Federal, México
21008M15 Caballero Parra Gerardo
2710M15 Calderón Goméz Jorge Alberto
Estado de México, México
21009M15 Calvo Alatorre Víctor H.
Distrito Federal, México
19410M15 Cambrea Roy
PA, Estados Unidos
2687M15 Carbajal Novoa Oscar Manuel
21010M15 Cárdenas Luis
2338M15 Castillo Medina Luis E.
Estado de México, México
Estado de México, México
21012M15 Cerero Arellano José Moises
Oaxaca Oaxaca, México
2718M15 Cervantes Arriola José Iván
Distrito Federal, México
19557M15 Charalampidis David
19558M15 Charalampidis David
21117M15 Chau Dinh Bang
Ho Chi Minh, Vietnam
19569M15 Cheresselskiy Roman
21137M15 Chikina Verónica
Kemerovo, Rusia
21138M15 Chikina Verónica
Kemerovo, Rusia
19228M15 Chis Elena Tatiana
19334M15 Clarke Verity
Londres , Reino Unido
2156M15 Clement Ibarra Edgar Francisco
Estado de México, México
2157M15 Clement Ibarra Edgar Francisco
Estado de México, México
2158M15 Clement Ibarra Edgar Francisco
Estado de México, México
21103M15 Coco Ariela
Roma, Italia
19321M15 Coldicott Jack
Londres , Reino Unido
19230M15 Corrales Carmen
Distrito Federal, México
21013M15 Cortéz Espinoza Angie Luz Gabriela
Lima, Perú
19381M15 Coyle Patrick
Pensilvania, Estados Unidos
21015M15 Cusicanqui Sanabria Jimena
Lima, Perú
21105M15 D'Hondt Stijin
Ghent, Bélgica
21135M15 D'Hondt Stijin
Ghent, Bélgica
21136M15 D'Hondt Stijin
Ghent, Bélgica
21016M15 Dalla-Rizza Lucas
Montevideo, Uruguay
19667M15 Daulphin William
Reino unido
21017M15 DeMelfy Kristen
Allentown Pensilvania, Estados Unidos
19382M15 Desiderio Kathryn
Pensilvania, Estados Unidos
19245M15 Deutschlander Tanja
Hamburgo , Alemania
21019M15 Díaz Dalila Encarnación
Xalapa Veracrúz, México
19725M15 Díaz Jiménez Sonia
Madrid, España
19726M15 Díaz Jiménez Sonia
Madrid, España
19727M15 Díaz Jiménez Sonia
2136M15 Díaz Torres Victor Josué
Madrid, España
Distrito Federal, México
19427M15 Diaz Vallejo David
Madrid, España
21018M15 Dimaki Maria
Larissa, Grecia
19417M15 Dinardo Nicole
Sao Pablo, Brasil
18966M15 Dinh Lam Vu
21116M15 Dóczi Noémi
Cegléd, Hungría
18967M15 Dragusel Mihaela María
Cluj Napoca, Rumanía
18994M15 Dumchev Viktor
Kazajistán, Kostanaj
4467M15 Dunn "Fluke" Andrew Brian
Sarajevo, Bosnia
21106M15 Ebrahimi Maryam
Tehrán, Irán
21084M15 Edgar Israel Yañez Berry
Veracrúz, México
21020M15 Escudero Ruiz José Manuel
Xalapa Veracrúz, México
2708M15 Esquivel García Gabriel Alejandro
Estado de México, México
21022M15 Esteban Carmona Jonathan
San Luis Potosí San Luis Potosí, México
21047M15 Esteban Carmona Jonathan
San Luis Potosí San Luis Potosí, México
2377M15 Estrada Morales Zinai Del Carmen
19450M15 Faldu Bhavin
32M15 Faraji Saied
Distrito Federal, México
Kalawad, India
21023M15 Farasatkia Bahareh
Tehrán, Irán
21048M15 Farasatkia Bahareh
Tehrán, Irán
19548M15 Filonenko Mariia
Tomsk, Rusia
19549M15 Filonenko Mariia
Tomsk, Rusia
2288M15 Flores Nava César Iván
Estado de México, México
2289M15 Flores Nava César Iván
Estado de México, México
2290M15 Flores Nava César Iván
Estado de México, México
18969M15 Flores Pérez Guillermo Abraham
Guadalajara Jalisco, México
21203M15 Forte Jonas
Ceará, Brasil
2330M15 Fortis Mendoza Jovahn Zadid
Distrito Federal, México
2103M15 Fragoso Fránco Miguel Ángel
Estado de México, México
19402M15 Franqui Carlos G.
Pensilvania, Estados Unidos
21107M15 Fucsku David
Miskolc, Hungría
19374M15 Fuentes Darwin
Ibarra , Ecuador
2561M15 Gaona Aguilar Rocio
Estado de México, México
21025M15 García Hernández María Fernanda
Querétaro Querétaro, México
21049M15 García Hernández María Fernanda
Querétaro Querétaro, México
19739M15 García Pacheco Alí Francis
San Juan, Puerto Rico
21026M15 García Trejo Eduardo
Querétaro Querétaro, México
2295M15 García Villegas Naandeye
Distrito Federal, México
2296M15 García Villegas Naandeye
Distrito Federal, México
21027M15 Gaytán Sánchez María Luisa
Tijuana Baja California, México
21066M15 Ghaffari Reza
Takab, Irán
21024M15 Ghiasi Farshad
Tehrán, Irán
19319M15 Gillman Georgina
Londres , Reino Unido
19283M15 Golovina Anastasiya
Ipatovo , Rusia
21005M15 Gómez Cabañas Hendrik Josué
Xalapa Veracrúz, México
2646M15 Gómez Gómez Gonzalo Raymundo
Distrito Federal, México
2647M15 Gómez Gómez Gonzalo Raymundo
Distrito Federal, México
21034M15 Gómez Valdéz Isaac Joav
Veracrúz, México
19721M15 Gómez Velasco Pernas Cristina
Distrito Federal, México
2521M15 González Acosta Miguel Ángel
21030M15 González Azamar Karen Anahí
Estado de México, México
Xalapa Veracrúz, México
2078M15 González Calderón Pablo Omar
Distrito Federal, México
2494M15 González Cruz Manuel
Distrito Federal, México
2251M15 González Delgado Alberto
Distrito Federal, México
21028M15 González Lara Sandra Angélica
Puebla Puebla, México
2002M15 Gonzalez Mondragon Gisell
Distrito Federal, México
2182M15 González Nava Raúl
Distrito Federal, México
2183M15 González Nava Raúl
Distrito Federal, México
21029M15 González Pulido Francisco
Durango Durango, México
19327M15 Gooden Kadija
Derby , Reino Unido
19336M15 Goranov Kamen
Varna , Bulgaria
21031M15 Griffiths Laura
Nueva Zelanda
2307M15 Groenewold González Mauricio
Distrito Federal, México
3008M15 Groenewold González Mauricio
Distrito Federal, México
21019M15 Guerrero Parra Leticia
Xalapa Veracrúz, México
2432M15 Guerrero Rojano Samuel
Distrito Federal, México
21032M15 Guevara Sánchez Luis
Chilpancingo Guerrero, México
21080M15 Gutman Julieta
Guadalajara Jalisco, México
18950M15 Guyonnet Jennifer
21M15 Guzmán Casanova Mario Arturo
Oaxaca, México
21019M15 Guzmán Olivo Aldo Emilio
Xalapa Veracrúz, México
19339M15 Haikali Christiana
Patras , Grecia
19403M15 Hall Malachi
Pensilvania, Estados Unidos
19340M15 Hamed Erfan
Shiraz , Irán
19325M15 Haskins Joanna
Reading , Reino Unido
19252M15 Henderson Stephen
Virginia, Estados Unidos
2175M15 Hernández Catalán Armando
Estado de México, México
19663M15 Hernández Díaz Juan Salvador
Jalisco, México
18199M15 Hernández Leguel Rita
La Paz Baja California Sur, México
2550M15 Hernández López Joel Ángel
Estado de México, México
2040M15 Hernández Martínez Elam René
Aguascalientes, México
2037M15 Hernández Rosales David
Distrito Federal, México
2027M15 Hernández Valle María Alexandra
Distrito Federal, México
2486M15 Herrera Jaziel
Distrito Federal
21112M15 Herskowitz Ben
Male Adumim, Israel
19343M15 Hozhabripour Mandana
Shiraz , Irán
19384M15 Hubert Jamie
Pensilvania, Estados Unidos
19404M15 Hughmanick Andrew
PA, Estados Unidos
19275M15 Huimin Su
JinZhou , China
21033M15 Inchauspé Díaz María Eugenia
La Paloma Rocha, Uruguay
19632M15 Ivanov Alexander
Yazoslavl, Rusia
19633M15 Ivanov Alexander
Yazoslavl, Rusia
21113M15 Jalili Kia Mahdi
Qazvin, Irán
19239M15 Javorik Peter
Bardejov , Eslovaquia
22101M15 Javorik Peter
Bardejov , Eslovaquia
22102M15 Javorik Peter
Bardejov , Eslovaquia
2535M15 Jijon Juaréz Luis Osvaldo
19666M15 Joof Hassan
Estado de México, México
18999M15 Jourablou Pouya
21081M15 Juhász Viktória
Miskolc, Hungría
19418M15 Kanchi Anusha
Karnataka, India
19429M15 Kanellopoulou Aimilia Ioanna
19703M15 Kapi Anna
Miskolc, Hungría
21035M15 Kapi Anna
Miskolc, Hungría
19361M15 Karanik Nastassia
4402M15 Kayankwok
Kegan Greenfield Oliver James
19329M15 Jackson
Hong Kong
19458M15 Khadem Sharif Amir
19353M15 Khaef Maryam
Tehrán , Irán
19454M15 Khalegh Abadi Sam Izadi
Kerman, Irán
19499M15 Khamidullina Lena
Kazan, Rusia
21036M15 Khosravi Niloofar
Tehrán, Irán
19612M15 Kłaczkiewicz Damian
Szamotuty, Polonia
19346M15 Kladkova Daria
Moscú , Rusia
19405M15 Knox Elaine
PA, Estados Unidos
21073M15 Kolomvou Tina Ckunstantinas
Atenas, Grecia
202M15 Kostic Miroslav
21108M15 Kozma Gábor
Londres , Reino Unido
Novi Sad, Serbia
Eger, Hungría
1462M15 Krasnovskyte Marja
Trakai, Lituania
4129M15 Kurakina Anastasia
Moscú, Rusia
19647M15 Lama Samroj
Nepal, India
15901M15 Lamey Toby
Widnes, Reino Unido
19643M15 Leeming Al
Birmingham, Reino unido
9003M15 León Mañú Alfredo
21037M15 Lindström Stephanie
Helsinki, Finlandia
19791M15 Longawa Patrycja
19488M15 Longawa Patrycja
Jedlicze, Polonia
2606M15 López Arce Oscar Adrian
160M15 López Fabio
21050M15 López Huesca José Ernesto
Distrito Federal, México
Rio de Janeiro, Brasil
Puebla Puebla, México
21039M15 López Pérez Eduardo
Querétaro Querétaro, México
21038M15 López Vega Brenda Yanina
Mexicali Baja California, México
19406M15 Mabus Erika
PA, Estados Unidos
4M15 Mackie Peter
Sydney, Australia
18988M15 Magdy Mady Mona
El Cairo, Egipto
21115M15 Mahmoud Nasliyani Mina
Tabriz, Irán
19388M15 Mahoney Morgan
Pensilvania, Estados Unidos
21040M15 Makriyannis Antonis
Atenas, Grecia
21041M15 Marcum Anna-Kate
Birgmingham Alabama, Estados Unidos
21042M15 Márquez Cortéz Manuel Alejandro
Ciudad Juárez Chihuahua, México
2024M15 Marquéz García Cinthya Stephanie
Estado de México, México
2012M15 Marquez Pastrana Carlos Daniel
Estado de México, México
2130M15 Martínez Beltrán Víctor Manuel
Distrito Federal, México
2131M15 Martínez Beltrán Víctor Manuel
Distrito Federal, México
2153M15 Martínez Díaz Jorge
Distrito Federal, México
19725M15 Martínez García Gabriel
Madrid, España
19726M15 Martínez García Gabriel
Madrid, España
19727M15 Martínez García Gabriel
Madrid, España
2225M15 Martínez Hernández Jorge Luis
Distrito Federal, México
5998M15 Martínez Nuño Ericka Daniela
Guadalajara , México
2720M15 Martínez Toledo Víctor Iván
Distrito Federal, México
21043M15 Martínez Zavaleta Irving
Martins Da Costa Carvalho Gonçalo
19295M15 José
2209M15 Mateo Martínez Geraldine
Actopan Veracrúz, México
Aveiro , Portugal
Cuernavaca Morelos, México
21044M15 Matisz Tedóra
Miskolc, Hungría
21021M15 Mehr Jardi Parisa-Eslami
Yazd, Irán
21046M15 Mehr Jardi Parisa-Eslami
Yazd, Irán
2038M15 Menchaca Martínez Lilia Estephanie
Estado de México, México
2573M15 Mendoza Hernández Juan Antonio
Estado de México, México
2644M15 Mercado Hernández José Raúl
Distrito Federal, México
21045M15 Meza Pontaza Luz Elena
Pachuca Hidalgo, México
18986M15 Miasov Artem
19407M15 Mickley Samantha
PA, Estados Unidos
19439M15 Mignone jo
Mikhailovskaya Alexandra
19680M15 Sergeevna
18987M15 Miller Nathan
Reino Unido
2424M15 MIránda Robles Eisel
Yaroslavl, Rusia
Distrito Federal, México
19732M15 Modaiemzadeh Morteza
Kerman, Irán
21095M15 Modaiemzadeh Morteza
Kerman, Irán
2031M15 Morales Leyva Karla Viviana
Distrito Federal, México
21051M15 Moraloki André
Pretoria, Sudáfrica
18989M15 Moreno Beltrán Nidia
Mexicali Baja California, México
21052M15 Mozaffari Mohammad
Kermanshah, Irán
19478M15 Mullis Christine
CA, Estados Unidos
21053M15 Muñoz Rodríguez Fabián Emmanuel
Puebla Puebla, México
18991M15 Muratovskaya Alyona
Moscú, Rusia
21114M15 Naderpour Farzaneh
Gerash, Irán
19551M15 Namdar Meysam
Terán, Irán
21139M15 Nasliyani Mina
21054M15 Nava Viveros Melanie Nicole
Veracrúz, México
21088M15 Navarro Serrano Oscar
Puebla, México
21055M15 Navarro Serrano Óscar
Puebla Puebla, México
19665M15 Nazir Aisha
21206M15 Neve Weber Camila Soledad
Canelones, Uruguay
19005M15 Neves Rocha Pedro I.
Viseu, Portugal
19489M15 Nishiwaka Chiho
Hokkaido, Japón
18994M15 Novoselov Jurju
Kazajistán, Kostanaj
19678M15 Olejarz Piotr
Wroclaw, Polonia
2019M15 Olivares Torres Misael Adan
Estado de México, México
2462M15 Ontiveros Toledo David Ricardo
Estado de México, México
21056M15 Ortega García Patsy Larisa
Tula de Allende Hidalgo, México
19733M15 Ortiz Corrales Edgardo "Sens"
Querétaro, México
18996M15 Osorio Sánchez Juan Arturo
Puebla, México
19568M15 Osuchowski Wojciech
Ruda Slaska, Polonia
19409M15 Oxendite Michael
PA, Estados Unidos
21057M15 Palma Luis Deborah Arizay
Querétaro Querétaro, México
19657M15 Panairlis Ioannis
Drana, Grecia
19500M15 Pardakhtim Sholeh
19M15 Parish Anastasia
2047M15 Parra Solis José Alberto
18371M15 Pavlova Olga
San Petesburgo, Rusia
Distrito Federal, México
2548M15 Pedraza Madrid Jesús Miguel
Estado de México, México
2334M15 Peralta González Eva Guadalupe
Estado de México, México
2690M15 Pérez Lavastida Juan Carlos
Hidalgo, México
18949M15 Pérez Pérez Uriel
Puebla , México
18948M15 Pérez Pérez Uriel
Puebla, México
21058M15 Pérez Ramos Rafael
Pachuca Hidalgo, México
18567M15 Pérez Rodríguez Andrea Guadalupe
Querétaro, México
19253M15 Petersen Manuel
Québec , Canadá
19254M15 Petersen Manuel
Québec , Canadá
21059M15 Petrov Alexander Ed.
Kazanlak, Bulgaria
13000M15 Pisanava Lucy
Toronto, Canadá
21061M15 Plascencia de Loera Javier
Guadalajara Jalisco, México
21140M15 Pleshtiyska Lora
21121M15 Pócsik Bori
Budapest, Hungría
19390M15 Pokras MIránda
Pensilvania, Estados Unidos
4931M15 Popova Vera
54M15 Popovichev Vladimir
Lipetsk, Rusia
19287M15 Portes Andrade Juan Alejandro
Tuxtla Gutiérrez Chiapas, México
21122M15 Prats Verónica
Trujillo Alto, Puerto Rico
19002M15 Qiang Wei
Shanghai, China
19268M15 Quintero Yee Mélida
Tijuana Baja California, México
21089M15 Ramírez aka Seudotrón Jonathan
México, Distrito Federal
21062M15 Ramírez Díaz De León Jonathan
Distrito Federal, México
2606M15 Ramos Jacinto Jorge Eduardo
Distrito Federal, México
2077M15 Rangel Ferrer Sandra Lorena
Distrito Federal, México
21063M15 Rangel Torres Cristóbal
Aguascalientes, México
19460M15 Rashid Dehsahrayi Ghasem
Lordegan, Irán
2429M15 Rendón Estrada Victor Hugo
Distrito Federal, México
21065M15 Reyes Fuentes José Eduardo
Atlixco Puebla, México
21064M15 Reyes Lobato Martha
Puebla Puebla, México
2606M15 Reyes Morales Juan Raúl
19309M15 Ríos Guerrero Sandra Lorena
Distrito Federal, México
Aguascalientes, México
2041M15 Rivera Cruz Gabriel
Distrito Federal, México
2106M15 Roa Olivares José Abrahan
Estado de México, México
19292M15 Rodríguez Gómez Tagle Rafael
2684M15 Rodríguez Herrera Nandi Quiyahuitl
Guanajuato, México
Distrito Federal, México
19241M15 Rodríguez Lucas
Montevideo , Uruguay
16378M15 Rojas Gutiérrez Karla Viridiana
Celaya Guanajuato, México
2433M15 Romano Tapia Felipe
Distrito Federal, México
2434M15 Romano Tapia Felipe
Distrito Federal, México
21123M15 Romero Jorge
Nicolás Bravo Puebla, México
21124M15 Saeedi Farzad
Ardabil, Irán
21141M15 Saeedi Farzad
19247M15 Sáenz Heredia Rosa A.
Villahermosa Tabasco, México
19232M15 Salam Sadri
19007M15 Salamanca Alejandro
Bogotá , Colombia
17766M15 Salem Gamal
Toronto, Canadá
2022M15 San Vicente Arreguin Luis Adrian
Estado de México, México
2021M15 San Vicente Arreguin Luis Adrián
Estado de México, México
2276M15 Sánchez Arlbarrán Jorge Luis
Estado de México, México
2165M15 Sánchez Bautista Diana
Estado de México, México
2218M15 Sánchez Reyes Gilberto Guadalupe
Estado de México, México
21067M15 Santaella Cruz Luis Franco
2763M15 Santiago Antonio Erik Daniel
21126M15 Satish Shashank
Huatusco Veracrúz, México
Distrito Federal, México
Bangalore, India
9087M15 Schorr George
NJ, Estados Unidos
21125M15 Sehatzadeh Tara
Adelaide, Australia
19233M15 Seifollahi Bazarjani Maryam
21068M15 Senties Ivonne Lorena
19010M15 Sergey Martyn
2359M15 Serrano Aguilar Nohemi Fabiola
Moscú , Rusia
Estado de México, México
21069M15 Shadchnev Ilya
21090M15 Shadchnev Ilya
21091M15 Shadchnev Ilya
21127M15 Shigeto Sae
Edmonton, Canadá
19238M15 Shikhe Azam
Shiraz , Irán
19577M15 Singh Gayatri
19297M15 Skowronski Artur
Wroclaw , Polonia
19614M15 Smirnova Ekaterina Vladimirovna
Moscú, Rusia
21129M15 Soltys Damian
2750M15 Sotelo Durán Montserrat Rosalia
19242M15 Spiegel Jay
Distrito Federal, México
Virginia, Estados Unidos
5176M15 Spirova Martina Sáva
Praga, República Checa
5502M15 Spirova Martina Sáva
Praga, República Checa
21070M15 Stenkovenko Oksana
Saki, Rusia
21092M15 Stenkovenko Oksana
Saki, Rusia
19318M15 Stone Georgina
Londres , Reino Unido
19412M15 Strohecker Jessica
PA, Estados Unidos
21071M15 Strong Anastasia
Birgmingham Alabama, Estados Unidos
19455M15 Suchan Mikolaj
Gliwice, Polonia
21072M15 Suveg Istvan
Miskolc, Hungría
19355M15 Tatarko Andrei
San Petersburgo , Rusia
21060M15 Thien Phu Pham
Ho Chi Minh, Vietnam
21074M15 Tizapa González Santiago de Jesús
Tixtla de Guerrero Guerrero, México
19452M15 Tkacheva Daria
19641M15 Tkacheva Daria
Kazajastan, Rusia
21075M15 Todorova Tsvetelina
Varna, Bulgaria
21076M15 Todorova Tsvetelina
Varna, Bulgaria
21132M15 Tokuda Quiroz Tamie
Lima, Perú
19664M15 Torrent "Peret" Pedro
Barcelona, España
21078M15 Torres Guzmán Rosa Laura
Mexicali Baja California, México
21077M15 Torres Muñoz Milagros
Lima, Perú
2115M15 Torres Ramos Néstor Daniel
Distrito Federal, México
21130M15 Toth Tekla
19371M15 Tretyakova Elena
19448M15 Tsiarleyeva Hanna
19014M15 Tu Quyen Phan
Hanoi , Vietnam
21079M15 Valencia Rosas Luis Esteban
Tehuacán Puebla, México
2653M15 Vazquez Ruckstuhl Carlos Alejandro
Distrito Federal, México
2234M15 Vázquez Zaragoza Alfredo
Distrito Federal, México
8003M15 Velázquez Sánchez Jorge Iván
Puebla ,México
2447M15 Vergara Vargas Alejandro
Distrito Federal, México
21080M15 Vertino Romero Patrick
6402M15 Vizcaino Reyes Rogelio Javier
Guadalajara Jalisco, México
Michoacán , México
19654M15 Volkova Daria
Samara, Rusia
19015M15 Voznesenskaya Daria
Moscú , Rusia
21209M15 Warner Daniel
Kansas, Estados Unidos
19345M15 Watts Megan Alexandra
Scarborough , Reino Unido
19414M15 Wiwatthanawararom Pattaraporn
Bangkok, Tailandia
21082M15 Wlostowska Ewa
Wroclaw, Polonia
19711M15 Wosik Magdalena
Smolec, Polonia
19710M15 Woski Magdalena
Smolec, Polonia
2073M15 Xolalpa Ayala Alan Othon
Distrito Federal, México
21093M15 Yáñez Berry Edgar Israel
Catemaco Veracrúz, México
21083M15 Yáñez Páez Edwin Vinicio
Quito, Ecuador
21087M15 Zaldivar Carmona Liza Laura
Cuernavaca Morelos, México
66M15 Zarei Farshad
21000M15 Zengo Adam
2081M15 Zepeda Goméz José Luis
Salgótarján, Hungría
Distrito Federal, México
18203M15 Zgoda María
21086M15 Zhelev Simeon
Popovo, Bulgaria
21087M15 Zúñiga Jiménez Fernando
Cuernavaca Morelos, México
2473M15 Zurita Narciso Israel Joel
Estado de México, México
The exhibition of the finalist posters will be open from November 1 at 5:00 pm and until February 29, 2016 .
This year's jury will be a combination of known designers from Mexico and other countries so that the voting process
will be during the next few months so we can have the results before the award ceremony, just till then the results will
announce and subsequently published in this document on MUMEDI´s website .
Creator and a graphic design professor with the School of Design of the University of Quebec in Montreal, Canada.
In 2014, she was invited to be the president of the International Jury of the BICM.
The award ceremony took place on Thursday November 26, 2015 at 8 pm and all finalists were invited to MUMEDI with a
companion. Also presented her work in Mexico, Morelia and Xalapa and in May 2015, I was invited as a speaker by the
Autoridad del Centro Histórico de la Ciudad de México. Professor for the Graphic Design Program at the University of
Quebec in Montreal. Director of Concepts For All project The first free of charge Internet image bank dedicated to
the humanitarian causes. Director of CRIN The Research Center for Digital Images. UQAM. Honorary Member
Quebec Graphic Designers Society
[musson+retallick] always approach their commissions through direct meetings with their clients and offer a range of
concept ideas for discussion. Conversation is an important element of the creating process and all of the artwork
produced is original, fresh, challenging and specific to its location.
All projects to date have been completed on time, on budget and have received high profile critical acclaim. The studio
is based in the UK but operates globally and is always happy to discuss new project ideas.
[musson+retallick] is a collaboration between artists Neil Musson and Jono Retallick who share a desire to see artistic
stories woven into architecture and public spaces to enhance a sense of belonging. Their innovative installations often
incorporate an interactive use of light, sound or movement to change perception of space.
The studio has a wealth of experience producing artwork for both public and private sector including commissions for
airports, hospitals, schools, galleries, hotels and events such as the 2012 Olympics. Community and shared experiences
are central themes behind the artworks.
[musson+retallick] always approach their commissions through direct meetings with their clients and offer a range of
concept ideas for discussion. Conversation is an important element of the creating process and all of the artwork
produced is original, fresh, challenging and specific to its location.
All projects to date have been completed on time, on budget and have received high profile critical acclaim. The studio
is based in the UK but operates globally and is always happy to discuss new project ideas.
Cecilia Beaven Gallegos is a graduate of the National School of Painting Sculpture and Engraving "La Esmeralda" in
which obtained a BA in Visual Arts and graduated with honors. Her work is mainly influenced by artists of comics,
graphic novels and cartoons, like Jim Woodring, Pendleton Ward, David B., Marjane Satrapi, Ron Rege Jr., Chris Ware and
Tony Millionaire, as well as artists using drawing and Graphics in general as sufficient means of expression, as Chris
Johanson, David Shrigley, Takashi Murakami, Chiho Aoshima, Francisco Toledo and Germán Venegas. Her work is
developed around the drawing as an expressive and construction ideas, to liaise with other media such as painting often in large-format and animation. This has been shown collectively in Mexico City, Oaxaca and Tijuana; as well as in
international festivals in Colombia, EU, Italy and Sweden. And individually she has exhibited in Mexico and the US. In
2013 she participated in the "Scribe Billboard", winner of a bronze lion in Cannes. As part of the festival "Entijuanarte"
intervened a section of the border wall between Mexico and the US in Tijuana. And in 2014 participated in the
exhibition Batman, through the Creativity of Mexicans for its 75th Anniversary.
Emilio Bustamante Gonzalez since 2011 directs the design team at Ideograma Consultants, in the development of
corporate identity projects, under the direction of Juan Carlos Fernandez. It is responsible for developing creative
concepts and ways of design, monitoring and delivery times and actively participating with clients in all stages of
He holds a degree in graphic design degree from the Universidad Iberoamericana in Mexico City, and in recent years he
has specialized in corporate identity projects.
He has been a speaker at various business forums in universities.
Some customers Ideograma Consultants are: Aliments Ultima, AMCO, Avemex, Banco BHD, Bicentennial 2010,
Cementos Fortaleza, Compartamos Banco, CompuSoluciones Foundation where, Gala TV, Gentera, Securities Grupo
Mexicano, expansion, Grupo Vicini, Index ( CNIMME), Intec, Iögo, Jefo Nutrition, Universidad La Salle and Volaris.
Alvaro Rego is a multidisciplinary designer, and now Director General of MUMEDI Design. He directs and develops
projects of internal and external design, both graphic design and industrial. He was the creator of the design magazine
TINT project was nominated for the Chrysler Design Award and came to be distributed in 26 countries, becoming a cult
magazine. He has given over 500 lectures in Mexico and other countries. Invited as jury awards Jewelry Contest Peñoles,
AIGA Awards, ONE Show, Art Inn 3M, Adobe Youth Voices Aspire and many more. Throughout his career he has received
numerous awards at national and international level, such as Quorum Award, Self Promotion of How Magazine, Mexico
Jazz Festival, Trademarks and Symbols Logos International, etc. In search of linking large companies and institutions
with creative Mexico and the world, he has been responsible for organizing national and international competitions like
"A Death with a Smile" 2005, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2013, 2015, "Magic-mind Scotch 3M", "Characters Character ",
"MMMobiliario 3M", " Transform your ideas with Corian® "DuPont" Navel of the Moon, Mexican Pride ", " Furniture Small
Spaces", " Impulse IMINOX 2012 ", " New Dimensions in Silver Peñoles", " Your Favourite Word in Inglés 2013 " , "Move
Lives, Creating Art "MetLife Chairs MX 2014, "Batman Through Mexican Creativity" among many others.
Christian Michel Casanueva since early age was involved in a steady relationship with art, while her grandmother
painted, two aunts were creating glass art. That's when he had his first contact with the illustration and then decide to
study design.
He created the multidisciplinary firm specializing in Visual Infection packaging design, illustration and advertising,
working for companies worldwide with two creative spaces in Mexico City and San Antonio.
He has exhibited some of his work collectively in Toulouse, Barcelona, Berlin and New York. It has recently been
dedicated to share their work and experiences lecturer level in different states of Mexico and abroad.
He also participated in the exhibition "Batman Through Mexican Creativity" for Warner at MUMEDI.
Eleonora Hristova Yordanova was born in Sofia, Bulgaria. She studied at the National Academy of Arts of that city,
which became his favorite techniques drypoint, engraving and cutting linoleum and others.
She was a finalist in the contest "A Death with a Smile" in 2007 and the poster competition Stage Poster in Sofia.
She has participated in competitions, meetings and international exhibitions such as the Biennial of Varna, the Rotary
Club of Acqui Terme, the contest ExLibris of Zacatecas in Mexico, the Library of Bodio Lomnago Italy display Vigonza
Graphic Italian, different exhibitions Greece, Lessedra, Yjitce, Bitola, Macedonia and Slovenia.
She has had several solo exhibitions and in the premises of the Bulgarian National Radio.
He has been the Head of Design at Garage Museum of Contemporary Art at Gorky Park, Moscow since 2009. He has
created the visual identity for more than eighty exhibitions and related projects. Kit graduated from Moscow State
University of Printing Arts with a degree in Graphic Design.
Peter Mackie
Sydney, Australia
Fabio Lopez
Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Miguel Ángel González Acosta
Estado de México, México
María Fernanda García Hernández
Querétaro, México
We appreciate your valuable participation and wish you all good luck in the jurys selection and the votes of the visitors
of the exhibition.