Quito, 11 de Mayo de 2015 Señores CERVECERIA NACIONAL Presente.- De mi consideración: Con el propósito de formar parte de su selecto grupo de proveedores, a continuación, me permito hacerle llegar la información de nuestra empresa. SOUTHLOGIC es una organización dinámica y moderna con una trayectoria de 10 años en el mercado, tiempo durante el cual ASTM A106. A103hemos demostrando seriedad y compromiso como proveedores de insumos y equipos para la industria, sector petróleo, minería y de la construcción. Nos dedicamos a servir a nuestros clientes de manera ágil y eficaz, brindándoles ahorro en tiempo y dinero. Nos adaptamos a sus necesidades y nos comprometemos en brindarles siempre el mejor servicio. Entre los productos y servicios que ofrecemos están: Tubería: Con costura, sin costura con norma ASTM A106. A103, entre otras. Instrumentación: Manómetros, Termómetros Bimetálicos, Termocuplas, RTD’s Válvulas: Tipo mariposa, compuerta, bola, esfera desde ½” hasta 78” (bajo pedido). Transmisores: De presión, temperatura. Salida 4-20 mA, Hart, profibus, etc Material Eléctrico, Cables, paneles de control, switches, luces, conduit, Transformadores. Materiales & Herramientas para la Construcción, Varilla Antisísmica, Alcantarilla, Guardavías, Malla de Gaviones, Malla Electrosoldadas, Geotextil, Geomembrana, Planchas de Acero y Aluminio, Ferretería en general. Motores & Repuestos, Maquinaria Pesada, Excavadoras, Grúas, Montacargas, Generadores, Torres de Iluminación. Campers Habitacionales, Tipo Marítimo, Pre Diseñados, Presurizados a Prueba de Explosión, De Almacenamiento Temporal Equipo Pesado para el Transporte y Proceso de Minerales, Crushers, Hydraulic Drifters, Hydraulic Rock Breakers, Rigs, Repuestos. Equipos & Accesorios para laboratorio, Sustancia Químicas, Medios de Cultivo, Centrífugas, Material para muestreo, Envases Especiales. Equipos & Suministros de Seguridad, Absorbentes, Material de Contingencia ambiental, Extintores, Retráctiles, Líneas de Vida, Mosquetones, Mascarillas, Gafas, Guantes, Botas, Zapatos, Vestimenta, Alcoholímetros. Importaciones y Logística. Desde nuestras oficinas y bodegas en Quito, controlamos una sólida cadena de distribución. Nuestras oficinas de SOUTH LOGIC CORP., en Miami cuentan con una amplia zona de almacenamiento, además de un departamento de compras desde donde importamos y entregamos de manera Express esos equipos e insumos especiales que usted necesita. Una de las mayores ventajas de trabajar con SOUTH LOGIC es que brindamos rápida entrega de nuestros productos, además de asistencia post venta si así lo requieren. Adjunto encontrará nuestra lista de productos y adicionalmente para su información, un listado de los principales insumos y equipos que hemos importando para nuestros clientes. Si tuviere alguna inquietud o necesita información adicional, no dude en comunicarse con nosotros a los siguientes medios de Asistencia al Cliente: Persona de Contacto: Daniel Ocampo Correo electrónico: [email protected] Nuestra Dirección: Quito, Hugo Moncayo E13-13 y Manuel Camacho Teléfonos: 227 7250 Ext. 112 Cel. 0968193239 Web: www.south-logic.com Atentamente, Sebastian Guayasamín Gerente General SOUTHLOGIC CIA. LTDA. REPRESENTANTE PARA EL ECUADOR BRONCO MANUFACTURING, INC. (USA) www.broncomfg.com RIG PARTS SPECIALISTS Bronco Manufacturing LLC, founded in 1980, is a Tulsa, Oklahoma based leading manufacturer of repair parts for drilling, workover and well servicing rigs. The company currently manufacturers and supplies over 80,000 replacement parts which are sold to a variety of customers composed of international and domestic land and offshore drilling contractors, private and nationally owned drilling companies, repair centers and supply stores located primarily in international markets. Crown Block Hooks Blocks Swivels Rotary Tables Brake System Draw Works Mud Pumps Mobile Rig Bronco manufactures O.E.M. parts for Drilling, Workover and Well Servicing Rigs and associated components with emphasis on the following: National® Ideco® Continental Emsco® Skytop Brewster® Gardner Denver® Wilson® Oilfield Bearings Oilwell® Cooper® IRI/Cabot Franks® DISTRIBUIDOR AUTORIZADO ADELCA, ACERÍA DEL ECUADOR C.A. www.adelca.com ADELCA En 1963, un grupo de empresarios ecuatorianos asumieron el reto de entregarle al país una industria del acero, que en forma técnica y económica, cubriera las necesidades del sector de la construcción y afines. Desde su creación, ACERÍA DEL ECUADOR C.A. – ADELCA ha mantenido una permanente innovación en sus sistemas de producción y en los servicios prestados a sus clientes, siendo necesario reinvertir sus beneficios, con la finalidad de dotarle a la empresa de una tecnología avanzada y personal capacitado. Los logros hasta aquí alcanzados demuestran que el desafío inicial ha sido ampliamente superado, lo que nos permite hoy garantizar, la entrega de productos de calidad, con precios competitivos, en el menor tiempo posible: Varilla antisísmica, ángulos estructurales, barras cuadradas, barras redondas lisas, platinas, tees, alambre de púas, alambre galvanizados, alambre recocidos, alambres trefilados, clavos, grapas para alambre de púas, mallas antisísmicas electrosoldadas, mallas de cerramiento, mallas de tumbado, mallas trefiladas electrosoldadas, varillas trefiladas, vigas, viguetas. NOVACERO www.novacero.com NOVACERO Es una sólida empresa ecuatoriana, pionera y líder en el mercado desde 1973, con la mejor experiencia en la creación, desarrollo e implementación de soluciones de acero para la construcción. Soluciones que se encuentran en modernas construcciones industriales y agroindustriales, instalaciones comerciales, educativas, deportivas, en viviendas y en infraestructuras viales del Ecuador y del exterior: Alcantarillas metálicas corrugadas, Estructuras multiplaca, Guardavías simples y dobles, Tablestacas, Planchas para revestimiento de túneles, Puentes metálicos, Tanques para almacenamiento de líquidos, Varilla de construcción, Perfiles estructurales, Perfiles laminados, Tubería mecánica, Tubería estructural, Carpintería Metálica, Tubería Negra, Tubería Galvanizada, Sistemas metálicos (Novalosa), Cubiertas (Estilpanel), Cubiertas económicas (Duratecho), Invernaderos metálicos (Imnova). ITECO OILFIELD SUPPLY GROUP (ALEMANIA) www.iteco-supply.com ITECO was formed as an independent OCTG Trading Company in 1997. Subsequently, ITECO has grown into a sales and distribution company with offices in 6 countries and 5 distribution centers. Today the company has extended its portfolio, to having several major long term agreements for the supply of OCTG and related products. Our customers are a mix of major and Independent Operators whose operations span across Europe, West Africa and Middle East. In order to support this activity ITECO has developed strong supply agreements, often with sole distributor rights. Our objective is to provide a solid platform of products and services that we offer to our customers including: Supply of API and emerging Premium Joint technology Supported by monthly mill capacity allocations, allowing better than industry standard delivery Distribution centers in Amsterdam, Holland - Dubai, UAE – Singapore - Alexandria, Egypt and Aberdeen,UK Sound operational and logistics expertise Technical support and back up Our philosophy is to continue to and develop our business within the framework of a small company mentality. This enables us to be agile and respond quickly to customers’ needs, where the nurturing of good relations and a positive can do attitude makes ITECO the supplier of choice. Experience ITECO has a dedicated sales force with a collective experience of over 160 years in OCTG with serious sales know-how for Premium and API. Using the experience and know how within the group, ITECO has built up a client base over many years. Managing the relationship and ensuring on time delivery of a quality product allows us to secure repeat business and service long term agreements. ITECO’s strength is to co-ordinate a complete package of supply, from various supply routes, to arrive in country, often all at the same time. We have local agents who manage the smooth transition of materials to our customers. This is a key strength which ensures that the job gets done and cuts through red tape. Further we offer the convenience of the return of material to accessible hubs to complete the supply loop. Sales and Purchases Our inventory is strategically located in Europe, Middle East and Far East and Africa for immediate shipment worldwide. Our mill agreements leverage large orders into significant savings for drilling and production projects. We have a monthly capacity reservation with our mill partners that allow us to change products up to 6 weeks prior to completion ex mill. We have developed relationships with several mills, which allows us to hone the supply options based on the location of the mill to the drilling location and also the delivery required. Our supply philosophy is aligned to the Industry environment of late AFE approval, being able to capitalize on rig slots becoming available and one or multi well operations. We have experience of our markets, such that we ensure sufficient stocks are on the ground in standard products which will satisfy the majority of the well designs. Products we offer: OCTG (Casing & Tubing) API 5CT Latest Edition OCTG from 1.660" to 30'' + respective couplings, crossovers and pup joints API Grades from H40 to Q125 and 13% CR ALL API Standard Weights API and Premium Joint Connections Special SS and HC grades CRA Grades Section: Seamless & Welded Standards: API Specification 5CT latest edition at time of manufacture (PSL-1, PSL-2, PSL, 3) ISO 11960:2004, Petroleum and natural gas industries-Steel pipes for use as casing or tubing for wells Sizes: Outside Diameter: 1.660" - 30" Grades: H40, J55, K55, N80,N80Q, L80, C90, C95, T95, P110, Q125,SS95,SS110, 9%CR, 13%CR Connections: STC (short round thread casing) LTC (long round thread casing) BTC (buttress thread casing) XL (extreme-line casing) NUE (non-upset tubing) EUE (external upset tubing) IJ (integral joint tubing Premium Connections And almost any premium & gas tight connection Length: Range 1, Range 2 & Range 3: Protection: External bare and uncoated or externally coated with black/ transparent anti rust Mill varnish Plastic or Metal Pin and Box Protectors. Internal plastic coating or sleeves. Mill Test Certificates: Issued in accordance with API Specification 5CT Eighth Edition Additional Third Party Inspection can also be performed on request. A wide range of Casings and Tubing are available from Stock: Drill Pipes & Line Pipes Drill Pipes & Line Pipes Drill Pipes According to API 5D and API Spec. 7 latest edition Drill Pipes and sour service drill pipes from 2 3/8'' to 6 5/8" Grades of E, X, G, S Tool joints: NC26, NC31, NC38, NC40, NC46, NC50, NC56, 5 œ FH, 6 5/8 FH and HLDS26 to HLDS50, HLDS 5 œ to HLDS 6 5/8, others on request. Hard Banding: Arnco 100, 200, 300, others on request Internal Plastic Coating: Tuboscope, others on request Heavy Weight Drill Pipes (HWDP) According to API 7 and API RP 7G Size Range: 3 1/2" to 6 5/8" Hard Banding: As per request Drill Collars Size Range: 3 1/8" to 14" Slick or Spiral Connections: NC 23, NC 26, NC 31, to NC 50 Hard Banding: Arnco Series, Others on request Line Pipes Section -1: Seamless Used for: Construction of long distance pipe line for combustible liquids and gases, conveying gas and oil, Nuclear station pipe line, heating system, general purpose conditions. Standards: API 5L latest edition (PSL1 & PSL2): GR. B, X-42 to X80 ASTM A-106: GR. A, B, C ASTM A-53: GR. A, B With supplementary requirements of NACE MR 0175 for Sour Service Sizes: Outside Diameter: 1/8'' - 24'' Section -2: Welded Used for: Construction of long distance pipe line for combustible liquids and gases, conveying gas and oil, Nuclear station pipe line, heating system, general purpose conditions. Standards: API 5L latest edition (PSL1 & PSL2): GR. B, X-42 to X80 ASTM A-53: GR. A, B With supplementary requirements of NACE MR 0175 for Sour Service Sizes: ERW/HFI: Outside Diameter: 1/2'' - 24'' L-SAW/SPIRAL SAW: Outside Diameter: 12'' - 120'' Applicable for both Sections: Length: 6 mtr & 12 mtr (with tolerances), SRL & DRL Applicable Tests: Visual and dimension test. Hydrostatic test Mechanical test: Tensile test / Flattening & Bending Chemical Analysis and other tests are per API specs. None destructive test (NDT) as per API 5L (Latest edition). For sour services: HIC test & SSC test. Protection: External bare, or External coated with black or anti rusty Mill Varnish External Galvanized External / Internal FBE coated External Three-Layer Polyethylene coated according to DIN 30670 External Three-Layer Polypropylene coated according to DIN 30670 Mill Test Certificates: Issued upon request according to, DIN 50049 / EN 10204 Third Party Inspection can also be performed on request. Production & Drilling Equipment Single Point Procurement of all spare parts and materials Conductor, Casing and Tubing Subsea BOP Stacks and Riser Equipment Well Heads and Christmas Trees Subsea Production Trees and Associated Equipment Control Systems for Subsea Trees and BOP's Complete or part BOP Annular Wellhead. ITECO have available from stock: Q6 complete 18 3/4" (5"x2") x 5000psi Cameron Subsea Christmas Trees, together with all the ancillary installation equipment: Completion Riser Surface Test tree Work over Control System, complete Subsea Television System, complete GRAINGER INDUSTRIAL SUPPLY (USA) www.grainger.com Grainger es el principal distribuidor virtual de productos, componentes, herramientas, y materiales para la industria; Usted dispone para elegir por catálogo (800.000 Productos – 16.000 Proveedores) THOMAS SCIENTIFIC (USA) www.thomassci.com Thomas Scientific provides the latest in equipment and supplies to the science community. In accordance to the tradition of the original founders, Thomas Scientific itself offers individualized customer service, innovative scientific equipment, and a comprehensive catalog offering a wide selection of product listings at a great deal. Thomas Scientific is committed to offering quality laboratory products while catering to the unique needs of the individual customer. For over a century, our dedication to provide the best in science equipment with personal, efficient service sets Thomas apart from the competition. Whether you work in a lab setting or perform your testing in the field, Thomas Scientific has the products you need. Our product lines include: Supplies - Bottles, filter and lens paper, glass and plasticware, microscope slides and cover glass, notebooks, petri dishes, tubes, tips, vials, wash bottles and more. Equipment - baths, block heaters, centrifuges, hotplate stirrers, incubators, ovens, pumps, shakers, tissue grinders, Wiley Mills, and more. Instruments - anemometers, balances, clocks, hydrometers, hygrometers, microscopes pH meters, stopwatches, thermometers, timers, viscometers, and more. AMERICAN AUGERS (USA) www.americanaugers.com Since 1970, customers worldwide have come to know American Augers as a dedicated manufacturer of rugged and unsurpassed underground technology equipment. The product line includes state-of-the-art horizontal directional drills, earth boring machines, mud pump and cleaning systems, as well as industry-leading tooling or accessories. PETRO RUBBER PRODUCTS, INC (USA) www.petrorubber.com Oilfield related rubber products, we have over a decade of experience. During this time, we earned a reputation for producing top quality parts and doing whatever it takes to satisfy our customers. In addition to our oilfield products, we also do custom molding for customers in a variety of industries. The same attitude that has made us a leader in oilfield rubber products applies to our custom business as well. From drawing board to final parts, whether you want one piece or thousands, Petro Rubber Products can give you the parts you need, on time, at competitive prices. The products we offer are: Swab Cups Stripper Rubbers Oil Saver Rubbers PESTEC (ALEMANIA) www.pes-tec.com Packer Parts Rod Guides Headquartered in Frankfurt – Germany, PESTEC provides a wide range of advanced durable polyolefin pipe systems for competitive prices to worldwide customers for applications in: - Stay Cable Protection Post-Tensioning Protection Ground Anchor Protection Special Pipe Work as e.g. Sewage, Water, Outfall, Intake, Drainage, Industrial, Cable Protection, Mining, Landfill and others - Fitting production - Customized pipe and profile systems MASERVI S.A. (CHILE) www.maservi.cl GRANALLA ABRASIVA MINERAL DE ESCORIA DE COBRE : : Maservi® S.A. es una Empresa dispuesta a satisfacer el mercado nacional e internacional que brinda productos y servicios de alta tecnología y calidad, respetando los estándares de seguridad y protección del medio ambiente, sumando a esto la alta experiencia y constante capacitación de su personal, hacen de Maservi® S.A. una empresa sólida y confiable, dispuesta a la solución de cualquier desafío en servicios de granallado o pinturas industriales, como también a la venta de granallas abrasivas. La empresa goza hoy de una excelente reputación en el mercado gracias a la solvencia y calidad del producto, En las instalaciones de Ovalle-Chile produce y comercializa granallas minerales abrasivas de escorias de cobre con aplicaciones en el campo de la construcción, calderería, metalmecánica, vitivinícolas, maritmas/navales, petroleras, gasiferas, entre otras. La granalla de escoria de cobre es un abrasivo mineral, proveniente de viejos escoriales de tiempos coloniales, por lo cual están libre de contaminantes tóxicos como cianuro, arsénicos, cadmio, acido sulfúrico y otros altamente peligrosos para la salud humana. Por sus características fisicoquímicas la granalla es el reemplazante ideal de las actuales arenas cuarcíferas, que se utilizan en los trabajos de “arenados” o chorreados reduciendo al mínimo los riesgo de enfermedades que produce la arena a los seres vivos y al medio ambiente alrededor de la zona de trabajo, por los bajos índice de sílice que contiene. La granalla es un excelente abrasivo y supera notablemente a las tradicionales arenas en trabajos de chorreado (arenados), ya que rinde entre 35 a 40% más que estas y no genera el molesto polvo de los “arenados” creando una atmósfera de trabajo más grato y seguro. LISTA DE PRODUCTOS Y FABRICANTES South Logic tiene el compromiso de proveer a nuestros clientes productos de alta calidad de manera rápida y eficaz. Las marcas y productos que distribuimos son fabricados bajo las normas ISO de calidad. Brindamos calidad total en todos nuestros productos y servicios, adaptándonos continuamente a sus necesidades. A continuación le presentamos una lista de nuestros productos y sus marcas: 1. Accesorios de Tubería: Vallourec & Mannesmann Tubes – V&M do BRAZIL Lone Star - Limpieza de tuberías: Polly pigs Girard Industries - Válvulas John Valve Valmicron (Valvulas y accesorios) MNA Piper Valve Systems Damcos (Valve Actutation and tanks measurements) Manómetros: Ashcroft Wika Mc. Daniel 2. Componentes para perforación: Regal Swab cups - Instrumentación: Foxboro Yokogawa Barton Instrument Systems Cooper OILFIELD Brake Block kits Crown Grapic 3. Equipos para laboratorios petroleros Catalogo Fisher Scientific Trico 4. Materiales de construcción Distribuidor Autorizado de GRAINGER Catalogo Mc Master - Bombas: Hidráulicas, Neumáticas, y de químicos. Texsteam Grundfos - Herramientas: Stanley Proto Ridgid Bosch Snap-on 5. Material eléctrico: Siemens Square D. Philips. Luminarias, Conectores Burndy. TMCX de todas las medidas. Explosion Proof Equipment and Lightning Crouse Hinds Appleton 6. Maquinaria Pesada: - Repuestos: Caterpillar Mack Cummins Eaton Detroit Diesel Perkins Link belt Dresser Fleetguard - Rodamientos: Koyo Timken FAG National retenedores NTN RHP SKF - Lubricantes: Texaco Mobil Shell
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