TR600 Recovery Machine vs. Competition SLOWER/MÁS LENTO Certified Refrigerant Recovery Rates (Lbs/Min) FASTER/MÁS RÁPIDO Refrigerante Tasa de Recuperación Los valores son Lbs/Min Best R410A * UL Online Certifications Directory ( ** AHRI CERTIFIED® ( REFCO Powermax* Robinair RG3* Yellow Jacket YJ-LTE* Vapor Rate Vapor Directo 0.53 0.14 0.35 0.55 Liquid Rate 4.99 3.57 9.25 Recuperación en vaivén de líquido 17.56 12.69 Vapor Rate 0.50 Appion G5 Twin* CPS ProSet TR600* 0.55 0.55 0.70 Best 5.71 3.55 3.48 11.94 Best 10.91 15.85 16.82 10.20 31.7 Best 0.20 0.37 0.55 0.53 0.61 0.59 Not Mentioned No se Menciona 0.22 Not Mentioned No se Menciona 0.60 0.57 0.41 0.39 4.50 6.39 6.83 6.35 5.97 6.21 8.86 Best 11.81 11.83 9.17 11.40 11.0 16.62 31.52 Best Vapor Rate 0.50 0.18 0.35 0.46 0.42 0.41 0.49 Liquid Rate 4.25 5.48 5.35 4.52 4.03 4.34 7.80 Best 12.06 8.86 6.94 10.89 11.64 11.08 25.66 Best Vapor Rate Not Mentioned 0.18 0.30 Not Mentioned 0.55 0.55 0.53 Liquid Rate Not Mentioned 5.48 7.53 Not Mentioned 5.49 7.01 9.50 Best Liquid Push-Pull Not Mentioned 11.68 10.05 Not Mentioned 14.0 17.61 29.14 Best Líquido Directo Liquid Push-Pull Vapor Directo R22 High Temp Vapor Rate Alta temperatura del vapor Rate Liquid Rate Líquido Directo Liquid Push-Pull Recuperación en vaivén de líquido R134A Vapor Directo Líquido Directo Liquid Push-Pull Recuperación en vaivén de líquido Vapor Directo R407C Refrigerants/ Refrigerantes OVERALL Líquido Directo Recuperación en vaivén de líquido No se Menciona No se Menciona No se Menciona Bacharach Inficon ECO-2020** Vortex Dual** No se Menciona No se Menciona No se Menciona DISCLAIMER: The information found within this chart is not reflective of all competitors. All trademarks and copyrights on this page are owned by their respective owners. Data collected is based on technical specification literature available through the worldwide web and other publicly available marketing literature. Descargo de responsabilidad: La información que se encuentra dentro de esta carta no es un reflejo de todos los competidores. Todas las marcas y derechos en esta página son propiedad de sus respectivos dueños. Los datos recogidos se basa en la literatura especificación técnica disponible a través de la web en todo el mundo y otra literatura de marketing a disposición del público. CPS Global Headquarters 1010 East 31st Street Hialeah, Florida 33013 USA For more information call: In the U.S.A. (800) 277-3808 In Canada (905)358-3124 In Europe 323 281 30 40 In Australia 61 8 8340 7055 In Asia 65 6 337 5691 CPS reserves the right to make changes to, or discontinue any product or service identified in this publication without notice. CPS advises its customers to ensure they have obtained the latest and most current version of any relevant information before placing any orders. ©2015 CPS PRODUCTS. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. 033115
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