Abstracts orSome Colonial Coun Records 1794 1794020603 06 February 1794 No abstract. SP.DOC:#_ _; W.P.A.#_ _ . Unnumbered rolio(s); 2 piece(s) French. 1794031101 II March 1794 No abstract. SP.DOC:#58; W.P.A.#_ _. _ _ foliofs); 4 piecc(s) . Heavily damaged by Scotch Tape. Conservation required before abstract can be done. 1794040901 09 April 1794 No abstra ct. SP.DOC:#_ _ ; W.P.A.#3307. _ _ folio(s); 14 piece(s) . Spanish. Water Damage. Heavily damaged by Scotch Tape. Conserva tion required before abstract can be done . 1794051702 c 17 May 1794 No abstract. SP.DOC:# _ _; W.P.A.# _ _. 9 piece(s). Heavily damaged by Scotch Tape. Conservation required befo re abstract CDn be done . Abstracts Of Some Colonial Coun Records 1794 17940 10401 04 January 1794 Joaquin Julien Ascarraga requested permission to marry Catalina Giraud. daughter of And res Giraud and Juan Negrie Giraud, SP.DOC:# 1109; W,P,A,#3169, 4 folio(s); 3 piece(s), Spanish, 1794010402 04 January 1794 Luis Angel, as executor of Mauricio Burnt, resident of the city of Havana, Vs. Don Pedro Pujol. Proceedings instituted to compel defendant to pay the value of certain merchandise brought in his ' schooner from the port of Havana to New Orleans, Defendant agreed to split the profits when the merchandise was sold, Howeve r. the defendant never returned to Havana and did not repay the plaintiff anything for the merchand ise, SP,DOC:#5; W.P.A.#3 168, 22 folio(s); 17 piece(s), French/Spanish, 17940 10701 07 January 1794 Miguel Fortier Vs. the estate of Augustin Maearty. Proceedin gs instituted for deb! collect ion, c The docume nt includes a list of supplies and their prices, Gov. / Pedesclaux. Fortier. Miguel; Macarty, Aug ustin, SP.DOC:#955; W,P,A,#3 170, 47 folio(s); 26 piece(s), French/Spanish, 1794010702 07 January 1794 Don Francisco Hernull y Saualde V, . the succession of Don Augustin Caballero de Maearty. Proceed ing, instituted to compel defendant to pay fifty-one pesos for merchandise sold to the deceased Don Augustin Caballero de Macarty . SP.DOC:#964; W,P,A,#3 171. 43 folio(s); 23 piccc(s), French/Spanish, 17940 1080 1 08 Janua ry 1794 Don Santiago Flecher Vs. Don Jose Gerela, Proceedings instituted to compel defendant to pay a past due debt of 3 144 pesos in Mexican silver coin for merchandise sold to the defendant. SP,DOC :#966; W,P,A,#3173. 12 folio(s); 8 piece(s). French/Spanish, Abstracts orSome Colonial Coun Records 1794 37 1794010802 08 January 1794 Inventory and reappraisal of the proprties of the estate of Pedro Pujol. Includes a royal lice nse to travel to La Havana . Gov. I Ximenes. Pujol. Pedro; Macarty, Luis; crew ; sailor s; "Correo de La Luisiana " ship; SP.DOC:# 138; W.P.A.#3172 . 47 folio(s); 30 piecc(s). French/Spanish. 17940 1090 1 09 January 1794 Fmncisco Dnnt V, . Santiago Moulon (Monlon). Proceed ings instituted for debt collection . Gov. / Ximenes . Druet , Franci sco; Moulon, Santiago; SP.DOC:#56; W.P.A#3174 . 17 folio(s); 12 pieee (s). Spanish. Heavily damaged by Scotch Tape. Conservation required. 17940 10902 09 January 1794 Inven tory, and appraisal made of the esta te of Dona Mariana Bergeron, widow of Don Gu illermo Bienbenuy. SP.DOC :#9 19 [1]; W.P.A#3 175. 23 1 folio(s); .25 lineal feet. French/Spanish. c 179401100 1 10 January 1794 Au gustin Amaud V, . lbe esta te of Augu, tln Macarty. Proceed ings instituted for debt colle ction. Gov. / Pedc sclaux . Arnaud , Augustin; Macarty, Augustin . SP.DOC:#886; W.PA#3176. 48 folio(s); 28 piece(s). Spanish. 1794011102 11 January 1794 Proceedin gs instituted by Noel Carri ere, negro libre, requesting the apprai sal of Juan Carlos, mu lato slave of Don Francisco Lamoliere Dorville . SP.DOC:#44 ; W.P.A.#3 177. 29 fo. 19 piec e(s). French/Spanish. Abstracts Of Some Colonial Coun Records 38 1794 1794011301 13 January 1794 Don Juan Josef Dufores', acting on behalf of Dona Elena Pe ry Vs. the Success ion of Don Augustin Macarty. Proceedings instituted to collect from the defendant One hundred pesos. SP.DOC:#936; W.P.A.#3178. 26 folio(s); 26 piece(s). French/Spanish. 17940 11501 15 January 1794 Don Geronimo Hinanl Vs. success ion of Don Francisco Dronet. Proceedings instituted requesting the court to forward an arrest warrant to the commander of the Post of Opclusas to be served on the succession requesting payment of a past due note for 100 pesos owed by the deceased. SP.DOC:#1176; W.P.A.#3179. 9 folio(s); 7 piece(s). Spanish. 1794011601 16 January 1794 Proceedings instituted to investigate the death of seaman Thomas Luiche, who c d i~d on the vessel "La Louisiana" on the Bayou Mardigra. SP.DOC:#127; W.P.A.#3 180. 7 folio(s); 5 pieee(s). English/Spanis h. 1794011602 16 Janua ry 1794 Don Bucnavcntura Bayhy Vs. lhe succession of Don Augustin Macarty. Proceedings instituted to compel defendant to pay a past due debt. SP.DOC:#898 ; W.P.A.#3183. 52 folio(s); 29 pieee(s) . Spanish. 1794011603 16 January 1794 W.P.A#3 181 [?J Moved to 1794 100201 Abstracts Of Some Colonial Court Retards 1794 39 1794011701 17 January 1794 Proceedings instituted to place Don Andres Almonester y Roxas in charge of the administra tion of the Charity Hospital San Carlos as donor and founder of same. SP.DOC:#38; W.P.A.#3186. 34 folio(s); 21 picce(s). Spanish. 1794011702 17 January 1794 Margarila Lejeune Ys, Ambrosio Hervert, both residents of Lafourche. Proceedings instituted to compel defendant to marry her. Plaintiff alleged that the defendant was the father of her illegitimate child. Defendant denied plaintiffs allegati on. SP.DOC:#986; W.P.A.#3184. 29 folio(s); 17 picce(s), French/Spani sh. 1794012001 20 January 1794 Official proceedings instituted to investigate the death of the Reverend Father Franci sco de Azuque ca, priest of the parish of St. James, found drowned in the river. SP.DOC:#892; W.P.A.#31 ~2 . 23 c folio(s); 13 picce(s). French/Spanish. 1794012201 22 January 1794 Proceeding s instituted by Agate, negra esclava of Don Santiago Liboudais , requesting that an appraiser be named so she may obtain her freedom. SP.DOC:#37; W.P.A.#3185. 46 folio(s); 30 piece(s). Spanish. 1794012202 22 January 1794 Don Daniel Clark Y•. the succession of Don Augustin Macarty. Proceedings instituted to compel defendan t to pay a past due debt of 377 pesos I rea l for merchandis e sold to the defendant. SP.DOC:#918; W.P.A.#3187. 44 folio(s); 24 piece(s). Spanish. Abstracts Of Some Colonial Court Records c 1794 40 1794012203 22 January 1794 Bemanlo Labourthe (Laburthe) Vs. the estate of Gabriel Fazende. Proceedings instituted to compe l defendant 10 pay a past due debt. Gov. / Ximenes. SP.DOC:#1187; W.P.A.#3188. 6 folio(s); 5 pieee(s). French/Spanish. 179401270 1 27 January 1794 Juan Larralde (Lassaldc) Vs. the estate of Pedro Pujol. Proceedings instituted to compel defe ndant 10 pay a past due debt. Gov. / Ximenes. Larralde, Juan; Pujol, Pedro. SP.DOC:#150; W.P.A.#3190. 5 folio(s); 4 piece(s). French/Spanish. 1794012702 27 January 1794 Juan Bautista Olivier Vs. the widow of Don Josef Potely. Proceedings instituted to compel defendant 10 pay a past due debI of 65 pesos 6 reales. SP.DOC:#45; W.P.A.#3189. 13 folio(s); 10 , c pieee(s).French/Spanish. 17940 12703 27 January 1794 Dona Elena Beier, widow Bienvenut, Vs. the succession of Don Augustin Macarty. Proceedings instituted to collec t 681 pesos and 4~ reales value received in lumber from Don Juan Baut ista Olivier, late husband of the plaintiff. SP.DOC:#894; W.P.A.#3191. 16 folio(s); II piece(s). Spanish. 1794012801 28 January 1794 Daniel Clark Vs. Pedro Gueno. Proceedi ngs instituted to compel defendant to pay a past due debt of 846 pesos on a mortgage of land with houses. SP.DOC:#927; W.P.A.#3192. 9 folio(s); 6 pieee(s). Spanish. Abstracts c orSome Colonial Court Records 1794 41 1794012802 28 January 1794 Vincente Miguel (Mic hel, Micheli) V•. the ..late of Remy Toutln, Proceedings inst itut ed compel defendant 10 10 pay a past due debt . Debt was to be paid with one hundred deer furs because Rem y Toutin was a furier. Remy Toutin employed Indians of Natchitoche s to hunt the animals. Gov. I Ximencs. Migue l , Vincent e; Toutin, Remy ; Fiol, Gaspar ; Ouachi ta River; Natchitoches; Indians, (Cades and Chaetae) . SP.DOC:# _ _ ; W.P.A.#_ _. 50 folio(s); 0.10 Iincal fool. French/Spanish. 17940 1290 1 29 Janua ry 1794 Be mave Lines Vs. the estate of Josef Basquez. Proceeding s instituted to collect money owed him for lodging a~d board for; Marie Hernandez Claro, wife of the defendant. their son and a negra slave . SP.DOC :#41; W.P.A. #3 193. 23 fo lio(s); 15 piece(s). Spani sh. 17940 12902 29 January 1794 Manuel Prado V•. bidoro Corte •• Proceedings instituted to punis h defe ndant for breaking ( plaintiffs trunk and stealing 496 pesos at the time thc dcfcnd ant was living in the plaintiffs house . SP.DOC:#923 ; W.P.A.#3195 . 44 folio(s); 27 piece (s). Spani sh. 1794012903 29 January 1794 Testamentry made in consequence o f the death of Guillermo Hewite. SP.DOC :#988 ; W.P.A.#3196 . 31 folio (s); 19 piece(s). English /Spanish . 17940 1300 1 30 Jan uary 1794 Do n Juan Jolee V•. Don Luis Beltremleux. Proceedings instituted to compel defendant past due promissory note . SPDOC:# 170; W.P.A.#3197 . 4 folio(s); 4 piece(s). French/Spanish. 10 pay a Abstracts orSom e Colonial Court Records 1794 42 1794013101 3 I January 1794 Proce edings instituted by Don Manuel Serrano, senior j udge of this city, again st a group of individuals found pract icing forbidden games. SP.DOC:N906; W.P.A.N3362 . IS folio(s); 9 picce(s). Span ish . 1794013 102 3 1 January 1794 Receipt signed by Mione [1J to Bobert Overt for the credi t of Madame Garic, SPDOC:#_ _; W.P.A.#_ _ . Unnumbered folio(s) ; I piece (s). In French. 1794020 101 0 1 February 1794 Don Pedro Fel iberto instituted proceedings to obtain the release of a house mortgage . SP.DOC :#957; W.P.A.#3199. 10 folio(s); 6 piece(s). Spanish. c 1704020 102 01 February 1794 Roberto Dow Vs. the estate of Augustin Maeatty. Proceedings instituted to compe l defendant to pay a past due debt. Gov . / Pedescla ux. Dow, Roberto; Maea rty, Augustin . SP.DOC :#937 ; W.P.A.#3198. 32 folio(s); 18 piece(s). French/S panish . 1794020301 03 February 1794 Pedro Langtleh e, purdo fibre, Vs. the succession of the late Don Mauricio Conway, Proceedings instituted to compel defendant to pay a past due debt for merchandise supp lied Conw ay. SP.DOC:# 155; W.P.A.#3200. 6 folio(s) ; 5 piece(s). French/Spa nish. Abstracts orSome Colonial Court Records 43 1794 1794020601 06 February 1794 Proceedings instituted by Don Prospcro Prion, Commissary of the second precinc t, to in form Don Manuel Serrano, assessor of the intendency and ordinary judge , that Prion caught sev eral indivi duals practicing forbidden games in the house of the Cosigny, mil/oro. SP.DOC:#928; W.P.A.#3201. 22 folio(s); 12 pieee(s). Spanish. 1794020602 06 February 1794 Don Santiago Forgueson V•. the successloe of Don Augustin Macal1y. Proceedi ngs instituted to compel defendant to pay a past due debt of two hundred pesos covering a promissory note issued by the late Don Augustin Macarty. SP.DOC:#956; W.P.A.#3202. 49 folio(s); 28 pieee(s). French/Spanish. 1794020603 06 Februa ry 1794 No abstract. SP.DOC:#_ _ ; W.P.A.#_ _ . Unnumbered folio(s); 2 pieee(s). French. c 1794020701 07 February 1794 Martus Bringier Vs. Simon Leblanc. Proceedings instituted to compel defendant to pay a past due deb t owed for the purchase of slaves. Gov. / Pedesclaux, Bringicr, Marius; Leblanc, Simon; Cantrelle. Miguel. SP.DOC:#9 14; W.P.A.#3204. 5 folio(s); 4 pieee(s). French/Span ish. 1794020702 07 February 1794 Luis Dusan Vs. the estate of Maurice Conway. Proceedings instituted to compel dcfcndantto pay a past duc dcbt of 49 pesos. balance due on three invoices for lumber. SP.DOC:# 153; W.P.A.#3203. 8 folio(s); 7 piece(s). French /Span ish. L Abstracts 9f Some Colonial Court Records 1794 44 1794020703 07 February 1794 Augustin Dcmnuy, quaneron llbre, Vs. the succession of Don Mauricio Conway. Proceedings instituted to colle ct from the defe ndant a past duc dcb t o f 44 pesos for salaries earned while in the servi ce of Conway. SP.DOC :# 158; W.P.A.#3240 . 6 folio(s); 5 piecc(s). French/Spanish. 1794020801 08 February 1794 Don Luis Gionllina, JU'l:eon Vs. the succession of Don Augustin Maearty , Sr. Procee dings instituted to compel defend ant to pay a past due debt of 18 pesos for profe ssional servic es rendered and med icines supplied. SP.DOC :#969 ; W.P.A.#3205. 43 folio(s); 24 picce(s). French/Spanish . 179402120 1 12 February 1794 Augu~lIna, negra escluvu, Vs, Don Josef Aguilar. Proceedings instituted by Augustina, negra esclava, aga inst hcr master Don Josef Aguilar to obtain her freedom. SP.DOC:#48; W.P.A.#3206. 57 folio (s); 37 c pieee(s). French/Spanish. 179402160 1 16 February 1794 Don Pedro Juzan, Commissary of Indians of the Distr ict of Mob ile, solicited permission to con trac t matrimony with Dona Pelagia Loreinse, SP.DOC:# I I; W.P.A.#32 I7. 13 folio(s); 9 piece(s). French/Spanish. 1794021 801 18 Febru ary 1794 William Deck Vs. Carlotta Boullgny, negra IIbre. Proceedings instituted to compe l defe ndant to pay a debt owed on a negra slave, Francoise, who died of a hernia befo re the payment of 100 pesos by the de fend ant.. SP.DOC :#94 3; W.P.A.#3207. 10 folio(s); 8 piece (s). French/S panish. Abstracts Of Some Colonial Coun Records '- 1794 45 179402 1802 18 February 1794 Inventory. lind appraisal mode of the es tate o f Don Manuel Martines, Lieutenant of the regiment of Louisiana, deceased . Includes will. SP.DOC:# 126; W.P.A.#3 194. 56 folio(s); 36 piecc(s) . Spanish. 179402 190 1 19 February 1794 Don Luis Macarty Y•. the successlon of Don Pedro Pusol. Proceedi ngs instituted to colle ct some money. Plaintiff appointed Don Felipe Guinault as hi. proxy. SP.DOC:# 145; W.PA#3208 . 8 foliofs); 6 piecers) . Spanish , 1794022001 20 February 1794 Don Jose Joaq uin Fernandez solicited permission to cont ract matrimony and submitted the requested information. SP.DOC :#96 1; W.P.A.#32 12. 5 folio(s); 4 piece(s) . Spanish. c 1794022002 20 February 1794 Don Daniel Clam Ys. Pedro Balli)', pardo libre. Proceedings instituted to collect from the defendant (at present serving time in prison) the sum of 18 pesos and I real for various commodities sold on credit. SP.DOC :#9 15; W.PA#32 1I. 3 folio(s); 3 piece (s). Spanish. 1794022003 20 February 1794 Mateo Osten Ys. Santiago Spell. Suit for breach of contract. Defendant agreed 10 deliver 100 barrels of rosin and 25 barrels of tar but did not deliver on time. SP.DOC:#7; W,P,A.#3209 . 4 folio(s); 4 piece(s), Spanish. L Abstracts Of Some Colonial Court Records 1794 46 1794022004 20 February 1794 Don Antonio Bonabel Vs. the succession of Don Augustin Macarty. Proceedings instituted to compel defendant to pay a past due debt of 204 pesos. SP.DOC:#895; W.P.A.#32lO. 47 folio(s); 25 pieee(s). French/Spanish. 1794022201 22 February 1794 Don Lorenzo Willes Vs. Don Juan Dupuy. Don Lorenzo Willes instituted proceedings requesting the court to compe l Don Juan Dupuy to give a guarantee for :1 certain negra sold to Wille s. SP.DOC:#1402 [?J; W.P.A.#3216. Unnumbered folio ts); 2 piece(s). Spanish. 1794022601 26 February 1794 Don Alejandro Baudln y,. HIlario Boutte. Proceedings instituted to compel defend ant to pay a past due debt of 1246 pesos, the price of several slaves, listed in document , no separate list. SP.DOC:#908; c W.P.A.#3215. II folio(s); 7 pieee(s). French/Spanish. 1794022602 26 February 1794 Don Joseph Pie mas, representing Gorge Christian Zahn, V,. the succession of Guillenno Gayml. Proceedings instituted to compel defendant to pay 3000 pesos for merchandise entrusted to the deceased Guillermo Gayral. SP.DOC:#167; W.P.A.#32 13. 16 folio(s); 10 pieee(s). Spanish. 1794022603 26 February 1794 Roberto Hamilton Vs. the succession of Augu,tin Macal1)', Suit for recovery of sugar and coffee that Hamilton shipped to Jesse Hamilton of Natchez via Macarty's boat. Maearty died before delivery, and said merchandise Was in Juan Sarpy's possession. SP.DOC:#883; W.P.A.#3214. 9 folio(s); 6 piece (s). Spanish. Abstracts or Some Colonial Court Records 1794 47 1794030 101 03 March 1794 Pedro Eehan le V•• Esteban Dumas. Proceeding. instituted to compel defendant to pay a po st due debt for food and med icines supplied by the plaintiff to the defe ndant for the term of six years . SP.DOC :# 9S2; W.P.A.#321 8. 10 folio(s); 8 piece( s). French/Spanish. 179403060 1 06 March 1794 Don Josef Montegut Vs. the succusIon of Mauricio Conway. Proceedings instituted to co mpel defenda nt to pay him 35 pesos for medical services rendered to Conway . SP.DOC:# 162; W.P.A.#3219. 5 folio(s); 5 piccets). Spanish. 179403 1001 10 March 1794 Don Pedro Lacour, Cap tain of the brigantine "EI Correo de I. Nueva Orieans" Vs. the sueeess ion of Pedro Pujol . Proceedings institut ed to compe l defendant to pay 539 pesos & 2 real es .for salarie s c due the crew of said brigantine and supplies furnished to same. SP.DOC :#148; W.P.A.#3221. 5 folio(s); 5 piecefs), French/Spanish. 1794031002 10 March 1794 Don Miguel White Vs. Guillermo Blac k (Blake). Proceed ings instituted to compe l defendant to render on acco unt of a negro and merchandise that was giv en to the de fendant during his stay in Plaquemine s. SP.DOC:#II OI; W.P.A.#32 23. 7 folio(s); 6 piccc ts). English/Spanish. 1794031003 10 March 1794 Francisco Dreu x de Genlill,. Vs. Josef Dugucl, • brick-layer and house buildi ng eontmelor. Proceedings instituted to compel defenda nt to pay a past due debt of 289 pesos for lumber bought to build houses. SP.DOC :# 54; W.P.A.#3220 . 28 folio(s); 24 piece(s). French/Span ish. Very poor condition. Abstracts Of Some Colonial Court Records 1794 48 1794031004 10 March 1794 Santiago Clark Vs. the succession of Don Augustin Maearty. Proceedings instituted to co m pel defendant to pay a past due debt of 225 pesos for management of a certain boat to Natchez. SP.DOC:#9 17; W.P.A.#3222. 8 folio(s); 5 piece(s). Spanish. 1794031101 II March 1794 No abstract. Heavily damaged by Scotch Tape. Conservation requircd. SP.DOC:#58; W.P.A.#_ _. _ _ folio(s); 4 piece(s). Spanish. 1794031102 I I March 1794 Itemized bill from Durousseau to Madame Garic. Grocery & wine listed. SP.DOC:#_ _: W.P.A.#_ _ . _ _ c folio(s); 1 piece(s). French. 179403130 I 13 March 1794 Juan de Santa Cruz Ys. the estate of Pedro Pujol. Proceedings instituted to compel defendant to pay a past due debt of 150 pesos plaintiff loaned to the defendant to repair his schooner. SP.DOC:#151; W.P.A.#3226. 4 folio(s); 4 piece(s). Spanish 1794031302 13 March 1794 Don Juan de La Yillebeuvre Ys. Don G<:nlldo Carriere. Proceedings instituted to compel defendant to pay a debt. SP.DOC:#19; W.P.A.#3224. 14 folio(s); 9 piece(s) . Spanish. 1794031303 13 March 1794 Juan Bauti sta Sarpy Ys. the estate of Pedro Pujol. Proceedings instituted to collect debt of 578 pesos. value of cypress boards shipped to Pujo l for manufacture into box shooks. SP.DOC:#149; W.P.A.#3225. 21 folio(s); 15 piece(s). French/Spanish. ·L Abstracts Of Some Colonial Court Records 1794 49 179403 1401 14 March 1794 Dona Elena Hcurian, widow or the late Hon, Alderman and Royal Ensign Don Franc lsce Maria de Regg io Vs, "'"eph Anducsa, of Bamtari a. Proce edings instituted to compe l defe nda nt to pay a past due debt of one hundred thirty-o ne pesos and six rcales which he furnished de fendant in cash and merchandise . SP.DOC :#96 4; W.P.A.#3229 . 3 folio(s); 3 piece(s). Frenc h/Spa nish. 179403 1402 14 March 1794 Don Dan iel Clark V,. Don Jo,ef Poariet, a resident of the Post of Opetusas. Proceedings instituted requesting the co urt to forw ard an arrest warrant to the commander of the Po s~ of Opelusas. Warrant 10 be served on Poariet to compel Poari et 10 pay a past due note for 95 pesos 2 rcales. SP.DOC :#92 9; W.P.A.#3228. 3 folio (s); 4 piccc(s). Spanish. 179403 1403 14 March 1794 Don Daniel Clark Vs, Francisco LaRo .a and Simon Gonzales, partners. Procee dings instituted to compe l defenda nt to pay a past due deb t of 524 pesos for mercha ndise furnis hed 10 them . SP.DOC :#924 ; W.P.A.#3227. 38 folio (s); 24 piccc(s). Eng lish/Spa nish . 1794031501 15 March 1794 Don Daniel Clark Vs. Don Tom as Pofrctt, Proceedings instit uted to collect a debt o f seven hundred and nine pesos balance due from a larger sum. SP.DOC :#921 ; W.P.A.#3230. 26 folio(s) ; 16 piece(s). French/Spa nish . 1794031 701 17 Ma rch 1794 Andre. Cunnygham Vs, the succcss lon o f Pedro Pujol. Proceedings instituted to compel defendant to pay a debt. SP.DOC :# 152; W.P.A.#323I. 4 folio(s); 4 piecets). English/Fre nch/Spani sh. L Abstracts Of Some Colonial Court Records 1794 50 179403 1702 17 March 1794 Don Francisco Durey, representing his so n, Franelsec Durey, Jr., Vs. Don Jo5cf Bonneville , as heir of his wife Dona Luisa A llaric. Proceedings instituted to compel defenda nt to pay a past due debt. Pla intiff alleged that his so n was in the service of the defendant's wife, Dona Luisa Allaric, deceased , for six ye ars without recei ving proper renumeration but only small amounts of money, clothes, etc . SP.DOC :#94I ~ W.P.A.N3233. 93 folio(s) ; [W.P.A. has penciled in " 102" as the last foli o(s); number. "9 3" is the origina l written by the not ary .] 6 1 pieee(s). Frenc h/Spanish. 179403 1703 17 March 1794 Don Antonio Benet Vs. the success ion of Don Augustin Macarty. Proceedings instituted to compel defendant 10 pay a past due no tc for wood in the amount of 107 pesos. SP.DOC:N897; W.P.A.N3232. 7 folio (s); 6 picec(s). French/Spa nish. 1794031704 CJ 17 March 1794 Santiago Felipe Guinault, artomey for Don Juan Bautista Macarty, Vs. the success ion of Francisco Brun et No abstract. SP.DOC :NI207 ; W.P.A.N32 34. 28 folio(s); 17 pieee (s). Spa nish. 1794031801 18 Ma rch 1794 Don Pedro Laco urt, captai n of the brigan tine ''EI Ce neo Nueva Orlean s" Vs. the succe sslo n of Ihe laic Don Pedro Pujol , owne r of the brigan tine. Proceeding, instituted to compel defendant to pay four hundred and fifty -nine pes os and four reale s for past due wage s. SP.DOC:N6 ; W.P.A.N323S. 4 foliots): 4 pieee(s). French/Spanish. 1794031 802 18 Ma rch 1794 Dr. Frederico Lerban Vs. the es ta te of Mauri ce Conway. Proceedings insti tuted to co mpel defendant to pay 289 pesos for vis its and medical supplies. SP.DOC :N I60; W.P.A.N3237 . 6 folio(s); 6 pieee(s). Spani sh . Abstrncts Of Some Colonial COUll Records 1794 51 1794031803 18 March 1794 Don Juan Ventura Morales, Royal Officer o f A me rica, appointed b)' H.M. chief account of the Ann)' aml Royal Treasury, V!'I: . Antonio Juarez. Proc ee ding s instituted to compe l defendant to pay 8 past due debt of 300 pesos , balance of 700 pesos. Plaintiff alleged that the defendant agreed to the debt when he bo ught a negro from Don Hilario Boutet who had previously mortgaged the negro in favo r of the plai ntiff. SP.DOC:#22; W.P.A.#3236. 24 folio(s); 14 pieee(s) . Spanish. 1794031804 18 March 1794 Proceedings instituted by Don Juan Joyce to pro ve that a certain house located in the Post of Panzaeola is of the property of the succession of Don Daniel Ward. SP.DOC:#64; W.P.A.#3584 . 89 folio(s); 46 piece(s). Spanish. 179403200 1 c 20 March 1794 Don Bartolome Fahre Denney Vs. Don Guillermo Buller. No abstract. SP.DOC:#968; W.P.A.#3238 . 22 folio(s); I I piece(s) . Span ish. 179403220 1 22 March 1794 Luis Llotau, lawye r; Vs. the estate of Maurice Conway. Proce edings instituted to co mpel defendant to pay 29 pesos due him for the proceed ings which he handled due to the dea th of Juana Maearty , wife Conway, who died before her husband. SP.DOC :# 154; W.P.A.#3239. 3 folio(s); 3 pieee(s). Spanish , 17940 3240 1 24 March 1794 Do n Gabriel Tornbergnc instituted proceedings to submit information to secure copies of ce rtain proceedings provi ng he is . resident of New Orleans, SP.DOC:#963; W.P.A.#3241. 6 folio(s); 4 pieee(s), Span ish, c Abstracts Of Some Colonial COUI' Records 1794 52 17940 3260 1 26 March 1794 Guillermo Estcfen IWilliam Sleven, I V,. Maurice Conway. Proceedings ins titute d to com pel defendant to pay a past due dcbt of 38 pesos covering merchandise hc brought from the plaintiff. SP.DOC :# 157 ; W.P.A.#3244 . 4 folio(s); 4 piecc(s). Spanish. 1794032602 26 March 1794 Don Roberto Dow , surgeon, Vs, the auceesslon of Don Gabriel Facenda. Proceedings instituted to compel defendan t to pay a past due debt for medicin es and medical trea tments provide d by the plaintiff to Facenda. SP.DOC:# 1137; W.P.A.#3245. 5 folio(s); 4 picce(s). French/Span ish. 1794032603 26 March 1794 Proceedings instituted by Rosalia, negra esc tava of Santiago Martin requesting self-valuation to c obtain hcr free dom. SP.DOC :#36 ; W.P.A.#3243. 9 folio(s); 7 picce(s). Span ish. 1794032604 26 March 1794 Don Josef Xavier- de Pontalba, attomey of Don Estevan Miro, Vs. Joscf Fernandez, madcr carpenter, Proceedings instituted to compe l defe ndant to fulfill his par t of a ce rtain agreeme nt. Plaintiff alle ged the defendant had not fin ished the construct ion of a hou se. SP.DOC :#2 1; W.P.A.#3242 . 12 folio(s); 8 piece(s) . French/Spanis h. 179403270 1 27 Ma rch 1794 Don Carlos de Gmndprc, Lieutenant Colonel of Ihe Royal Annies, Vs. the succe ssion of Don Solomon Malines. Procee dings instituted to compel defendant to pay a past due debt o f 362 pesos and 5 rea les and the value o f a shook of tobacco. Plaintiff alleg ed Don Solomon Ma lines owed him the sum and shook o f tob ac co for sett leme nt of plaintiffs accounts. SP.DOC :#976; W.P.A.#3246. 13 folio(s ); 9 pie ce(s). French/Span ish. Abstracu Of Some Colonial Coun Records 1794 53 1794032801 28 March 1794 Don Thomas Dumfonl, cxecutoroCDon Culllermo Panton, Vs.. sucess ion of Don Mauricio Conway. Proceedings instituted to compel defendant to pay a past due debt. SP.DOC :N 159; W.P.A.N 3248 . 9 folio(s); 7 pieee (s). Spanish. 1794032802 28 March 1794 Thomas Dumfonl, executor of the estate of of David Hodge, Vs. Gilberta Leonard , trea.'iurer of Willi am Conway & heir of M.ituricio Conn'a)'. Proceedings instituted to compel defendant to pay a debt. William Conway wrote to David Hodge to credit a Mr. Hickory with 117 pesos Hickory owed Hodge. SP.DOC:#161 ; W.P.A.#3249. 6 fo lio(s); 5 piece(s). English/Spanish. 1794032803 28 March 1794 Don Mauricio Conway Vs. the succ esslon of Don Augustin Macarty. Proc eedin gs institute d to compel defend ant to pay a past due debt of 80 pesos. SP.DOC:#9 16; W.P.A.#3250. 9 folio(s); 7 picce(s). French/Spa nish. 179403 2804 28 March 1794 Don Guillcnno Conway Vs. Don Pedro Paulus. Proceedi ngs instituted to co llect from the defendant 635 pesos. SP.DOC:#3; W.P.A.#3247. 68 folio(s); 39 pieee(s). Spanish. 179403 2901 29 March 1794 Juan Bauti sta Deflandre, carpenter, Vs. Jose Fernandez, carpenter. Proceedings instituted to compel defendant to pay a past due debt of 2 15 pesos 6 reales for earnings belonging to the plaint iff and his bro ther for work performed for the defendan t. SP.DOC :#939 ; W.P.A.#3252 . 14 folio(s); 10 pieee(s). Spani sh. L Abstracts Of Some Colonial Court Records '- 1794 54 1794032 902 29 March 1794 Don Tomas Boutin Vs. Don Josef Fernandez. Proceed ings instituted to collect from the defendant 562 pesos and 5 rcules val ue received in lumber. SP.DOC :#90 1; W.P.A.#325 1. 16 folio(s) ; 10 pieee(s). Spani sh. 1794033 101 31 March 1794 Juan Bodu ln Vs. Simon Durrie au. Procee dings insti tuted reque sting the defe ndant to move his pigeon house furthe r away from plaintiff's properly . Bodui n alleged the pige on house interfe red with one of the windows of his home . SP.DOC :#900 ; W.P.A.#3256 . II folio(s) ; 5 pieee(s ). Spanish. 1794033102 3 1 Marc h 1794 Don DMlel Clark Vs, Anlonlo Raby. Proceedings instituted to compel defe ndant to pay 196 pesos and 3 reales, balance due in favo r of the plaintiff. SP.DOC :#934 ; W.P.A.#3253 . 9 folio(s) ; 8 pieee(s). c English/Spanish. 1794040101 0 1 April 1794 Franc isco Dubui sson solicited permi ssion to sell the schooner "Santa Thereza ", SP.DOC :# 15; W.P.A.#3254 . 3 folio(s); 3 pieee(s). Spanish. 1794040201 02 April 1794 Don Francisco Gutierrez de Anoy o Vs. the succession of Don Augu5tin Macarty. Proceedings instituted to compel defendant to refund him the sum of 100 pesos. Plaintiff alleged that he de livered the sum to the late Don Augustin Macarty to have the latter buy for him a small boat and some soap and oil. Plaintiff furthe r allege d that Maearty died without purchasing anything. SP.DOC :#882 ; W.P.A.#3255. 17 folio(s); II pieee(s). Spa nish. Abstracts Of Some Colonial COUrt Records 55 1794 1794040301 03 April 1794 Santia~o Carrick Vs. Juan Sarrea u of Lafe u rehe. Proceedings instituted to compel defendant to recognize his debt of 404 pesos and pay it. SP.DOC:#951; W.P.A.#3257. folio(s); 4 piece(s). Spani sh. 179404050 1 05 April 1794 Don Lui> Gerin Mallcr V, . Monsicur Lachalne [Lachalse] de la Nobillcn:. Proceedings instituted to compel defendant to pay a past due debt of 94 pesos 2 reales, for merchandi se sold the defendant. SP.DOC:#974; W.P.A.#3258. 7 folio(s); 6 piece(s). French/Spanish. 179404070 1 07 April 1794 Jacobo Gcret [Schere l ?].ca lllenler, Vs. Mr. Lubry [Luis 01)' ?). Criminal proceedi ngs instituted agai nst Mr. Lubry for beating plaintiff who worked on defendant's house on the Second Coast des Alemands. Whcn the carpenter called for payment. Lubry "gave him a good beating". SP.DOC:#977; W.P.A.H3 259. 10 c folio(s); 9 piece (s). French/Spani sh/German , 1794040901 09 April 1794 No abs tract. SP.DOC:H_ _; W.P.A.H3307 . _ _ folio(s); 14 piece(s). Spanish. Water Damage . Heavily damaged by Scotch Tape. Conservation required before abstract can be done . 1794041001 10 April 1794 Juan Gal)' Vs. Pedro Gene . Proceedings instituted to compel defendant to pay balance due of 200 pesos on land with a house at the landing place of New Orleans. SP.DOC:#978; W.P.A.#3261. 8 folio(s); 6 piece (s). Spanish. Abstracts Of Some Colonial COUIt Records 1794 56 1794041002 10 April 1794 Don Pmspero Barbin Bellevue Vs. the succession of Don Augustin Macal't)'. Proce edings instituted to compe l defendan t to pay 24 pesos, value received in cash from Mr. Couroux. SP.DOC:#902; W.P.A.#3260. 10 folio(s); 7 pieee (s). French/Spanish . 1794041003 10 April 1794 Don Janus Wilcox Vs. Amos Throops. Proceedings instituted to obtain a promissory note from defendant who was entrusted to collect its value of 1220 pesos. SPDOC :# I IOO; W.P.A.#3262. 8 1 folio(s); 48 pieee(s). English/Spanish. 1794041101 11 April 1794 Proceedings instituted by Don Pedro Duleidio Barron to obtain a permit to sell the brigantine "Los Tres Amigos". SP.DOC:# 14; W.P.A.#3263. 4 folio(s); 4 pieee(s). French/Spani sh. 1794042301 23 April 1794 Don Arnaldo Magnon Vs. Ihe sucessslon of Don Pedro PO!)·o!. Proceedings instituted to compel defend ant to pay 114 pesos for merchandise sold to the succession. SP.DOC :#142; W.P.A.#3264. 5 folio(s); 6 pieee(s). French/Spanish. 1794042401 24 April 1794 Information submi tted by Juan Bautista Gomez, pardo fib re, to prove he was under the influence of liquor when enticed by several individuals to gamble with them and then, under the pretense of winning from him, they took all his valuables. SP.DOC:#979; W.P.A.#3265. 29 folio(s); 16 pieee (s). Spanish. Abstracts Of Some Colonial Coun Records 1794 57 1794042801 28 April 1794 Proceedings instituted by Don Pablo Porta to obtain a permit to sell the schooner "La Rosalia ". SP.DOC:# 13; W,P,A,#3266. 4 folio(s); 4 pieee(s), Spanish , 1794042802 28 April 1794 Mr. Glapion had a negro esclavo named Francisco Glapion. Glapion told Francisco Glapion that he would free him if he collected from his friends and relations 600 pesos to pay for his freedom , The slave collec ted 150 pesos (from which the owner took 10 pesos) and took 140 pesos to Mr. Guaear li to keep, This money was stolen and the slave is putting himself clear by declaring the truth or the actua l facts. SP,DOC :#982; W,P.A,#3270, 5 folio(s); 4 pieee(s), French/Spanish, 1794042803 28 April 1794 Don Mi~uel Cantrelle Vs, Felipe Roth. No abstract. SP.DOC:#93 I; W.P.A.#3268, 3 folio(s); 3 piccets), Spanish. 1794042804 28 April 1794 Don Ramon Cane Ys. Joser Hernandez . Proceedings instituted to compel defendant to pay a past due debt of 359 pesos for wood sold to the defendant plus 567 pesos for the service of a negro slave in the plaintiff's possession, SP.DOC:#930; W.P,A,#3267. 9 folio(s); 6 pieec(s), Spanish. 1794042805 28 April 1794 William Dunbar, executor of the estale of Benjamin Farrar Vs.Thomas Dunford, a. executor of David Hodge. Proceedings instituted to collect two notes amounting to 759 pesos, SP.DOC:#949; W,P,A.#3269. _ _ folio(s); 6 piecets). Spanish . Abs tracts Of Some Colonial Court Records 1794 58 179404300 1 30 April 1794 Proceedi ngs institut ed by Don Christova l de Armas requesting the court forward an arrest warrant to the Commander of the Post o f Opelusas to be served on several individuals, residents of said district, to compel the parties to pay their past due debts. SP.DOC:#889; W.P.A.#3272. 2 folio(s); 2 piece(s). Spanish. 1794043002 30 April 1794 Maria del Cannen Dominguez V•. Don Domingo Langurand, Proceedings instituted to compel defe ndant to pay her monies for salaries due her and also to obtain 15 pesos monthly to pay her room and board duri ng her slay in this city. SP.DOC :#946; W.P.A.#327 1. 240 folio(s); 1/6 linear foot. Spanish, 179405020 1 02 May 1794 Fctfberto Farge Vs. lhe estate of Pedro Pujol. Proceedings instituted for the colection of 33 pesos for room and board. SP.DOC:#147; W.P,A,#3273 . I I folio(s); 9 piecc (s). French/Span ish. c 1794050202 02 May 1794 Maleo Hostin V•. Josef Fernandez. Proceedings instituted to compel defend ant to pay a past due debt of 88 pesos. value of seve ral barre ls of limc supplied to defendan t. SP.DOC:#987 ; W.P.A.#3275. 16 folio(s); 15 piece (s). Spani sh. 1794050203 02 May 1794 Inven tory, and appraisal of the estate of Feux Reverend Perre PI Francois de Azuqueca, deceased, of St. James Pari sh, "Cote de Ca bahan-noces aux Aeadiene ". SP.DOC :#887; W.P.A.#3274. 159 folio(s); 1/6 linear foot. French/Spa nish. c-) Abs tracts orSome Colonial Coun Records 1794 59 1794050301 05 May 1794 Juan Bautista Riviere Vs. Don Antonio Durand. Proceedings instituted to compel defendant to pay a debt. SP.DOC:#20; W.P.A.#3276. 9 folio(s); 7 piece(s). French/Spanish. 179405050 1 0 5 May 1794 Juan Eugenio Servantes V!i. thc success ion of Don Pcdro Pujol. Proceedings instituted to collect from the defendants 13 pesos for wages earned by the plaintiff in his capacit y of sailor aboard a brigantine owned by the late Don Pedro Pujol. SP.DOC:# 144; W.P.A.#3278. 3 folio(s); 3 piece(s). [One piece tom int o two piece(s) ]. French/Spanish. 1794050502 02 May 1794 Official proceedings instituted against Josef Martinez. Diego del Valle. Antonio Sanchez, Migu el Pitaluga, and Juan Bautista & Pedro. neg ros es c/avos of Don Pedro Viroso, charged with gambling in the Viroso house. Defendants were arrested at two o'clock in the morning by Don Josef Cruzat , sub-lie utenant of the Regiment of Louisiana, assisted by the clerk o f court and several soldiers. who confi scated a deck of playing cards and 15 pesos. SP.DOC:#912; W.P.A.#3280. 12 foliots); 8 pieee(s). Spanish. 1794050503 05 May 1794 Don Gulllcnno Dunbar, executor of Don Edgard Galludet Vs. the succession of Mauricio Conway. Proceedings instituted to compel defendant to pay a past due debt of 168 pesos & 7 reale s. SP.DOC:#156; W.P.A.#3279. 13 folio(s); 9 piece (s). In English, French and Spanish. 179405 0601 06 May 1794 Don Andres Cunningham Vs. Samucl Cuper. Proceedings instituted to compel defendant to pay a past due debt for medic ines and foods supplied by the plaintiff during the time the defenda nt was sick. SP.DOC:#926; W.P.A.#3297 . 5 folio(s); 4 piece(s). Spanish. Abstracts or Some Colonial Court Records 60 1794 179405070 1 07 May 1794 Don luis Pcltic d. Lause V, . Don AI.jlllldro Baudin. Proceedi ngs instituted to compe l defendant to return 400 pesos, which sum was overpaid to the defendant. SP.DOC:# 1222; W.P.A,#328I. 33 folio(s); 20 pieee(s). French/S pani sh. 179405080 1 08 May 1794 Ped ro Frcne Corcho n solicited pennission to contra ct matrim ony with Isabel Borigny Lela [Hila ?] for which purpose he submited thc required information. SP.DOC :#933; W,P.A.#3283, 4 folio(s); 4 piecet s). Spanish. 1794050802 08 May 1794 Bltuar. negra Ilbre, V,. Don Jo, d Fernandez, Proceedings instituted to compel defend ant to pay a past due note of 20 pesos and for 24 Y, days work performed by a negro hired by the de fendant from the c plain tiff. SP.DOC:#907 ; W.P.A.#3282. 7 folio(s); 6 piece(s). Spanish. 1794050901 09 May 1794 Fran" Merccnano Y,. the succession of Don Ped ro Pujol. Proceedings instituted to compel defendant to pay a past due promissory note. SPDOC:# 143; W.P.A.#3285. 3 folio(s); 3 picce (s). French/Spanish. 1794050902 09 May 1794 Jullll Bayllc, boatswain of the mail brig of New Orlean s, Vs, the estate of Don Pedro Pujol. Proceedings insti tuted to comp el defe ndant to pay 182 pesos 1 real due as wages. SP.DOC:# 140 ; W.P.A.#328 4. 6 folio(s); 5 piece(s). French/S panish. AbSU"3Cts Of Some Colonial Court Records c 1794 61 179405 100 1 10 May 1794 Beni to Alom requested a one year ext ension on his debts of 3056 pesos , SP.DOC :#47; W,P,A.#3286 , 4 folio(s); 4 piece (s), Spanish. 1794051201 12 May 1794 Proceedings instituted by Maria Luisa , negra esc lava of Mr.Colet, requesti ng self-valuation to obtain her freedom. SP.DOC:#28; W,P.A.# 3287, II folio(s); 7 piccc(s), Spanish, 1794051202 12 May 1794 Don Andre s Fernandez Vs. Don Jo.ef Fernandez. Proceedings instituted to compel defendant to pay a past due deb t of 600 pesos, Plaintiff alleged that the defendan t agreed to pay him the money in the term of one yea r as value of Juan Bautista, negro esctavo. whom he sold to said defe ndant. As security. defe ndant mor tgaged Juan Bautista in his favor. SP,DOC:#965; W,P,A,#3288 , 8 folio(s); 6 piecefs). Spanish , c 179405130 I 13 May 1794 Laburrh e & Barriere Vs. lite estate of Pedro Pujol, owner of a brigantin e ''EI Corre a de Nuev a Orlean s", Proceedings instituted to com pel defen dan t to pay a past due debt of 47 1 pesos , Plaintiff allege dly furnished Pujol many arti cles for his usc while he WaS sick and materials for his brigantine , SP.DOC :#139; W,P,A,#3289 , 29 foliots); 26 piecefs), Spanish, 1794051302 13 May 1794 Don Lui. Julian Guerin, as trustee appointed for lite e", dilon of Ihe late Don Lui. Boisdote Vs, lite succession of Don Marlin Nava rro. Proceedings instituted to compe l defen dan t to pay a past due debt of 300 pesos. value of two barrels of indigo delivered by Don Luis Boisdore to Don Carlos de la Chaise by order of the lat e Don Ma rtin Navarro. SP,DOC :#98 1; W,P,A,#3291. 5 folio(s) ; 5 piece(s) , French/Spanish, c Abstracts or Some Colonial COUrt Records 1794 62 179405 1303 13 May 1794 J(nCr Fernandez Vs. his crediton: Proceedings 'instituted to request an ex tension of time to satisfy all his debt s. Creditors arc listed . SP.DOC:#759; W.P.A.#J2 90. 67 folio(s); 41 piece(s). Spanish . 1794051304 IJ May 1794 Simon Gonzales Vs. Francl sco La Rosa. Proceedings instituted to compel defendant to render him accounts of thc business partner ship they made . SP.DOC :#975; W.P.A.#JJ 34. 82 folio(s); 50 pieee (s). English/Span ish. 1794051401 14 May 1794 Don Bonaventura Collel Vs, Messes. Luis Delabaume & Jo.ef Lesyen, of the Post of New Madrid. Proceedings instituted requestin g the court to forward an arrest warrant to the Commander of the Post of New Madrid to be served on the defendants to compel them to comply with the specifications of a certain agreement. c SP.DOC :#92 5; W.P.A #J29 3. 9 folio(s); 8 piece (s). French /Spanish. 179405 1402 14 May 1794 Don Juan Bautista Darby, Commander of New Iberia, Vs. Don Alejandro Baudin. Proceedin gs instituted requesting the ac knowledegment of a signature. Plaintiff alleged that the defendant . as legal age nt of the minors o f Don Francisco leDes [Lcdce 1]. the successor of the legal agent Monsieur Saloman, paid the debt he owed the succe ssion. SP.DOC:#807; W.P.A.#3292. 6 folio(s); 5 piece (s). French /Spani sh. 1794051 601 16 May 1794 Genoveba Binet Vs. Pelagia Ciuilol Proceedings instituted to collect from the defendant 28 pesos & IS rcal es. SP.DOC :#50; W.P.A#J277. _ _ folio(s); 4 piece (s). French/Spanish. Abstracts Of Some Colonial Coun Records 1794 63 1794051701 17 May 1794 Should be 179405140 I. Microlilmcd at 179405170 I but located at 179405140 I. SP.DOC:#925 ; W.P.A.#3293. 1794051702 17 May 1794 No abstract. SP.DOC:#_ _; W.P.A.#_ _ . 9 pieee(s). Heavily damaged by Scotch Tope. Conservation required . 1794051901 19 May 1794 Proceedi ngs instituted by Bernardo Izurra (alios) Pantaleo n as guardian and tutor of the min or Carlos, muiato, natural son of Carlos Begin , decea sed, and the latte r's slave, Marin, in order that Carlos may claim his rights to the estate of his deceased father. SP.DOC:# 1104; W,P.A.#3294. 76 folio(s); 43 piece(s) . Frenc h/Spanish. 1794052001 20 May 1794 Mdm. Feleeiana Dubrieul, Widow of Amelol "S Joscf Fernandez. Proceedings institutcd to compel defendant to pay past due notes for work performed by her negro amounting to 21 pesos. SP.DOC:#940; W.P.A.#3295. 9 folio(s); 8 piece (s). French/Spanish. 1794052201 22 May 1794 Don Christoval Badia solicited permission to sell the frigate "La Paloma". SP.DOC :#12; W.P.A.#32 96. I folio(s); 2 piece(s). Spanish. c Abs tracts Of Some Colonial COUrt Records 1794 64 1794052301 23 May 1794 Don Juan Riv iere V,. Pmspem Pior. Proceedings instituted to compel defendant to pay a past due debt of 821 pesos 2 rcalcs. SP.DOC:#24; W.P.A.#3298. 12 folio(s); 9 piece (s). French/Spanish. 1794052601 26 May 1794 Don Roberto D0"" surgeon, Vs. the success ion of Madam Th eresa Gallard, widow Gnmdpn:. Proceedings instituted to compel defendant to pay a past due debt for medicines and medical lreannents rendered by the plaintiff to Galla rd, SP.DOC:# 166; W,P.A.#330I. 6 folio(s); 5 piecet s). Span ish, ' 1794052602 26 May 1794 Don Pmsperu Prior Vs. His creditors. Proceedings instituted to obtain a moratorium of two y ears to pay the sum owed his credi tors, Plaintiff alleged that he suffered cons iderable losses in his business. and in the shipwreck of the brigantine "EI foben [?] Josef' in which he lost more than 12.000 pesos , Credi tors listed. c SP,DOC :#IO; W,P.A.#3300, 31 fol io(s); 20 piecets). French/Spanish, 179405270 1 27 May 1794 John Collins, of Opelousas, as legal agent for Charles Percy of Natche z Vs. Henry Herge reder and Henry Raper of Opelousas. Proceedings institu ted to collect 1000 pesos owed to Percy, SP.DOC :# 16; W,P,A.#3302-A , 6 folio(s) ; 4 picccts), Spanish, 1794052702 27 May 1794 Don Claudio Fran" Girod Vs. Mr. _ _ Du maine. Proceedings instituted to compel defenda nt to pay a debt. SP.DOC :#980; W,P.A.#32 99. 7 folio (s); 6 piece (s). French/Spanish. Abstracts Of Some Colonial Court Records 1794 65 1794052703 27 May 1794 Proceedin gs instituted by Don Manuel Monsanto requesting ha¥iRg the Board Of Creditors to grant him a moratorium of three years to meet all his old debts. SP.DOC:#29; W.P.A.#3302. 49 folio(s); 30 piece(s). English/Spanish. 1794053101 31 May 1794 Don Santiago Felipe Guinault, as legal agent for Don Luis Macari)' Vs, the succcsslo e of D on Ped ro Pujol. Proceedings instituted to compel defendant to pay 97 pesos for expenses incurred by towing the brigantine "EI Correo " owned by the late Don Pedro Pujol back to this port, The vessel broke its moorings and went aground a distance from the port during the last hurricane. SPDOC :#146; W.P.A.#3303. 6 folio(s); 5 piece (s). Spanish. 179406020 1 c 02 June 1794 Juan Bautista Rivlere Vs. Pmsperc Prieur, bonower, and Manuel Monsanto, endoner. Proceedings instituted to compel defendant to pay a note for 260 pesos owed Riviere. SP.DOC:#26; W.P.A.#3304. 5 folio (s); 4 pieee (s). Spanish. 1794060202 02 June 1794 Proceeding s instituted against Don Antonio Ximenez for selling alcholie beverages to slaves without license. SPDOC:#1103; W.P.A.#305. 16 folio(s); 10 piece(s). Spanish. 1794060301 03 June 1794 Juan Hehrnnl Vs, Don Valeriano Leblanc. Proceedings instituted to compel defendant to pay a note due four years ago. A letter said that Gabriel Rufus and Lachape lle were ordered to release a cargo by Leblanc , commander of the Post of Avoyelle s, and Leblanc had promised to pay for the aforesaid cargo. SP.DOC:#983; W.P.A.#3306. 7 folio(s); 6 pieee(s). French/Spani sh. C'J Abstracts Of Some Colonial Court Records 1794 66 1794060302 03 June 1794 Moved to April 9,1 794. SP.DOC:#_ _ ; W.PA#33 07. 179406070 1 07 June 1794 Don Cirilo Farc ndc V,. Josef Fernandez. Proceedings instituted to compel defendant to pay a past due deb t of 60 pesos for a negro hc hircd. SP.DOC:#960; W.P.A.#3309. 5 folio(s); 4 piecc(s). Frcnch/Spanish . 1794060702 07 June 1794 Pedro Martin V,. Messrs. Andry, Frieu, Fomvergne. Proceedings instituted to collect from the defenda nts 60 pesos for wages as per a theatrical contract. SP.DOC:#9; W.P.A.#3308 . 10 folio(s); 7 pieee(s). French/Spani sh. c 179406 1101 II June 1794 Proceedings instituted by Don Francisco de Sales Badillo requesting appointment to the official position of Attorney G.encral of this province; position renounced by Don Antonio Mendez. in favor of Badillo. SP.DOC:N899; W.P.A.#33 10. 42 folio(s); 27 piece(s). Spanish. 1794061201 12 June 1794 Gulllenno Dcsprau Vs, the residents of Bellevue. Proceed ings instituted by Guillermo Desprau requesting that the reside nts pay him room and board. Dcsprau alleged that he acted as agent for the residents of Bellevue . While acting as their agent at the Post of Opelousas, he paid 50 pesos for room and board at the house of Don Claudio Chabot. Therefore, he requested that the residents reimburse him. SP.DOC:#950; W.P.A.N33 I I. 6 folio(s); 5 pieee(s). French/Spanish. c Abst racts Of SomeColonial Court Records 1794 67 179406 1401 14 June 1794 1794061401 should be 794061201. Microfilmed at 1794061401 but located at 1794061201. SPDOC:#950 ; W.P.A.#33 I I. 1794061601 16 Junc 1794 Don Santiago Harrik Vs, the succcssion of Don Pcdro PIIyol. Proceedings instituted to compel dcfcndant to pay 46 pesos which he supplied to the deceased Pedro Puyo l to pay the crew of his brigant ine "EI Corrc o de Nueva Orleans". SP.DOC :# 141; W.P.A.#33 13. 4 folio(s); 4 piece(s). French/Span ish. 1794061602 16 June 1794 Don Juan Friochc Vs. Don luis Glovcllin.. Proceedings instituted to compel defendant to pay a past due debt of 1368 pounds [£ ?]. and two "sue ldos" and six "dineros"; equal to 273 pesos and 5 reales , value of medicines supplied to defendant by plainti ff on commission from their owner, Mr. Barron. SP.DOC :#18; c W.P.A.#3312 . 12 folio(s) ; 8 piece (s). French/Spanish. 1794062001 20 June 1794 Don Santiago Carrik Vs. Don Pedro Dubroy, Proceed ings instit uted to compe l defend ant to pay a past due deb t of 1425 pesos and 5 reale s. SPDOC:#920; W.P.A.#33 14. 4 fo1io(s); 4 piece(s). Spanish. 1794062301 23 June 1794 Pedro Bemansou Vs. Josef Fernandez. Proceedings instituted to collec t from the defendant 27 pesos and 4 reale s, value received in bread . SPDOC :#911 ; W.P.A.#33! 5. 3 folio(s); 3 pieee (s). Spanish. Abst racts O f Some Colonial Court Records t794 68 1794062 801 28 June 1794 Don Jo.ef Cruzar Vs. Don Zenon Vals. Proceedi ngs instituted to compel defendant to pay a past due note for 80 pesos, as the last payment for a house bought by the defendant. SP.DOC:#17; W.P.A.#33 16. 14 folio(s); 9 piece(s). Spanish. 1794070201 02 July 1794 Don Hnnorato FortIer Vs, Hanly, multuo libre, Proceed ings instituted to compel defe ndant to pay a past due de bt. SP.DOC:#967; W.PA#33 17. 3 folio(s); 3 piece(s). French/Spanish. 179407030 1 03 July 1794 Crimin al proceedings instituted against Estcvan, neg ro esclovo of Don Augustin Macart y, accused of robbing Don Vincent Fortuniche, Estcvan was found guilty and sentenced to five years in the New Orleans prison. SP.DOC:#953 ; W.PA#3320. 85 folio(s); 49 piecefs). Span ish. c 179407090 I 09 July 1794 Proceedings instituted by Don Gilbero Amy. legal age nt of the late Don Miguel Cornier in the Post of Ope lousas. to compel seve ral resident s of that post to pay the debts they owe to the succession of said Don Miguel Cornier. SP.DOC:#89 I; W,P.A.#33 18. 7 folio(s) ; 5 piece(s). French/Spanish. 179407 10 01 10 July 1794 Don Mathias de Alpuenlc Vs. Don Thoma. Dunfonl. Proceedings instituted to compel defendant to pay 234 pesos and I real for mone y loaned to him. SP.DOC :#27; W.P,A.#33 19. 6 1 folio(s); 40 piece (s). Spanish . .C • Abstracts orSome Colonial Coun Records 1794 69 1794071 501 15 July 1794 Inventory, and app raisal made of the estate of Don Gabricl Peynour, deceased . SP.DOC:# 1 25 ~ W.P.A.#3321. 125 folio(s); III' linear foot. Frcnch/Spa nish. 179407290 1 29 July 1794 Maria Teresa Chc val, partla libre, Vs. Don .Alan Serm. Proceedings instit uted by the plaintiff to compel the defen dan t to pay a past due debt of 73 pesos 3 reale s for food and clothe s. SP.DOC :#33; W.P.A.#3322. 5 folio (s); 4 picce(s). Spanish. 1794072902 29 July 1794 Don Francisco Durey, representing Juan Bautista and Basili o Allarie and In behalf of his wife, Dona Fmncisca All aric, Vs. The succe ssion of Dona Maria Luisa Allaric. Proceedings instituted to compe l de fendant to surrender 600 pesos. Durcy alleged that the persons he represe nted were the only heirs of their c sister, the late Dona Jacint a A llaric . Do na Jacinta Allaric was bequeathed the 600 pesos by the ir brother- in-law. Do n Carlos Brazeau. It was to be paid after the death of the Brazeau's wi fe, Dona Maria Luisa Allaric, as written in Brazeau's last will and testament. Plaint iff further alleged that since Dona Maria Luisa Allarie and Dona Jacinta Alla ric were deceased, the money should be paid to the persons he represented. SPDOC :#53 ; W.P.A.#3323 . 98 folio (s); "" linear foot. French/Spanish. Poor condition. 1794 080301 03 August 1794 Proceedings instituted by Don Luis Hector, Baron de Caro nde let, Knight of the Order of St. John, Brigadier of the Royal Army, Govern or and General Intendent and Royal Vice -Patron of the Provinces of Loui siana and Western Florida, and Inspector of their Veteran Troops and Militia , to have the court clerk investigate the death of Don Juan R. Colland 's prope rties as there was a minor heir. SPDOC:#922 ; W.P.A.#3324. 22 foli o(s); 13 piece(s) . Spanish. r Abstracts Of Some Colonial Coun Records 1794 70 179408040 1 04 August 1794 Don Santiago Ganick Vs. the successtoe of Don Augustin Macarty. Proceedings instituted to co mpel de fendant to pay a past due debt of 13 pesos 511: rcales for several items sold to defenent. SP.DOC :#9 19; W.P.A.#3325 . 5 folio(s); 5 piece(s). Spanish. 1794080601 06 August 1794 Juan Bauti sta Labatutt, attorney of luis Badin, Vs, Pedro Paul es. No abstract. SP.DOC :#4 ; W.P.A.#3326 . 26 folio (s); 15 picccts). French/Spanish. 1794080701 07 August 1794 Don Hilario Bouret, a, substitute proxy for Don Carlos St Vincent, Vs. Don Aljandro Baudln, as proxy for the heirs of Don Juan Fraect aco Lcdce. Proc eedings instituted against the defendant reques ting the court declare null and void the pow er of attorney given defend ant by the heirs of Don Juan Franc isco Lede c . c Plai ntiff alleged he was appo inted the heirs' proxy with posteriority to the defendant's appoi ntment. SP.DOC :# 1112; W.P.A.#3328 . 15 folio(s); 9 piccc (s). French/Spanish. 17940 80702 07 August 1794 Inve ntory , and appr aisal made of the estate of Don Augustin Fabre, dece ased . Incl udes proceedings instituted by Lorenzo Fabre to obtain the inheritenc e left by Augustin Fabre, his brother. SP.DOC:#958; W.P.A.#3327. 74 folio(s); 43 piecets). French /Spanish. 1794081201 12 August 1794 Inventory, and appraisal made o f the estate of Dona Luisa Cararnuche, deceased.. SP.DOC :# 129; W.P.A.#3329. 170 folio(s ); 1/6 linear foot. Spanish. ( Abstracts Of Some Colonial Coun Records 1794 71 179408 1301 13 August 1794 Don Santiago Carrick Vs. Anlonio Martinez. Proceedings instituted to compel defendant to pay a past due debt of 338 pesos and 31/2 reales for merchandise sold to the defendant. SP.DOC:#932; W.P.A.#3330. 6 folio(s); 5 piece(s). French/Spanish . 1794082001 20 August 1794 Proceedi ngs instituted by Teresa, negra slave of Don Estevan Liciard, to obtain her freedom . SP.DOC:#32; W.P.A.#333I. 4 fo1io(s); 4 pieee(s). French/Spanish. 1794082002 20 August 1794 Will of Don Andres Almonester. See the abstract in Black Books. SP.DOC:#_ _ ; W.P.A.#_ _ . 17 folio(s); 12 piecc(s). Spanish. c 179408220i 22 August 1794 Don Andres Fernandez vs. Don Luls L1otan. Proceedi ngs instituted to compel defendant to pay a past due balance of 119 pesos 4 reales. Fernandez alleged that balance was caused by the alienation of a certai n property . SP.DOC:#I ; W.P.A.#3332. 7 folio(s); 5 pieee(s) . Spanish. 1794082202 22 August 1794 Inventory , and appraisal made of the estate of Don Antonio Bono, decea sed.. Includes will. SP.DOC:#903; W.P.A.#3333 . 7 I folio(s); 41 piece(s). Spanish. 1794082301 23 August 1794 Moved to May 13, 1794. SP.DOC:#970; W.P.A.#3334. Abstracts Of Some Colonial C OUIT Records 1794 72 1794082601 26 Augu st 1794 Don Hilario Boutet solicited permission to se ll several slave s at auction. some of which we re mortgaged to Don Juan Ventura Morales and Dona Juana Macarty. SP.DOC:#909 ; W.P.A.#3335. 6 folio(s) ; 4 pieee (s). Spanish . 1794082701 27 August 1794 Moved to 05 September 1800. SP.DOC :#975; W,P.A.#3336. 1794090 101 oI Sept ember 1794 Receipts of payme nts made by M' Cade t Monlo n to Don Juan de Castanedo. SP.DOC:# _ _. W.P.A.#_ _. 2 pieee(s). Spanish. 1794090401 04 September 1794 Inventory, and appraisal made o f estate of Don Pedro Echartc, deceased . SP.DOC :#13 4; W.P.A.#3337. 53 fol io(s); 30 pieee (s). Spanish. 1794090601 06 September 1794 Don Roberto Dow Vs. the successten of Antonio Bono . Procee dings instituted to compe l defendant to pay a past due deb t, for medic ines and medical treatments rendered by plai ntiff to Bono. SP.DOC :#947 ; W.P.A.#3338. 3 folio (s); 3 pieee(s). Spanis h. 1794091301 13 September 1794 Proceedings instituted by Magd alen a [Mariana ?], negra iibre, to obtain the freed om of her son, Pedro . negro slave of Don Vincente Rilleux. SP.DOC :#31; W.P.A.#333 9. 19 folio(s); 11 pieee (s). Span ish. Abstracts orSome Colonial Coun Records 1794 73 1794091501 15 September 1794 Inventory, and appraisal made of estate of Josef Angeline, deceased. SP.DOC :N888; W.P.A.N33 40. 99 folio(s); 57 pieee(s). Includes will. French/Spanish. 1794091601 16 Sep tembe r 1794 Teresa Billeron , legitimate wife of Renate Rapicout [Rapicault], requesting that a certain amount of money justly due her be paid from the properties of her husband . SP.DOC:N913 ; W.P.A.N334J. 26 foli o(s); 16 pieee(s). Fren ch/Spanish. 1794091701 17 September 1794 Don Santiago Freret Vs. the succession of Tomas Boutin. Proceedings instituted to collect from the defend ant 20 I pesos and 6 reales. Plainti ff requested payment from the proceed s of the sale of Boutin's properties at public auction, SP.DOC:N809; W.P.A.N3342. 5 folio(s); 4 pieee(s). French/Spanish. c 179409180 1 18 September 1794 Inventory and appraisal of the estate of Luis Augusto Broussin, deceased. SP.DOC:N896; W.P.A.#3344. 15 folio(s); 10 pieee(s). French/Spanish. 1794091802 18 September 1794 Don Rafael Ramo s Vs. Juan Luis,pardo llbre. Proceedings institute d to compel defendant to pay a past due debt of 250 pesos. SP.DOC:#35; W.P.i\. #3343. 6 folio(s); 4 pieee(s), French /Spani sh. 179409200 1 20 September 1794 Don Franci sco Husey V•. Don Sanliago Karrick. Proceedings instituted 10 compel defendant to surrender a numb er of slaves entrusted to his care . Pla intiff alleged defendant sold them illegally and kept the money. SP.DOC :#39; W.P.A.#3346. 279 folio(s); 1/6 linear fool. (Folio(s) 11 - 15 missing ? ) English/Spa nish. A bstracts Of Some Colonial Court Records 1794 74 1794092501 25 September 1794 Don Alejandro Baurc V5. the sucecssle n Moreau. Proceedings instituted to co llect from the defendant 25 pesos. SP.DOC:N904; W.P.A.N3 347. 3 folio(s); 3 piece(s). French/Spanish. 1794092502 25 September 1794 Mimy, pardo esc/avo of Pablo Azenard, instituted proceeding s to obtain her freedom. SP.DOC :#30; W.P.A.#3348. 46 folio(s); 28 piece(s). Spanish. 1794092601 26 Septembe r 1794 Request and allowance of a five year moratorium to Richard Devall to pay 6249 pesos to his cred itors. SP.DOC:N944; W.P.A.#335 1. 12 folio(s); 8 pieee(s). English/Spanish. 1794092701 c 27 September 1794 Don Juan Serra, captain and owner of the brigantine "La Amable Julia", lacked the funds to pay the expen ses of the brigantine and for the trip he was about to make. He solicited 1000 pesos to cover the expenses of the trip and mortgaged his brigantine as security for said amount. SP.DOC:#43; W.P.A.N3349. 2 folio(s); I piece(s). Spanish. 1794092702 27 Septem ber 1794 Jose Trevino , merchant, Vs. the estate of Pedro Echarte. Proceedings instituted to have the debt of 295 pesos [price for a negro slave] included with the others of the creditors and paid. SP.DOC:#135; W.P.A.#3350 . 8 folio(s); 6 piece(s). Spanish. l Abstracts Of Some Colonial Coun Records c 1794 75 1794093001 30 September 1794 Pedro Visoso [?I Vs, Pedro Polledo. No abstract. SP.DOC:#40; W.P.A.#3352. 74 folio fs); 48 picce (s). French /Spanish. 1794 100201 02 October 1794 Thomas Dunfon! Vs. Nicolas Cayeux , Proceedings instituted to collcct 50 pesos, balance due on a 100 peso note. SPDOC :#945; W.P.A.#3181. 5 folio(s); 4 piece(s). French/Spanish. 1794 10080 1 08 October 1794 Inventory, and apprai sal made of the estate of Don Luis Guerin Molle, deceascd . SPDOC:#973; W.P.A.#33S3. 142 folio(s); 1/ 12 linear foot. French/Spanish. c 179410 090 I 09 October 1794 Don Jose Trevino Vs. Don Juan Josef Tlreran [Tixeran], Proceed ings instit uted to compel defendant to pay 80 pesos. Plaintiff alleged that sold him a certain house, for the price of 500 pesos, for which sum, the plaintiff gave him 20 pesos in cash and two negros, both valued at 560 pesos, leaving a balance due the defenda nt of 80 pesos which defendant prom ised to pay. SPD OC:#25; W.P.A.#33S4. 6 folio(s); 4 piece (s). Span ish. 1794101 101 I I Octobe r 1794 Don luis Den tlll)' de Bertin Vs, Don F""," Jone guer [Senlgulr ?). Proceedings instituted to com pel defen dant to pay a past due debt. SPDOC:#942; W.P.A.#3355. 8 folio(s); 6 piece(s) . French/Sp anish. Abstracts Of Some Colonial Court Records 1794 76 1794101301 13 October 1794 Angelica, negra esclava of Dona Ma. Bienvenu. instituted proce edings to obtain her freedom from her owner SP.DOC:#49; W.P.A.#3356. 22 folio(s); 16 pieee(s). Spanish. 1794 101302 13 Oetober 1794 Invent ory, and appraisal made of the estate of Francisco Ayme, deceas ed. SP.DOC:#I32 ; W.P.A.#3357 . 298 folio(s); V. linear foot. French/Spanish. 1794101601 16 October 1794 Francisco Astier, legal agent of Antonio Simian, Vi. Jacobe Schnell . Proceedings instituted to comp el defendant to pay a past due debt of 242 pesos and 4 reale s, Defendant mortgaged a negra, as security. SP.DOC :#893; W.P.A.#3358. 7 folio(s); 5 piecc(s). Frcnch/Spanish. c 1794101801 18 Octo bcr 1794 Bartolome Bautista, pardo fibre, Vs, Juan Lafrance. Plaintiff instituted proceedings to compel defendant to pay 80 pesos remaining from 180 total due. SP.DOC:#905; W.P.A.#3359. 4 folio(s); 4 piece(s). Spanish. 1794102501 25 October 1794 Don Josef Antonio de Hoa, admini strator of the royal revenue in louisiana, Vs. Don Francisco Berluchau. Proceed ings instituted to compel defe ndant to pay a past due debt of 200 pesos which he loaned to defendant. Defendant mortgaged a certain lot of property as security. SP.DOC:#23; W.P.A.#3360. 7 folio(s); 5 piece(s). Spanish. ( c Abstracts Of Some Colonial Coun Records 1794 77 1794103101 31 October 1794 Dona Juana Macarty requested that skilled workmen examine the house that Don Barthol ome Laffon built for her. The house was supposed to be 2 stories. but he was unable to finish because be did not have the strength to eontinue . SP.DOC:#52; W.P.A.#336 1. _ _ folio(s); 1/6 linear fool. French/Spa nish/L atin. 1794103102 3 1 October 1794 Moved to January 3 1, 1794. SP.DOC:#906; W.P.A.#3362. 17941 10101 0 1 November 1794 Anton io Lozada Vs. Pedro Guerrero. Proceedings instituted to punish defendant for mistreating a negra slave. Plaintiff alleged that defendant hired from the plaintiff a certain negra and mistr eated her thereby causing her to have a miscarriage. SP.DOC:#34; W.P.A.#3363. 19 folio(s); 13 piece(s). French/Spanish. c 1794110501 05 Novembe r 1794 Moved to 12 Septembe r 1795. SP.DOC:#128; W.P.A.#3364.1 7941 1130 1 13 November 1794 Moved to 29 November 1794. SP.DOC:#42; W.P.A.#3365. 1794 11 150 1 15 Novem ber 1794 Pedro !'hlllver Vs. Juan Bautista Bolssel, resident of Baton Rouge. Proceedings instituted to compel defendant to pay 131 pesos and 5 reales that the defendant owed him as follows: 101 pesos reeeived in cash and 30 pesos and 5 reales for value received in merchandise. SP.DOC:# 8; W.P.A.#3366. 6 folio(s); 4 piece (s). French/Spa nish. Abstracts Of Some Colonial Court Records r 1794 78 1794 111 90 1 19 November 1794 Gabriel Fonvcrgnc V, . the estate of Franelsce Aime. Proceedings instituted requesting a deed for a piece of land on St. Louis Street that Aime sold to Fonvergne, his son-in-law, for 600 pesos as part of the dowry of Aime's daughter, the plaintiff's wife. Since Aime died without making and signing the deed, plaintiff entered suit against the estate. SP.DOC:# 133; W.P.A.#3367. 10 folio(s); 7 pieee(s). Spanish. 1794112201 22 November 1794 Thomas Claudio Bagnct Vs, the estate of Pedro Echarte. Proceedings instituted to collect 140 pesos due for salaries plainti ff earned while in the employ of the defendant. SP.DOC:#137; W.P.A.#33 68. 17 folio(s); 12 pieee(s). Spanish. 1794112601 26 November 1794 Proceeding s instituted by Josef Joaquin Fernandez requesting that the city surveyor measure c a piece of land sold to him by Don Bernave Chaix [1]. SPDOC:#954; W.P.A.#3370. 15 foiio(a); 12 pieee (s). Spanish. 1794112602 26 November 1794 Bemanlo Mayaux Vs, babel Robin, purdu libre. No abstract. SP.DOC:#46; W.P.A.#3369. 23 folio(s); 18 pieee(s). Spanish. 1794112801 28 November 1794 Elena Delhommer, negra iibre, instituted proceedings to obtain the freedom of her 12 year old nephew, a slave of the successio n of Don Francisco Delery. SP.DOC:#51; W.P.A.#337I. 8 folio(s); 5 piecc (s). Spanish. c Abstrncts or Some Colonial Coun Records 1794 79 1794 11 290 1 29 November 1794 Don Juan Luis Marc tceu, captain of the frigate ' The Mississippi' , filed a prote st befor e the authorities conce rning the damages suffered by the vessel under his command. SP.DOC :#42; W.P.A.#3365 . 13 folio(s); 9 piece(s), Spani sh. 1794 112902 29 November 1794 Pedro Martin Argate Vs. the estate of Josef de Arazena, Reli gous Capp~. No Abstract. SP.DOC :#88S; W.P.A.#337 4. 5 folio(s); 4 pieee(s). Spanish. 1794 112903 29 Nove mber 1794 Ma riana, mulala Iibre, Vs. the esta te of Pedro Echarte. Proceeding s insti tuted to comp e l de fendant to pay a deb t. SP.DOC :# 136; W.P.A.#3372. 8 folio(s); S piece(s). Spanish. c 179411 2904 29 November 1794 Don Santiago LeDuc, 3urgeon, V3. the suceessfon of Don Franelsco Orsel. Procee dings instituted to compel defendant to pay a past due debt of 189 pesos and 3 reale s for profes sional services rendered and medicines supplied to the late Don Francisco Orsel. SP.DOC :# 168; W.P.A.#3373 . _ _ folio(s); 1/6 linear foot. French/Spanish. 17941 2020 1 02 December 1794 Antonio Doriocourt solicited permission from authorities to sell several slaves he owned. SP.DOC:#948; W,P.A.#337S. 3 folio(s); 3 piccets). Spani sh. 1 Abstracts Of Some Colonial Court Records 1794 80 1794 120501 05 Decem ber 1794 Santiago Felipe Guinault, attorney of Don Francisco Guerin, Vs. the succession of Don Pedro Peyraux. Plaintiff. through his legal agent. instituted proceedings to compel defendant to pay a past due dcbt of 1900 pesos 2 reales. SP.DOC:#7; W.P.A.N3 376. 99 folio(s); 55 picce(s). French/Spanish. 1794120601 06 December 1794 Inventory . and appraisal made of the estate of Don Luis Antonio Calogne, deceased. SP.DOC:N935; W.P.A.#3377. 40 folio(s); 27 piecc(s). French/Spanish. 179412 1201 12 December 1794 Proceedings instituted by the governor of Louisiana to suspend all judicial cases until 7 Jan 1795 because of the 8 Dec 1794 fire. SP.DOC:N890; W.P.A.N33 78. _ _ c folio(s); 2 piece(s). Spanish. 1794 122001 20 December 1794 Proceedings instituted by Enrique, negro esc/avo of Monsieur Roman. requesting a change of owners for the price of his valuation. SP.DOC:N2; W.P.A.N3379. 20 folio(s); 16 piece(s). French/Spanish. 1794122601 26 Decembe r 1794 Copy of the inventory and jud icial sale of .11 the properties of Senor Joseph Gillard and his decea sed wife Margue riue Sardet: Lists slaves. SP.DOC:#97 I; W.P.A.N3380. 21 folio(s);.11 pieee(s). French/Spa nish. 1794122801 28 December 1794 Don Guillerm o Wicoff instituted proceedings requesting exemption from paying duties on the mercha ndise that was destroyed by a fire in his warehouse. SP.DOC:N75 ; W.P.A.N3389. 24 folio(s); 13 piece(s). French/Spanish. I AnSTRACTS OF SO~lE mLO"IAL m URT REcoRDs, 1796 ( ' 121 1796010901 09 January 1796 Official proceed ings instituted by Don Francisco Leis Hector Baron de Carondolet, Knight of the Order o f 51. John, etc .... to investigate the murder of the ward commissi oner, Don Manuel Perez Martinez, who was stabbed by prisoner. SPDOC#86; W.P.A.#3542. 84 folio(s); 50 piece(s), In English and Spanish . 1796011401 14 January 1796 Succession of Francisco Hussy, appraisal and public auction of estate. SP.DOC#_ _ ; W.P.A.#3542-A. 44 [?] folio(s); 1/6 linear foot. Scotch Tape. Needs conservation. Spanish. 1796011901 19 January 1796 Don Francisco Collell verified that the goods seized by his brother, Don Bentura Collell , are his. Includes list of goods and their value. SPDOC#57; W.P.A.#3543. 31 folio(s); 20 piece(s). Spanish. c 1796012501 25 January 1796 1797012503 filmed at 1796012501. should be located at 1797012503. 17960 12701 27 January 1796 Madam Catalina Veil V,. the creditors of the eslale of Don Alejandro Durrousseau, Proceedings institutcd to separate her dotal properties, which arc not part of the estate. SPDOC#73 ; W.P.A.#3545. 15 [16] folio(s); II piccc(s). Spanish. 1796013101 31 January 1796 Rudulfo Jph. Ducros reported on taxes on thc meat/butcher industry. SP.DOC#_ _; W.P.A.#._ _ . folio(s); I piccc (s). Spanish. ABSTRACTS OF S O~IE COlO:-iL\L COURT REcoRDS. 1796 \ 122 1796020801 08 February 1796 Don Domingo Mayronnc instituted proceedings for permission to sell brigantine "La Jove n Feliciano Intendencia". SP.DOC#6; W.P.A.#3546. I folio(s); I pieee(s). Spanish, 1796020901 , 09 February 1796 Moved to 02 July 1796. SP.DOC#_ _ ; W,P.A.#3547. 179602200 1 20 February 1796 Proceed ings instituted by Don Alexandre Baudin, owner of the brigantine "El Coronel de Malleville", regarding damages suffered by the vessel. SP.DOC#_ _ ; W.P.A,#3548. 64 folio(s); 34 pieee (s). Spanish, c 179602230 1 23 February 1796 Don Ricanlo Rultonl , colle ctor of debts for the success ion of the deceased widow of Don Anlonlo Bonlol on V,. Don Jo, ef Frederico. Proceedings instituted to compel defendant to pay for a house which was auctioned in favor of defendant at the public auction of the widow's estate . SP.DOC#_ _ ; W.P.A.#3395. 58 folio(s); 35 piece( s). French/Spanish. 1796022701 27 February 1796 Henrrique, negro ttbre, instituted proceedings to secure the freedom of his daughter, Naneta, a slave of Don Guillcrmo Brocur of the Post Of Natchez . SP.DOC#3; W.P.A.#3549. 3 folio(s); 2 piece(s). Spanish. 179602290 1 29 February 1796 Andres Almonester y Roxas reported on taxes on the meat/butcher industry. SP.DOC#2; W.P.A.#_ _ . Unknown foliojs); I piece (s). Spanish. ABSTRACTS OF c soxrs COLONL\L COURT RECORDS, 1796 123 1796022902 29 February 1796 Proceedings instituted by Don Juan Bta. Sarpy to obtain a permit to sell the brigantine "Activo Intcndencia". SP.DOC#4; W.P.A.#3550. 4 folio(s); 3 piece(s). Spanish . 1796022903 29 February 1796 Dona Catalina Bello requsted that the rents from the house belonging to her dead husband, Don Alexandra Duroseau, be allocated for her sustenance. SP.DOC#64; W.P.A.#3550-A. 9 folio(s); 9 pieee(s). Spanish. Heavi ly damaged by Scotch Tape. Conservation required . 1796030201 02 March 1796 Doctor Don Estevan Funlgnet de Pellegrue Vs. the succession of Don Juan Herve. Proceed ings instituted to compel defe ndant to pay a past due debt for medicines and treatment totaling 128 pesos 4 reales administered to Herve. SPDOC#8 11; W.P.A.#3551. 7 folio(s); 6 piece(s). Spanish. c 1796030301 03 March 1796 Proceedings instituted by Santiago Antonio Percy as testamentary executor of the es tate of Do n Francisco Orsel, deceased, to have the General Receive r to pay him 10 pesos out of the properties left by Mathias Shneade r, deceased, who owed rent on a house that he occup ied, but which was ow ned by Orsel. SP.DOC#95; W.P.A.#3554 . 26 folio(s); 16 piece(s). Spanish. 1796030501 05 March 1796 Don Ciprian o Casahono Vs, Don Antonio de SLMa1CnL Proceedings instituted to compel defendant to pay a past due loan of 118 pesos and 4 reales , SP.DOC#70; W.P.A.#3552. 11 folio(s); 9 piece(s). French/Spanish. ABSTR~crs OF soxn COLONL~l. COURT RECORDS. 1796 c 124 1796030701 07 Marc h 1796 Francisco Gaimlc Vs, Don Alexandro Durou.. .cau, Procee dings instituted to compe l de fenda nt to pay 198 pesos and 2 realcs for building a kitchen on defendant's ranch and severa l other services rendered to him. SP.DOC# 62 ; W.P.A.#355 3. 8 folio (s); 6 piece (s). Spanish. 1796030702 07 March 1796 Don Andres Almomcste r- Vs, Jose f Xavi e r Pontalba. SPDOC#55; W.P.A.#3554-A. 18 folio(s) ; 12 picce(s). Spanish. Scotch Tape . Needs con servation. 1796030901 09 March 1796 Should be 179603050 I microfilmed at 179603090 I but located at 179603050 I. SPDOC#70; W.P.A.#3552 . c 179603 1101 11 March 1796 Jeuef Modena V 5 . the successio n of Don Franctscc Brune tt. Proceedings instituted to compel defendant to pay for meat furni shed the successi on for 200 pesos at Post of Opclu sas, plus 74 pesos for merch andi se furnished to the widow . SPDOC# 1208; W.P.A.#3555 . 30 folio (s); 19 piece (s). French/Spanish. 17960 3140 1 14 March 1796 power of attorney from Don Francisco Beaugear [Beauregard 1J to Don Carlos Soubies, SP.DOC# _ _ ; W.P.A.#_ _ . Unknown folio (s); 1 pieee (s). Spanish. 1796031701 17 March 1796 Don Juan Bauti sta Riviere , the syndic of e rediton of the successio n of Don Alexandro Durrosseau Vs. Don leis Moo re. Proceedings instituted in behalf of the creditors to compel defendant to take back some merchandise. SP.DOC# 63 ; W.P.A.#3556. 46 foli cts); 28 piece(s). French/Spanish. c ABSTRACTS OF SOME mLO~L\L cotnrr REmRDS, 1796 125 179603 180 1 18 March 1796 City treasurer, Juan de Castanedo, ordered to pay Juan Trope , carpenter, for repair to a c ity council bench and receipt of Trope. SP.DOC#41 ; W.P.A.#_ _ . Unknow n folio (s); I piece (s). Span ish. 1796032901 29 March 1796 Summary of the criminal proceedings instituted against Ardy, mulato, charged with bea ting Don Juan Bauti sta Jourdain . SPDOC#83 ; W.P.A.#3557 . 34 folio (s); 20 piece( s). Spanish. 179603310 1 31 Ma rch 1796 Statement of to, rec eipt s on the meat indu stry collected by Don Francisco de la Barre, alderman, an d chief const ab le of this city, and amount turn ed over to the city treasurer. SP.DOC#3; W.P.A.#_ _. Unknown folio(s); 1 piece (s). Spanish. ( 179604 0101 01 April 1796 Don Juan Cnueld e San Martial, physician Vs. the successio n of Don Terenclo Hussey {wsey ?j, Proceeding s instituted to compe l de fe ndant to pay I I pesos and 4 realea for professional services rende red and medicines supplied to Hussey. SPDOC#92; W.P.A.#3 558. 10 foliois) : 7 piece (s). French/Spanish. 179604050 1 05 April 1796 Don Ju an Bautista Ca m by Ys. the succession of Don Tercnclo Wsey (Hussey). Proceedi ngs instituted to compel defendant to pay a past due note for 21 pesos for wage s owed to the plaintiff. SP.DOC#9 1; W.P.A.#3559. 7 folio(s); 6 piccets), Spanish. 179604 0601 06 Apr il 1796 Madam An a Lebrur, widow of Folie , Ys. Don Pablo Latcantcl, Proceedings instituted to compel defendant to pay a pas t due sum of 150 pesos, ba lance of the price for a slave the defen dant bought from the plai ntiff. SP .DOC#61 ; W.P.A.#35 60 . 7 folio(s); 7 picee(s). Spanish . ADSTRAcrs OF SOME COLONL\I. OIURT RECORUS, 17% 126 1796041801 18 April 1796 Don Mauricio Noulan V,. Don Juan McDonaugh. Proceeding, instituted to compel defendant to render a report of the accounts, before he sailed to Veracruz. SP.DOC#80; W.P.A.#356 1. 11 foliots); 7 piecc (s). Spanish . 179604210 1 2 1 April 1796 Don Juan Bautista Duvcl V,. the suceesslon of Pedro Echarte. Proceedings instituted to eom pel defendant to pay 29 pesos and 5 reales for seve ral effects and candles which the plaintiff furnished for the funeral of Pedro Echarte. SP.DOC#98 ; W.P.A.#3562. 5 folio(s); 5 piece(s). Spanish . 1796042102 2 1 April 1796 Proceeding s instituted by Leis Daunoy, pordo libre, to have the court declare null and void a mortgage made by Leis Dcunoy in favor of his stepdaughter, the late Marthena Bellair, because Daunoy had c already paid the mortgage. SP.DOC#79 1; W.P.A.#3563. Unknown folio(s); 4 piecc(s). Spani sh. 1796042201 22 April 1796 Summa ry of co urt costs asso c iated wi th Thomas Claudio Beguet's suit to coll ect a debt. SP.DOC#_ _; W.P.A.#_ _. Unknown folio(s); I piccc (s). It is folio # 18 of some document. Spanish. Possibly from 1794 11220 I. Thomas Claudio Bagnet Vs. the estate of Pedro Echarte. 179604 2601 26 April 1796 Guillermo Brown V" Benjamln Bumett Proceedings instituted to compel defendant to pay the damages caused by a boar wounding a horse. Allege dly Brown's boar was permitted to run freely around several farms . SP.DOC#768 ; W.P.A.#3492. 49 folio(s); 36 piece(s). English/Spanish. ABSTRACTS OF c SO~IE COLOI'LIL COURT RECORDS. 1796 127 179604290 1 29 April 1796 Cari eta Damavil, p ardo libre, Vs. the 5ucceu lon of Don Pedro Eeharte . Proceedings instituted to compel defe ndant to pay 20 pesos for 4 demij ohn s of liquor supplied from the plaintiffs caba ret to Echa rt c. SPDOC#99; W.P.A.#3 564 . 7 folio (s); 5 pieee(s). Spanish. 179604300 1 30 Apr il 1796 Report by Nico las Forsta ll on the meat supply and the taxes it produced. SP.DOC#4; W.P.A.#_ _ . Unknown folio (s); I piece (s). Spanish . 1796043 002 30 April 1796 Margarila Trudeau, " egra libre, V•. Don Hilario Boulet Proceedings institu ted to compel defendant to pay a pas t due deb t of 164 pesos and 4;', reales for cattle sold to the defendan t. SP.DOC#74 ; W.P.A.#3571. Unknow n folio(s); 13 picc e(s). French/Sp ani sh. c 1796050201 02 May 1796 Don Guillermo Conway requested app oinment as testamentary executor o f the estate of Don Be nj am in Fa rras, as pro vided in the will . Check 17940428 05 . SP.DOC# _ _ ; W.P.A.#_ _. Unknown foli o(s); I piece (s). Spani sh. Delic ate condition. 179605040 1 04 May 1796 Don Santiago Mather Vs. the succession of Don Guido Dufossat, Proceedi ngs instituted to co mpel de fendant to pay 250 pesos that the plaintiff loaned to Dufossat , SPDOC# 10 I; W,P,A,#356 5, 8 folio(s) ; 6 piecefs) , French/Sp anish , 1796050901 05 May 1796 Alexandre Baudin solicited permission to sell the brigant ine "EI Coro nel Donalville ". SP.DOC#7; W,P,A.#3566. 2 folio(s); 2 pieee(s). Spanish. ABSTRACTS OF SOME COLO;l;L\t. COURT RECORDS, 1796 c 128 1796051101 11 May 1796 Don Andre Warl<cmie [Maekemle Allemand•. Proceedings inSli1/Jled 10 ?I Vs, Don Cristova! Durnin)' (Domingue ?I Glaplon. of De. compel defendant to pay 147 pesos and 4 realcs. SP.DOCH752; W.P.A.H3567. 3 foliots); 3 piece (s). Spani sh. 1796051201 12 May 1796 Inventory, and appraisal of the estate of Don Valentine LeBla nc, deceased. SP.DOCH 11 9; W.P.A.H3568. Unknown folio(s); 1/6 linear fool. Spanish. 179605130 1 13 May 1796 Don Juan De Castanedo submitted doeuments as proof of his accounts. SP.DOCH42; W.P.A.H_ _ . Unknown folio(s); 7 pieee(s). Spanish. c 1796052101 2 1 May 1796 Juan Mcricult, admlnistrator of Don Jacobo Cewpenhwalt's succession, Vs. the succession of Don Baleriano [Valentino) LcBlanc. Proceedings institut ed to compel defendant to pay 325 pesos and 5 reales , as balance of a larger amount . SP.DOCH96; W.P.A.H3569. 9 folio(s); 6 piccc (s). Spanish. 1796052102 21 May 1796 Proceedings agains t Don Bueno Ventura Collcll by his creditors. SP.DOCH59; W.P.A.H3569-A. Unknown folio(s); Yo linear foot. Scotch Tape. Nccds conservation. 1796052401 24 May 1796 Don Jo.ef Lavy & Bernardo de Coquet V., Mr, R. Planthion, Proceed ings instituted to prove that Mr. R. Planthi on owed the plaintiffs money. SP.DOCH56; W.P.A.H3570. 7 folio(s); 5 piece (s). French/Spanish. ABSTRACTS OF SOME COLONL\L COURT RECORDS, 1796 129 179605300 1 30 May 1796 Moved to 30 May 1796. SP.DOC#74; W.P.A.#2571. 1796053 101 31 May 1796 Report by Don Rudolfo Jose Ducros on the meat supply and the taxes it produced. SP.DOC#5 ; W.P.A.#_ _. Unknown folio(s); I pieee(s). Spanish. 1796053102 3 1 May 1796 Don Antonio Rami. Vs. Claudio Trcmc. SP.DOC#54; W.P.A.#_ _. Unknown folio(s); 3 piece(s). Spanish. Scotch Tape. Needs conservation. 1796053 103 c 31 May 1796 Don Guillermo Dunbar, atto rney for success ion of Don Edgar Gallard, Vs. Don Santiago L1vaudais. SPDOC#65 ; W.P.A.#3572. Unknown folio(s); 4 piece(s). French/Spanish. Scotch Tape. Needs conservation. 179606060 1 06 June 1796 Official proceedings instituted by the governor to investigate damages to schooner "Fly' lind its cargo . Con tains invoice s of the ship. SPDOC#2; W.P.A.#3573. 68 folio(s); pieee(s) . ''' ' linear fool. English/Span ish. 179606080 1 08 June 1796 Maria Hernandez Claro, legitimate wife of Joseph Vazquez, requested permission to trade and contract. Her husband left her two years ago with four children, and she wanted legal power to conduct business. She stated that her husband had mistreated her as a result of his frequent intoxica tion. SP.DOC#68; W.P.A.#3574. 21 folio(s); 14 pieee(s) . Spanish. l ABSTRACTS OF SOME COLO:"lL\L COURT REcoRDS, 1796 c 130 1796062501 25 June 1796 Don Bartolome Lebreton V., Don Bartolome Lafond. Criminal proceedings instituted again st defendant who allegedly used profane words in plaintiffs presence. SP.DOC#82; W.P.A.#3576. 5 folio(s); 4 piece(s). Spanish. 179606270 1 27 June 1796 Don Santiago Fletcher requested permission to sell scbooner "Ely". SP.DOC#5; W.P.A.#3575 . Unknown folio(s); I piece(s). Spanish. 1796063001 30 June 1796 Report by Don Andres Almonester y Roxas on the meat supply and the taxes it produced . SP.DOC#6; W.P.A.#_ _ . Unknown I'o lio(s); 1 piece(s). Spanish. c 1796070201 02 July 1796 Proceedings instituted by Don Thomas Urquhart, captain of the schooner "La Diana" to prove that he could not go to La Guuyra because the schooner was damaged . SP.DOC#_ _ ; W.P.A.#3547. Unknown folio(s); 16 pieee(s). French/Spani sh. 179607060 1 06 July 1796 Don Bartolome Lafont V•. Dona Juana Macarty, Proceed ings instituted to collect from the defend ant a deb t Includes request that two signatories, Don Hilario Boutte and Herbano Gann ie, acknowledge the debt SP.DOC#66; W.P.A.#3577. Unknown folio(s); 18 piece(s). French/Spanish. 1796070901 09 July 1796 Don Nicolas Maria Vidal V., Don Francisco Bennudez. Don Nicolas Maria Vidal, Lieutenant Governor and Judge Advocate of War of this province instituted official crim inal proceeding. again st Bermudez for libel. SP.DOC#74 9; W.P.A.#3578. 38 folio(s); 22 pieee(s). Spanish. ( ABSTRACTS OF SOME COLONL\L COURT RECORDS, 1796 C=' 13 1 1796071001 10 July 1796 Inventory , and appraisa l of the estate of Don Manuel Monsanto, deceased. Will and inventory with slaves included . SP.DOC#85 ; W.P.A.#3579. 84 folio(s); 47 piece(s). Spanish. 17960714 01 14 July 1796 Moved to 29 July 1796. SP.DOC#77; W.P.A.#3580. Unknown folio(s); Unknown pieee(s). 1796071501 15 July 1796 Official proceedings relat ing to the arrival from Bordeaux of the frigate "La Ernestine", owned by Don Honorato Fortier. The vesse l arrived without complying with the requisite formalities. SP.DOC# I; W.P.A.#3581. Unknown fol io(s); 43 piece(s). Spanish. c 1796072901 29 July 1796 Don Leis Man oteau, capta in and mate of the frigate "Miss issippi" instituted proceed ings to prove the damages suffered during the voyage from Havana to New Orleans. SP.DOC#77; W.P.A.#3580. 33 folio(s); 2 1 piece(s). Spani sh. 1796073101 31 July 1796 Don Francisco Pascalis dc 'a Barre reported on taxes on the meat/butch er industry. SP.DOC#7 ; W.P.A.#_ _. Unknown folio (s); I piece(s). Spanish. 1796080 101 01 August 1796 Don Nicola> Forstell Vs. the succession of Don FRlI1" BIURet!. Proceedings instituted to compel defendant to pay a debt. SP.DOC# 1161 ; W.P.A.#3582. 36 folio(s); 23 pieee (s). French/Spanish. AIISTRACTS OF C soxrs COWN L\L COUIIT REmRDS. 1796 132 179608060 1 06 August 1796 Proceedings instituted by Roberto Brown and Roberto Guilio to appoint Don Santiago Mather and Don Samuel Moore as arbitrator of their accounts. SPDOC#76; W.P.A.#3585. 24 foliots); 15 picce(s) . English/Spanish. 1796080801 08 August 1796 moved to 3 1 August 1796. SPDOC#_ _; W.P.A.#_ _. Unknown folio(s); Unknown picce(s). 1796080901 09 August 1796 Don Honornlo Fortier, n:pn:sentlng Don Juan Durant, Vs. the succession of Don Frnnelsco Slere. Proceedings instituted to collect from the defendant a debt of 297 pesos six reales plus half' of the profits from the sale of 480 bottles of wine, SP.DOC#97; W.P.A.#3583. 29 folio(s); 18 pieee(s). French/Spanish. c 1796080902 09 August 1796 Should be 179608060 I. Microfilmed at 1796080902 but located at 179608060 I. SPDOC#76 ; W.P.A.#3585. Unknown folio(s); Unknown pieec(s). 179608 1201 12 August 1796 Moved to 18 March 1794. SP.DOC#64; W.P.A.#3584 . Unknown folio(s); Unknown piece(s). 1796082201 22 August 1796 Maria Hem Claro Vs, the succession of Don MIguel Flchen Proceedings instituted to compel defendant to pay for merchandi se furnished. SP.DOC#_ _; W.P.A.#_ _, Unknown folio(s); 1 piece(s). Spanish. ABSTRACT S OF SOME COLO NIAL COURT RECORDS. 1796 133 1796082601 26 Aug ust 1796 Don Carlota Coston instituted proceed ings to reclaim Bautista Capuc in , negro. SP.DOC #71; W.P.A.#3588. Unkn own folio(s); 7 piece (s). French/Spanish, 1796082602 26 August 1796 Don Santiago Larche , symlle of the coast downriver from New Orleans, and the Inhabitants under h jurisdiction, Vs. Don Bartolome Lebreton. Proceedings instituted to co mpel defe ndant to stop selling 10 arpents of land that he purchased from Don Josef Xavier de Ponta lba, separating the la nd from another 34 arpents of the sa me plantati on an d reducing government property [common lands) that the inha bitants take care of. Document loca ted in Spa nish Miscellaneo us Box #2 15. SP.DOC#4 3; W.P.A.#3586. Unknow n folio(s); Unkno \'vn piece (s). 1796082603 c 26 August 1796 Moved to 03 Se ptember 1796. SP.DOC #60 ; W.P.A.#3 587. 17960831 01 31 August 1796 Nico las Forsta ll repo rted on taxes on the meat/butcher indu stry. SP.DOC#8 ; W.P.A.#_ _ . Unknown folio(s); I piece(s ). Spanish. 1796083102 31 Au gus t 1796 Moria. neg ra esc lava of Dona Pela gia Vulet, requested her freedom by paying her appra ised value , SP.DOC#69; W.P.A.# 358 9. 7 folio(s); 5 pieee (s). Spanish. 1796090101 oI Septem ber 1796 Don Pedro Comngem: Vs. Don Manuel Monsanto. Proceedings inst ituted to compel defendant to pay 0 pas t due debt. SP.DOC# 87 ; W.P.A.#3590. 4 folio(s); 4 piece (s). French/Spanish. ABSTRACTS c or soxrs COLONL\L COURT RECORDS, 1796 134 1796090301 03 September 1796 Don Eugenio Marchand, captain of the schooner "La Hcrmana" Vs. Don Ramon Antonio de Lozada. Proceedings instituted to compel defendant to pay for a laid rope, anchor, and a bouy-rope . SP.DOC #60; W.P.A.#3587. 13 folio(s); 10 piecc(s). Span ish. 179609070 1 07 Sep tember 1796 Co py of criminal proceedings aga inst Juan Bautista, m ulat o sla ve of Don Pedro de Marigny , ch arg ed wit h the murder of his guard ian. Narc iso. SP.DOC #_ _ ; W.P.A.#359 J. 76 folio (s); 39 piece(s). Spanish. 179609 0901 09 September 1796 Should be 17960 9300 J. Microfilmed at 1796090 901 but located at 1796093 00 J. SP.DOC#9 ; W.P.A.#_ _. Unknown folio (s); Unkn own piece(s) . c 1796090902 09 September 1796 Injunction requ ested by Ma ria Thereza Cheval, parda libre , again st Ce leste de Bernardo Ysurria al ias Panteleon [?J. SP.DOC#79; W.P.A.#3 592. 18 folio(s); II piece(s). Spanish. 179609 1001 10 September 1796 Don Ruberto Dow Vs. the succession of Don Manuel Monsanto. Proceedings instituted to co mpel de fendant to pay a past due debt of 890 pesos plus 80 pesos interes t for a loa n to Mon sant o. who mort gaged two slaves . SP.DOC#89; W.P.A .#35 93. 6 foli o(s); 5 piece(s). French/Spanish. 1796091701 17 September 1796 Mari a Luisa, parda libre, demanded the freedom of her sister, Silesia , slave of Dona Magdalena Cartier. wid ow Santi ago Toutan Beauregard. SP.DOC# 75 ; W.P.A.#3594. 5 folio (s); 4 pieee(s). Spanish. Scotch Tape . Conservation required. ,\ UST R,\crS OF SOME roLONL\L roURT IU:roRDS. 17.6 C=' 135 1796092001 20 Septem ber 1796 Don. Maria B.ny, widow of Don Gulllenno GulRnan, Vs. Don Manuel de .NsI" , rcpre seetitive of Guignan's crediton absent from LAubian a. Includes list of Guignan's goods. SP.DOC# 193 ; W.P.A.H35 95. folio(s) H182-203; 12 piece(s). Spanish. 179609230 1 23 September 1796 Don Juan Joy Vs. Mr.MJllol. Proceedings instituted to compel defend ant 10 pay a past due debt. SPDOCH78; W.PAH3596. 8 folio(s); 8 piece(s). Spanish. 1796092302 23 September 1796 Moved to 03 October 1796. SPDOCH93; W.P.A.H3597. Unknown folio(s); Unknown piecer's). c 1796092801 28 September 1796 Don Samuel Moo", & Brother, Don C.rlos MeKcnnian, Don GuiIlenno G.rland, Don GuJlle nno Stephen. & Don Roberto Conchran V•. the succession of Don Leonardo Marbury. Proceedings instituted to compel defendant to pay for goods purchased on credit. SPDOCH94; W.P.A.H3598. Unknown foliots); 12 piece(s). Spanish . Poor condition. 1796092802 28 September 1796 Moved to 24 October 1796. SP.DOCH750; W.PAH 3599. Unknown folio(s); Unknown piece(s). 179609300 1 30 September 1796 Report by Don Rudolfo Jose Ducros on the meat supply and the taxes it produced. SP.DOCH9; W.P.A.H_ _ . Unknown folio(s); I piece(s). Spanish. ADSTI",crs OF SOME alWNIAL COURT RECOllDS. 1796 C 136 1796093002 30 September 1796 Don Claubio Bougaud V, . Maria Hernandez. Proceedings instituted to compel 'de fenda nt to pay a past due debt of 174 pesos. 2 V, reales for rncrchandise supplied. SP.DOCH72; W.P.A.H3600 . 10 folio(s); 6 piecefs). Spanis h, 1796100101 0 1 October 1796 Don Marco. Paraire requested permission to sell his bilander "Magdalena". SP.DOCHI02 ; . W.P.A.H3 60 I. Unknown foliots); I pieee(s). Spanish. 1796100301 03 October 1796 Inventory, and appraisal o f the es tate of Don Leonardo Marbury, dece ased . Includes will and inventory with slaves. SP.DOC#93; W.P.A.#3597. 87 foliots); 50 pieee(s). English/Spanish. C 1796101701 17 October 1796 Don Andres wackemy, administrator for Don Santiago Kenedy, Vs:. the succession of Don Benjamin and Don Manuel Monsanto, brothers. Proceedin gs instituted to co mpe l defend ant to pay 338 pesos I real, SP.DOC#75 I; W.P.A.#3602. 9 folio(s); 7 pieee(s). French/Spanish. 1796 102101 21 October 1796 Don Jorge Zahn Vs. Juaneta Dueoder, mulata iibre. Proceedings instituted to collect 150 pesos. SP.DOCH753; W.P.A.#3603. 8 foliots); 5 pieee(s) . Spanish. 1796102401 24 October 1796 Inventory. and appraisal of the estate of Francisco Vinet, alias Panten, deceased. Include s will and inventory with slaves. SP.DOCH750; W.P.A.H3599. 174 foliots); 1/6 linear foot. French/Spanish. ABSTRACTS OF S~~IE COLONL\L COURT RECURDS, 17% c 137 1796 10250 1 25 October 1796 Don Miguel Fortier Vs. Don Manuel Monsanto. Proceed ings instituted to compel defendant to pay a post due note, SP.DOC#88; W.P.A.#3604. 7 folio(s); 6 piece(s). French/Spanish. 1796102701 27 Octob er 1796 Don Carlos Loubles Vs. Don Ferendo Hussey. Proceeding s instituted to compe l defendant to pay a past due debt. SP.DOC#_ _; W.P.A.#3605. Unknown folio(s); 10 pieee(s). French /Spani sh. 1796 10290 1 29 October 1796 Don Franci sco Collell, captain of the Permanent Regiment of Infantry of Louisiana, reque sted that the properti es of his brother, Don Buena ventura Collell , be sold and distributed to the credit ors. SP.DOC#58 ; W.P.A.#3606. Unknown folio(s); 4 pieee (s). Spanish. c 1796 103101 31 October 1796 Report by Don Andres Almonester y Roxas on the meat supply and the taxes it produced. SP.DOC#I O; W.P.A.#_ _. Unknown folio(s) ; I pieee(s) . Spanish. 17961 10201 02 November 1796 Located in box to right. SP.DOC#84 ; W.P.A.#_ _. Unknown folio(s); Unknown pieee (s). Spani sh. 1796110301 03 November 1796 Crim inal proceedings instituted against Juan Maria and.Juan Escobedo for assault against Anronio Garcia de Abreu. They were also accused of insubordination against the governor for refusing to serve on the ship "Leal". SP.DOC#81; W.P.A.#3607. 42 folio(s); 25 pieee(s). Spanish. ABSTMCfS OF SOME COLONL\ 1. COURT RECORDS, 1796 c 138 1796110801 08 Novembe r 1796 Don Roberto .Joncs (and continued by Don Andres Fernandez) V,. Dona Catalina Dupanl, widow Borel, Proceedings instituted to compel defendant to pay 390 pesos . Folios 1·46 missing at time o f inventory. SP.DOC# _ _ ; W.P.A.#3608 [?]. Unknown folio(s); 3 1 pieee(s). French/Spanish. 17961118 01 18 November 1796 Don Nico las Duquainnay, blacksmith for the Royal Jail, requ ested payment for services re ndered. Don Andres Almones ter y Roxa s and Don Francis co Pascal is de In Barre inspected the work, and Don Juan de Cas tunedo, ci ty treasurer , was ordered to pay Duquain nay. Duqua innay then acknowledged payment. SPDOC#89; W.P.A.#_ _. Unknown folio(s); 2 piece (s). Span ish. 1796112 101 2 1 Novemb er 179 6 Don Santiago Milon V s. Carlota tcmas, mutam llbre.: Proceedings instituted to, co mpe l c defendant to pay a debt. SPDOC#_ _ ; W.P.A.#_ _. 8 folio (s); 6 piece(s). Span ish. 17961 12102 2 1 November 1796 Rec eipt signed by Marcos DeVilliers for 300 pesos paid by Don Car los DeVilliers in accord with a jud gement rendered in the success ion of their late brother Jose f DeVilliers. SP.DOC#_ _; W.P.A.#_ _. Unknown folio(s) ; I piccc (s). Spanish. 1796112401 24 November 1796 Parti al list of court costs totaling 106 pesos 2 reales, Appears to be part of larger case involving the valuation and auct ion of an estate . SPDOC#_ _; W.P.A.#_ _. Folio(s) labeled #46; I piece (s). Spanish. ABSTRACTS OF soxu; COL01iIAL COURT IlECORDS. 1796 139 1796112402 24 November 1796 One folio of a larger case involving the estate of Don Andres Tood, deceased. SP.DOC#_ _ ; W.P.A.#_ _ . Folio(s) labeled #664; I piece(s). Spanish, 1796113001 30 November 1796 Don Franci sco Pasca lis de In Barre reported on taxes on the meat/butcher industry. SP.DOC# II ; W.P.A.#_ _. Unknown folio(s); I piece (s). Span ish. 179612160 1 16 December 1796 Micro filmed at this date but incorporated with 1796110 20 1. SP.DOC#_ _; W.P.A.# _ _. Unknown folio (s); Unknown piecet s), 1796123101 3 1 December 1796 Nicolas Forstall repor ted on taxes on the .mcat/butcher industry . SP.DOC#12; W.P.A.#_ _. Unknown folio(s); 2 piccc (s). Spanish. 1796 123 102 31 Decem ber 1796 List of vessels thut anchored in the river and docked at the levee in New Orleans for 1796. Includes origin, date of arrival, and the captain . SPDOC#33 ; W.P.A.#_ _ . Unknown folio(s); 2 piece (s). Spanish, 1796123103 3 1 December 1796 Don Juan de Casta ncdo reported on the duties of sugar cane brandy imported to New Orleans. SP.DOC#34; W.P.A.#_ _ . Unknown folio(s); 4 picce(s). Spanish. ABSTILICfS OF SOME COLONLIL COURT RECOlUlS, 1796 140 1796999901 00 000 1796 Unknown dale. Don David R05> Ys. Mr. de Glaplon, Proceedings instituted to compel defend ant to pay 60 pesos . SPD OC#_ _ ; W.P,A,#_ _ . Unknown folio(s); 4 picccfs). Needs conservation. Heavy sco tch tape. 1796999902 00000 1796 Unknown date. Moved to end of year 1797. SP.DOC#879; W.P.A.#3609. Unknown folio(s); Unknown pieee(s). c ( 1-./ Abstracts Of Some Colonial Court Records. 1797. c 142 1797010901 . 09 January 1797 Frnncisco Galgner, carpenter, Ys, Maria Elb abct lb abc1J Destrehan, widow of Carlos D'Aunoy. Proceedings instituted to compel defendant 10 pay a past due debt. SP.DOC#587; W.P.A.#361O. 19 folio(s); 14 piecc(s). Spanish. Water Damage. 1797011301 13 January 1797 Don Juan Chesnau Ys, Madam Magdalena Manuel, widow Collet Proceedings instituted to compel defendant to pay 303 pesos. SP.DOC#549; W.P.A.#3611. II folio(s); 8 piece(s). Spanish. 1797011701 17 January 1797 Don Manuel Justis, subslitule executor of Don Josef Deville Degoulin Ys. Franclsco Peehon. Proceedings instituted 10 compel defendant to pay a past due debt of 750 pesos. SP.DOC#573 ; W.P.A.H3612. Unknown folio(s); 10 piece (s). Spanish, c 17970 11 702 17 January 1797 Final page which provides court costs for a larger proceedings. Includes payment to an appraiser . SP.DOC#_ _; W.P.A.#_ _. Unknown folio(s); I piece(s). Spanish. 1797012401 24 January 1797 Don Juan Baulista Macarty Ys. Don Bcmanlo Marlin Depaller; Proceedings instituted to compel defendant to pay a past due debt of 450 pesos for some horses. SP.DOC#604; W.P.A.H3613. 63 folio(s); 38 piece(s) , French/Spa nish. 1797012501 25 January 1797 Don David Root Ys. Urbano Grnnnie [Gaignier ?J. Proceedings instituted to compel defendant to pay a past due debt of 181 pesos. SP.DOCH67; W.P.A.H36 14. 10 folio(s); 9 piece(s). French/Spanish. l Abstracts Of Some Colonial Court Records. 1797. 143 1797012502 25 January 1797 Don Nico las Sable [?J Daunoy Vs. Juan Callos Renato Lenonnan d. Proceedings instituted to compel defend ant to pay a past due debt of 350 pesos. SP.DOC#57I ; W.P.A.#36I 5. 24 follo(s); 15 piece(s). Spanish. 1797012503 25 January 1797 Inventory. and appraisal of the estate of the late Senora Maria Josefa Dautin, widow Juan Bautista Senet. 1797012503 filmed at 1796012501. Sec next box to right. SP.DOC#_ _; W.P.A.#3544 . 132 folio(s); 116 linear foot. IVarcr Damage. 1797012601 26 January 1797 Don Ramon Antonio de Lozada solicited permission to sell the bilander "Magdalena". SP.DOC# 16; W.P.A.#36 17. 1 folio(s); I piece(s). Spanish . c 1797012602 26 January 1797 Cele sta Beleue, quanerona esc/avo of Dona Elena Belette, instituted proceedings to obtain her freedom . Cele sta Belette alleged that Thomas Vilaro would pay 700 pesos for her freedom. SP.DOC#54I ; W.P.A.#3616. Unknown folio(s); 4 pieee(s). Spanish. 179701270 1 27 January 1797 Don Francisco Bennu dez, representing Dona Rita Ceury, widow Fonrondona, Vs, Don Fnmeiseo Borras. Proceedi ngs instituted to compel defendant to pay 172 pesos 4 reales. SP.DOC#_ _; W.P.A.#_ _ . Unkno wn foliots): 3 piecets) . Heavy Scotch Tape. Needs conservation. Incomplete at time of inventory, Starts folio #49. end folio #5 1. Spanish. .C Abstracts Of Some Colonial Court Record s, 1797. 144 1797012801 28 January 1797 Don Pedro Dezill esl V•. Don Carlo . de la Chaise, Proceeding. instituted to compe l defe nda nt to pay 117 pesos . Defendant alleged ly agreed to pay the debt for Juan, defe ndant' s employee . SP.D OC#572 ; W.P.A.#36 IS.3 folio (s); 3 piece (s). French/Spanish. 1797020801 08 February 1797 Juan Bautista Montanes, negro libre, instituted proceedings to prove that he was free. Montanes alleged that Don Pedro Rosseau, lieutenant colone l of the army, could testify that Montancs was work ing on the American [?] bil ander "Cc rsario el Gene ral EI Ge to" of 16 canon. SP.DOC#603 ; W.P.A.#3619. 3 folio(s); 3 piece (s). Spanish. 179702090 1 09 February 1797 Don Juan Pedro Dalb iere Vs. Don Saloman Prevo st, Dalbie re file d a libel suit aga inst c dcfcndent, reques ting the dcfc ndcnt to public ly withd raw his comme nts. Plaintiff requested the court to determine the fine to be given to the hospi tal. SP.DOC# 566; W.P.A.#3620. Unkn own folio (s); 5 piece (s). Spanish. 17970214 01 14 February 1797 AntonIo Regis Collin and Anlonio Enriqu e Collin, pardos libres, V•. the estate of Nico l.... Collin Lacou r. Plaintiff instituted proceedings to claim 1/6 of estate, stating they were the illegi tima te children of deccased , SP.DOC#597 ; W.P.A.#362 1. 42 folio(s); 2 1 piec e(s). Frcnch/Spanish. 179702170 1 17 February 1797 Don Francisco Calserqu e Vs. Francisco Ma rte, Proceedings instituted to compel defenda nt to pay a past due o f 495 pcsos. SP.DOC# 56I ; W.P.A.#3 622. 7 folio(s); 6 piece(s). Spanish. IV ater Damage. l Abstracts Of Some Colonial Court Records, 1797. c 145 17970217 02 17 February 1797 Criminal proceedings instituted against Josef Manuel Chico and Juan Bautista, neg ro esc/avo of Don Migue l Fortie r. for burglary and theft from the store of Don Zacarias Pascua l Paillet. The store was in a buildi ng owned by Don Miguel Fortier. SP.DOC#556; W.P.A.#3623 . 234 folio(s); 'II linea r foot. Frenc h/Spanis h. 179702220 1 22 February 1797 Don Juan Bautista Jounlain Vs. Don Edua nlo Fantail. Proceedings instituted to compel defendant to pay 128 pesos . SP.DOC#592; W.P.A.#3624. Unknown folio(s); 9 piecc (s). French/Spanish. 1797030801 08 March 1797 Juan frcdc rico Men ton, plan ter and resident of Attnkapas, instituted proceedings to have his land survey ed and tha t upprcpiatc landmarks be identified. SP.DOC#5 11; W.P.A.#3703 . 12 folio(s); 9 pieccts). c Span ish. 17970311 01 II March 1797 Juan de Castaneda, city treasu rer, Vs. Don Lorenzo Sigur. Proceedings insti tuted to compel defendant to pay 8000 pesos borr owed from the city to build a levee on the Mississippi Rive r on land abando ned by Juan Bautista Macarty , Leona rdo Mazan gue, and Josef Wiltz. SP.DOCN554; W.P.A.#3625. 62 foliots); 36 piece (s). Spani sh. 17970311 02 II March 1797 Don Celes tino Lavergne Vs. the succession of Don Franci sco Brunet. Proceedings instituted to compel defend ant to pay 250 silver pesos.. SP.DOC# 1190; W.P.A.#3626. 21 folio(s); 14 piece (s). French/Spanish. l c Abstracts Of Some Colonial Court Records, 1797. 146 1797031 601 16 March 1797 Fran chenette [Fr-.uu: isca) Desccudreaux, p ordo libre, V s. the suec ess lon o f Don Nicol as Dclasizc. Includes cop y of Del asizc 's will. SP.DOC N574; W.P.A.N3 627. 20 folio(s); 12 picce(s). Spani sh. 179703300 1 30 March 179 7 Juan Bautista Berges so lic ited penn ission to contrac t matrimony with Do na Marin Hayde l. widow Pedro Lor io . SPDOCN5 47; W.P.A.N3628. 3 folio(s); 3 piece (s). Spanish. 1797040301 03 April 1797 Don Juan Bautis ta Lile, Sa rpy, Co lson, and Co ., as agent for Don Juan Durand, captain of the French co rsair bil ander "La Henni que", sold the briga ntine "We st Moreland" for 5500 pesos to Don Vizc nt de Cres po . Plainti ff req uested thc co urt to legal ize the sa le. SP.DO CN96; W.P.A.N3 629. 2 folio(s); I pieee (s) . Spanish . c 179704060 1 06 Apri l 1797 Proceed ings instituted by Don Francisco Dorville agai nst Don Luis Agustin Menillen to se ttlc old business. SP.DOCN594; W.P.A.N3630. 80 folio (s); 49 piecc(s). Fren ch/Span ish. 179704220 1 22 April 1797 Don Al exa LaSa.sier, as atto rney for Don Alexandre Harnng, Ys. Josef Du guay, Proceedings institu ted to compe l defenda nt to pay a past due deb t of 305 pesos 5 rea les. SP.DOC N595; W.P.A.N3 631. _ _ folio(s); 7 piee e(s) . Spa ni sh. 1797042801 28 Ap ril 1797 Moved to Mi se. Box NI. SP.DO CN_ _; W.P.A. N2774 . _ _ folio(s); _ _ pieee(s). Abstracts Of SO!1le Colonial Court Records, 1797. 147 1797050801 08 May 1797 Don Thomas Peas, captain and owner, solicited permission to sell the American schooner "The Ester". SP.DOC#95; W,P.A.#3632. _ _ folio(s); I piece(s). Spanish. Scotch Tape. Needs conservation. 1797051001 10 May 1797 Ruffin Gray, of Natchez, instituted proceedings to have 2 negra slaves and their 2 children relea sed to him. His sister Mariana Oray brought them into her marriage as dowry, and when she died in 1790, the slaves went to him and his brother, now dead , Ruffin wanted sale ownership of them and argued that they should not be used to pay the estate's debts because of the protected dowry. SP.DOC#588; W.P.A.#3633. 3 folio(s); 3 piece(s). Spanish. 1797051201 c 12 May 1797 Don Juan Mazel Ys. Don Josef Dugue. Proceedings instituted to compel defendant to pay a past due debt of 247 pesos for carpentry work. SP.DOC#605; W.P.A.#3634. _ _ folio(s); 4 piece (s). French/Spanish . 1797051202 12 May 1797 Inventory , and appraisal of the estate of Margarita Dervin [Derby], decea sed, widow Simon Laurent. Includes deceased's will and inventory listing of slaves. SP.DOC#576; W.P,A,#3635. 37 folio(s); 22 piece(s). Spanish. 1797052001 20 May 1797 Frnncisco Baltasar Languillc Vs. Josef Duduc. Proceeding s instituted to compel defendant to pay a past due debt of 273 pesos 2 reales for carpentry work. SP.DOC#596; W.P.A,#3636. _ _ folio(s); 5 piece(s). French/Spanish. L Abstracts Of Some Colonial Court Records. 1797. c 148 1797052201 22 May 1797 Should be 1797052001. Microfilmed at 1797052201 but located at 1797052001. 1797052202 22 May 1797 Luisa Fortier, sister of Miguel Fortier and widow of Miguel Labranch, requested the authori ties to return the succession papers of her husband. SP.DOC#_ _; W.P.A.#_ _. _ _ folio(s); I piece(s). It is Folio #224 of. unknown document. Spanish. 1797060701 07 June 1797 Gabriel. Bellaire negru Iibre, Ys. the succession of Don Pedro Paulus [Pulus], Proceedings instituted to compel defen dant to pay 814 pesos in salaries for service 1 Jan 1788 to I Jan 1794. SP.DOC #586; W.P.A.#3637 . 12 folio(s); 9 piece(s). French/Spanish. c 1797061401 14 June 1797 Francisco Galgnler Ys, Isabel Destrehan, widow Fabre. Proceedings instituted to compel defendant to pay for finishing touches plaint iff put in the houses he built for Destrehan. SP.DOC#S87; W.P.A.#3639. _ _ folio(s); 10 piece(s). French/Spanish. 1797061402 14 June 1797 Criminal proceedin gs instituted against Maria Juana, negra esclava of Don Cristobal Duminy G1apion and Alexandre, negra esc lavo of the succession of Don Pedro Rillieux, for killing Antonio, husband of Maria Juana. SP.DOC#7 ?; W.P.A.#3638. _ _ folio(s); V. linear foot. Water Damage. French/Spanish. 1797061601 16 June 1797 Dona Magda lena Belino, wife of Don Francisco Deverge, solicited permission to emancipa te her slave, Carlota. SP.DOC#570 ; W.P.A.#3640. 2 folio(s); 2 piece(s). Spanish. .l Abstracts Of Some Colonial Court Records, 1797. c 149 1797062301 23 June 1797 Heirs of Pedro Carlo. Peyroux Vs, Luis Duclol Proceedings instituted to compel defendant to pay money due on a printing press bought from plaintiff. SP.DOC# ; W.P.A.#364 I. 60 folio(s); 38 piecc fs). French/Spanish. Heavy water damag e. 1797062302 23 June 1797 Don Pedro Dulelde Banan V•. lhe su. ....ion of Carlo. Valle. Proceedings instituted to prove that plaintiff was the owner of a slave he bought from defendant. SP.DOC#540; W.PA.#3642 . 20 folio(s); 13 pieee(s) . Spanish. 1797062501 25 June 1797 Two folios from proceedings instituted upon the death of Don Bertran gravier, attorney genera l of New Orleans. SPDOC#_ _; W.P.A.#_ _ . 2 folio(s); 2 pieec(s). Spanish. Torn and incomplete docum ent. c 1797062601 26 June 1797 Juda, negra. instituted proceed ings to obtain her freedom. SPDOC#593; W.P.A.#3644. 7 folio(s); 6 pieee(s). Spanish. 179707030 1 03 July 1797 Juan Bautista Chaupiote V•. Buenavenmra Gaudln, Proceeding s instituted to compel defendant to pay a past due debt of 96 pesos. SPDOC#555; W.P.A.#3643. 4 folio(s); 4 piecc (s). Spanish. Abstracts Of Some Coloni al Court Records. 1797. c 150 1797071301 13 July 1797 Mcssrs, Alexandre Baudin, Franc!sco Guerin, & Eatevan Roquigny V,. the honomble .Id.nnan Don Francisco Pescalls lie la Barre. Proceedings instituted against de la Barre who allege dly abused his authority to have his drainage channeled unto the plaintiffs' propertie s. Plaintiffs alleged de la Barre damaged their crop' and roads . SP.DOC#839; W.P.A.#3662; _ _ folio(s); 25 pieee(s). French /Spanish. 179707 170 1 17 July 1797 Carlo. Antonio Condre Vs. Pedro Aubin Dclafere st, Proceed ings instituted to compel defenda nt to pay 186 for some "old shacks". SPDOC#553 ; W.P.A.#3645. 2 1 fo1io(s); 13 pieccts). French/Spanish . 179707170 2 17 July 1797 Frsn" Murre V, . Don Juan Dupuy. Proceed ings institut ed to compel defendant to pay 168 pesos for past due house rent . SP.DOC#600; W.P.A.#3646. 2 1 fo1io(s); 13 piecc(s). Spanish. c 17970724 01 24 July 1797 Thoma.' Dumfonl, merchant V,. ~ hn Leonard, Proceedings instituted to compel defendant to pay 1510 pesos. SPDOC#569; W.P.A.#3647 . 5 folio(s); 4 pieee(s). Spanis h. 1797072901 29 July 1797 Don Felipe Ba rriere, representing Don Carlo. Hanly Bolsblan c V•. Don Luis Lambe rt. Proce edings instituted to compel defendant to pay 1476 pesos. SPDOC#544 ; W.P.A.#3648. 10 folio(s); 6 prece fs). Spanish. 1797072902 29 July 1797 Don Felipe Barriere representin g Don Carl., Bolsblanc V•. Carlo. Paquet, negro fibre. Proceedings instituted to compe l defendant to pay a past due debt of 896 pesos for alienation of personal propert y. SP.DOC#548 [7]; W.P.A.#364 9. 8 folio(s); 6 piece (s). Spanish. Abstracts Of Some Colonial Court Records, 1797. c 151 1797079901 _ July 1797 Proceedings instituted by Francisco Esco ffier, inhabitant of the upriver posts, to forcc Don Juan Poiret, of Avoyclles, to repurchase <I negra slave . Escoffier claimed that the negra Genoveva had defects and general "women's illnes s". unknown to him when he purchased her for 420 peso s. Sco tch Tape. Needs conservation. SP.DOCN_ _; W.P.A.N_ _ . _ _ folio(s); 6 piecc(s). Frcnch/Spanish. 1797080101 01 August 1797 Don Miguel Fortier V,. Don Santiago Porte. Proceedings instituted to compel defendant to pay a past due debt of 180 pesos , 4 reale s for merchandise. SP.DOCN822 [22?]; W.P.A.N3652 . 12 foli o(s); 9 pieee(s). Water Damaged. French /Spanish. 1797080701 07 August 1797 Testimony gathe red in the offic ial public review [residcnci a publica] of the administra tion of c Baron Caro ndolct , conducted by Don Manuel Gayoso dc Lemos, Carondolet's successor. SP.DOCN552 [58 17]; W.P.A.N365 I. 215 foliofs); 1/6 linea r foot. Spanish. 1797080801 08 August 1797 Don Juan Bautista Macarty reque sted a deposition from Don Juan Joycc y Magil vy [7]. Macarty lost all his documents and account books in the fire of 8 Dec 1794; among them was a note of dcbt by Don Miguel Eslava in favor of Joyce y Magilvy [?] in which Macarty stood as guarantor. SP.DOCN601; W.P.A.N3655 . 3 folio(s); 3 piecets). Spanish. 1797080802 08 Aug ust 1797 Madam Juan a Le Rabi e, widow Dup'" V,. RJcanlo Revall, Proceedings instituted to compel defendant to pay for the labor of plaintiffs slave. SP.DOCN598; W.P.A.N3650. 10 folio(s); 7 piece (s). Water Damaged. Spanish. Abstracts Of Some Colonial Court Records, 1797. 152 1797080803 08 August 1797 Proceed ings instituted by Isidoro Blanchard in his own behalf and representing Joseph LeBlanc and Joseph Landry, all residents of Lafourche, to gain possession of lands owned and then aband oned by Buenaventura Babin. Petitioners wanted to be declared and recognized as the new owners. The petitioners were ca retakers of the abandoned prope rty. SP.DOC# 546; W.P.A.#3654. 7 folio(s) ; 5 piccc(s). Spanish. 1797080 804 08 August 1797 Moved to 29 Novemb er 1797. SP.DOC#560; W.P.A.#3653. _ _ folio(s); _ _ piece(s). 179708090 1 09 August 1797 Shou ld be 179709050 1. Micro filmed at 1797080901 but located at 179709050 1. SP.DOC #599; W.P.A.#3665 . _ _ folio(s); _ _ pieee (s). ( 1797081101 II August 1797 Proceedings by Alexande r Baudin, resident of the Meteria Distric t, to have Madam Tarascon and her son build a road through Baudin's property as agreed. A new road was needed because a crevasse through Pedro Sauve's lands prevent ed the use of the Bayo u San Juan Brid ge . SP.DOC#549; W.P.A.#3660. 4 folio(s); 3 piece (s). Spanish. 179708 1102 II August 1797 Guillenno Despeu Vs. Lui> Carriere. Procee dings insti tuted to compe l de fendant to pay 468 pesos 5 rcales for asso rted merch and ise sold to defendant. SP.DOC#5 75; W.P.A.#3656 . 14 1 folio(s); t/6 linear fool. French/Spanish. l c Abstracts Of SOffi t' Colonial Court Records. 1797. 153 1797081401 14 August 1797 Proceedings instituted by Don Santiag o Aulicn de Leforest to obtain 8 moratorium of three years to enable him to meet his debts of 1473 pesos. Includes list of creditors. SP.DOCN538; W.P.AN3658. 9 folio(s); 6 piecc(s). French/Spanish. 1797081402 14 August 1797 Nicolas Cayeus Vs. Pedro Geofrey, agent of Don Luis Tarteron Labaumc. Proceedi ngs instituted to compel defendant to surrender money that Labaume, as agent of Cayeux, received from Don Carlos de Latour in a business deal, and failed to deliver to Cayeux, Pedro Goofrey, agent of Don Luis Tarremn Labaume Vs. Nicolas Cayeus. Proceedi ngs instituted to compel defendant to vacate the room that he occupied in plaintiff's house. Plaintiff alleged that Caycux made noise that disturbed the plaintiff. note: These two cases are in the same file. The scribe joined two different cases together.. SP.DOCN563 ; W.PA N3661. 28 folio(s); 17 piece(s) . Spanish. 179708 1601 16 August 1797 Juan Goureg e, agent for his wife, Isabel Molle, Vs. Calio s Cicct, Proceedings instituted to compe l defendant to pay 490 pesos. SP.DOCN590; W.PAN3659. 44 folio(s); 24 piece(s). Spanish. 179708 170 1 17 Augu st 1797 Cecilia Bastlle ee, mulata /ihre, VI. Simon Messo nmie r. Proceedings instituted to compel defendan t to pay a past due deb t of 126 pesos. Plaintiff alleged defenda nt was in Atakapas . SP.DOCN542; W.PAN3664·A. 4 fo1io(s); 4 piecc(s). Spanish. .C Abstracts Of Some Colonial Court Records, 1797 . c 154 1797081702 17 August 1797 Moved to 13 July 1797. SP.DOC#839; W.P.A.#3662. _ _ folio(s); _ _ pieee (s). 179708180 1 18 August 1797 Ga:J par Debuys & Remy, merchants, Vs. Jose Vineent Proceedings instituted to compel defendant to pay 228 pesos for Port wine. SP.DOC#579 ; W.P.A.#3663. 12 folio(s); 9 pieee(s). French/Spanish. 179708260 1 26 August 1797 Has been removed to Miseellanous Box # I for better storage. SP.DOC#_ _ ; W.P.A.#366 4-B. _ _ folio(s); _ _ piecets ). 1797090301 c 03 September 1797 Jose f Duguet Vs, Madame Carlola Dreux, widow Don Gabriel Fazende. Proceedings instituted to compel defendant to pay a past due debt of 600 pesos. SP.DOC#580 ; W.P.A.#3676. 22 folio(s) ; 14 pieee (s). Spanish. Extensive Water Damage. 1797090501 05 September 1797 Renate Corchan, eOI]lO",1 of the g",nadien of the Dalallion of the MJlltla:J and Ma:Jter Knife Maker, Vs. Pedro Lavigne [Souvigne ?]. Criminal proceedin gs instituted to compel punisment of defendant and require him to pay for damage s caused on the person of the defend ant. SP.DOC#599; W.P.A.#3665. 18 folio(s); 12 pieee(s). Span ish. Water Damage. Abstracts Of SOllie Colo nial Court Records, 1797. ( 155 1797090701 07 Septembe r 1797 Permission granted by Don Jose Martin Espinosa de los Monte ros, of Malaga , Spain, to his brother Don Francisco Martin Espinosa de los Monteros, to marry. Don Francisco was 11 captain in the fixe d regiment of Mexico City and according to a decree, must obtain permission of parents to merry ; they being dead , his brother granted it. Include baptismal certificate of Francisco Luis Martin Espinosa . SP.DOCN_ _; W.P.A.N_ _ . _ _ folio(s); 2 pieee(s). Spanish . 179709090 1 09 September 1797 Proceedings instituted by Carlos Ciret to obtain an exte nsion of time to pay his creditors. Cire t alleged that three of his creditors already granted him a three year extens ion. SP.DOCN562; W.P.A.N3666. 44 folio(s); 24 piece (s). Includes credi tor list. Spanish. 1797091801 18 Sep tember 1797 Don Luis Declouet Vs. Don Franci sco Brunel Proceedings instituted to compel defe ndan t to ( pay 243 pesos balance due on a house in Opelousas sold by Declouet. SP.DOCN567; W.P.A.#3667 . _ _ folio(s); 4 piece (s). French/Spanish. 1797092001 20 September 1797 Inventory , and appraisal of the intesta te of Josef Casanova, mulato libre, deceased, Includes inve ntory. SP,DOC#5 57; W.P,A,#3668 , 372 foliots); ,30 linear foot. French/Spanish, 1797092701 27 Septe mber 1797 Ramon Anlonlo Lozado Vs. Don Geronimo Desgrange. Proceedings instituted to compel ' defenda nt, plaintiffs partne r, to buy the othe r half of the bilander "La Magda lena" , which was robbed on the Cuban seas. SP.DOCN57; W.P.A.N3669, 40 folio(s); 2 1 piece (s). French/Spanish. Abstracts Of Some Colonial Court Records. 1797. 156 1797092702 27 September 1797 Fran" Barba, negro tibre, V•. Antonio Martines, Plaintiff instituted criminal proceedin gs to have Martines arrested and punished for assault and battery and using profane language. SP.DOC#54 5; W.P.A.#3670. II folio(s); 7 pieee(s). Spanish. 1797093001 30 September 1797 Offic ial criminal proceedings against Jose Vasqucz charged with seriously beating his wife Maria Hernandez Claro. SP.DOC#107; W.P.A.#367 1. 48 folio(s); 28 pieee(s). Case includes outline drawi ng of knife. Spanish. 1797100 40 1 04 October 1797 Proceedings instituted by Don Francisco Coisergues, attorney general of New Orleans, to investigate abuses in the meat market. SP.DOC#558; W.P.A.#3672. 24 folio(s); 14 picce(s). Spanish. c 1797100701 07 October 1797 Inventory , and appraisal of the estate of Renate Carlos Hamelin, deceased. Includes inventory and will listing slaves. SP.DOC#591; W.P.A.#3673. _ _ folio(s); 15 piece(s). Spanish. 1797 101601 16 October 1797 Estate of Nanet Colet, negra libre. Proceedings brought by Pedro Marigny, executor of the will, by her grandson, the son of Juan Bautista Prevot. Colct bequeathed a piece of land with a house on the new Custom House St. near Chartres St. to Antonio Boudousquie and Santiago Belair, Includes will. SP.DOC#559 ; W.P.A.#3674. 38 folio(s); 24 piece(s). Spanish. ( Abstracts Of Some Colonial Court Records, 1797. 157 1797101901 19 Oc tober 1797 Francisco Duseau, agent for Jose Duseau de la Croix, requested permission to sell half o f the plantation, house, slaves, animals. etc . owned by Duscau de In Croix and Juan Bautista Victor Castillon. SP.DOC#565; W.P.A.#3675. 35 folio(s); 20 piece(s), Includes list of assets, Spanish . 1797102001 20 October 1797 Moved 10 03 September 1797. SP.DOC#580; W.P.A.#3676. _ _ folio(s); _ _ pieee (s). 1797102301 23 October 1797 Carlotta Cascna ve V., the succe ssion of her brother Josef Casenave, Carlotta Casenave , p arda libre, instituted proceedings 10 prove lhat she was the sister of the deceased so she could inher it her brother's estate. Carlotta c laimed she was the natural child of the same parents as her brother. SP.DOC#564; W.P.A.#3677. 9 folio (s); 6 piece(s). French/ Spanish. c 1797102601 26 Oc tober 1797 Proceedings instituted by Don Simon Petit again st Don Guillermo Stephen to sell a negra slave belonging to Don Cristoval Whipple. SP.DOC#515; W.P.A.#3678. 31 folio(s) ; 20 pieee(s), Spanish. 1797111001 ',' 10 Nove mbe r 1797 The estate of Don Mathea Denisson, deceased. SP.DOC#568; W.P.A.#3679. 5 folio(s); 4 pieee(s). No inventory and appraisal. Spanish. 1797 111301 13 November 1797 Investigations into the death of Jorge Stelly who was found hung by his neck from a tree. SP.DOC# S27; W.P.A.#370 1. _ _ folio(s); 9 pieee(s). French/Spanish. I' "----' Abstracts orSome Colonial Court Records, 1797 . 158 ,.r' \ 1797111401 14 November 1797 Don Fran" Ramon Cane V, . Josef Pieanl and Brigida Lejeune, his wife. Proceedings instituted to compel defendant to pay 500 pesos, Official communications or warrant by Intendant Vidal to the Commander of Point Coupcc , SP.DOC#550 ; W.P,A,#3680, 8 folio(s);'4 pieccts) . Spanish , 1797112401 24 November 1797 Don Pedro Mandeville Marigny Vs. Ambrosio Marlin & Mauricio Fonlenau. Proceedings instituted to compel defendant to pay 1027 pesos, SP.DOC#602 ; W,P.A.#3681. 5 folio(s); 4 piece(s) . Spanish, .1. 1797112901 29 November 1797 Inventory, and app raisal of the estate of Dona Maria Josefa Calser, deceased, Include s will and inventory of slaves, SP,DOC#560 ; W,P.A.#3653. 25 folio(s); 17 pieee(s), Water Damaged , Spanish, 1797121601 16 December 1797 Proceedin gs instituted by Dona Victoria Delat to prove the purity of her race, as well a s her moral character, _ _ SP.DOC# ; W,P,A,#3682. 10 folio(s); 7 pieee(s). Spanish, 1797[23101 31 December 1797 Report and vouchers presented by Don Juan De Castaneda, city treasurer, of the anchorage duties applied for the maintenance of the draw bridge on Bayou St.John. SP.DOC#24 ; W,P.A.#_ _, _ _ folio(s); 10 piecefs), Spanish. 1797999901 _ _ _ 1797 No dille. Maria Isabel Desln:han, widow of Carlos Fabn: D'Aunuy Vs. Anlonlo Doriueourt. Proceedings instituted to compel de fendant to pay 1529 pesos, balance due on 2700 pesos, SP,DOC#879 [?); W.P.A.#3609. 6 folio(s); 4 picccts) . Water Damaged , Spanish .
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