Directorio de farmacias de 2016 Blue Cross MedicareRx (PDP)SM Este directorio de farmacias se actualizó en 10/2015. Para obtener información más reciente o para hacer otras preguntas, comuníquese con Servicio al Cliente de Blue Cross MedicareRxSM al 1-888-285-2249 o, para los usuarios de TTY/TDD, al 711, de 8:00 a. m. a 8:00 p. m., hora local, los 7 días de la semana. Si usted llama del 15 de febrero al 30 de septiembre, durante los fines de semana y feriados, se usarán tecnologías alternas (por ejemplo, correo de voz), o visite Y0096_BEN_TX_PDPHDR16SPA Accepted 10012015 53518.0615 Blue Cross MedicareRx Directorio de farmacias Introducción Este folleto brinda una lista de las farmacias de la red de Blue Cross MedicareRx. Para obtener una descripción completa de la cobertura de sus medicamentos con receta, incluso cómo surtir sus recetas médicas, por favor repase la Evidencia de Cobertura y la lista de medicamentos de Blue Cross MedicareRx. Cuando este directorio de farmacias se refiera a “nosotros”, “nos” o “nuestro”, significa Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Texas. Cuando se refiere a “el plan” o “nuestro plan”, significa Blue Cross MedicareRx. Denominamos a las farmacias que están en esta lista nuestras “farmacias de la red” porque hemos efectuado los acuerdos pertinentes con ellos para brindar los medicamentos con receta a los asegurados del Plan. En la mayoría de los casos, sus medicamentos recetados solamente están cubiertos por Blue Cross MedicareRx si se surten en una farmacia de la red o a través de nuestro servicio de farmacias de pedido por correo. Una vez que acuda a una farmacia, no es necesario que siga acudiendo a la misma farmacia para surtir su medicamento con receta, sino puede cambiarla por cualquiera de nuestras otras farmacias de la red. Nosotros surtiremos medicamentos con receta en farmacias fuera de la red en determinadas circunstancias, según se describe en su Evidencia de Cobertura. Es posible que no figuren todas las farmacias de la red en este directorio. Es posible que se hayan agregado o eliminado las farmacias de la lista después de la impresión de este directorio. Esto significa que es posible que las farmacias enumeradas en el presente documento ya no estén en nuestra red o que existan nuevas farmacias en nuestra red que no estén enumeradas aquí. Esta lista entrará en vigor a partir de 10/2015. Para obtener una lista actualizada, por favor comuníquese con nosotros. Nuestra información de contacto aparece en la portada y en la contraportada. Pueden presentarse cambios en nuestra red de farmacias durante el año de beneficios. En nuestro sitio web, se encuentra un directorio de farmacias actualizado. También puede comunicarse con Servicio al Cliente para obtener información actualizada sobre los proveedores. Puede acudir a todas las farmacias enumeradas en la lista, pero el costo de algunos medicamentos puede ser más bajo en aquellas farmacias de esta lista que ofrecen gastos compartidos preferidos. Hemos destacado estas farmacias con la palabra AHORRO para diferenciarlas de otras farmacias de nuestra red que ofrecen gastos compartidos estándares. Puede encontrar información sobre gastos compartidos en el Resumen de Beneficios. Puede solicitar que le envíen los medicamentos con receta a su hogar a través de nuestro programa de envíos de pedidos por correo de nuestra red que se denomina PrimeMail®. Para obtener más información, por favor comuníquese con nosotros o consulte la sección pedidos por correo de este directorio de farmacias. Este directorio es para el estado de Texas, el cual cubre el área en la que usted vive. Sin embargo, cubrimos una gran área de servicio y existen más farmacias donde es posible que nuestro Plan cubra sus medicamentos recetados. Para obtener más información sobre otras farmacias en la red de nuestro plan que no estén enumeradas en el directorio, por favor consulte la sección de este directorio de farmacias titulada Farmacias de la red fuera del área geográfica o comuníquese con Servicio al Cliente de Blue Cross MedicareRx al 1-888-285-2249 o para los usuarios de TTY/TDD, al 711, de 8:00 a. m. a 8:00 p. m., hora local, los 7 días de la semana. Si usted llama del 15 de febrero al 30 de septiembre, durante los fines de semana y feriados, se usarán tecnologías alternas (por ejemplo, correo de voz), o visite Esta información está disponible en otros idiomas de forma gratuita. Comuníquese a nuestro número de Servicio al Cliente al 1-888-285-2249 (los usuarios de TTY/TDD deben llamar al 711). Nuestro horario es de 8:00 a. m. a 8:00 p. m., hora local, los 7 días de la semana. Si usted llama del 15 de febrero al 30 de septiembre, durante los fines de semana y feriados, se usarán tecnologías alternas (por ejemplo, correo de voz). This information is available for free in other languages. Please call our Customer Service number at 1-888-285-2249 (TTY/TDD users should call 711). We are open between 8 a.m. and 8 p.m., local time, 7 days a week. If you are calling from February 15 through September 30, alternate technologies (for example, voicemail) will be used on weekends and holidays. i También hemos enumerado las farmacias que están en nuestra red, pero que están fuera del estado de Texas, que es donde vive usted. También puede surtir sus medicamentos con receta en estas farmacias. Para obtener más información, por favor consulte la sección Farmacias de la red en este directorio de farmacias fuera del estado de Texas o comuníquese con Servicio al Cliente de Blue Cross MedicareRx al 1-888-285-2249 o para los usuarios de TTY/TDD, al 711, de 8:00 a. m. a 8:00 p. m., hora local, los 7 días de la semana. Si usted llama del 15 de febrero al 30 de septiembre, durante los fines de semana y feriados, se usarán tecnologías alternas (por ejemplo, correo de voz), o visite Si tiene alguna pregunta con respecto a lo anterior, incluso si necesita instrucciones sobre cómo presentar un reclamo para los medicamentos con receta que tuvo que surtir en una farmacia fuera de la red, por favor consulte la portada y la contraportada de este directorio para obtener información sobre cómo comunicarse con Blue Cross MedicareRx. Para obtener más información, consulte en este directorio de farmacias la sección de Redes de Farmacias fuera del área geográfica o comuníquese con Servicio al Cliente de Blue Cross MedicareRx al 1-888-285-2249 o para los usuarios de TTY/TDD, al 711, 8 a. m. - 8 p. m., hora local, los 7 días de la semana. Si usted llama del 15 de febrero al 30 de septiembre, durante los fines de semana y feriados, se usarán tecnologías alternas (por ejemplo, correo de voz), o visite Tipo de farmacia Cantidad total de farmacias Farmacias Atención de largo plazo Medicamentos para infusión en el hogar Suministro extendido Red preferida Red preferida de suministro extendido 65,204 farmacias 5,433 farmacias 1,064 farmacias 50,980 farmacias 25,673 farmacias 21,187 farmacias Los tipos de farmacias de este directorio aparecen en este orden: Las farmacias están enumeradas alfabéticamente por condado y ciudad, y por tipo de farmacia. Los tipos de farmacias de este directorio aparecen en este orden: • Farmacias que brindan pedidos por correo • Cadenas de farmacias • Farmacias • Farmacias de atención de largo plazo • Farmacias de medicamentos para infusión en el hogar •F armacias del programa de salud para pueblos indígenas/tribales/urbanos del programa de salud para indígenas (Indian Health Service/Tribal/Urban Indian Health Program, I/T/U), farmacias especializadas También presentamos características adicionales de cada farmacia debajo de cada lista. Estas características están identificadas en cada página con las siguientes palabras clave: AHORRO = gastos compartidos preferidos. Los medicamentos en estas farmacias pueden costar menos que en las otras farmacias de nuestra red. 90 = suministro de 90 días. Estas son farmacias que ofrecen un suministro extendido (90 días) de medicamentos. 90+AHORRO = s uministro de 90 días con gastos compartidos preferidos. Los medicamentos en estas farmacias con suministros extendidos pueden costar menos que en otras farmacias de nuestra red. 24HR = farmacia abierta las 24 horas. eRX = farmacia que acepta recetas médicas electrónicas de las personas que recetan. Esta información no representa una descripción completa de los beneficios. Comuníquese con la administración del plan para obtener más información. Pueden aplicarse limitaciones, copagos y restricciones. Se pueden modificar los beneficios y/o los copagos o coseguro el 1.º de enero de cada año. La red de farmacias puede cambiar en cualquier momento. Recibirá una notificación cuando sea necesario. ii Pedido por correo PrimeMail (877) 277-7895 (Usuarios de TTY llamen al 711) Las 24 horas del día, los siete días de la semana. Le podemos enviar a su casa medicamentos recetados a través del programa de pedido por correo de nuestra red. Para surtir sus medicamentos recetados a través de pedido por correo, por favor contáctenos entre 10 y 20 dias antes de que calcule que su medicamento está por terminar, para asegurarnos que su siguiente pedido, sea enviado a tiempo. Generalmente, los medicamentos recetados llegan al cabo de cinco a ocho días hábiles a partir del momento en el que la farmacia de pedido por correo recibe el pedido. Si no recibe su (s) medicamento (s) recetados (s) dentro de este plazo, contáctese con nosotros al (877) 277-7895, (los usuarios de TTY deben comunicarse al 711), las 24 horas del día, los siete días de la semana. O visite Cadena de farmacias A continuación figuran las cadenas de farmacias que integran nuestra red. Para consultar los horarios de atención, sucursales y números de teléfono de las tiendas cercanas a usted, llame a los números que figuran debajo. A menos que se indique otro número, los usuarios de TTY deben llamar al 711. Albertsons…….……………………….(877) 932-7948 90 Randalls ……………………………….(877) 723-3929 90 Costco …………………………………(800) 607-6861 90 Sam’s Club…………………………..(888) 746-7726 SAVE, 90 CVS …………………………………….(800) 746-7287 SAVE, 90 Tom Thumb …………………………(877) 723-3929 90 H-E-B …………………………..…….....(800) 432-3113 SAVE, 90 Walgreens ……………………….….(800) 925-4733 SAVE, 90 Kroger ………………..…………....…..(800) 576-4377 90 Walmart …………………………..….(800) 925-6278 SAVE, 90 SAVE = Costo compartido preferido 90 = Suministro de 90 días 1 ABERNATHY Farmacias de la red de Blue Cross Medicare Rx Lista de Farmacias de Texas Farmacias minoristas, incluyendo cadena de farmacias ABERNATHY ABERNATHY ADDISON ADDISON King Pharmacy............................................ (806) 298-2222 Metrocare Pharmacy At Midway............... (972) 331-6370 920 Ave D 79311 16160 Midway Rd Ste 200 Attn: Pharmacy 75001 ABILENE Pharmacare.................................................. (972) 620-6048 Abilene State Supported Living Center Pharmacy 16750 Westgrove Dr Ste 100 75001 ........................................................................ (325) 795-3523 Pharmacy Care USA of Addison LLC...... (972) 388-1800 2501 Maple St 79602 4500 Ratliff Ln Ste 102 75001 Barnes & Williams Drug Center................ (325) 677-9191 Target Pharmacy......................................... (214) 414-0026 701 Hickory St 79601 3730 Belt Line Rd 75001 90, SAVE eRX, 90 Barnes & Williams Drug Center................ (325) 695-3784 ALAMO HEIGHTS 4601 S 14th St 79605 eRX, 90, SAVE Broadway Pharmacy .................................. (210) 824-3322 6100 Broadway St 78209 Cash Saver Cost Plus Pharmacy ............. (325) 673-4737 90 2160 Pine St 79601 eRX ALBANY Drug Emporium........................................... (325) 698-0442 Sanders Drug............................................... (325) 762-3979 2550 Barrow St 79605 104 S Main St 76430 eRX, 90 90 Hendrick Professional Pharmacy ............ (325) 670-4545 ALEDO 1900 Pine St Rm 2801 79601 eRX, 90 Aledo Medicine Store Pharmacy.............. (817) 441-2702 James McCoys Drug Store ....................... (325) 677-2300 621 N FM 1187 76008 839 N Judge Ely Blvd 79601 90 90 Hall’s Lngtermcare Pharmacy................... (817) 441-5211 James McCoys Drug Store South............ (325) 676-8900 621 N FM 1187 76008 1725 Antilley Rd 79606 ALICE 90 Kmart Pharmacy ......................................... (325) 690-9668 Rushing Gonzalez Legend Drug .............. (361) 664-4368 4565 S 1st St 79605 301 E Main St 78332 90 90, SAVE National Central Pharmacy ....................... (325) 695-0491 ALLEN 3402 S 14th St 79605 Owen Pharmacy.......................................... (325) 691-9000 Allen Family Drug........................................ (972) 390-9888 317 Central Expy N 75013 2125 S 20th St 79605 eRX, 90 Texas Oncology Pharmacy....................... (325) 690-3854 Central Allen Pharmacy ............................. (469) 675-3309 1957 Antilley Rd 79606 1105 Central Expy N Ste 2110 75013 United Pharmacy......................................... (325) 698-7801 90 3301 S 14th St 79605 Collin Drugs ................................................. (214) 570-1610 90 600 W McDermott Dr Ste A 75013 United Pharmacy......................................... (325) 690-1008 90 4209 Buffalo Gap Rd 79606 Target Pharmacy......................................... (972) 396-0096 90 907 W McDermott Dr 75013 United Pharmacy......................................... (325) 677-1362 eRX, 90 920 N Willis St 79603 90 ABILENE ALAMO HEIGHTS ALBANY ALEDO ALICE ALLEN SAVE = Costo comprartido preferido 90 = Suministro de 90 días 2 24HR = Abierta las 24 horas eRX = Receta eletrónica Farmacias de la red de Blue Cross Medicare Rx Lista de Farmacias de Texas AMARILLO Farmacias minoristas, incluyendo cadena de farmacias Target Pharmacy......................................... (469) 342-2005 AMARILLO 150 E Stacy Rd Ste 2400 75002 eRX, 90 ADC Pharmacy ............................................ (806) 358-0331 6700 SW 9th Ave 79106 United Market Street Pharmacy................ (972) 908-3840 SAVE 985 W Bethany Dr 75013 90 Amarillo Pharmaceutical Care Center ..... (806) 414-9390 1400 S Coulter St Ste 1100 79106 ALPINE Amerita.......................................................... (877) 602-7212 City Drug Store............................................ (432) 837-2252 603 Quail Creek Dr Spc 700 79124 202 E Ave E 79830 90 90, SAVE Avondale Pharmacy Home Health ........... (806) 352-2708 Highland Drug.............................................. (432) 837-3931 5135 Plains Blvd 79106 504 E Ave E 79830 eRX 90 Best Med Panhandle................................... (325) 646-9414 Prescription Shop....................................... (432) 837-3498 1616 S Kentucky St Ste A140 79102 909 E Holland Ave 79830 Cash Saver Cost Plus Pharmacy ............. (806) 359-8528 ALTO 2200 Bell St 79106 eRX B & B Pharmacy.......................................... (936) 858-4311 Catchings Prescriptions Ltd ..................... (806) 355-2924 272 N Marcus St 75925 1900 S Coulter St Ste F 79106 ALTON eRX, 90, SAVE Oscar’s Pharmacy ...................................... (956) 580-3539 Drug Emporium........................................... (806) 358-1800 4210 SW 45th Ave Ste B 79109 409 W Main Ave Ste 1 78573 eRX, 90 eRX, 90 Richard’s Pharmacy................................... (956) 584-7772 Grand Pharmacy ......................................... (806) 350-7455 3500 NE 24th Ave 79107 3509 E Main Ave Ste 102 78573 SAVE eRX, 90, SAVE Well-Care Pharmacy & DME...................... (956) 271-1555 IV Solutions of Amarillo ............................. (806) 355-5029 102 SW 3rd Ave 79101 8115 N Los Ebanos Rd 78573 eRX ALVARADO Jo Wyatt Community Health Center ........ (806) 351-7240 Alvarado Pharmacy.................................... (817) 783-2727 1411 E Amarillo Blvd 79107 208 N Pkwy Dr 76009 90 Martin Tipton Pharmacy LLC .................... (806) 373-2812 ALVIN 1501 S Tyler St 79101 Alvin Care Pharmacy.................................. (281) 698-0987 eRX, 90, SAVE 204 E House St 77511 Maxor Pharmacy ......................................... (806) 324-5580 90 216 S Polk St 79101 Medic One Pharmacy................................. (281) 824-0222 eRX 400 Medic Ln Ste C 77511 Medi-Park Pharmacy .................................. (806) 359-5496 eRX, 90 1920 Medi Park Dr 79106 90 ALVORD S & J Alvord Pharmacy.............................. (940) 427-2801 Medical Square Pharmacy......................... (806) 350-7451 1215 S Coulter St Ste 101 79106 115 E BYP 287 Ste B 76225 SAVE eRX, 90 Omnicare of Amarillo.................................. (806) 352-1175 2770 Duniven Cir 79109 AMARILLO ALPINE ALTO ALTON ALVARADO ALVIN ALVORD SAVE = Costo comprartido preferido 90 = Suministro de 90 días 24HR = Abierta las 24 horas eRX = Receta eletrónica 3 ANAHUAC Farmacias de la red de Blue Cross Medicare Rx Lista de Farmacias de Texas Farmacias minoristas, incluyendo cadena de farmacias Pro Med LTC ................................................ (806) 379-6966 704 N Polk 79107 eRX Signa Pharmacy Group.............................. (806) 353-7712 1900 S Coulter St Ste F-1 79106 24HR, eRX Southpark Pharmacy.................................. (806) 358-2428 5901 Bell St Ste C32 79109 Southpark Pharmacy.................................. (806) 353-6530 3324 S Georgia St 79109 Target Pharmacy......................................... (806) 356-9270 8201 W Interstate 40 79121 eRX, 90 Texas Oncology Pharmacy....................... (806) 457-2053 1000 S Coulter St Ste 100 79106 United Pharmacy......................................... (806) 468-9911 2530 S Georgia St 79109 90 United Pharmacy......................................... (806) 352-6650 5601 W Amarillo Blvd 79106 90 United Pharmacy......................................... (806) 383-3345 3400 River Rd 79107 90 United Pharmacy......................................... (806) 373-3341 4701 S Washington St 79110 90 United Pharmacy......................................... (806) 373-7057 1501 E Amarillo Blvd 79107 90 United Pharmacy......................................... (806) 353-7201 5807 SW 45th Ave Ste 100 79109 90 United Pharmacy......................................... (806) 373-8722 3300 E Interstate 40 79103 90 United Pharmacy......................................... (806) 467-6815 3552 S Soncy Rd 79119 90 Valmed Pharmacy Solutions..................... (806) 350-6337 3 Care Cir Ste 300 79124 eRX, 90 ANAHUAC ANAHUAC ANDREWS ANDREWS Neighborhood Pharmacy........................... (432) 523-7000 801 N Main St Ste F 79714 eRX, 90 Prescription Shop ....................................... (432) 523-4861 813 Hospital Dr 79714 SAVE ANGLETON ANGLETON Angleton Health Mart Pharmacy............... (979) 848-8878 1104 E Mulberry St Ste E 77515 eRX, 90, SAVE LTC RX.......................................................... (979) 849-3001 2301 E Mulberry St Ste B 77515 Medicine Shoppe Pharmacy ..................... (979) 849-9391 2301 E Mulberry St 77515 eRX ANNA ANNA Anna Family Pharmacy.............................. (972) 895-2450 813 W White St Ste 200 75409 SAVE Brookshire Pharmacy................................. (972) 924-4220 1325 W White St 75409 90 ANSON ANSON Anson Plaza Pharmacy.............................. (325) 823-3203 1150 W Court Plz 79501 eRX, 90 ANTHONY ANTHONY Palafox Pharmacy ....................................... (915) 886-3394 929 Main St 79821 ARANSAS PASS ARANSAS PASS Jerry’s Pharmacy ........................................ (361) 758-1404 105 S Ave A 78336 90, SAVE ARGYLE ARGYLE S & J Argyle Pharmacy .............................. (940) 464-4500 306 Hwy 377 N Ste I 76226 eRX, 90 ARLINGTON Wilcox Legend Drug Store ........................ (409) 267-6141 ARLINGTON 1208 Miller 77514 Accent Podiatry Associates...................... (817) 557-1006 eRX, 90 811 W I-20 Ste 136 76017 SAVE = Costo comprartido preferido 90 = Suministro de 90 días 4 24HR = Abierta las 24 horas eRX = Receta eletrónica Farmacias de la red de Blue Cross Medicare Rx Lista de Farmacias de Texas ARLINGTON Farmacias minoristas, incluyendo cadena de farmacias American Star Pharmacy........................... (817) 900-9088 6407 S Cooper St Ste 113B 76001 Arlington Cancer Center Pharmacy......... (817) 543-4685 906 W Randol Mill Rd 76012 90 Beco Pharmacy LLC................................... (817) 419-2804 3340 S Watson Rd 76014 90 Best Med Metroplex.................................... (325) 646-9414 4360 Beltway Pl Ste 260 76018 DFW Wellness Pharmacy.......................... (817) 459-8400 711 E Lamar Blvd Ste 101 76011 90 Express Care Pharmacy............................ (817) 861-2273 905 Medical Centre Dr Ste B 76012 SAVE Geesons Pharmacy .................................... (817) 419-2688 5201 S Cooper St Ste 117 76017 eRX, 90 Gibson Pharmacy ....................................... (817) 701-2535 3295 S Cooper St Ste 107 76015 90 Highpoint Pharmacy................................... (817) 466-3607 800 W Arbrook Blvd Ste 140 76015 eRX KVN Pharmacy ............................................ (817) 962-0417 4860 Matlock Rd Ste 120 76018 90, SAVE Matlock Pharmacy ...................................... (817) 557-3900 3360 Matlock Rd Ste 100 76015 eRX, 90 Medease RX Pharmacy.............................. (817) 855-1035 4519 Matlock Rd Ste 135 76018 North Collins Pharmacy............................. (817) 795-8884 2301 N Collins St Ste 104 76011 eRX, 90 Pharmacia Henrique................................... (817) 701-1930 4201 Interway Pl Ste A 76018 eRX, 90, SAVE Pharmacy Concepts Ltd............................ (817) 633-6688 610 Magic Mile St 76011 Pharmacy Depot.......................................... (682) 323-5528 1119 W Randol Mill Rd Ste 104 76012 SAVE Preferred RX................................................. (817) 385-4707 1221 Corporate Dr E 76006 90 Randol Mill LTC Pharmacy........................ (682) 235-1025 1014 N Fielder Rd Ste 110 76012 eRX Randol Mill Pharmacy ................................ (817) 274-1883 1014 N Fielder Rd 76012 SAVE Rays Town North Pharmacy ..................... (817) 274-8221 975 N Cooper St 76011 eRX Remco Pharmacy Inc ................................. (817) 460-4400 1633 W Division St 76012 eRX Revco Healthcare Pharmacy..................... (817) 303-5100 5504 Matlock Rd Ste 130A 76018 Savon Pharmacy ......................................... (817) 478-1313 6220 US 287 Hwy 76001 eRX, 90 Savon Pharmacy ......................................... (817) 478-4238 301 SW Plaza Shopping Ctr 76016 eRX, 90 Savon Pharmacy ......................................... (817) 472-6458 5950 S Cooper St 76017 eRX, 90 Target Pharmacy......................................... (817) 557-9560 1600 W Arbrook Blvd 76015 eRX, 90 TCHD Arlington Community Clinic Pharmacy ........................................................................ (817) 702-7603 1030 W Arkansas Ln Ste 214 76013 eRX Texas Oncology Pharmacy ....................... (817) 375-5485 515 W Mayfield Rd Ste 101 76014 Texas Oncology Pharmacy ....................... (817) 664-9650 902 W Randol Mill Rd Ste 150 76012 The Agape Pharmacy................................. (817) 419-2822 6109 S Cooper St Ste 111 76001 90 Treasure Pharmacy..................................... (817) 617-3598 2625 Matlock Rd Ste 102 76015 eRX VN Discount Pharmacy.............................. (817) 261-9889 2216 New York Ave Ste 202 76010 Webb Kohler Pharmacy & HME Supply.. (817) 861-4631 2204 Park Springs Blvd 76013 SAVE = Costo comprartido preferido 90 = Suministro de 90 días 24HR = Abierta las 24 horas eRX = Receta eletrónica 5 ASPERMONT Farmacias de la red de Blue Cross Medicare Rx Lista de Farmacias de Texas Farmacias minoristas, incluyendo cadena de farmacias ASPERMONT ASPERMONT Aspermont Pharmacy Inc.......................... (940) 989-2139 616 S Washington Ave 79502 eRX ATASCOCITA ATASCOCITA Target Pharmacy......................................... (281) 318-2238 6931 FM 1960 Rd E 77346 eRX, 90 ATHENS ATHENS Anderson Drug............................................ (903) 675-5040 419 S Palestine St 75751 eRX, 90 Brookshire’s Pharmacy ............................. (903) 675-4211 807 E Tyler St 75751 90 Gibson Prescription Pharmacy ................ (903) 675-7069 890 W Corsicana St 75751 eRX, 90 ATLANTA ATLANTA Red River Pharmacy of Atlanta ................ (903) 799-7737 102 E Allday St 75551 SAVE Robinson Family Pharmacy...................... (903) 796-1730 213 N Pinecrest Dr 75551 90 AUBREY AUBREY Aubrey Pharmacy ....................................... (940) 440-0400 701 S Hwy 377 76227 eRX, 90, SAVE AUSTIN AUSTIN 38th Street Pharmacy Inc .......................... (512) 458-3784 711 W 38th St St C-3 78705 90 American Pharmaceutical Services......... (512) 928-8282 9210 Cameron Rd Ste 800 78754 Amerita.......................................................... (512) 458-3983 2101 Donley Dr Ste 105 78758 90 Apothecary Shop ........................................ (512) 345-1444 11645 Angus Rd Ste 1 78759 eRX, 90 SAVE = Costo comprartido preferido 90 = Suministro de 90 días 6 Auro Pharmacy............................................ (512) 206-3150 7801 N Lamar Blvd D-99 78752 90 Austin Compounding Pharmacy.............. (512) 327-7455 3010 Cave Rd 78746 eRX, 90 Austin Preferred Integrative Medicine..... (512) 442-2727 4316 James Casey St 78745 Austin State Hospital Pharmacy............... (512) 419-2741 4110 Guadalupe St 78751 Austin State Supported Living Center Pharmacy ........................................................................ (512) 374-6168 2203 W 35th St 78703 Avella of Austin ........................................... (512) 368-2962 3016 Guadalupe St Ste A 78705 eRX, 90 Carepoint Partners...................................... (512) 637-4949 5446 W Hwy 290 Ste 203 78735 CommUnityCare Central Pharmacy......... (512) 978-9011 2901 Montopolis Dr 78741 SAVE Crestview Pharmacy................................... (512) 452-9535 7100 Woodrow Ave 78757 Forty Acres Pharmacy................................ (512) 471-1824 100 F W Dean Keeton Ssb 1 110 78712 90, SAVE Genorite Pharmacy..................................... (512) 351-9160 4544 S Lamar Blvd Ste 730 78745 SAVE Healthscripts of America-Austin LLC...... (832) 494-3210 6705 W Hwy 290 Ste C1 78735 HepCare Pharmacy..................................... (512) 381-1708 2200 Park Bend Dr Bldg 1 Ste 300 78758 Hill Country Apothecary - Riverplace ...... (512) 487-5759 6611 River Place Blvd Ste 103 78730 Lake Hills Pharmacy................................... (512) 608-9355 12005 Bee Cave Pkwy Ste 1A 78738 90 Lamar Plaza Drug Store ............................. (512) 442-6777 1132 S Lamar Blvd 78704 eRX, 90 Lee Pharmacy.............................................. (513) 835-0200 8738 N Lamar Blvd Ste C 78753 90 24HR = Abierta las 24 horas eRX = Receta eletrónica Farmacias de la red de Blue Cross Medicare Rx Lista de Farmacias de Texas AUSTIN Farmacias minoristas, incluyendo cadena de farmacias Liberty Pharmacy........................................ (512) 249-7500 8650 Spicewood Springs Rd Ste 106 78759 eRX Longhorn Health Solutions....................... (512) 686-4727 11310 W Hwy 290 78737 eRX, 90 Medical Park Tower Pharmacy................. (512) 454-5626 1301 W 38th St Number 135 78705 Naus Enfield Drug....................................... (512) 476-1221 1115 W Lynn St 78703 90 Neighborhood Pharmacy .......................... (512) 476-4751 2620 E 7th St 78702 eRX Northwest Hills At Davenport ................... (512) 329-8667 3801 Capitol of TX Hwy N D200 D-120 78746 Northwest Hills Pharmacy LTC ................ (512) 617-0993 3801 N Capital of Texas Hwy Ste D202 78746 eRX Nucara Pharmacy ....................................... (512) 454-9923 6111 Burnet Rd 78757 Pain Specialists of Austin Pharmacy ...... (512) 485-7207 4100 Duval Rd Bldg 3 Ste 201 78759 Peoples Pharmacy...................................... (512) 459-9090 4018 N Lamar Blvd 78756 eRX, 90, SAVE Peoples Pharmacy...................................... (512) 444-8866 3801B S Lamar Blvd 78704 eRX, 90, SAVE Peoples Pharmacy...................................... (512) 327-8877 4201 Westbank Dr 78746 eRX, 90, SAVE Peoples Pharmacy...................................... (512) 219-9499 13860 N Hwy 183 Ste C 78750 eRX, 90, SAVE Pharmacy Alternatives............................... (512) 383-9229 4120 Freidrich Ln 78744 Premier Care................................................ (512) 246-2121 2013 Wells Branch Pkwy Ste 111 78728 eRX QVL Pharmacy ............................................ (512) 892-2743 4534 W Gate Blvd Ste 111 78745 eRX Rite-Away Pharmacy.................................. (512) 827-2600 730 W Stassney Ln Ste 160 78745 SAVE Rite-Away Pharmacy .................................. (512) 827-2250 2410 E Riverside Dr Ste D4 78741 Seton Central Outpatient Pharmacy........ (512) 324-7393 601 E 15th St Ste L201a 78701 eRX, 90, SAVE Solutions Pharmacy ................................... (512) 920-3784 8825 Bee Cave Rd Ste A 78746 South Austin Pharmacy............................. (512) 383-9000 4203A James Casey St 78745 eRX, 90, SAVE Stonegate Pharmacy At The Village ........ (512) 693-4222 5625 Eiger Rd Ste 150 78735 90 Stonegate Pharmacy LP ............................ (512) 707-2300 2501 W William Cannon Dr Bldg 2 Ste 203 78745 90 Target Pharmacy......................................... (512) 443-2678 2300 W Ben White Blvd 78704 eRX, 90 Target Pharmacy......................................... (512) 687-0635 9500 S I-35 78748 eRX, 90 Target Pharmacy......................................... (512) 651-3377 10900 Lakeline Mall Dr 78717 eRX, 90 Target Pharmacy......................................... (512) 651-0609 12901 N IH 35 Ste 3-300 78753 eRX, 90 Target Pharmacy......................................... (512) 892-3753 5300 S Mo PAC Expy 78749 eRX, 90 Target Pharmacy......................................... (512) 652-0483 8601 Research Blvd 78758 eRX, 90 Target Pharmacy......................................... (512) 687-1316 10107 Research Blvd 78759 eRX, 90 Tarrytown Expocare ................................... (512) 617-7312 900 W 38th St Ste 120 78705 eRX Tarrytown Pharmacy .................................. (512) 478-6419 2727 Exposition Blvd Ste 105 78703 eRX, 90, SAVE Texas Oncology Pharmacy ....................... (512) 416-5132 4101 James Casey St Ste 250 78745 Texas Oncology Pharmacy ....................... (512) 427-9448 6204 Balcones Dr 78731 SAVE = Costo comprartido preferido 90 = Suministro de 90 días 24HR = Abierta las 24 horas eRX = Receta eletrónica 7 AZLE Farmacias de la red de Blue Cross Medicare Rx Lista de Farmacias de Texas Farmacias minoristas, incluyendo cadena de farmacias Texas Oncology Pharmacy....................... (512) 421-4188 BAY CITY 901 W 38th St Ste 200 78705 Vina Pharmacy ............................................ (512) 977-8844 Hibbs Pharmacy.......................................... (979) 245-5501 1415 Ave G 77414 11207 N Lamar Blvd Ste A 78753 eRX, 90 eRX, 90, SAVE Muecke Prescription Shoppe.................... (979) 244-1772 AZLE 2808 7th St 77414 Brookshire’s Pharmacy ............................. (817) 444-0306 eRX, 90 511 N Stewart St 76020 BAYTOWN 90 Laura’s Pharmacy....................................... (817) 406-4546 Birdsongs Pharmacy.................................. (281) 628-7186 4002 Garth Rd Ste 140A 77521 605 Northwest Pkwy Ste 150 76020 90 SAVE Savon Pharmacy......................................... (817) 270-1120 Blue Ribbon Pharmacy .............................. (281) 838-8025 1248 Garth Rd Ste D 77520 480 Northwest Pkwy 76020 eRX, 90 GR Cure ........................................................ (281) 428-0009 1658 W Baker Rd Ste C 77521 BACLIFF 90 Sullivan Pharmacy Inc ............................... (281) 339-4577 MD Pharmacy............................................... (281) 576-0106 1140 Grand Ave 77518 11540 Eagle Dr Ste A 77523 eRX, 90 Target Pharmacy......................................... (281) 422-5153 BALCH SPRINGS 4510 Garth Rd 77521 eRX, 90 Minyard Pharmacy...................................... (972) 557-3535 Wellness Pharmacy .................................... (281) 428-4705 4202 Pioneer Rd 75180 3007 Garth Rd 77521 90, SAVE eRX, 90 BAY CITY AZLE BAYTOWN BACLIFF BALCH SPRINGS BALCONES HEIGHTS BALCONES HEIGHTS BEAUMONT BEAUMONT Target Pharmacy......................................... (210) 280-0001 Brookshire Brothers Pharmacy................ (409) 794-2006 4522 Fredericksburg Rd 78201 15303 Hwy 124 77705 eRX, 90 Children’s Specialty Pharmacy................. (409) 838-5552 BALLINGER 490 I-10 N Ste 400 77702 90 Keel Drug Store........................................... (325) 365-3505 2001 Hutchins Ave Ste A 76821 Community Pharmacy................................ (409) 832-6539 365 Forsythe St 77701 BANGS 90 Bangs Drug Mart Medcon Medical........... (325) 752-7214 Corner Pharmacy ........................................ (409) 842-3222 104 E Kyle St 76823 3570 Fannett Rd 77705 Rippetoe Pharmacy.................................... (325) 752-6133 90 205 E Hall St 76823 Golden Triangle Pharmacy Services ....... (409) 832-6100 eRX, 90, SAVE 3515 Fannin St Ste 105 77701 BASTROP King’s LTC Pharmacy................................. (409) 983-3384 3515 Fannin St Ste 106 77701 Lock Drug Store .......................................... (512) 321-2422 eRX 103 Hwy 71 W 78602 Kings Pharmacy Beaumont ...................... (409) 860-0040 90, SAVE 3610 N Major Dr 77713 eRX, 90 BALLINGER BANGS BASTROP SAVE = Costo comprartido preferido 90 = Suministro de 90 días 8 24HR = Abierta las 24 horas eRX = Receta eletrónica Farmacias de la red de Blue Cross Medicare Rx Lista de Farmacias de Texas BELLVILLE Farmacias minoristas, incluyendo cadena de farmacias Lovoi & Sons Pharmacies......................... (409) 833-7538 3480 Fannin St 77701 90 Malleys Discount Pharmacy ..................... (409) 866-1429 10 Plaza Dr At Calder 77706 Market Basket Pharmacy........................... (409) 835-4558 655 Lavaca St 77705 Market Basket Pharmacy........................... (409) 892-2282 5960 Hwy 105 77708 Market Basket Pharmacy........................... (409) 892-3226 3955 Phelan Blvd 77707 McMakin Pharmacy .................................... (409) 898-0717 4225 Gladys Ave 77706 eRX, 90 Peccio Pharmacy Plus............................... (409) 813-1717 3035 College St 77701 90 Target Pharmacy......................................... (409) 898-1584 5850 Eastex Fwy 77708 eRX, 90 Texas Oncology Pharmacy....................... (409) 899-7047 690 N 14th St 77702 Triangle Pharmacy Solutions LLC........... (409) 838-1500 3480 Fannin St Ste M 77701 90 BEEVILLE BEEVILLE Schulz & Wroten Pharmacy ...................... (361) 358-1150 122 N Washington St 78102 90 TLC Pharmacy & Medical Equipment...... (361) 362-9984 200 S Hillside Dr 78102 BELLAIRE BELLAIRE Amex Pharmacy .......................................... (832) 778-0400 5420 Bellaire Blvd 77401 eRX, 90 Custom Meds Pharmacy Inc..................... (832) 431-5449 4805 Bissonnet St 77401 Healthscripts of America - Houston Galleria LLC ........................................................................ (832) 494-3210 6565 West Loop S Ste 110B 77401 Medley Compounding Pharmacy............. (713) 838-1500 5711 Bissonnet St Ste F 77401 Pin Oak Pharmacy ...................................... (713) 668-8686 6700 West Loop S Ste 325 77401 eRX, 90 Platinum RX.................................................. (713) 667-6777 5420 West Loop S Ste 1500 77401 eRX, 90 Recept Pharmacy........................................ (832) 426-1520 BEDFORD 4747 Bellaire Blvd Ste 135 77401 eRX Green Cross Pharmacy.............................. (817) 354-7771 1305 Airport Fwy Ste 110 76021 St Hope Pharmacy ...................................... (832) 319-7610 eRX, 90 6800 West Loop S Ste 590 77401 Minyard Pharmacy...................................... (817) 540-3131 Westlands Pharmacy.................................. (713) 664-1400 3300 Harwood Rd 76021 5819 Bissonnet St 77401 24HR, SAVE eRX Northeast Community Clinic Pharmacy . (817) 702-6457 BELLS 837 Brown Trl 76022 eRX Bells Family Drug........................................ (903) 965-7383 103 W Bells Blvd 75414 Savon Pharmacy......................................... (817) 354-0991 eRX, 90 1300 Airport Fwy 76022 eRX, 90 BELLVILLE Texas Oncology Pharmacy....................... (817) 359-9070 Brookshire Brothers Pharmacy................ (979) 865-8380 1609 Hospital Pkwy 76022 720 S Front St 77418 BEE CAVE Walter’s Pharmacy Inc ............................... (979) 865-3696 250 W Palm St 77418 Target Pharmacy......................................... (512) 651-0095 eRX, 90, SAVE 3702 Ranch Rd 620 S 78738 eRX, 90 BEDFORD BELLS BELLVILLE BEE CAVE SAVE = Costo comprartido preferido 90 = Suministro de 90 días 24HR = Abierta las 24 horas eRX = Receta eletrónica 9 BELTON Farmacias de la red de Blue Cross Medicare Rx Lista de Farmacias de Texas Farmacias minoristas, incluyendo cadena de farmacias BELTON BELTON BONHAM BONHAM Baylor Scott & White Pharmacy............... (254) 933-6000 Bonham Family Drug.................................. (903) 583-7325 309 Lake Rd Ste B 76513 100 E Sam Rayburn Dr 75418 eRX eRX, 90 Medicine Shoppe Pharmacy..................... (254) 939-0831 Brookshire’s Pharmacy ............................. (903) 583-2887 502 E Central Ave 76513 2228 Island Byu 75418 90 BENBROOK Fannin Pharmacy ........................................ (903) 583-8017 Benbrook Pharmacy................................... (817) 249-9595 2108 N Center St 75418 410 Mercedes St 76126 eRX, 90 eRX, 90 BENBROOK BORGER BIG LAKE BIG LAKE BORGER Holmes Pharmacy....................................... (806) 274-5334 Neighborhood Pharmacy .......................... (325) 716-1800 600 S Main St 79007 116 N Main Ave 76932 90 90 United Pharmacy......................................... (806) 273-6427 1414 W Wilson St 79007 BIG SPRING 90 Big Spring State Hospital .......................... (432) 268-7289 BOWIE 1901 N US Hwy 87 79720 Leonards Clinic Pharmacy........................ (432) 267-1611 Rick’s Pharmacy.......................................... (940) 872-1140 1501 W 11th Pl Ste 106 79720 503 E London St 76230 eRX, 90 BOYD Leonards Prescription Pharmacy ............ (432) 263-7344 701 Scurry St 79720 Boyd Medicine Store .................................. (940) 433-8056 eRX, 90 113 E Rock Island Ave 76023 eRX, 90 Prescription Services Inc........................... (432) 267-2711 1002 S Main St 79720 BRACKETTVILLE eRX Professional Pharmacy.............................. (432) 267-2546 Clinic Pharmacy .......................................... (830) 563-9334 201 James St 78832 1000 S Main St 79720 eRX, 90 BRADY BIG SPRING BOWIE BOYD BRACKETTVILLE BRADY BLANCO BLANCO City Drug of Brady Inc................................ (325) 597-2325 704 W 17th St 76825 Strickland Drugs ......................................... (830) 833-4815 90, SAVE 316 Pecan St 78606 eRX, 90 BRECKENRIDGE BRECKENRIDGE BOERNE BOERNE Larson’s Pharmacy..................................... (254) 559-4080 2802 W Walker St 76424 Annies Apothecary..................................... (830) 981-4774 31007 I-10 W BREMOND St 108 78006 Coburns Pharmacy..................................... (254) 746-7845 Rock Pharmacy........................................... (830) 357-5052 101 S Austin St 76629 1201 S Main St 78006 90 eRX, 90, SAVE Talon Pharmacy of Boerne........................ (830) 816-5910 1430 S Main St Ste 105 78006 BREMOND SAVE = Costo comprartido preferido 90 = Suministro de 90 días 10 24HR = Abierta las 24 horas eRX = Receta eletrónica Farmacias de la red de Blue Cross Medicare Rx Lista de Farmacias de Texas BROWNSVILLE Farmacias minoristas, incluyendo cadena de farmacias BRENHAM BRENHAM Brenham State Supported Living Center Pharmacy ........................................................................ (979) 277-1351 4001 Hwy 36 S 77833 Brookshire Brothers Pharmacy ............... (979) 836-2567 303 N Austin Pkwy 77833 Kenjura Pharmacy ...................................... (979) 836-7922 303 N Park St 77833 90 Medical Arts Drug Company..................... (979) 836-3687 207 E Academy St 77833 Norman’s Pharmacy................................... (979) 836-5264 2105 S Day St 77833 90 Norman’s Pharmacy LTC .......................... (979) 836-8500 2103 S Day St 77833 Waldies Pharmacy...................................... (979) 836-5684 203 E Academy St 77833 90 BRIDGE CITY BRIDGE CITY Bridge City Family Pharmacy ................... (409) 735-5555 1910 Texas Ave 77611 BRIDGEPORT BRIDGEPORT Brookshire Pharmacy ................................ (940) 683-1510 1203 US Hwy 380 76426 eRX, 90 Gails Pharmacy ........................................... (940) 683-4011 810 Woodrow Wilson Ray Cir 76426 90 Valu Rite Pharmacy .................................... (940) 683-2950 709 Woodrow Wilson Ray Cir 76426 eRX, 90 BROOKSHIRE BROOKSHIRE B & B Pharmacy.......................................... (281) 934-8441 3523 and One Half Front St 77423 BROWNFIELD BROWNFIELD Clinic Pharmacy .......................................... (806) 637-7049 901 E Tahoka Rd Ste B 79316 90, SAVE Lifecare Pharmacy...................................... (806) 636-8000 706 E Felt St 79316 90 Nelson Pharmacy........................................ (806) 637-3533 805 E Tahoka Rd 79316 SAVE = Costo comprartido preferido 90 = Suministro de 90 días United Pharmacy......................................... (806) 637-7597 1401 Tahoka Rd 79316 90 BROWNSVILLE BROWNSVILLE Arts Pharmacy............................................. (956) 544-2959 3354 International Blvd 78521 90 Arts Pharmacy North.................................. (956) 350-8125 4365 South Expy 77/83 Ste 700 78520 eRX, 90 Autrey Pharmacy......................................... (956) 542-5100 1365 E Ruben Torres Blvd 78521 Autrey Pharmacy......................................... (956) 548-0801 1205 Central Blvd 78520 Autrey Pharmacy......................................... (956) 230-3200 800 E Alton Gloor Blvd Uppr B 78526 Community Pharmacy................................ (956) 542-2669 765 Paredes Line Rd Ste B 78521 eRX Complete RX Pharmacy............................. (956) 554-3532 1885 E Price Rd Ste B 78521 SAVE Escobedos Pharmacy ................................ (956) 986-0707 4430 E 14th St Unit B 78521 90 Kmart Pharmacy.......................................... (956) 546-3407 2440 Pablo Kisel Blvd 78526 90 Las Palmas Pharmacy................................ (956) 542-7400 864 Central Blvd Ste 1200 78520 eRX, SAVE Los Ebanos Pharmacy LLC....................... (956) 542-8542 1134 E Los Ebanos Blvd 78520 Los Ebanos Pharmacy North LLC ........... (956) 350-5881 4920 N Expy Ste F 78526 Lys Pharmacy.............................................. (956) 544-2059 3675 Boca Chica Blvd Ste D 78521 eRX Ocean Plaza Pharmacy .............................. (956) 504-1290 1740 Boca Chica Blvd Ste 400 78520 90 Pete’s Pharmacy.......................................... (956) 541-2400 1034 Old Port Isabel Rd Ste 1 78521 Pete’s Pharmacy II....................................... (956) 504-9555 5235 Southmost Rd Ste C 78521 eRX, 90 24HR = Abierta las 24 horas eRX = Receta eletrónica 11 BROWNWOOD Farmacias de la red de Blue Cross Medicare Rx Lista de Farmacias de Texas Farmacias minoristas, incluyendo cadena de farmacias Target Pharmacy......................................... (956) 698-6121 301 E Morrison Rd 78526 eRX, 90 Texas Oncology Pharmacy....................... (956) 547-1685 2150 N Expy Ste 83 78521 The Friendly Pharmacy.............................. (956) 544-1200 3302 Boca Chica Blvd Ste 107 78521 eRX, SAVE The Neighborhood Pharmacy .................. (956) 550-8908 95 E Price Rd Bldg F 78521 90, SAVE Trinity DME................................................... (956) 554-3560 680 Paredes Line Rd Ste D 78521 eRX Trinity Rx2 .................................................... (956) 621-0678 5850 FM 802 Ste C5 78526 United Care Pharmacy............................... (956) 546-0444 1755 W Price Rd 78520 eRX, SAVE Uptown Pharmacy ...................................... (956) 544-0238 110 Uptown Ave Ste B 78520 eRX, 90, SAVE The Pharmacy Corner ................................ (979) 776-0902 3201 University Dr E Ste 145 77802 90 Village Foods ............................................... (979) 846-8199 1760 Briarcrest Dr 77802 eRX, 90 BUDA BUDA Buda Drug Store.......................................... (512) 312-2111 203 Railroad St Build 2 Ste B 78610 90 BUFFALO BUFFALO Brookshire Brothers Pharmacy................ (903) 322-1315 1220 W Commerce 75831 BULLARD BULLARD Brookshire’s Pharmacy ............................. (903) 894-9648 213 US Hwy 69 N 75757 90 BUNA BUNA Austin Pharmacy......................................... (409) 994-3578 15558 Fw 1004 W 77612 90 Best Med Inc ................................................ (325) 646-9414 Karr Pharmacy Inc ...................................... (409) 994-3535 116 S Park Dr 76801 351 TX State Hwy 62 77612 24HR Doc’s Drugstore .......................................... (325) 643-3800 BURKBURNETT 3800 Hwy 377 S 76801 Boomtown Drug .......................................... (940) 569-5600 eRX, SAVE 514 S Oklahoma Cut Off 76354 Jacobs Family Pharmacy .......................... (325) 646-1100 eRX 2701 Austin Ave 76801 United Pharmacy......................................... (940) 569-3319 90 311 S Ave D 76354 Live Oak Pharmacy..................................... (325) 643-2648 90 3707 Austin Ave 76801 90, SAVE BURLESON BROWNWOOD BROWNWOOD BURKBURNETT BURLESON BRYAN BRYAN Best Value West Pharmacy....................... (817) 295-6128 124 W Renfro St 76028 Brookshire Brothers Pharmacy ............... (979) 822-1383 eRX, 90 210 N Main St 77803 Dandy Drug .................................................. (817) 483-3784 Bryan Medicine Chest................................ (979) 776-6800 5450 E FM 1187 76028 2300 De Lee St 77802 90 90 Target Pharmacy......................................... (979) 774-1481 Rons Apothecary Shop.............................. (817) 295-2273 117 W Renfro St 76028 3061 Wildflower Dr 77802 90 eRX, 90 Savon Pharmacy ......................................... (817) 447-8060 833 NE Alsbury Blvd 76028 eRX, 90 SAVE = Costo comprartido preferido 90 = Suministro de 90 días 12 24HR = Abierta las 24 horas eRX = Receta eletrónica Farmacias de la red de Blue Cross Medicare Rx Lista de Farmacias de Texas CARTHAGE Farmacias minoristas, incluyendo cadena de farmacias Target Pharmacy......................................... (817) 302-0059 CARLSBAD 200 NW John Jones Dr 76028 eRX, 90 San Angelo State Supported Living Center Pharmacy BURNET ........................................................................ (325) 465-2650 10950 Hwy 87 N 76934 Lake Area Pharmacy .................................. (512) 756-8550 CARRIZO SPRINGS 608 Buchanan Dr 78611 eRX, 90, SAVE Lifechek Drug............................................... (830) 876-2516 Stein Pharmacy ........................................... (512) 756-2966 314 N 5th St 78834 2004 W State Hwy 29 78611 90 90 CARLSBAD BURNET CARRIZO SPRINGS CARROLLTON CALDWELL CALDWELL Brookshire Brothers Pharmacy ............... (979) 567-1446 455 State Hwy 36 N 77836 CAMERON CAMERON Baylor Scott & White Pharmacy............... (254) 605-1150 101 Lafferty 76520 eRX CANADIAN CANADIAN Medic Pharmacy & Gifts ............................ (806) 323-6171 200 Cheyenne Ave 79014 eRX, 90 CANTON CANTON Brookshire Pharmacy ................................ (903) 567-2403 880 E State Hwy 243 75103 eRX, 90 Peace Pharmacy ......................................... (903) 567-4129 300 S Buffalo St 75103 eRX, 90 CANYON CANYON Medi Drive Pharmacy ................................. (806) 655-1024 507 23rd St 79015 90, SAVE United Pharmacy......................................... (806) 655-5757 201 N 23rd St 79015 90 CANYON LAKE CANYON LAKE Mountain Valley Pharmacy........................ (830) 964-3615 1395 Sattler Rd Ste 8 78132 90 CARROLLTON Baylor Medical Plaza Pharmacy At Carrollton ........................................................................ (972) 512-1581 4323 N Josey Ln Ste 102 75010 eRX, 90 Express Care Pharmacy ............................ (214) 800-5526 3648 Old Denton Rd Ste 104 75007 90 Fifty50 Pharmacy......................................... (972) 243-2727 1420 Valwood Pkwy 75006 eRX, 90 GeneRX Discount Pharmacy .................... (972) 417-8895 1235 S Josey Ln Ste 533 75006 90 Institutional Pharmacy Solutions............. (334) 819-4500 1321 Valwood Pkwy Ste 530 75006 PeopleFirst Pharmacy................................ (972) 300-4130 2501 E Hebron Pkwy 100A 75010 eRX, 90 Rite Care Pharmacy.................................... (214) 483-3000 1205 N Josey Ln Ste B 75006 90 Savon Pharmacy ......................................... (972) 446-8231 2150 N Josey Ln Ste 400 75006 eRX, 90 Smile Pharmacy........................................... (972) 446-9191 2625 Old Denton Rd Ste 586 75007 eRX, 90 Trinity Apothecary....................................... (972) 492-2151 2501 E Hebron Pkwy Ste 100B 75010 eRX CARTHAGE CARTHAGE Brookshire Brothers Pharmacy................ (903) 693-6791 412 W Panola St 75633 SAVE = Costo comprartido preferido 90 = Suministro de 90 días 24HR = Abierta las 24 horas eRX = Receta eletrónica 13 CASTROVILLE Farmacias de la red de Blue Cross Medicare Rx Lista de Farmacias de Texas Farmacias minoristas, incluyendo cadena de farmacias CASTROVILLE CASTROVILLE CHANNELVIEW CHANNELVIEW QRC Healthmart Pharmacy....................... (830) 931-2116 Channelview Pharmacy ............................. (281) 457-0523 408 US Hwy 90 W Ste B 78009 441 Sheldon Rd Ste C 77530 eRX, SAVE 90 CEDAR HILL CEDAR HILL CHILDRESS CHILDRESS Morning Star Pharmacy............................. (972) 291-2525 Childress Outpost Pharmacy.................... (940) 937-9030 329 N Hwy 67 Ste 150 75104 1103 Ave F NW 79201 eRX, SAVE 90 Rite Care Pharmacy II................................. (972) 291-0100 United Pharmacy......................................... (940) 937-8242 716 N Hwy 67 Ste 3 75104 2105 Ave F NW 79201 eRX, 90 90 Savon Pharmacy......................................... (972) 291-0241 CHINA 427 E FM 1382 75104 China Family Pharmacy............................. (409) 769-2406 eRX, 90 207 E Railroad 77613 Target Pharmacy......................................... (972) 291-6813 739 N Hwy 67 75104 CISCO eRX, 90 Brookshire’s Pharmacy ............................. (254) 442-2251 CEDAR PARK 1010 Ave E 76437 90 Target Pharmacy......................................... (512) 456-2934 1101 C-Bar Ranch Trl 78613 CLARENDON eRX, 90 Clarendon Outpost Inc............................... (806) 874-5202 CELINA 619 W 2nd St 79226 90 Brookshire’s Pharmacy ............................. (972) 382-3989 Mike’s Pharmacy......................................... (806) 874-3554 675 E Sunset Blvd 75009 501 W 2nd St 79226 90 Celina Drug .................................................. (972) 382-2832 CLARKSVILLE 701 N Preston Rd Ste 210 75009 Blackmon Pharmacy .................................. (903) 427-2805 90 201 S Walnut St 75426 CENTER Medicine Chest............................................ (903) 427-2050 1909 W Broadway St 75426 Brookshire Brothers Pharmacy ............... (936) 591-9122 90 105 Hurst St 75935 CHINA CISCO CEDAR PARK CLARENDON CELINA CLARKSVILLE CENTER CENTERVILLE CENTERVILLE CLEAR LAKE SHORES CLEAR LAKE SHORES Carols Pharmacy......................................... (903) 536-7326 Target Pharmacy......................................... (281) 538-7957 255 Marina Bay Dr 77565 316 S Commerce St 75833 eRX, 90 90 CHANDLER CHANDLER CLEBURNE CLEBURNE Brookshire’s Pharmacy ............................. (903) 849-4090 Best Value Royces Pharmacy................... (817) 645-2445 502 N Main St 76033 703 Hwy 31 East 75758 eRX, 90 90 Chandler Drug LLC..................................... (903) 849-6442 Cleburne Drug.............................................. (817) 645-2415 501 N Ridgeway Dr 76033 201 State Hwy 31 E 75758 90 SAVE = Costo comprartido preferido 90 = Suministro de 90 días 14 24HR = Abierta las 24 horas eRX = Receta eletrónica Farmacias de la red de Blue Cross Medicare Rx Lista de Farmacias de Texas COMFORT Farmacias minoristas, incluyendo cadena de farmacias Savon Pharmacy......................................... (817) 641-6030 Target Pharmacy......................................... (979) 696-4368 210 W Katherine P Raines Rd 76033 2100 Texas Ave S 77840 eRX, 90 eRX, 90 CLEVELAND CLEVELAND COLLEYVILLE COLLEYVILLE Brookshire Brothers Pharmacy ............... (281) 592-5257 Medicine Box Pharmacy............................ (817) 599-7988 603 E Houston St 77327 5200 Colleyville Blvd Ste C 76034 eRX Cleveland Pharmacy .................................. (281) 593-3800 111 S William Barnett Ave 77327 Savon Pharmacy ......................................... (817) 354-0109 4000 Glade Rd 76034 eRX, 90, SAVE eRX, 90 CLIFTON United Marketstreet Pharmacy ................. (817) 577-5030 Albrechts Pharmacy................................... (254) 675-8398 5605 Colleyville Blvd 76034 506 W 5th St 76634 90 90, SAVE COLORADO CITY Brookshire’s Pharmacy ............................. (254) 675-3007 900 FM 3220 76634 Corner Drug.................................................. (325) 728-8030 90 1001 Hickory St 79512 SAVE Pill Box Drive In Pharmacy Inc ................. (254) 675-8659 Medicine Place............................................. (325) 728-3489 210 Posey Ave 76634 2250 Chestnut St 79512 CLYDE eRX, 90 Lawrence Brothers Pharmacy.................. (325) 893-4297 Perkin’s Apothecary & Mercantile............ (325) 728-3484 505 S Access Rd 79510 501 Walnut St 79512 SAVE COLDSPRING CLIFTON COLORADO CITY CLYDE COLDSPRING COLUMBUS COLUMBUS Brookshire Brothers Pharmacy ............... (936) 653-8201 14761 State Hwy 150 W 77331 Lifechek Drug............................................... (979) 732-2361 109 Shult Dr 78934 Brookshire Brothers Pharmacy ............... (936) 653-3284 90 15100 State Hwy 150 W 77331 COMANCHE COLEMAN COLEMAN COMANCHE The Owl Drug Store .................................... (325) 625-9448 Brookshire’s Pharmacy ............................. (325) 356-5276 400 W Central Ave 76442 312 S Commercial Ave 76834 90 eRX, 90 Comanche County Medial Center Pharmacy Tyson Pharmacy......................................... (325) 625-4136 215 W Pecan St 76834 ........................................................................ (254) 879-4961 eRX, 90, SAVE 10201 Hwy 16 76442 SAVE COLLEGE STATION Comanche Pharmacy................................. (325) 356-2585 Goldstar Pharmacy..................................... (979) 690-9112 1001 N Austin St 76442 4421 State Hwy 6 S Ste 300 77845 90 90 COMFORT Scott & White Pharmacy............................ (979) 691-3900 1110 Earl Rudder Fwy S 77840 Drug Shop .................................................... (830) 995-3300 404 State Hwy 27 78013 Scott & White Pharmacy............................ (979) 361-6301 1296 Arrington Rd 77845 eRX COLLEGE STATION COMFORT SAVE = Costo comprartido preferido 90 = Suministro de 90 días 24HR = Abierta las 24 horas eRX = Receta eletrónica 15 COMMERCE Farmacias de la red de Blue Cross Medicare Rx Lista de Farmacias de Texas Farmacias minoristas, incluyendo cadena de farmacias United Market Street Pharmacy................ (469) 322-6815 700 N Denton Tap Rd 75019 eRX, 90 Brookshire’s Pharmacy ............................. (903) 886-2867 1603 Culver St 75428 COPPERAS COVE 90 Totalcare Pharmacy.................................... (903) 886-8888 Medical Arts Pharmacy .............................. (254) 547-4146 806 E Ave D Ste A 76522 1607 Live Oak St 75428 90 90 COMMERCE COMMERCE COPPERAS COVE CORINTH CONROE CORINTH GHPMA Pharmacy...................................... (281) 475-4400 3251 I-45 N Ste 190 77304 eRX Integra Pharmacy........................................ (936) 321-5600 3074 College Park Dr Ste B 77384 SAVE Lifechek Drug .............................................. (936) 788-2255 900 W Dallas St 77301 eRX, 90 Lifechek Drug .............................................. (936) 539-4900 690 S Loop 336 W Ste 100 77304 eRX, 90 Lone Star Community Health Center Inc ........................................................................ (936) 523-5227 605 S Conroe Medical Dr 77304 90 Medicap Pharmacy..................................... (936) 494-4002 2105 W Davis St Ste A 77304 Roberds Pharmacy LP............................... (936) 756-4254 503 Medical Center Blvd Ste 130 77304 St Hope Pharmacy...................................... (936) 494-2455 1414 S Frazier St Ste 105 77301 eRX Village Pharmacy ........................................ (936) 756-7456 404 River Pointe Dr Ste 101 77304 90, SAVE Savon Pharmacy ......................................... (940) 321-4361 4351 FM 2181 76210 eRX, 90 CONROE CORPUS CHRISTI CORPUS CHRISTI Carter’s LTC Pharmacy.............................. (361) 452-2051 3845 S Padre Island Dr Ste B 78415 eRX Corpus Christi State Supported Living Center Pharmacy ........ (361) 844-7667 902 Airport Rd 78405 Deleons Pharmacy Inc ............................... (361) 882-3636 613 Elizabeth St Ste 103 78404 90 Hamlin Pharmacy & Fountain................... (361) 853-7303 3801 S Staples St 78411 90 Kelly’s Pharmacy......................................... (361) 334-4500 520 Everhart Rd 78411 eRX, 90 Medical Plaza Pharmacy Inc...................... (361) 387-0005 13725 Northwest Blvd Ste 130 78410 eRX Nichols Southside Pharmacy.................... (361) 852-8288 3141 Gollihar Rd 78415 Nichols Westwood Pharmacy................... (361) 241-2323 10525 Leopard St 78410 eRX COOPER Omnicare of Corpus Christi ...................... (361) 299-1058 Millers Pharmacy ........................................ (903) 395-2161 5449 Bear Ln Ste 420 78405 102 E Dallas Ave 75432 Paragon Infusion Services Inc.................. (866) 972-5888 SAVE 4639 Corona Dr Ste 26 78411 COPPELL Pediatric Pharmacy..................................... (361) 855-3811 3435 S Alameda St 78411 Davita RX...................................................... (972) 538-8100 90 1234 Lakeshore Dr Ste 200 75019 90 Providence Care Pharmacy....................... (361) 991-0251 4613 S Staples St Ste E 78411 Pharmacy Plus ............................................ (972) 462-9400 eRX, 90 580 S Denton Tap Rd Ste 121 75019 eRX, 90 COOPER COPPELL SAVE = Costo comprartido preferido 90 = Suministro de 90 días 16 24HR = Abierta las 24 horas eRX = Receta eletrónica Farmacias de la red de Blue Cross Medicare Rx Lista de Farmacias de Texas CYPRESS Farmacias minoristas, incluyendo cadena de farmacias Providence Care Pharmacy ...................... (361) 991-2191 6434 Saratoga Blvd Ste A 78414 eRX, 90 RC Pharmacy............................................... (361) 334-3493 5633 S Staples St 78411 SAVE Recept Pharmacy........................................ (361) 853-9269 3301 S Alameda St Ste 100B 78411 eRX Sunrise Pharmacy Inc................................ (361) 887-9226 2601 Hospital Blvd Ste 107 78405 SAVE Target Pharmacy......................................... (361) 980-8979 5425 S Padre Island Dr Ste D 78411 eRX, 90 CORRIGAN CORRIGAN CROCKETT CROCKETT Brookshire Brothers Pharmacy................ (936) 544-8188 401 N 4th St 75835 Davy Crockett Drug Inc.............................. (936) 544-2275 107 S 4th St 75835 CROSBYTON CROSBYTON Regional Legend Pharmacy...................... (806) 675-2001 622 W Main St 79322 eRX, SAVE CROSS PLAINS CROSS PLAINS Larson’s Pharmacy..................................... (254) 725-7130 109 NE 2nd St 76443 eRX CROWELL CROWELL Brookshire Brothers Pharmacy ............... (936) 398-9227 Shaw’s Pharmacy ....................................... (940) 684-1581 100 S Home St 75939 102 E Commerce 79227 eRX 90 CORSICANA CORSICANA Brookshire’s Pharmacy ............................. (903) 874-1111 800 N Main St Ste A 75110 90 Hometown Pharmacy................................. (903) 872-3784 2800 W State Hwy 22 75110 eRX, 90 P & S Pharmacy .......................................... (903) 874-5691 829 N Main St 75110 eRX P & S Pharmacy LTC.................................. (903) 874-5121 829 N Main St Ste C 75110 Super 1 Pharmacy ...................................... (903) 874-2152 100 N 15th St 75110 90 CRYSTAL CITY CRYSTAL CITY Lifechek Drug............................................... (830) 374-3436 224 E Zavala St 78839 90 CUERO CUERO Lifechek Drug............................................... (361) 275-2308 101 E Main St 77954 eRX, 90 Reuss Pharmacy ......................................... (361) 275-3411 515 N Esplanade St 77954 eRX, 90 CYPRESS CYPRESS A Plus Pharmacy......................................... (281) 858-5353 8190 Barker Cypress Rd Ste 800 77433 COTULLA eRX, 90 Gaddis Pharmacy LC ................................. (830) 879-2323 BC Pharmacy Inc......................................... (832) 334-5695 302 N Main St 78014 14030 Telge Rd Ste E 77429 90 eRX CRANDALL CY Springs Pharmacy ................................ (832) 427-6694 7630 Fry Rd Ste 500 77433 Crandall Pharmacy ..................................... (972) 427-6442 Cypress Pharmacy...................................... (281) 213-3490 1317 E US Hwy 175 Ste 1000 75114 17330 Spring Cypress Rd Ste 160 77429 eRX, 90 eRX, 90, SAVE COTULLA CRANDALL CRANE CRANE Crane Pharmacy.......................................... (432) 558-2411 515 S Alford St 79731 SAVE = Costo comprartido preferido 90 = Suministro de 90 días 24HR = Abierta las 24 horas eRX = Receta eletrónica 17 DAINGERFIELD Farmacias de la red de Blue Cross Medicare Rx Lista de Farmacias de Texas Farmacias minoristas, incluyendo cadena de farmacias Dayspring Pharmacy & Medical Supplies Inc ........................................................................ (281) 530-4442 11806 Barker Cypress Rd 77433 Fairfield Pharmacy / Compounding......... (281) 758-4040 15201 Mason Rd Ste 700 77433 eRX Medi Pro International Pharmacy............. (281) 277-0111 13203 Fry Rd Ste 400 77433 eRX, 90 Medicine+ Pharmacy.................................. (281) 724-5820 10730 Barker Cypress Rd Ste C 77433 90 North Cypress Village Pharmacy............. (832) 912-6210 21212 Northwest Fwy Ste 101 77429 eRX, 90 RX One Pharmacy....................................... (281) 656-2000 9740 Barker Cypress Rd Ste 107 77433 90 Target Pharmacy......................................... (281) 256-8102 25901 Hwy 290 77429 eRX, 90 DAINGERFIELD DAINGERFIELD Brookshire’s Pharmacy ............................. (903) 645-4552 609 Linda Dr 75638 90 Fred’s Pharmacy......................................... (903) 645-2255 218 East Mw Watson Blvd 75638 90 DALHART DALHART Bowers Prescription Shop ........................ (806) 249-4343 121 E Texas Blvd 79022 Coon Memorial Hospital ............................ (806) 244-9219 1411 Denver Ave 79022 SAVE United Pharmacy......................................... (806) 249-4772 1601 Tennessee Ave 79022 90 DALLAS DALLAS Acorn Pharmacy ......................................... (214) 887-0744 5315 Ross Ave 75206 SAVE AHF Pharmacy ............................................ (310) 464-8241 3920 Cedar Springs Rd 75219 Aldridges Family ......................................... (214) 943-2322 1408 Bonnie View Rd 75203 90 SAVE = Costo comprartido preferido 90 = Suministro de 90 días 18 Alta Care Pharmacy.................................... (214) 330-5700 3434 W Illinois Ave Ste 7 75211 90 American Custom Compounding Pharmacy ........................................................................ (214) 366-0022 2607 Walnut Hill Ln Ste 220 75229 Apex Pharmacy ........................................... (956) 364-1810 5710 Lyndon B Johnson Fwy Ste 190 75240 SAVE Apple Drugs ................................................. (214) 821-4008 4811 Columbia Ave Ste B 75226 Avita Drugs................................................... (214) 943-5187 219 Sunset Ave Ste 118A 75208 eRX, 90, SAVE Baylor Medical Plaza Pharmacy ............... (214) 820-3451 3600 Gaston Ave Ste 109 75246 Bayos Pharmacy Inc................................... (214) 948-9441 2100 W Colorado Blvd 75211 eRX, 90 Bluitts Pharmacy......................................... (214) 941-1258 2809 Cedar Crest Blvd 75203 90 Brookhaven Apothecary & Surgical Shop ........................................................................ (972) 620-2121 4373 S Hampton Rd Ste 1 75232 SAVE Buckeye Pharmacy..................................... (214) 391-7441 1401 S Buckner Blvd Ste 127 75217 90 Buckner Neighborhood Pharmacy .......... (214) 321-3000 3535 N Buckner Blvd Ste 106 75228 eRX, 90 Campus Pharmacy ..................................... (214) 648-2422 5303 Harry Hines Blvd Ste 100 James Austin Ambulatory Bldg 75390 Carecenter Pharmacy LLC ........................ (214) 741-4912 208 S Akard St 75202 90, SAVE Charlies Pharmacy Inc ............................... (214) 528-7133 9528 Webb Chapel Rd Ste 110 75220 eRX Coit Road Pharmacy................................... (972) 354-6440 14721 Coit Rd Ste B 75254 Cut Rate ........................................................ (214) 630-3014 3528 N Hampton Rd 75212 90 24HR = Abierta las 24 horas eRX = Receta eletrónica Farmacias de la red de Blue Cross Medicare Rx Lista de Farmacias de Texas DALLAS Farmacias minoristas, incluyendo cadena de farmacias Dallas Healthcare Pharmacy..................... (214) 388-5334 4131 S Buckner Blvd Ste A 75227 eRX, 90 Dallas Mental Health Clinic........................ (214) 743-1229 1380 River Bend Dr Ste 1340 75247 eRX Dallas Mental Health Clinic........................ (214) 275-7393 4645 Samuell Blvd Ste 107 75228 eRX Doctors Specialty Pharmacy .................... (214) 363-3700 9101 N Central Expy Ste 565 75231 eRX Dougherty’s Pharmacy Forest Park Dallas ........................................................................ (469) 248-1000 11970 N Central Expy Ste 100 75243 eRX Dr Deanos Pharmacy ................................. (214) 565-9898 4432 Malcolm X Blvd 75215 Elam Road Pharmacy................................. (214) 391-6363 9209 Elam Rd 105 75217 90 Family Care Pharmacy............................... (214) 357-3303 9991 Marsh Ln 75220 eRX, 90 Family Pharmacy ........................................ (972) 833-7779 5101 Ross Ave Ste 100 75206 Fiesta Pharmacy ......................................... (214) 275-8066 2947 S Buckner Blvd Ste 500 75227 eRX, 90 First Pharmacy ............................................ (214) 456-2879 1935 Medical District Dr 75235 First Pharmacy Pavilion............................. (214) 456-0641 2350 N Stemmons Fwy F1510 75207 eRX Genpharm Pharmacy ................................. (972) 572-9006 3920 W Wheatland Rd Ste 100 75237 SAVE Globe Pharmacy.......................................... (972) 290-0862 2223 Singleton Blvd 75212 eRX, 90 Grove Medical Center Pharmacy ............. (214) 391-2414 1143 S Buckner Blvd 75217 Guardian Pharmacy Services................... (214) 521-2133 7920 Elmbrook Dr Ste 108 75247 eRX, 90 Hampton Allied Pharmacy Inc .................. (214) 330-7700 2701 S Hampton Rd Ste 100 75224 eRX Healthscripts of America - Dallas LLC..... (855) 313-7049 4343 Sigma Rd Ste 400 75244 IVEDCO ......................................................... (800) 333-0660 4950 Westgrove Dr Ste 100 75248 Jefferson Pharmacy.................................... (877) 212-8628 5710 LBJ Fwy Ste 185 75240 eRX KK’s Pharmacy............................................ (214) 337-7770 2480 W Illinois Ave 75233 eRX La Plaza Pharmacy ..................................... (214) 654-0046 9616 Webb Chapel Rd 75220 SAVE Lancaster Adult OP DCMHMR.................. (214) 371-6639 3330 S Lancaster Rd 75216 eRX Longhorn Pharmacy................................... (214) 330-2253 2301 S Hampton Rd Ste 850 75224 90 Lord & A Pharmacy..................................... (214) 421-3133 2949 Martin Luther King Jr Blvd Ste 1 75215 90 Lot Pharmacy............................................... (214) 888-8100 13140 Coit Rd Ste 325 75240 eRX M & M Pharmacy ......................................... (469) 547-2419 8150 Brookriver Dr Ste 107 75247 eRX, 90 MD Kids Pediatrics Pharmacy .................. (214) 331-0567 3201 W Saner Ave 75233 SAVE Medcore Pharmacy..................................... (469) 333-8660 2600 N Stemmons Fwy Ste 176 75207 eRX, 90, SAVE Medfont Pharmacy...................................... (972) 709-2190 4041 W Wheatland Rd Ste 204 75237 Medpharma Pharmacy............................... (469) 331-8290 2600 N Stemmons Fwy Ste 164 75207 90, SAVE Meridian Pharmacy Group......................... (214) 333-1600 2815 S Hampton Rd 75224 90 SAVE = Costo comprartido preferido 90 = Suministro de 90 días 24HR = Abierta las 24 horas eRX = Receta eletrónica 19 DALLAS Farmacias de la red de Blue Cross Medicare Rx Lista de Farmacias de Texas Farmacias minoristas, incluyendo cadena de farmacias MI Doctor Pharmacy................................... (214) 845-4000 655 W Illinois Ave Bldg 900 Ste 916/918 75224 eRX, 90, SAVE MI Doctor Pharmacy- Spring Valley......... (214) 884-1705 8112 Spring Valley Rd 75240 eRX, 90, SAVE MI Doctor Pharmacy-Webb Chapel ......... (214) 622-6048 9753 Webb Chapel Rd 75220 eRX, 90, SAVE Minyard Pharmacy...................................... (214) 351-0007 3630 Forest Ln 75234 eRX, SAVE Minyard Pharmacy...................................... (214) 221-5007 10203 E Northwest Hwy 75238 eRX, SAVE Minyard Pharmacy...................................... (214) 376-2709 1201 W Camp Wisdom Rd 75232 90, SAVE Minyard Pharmacy...................................... (214) 827-4230 6464 E Mockingbird Ln 75214 eRX, SAVE Minyard Pharmacy...................................... (972) 387-8977 7007 Arapaho Rd 75248 eRX, 90, SAVE Minyard Pharmacy...................................... (214) 357-8195 4349 W Northwest Hwy 75220 eRX, SAVE Minyard Pharmacy...................................... (214) 528-0516 3524 McKinney Ave 75204 eRX, 90, SAVE Minyard Pharmacy...................................... (214) 421-1067 3230 Martin Luther King Jr Blvd 75210 90, SAVE Minyard Pharmacy...................................... (972) 289-9083 10121 Lake June Rd 75217 90, SAVE Minyard Pharmacy...................................... (214) 374-3559 2130 E Ledbetter Dr 75216 90, SAVE North Texas Infusion & Specialty Pharmacy LLC ........................................................................ (214) 276-5616 3409 Worth St Ste 725 75246 90 Oak Cliff Pharmacy..................................... (214) 371-2815 3436 S Polk St 75224 90 Omega Pharmacy........................................ (972) 997-5898 4507 Maple Ave Ste 100 75219 eRX, 90 Outpatient Pharmacy At The Cancer Center ........................................................................ (214) 820-8400 3410 Worth St Ste 240 75246 eRX, 90 Panacea RX Pharmacy............................... (214) 339-2352 1050 N Westmoreland Rd Ste 314 75211 eRX, 90 Paragon Hemophilia Solutions LLC ........ (972) 588-1072 17111 Preston Rd Ste 100 75248 90 Pharmacare Drug ........................................ (972) 247-5670 2552 Royal Ln 75229 90 Plaza Medical Pharmacy............................ (214) 855-0606 700 N Pearl St Ste N208 75201 eRX, 90, SAVE Presbyterian Village North......................... (214) 355-9082 8600 Skyline Dr 75243 90 Preston Road Apothecary Inc................... (214) 361-6172 9301 N Central Expy Ste 110 75231 90, SAVE Preston Road Pharmacy............................ (214) 521-9991 6901 Preston Rd 75205 90, SAVE Preston Village Pharmacy ......................... (972) 866-0017 12606 Greenville Ave Ste 175 Northpoint Medical Arts Bldg 75243 eRX Pride Pharmacy ........................................... (214) 954-7389 4015 Lemmon Ave Ste 4001 75219 eRX, 90 Providence Family Pharmacy................... (214) 353-7202 8877 Harry Hines Blvd Ste 300B 75235 90 Qol Meds....................................................... (214) 634-1300 2600 N Stemmons Fwy 75207 eRX QVL Pharmacy............................................. (214) 361-9228 11613 N Central Expy Ste 114 75243 90 Ravens Pharmacy....................................... (214) 946-1700 500 W Jefferson Blvd 75208 eRX, SAVE SAVE = Costo comprartido preferido 90 = Suministro de 90 días 24HR = Abierta las 24 horas eRX = Receta eletrónica 20 Farmacias de la red de Blue Cross Medicare Rx Lista de Farmacias de Texas DALLAS Farmacias minoristas, incluyendo cadena de farmacias Recept Pharmacy........................................ (214) 330-6000 2225 Vatican Ln 75224 eRX Rite Care Pharmacy.................................... (214) 421-2210 7560 Greenville Ave 75231 eRX Rite Care Pharmacy IV ............................... (214) 324-5100 3453 Saint Francis Ave 75228 eRX Rite Care Pharmacy V ................................ (214) 483-5700 7108 Envoy Ct 75247 S M U Health Center Pharmacy ................ (214) 768-2149 6211 Bishop Blvd 75205 Safemed Pharmacy .................................... (972) 412-7373 6300 Samuell Blvd Ste 118 75228 Salud Pharmacy.......................................... (972) 283-0730 2225 W Ledbetter Dr 75224 eRX, 90 Salud Pharmacy.......................................... (214) 946-3886 611 W Jefferson Blvd 75208 eRX, 90 Savon Pharmacy......................................... (214) 319-8221 320 Casa Linda Plz 75218 eRX, 90 Savon Pharmacy......................................... (972) 732-6863 4625 Frankford Rd 75287 eRX, 90 Sina RX Pharmacy...................................... (214) 570-1610 8060 Spring Valley Rd 75240 90 Sina RX Pharmacy...................................... (214) 350-6600 3460 Webb Chapel Ext 75220 eRX, 90 SMA Pharmacy............................................ (214) 635-3435 8067 W Virginia Dr 75237 eRX, 90 Southwest Pain Group............................... (214) 265-9991 8230 Walnut Hill Ln Ste 320 75231 Target Pharmacy......................................... (214) 775-0207 16731 Coit Rd 75248 eRX, 90 Target Pharmacy......................................... (214) 343-7418 6419 Skillman St 75231 eRX, 90 Target Pharmacy......................................... (972) 490-3951 13131 Montfort Dr 75240 eRX, 90 Target Pharmacy......................................... (214) 370-5558 2417 N Haskell Ave 75204 eRX, 90 Target Pharmacy......................................... (214) 360-4203 212 Medallion Shp Ctr 75214 eRX, 90 Target Pharmacy......................................... (214) 902-9017 9440 Marsh Ln 75220 eRX, 90 Target Pharmacy......................................... (469) 341-3921 39739 Lyndon B Johnson Fwy 75237 eRX, 90 Texas Health Prescription Shop............... (214) 345-7759 8210 Walnut Hill Ln Ste 113 75231 eRX Texas Health Prescription Shop............... (214) 345-2595 8200 Walnut Hill Ln Ground Lobby 75231 eRX Texas Medical Infusion Suites LLC.......... (214) 503-1250 5442 La Sierra Dr Ste 100 75231 Texas Oncology Pharmacy ....................... (972) 780-3433 3555 W Wheatland Rd 75237 Texas Oncology Pharmacy ....................... (214) 265-2066 8196 Walnut Hill Ln Ste 100 75231 Texas Oncology Pharmacy ....................... (214) 370-1600 3410 Worth St Ste 350 75246 Texas Oncology Pharmacy ....................... (972) 566-5608 7777 Forest Ln Bldg D Ste 202 75230 The Farmacy ................................................ (469) 814-0919 18484 Preston Rd Ste 112 75252 Trilogy Pharmacy........................................ (469) 248-7445 2603 Oak Lawn Ave 75219 eRX, 90, SAVE UT Southwestern Medical Center Pharmacy ........................................................................ (214) 645-2666 2201 Inwood Rd NC02852 75235 W-Tee Pharmacy ......................................... (214) 467-9009 2409 Alco Ave 75211 Walnut Place Pharmacy............................. (214) 361-8923 5515 Glen Lakes Dr 75231 Westmoreland Adult OC DCMHMR ......... (214) 330-0036 1350 N Westmoreland Rd 75211 eRX SAVE = Costo comprartido preferido 90 = Suministro de 90 días 24HR = Abierta las 24 horas eRX = Receta eletrónica 21 DAYTON Farmacias de la red de Blue Cross Medicare Rx Lista de Farmacias de Texas Farmacias minoristas, incluyendo cadena de farmacias White Rock Pharmacy................................ (214) 660-1603 Brookshire’s Pharmacy ............................. (940) 243-9401 719 I-35 East South 76205 9037 Garland Rd 75218 eRX, 90 90 Community Pharmacy................................ (940) 382-1618 DAYTON 4400 Teasley Ln Ste 100 76210 Brookshire Brothers Pharmacy ............... (936) 258-2166 eRX, 90 403 E Hwy 90 77535 Denton Prescription Shop ......................... (940) 382-6758 GR Cure Pharmacy..................................... (936) 681-8335 2501 W Oak St Ste 100 76201 108B N Main St 77535 eRX, 90, SAVE 90 Denton State Supported Living Center Pharmacy DE LEON ........................................................................ (940) 591-3573 3980 State School Rd 76210 De Leon Pharmacy ..................................... (254) 893-2666 Drug Emporium........................................... (940) 387-1290 309 S Texas St 76444 824 W University Dr 76201 eRX, 90, SAVE eRX, 90 DECATUR Premium Family Pharmacy ....................... (940) 442-6767 Best Value Renshaw Drug......................... (940) 627-5343 1512 Teasley Ln Ste A 76205 800 Medical Center Dr Ste A 76234 eRX, 90 eRX, 90 S & J Scripture Street Pharmacy.............. (940) 484-0100 S & J Medical Center Pharmacy............... (940) 627-5400 1612 Scripture St 76201 1101 W Eagle Dr Ste C 76234 eRX, 90 Savon Pharmacy ......................................... (940) 383-1696 DEKALB 2321 W University Dr 76201 Dekalb Pharmacy........................................ (903) 667-0880 eRX, 90 120 W Front St 75559 Target Pharmacy......................................... (940) 220-2123 eRX 1801 S Loop 288 76205 eRX, 90 DENISON Med Choice Pharmacy............................... (903) 463-6979 Texas Oncology Pharmacy ....................... (940) 380-7936 3720 S I-35 E 76210 2300 W Morton St Ste 121 75020 90, SAVE DENVER CITY Medicine Shoppe Pharmacy..................... (903) 463-3985 Denver City Pharmacy................................ (806) 592-3333 2810 W Morton St Ste 102 75020 105 E Broadway St 79323 Meridian Pharmacy Group ........................ (903) 327-8808 eRX, SAVE 5012 S US Hwy 75 Ste 140 75020 Liberty Drugs ............................................... (806) 592-2765 eRX, 90 403 Mustang Dr 79323 Parks Drug ................................................... (903) 465-0048 90 1926 W Morton St 75020 DESOTO eRX, 90 Savon Pharmacy......................................... (903) 465-6182 Adams Pharmacy........................................ (972) 223-0444 200 W Crawford St 75020 309 N Hampton Rd 75115 eRX, 90 90 Cornerstone Pharmacy.............................. (972) 283-4440 DENTON 2707 Bolton Boone Dr Ste 101 75115 Addis Pharmacy.......................................... (940) 382-0079 eRX, 90 3305 S Mayhill Rd Ste 101 76208 Greencare Pharmacy.................................. (972) 780-5999 eRX, 90 941 York Dr Ste 201 75115 American Specialty Pharmacy ................. (469) 362-7700 90 2436 S I-35 E Ste 360 76205 DAYTON DE LEON DECATUR DEKALB DENISON DENVER CITY DESOTO DENTON SAVE = Costo comprartido preferido 90 = Suministro de 90 días 22 24HR = Abierta las 24 horas eRX = Receta eletrónica Farmacias de la red de Blue Cross Medicare Rx Lista de Farmacias de Texas EDEN Farmacias minoristas, incluyendo cadena de farmacias Healthfirst Pharmacy.................................. (469) 297-5022 DUMAS 424 E Pleasant Run Rd 75115 eRX Rogers Pharmacy ....................................... (806) 935-7494 1021 E 1st St 79029 Savon Pharmacy......................................... (972) 223-3134 eRX, 90, SAVE 1300 W Belt Line Rd 75115 eRX, 90 DUNCANVILLE SMA Pharmacy............................................ (972) 274-0256 Ben Franklin Apothecary........................... (972) 298-4936 1110 E Pleasant Run Rd 75115 302 N Main St 75116 eRX eRX, 90, SAVE DEVINE Prudential Pharmacy .................................. (972) 709-4500 777 E Wheatland Rd Ste 100 75116 Conoly Drug Healthmart............................ (830) 663-2224 eRX, 90 200 S Teel Dr 78016 eRX, SAVE EAGLE LAKE DUMAS DUNCANVILLE DEVINE EAGLE LAKE DIBOLL DIBOLL Brookshire Brothers Pharmacy ............... (936) 829-3671 223 and One Half Temple Dr 75941 DICKINSON DICKINSON Eagle Lake Drug Store ............................... (979) 234-2502 702 S McCarty Ave 77434 EAGLE PASS EAGLE PASS Amigos Pharmacy....................................... (830) 758-1622 1763 E Garrison St 78852 Bay Colony Pharmacy ............................... (832) 340-7021 eRX 2251 FM 646 Rd W Ste 155 77539 eRX, 90 Lunas Friendly Pharmacy.......................... (830) 752-6088 2176 E Garrison St Ste D 78852 Target Pharmacy......................................... (281) 534-5421 90 1801 Gulf Fwy 77539 eRX, 90 United Medical Center Pharmacy............. (830) 773-5358 2525 N Veterans Blvd 78852 DILLEY DILLEY EARLY Dilley Drug Store......................................... (830) 965-1666 EARLY 106 N Main 78017 Doc’s Drugstore of Early Inc..................... (325) 646-2500 90 1210 C C Woodson Rd 76802 eRX, SAVE DIMMITT DIMMITT EAST BERNARD Dimmitt Pharmacy ...................................... (806) 647-3151 EAST BERNARD 201 NW 2nd St 79027 Savon Drugs ................................................ (979) 335-4810 123 Leveridge St 77435 DONNA SAVE O K Pharmacy Inc....................................... (956) 464-2200 EASTLAND 122 S Main St 78537 SAVE Eastland Drug Co Inc.................................. (254) 629-1791 805 W Main St 76448 DRIPPING SPRINGS DONNA EASTLAND DRIPPING SPRINGS EDEN Dripping Springs Pharmacy...................... (512) 858-7935 EDEN 100 Commons Rd Ste 1 78620 CCH Pharmacy ............................................ (325) 869-8760 eRX, 90 614 Eaker St Ste 100 76837 eRX, 90, SAVE DUBLIN DUBLIN Best Value Dublin Pharmacy .................... (254) 445-3679 604 N Patrick St 76446 90 SAVE = Costo comprartido preferido 90 = Suministro de 90 días 24HR = Abierta las 24 horas eRX = Receta eletrónica 23 EDGEWOOD Farmacias de la red de Blue Cross Medicare Rx Lista de Farmacias de Texas Farmacias minoristas, incluyendo cadena de farmacias Saenz Medical Pharmacy At Renaissance Inc ........................................................................ (956) 618-4500 Edgewood Legend Drug............................ (903) 896-1473 2821 Michael Angelo Ste 103 78539 115 N Houston St 75117 eRX, 90 90, SAVE Saint Mary’s Pharmacy .............................. (956) 386-9983 1903 E Monte Cristo Rd Ste P 78542 EDINBURG Cantus Legend Pharmacy......................... (956) 383-1239 University Pharmacy .................................. (956) 387-0911 615 E University Dr Ste 1 78539 504 S Closner Blvd 78539 eRX, SAVE 90 EDGEWOOD EDGEWOOD EDINBURG EDNA Conquest Plaza Pharmacy........................ (956) 287-2882 316 Conquest 78539 SAVE Garza Pharmacy.......................................... (956) 383-5314 1200 S 10th Ave 78539 GPS Pharmacy ............................................ (956) 287-4242 3521 W Freddy Gonzalez Dr Ste A 78539 eRX Inverness Apothecary South Texas Inc ........................................................................ (956) 467-0264 5009 S McColl Rd Ste A 78539 Jackson Park Pharmacy............................ (956) 292-0404 668 S Jackson Rd 78539 eRX, 90 Junior’s Pharmacy...................................... (956) 383-4441 1313 S Closner Blvd Ste B 78539 90, SAVE Lifechek Drug .............................................. (956) 381-5646 922 S Closner Blvd Ste A 78539 Med Care Pharmacy ................................... (956) 383-2600 802A E University Dr 78539 Ochoa’s Pharmacy Central ....................... (956) 381-0967 1002 S 10th Ave Ste A 78539 eRX, 90 Ochoa’s Pharmacy South.......................... (956) 318-5159 301 Conquest 78539 eRX, 90 Qol Meds....................................................... (956) 289-7225 1901 S 24th Ave 78539 RGV Family Pharmacy............................... (956) 393-2000 4955 S Jackson Rd 78539 eRX Richard’s Pharmacy................................... (956) 287-2477 3521 W Freddy Gonzalez Dr Ste A 78539 eRX, 90, SAVE SAVE = Costo comprartido preferido 90 = Suministro de 90 días 24 EDNA Hospital District Pharmacy........................ (361) 782-3313 1013 S Wells St Bldg B 77957 eRX EL CAMPO EL CAMPO El Campo Professional Pharmacy ........... (979) 543-2761 1264 N Mechanic St 77437 90 EL PASO EL PASO Advant Edge Pharmacy ............................. (915) 595-0409 1576 Lomaland Dr 79935 eRX, 90 Alameda Thrifty Pharmacy........................ (915) 772-5331 4900 Alameda Ave 79905 90, SAVE American Specialty Pharmacy.................. (915) 860-7225 1015 N Zaragoza Rd 79907 Amerita.......................................................... (915) 613-5580 7338 Remcon Cir Ste 300 79912 90 Bank Pharmacy ........................................... (915) 562-4000 4000 Montana Ave 79903 Centro San Vicente ..................................... (915) 859-7545 8061 Alameda Ave Ste B 79915 eRX El Paso Pain Center Pharmacy................. (915) 500-6078 3215 Gateway Blvd W Ste A 79903 90 El Paso Psychiatric Center Pharmacy..... (915) 534-5300 4615 Alameda Ave 79905 El Paso State Supported Living Center Pharmacy ........................................................................ (915) 782-6328 6700 Delta Dr 79905 Genoa Healthcare........................................ (915) 235-0060 1601 East Yandell St Ste 119 79902 24HR = Abierta las 24 horas eRX = Receta eletrónica Farmacias de la red de Blue Cross Medicare Rx Lista de Farmacias de Texas EL PASO Farmacias minoristas, incluyendo cadena de farmacias Genoa Healthcare ....................................... (915) 257-6167 2400 Trawood Dr Ste 303A 79936 Global Hospice Care................................... (915) 543-6060 1817 Wyoming Ave 79903 Grace Pharmacy.......................................... (915) 593-0603 11125 La Quinta Pl Ste C 79936 90, SAVE Guardian Angel Pharmacy........................ (915) 850-0713 1400 George Dieter Dr Ste 190 79936 90 Kmart Pharmacy ......................................... (915) 872-9802 411 N Zaragoza Rd 79907 90 Kmart Pharmacy ......................................... (915) 772-1402 6375 Montana Ave 79925 90 Kmart Pharmacy ......................................... (915) 593-1296 1120 McRae Blvd 79925 90 Kmart Pharmacy ......................................... (915) 757-2531 9484 Dyer St 79924 90 Kmart Pharmacy ......................................... (915) 584-9448 655 Sunland Park Dr 79912 90 Kmart Pharmacy ......................................... (915) 855-4967 11330 Montwood Dr 79936 90 McCrory’s Pharmacy.................................. (915) 581-9655 6151 Dew Dr Ste 100 79912 Med Time Pharmacy................................... (915) 584-6337 641 N Resler Dr Ste 306 79912 90, SAVE Medicine Shoppe Pharmacy..................... (915) 544-6605 2002 Grant Stea 79930 eRX Medicine Shoppe Pharmacy..................... (915) 564-5451 3310 Fort Blvd 79930 Montwood Family Medical Center ........... (915) 855-8550 3022 Trawood Dr 79936 Pharmacy Center East ............................... (915) 595-1177 3100 N Lee Trevino Dr Ste F 79936 PrimeMed Pharmacy.................................. (915) 595-1300 7812 Gateway Blvd E Ste 100 79915 90 Recept Pharmacy........................................ (915) 533-0167 10412 Vista Del Sol Dr Ste 1A 79925 Savon Pharmacy ......................................... (915) 845-1422 5630 N Desert Blvd 79912 eRX, 90 Savon Pharmacy ......................................... (915) 351-1183 3100 N Mesa St 79902 eRX, 90 Savon Pharmacy ......................................... (915) 778-0680 5200 Montana Ave 79903 eRX, 90 Savon Pharmacy ......................................... (915) 855-9772 11320 Montwood Dr 79936 eRX, 90 Savon Pharmacy ......................................... (915) 821-3031 10765 Kenworthy St 79924 eRX, 90 Savon Pharmacy ......................................... (915) 591-5637 2200 N Yarbrough Dr 79925 eRX, 90 Savon Pharmacy ......................................... (915) 584-9481 7022 N Mesa St 79912 eRX, 90 Savon Pharmacy ......................................... (915) 751-8808 9111 Dyer St 79924 eRX, 90 Sun City Compounding LLC..................... (915) 532-2400 720 Arizona Ave 79902 Target Pharmacy......................................... (915) 849-5011 1874 Joe Battle Blvd 79936 eRX, 90 Target Pharmacy......................................... (915) 255-4744 801 Sunland Park Dr 79912 eRX, 90 Target Pharmacy......................................... (915) 255-4758 1901 George Dieter Dr 79936 eRX, 90 Texas Oncology Pharmacy ....................... (915) 595-6874 7848 Gateway Blvd E 79915 Texas Oncology Pharmacy ....................... (915) 747-4840 1901 Grandview Ave 79902 The Family Pharmacy................................. (915) 857-5510 3660 Joe Battle Blvd Ste 10 79938 SAVE The Pharmacy Center................................. (915) 313-9870 1720 Murchison Dr 79902 Tigua Pharmacy........................................... (915) 590-2800 8269 N Loop Dr 79907 90 SAVE = Costo comprartido preferido 90 = Suministro de 90 días 24HR = Abierta las 24 horas eRX = Receta eletrónica 25 ELECTRA Farmacias de la red de Blue Cross Medicare Rx Lista de Farmacias de Texas Farmacias minoristas, incluyendo cadena de farmacias U & T Pharmacy .......................................... (915) 590-9300 2260 Trawood Dr Ste D 79935 90, SAVE University Medical Center East Pharmacy ........................................................................ (915) 521-7087 1485 George Dieter Dr Ste 107 79936 eRX, 90 University Medical Center Northeast Pharmacy ........................................................................ (915) 231-2310 9839 Kenworthy St 79924 90 University Medical Center of El Paso Pharmacy ........................................................................ (915) 521-7705 4815 Alameda Ave 79905 24HR, 90 University Medical Center Ysleta Pharmacy ........................................................................ (915) 790-5722 300 S Zaragoza Rd Bldg B 79907 90 Vip Pharmacy .............................................. (915) 629-2020 1891 N Lee Trevino Dr Ste 200 79936 90 ENNIS ENNIS Brookshire Pharmacy................................. (972) 875-4607 2300 W Ennis Ave 75119 90 Ennis Pharmacy .......................................... (972) 346-1234 800 E Ennis Ave Ste A 75119 90 Hometown Drug .......................................... (972) 875-6798 507 S Clay St 75119 90 Quality Care Pharmacy & Compounding ........................................................................ (972) 875-5200 601 S Clay St Ste 108 75119 eRX, 90 EULESS EULESS Savon Pharmacy ......................................... (817) 354-2427 1155 N Main St 76039 eRX, 90 Target Pharmacy......................................... (817) 399-8486 1401 W Glade Rd 76039 eRX, 90 Trail Creek Pharmacy ................................. (817) 684-9286 ELECTRA 350 Westpark Way Ste 300 76040 Goldsmiths Drug......................................... (940) 495-2335 eRX, 90 111 W Cleveland Ave 76360 United Specialty Pharmacy ....................... (888) 470-0573 90 425 Westpark Way Ste 2 76040 ELGIN 90 ELECTRA ELGIN FABENS Elgin Medicine Shop................................... (512) 285-6308 FABENS 15 N Main St 78621 Medicine Shoppe Pharmacy ..................... (915) 764-2739 SAVE 1420 N Fabens Rd Ste B 79838 ELKHART eRX Elkhart Pharmacy........................................ (903) 764-2355 University Medical Center Fabens Pharmacy ........................................................................ (915) 521-2271 306 S US Hwy 287 75839 101 Potasio St 79838 ELSA 90 Elsa Pharmacy Services............................ (956) 262-6400 FAIRFIELD 205 W Edinburg Ave 78543 Awalt Stephenson....................................... (903) 389-2541 eRX, 90, SAVE 201 E Commerce St 75840 EMORY 90 Brookshire’s Pharmacy ............................. (903) 473-4523 Brookshire Brothers Pharmacy................ (903) 389-2455 959 E US Hwy 69 75440 300 W US Hwy 84 75840 90 LTC Dynamics ............................................. (903) 389-2157 201 E Commerce St Ste A 75840 eRX ELKHART ELSA FAIRFIELD EMORY SAVE = Costo comprartido preferido 90 = Suministro de 90 días 26 24HR = Abierta las 24 horas eRX = Receta eletrónica Farmacias de la red de Blue Cross Medicare Rx Lista de Farmacias de Texas FORT STOCKTON Farmacias minoristas, incluyendo cadena de farmacias Long Prairie Pharmacy............................... (972) 410-3773 4921 Long Prairie Rd Ste 105 75028 90 Fred’s Pharmacy......................................... (361) 325-2662 202 W Rice St 78355 Peoplefirst Pharmacy ................................. (972) 478-0068 4001 Long Prairie Rd Ste 100 75028 FARMERS BRANCH 90 America Meds Direct RX............................ (866) 321-1732 Target Pharmacy......................................... (972) 874-6709 3218 Belt Line Rd Ste 510 75234 5959 Long Prairie Rd 75028 SAVE eRX, 90 American Specialty Pharmacy ................. (214) 347-4311 Texas Oncology Pharmacy ....................... (972) 537-4161 10 Medical Pkwy Ste 105 75234 4370 Medical Arts Dr Ste 100 75028 Sywell Pharmacy......................................... (972) 993-7370 FLOYDADA 12895 Josey Ln Ste 111 75234 SAVE Payne Family Pharmacy ............................ (806) 983-5111 200 S Main St 79235 Zenith Pharmacy......................................... (972) 247-4322 eRX 8 Medical Pkwy Ste 106 75234 eRX, 90 FOREST HILLS FALFURRIAS FALFURRIAS FARMERS BRANCH FLOYDADA FOREST HILLS FARMERSVILLE FARMERSVILLE Forest Hill Pharmacy .................................. (817) 887-9434 3404 Mansfield Hwy 76119 Brookshire Pharmacy ................................ (972) 782-8601 90 1705 W Audie Murphy Pkwy 75442 90 Super 1 Pharmacy....................................... (817) 568-9623 6750 Forest Hill Dr 76140 Dyer Drug Store........................................... (972) 782-6262 90 133 McKinney St 75442 90 U S Pharmacy Inc........................................ (817) 478-9191 6619 Forest Hill Dr Ste 20 76140 FERRIS 90 U S Drug Mart .............................................. (972) 544-3660 FORNEY 103 S Main St 75125 Brookshire’s Pharmacy ............................. (972) 552-9573 FLATONIA 427 Pinson Rd 75126 90 Main Street Pharmacy................................ (361) 865-3554 109 E North Main 78941 Forney Pharmacy........................................ (972) 552-2666 414 Pinson Rd 75126 FLINT 90 Brookshire’s Pharmacy ............................. (903) 825-7418 FORT STOCKTON 20100 State Hwy 155 S 75762 90 Baggett Pharmacy ...................................... (432) 336-2297 509 N Main St 79735 FLOWER MOUND eRX, 90, SAVE DFW Foot & Ankle PA................................ (972) 899-2170 Nolen Pharmacy.......................................... (432) 336-2201 2281 Olympia Dr Ste 200 75028 700 W Dickinson Blvd 79735 90 Flower Mound Pharmacy........................... (972) 355-4614 1001 Cross Timbers Rd Ste 1170 75028 Stockton Pharmacy .................................... (432) 336-2200 90, SAVE 237 W 21st St Ste E 79735 90 KK’s Pharmacy............................................ (972) 539-1777 2201 Long Prairie Rd Ste 101 75022 eRX FERRIS FORNEY FLATONIA FLINT FORT STOCKTON FLOWER MOUND SAVE = Costo comprartido preferido 90 = Suministro de 90 días 24HR = Abierta las 24 horas eRX = Receta eletrónica 27 FORT WORTH Farmacias de la red de Blue Cross Medicare Rx Lista de Farmacias de Texas Farmacias minoristas, incluyendo cadena de farmacias FORT WORTH FORT WORTH A & P Pharmacy .......................................... (817) 838-2319 2329 N Riverside Dr 76111 90, SAVE AHF Pharmacy ............................................ (817) 831-1814 400 N Beach St Ste 102 76111 eRX Albertsons Pharmacy................................. (817) 923-3502 3563 Alton Rd 76109 90 American Outcomes Management LP .... (866) 869-7307 6310 Southwest Blvd Ste 204 76109 eRX Beach Street Pharmacy ............................. (817) 427-8774 7630 N Beach St Ste 170 76137 90 Best Value Country Day Pharmacy ......... (817) 738-0722 6020 Harris Pkwy 76132 eRX, 90 Best Value Ridglea Drug............................ (817) 737-6655 5932 Lovell Ave 76107 eRX, 90 Cook Children’s Pharmacy ....................... (682) 885-6913 801 7th Ave Ste 1700 76104 Cook Childrens Home Health ................... (682) 885-6294 1719 8th Ave 76110 24HR Courtyard Pharmacy .................................. (817) 923-6688 1250 8th Ave Ste 125 76104 90 Daniel Drug Inc............................................ (817) 332-6386 3409 W 7th St 76107 Dr Ankit Patel PA......................................... (949) 438-7070 3825 E Belknap St 76111 Fort Worth Pharmacy................................. (817) 361-9960 7833 Oakmont Blvd 76132 eRX, 90 Hallmark Pharmacy .................................... (817) 293-2441 1316 Sycamore School Rd Ste 130 76134 eRX, 90 Halls Pharmacy ........................................... (817) 877-3677 708 Pennsylvania Ave 76104 90, SAVE Halls Pharmacy ........................................... (817) 244-3300 8808 Camp Bowie West Blvd Ste 120 76116 eRX, 90, SAVE SAVE = Costo comprartido preferido 90 = Suministro de 90 días 28 Hulen Pharmacy.......................................... (817) 361-7777 6249 Granbury Rd 76133 eRX, 90 Jamorx Pharmacy Inc................................. (817) 810-9278 650 Saint Louis Ave 76104 JPS Health Network Pharmacy................. (817) 702-6717 4701 Bryant Irvin Rd N LL215 76107 eRX JPS Health System Outpatient Pharmacy ........................................................................ (817) 702-3553 1500 S Main St Ste OPC1 76104 eRX JPS Viola M Pitts/ Como Pharmacy......... (817) 702-7481 4701 Bryant Irvin Rd N 76107 eRX Lake Worth Pharmacy................................ (817) 237-7877 4504 Boat Club Rd Ste 200 76135 90 Legacy Pharmacy ....................................... (817) 924-3200 1307 8th Ave Ste 501 76104 eRX McCart Pharmacy........................................ (817) 924-7200 4237 McCart Ave 76115 eRX, 90 Meadowbrook Pharmacy........................... (817) 451-6900 6624 Meadowbrook Dr 76112 90 Medical Centre Pain Management Associates P A ........................................................................ (817) 810-0500 1001 12th Ave Ste 170 76104 Mira Vista Pharmacy................................... (817) 292-3800 5701 Bryant Irvin Rd Ste 104 76132 eRX New Care Pharmacy Inc............................. (817) 924-7000 900 Jerome St Ste 100 76104 90 Omnicare of Fort Worth ............................. (817) 540-2400 14450 Trinity Blvd Ste 200 76155 Oncology RX Care Advantage.................. (817) 837-8600 13501 Park Vista Blvd Ste 150 76177 90 Onward Care Pharmacy............................. (817) 426-9222 3305 Altamesa Blvd 76133 Park Place Pharmacy ................................. (817) 924-9292 1601 Park Place Ave Ste B 76110 24HR = Abierta las 24 horas eRX = Receta eletrónica Farmacias de la red de Blue Cross Medicare Rx Lista de Farmacias de Texas FRANKSTON Farmacias minoristas, incluyendo cadena de farmacias Perrone Legend Pharmacy ....................... (817) 738-2135 3921 Benbrook Hwy 76116 90 Perronerx LLC ............................................. (817) 731-5899 3923 Benbrook Hwy 76116 24HR, eRX, 90 Recept Pharmacy........................................ (817) 335-5712 800 8th Ave Ste 130 76104 eRX Recept Pharmacy........................................ (817) 572-0009 7148 Trl Lake Dr Ste A 76123 eRX Ridgmar Pharmacy..................................... (817) 737-7377 2524 Mall Cir 76116 90 Rosedale Pharmacy ................................... (817) 870-1900 900 W Rosedale St Ste B 76104 eRX Safemed Pharmacy .................................... (469) 666-3600 4245 E Berry St 76105 90 Saratoga Pharmacy.................................... (817) 431-9700 12650 N Beach St Ste 112 76244 eRX, 90 Savon Pharmacy......................................... (817) 423-9569 7400 Oakmont Blvd 76132 eRX, 90 Savon Pharmacy......................................... (817) 246-4909 9300 Clifford St 76108 eRX, 90 Savon Pharmacy......................................... (817) 431-8985 10800 N Beach St 76244 eRX, 90 Savon Pharmacy......................................... (817) 346-4457 3525 Sycamore School Rd 76133 eRX, 90 Savon Pharmacy......................................... (817) 451-1637 850 E Loop 820 76112 eRX, 90 Savon Pharmacy......................................... (817) 232-1023 4400 Western Blvd 76137 eRX, 90 Savon Pharmacy......................................... (817) 377-8078 6700 West Fwy 76116 eRX, 90 Soleo Health................................................. (817) 923-4495 4108 Amon Carter Blvd Ste 208 76155 90 Target Pharmacy......................................... (817) 423-1661 5700 Overton Ridge Blvd 76132 eRX, 90 Target Pharmacy......................................... (817) 302-0291 301 Carroll St 76107 eRX, 90 Target Pharmacy......................................... (817) 566-0566 751 Alta Mere Dr 76116 eRX, 90 TCHD Diamond Hill Community Clinic Pharmacy ........................................................................ (817) 702-7105 3308 Deen Rd 76106 eRX TCHD Stop Six Community Clinic Pharmacy ........................................................................ (817) 702-7234 3301 Stalcup Rd 76119 eRX Texas Health Care Pharmacy.................... (817) 595-9770 7413 Pebble Dr 76118 24HR Texas Oncology Pharmacy ....................... (817) 850-2090 1001 12th Ave Ste 200 76104 The Center Pharmacy................................. (817) 333-0180 800 W Magnolia Ave 76104 Wedgwood Pharmacy................................ (817) 263-5700 5324 Wedgmont Cir N 76133 eRX, SAVE Wellcare Pharmacy..................................... (817) 263-5050 6901 McCart Ave Ste 225 76133 Westpoint Pharmacy .................................. (817) 246-6600 9501 Clifford St 76108 eRX Xpress Compounding ................................ (817) 207-0110 1000 W Weatherford St Ste 120 76102 SAVE = Costo comprartido preferido 90 = Suministro de 90 días 24HR = Abierta las 24 horas eRX = Receta eletrónica FRANKLIN FRANKLIN Duffey Drug Company................................ (979) 828-3536 311 N Center 77856 eRX, 90 FRANKSTON FRANKSTON Maxwell Pharmacy...................................... (903) 876-2323 626 State Hwy 155 75763 90 29 FREDERICKSBURG Farmacias de la red de Blue Cross Medicare Rx Lista de Farmacias de Texas Farmacias minoristas, incluyendo cadena de farmacias Target Pharmacy......................................... (972) 668-6909 3201 Preston Rd 75034 eRX, 90 Fredericksburg LTC.................................... (830) 997-5800 707 N Llano St Ste B 78624 Target Pharmacy......................................... (972) 464-5746 eRX 4885 Eldorado Pkwy 75033 eRX, 90 Prescription Laboratory............................. (830) 997-2163 205 W Windcrest St Ste 160 78624 United Market Street Pharmacy................ (214) 872-1515 90, SAVE 11999 Dallas Pkwy 75033 90 Valu Med Pharmacy Inc ............................. (830) 997-8155 707 N Llano St 78624 US Bioservices ............................................ (888) 518-7246 90 3200 Internet Blvd 75034 eRX FREEPORT FREDERICKSBURG FREDERICKSBURG FREEPORT FRITCH FRITCH Freeport Pharmacy..................................... (979) 871-9189 323 S Brazosport Blvd 77541 Fritch Drug & Gift Shoppe ......................... (806) 857-3176 90, SAVE 105 Broadway 79036 eRX, 90, SAVE FREER FREER FULSHEAR FULSHEAR Freer Pharmacy LLC .................................. (361) 394-7733 717 E Riley St Ste C 78357 Fulshear Pharmacy..................................... (281) 346-2020 eRX, 90 29818 FM 1093 Rd Ste 210 77441 eRX FRIENDSWOOD FRIENDSWOOD GAINESVILLE GAINESVILLE Parkwood Pharmacy.................................. (832) 569-4059 405 E Parkwood Ave 77546 Americare Pharmacy Inc............................ (940) 668-6868 eRX 217 N Weaver St 76240 eRX FRIONA Plaza Pharmacy........................................... (940) 665-8401 Bi-Wize Pharmacy....................................... (806) 250-2270 411 N Grand Ave 76240 902 Main St 79035 90 90 FRIONA GALVESTON FRISCO FRISCO GALVESTON Broadway Drug Store Inc........................... (409) 765-7701 Cystic Fibrosis Services Inc...................... (210) 922-2839 2027 Broadway St 77550 10530 John W Elliott Dr Ste 200 75033 90 90 Southside Pharmacy .................................. (409) 497-2767 Drug Crafters ............................................... (214) 618-3511 707 23rd St Ste F 77550 5680 Frisco Square Blvd Ste 1100 75034 SAVE Healthscripts of America - Frisco LLC.... (832) 494-3210 Target Pharmacy......................................... (409) 740-0876 9555 Lebanon Rd Ste 701 75035 6128 Broadway St 77551 eRX, 90 Performance Orthopaedics & Sports...... (214) 705-6611 4461 Coit Rd Ste 301 75035 GANADO Pharmnet-RX ............................................... (972) 712-0649 Brookshire Brothers Pharmacy................ (361) 771-3590 6449 Coit Rd Ste 116 75035 305 West York 77962 eRX, 90 Stonebriar Pharmacy ................................. (214) 618-2486 GARLAND 5575 Warren Pkwy Ste 216 75034 Advanced Pharmacy .................................. (713) 391-2200 2360 Crist Rd Ste B1400 75040 GANADO GARLAND SAVE = Costo comprartido preferido 90 = Suministro de 90 días 30 24HR = Abierta las 24 horas eRX = Receta eletrónica Farmacias de la red de Blue Cross Medicare Rx Lista de Farmacias de Texas GLEN ROSE Farmacias minoristas, incluyendo cadena de farmacias Advanced Prescription Service................ (214) 703-9100 3671 Broadway Blvd Ste 300 75043 Baylor Medical Plaza Pharmacy............... (972) 485-3100 601 Clara Barton Blvd Ste 140 75042 eRX, 90 Broadway Pharmacy LLC.......................... (972) 278-9742 3334 Broadway Blvd Ste 412 75043 eRX, 90 Care Plus Pharmacy................................... (972) 468-0001 1401 Northwest Hwy Ste 107 75041 90 Central Medical Clinic Pharmacy ............. (972) 926-9500 405 Mayfield Ave Ste B 75041 eRX, 90 Chebycare Pharmacy................................. (972) 675-1100 1421 W Buckingham Rd 75042 eRX, 90 Evercare Pharmacy LLC............................ (469) 366-9015 3565 W Walnut St Ste C 75042 eRX, 90, SAVE Garland Independent Pharmacy .............. (972) 864-1110 3641 Broadway Blvd Ste 100 75043 90 Heritage Pharmacy ..................................... (214) 703-9000 2636 W Walnut St Ste 300 75042 eRX, 90 Savon Pharmacy......................................... (972) 240-7438 5710 Broadway Blvd 75043 eRX, 90 Shields Pharmacy....................................... (214) 227-5699 3465 W Walnut St Ste 225A 75042 eRX, SAVE Target Pharmacy......................................... (972) 535-0253 5301 N Garland Ave 75040 eRX, 90 Texas Oncology Pharmacy....................... (214) 778-4118 530 Clara Barton Blvd Ste 250 75042 Total Pharmacy Ennis................................ (972) 276-7071 2046 Forest Ln Ste 140 75042 eRX, 90 GATESVILLE GATESVILLE Gatesville Drug Co Ltd............................... (254) 865-2417 2401 S State Hwy 36 Ste 100 76528 90 SAVE = Costo comprartido preferido 90 = Suministro de 90 días GEORGE WEST GEORGE WEST Cobb’s Pharmacy........................................ (361) 449-2631 510 Houston St 78022 90 GEORGETOWN GEORGETOWN Baylor Scott & White Pharmacy ............... (512) 942-3302 4945 Williams Dr 78633 Gallagher’s Pharmacy................................ (512) 763-4400 3201 S Austin Ave Ste 110 78626 Gallagher’s Pharmacy................................ (512) 863-5579 2411 Williams Dr Ste 3 78628 eRX, 90 Gus’s Drug Store......................................... (512) 863-2506 702 E University Ave 78626 90, SAVE LSCC Georgetown Pharmacy- Williams Drive ........................................................................ (512) 686-0155 2423 Williams Dr Ste 109 78628 eRX Target Pharmacy......................................... (512) 869-3170 1021 West St University B3 78626 eRX, 90 GIDDINGS GIDDINGS Brookshire Brothers Pharmacy................ (979) 542-3308 513 E Austin St 78942 Pieratts Pharmacy....................................... (979) 542-3164 233 S Manse Ave 78942 90 GILMER GILMER Gilmer Drug Company ............................... (903) 843-5631 112 Davis St 75644 The Med-Shop Pharmacy .......................... (903) 680-2600 825 US Hwy 271 N 75644 eRX, 90 GLADEWATER GLADEWATER Walker Pharmacy ........................................ (903) 845-2573 402B W Upshur Ave 75647 SAVE GLEN ROSE GLEN ROSE Best Value Medical Center Pharmacy ..... (254) 897-9917 1100 Bluebonnet St 76043 eRX, 90 24HR = Abierta las 24 horas eRX = Receta eletrónica 31 GOLDTHWAITE Farmacias de la red de Blue Cross Medicare Rx Lista de Farmacias de Texas Farmacias minoristas, incluyendo cadena de farmacias Glen Rose Discount Drug.......................... (254) 897-2711 Pecan Discount Drug ................................. (817) 573-9344 2800 Village Rd Ste 106 76049 906 NE Big Bend Trl 76043 90, SAVE eRX, 90, SAVE GOLDTHWAITE GOLDTHWAITE GRAND PRAIRIE GRAND PRAIRIE McMahan Pharmacy Services Inc............ (325) 648-2484 Famak Pharmacy ........................................ (972) 660-8884 1503 W Front St 76844 2985 S State Hwy 360 Ste 145 75052 90 Gibson Pharmacy ....................................... (972) 264-0268 2505 S Carrier Pkwy 75052 GOLIAD Lake Ridge Pharmacy ................................ (972) 522-7606 Goliad Pharmacy & Gifts ........................... (361) 645-3261 4927 Lake Ridge Pkwy Ste 180 75052 236 S Commercial St 77963 Lakepointe Pharmacy................................. (469) 733-1033 90 2715 Osler Dr 75051 GONZALES eRX, 90 Mohrmanns Drug Store ............................. (830) 672-2317 Metrocare Pharmacy .................................. (214) 330-2424 832 S Carrier Pkwy 2405 Winding Way Dr 78629 Attn: Pharmacy 75051 90, SAVE Nexgen Specialty Pharmacy ..................... (469) 520-5152 GORMAN 200 N Carrier Pkwy Ste 112 75050 Gorman Pharmacy...................................... (254) 734-2859 Professional Pharmacy Plus..................... (972) 809-0984 117 S Kent St 76454 2771 Sherman St Ste B 75051 90 Savon Pharmacy ......................................... (972) 642-8888 GRAHAM 215 N Carrier Pkwy 75050 eRX, 90 Jordan Pharmacy........................................ (940) 549-1011 Savon Pharmacy ......................................... (972) 642-0488 1332 State Hwy 16 S 76450 4126 S Carrier Pkwy 75052 eRX, 90 eRX, 90 Medicine Chest Pharmacy......................... (817) 549-8360 Target Pharmacy......................................... (469) 348-2101 814 Montgomery Rd 76450 5270 S State Hwy 360 75052 90 eRX, 90 United Pharmacy......................................... (940) 549-3000 Zing Pharmacy............................................. (214) 788-2826 1229 State Hwy 16 S 76450 2615 W Pioneer Pkwy Ste 139 75051 90 SAVE GOLIAD GONZALES GORMAN GRAHAM GRANBURY GRANBURY GRAND SALINE GRAND SALINE Best Value Rons Pharmacy ...................... (817) 573-1143 Brookshire’s Pharmacy ............................. (903) 962-4063 420 W Pearl St 76048 205 W Frank St 75140 eRX, 90 90 Brookshire’s Pharmacy ............................. (817) 279-9840 Economy Drug............................................. (903) 962-3900 1301 S Morgan St 76048 511 E Garland St 75140 90 90 Granbury Drug I........................................... (817) 573-1164 GRAPEVINE 602 S Morgan St 76048 eRX Baylor Medical Plaza Pharmacy At Grapevine Lake Granbury Internal Medicine & Pediatrics PA ........................................................................ (817) 388-3090 ........................................................................ (817) 579-1005 1600 W College St Ste 110 76051 2005 Rockview Dr 76049 GRAPEVINE SAVE = Costo comprartido preferido 90 = Suministro de 90 días 32 24HR = Abierta las 24 horas eRX = Receta eletrónica Farmacias de la red de Blue Cross Medicare Rx Lista de Farmacias de Texas HARLINGEN Farmacias minoristas, incluyendo cadena de farmacias Baylor Regional Medical Center At Grapevine ........................................................................ (817) 481-1588 1650 W College St 76051 Minyard Pharmacy...................................... (817) 684-9211 4000 William D Tate Ave 76051 SAVE Recept Pharmacy........................................ (817) 571-8745 1469 W State Hwy 114 Ste 598 76051 eRX Target Pharmacy......................................... (817) 601-0350 1101 Ira E Woods Ave 76051 eRX, 90 Texas Oncology Pharmacy-Grapevine... (817) 310-7027 1631 Lancaster Dr Ste 150 76051 eRX Your RX Pharmacy ..................................... (817) 416-2222 2637 Ira E Woods Ave Ste 200 76051 eRX, 90 GUN BARREL CITY GUN BARREL CITY Gun Barrel City Pharmacy......................... (903) 887-3606 300 N Gun Barrel Ln 75156 90 HALE CENTER HALE CENTER Hale Center Clinical Pharmacy ................. (806) 839-2466 601 Ave G 79041 90 HALLETTSVILLE HALLETTSVILLE Brookshire Brothers Pharmacy................ (361) 798-3229 1514 N Texana St 77964 Hallettsville Pharmacy................................ (361) 798-5010 304 N Texana St 77964 90 HALLSVILLE HALLSVILLE GREENVILLE Brookshire’s Pharmacy ............................. (903) 668-1409 590 W Main St 75650 Brookshire’s Pharmacy ............................. (903) 455-1076 90 6410 Wesley St 75402 Hallsville Drug & Hardware LLC............... (903) 668-2012 90 100 E Main St 75650 Medicine Shoppe Pharmacy..................... (903) 455-7200 HALTOM CITY 3001 Joe Ramsey Blvd E 75401 Super 1 Pharmacy ...................................... (903) 454-8701 Haltom Pharmacy LLC ............................... (817) 838-2500 5310 E Belknap St Ste E 76117 4811 Wesley St 75401 90 90 Total Care Pharmacy.................................. (903) 259-6338 Med Store LLP ............................................. (817) 834-3001 4004 E Belknap St 76111 5127 Wesley St 75402 24HR, 90 eRX, 90 GREENVILLE HALTOM CITY GROESBECK GROESBECK HAMILTON HAMILTON Groesbeck City Drug.................................. (254) 729-3092 Hamilton City Drug...................................... (254) 386-3121 105 E Henry St 76531 404 S Dr J B Riggs Dr 76642 eRX eRX, 90 Jordan Pharmacy........................................ (254) 386-3111 Pharmacy Plus ............................................ (254) 729-3375 107 N Rice St 76531 209 N Ellis St 76642 90 eRX, 90 GROVES GROVES HARKER HEIGHTS HARKER HEIGHTS Bruces Pharmacy ....................................... (409) 962-4431 Target Pharmacy......................................... (254) 953-5881 201 E Central Texas Expy 76548 6001 39th St 77619 eRX, 90 GROVETON GROVETON HARLINGEN HARLINGEN B & B Pharmacy.......................................... (936) 642-1174 Care RX Pharmacy...................................... (956) 365-4677 520 W 1st St 75845 4501 Hale Ave Ste 1 78550 90 SAVE = Costo comprartido preferido 90 = Suministro de 90 días 24HR = Abierta las 24 horas eRX = Receta eletrónica 33 HASKELL Farmacias de la red de Blue Cross Medicare Rx Lista de Farmacias de Texas Farmacias minoristas, incluyendo cadena de farmacias Harlingen Pharmacy................................... (956) 230-3200 1616 N Ed Carey Dr 78550 Kmart Pharmacy ......................................... (956) 428-4158 1129 Morgan Blvd 78550 90 Muniz Rio Grande Pharmacy.................... (956) 423-1753 1117 S Commerce St 78550 90 Pete’s Pharmacy ......................................... (956) 425-2424 721 W Harrison Ave Ste A 78550 eRX, 90 Qol Meds....................................................... (412) 931-3131 103 N Loop 499 78550 Rio Grande State Center............................ (956) 364-8262 1401 S Rangerville Rd 78552 Rio Grande State Center............................ (956) 364-8741 1401 S Rangerville Rd Bldg 500 78552 90 Salinas Legend Pharmacy......................... (956) 425-1156 1022 S F St 78550 90 Small Frys Pharmacy ................................. (956) 423-1200 321 S 21st St 78550 Target Pharmacy......................................... (956) 440-8329 1002 Dixieland Rd 78552 eRX, 90 Texas Oncology Pharmacy....................... (956) 364-6735 2121 Pease St Ste 101 78550 HEBBRONVILLE HEBBRONVILLE County Pharmacy ....................................... (361) 527-3231 602 E Galbraith St 78361 90 HEMPHILL HEMPHILL Brookshire Brothers Pharmacy................ (409) 787-2356 Hwy 83 West 75948 K-C Drugs..................................................... (409) 787-2345 2155 Worth St 75948 eRX HEMPSTEAD HEMPSTEAD Brookshire Brothers Pharmacy................ (979) 826-4895 300 Hwy 290 E 77445 HENDERSON HENDERSON Medicine Shoppe Pharmacy ..................... (903) 657-1593 612 E Main St 75652 eRX Ray Pharmacy.............................................. (903) 657-2588 220 Zeid Blvd 75652 90, SAVE Strong Hurt Pharmacy................................ (903) 657-3587 111 E Main St 75652 90 HENRIETTA HENRIETTA Henrietta Pharmacy Inc.............................. (940) 538-4361 124 N Bridge St 76365 90 Haskell Clinical Services ........................... (940) 864-2674 100 S Ave E Ste B 79521 HEREFORD eRX Hereford Health Mart Pharmacy ............... (806) 364-3400 The Drug Store ............................................ (940) 864-2673 809 S 25 Mile Ave 79045 100 S Ave E 79521 eRX, 90, SAVE eRX, 90 HASKELL HASKELL HEREFORD HEWITT HAWKINS HAWKINS Brookshire’s Pharmacy ............................. (903) 769-3344 1477 N Beaulah St 75765 90 HEARNE HEARNE Brookshire Brothers Pharmacy ............... (979) 279-5343 400 2nd St 77859 Wilson Pharmacy........................................ (979) 279-2173 118 W 4th St 77859 90 SAVE = Costo comprartido preferido 90 = Suministro de 90 días 34 HEWITT Lynn’s Pharmacy Hewitt............................ (254) 666-5000 511 N Hewitt Dr Ste 1 76643 90 HICO HICO Best Value Hico Pharmacy........................ (254) 796-4271 W 1st and Walnut 76457 eRX, 90 24HR = Abierta las 24 horas eRX = Receta eletrónica Farmacias de la red de Blue Cross Medicare Rx Lista de Farmacias de Texas HOUSTON Farmacias minoristas, incluyendo cadena de farmacias 1st Choice Presciptions............................. (832) 582-8109 2056 Antoine Dr Apt 120 77055 90 A-Plus Pharmacy ........................................ (713) 750-9160 5700 S Gessner Rd Ste G 77036 Aapex Pharmacy......................................... (713) 270-7771 6065 Hillcroft St Ste 109 77081 eRX, 90 Abbey Pharmacy......................................... (281) 888-4837 5351 Antoine Dr Ste A 77091 eRX AcariaHealth Pharmacy ............................. (800) 511-5144 1311 W Sam Houston Pkwy N Ste 130 77043 eRX, 90 Accredo Health Group Inc......................... (713) 791-1552 9307 Kirby Dr 77054 eRX Afra Pharmacy............................................. (832) 831-9694 8141 Long Point Rd 77055 Ako Pharmacy ............................................. (281) 890-9922 11811 Fallbrook Dr Ste B1 77065 eRX Alliance Pharmacy D .................................. (281) 591-0900 13734 Sh FM 249 Ste C 77086 eRX Altus Pharmacy ........................................... (281) 481-0398 10851 Scarsdale Blvd Ste 160B 77089 Altus Pharmacy ........................................... (972) 432-6550 1535 West Loop S Ste 322 77027 Amerita.......................................................... (713) 843-7700 4001 W Sam Houston Pkwy N Ste 120 77043 90 Amex Compounding Pharmacy ............... (713) 266-5253 10400 Westoffice Dr Ste 111 77042 eRX, 90 Amex Pharmacy .......................................... (713) 457-9333 906 Wayside Dr Ste P 77011 eRX, 90 Amex Pharmacy .......................................... (713) 451-8400 12605 East Fwy Ste 102 77015 90 Amex United Drug....................................... (713) 237-9301 3030 Canal St 77003 eRX, 90 Anchor Pharmacy ....................................... (281) 495-1282 11008 Bellaire Blvd 77072 Apotek Pharmacy........................................ (713) 928-3210 5103 Harrisburg Blvd Ste B 77011 90 Astoria Pharmacy........................................ (281) 922-4522 8785 W Bellfort St Ste A 77031 eRX Astro Pharmacy LLC .................................. (713) 957-4600 10530 Northwest Fwy 77092 SAVE = Costo comprartido preferido 90 = Suministro de 90 días 24HR = Abierta las 24 horas eRX = Receta eletrónica HIGHLANDS HIGHLANDS Medicine Shoppe Pharmacy..................... (281) 426-3581 302 N Main St 77562 HILLSBORO HILLSBORO Brookshire’s Pharmacy ............................. (254) 580-2953 120 S Waco St 76645 90 Eagle Drug.................................................... (254) 582-5363 101 Jane Ln 76645 eRX, 90 T B Bond Pharmacy ................................... (254) 582-2561 60 W Elm St 76645 90 HONDO HONDO Lifechek Drug .............................................. (830) 426-2334 1703 19th St 78861 90 HONEY GROVE HONEY GROVE Honey Grove Pharmacy............................. (903) 378-2901 435 5th St 75446 90 HOOKS HOOKS Whisenhunts City Pharmacy .................... (903) 547-2782 102 Main St 75561 90, SAVE HORIZON CITY HORIZON CITY Advant Edge Pharmacy............................. (915) 852-8884 14476 Horizon Blvd Ste J 79928 eRX, 90 HORSESHOE BAY HORSESHOE BAY Bay Pharmacy ............................................. (830) 598-1900 7405 Hwy 2147 78657 HOUSTON HOUSTON 35 HOUSTON Farmacias de la red de Blue Cross Medicare Rx Lista de Farmacias de Texas Farmacias minoristas, incluyendo cadena de farmacias Awesome Care Pharmacy......................... (281) 501-1008 5705 Fondren Rd Ste 101 77036 eRX, 90 Azmo Pharmacy / Compounding............. (281) 861-9000 7825 Hwy 6 N Ste 106 77095 90 Azteca Pharmacy ........................................ (713) 664-3600 3100 Broadway St Ste 105F 77017 eRX Baijes Bissonnet Pharmacy...................... (281) 974-3573 9801 Bissonnet St Ste F 77036 Ballem Pharmacy........................................ (713) 520-6900 3144 Southmore Blvd 77004 eRX Bao Chau Pharmacy................................... (281) 631-0600 12002 Veterans Memorial Dr Ste C 77067 90 Barker Cypress Pharmacy ........................ (281) 579-9393 1855 Barker Cypress Rd Ste 140 77084 eRX, 90 Barker Cypress Pharmacy & Compounding ........................................................................ (713) 631-3117 8300 Homestead Rd 77028 Beechnut Professional Pharmacy ........... (713) 988-1103 7500 Beechnut St Ste 151 77074 90 Bellaire Discount Pharmacy...................... (281) 568-1888 10515 Bellaire Blvd Ste L 77072 90 Bellaire Medical Pharmacy........................ (713) 457-3600 12924 Bellaire Blvd Ste 100A 77072 90 Bellaire Pharmacy....................................... (713) 777-6251 9115 Bellaire Blvd Ste 122 77036 90 Bemaj Pharmacy Inc .................................. (713) 774-7200 10039 Bissonnet St Ste 100 77036 Berks Pharmacy.......................................... (713) 360-7974 7515 Main St Ste 160 77030 90, SAVE Berry Professional...................................... (713) 697-9750 8520 Jensen Dr 77093 eRX, 90 Bestcare Pharmacy .................................... (713) 644-2424 7338 McHenry St Ste 6 77087 90 Big Tex Pharmacy....................................... (713) 283-1310 10900 Gulf Fwy Ste A3 77034 Biocare Pharmacy....................................... (281) 530-5800 10603 Bellaire Blvd Ste B114 77072 90 Biocure LLC ................................................. (713) 360-2100 8700 Commerce Park Dr Ste 241 77036 eRX, 90 Black Hawk Pharmacy ............................... (281) 919-1905 17027 Nanes Dr 77090 Blue Mint Pharmacy.................................... (713) 773-2535 9888 Bissonnet St Ste 210 77036 Bluebonnet Apothecary Services ............ (713) 691-6200 4712 Airline Dr Ste F 77022 Botica Familiar Pharmacy.......................... (713) 918-6402 12333 Main St 77035 eRX Bretshire Pharmacy Inc.............................. (713) 635-8800 7030 Bretshire Dr 77016 eRX Briargrove Pharmacy ................................. (713) 783-5704 6435 San Felipe St 77057 90 Bright Medical Supply & Pharmacy......... (713) 772-7700 9630 Clarewood Dr Ste A14 77036 BWM Pharmacy & Medical Supply Inc.... (281) 469-1882 11850 FM 1960 Rd W 77065 eRX BZ Pharmacy Inc......................................... (713) 973-7500 7715 Veterans Memorial Dr Ste C 77088 C & C Pharmacy .......................................... (713) 641-6300 8208 Gulf Fwy Ste 102 77017 90 C & E Pharmaceutical................................. (713) 272-6500 9627 Bissonnet St 77036 90 C & G Pharmacy Ldt ................................... (281) 442-4201 11618 Aldine Westfield Rd 77093 90 Campbells Compounding Incorporated ........................................................................ (713) 668-4833 6603 Kirby Dr 77005 Canal Healthcare Solutions LLC .............. (713) 924-6067 7648 Canal St 77012 eRX, 90 Canal Pharmacy .......................................... (713) 227-5583 2502 Canal St 77003 90 SAVE = Costo comprartido preferido 90 = Suministro de 90 días 24HR = Abierta las 24 horas eRX = Receta eletrónica 36 Farmacias de la red de Blue Cross Medicare Rx Lista de Farmacias de Texas HOUSTON Farmacias minoristas, incluyendo cadena de farmacias Canal RX....................................................... (713) 547-0752 3311 Canal St 77003 90 Care Plus Pharmacy................................... (713) 778-1773 10301 Club Creek Dr Ste I 77036 eRX Carepoint Partners...................................... (713) 782-4442 6105 Beverlyhill St Ste 200 77057 24HR Cego Infusion Pharmacy........................... (713) 541-6000 6300 Richmond Ave Ste 300A 77057 eRX Citizens Professional Pharmacy .............. (713) 695-7316 7333 North Fwy Ste 110 77076 eRX, 90 CK Pharmacy............................................... (713) 697-0610 5990 Airline Dr Ste 150 77076 90 Clinical Care Pharmacy.............................. (281) 272-8700 2770 N Sam Houston Pkwy W 77038 90 Community Express Pharmacy ............... (832) 941-0901 9820 Gulf Fwy Ste A10 77034 Compounding Pharmacy Solutions........ (713) 783-2836 6105 Beverlyhill St Ste 201 77057 Compounding Shop Pharmacy................ (281) 495-2230 11851 Wilcrest Dr Ste A 77031 Compounding Solutions ........................... (281) 477-7686 11240 FM 1960 Rd W Ste 404 77065 Cornerstone RX Pharmacy ....................... (713) 771-8217 7255 Bissonnet St 77074 Crossway Pharmacy LLC.......................... (713) 290-0322 3044 Antoine Dr 77092 Cullen Care Pharmacy ............................... (713) 747-2100 5751 Blythewood St 77021 Cullen Care Pharmacy ............................... (713) 264-0699 9406 Cullen Blvd Ste C 77051 eRX Cunningham Airline Pharmacy ................ (713) 697-3261 6033 Airline Dr 77076 90 Cunningham Pharmacy Gulfbank ........... (713) 921-7500 7101 Lawndale St 77023 90 Cunningham Pharmacy Northwest ......... (713) 683-8600 2925 W T C Jester Blvd Ste 2B 77018 90 Cyfair Pharmacy.......................................... (281) 550-0123 16506 FM 529 Rd Ste 108 77095 Cypress Compounding Pharmacy........... (832) 617-0290 9511 Huffmeister Rd Ste 104 77095 D B Pharmacy PLLC................................... (281) 397-7711 12100 Veterans Memorial Dr Ste E 77067 eRX Darcy Pharmacy.......................................... (281) 988-8300 11210 Bellaire Blvd Ste 130 77072 90 Diagnostic Clinic of Houston .................... (713) 797-9191 1200 Binz St Ste 800 77004 Diamond Pharmacy LLC............................ (713) 339-2255 2900 Hillcroft St Ste B 77057 90 Dimension Pharmacy................................. (713) 541-4700 8880 Bellaire Blvd Ste B2 77036 Discount Pharmacy .................................... (281) 962-7006 8449 W Bellfort St Ste 222 77071 Discount Pharmacy .................................... (713) 635-5560 8213 Homestead Rd Ste D 77028 Distinguished Pharmacy............................ (281) 495-0201 12134 Beechnut St 77072 DNA Pharmacy ............................................ (713) 633-3362 9419 Mesa Dr 77028 Dollar RX Pharmacy.................................... (713) 694-1470 8721 Jensen Dr Ste H 77093 90 Dow Pharmacy............................................. (713) 722-7999 8800 Long Point Rd 77055 eRX, 90 Dr Rita’s Pharmacy Inc............................... (281) 531-5965 12289 W Houston Center Blvd Ste B 77082 Dream Pharmacy Memorial....................... (713) 465-1117 1140 Business Center Dr Ste 103 77043 E-Med Pharmacy LLC................................. (281) 741-5289 12638 Bissonnet St Ste G 77099 East End Pharmacy Inc.............................. (713) 923-5959 6802 Navigation Blvd 77011 90 Eco Pharmacy of Willowbrook LLC......... (281) 955-7500 13325 Hargrave Rd Ste 260 77070 eRX, 90, SAVE Elgin Pharmacy ........................................... (713) 533-9033 1202 Elgin St Ste B 77004 Elite Pharmacy............................................. (832) 230-5229 11569 S Wilcrest Dr 77099 SAVE = Costo comprartido preferido 90 = Suministro de 90 días 24HR = Abierta las 24 horas eRX = Receta eletrónica 37 HOUSTON Farmacias de la red de Blue Cross Medicare Rx Lista de Farmacias de Texas Farmacias minoristas, incluyendo cadena de farmacias Emerald Pharmacy ..................................... (281) 484-7100 12863 Gulf Fwy 77034 Emmons Pharmacy.................................... (832) 582-8758 9555 W Sam Houston Pkwy S Ste 180 77099 Empirical Pharmacy ................................... (713) 991-0072 9715 Telephone Rd Ste 105 77075 eRX EPC Pharmacy LLC.................................... (281) 861-5512 9539 Huffmeister Rd Ste C 77095 90 Evergreen Pharmacy.................................. (713) 541-1234 9180 Bellaire Blvd Ste A 77036 eRX, 90 Excel Pharmacy Inc.................................... (713) 995-1272 8600 W Airport Blvd Ste B 77071 eRX Experiancare Pharmacy LLC.................... (713) 524-3330 3730 Kirby Dr Ste 111 77098 eRX Express Drugs............................................. (713) 673-6060 10909 I-10 East 77029 90 Express Family Pharmacy LLC................ (713) 636-9177 10101 Fondren Rd Ste 106 77096 Express Specialty Pharmacy.................... (281) 453-7205 837 Cypress Creek Pkwy Ste 105A 77090 eRX Fairway Pharmacy ...................................... (713) 454-0211 4912 Telephone Rd 77087 Falcon Pharmacy of Texas Inc ................. (281) 776-9600 8145 Hwy 6 S Ste 114A 77083 eRX Famacia Del Sol Inc.................................... (713) 776-0806 6300 Hillcroft St Ste 101 77081 90 Family Pharmacy Care............................... (281) 315-3770 12121 Richmond Ave Ste 126 77082 eRX Familycare Pharmacy................................. (281) 933-3573 12060 Bellaire Blvd Ste E 77072 90 FamilyRx Pharmacy Inc............................. (281) 855-4343 9511 Huffmeister Rd Ste 103 77095 Farmacia Etc................................................ (713) 771-0061 6430 Hillcroft St Ste 100B 77081 90 Farmacia Familiar De Harwin.................... (713) 469-3502 7400 Harwin Dr Ste 130 77036 First Choice Pharmacy............................... (713) 779-7603 6200 Hillcroft St Ste 110 77081 eRX Friendly Pharmacy Inc ............................... (832) 351-2000 3533 S Dairy Ashford Rd 77082 Genesis Drug Inc......................................... (281) 999-4210 302 W Gulf Bank Rd Ste B 77037 90 Good Samaritan Pharmacy & Compounding ........................................................................ (832) 804-6605 10122 Long Point Rd Ste 104 77043 Grand Parkway Pharmacy & Medical Supply ........................................................................ (281) 495-5777 9634 S Kirkwood Rd 77099 90 Greens Point Pharmacy............................. (281) 872-4177 165 Greens Rd 77060 eRX Groveway Pharmacy .................................. (713) 644-9400 4501 Groveway Dr 77087 SAVE HACS Pharmacy.......................................... (832) 384-1423 2150 W 18th St Ste 300-B 77008 Harrisburg Pharmacy PLLC ...................... (713) 928-2100 7321 Harrisburg Blvd Ste C-1 77011 Health Fit Pharmacy ................................... (713) 802-2441 3620 Katy Fwy Ste A 77007 Healthchoice Pharmacy............................. (281) 741-8358 10001 W Bellfort St Ste K 77031 Healthco Pharmacy..................................... (713) 640-5575 8604 Martin Luther King Blvd 77033 90 Healthco Pharmacy Corp........................... (713) 218-6337 5730 Chimney Rock Rd 77081 eRX, 90 Healthscripts of America-Houston Medical Center LLC ........................................................................ (281) 916-1007 2060 Space Park Dr Ste 108 77058 eRX, 90 Healthscripts of America-Stafford LLC ... (877) 279-0990 9301 Southwest Fwy Ste 155 77074 Heights Pharmacy....................................... (713) 487-3313 5225 Katy Fwy Ste 105A 77007 eRX Heights Studewood Pharmacy................. (713) 869-2225 427 W 20th St Ste 105 77008 eRX, 90 SAVE = Costo comprartido preferido 90 = Suministro de 90 días 24HR = Abierta las 24 horas eRX = Receta eletrónica 38 Farmacias de la red de Blue Cross Medicare Rx Lista de Farmacias de Texas HOUSTON Farmacias minoristas, incluyendo cadena de farmacias Hicare Pharmacy......................................... (713) 799-8880 7814 Almeda Rd 77054 eRX, 90 Hillcroft Pharmacy ...................................... (713) 988-9996 6400 Hillcroft St Ste 107 77081 90 Holman Pharmacy ...................................... (713) 776-3500 10000 Harwin Dr Ste A 77036 90 Hope Pharmacy........................................... (713) 864-0100 1919 North Loop W Ste 181 77008 eRX, 90 Houston Medicine Chest ........................... (281) 464-6300 209 Brisbane St 77061 HPB Pharmacy ............................................ (713) 799-1472 6410 Fannin St Ste 116 77030 eRX, 90 Intracare Community Pharmacy .............. (713) 790-7821 1120 Cypress Station Dr Ste 110 77090 90 Inwood Pharmacy....................................... (281) 664-8829 13300 Hargrave Rd Ste 180 77070 eRX, 90 Irvington Family Pharmacy ....................... (713) 694-8399 3815 Irvington Blvd Ste E 77009 J & I Pharmacy ............................................ (281) 372-6526 13249 Bellaire Blvd 77083 J & J Pharmacy ........................................... (713) 330-4400 13415 Woodforest Blvd Ste F 77015 90, SAVE J Dykes Pharmacy...................................... (713) 691-5100 4901 Yale St 77018 Jacinto Pharmacy Inc................................. (713) 455-1361 10805 Market St Rd 77029 90, SAVE Jacks Apothecary....................................... (713) 733-7424 8109 Cullen Blvd 77051 90 Jacksons & JK Pharmacy LLC................. (713) 271-0441 7909 Hillcroft St Ste B 77081 James Pharmacy ........................................ (713) 721-3800 12950 S Post Oak Rd 77045 90 Jl Wellness Pharmacy................................ (281) 741-1960 9210 Hwy 6 S Ste C 77083 eRX, 90 Joshuas Pharmacy..................................... (713) 772-6014 8200 Wednesbury Ln 77074 Kase RX Pharmacy ..................................... (713) 777-9200 8353 Southwest Fwy 77074 eRX Kashmere Pharmacy Inc............................ (713) 674-6916 6402 Lyons Ave 77020 90 Kelsey Pharmacy - Cypress...................... (713) 442-4055 13114 FM 1960 Rd W 77065 90 Kelsey Pharmacy - Houston Center......... (713) 442-6337 1200 McKinney St Ste 417 77010 eRX, 90 Kelsey Pharmacy - Meyerland .................. (713) 442-3200 560 Meyerland Plaza Mall 77096 90 Kelsey Pharmacy - Vintage ....................... (713) 442-1579 10701 Vintage Preserve Pkwy 77070 eRX, 90 Kelsey Pharmacy Main............................... (713) 442-0079 2727 W Holcombe Blvd 77025 90 Kelsey Pharmacy-Tanglewood................. (713) 442-2450 1111 Augusta Dr 77057 eRX, 90 Keystone Pharmacy ................................... (832) 834-3312 9301 Gulf Fwy 77017 Kharisma Pharmacy ................................... (832) 409-5586 8608 S Braeswood Blvd 77031 Kim Long Pharmacy................................... (713) 777-1414 7601 W Sam Houston Pkwy S Ste 900 77072 eRX Kim Tam Pharmacy .................................... (281) 498-5000 11794 Bellaire Blvd 77072 90 Kimmy Pharmacy LLC ............................... (281) 564-5400 8388 W Sam Houston Pkwy S Ste 186 77072 Kingsbridge RX Pharmacy........................ (281) 495-3500 6720 Hwy 6 S 77083 eRX Kingsley Pharmacy..................................... (713) 664-6333 2626 S Loop W Ste 115 77054 Kremco Pharmacy LLC.............................. (281) 564-7500 10815 Beechnut St Ste 125 77072 Kwik Meds Pharmacy LLC ........................ (713) 856-9444 6438 W Little York Rd 77091 La Plaza Pharmacy ..................................... (713) 541-6655 6655 Hillcroft St Ste 108 77081 SAVE SAVE = Costo comprartido preferido 90 = Suministro de 90 días 24HR = Abierta las 24 horas eRX = Receta eletrónica 39 HOUSTON Farmacias de la red de Blue Cross Medicare Rx Lista de Farmacias de Texas Farmacias minoristas, incluyendo cadena de farmacias Leadcare Pharmacy Inc ............................. (713) 774-8180 9908 S Gessner Rd 77071 90 Legends Pharmacy II.................................. (281) 496-0640 15015 Westheimer Pkwy Ste LL 77082 eRX Leland Pharmacy ........................................ (713) 673-8000 5412 Farmer St 77020 eRX Life Drugs RX............................................... (713) 462-7029 12015 Louetta Rd Ste 300 77070 eRX Life Pharmacy.............................................. (713) 665-5050 5800 Bellaire Blvd Ste 100 77081 eRX Lifecare Pharmacy...................................... (713) 772-3000 7135 Southwest Fwy 77074 90 Lincoln Pharmacy Inc ................................ (713) 771-4700 8329 Beechnut St 77036 Little York Pharmacy.................................. (832) 767-2139 7404 Airline Dr Ste E 77076 90 Living Well Specialty Pharmacy............... (832) 756-2930 13333 Dotson Rd Ste 120 77070 90 Lotus Pharmacy.......................................... (281) 983-9382 8200 Wilcrest Dr Ste 8 77072 Lotus RX Pharmacy & Medical Supplies ........................................................................ (281) 983-0399 11704 S Wilcrest Dr 77099 eRX Loving Care Pharmacy .............................. (713) 808-9103 4406 Airline Dr 77022 LTC Pharmacy Services ............................ (281) 492-7220 1718 Fry Rd Ste 125 77084 Lyons Pharmacy......................................... (713) 675-9667 5602 Lyons Ave Sutie 610 77020 eRX, 90, SAVE Mace RX Pharmacy LLC............................ (832) 917-5550 8775 S Gessner Rd 77074 Madonna Pharmacy Inc............................. (832) 831-8114 10333 Harwin Dr Ste 450 77036 Main Medical Plaza Pharmacy.................. (713) 667-5003 10019 Main St Ste A10 77025 eRX, SAVE Maritime Pharmacy..................................... (713) 921-1052 900 Broadway St 3740 Wroxton Rd 77012 eRX Mas Pharmacy RX....................................... (713) 465-6113 9355 Long Point Rd Ste L 77055 Mavis O Pharmacy...................................... (281) 498-1133 10080 Bellaire Blvd Ste 102 77072 eRX, 90 Maximum Care Pharmacy ......................... (281) 438-6161 16251 S Post Oak Rd Ste A 77053 Maxor Pharmacy ......................................... (281) 480-0327 1046B Hercules Ave 77058 eRX Maxor Pharmacy ......................................... (713) 756-5300 1919 La Branch St 77002 eRX Mayflower Pharmacy.................................. (713) 981-5900 8323 Southwest Fwy Ste 115 77074 MCA Pharmacy LLC ................................... (713) 482-4444 1201 Dairy Ashford Rd Ste 200 77079 90, SAVE Med Pharmacy I........................................... (713) 694-4618 3302 Orlando St 77093 Med RX Pharmacy....................................... (713) 695-5000 4000 Fulton St Ste C 77009 Med Scripts Pharmacy............................... (832) 390-6337 10039 Bissonnet St Ste 116 77036 Med Solution Pharmacy............................. (281) 890-9922 10680 Jones Rd Ste 500 77065 90 Med Valt Pharmacy LLC............................. (713) 349-9882 9117 Stella Link Rd 77025 eRX, 90, SAVE Med-X Pharmacy ......................................... (281) 506-2453 8751 Hwy 6 S Unit K 77083 eRX Medalways Pharmacy ................................ (713) 465-8100 11211 Katy Fwy Ste 440B 77079 eRX Medcare Pharmacy ..................................... (281) 561-0088 11322 Bellaire Blvd Ste 116 77072 90 Medcare RX Pharmacy............................... (713) 272-9600 7052 Bissonnet St 77074 eRX, 90 Medex Pharmacy......................................... (713) 771-3800 9600 Fondren Rd Ste B3 77096 SAVE = Costo comprartido preferido 90 = Suministro de 90 días 24HR = Abierta las 24 horas eRX = Receta eletrónica 40 Farmacias de la red de Blue Cross Medicare Rx Lista de Farmacias de Texas HOUSTON Farmacias minoristas, incluyendo cadena de farmacias Medex Plus Inc ............................................ (713) 664-8800 5420 Dashwood Dr Ste 201 77081 Medi-Script Pharmacy................................ (713) 910-3774 8121 Broadway St Ste 105 77061 eRX Medical Plaza............................................... (713) 654-4137 2101 Crawford St 77002 90 Medical Square Pharmacy......................... (713) 468-3236 1401 Wirt Rd Ste E 77055 90 Medicine Shoppe Pharmacy..................... (713) 741-5104 5910 Scott St Ste M 77021 90, SAVE Medicine Shoppe Pharmacy..................... (281) 481-6040 10902 Scarsdale Blvd 77089 Medicine Shoppe Pharmacy..................... (713) 641-3414 5600 Mykawa Rd Inside Fiesta Mart Store 77033 Medplus RX Inc ........................................... (713) 779-5400 5950 S Gessner Rd Ste D 77036 Medrx Compounding & Pharmacy Limited Company ........................................................................ (832) 767-5466 601 Wayside Dr Ste D 77011 eRX Medsaver Pharmacy................................... (281) 988-0880 10701 W Bellfort St Ste B 77099 Medstar Pharmacy...................................... (281) 933-4449 14629 Beechnut St 77083 Medworld Pharmacy Inc............................ (713) 647-0200 12390 Kingsride Ln 77024 eRX, 90, SAVE Memorial Pharmacy.................................... (832) 358-8500 10101 Southwest Fwy Ste 315 77074 Mercury Drive Pharmacy........................... (713) 674-6122 918 Mercury Dr 77029 90, SAVE Meyerland Pharmacy LLC......................... (713) 728-8000 10547 S Post Oak Rd 77035 Midtown Specialty RX ................................ (713) 874-9190 1701 Webster St Ste D 77003 eRX Mobilecare Pharmacy................................. (713) 600-0075 3918 Leeland St 77003 eRX Modern Automated Pharmacy.................. (713) 660-9091 8303 Knight Rd Ste A 77054 eRX, 90 NAHS Pharmacy.......................................... (281) 498-5700 12000 Wilcrest Dr Ste 206 77031 eRX Neighborcare Eagles Trace....................... (281) 249-7290 14703 Eagle Vista Dr 77077 90, SAVE Niba II Pharmacy ......................................... (713) 946-5343 1007 Edgebrook Dr 77034 90 Niba Pharmacy ............................................ (713) 451-3328 13018 Woodforest Blvd Ste N 77015 90 Nnwood Pharmacy LLC............................. (281) 448-8836 8240 Antoine Dr Ste 108 77088 North Houston Medical Pharmacy........... (713) 694-3131 7007 North Fwy Ste 115 77076 OC Pharmacy............................................... (713) 275-3222 925 Gessner Rd Ste 600 77024 90 OC Pharmacy............................................... (713) 600-0933 2130 W Holcombe Blvd Fl 10 77030 90 Ocenie Drug Emporium ............................. (713) 290-8800 5003 Antoine Dr Ste A 77092 eRX Omniplus Pharmacy................................... (713) 874-0300 4916 Main St Ste 100 77002 On Time Pharmacy ..................................... (713) 731-0880 14455 Cullen Blvd Ste C1 77047 eRX Orbit Pharmacy............................................ (713) 334-2900 3330 Hillcroft St Ste V 77057 eRX Park Infusion Care....................................... (713) 668-7275 4007 Bellaire Blvd Ste G 77025 Park Place Health Center Pharmacy........ (713) 847-6800 9809 Rowlett Rd Ste F 77075 90 Park Plaza Pharmacy.................................. (713) 524-2828 1213 Hermann Dr Ste 140 77004 Patient Care Pharmacy............................... (281) 501-2325 6366 Martin Luther King Blvd 77021 eRX SAVE = Costo comprartido preferido 90 = Suministro de 90 días 24HR = Abierta las 24 horas eRX = Receta eletrónica 41 HOUSTON Farmacias de la red de Blue Cross Medicare Rx Lista de Farmacias de Texas Farmacias minoristas, incluyendo cadena de farmacias Pavilion Pharmacy...................................... (713) 868-1601 1740 W 27th St Ste 150 77008 90, SAVE Pecan Park Pharmacy................................ (713) 861-4300 906 Wayside Dr 77011 90 Pediacare Pharmacy .................................. (832) 770-9383 13711 Wallisville Rd Ste 2 77049 90 Pham Family Pharmacy Inc ...................... (210) 366-1212 3918 Leeland St Ste D 77003 Phar-Miles Pharmacy ................................. (713) 636-3261 10700 Richmond Ave Ste 259 77042 eRX, 90 Pharmacare.................................................. (713) 426-4800 9000 Hempstead Rd Ste 385 77008 Pharmacare Plus......................................... (832) 269-5348 6720 Sands Point Dr Ste 105 77074 Pharmacare Texas Inc................................ (832) 886-2357 9100 Southwest Fwy Ste 130 77074 Pharmacia Latina ........................................ (713) 683-6004 1826 Wirt Rd Ste P 77055 90 Pharmacy & Marketplace Cafe ................. (713) 520-0500 5927 Almeda Rd Ste G 77004 Pharmacy 45 ................................................ (713) 847-9900 8221 Gulf Fwy Ste 550 77017 Pharmacy At Cullen Commons................ (713) 731-7988 12805 Cullen Blvd Ste C 77047 Pharmacy Depot.......................................... (281) 487-9090 11450 Space Center Blvd Ste 101 77059 Pharmacy Depot.......................................... (281) 987-3300 4832 Mount Houston Rd 77093 90 Pharmacy Innovations............................... (281) 251-0888 10130 Louetta Rd Ste C 77070 90 Pharmacy Plus ............................................ (713) 782-0558 6776 Southwest Fwy Ste 102 77074 90 Pharmacy Select Texas ............................. (888) 372-3786 1535 West Loop S Ste 319 77027 Piney Point Pharmacy................................ (713) 782-6212 2532 Fondren Rd 77063 90 Platinum RX North ...................................... (281) 227-1010 5627 Aldine Bender Rd Ste 7 77032 eRX Power Center Pharmacy............................ (713) 731-8999 8803 Scott St 77051 90 Precious Place’s Pharmacy....................... (281) 760-3660 11336 Beechnut St Ste A8 77072 Priceline Pharmacy II.................................. (409) 832-0010 11811 FM 1960 Rd W Ste 198 77065 eRX Primecare Pharmacy .................................. (713) 661-7746 5900 Chimney Rock Rd Ste Ac 77081 eRX, 90 Pro Med Pharmacy...................................... (281) 372-8522 2421 Aldine Mail Rd Ste B 77039 Procare RX ................................................... (281) 580-4500 16300 Kuykendahl Rd Ste 370 77068 90, SAVE Proven Care Pharmacy LLC...................... (281) 983-9333 10950 Bissonnet St Ste 220 77099 Public Pharmacy ......................................... (713) 663-7800 6510 Hillcroft St Ste STE100 77081 90, SAVE Pumps It II..................................................... (281) 955-8900 10601 Grant Rd Ste 101 77070 90 PVE Pharmacy............................................. (713) 884-1443 226 E Crosstimbers St Ste 2 77022 QVL Pharmacy............................................. (832) 249-8551 850 Cypress Creek Pkwy Ste J 77090 R & Y Community Pharmacy .................... (713) 777-7002 9573 S Gessner Rd 77074 Rc2 Pharmacy.............................................. (281) 477-7728 9720 Jones Rd Ste 150 77065 90 RC3 Pharmacy............................................. (713) 541-6567 8410 Fondren Rd 77074 90 Recept Pharmacy........................................ (713) 627-2370 4126 Southwest Fwy Ste 100 77027 eRX Regency Pharmacy..................................... (713) 800-0308 9898 Bissonnet St Ste 250A 77036 Reliance Pharmacy..................................... (713) 797-1107 7707 Fannin St Ste 105 77054 SAVE = Costo comprartido preferido 90 = Suministro de 90 días 24HR = Abierta las 24 horas eRX = Receta eletrónica 42 Farmacias de la red de Blue Cross Medicare Rx Lista de Farmacias de Texas HOUSTON Farmacias minoristas, incluyendo cadena de farmacias RiteMed Pharmacy LLC............................. (713) 772-4242 10301 Harwin Dr Ste 3 77036 eRX Rosa Pharmacy........................................... (281) 481-6602 11002 Scarsdale Blvd Ste A 77089 Rose Pharmacy LLC................................... (713) 952-9568 7447 Harwin Dr Ste 188 77036 RX Care Pharmacy...................................... (281) 444-6359 11511 Veterans Memorial Dr Ste 900 77067 90 RX Max Pharmacy....................................... (713) 772-1363 5858 S Gessner Rd Ste 124 77036 RX Pharmacy............................................... (713) 723-4601 5600 S Willow Dr Ste 113 77035 Rxperts Pharmacy Texas LLC.................. (713) 690-2047 8700 Jameel Rd Ste 150 77040 S & K Med Pharmacy.................................. (281) 752-7244 1396 Eldridge Pkwy Ste D 77077 Sage Pharmacy & Stores LLC .................. (713) 339-1855 3730-D S Gessner Rd 77063 eRX Santa Maria Pharmacy............................... (713) 592-5300 5727 Rampart St Ste A8 77081 Sav Pharmacy.............................................. (713) 467-3311 1823 Wirt Rd 77055 90 Save-Rite Pharmacy ................................... (281) 578-8345 1870 Barker Cypress Rd 77084 eRX SEM Pharmacy & Medical Supply............ (281) 861-7788 16316 FM 529 Rd 77095 Simons Pharmacy....................................... (713) 222-6650 3303 N Main St 77009 90 Soleo Health Inc .......................................... (832) 981-1000 8275 El Rio St Ste 180 77054 Solutions In Pharmacy............................... (713) 957-8000 7951 Katy Fwy Ste M 77024 eRX South Belt Pharmacy ................................. (281) 481-6600 12600 Scarsdale Blvd Ste B 77089 90 South Post Oak Pharmacy Inc.................. (713) 433-7075 14206 S Post Oak Rd 77045 90 Southend Pharmacy................................... (281) 498-1450 10910 W Bellfort St 77099 eRX Southside Infusion...................................... (713) 660-8888 7700 Main St Ste 210 77030 Southside Pharmacy .................................. (832) 553-1315 1200 Binz St Ste 260 77004 eRX, SAVE Southside Pharmacy .................................. (713) 661-2500 9150 Main St Ste H 77025 SAVE Southwest Community Pharmacy ........... (713) 272-7734 9769 Beechnut St 77036 Southwest Pharmacy ................................. (281) 893-8665 17115 Red Oak Dr Ste 105 77090 90 Southwest Pharmacy ................................. (713) 270-7366 8282 Bellaire Blvd Ste 154 77036 Southwest Regional dba 1st Choice Pharmacy ........................................................................ (713) 777-6100 8449 W Bellfort St 77071 Specialty Therapeutic Care ....................... (866) 506-2626 1311 W Sam Houston Pkwy N Ste 150 77043 90 SPG Pharmacy Care................................... (713) 272-6400 6831 S Gessner Rd 77036 eRX Spring Branch Pharmacy .......................... (713) 690-0001 2600 Gessner Rd Ste 162 77080 St Joseph Professional Pharmacy........... (713) 659-3030 2000 Crawford St 77002 90 Star Rex Pharmacy LLC............................. (832) 767-0816 11110 East Fwy 77029 Steeplechase Express RX ......................... (281) 894-9900 10694 Jones Rd Ste 115 77065 Steeplechase Plaza Pharmacy.................. (832) 237-9400 11037 FM 1960 Rd W Ste B5 77065 eRX, SAVE Sterling.......................................................... (713) 955-8885 9798 Bellaire Blvd Ste 1B 77036 90 Supercare Pharmacy.................................. (281) 880-4800 13480 Veterans Memorial Dr Ste R5 77014 eRX, 90 Supreme Compounding............................. (281) 272-0813 7346 Antoine Dr 77088 SAVE = Costo comprartido preferido 90 = Suministro de 90 días 24HR = Abierta las 24 horas eRX = Receta eletrónica 43 HOUSTON Farmacias de la red de Blue Cross Medicare Rx Lista de Farmacias de Texas Farmacias minoristas, incluyendo cadena de farmacias Supreme Pharmacy.................................... (281) 550-2100 4544 Hwy 6 N 77084 Supreme RX................................................. (832) 243-4581 12827 Westheimer Rd 77077 90 Tabb Pharmacy ........................................... (713) 772-8222 9730 Southwest Fwy Ste UC100 77074 eRX Target Pharmacy......................................... (281) 379-2861 21515 State Hwy 249 77070 eRX, 90 Target Pharmacy......................................... (713) 661-8213 8500 Main St 77025 eRX, 90 Target Pharmacy......................................... (713) 300-0228 984 Gessner Rd 77024 eRX, 90 Target Pharmacy......................................... (281) 492-7906 19955 Katy Fwy 77094 eRX, 90 Target Pharmacy......................................... (713) 331-0166 4323 San Felipe St 77027 eRX, 90 Target Pharmacy......................................... (281) 858-7452 6955 Hwy 6 N 77084 eRX, 90 Target Pharmacy......................................... (713) 292-0031 300 Meyerland Plaza Mall 77096 eRX, 90 Target Pharmacy......................................... (281) 716-1106 6801 FM 1960 Rd W 77069 eRX, 90 Target Pharmacy......................................... (713) 331-0377 2580 Shearn St 77007 eRX, 90 Target Pharmacy......................................... (713) 331-0374 8605 Westheimer Rd 77063 eRX, 90 Target Pharmacy......................................... (713) 460-9298 13250 Northwest Fwy 77040 eRX, 90 Target Pharmacy......................................... (281) 949-2220 12701 FM 1960 Rd W 77065 eRX, 90 Target Pharmacy......................................... (713) 580-0178 10801 Westheimer Rd 77042 eRX, 90 Target Pharmacy......................................... (281) 810-5252 2700 Eldridge Pkwy 77082 eRX, 90 Target Pharmacy......................................... (713) 343-8301 8503 S Sam Houston Pkwy E 77075 eRX, 90 TD Pharmacy................................................ (281) 741-8472 12319 Bellaire Blvd Ste 400 77072 Tejas Pharmacy........................................... (281) 741-3385 5228 Aldine Mail Rd Ste Ct 77039 eRX Texas Care Pharmacy ................................ (713) 660-9920 8990 Kirby Dr Ste 240 77054 eRX Texas Children’s Hospital Pharmacy Greenspoint ........................................................................ (832) 828-1605 700 N Sam Houston Pkwy W 77067 90 Texas Unicare Pharmacy........................... (832) 834-3222 2424 W Holcombe Blvd Ste 101 77030 SAVE The Elixir Pharmacy.................................... (281) 496-1488 13948A Westheimer Rd 77077 The Medicine Man Pharmacy.................... (713) 644-1343 7652 Bellfort St 77061 eRX, 90 The Peoples Pharmacy .............................. (713) 378-4450 8503 Gulf Fwy Ste E 77017 90 Tidwell Pharmacy........................................ (713) 884-8807 509 W Tidwell Rd 140 77091 90 Tidwell Professional Pharmacy................ (713) 694-5977 2310 Tidwell Rd 77093 Tidwell RX..................................................... (713) 884-8020 712 E Tidwell Rd Ste C 77022 TN Pharmacy................................................ (281) 561-0101 12989 Bellaire Blvd Ste 1A 77072 90 Tonna Pharmacy ......................................... (281) 953-0030 5225 Katy Fwy Ste 101A 77007 eRX Total Care Cac Pharmacy LLC.................. (281) 377-8137 14755 North Fwy Ste 200 77090 eRX SAVE = Costo comprartido preferido 90 = Suministro de 90 días 24HR = Abierta las 24 horas eRX = Receta eletrónica 44 Farmacias de la red de Blue Cross Medicare Rx Lista de Farmacias de Texas HOUSTON Farmacias minoristas, incluyendo cadena de farmacias Total Pharmacy Center One...................... (713) 864-0808 4302 Center St 77007 90 Trace Pharmacy .......................................... (713) 981-6600 8104 Southwest Fwy Ste B 77074 eRX Trinity Med RX ............................................. (713) 874-1777 4101 San Jacinto St Ste 104 77004 eRX Trinity Pharmacy Solutions....................... (713) 697-8082 5815 Airline Dr Ste B 77076 Triple A Pharmacy ...................................... (281) 974-3713 11450 Space Center Blvd 77059 Truecare Allied Pharmacy & Medical Supplies Inc ........................................................................ (281) 652-8080 3003 S Loop W Ste 450 77054 eRX, 90 TX RX Solutions & Compounding Pharmacy ........................................................................ (713) 790-1222 7501 Fannin St Ste 701 77054 eRX Unicare Pharmacy Inc................................ (281) 498-1141 11847 Bissonnet St 77099 eRX Univ of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center ........................................................................ (713) 792-6125 1515 Holcombe Blvd Unit 61 77030 Uptown Pharmacy ...................................... (713) 621-0621 1607 S Post Oak Ln 77056 SAVE Valencia Pharmacy Inc............................... (713) 995-1900 7330 Southwest Fwy Ste A2 77074 Value RX Pharmacy.................................... (281) 501-3151 138 E Little York Rd 77076 90 Vietnam Pharmacy...................................... (713) 520-0205 2621C Milam St Ste C 77006 90 Village Compounding Pharmacy ............. (713) 464-5069 975 Corbindale Rd Ste 100 77024 Village Family Pharmacy ........................... (713) 373-3300 9055 Katy Fwy Ste 101 77024 SAVE Vintage Pharmacy Plus.............................. (281) 251-3911 11550 Louetta Rd Ste 1600 77070 SAVE Vita-Care Pharmacy.................................... (713) 781-8675 2500 Fondren Rd 77063 90 Vital Care of North Houston ...................... (832) 487-9746 1125 Cypress Station Dr Ste F2 77090 eRX Wallis Pharmacy.......................................... (281) 457-3838 5620 E Sam Houston Pkwy N 77015 90 Washington Avenue Pharmacy Center... (713) 864-2401 2515 Washington Ave Ste 1401 77007 eRX, 90 Wellness Pharmacy LLC............................ (713) 532-0008 1480 Wilcrest Dr 77042 Wellness Plus Pharmacy Inc..................... (832) 604-7418 8302 N Eldridge Pkwy Ste 200 77041 eRX, 90 Wesley United Pharmacy........................... (713) 514-9494 5302 Canal St 77011 eRX West Ave Pharmacy ................................... (832) 831-9480 2800 Kirby Dr Ste A200 77098 Westlake Pharmacy .................................... (281) 496-1751 255 Westlake Park Blvd Ste 200 77079 90, SAVE Westlake Pharmacy Services.................... (281) 579-1310 2430 Fry Rd Ste 104 77084 eRX, 90 Westview Pharmacy ................................... (713) 365-9393 2323 Wirt Rd Ste F2 77055 eRX, 90, SAVE Willowbrook Pharmacy/Compounding... (281) 859-3103 8945 Hwy 6 N Ste 255 77095 Winston’s Pharmacy .................................. (713) 944-6000 8405 Almeda Genoa Rd Ste Uands 77075 90 Xavier Pharmacy III ..................................... (713) 697-1400 96 Berry Rd 77022 90 Xpress Pharmacy........................................ (713) 541-3300 7555 Bellaire Blvd Ste B 77036 eRX Your Pharmacy Inc ..................................... (713) 781-1010 7400 Harwin Dr Ste 253 77036 eRX SAVE = Costo comprartido preferido 90 = Suministro de 90 días 24HR = Abierta las 24 horas eRX = Receta eletrónica 45 HUBBARD Farmacias de la red de Blue Cross Medicare Rx Lista de Farmacias de Texas Farmacias minoristas, incluyendo cadena de farmacias McNease Drugs ........................................... (936) 293-8333 103 Medical Park Ln Ste B 77340 eRX, 90, SAVE Hubbard City Drug...................................... (254) 576-2241 200 N Magnolia Ave 76648 Target Pharmacy......................................... (936) 649-3074 90 259 I-45 S 77340 eRX, 90 HUFFMAN HUBBARD HUBBARD HUFFMAN HURST HURST Lifechek Pharmacy..................................... (281) 324-1960 12315 FM 1960 77336 Midcities Pharmacy .................................... (817) 605-3500 eRX, 90 2000 Precinct Line Rd Ste 102 76054 SAVE HUGHES SPRINGS Target Pharmacy......................................... (817) 282-8917 The Med Shop.............................................. (903) 639-3508 1400 Precinct Line Rd 76053 111 E 2nd 75656 eRX, 90 90 HUGHES SPRINGS IDALOU HUMBLE HUMBLE Airport McKay Pharmacy .......................... (832) 644-1456 18648 McKay Dr Ste 110 77338 90 Dougherty’s Pharmacy Humble LLC....... (281) 446-9191 211 FM 1960 BYP Rd E 77338 Doyfran Pharmacy...................................... (281) 973-8042 9701 N Sam Houston Pkwy E Ste 110 77396 Greater Texas Pharmacy........................... (832) 644-9895 1485 FM 1960 BYP Rd E Ste 120 77338 SAVE Humble Pharmacy ...................................... (281) 540-4441 19333 Hwy 59 N Ste 150 77338 eRX, 90 Kelsey Pharmacy - Summer Creek.......... (713) 442-2079 8233 N Sam Houston Pkwy E 77396 eRX, 90 Memorial Care Pharmacy .......................... (832) 777-6448 8901 FM 1960 BYP Rd W Ste 102 77338 90 Target Pharmacy......................................... (281) 540-2126 20777 Hwy 59 N 77338 eRX, 90 IDALOU Driscoll Pharmacy....................................... (806) 892-2561 816 Frontage Rd 79329 90 INGLESIDE INGLESIDE Jerry’s Pharmacy ........................................ (361) 776-2577 2793 Main St 78362 90, SAVE IOWA PARK IOWA PARK Hughes Pharmacy....................................... (940) 592-4191 120 W Park Ave 76367 90 Iowa Park Pharmacy................................... (940) 592-2731 115 W Park Ave 76367 90 IRVING IRVING Accredo Health Group Inc......................... (972) 929-6800 4343 W Royal Ln Ste 124 75063 Alpha Pharmacy.......................................... (469) 262-5742 8787 N MacArthur Blvd Ste 120 75063 90 American Specialty Pharmacy.................. (214) 206-8586 HUNTINGTON 7415 Las Colinas Blvd Ste 100 75063 Brookshire Brothers Pharmacy ............... (936) 876-5154 Amerita.......................................................... (972) 815-0460 8080 Tristar Dr Ste 120 75063 104 N Main St 75949 90 Lopers Family Pharmacy........................... (936) 422-4440 Baylor Medical Plaza Pharmacy At Irving 116 N US Hwy 69 75949 ........................................................................ (972) 579-4074 HUNTSVILLE 1901 N MacArthur Blvd Ste 1001 75061 Brookshire Brothers Pharmacy ............... (936) 435-1234 2601 11th St 77340 HUNTINGTON HUNTSVILLE SAVE = Costo comprartido preferido 90 = Suministro de 90 días 46 24HR = Abierta las 24 horas eRX = Receta eletrónica Farmacias de la red de Blue Cross Medicare Rx Lista de Farmacias de Texas JERSEY VILLAGE Farmacias minoristas, incluyendo cadena de farmacias Boardwalk Pharmacy................................. (972) 812-7559 1110 Cottonwood Ln Ste 115 75038 90 Browns Pharmacy ...................................... (972) 254-8156 2021 N MacArthur Blvd Ste 120 75061 SAVE Farmacia Central......................................... (972) 253-3455 504 N O’Connor Rd 75061 90 GeneRX Discount Pharmacy .................... (972) 417-8895 1202 W Pioneer Dr Ste 140 75061 90 Gibson Pharmacy ....................................... (972) 579-0511 815 N O’Connor Rd 75061 90 Irving Pharmacy .......................................... (972) 313-0585 2000 Esters Rd Ste 202 75061 Landmark Healthcare Inc........................... (877) 693-0007 8200 Tristar Dr Ste 120 75063 Lindseys Pharmacy.................................... (972) 252-8644 2616 Texas Dr 75062 90 MacArthur Health Mart Pharmacy............ (972) 756-9515 5477 N MacArthur Blvd 75038 SAVE Meridian Pharmacy Group ........................ (214) 492-0123 1111 S Irving Heights Dr 75060 90 Minyard Pharmacy...................................... (972) 790-3753 2200 W Shady Grove Rd 75060 90, SAVE Pharmacia Sana .......................................... (469) 647-5291 1901 W Irving Blvd Ste 101 75061 90, SAVE Pharmacy Plus ............................................ (972) 401-3333 825 W Royal Ln Ste 110 75039 eRX, 90 Professional Pharmacy II........................... (972) 514-1277 1221 W Airport Fwy Ste 111 75062 90 RX Express Pharmacy ............................... (972) 513-1900 1625 N Story Rd Ste 148 75061 eRX SS Pharmacy ............................................... (817) 632-7779 2625 Texas Dr 75062 90 SAVE = Costo comprartido preferido 90 = Suministro de 90 días Target Pharmacy......................................... (972) 869-0474 7845 N MacArthur Blvd 75063 eRX, 90 Texas Oncology Pharmacy ....................... (972) 253-3751 2001 N MacArthur Blvd Ste 630 75061 Total Care Pharmacy and Compounding ........................................................................ (972) 570-4800 3636 N MacArthur Blvd Ste 100 75062 eRX, 90 JACINTO CITY JACINTO CITY Redi-Med Pharmacy LLC........................... (281) 428-1212 1520 Holland St 77029 JACKSBORO JACKSBORO City Drug Store ............................................ (940) 567-5576 104 E Belknap St 76458 90 JACKSONVILLE JACKSONVILLE Brookshire Brothers Pharmacy................ (903) 586-2284 210 E Cherokee St 75766 Porter Pharmacy.......................................... (903) 586-9804 308 W Larissa St 75766 eRX, 90 JASPER JASPER Brookshire Brothers Pharmacy................ (409) 384-7330 1125 S Wheeler St 75951 Gee Shipman Legend Pharmacy.............. (409) 384-4646 140 W Lamar St 75951 Medicine Shoppe Pharmacy ..................... (409) 384-3432 494 Springhill St 75951 JEFFERSON JEFFERSON City Drug....................................................... (903) 665-2521 109 W Lafayette St 75657 eRX JERSEY VILLAGE JERSEY VILLAGE Econo Pharmacy......................................... (281) 890-5612 20320 Northwest Fwy Ste 300 77065 Express Specialty Pharmacy .................... (281) 453-7450 20320 Northwest Fwy Ste 500A 77065 Jersey Village Pharmacy-Compounding ........................................................................ (281) 416-5800 17400 Northwest Fwy Ste 400 77040 24HR = Abierta las 24 horas eRX = Receta eletrónica 47 JEWETT Farmacias de la red de Blue Cross Medicare Rx Lista de Farmacias de Texas Farmacias minoristas, incluyendo cadena de farmacias JEWETT JEWETT B & B Pharmacy.......................................... (903) 626-5414 1117 N Main St 75846 JOAQUIN JOAQUIN Blount Pharmacy ........................................ (936) 269-3922 13290 US Hwy 84 E 75954 90 JOHNSON CITY JOHNSON CITY Johnson City Pharmacy ............................ (830) 868-7185 405 S US Hwy 281 78636 90, SAVE JOSHUA JOSHUA Best Value Dans Pharmacy....................... (817) 484-3267 3521 SW Wilshire Blvd Ste B 76058 eRX, 90 Brookshire Pharmacy ................................ (817) 556-2389 1001 Joshua Station St 76058 90 Joshua Pharmacy....................................... (817) 295-8531 504 N Broadway St 76058 SAVE JOURDANTON JOURDANTON Jourdanton Pharmacy ............................... (830) 770-0770 1810 Hwy 97 E 78026 90 JUNCTION JUNCTION Fulton Pharmacy......................................... (832) 437-8425 1331 W Grand Pkwy N Ste 111 77493 90 Health-Rite Pharmacy................................. (832) 437-2216 1801 N Mason Rd Ste B 77449 eRX, 90 Helping Hand Pharmacy LLC.................... (281) 492-0031 529 S Mason Rd 77450 eRX HQ Pharmacy............................................... (281) 579-2700 21214 Kingsland Blvd Ste B 77450 Katy Pharmacy I .......................................... (281) 578-1515 20005 Katy Fwy 77450 eRX Kelsey Pharmacy - Katy............................. (713) 442-4179 21660 Kingsland Blvd 77450 eRX, 90 Premier Pharmacy ...................................... (281) 579-0550 3616 N Fry Rd Ste 220 77449 PSC Pharmacy............................................. (281) 665-8899 23510 Kingsland Blvd Ste 104 77494 90 Sina Pharmacy............................................. (281) 717-4521 3815 N Fry Rd Ste 600 77449 Superior Healthcare Physical Medicine PLLC ........................................................................ (281) 547-5539 24124 Cinco Village Center Blvd Ste 300 77494 Target Pharmacy......................................... (281) 392-8385 23710 Westheimer Pkwy 77494 eRX, 90 KAUFMAN City Pharmacy of Junction........................ (325) 446-2511 KAUFMAN 1610 Main St 76849 Brookshire’s Pharmacy ............................. (972) 962-8547 eRX, 90, SAVE 2235 S Washington St 75142 JUSTIN 90 Justin Family Pharmacy ............................ (940) 648-2222 Medication Station ...................................... (972) 932-6855 120 W 4th St 76247 700 Ed Hall Dr 75142 eRX, 90, SAVE eRX JUSTIN KARNES CITY KARNES CITY KEENE KEENE Jays City Pharmacy.................................... (830) 780-2224 Keene Pharmacy ......................................... (817) 558-3341 214 E Calvert Ave 78118 114 S Old Betsy Rd 76059 90, SAVE KELLER KATY KATY Brookshire Brothers Pharmacy ............... (281) 391-7051 5249 Franz Rd 77493 90 SAVE = Costo comprartido preferido 90 = Suministro de 90 días 48 KELLER Bear Creek Pharmacy LLC........................ (817) 562-4766 101 Bear Creek Pkwy Ste B 76248 eRX 24HR = Abierta las 24 horas eRX = Receta eletrónica Farmacias de la red de Blue Cross Medicare Rx Lista de Farmacias de Texas KINGWOOD Farmacias minoristas, incluyendo cadena de farmacias Healthcare Pharmacy LLC......................... (817) 337-9998 100 Bourland Rd Ste 160 76248 eRX, 90 Heritage Pharmacy ..................................... (817) 741-7100 3529 Heritage Trace Pkwy Ste 141 76244 90 Keller Pharmacy.......................................... (682) 593-0461 1200 Keller Pkwy Ste 200 76248 eRX, 90 KEMP KEMP Kerrville State Hospital............................... (830) 896-2211 721 Thompson Dr 78028 Medical Arts Pharmacy .............................. (830) 896-0167 200 Wesley Dr Unit A 78028 SAVE Qol Meds....................................................... (830) 896-0256 500 Thompson Dr 78028 The Medicine Stop ...................................... (830) 896-7440 1000 E Main 78028 90 KILGORE Kemp Family Pharmacy............................. (903) 498-8523 KILGORE 1224 S Elm St 75143 Brookshire’s Pharmacy ............................. (903) 984-8639 90 747 US Hwy 259 N 75662 90 KENEDY Cardinal Pharmacy ..................................... (903) 983-3372 Frontier Pharmacy of Kenedy Inc ............ (830) 583-2115 5309 FM 1252 W 75662 103 W Main St 78119 eRX, 90 eRX, 90 The Prescription Shop ............................... (830) 583-9652 KILLEEN 143 N Craig St 78119 Baylor Scott & White Pharmacy ............... (254) 953-7777 90, SAVE 2500 Cross Dr 76543 KENNEDALE Killeen Pharmacy ........................................ (254) 247-3979 218 E Ave B 76541 Rays Pharmacy ........................................... (817) 478-8225 Kmart Pharmacy.......................................... (254) 526-2444 301 W Kennedale Pkwy 76060 1101 S Fort Hood St 76541 eRX 90 KERENS Metroplex Hospital...................................... (254) 519-8272 2201 S Clear Creek Rd 76549 Hilliard Drugs Inc ........................................ (903) 396-2214 1001 NW 2nd St Ste 300 KINGSLAND PO Drawer 40 75144 eRX Kingsland Health Mart................................ (325) 388-4593 306 Ranch Rd 2900 78639 KERMIT 90, SAVE Kermit Pharmacy ........................................ (432) 586-2556 KINGSVILLE 810 Myer Ln 79745 eRX, 90, SAVE Harrel’s Kingsville Pharmacy.................... (361) 592-9385 204 E Kleberg Ave 78363 Lowes Marketplace Pharmacy ................. (432) 586-3479 90 310 E Austin St 79745 eRX Prescription Center..................................... (361) 592-3331 1310 General Cavazos Blvd Ste A 78363 KERRVILLE KENEDY KILLEEN KENNEDALE KERENS KINGSLAND KERMIT KINGSVILLE KERRVILLE KINGWOOD KINGWOOD Annie’s Apothecary.................................... (830) 257-0732 1228 Bandera Hwy 78028 Greenpath Pharmacy.................................. (832) 445-0500 90 24000 Hwy 59 N 77339 Kerrville Drug Company ............................ (830) 895-3784 Kelsey Pharmacy-Kingwood..................... (713) 442-2179 1050 Junction Hwy 78028 2755 W Lake Houston Pkwy 77339 90, SAVE eRX, 90 SAVE = Costo comprartido preferido 90 = Suministro de 90 días 24HR = Abierta las 24 horas eRX = Receta eletrónica 49 KIRBYVILLE Farmacias de la red de Blue Cross Medicare Rx Lista de Farmacias de Texas Farmacias minoristas, incluyendo cadena de farmacias Millennium Pharmacy................................. (281) 312-8585 LA MARQUE 22730 Professional Dr Ste 110 77339 Patient Direct Pharmacy Inc...................... (281) 312-8590 Hart Pharmacy............................................. (409) 938-3787 202 Hwy 3 77568 22710 Professional Dr Ste 103 77339 eRX LA MARQUE KIRBYVILLE KIRBYVILLE LA MESA LA MESA Brookshire Brothers Pharmacy ............... (409) 423-2248 Jones McCall Pharmacy ............................ (806) 872-5453 1005 S Margaret Ave 75956 1605 N Bryan Ave 79331 90 90, SAVE S & R Pharmacy .......................................... (409) 423-2215 1606 S Margaret Ave 75956 LA PORTE LA PORTE KNOX CITY KNOX CITY Deangelo Pharmacy ................................... (281) 842-8500 1309 W Fairmont Pkwy Ste P 77571 Knox County Pharmacy & Supply ........... (940) 657-4036 eRX 712 SE 5th St 79529 Medicine Shoppe Pharmacy ..................... (281) 471-1241 eRX 800 S Broadway St 77571 KOUNTZE Prudent Pharmacy ...................................... (281) 867-0040 10407 W Fairmont Pkwy Ste C 77571 Brookshire Brothers Pharmacy ............... (409) 246-2525 155 W Monroe St 77625 eRX Lifechek Drug .............................................. (409) 246-3492 LA VERNIA 800 S Pine St 77625 Lifechek Drug............................................... (830) 779-2219 eRX, 90 13857 US Hwy 87 W 78121 KRUM eRX, 90 S & J Pharmacy Krum................................ (940) 482-1972 LAKE JACKSON 820 E McCart St Ste C 76249 Medicine Shoppe Pharmacy ..................... (979) 297-9503 KYLE 109 Abner Jackson Pkwy Ste B 77566 eRX Greater Austin Pain Center ....................... (512) 298-1645 Spence’s Medical Center Pharmacy........ (979) 297-1776 4100 Everett Dr Ste 210 78640 215 Oak Dr S Ste M 77566 Target Pharmacy......................................... (512) 268-7551 90 5188 Kyle Center Dr 78640 Starr Plus Pharmacy LLC .......................... (979) 297-3800 eRX, 90 208 Oak Dr S Ste 302 77566 LA BLANCA Target Pharmacy......................................... (979) 299-2330 La Blanca Pharmacy .................................. (956) 262-7662 202 Hwy 332 W 77566 18360 FM 493 eRX, 90 Ste B 78558 LAKE KIOWA 90 Kiowa Hometown Pharmacy and Home Medical LA GRANGE ........................................................................ (940) 668-7384 Lifechek Drug .............................................. (979) 968-5835 100 Kiowa Dr W Ste 104 76240 110 E Travis St 78945 90 90 KOUNTZE LA VERNIA KRUM LAKE JACKSON KYLE LA BLANCA LAKE KIOWA LA GRANGE LAKE WORTH LA JOYA LA JOYA LAKE WORTH La Joya Family Pharmacy ......................... (956) 583-7845 802 E Expy 83 Ste B 78560 Brookshire’s Pharmacy ............................. (817) 237-7580 6708 Lake Worth Blvd 76135 90 SAVE = Costo comprartido preferido 90 = Suministro de 90 días 24HR = Abierta las 24 horas eRX = Receta eletrónica 50 Farmacias de la red de Blue Cross Medicare Rx Lista de Farmacias de Texas LEAGUE CITY Farmacias minoristas, incluyendo cadena de farmacias Nucare Pharmacy ....................................... (817) 238-7773 Gateway Community Health Center Inc Main Clinic 6050 Lake Worth Blvd 76135 ........................................................................ (956) 523-3605 eRX, 90 1515 Pappas St 78041 Savon Pharmacy......................................... (817) 237-8128 Gateway Community Health Center Inc South Clinic 6308 Lake Worth Blvd 76135 ........................................................................ (956) 795-8101 eRX, 90 2007 S Zapata Hwy 78046 Target Pharmacy......................................... (817) 302-0084 Kmart Pharmacy.......................................... (956) 729-1907 6604 Lake Worth Blvd 76135 5001 San Dario Ave 78041 eRX, 90 90 LAKEWAY Lakeside Pharmacy .................................... (956) 725-6337 2337 Endeavor Ste C 78041 Hill Country Apothecary ............................ (512) 351-9139 eRX, 90, SAVE 1310 Ranch Rd 620 S 78734 Lakeside Pharmacy South......................... (956) 724-2090 LAMPASAS 4151 Jaime Zapata Memorial Hwy Ste 208 78043 eRX, 90, SAVE Cattles Pharmacy Inc ................................. (512) 556-5141 202 N Key Ave 76550 LanRx Pharmacy......................................... (956) 568-9230 90 1901 Frees St Ste 2 78046 eRX, 90, SAVE Hodges & Sargent Pharmacy ................... (512) 556-3392 210 S Key Ave 76550 Laredo Downtown Pharmacy Inc............. (956) 726-4512 90 1219 Matamoros St 78040 90, SAVE LANCASTER Laredo Pharmacy........................................ (956) 729-9993 MGS Pharmacy Inc..................................... (972) 223-8787 3507 Jaime Zapata Memorial Hwy Ste 4 78043 2505 W Belt Line Rd Ste 600 75146 eRX, 90 90 Martinez Pharmacy ..................................... (956) 722-7600 Minyard Pharmacy...................................... (972) 227-2126 1407 Jacaman Rd 78041 1450 W Pleasant Run Rd Ste 200 75146 Medcenter Pharmacy.................................. (956) 791-1991 90, SAVE 1419 E Bustamante St 78041 Morning Star Pharmacy & Medical Supply eRX, 90, SAVE ........................................................................ (972) 224-1340 Medical Plaza Pharmacy............................ (956) 718-2770 2700 W Pleasant Run Rd Ste W250 75146 10710 McPherson Rd Ste 102 78045 90, SAVE eRX, 90, SAVE Rite Care Pharmacy III................................ (214) 331-4500 Target Pharmacy......................................... (956) 722-1205 3250 W Pleasant Run Rd Ste 165 75146 7501 San Dario Ave 78045 eRX, 90 LAREDO Target Pharmacy......................................... (956) 718-3236 CNR Healthcare Institute Plcc................... (956) 727-7246 1910 Bob Bullock Loop 78043 6801 McPherson Rd Ste 334 78041 eRX, 90 El Rio Family Center Pharmacy................ (956) 723-2001 LEAGUE CITY 2100 Corpus Christi St Ste 9 78043 eRX Devereux Texas Treatment Network ....... (281) 316-5438 El Rio Pharmacy.......................................... (956) 796-9600 1150 Devereux Dr 77573 6801 McPherson Rd Ste 102 78041 eRX, 90 eRX RX To Go Pharmacy ................................... (281) 557-0220 Foot Specialists of Laredo ........................ (956) 722-7778 1100 Gulf Fwy S Ste 290 77573 eRX, 90 6999 McPherson Rd Ste 107 78041 LAKEWAY LAMPASAS LANCASTER LAREDO LEAGUE CITY SAVE = Costo comprartido preferido 90 = Suministro de 90 días 24HR = Abierta las 24 horas eRX = Receta eletrónica 51 LEONARD Farmacias de la red de Blue Cross Medicare Rx Lista de Farmacias de Texas Farmacias minoristas, incluyendo cadena de farmacias LEONARD LEONARD LINDEN LINDEN Leonard Pharmacy ..................................... (903) 587-3363 Powers Pharmacy No 1 Inc ....................... (903) 756-7923 122 W Collin St 75452 702 W Houston St 75563 eRX, 90 LITTLE ELM LEVELLAND LEVELLAND LITTLE ELM Little Elm Pharmacy.................................... (972) 294-2877 South Plains Rural Health ......................... (806) 897-1987 800 W Eldorado Pkwy Ste 100 75068 1000 FM Rd 300 79336 eRX, 90 United Pharmacy......................................... (806) 894-7315 LITTLEFIELD 511 College Ave 79336 Lowes Market Place Pharmacy................. (806) 385-4250 90 102 W Waylon Jennings Blvd 79339 LEWISVILLE eRX Cardiac Infusion Specialists ..................... (972) 426-7006 Prescription Shop ....................................... (806) 385-4491 1506A S Sunset Ave 79339 697 S Stemmons Fwy 75067 Community Care Pharmacy...................... (972) 317-5599 LIVE OAK 1301 Justin Rd Ste 212 75077 Best Med South ........................................... (325) 646-9414 eRX, 90 12702 Toepperwein Rd Ste 115 78233 Lewisville Medical Pharmacy.................... (972) 906-0800 560 W Main St Ste 105 75057 LIVINGSTON Savon Pharmacy......................................... (972) 420-8590 Brookshire Brothers Pharmacy................ (936) 327-4354 1087 W Main St 75067 1253 W Church St 77351 eRX, 90 Livingston Pharmacy ................................. (936) 327-5510 Sonexus Health Pharmacy Services ....... (972) 350-9940 714 W Church St 77351 2730 Edmonds Ln Ste 400 75067 90, SAVE Target Pharmacy......................................... (972) 459-5906 LLANO 725 Hebron Pkwy 75057 eRX, 90 Corner Drug Store....................................... (325) 247-4155 Target Pharmacy......................................... (469) 287-0347 600 Bessemer Ave 78643 4760 State Hwy 121 75056 SAVE eRX, 90 LITTLEFIELD LEWISVILLE LIVE OAK LIVINGSTON LLANO LOCKHART LIBERTY LIBERTY LOCKHART Westys Pharmacy ....................................... (512) 398-2114 Brookshire Brothers Pharmacy ............... (936) 336-4177 113 S Main St 78644 2325 N Main St 77575 90 TPS/Liberty RX ............................................ (936) 334-8000 LOCKNEY 1710 N Main St 77575 Hometown Pharmacy................................. (806) 652-3353 eRX, SAVE 309 N Main St 79241 LINDALE 90 Brookshire’s Pharmacy ............................. (903) 882-1309 LONGVIEW 521 S Main St 75771 Brookshire’s Pharmacy ............................. (903) 297-6963 90 3354 Gilmer Rd 75604 Eagle Pharmacy .......................................... (903) 881-5752 90 1404 S Main St 75771 Drug Emporium........................................... (903) 297-0558 90 2321 W Loop 281 75604 Elliotts Pharmacy........................................ (903) 882-3312 eRX, 90 14077 FM 849 75771 LOCKNEY LINDALE LONGVIEW SAVE = Costo comprartido preferido 90 = Suministro de 90 días 52 24HR = Abierta las 24 horas eRX = Receta eletrónica Farmacias de la red de Blue Cross Medicare Rx Lista de Farmacias de Texas LUBBOCK Farmacias minoristas, incluyendo cadena de farmacias Best Discount Pharmacy ........................... (806) 795-4353 2316 34th St 79411 90 Briova Rx LLC.............................................. (806) 687-9957 6310 Genoa Ave Ste B 79424 Drug Emporium........................................... (806) 794-0022 5109 82nd St 79424 eRX, 90 Golden USA Pharmacy .............................. (806) 368-9472 4120 34th St 79410 Grace Pharmacy.......................................... (806) 740-3305 4515 Marsha Sharp Fwy 79407 eRX, 90 Healthscripts of America-Lubbock LLC ........................................................................ (956) 968-8141 5004 Frankford Ave Unit 119 79424 IV Solutions of Lubbock............................. (806) 791-4663 3706 20th St Ste A 79410 eRX Kmart Pharmacy.......................................... (806) 788-0101 6501 University Ave 79413 90 Lowes Marketplace Pharmacy.................. (806) 794-9801 5201 82nd St 79424 eRX Lubbock State Supported Living Center Pharmacy ........................................................................ (806) 741-3636 3401 University Ave 79413 Market Street Pharmacy............................. (806) 788-2015 4425 19th St 79407 24HR, 90 Omnicare of Lubbock................................. (806) 792-7290 6101 43rd St Ste E 79407 24HR Parkway Pharmacy ..................................... (806) 767-9999 LORENA 1824 Pkwy Dr Ste 100 79403 SAVE Brookshire Brothers Pharmacy ............... (254) 857-3955 406 N Frontage Rd 76655 Raff & Hall Family Park............................... (806) 744-8477 3404 I-27 79404 LOS FRESNOS eRX Los Fresnos Pharmacy.............................. (956) 233-3400 Southwest Hematology Oncology Associates LLC 810 W Ocean Blvd 78566 ........................................................................ (806) 793-6654 90 4002 21st St Ste B 79410 LUBBOCK 90 Apothecare of Texas .................................. (806) 368-8317 Special Care Pharmacy.............................. (806) 741-1777 3406 I-27 79404 5214 98th St Ste 303 79424 Kmart Pharmacy ......................................... (903) 758-0024 1100 McCann Rd 75601 90 Longview Drugs.......................................... (903) 291-1730 1751 W Loop 281 75604 90 Louis Morgan Drugs................................... (903) 758-6164 110 Johnston St 75601 eRX, 90 Louis Morgan Drugs................................... (903) 758-8286 1900 S High St 75602 eRX, 90 Medical Park Pharmacy ............................. (903) 234-8326 709 Hollybrook Dr Ste 101 75605 90 Medical Plaza Pharmacy............................ (903) 757-3477 707 E Marshall Ave Ste 7 75601 90 Pharmacy Solutions................................... (903) 295-3338 913 W Loop 281 Ste 117 75604 90 Savon Pharmacy......................................... (903) 663-2056 3603 McCann Rd 75605 eRX, 90 Super 1 Pharmacy ...................................... (903) 234-2785 1800 S High St 75602 90 Super 1 Pharmacy ...................................... (903) 753-1964 1217 E Marshall Ave 75601 90 Target Pharmacy......................................... (903) 323-5001 3092 N Eastman Rd Ste 100 75605 eRX, 90 Texas Oncology Pharmacy....................... (903) 234-7060 1400 N 4th St 75601 LORENA LOS FRESNOS LUBBOCK SAVE = Costo comprartido preferido 90 = Suministro de 90 días 24HR = Abierta las 24 horas eRX = Receta eletrónica 53 LUFKIN Farmacias de la red de Blue Cross Medicare Rx Lista de Farmacias de Texas Farmacias minoristas, incluyendo cadena de farmacias Target Pharmacy......................................... (806) 748-6456 7302 University Ave 79423 eRX, 90 Target Pharmacy......................................... (806) 788-3601 6064 Brownfield Rd 79407 eRX, 90 Texas Compounding Services ................. (806) 799-8920 2420 Quaker Ave Ste 203 79410 Texas Tech Student Health Pharmacy.... (806) 743-2636 1003 Flint Ave 79409 eRX The Apothecary Specialty Pharmacy...... (806) 368-8396 5214 98th St Ste 302 79424 SAVE TTUHSC Pharmacy..................................... (806) 743-3270 3601 4th St Ste 1A 79430 eRX Twin Oaks Pharmacy ................................. (806) 799-3636 3436 34th St 79410 SAVE United Pharmacy......................................... (806) 783-0241 8010 Frankford Ave 79424 90 United Pharmacy......................................... (806) 763-5908 112 N University Ave 79415 90 United Pharmacy......................................... (806) 747-3503 1701 50th St 79412 90 United Pharmacy......................................... (806) 765-7014 2630 Pkwy Dr 79403 90 United Pharmacy......................................... (806) 798-6115 4205 98th St 79423 90 United Pharmacy......................................... (806) 791-0972 3405 50th St 79413 90 United Pharmacy......................................... (806) 796-1895 401 Slide Rd 79416 90 United Pharmacy......................................... (806) 763-9999 1318 Broadway 79401 90 United Pharmacy......................................... (806) 745-3907 2703 82nd St 79423 90 SAVE = Costo comprartido preferido 90 = Suministro de 90 días 54 University Medical Center Pharmacy ...... (806) 775-8696 602 Indiana Ave 79415 LUFKIN LUFKIN Abeldts Gaslight Pharmacy Inc................ (936) 639-2346 200 Gaslight Blvd 75904 eRX, 90 Brookshire Brothers Pharmacy................ (936) 637-7066 301 S Chestnut St 75901 Brookshire Brothers Pharmacy................ (936) 634-8394 1807 W Frank Ave 75904 Brookshire Brothers Pharmacy................ (936) 634-8722 816 N Timberland Dr 75901 Kmart Pharmacy.......................................... (936) 632-5566 3061 S John Redditt Dr 75904 90 Medical Center Pharmacy.......................... (936) 632-3833 511 Gaslight Blvd 75904 Medicine Shoppe Pharmacy ..................... (936) 634-3006 903 W Frank Ave 75904 eRX Timberland MC Pharmacy......................... (936) 632-2260 800 S Timberland Dr 75901 90 LULING LULING Dismukes Pharmacy................................... (830) 875-2811 511 E Davis St 78648 SAVE LUMBERTON LUMBERTON Brookshire Brothers Pharmacy................ (409) 755-0451 202 N Main St 77657 King’s Pharmacy of Lumberton................ (409) 755-1145 139 N LHS Dr Ste 211 77657 eRX, 90 Market Basket Pharmacy........................... (409) 755-4932 P O Box 8360 421 S Main St 77657 LYTLE LYTLE Super Drug Mart .......................................... (830) 709-0360 19010 Preist Blvd Ste 101 78052 90 MABANK MABANK Brookshire Pharmacy................................. (903) 887-6011 1200 S 3rd St 75147 eRX, 90 24HR = Abierta las 24 horas eRX = Receta eletrónica Farmacias de la red de Blue Cross Medicare Rx Lista de Farmacias de Texas MAURICEVILLE Farmacias minoristas, incluyendo cadena de farmacias Mabank Family Pharmacy......................... (903) 887-3711 Shatiff Pharmacy......................................... (817) 225-4136 2771 E Broad St Ste 219 76063 207 N 3rd St 75147 eRX, 90, SAVE SAVE Target Pharmacy......................................... (817) 453-0259 MADISONVILLE 1801 Hwy 287 N 76063 Brookshire Brothers Pharmacy ............... (936) 348-6951 eRX, 90 403 Main 77864 MANVEL Brookshire Brothers Pharmacy ............... (936) 348-2731 810 S State St 77864 Manvel Pharmacy........................................ (281) 489-3210 20226 Hwy 6 Ste C 77578 MAGNOLIA eRX B & B Pharmacy.......................................... (281) 356-4303 MARBLE FALLS 18640 FM 1488 Rd 77354 Brookshire Brothers Pharmacy ............... (281) 356-6103 Atkins Express Pharmacy ......................... (830) 693-3784 2607 State Hwy 281 N 78654 18535 FM 1488 Rd 77354 eRX, 90, SAVE Magnolia Pharmacy.................................... (281) 356-9089 Atkins Pharmacy Services ........................ (830) 693-2972 18230 FM 1488 Rd Ste 100 77354 701 3rd St 78654 eRX, 90 eRX, 90, SAVE Target Pharmacy......................................... (281) 296-3050 MARLIN 32858 FM 2978 Rd 77354 eRX, 90 Gibson Pharmacy ....................................... (254) 883-2451 Texas Professional Pharmacy- Magnolia 423 Live Oak St 76661 90 ........................................................................ (281) 356-2216 18602 FM 1488 Rd Ste 700 77354 Sanitarium Drug Store................................ (254) 883-3541 eRX, 90, SAVE 156 Coleman St 76661 90 MALAKOFF MADISONVILLE MANVEL MAGNOLIA MARBLE FALLS MARLIN MALAKOFF MARSHALL MARSHALL Malakoff Prescription Shop Inc ................ (903) 489-1909 409 W Royall Blvd 75148 Matthewson Drug Co.................................. (903) 938-6741 eRX, 90 717 S Washington Ave 75670 eRX MANSFIELD Super 1 Pharmacy....................................... (903) 938-3096 Infusion Services & Specialty Pharmacy 207 E End Blvd N 75670 90 ........................................................................ (817) 453-5022 1724 E Broad St Ste 136 76063 MASON 90 KK’s Pharmacy............................................ (817) 453-5700 Script Shoppe .............................................. (325) 347-6248 211 Moody St 76856 980 N Walnut Creek Dr Ste 118 76063 90 eRX, 90 Melrose Pharmacy...................................... (817) 453-4444 MATHIS 2860 N FM 157 Care Pharmacy ............................................ (361) 547-2577 Ste 120 76063 213 E San Patricio Ave 78368 90 90, SAVE QIC Pharmacy Services............................. (817) 477-2525 MAURICEVILLE 1831 E Broad St Ste 213 76063 Rays Pharmacy ........................................... (817) 473-1145 Mauriceville Family Pharmacy.................. (409) 745-3784 1831 E Broad St 76063 Intersect Hwy 62 and 12 77626 eRX MANSFIELD MASON MATHIS MAURICEVILLE SAVE = Costo comprartido preferido 90 = Suministro de 90 días 24HR = Abierta las 24 horas eRX = Receta eletrónica 55 MCALLEN Farmacias de la red de Blue Cross Medicare Rx Lista de Farmacias de Texas Farmacias minoristas, incluyendo cadena de farmacias Target Pharmacy......................................... (956) 686-9260 7400 N 10th St 78504 eRX, 90 Apple Pharmacy.......................................... (956) 627-6652 2501 N 23rd St Ste B 78501 Target Pharmacy......................................... (956) 618-7701 eRX, 90, SAVE 3600 W Nolana Ave 78504 eRX, 90 DLS Pharmacy............................................. (956) 631-7900 1301 E Fern Ave Ste B1 78501 Texas Oncology Pharmacy ....................... (956) 687-6090 SAVE 1901 South 2nd 78503 Family Practice Center............................... (956) 668-0044 MCCAMEY 501 N Ware Rd 78501 Fred’s Pharmacy......................................... (956) 994-1044 Serenity Park Pharmacy ............................ (325) 884-2579 1604 S Burleson Ave 79752 3001 N 23rd St Ste 9 78501 Jays Legend Pharmacy ............................. (956) 682-4525 MCGREGOR 610 S Broadway St 78501 Brookshire Brothers Pharmacy................ (254) 840-2011 eRX, 90 1250 McGregor 76657 Lees Legend Pharmacy & Medical Equipment MCKINNEY Company ........................................................................ (956) 686-3716 Apollo Pharmacy......................................... (469) 442-0148 1901 S 1st St Ste 100 78503 4987 W University Dr Ste 120 75071 90 Lees Pharmacy North................................. (956) 630-5500 5120 N 10th St 78504 Baylor Medical Plaza Pharmacy At McKinney Lifechek Drug .............................................. (956) 683-1777 ........................................................................ (469) 764-7100 1623 Pecan Blvd 78501 5236 W University Dr Ste 1900 75071 eRX, 90 90 Lindberg Pharmacy.................................... (956) 687-6204 LegacyRx Pharmacy................................... (469) 310-3371 1200 S Col Rowe Blvd Ste 1A 78501 3851 S Stonebridge Dr Ste 1100 75070 SAVE McAllen Pharmacy...................................... (956) 668-1100 4420 N McColl Rd 78504 McKinney Pharmacy................................... (972) 542-4481 eRX 1601 W University Dr 75069 90 Med-Aid Bicentennial Pharmacy.............. (956) 618-3100 400 S Bicentennial Blvd 78501 Minyard Pharmacy...................................... (972) 547-7110 SAVE 3001 S Hardin Blvd 75070 90, SAVE Saenz Medical Pharmacy McAllen Inc .... (956) 630-6465 212 Lindberg Ave 78501 North Central Pharmacy ............................ (972) 540-9900 90 2741 Virginia Pkwy Ste 800 75071 eRX, 90, SAVE Saenz Medical Pharmacy Nolana Inc ...... (956) 687-2500 801 E Nolana Ave Ste 22 78504 Savon Pharmacy ......................................... (972) 548-1088 90 3001 S Central Expy Ste 200 75070 eRX, 90 Saenz Medical Pharmacy North ............... (956) 928-0911 6900 N 10th St Ste 6 78504 Savon Pharmacy ......................................... (972) 542-0010 90 6800 Virginia Pkwy 75071 eRX, 90 Saenz Medical Pharmacy Ridge Inc ........ (956) 630-2500 1200 E Ridge Rd Ste 13 78503 Super 1 Pharmacy....................................... (972) 548-7025 eRX, 90 208 N Central Expy 75070 90 Target Pharmacy......................................... (956) 686-4068 708 E Expy 83 78503 Target Pharmacy......................................... (972) 439-3398 eRX, 90 8900 State Hwy 121 75070 eRX, 90 MCALLEN MCALLEN MCCAMEY MCGREGOR MCKINNEY SAVE = Costo comprartido preferido 90 = Suministro de 90 días 56 24HR = Abierta las 24 horas eRX = Receta eletrónica Farmacias de la red de Blue Cross Medicare Rx Lista de Farmacias de Texas MIDLAND Farmacias minoristas, incluyendo cadena de farmacias Target Pharmacy......................................... (469) 525-4975 Kearney Park Pharmacy ............................ (972) 329-1168 2025 N Central Expy 75070 502 W Kearney St Ste 900 75149 eRX, 90 eRX, 90 United Pharmacy......................................... (972) 548-5150 Minyard Pharmacy...................................... (972) 613-5787 6100 Eldorado Pkwy 75070 4414 Gus Thomasson Rd 75150 90 90, SAVE Safe Pharmacy............................................. (855) 226-6567 MELISSA 2920 Motley Dr Ste 300 75150 Medpro Pharmacy....................................... (972) 837-2900 Savon Pharmacy ......................................... (972) 270-4448 2028 State Hwy 121 Ste 100 75454 2828 Motley Dr 75150 eRX, 90 eRX, 90 MEMPHIS Savon Pharmacy ......................................... (972) 285-1352 1500 S Belt Line Rd 75149 Memphis Drug ............................................. (806) 259-5067 eRX, 90 506 W Noel St 79245 Target Pharmacy......................................... (214) 302-2961 SAVE 1629 N Town East Blvd 75150 MERCEDES eRX, 90 Coachs Pharmacy....................................... (956) 514-2420 Texas Oncology Pharmacy ....................... (972) 698-3140 100 N Texas Ave Ste A 78570 4700 N Galloway Ave 75150 Lifechek Drug .............................................. (956) 565-6775 Verde Pharmacy.......................................... (972) 807-2493 8030 N FM 1015 Ste A 78570 2929 N Galloway Ave Ste 116 75150 eRX, 90 90 Mid Valley Pharmacy.................................. (956) 565-4111 MEXIA 805 W Business Hwy 83 78570 Mexia State Supported Living Center Pharmacy 90 Nuestra Clinica Del Valle ........................... (956) 565-3191 ........................................................................ (254) 562-1413 Hwy 171 76667 1500 W 1st St 78570 MELISSA MEMPHIS MERCEDES MEXIA MERKEL MERKEL MIDLAND MIDLAND Merkel Drug Co............................................ (325) 928-5012 D R Pharmacy.............................................. (432) 683-3377 501 Andrews Hwy Ste 100 79701 121 Edwards 79536 90, SAVE SAVE Graham Pharmacy ...................................... (432) 684-4797 MESQUITE 1601 W Wall St 79701 Apple Drugs................................................. (972) 270-0041 90 1900 Oates Dr Ste 138 75150 Medical Center Pharmacy.......................... (432) 697-7500 eRX 3510 N Midkiff Rd Ste 100 79705 Crossroads Pharmacy LLC....................... (972) 682-4971 Midland DME LLC........................................ (432) 520-8396 3220 Gus Thomasson Rd Ste 237 75150 1913 Heritage Blvd Ste A 79707 90 Provide RX.................................................... (432) 689-3355 Family Pharmacy ........................................ (972) 270-5600 2208 N Loop 250 W Ste 101 79707 2698 N Galloway Ave Ste 108 75150 90 Galloway Pharmacy.................................... (972) 216-7000 Super Mercado Pharmacy......................... (432) 682-9501 910 N Galloway Ave Ste 100 75149 2208 N Big Spring St 79705 eRX 90, SAVE Jeff Zhao DO PA.......................................... (214) 256-3778 2704 N Galloway Ave Ste 101 75150 MESQUITE SAVE = Costo comprartido preferido 90 = Suministro de 90 días 24HR = Abierta las 24 horas eRX = Receta eletrónica 57 MIDLOTHIAN Farmacias de la red de Blue Cross Medicare Rx Lista de Farmacias de Texas Farmacias minoristas, incluyendo cadena de farmacias Texas Oncology Pharmacy....................... (432) 688-0822 Mission Plaza Pharmacy............................ (956) 581-8833 906 Bryan Rd 400 Rosalind Redfern Grover Pkwy Ste 100 Ste 101 78572 Craddick Medical Office Bldg 79701 eRX eRX, 90 Nuestra Clinica Del Valle............................ (956) 580-3304 MIDLOTHIAN 611 N Bryan Rd 78572 All Care Pharmacy ...................................... (972) 775-5222 Paloma’s Pharmacy.................................... (956) 424-6268 1441 S Midlothian Pkwy Ste 140 76065 909 Business Park Dr Ste 2 78572 eRX, 90 eRX, 90 Brookshire’s Pharmacy ............................. (972) 775-6878 Queen Pharmacy......................................... (956) 583-5552 1400 E Main St 76065 8305 N La Homa Rd Ste A 78574 90 eRX, 90 US Drug Mart ............................................... (972) 775-1180 Richard’s Pharmacy ................................... (956) 581-4200 310 W Ave F 76065 1112 E Griffin Pkwy Ste B 78572 eRX SAVE MILLSAP Saenz Medical Pharmacy Lone Star Inc Alpha Care Pharmacy ................................ (817) 550-6332 ........................................................................ (956) 519-6500 2121 E Griffin Pkwy 78572 1130 FM 1189 Ste 109 76066 eRX, 90 MINEOLA Starr Pharmacy............................................ (956) 271-4258 1300 S Bryan Rd Ste 101 78572 Brookshire’s Pharmacy ............................. (903) 569-5504 1224 N Pacific St 75773 eRX 90 Target Pharmacy......................................... (956) 928-7281 Kelly Drug Inc .............................................. (903) 569-3882 2427 E Expy 83 78572 125 E Broad St 75773 eRX, 90 90 TLC Pharmacy & Medical Equipment...... (956) 581-5499 2120 E Griffin Pkwy 78572 MINERAL WELLS eRX Best Value Waddy Pharmacy ................... (940) 325-0734 TLC Pharmacy & Medical Equipment...... (956) 583-2700 106 SW 6th Ave 76067 1242 E Business Hwy 83 Ste 7 78572 eRX, 90 Diamond Pharmacy.................................... (940) 325-2541 MISSOURI CITY 100 SE 17th Ave 76067 Amazing Grace Pharmacy Inc .................. (832) 230-0169 90 1965 Texas Pkwy 77489 MISSION Eco Pharmacy of Sienna Plantation ........ (832) 440-0085 8721 Hwy 6 Ste 200 77459 AG Pharmacy............................................... (956) 580-7791 SAVE 2408 N Conway Ave 78574 EDS Pharmacy............................................. (281) 499-4555 eRX, 90, SAVE 3740 Cartwright Rd 77459 Health Plus Pharmacy................................ (956) 424-3535 90 3401 W Mile 5 Rd Ste 2 78574 Glenn Lakes Pharmacy Inc........................ (281) 261-8278 eRX, 90 3640 Glenn Lakes Ln 77459 Letdin Pharmacy......................................... (956) 581-9566 Healthscripts of America-Southwest Texas LLC 1512 E Griffin Pkwy Ste 1 78572 90 ........................................................................ (832) 494-3210 2803 Dulles Ave Ste 2817 77459 Mission Plaza Pharmacy............................ (956) 583-0044 816 E Main Ave Ste G 78573 Medlin Pharmacy......................................... (281) 437-1818 eRX, 90 2755 Texas Pkwy Ste 101 77489 MIDLOTHIAN MILLSAP MINEOLA MINERAL WELLS MISSOURI CITY MISSION SAVE = Costo comprartido preferido 90 = Suministro de 90 días 58 24HR = Abierta las 24 horas eRX = Receta eletrónica Farmacias de la red de Blue Cross Medicare Rx Lista de Farmacias de Texas NEDERLAND Farmacias minoristas, incluyendo cadena de farmacias Quail Valley Pharmacy............................... (281) 499-9300 MULESHOE 2244 FM 1092 Rd 77459 eRX K & K Pharmacy .......................................... (806) 686-0881 1411 W American Blvd 79347 Target Pharmacy......................................... (281) 403-6584 eRX, 90 6000 Hwy 6 77459 eRX, 90 United Pharmacy......................................... (806) 272-3169 104 W 9th St 79347 Upshaw Pharmacy...................................... (281) 416-9123 90 7125 W Fuqua Dr 77489 eRX MURPHY MULESHOE MURPHY MONAHANS MONAHANS Inverness Lone Star Pharmacy LLC........ (972) 535-2020 223 E FM 544 Ste 806 75094 Lowes Marketplace Pharmacy ................. (432) 943-4445 1201 S Stockton Ave 79756 Savon Pharmacy ......................................... (972) 578-9855 eRX 200 E FM 544 75094 eRX, 90 Monahans Pharmacy ................................. (432) 943-4212 801 E 4th St Ste C 79756 NACOGDOCHES eRX, 90 Best Med East.............................................. (936) 569-1800 MONTGOMERY 705 N University Dr 75961 Brookshire Brothers Pharmacy ............... (936) 597-8002 Brookshire Brothers Pharmacy................ (936) 569-0687 1005 Eva St 77356 1216 South St 75964 Lakeside Pharmacy.................................... (936) 448-6337 Brookshire Brothers Pharmacy................ (936) 564-0800 16955 Walden Rd Ste 100 77356 1420 N University Dr 75961 eRX, 90 M & S Pharmacy Inc.................................... (936) 564-7373 MOUNT PLEASANT 917 E Austin St 75965 90 Clinic Pharmacy .......................................... (903) 572-8548 Medicine Shoppe Pharmacy ..................... (936) 569-6430 412 N Jefferson Ave 75455 212 North St 75961 90 eRX Medical Center Family Pharmacy ............ (903) 572-6418 Omnicare of Nacogdoches........................ (936) 569-2460 2001 N Jefferson Ave Ste 132 75455 1716 South St 75964 90 Super 1 Pharmacy ...................................... (903) 575-1610 Stripling’s Pharmacy .................................. (936) 564-4646 1205 N Mound St 75961 602 S Jefferson Ave 75455 90 NAPLES Thurman’s Pro-Med Pharmacy................. (903) 572-6337 Pruetts Food Pharmacy ............................. (903) 897-0028 402 N Madison Ave 75455 410 Wl Doc Dodson W 75568 90 90 NACOGDOCHES MONTGOMERY MOUNT PLEASANT NAPLES MOUNT VERNON MOUNT VERNON NAVASOTA NAVASOTA Brookshire’s Pharmacy ............................. (903) 537-2886 Brookshire Brothers Pharmacy................ (936) 825-8793 306 Texas Hwy 37 75457 309 N La Salle St 77868 90 Tigerx Pharmacy......................................... (903) 537-4700 NEDERLAND 405 Texas Hwy 37 S 75457 Better Living Medical.................................. (409) 727-8660 SAVE 1039 N Twin City Hwy 77627 NEDERLAND MUENSTER MUENSTER Muenster Pharmacy ................................... (940) 759-2833 511 N Maple St 76252 SAVE = Costo comprartido preferido 90 = Suministro de 90 días 24HR = Abierta las 24 horas eRX = Receta eletrónica 59 NEEDVILLE Farmacias de la red de Blue Cross Medicare Rx Lista de Farmacias de Texas Farmacias minoristas, incluyendo cadena de farmacias NEEDVILLE NEEDVILLE NEWTON NEWTON Lifechek Drug .............................................. (979) 793-5534 Brookshire Brothers Pharmacy................ (409) 379-5160 13500 Hwy 36 77461 609A W Court St 75966 eRX, 90 Newton Pharmacy PLLC............................ (409) 379-9999 701 W Court St 75966 NEW BOSTON NEW BOSTON NIXON Brookshire’s Pharmacy ............................. (903) 628-7459 NIXON 210 N McCoy Blvd 75570 Main Drug Co Inc......................................... (830) 582-1851 90 201 N Nixon Ave 78140 NEW BRAUNFELS NEW BRAUNFELS 10 Minute Pharmacy................................... (830) 387-4914 18 Gruene Park Dr 78130 SAVE Comal Drug Healthmart ............................. (830) 625-2421 544 N Union Ave 78130 eRX, 90, SAVE Gruene Road Pharmacy LLC.................... (830) 387-4378 910 Gruene Rd Bldg 3 78130 90 Healthscripts of America-Hill Country LLC ........................................................................ (832) 494-3210 1847 W State Hwy 46 Ste C 78132 Hilltop Pharmacy......................................... (830) 627-0069 631 Lakeview Blvd 78130 24HR, 90 Hunter’s Creek Pharmacy ......................... (830) 515-1278 213 Hunters Vlg Ste 100 78132 Target Pharmacy......................................... (830) 608-3281 135 Creekside Way 78130 eRX, 90 The Branches At Resolute Health............ (830) 500-6761 555 Creekside Xing 78130 24HR NOCONA NOCONA Gibbs Drug Store......................................... (940) 825-3226 216 Clay St 76255 90 NORMANGEE NORMANGEE Brookshire Brothers Pharmacy................ (936) 396-1412 103 E Main St 77871 eRX NORTH RICHLAND HILLS NORTH RICHLAND HILLS Healthscripts of America - North Texas LLC ........................................................................ (817) 284-0568 7904 NE Loop 820 76180 Metroplex Foot & Ankle Center................. (817) 595-1310 4375 Booth Calloway Rd Ste 501 76180 Spine Works Institute ................................. (817) 616-0700 8801 N Tarrant Pkwy 76182 Target Pharmacy......................................... (817) 503-0615 8532 Davis Blvd 76182 eRX, 90 ODESSA ODESSA Evans Prescription Pharmacy .................. (432) 337-2361 310 Dotsy Ave 79763 NEW CANEY eRX, 90 Brookshire Brothers Pharmacy ............... (281) 689-3936 Golder Pharmacy ........................................ (432) 337-7311 319 Golder Ave 79761 20185 US Hwy 59 90 69 77357 Medicine Shoppe Pharmacy..................... (281) 689-3446 Lawrence Brothers Pharmacy .................. (432) 332-1231 1613 W County Rd 79763 20851 FM 1485 Rd 77357 eRX NEW WAVERLY Lowes Marketplace Pharmacy.................. (432) 367-3407 1107 E 42nd St 79762 Your New Waverly Pharmacy LLC........... (936) 344-2424 9320C State Hwy 75 S 77358 Pharmacy Unlimited ................................... (432) 580-5123 eRX, 90, SAVE 809 Tower Dr 79761 NEW CANEY NEW WAVERLY SAVE = Costo comprartido preferido 90 = Suministro de 90 días 60 24HR = Abierta las 24 horas eRX = Receta eletrónica Farmacias de la red de Blue Cross Medicare Rx Lista de Farmacias de Texas PARIS Farmacias minoristas, incluyendo cadena de farmacias Target Pharmacy......................................... (432) 366-1913 PALESTINE 3909 E 42nd St 79762 eRX, 90 Brattons Pharmacy..................................... (903) 731-4734 2305 W Oak St 75801 Texas Oncology Pharmacy....................... (432) 337-0012 90, SAVE 301 N Washington Ave 79761 Town & Country Drug ................................ (432) 366-2868 Brookshire’s Pharmacy ............................. (903) 723-1092 2107 S Loop 256 75801 2745 N Grandview Ave 79762 90 eRX, 90, SAVE University Pharmacy Inc............................ (432) 366-8821 Hometown Pharmacy................................. (903) 729-3100 101 Medical Dr 75801 4850 E University Blvd 79762 eRX, 90, SAVE 90, SAVE PALESTINE OLNEY OLNEY PALMVIEW PALMVIEW Cub Drug Inc................................................ (940) 564-5551 Lonestar RX.................................................. (956) 581-2949 1337 E Palma Vista Dr Ste B 78572 116 E Main St 76374 90 eRX, 90 Westside Pharmacy.................................... (956) 584-3458 ONALASKA 200 Palmview Dr 78572 Brookshire Brothers Pharmacy ............... (936) 646-2488 90 14981 Old Trinity Rd N 77360 ONALASKA PAMPA ORANGE ORANGE PAMPA B & B Pharmacy .......................................... (806) 665-5788 Sholars Medicine Chest............................. (409) 883-4352 300 N Ballard St 79065 1301 W Park Ave 77630 eRX, 90 90 Heard Jones Healthmart ............................ (806) 669-7478 114 N Cuyler St 79065 ORANGE GROVE eRX, 90, SAVE Care Pharmacy............................................ (361) 384-3090 Keyes Pharmacy ......................................... (806) 669-1202 407 E Orange Ave 78372 928 N Hobart St 79065 90, SAVE 90, SAVE OVERTON United Pharmacy......................................... (806) 665-7642 1420 N Hobart St 79065 Louis Morgan Drugs................................... (903) 834-3178 90 101 N Rusk St 75684 90 PANHANDLE Overton Pharmacy...................................... (903) 834-0154 Panhandle Drug Store................................ (806) 537-3034 104 W Henderson St 75684 201 Main St 79068 eRX, 90 ORANGE GROVE OVERTON PANHANDLE PARIS OZONA OZONA PARIS Agape Care Pharmacy ............................... (903) 905-4961 1021 S Collegiate Dr 75460 eRX, 90, SAVE Brookshire’s Pharmacy ............................. (903) 785-3297 PALACIOS 925 Clarksville St 75460 90 Palacios Prescription Shoppe .................. (361) 972-3608 Paris Apothecary......................................... (903) 785-4208 321 Main St 77465 707 Lamar Ave Ste B 75460 90 90 Village Drug.................................................. (325) 392-2666 902 11th St 76943 90 PALACIOS SAVE = Costo comprartido preferido 90 = Suministro de 90 días 24HR = Abierta las 24 horas eRX = Receta eletrónica 61 PASADENA Farmacias de la red de Blue Cross Medicare Rx Lista de Farmacias de Texas Farmacias minoristas, incluyendo cadena de farmacias Texas Oncology Pharmacy....................... (903) 737-4539 Strawberry Family Drug ............................. (713) 740-9033 3550 NE Loop 286 75460 1802 Strawberry Rd 77502 Target Pharmacy......................................... (281) 504-0144 PASADENA 5757 Fairmont Pkwy 77505 Amex Pharmacy.......................................... (832) 767-5563 eRX, 90 3316 Plainview St Ste B 77504 Tejas Pharmacy........................................... (713) 472-3736 eRX, 90 320 Southmore Ave Ste 325B 77502 Bayshore Health Mart................................. (281) 984-5000 eRX 3315 Burke Rd Ste 100 77504 Woodlawn Pharmacy ................................. (713) 928-3044 SAVE 3801 Vista Rd Ste 395 77504 Bayshore Pharmacy................................... (713) 944-8893 PEARLAND 4024A Brookhaven Ave 77504 90 Family Pharmacy Care............................... (281) 315-3770 Burke Family Pharmacy............................. (281) 619-2130 10905 Memorial Hermann Dr Ste 102 77584 4002 Burke Rd Ste 400 77504 90 eRX Gale Compounding Pharmacy ................. (281) 668-6209 12234 Shadow Creek Pkwy Ste 4110 77584 Crenshaw Pharmacy.................................. (281) 998-2777 5010 Crenshaw Rd Ste 160 77505 Hazel’s Compounding RX Pharmacy ...... (713) 340-0202 eRX, 90 1801 Country Place Pkwy 77584 DT Pharmacy ............................................... (832) 775-0060 eRX, 90, SAVE 3911 Woodlawn Ave 77504 Healthscripts of America - Pearland LLC Family Pharmacy Care............................... (832) 900-7712 ........................................................................ (832) 770-8180 4949 Fairmont Pkwy Ste 202 77505 1849 Pearland Pkwy Ste 103 77581 90 Kelsey Pharmacy - Pearland..................... (713) 442-7272 Family Pharmacy Inc.................................. (713) 472-3138 2515 Business Center Dr 77584 2418 Southmore Ave 77502 90 90 LTC RX.......................................................... (281) 993-1656 Kelsey Pharmacy - Pasadena................... (713) 442-7179 1834 Broadway St Ste 110 77581 5001 E Sam Houston Pkwy S 77505 Marathon Infusion Care LLC..................... (281) 997-6272 eRX, 90 2421 Roy Rd 77581 Pasadena Health Center ............................ (713) 554-1091 Mastery Pharmacy ...................................... (713) 665-9995 908 Southmore Ave Ste 100 77502 2950 Cullen Blvd Ste 112 77584 Pasadena Medical Plaza Pharmacy......... (713) 429-1842 Med-X Pharmacy ......................................... (281) 506-2453 1430 Pasadena Blvd Ste B 77502 6302 Broadway St Ste 100 77581 eRX, 90 90 PCF Pharmacy............................................. (713) 947-6767 Pharmcare .................................................... (281) 996-7500 2615 Strawberry Rd 77502 1834 Broadway St Ste 106 77581 eRX 90 PharmHouse Pharmacy............................. (281) 998-9400 RX Care Pharmacy...................................... (281) 412-0377 4500 E Sam Houston Pkwy S Ste 100 77505 7121 Broadway St 77581 eRX, 90, SAVE eRX, 90 Premiercare Pharmacy .............................. (281) 991-1300 Script Source Pharmacy............................ (713) 340-3122 5108 Fairmont Pkwy Ste A 77505 10223 Broadway St Ste D2 77584 24HR, eRX eRX Rx Pharmacy ............................................... (281) 998-1100 Smith Ranch Pharmacy ............................. (281) 306-1383 6243 Fairmont Pkwy Ste 103 77505 2813 Smith Ranch Rd Ste B 77584 eRX PASADENA PEARLAND SAVE = Costo comprartido preferido 90 = Suministro de 90 días 62 24HR = Abierta las 24 horas eRX = Receta eletrónica Farmacias de la red de Blue Cross Medicare Rx Lista de Farmacias de Texas PLANO Farmacias minoristas, incluyendo cadena de farmacias Target Pharmacy......................................... (713) 436-2516 Las Milpas Pharmacy ................................. (956) 702-2211 7013 S Cage Blvd Ste D 78577 3045 Silverlake Village Dr 77584 eRX, 90 Mario’s RX Pharmacy................................. (956) 702-5050 Todah Pharmacy LLC ................................ (281) 485-4512 6201 S Cage Blvd Ste 5A 78577 2011 Broadway St Ste 125 77581 Omnicare of Pharr....................................... (956) 702-4601 101 E Interstate 2 Ste D 78577 PECOS Pharr Family Pharmacy.............................. (956) 782-8494 Professional Pharmacy.............................. (432) 447-2266 710 S Cage Blvd Ste D 78577 925 W Daggett St 79772 90, SAVE 90, SAVE Pharrmacy .................................................... (956) 283-0911 PENITAS 1002 W Sam Houston Blvd Ste 1 78577 eRX, SAVE Penitas Family Pharmacy.......................... (956) 580-3500 2308 Expy 83 Ste A 78576 PILOT POINT eRX, 90 Axtell Pharmacy Inc.................................... (940) 686-2218 Saenz Medical Pharmacy of Penitas Inc 1246 S Hwy 377 Ste 100 76258 ........................................................................ (956) 585-2704 90, SAVE 3201 E Expy 83 Extend Care Pharmacy Services.............. (940) 686-2140 Corner of Buena Vista Exwy 83 78576 1246 Hwy 3773 90 Ste 200 76258 PERRYTON Pelzels Hometown Pharmacy ................... (940) 686-0123 1340 N Hwy 377 Ste 100 76258 Red’s Pharmacy LLC.................................. (806) 435-3759 90 3010 Garrett Dr 79070 90 PINELAND United Pharmacy......................................... (806) 435-2211 Pineland Pharmacy..................................... (409) 584-2689 2802 Hwy 83 S 79070 105 Timberland Hwy 75968 90 90 PECOS PENITAS PILOT POINT PERRYTON PINELAND PETERSBURG PETERSBURG PIPE CREEK PIPE CREEK Porter Drug................................................... (806) 667-2231 Super Drug Mart Telepharmacy................ (830) 751-2700 1522 Main 79250 146 Laurel Vista Dr 78063 90 90 PFLUGERVILLE PFLUGERVILLE PITTSBURG PITTSBURG Grand Avenue Pharmacy .......................... (512) 377-1999 Parker Drug .................................................. (903) 856-3626 1615 Grand Ave Pkwy Ste 104 78660 114 Quitman St 75686 90 90 Pflugerville Pharmacy................................ (512) 990-5226 PLAINVIEW 15608 Spring Hill Ln Ste 114 78660 Pharmetrics Specialty Group of Austin .. (512) 717-6188 Hometown Pharmacy................................. (806) 296-9000 13400 Immanuel Rd Bldg B 78660 3200 Olton Rd Ste B 79072 eRX, 90 Target Pharmacy......................................... (512) 687-2065 18700 Limestone Commercial Dr Ste 100 78660 United Pharmacy......................................... (806) 293-3820 2403 N Columbia St 79072 eRX, 90 90 PLAINVIEW PHARR PHARR PLANO PLANO J & L Pharmacy ........................................... (956) 782-1156 American Specialty Pharmacy.................. (214) 919-2090 900 W Sam Houston Blvd Ste 3 78577 90, SAVE 2743 W 15th St 75075 SAVE = Costo comprartido preferido 90 = Suministro de 90 días 24HR = Abierta las 24 horas eRX = Receta eletrónica 63 PLEASANTON Farmacias de la red de Blue Cross Medicare Rx Lista de Farmacias de Texas Farmacias minoristas, incluyendo cadena de farmacias Baylor Medical Plaza Pharmacy At Plano ........................................................................ (469) 814-5780 4716 Alliance Blvd Ste 280 75093 Courage Pharmacy..................................... (972) 943-0628 3200 14th St Ste 404 75074 Grace Pharmacy.......................................... (972) 907-1833 4032 McDermott Rd Ste 160 75024 eRX JCP Home Office Pharmacy...................... (214) 436-4563 6501 Legacy Dr 75024 90, SAVE Lifepath Pharmacy...................................... (469) 467-8629 3920 Alma Dr 75023 eRX Mech Health Care Associates................... (972) 208-9500 7604 San Jacinto Pl 75024 Medpro Pharmacy....................................... (972) 312-9148 1120 E Parker Rd Ste 210 75074 eRX, 90 Minyard Pharmacy...................................... (972) 964-8287 4836 W Park Blvd 75093 SAVE North Texas Institute of Neurology & Headache ........................................................................ (972) 403-8184 5425 W Spring Creek Pkwy Ste 275 75024 Parkway Pharmacy..................................... (972) 985-2600 4708 Alliance Blvd Ste 110 75093 SAVE Patient Focus Medical Practice ................ (972) 612-4007 1700 Coit Rd Ste 110 75075 Plano Care Pharmacy................................. (469) 443-4488 2001 Coit Rd Ste 310 75075 90 Plano Orthopedic & Sports Medicine Center ........................................................................ (972) 250-5700 5228 W Plano Pkwy 75093 QVL Pharmacy ............................................ (972) 348-4170 6020 W Parker Rd Ste 260 75093 eRX, 90 Savon Pharmacy......................................... (972) 423-7557 1301 Custer Rd 75075 eRX, 90 Scepter Pharmacy ...................................... (972) 578-8888 2520 K Ave Ste 600 75074 eRX, 90 Senior Care Pharmacy of Texas LLC ...... (469) 277-1511 3001 Summit Ave Ste 200 75074 eRX Spring Creek Pharmacy............................. (972) 517-7900 280 Legacy Dr Ste 102 75023 eRX, 90 Target Pharmacy......................................... (972) 473-6335 2200 Dallas Pkwy 75093 eRX, 90 Target Pharmacy......................................... (972) 633-1365 120 W Parker Rd 75075 eRX, 90 Texas Health Prescription Shop Plano ... (972) 981-8445 6130 W Parker Rd Ste 100 75093 Texas Oncology Pharmacy ....................... (469) 467-4348 4708 Alliance Blvd Ste 150 75093 Texas Oncology Pharmacy ....................... (972) 867-3577 3705 W 15th St 75075 Texas Star Pharmacy ................................. (972) 519-8475 3033 W Parker Rd Ste 100 75023 eRX, 90 Texas Star Pharmacy II .............................. (214) 291-5087 5425 W Spring Creek Pkwy Ste 190 75024 eRX, 90 The PharmaCompoundia........................... (972) 378-6867 6101 Windhaven Pkwy Ste 120 75093 The PharmaCompoundia - Clinical Pharmaceutics ........................................................................ (972) 473-6867 6001 Windhaven Pkwy Ste 220 75093 The Pharmacy Place`.................................. (972) 867-6141 4031 W Plano Pkwy Ste 211 75093 90 United Market Street Pharmacy................ (972) 713-5515 1929 Preston Rd 75093 90 Willow Bend Pharmacy.............................. (214) 473-8682 5944 W Parker Rd Ste 110 75093 SAVE = Costo comprartido preferido 90 = Suministro de 90 días 24HR = Abierta las 24 horas eRX = Receta eletrónica 64 PLEASANTON PLEASANTON Center Pharmacy......................................... (830) 569-2512 105 N Smith St 78064 90 Rexco Pharmacy ......................................... (830) 569-4060 120 N Smith St 78064 90, SAVE Farmacias de la red de Blue Cross Medicare Rx Lista de Farmacias de Texas RANKIN Farmacias minoristas, incluyendo cadena de farmacias POLLOK POLLOK POST POST Lufkin State Supported Living Center Pharmacy Hometown Pharmacy................................. (806) 495-3576 132 W Main St 79356 ........................................................................ (936) 853-8358 eRX 6844 N US Hwy 69 75969 POTTSBORO PONDER PONDER POTTSBORO Greenbriar Pharmacy................................. (940) 479-0111 Brookshire Pharmacy................................. (903) 786-3150 11205 N Hwy 289 75076 250 E FM 2449 76259 90 90 Family Pharmacy of Pottsboro................. (903) 786-2006 PORT ARTHUR 111 E FM 120 Ste 101 75076 90 Gulf Coast Health Center Pharmacy........ (409) 983-1161 2548 Memorial Blvd 77640 PRINCETON eRX Kings Pharmacy.......................................... (409) 983-3384 Princeton Pharmacy ................................... (972) 736-3777 201 E Princeton Dr Ste 104 75407 1948 9th Ave 77642 90 90 Kings Pharmacy Mid County.................... (409) 722-3392 PROSPER 8455 9th Ave 77642 Prosper Pharmacy ...................................... (214) 338-4010 90 1000 N Preston Rd Ste 10 75078 Maxor Pharmacy......................................... (409) 989-5643 90 3701 Hwy 73 77642 QUANAH eRX O&M Pharmacy Inc..................................... (409) 984-9919 United Pharmacy......................................... (940) 663-2733 1630 Houston Ave 77640 1000 W 11th St 79252 eRX 90 Pat Wood Drug Store ................................. (409) 985-8874 QUINLAN 3648 Gulfway Dr 77642 Brookshire’s Pharmacy ............................. (903) 356-6020 90 441 State Hwy 34 S 75474 Target Pharmacy......................................... (409) 729-3379 90 3100 Hwy 365 Ste 90 77642 Save Mart Quinlan Pharmacy.................... (903) 356-2449 eRX, 90 Hwy 34 and Hwy 276 75474 PORT LAVACA 90, SAVE Medicine Man Pharmacy-Port Lavaca..... (361) 482-0345 QUITMAN 1202 N Virginia St 77979 eRX, 90 Brookshire’s Pharmacy ............................. (903) 763-1420 502C E Goode St 75783 PORT NECHES 90 Market Basket Pharmacy........................... (409) 722-0411 Scott’s Quitman Pharmacy........................ (903) 763-9600 864 Magnolia Ave 77651 310 E Goode St Ste E 75783 90 PORTLAND PORT ARTHUR PRINCETON PROSPER QUANAH QUINLAN PORT LAVACA QUITMAN PORT NECHES PORTLAND RANKIN RANKIN Kmart Pharmacy ......................................... (361) 643-8576 1400 Wildcat Dr 78374 Rankin County Hospital Pharmacy.......... (432) 693-2443 90 1105 Elizabeth St 79778 90 SAVE = Costo comprartido preferido 90 = Suministro de 90 días 24HR = Abierta las 24 horas eRX = Receta eletrónica 65 RAYMONDVILLE Farmacias de la red de Blue Cross Medicare Rx Lista de Farmacias de Texas Farmacias minoristas, incluyendo cadena de farmacias RAYMONDVILLE RAYMONDVILLE Raymondville Family Pharmacy............... (956) 689-6337 180 N 7th St 78580 90 Watsons City Drug...................................... (956) 689-2161 192 S 7th St 78580 RED OAK RED OAK Brookshire’s Pharmacy ............................. (972) 617-8570 102 E Ovilla Rd 75154 90 Red Oak Drug Inc........................................ (972) 617-2222 106 E Ovilla Rd Ste 1 75154 eRX, 90 REFUGIO REFUGIO Village Pharmacy ........................................ (361) 526-4243 112 S Alamo St 78377 eRX RHOME RHOME Best Value Rhome Pharmacy................... (817) 638-5561 400 S Main St 76078 90 RICHARDSON RICHARDSON A & E Community Pharmacy Inc.............. (972) 234-8500 1112 N Floyd Rd Ste 9 75080 90 Amber Pharmacy ........................................ (214) 828-9848 1301 E Arapaho Rd Ste 103 75081 eRX, 90, SAVE Carepoint Partners...................................... (972) 480-9322 661 N Plano Rd Ste 300 75081 90 Dana Discount Pharmacy.......................... (972) 231-8885 1701 N Collins Blvd Ste 328 75080 SAVE El Dorado Pharmacy LLC.......................... (214) 329-4580 1300 E Arapaho Rd Ste 210 75081 Family Discount Pharmacy....................... (972) 235-0444 970 N Coit Rd Ste 2403 75080 eRX, 90 Infinity Pharmacy Solutions LLC ............. (214) 765-5456 3313 Essex Dr Ste 200 75082 SAVE = Costo comprartido preferido 90 = Suministro de 90 días 66 Infusion Therapy of Texas......................... (214) 771-3008 1748 N Greenville Ave 75081 eRX Legends Pharmacy..................................... (972) 234-8544 2093 N Collins Blvd Ste 101 75080 24HR Meridian Pharmacy Group Inc.................. (469) 330-8300 708 W Spring Valley Rd 75080 Pharmetrics Specialty Group of Dallas ... (972) 677-7891 1110 E Collins Blvd Ste 100 75081 eRX Renner Pharmacy Inc................................. (972) 646-8554 3005 E Renner Rd Ste 120 75082 eRX Savon Pharmacy ......................................... (972) 680-8477 2165 Buckingham Rd 75081 eRX, 90 Senderra RX................................................. (888) 777-5547 1301 E Arapaho Rd Ste 101 75081 eRX, 90 Sina RX Pharmacy ...................................... (972) 479-9292 101 S Coit Rd Ste 317 75080 eRX, 90 Target Pharmacy......................................... (214) 530-0184 601 S Plano Rd 75081 eRX, 90 RICHLAND HILLS RICHLAND HILLS Glenview Professional Pharmacy ............ (817) 284-1489 7640 Glenview Dr Ste A 76180 90 Glenview Professional Pharmacy II ......... (817) 284-1926 7640 Glenview Dr Ste B 76180 eRX Prescription Health Resources................. (817) 590-9599 7339 Airport Fwy 76118 RICHMOND RICHMOND Allcare Pharmacy LLC................................ (281) 419-8820 7120 FM 1464 Rd Ste D 77407 eRX Carter’s Pharmacy RX................................ (281) 239-3238 1202 Lark Ln Ste 3 77469 eRX Ft Bend Family Health Center Pharmacy ........................................................................ (281) 633-3188 400 Austin St 77469 24HR = Abierta las 24 horas eRX = Receta eletrónica Farmacias de la red de Blue Cross Medicare Rx Lista de Farmacias de Texas ROSEBUD Farmacias minoristas, incluyendo cadena de farmacias Healthquest Pharmacy............................... (832) 222-0100 22001 Southwest Fwy Ste 110 77469 eRX, 90 Lifechek Drug .............................................. (281) 232-3529 1100 Jackson St 77469 eRX, 90 Mariste Pharmacy....................................... (713) 234-7190 8433 FM 1464 Rd Ste G 77407 Metscript Pharmacy.................................... (281) 341-9696 1300 Main St 77469 90 Metscript Pharmacy.................................... (281) 762-6375 7790 W Grand Pkwy S Ste 101 77406 90 Richmond Pharmacy.................................. (281) 762-7462 1601 Main St Ste 106 77469 eRX, 90 Richmond State Supported Living Center Pharmacy ........................................................................ (281) 344-4601 2100 Preston St 77469 RIO GRANDE CITY RIO GRANDE CITY Fred’s Pharmacy......................................... (956) 487-2711 2790 Pharmacy Rd Ste A 78582 Lino’s Pharmacy ......................................... (956) 488-1811 201 N FM 3167 Ste 101-102 78582 eRX, 90 Nuestra Clinica Del Valle - Rio Grande City ........................................................................ (956) 487-0846 600 N Garza St Ste A 78582 Oscar’s Pharmacy No 1 LLC..................... (956) 488-8700 5322 E US Hwy 83 Ste 1C 78582 eRX, 90 Ringgold Pharmacy.................................... (956) 488-1660 1623 W Main St 78582 90 Roanoke Pharmacy .................................... (817) 491-9111 207 E Byron Nelson Blvd 76262 eRX, 90, SAVE ROBINSON ROBINSON Brookshire’s Pharmacy ............................. (254) 662-6403 100 Peplow Dr 76706 90 Pharmacy Plus............................................. (254) 662-4444 635 N Robinson Dr 76706 eRX, 90 ROBSTOWN ROBSTOWN Modern Pharmacy....................................... (361) 387-4721 305 W Ave A 78380 90 ROCKDALE ROCKDALE Brookshire Brothers Pharmacy................ (512) 446-5056 725 W Cameron Ave 76567 ROCKPORT ROCKPORT Jerry’s Pharmacy ........................................ (361) 729-5545 2205 Hwy 35 N 78382 90, SAVE ROCKWALL ROCKWALL Lake Pointe Orthopaedic Associates ...... (972) 475-8914 3136 Horizon Rd Ste 100 75032 Lakepointe Pharmacy................................. (972) 722-4339 1005 W Ralph Hall Pkwy Ste 147 75032 eRX, 90 Super Drug ................................................... (972) 772-0500 3021 Ridge Rd Ste 103 75032 90 ROMA ROMA Lino’s Pharmacy.......................................... (956) 849-1811 708 Grant St 78584 RIVER OAKS eRX, 90 Spence Pharmacy....................................... (817) 626-3744 Roma Pharmacy.......................................... (956) 847-1688 4821 River Oaks Blvd 76114 700 E Bravo Blvd eRX, 90 Number B 78584 RIVER OAKS ROANOKE ROANOKE ROSEBUD ROSEBUD Minyard Pharmacy...................................... (817) 491-4003 Rosebud Pharmacy .................................... (254) 583-2727 1108 N Hwy 377 76262 112 North 4th St 76570 eRX, SAVE 90 SAVE = Costo comprartido preferido 90 = Suministro de 90 días 24HR = Abierta las 24 horas eRX = Receta eletrónica 67 ROSENBERG Farmacias de la red de Blue Cross Medicare Rx Lista de Farmacias de Texas Farmacias minoristas, incluyendo cadena de farmacias ROSENBERG ROWLETT ROSENBERG ROWLETT C - Med Pharmacy & Health Care Services LLC ........................................................................ (832) 363-3787 5633 Ave I Ste C 77471 eRX Joe’s Pharmacy........................................... (281) 762-1231 1221 1st St 77471 eRX Pioneer Pharmacy ...................................... (832) 759-5114 5101 Ave H Ste 18 77471 Rosenberg 9 Pharmacy ............................. (281) 762-0874 4114 Ave H 77471 Target Pharmacy......................................... (281) 232-1241 23912 Commercial Dr 77471 eRX, 90 Trident Pharmacy........................................ (281) 238-8440 2307 4th St Ste 102 77471 90 Complete Pharmacy Care.......................... (972) 675-3300 4206 Dalrock Rd 75088 Minyard Pharmacy...................................... (972) 475-0678 8505 Lakeview Pkwy 75088 eRX, 90, SAVE Target Pharmacy......................................... (972) 265-6061 4701 Lakeview Pkwy 75088 eRX, 90 Total RX......................................................... (469) 208-4638 9101 Lakeview Pkwy Ste 500 75088 SAVE ROYSE CITY ROYSE CITY Royse City Pharmacy................................. (972) 635-2451 205 E Main St 75189 90, SAVE RUSK RUSK ROSHARON ROSHARON Brookshire Brothers Pharmacy................ (903) 683-2358 425 N Main St 75785 Savannah Pharmacy .................................. (281) 710-4451 Chapman Pharmacy ................................... (903) 683-2422 15028 Hwy 6 77583 108 E 5th St 75785 eRX 90 ROTAN Cherokee Pharmacy ................................... (903) 683-5986 181 Main St 75785 Clinic Pharmacy - Rotan............................ (325) 735-2500 Prescription Pharmacy............................... (903) 683-5436 774 State Hwy 70 N 79546 156 W 5th St 75785 SAVE 90 ROUND ROCK Rusk State Hospital Pharmacy................. (903) 683-7170 Baylor Scott & White Pharmacy............... (512) 509-3600 805 N Dickinson Dr Ste 318 75785 425 University Blvd Ste 165 78665 SAGINAW eRX Healthscripts of America-North Austin LLC Saginaw Pharmacy ..................................... (817) 405-3333 200 WJ Boaz Rd Ste 100 76179 ........................................................................ (832) 494-3210 90 7700 Cat Hollow Dr Ste 101 78681 Heart & Vascular of Central Texas PA..... (512) 206-2999 Savon Pharmacy ......................................... (817) 232-3877 1201 N Saginaw Blvd 76179 16010 Park Valley Dr Ste 200 78681 eRX, 90 LSCC A&M Pharmacy................................ (512) 524-9260 SALADO 3950 N A W Grimes Blvd Ste N105 78665 MBS Pharmacy............................................ (512) 248-5130 Baylor Scott & White Pharmacy ............... (254) 947-7555 555 Round Rock Ste F-300 78681 3525 FM 2484 76571 Quick Mesa Park Pharmacy...................... (512) 255-2144 Brookshire Brothers Pharmacy................ (254) 947-3185 701 E Palm Valley Blvd 78664 215 Mill Creek Dr Ste 155 76571 eRX, 90 Texas Oncology Pharmacy....................... (512) 687-0368 2410 Round Rock Ave Ste 150 78681 ROTAN ROUND ROCK SAGINAW SALADO SAVE = Costo comprartido preferido 90 = Suministro de 90 días 68 24HR = Abierta las 24 horas eRX = Receta eletrónica Farmacias de la red de Blue Cross Medicare Rx Lista de Farmacias de Texas SAN ANTONIO Farmacias minoristas, incluyendo cadena de farmacias SAN ANGELO SAN ANGELO Baptist Pharmacy........................................ (325) 658-7555 902 N Main St 76903 Community Pharmacy ............................... (325) 949-4577 3520 Knickerbocker Rd Ste A 76904 90, SAVE Lowe’s Pharmacy ....................................... (325) 658-6551 2 S Main St 76903 Lowe’s Pharmacy ....................................... (325) 653-3271 1926 N Bryant Blvd 76903 Medi Mart Pharmacy................................... (325) 949-5381 2102 Pecos St Ste 13 76901 eRX, 90 Medical Arts Pharmacy.............................. (325) 949-4636 2102 Pecos St Ste 4 76901 eRX, 90 Myers Drug Inc ............................................ (325) 655-3146 29 S Chadb0urne 76903 eRX, 90, SAVE Shannon Pharmacy.................................... (325) 655-8191 119 E Beauregard Ave 76903 eRX, 90, SAVE SAN ANTONIO SAN ANTONIO 15RX Pharmacy........................................... (210) 684-1579 10415 State Hwy 151 105 78251 eRX 15RX Pharmacy........................................... (210) 543-1579 11212 State Hwy 151 Ste 110 78251 eRX Alamo City Pharmacy................................. (210) 598-2695 3338 Oakwell Ct Ste 106 78218 90 Alamo City Pharmacy................................. (210) 598-2678 110 Stone Oak Loop Ste 100 78258 90 American Medical Direct............................ (210) 832-8300 1862 W Bitters Rd Ste 301 78248 American Specialty Pharmacy ................. (210) 615-7400 2414 Babcock Rd Ste 111 78229 Amerita.......................................................... (210) 930-7200 6019 Randolph Blvd 78233 90 Apotheca Compounding Pharmacy........ (210) 226-1112 14603 Huebner Rd Ste 2602 78230 SAVE = Costo comprartido preferido 90 = Suministro de 90 días Avita Drugs................................................... (210) 231-0383 7302 Louis Pasteur Dr Ste 105 78229 90, SAVE Babcock Square.......................................... (210) 696-6269 5824 Babcock Rd 78240 eRX, 90 Buena Vista Discount Pharmacy.............. (210) 226-3699 2223 Buena Vista St 78207 Carvajal Pharmacy Crockett Park ............ (210) 977-1870 1715 McCullough Ave 78212 SAVE Carvajal Pharmacy CS................................ (210) 922-9031 119 Huizar Rear 78214 90 Carvajal Pharmacy South San.................. (210) 977-1860 7500 Barlite Blvd Ste 201-B 78224 90, SAVE Carvajals Pharmacy.................................... (210) 922-2176 3410 Roosevelt Ave 78214 90, SAVE Crawford Pharmacy.................................... (210) 932-1200 711 Pleasanton Rd 78214 eRX, 90 Davila Pharmacy.......................................... (210) 226-5293 1423 Guadalupe St Ste 108 78207 90 Duncan Pharmacy Inc ................................ (210) 532-1345 3110 Nogalitos Ste 107 78225 90 Economy Pharmacy ................................... (210) 924-5528 305 Peabody Ave 78211 Empire Pharmacy........................................ (210) 223-3863 2207 S Zarzamora St 78207 90 Galaxy Specialty Pharmacy....................... (210) 617-4311 2829 Babcock Rd Ste 120 78229 90 Garza Pharmacy.......................................... (210) 225-4561 311 Camden St Ste 103 78215 90, SAVE Good Life Pharmacy................................... (210) 819-4515 26108 Overlook Pkwy Bldg 4 78260 SAVE Health Professionals .................................. (210) 228-0300 818 Brooklyn Ave Ste 2 78215 eRX 24HR = Abierta las 24 horas eRX = Receta eletrónica 69 SAN ANTONIO Farmacias de la red de Blue Cross Medicare Rx Lista de Farmacias de Texas Farmacias minoristas, incluyendo cadena de farmacias High Performance Pharmacy LLC ........... (888) 757-8967 21 Spurs Ln Sl 120 78240 90 Hill Country Pharmacy............................... (855) 433-2876 2554 Boardwalk St 78217 eRX Hills Drug Store ........................................... (210) 225-7283 705 Kirk Pl 78226 eRX Hoast Pharmacy.......................................... (210) 595-5691 4411 Medical Dr Ste 100 78229 90, SAVE Inventive Infusion Solutions ..................... (210) 494-4272 18866 Stone Oak Pkwy Ste 101 78258 90 Laurel Heights Pharmacy.......................... (210) 736-3161 2602 N Main Ave 78212 90 Legends Pharmacy..................................... (210) 434-2477 6601 Blanco Rd Ste 250 78216 Legends Pharmacy..................................... (210) 735-2323 4535 Fredericksburg Rd Ste 223B 78201 Lifecare Pharmacy...................................... (210) 212-7455 315 N San Saba Ste STE110 78207 90 Lifewatch Pharmacy................................... (615) 537-5926 2523 Boardwalk St 78217 eRX, SAVE Liv-Well Pharmacy...................................... (210) 390-0091 607 Camden St Ste 102 78215 Marios Pharmacy ........................................ (210) 354-0101 215 N San Saba Ste 106 78207 90 Medi RX Drugs............................................. (210) 212-8100 311 Camden St Ste 104 78215 Medical Center Pharmacy ......................... (210) 534-5457 1342 Fair Ave 78223 eRX, 90 Medical Center Pharmacy-San Antonio ........................................................................ (210) 451-7735 4809 Fredericksburg Rd 78229 Medicine Shoppe Pharmacy..................... (210) 224-7676 2004 E Houston St 78202 90 Mission Pharmacy ...................................... (210) 923-4389 3267 Roosevelt Ave 78214 90 Morningside Ministries Pharmacy ........... (210) 731-1199 602 Babcock Rd 78201 Netcare Pharmacy....................................... (210) 256-8629 6428 Bandera Rd 78238 eRX, 90 Netcare Pharmacy....................................... (210) 923-4404 810 SE Military Dr 78214 eRX, 90 Nora I Valdes MD......................................... (210) 614-0000 5282 Medical Dr Ste 600 78229 Oak Hills Pharmacy .................................... (210) 614-4100 7711 Louis Pasteur Dr Ste 100 78229 90, SAVE Oakdell Longterm Care Pharmacy........... (210) 614-6200 7220 Louis Pasteur Dr Ste 174 78229 Oakdell Pharmacy....................................... (210) 614-6200 7220 Louis Pasteur Dr Ste 176 78229 eRX Oakdell Pharmacy At The Quarry............. (210) 822-6330 423 Treeline Park Ste 201 78209 eRX Oakdell Pharmacy In Stone Oak............... (210) 496-7070 104 Gallery Cir Ste 104 78258 Omnicare of San Antonio .......................... (210) 493-3803 12460 Network Blvd Ste 101 78249 Ortiz Pharmacy Inc...................................... (210) 432-2361 2515 Castroville Rd Ste 107 78237 eRX, 90 Pioneer Pharmacy....................................... (210) 492-3005 4503 De Zavala Rd Ste 108 78249 Premier Pharmacy ...................................... (210) 298-9000 2425 Babcock Rd Ste 108A 78229 90 Prescription Dispensing Labs Inc............ (210) 494-1678 19230 Stone Oak Pkwy Ste 200 78258 Rast RX ......................................................... (855) 567-3432 19272 Stone Oak Pkwy Ste 101 78258 eRX Recept Pharmacy........................................ (210) 614-5506 5282 Medical Dr Ste 160 78229 RepublicRx Specialty Pharmacy.............. (210) 718-0300 1862 W Bitters Rd Ste 100 78248 Rite Away Pharmacy & Medical Supply # 2 ........................................................................ (210) 927-3742 2716 SW Military Dr Ste 102 78224 eRX SAVE = Costo comprartido preferido 90 = Suministro de 90 días 24HR = Abierta las 24 horas eRX = Receta eletrónica 70 Farmacias de la red de Blue Cross Medicare Rx Lista de Farmacias de Texas SAN BENITO Farmacias minoristas, incluyendo cadena de farmacias Rite-Away Pharmacy.................................. (210) 490-2733 2235 Thousand Oaks Dr Ste 102 78232 eRX Rite-Away Pharmacy.................................. (210) 923-7717 2115 Pleasanton Rd Ste 100 78221 Rite-Away Pharmacy.................................. (210) 433-9991 426 Castroville Rd Ste 5 78207 River Medical Pharmacy Inc...................... (210) 877-6180 4752 Research Dr 78240 San Antonio State Hospital....................... (210) 531-7724 6711 S New Braunfels Ave Ste 100 78223 Shavano Oaks Pharmacy.......................... (210) 448-9080 3603 Paesanos Pkwy Ste 102 78231 eRX, 90 Shavano Oaks Pharmacy @ Brooks....... (210) 441-4484 3124 Sidney Brooks St Ste 570 78235 90 Shavano Oaks Pharmacy @ Westover Hills ........................................................................ (210) 441-4501 3903 Wiseman Blvd Ste STE313 78251 90 Sonterra RX.................................................. (210) 490-7711 1162 E Sonterra Blvd Ste 100 78258 24HR, 90 South San Medical Building Pharmacy .. (210) 922-1816 919 SW Military Dr Ste 105 78221 90 Specialty Pharmaceutical Solutions........ (210) 375-4620 4503 De Zavala Rd Ste 112 78249 Stone Oak Pharmacy.................................. (210) 494-4272 18866 Stone Oak Pkwy Ste 101 78258 eRX Super Drug Mart.......................................... (210) 648-9001 8920 US Hwy 87 E Ste 4A 78263 90 Talon Compounding Pharmacy ............... (210) 424-0025 2950 Thousand Oaks Dr Ste 7 78247 eRX Target Pharmacy......................................... (210) 682-2533 11311 Bandera Rd 78250 eRX, 90 Target Pharmacy......................................... (210) 764-7972 18255 Blanco Rd 78258 eRX, 90 Target Pharmacy......................................... (210) 247-0083 3227 SE Military Dr 78223 eRX, 90 Target Pharmacy......................................... (210) 545-9208 13700 San Pedro Ave 78232 eRX, 90 Target Pharmacy......................................... (210) 927-4752 2810 SW Military Dr 78224 eRX, 90 Target Pharmacy......................................... (210) 247-0017 8223 State Hwy 151 78245 eRX, 90 Target Pharmacy......................................... (210) 247-0114 17502 La Cantera Pkwy 78257 eRX, 90 Target Pharmacy......................................... (210) 679-2369 22832 US Hwy 281 N 78258 eRX, 90 Target Pharmacy......................................... (210) 424-1911 5355 W Loop 1604 N 78253 eRX, 90 Target Pharmacy......................................... (210) 424-2302 746 NW Loop 410 78216 eRX, 90 Target Pharmacy......................................... (210) 424-3005 7014 FM 78 78244 eRX, 90 Target Pharmacy......................................... (210) 202-3579 1223 Austin Hwy 78209 eRX, 90 The Start Center Pharmacy ....................... (210) 593-2660 4383 Medical Dr Ste 113 78229 90 Trinity RX...................................................... (210) 927-4744 102 Palo Alto Rd Ste 240 78211 90, SAVE White Cross Pharmacy .............................. (210) 227-7200 1303 McCullough Ave Ste 128 78212 90, SAVE SAVE = Costo comprartido preferido 90 = Suministro de 90 días 24HR = Abierta las 24 horas eRX = Receta eletrónica SAN AUGUSTINE SAN AUGUSTINE Brookshire Brothers Pharmacy................ (936) 275-9060 705 W Columbia St 75972 San Augustine Drug Co ............................. (936) 275-3401 104 E Columbia St 75972 90 SAN BENITO SAN BENITO Frys Prescription Pharmacy...................... (956) 399-2453 311 N Sam Houston Blvd 78586 90 71 SAN DIEGO Farmacias de la red de Blue Cross Medicare Rx Lista de Farmacias de Texas Farmacias minoristas, incluyendo cadena de farmacias Medicine Shoppe Pharmacy..................... (956) 399-1411 Medicine Man Pharmacy............................ (409) 927-1979 205 W US Hwy 77 78586 13250 Hwy 6 77510 eRX, 90 Salinas Pharmacy....................................... (956) 399-5501 500 N Sam Houston Blvd Ste 1 78586 SCHULENBURG 90 Apothecary of Medical Associates .......... (979) 743-3265 SAN DIEGO 38 East Ave 78956 eRX, 90 La Hacienda Pharmacy Inc........................ (361) 279-3869 213 S Dree Dunlap St 78384 SEABROOK eRX, 90 Medicine Shoppe Pharmacy ..................... (832) 864-3785 SAN JUAN 4614 Nasa Pkwy 77586 Martin Drug Co ............................................ (956) 787-1861 SEAGOVILLE 601 S Nebraska Ave 78589 Brookshire Pharmacy................................. (972) 287-1680 90 125 Hwy 175 75159 Nuestra Clinica Del Valle ........................... (956) 787-8915 90 806 W 3rd St 78589 Gibson Discount Pharmacy ...................... (972) 287-7070 SAN MARCOS 112 Hall Rd 75159 eRX B & J Pharmacy........................................... (512) 392-3301 2111 Hunter Rd 78666 SEGUIN 90, SAVE Medpark Legend Pharmacy...................... (512) 353-8900 Cedar View Pharmacy ................................ (830) 372-3000 519 N King St Ste 110 78155 2004 Medical Pkwy Ste A 78666 eRX, 90, SAVE eRX Parkers City Pharmacy............................... (830) 379-1450 Pharmacy Care USA of San Marcos LLC 1005 E Court St 78155 ........................................................................ (512) 392-5790 eRX, 90 2260 S I-35 Ste 201 78666 SELMA Target Pharmacy......................................... (512) 392-7961 700 Barnes Dr 78666 Target Pharmacy......................................... (210) 945-9759 eRX, 90 8234 Agora Pkwy 78154 eRX, 90 Thorpe Lane Pharmacy.............................. (512) 353-5042 1346 Thorpe Ln 78666 SEMINOLE SCHULENBURG SAN DIEGO SEABROOK SAN JUAN SEAGOVILLE SAN MARCOS SEGUIN SELMA SEMINOLE SAN SABA SAN SABA Everetts Pharmacy ..................................... (325) 372-3033 401 W Wallace St 76877 eRX, 90 SANGER Oswalt Pharmacy........................................ (432) 758-3656 701 Hobbs Hwy 79360 90, SAVE SEVEN POINTS SEVEN POINTS SANGER Brookshire’s Pharmacy ............................. (903) 432-2516 210 S Seven Points Dr 75143 S & J Pharmacy........................................... (940) 458-4448 90 801 W Chapman Dr Ste 100 76266 90 Gibson Pharmacy ....................................... (903) 432-3494 205 W Cedar Creek Pkwy 75143 SANTA FE 90 Lone Star Pharmacy................................... (409) 925-9995 4111 FM 1764 Rd Ste F 77517 90 SANTA FE SAVE = Costo comprartido preferido 90 = Suministro de 90 días 72 24HR = Abierta las 24 horas eRX = Receta eletrónica Farmacias de la red de Blue Cross Medicare Rx Lista de Farmacias de Texas SOMERVILLE Farmacias minoristas, incluyendo cadena de farmacias Sherman Pharmacy .................................... (903) 328-6655 600 E Taylor St Ste 101 75090 eRX, 90, SAVE Fergeson Drug............................................. (940) 889-3622 101 N Washington St 76380 Target Pharmacy......................................... (903) 892-4416 eRX 4160 Town Ctr 75092 eRX, 90 Seymour Pharmacy.................................... (940) 888-2222 201 Stadium Dr Ste 1 76380 Texas Oncology Pharmacy ....................... (903) 868-4790 eRX, 90, SAVE 2800 N US Hwy 75 75090 SEYMOUR SEYMOUR SHALLOWATER SHALLOWATER SHINER SHINER Shallowater Pharmacy............................... (806) 832-0250 Quality Pharmacy........................................ (361) 594-2262 1502 12th St Ste B 79363 724 N Ave E 77984 eRX, 90, SAVE SHAMROCK Shiner Family Pharmacy............................ (361) 594-2394 Market Square Pharmacy .......................... (806) 256-3111 408 N Ave B 77984 1814 N Bill Mack Ste 200 79079 eRX, 90 90 SHAMROCK SILSBEE SHENANDOAH SHENANDOAH SILSBEE Brookshire Brothers Pharmacy................ (409) 385-9148 Kelsey Pharmacy - Woodlands ................ (713) 442-1975 333 Hwy 96 S 77656 106 Vision Park Blvd 77384 SINTON eRX, 90 Pinecroft Pharmacy.................................... (281) 466-3650 Moores Pharmacy....................................... (361) 364-1416 9201 Pinecroft Dr 77380 200 W Rachal St 78387 eRX, 90, SAVE eRX, 90 Village Pharmacy ........................................ (832) 948-1012 SLATON 1490 Research Forest Dr 77381 eRX, 90, SAVE Slaton Pharmacy......................................... (806) 828-4444 165 S 9th St Ste A 79364 SHEPHERD SAVE JC’s Truecare Pharmacy Inc..................... (936) 628-2099 SMITHVILLE 11011 Hwy 150 77371 Smithville Pharmacy................................... (512) 237-5216 90 1404A NE Loop 230 78957 SHERMAN eRX CareRx Pharmacy At Sherman................. (903) 893-1700 SNYDER 1733 Texoma Pkwy Ste 200 75090 McWilliams Pharmacy................................ (325) 573-7582 eRX, 90, SAVE 3706 College Ave 79549 Diamondback Pain & Wellness ................ (903) 463-7246 SAVE 600 E Taylor St Ste 304 75090 Heritage Parkway Pharmacy..................... (903) 893-8222 United Pharmacy......................................... (325) 574-1683 3500 College Ave 79549 3429 N FM 1417 75092 90 90, SAVE Medicine Shoppe Pharmacy..................... (903) 892-9291 SOMERVILLE 1624 N Travis St 75092 B & B Pharmacy .......................................... (979) 596-3081 Savon Pharmacy......................................... (903) 868-9414 16800 Sh 36 South 77879 100 E Taylor St 75092 eRX, 90 SINTON SLATON SHEPHERD SMITHVILLE SHERMAN SNYDER SOMERVILLE SAVE = Costo comprartido preferido 90 = Suministro de 90 días 24HR = Abierta las 24 horas eRX = Receta eletrónica 73 SONORA Farmacias de la red de Blue Cross Medicare Rx Lista de Farmacias de Texas Farmacias minoristas, incluyendo cadena de farmacias SONORA SONORA Everetts Pharmacy Sonora ....................... (325) 387-2541 417 Hwy 277 N 76950 90 SOUR LAKE SOUR LAKE B & B Pharmacy.......................................... (409) 287-3525 295 Hwy 105 E 77659 SOUTH HOUSTON SOUTH HOUSTON Niko RX Pharmacy...................................... (713) 510-5434 207 Winton St 77587 24HR, 90 SOUTHLAKE SOUTHLAKE Cody L Mihills MD PA................................. (817) 310-0421 1001 W Southlake Blvd 76092 Healthscripts of America-Southlake LLC ........................................................................ (832) 770-8180 1621 E Southlake Blvd Ste 180 76092 Pharmacy Plus ............................................ (817) 410-1000 721 Southlake Blvd Ste 180 76092 eRX, 90 SPEARMAN SPEARMAN Kelsey Pharmacy-Spring........................... (713) 442-1779 15655 Cypress Woods Medical Dr Ste 150 77014 eRX, 90 Lifechek Drug............................................... (281) 367-2700 440 Rayford Rd Ste 155 77386 eRX, 90 Maswoswe’s Alternative Pharmacy Services ........................................................................ (832) 761-7817 16736 Champion Forest Dr 77379 O Na K Pharmacy........................................ (832) 831-0346 5039 FM 2920 Rd 77388 eRX Rayford Pharmacy ...................................... (832) 953-2926 7623 Louetta Rd Ste 104 77379 90 Scripts Pharmacy........................................ (832) 610-3480 20423 Kuykendahl Rd Ste 250 77379 Sterling Ridge Orthopaedics & Sports Medicine Pharmacy.................... (832) 698-0120 20639 Kuykendahl Rd Ste 300 77379 SAVE Target Pharmacy......................................... (281) 288-5018 19511 I-45 North 77388 eRX, 90 SPRING BRANCH SPRING BRANCH Hansford Hospital Pharmacy.................... (806) 659-2226 North Shore Pharmacy............................... (830) 214-2920 707 Roland St 79081 113 Stargrass Ste 100 78070 90 90 Medic Pharmacy & Gifts ............................ (806) 659-2141 SPRINGTOWN 314 Main St 79081 SPRINGTOWN SPLENDORA SPLENDORA Brookshire’s Pharmacy ............................. (817) 220-1178 500 E Hwy 199 76082 Assurance Consolidated Pharmacy........ (281) 689-7700 90 13841 Hwy 59 Ste C 77372 Springtown Drug......................................... (817) 220-7927 SPRING 117 E 1st St 76082 SPRING SPUR Assurance Consolidated Pharmacy........ (832) 813-8199 SPUR 26202 Oak Ridge Dr Ste A102 77380 Danas Pharmacy Inc................................... (806) 271-3394 eRX, SAVE 315 Burlington Ave 79370 Better Balance Pharmacy Inc ................... (281) 205-7091 STAFFORD 5834 Louetta Rd Ste D 77379 eRX, 90 1 Stop Pharmacy......................................... (832) 328-5996 Budget Pharmacy ....................................... (713) 694-3785 11725 W Bellfort St 77477 19786 I-45 77373 Advanced Pharmacy Services.................. (713) 391-2200 Crysoncare Pharmacy Inc......................... (832) 813-5085 12503 Exchange Dr Ste 536 77477 22325 Gosling Rd 77389 24HR eRX STAFFORD SAVE = Costo comprartido preferido 90 = Suministro de 90 días 74 24HR = Abierta las 24 horas eRX = Receta eletrónica Farmacias de la red de Blue Cross Medicare Rx Lista de Farmacias de Texas SUGAR LAND Farmacias minoristas, incluyendo cadena de farmacias Dr Pharmacy ................................................ (832) 539-6386 103 Ave F 77477 Nationsmed Healthcare ............................. (281) 240-4144 4677 Techniplex Dr 77477 Omnicare of Houston................................. (281) 776-8860 10650 W Airport Blvd Ste 150 77477 P R Pharmacy LLC...................................... (832) 230-8027 720 Murphy Rd 77477 Pharmacy 4 Less......................................... (281) 969-5077 432 Murphy Rd 77477 Stafford Pharmacy & DME......................... (281) 969-5901 2448 S Main St 77477 Wellmart Pharmacy .................................... (281) 208-7138 802 FM 2234 Rd Ste 2A 77477 Accucare Pharmacy ................................... (832) 939-9052 4645 Hwy 6 Ste J 77478 eRX Admix Compounding Pharmacy.............. (832) 532-3113 1403 Hwy 6 Ste 300B 77478 Campbells Compounding Pharmacy...... (281) 980-2555 4760 Sweetwater Blvd Ste 103 77479 Choice Specialty Pharmacy...................... (713) 461-3344 1403 Hwy 6 Ste 700A 77478 DeliverIt Pharmacy Inc............................... (281) 277-1071 13303 W Airport Blvd 77478 24HR, eRX, 90, SAVE Ecleats Pharmacy Inc................................. (281) 903-7491 4427 Hwy 6 Ste F 77478 90 Foundation Foot & Ankle Centers LLC ... (713) 234-7057 1111 Hwy 6 Ste 120 77478 Healix Therapeutics .................................... (281) 295-4292 14140 Southwest Fwy Ste 120 77478 eRX, 90 Health Check Pharmacy............................. (281) 201-8232 3533 Town Center Blvd S Ste 500 77479 Healthscripts Specialty Pharmacy LLC... (832) 494-3210 13020 Dairy Ashford Rd Ste 301 77478 eRX Kelsey Pharmacy - Fort Bend ................... (713) 442-9475 11555 University Blvd 77478 eRX, 90 Metscript Pharmacy.................................... (281) 277-2700 4888 Hwy 90A Ste 100 77498 eRX, 90 NAHS Pharmacy II....................................... (832) 939-8950 11677 S Hwy 6 77498 Normandy RX Inc ........................................ (832) 999-4744 7320 Hwy 90A Ste 140 77478 eRX, SAVE Oasis Pharmacy .......................................... (281) 240-8111 12946 Dairy Ashford Rd Ste 460 77478 Omni-One-Med Pharmacy Services LLC ........................................................................ (832) 554-5008 17310 W Grand Pkwy S Ste E 77479 eRX Pharmtrust Pharmacy ................................ (281) 201-2627 1111 Hwy 6 Ste 110 77478 eRX, 90 Pro Med RX................................................... (281) 313-0730 13134 Dairy Ashford Rd Ste 900 77478 eRX Pro Pharmacy Health Inc ........................... (281) 491-0767 14021 Southwest Fwy Ste 409B 77478 eRX Sugar Land Compounding Pharmacy..... (281) 302-6080 14891 Southwest Fwy 77478 eRX Target Pharmacy......................................... (281) 340-0565 16300 Southwest Fwy 77479 eRX, 90 Tex-Care Pharmacy .................................... (832) 532-0135 4660 Sweetwater Blvd Ste 180 77479 SAVE = Costo comprartido preferido 90 = Suministro de 90 días 24HR = Abierta las 24 horas eRX = Receta eletrónica STAMFORD STAMFORD Country Drug Store .................................... (325) 773-2441 1517 Columbia St 79553 90, SAVE STANTON STANTON Stanton Drug Company............................. (432) 756-3731 201 N St Peter St 79782 STEPHENVILLE STEPHENVILLE River North Pharmacy................................ (254) 918-2201 150 River North Blvd 76401 Tanglewood Pharmacy.............................. (254) 968-7657 2445 Northwest Loop Ste A 76401 24HR, eRX, 90 STRATFORD STRATFORD Elk Pharmacy............................................... (806) 366-5505 317 N Main 79084 SUGAR LAND SUGAR LAND 75 SULPHUR SPRINGS Farmacias de la red de Blue Cross Medicare Rx Lista de Farmacias de Texas Farmacias minoristas, incluyendo cadena de farmacias Texas Oncology Pharmacy....................... (281) 276-3467 TATUM 1350 1st Colony Blvd 77479 Vita Care Pharmacy II................................. (281) 277-2800 B & B Pharmacy .......................................... (903) 947-2174 420 N Hill St 75691 1429 Hwy 6 Ste 100 77478 eRX, 90 TAYLOR VitaMed Pharmacy...................................... (281) 313-0234 Pfennigs Prescription Pharmacy.............. (512) 352-5233 16126 Southwest Fwy Ste 180 77479 511 N Main St 76574 90 eRX, 90 SULPHUR SPRINGS Schwenker Pharmacy ................................ (512) 352-3659 2407 N Main St 76574 Brookshire’s Pharmacy ............................. (903) 885-7532 90 809 Gilmer St 75482 90 TEAGUE Cody Drug .................................................... (903) 885-2639 Pharmacy Plus............................................. (254) 739-2585 1505 S Broadway St 75482 600 Main St 75860 eRX, 90, SAVE eRX, 90 Medicine Chest Institutional Pharmacy ........................................................................ (903) 438-0770 TEMPLE 411 Main St Ste 2 75482 Baylor Scott & White Pharmacy ............... (254) 774-1050 514 W Adams Ave 76501 SWEENY Baylor Scott & White Pharmacy ............... (254) 215-9100 Lifechek Drug .............................................. (979) 548-0212 1605 S 31st St Ste 19 76508 200 N Main St 77480 Baylor Scott & White Pharmacy ............... (254) 774-1600 90 937 Canyon Creek Dr 76502 SWEETWATER Kings Daughters Pharmacy Inc................ (254) 778-4803 1905 SW H K Dodgen Loop 76502 Brookshire’s Pharmacy ............................. (325) 236-6883 501 E Broadway St 79556 Scott & White Memorial Hospital Outpatient Pharmacy 90 ........................................................................ (254) 724-3811 Kmart Pharmacy ......................................... (325) 235-4077 2401 S 31st St 76508 210 SW Georgia Ave 79556 eRX, 90 90 Target Pharmacy......................................... (254) 295-1058 Maloney Prescription Pharmacy.............. (325) 236-6394 3550 S General Bruce Dr Bldg A100 76504 1405 Hailey St 79556 eRX, 90 90 Westside Drug ............................................. (254) 778-2773 The Medicine Place..................................... (325) 236-6809 1516 S 31st St 76504 1410 Lamar St 79556 90, SAVE 90 TATUM TAYLOR SULPHUR SPRINGS TEAGUE TEMPLE SWEENY SWEETWATER TERRELL TAFT TAFT TERRELL Bass Rutledge Drug.................................... (972) 563-3311 201 W Moore Ave Ste 1 75160 eRX Brookshire’s Pharmacy ............................. (972) 563-2693 TAHOKA 1400 W Moore Ave 75160 90 Tahoka Drug ................................................ (806) 561-4041 Terrell Pharmacy ......................................... (972) 563-6466 1610 N Main St Ste 1020 79373 642 N Rockwall Ave 75160 eRX eRX, 90, SAVE Taft Pharmacy ............................................. (361) 528-2012 213 Meyer St 78390 eRX TAHOKA SAVE = Costo comprartido preferido 90 = Suministro de 90 días 76 24HR = Abierta las 24 horas eRX = Receta eletrónica Farmacias de la red de Blue Cross Medicare Rx Lista de Farmacias de Texas TOMBALL Farmacias minoristas, incluyendo cadena de farmacias Terrell State Hospital Pharmacy............... (972) 551-8238 1200 E Brin St 75160 TEXARKANA TEXARKANA THE WOODLANDS THE WOODLANDS GHPMA2 ....................................................... (936) 447-9432 17521 St Lukes Way Ste 120 77384 eRX Healthy Pharmacy Solutions..................... (832) 585-0240 8021 Research Forest Dr Ste D 77382 eRX Houston Center For Infectious Diseases ........................................................................ (281) 444-1303 1111 Medical Plaza Dr Ste 170 77380 Millennium Pharmacy................................. (281) 298-1129 9319 Pinecroft Dr Ste 110 77380 Southside LTC Pharmacy.......................... (832) 813-5296 1111 Medical Plaza Dr Ste 160 77380 eRX, 90, SAVE St Luke’s Community Health Services.... (936) 266-2000 17200 St Lukes Way 77384 Target Pharmacy......................................... (281) 419-6944 1100 Lake Woodlands Dr 77380 eRX, 90 Collom & Carney Clinic Pharmacy .......... (903) 614-3100 5002 Cowhorn Creek Rd 75503 eRX, 90 Glenwood Pharmacy.................................. (903) 792-8296 1400 College Dr 75503 90 Health Care Center Pharmacy .................. (903) 614-2200 2604 Saint Michael Dr Ste 200 75503 Pleasant Grove Pharmacy......................... (903) 832-4545 3302 Richmond Rd 75503 90 Red River LTC ............................................. (903) 792-1721 1327 College Dr Ste A 75503 Red River Pharmacy Services LLC.......... (903) 792-7435 1327 College Dr 75503 90 RX Direct Inc ................................................ (800) 785-4197 5001 N State Line Ave Ste C 75503 Savon Pharmacy......................................... (903) 832-3524 THREE RIVERS 2315 Richmond Rd 75503 Campbell Drug Store .................................. (361) 786-3757 eRX, 90 101 W Thornton 78071 90 Super 1 Pharmacy ...................................... (903) 832-2258 2610 Richmond Rd 75503 TIMPSON 90 Target Pharmacy......................................... (903) 223-0270 Bussey Drug ................................................ (936) 254-2471 443 Austin St 75975 102 Richmond Ranch Rd 75503 90 eRX, 90 THREE RIVERS TIMPSON TEXAS CITY TEXAS CITY TOMBALL TOMBALL Affordable Pharmacy Inc........................... (409) 229-4636 First Care Pharmacy................................... (832) 698-1532 24922 Tomball Pkwy Ste 120 77375 8030 FM 1765 Ste A104 77591 eRX, 90 Mainland Pharmacy.................................... (409) 945-2368 Gloyers Pharmacy Inc................................ (281) 351-5454 811 6th St N Ste 100 77590 1010 W Main St 77375 90 eRX Texas City Pharmacy ................................. (409) 655-3033 Home Health Store of Tomball Inc ........... (281) 351-6216 2506 25th Ave N 444 Holderrieth Blvd Ste 6 77375 4 77590 MS Pharmacy............................................... (832) 698-1565 THE COLONY 27721 Tomball Pkwy Ste 400 77375 eRX, 90, SAVE Trinity North Pharmacy.............................. (214) 494-6222 6053 Main St Ste 120 75056 Saddlebrook Pharmacy.............................. (832) 698-2104 eRX, 90 25201 Kuykendahl Rd Ste 300 77375 eRX, 90 THE COLONY SAVE = Costo comprartido preferido 90 = Suministro de 90 días 24HR = Abierta las 24 horas eRX = Receta eletrónica 77 TRINITY Farmacias de la red de Blue Cross Medicare Rx Lista de Farmacias de Texas Farmacias minoristas, incluyendo cadena de farmacias Target Pharmacy......................................... (281) 255-6289 14302 FM 2920 Rd 77377 eRX, 90 Texas Orthopaedic & Sports Medicine ........................................................................ (281) 351-7261 13603 Michel Rd 77375 TMP Pharmacy ............................................ (281) 290-7741 455 School St Ste 48 77375 90 Tomball Health Mart Pharmacy ................ (832) 559-6413 506 Graham Dr Ste 140 77375 eRX, 90, SAVE Tomball Pharmacy...................................... (832) 843-7105 28455 State Hwy 249 77375 Tomball Professional Atruim Pharmacy ........................................................................ (281) 351-8239 425 Holderrieth Blvd Ste 111 77375 90 TRINITY TRINITY Brookshire Brothers Pharmacy ............... (936) 594-2549 515 S Robb St 75862 Lifechek Drug .............................................. (936) 594-3593 507 S Robb St Ste B 75862 90 TROUP TROUP Troup Pharmacy.......................................... (903) 842-3074 501 W Duval St 75789 90 TULIA TULIA Moore Than Medicine................................. (806) 995-3551 105 SW 2nd St 79088 90 TYLER TYLER American Specialty Pharmacy ................. (214) 347-4311 1109 E 5th St 75701 Brick Street Pharmacy ............................... (903) 533-8155 314 W Rusk St 75701 eRX, 90 Brickstreet Long Term Care LLC ............. (903) 533-8157 312 W Rusk St Ste B 75701 Brookshire’s Pharmacy ............................. (903) 526-4092 2754 E 5th St 75701 90 SAVE = Costo comprartido preferido 90 = Suministro de 90 días 78 Brookshire’s Pharmacy ............................. (903) 561-7943 100 Rice Rd 75703 90 Brookshire’s Pharmacy ............................. (903) 597-1358 2020 Roseland Blvd 75701 90 Brookshire’s Pharmacy ............................. (903) 747-3508 6991 Old Jacksonville Hwy 75703 eRX, 90 Chapel Hill Pharmacy Ltd .......................... (903) 566-0326 12445 State Hwy 64 E 75707 eRX Craig Pharmacy........................................... (903) 595-3737 1863 Troup Hwy 75701 eRX, 90 Drug Emporium........................................... (903) 534-9105 5614 S Broadway Ave 75703 eRX, 90 Family First Pharmacy ............................... (903) 561-2822 16623 FM 2493 Ste A 75703 eRX, 90 Goods Medicine Chest............................... (903) 885-0821 2130 W Grande Blvd 75703 90 Goods Medicine Chest............................... (903) 885-0821 807 S Beckham Ave 75701 90 Kinsey’s Pharmacy..................................... (903) 561-5656 4290 Kinsey Dr 75703 eRX, 90 LTC Pharmacy Services North ................. (903) 535-7200 1041 N Northeast Loop 323 75708 Omnicare of Tyler........................................ (903) 533-8122 105 Jordan Plaza Blvd 75704 Qol Meds....................................................... (903) 595-3100 2323 W Front St 75702 Red River LTC of Tyler ............................... (903) 617-6885 4801 Troup Hwy Ste 402 75703 Roseland Pharmacy ................................... (903) 531-0590 1814 Roseland Blvd Ste 220 75701 90 Stephenson Pharmacy............................... (903) 593-0236 1000 S Fleishel Ave 75701 90 Super 1 Pharmacy....................................... (903) 581-9666 3828 Troup Hwy 75703 90 24HR = Abierta las 24 horas eRX = Receta eletrónica Farmacias de la red de Blue Cross Medicare Rx Lista de Farmacias de Texas WACO Farmacias minoristas, incluyendo cadena de farmacias Super 1 Pharmacy ...................................... (903) 535-9467 1105 E Gentry Pkwy 75702 90 Super 1 Pharmacy ...................................... (903) 593-5369 113 NW Loop 323 75702 90 Target Pharmacy......................................... (903) 939-8550 7003 S Broadway Ave 75703 eRX, 90 Texas Oncology Pharmacy....................... (903) 579-9844 910 E Houston St Ste 100 75702 Tyler Hematology Oncology Pharmacy.. (903) 592-6152 721 Clinic Dr Ste A 75701 90 TylerRx Pharmacy ...................................... (903) 593-1400 2415 E 5th St 75701 eRX, 90 UTHCT Pharmacy ....................................... (903) 877-7088 11937 US Hwy 271 75708 eRX, 90 Woody Weaver Pharmacy......................... (903) 593-2533 2726 W Gentry Pkwy 75702 90 United Pharmacy......................................... (940) 552-2600 3000 Wilbarger St 76384 90 VICTORIA VICTORIA Castle Hills Legend Pharmacy.................. (361) 575-6328 3412 Sam Houston Dr 77904 eRX, 90 Central Drug Inc........................................... (361) 575-4713 3802 N Laurent St 77901 90 Harding & Parker Legend Pharmacy....... (361) 573-2476 2806 N Navarro St Ste A 77901 Rogers Pharmacy ....................................... (361) 578-3521 4402 N Laurent St 77901 eRX, 90 Rogers Pharmacy ....................................... (361) 574-1544 2700 Citizens Plz Ste 106 77901 eRX, 90 Rogers Pharmacy ....................................... (361) 572-0226 512 E Rio Grande St 77901 eRX, 90 Rogers Pharmacy ....................................... (361) 572-3106 6502 Nursery Dr Ste 102 77904 UVALDE eRX, 90 Lifecare Pharmacy...................................... (830) 591-1000 Rogers Pharmacy ....................................... (361) 573-1888 8621 N Navarro St 77904 1001 E Main St 78801 90 Our Health .................................................... (830) 278-5604 200 Evans St 78801 Target Pharmacy......................................... (361) 579-6716 7608 NE Zac Lentz Pkwy 77904 VAN eRX, 90 Brookshire’s Pharmacy ............................. (903) 963-3834 VIDOR 706 W Main St 75790 90 Brookshire Brothers Pharmacy................ (409) 769-2439 1380 N Main St 77662 VAN ALSTYNE T & T Pharmacy ........................................... (409) 769-2438 City Drug....................................................... (903) 482-5279 315 N Main St 77662 209 E Jefferson 75495 Vidor Family Pharmacy.............................. (409) 769-2406 90 1130 N Main St 77662 eRX VERNON UVALDE VAN VIDOR VAN ALSTYNE VERNON WACO Family Pharmacy ........................................ (940) 552-2999 WACO 1720 Hillcrest Dr 76384 Baylor Scott & White Pharmacy ............... (254) 761-5200 90, SAVE 1412 N Valley Mills Dr Ste 116 76710 Hillcrest Pharmacy...................................... (940) 552-9501 Baylor University Health Center Pharmacy 1015 Hillcrest Dr Ste B 76384 ........................................................................ (254) 710-4991 90 209 Speight Ave Ste 214 76706 North Texas State Hospital Pharmacy .... (940) 552-4074 4730 College Dr 76384 SAVE = Costo comprartido preferido 90 = Suministro de 90 días 24HR = Abierta las 24 horas eRX = Receta eletrónica 79 WAKE VILLAGE Farmacias de la red de Blue Cross Medicare Rx Lista de Farmacias de Texas Farmacias minoristas, incluyendo cadena de farmacias Circle Drug ................................................... (254) 662-0774 3211 Robinson Dr 76706 90 Drug Emporium........................................... (254) 772-0011 5900 Bosque Blvd 76710 eRX, 90 Family Practice Clinic Pharmacy ............. (254) 750-8200 1600 Providence Dr 76707 FHC Medicaid Pharmacy ........................... (254) 759-3541 1600 Providence Dr Ste 201 76707 eRX Lynn’s La Vega Pharmacy......................... (254) 799-4949 2401 E Waco Dr 76705 90 Omnicare of Waco ...................................... (254) 776-6398 7524 Bosque Blvd Ste N 76712 Pharmacy Plus ............................................ (254) 756-5383 3308 Hillcrest Dr 76708 eRX, 90 Pharmacy Plus ............................................ (254) 867-6700 829A N Loop 340 76705 eRX, 90 Pharmacy Plus ............................................ (254) 836-5255 10412 China Spring Rd Ste A 76708 eRX, 90 Plaza Pharmacy........................................... (254) 751-4915 6101 Woodway Dr Ste 100 76712 eRX Target Pharmacy......................................... (254) 399-9140 5401 Bosque Blvd 76710 eRX, 90 Texas Oncology Pharmacy....................... (254) 399-5900 1700 W State Hwy 6 76712 WASKOM WASKOM Killion’s Pharmacy...................................... (903) 687-2525 396 W Texas Ave 75692 90 WATAUGA WATAUGA Albertsons Pharmacy................................. (817) 428-0371 6249 Rufe Snow Dr 76148 90 Savon Pharmacy ......................................... (817) 581-6223 8428 Denton Hwy 76148 eRX, 90 Target Pharmacy......................................... (817) 427-1099 8000 Denton Hwy 76148 eRX, 90 TCHD Gertrude Tarpley Community Clinic Pharmacy ........................................................................ (817) 702-6640 6601 Watauga Rd Ste 126 76148 eRX WAXAHACHIE WAXAHACHIE Kare Family Clinic ....................................... (972) 938-0100 120 S Grand Ave Ste 2 75165 Qol Meds LLC .............................................. (972) 937-8309 1305 W Jefferson St Ste 231 75165 Target Pharmacy......................................... (972) 923-9169 1316 N Hwy 77 75165 eRX, 90 The Prescription Shop ............................... (972) 938-2642 120 S Grand Ave Ste 1 75165 eRX, 90 WEATHERFORD WEATHERFORD WAKE VILLAGE WAKE VILLAGE Best Value Hometown Pharmacy............. (817) 594-3435 1702 Santa Fe Dr 76086 Kmart Pharmacy ......................................... (903) 838-7539 eRX, 90 4520 W 7th St 75501 Brookshire’s Pharmacy ............................. (817) 596-4165 90 601 Palo Pinto St 76086 Savon Pharmacy......................................... (903) 831-5882 90 4415 W 7th St 75501 Davis City Pharmacy Inc............................ (817) 594-3851 eRX, 90 111 Trinity St 76086 WALLER eRX, 90 Davis City Pharmacy Institutional Inc...... (817) 599-5590 Brookshire Brothers Pharmacy ............... (936) 372-1000 113 Austin Ave 76086 31303 FM 2920 Rd Ste H 77484 eRX PharmPro Rx................................................ (682) 262-1506 1105 Santa Fe Dr Ste 107 76086 eRX WALLER SAVE = Costo comprartido preferido 90 = Suministro de 90 días 80 24HR = Abierta las 24 horas eRX = Receta eletrónica Farmacias de la red de Blue Cross Medicare Rx Lista de Farmacias de Texas WHITEHOUSE Farmacias minoristas, incluyendo cadena de farmacias Savon Pharmacy......................................... (817) 594-9816 WESLACO 225 E Spring St 76086 eRX, 90 Dads Pharmacy ........................................... (956) 447-1800 415 S Airport Dr Ste G 78596 Tackett’s Super Save Pharmacy .............. (817) 341-7046 90, SAVE 102 College Park Dr 76086 eRX, 90 De La Rosa Pharmacy Inc ......................... (956) 968-8995 1500 E 6th St 78596 Target Pharmacy......................................... (817) 594-4564 eRX 122 E I-20 76087 eRX, 90 Lifechek Drug............................................... (956) 975-2513 512 S Westgate Dr Ste G 78596 Town Creek Pharmacy............................... (817) 458-5292 eRX, 90 907 Eureka St Ste B 76086 Pharmacy Care USA of Weslaco LLC ..... (956) 968-4300 WEBSTER 2202 Sugar Sweet Ste E 78599 360 Pharmacy Services ............................. (281) 557-1700 Pro Script Pharmacy Services.................. (956) 969-3784 100 E Nasa Rd 1 Ste 101 77598 911 S Airport Dr 78596 90 90, SAVE A & W Pharmacy......................................... (281) 286-7710 Sander Pharmacy........................................ (956) 968-4528 435 El Dorado Blvd Ste STE6 77598 916 E 6th St 78596 eRX, 90 Weslaco Pharmacy ..................................... (956) 969-0636 Blossom Pharmacy .................................... (281) 724-0280 1102 S Airport Dr 78596 250 Blossom St Ste 105 77598 eRX, 90 Clear Lake Professional Building Pharmacy WEST ........................................................................ (281) 332-2496 Old Corner Drug .......................................... (254) 826-5122 251 W Medical Center Blvd Ste 100 77598 200 N Main St 76691 90 eRX, 90 Kelsey Pharmacy Clear Lake.................... (713) 442-4360 West Drug..................................................... (254) 826-5292 1010 S Ponds Dr 77598 206 N Main St 76691 eRX, 90 eRX Medical Plaza Pharmacy At Clear Lake... (281) 332-2213 250 Blossom St Ste 110 77598 WHEELER eRX, 90 Hyland’s Pharmacy LLC ............................ (806) 826-5561 Target Pharmacy......................................... (281) 819-4117 109 W Texas Ave 79096 1801 W Bay Area Blvd 77598 90 eRX, 90 Texas Oncology Pharmacy....................... (281) 316-4926 WHITE OAK 501 W Medical Center Blvd 77598 Brookshire’s Pharmacy ............................. (903) 297-9896 Webster Pharmacy ..................................... (281) 886-7164 200 W US Hwy 80 75693 15610 Hwy 3 77598 90 eRX, 90 WESLACO WEBSTER WEST WHEELER WHITE OAK WHITE SETTLEMENT WEIMAR WEIMAR Lifechek Drug .............................................. (979) 725-6713 406 Youens Dr 78962 90 WELLINGTON WELLINGTON Collingsworth Pharmacy........................... (806) 447-1184 1016 16th St 79095 eRX, 90 SAVE = Costo comprartido preferido 90 = Suministro de 90 días WHITE SETTLEMENT Community Pharmacy................. (817) 547-1000 401 S Jim Wright Fwy Ste 102 76108 90 WHITEHOUSE WHITEHOUSE Brookshire’s Pharmacy ............................. (903) 839-3715 601 State Hwy 110 N 75791 90 24HR = Abierta las 24 horas eRX = Receta eletrónica 81 WHITESBORO Farmacias de la red de Blue Cross Medicare Rx Lista de Farmacias de Texas Farmacias minoristas, incluyendo cadena de farmacias Whitehouse Pharmacy............................... (903) 839-4391 Park Plaza Pharmacy.................................. (940) 322-5492 301 State Hwy 110 N 75791 1900 9th St 76301 eRX, 90 eRX Texas Oncology Pharmacy ....................... (940) 689-2632 WHITESBORO 5400 Kell Blvd 76310 Axtell Rite Value Pharmacy....................... (903) 564-3216 Trott’s Call Field Drug................................. (940) 692-1234 304 One Half Charlie Dr 76273 4122 Call Field Rd 76308 eRX, 90, SAVE eRX Diversified Pharmacy Care........................ (903) 564-6156 United Pharmacy......................................... (940) 692-3443 304 and One Half Charlie Dr 4590 Kell Blvd 76309 Ste B 76273 90 Hometown Pharmacy................................. (903) 564-1234 United Pharmacy......................................... (940) 767-3368 310 Charlie St 76273 4516 Old Jacksboro Hwy 76302 90 90 WHITEWRIGHT United Pharmacy......................................... (940) 322-1114 2522 Iowa Park Rd 76306 Whitewright Pharmacy............................... (903) 364-5537 90 419 S US Hwy 69 75491 90 WILLOW PARK WHITESBORO WHITEWRIGHT WILLOW PARK WHITNEY WHITNEY Brookshire’s Pharmacy ............................. (817) 441-5982 5118 E I-20 Service Rd S 76008 Brookshire’s Pharmacy ............................. (254) 694-4413 90 1310 N Brazos St 76692 Tackett Pharmacy ....................................... (817) 441-7046 90 132 El Chico Trl 76087 Eubank Drug................................................ (254) 694-3314 90 1510 N Brazos St 76692 90 WILLS POINT Prescription Pharmacy .............................. (254) 694-2249 Brookshire Pharmacy................................. (903) 873-8237 203 E Jefferson Ave 76692 1105 W South Commerce St 75169 eRX, 90, SAVE 90 WICHITA FALLS Bruce & Human Drug ................................. (903) 873-2538 145 N 4th St 75169 Cash Saver Cost Plus Pharmacy ............. (940) 691-0801 90, SAVE 2720 Southwest Pkwy 76308 eRX WIMBERLEY Downtown Pharmacy................................. (940) 767-4345 Brookshire Brothers Pharmacy................ (512) 847-7520 1100 Scott Ave 76301 14100 Ranch Rd 12 Unit 2A 78676 English Pharmacy....................................... (940) 723-6060 Wimberley Pharmacy ................................. (512) 847-2288 2600 10th St 76309 120 Joe Wimberley Blvd 78676 90 SAVE Franklin Pharmacy...................................... (940) 723-7145 WINDCREST 1013 Brook Ave 76301 90 Uba Pharmacy ............................................. (210) 646-8804 Guffey’s Drug Store.................................... (940) 322-8626 5445 Walzem Rd 78218 90 1610 9th St 76301 eRX, 90, SAVE WINNIE North Texas State Hospital Pharmacy .... (940) 682-1220 Brookshire Brothers Pharmacy................ (409) 296-2175 6515 Kemp Blvd 76308 204 Broadway 77665 WILLS POINT WICHITA FALLS WIMBERLEY WINDCREST WINNIE SAVE = Costo comprartido preferido 90 = Suministro de 90 días 82 24HR = Abierta las 24 horas eRX = Receta eletrónica Farmacias de la red de Blue Cross Medicare Rx Lista de Farmacias de Texas ZAPATA Farmacias minoristas, incluyendo cadena de farmacias Wilcox Pharmacy ........................................ (409) 296-2497 Yoakum Discount Pharmacy .................... (361) 293-6881 415 Hwy 124 77665 1200 Carl Ramert Dr Ste A 77995 90 WINNSBORO WINNSBORO YORKTOWN YORKTOWN Scotts Pharmacy......................................... (903) 342-3669 211 E Coke Rd 75494 The Kraege Drug Store............................... (361) 564-2216 90 113 E Main St 78164 90 WINTERS WINTERS ZAPATA ZAPATA Cash Saver Cost Plus Pharmacy ............. (325) 754-5680 Garcias Pill Box ........................................... (956) 765-6033 900 N Main St 79567 eRX US Hwy 83 and 6th 78076 90, SAVE WOODVILLE WOODVILLE Brookshire Brothers Pharmacy ............... (409) 283-8323 520 S Magnolia St 75979 Jarrotts Pharmacy Inc................................ (409) 283-2550 205 S Magnolia St 75979 eRX, 90 Woodville Drug............................................ (409) 283-3073 1010 W Bluff St 75979 WYLIE WYLIE Brookshire’s Pharmacy ............................. (972) 442-5525 701 S Hwy 78 75098 90 Quality Care Pharmacy & Compounding II ........................................................................ (972) 442-5333 2300 W FM 544 Ste 130 75098 90 Savon Pharmacy......................................... (972) 429-4951 921 S Westgate Way 75098 eRX, 90 Target Pharmacy......................................... (972) 769-3944 3440 W FM 544 75098 eRX, 90 Wylie Pharmacy .......................................... (972) 429-9594 430 S Hwy 78 Ste 160 75098 90 YOAKUM YOAKUM City Drug Store............................................ (361) 293-2181 223 W Grand Ave 77995 eRX, 90, SAVE Yoakum Discount Pharmacy .................... (361) 741-7455 210 Nelson St Ste E 77995 90 SAVE = Costo comprartido preferido 90 = Suministro de 90 días 24HR = Abierta las 24 horas eRX = Receta eletrónica 83 Farmacias de la red de Blue Cross Medicare Rx Lista de Farmacias de Texas Farmacias de cuidado a largo plazo Los residents de centros de atención a largo plazo, pueden accede as sus medicamentos recetados que reciben cobertura de nuestro plan a través de la farmacia de dicho centro o de otra farmacia de atención a largo plazo de la red. Para más información, consulte su Evidencia de Cobertura. Abilene State Supported Living Center Pharmacy ........................................................................ (325) 795-3523 2501 Maple St Abilene 79602 Advanced Pharmacy.................................. (713) 391-2200 2360 Crist Rd Ste B1400 Garland 75040 Advanced Pharmacy Services ................. (713) 391-2200 12503 Exchange Dr Ste 536 Stafford 77477 Advanced Prescription Service................ (214) 703-9100 3671 Broadway Blvd Ste 300 Garland 75043 Aldridges Family ......................................... (214) 943-2322 1408 Bonnie View Rd Dallas 75203 Allen Family Drug ....................................... (972) 390-9888 317 Central Expy N Allen 75013 American Pharmaceutical Services......... (512) 928-8282 9210 Cameron Rd Ste 800 Austin 78754 Apothecare of Texas .................................. (806) 368-8317 5214 98th St Ste 303 Lubbock 79424 Aspermont Pharmacy Inc.......................... (940) 989-2139 616 S Washington Ave Aspermont 79502 Assurance Consolidated Pharmacy........ (281) 689-7700 13841 Hwy 59 Ste C Splendora 77372 Austin State Hospital Pharmacy .............. (512) 419-2741 4110 Guadalupe St Austin 78751 Austin State Supported Living Center Pharmacy ........................................................................ (512) 374-6168 2203 W 35th St Austin 78703 Awalt Stephenson....................................... (903) 389-2541 201 E Commerce St Fairfield 75840 Awesome Care Pharmacy......................... (281) 501-1008 5705 Fondren Rd Ste 101 Houston 77036 B & B Pharmacy.......................................... (806) 665-5788 300 N Ballard St Pampa 79065 Babcock Square.......................................... (210) 696-6269 5824 Babcock Rd San Antonio 78240 Baptist Pharmacy........................................ (325) 658-7555 902 N Main St San Angelo 76903 Bay Pharmacy ............................................. (830) 598-1900 7405 Hwy 2147 Horseshoe Bay 78657 Bellaire Medical Pharmacy........................ (713) 457-3600 12924 Bellaire Blvd Ste 100A Houston 77072 Bells Family Drug........................................ (903) 965-7383 103 W Bells Blvd Bells 75414 Best Med East.............................................. (936) 569-1800 705 N University Dr Nacogdoches 75961 84 Best Med Inc................................................. (325) 646-9414 116 S Park Dr Brownwood 76801 Best Med Metroplex.................................... (325) 646-9414 4360 Beltway Pl Ste 260 Arlington 76018 Best Med Panhandle................................... (325) 646-9414 1616 S Kentucky St Ste A140 Amarillo 79102 Best Med South ........................................... (325) 646-9414 12702 Toepperwein Rd Ste 115 Live Oak 78233 Best Value Country Day Pharmacy.......... (817) 738-0722 6020 Harris Pkwy Fort Worth 76132 Best Value Hico Pharmacy........................ (254) 796-4271 W 1st and Walnut Hico 76457 Best Value Medical Center Pharmacy ..... (254) 897-9917 1100 Bluebonnet St Glen Rose 76043 Best Value Renshaw Drug......................... (940) 627-5343 800 Medical Center Dr Ste A Decatur 76234 Best Value Waddy Pharmacy.................... (940) 325-0734 106 SW 6th Ave Mineral Wells 76067 Best Value West Pharmacy....................... (817) 295-6128 124 W Renfro St Burleson 76028 Big Spring State Hospital........................... (432) 268-7289 1901 N US Hwy 87 Big Spring 79720 Bonham Family Drug.................................. (903) 583-7325 100 E Sam Rayburn Dr Bonham 75418 Botica Familiar Pharmacy.......................... (713) 918-6402 12333 Main St Houston 77035 Bowers Prescription Shop ........................ (806) 249-4343 121 E Texas Blvd Dalhart 79022 Brazos County Medicine Chest ................ (979) 776-6813 10700 State Hwy 30 College Station 77845 Brenham State Supported Living Center Pharmacy ........................................................................ (979) 277-1351 4001 Hwy 36 S Brenham 77833 Brick Street Pharmacy ............................... (903) 533-8155 314 W Rusk St Tyler 75701 Brickstreet Long Term Care LLC.............. (903) 533-8157 312 W Rusk St Ste B Tyler 75701 Browns Pharmacy....................................... (972) 254-8156 2021 N MacArthur Blvd Ste 120 Irving 75061 Capital Pharmacy LLC................................ (512) 682-8877 1340 Airport Commerce Dr Ste 350 Austin 78741 Carter’s LTC Pharmacy.............................. (361) 452-2051 3845 S Padre Island Dr Ste B Corpus Christi 78415 Farmacias de la red de Blue Cross Medicare Rx Lista de Farmacias de Texas Farmacias de cuidado a largo plazo Los residents de centros de atención a largo plazo, pueden accede as sus medicamentos recetados que reciben cobertura de nuestro plan a través de la farmacia de dicho centro o de otra farmacia de atención a largo plazo de la red. Para más información, consulte su Evidencia de Cobertura. Carter’s Pharmacy RX................................ (281) 239-3238 1202 Lark Ln Ste 3 Richmond 77469 Carvajal Pharmacy CS ............................... (210) 922-9031 119 Huizar Rear San Antonio 78214 Castle Hills Legend Pharmacy.................. (361) 575-6328 3412 Sam Houston Dr Victoria 77904 Cattles Pharmacy Inc ................................. (512) 556-5141 202 N Key Ave Lampasas 76550 Cherokee Pharmacy................................... (903) 683-5986 181 Main St Rusk 75785 City Drug....................................................... (903) 665-2521 109 W Lafayette St Jefferson 75657 City Drug Store............................................ (361) 293-2181 223 W Grand Ave Yoakum 77995 City Pharmacy of Junction........................ (325) 446-2511 1610 Main St Junction 76849 Collingsworth Pharmacy........................... (806) 447-1184 1016 16th St Wellington 79095 Comal Drug Healthmart ............................. (830) 625-2421 544 N Union Ave New Braunfels 78130 Community Care Pharmacy...................... (972) 317-5599 1301 Justin Rd Ste 212 Lewisville 75077 Community Pharmacy ............................... (940) 382-1618 4400 Teasley Ln Ste 100 Denton 76210 Complete Pharmacy Care.......................... (972) 675-3300 4206 Dalrock Rd Rowlett 75088 Corpus Christi State Supported Living Center Pharmacy ........ (361) 844-7667 902 Airport Rd Corpus Christi 78405 Craig Pharmacy........................................... (903) 595-3737 1863 Troup Hwy Tyler 75701 Cub Drug Inc................................................ (940) 564-5551 116 E Main St Olney 76374 Davis City Pharmacy Institutional Inc ..... (817) 599-5590 113 Austin Ave Weatherford 76086 Denton State Supported Living Center Pharmacy ........................................................................ (940) 591-3573 3980 State School Rd Denton 76210 Devereux Texas Treatment Network ....... (281) 316-5438 1150 Devereux Dr League City 77573 Diversified Pharmacy Care........................ (903) 564-6156 304 and One Half Charlie Dr Ste B Whitesboro 76273 DNA Pharmacy ............................................ (713) 633-3362 9419 Mesa Dr Houston 77028 Dyer Drug Store........................................... (972) 782-6262 133 McKinney St Farmersville 75442 Eagle Lake Drug Store ............................... (979) 234-2502 702 S McCarty Ave Eagle Lake 77434 Ecleats Pharmacy Inc................................. (281) 903-7491 4427 Hwy 6 Ste F Sugar Land 77478 Economy Drug............................................. (903) 962-3900 511 E Garland St Grand Saline 75140 EDS Pharmacy............................................. (281) 499-4555 3740 Cartwright Rd Missouri City 77459 El Campo Professional Pharmacy ........... (979) 543-2761 1264 N Mechanic St El Campo 77437 El Paso Psychiatric Center Pharmacy..... (915) 534-5300 4615 Alameda Ave El Paso 79905 El Paso State Supported Living Center Pharmacy ........................................................................ (915) 782-6328 6700 Delta Dr El Paso 79905 Emmons Pharmacy .................................... (832) 582-8758 9555 W Sam Houston Pkwy S Ste 180 Houston 77099 English Pharmacy....................................... (940) 723-6060 2600 10th St Wichita Falls 76309 Eubank Drug ................................................ (254) 694-3314 1510 N Brazos St Whitney 76692 Evans Prescription Pharmacy .................. (432) 337-2361 310 Dotsy Ave Odessa 79763 Everetts Pharmacy...................................... (325) 372-3033 401 W Wallace St San Saba 76877 Everetts Pharmacy Sonora........................ (325) 387-2541 417 Hwy 277 N Sonora 76950 Extend Care Pharmacy Services.............. (940) 686-2140 1246 Hwy 3773 Ste 200 Pilot Point 76258 Family Pharmacy......................................... (940) 552-2999 1720 Hillcrest Dr Vernon 76384 Fredericksburg LTC.................................... (830) 997-5800 707 N Llano St Ste B Fredericksburg 78624 Friendly Pharmacy Inc ............................... (832) 351-2000 3533 S Dairy Ashford Rd Houston 77082 Frontier Pharmacy of Kenedy Inc............. (830) 583-2115 103 W Main St Kenedy 78119 Frys Prescription Pharmacy...................... (956) 399-2453 311 N Sam Houston Blvd San Benito 78586 85 Farmacias de la red de Blue Cross Medicare Rx Lista de Farmacias de Texas Farmacias de cuidado a largo plazo Los residents de centros de atención a largo plazo, pueden accede as sus medicamentos recetados que reciben cobertura de nuestro plan a través de la farmacia de dicho centro o de otra farmacia de atención a largo plazo de la red. Para más información, consulte su Evidencia de Cobertura. Genoa Healthcare ....................................... (915) 235-0060 1601 East Yandell St Ste 119 El Paso 79902 Genoa Healthcare ....................................... (915) 257-6167 2400 Trawood Dr Ste 303A El Paso 79936 Gibbs Drug Store ........................................ (940) 825-3226 216 Clay St Nocona 76255 Gibson Pharmacy ....................................... (972) 579-0511 815 N O’Connor Rd Irving 75061 Gibson Prescription Pharmacy ................ (903) 675-7069 890 W Corsicana St Athens 75751 Glenview Professional Pharmacy II......... (817) 284-1926 7640 Glenview Dr Ste B Richland Hills 76180 Global Hospice Care................................... (915) 543-6060 1817 Wyoming Ave El Paso 79903 Gloyers Pharmacy Inc................................ (281) 351-5454 1010 W Main St Tomball 77375 Golder Pharmacy ........................................ (432) 337-7311 319 Golder Ave Odessa 79761 Goldsmiths Drug......................................... (940) 495-2335 111 W Cleveland Ave Electra 76360 Goldstar Pharmacy..................................... (979) 690-9112 4421 State Hwy 6 S Ste 300 College Station 77845 Hallmark Pharmacy .................................... (817) 293-2441 1316 Sycamore School Rd Ste 130 Fort Worth 76134 Hamilton City Drug ..................................... (254) 386-3121 105 E Henry St Hamilton 76531 Hansford Hospital Pharmacy.................... (806) 659-2226 707 Roland St Spearman 79081 Haskell Clinical Services ........................... (940) 864-2674 100 S Ave E Ste B Haskell 79521 Health Professionals .................................. (210) 228-0300 818 Brooklyn Ave Ste 2 San Antonio 78215 Healthco Pharmacy .................................... (713) 640-5575 8604 Martin Luther King Blvd Houston 77033 Healthco Pharmacy Corp .......................... (713) 218-6337 5730 Chimney Rock Rd Houston 77081 Healthquest Pharmacy............................... (832) 222-0100 22001 Southwest Fwy Ste 110 Richmond 77469 Henrietta Pharmacy Inc.............................. (940) 538-4361 124 N Bridge St Henrietta 76365 Hereford Health Mart Pharmacy............... (806) 364-3400 809 S 25 Mile Ave Hereford 79045 Hibbs Pharmacy.......................................... (979) 245-5501 1415 Ave G Bay City 77414 86 Hillcrest Pharmacy...................................... (940) 552-9501 1015 Hillcrest Dr Ste B Vernon 76384 Hilltop Pharmacy......................................... (830) 627-0069 631 Lakeview Blvd New Braunfels 78130 Hodges & Sargent Pharmacy.................... (512) 556-3392 210 S Key Ave Lampasas 76550 Hometown Drug .......................................... (972) 875-6798 507 S Clay St Ennis 75119 Hometown Pharmacy................................. (806) 495-3576 132 W Main St Post 79356 Honey Grove Pharmacy............................. (903) 378-2901 435 5th St Honey Grove 75446 Houston Medicine Chest............................ (281) 464-6300 209 Brisbane St Houston 77061 Hughes Pharmacy....................................... (940) 592-4191 120 W Park Ave Iowa Park 76367 Infinity Pharmacy Solutions LLC.............. (214) 765-5456 3313 Essex Dr Ste 200 Richardson 75082 Institutional Pharmacy Solutions............. (334) 819-4500 1321 Valwood Pkwy Ste 530 Carrollton 75006 Intracare Community Pharmacy............... (713) 790-7821 1120 Cypress Station Dr Ste 110 Houston 77090 Jl Wellness Pharmacy................................ (281) 741-1960 9210 Hwy 6 S Ste C Houston 77083 Jordan Pharmacy........................................ (254) 386-3111 107 N Rice St Hamilton 76531 K & K Pharmacy .......................................... (806) 686-0881 1411 W American Blvd Muleshoe 79347 Kearney Park Pharmacy ............................ (972) 329-1168 502 W Kearney St Ste 900 Mesquite 75149 Keene Pharmacy ......................................... (817) 558-3341 114 S Old Betsy Rd Keene 76059 Kerrville State Hospital............................... (830) 896-2211 721 Thompson Dr Kerrville 78028 King’s LTC Pharmacy................................. (409) 983-3384 3515 Fannin St Ste 106 Beaumont 77701 Knox County Pharmacy & Supply ........... (940) 657-4036 712 SE 5th St Knox City 79529 Lake Hills Pharmacy................................... (512) 608-9355 12005 Bee Cave Pkwy Ste 1A Austin 78738 Lakepointe Pharmacy................................. (972) 722-4339 1005 W Ralph Hall Pkwy Ste 147 Rockwall 75032 Lamar Plaza Drug Store ............................. (512) 442-6777 1132 S Lamar Blvd Austin 78704 Farmacias de la red de Blue Cross Medicare Rx Lista de Farmacias de Texas Farmacias de cuidado a largo plazo Los residents de centros de atención a largo plazo, pueden accede as sus medicamentos recetados que reciben cobertura de nuestro plan a través de la farmacia de dicho centro o de otra farmacia de atención a largo plazo de la red. Para más información, consulte su Evidencia de Cobertura. Legends Pharmacy..................................... (972) 234-8544 2093 N Collins Blvd Ste 101 Richardson 75080 Legends Pharmacy..................................... (210) 434-2477 6601 Blanco Rd Ste 250 San Antonio 78216 Legends Pharmacy II.................................. (281) 496-0640 15015 Westheimer Pkwy Ste LL Houston 77082 Leonard Pharmacy ..................................... (903) 587-3363 122 W Collin St Leonard 75452 Letdin Pharmacy......................................... (956) 581-9566 1512 E Griffin Pkwy Ste 1 Mission 78572 Lifechek Drug .............................................. (979) 725-6713 406 Youens Dr Weimar 78962 Lifechek Drug .............................................. (979) 793-5534 13500 Hwy 36 Needville 77461 Lifechek Drug .............................................. (409) 246-3492 800 S Pine St Kountze 77625 Lifechek Drug .............................................. (830) 876-2516 314 N 5th St Carrizo Springs 78834 Lifechek Drug .............................................. (979) 732-2361 109 Shult Dr Columbus 78934 Lifechek Drug .............................................. (830) 374-3436 224 E Zavala St Crystal City 78839 Lifechek Drug .............................................. (830) 426-2334 1703 19th St Hondo 78861 Lifechek Drug .............................................. (979) 968-5835 110 E Travis St La Grange 78945 Lifechek Drug .............................................. (956) 565-6775 8030 N FM 1015 Ste A Mercedes 78570 Lifechek Drug .............................................. (956) 975-2513 512 S Westgate Dr Ste G Weslaco 78596 Lifechek Drug .............................................. (979) 548-0212 200 N Main St Sweeny 77480 Lifechek Drug .............................................. (956) 683-1777 1623 Pecan Blvd McAllen 78501 Lifechek Drug .............................................. (830) 779-2219 13857 US Hwy 87 W La Vernia 78121 Lifechek Drug .............................................. (936) 594-3593 507 S Robb St Ste B Trinity 75862 Lifechek Drug .............................................. (361) 275-2308 101 E Main St Cuero 77954 Lifechek Drug .............................................. (281) 232-3529 1100 Jackson St Richmond 77469 Lifechek Drug .............................................. (936) 539-4900 690 S Loop 336 W Ste 100 Conroe 77304 Little York Pharmacy .................................. (832) 767-2139 7404 Airline Dr Ste E Houston 77076 Louis Morgan Drugs................................... (903) 758-6164 110 Johnston St Longview 75601 Louis Morgan Drugs................................... (903) 758-8286 1900 S High St Longview 75602 LTC Dynamics ............................................. (903) 389-2157 201 E Commerce St Ste A Fairfield 75840 LTC Pharmacy Services............................. (281) 492-7220 1718 Fry Rd Ste 125 Houston 77084 LTC Pharmacy Services North ................. (903) 535-7200 1041 N Northeast Loop 323 Tyler 75708 LTC RX.......................................................... (979) 849-3001 2301 E Mulberry St Ste B Angleton 77515 Lubbock State Supported Living Center Pharmacy ........................................................................ (806) 741-3636 3401 University Ave Lubbock 79413 Lufkin State Supported Living Center Pharmacy ........................................................................ (936) 853-8358 6844 N US Hwy 69 Pollok 75969 Malakoff Prescription Shop Inc ................ (903) 489-1909 409 W Royall Blvd Malakoff 75148 Martin Tipton Pharmacy LLC .................... (806) 373-2812 1501 S Tyler St Amarillo 79101 Matthewson Drug Co.................................. (903) 938-6741 717 S Washington Ave Marshall 75670 MBS Pharmacy............................................ (512) 248-5130 555 Round Rock Ste F-300 Round Rock 78681 McMahan Pharmacy Services Inc............ (325) 648-2484 1503 W Front St Goldthwaite 76844 Med Store LLP ............................................. (817) 834-3001 4004 E Belknap St Haltom City 76111 Medi Mart Pharmacy................................... (325) 949-5381 2102 Pecos St Ste 13 San Angelo 76901 Medi RX Drugs............................................. (210) 212-8100 311 Camden St Ste 104 San Antonio 78215 Medic Pharmacy.......................................... (713) 666-6353 4040 S Braeswood Blvd Houston 77025 Medic Pharmacy & Gifts ............................ (806) 323-6171 200 Cheyenne Ave Canadian 79014 Medic Pharmacy & Gifts ............................ (806) 659-2141 314 Main St Spearman 79081 87 Farmacias de la red de Blue Cross Medicare Rx Lista de Farmacias de Texas Farmacias de cuidado a largo plazo Los residents de centros de atención a largo plazo, pueden accede as sus medicamentos recetados que reciben cobertura de nuestro plan a través de la farmacia de dicho centro o de otra farmacia de atención a largo plazo de la red. Para más información, consulte su Evidencia de Cobertura. Medicine Chest Institutional Pharmacy ........................................................................ (903) 438-0770 411 Main St Ste 2 Sulphur Springs 75482 Medicine Place ............................................ (325) 728-3489 2250 Chestnut St Colorado City 79512 Medicine Shoppe Pharmacy..................... (409) 384-3432 494 Springhill St Jasper 75951 Medicine Shoppe Pharmacy..................... (903) 463-3985 2810 W Morton St Ste 102 Denison 75020 Medicine Shoppe Pharmacy..................... (254) 939-0831 502 E Central Ave Belton 76513 Medicine Shoppe Pharmacy..................... (903) 892-9291 1624 N Travis St Sherman 75092 Medicine Shoppe Pharmacy..................... (936) 634-3006 903 W Frank Ave Lufkin 75904 Medicine Shoppe Pharmacy..................... (979) 849-9391 2301 E Mulberry St Angleton 77515 Medicine Shoppe Pharmacy..................... (979) 297-9503 109 Abner Jackson Pkwy Ste B Lake Jackson 77566 Medpro Pharmacy....................................... (972) 312-9148 1120 E Parker Rd Ste 210 Plano 75074 Memphis Drug ............................................. (806) 259-5067 506 W Noel St Memphis 79245 Meridian Pharmacy Group ........................ (903) 327-8808 5012 S US Hwy 75 Ste 140 Denison 75020 Merkel Drug Co............................................ (325) 928-5012 121 Edwards Merkel 79536 Mexia State Supported Living Center Pharmacy ........................................................................ (254) 562-1413 Hwy 171 Mexia 76667 Moores Pharmacy....................................... (361) 364-1416 200 W Rachal St Sinton 78387 Morningside Ministries Pharmacy ........... (210) 731-1199 602 Babcock Rd San Antonio 78201 Muecke Prescription Shoppe.................... (979) 244-1772 2808 7th St Bay City 77414 Multi-Script Pharmacy LLC ....................... (817) 616-3700 2601 Gravel Dr Fort Worth 76118 National Central Pharmacy ....................... (325) 695-0491 3402 S 14th St Abilene 79605 National Pharmacy of Texas..................... (817) 590-0073 2631 Gravel Dr Fort Worth 76118 Naus Enfield Drug....................................... (512) 476-1221 1115 W Lynn St Austin 78703 88 Neighborhood Pharmacy........................... (432) 523-7000 801 N Main St Ste F Andrews 79714 Newton Pharmacy PLLC............................ (409) 379-9999 701 W Court St Newton 75966 Norman’s Pharmacy LTC........................... (979) 836-8500 2103 S Day St Brenham 77833 North Texas State Hospital Pharmacy .... (940) 682-1220 6515 Kemp Blvd Wichita Falls 76308 North Texas State Hospital Pharmacy .... (940) 552-4074 4730 College Dr Vernon 76384 Northwest Hills Pharmacy LTC................. (512) 617-0993 3801 N Capital of Texas Hwy Ste D202 Austin 78746 Oasis Pharmacy .......................................... (281) 240-8111 12946 Dairy Ashford Rd Ste 460 Sugar Land 77478 Old Corner Drug .......................................... (254) 826-5122 200 N Main St West 76691 Omnicare of Amarillo.................................. (806) 352-1175 2770 Duniven Cir Amarillo 79109 Omnicare of Corpus Christi ...................... (361) 299-1058 5449 Bear Ln Ste 420 Corpus Christi 78405 Omnicare of Fort Worth ............................. (817) 540-2400 14450 Trinity Blvd Ste 200 Fort Worth 76155 Omnicare of Houston ................................. (281) 776-8860 10650 W Airport Blvd Ste 150 Stafford 77477 Omnicare of Lubbock................................. (806) 792-7290 6101 43rd St Ste E Lubbock 79407 Omnicare of Nacogdoches........................ (936) 569-2460 1716 South St Nacogdoches 75964 Omnicare of Pharr....................................... (956) 702-4601 101 E Interstate 2 Ste D Pharr 78577 Omnicare of San Antonio .......................... (210) 493-3803 12460 Network Blvd Ste 101 San Antonio 78249 Omnicare of Tyler........................................ (903) 533-8122 105 Jordan Plaza Blvd Tyler 75704 Omnicare of Waco ...................................... (254) 776-6398 7524 Bosque Blvd Ste N Waco 76712 Omniplus Pharmacy................................... (713) 874-0300 4916 Main St Ste 100 Houston 77002 P & S Pharmacy LTC .................................. (903) 874-5121 829 N Main St Ste C Corsicana 75110 Palacios Prescription Shoppe .................. (361) 972-3608 321 Main St Palacios 77465 Panhandle Drug Store................................ (806) 537-3034 201 Main St Panhandle 79068 Farmacias de la red de Blue Cross Medicare Rx Lista de Farmacias de Texas Farmacias de cuidado a largo plazo Los residents de centros de atención a largo plazo, pueden accede as sus medicamentos recetados que reciben cobertura de nuestro plan a través de la farmacia de dicho centro o de otra farmacia de atención a largo plazo de la red. Para más información, consulte su Evidencia de Cobertura. Paris Apothecary ........................................ (903) 785-4208 707 Lamar Ave Ste B Paris 75460 Park Plaza Pharmacy ................................. (940) 322-5492 1900 9th St Wichita Falls 76301 Parkers City Pharmacy .............................. (830) 379-1450 1005 E Court St Seguin 78155 Parks Drug ................................................... (903) 465-0048 1926 W Morton St Denison 75020 Parkway Pharmacy..................................... (972) 985-2600 4708 Alliance Blvd Ste 110 Plano 75093 Peace Pharmacy ......................................... (903) 567-4129 300 S Buffalo St Canton 75103 Perrone Legend Pharmacy ....................... (817) 738-2135 3921 Benbrook Hwy Fort Worth 76116 Perronerx LLC ............................................. (817) 731-5899 3923 Benbrook Hwy Fort Worth 76116 Pfennigs Prescription Pharmacy ............. (512) 352-5233 511 N Main St Taylor 76574 Pflugerville Pharmacy................................ (512) 990-5226 15608 Spring Hill Ln Ste 114 Pflugerville 78660 Phar-Miles Pharmacy ................................. (713) 636-3261 10700 Richmond Ave Ste 259 Houston 77042 Pharmacare.................................................. (972) 620-6048 16750 Westgrove Dr Ste 100 Addison 75001 Pharmacare.................................................. (713) 426-4800 9000 Hempstead Rd Ste 385 Houston 77008 Pharmacy Alternatives............................... (512) 383-9229 4120 Freidrich Ln Austin 78744 Pharmacy Care USA of Addison LLC ..... (972) 388-1800 4500 Ratliff Ln Ste 102 Addison 75001 Pharmacy Care USA of San Marcos LLC ........................................................................ (512) 392-5790 2260 S I-35 Ste 201 San Marcos 78666 Pharmacy Care USA of Weslaco LLC ..... (956) 968-4300 2202 Sugar Sweet Ste E Weslaco 78599 Pharmacy Concepts Ltd............................ (817) 633-6688 610 Magic Mile St Arlington 76011 Pharmacy Innovations............................... (281) 251-0888 10130 Louetta Rd Ste C Houston 77070 Pharmacy Plus ............................................ (972) 401-3333 825 W Royal Ln Ste 110 Irving 75039 Pharmacy Plus ............................................ (254) 729-3375 209 N Ellis St Groesbeck 76642 Pharmacy Plus............................................. (254) 739-2585 600 Main St Teague 75860 Pharmacy Plus............................................. (713) 782-0558 6776 Southwest Fwy Ste 102 Houston 77074 Pharmacy Plus............................................. (817) 410-1000 721 Southlake Blvd Ste 180 Southlake 76092 Pharmacy Plus............................................. (254) 662-4444 635 N Robinson Dr Robinson 76706 Pharmacy Plus............................................. (254) 867-6700 829A N Loop 340 Waco 76705 Pharmacy Plus............................................. (972) 462-9400 580 S Denton Tap Rd Ste 121 Coppell 75019 Pharmacy Unlimited ................................... (432) 580-5123 809 Tower Dr Odessa 79761 PharMerica ................................................... (972) 623-1075 2214 Paddock Way Dr Ste 900 Grand Prairie 75050 PharMerica ................................................... (866) 258-7662 6113 43rd St Ste D Lubbock 79407 PharMerica ................................................... (210) 227-5262 3019 Interstate Dr San Antonio 78219 PharMerica ................................................... (512) 443-8984 1340 Airport Commerce Dr Ste 350 Bldg 3 Austin 78741 PharMerica ................................................... (713) 680-1325 1289 N Post Oak Rd Ste 130 Houston 77055 PharMerica ................................................... (903) 509-4950 4801 Troup Hwy Ste 603 Tyler 75703 PharMerica ................................................... (915) 545-1955 4171 N Mesa St Ste A210 El Paso 79902 Pinecroft Pharmacy .................................... (281) 466-3650 9201 Pinecroft Dr Shenandoah 77380 Plaza Pharmacy........................................... (940) 665-8401 411 N Grand Ave Gainesville 76240 Porter Pharmacy.......................................... (903) 586-9804 308 W Larissa St Jacksonville 75766 Preferred RX................................................. (817) 385-4707 1221 Corporate Dr E Arlington 76006 Presbyterian Village North......................... (214) 355-9082 8600 Skyline Dr Dallas 75243 Prescription Health Resources................. (817) 590-9599 7339 Airport Fwy Richland Hills 76118 Prescription Pharmacy............................... (254) 694-2249 203 E Jefferson Ave Whitney 76692 89 Farmacias de la red de Blue Cross Medicare Rx Lista de Farmacias de Texas Farmacias de cuidado a largo plazo Los residents de centros de atención a largo plazo, pueden accede as sus medicamentos recetados que reciben cobertura de nuestro plan a través de la farmacia de dicho centro o de otra farmacia de atención a largo plazo de la red. Para más información, consulte su Evidencia de Cobertura. Prescription Services Inc........................... (432) 267-2711 1002 S Main St Big Spring 79720 PrimeMed Pharmacy.................................. (915) 595-1300 7812 Gateway Blvd E Ste 100 El Paso 79915 Pro Med LTC ................................................ (806) 379-6966 704 N Polk Amarillo 79107 Pro Med RX .................................................. (281) 313-0730 13134 Dairy Ashford Rd Ste 900 Sugar Land 77478 Provide RX ................................................... (432) 689-3355 2208 N Loop 250 W Ste 101 Midland 79707 QIC Pharmacy Services............................. (817) 477-2525 1831 E Broad St Ste 213 Mansfield 76063 Qol Meds....................................................... (903) 595-3100 2323 W Front St Tyler 75702 Qol Meds....................................................... (956) 289-7225 1901 S 24th Ave Edinburg 78539 Qol Meds....................................................... (214) 634-1300 2600 N Stemmons Fwy Dallas 75207 Qol Meds....................................................... (830) 896-0256 500 Thompson Dr Kerrville 78028 Qol Meds....................................................... (412) 931-3131 103 N Loop 499 Harlingen 78550 Qol Meds LLC.............................................. (972) 937-8309 1305 W Jefferson St Ste 231 Waxahachie 75165 Quality Pharmacy........................................ (361) 594-2262 724 N Ave E Shiner 77984 Randol Mill LTC Pharmacy........................ (682) 235-1025 1014 N Fielder Rd Ste 110 Arlington 76012 Randol Mill Pharmacy ................................ (817) 274-1883 1014 N Fielder Rd Arlington 76012 Red River LTC ............................................. (903) 792-1721 1327 College Dr Ste A Texarkana 75503 Red River LTC of Tyler............................... (903) 617-6885 4801 Troup Hwy Ste 402 Tyler 75703 Red’s Pharmacy LLC.................................. (806) 435-3759 3010 Garrett Dr Perryton 79070 Reuss Pharmacy......................................... (361) 275-3411 515 N Esplanade St Cuero 77954 Richmond State Supported Living Center Pharmacy ........................................................................ (281) 344-4601 2100 Preston St Richmond 77469 Rio Grande State Center............................ (956) 364-8262 1401 S Rangerville Rd Harlingen 78552 90 Rogers Pharmacy ....................................... (361) 578-3521 4402 N Laurent St Victoria 77901 Rusk State Hospital Pharmacy................. (903) 683-7170 805 N Dickinson Dr Ste 318 Rusk 75785 RX Direct Inc ................................................ (800) 785-4197 5001 N State Line Ave Ste C Texarkana 75503 Rxperts Pharmacy Texas LLC .................. (713) 690-2047 8700 Jameel Rd Ste 150 Houston 77040 Salud Pharmacy .......................................... (972) 283-0730 2225 W Ledbetter Dr Dallas 75224 Salud Pharmacy .......................................... (214) 946-3886 611 W Jefferson Blvd Dallas 75208 San Angelo State Supported Living Center Pharmacy ........................................................................ (325) 465-2650 10950 Hwy 87 N Carlsbad 76934 San Antonio State Hospital ....................... (210) 531-7724 6711 S New Braunfels Ave Ste 100 San Antonio 78223 San Augustine Drug Co ............................. (936) 275-3401 104 E Columbia St San Augustine 75972 Senior Care Pharmacy of Texas LLC ...... (469) 277-1511 3001 Summit Ave Ste 200 Plano 75074 Shaw’s Pharmacy ....................................... (940) 684-1581 102 E Commerce Crowell 79227 Signa Pharmacy Group.............................. (806) 353-7712 1900 S Coulter St Ste F-1 Amarillo 79106 Special Care Pharmacy.............................. (806) 741-1777 3406 I-27 Lubbock 79404 Springtown Drug......................................... (817) 220-7927 117 E 1st St Springtown 76082 Stonegate Pharmacy LP ............................ (512) 707-2300 2501 W William Cannon Dr Bldg 2 Ste 203 Austin 78745 Strickland Drugs.......................................... (830) 833-4815 316 Pecan St Blanco 78606 Strong Hurt Pharmacy................................ (903) 657-3587 111 E Main St Henderson 75652 T B Bond Pharmacy.................................... (254) 582-2561 60 W Elm St Hillsboro 76645 Tanglewood Pharmacy .............................. (254) 968-7657 2445 Northwest Loop Ste A Stephenville 76401 Tarrytown Expocare ................................... (512) 617-7312 900 W 38th St Ste 120 Austin 78705 Farmacias de la red de Blue Cross Medicare Rx Lista de Farmacias de Texas Farmacias de cuidado a largo plazo Los residents de centros de atención a largo plazo, pueden accede as sus medicamentos recetados que reciben cobertura de nuestro plan a través de la farmacia de dicho centro o de otra farmacia de atención a largo plazo de la red. Para más información, consulte su Evidencia de Cobertura. Terrell State Hospital Pharmacy............... (972) 551-8238 Walnut Place Pharmacy............................. (214) 361-8923 5515 Glen Lakes Dr Dallas 75231 1200 E Brin St Terrell 75160 Texas Health Care Pharmacy ................... (817) 595-9770 Wellness Plus Pharmacy Inc..................... (832) 604-7418 7413 Pebble Dr Fort Worth 76118 8302 N Eldridge Pkwy Ste 200 Houston 77041 Texas Star Pharmacy ................................. (972) 519-8475 West Drug..................................................... (254) 826-5292 3033 W Parker Rd Ste 100 Plano 75023 206 N Main St West 76691 The Kraege Drug Store .............................. (361) 564-2216 113 E Main St Yorktown 78164 The Med-Shop Pharmacy.......................... (903) 680-2600 825 US Hwy 271 N Gilmer 75644 The Medicine Man Pharmacy.................... (713) 644-1343 7652 Bellfort St Houston 77061 The Medicine Place..................................... (325) 236-6809 1410 Lamar St Sweetwater 79556 The Owl Drug Store .................................... (325) 625-9448 312 S Commercial Ave Coleman 76834 The PharmaCompoundia .......................... (972) 378-6867 6101 Windhaven Pkwy Ste 120 Plano 75093 The Prescription Shop ............................... (830) 583-9652 143 N Craig St Kenedy 78119 Timberland MC Pharmacy......................... (936) 632-2260 800 S Timberland Dr Lufkin 75901 Total Care Pharmacy and Compounding ........................................................................ (972) 570-4800 3636 N MacArthur Blvd Ste 100 Irving 75062 Totalcare Pharmacy.................................... (903) 886-8888 1607 Live Oak St Commerce 75428 Trinity Apothecary ...................................... (972) 492-2151 2501 E Hebron Pkwy Ste 100B Carrollton 75010 Trinity North Pharmacy.............................. (214) 494-6222 6053 Main St Ste 120 The Colony 75056 Tyson Pharmacy......................................... (325) 625-4136 215 W Pecan St Coleman 76834 Valu Med Pharmacy Inc ............................. (830) 997-8155 707 N Llano St Fredericksburg 78624 Village Drug.................................................. (325) 392-2666 902 11th St Ozona 76943 Village Pharmacy ........................................ (361) 526-4243 112 S Alamo St Refugio 78377 VitaMed Pharmacy...................................... (281) 313-0234 16126 Southwest Fwy Ste 180 Sugar Land 77479 Walker Pharmacy........................................ (903) 845-2573 402B W Upshur Ave Gladewater 75647 91 Farmacias de la red de Blue Cross Medicare Rx Lista de Farmacias de Texas Farmacias de infusion en el hogar Para más información, consulte su Evidencia de Cobertura. Accredo Health Group Inc......................... (972) 929-6800 4343 W Royal Ln Ste 124 Irving 75063 Accredo Health Group Inc......................... (713) 791-1552 9307 Kirby Dr Houston 77054 American Medical Direct............................ (210) 832-8300 1862 W Bitters Rd Ste 301 San Antonio 78248 American Outcomes Management LP .... (866) 869-7307 6310 Southwest Blvd Ste 204 Fort Worth 76109 Amerita.......................................................... (210) 930-7200 6019 Randolph Blvd San Antonio 78233 Amerita.......................................................... (972) 815-0460 8080 Tristar Dr Ste 120 Irving 75063 Amerita.......................................................... (713) 843-7700 4001 W Sam Houston Pkwy N Ste 120 Houston 77043 Amerita.......................................................... (915) 613-5580 7338 Remcon Cir Ste 300 El Paso 79912 Amerita.......................................................... (512) 458-3983 2101 Donley Dr Ste 105 Austin 78758 Amerita.......................................................... (877) 602-7212 603 Quail Creek Dr Spc 700 Amarillo 79124 Carepoint Partners...................................... (972) 480-9322 661 N Plano Rd Ste 300 Richardson 75081 Carepoint Partners...................................... (713) 782-4442 6105 Beverlyhill St Ste 200 Houston 77057 Carepoint Partners...................................... (512) 637-4949 5446 W Hwy 290 Ste 203 Austin 78735 Cego Infusion Pharmacy........................... (713) 541-6000 6300 Richmond Ave Ste 300A Houston 77057 Coram / CVS Specialty Infusion Services ........................................................................ (915) 833-0140 3817 Constitution Dr Ste 300 El Paso 79922 Coram / CVS Specialty Infusion Services ........................................................................ (210) 523-0125 10118 Huebner Rd San Antonio 78240 Coram / CVS Specialty Infusion Services ........................................................................ (214) 902-3600 10105 Technology Blvd W Ste 102 Dallas 75220 Coram / CVS Specialty Infusion Services ........................................................................ (512) 338-9600 1905 A Kramer Ln 1905 Ste 500 Austin 78758 Coram / CVS Specialty Infusion Services ........................................................................ (713) 667-4010 10611 S Sam Houston Pkwy W Ste 200 Houston 77071 92 Covenant Home Infusion ........................... (806) 725-6327 4002 22nd Pl Lubbock 79410 Family Pharmacy......................................... (940) 552-2999 1720 Hillcrest Dr Vernon 76384 Infusion Therapy of Texas......................... (214) 771-3008 1748 N Greenville Ave Richardson 75081 IV Solutions of Amarillo ............................. (806) 355-5029 102 SW 3rd Ave Amarillo 79101 IV Solutions of Lubbock............................. (806) 791-4663 3706 20th St Ste A Lubbock 79410 Marathon Infusion Care LLC..................... (281) 997-6272 2421 Roy Rd Pearland 77581 Medical Park Pharmacy ............................. (903) 234-8326 709 Hollybrook Dr Ste 101 Longview 75605 North Texas Infusion & Specialty Pharmacy LLC ........................................................................ (214) 276-5616 3409 Worth St Ste 725 Dallas 75246 Nucara Pharmacy........................................ (512) 454-9923 6111 Burnet Rd Austin 78757 Paragon Infusion Services Inc.................. (866) 972-5888 4639 Corona Dr Ste 26 Corpus Christi 78411 Park Infusion Care....................................... (214) 866-2700 13621 Inwood Rd Ste 420 Dallas 75244 Park Infusion Care....................................... (713) 668-7275 4007 Bellaire Blvd Ste G Houston 77025 Red River Pharmacy Services LLC.......... (903) 792-7435 1327 College Dr Texarkana 75503 Rite-Away Pharmacy .................................. (512) 827-2600 730 W Stassney Ln Ste 160 Austin 78745 Rite-Away Pharmacy .................................. (210) 923-7717 2115 Pleasanton Rd Ste 100 San Antonio 78221 Rite-Away Pharmacy .................................. (512) 827-2250 2410 E Riverside Dr Ste D4 Austin 78741 Rite-Away Pharmacy .................................. (210) 433-9991 426 Castroville Rd Ste 5 San Antonio 78207 US Bioservices ............................................ (888) 518-7246 3200 Internet Blvd Frisco 75034 Walgreens Infusion Services .................... (972) 536-7355 6611 N Belt Line Rd Ste 100 Irving 75063 Walgreens Infusion Services .................... (210) 404-9259 14220 Northbrook Ste 100B San Antonio 78232 Walgreens Infusion Services .................... (713) 794-0599 9030 Kirby Dr Houston 77054 Y Medical Associates Inc........................... (972) 714-0777 8840 N MacArthur Blvd Irving 75063 Este directorio de farmacias se actualizó en 10/2015. Para obtener información más reciente o para hacer otras preguntas, comuníquese con Servicio al Cliente de Blue Cross MedicareRxSM al 1-888-285-2249 o, para usuarios de TTY/TDD, al 711, de 8:00 a. m. a 8:00 p. m., hora local, los 7 días de la semana. Si usted llama del 15 de febrero al 30 de septiembre, durante los fines de semana y feriados, se usarán tecnologías alternas (por ejemplo, correo de voz), o visite PrimeMail es una marca registrada de Prime Therapeutics LLC. Blue Cross®, Blue Shield® y los símbolos de Cross y Shield son marcas de servicio registradas de Blue Cross and Blue Shield Association, una asociación de planes Blue Cross and Blue Shield independientes. PrimeMail es ofrecido por Prime Therapeutics LLC, una compañía ajena que brinda servicios de administración de beneficios de farmacia para Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Texas. El plan de medicamentos con receta es proporcionado por Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Texas, que se refiere a HCSC Insurance Services Company (HISC), una licenciataria independiente de Blue Cross and Blue Shield Association. Una patrocinadora de la Parte D aprobada por el Programa Medicare. La inscripción en el plan de la HISC depende de la renovación del contrato.
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