® WEEKEND EDITION 26 de abril de 2015 WWW.LAPRENSASA.COM AÑO XXVI • NÚMERO 43 Kawhi Leonard ganó el premio anual KIA NBA Defensive Player of the Year Battle of Flowers Band Festival 2015 By Joe Sandoval Thursday night’s Battle of Flowers Band Festival was one for the record books. The 77th Annual Band Festival saw 5,000 area high school band students – the largest number of participants in the festival’s history - compete and perform in unison as they took to the field for the finale culminating with a spectacular fireworks display. Kevin Russell from Clark High School arranged the music with percussion arrangement by David Suarez, Brandeis High School. Although the bands were divided into sizes and competed within their similar groupings, two San Antonio favorites were top ranked by the judges. In the Category 5A grouping, Thomas Jefferson High School received the 1st Place Award. The People’s Choice Award is given to the band that executed the most “crowd pleasing” performance during the parade of bands: The People’s Choice Winner was East Central High School. The winner of the People’s Choice Award at Thursday night’s Battle of Flowers 2015 Band Festival. East Central High School. (Photo, Javier Fernandez) Kawhi Leonard con su trofeo 2014-15 Kia NBA Defensive Player of the Year y el modelo 2016 Kia Sorento LX CUV, que le fueron presentados por el ejecutivo Percy Vaughn, vicepresidente de Kia Motors America. (Foto, Franco) Por José I. Franco [email protected] Kawhi Leonard, alero titular de los Spurs, se hizo merecedor de la elección como el 2014-15 KIA NBA Defensive Player of the Year Award por su promedio de juego defensivo. El tradicional trofeo, patrocinado por la empresa armadora automotriz KIA Motors America, le fue presentado a Leonard el jueves 23 de abril en el centro de entrenamiento de los Spurs por RC Buford, gerente general de Spurs, y el ejecutivo Percy Vaughn, KIA Motors America Vice President, Eastern Sales Operations. A la vez, Leonard fue honrado para elegir a la organización sin fines de lucro de su preferencia, la cual como donativo de KIA Motors America (KMA), recibió una mini van marca 2016 Kia Sorento LX CUV. La elección fue para beneficio de la organización Respite Care of San Antonio, que se dedica al cuidado de niños con necesidades especiales. La entrega oficial de la mini van fue presentada por Leonard y Vaughn al ejecutivo Bert Pfeister, presidente and CEO de Respite Care. “Todo esto se ha logrado con el apoyo de mis compañeros y el resp aldo de nuestros entre- nadores, sin ellos no hubiese logrado traer a San Antonio el trofeo y el donativo que de mucho servirá a la organización elegida. Continuaré trabajando duro en mi estilo de juego, ya que mi meta es contribuir para ganar partidos”, dijo Leonard. Por su lado, el gerente general RC Buford destacó la contribución que Leonard, ha aportado a los Spurs. “Kawhi Leonard es un jugador dedicado al entrenamiento diario, es por eso que se ha destacado en su sistema de juego, por lo que lo felicito en nombre de sus compañeros y toda la organización Silver & Black”, afirmó. El representante de KMA, Percy Vaughn, enfatizó lo siguiente: “En Kia somos amigos de la NBA. Por ocho años hemos venido aportándole patrocinio a los Spurs y la NBA. Creemos en el trabajo en conjunto que Spurs realiza y por tan importante factor hoy reconocemos a Kawhi Leonard como el ganador del premio Defensive Player of the Year”, expresó Vaugh, quien, tras haber presentado el trofeo alusivo, le presentó a Leonard la llave de la mini van que estuvo exhibiéndose en el estacionamiento del centro de entrenamiento y que de inmediato fue donada a Respite Care, tocándole recibirla al señor Pfiester. PACfest recauda fondos para organizaciones estudiantiles Por Natalie Bobadilla [email protected] Miles de residentes se dieron cita en Palo Alto College para disfrutar de música en vivo, juegos para toda la familia y una amplia variedad de comida para así apoyar a clubes estudiantiles. PACfest es el evento oficial más grandes de Fiesta que se encuentra al sur de la autopista 90. El festival comenzó en la década de 1980 como una manera de recaudar fondos para las organizaciones en el colegio, pero tras los años fue creciendo tanto que se convirtió en un evento oficial de Fiesta en el 2003. Según Jerry Arellano, director de comunicaciones de Palo Alto College, más de 10,000 residentes asisten al evento cada año y los Ready Revolution es una de las agrupaciones musicales que se presentó en el evento de Fiesta de fondos recaudados son la entrada de Palo Alto College. (Fotos, Natalie Bobadilla) dinero más grande para la mayoría de los clubes en el colegio. Cada año, el evento es planeado y realizado por un comité de voluntarios. Entre el comité de voluntarios se encuentra Arellano y varios otros miembros de la admi nistración, facultad y estudiantes de Palo Alto College. El grupo planea el evento por casi todo un año, de hecho, el mes que entra comenzarán a planear para PACfest 2016. “El proceso de planear es muy largo, pero definitivamente vale la pena”, expresó Arellano. “El enVea Kawhi Leonard La mayoría de los vendedores en el festival son estudiantes de foque principal de Palo Alto Colle en la pág. 4-A Palo Alto College. ge es el éxito de los estudiantes y en realidad no importa que tanto nos tardemos en planear PACfest porque los fondos recaudados permiten que los clubs estudiantiles realicen eventos durante todo el año”. Uno de las organizaciones que se beneficia de PACfest es el Club de Horticultura de Palo Alto College. La organización vendió coronas de flores hechas a mano durante el evento y según Sal Hernandez, el vicepresidente del club, los fondos recaudados serán utilizados para realizar un viaje de competencia de horticultura a Houston y para realizar proyectos que embellecen Vea PACfest en la pág. 4-A 2-A LA PRENSA DE SAN ANTONIO Comentarios... Invisibles y confundidos Están ahí pero muchos no los ven. Son invisibles para la mayoría de los norteamericanos, a pesar Jorge Ramos de que son más de 11 millones y hacen para ellos los trabajos más difíciles, los que nadie quie re hacer. Les llaman ilegales y criminales. Sí, es cierto, violaron la ley al entrar sin permiso a Estados Unidos o cuando se quedaron más allá del tiempo que les concedía su visa. Pero no es un crimen. Vienen porque miles de empresas norteamericanos los contratan y porque su trabajo beneficia a millones de personas. Por eso vienen. Todos somos sus cómplices. Comemos lo que ellos cosechan. Dormimos en casas y apartamentos que ellos cons truyen. Y muchas veces cuando vamos a un hotel, restaurante o negocio, alguno de ellos nos atiende. Son parte de nuestras vidas, pero no los vemos. Son invisibles. De hecho, ellos tratan de hacers e invisibles. No hacen ruido. No se pelean. Se esconden. No quieren que la policía los detenga por una infracción de tráfico porque pueden perder el carro y hasta ser deportados. Siempre se están despidiendo; cuando salen de sus casas no saben si van a regresar en la noche a ver a sus hijos. El gobierno del presidente Obama ha deportado a más de 2 millones de inmigrantes desde que llegó a la Casa Blanca. Más que cualquier otro presidente. Pero al menos protegió de la deportación a cientos de miles de “Dreamers” –o estudiantes indocumentados– y con su acción ejecutiva pretende hacer lo mismo con más de 4 millones de inmigrantes. Eso, si lo dejan. Actualmente hay mucha confusión. La acción ejecutiva de Obama está atorada en las cortes. Veintiséis estados lo demandaron y los indocumentados, como siempre, no tienen más remedio que esperar. Y esperar. Para variar, esto se ha convertido en tema de campaña. Ocurre cada cuatro años. No hay nada más fácil que atacar a quienes no se pueden defender públicamente. Muchos precandidatos repu blicanos y comentaristas conservadores hablan de los indocumentados como si se tratara de seres desechables, que puedes empacar y enviar a cualquier parte del mundo. Se les olvida que sus familias también vinieron de otro lado. Pero ese olvido podría costarles muy caro en las urnas. En una elección muy cerrada, los votantes latinos decidirán quién será el próximo presidente de Estados Unidos. No es magia. Son matemáticas. Barack Obama ganó la pasada elección con apenas 5 millones de votos más que Mitt Romney. El próximo año se calcula que voten 16 millones de latinos, más que suficientes para elegir al ganador. Es, en realidad, un concepto muy sencillo: ningún hispano va a votar por un candidato que quiera deportar a su papá y mamá, a sus amigos, a sus vecinos, a sus compañeros de trabajo o a estudiantes jóvenes. El líder histórico de los hispanos, César Chávez, dijo hace 31 años: “He visto el futuro, y el futuro es nuestro”. Ese futuro es hoy. Cada año 800 mil latinos cumplen 18 años, la edad para votar, según el centro Pew. En el 2050 uno de cada tres norteame ricanos tendrá apellido hispano. Sí, el futuro es nuestro e incluirá, pronto, al primer presidente latino. Los latinos en Estados Unidos saben que no hay nada más difícil que ser inmigrante. Lo dejas todo –casa, amigos, familia, idioma– por una apuesta: que tú y tus hijos van a vivir mejor. (Por eso hay más de 230 millones de inmigrantes en el mundo.) Los grandes países son medidos, no por la manera en que tratan a los ricos y poderosos, sino por su forma de cuidar a los más vulnerables. Y los inmigrantes son los más vulnerables. Estados Unidos tiene ahora que decidir qué tipo de país quiere ser. Solo espero que trate a los inmigrantes que llegaron después de mí con la misma generosidad y respeto con que me trató a mí. (¿Tiene algún comentario o pregunta para Jorge Ramos? Envíe un correo electrónico a [email protected]. Por favor incluya su nombre, ciudad y país). Just a Thought: Westside Education Training Center For the past six weeks I have been employed as a part-time Adjunct Instructor at the Alamo City Steve Walker College District (ACCD) located in the Edgewood School District. Housed on SW 40th Street in the former Lincoln Elementary School campus, ACCD has taken possession of the building and offers a number of students with limited education, vocational skills and GED classes. Students come from the Westside and all parts of town to take classes on the campus seeking better employment opportunities. As one who spent a year in the Edgewood School District in the 80s at Memorial High School, I am acutely aware of the need to provide those additional opportunities for many raised on the Westside of town. My one year at “La Memorial” as we called it back then was exciting to say the least. I served as a Government teacher and many of my students and I decided to voluntarily help in a Mayor’s campaign to elect the first Hispanic Mayor since 1842, Henry Cisneros. For me, it was a sort of reunion with the area in which I taught those many years ago. Imagine my surprise when I began my tenure recently at the ACCD campus expecting to teach a GED class and discovering my schedule had been changed to working as a support teacher for a class of nursing assistant students. Instead of GED, I was about to be exposed to the career path of someone wishing to work in a hospital, nursing home, in-home care, or a doctor’s office! My second surprise was learning that six of the eight students in the class were from Mexico and at various levels of English proficiency. My students were between the ages of 24 and 48. The youngest student was a skilled nurse in Mexico and was training on her nursing assistant’s certification to be employed here in San Antonio. Part of my job as the support instructor is to create various worksheets by highlighting the various chapters in the student’s workbooks to make it easier to comprehend the material for tests. The best part of the class for me is the opportunity to practice along with the students the very skills taught by the nurse who is the lead teacher. A Licensed Vocational Nurse (LVN) for 34 years, Cynthia Ball is really proficient at what she does. Since being part of the class, I have learned to take someone’s blood pressure, pulse, heartbeat, and oxygen level. For me it is a whole new world! I also learned how to properly drain a bedpan, how to give a partial sponge bath, help someone out of a bed into a wheelchair and clean a catheter. The students also practice on me to sharpen their skills set as well. It is good to know on a consistent basis my vitals are consistently good considering my age! This upcoming week we will be visiting a nursing home on the campus of Incarnate Word University to shadow nursing assistants in their daily routine of administering to their residents. Next week we will finish the class and within weeks they will take their state exams. For me, it is a new learning experience. Hopefully I will remember the skills should someday I find myself in one of those nursing facilities. But then again, what is the hurry? As always, what I write is “Just a Thought.” Steve Walker is a Vietnam Veteran, former journalist and Justice of the Peace. A new call to the nation from the Alamo By Ramona Bass 179 years ago, Col. William Barret Travis’ famous “Victory or Death” letter — written during the 1836 siege of the Alamo — stirred the hearts of a nation. “To the People of Texas & all Americans in the World,” Travis wrote, “I am besieged ... I have sustained a continual Bombardment & cannonade ... I shall never surrender or retreat ... I call on you in the name of Liberty, of patriotism & everything dear to the American character, to come to our aid, with all dispatch … VICTORY OR DEATH.” Travis’ tenacity inspired his men, and showed the world what it means to be a Texan. To this day, the heroic story of the Alamo defenders and their defiance against tyranny define our state’s character. The glory of this seminal battle draws visitors from across our state, the nation, and around the world to better understand what happened there in 1836. Unfortunately, the carnivallike atmosphere they find at the Shrine of Texas Liberty and the lack of a cohesive narrative often leave them disappointed. Even worse, there is nothing to show the proper reverence and respect for the men who gave their lives for Texas. More critical at this moment is our knowledge that the Alamo itself is literally beginning to crumble. I am honored to have been appointed to the Alamo Endowment Board and on behalf of that board, I issue a new plea for our beloved Alamo which is now besieged by time and the elements. “…To the People of Texas & all Americans in the World: I call on you in the name of Liberty, of patriotism and everything dear to the American character, to come to our aid and support with all dispatch.” I believe that we Texans of today must answer this age-old appeal. We conserve what we care about, and Texans care about the Alamo. Our goal is to raise the millions needed to preserve the shrine and build an Alamo Museum and Visitor’s Center to display Phil Collins’ gift to all Texans: his Alamo artifacts. This collection includes Jim Bowie’s legendary knife, one of only four remaining rifles owned by Davy Crockett, letters from William B. Travis, and many other historical documents that shed insight on early Texas history. These Texas treasures now sit in storage, waiting for us to take action. A proper Alamo Museum and Visitor’s Center would tell the story of the Alamo defenders, and help visitors better understand why this Spanish mission in downtown San Antonio means so much to us and the world. Travis’ plea came too late to help him and his men inside the walls of the Alamo, but it carried across the country and rallied support for their cause. His inspiring words are as valid today as they were then. The history of the people of Texas and our great state is reflected in the spirit of their bravery. It is time to honor that spirit again. Building a future for the Alamo will take many people working together for many years. Join us today in preserving the Alamo and building an Alamo Museum and Visitor’s Center. To find out more, please visit http://www.thealamo.org/ endowment. A sixth-generation Texan, Ramona Bass was born and raised in San Antonio in a family where the spirit of the Alamo and what it symbolized pervaded her childhood. Most recently, she has been involved with her hometown’s Mission Reach Ecosystem Restoration and Recreation Project, specifically the Mission Espada. 26 de abril de 2015 COMMENTARY... Calendario de la comunidad APPLICATIONS BEING ACCEPTED ETHICS REVIEW BOARD - The City of San Antonio is currently accepting applications from residents in City Council Districts 1, 2, 4 and 8 who are eligible to serve on the Ethics Review Board. The Ethics Review Board is comprised of 11 members appointed by the Mayor and each City Councilmember for staggered two-year terms. Those interested in applying for one of the District positions may do so online using the City’s web-based application for boards and commission at https://webapps2. sanantonio.gov/BoardComm/Vacancies.aspx. SA YOUTH - Have you quit school and can’t get a job? SA Youth is enrolling young adults ages 16 to 24 who need a lift up and a second chance and who will commit to 35 hours a week. Our free, award-winning youth build program offers 9 months to a year of GED Prep, leadership and paid workforce training of up to $400 a month. Get the education you deserve. Call (210) 223-3131 extension 219 or visit 1422 East Grayson across from Fort Sam Houston. Success awaits you. Call (210) 223-3131. VOLUNTEERS NEEDED - Animal Care Services (ACS) is looking for volunteers to assist with administrative duties, pet adoptions and in the vet clinic and kennels. Volunteer opportunities are available seven days a week through SA Volunteers, the City’s volunteer program, at the ACS main campus at 4710 Hwy 151, off-site adoption events and several PetCo and PetSmart cat adoption centers. 30 FOR 30 - Palo Alto College is seeking 30 former students achieving great success in their professional and personal endeavors to be a part of the special 30th anniversary project representing the mission of Palo Alto College. The project will highlight former students who have made a positive impact in their profession and community. Nomination form can be found online at alamo.edu/pac/30th and can be returned to the Scholarships and Alumni Office at Palo Alto College, located in the Student Center, Room 101. MAYOR’S FITNESS COUNCIL – Area youth are invited to apply for the Mayor’s Fitness Council 2015-2016 Student Ambassador Program. The (MFC) is looking for committed, enthusiastic youth to serve as advocates for healthy eating and active living in their schools and communities. Applications are due Friday, May 1, 2015. Please contact Andrea Bottiglieri if you have any questions or concerns at (210) 857-5378 or [email protected]. PURINA HORSE OWNER’S WORKSHOP - New Braunfel’s Feed & Supply is announcing their 2015 Horse Owner’s Workshop & Purina Check-R-Board Days. Stop by New Braunfel’s Feed & Supply is located at 810 Loop 337 on Tuesday, May 5, 2015, 6 p.m. – 8 p.m. to enjoy a BBQ dinner, prize drawings, guest speakers and more! Please RSVP by May 2 if planning to attend. Customers will also have the opportunity to enter in the national 2015 Purina Check-R-Board Days Sweepstakes for their chance to win a 2015 John Deere Gator TS, a Trip-forTwo to the Purina Animal Nutrition Center, or Purina Gear. A Division of Duran Duran Industries, Inc. TINO DURAN Publisher/CEO TINO DURAN JR. VP of Operations JOE SANDOVAL Assignments Editor STEPHANIE GUERRA Assistant Editor ADDA MONTALVO Spanish Copy Editor JOSE FRANCO Sports Editor MARCO LOPEZ Production Manager JOE AGUILAR Production Assistants MILYANKA ROBERT PEREZ Staff Photographers NATALIE BOBADILLA LEA THOMPSON Reporters JORGE RAMOS STEVE WALKER Contributing Writers ALYSSA BUNTING Director of Advertising and Marketing MARIA CISNEROS Sales Representative REY GONZALES Circulation Manager EFE News Services La Prensa de San Antonio is published two times a week by Duran Duran Industries, Inc., at 816 Camaron St. Suite 104, San Antonio, Texas 78212 (210) 242-7900. Subscription price in the U.S.A. $125.00 per year (52 issues). The opinions expressed in the editorials of this publication represent the positions and ideology of this newspaper; the opinions expressed by writers and guest columnists are not necessarily the opinions of the management staff or ownership of this newspaper; the contents of which they are solely and exclusively responsible for. Letters from our readers are welcome and will be published, subject to space availability so long as they are signed and have a proper return address. All letters will be reviewed and edited for offensive language, libel, slander, defamation, proper grammar, spelling, and accuracy, according to our style. La Prensa de San Antonio is not responsible for advertisements that may be deceitful or fraudulent, and does not guarantee in any way the products or services offered, of which only the advertiser is responsible. All Rights Reserved. Published and printed in the United States of America. 26 de abril de 2015 LA PRENSA DE SAN ANTONIO 3-A Check that contractor out before you spring for a home upgrade By Erin Dufner Does your home need a good spring cleaning or something more substantial? For some homeowners, spring is a time to let in the breeze and do some serious housekeeping. Others may want to go further, by remodeling or upgrading their homes. Home improvement projects take time and money and, more importantly, skilled, trustworthy contractors. Better Business Bureau (BBB) serving Central, Coastal, Southwest Texas and the Permian Basin asks you to do your research before hiring a contractor. BBB received almost 5,000 complaints against home improvement companies nationally in 2014. Most complaints allege the contractor’s work was unsatisfactory or that final costs were more than quoted. Others claimed repair or billing issues. You can find a BBB accredited contractor at checkbbb.org. These businesses have committed to meeting BBB Standards for Trust. For any business, go to bbb.org to check the company’s BBB Business Review for a history of complaints, advertising issues, licensing information, and customer reviews. Once you have a list of contractors to contact, BBB advises: • Check work history and references. Ask for a list of references to get an idea of how familiar the contractor is with your type of project. A contractor should be able to give you names and phone numbers of at least three clients with projects like yours. Ask each client how long ago the project was and whether it was completed on time. • Ask about payment options. Don’t pay large upfront fees. Try to arrange a low down payment and only pay according to how much work has been completed. Do not make the final payment until the job is completed and the final project meets your standards. Always pay with either a credit card or check, never cash. • Get multiple bids. It’s best Cuellar receives 2015 Outstanding Alumni Award from American Association of Community Colleges By Rafael Benavides Congressman Henry Cuellar was awarded the 2015 Outstanding Alumni Award at the 2015 American Association of Community Colleges (AACC) Annual Convention in San Antonio. The award is given to individuals nominated by their community college who have excelled in their field and given back to their community. Cuellar was in Washington voting the day of the award ceremony, but submitted a video thanking AACC for the honor. Acceptance video transcript: “Thank you to the American Association of Community Colleges for awarding me the 2015 Outstanding Alumni Award. I regret that I could not be with you in San Antonio because I’m in D.C. voting, but I thank Dr. Shirley Reed, President of South Texas College, for accepting this award on my behalf. As a community college graduate myself, having begun my higher education at Laredo Community College, I truly believe in the great value and quality education our community colleges provide not only universitybound students, but everyone in the community who would like workforce training or further pursue an educational interest. Our local community colleges open the doors to opportunity for all people across our country. Thank you again for this LOCK & GO Lic. #B12044 honor, and I look forward to our continued work.” Cuellar was nominated by Dr. Shirley Reed, President of South Texas College, who accepted the award on Cuellar’s behalf. Cuellar is a graduate Laredo Junior College (now Laredo Community college), where he studied political science from 1974 to 1976 and earned his associates degree Summa Cum Laude. After graduating from Laredo Junior College, Cuellar went on to earn a Bachelor’s Degree in Foreign Service from Georgetown University in Washington D.C., a Master’s Degree in International Trade from Texas A&M International University, and a law degree and Ph.D. in government from the University of Texas. Today, Dr. Cuellar is known to be the “most degreed member of Congress.” Cuellar recognizes the important role community colleges play in our local communities, offering many Texas students access to academic programs and technical trainings they wouldn’t otherwise have access to, and providing an affordable route to a four-year college degree. Forty percent of college students are enrolled at one of America’s more than 1,000 community colleges, and by 2020, an estimated 35 percent of job openings will require at least a bachelor’s degree and 30 percent will require some college or an associate’s degree. It is because of this, and his personal experience in community college, that has made access to quality, affordable education like that which our community colleges offer, a major priority throughout Cuellar’s career at both the state and federal levels. When in the Texas state legislature Cuellar was a champion and original author of the landmark TEXAS Grant, which is the largest scholarship program in Texas history. With the TEXAS grant, more students are now enrolling and graduating from colleges and universities across the State of Texas. Cuellar continues to be an advocate at the federal level as U.S. Congressman for the 28th District of Texas. to get bids from at least three companies. Get all bids in writing, as well as a full description of the services to be provided and the materials to be used. You may wish to specify the grade or thickness of materials to be used, as this could affect the bid. • Find out about permit requirements. Depending on where you live, your building project may require a permit. Additions or alterations to your home may also affect title transfers or insurance requirements should you ever decide to sell your home. Beware of contractors who ask you to obtain a permit on their behalf. The party that obtains the permit is ultimately held responsible for work that does not meet city code. Find out if the contractor is insured. Ask for copies of insurance certificates and make sure they’re current, or you could be held liable for any injuries and damages that occur during the project. The Federal Trade Commission recommends contractors have personal liability, worker’s compensation and property damage coverage. Some other things to consider: • Licensing. Use only licensed trade contractors. Do your homework on what trade contractors need to be licensed by researching on Texas state government websites. • Review warranty coverage. Find out if the company offers any type of warranty or guarantee on their work and make certain you understand the terms and conditions. Make sure the warranty information is included in the contract you sign. • Carefully read and understand the contract. Most home remodeling and/or repairs will be done under contract. Make sure everything agreed upon/ promised is included and written in the contract. Do not sign a contract with blanks. This leaves room for contractors to go back through and fill in additional information that you might not agree with. Make sure to get a copy of everything you sign. List of supporters growing I am excited to announce that I have officially earned the support of former mayor Henry Cisneros. Mayor Cisneros along with so many other community and neighborhood leaders are supporting me because they know how much we have accomplished in District 3 since I took office. I have increased funding for streets and sidewalks and have over $100 million in street and sidewalks projects underway or scheduled. I am working to find every dollar possible to fix our streets and will never take money away for anything else. During city budget sessions, I was able to secure a 26 percent increase in funding for street repair from 2013 to 2014, and a 34 percent increase in funding for sidewalks in that same period. In addition, since I have served on city council, we have seen over $250 million in economic develop- ment, private investment, and neighborhood revitalization in District 3. That means we are growing good jobs locally and creating opportunities. Public safety has also been a priority for me. For that reason, we’ve seen the most stray animals picked up and most spay/neuter surgeries ever in District 3. I hosted the Big Fix at the Bode Center and other similar events where nearly 400 FREE spay/neuter services were provided for cats and dogs. And, I worked with Highlands High School Voices for Animals on the Silver & Black Give Back Team Up Challenge. I’m so proud they were among the winners of the contest. With our families’ health and fitness in mind, I initiated the annual D3 Fall 5K Family Fun Run & Walk that was FREE to the community, so entire families could participate. I was so glad to see Siclovía brought south so our neighborhoods could take part in this outdoor event. And, I could not not be prouder about opening a SPARK Park at Adams Elementary, and two new Kaboom parks for our area children. These are just a few of the great things we’ve accomplished together since I took office. The progress we are making is why I have earned the support of six elected officials, three business organizations, four labor unions, and seven neighborhood association presidents. It’s also why my opponents are spreading lies and attacking the work we’ve accomplished together. Please join Mayor Cisneros, 19 other community leaders and thousands of your neighbors and vote for me. Early voting starts Monday, April 27 and runs through Tuesday, May 5. This article was paid for by Rebecca Viagran campaign. “Together We Have Accomplished So Much. Let’s Continue to Get Things Done.” Rebecca Viagran • Increased funding for streets and sidewalks, and have over $100 million in street and sidewalks projects underway or scheduled • 26% increase in funding for sTReeT RepaIR from 2013 to 2014 • 34% increase in funding for sIdewalks from 2013 to 2014 • The most stray animals picked up and most spay/ neuter surgeries ever in district 3 • Over $250 million in economic development, private investment, and neighborhood revitalization RE-ELECT Councilwoman Rebecca VIAGRAN From District 3. For District 3. To talk to Rebecca or to get voting assistance, call: 210-701-0392 www.RebeccaViagran.com VoteForRebecca Early Voting: Monday, april 27 - tuesday, May 5 ElEction Day: Saturday, May 9 Pol. adv. paid for by Rebecca Viagran Campaign, Margarita A. DeLeón, Treasurer. www.LaPrensaSA.com 4-A LA PRENSA DE SAN ANTONIO Hispanic Chamber leads San Antonio trade leaders to Spain By Michael Vela The San Antonio Hispanic Chamber of Commerce (SAHCC) is conducting its annual Trade Mission to Spain, April 21-26, 2015, with a delegation from San Antonio to visit the cities of Madrid and Sevilla. Key economic development partners on the trade mission include the Hispanic Chamber, Abengoa, the City of San Antonio, Cámara Sevilla and San Antonio Water System. On this particular trade mission, the delegation will focus on the water technology industry’s business opportunities, which will include a signing ceremony between San Antonio Water System and Abengoa, and will signify the launch of the Vista Ridge water project. The Vista Ridge project will transport 16.3 billion gallons of new nonEdwards Aquifer water yearly to San Antonio from Burleson County. “We are looking forward to witnessing a historic signing ceremony between San Antonio Water System and Abengoa,” said Ramiro Cavazos, SAHCC President & CEO. “The Hispanic Chamber has worked very closely with both entities to ensure that we bring the best business back to San Antonio, which will boost our local workforce, and will also secure our city’s future water supply.” Some of the other Spain Trade Mission highlights will include a visit to the Focus Abengoa Foundation, and a U.S. Embassy reception at the residence of U.S. Ambassador James Costos. This trade mission will have the support and involvement of numerous local and statewide civic and business leaders. The key objective of this trade mission is to maintain and foster existing trade relations for San Antonio, learn about best practices for local initiatives, explore new projects and opportunities for local businesses, while encouraging company relocations to South Texas and our City. View updated story on our website www.laprensasa.com. Kawhi Leonard... “Nunca habíamos recibido un medio de transporte de nuevo modelo. Los Spurs y Leonard han sido benevolentes eligiendo a Respite Care of San Antonio como el recipiente del emotivo donativo. Este fin de semana nos va a servirá bastante ya que se tiene planeado realizar paseos recreativos para nuestros niños. Estamos muy agradecidos y felices”, expresó Pfiester. La selección En el proceso de la elección del “KIA NBA Defensive Player of the Year Award” participaron un selecto grupo de 129 periodistas deportivos, entre ellos, reporte ros, columnistas y narradores que cubren la fuente de la NBA en Estados Unidos y Canadá. En en la elección, Kawhi Leonard alcanzó 37 votos en el primer lugar, con 333 puntos otorgados por el grupo arriba citado; dejando en el segundo lugar a Draymond Green, que es delantero estelar de Warriors. Green obtuvo 45 votos en primer lugar y 317 puntos. En el tercer lugar finalizó el poste angelino DeAndre Jordan con 261 puntos y 32 sufragios por el primer lugar. En boletín informativo, la NBA explicó que los jugadores en esta elección obtuvieron cinco puntos por cada voto en el primer lugar, así como tres puntos por cada voto en el segundo lugar y un punto por cada voto recibido por el tercer lugar. Leonard se convirtió en el sexto alero en comandar la NBA en una temporada, adjudicándose más robos de balón por partido jugado, desde que la liga comenzó a llevar estadísticas en esa rama desde hace 42 años, que vienen a ser los mismos que tienen los Spurs afiliados a la National Basketball Association (NBA). Con su elección, Leonard viene a ser el segundo jugador (viene de la página 1-A) de los Spurs que recibe la honorable distinción como jugador defensivo del año. En la temporada de 1991-92 el premio fue ganado por “The Admiral”, el poste David Robinson, quien se retiró tras haberle dado un par de campeonatos a la franquicia Silver & Black en las temporadas de 1999 y el 2003. Kawhi Leonard cursó estudios en San Diego State University del 2009 al 2011. En el 2011 NBA Draft fue elegido por los Pacers de Indiana, siendo de inmediato canjeado a los Spurs por el derecho de los jugadores Erazem Lorbek y Davis Bertaus, e intercambiado por el guardia George Hill, por lo que en su carrera de cuatro años en la organización de los Spurs tiene marca personal de 2.31 robos y 5.9 rebotes defensivos, con lo que ha colaborado en la estrategia de defensa del equipo de San Antonio. La Prensa, léelo y pásalo 26 de abril de 2015 Breaking Barriers for Girls in San Antonio By Laura Villarreal Girls Incorporated of San Antonio works to inspire girls across San Antonio to be strong, smart and bold through innovative and empowering activities. The organization achieves this goal through programs such as the upcoming Girls Rockit to the Future Science Festival. This year’s Science Festival is presented by Rackspace and Tesoro on Saturday, May 2 from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. at Heroes Stadium (4799 Thousand Oaks Dr., San Antonio, TX, 78233). The free, family-friendly event introduces youth, especially girls, to the exciting world of science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) and provides a positive and encouraging environment to develop an enthusiasm for STEM. The U.S. Department of Commerce states that women are vastly underrepresented in STEM jobs despite making up nearly half of college-educated, U.S. workforce. We believe that more women would pursue these careers if given a supportive and experiential environment to explore their true potential. The goal of Girls Inc.’s STEM program is to develop girls’ enthusiasm for and skills in STEM, so that they may come to view careers in these fields as exciting and realistic options for themselves. The Girls Inc. Rockit to the Future Science Festival provides an opportunity for girls and boys of all ages to participate in hands-on, interactive experiments and activities hosted by over 30 different corporations, agencies, and organizations. Girls Inc. of San Antonio President and CEO, Lea Rosenauer shares, “We are PACfest... el colegio. Este año, el festival se llevó a cabo el jueves 23 de abril del medio día a las 10 p.m. y contó con las presentaciones musicales de varios artistas talentosos. Erick y Su Grupo Massore, una agrupación de Coahuila (México) que se dedica a tocar cumbias, y Las Fénix, un grupo tejano de Houston, fueron los artistas principales, pero Chris Salinas & The WildGrass, CONTRIBUTING SPONSORS SUPPORTING SPONSORS PATRON SPONSORS PRODUCTION SPONSORS way to help kick off Texas STEM Education Week from May 4 through May 10. Last year, the festival was awarded the Texas STEM Education Week’s Community Outreach Award and hosted 4,000 participants. The organization was also recognized at a special STEM Education Day luncheon in Houston, TX for efforts to further STEM education and awareness in the community. If you are interested in joining Girls Inc. in developing strong, smart and bold girls in our community, or are interested in learning more about available programs, contact Girls Inc. of San Antonio at (210) 212-2510 or visit www.girlsincsa.com. (viene de la página 1-A) Ready Revolution y Electric Circus deleitaron al publico con el mismo fervor. Por su parte, grupos estudiantiles de Palo Alto College también mostraron sus talentos artísticos, entre ellos Mariachi Palomino, Conjunto Palo Alto, un grupo de jazz y la producción de baile y teatro del colegio. Aparte de las presentaciones artísticas, la comunidad también The Fiesta® San Antonio Commission is extremely grateful to its 2015 Fiesta® official sponsors. They help make Fiesta® the community extravaganza it is through their outstanding and continued support. MAJOR SPONSORS so happy to have community support for this event to ensure that kids of all ages are encouraged to participate in fields that they may have not thought of before. We want girls across San Antonio to understand that we are in their corner to help them succeed.” The 9th Annual Girls Rockit to the Future Science Festival occurs on May 2 as a disfruto de una zona de juegos con brinca brincas, comida típica de Fiesta y una competencia de carne asada. Para cerrar la noche con broche de oro, fuegos artificiales iluminaron el cielo por primera vez en PACfest. Según Arellano, los fuegos pirotécnicos fueron estallados con el propósito de conmemorar el 30 aniversario de Palo Alto College en San Antonio. 6-B 26 de abril de 2015 La Prensa San Antonio deLA PRENSA DE SAN ANTONIO AVISO DE JUNTA GENERAL, ESPECIAL, ELECCION DE ESTATUTOS Y Elección de Bonos Subdivisiones políticas del Condado de Bexar 9 de mayo de 2015 Para los votantes registrados de los siguientes lugares Ciudad de San Antonio Ciudad de Grey Forest Northside ISD Ciudad de Leon Valley San Antonio ISD Ciudad de Live Oak Judson ISD Ciudad de Kirby Harlandale ISD Ciudad de Olmos Park Southside ISD Ciudad de Shavano Park Ciudad de Alamo Heights Ciudad de Somerset Ciudad de Balcones Heights Ciudad de Universal City Ciudad de Castle Hills ESD #3 Ciudad de Fair Oaks Ranch Pueblo de Hollywood Park 26 de abril de 2015 5-A 9 de mayo de 2015 Cuidad de San Antonio. La ciudad de San Antonio llevará a cabo una elección con el objetivo de elegir 10 miembros del Concilio de la Ciudad, Lugar 1 a 10, y un miembro para ser elegido Alcalde, Lugar 11; una Elección Especial para un impuesto de ventas y uso y una Elección para enmendar la Carta de la Ciudad. Northside ISD, Board of Trustees Election.The Northside ISD llevará a cabo una elección con el objetivo de elegir miembros para servir en su Board of Trustees en el Distrito 1. San Antonio ISD, Board of Trustees Election. San Antonio ISD llevará a cabo una elección con el objetivo de elegir miembros para servir en su Board of Trustees en el Distrito 3 y 4. Judson ISD. Judson ISD llevará a cabo una elección con el objetivo de elegir un miembro para servir en su Board of Trustees en el Distrito 1, 6 y 7. El HORARIO DE VOTACIÓN TEMPRANA SERÁ: Lunes 27 de abril a viernes 1 de mayo de 2015.............................8:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. Sábado 2 de mayo de 2015..............................................................8:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. Dom. 3 de mayo de 2015....................................................................................CERRADO Lunes 4 de mayo de 2015 a martes 5 de mayo de 2015................8:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. Harlandale ISD. Harlandale ISD llevará a cabo una elección con el objetivo de elegir un miembro para servir en su Board of Trustees en el Distrito 5, 6 y una Elección de Bonos. 27 de abril 27 de 2015 – 5 de mayo de 2015 Southside ISD. Southside ISD llevará a cabo una elección con el objetivo de elegir un miembro para servir en su Board of Trustees en las posiciones 1, 2, 6, 7 y en el Periodo Aun no Finalizado de la Posición 4. DOM LUNES MARTES MIERCOLES JUEVES VIERNES SÁBADO 27 28 29 30 1 2 ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** 3 4 5 6 7 8 CERRADO ***** ***** O Cuidad de Alamo Heights. La ciudad de Alamo Height llevará a cabo una elección con el objetivo de elegir un Alcalde y 2 Concejales; Puesto 1 y 2. 9 DIA DE ELECCIÓN Lugar Principal de Votación Anticipada: *BEXAR COUNTY JUSTICE CENTER............................................................300 Dolorosa *DEAFLINK disponible en estos lugares (Sótano, extremo sur de la cafetería) BROOKHOLLOW LIBRARY......................................................................530 Heimer Road CASTLE HILLS CITY HALL.................................................................209 Lemonwood Dr. CLAUDE BLACK CENTER................................................................2805 East Commerce CODY LIBRARY.................................................................................11441 Vance Jackson COLLINS GARDEN LIBRARY......................................................................200 North Park COPERNICUS COMMUNITY CENTER..........................................................5003 Lord Rd. EDISON HIGH SCHOOL..........................................................................701 Santa Monica FAIR OAKS RANCH CITY HALL............................................................7286 Dietz Elkhorn GREAT NORTHWEST LIBRARY...................................................................9050 Wellwood HENRY A. GUERRA, JR. LIBRARY...................................................7978 W. Military Drive HOLLYWOOD PARK CITY HALL..................................................................2 Mecca Drive JOHN IGO LIBRARY..................................................................13330 Kyle Seale Parkway JOHNSTON LIBRARYBRARY @ COMANCHE LOOKOUT PARK.......15060 Judson Road JULIA YATES SEMMES LIBRARY @ COMANCHE LOOKOUT PARK.......15060 Judson Road KIRBY CITY HALL............................................................................................112 Bauman LAS PALMAS LIBRARY......................................................................515 Castroville Road LEON VALLEY CONFERENCE CENTER......................................................6421 Evers Rd LION’S FIELD...............................................................................................2809 Broadway LOSOYA INTERMEDIATE SCHOOL.................................................1610 Martinez-Losoya MAURY MAVERICK, JR. LIBRARY............................................................8700 Mystic Park MCCRELESS LIBRARY...............................................................................1023 Ada Street MEMORIAL LIBRARY......................................................................................3222 Culebra MISSION LIBRARY...............................................................................3134 Roosevelt Ave NORTHSIDE ACTIVITY CENTER (CONFERENCE ROOM)............................7001 Culebra OLMOS PARK CITY HALL...........................................................................120 El Prado W PARMAN LIBRARY@STONE OAK..................................................20735 Wilderness Oak PRECINCT 1 SATELLITE OFFICE......................................................3505 Pleasanton Rd. SHAVANO PARK CITY HALL..................................................................900 Saddletree Ct. SOMERSET CITY HALL....................................................................7360 E. 6th, Somerset SOUTH PARK MALL (NEXT TO SEARS MALL ENTRANCE)................2310 S.W. Military TOBIN LIBRARY @OAKWELL..........................................................4134 Harry Wurzbach UNIVERSAL CITY – CITY HALL.................................................2150 Universal City Blvd. UTSA AET BUILDING..........................................................1 UTSA Circle AET BUILDING WINDCREST TAKAS PARK CIVIC CENTER............................................9310 Jim Seal Dr. WONDERLAND OF THE [email protected] Fredericksburg Rd (Sujeto a cambio) Para más información contacte la oficina de Elecciones del Condado de Bexar Administradora: Jacquelyn F. Callanen, at (210) 335-VOTE (8683). Cuidad de Balcones Heights. La ciudad de Balcones Heights llevará a cabo una elección con el objetivo de elegir 3 Concejales; Puestos 3, 4 y 5. Cuidad de Castle Hills. La ciudad de Castle Hills llevará a cabo una elección con el objetivo de elegir Alcalde y 2 concejales; Puesto 2, 3 y 4. Cuidad de Kirby. La ciudad de Kirby llevará a cabo una elección con el objetivo de elegir un Alcalde y 2 Concejales y una Elección Especial. Cuidad de Leon Valley. La ciudad de Leon Valley llevará a cabo una elección con el objetivo de elegir a Miembros del Concilio, PI 1, 3 y 5 una Elección Especial para adoptar Carta de la autonomía. Cuidad de Live Oak. La ciudad de Live Oak llevará a cabo una elección con el objetivo de elegir Miembros del Concilio, PI 1, 3 y 5. Cuidad de Olmos Park. La ciudad de Olmos Park llevará a cabo una elección con el objetivo de elegir 3 Miembros del Concilio. Cuidad de Shavano Park. La ciudad de Shavano Park llevará a cabo una elección con el objetivo de elegir un Alcalde y 2 Concejales. Cuidad de Somerset. La ciudad de Somerset llevará a cabo una elección para elegir 3 Concejales. Cuidad de Universal City. La ciudad de Universal City llevará a cabo una elección con el objetivo de elegir 3 Miembros del Concilio. ESD#3. El Servicio de Emergencias del Distrito # 3 sostendrá y elección para el propósito de votar en unas ventas y un impuesto. Cuidad de Hollywood Park. La ciudad de Hollywood Park celebrará una elección con el propósito de elegir a un miembro del Consejo, Lugar 3 . Por la presente se notifica que los lugares de votación serán abiertos para votar el día de elecciones desde las 7:00 a.m. a las 7:00 p.m., sábado 9 de mayo de 2015. (A ser publicado el 8 de mayo de 2015 y disponible en www.bexar.org/elections ) La votación anticipada por comparecencia personal será llevada a cabo en los lugares, fechas y horas listadas arriba. Solicitudes para votar por correo deben ser solicitadas a Jacquelyn F. Callanen, Secretaria de Votación Anticipada, 203 W. Nueva, Ste 3.61, San Antonio, Texas 78207, o llamando al 210-335-VOTE (8683). Solicitudes de papeleta de votación por correo debe ser recibida no más tarde las 5:00 p.m. del 30 de abril de 2015. AVISO DE ELECCIÓN GENERAL, ESPECIAL, Y DE EMIENDAS DE LA CARTA CIUDAD DE SAN ANTONIO, TEXAS SABADO 9 DE MAYO DE 2015 A TODOS LOS VOTANTES REGISTRADOS DE LA CIUDAD DE SAN ANTONIO, TEXAS: Se les avisa que la Ciudad de San Antonio, Texas, llevara a cabo una Elección General, Especial, y de Emiendas de la Carta. La elección se llevara a cabo el 9 de mayo de 2015 en el Condado de Bexar, Texas: Elección General del Concilio de la Ciudad. La Ciudad de San Antonio llevara a cabo una elección con el propósito de elegir a diez miembros del Concilio, lugar 1 a lugar 10, y a un miembro que se elegirá como Alcalde, lugar 11. Elección Especial de Impuesto de Ventas y Uso – Proposiciónes Oficiales. La Ciudad de San Antonio llevará a cabo una elección con el propósito de consideré si el Concilio de la Ciudad tendrá la autorización para emitir bonos de tal Ciudad en las cantidades y para los propósitos identificados abajo, en la elección a la cual se someterán de acuerado con requisitos legales, las siguientes proposiciónes: PROYECTO DE PROTECCIÓN DE ACUÍFERO EDWARDS PROPUESTA NO. 1 ¿Deberá el Concilio Municipal de la Ciudad de San Antonio, Texas, estar autorizado a aplicar la Resolución Nº 2015-01-29-0005R (la “Resolución del Proyecto”), que prevé la planificación, adquisición, creación, desarrollo, construcción, supervisión, mantenimiento o renovación, y el modo de financiamiento para el “Proyecto de Protección de Acuífero Edwards”, que incluye la adquisición de la propiedad para acceso a la conservación o programa de preservación de espacios abiertos y el desarrollo de una recarga, zona de recarga o programa de protección característica de recarga con la intención de proteger el agua en el Acuífero Edwards, para imponer un impuesto de ventas y uso del impuesto a la tasa de un octavo del uno porciento (1/8 del 1%) (una porción de este impuesto será compartido con y utilizado para el “Proyecto de Desarrollo y Expansión de Parques” si tal es también aprobado por los votantes) con el propósito de financiar el “Proyecto de Protección de Acuífero Edwards” en una cantidad que no exceda de $100 millones (incluyendo los costos de emisión y interés de los bonos o otras obligaciones, si hay algunos) para empezar a la recaudación de la cantidad total de impuestos sobre las ventas y uso autorizado por los votantes el 2 de noviembre de 2010 para el Proyecto de Protección de Acuífero Edwards y para el Proyecto de Desarrollo y Expansión de Parques? PROYECTO DE DESARROLLO Y EXPANSIÓN DE PARQUES PROPUESTA NO. 2 ¿Deberá el Concilio Municipal de la Ciudad de San Antonio, Texas, estar autorizado a aplicar la Resolución Nº 2015-01-29-0005R, que prevé la planificación, adquisición, creación, desarrollo, construcción, supervisión, mantenimiento o renovación, y el modo de financiamiento para el “Proyecto de Desarrollo y Expansión de Parques”, que incluye la adquisición de espacio abierto y parques lineales por los arroyos de San Antonio, incluyendo específicamente Leon Creek, Salado Creek, Río Medina, Río San Antonio y afluentes, como el Apache, Alazan, Culebra, Huesta, Huebner, Lorence, Martínez, Olmos y San Pedro, y para mejoras y adiciones a los Parques Municipales y Sistema de Recreación y para imponer un impuesto de ventas y uso del impuesto a la tasa de un octavo del un porciento (1/8 del 1%) (una porción de este impuesto será compartido con y utilizado para el “Proyecto de Protección de Acuífero Edwards” si tal es también aprobado por los votantes con el propósito de financiar el “Proyecto de Desarrollo y Expansión de Parques” en una cantidad que no exceda los $80 millones (incluyendo los costos de emisión y interés de los bonos o otras obligaciones, si hay algunos) para empezar a la recaudación de la cantidad total de impuestos sobre las ventas y uso autorizado por los votantes el 2 de noviembre de 2010 para el Proyecto de Protección de Acuífero Edwards y para el Proyecto de Desarrollo y Expansión de Parques? Elección para Enmendar la Carta de la Ciudad – Enmiendas Oficiales. La Ciudad de San Antonio también tiene una Elección con el propósito de Enmendar la Carta de la Ciudad. ENMIENDA DE LA CARTA NO. 1 ¿DEBERÁ LA CARTA DE LA CIUDAD SER ENMENDADA A FIN DE QUE NINGUNA CONCESIÓN DE PERMISO PARA ALTERAR O DAÑAR CUALQUIER VÍA PÚBLICA DE LA CIUDAD PARA EL TENDIDO DE RIELES PARA TRANVÍA O TREN LIGERO SEA VÁLIDA, Y NO SE APROPIEN FONDOS Y QUE NINGÚN BONO O PAGARÉ SEA EMITIDO O VENDIDO CON 6-A 26 de abril de 2015 LA PRENSA SANAntonio ANTONIO La Prensa deDE San 26 de abril de 2015 7-B EL PROPÓSITO DE SISTEMAS DEL TRANVÍA O TREN LIGERO, A MENOS QUE ANTES SEA APROBADO POR LA MAYORÍA DE LOS ELECTORES DE LA CIUDAD CALIFICADOS PARA VOTAR EN UNA ELECCIÓN QUE CONTENGA UNA PROPUESTA IDENTIFICADA ESPECÍFICAMENTE Y QUE SE LIMITE A TAL FIN? ENMIENDA DE LA CARTA NO. 2 ¿DEBERÁ LA CARTA DE LA CIUDAD SER ENMENDADA PARA PAGAR UN SUELDO ANUAL DE $45,722 A LOS MIEMBROS DEL CONCILIO DE LA CIUDAD (IGUAL AL PROMEDIO DE LOS INGRESOS DOMESTICOS EN LA ZONA DE SAN ANTONIO) Y PAGAR UN SUELDO ANUAL DE $61,725 AL ALCALDE (IGUAL AL PROMEDIO DE LOS INGRESOS DOMESTICOS EN LA ZONA DE SAN ANTONIO MAS 35%), Y PERMITIR QUE EL ALCALDE Y LOS MIEMBROS DEL CONCILIO DE LA CIUDAD ELEGIDOS EN LA ELECCIÓN GENERAL CONDUCIDA EL 9 DE MAYO DE 2015 SEAN ELEGIBLES PARA EL SUELDO? ENMIENDA DE LA CARTA NO. 3 ¿DEBERÁ LA CARTA DE LA CIUDAD SER ENMENDADA PARA LLENAR LAS VACANCIAS DEL CONCILIO Y ALCALDE POR ELECCIÓN ESPECIAL EN LUGAR DE NOMBRAMIENTO CUANDO MÁS DE 120 DÍAS QUEDAN EN EL TERMINO NO COMPLETADO DEL CONCILIO, Y PARA PERMITIR QUE EL CONCILIO DE LA CIUDAD NOMBRARÁ A UN MIEMBRO TEMPORARIO PARA EL CONCILIO O ALCALDE HASTA QUE LA ELECCIÓN ESPECIAL ESTA CONDUCIDA? ENMIENDA DE LA CARTA NO. 4 ¿DEBERÁ SECCIONES 17, 41, 47, 50, 60, 61, 62, 76, 78, 82, 83, 85, 86, 94, 95A, 96A, 104, 105, 106, 145, Y 163 DE LA CARTA DE LA CIUDAD SER ENMENDADAS PARA ELIMINAR PROVISIONES QUE AHORA SON INOPERANTES PORQUE HAN SIDO REVOCADAS POR LEY DEL ESTADO, Y PARA PONER TERMINOLOGÍA EN USO HOY DIA?” FORMA DE BOLETAS PROPOSICIONES OFICIALES. Las boletas oficiales para dicha elección se serán preparadas de acuerdo con el Capítulo 334 del Código de Gobierno Local de Texas y el Código Electoral de Texas a fin de permitir a los electores votar “A FAVOR” o “EN CONTRA” de las propuestas antes mencionadas, y las boletas que contengan tales disposiciones, marcas y lenguaje como lo requiere la ley, y con tal PROPUESTAS expresada substancialmente como se expresa a continuación: PROYECTO DE PROTECCIÓN DE ACUÍFERO EDWARDS PROPUESTA NO. 1 AUTORIZANDO LA CIUDAD DE SAN ANTONIO A PROTEGER LA CALIDAD DE AGUA EN EL ACUÍFERO EDWARDS, ESTABLECIENDO UNA PROTECCIÓN DE LA LÍNEA DIVISORIA Y PROYECTO DE CONSERVACIÓN CONOCIDO COMO EL “PROYECTO DE PROTECCIÓN DE ACUÍFERO EDWARDS” PARA ADQUIRIR Y PRESERVAR LA TIERRA O LOS INTERESES EN LA TIERRA EN LA RECARGA DE ACUÍFERO EDWARDS Y LAS ZONAS CONTRIBUIDORAS DENTRO DE Y EN EL EXTERIOR DEL CONDADO DE BEXAR, Y DESARROLLAR UNA RECARGA, ZONA DE RECARGA O PROGRAMA DE PROTECCIÓN CARACTERÍSTICA DE RECARGA; Y PARA IMPONER UN IMPUESTO DE VENTAS Y USO DEL IMPUESTO A LA TASA DE UN OCTAVO DE UN PORCIENTO (1/8 DE 1%), (UNA PORCIÓN DE ESTE IMPUESTO SERÁ COMPARTIDO CON Y UTILIZADO PARA EL “PROYECTO DE DESARROLLO Y EXPANSION DE PARQUES” SI TAL PROYECTO ES APROBADO TAMBIÉN POR LOS VOTANTES), EN UNA CANTIDAD QUE NO EXCEDA $100 MILLONES (INCLUYENDO LOS COSTOS DE EMISIÓN Y INTERÉS DE LOS BONOS O OTRAS OBLIGACIONES, SI HAY ALGUNOS), PARA EL PROPÓSITO DE FINANCIAR EL “PROYECTO DE PROTECCIÓN DE ACUÍFERO EDWARDS”, A LA RECAUDACIÓN DE LA CANTIDAD TOTAL DE IMPUESTOS SOBRE LAS VENTAS Y USO AUTORIZADO POR LOS VOTANTES EL 2 DE NOVIEMBRE DE 2010 PARA EL PROYECTO DE PROTECCIÓN DE ACUÍFERO EDWARDS Y PARA EL PROYECTO DE DESARROLLO Y EXPANSIÓN DE PARQUES. A FAVOR O EN CONTRA O PROYECTO DE DESARROLLO DE PARQUES Y EXPANSIÓN DE PARQUES PROPUESTA NO. 2 AUTORIZANDO LA CIUDAD DE SAN ANTONIO A ESTABLECER EL “PROYECTO DE DESARROLLO Y EXPANSION DE PARQUES” QUE INCLUYE LA ADQUISICIÓN DE ESPACIO ABIERTO Y PARQUES LINEALES POR LOS ARROYOS DE SAN ANTONIO, INCLUYENDO ESPECÍFICAMENTE LEON CREEK, SALADO CREEK, RÍO MEDINA, RÍO SAN ANTONIO, Y AFLUENTES, COMO EL APACHE, ALAZAN, CULEBRA, HUESTA, HUEBNER, LORENCE, MARTÍNEZ, OLMOS Y SAN PEDRO, Y DE MEJORAS Y ADICIONES A LOS PARQUES MUNICIPALES Y SISTEMA DE RECREACIÓN Y PARA IMPONER UN IMPUESTO DE VENTAS Y USO DEL IMPUESTO A LA TASA DE UN OCTAVO DE UN PORCIENTO (1/8 DE 1%) (UNA PORCIÓN DE ESTE IMPUESTO SERÁ COMPARTIDO CON Y UTILIZADO PARA EL “PROYECTO DE PROTECCIÓN DE ACUÍFERO EDWARDS” SI TAL PROYECTO ES APROBADO TAMBIÉN POR LOS VOTANTES) EN UNA CANTIDAD QUE NO EXCEDA $80 MILLONES (INCLUYENDO LOS COSTOS DE EMISIÓN Y INTERÉS DE LOS BONOS O OTRAS OBLIGACIONES, SI HAY ALGUNOS), PARA EL PROPÓSITO DE FINANCIAR EL “PROYECTO DE DESARROLLO Y EXPANSION DE PARQUES” A LA RECAUDACIÓN DE LA CANTIDAD TOTAL DE IMPUESTOS SOBRE LAS VENTAS Y USO AUTORIZADO POR LOS VOTANTES EL 2 DE NOVIEMBRE DE 2010 PARA EL PROYECTO DE PROTECCIÓN DE ACUÍFERO EDWARDS Y PARA EL PROYECTO DE DESARROLLO Y EXPANSIÓN DE PARQUES. A FAVOR O EN CONTRA O FORMA DE BOLETAS ENMIENDAS OFICIALES. Las boletas oficiales para la Elección serán preparadas de acuerdo al Código Electoral de Texas para permitir a los electores votar “A FAVOR” o “EN CONTRA” de la ENMIENDAS anterior, con boletas que contengan tales disposiciones, marcas y lenguaje como lo requiere la ley, y con tal Enmienedas expresadas substancialmente como se expresa a continuación: ENMIENDADA DE LA CARTA NO.1 ¿DEBERÁ LA CARTA DE LA CIUDAD SER ENMENDADA A FIN DE QUE NINGUNA CONCESIÓN DE PERMISO PARA ALTERAR O DAÑAR CUALQUIER VÍA PÚBLICA DE LA CIUDAD PARA EL TENDIDO DE RIELES PARA TRANVÍA O TREN LIGERO SEA VÁLIDA, Y NO SE APROPIEN FONDOS Y QUE NINGÚN BONO O PAGARÉ SEA EMITIDO O VENDIDO CON EL PROPÓSITO DE SISTEMAS DEL TRANVÍA O TREN LIGERO, A MENOS QUE ANTES SEA APROBADO POR LA MAYORÍA DE LOS ELECTORES DE LA CIUDAD CALIFICADOS PARA VOTAR EN UNA ELECCIÓN QUE CONTENGA UNA PROPUESTA IDENTIFICADA ESPECÍFICAMENTE Y QUE SE LIMITE A TAL FIN? A FAVOR O EN CONTRA O ENMIENDADA DE LA CARTA NO. 2 ¿DEBERÁ LA CARTA DE LA CIUDAD SER ENMENDADA PARA PAGAR UN SUELDO ANUAL DE $45,722 A LOS MIEMBROS DEL CONCILIO DE LA CIUDAD (IGUAL AL PROMEDIO DE LOS INGRESOS DOMESTICOS EN LA ZONA DE SAN ANTONIO) Y PAGAR UN SUELDO ANUAL DE $61,725 AL ALCALDE (IGUAL AL PROMEDIO DE LOS INGRESOS DOMESTICOS EN LA ZONA DE SAN ANTONIO MAS 35%), Y PERMITIR QUE EL ALCALDE Y LOS MIEMBROS DEL CONCILIO DE LA CIUDAD ELEGIDOS EN LA ELECCIÓN GENERAL CONDUCIDA EL 9 DE MAYO DE 2015 SEAN ELEGIBLES PARA EL SUELDO? A FAVOR O EN CONTRA O ENMIENDADA DE LA CARTA NO. 3 ¿DEBERÁ LA CARTA DE LA CIUDAD SER ENMENDADA PARA LLENAR LAS VACANCIAS DEL CONCILIO Y ALCALDE POR ELECCIÓN ESPECIAL EN LUGAR DE NOMBRAMIENTO CUANDO MÁS DE 120 DÍAS QUEDAN EN EL TERMINO NO COMPLETADO DEL CONCILIO, Y PARA PERMITIR QUE EL CONCILIO DE LA CIUDAD NOMBRARÁ A UN MIEMBRO TEMPORARIO PARA EL CONCILIO O ALCALDE HASTA QUE LA ELECCIÓN ESPECIAL ESTA CONDUCIDA? A FAVOR O EN CONTRA O ENMIENDADA DE LA CARTA NO. 4 ¿DEBERÁ SECCIONES 17, 41, 47, 50, 60, 61, 62, 76, 78, 82, 83, 85, 86, 94, 95A, 96A, 104, 105, 106, 145, Y 163 DE LA CARTA DE LA CIUDAD SER ENMENDADAS PARA ELIMINAR PROVISIONES QUE AHORA SON INOPERANTES PORQUE HAN SIDO REVOCADAS POR LEY DEL ESTADO, Y PARA PONER TERMINOLOGÍA EN USO HOY DIA? A FAVOR O EN CONTRA O Se les avisa que los lugares de votación que son anotadas en Lista II estarán abiertos para votar el día de Elección, el sábado 9 de mayo de 2015, desde las 7:00 de la mañana hasta las 7:00 de la noche. Votación adelantada personal será conducida en las localidades, fechas, y tiempos anotados aquí en Lista I. Aplicaciones para votar por correo pueden ser solicitadas al Early Voting Clerk por teléfono a 335-VOTE (8683) o por correo a la siguiente dirección: Attn: Early Voting Clerk, 203 W. Nueva Street, Suite 3.61, San Antonio, TX 78207. Aplicaciones para boletas por correo deben ser recibidas antes de las 5:00 de la tarde el jueves 30 de abril del 2015. /s/ Leticia M. Vacek Secretaria Municipal, TRMC/CMC 8-B 26 de abril de 2015 La Prensa San Antonio LAde PRENSA DE SAN ANTONIO CITY OF SAN ANTONIO GENERAL SPECIAL AND CHARTER AMENDMENT ELECTION SATURDAY, MAY 9, 2015 ELECTION DAY POLLING SITES LOCATION AND ADDRESS PRECINCT/ PRECINCT/PR ECINTO Sites Subject to Change by Bexar County PRECINTO 1001 San Antonio Housing Authority 818 S. Flores St. 10403 Dugas Dr. 1002 Ed Cody Elementary School 1003 San Antonio Housing Authority 818 S. Flores St. 4423 S. Flores St. (Parish Hall) 1004 St. Leo Catholic Church 1002 Edwards St. 1005 Burbank High School 907 W. Theo Ave. (Family Room) 1006 St. James Catholic Church 530 Hoover St. 1007 Graebner Elementary School 1008 1009 1010 1011 1012 1013 1014 1015 1016 1017 1018 1019 1020 1021 1022 1023 1024 1025 1026 1027 1028 1029 1030 1031 1032 1033 1036 1037 1038 1039 1040 1041 1042 1043 1044 1045 1046 1047 San Antonio Housing Authority Ed Cody Elementary School San Antonio Housing Authority Adams Elementary School John Glenn Elementary School Kelly Elementary School Graebner Elementary School Collier Elementary School Adams Elementary School Adams Elementary School Adams Elementary School Wright Elementary School Wright Elementary School Rayburn Elementary School Collier Elementary School Collier Elementary School Pease Middle School Miguel Carillo, Jr. Elementary School Dwight Middle School Brentwood Middle School St. Leo Catholic Church Brentwood Middle School Brentwood Middle School Brentwood Middle School Gardendale Elementary School Valley Hi Elementary School Valley Hi Elementary School Frank Madla Elementary School Five Palms Elementary School Sky Harbour Elementary School Miguel Carillo, Jr. Elementary School South San Antonio High School Palo Alto Elementary School Westwood Terrace Elementary School Kazen Middle School South San Antonio High School Kazen Middle School Vestal Elementary School 818 S. Flores St. 10403 Dugas Dr. 1048 1049 1050 1051 1052 1053 1054 1055 1056 1057 1058 1059 1060 1061 1062 1063 1064 1065 1069 1070 1071 1072 1074 1075 1076 1077 1078 1079 1080 1083 1084 1085 1086 1087 1088 1089 1090 1091 1092 1093 1094 1096 1097 1098 1099 1100 1101 1102 1103 1104 1105 1106 1107 1109 1111 1112 1113 1114 1115 1116 1117 1119 1120 1123 1124 1125 1126 1127 1128 1129 1130 1131 1132 1133 1134 1135 1136 Gillette Elementary School McCollum High School Harlandale Community Center Bellaire Elementary School Bellaire Elementary School Harlandale Community Center Kingsborough Middle School Virginia Myers Elementary School Gallardo Elementary School Freedom Elementary School Losoya Intermediate School Spicewood Park Elementary School Bob Hope Elementary School Sky Harbour Elementary School Spicewood Park Elementary School Somerset City Hall Sky Harbour Elementary School Somerset City Hall Vale Middle School John Glenn Elementary School Adams Hill Elementary School Carlos Coon Elementary School Burbank High School Alan Shepard Middle School St. Rose of Lima Catholic Church Lowell Middle School Lowell Middle School Dr. Winn Murnin Elementary School Pease Middle School Lewis Elementary School Mary Hull Elementary School Westwood Terrace Elementary School Meadow Village Elementary School Henry A Guerra, Jr. Library Perales Elementary School Mission Academy Brentwood Middle School Mission Academy Spicewood Park Elementary School Vale Middle School Alan Shepard Middle School Brentwood Middle School St. Leo Catholic Church Burbank High School Evers Elementary School Ed Cody Elementary School Ed Cody Elementary School Freedom Elementary School Miguel Carillo, Jr. Elementary School Carlos Coon Elementary School Spicewood Park Elementary School Mary Michael Elementary School Losoya Intermediate School Vale Middle School Raba Elementary School Mary Michael Elementary School Vale Middle School Spicewood Park Elementary School Mission Academy Mission Academy Mission Academy Burbank High School San Antonio Housing Authority Somerset City Hall Gallardo Elementary School Harlandale Community Center San Antonio Housing Authority Rayburn Elementary School Miguel Carillo, Jr. Elementary School Spicewood Park Elementary School Lewis Elementary School Valley Hi Elementary School Valley Hi Elementary School Alan Shepard Middle School Valley Hi Elementary School Valley Hi Elementary School Mary Michael Elementary School 625 Gillette Blvd. 500 W. Formosa 7227 Briar Pl. (Gym) 142 E. Amber St. 142 E. Amber St. 7227 Briar Pl. (Gym) 422 Ashley Rd. 3031 Village Pkwy 1300 Del Lago Pkwy. 3845 S Loop 1604 E 1137 1138 1139 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 Scarborough Elementary School Mission Academy Mission Academy Lanier High School Lanier High School Margil Elementary School Frank Garrett Multi- Service Community Ctr. Fenwick Elementary School Whittier Middle School Crockett Elementary School Las Palmas Library Mead Elementary School Shepherd King Lutheran Church Las Palmas Library 818 S. Flores St. 135 E. Southcross 2385 Horal Dr. 1026 Thompson Pl. 530 Hoover St. 834 W. Southcross 135 E. Southcross 135 E. Southcross 135 E. Southcross 115 E. Huff Ave. 115 E. Huff Ave. 635 Rayburn Dr. 834 W. Southcross 834 W. Southcross 201 Hunt Ln. 500 Price Ave. 2454 W. Southcross 1626 W. Thompson Pl. 4423 S. Flores St. (Parish Hall) 1626 W. Thompson Pl. 1626 W. Thompson Pl. 1626 W. Thompson Pl. 1731 Dahlgreen Ave. 8503 Ray Ellison Blvd. 8503 Ray Ellison Blvd. 6100 Royalgate Dr. 7138 Five Palms Dr. 5902 Fishers Bend 500 Price Ave. 7535 Barlite Blvd. 1725 Palo Alto Rd. 2315 Hackamore Lane 1520 Gillette Blvd. 7535 Barlite Blvd. 1520 Gillette Blvd. 1111 W. Vestal Pl. 1610 Martinez Losoya Rd. 11303 Tilson 3022 Reforma Dr. 5902 Fishers Bend 11303 Tilson 7360 E. 6th St. 5902 Fishers Bend 7360 E. 6th St. 2120 N. Ellison Dr. 2385 Horal Dr. 9627 Adams Hill Dr. 3110 Timber View Dr 1002 Edwards St. 5558 Ray Ellison Blvd. 9883 Marbach Rd. 919 Thompson Pl. 919 Thompson Pl. 9019 Dugas 201 Hunt Ln. 1000 Seascape 7320 Remuda St. 2315 Hackamore Lane 1406 Meadow Way Dr. 7978 Military Dr. W 1507 Ceralvo St. 9210 S. Presa 1626 W. Thompson Pl. 9210 S. Presa 11303 Tilson 2120 N. Ellison Dr. 5558 Ray Ellison Blvd. 1626 W. Thompson Pl. 4423 S. Flores St. (Parish Hall) 1002 Edwards St. 1715 Richland Hills Dr. 10403 Dugas Dr. 10403 Dugas Dr. 3845 S Loop 1604 E 500 Price Ave. 3110 Timber View Dr. 11303 Tilson 3155 Quiet Plain 1610 Martinez Losoya Rd. 2120 N. Ellison Dr. 9740 Raba Dr. 3155 Quiet Plain 2120 N. Ellison Dr. 11303 Tilson 9210 S. Presa 9210 S. Presa 9210 S. Presa 1002 Edwards St. 818 S. Flores St. 7360 E. 6th St. 1300 Del Lago Pkwy. 7227 Briar Pl. (Gym) 818 S. Flores St. 635 Rayburn Dr. 500 Price Ave. 11303 Tilson 1000 Seascape 8503 Ray Ellison Blvd. 8503 Ray Ellison Blvd. 5558 Ray Ellison Blvd. 8503 Ray Ellison Blvd. 8503 Ray Ellison Blvd. 3155 Quiet Plain 12280 Silver Pointe (@ Stillwater Pkwy) 9210 S. Presa 9210 S. Presa 1514 W. Cesar E. Chavez Blvd. 1514 W. Cesar E. Chavez Blvd. 1000 Perez St. 1226 N. W. 18th St 1930 Waverly Ave. 2101 Edison Dr. 2215 Morales St. 515 Castroville Rd. 3803 Midhorizon Dr. 303 W. Ramsey Rd. 515 Castroville Rd. 26 de abril de 2015 7-A CITY OF SAN ANTONIO GENERAL SPECIAL AND CHARTER AMENDMENT ELECTION SATURDAY, MAY 9, 2015 ELECTION DAY POLLING SITES CITY OF SAN ANTONIO COUNCIL DISTRICT/ DISTRICTO DE CONCILIO 1 4 5 3 5 5 5 1 BC 5 3 4 5 5 5 3 3 3 3 3 3 4 5 4 5 5 5 5 5 4 5 5 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 6 3 BC BC 3 4 4 BC BC BC BC 6 4 4 6 5 4 4 5 5 4 6 4 6 4 6 6 5 3 4 3 4 6 4 4 5 5 6 4 4 BC 4 6 4 4 BC 6 6 BC 6 4 BC BC 3 5 5 BC BC 3 2 3 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 6 BC 3 5 5 1 1 7 1 5 5 8 1 5 PRECINCT/ PRECINCT/PR PRECINTO ECINTO 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028 2029 2030 2031 2032 2033 2034 2035 2036 2037 2038 2039 2040 2041 2042 2043 2044 2045 2046 2047 2048 2049 2050 2051 2052 2053 2054 2055 2056 2057 2058 2059 2060 2061 2062 2063 2064 2066 2067 2068 2069 2070 2071 2072 2073 2074 2075 2076 2077 2078 2079 2080 2081 2082 2083 2084 2085 2086 2087 2088 2089 2090 2091 2092 2093 2094 2096 2097 2098 2099 2100 2102 2103 2104 2105 2106 2107 2108 2109 2110 2111 2112 2113 2114 LOCATION AND ADDRESS Sites Subject to Change by Bexar County 3306 Ruiz St. Gus Garcia Middle School 1930 Waverly Ave. Fenwick Elementary School 3222 Culebra Rd. Memorial Branch Library 3306 Ruiz St. Gus Garcia Middle School 4133 Eldridge Ave. Edgewood Gym 515 Castroville Rd. Las Palmas Library 200 N. Park Blvd Collins Garden Library 4133 Eldridge Ave. Edgewood Gym 627 S. Acme Rd. Wrenn Middle School 247 Bangor St. Huppertz Elementary School 3222 Culebra Rd. Memorial Branch Library 247 Bangor St. Huppertz Elementary School 110 W. Quill Dr. Woodlawn Hills Elementary School 1130 E. Sunshine Dr. Longfellow Middle School 5227 Evers Rd. Pat Neff Middle School 435 E. Sunshine Dr. Joe Ward Recreation Center 435 E. Sunshine Dr. Joe Ward Recreation Center 1001 Ceralvo St. Sarah King Elementary School 1001 Ceralvo St. Sarah King Elementary School 435 Brady Blvd. Storm Elmentary School 435 Brady Blvd. Storm Elmentary School 1514 W. Cesar E. Chavez Blvd. Lanier High School 1000 Perez St. Margil Elementary School 227 W. Woodlawn Ave. Laurel Heights United Methodist Church 227 W. Woodlawn Ave. Laurel Heights United Methodist Church 8700 Mystic Park Maury Maverick, Jr. Library 7022 McCullough Ave. Olmos Basin Clubhouse 1339 W. Huisache Huisache Avenue Baptist Church 2902 White Tail Dr. Villarreal Elementary School 3630 Callaghan Rd. Sul Ross Middle School 5700 Hemphill Dr. Esparza Elementary School 415 S.W. 36th St. Stafford Elementary School 1240 Pinn Rd. Meadowcliff Recreation Center 1717 W. Magnolia Ave. Woodlawn Elementary School 2123 W. Huisache Ave. Young Women's Leadership Academy 723 Donaldson Ave. Jefferson High School 1339 W. Huisache Huisache Avenue Baptist Church 2103 Oakhill Rd. Linton Elementary School 6003 Thunder Dr. Powell Elementary School 637 N. Main Ave. Fox Tech High School 701 Santa Monica Dr. Edison High School 701 Santa Monica Dr. Edison High School 305 Dora St. Kenwood Community Ctr. Alamo Stadium Convocation Ctr. 110 Tuleta Westminster Square 1838 Basse Rd. 1838 Basse Rd. Westminster Square 6111 Rosedale Ct. Westfall Branch Library 2101 Edison Dr. Whittier Middle School 107 Raleigh St. Maverick Elementary School 6400 El Verde Rd. Leon Valley City Hall 7235 Dewhurst Rd. Dellview Elementary School Scarborough Elementary School Dellview Elementary School Coke Stevenson Middle School Huisache Avenue Baptist Church Timberwilde Elementary School Community Alliance Traffic Safety Barkley/Ruiz Elementary School Cassiano Homes Brauchle Elementary School West Avenue Elementary School Memorial Branch Library Stafford Elementary School Nichols Elementary School Jimmy Elrod Elementary School Knowlton Elementary School Cassiano Homes Olmos Elementary School Pat Neff Middle School Olmos Elementary School Jefferson High School Maury Maverick, Jr. Library Westfall Branch Library Carson Elementary School Carson Elementary School H. B. Zachry Middle School Gus Garcia Middle School Timberhill Villa Retirement Center Shepherd of the Hills Lutheran Church Shepherd King Lutheran Church Scarborough Elementary School Alamo Stadium Convocation Ctr. Health Careers High School Burke Elementary School Knowlton Elementary School Coke Stevenson Middle School West Avenue Elementary School Fernandez Elementary School Las Palmas Library Frank Garrett Multi- Service Community Ctr. Shepherd King Lutheran Church Timberwilde Elementary School West Avenue Elementary School Coke Stevenson Middle School Ridgeview Elementary School Colonial Hills Elementary School Balcones Heights City Hall Leon Valley Elementary School Mead Elementary School Olmos Elementary School 2115 2116 2117 2118 2119 2120 2121 2122 2123 2124 2126 2127 2128 2129 2130 2131 2132 2133 2134 2135 2136 2137 2138 2139 2140 2141 2142 2143 2144 2145 2146 Scarborough Elementary School Ridgeview Elementary School Collins Garden Library Collins Garden Library Pat Neff Middle School Mead Elementary School Ridgeview Elementary School Health Careers High School Northwest Church of Christ Balcones Heights City Hall Leon Valley Elementary School Northwest Crossing Elementary School Esparza Elementary School Ridgeview Elementary School Laurel Heights United Methodist Church Ridgeview Elementary School Ridgeview Elementary School Carson Elementary School Balcones Heights City Hall Ridgeview Elementary School Olmos Basin Clubhouse Ridgeview Elementary School Ridgeview Elementary School Nichols Elementary School Timberhill Villa Retirement Center Connally Middle School Pat Neff Middle School Leon Valley City Hall Ridgeview Elementary School Connally Middle School Balcones Heights City Hall 2147 2148 2149 2150 2151 Burke Elementary School Mead Elementary School Health Careers High School Shepherd King Lutheran Church Pat Neff Middle School 12280 Silver Pointe (at Stillwater Pkwy) 7235 Dewhurst Rd. 8403 Tezel Rd. 1339 W. Huisache 8838 Timberwilde Dr. 7719 Pipers Lane 1111 S. Navidad St. 2919 S. Laredo St. 8555 Bowens Crossing 3915 West Ave. 3222 Culebra Rd. 415 S.W. 36th St. 9560 Braun Rd. 8885 Heath Circle Dr. 9500 Timber Path 2919 S. Laredo St. 1103 Allena Dr. 5227 Evers Rd. 1103 Allena Dr. 723 Donaldson Ave. 8700 Mystic Park 6111 Rosedale Ct. 8151 Old Tezel Rd. 8151 Old Tezel Rd. 9410 Timber Path 3306 Ruiz St. 5050 Timberhill 6914 Wurzbach Rd. 303 W. Ramsey Rd. 12280 Silver Pointe (@ Stillwater Pkwy) 110 Tuleta 4646 Hamilton Wolfe Rd. 10111 Terra Oak 9500 Timber Path 8403 Tezel Rd. 3915 West Ave. 6845 Ridgebrook St. 515 Castroville Rd. 1226 N. W. 18th St 303 W. Ramsey Rd. 8838 Timberwilde Dr. 3915 West Ave. 8403 Tezel Rd. 8223 N. McCullough Ave. 2627 Kerrybrook Ct. 3300 Hillcrest 7111 Huebner Rd. 3803 Midhorizon Dr. 1103 Allena Dr 12280 Silver Pointe (@ Stillwater Pkwy) 8223 N. McCullough Ave. 200 N. Park Blvd. 200 N. Park Blvd. 5227 Evers Rd. 3803 Midhorizon Dr. 8223 N. McCullough Ave. 4646 Hamilton Wolfe Rd. CITY OF SAN ANTONIO COUNCIL DISTRICT/ DISTRICTO DE CONCILIO 5 7 7 5 5 5 5 6 6 5 5 7 7 7 7 7 7 5 5 5 5 5 5 1 1 7 1 1 7 7 7 6 6 7 7 7 1 6 7 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 7 BC 1 BC 1 7 1 6 6 5 5 6 1 5 6 7 6 6 5 1 7 1 7 7 1 7 6 6 5 7 7 1 6 1 7 6 6 8 1 6 5 1 1 6 1 7 1 1 BC BC 8 1 5050 Timberhill 8661 Silent Sunrise 5227 Evers Rd. 6400 El Verde Rd. 8223 N. McCullough Ave. 8661 Silent Sunrise 3300 Hillcrest BC 1 5 5 8 8 1 8 7 BC 7 6 7 1 1 1 1 6 7 1 1 1 1 7 6 6 7 BC 1 6 7 10111 Terra Oak 3803 Midhorizon Dr. 4646 Hamilton Wolfe Rd. 303 W. Ramsey Rd. 5227 Evers Rd. 6 8 8 1 7 9681 W Loop 1604 N 3300 Hillcrest 7111 Huebner Rd. 10255 Dover Rdg. 5700 Hemphill Dr. 8223 N. McCullough Ave. 227 W. Woodlawn Ave. 8223 N. McCullough Ave. 8223 N. McCullough Ave. 8151 Old Tezel Rd. 3300 Hillcrest 8223 N. McCullough Ave. 7022 McCullough Ave. 8223 N. McCullough Ave. 8223 N. McCullough Ave. 9560 Braun Rd. 26 8-A de abril de 2015 La Prensa deDESan LA PRENSA SANAntonio ANTONIO CITY OF SAN ANTONIO GENERAL SPECIAL AND CHARTER AMENDMENT ELECTION SATURDAY, MAY 9, 2015 ELECTION DAY POLLING SITES CITY OF SAN ANTONIO GENERAL SPECIAL AND CHARTER AMENDMENT ELECTION SATURDAY, MAY 9, 2015 ELECTION DAY POLLING SITES LOCATION AND ADDRESS PRECINCT/ PRECINCT/PR PRECINTO ECINTO Sites Subject to Change by Bexar County 637 N. Main Ave. 2152 Fox Tech High School 6914 Wurzbach Rd. 2153 Shepherd of the Hills Lutheran Church 8223 N. McCullough Ave. 2155 Ridgeview Elementary School 6914 Wurzbach Rd. 2156 Shepherd of the Hills Lutheran Church 5227 Evers Rd. 2157 Pat Neff Middle School 8151 Old Tezel Rd. 2159 Carson Elementary School 7719 Pipers Lane 2160 Community Alliance Traffic Safety 8661 Silent Sunrise 2161 Connally Middle School 12280 Silver Pointe (@ Stillwater Pkwy) 2162 Scarborough Elementary School 3001 3002 3003 3004 3005 3006 3007 3010 3011 3013 3014 3015 3016 3017 3018 3019 3020 3023 3024 3025 3026 3027 3028 3029 3030 3031 3032 3033 3034 3035 3036 3037 3038 3039 3040 3041 3042 3043 3044 3045 3046 3047 3048 3049 3050 3051 3052 3053 3054 3055 3056 3057 3058 3059 3060 3061 3062 3063 3064 3065 3066 3067 3068 3069 3070 3071 3072 3073 3074 3075 3076 3077 3078 3079 3080 3081 3082 3083 3084 3085 3086 3087 3088 3089 3090 3092 3093 3094 3095 3097 3098 3099 3100 3101 3102 3103 3104 3105 3107 3108 3109 3110 3111 3112 3113 3114 3115 3116 3117 3118 3119 3120 3121 3122 3123 3124 3125 3127 3128 3129 3130 3131 3132 3133 3134 3135 3136 Las Lomas Elementary John Marshall High School John Marshall High School Alamo Heights United Methodist Church Timberwood Park Elementary School Kings Grant Club House Roan Forest Elementary School Clark High School Kings Grant Club House Colonies North Elementary School Harmony Hills Elementary School Glenoaks Elementary School Carl Wanke Elementary School Fair Oaks Ranch City Hall Olmos Park City Hall McDermott Elementary School Alamo Heights City Hall Rudder Middle School Colonies North Elementary School Alamo Heights City Hall Alamo Heights City Hall Frontier Enterprises Madison High School First Chinese Baptist Church Little Vineyard Preschool Harmony Hills Elementary School Thornton Elementary School Alzafar Shrine Temple Fair Oaks Ranch City Hall Thornton Elementary School Carnahan Elementary School Scobee Elementary School Castle Hills City Hall M. H. Specht Elementary School Wetmore Elementary School Castle Hills City Hall Lopez Middle School M. H. Specht Elementary School Huebner Elementary School Little Vineyard Preschool Alamo Heights United Methodist Church Woodridge Elementary School Woodridge Elementary School Northwood Elementary School Oak Grove Elementary School Scenic Loop Playground Barbara Bush Middle School Alamo Heights United Methodist Church Rudder Middle School Fair Oaks Ranch City Hall Clark High School Hunters Creek Racquet Club Ed Rawlinson Middle School Grace Bible Chapel Northeast I.S.D. Admin. Annex Northeast I.S.D. Admin. Annex Coker United Methodist Church Harmony Hills Elementary School Harmony Hills Elementary School McDermott Elementary School Larkspur Elementary School Castle Hills City Hall Larkspur Elementary School The Tennis Park at Whispering Oaks Hunters Creek Racquet Club Howsman Elementary School Bulverde Creek Elementary School Clark High School Woods of Shavano Community Club Shavano Park City Hall Huebner Elementary School Oak Meadow Elementary School St. Andrews Lutheran Church Coker United Methodist Church Blossom Athletic Center Brookhollow Library Wetmore Elementary School Bradley Middle School Madison High School Bradley Middle School Oak Meadow Elementary School Fox Run Elementary School Bulverde Creek Elementary School Timberwood Park Elementary School Thousand Oaks Elementary School Hollywood Park City Hall Vineyard Ranch Elementary School Leon Springs Elementary School Monroe S. May Elementary School Leon Springs Elementary School Monroe S. May Elementary School Bob Beard Elementary School Steubing Ranch Elementary School Bob Beard Elementary School Hidden Forest Elementary School Fox Run Elementary School Faith Lutheran Church Fox Run Elementary School Rhodes Elementary School Redland Oaks Elementary School Murray E. Boone Elementary School Longs Creek Elementary School Kings Grant Club House William P. Hobby Middle School William P. Hobby Middle School Encino Park Community Center Hunters Creek Racquet Club Oak Hills Terrace Elementary School Brookhollow Library Church of Reconciliation-Episcopal Gordon Hartman Foundation Wetmore Elementary School Hardy Oak Elementary School Bradley Middle School John Marshall High School Cibolo Green Elementary School Tuscany Heights Elementary School Carl Wanke Elementary School Scenic Loop Playground John Igo Library Huebner Elementary School Blossom Athletic Center Churchill High School Castle Hills City Hall Katherine Stinson Middle School Howsman Elementary School Kings Grant Club House 20303 Hardy Oak Blvd. 8000 Lobo Ln. 8000 Lobo Ln. 825 E. Basse Rd. 26715 S. Glenrose 10002 Kings Grant Dr. 22710 Roan Park 5150 De Zavala Rd. 10002 Kings Grant Dr. 9915 Northampton 10727 Memory Lane 5103 Newcome Dr. 10419 Old Prue Rd. 7286 Dietz Elkhorn Rd. 120 El Prado Dr. W 5111 USAA Blvd. 6116 Broadway St. 6558 Horn Blvd 9915 Northampton 6116 Broadway St. 6116 Broadway St. 8520 Crown Hill Blvd 5005 Stahl Rd. 5481 Prue Rd. 1323 Brookstone 10727 Memory Lane 6450 Pembroke 901 N Loop 1604 W 7286 Dietz Elkhorn Rd. 6450 Pembroke 6839 Babcock 11223 Cedar Park 209 Lemonwood 25815 Overlook Pkwy. 3250 Thousand Oaks 209 Lemonwood 23103 Hardy Oak Blvd. 25815 Overlook Pkwy. 16311 Huebner Rd. 1323 Brookstone 825 E. Basse Rd. 100 Woodridge 100 Woodridge 519 Pike Pl. 3250 Nacogdoches 18249 Sherwood Trl. 1500 Evans Rd. 825 E. Basse Rd. 6558 Horn Blvd. 7286 Dietz Elkhorn Rd. 5150 De Zavala Rd. 3630 Hunters Circle St. 14100 Vance Jackson 18911 Redland Rd. 10333 Broadway 10333 Broadway 231 E North Loop Rd. 10727 Memory Lane 10727 Memory Lane 5111 USAA Blvd 11330 Belair Dr. 209 Lemonwood 11330 Belair Dr. 11515 Whisper Forest 3630 Hunters Circle St. 11431 Vance Jackson 3839 Canyon Parkway 5150 De Zavala Rd. 13838 Parksite Woods St. 900 Saddletree Ct. 16311 Huebner Rd. 2800 Hunters Green 16320 Huebner Rd. 231 E North Loop Rd. 12002 Jones Maltsberger Rd. 530 Heimer Rd. 3250 Thousand Oaks 14819 Heimer Rd. 5005 Stahl Rd. 14819 Heimer Rd. 2800 Hunters Green 6111 Fox Creek St. 3839 Canyon Parkway 26715 S. Glenrose 16080 Henderson Pass 2 Mecca Dr. 16818 Huebner Rd. 23881 IH 10 W 15707 Chase Hill Blvd. 23881 IH 10 W 15707 Chase Hill Blvd. 8725 Sonoma Parkway 5100 Knoll Creek 8725 Sonoma Parkway 802 Silver Spruce St. 6111 Fox Creek St. 14819 Jones Maltsberger Rd. 6111 Fox Creek St. 5714 North Knoll 16650 Red Land Rd. 6614 Spring Time Dr. 15806 O'Connor Rd. 10002 Kings Grant Dr. 11843 Vance Jackson 11843 Vance Jackson 1923 Encino Rio 3630 Hunters Circle St. 5710 Cary Grant Dr. 530 Heimer Rd. 8900 Starcrest 1202 W. Bitters Bldg 1 3250 Thousand Oaks 22900 Hardy Oak Blvd. 14819 Heimer Rd. 8000 Lobo Ln. 24315 Bulverde Green 25001 Wilderness Oak 10419 Old Prue Rd. 18249 Sherwood Trl. 13330 Kyle Seale Parkway 16311 Huebner Rd. 12002 Jones Maltsberger Rd. 12049 Blanco Rd. 209 Lemonwood 13200 Skyhawk Dr. 11431 Vance Jackson 10002 Kings Grant Dr. 9-B 26 de abril de 2015 CITY OF SAN ANTONIO COUNCIL DISTRICT/ DISTRICTO DE CONCILIO 1 7 1 8 7 6 6 7 6 9 BC BC 1 BC 9 9 8 9 8 9 8 7 BC BC 8 BC 7 8 BC BC 10 10 8 9 9 7 9 BC 8 8 8 BC BC 10 BC 9 BC 9 9 10 10 10 10 10 BC 9 1 7 BC 8 8 8 9 10 10 9 9 9 8 9 BC 9 9 8 8 BC 8 8 BC 9 8 9 9 9 9 10 9 10 10 8 10 10 BC 10 BC 9 8 8 BC 8 8 10 8 9 10 9 10 7 10 8 10 9 8 8 9 8 7 9 10 9 10 9 9 7 BC BC 8 BC 8 9 9 9 BC 8 8 1 LOCATION AND ADDRESS PRECINCT/ PRECINCT/PR PRECINTO ECINTO Sites Subject to Change by Bexar County Cibolo Green Elementary School 3137 24315 Bulverde Green 14819 Heimer Rd. 3138 Bradley Middle School 8000 Lobo Ln. 3139 John Marshall High School 5103 Newcome Dr. 3140 Glenoaks Elementary School 5710 Cary Grant Dr. 3141 Oak Hills Terrace Elementary School 15707 Chase Hill Blvd. 3142 Monroe S. May Elementary School 6839 Babcock 3143 Carnahan Elementary School Cibolo Green Elementary School 3144 24315 Bulverde Green Vineyard Ranch Elementary School 3145 16818 Huebner Rd. 3146 3147 3148 3149 3150 3151 3152 3153 3154 3155 3156 3157 3159 3161 3162 3163 3164 3165 3166 3167 3170 3171 3172 3173 3175 3176 3177 3178 3179 3180 3181 3182 3183 3188 3190 4001 4002 4003 4004 4005 4006 4007 4008 4009 4010 4011 4012 4013 4014 4015 4016 4017 4018 4019 4020 4021 4022 4023 4024 4025 4026 4027 4028 4029 4030 4031 4032 4033 4034 4035 4036 4037 4038 4039 4040 4041 4042 4043 4044 4045 4046 4047 4048 4049 4052 4053 4054 4055 4056 4057 4058 4059 4060 4061 4062 4063 4064 4065 4066 4067 4068 4070 4075 4076 4077 4079 4080 4082 4083 4084 4088 4089 4090 4091 4092 4093 4094 4095 4096 4097 4098 4099 4100 4102 4103 4104 4105 First Chinese Baptist Church Thornton Elementary School Timberwood Park Elementary School Ed Rawlinson Middle School Blossom Athletic Center First Baptist Church of Leon Springs McDermott Elementary School Thousand Oaks Elementary School Faith Lutheran Church McDermott Elementary School Frontier Enterprises Redland Oaks Elementary School Church of Reconciliation-Episcopal Churchill High School Carl Wanke Elementary School Stone Oak Elementary School Indian Springs Elementary School Tejeda Middle School Kings Grant Club House Colonies North Elementary School Fox Run Elementary School Castle Hills City Hall Murray E. Boone Elementary School Parman Library Colonies North Elementary School Shavano Park City Hall Mount Calvary Lutheran Church Alamo Heights United Methodist Church The Tennis Park at Whispering Oaks Blossom Athletic Center Grace Bible Chapel Kings Grant Club House Fox Run Elementary School Bob Beard Elementary School Bob Beard Elementary School Central Library Poe Middle School Davis Scott YMCA Bowden Elementary School Bowden Elementary School Bowden Elementary School Wilshire Elementary School Lamar Elementary School Wheatley Middle School Wheatley Middle School Wheatley Middle School Smith Elementary School James Bode Recreation Center Poe Middle School Beacon Hill Elementary School Japhet Elementary School Travis Early College High School Central Library Foster Elementary School Foster Elementary School Clear Spring Elementary School Royal Ridge Elementary School Rogers Middle School Kate Schenck Elementary School Highland Hills Elementary School McCreless Library McCreless Library James Bode Recreation Center Smith Elementary School M. L. King Academy Highland Hills Elementary School Highland Hills Elementary School Pecan Valley Elementary School Hirsch Elementary School Mount Calvary Lutheran Church Hirsch Elementary School M. L. King Academy Mount Calvary Lutheran Church M. L. King Academy Cameron Elementary School W. W. White Elementary School Sam Houston High School Cameron Elementary School Wilshire Elementary School E. Terrell Hills Elementary School Tobin Library @ Oakwell Krueger Middle School Riverside Park Elementary School Ed White Middle School Royal Ridge Elementary School Miller's Point Elementary School Crestview Elementary School Crestview Elementary School Ed Franz Elementary School Universal City Hall Universal City Hall Rosewood Rehabilitation & Care Center Spring Meadows Elementary School Spring Meadows Elementary School Pecan Valley Elementary School Park Village Elementary School Kirby City Hall Paschall Elementary School Woodlake Elementary School Judson Middle School Metzger Middle School Sinclair Elementary School Poe Middle School Park Village Elementary School Sinclair Elementary School Coronado Village Elementary School Hopkins Elementary School Sam Houston High School Clear Spring Elementary School Sam Houston High School Spring Meadows Elementary School Kitty Hawk Middle School Miller's Point Elementary School Mount Calvary Lutheran Church Miller's Point Elementary School John H. Wood Jr. Middle School El Dorado Elementary School El Dorado Elementary School Thousand Oaks El Sendero Library Olympia Elementary School John H. Wood Jr. Middle School Thousand Oaks El Sendero Library Ed Franz Elementary School Krueger Middle School Lamar Elementary School John H. Wood Jr. Middle School Olympia Elementary School 5481 Prue Rd. 6450 Pembroke 26715 S. Glenrose 14100 Vance Jackson 12002 Jones Maltsberger Rd. 24133 Boerne Stage Rd. 5111 USAA Blvd. 16080 Henderson Pass 14819 Jones Maltsberger Rd. 5111 USAA Blvd. 8520 Crown Hill Blvd. 16650 Red Land Rd. 8900 Starcrest 12049 Blanco Rd. 10419 Old Prue Rd. 21045 Crescent Oaks 25751 Wilderness Oak 2909 E. Evans Rd 10002 Kings Grant Dr. 9915 Northampton 6111 Fox Creek St. 209 Lemonwood 6614 Spring Time Dr. 20735 Wilderness Oak 9915 Northampton 900 Saddletree Ct. 308 Mount Calvary Dr. 825 E. Basse Rd. 11515 Whisper Forest 12002 Jones Maltsberger Rd. 18911 Redland Rd. 10002 Kings Grant Dr. 6111 Fox Creek St. 8725 Sonoma Parkway 8725 Sonoma Parkway 600 Soledad 814 Aransas Ave. 1231 Iowa St. 515 Willow St. 515 Willow St. 515 Willow St. 6523 Cascade Pl. 201 Parland 415 Gabriel 415 Gabriel 415 Gabriel 823 S. Gevers 900 Rigsby 814 Aransas Ave. 1411 W. Ashby Pl. 314 Astor 1915 N. Main Ave. 600 Soledad 6718 Pecan Valley 6718 Pecan Valley 4311 Clear Spring 5933 Royal Ridge Dr. 314 Galway Dr. 101 Kate Schenck 734 Glamis 1023 Ada 1023 Ada 900 Rigsby 823 S. Gevers 3501 Martin Luther King 734 Glamis 734 Glamis 3966 E. Southcross 4826 Sea Breeze 308 Mount Calvary Dr. 4826 Sea Breeze 3501 Martin Luther King 308 Mount Calvary Dr. 3501 Martin Luther King 3635 Belgium Lane 545 S. WW White Rd. 4635 E. Houston 3635 Belgium Lane 6523 Cascade Pl. 4415 Bloomdale 4134 Harry Wurzbach 438 Lanark Dr. 202 School St. 7800 Midcrown Dr. 5933 Royal Ridge Dr. 7027 Misty Ridge 7710 Narrow Pass 7710 Narrow Pass 12301 Welcome Dr. 2150 Universal City Blvd. 2150 Universal City Blvd. 7700 Mesquite Pass 7135 Elm Trail Dr. 7135 Elm Trail Dr. 3966 E. Southcross 5855 Midcrown 112 Bauman St. 6351 Lake View Dr. 5501 Lake Bend East 9695 Schaefer Rd. 7475 Binz-Engleman Rd. 6126 Sinclair Rd. 814 Aransas Ave. 5855 Midcrown 6126 Sinclair Rd. 213 Amistad Blvd 2440 Ackerman Rd. 4635 E. Houston 4311 Clear Spring 4635 E. Houston 7135 Elm Trail Dr. 840 Old Cimarron Trl. 7027 Misty Ridge 308 Mount Calvary Dr. 7027 Misty Ridge 14800 Judson Rd. 12634 El Sendero 12634 El Sendero 4618 Thousand Oaks 8439 Athenian 14800 Judson Rd. 4618 Thousand Oaks 12301 Welcome Dr. 438 Lanark Dr. 201 Parland 14800 Judson Rd. 8439 Athenian 8 id CITY OF SAN ANTONIO COUNCIL DISTRICT/ DISTRICTO DE CONCILIO 9 7 7 7 8 8 BC 9 8 7 BC 8 9 8 8 10 9 8 10 10 10 9 8 9 BC 9 1 7 10 BC 8 9 8 BC 10 2 9 9 9 9 BC 8 8 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 2 1 3 1 1 3 3 2 10 3 3 3 3 3 3 2 2 3 3 3 3 2 2 2 10 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 10 2 3 2 10 BC BC BC BC BC BC BC BC BC 3 2 BC 2 BC BC 2 2 2 2 2 BC BC 2 2 2 BC BC BC 2 BC 10 10 10 10 BC 10 10 BC 2 2 10 BC 26 de abril de 2015 10-B LA PRENSA DE SAN ANTONIO La Prensa de San Antonio 26 de abril de 2015 CITY OF SAN ANTONIO GENERAL SPECIAL AND CHARTER AMENDMENT ELECTION SATURDAY, MAY 9, 2015 ELECTION DAY POLLING SITES LOCATION AND ADDRESS PRECINCT/ PRECINCT/PR PRECINTO ECINTO 4106 4108 4109 4110 4111 4112 4113 4114 4115 4116 4117 4119 4120 4122 4123 4124 4125 4126 4128 4129 4130 4131 4132 4134 4135 4138 4139 4140 4141 4142 4143 4144 4145 4146 4147 4148 4149 4150 4153 4154 4155 4156 4157 4158 4159 4160 4161 4162 4163 4164 4165 4166 4167 4168 4169 4170 4171 4172 4173 4174 4175 4176 4177 4178 4179 4180 4181 4182 4183 4184 4185 4186 4187 4189 4190 4191 4193 4194 4196 4197 4198 4199 4200 4201 4202 4203 4204 4205 4206 4207 4208 4210 4211 4212 4213 4214 4215 4216 4218 4219 4220 4444 5555 Sites Subject to Change by Bexar County 5855 Midcrown 5602 Fountainwood 314 Astor 201 Parland Park Village Elementary School Woodstone Elementary School Japhet Elementary School Lamar Elementary School Cameron Elementary School Wilshire Elementary School 3635 Belgium Lane 6523 Cascade Pl. 545 S. WW White Rd. W. W. White Elementary School Judson Middle School 9695 Schaefer Rd. 5933 Royal Ridge Dr. 8439 Athenian 4134 Harry Wurzbach 201 Parland 6523 Cascade Pl. 201 Parland 515 Willow St. 343 Koehler Court 308 Mount Calvary Dr. Royal Ridge Elementary School Olympia Elementary School Tobin Library @ Oakwell Lamar Elementary School Wilshire Elementary School Lamar Elementary School Bowden Elementary School Ball Elementary School Mount Calvary Lutheran Church Judson Middle School 9695 Schaefer Rd. 201 Parland 600 Soledad Lamar Elementary School Central Library Rosewood Rehabilitation & Care Center 7700 Mesquite Pass 5933 Royal Ridge Dr. Royal Ridge Elementary School Judson Middle School 9695 Schaefer Rd. 5933 Royal Ridge Dr. 4415 Bloomdale 14800 Judson Rd. 6523 Cascade Pl. 14800 Judson Rd. 3501 Martin Luther King 5855 Midcrown Royal Ridge Elementary School E. Terrell Hills Elementary School John H. Wood Jr. Middle School Wilshire Elementary School John H. Wood Jr. Middle School M. L. King Academy Park Village Elementary School Metzger Middle School 7475 Binz-Engleman Rd. 2150 Universal City Blvd. Universal City Hall Kirby City Hall Kirby City Hall 112 Bauman St. 112 Bauman St. 308 Mount Calvary Dr. 14800 Judson Rd. 5933 Royal Ridge Dr. Mount Calvary Lutheran Church John H. Wood Jr. Middle School Royal Ridge Elementary School Elolf Elementary School 6335 Beech Trail Dr. 9210 S. Presa 7800 Midcrown Dr. Mission Academy Ed White Middle School Cotton Elementary School Woodlake Elementary School Cotton Elementary School 1616 Blanco Rd. 5501 Lake Bend East 1616 Blanco Rd. 12301 Welcome Dr. Ed Franz Elementary School Metzger Middle School 7475 Binz-Engleman Rd. 6351 Lake View Dr. 6351 Lake View Dr. Paschall Elementary School Paschall Elementary School Rosewood Rehabilitation & Care Center Spring Meadows Elementary School 7700 Mesquite Pass 7135 Elm Trail Dr. 8439 Athenian 9210 S. Presa 5855 Midcrown 4635 E. Houston Olympia Elementary School Mission Academy Park Village Elementary School Sam Houston High School Elolf Elementary School 6335 Beech Trail Dr. 13901 Higgins Rd. 13901 Higgins Rd. 13901 Higgins Rd. 5222 Stahl Rd. 13901 Higgins Rd. 13901 Higgins Rd. 438 Lanark Dr. 13901 Higgins Rd. 900 Rigsby 201 Parland 5222 Stahl Rd. Northern Hills Elementary School Northern Hills Elementary School Northern Hills Elementary School Stahl Elementary School Northern Hills Elementary School Northern Hills Elementary School Krueger Middle School Northern Hills Elementary School James Bode Recreation Center Lamar Elementary School Stahl Elementary School Judson Middle School 9695 Schaefer Rd. 438 Lanark Dr. Krueger Middle School Kirby City Hall 112 Bauman St. 201 Parland 201 Parland 7710 Narrow Pass 201 Parland Lamar Elementary School Lamar Elementary School Crestview Elementary School Lamar Elementary School Judson Middle School Metzger Middle School Metzger Middle School Judson Middle School Metzger Middle School 9695 Schaefer Rd. 7475 Binz-Engleman Rd. 7475 Binz-Engleman Rd. 9695 Schaefer Rd. 7475 Binz-Engleman Rd. 213 Amistad Blvd Coronado Village Elementary School Judson Middle School Judson Middle School Elolf Elementary School 9695 Schaefer Rd. 9695 Schaefer Rd. 6335 Beech Trail Dr. 14800 Judson Rd. 314 Galway Dr. John H. Wood Jr. Middle School Rogers Middle School Rosewood Rehabilitation & Care Center 7700 Mesquite Pass 9210 S. Presa 600 Soledad 600 Soledad 4311 Clear Spring 5933 Royal Ridge Dr. 6126 Sinclair Rd. 6126 Sinclair Rd. 4134 Harry Wurzbach 600 Soledad 6126 Sinclair Rd. 6126 Sinclair Rd. 3966 E. Southcross 9210 S. Presa 9210 S. Presa 9210 S. Presa 9210 S. Presa 4635 E. Houston Mission Academy Central Library Central Library Clear Spring Elementary School Royal Ridge Elementary School Sinclair Elementary School Sinclair Elementary School Tobin Library @ Oakwell Central Library Sinclair Elementary School Sinclair Elementary School Pecan Valley Elementary School Mission Academy Mission Academy Mission Academy Mission Academy Sam Houston High School Fair Oaks Ranch City Hall Fair Oaks Ranch City Hall 7286 Dietz Elkhorn Rd. 7286 Dietz Elkhorn Rd. CITY OF SAN ANTONIO COUNCIL DISTRICT/ DISTRICTO DE CONCILIO 2 10 3 2 2 10 2 BC 10 BC 2 2 2 2 2 3 2 BC 2 1 BC 2 BC 2 2 10 2 10 2 2 BC BC BC BC 2 10 2 BC 3 2 1 2 1 BC 2 BC 2 BC 2 BC BC 2 BC BC 10 10 10 10 10 10 2 10 2 2 10 2 2 BC 2 2 BC 2 BC BC 2 BC 2 BC BC BC BC 10 3 BC 3 1 1 10 2 2 3 10 1 2 3 3 BC 3 3 3 2 BC BC *Sites Subject To Change Summer YOUTH PROGRAM REGISTRO EN ESCUELAS ¡DISFRUTA TUS VACACIONES DE VERANO CON NOSOTROS! Del 15 de junio al 7 de agosto Lunes a Viernes, de 7:30 a.m. a 5:30 p.m. Niños de edades entre 6 a 12 años disfrutarán de una variedad de actividades estructuradas de acuerdo a su edad summer summer youthSábado INSCRIPCIONES: 2 de mayo, y 9 de mayo th m pryog oura de 8 de la mañana al medio día pr Almuerzo y aperitivo proporcionados. ogramPara mayor información sobre la cuota de inscripción o dónde registrarse llame al 207-3000 o visite la página web: www.sanantonio.gov/parksandrec Twitter and Instagram @SAParksandRec Facebook: San Antonio Parks and Recreation Turn sheet over over for a list center locations Turnthisthis sheet forofa community list of community center locations or or visitvisit www.sanantonio.gov/parksandrec www.sanantonio.gov/parksandrec Follow La Prensa on Twitter @myPrensa 9-A 10-A LA PRENSA DE SAN ANTONIO Gun safety and Alzheimer’s By Meg Barron Alzheimer’s Association Although the person with Alzheimer’s might have once been able to handle a gun, serious accidents can occur. The use of firearms requires complex mental skills that are usually lost in early dementia. Statistics One half of all American homes have one or more firearms. Studies indicate that physically aggressive behavior has been found to occur in 30 to 50 percent of people with Alzheimer’s disease. The presence of firearms could contribute to the serious consequences of such behavior. Assault by persons with dementia can result in psychiatric hospitalization. While not dementia specific, one study found that about one-fifth of geriatric psychiatric admission on a particular unit studied had just used some form of weapon during an assault. Studies also found that in more than 60 percent of the homes where guns were present, family members reported that the guns were loaded or that they were unaware of their loaded status. This was despite dementia severity, severity of depression, or perceived incompetence of the person with dementia living in the household. Based on the following source: Spangenberg, K., Wagner, M., Hendrix, S. & Bachman, D. (October 1999) Firearm presence in households of patients with Alzheimer’s disease and related dementias, Journal of the American Geriatrics Society. 47 (10) 11831186. Suggested gun safety tips Guns must be put in a safe place. The best course of action is to lock the gun in a cabinet or drawer, or remove the gun from the house. Don’t allow the patient unsupervised access to a gun. Based on the following source: Safety Fact Sheet, Alzheimer’s Association, ED247ZSA It is not sufficient just to unload guns and rifles or place a trigger lock on them. Based on the following source: Warner, Mark. The Complete Guide to Alzheimer’s Proofing Your Home. Purdue University Press. 382-383 Even without a gun, ammunition is still dangerous if subjected to the right conditions: a fireplace, stove, furnace, oven, microwave oven, disposal, hammer, etc. Remove both weapons and ammunition. Based on the following source: Warner, Mark. The Complete Guide to Alzheimer’s Proofing Your Home. Purdue University Press. 382-383 Ask for outside assistance in talking with your loved one. If necessary, ask your doctor or clergyperson to explain to the affected person’s hunting buddies that hunting is now too dangerous for him. Ask the local police or sheriff’s department if they can help dispose of a gun or rifle if you do not know how to do so. Based on the following source: Mace, N. & Rabins, P. (Third Edition 1999) The 36-Hour Day, John Hopkins University. As with all such issues, the person with dementia should be involved as much as possible in the decision to remove or lock- 26 de abril de 2015 Children’s Hospital of San Antonio to open first free-standing pediatric emergency center By JoAnn King Experts in pediatric emergency care will soon arrive in Westover Hills to staff a new Emergency Center dedicated to caring for children. The Children’s Hospital of San Antonio hosted a grand opening celebration today featuring a ribbon cutting ceremony and blessing of the new Center located on the campus of CHRISTUS Santa Rosa – Westover Hills. The city’s first full-service freestanding Emergency Center for children opens on April 28, 2015, at 7 a.m. “We are very blessed to be able to bring a children’s emergency center to one of the fastest growing areas of Bexar County. There are 133,000 children living in Westover Hills right now and that figure is expected to grow by six percent over the next five years,” said Elias Neujahr, President, Children’s Hospital of San See Gun on page 11-A Antonio. “This Center gives parents peace of mind knowing that specially trained pediatric emergency personnel are available close to home and around the clock. This Center is another example of our promise to San Antonio that our children will always be first.” “Since opening in 2009, the Emergency Department staff at CHRISTUS Santa Rosa Hospital – Westover Hills has provided outstanding emergency services to both adult and pediatric patients from the community. This new Center will ensure that children now have access to an exceptional and rapidly growing network of care that is part of the Children’s Hospital of San Antonio,” said Jeff Bourgeois, FACHE, President and Administrator, CHRISTUS Santa Rosa Hospital – Westover Hills. “The pediatric Emergency Center at Westover Hills will be able to treat a wide range of conditions from respiratory problems to trauma. We have a highly experienced and trained staff just for children. When necessary, a child may be transferred to our Hospital downtown to ensure the highest level of care is provided,” said Dr. Kris Rittichier, Chief of Emergency Medicine, Children’s Hospital of San Antonio. “This new space has 10 private rooms, a designated trauma room, and imaging and labora- tory services on site.” The opening of the Emergency Center marks a significant milestone in the development of world-class pediatric care by the Children’s Hospital of San Antonio. In the past two years, more than 170 pediatric subspecialists have been recruited including physicians in cardiology, critical care, epileptology, hematology/oncology, pulmonology, orthopedics, and much more with two pediatric subspecialty centers now open with more planned for the future. The Children’s Hospital of San Antonio Physician Group has four locations across the city to ensure children receive regular checkups and preventative health care. “We encourage families to have a primary care doctor for their children to take care of routine checkups and consultations for urgent care situations during office hours,” said Dr. Rittichier. “But, when children suffer head injuries, severe bleeding, difficulty breathing, potential poisoning, unexplained severe abdominal pain, high fevers, or loss of consciousness, the emergency team is here for children 24/7. Four Basic exercises to help older adults improve strength and balance Fr R ie e nd fe Bo r A nu s! Sign Me Up! It’s a woman’s world. Women only need to apply. ICON Early Phase Services is now looking for a select group of women to participate in a clinical research study. Sign up and you can make a difference. Ask about study AL6001: • Healthy females • Between the ages of 18 and 55 • Must be sterile or postmenopausal • You may be compensated up to $1,200 for time and travel 8307 Gault Lane • San Antonio, TX 78209 NewsUSA - As you grow older, being physically active is one of the most important things you can do to stay healthy. Whether you’re well into your golden years, a baby boomer or younger, studies show regular exercise can lower your risk of heart disease, some cancers, diabetes and dementia. It also helps improve your mood, energy level and overall well-being. “The great thing is, no matter what your age, size or fitness level, it’s never too late to start exercising,” said Jaza Marina, M.D., a Kaiser Permanente physician who specializes in elder care. “We strongly recommend seniors do exercises that maintain strength, balance and flexibility. Our goal is to reduce their risk of falls and injuries, so they can stay healthy and independent.” Dr. Marina advises that good ways to exercise include low-impact aerobic activity, swimming, tai chi and yoga if you’re physically able. “We have 80-year-olds who run 5k or 10k races. Everyone is different, so pick an exercise that you enjoy.” She believes walking is probably the easiest exercise. All you need is 30 minutes a day, five times a week. If that’s too much, you can break that up -- 10 minutes in the morning, 10 in the afternoon, and 10 in the evening. Some seniors walk at their local indoor shopping mall. “The important thing is to get off the recliner, turn off the T.V. and get active,” said Dr. Marina. Below are four basic exercises to get you started. 1. Knee bends. Holding on to a sturdy chair or counter at your side, keep your back straight, feet on the ground and gently bend your knees and lower your body. Then, raise your body back up. It’s a slight squat but not a deep one. Repeat 10-15 times. 2. Heel raises. Holding on to a chair or counter at your side, raise up on toes slowly and then lower the heels to the ground slowly. Heel raises strengthen the calf muscles. Repeat 10-15 times. 3. Side leg raises. Holding on to a chair or counter at your side, raise one leg out to the side and bring it back down. Repeat 10-15 times and switch to other leg. 4. Sit to stand. If you’re able -- sit in a chair and rise to a standing position with arms stretched in front of you. Make sure the chair is in a stable position or against a wall so it won’t fall over. Sit back down and repeat 10 times. Kaiser Permanente offers exercise classes at several of its medical facilities. To find classes in your area and for further information about these exercises, visit kp.org. Also, talk with your physician before starting a new exercise routine. Performing simple exercises as you age can help you stay healthy and independent. (Courtesy photo) www.LaPrensaSA.com 26 de abril de 2015 LA PRENSA DE SAN ANTONIO 11-A Los efectos que puede causar el cambio de doctor encargada de la administración. Mi frustración fue en aumento. Comenzaba a sentirme como pez fuera del agua; sin embargo, pude calmarme ya que contaba con una “reserva” del medicamento para la ansiedad, el cual siempre cargo extra conmigo. No hice caso de quedarme, abandoné el consultorio y al poco tiempo comencé a sentirme mejor. En un lapso de cuatro horas decidí ya no retornar a la clínica y ver posibilidades de cambiar de consultorio. Sin embargo al final del día decidí quedarme como estaba, a pesar de que voy a extrañar al doctor que por diez años me ayudó dándome un tratamiento más extenso del que venía recibiendo en una clínica adyacente, donde el doctor, que es propietario de su propio consultorio, en cada cita lo único que hacía era ordenar que se me tomara la presión y luego (sin examinarme) determinaba qué medicamentos tendría que seguir tomando. En ese entonces él no me recetaba medicamentos para la ansiedad, ni la alta presión, solo para el alto colesterol, aspirinas de 81 miligramos, las llamadas “aspirinas para bebé”, vitaminas y que llevase una dieta balanceada para controlar el peso y alto colesterol. La aspirina me fue recetada dizque para no sufrir ataques cardiacos. Este medicamento lo estuve tomando hasta hace un par de meses, ya que decidí no seguirlo tomando porque leí en una revista de AARP que un especialista en cardiología y director de un prestigiado nosocomio en el estado de Ohio afirmaba que la aspirina no dejaba ningún efecto positivo a las personas que nunca habían sufrido un ataque cardiaco. O sea que quienes no han sido operados del corazón, para nada tienen que tomarse la mencionada y diminuta pastilla. En su opinión, el doctor dejó entrever que quienes no han padecido un ataque cardiaco no tienen que tomar la aspirina, la cual no beneficia y ni perjudica el Preparan vacuna pese a ser poco probable que gripe aviar contagie a humanos Gun... Por José I. Franco [email protected] El cambio de doctor recientemente me dejó frustrado. No fue que yo lo hubiera decidido, sino que en la clínica o consultorio médico en el que él –por espacio de diez años– me estuvo dando tratamiento médico aceptó sorpresivamente su renuncia, ya que él decidió abrir su propio consultorio. Con días previos a mi acostumbrada cita de chequeo personal, por correo me llegó la notificación de que mi doctor personal había causado baja en la lista de doctores que ahí prestan sus valiosos servicios médicos. “Por este conducto, señor Franco, le hacemos saber que el doctor que usted veía en cada una de sus citas dejará de trabajar para nuestra clínica. Por lo que le recomendamos ponerse en contacto con nuestra oficina para que haga los arreglos correspondientes en sus futuras citas”. Así se explicó EFE - Los Centros de Control y Prevención de Enfermedades (CDC) informaron que trabajan en una vacuna contra la gripe aviar, pese a que el riesgo de contagio en humanos es muy bajo. Las autoridades sanitarias señalaron que han iniciado el proceso de investigación de la vacuna, a pesar de que los análisis genéticos de la cepa que circula actualmente no muestra ninguno de los factores asociados a una mayor severidad de la enfermedad o un riesgo ma yor de ser transmitida a humanos. “Si bien estamos cuidadosamente optimistas de que no habrán casos en humanos, debemos estar la gerencia general de la clínica a la acudo para recibir nuevas prescripciones de medicamentos y otros servicios médicos. En lo personal me afectó el saber, yo que padezco de ansiedad y alta presión, que ya no contaré con los servicios del experimentado galeno que por una década me estuvo ayudando a no recaer en el alcoholismo y a controlar la alta presión. En los momentos que estuve leyendo la notificación, mi sistema sanguíneo comenzó a acelerarse y mi ansiedad fue en aumento. En seguida acudí a la clínica para hacer una cita ese mismo día, a lo cual el personal encargado de hacer las citas me dio a conocer que el consultorio ya no aceptará que los pacientes hagamos citas por teléfono o en persona. “Si usted desea ver a uno de los doctores o sus asistentes tiene que venir temprano por la mañana y registrarse para que se le atienda a como vayan saliendo pacientes de sus consultas”, explicó la preparados para esa posibilidad”, indicó en conferencia de prensa Alicia Fry, la directora médica del Centro Nacional de Inmunización y Enfermedades Respiratorias de los CDC. Lo que ha sido catalogado por las autoridades sanitarias como la crisis más seria en las últimas décadas a causa de la enfermedad, empezó con algunos casos aislados en aves salvajes en diciembre de 2014 hasta propagarse a granjas de aves criadas en cautiverio para consumo humano en los estados de Arkansas, California, Idaho, Iowa, Kansas, Minesota, Misuri, Montana, Dakota del Norte, up a gun. Based on the following source: Safety Fact Sheet, Alzheimer’s Association, ED247ZSA Possible Scenario Imagine the following scenario: Your family member accidentally happens upon an unloaded gun. He realizes that he should give it to you immediately. Off he goes looking for you, carrying the gun and walking down the corridor of your condominium or apartment complex. What would the Nevada, Oregón y Washington, entre otros. En enero de 2015, se detectó el virus HPAI H5N1, que constituye un nuevo virus de origen mixto o “realineado” que es diferente a los H5N1 de origen asiático que han causado infecciones en humanos anteriormente con altas tasas de mortalidad en varios países, de acuerdo con los CDC. Los CDC recomiendan evitar el contacto con aves silvestres y domésticas muertas o que parezcan estar enfermas, así como evitar entrar en contacto con cualquier superficie contaminada con heces The rate of diabetes in San de aves silvestres o domésticas. Antonio is among the highest in the country, as more than 14 percent of our citizens carry this diagnosis. This correlates closely with the very high rate of obesity in our city. As a community, we must find ways presents to decrease the prevalence of this disease and to ensure that the disease is managed effectively. Adult-onset, or type 2 diabetes, occurs because the body is not able to use insulin normally. Insulin is produced by the pancreas and allows the cells in our body to take up and utilize glucose from our bloodstream. If our body is resistant to insulin, the glucose level in our bloodstream, or “blood sugar,” rises, and we are at risk for developing many diabetes complications. Poorly controlled diabetes can lead to the development of plaques, or atherosclerosis, in the lining of our blood vessels, and, over time, these plaques can lead to arterial blockages. This process can occur in the heart, brain, kidneys, and limbs, resulting in heart attack, stroke, kidney failure, and amputation. While there is no cure for diaKEYNOTE SPEAKER betes, we do have some control over the risks of developing it, Dr. Maria C. Carrillo and we can treat the disease to Chief Science Officer prevent its complications. As Medical & Scientific Relations a medical community, our efforts are certainly focused on Alzheimer’s Association achieving this control. The development of diabetes is not well understood, in that Join us as we discuss research, diagnosis, there is both a genetic comresources and treatments. ponent and an environmental one. While a patient’s family The Summit is aimed at both family caregivers and history is important in deterhealthcare professionals. mining one’s risk and cannot be changed, we can work hard CEU’s will be provided. to change the environmental influences, including weight, Sponsorship opportunities are available. diet, and level of activity. Please contact the Alzheimer’s Association at Which brings us to the issue of obesity. In addition to (210) 822-6449 or [email protected] diabetes, obesity is associated 24/7 HELPLINE: 800.272.3900 with many diseases, including SAN ANTONIO EDUCATIONAL SUMMIT ON ALZHEIMER’S DISEASE Conversations About Dementia F R I D AY, M AY 1 5 , 2 0 1 5 8:00AM to 4:30PM R e g i s t ra t i o n o p e n s a t 7 : 3 0 A M The Whitley Center @ Oblate School of Theology 285 Oblate Drive, San Antonio TX 78216 sistema sanguíneo de quienes la toman o la siguen consumiendo. Yo para darle un descanso a los riñones, hígado, sistema sanguíneo y digestivo, opté por abandonar dicho tratamiento. En cuanto al cambio de doctor, ahora necesito prepararme mentalmente para aceptar al nuevo doctor o asistente que estará al frente de mi expediente médico. Presiento que conmigo van a comenzar de nuevo, para conocer mis enfermedades y estar al tanto sobre que recetas me van a seguir prescribiendo. Lo mejor de todo es que acabo de comprar un nuevo plan de seguro de salud y otro de vida. Ambas pólizas son bastantes caras, me cuestan más de lo que es mi salario, pero tengo que cumplir con la “Obamacare”, para evitar se me multe pagando impuestos estratosféricos simplemente por no tener cobertura de salud. Ni modo así es el sistema que impera actualmente en la industria de la salud. Ojalá y que mi exdoctor lo- gre pronto acumular una buena cartera de pacientes. Sé que él es un doctor hecho y derecho, no se anda por las ramas, presta un excelente servicio médico y es paciente con sus “pacientes”. En caso de no quedar satisfecho con los servicios que se me den en el consultorio al que asisto, entonces veré la forma de que mi expediente médico sea trasladado a la nueva clínica que opera y administra mi exgaleno. Si así lo decido, tendré que acostumbrarme a la ruta de mi casa al consultorio, ya que su clínica se encuentra en el sector norte de San Antonio, que cada día registra enormes embotellamientos en sus diversas rutas. A mí los embotellamientos por el tráfico me causan trastornos mentales. Todo ello como herencia que me dejo la tomada. Mi alcoholismo es crónico y lo he venido controlando por los últimos quince años gracias al apoyo del sistema judicial, la ciencia médica y el amor de mi familia. Hasta la próxima D.M. (continued from page 10-A) neighbors think? What would the police do, maybe not realizing that your family member has Alzheimer’s disease? The same scenario could happen with knives or other weapon collections, even if they are far from the ammunition that would make them operable. Also consider toy guns that look real enough to be convincing, even to the police, or real pistols with locks that can still be picked up and carried. Based on the following source: Warner, Mark. The Complete Guide to Alzheimer’s Proofing Your Home. Purdue University Press. P. 382-3 Alzheimer’s Association The Alzheimer’s Association is the world’s leading voluntary health organization in Alzheimer’s care, support and research. Our mission is to eliminate Alzheimer’s disease through the advancement of research; to provide and enhance care and support for all affected; and to reduce the risk of dementia through the promotion of brain health. Our vision is a world without Alzheimer’s. For more information, visit www.alz.org. Diabetes and obesity hypertension, high cholesterol, obstructive sleep apnea, and acid reflux. The control of obesity leads to improvement and, in most cases, resolution of these diseases. Unfortunately, the control of obesity remains extremely challenging. The severity of obesity is determined by one’s body mass index, or BMI, which takes into account weight and height. Above a BMI of 35 with obesity-related diseases like diabetes, or above a BMI of 40 without these diseases, a patient falls into the category of “morbidly obese.” This means that their obesity level puts them at high risk for developing things like heart disease, stroke, and even some types of cancer. Life expectancy is decreased in these patients. Medical therapy and attempts at nonsurgical weight loss are the logical first steps in fighting this disease. But, in the morbidly obese category, many patients experience insufficient weight loss or bounce back to their original weight after a brief period of success. In these cases, the health risk of remaining morbidly obese will exceed the risk of weight loss surgery, and surgery should be seriously considered. The risk of surgery has decreased significantly over the past several decades, with new technologies and techniques leading to lower morbidity and improved outcomes. All operations are now performed laparoscopically, through small incisions that decrease postoperative pain and speed up recovery time compared to the open approach. Bariatric procedures have been clearly proven to improve glucose levels and to control other cardiovascular risk factors, including hypertension and high cholesterol. Diabetes complications can be avoided with bariatric surgery. 12-A LA PRENSA DE SAN ANTONIO 26 de abril de 2015 MEDICAMENTOS GENÉRICOS A PRECIOS TAN BAJOS COMO Cientos de opciones. Más ahorros cada día. • No se requiere membresía especial • Sin cuotas de inscripción • Disponible a clientes con o sin cobertura de prescripciones médicas ¡BUENAS NOTICIAS! Para ayudarte a ahorrar en tus medicamentos, tu Farmacia H-E-B tiene más de 260 medicamentos genéricos a precios tan bajos como $4 por un suministro de 30 días*. Además, tenemos disponibles medicamentos genéricos de $8 y $12 en suministros de 30 días*. Para ver qué medicamentos genéricos califican para este programa, visita heb.com/pharmacy o habla con tu equipo de la farmacia de H-E-B y ahorra hoy mismo. *30 días de suministro en un régimen de mantenimiento comúnmente prescrito o en la etapa crónica de la terapia. Lista sujeta a cambio en cualquier momento sin previo aviso. Basado en suministros de 30 días en dosis comúnmente prescritas. ©2015 HEB, 15-0540 26 de abril de 2015 Taco Cannon This Week In Sports Keeping it all in the family By Jessica Duran [email protected] Number one in our hearts and number one in the league! I could be talking about the Spurs, but actually, when do you ever hear about the people who are giving you every play-by-play commentary? Well, if you’re a Spurs fan, the names Bill Land and Sean Elliot might sound familiar. The dynamic duo provide the play-by-play and the color commentary for the Spurs on the Fox Sports Southwest network or any other broadcasting channels for Spurs games during the season and the first three rounds of the playoffs. This year they were again the highest rated broadcast team in the entire NBA among all local broadcasting teams. For the past 13 years, they have been either first or second in ratings. Spurs fans love hearing Bill Land’s excitement when the players make big shots. In particular, one popular phrase Land likes to use is “Mamma Mia!” when a Spur knocks down a three pointer or when a powerful dunk is thrown down. His quirkiness and playful word-play to describe what is happening as the Spurs play adds entertainment and gives the audience a feeling as if they are listening to a friend while viewing the game. Bill Land is not fully Bill Land without his counterpart Sean Elliot. Elliot, a former Spurs player, was an outstanding player and will forever be known for his Memorial Day Miracle but now, he’s leaving a different legacy behind. Having a playful side as well makes for great entertainment when partnering up to call a Spurs game. Although having been retired and off the Spurs team, players still poke fun at Elliot in their pre-game, particularly, current Spurs forward Tim Duncan. During the pre-game show, Elliot and Land sit on the court, facing a camera, with Spurs warming up before the game in the background. Jokingly, Duncan as well as some other players like Manu Ginobili will poke fun at Elliot. Duncan will at times tap him on the head or run into him on purpose. Ginobili has actually interrupted the broadcasting team’s pre-game talk before by grabbing Elliot’s microphone or talking into. Elliot has respect for and from the Spurs players getting treatment as if he is still one of the guys. Having played with Duncan and the older Spurs players, current and former, along with playing under Coach Gregg Popovich, Elliot knows this Spurs team and organization. Elliot can give See In the family page 2-B Mayweather/Pacquiao You saw the first Taco Cannon in Austin, but now the NebraskaOmaha Mavericks have taken it to the next level-The first Taco Cannon at an arena. We can now sit at a sporting event and have somebody shoot a delicious taco at us with a gun and catch it and eat it and savor in its flavorful Mexican glory. It’s not Thrilla in Manilla, but the fight of the century is on for February. Mayweather/Pacquiao at the MGM Grand. Ticket prices range from $1,500 to $10,000. The $10,000 tickets aren’t available to the public. Got chump change? Checkout TicketMaster for your favorite seats. Spurs no bajan la guardia vs. Clippers Por José I. Franco [email protected] En los partidos que le restan por jugar ante su rival de cuartos de final, Clippers de Los Ángeles, los Spurs tendrán que sacar los “cañones” para mostrar su ofensiva, como lo hicieron en el segundo partido en el Staples Center, donde emparejaron la serie 1-1 con victoria de 111 a 107 en partido que se extendió a 5 minutos de tiempo extra. Spurs y Clippers continúan empatados en ganados y perdidos en lo que va de la temporada y playoffs con 3 partidos por bando, por lo que seguirán combatiendo con todo en su serie del playoff en la Conferencia del Oeste. Los Spurs, equipo pentacampeón de la NBA, con la experiencia que le caracteriza al timonel en jefe Gregg Popovich tendrá que retomar el vuelo y cerrar filas en sus aspiraciones por seguir defendiendo la corona de monarca en el mejor baloncesto del planeta. Los sanantonianos lograron clasificarse en el sexto lugar de la tabla general en el oeste con marca de 55 victorias y 27 derrotas, pero no han podido recuperar su ritmo ganador, ya que llevaban un par de derrotas consecutivas. Ahora que ya probaron de nuevo las mieles de la victoria con su primera victoria en la serie de cuartos de final del oeste, tendrán que remontar el vuelo en su ofensiva y defensiva. El trío, formado por el alero titular Tim Duncan, el guardia francés Tony Parker y el escolta argentino y sexto hombre Manu Ginóbili, sigue sosteniendo toda la carga del equipo sobre sus hombros. Por igual, la tercia rival angelina integrada por el guardia Chris Paul, el poste DeAndre Jordan y el espectacular alero Blake Griffin tienen las misma responsabilidades de ganar partidos para avanzar a la segunda ronda (semifinales del oeste). Las dos tercias se vieron bastante dominantes en el segundo partido. Tras un buen descanso se desempolvaron encestando y Tony Parker, Tim Duncan y Manu Ginóbili continúan cargando con el peso del equipo en los playoffs del oeste contra el duro rival Clippers de Los Ángeles, que se ha superado para dar la pelea ante los mejores equipos de la NBA. (Foto, Franco) repartiendo el balón. Sobresalió la quinteta Silver & Black en el tiempo extra con desempeño del escolta suplente el guardia australiano Patty Mills, quien continua siendo la carta fuerte de Popovich en partidos claves como son los playoffs. Partido dominical Este domingo 26 de abril, en su cuarta confrontación pactada para las 2:30 p.m. con transmisión por la cadena ABC, los Spurs tendrán que echarle ganas a cuanta estrategia les sea ordenada por el entrenador en jefe Gregg Popovich. Pop tiene que emprender estrategias para detener los ataques de la tercia angelina que han brillado con luz propia ante su afición en el Staples Center y en calidad de visitantes en el AT&T Center donde, en los dos partidos que sostuvieron dentro del rol regular, se vieron apoyados por un selecto grupo de seguidores que orgullosos vistieron sus colores y playeras con los números 3 de Paul, 32 de Griffin y 6 Jordan. Spurs simplemente no debe bajar la guardia y seguir adelante con su plan de juego. “El segundo partido fue bastante diferente al primero, ambos equipos estuvimos lentos por el descanso. Nosotros en la segunda cita nos apoyamos en un plan de juego que nos dio buen resultado”, comentó el capitán Tim Duncan, quien llegó a los 150 partidos jugados en series del playoff logrados en un periodo de 18 temporadas con el mismo equipo (Duncan este sábado cumplirá 39 años de edad). Clippers desde la llegada del entrenador en jefe Doc Rivers, en el 2013, obtuvo su primer banderín de campeón en la División Pacífico y su segundo estandarte en la campaña 2014. Rivers, quien además firma como presidente de operaciones de baloncesto, en la pasada temporada se quedó cortó por lograr la captura de lo que hubiera sido su tercer banderín del Pacífico, ya que fueron superados por los Warriors de Golden West que –con su exorbitante marca de 67 victorias y 15 derrotas– barrieron coronándose campeón del Pacífico y de la Conferencia del Oeste. Clippers obtuvo 56 victorias por 26 derrotas, una marca efectiva que por coincidencia volvió a sembrarlos como terceros en la Conferencia del Oeste, lo cual les viene a dar la esperanza de ser quienes salgan adelante y puedan disputar la semifinal al rival que les toque. Por lo pronto, los angelinos tendrán que dar cuenta de los Spurs, al que deben ganarles la serie pactada a ganar 4 de 7 partidos. La moneda está en el aire y solo queda ver que los Spurs realicen su propia hazaña. A partir de este domingo 26 de abril restan cuatro partidos por jugarse. El quinto partido se jugará en el Staples Center el martes 28 con horario por determinarse. El sexto partido, de ser necesario, se disputará en San Antonio el jueves 30, y si para entonces todavía la serie sigue viva, el séptimo encuentro será en Los Ángeles el sábado 2 de mayo. El equipo Spurs, en sus 42 años afiliado a la NBA, ha logrado la conquista de 20 banderines de la división suroeste, 6 campeonatos de la Conferencia Oeste y 5 títulos de liga. En la defensa de su campeonato, los Spurs no se “mataron” jugando duro, sino todo lo contrario: se concentraron para llegar sanos y salvos a puerto seguro ganando 55 y perdiendo 27 de los 82 partidos jugados en el rol regular de la temporada 2014-15. $101.5 million package approved for AT&T renovations By Laura Jesse Commissioners Court on Tuesday, April 21, approved a development agreement with Spurs Sports & Entertainment to complete a $101.5 million package of renovations and improvements to the County-owned AT&T Center. The project, which will begin in June, is intended to enhance the fan experience at all levels of the AT&T Center and includes improvements to technology and infrastructure that will keep the arena a successful and competitive operation. The County’s $85 million portion of the project will come from the voter-approved visitor tax, which is a combination of a five percent short-term motor vehicle rental tax and a 1.75 percent hotel/ motel occupancy tax. Spurs Sports & Entertainment will contribute $16.5 million. “The AT&T Center renovations are the last of the entire $415 million visitor tax program that we asked voters to approve in May 2008,” said Commissioner Paul Elizondo. “At that time, the arena was not yet 10 years old and we made a commitment to wait until we reached that milestone.” The renovations will include more inviting spaces for fans such as new concessions and bar areas, reconfiguring the home team locker room, installation of all-new seating arena-wide and expanded entrances and renovated concourses to allow for better entry and movement through the facility. Technology improvements include a brand new center-hung video board that will provide a state-of-the-art, high-definition display; audio-visual upgrades throughout the arena; and Wi-Fi enhancements. A majority of the renovations are expected to be complete by October 30, 2015. “We’re appreciative of the support Bexar County and our AT&T center south exterior rendering. (Courtesy photo) additional partners have provided as we continue to move forward in this renovation process,” said Lori Warren, Spurs Sports & Entertainment SVP of Corporate Finance and Strategy. “The majority of these renovations will begin at the conclusion of the Spurs and Rampage seasons. We’re excited to be able to present an all-new AT&T Center to our fans this fall.” The development agreement, which also has to be approved by the Community Arenas Board, sets goals for participation by local minority, women- and veteran-owned businesses. 2-B La Prensa de San Antonio 26 de abril de 2015 U.S. Soccer Federation will be Rampage será sucursal de Avalanche sponsored by Liberty Mutual Por José I. Franco [email protected] By PR Newswire Liberty Mutual Insurance officially announced a multiyear sponsorship of the U.S. Soccer Federation, the national governing body for the sport of soccer in the United States. The sponsorship, which extends through 2018, designates Liberty Mutual as the Official Insurance Partner of the U.S. Men’s and Women’s National Teams, as well as the Youth National Teams and the U.S. Soccer Development Academy. Liberty Mutual officially kicked off its sponsorship of U.S. Soccer at U.S. Men’s National Team (USMNT) match against longtime rival México (El Tricolor) that was celebrated on Wednesday, April 15 at the Alamodome in San Antonio, Texas. Fans attending the game enjoy the victory of the United States by score of 2-0 with goals scored by forwards Jordan Morris and Juan Agudelo, they (the fans) also watched Liberty Mutual’s presence throughout the stadium, including an experimental footprint where fans shared their passion for soccer by posing for personalized vintage posters. “We are thrilled about this new partnership with U.S. Soccer. As one of the fastest growing sports in the U.S., we see great value in the platform that gives Liberty Mutual to positively impact communities across the country,” said John Coombe, vice president of Brand Management and Sponsorships for Liberty Mutual Insurance. “This is an exciting year for soccer, and we are eager to grow our relationship with our national teams as they prepare for the 2015 FIFA Women’s World Cup, and host several premier friendly matches.” Liberty Mutual’s sponsorship of U.S. Soccer builds upon the company’s long-standing partnership with U.S. Youth Soccer, which began in 2007. The new relationship enables the company to deepen its involvement with the sport and support the U.S. from youth levels through the elite levels. Additionally, Liberty Mutual’s Brazilian affiliate, Liberty Seguros, also U.S. Soccer Women’s National Team. (Courtesy photo) has a history in the sport with recent sponsorships of the 2014 FIFA World Cup and the FIFA Confederations Cup in 2013. “Liberty Mutual has proven to be a fantastic supporter of sports, especially at the youth level, and we’re excited to partner with them during the coming years,” said U.S. Soccer President Sunil Gulati. “We’re confident that soccer will continue to grow in the United States and having the opportunity to work with an industry leader like Liberty Mutual at all levels will allow us to have a positive impact in bringing people closer to the sport.” As an official sponsor of U.S. Soccer, Liberty Mutual will be the presenting sponsor of one of the National Team’s marquee games during the year and the company will also enjoy a variety of assets including in-stadium and field signage, advertising, marketing and promotional opportunities, social and digital media assets, and on-site event activation. The sponsorship also includes rights to align with U.S. Men’s and Women’s National Team players, coaches and legends of the game. “The popularity of soccer continues to grow in the U.S. each year, so it is really exciting to have a sponsor like Liberty Mutual Insurance that believes in and recognizes the impact this sport has in communities throughout the country,” said Landon Donovan, U.S. Men’s National Team legend. “As an athlete who has played at every level of the sport-from youth soccer through my national team career- I know the importance of sponsors like Liberty Mutual Insurance in helping our teams and individual players flourish both on and off the field.” The sponsorship of U.S. Soccer complements Liberty Mutual’s status as an official partner of the U.S. Olympic and Paralympic Teams. The company also supports the development of youth sports through its Liberty Mutual Play Positive program and its partnerships with several national governing bodies, including ASA/ USA Softball, U.S. Ski and Snowboard Association, USA Hockey, USA Volleyball, USA Water Polo, USA Wrestling and USRowing. Liberty Mutual Insurance also is the official property and casualty and life insurance partner of the U.S. Olympic Committee for the 2016 Olympic Games and 2016 Paralympic Games in Río de Janeiro, Brazil. Founded in 1913, U.S. Soccer is the non-for-profit, governing body of soccer in the United States and has helped chart the course for the game for more than 100 years. During this time, the Federation’s mission statement has been clear and simple: to make soccer, in all its forms, a pre-eminent sport in the United States and to continue the development of soccer at all recreational and competitive levels. To that end, the sport’s development and growth in the United States during the past 25 years has been nothing short of remarkable as U.S. Soccer’s National Teams have continually succeeded on the world stage and, with the assistance of its members, the fan support and participation in the game continues to reach new heights. For more information, visit ussoccer.com. El club de hockey profesional Rampage de San Antonio, afiliado a la American Hockey League (AHL), recientemente anunció acuerdo para ser sucursal por cinco años del plantel Avalanche de Colorado, equipo afiliado a la National Hockey League (NHL). En los acuerdos de unir ambas franquicias estuvieron presentes Rick Pych, quien funge como presidente de Spurs Sports & Entertainment (SS&E), y Joe Sakic, vicepresidente ejecutivo y gerente general de Avalanche de Colorado. Este acuerdo finalizará en la temporada 2019-20. En boletín informativo, Pych indicó que “se llegó a excelente acuerdo de trabajar con directivos de Colorado Avalanche, con quienes comenzaremos a trabajar conjuntamente para estar listos en la siguiente temporada 2015-16 de la AHL. Bajo el liderato de dos grandes exjugadores de hockey, Joe Sakic y Patrick Roy que han sido inmortalizados en el Hockey Hall of Fame, Avalanche, se ha comprometido a proporcionarle al Rampage jugadores novatos y prospectos con grandes habilidades, ya que esa siempre ha sido su meta, de producir jugadores que han guiado a Colorada a dos campeonatos de la Stanley Cup”, afirmó Pych. Colorado (Avalanche) aportará a San Antonio (Rampage) todos los jugadores que estarán dentro de la alineación estelar y suplentes, así como al entrenador en jefe, asistentes y personal de operaciones del hockey. Avalanche será el tercer club de la NHL al que Rampage estará afiliado como sucursal en los trece años que tiene jugando en el circuito de la AHL que viene a ser la antesala al hockey nacional (profesional). San Antonio en el pasado fue sucursal de los Coyotes de Phoenix, de 2005 al 2011, así como de Panthers de Florida en el 2002 al 2005, y desde el 2011 al 2015. Pych dijo que el nuevo gerente general de Rampage será el ejecutivo Craig Billington, quien funge como asistente de la gerencia general de Avalanche. Billington, quien tiene 13 años trabajando con Colorado, tendrá además la responsabilidad de ser el director de operaciones de hockey con Rampage. El viernes 17 de abril Billington fue presentado ante los medios en San Antonio, dando respuesta a diversas preguntas de los reporteros que cubren la fuente. “Vamos a trabajar con ganas entre Rampage y Avalanche para comenzar con éxito la siguiente temporada en la que los seguidores de San Antonio van a tener la oportunidad de ver a prospectos con futuro de estrellas en la NHL. Proporcionaremos al Rampage jugadores de grandes habilidades y rapidez sobre la pista de hielo. Sabemos que SS&E tiene franquicias triunfadoras como lo es el Rampage y los Spurs, por ello estamos orgullosos de esta nueva sociedad, que nos dará oportunidades por desarrollar un gran plantel que pueda proporcionarle talento al equipo grande (Avalanche). Esta es una gran oportunidad para la expansión del hockey entre ambas entidades”, afirmó Billington. “Avalanche también va a proporcionarle al Rampage entrenador en jefe en la persona del timonel Dean Chynoweth, quien tiene experiencia dirigiendo equipos de la AHL y la NHL. Él será un directivo de alto rango que gusta ganar partidos y preparar talento entre jugadores que han jugado en diversas ligas con buen nivel de hockey”, apuntó Billington. Rampage es campeón de la división oeste y tercer lugar de conferencia que se encuentra disputando los playoffs contra Barons de Oklahoma City en la Conferencia del Oeste. El equipo tuvo una buena temporada bajo la dirección del entrenador Tom Rowe y su asistente Scott Allen, dejándole buen sabor de boca a la noble afición que durante la temporada los apoyó y vivió los buenos resultados que el club le rindió a Panthers de Florida y la misma directiva de SS&E, que preside el magnate Peter M. Holt. Por su buen trabajo, el ejecutivo Billington por este medio decidió darle su apoyo al actual equipo, deseándoles lo mejor a sus dirigentes y jugadores. “Colorado Avalanche le desea éxito al Rampage en su presente participación en los playoffs, qué mejor que este año hayan obtenido una buena campaña. De todo corazón deseo que sigan adelante por lo que resta del playoff y que coronen con éxito su participación en la AHL”, dijo Billington. En la foja personal de entrenador Dean Chynweth, de 46 años de edad, nativo de Calgary, Alberta (Canadá) destaca que jugó hockey profesional con los clubes New York Islanders y Boston Bruins de la NHL. Él se convertirá en el décimo timonel en la historia del Rampage. En los últimos tres años fue el entrenador en jefe del club Lake Erie Monsters (AHL), que finalizó la pasada temporada en el cuarto lugar de la división medio oeste y en el noveno escaño de la Conferencia del Oeste. Chynoweth, de 2009 al 2012, trabajó de asistente de entrenador con N.Y. Islanders. Previamente había dirigido equipos en la Western Hockey League (WHL), donde pasó nueve años al frente de los equipos Swift Current Broncos (2004-09), y los Thunderbirds de Seattle en el 2000 al 2004. De acuerdo a Billington, el nuevo plantel del Rampage –con el cambio de sucursal– le dará mayor estabilidad en la transición, ya que Avalanche cuenta con una gama de jugadores novatos, prospectos y veteranos que vendrán a darle a San Antonio la satisfacción de ser una franquicia que seguirá la continuidad progresiva a la que la base de seguidores se ha acostumbrado por el lapso de 13 años. “Estamos contentos de haber anunciado nuestra sociedad con San Antonio. El Rampage es una organización que tiene excelente reputación deportiva y administrativa. Vemos un excelente futuro para el desarrollo en sus habilidades de nuestros patinadores prospectos que llegaran a un buen ambiente y serán bien recibidos por la comunidad de San Antonio”, dijo Joe Sakic, quien supervisa decisiones en la operación del hockey del club Avalanche. Scorpions sign former MLS Midfielder Joseph Nane Special to La Prensa The San Antonio Scorpions have signed veteran holding midfielder Joseph Nane, team President and General Manager Howard Cornifield and Head Coach Alene Marcina announced. “Nane is a player we’ve admired for a while and we’re certainly familiar with his ability from playing against him during his time with the Cosmos,” said Marcina. “He is a fierce competitor with championship experience, he is powerful yet technical with the ball, and he adds defensive bite to the center of the park for us. We’re delighted to welcome Nane to the Scorpions as someone who fits right in line with the vision we’re building towards this season.” The 6’2,” 185lb Nane was selected in the 2010 Major League Soccer League (MLS) SuperDraft by Toronto FC and made his professional debut for the Canadian club later that year. In 2011, he was traded to the Colorado Rapids and his MLS resume includes starts in the CONCACAF Champions League, the Nutrilite Canadian Championship, and the MLS Cup Playoffs in addition to 1,368 minutes played in the regular season. In 2013, he signed with the New York Cosmos of the North American Soccer League (NASL) and went on to capture the Soccer Bowl with them that November. The native of Yaounde, Cameroon, played collegiate soccer at Old Dominion University. The Scorpions also announced the signing of San Antonio native Matt Cardone. The 6’3”, 215lb goalkeeper attended Trinity University. While there, he was a two-time Division-III Craig Billington, asistente de la gerencia general del club Avalanche de Colorado, estuvo en San All-American and posted a 0.49 Antonio para dar a conocer detalles de la sociedad con Rampage. Presentó a la vez los colores del career goals against average. equipo mayor que serán combinados en los uniformes del Rampage. (Foto, Franco) Prior to joining the Scorpions, he was a trialist with MLS expansion team Orlando City SC. With the moves, the Scorpions now have twenty-one players on the roster for 2015: GK- Sattler, Kempin, Cardone. D-James, DeRoux, Zea, Attakora, AbdulSalaam. M- Menjivar, Castillos, Forbes, Soto, Cruz, Chavez, Tsiskaridze, Gibson, Nane. FElizondo, Hassli, Palomeque, Cummings. For information on Scorpions season tickets, call (210) 4958686 or visit SAScorpions.com. In the family...(continued from page 1-B) insight for this team unlike other commentators. Spurs fans can’t watch or imagine watching a Spurs game without Bill Land and Sean Elliot. When it happens, particularly when the Spurs reach the finals, some fans lose a slight interest. The national broadcasters are not biased like our favorite broadcasters because they simply can’t be or they will lose viewers. With those biases, Spurs fans lose the closeness they have with local broadcasters and it becomes hard to listen to the negative comments sometimes said about the team but, they have to. Bill Land and Sean Elliot are not only a dynamic duo for all broadcasting teams, they’re our dynamic duo. Putting so much knowledge and fun into calling these games they just make it fun to watch Spurs games. As the epitome of sports broadcasting, the guys have a city and an entire fan base behind them, full of support. Congratulations Bill and Sean, you keep us laughing with your jokes and informed with your incredible knowledge. You guys are one heck of a team, just like our Spurs. Like us on Facebook for updates, local news and weekly contests 26 de abril de 2015 La Prensa de San Antonio 3-B Águilas vs. Rough Riders en Comienza Liguilla en la Liga Soccer de los Altos el clásico de Tex-Mex IBL Por Sendero Deportivo La tercera fecha del rol regular en la liga de béisbol dominical categoría abierta Tex-Mex Independent Baseball League (TexMex IBL) promete bastantes acciones en los tres partidos que el presidente Gilberto Rodríguez ha programado en el estadio Rosedale Park. Águilas de La Sauceda se medirán a las 4 p.m. contra Rough Riders, encuentro que será de buen pitcheo y espectacular bateo. En el partido de las 9 a.m. se enfrentarán las novenas del club Marlins que comanda Will Nash, quien tendrá de rival al trabuco Tecolotes. A las 12:30 p.m. el subcampeón del playoff y campeón de la zona norte Juggernauts se enfrentará a “Los Calcetones” del Marine Eddy Rodríguez y su flamante coach y jugador Richard Felan. En resultados de la segunda fecha, la cual no se había podido jugar por cuestiones de las pasadas lluvias, los Rough Riders dieron cuenta del rival Desperados por blanqueada de 9-0. Desperados es dirigido por el padrino de la presente temporada Elías Contreras, quien este domingo estará viendo las acciones en las gradas; ya que le tocará descansar después de sus primeras dos salidas en la campaña que lleva su nombre en el circuito de primavera y verano. El debutante equipo Marlins, apuradamente, se anotó la victoria ante High Sox (Los Calcetones) con pizarra de 6 a 5 carreras. Tecolotes, del presidente Gilberto Rodríguez, volvieron a volar alto propinado paliza a Juggernauts con score de 18-4. Por José I. Franco [email protected] Juan Padilla, presidente y fundador de Liga Soccer de Los Altos (LSDA), convoca a nuevos equipos para que se registren en la temporada larga de primavera y verano. Directivos de equipos ya formados o los que se encuentran en proceso de integrarse pueden obtener información llamando al teléfono (210) 426-4305. De acuerdo al señor Padilla, con éxito se dio por concluida la última jornada el domingo 19 de abril en las canchas del Monterrey Park y Levi Strauss Park, de donde salieron los equipos clasificados para jugar la liguilla a muerte súbita. En la primera división este sábado 25 a las 7:15 p.m. se jugarán su suerte los equipos Atlético Hidalgo y Real Madrid. Posteriormente jugarán Club Deportivo Talgua y el Arsenal en el horario de las 9 p.m. En el Levi Strauss Park combatirán hoy domingo 26 de abril los potentes equipos del Deportivo Juvenil vs. Real Nacional en el horario de las 4 p.m. en la Cancha No.2. A las 6 p.m. ahí mismo Leones Negros y Deportivo Louisiana se medirán en tremendo combate. Los ganadores pasarán a disputarse la gran final que tiene de premio un donativo económico por la cantidad de $599, la cual en la siguiente temporada ha sido aumentada a los $1,000. En la división de ascenso a las 2 p.m. en el campo 2 de Levi Strauss Park se enfrentarán los equipos Deportivo Laredo vs. Atléticos. A las 4 p.m. en la cancha 3 van Club San Jacinto y Sandoria. LSDA desde el año 2010 fue creada tras cerrar operaciones la liga Club de Ligas Independientes, la cual estuvo integrada por 25 socios, quedando finalmente los directivos Juan Padilla y don Héctor Borrero, quien posteriormente dimitió, dejando a su socio Padilla encabezando el circuito. Con el paso del tiempo, el señor Padilla, por ser originario de Los Altos, Jalisco, México, decidió darle un nuevo nombre bautizándola con éxito como Liga Soccer de Los Altos, que en cinco años se ha sostenido gracias al apoyo que su familia le ha dado, así como directivos y propietarios de equipos que la han respaldado. “Tenemos dos campeonatos por año, la razón de darle el presente nombre a la liga, fue porque allá en mi tierra el deporte que más se juega es el fútbol. Así por estos lares no perderemos la tradición, como se ha visto en el tiempo que tengo al frente de LSDA”, dijo Padilla. Por cierto que LSDA es un circuito donde el señor Padilla no tolera la mala disciplina. Es por ello que su prestigio en el balompié regional independiente continúa atrayendo a clubes que gustan del buen comportamiento, y por ello él ha decidido aumentar el monto económico que se le entrega al equipo que logre coronarse campeón en la primera división. Además de premio económico, Padilla reparte trofeos al campeón del torneo de consolación, así como a los equipos que finalizan entre los primeros cuatro lugares en ambas divisiones. E individualmente premia a porteros menos goleados y a los campeones del departamento de goleo. El receptor Travis Torres del equipo High Sox en varias ocasiones salvó a su lanzador Gabriel Murillo de cometer errores. Esto gracias a realizar emotivas atrapadas tras el diamante en partido contra el debutante Marlins, que se anotó la victoria con pizarra de 6 a 5. (Foto, Franco) Rieleros doblegaron a Bravos En un cambio de estadio, la Liga Dominical Potranco realizó con éxito una jornada beisbolera que no se pudo llevar a efecto en el diamante Coach Arthur Bain con sede en el complejo deportivo Rusty Lyons Sports Complex, ubicado en la esquina del 500 Basse Road y McCullough Avenue. Debido a la humedad existente, y después de haber revisado el terreno de juego, el organizador principal Juan Sánchez decidió cambiar las acciones al legendario Estadio Colt 45, donde el administrador señor Manuel Cisneros les dio todas las facilidades para que ahí tuvieran su jornada del béisbol categoría abierta cuya temporada se está jugando en honor de los beisbolistas Jesús Carrera y Jorge Calderón “Shamu”. Los fanáticos asistentes pudieron disfrutar de la victoria del trabuco Rieleros que doblegaron a los Bravos con pizarra de 9 a 5 carreras. Piratas, los campeones del primer torneo, blanquearon a los reforzados Westsiders, que cayeron con la cara al sol con score de 5-0. En el clásico dominical los Diablos apantallaron a Lobos que se fueron derrotados con pizarra de 9-3. De acuerdo al coordinador Juan Sánchez, las acciones de este domingo 26 de abril –si el terreno de juego está bueno para jugar– el rol de juegos se jugará en los horarios normales. En el primer cotejo a las 10 a.m. se medirán Bravos y Titanes. A la 1 p.m. van Lobos y Rieleros, y a las 4 p.m. en el clásico los Titanes tratarán de anotarse la victoria ante Westsiders de Joe Sandoval, quien ahora tiene firmado de coach y jugador al Juan Padilla, presidente de Liga Soccer de Los Altos. (Foto, Franco) dinámico pelotero Jaime Rodríguez “La Crema”, y cuentan con el respaldo de su patrocinador Ángel Ramírez apodado “Pepe”. coincidencia, retorna a cuartos Oklahoma City, donde en el CoxLes tocará descansar a los equi- Por José I. Franco de final del oeste, donde tienen Convention Center ya disputaron pos Piratas y Diablos. la oportunidad de avanzar a la su primer partido en serie a ganar Rampage vs. Barons en playoff “Se logró jugar buena defensiva y ofensiva hasta el último partido del rol regular. Rampage ahora se perfila por salir adelante en los cuartos de final del oeste. Nuestros jugadores lograron responder durante toda la temporada, lo cual nos tiene satisfechos por el excelente rendimiento que dieron; esfuerzos conjuntos que nos dieron una calidad de buen hockey”, expresó Tom Rowe, entrenador en jefe del club Rampage. El club Rampage, que es sucursal del equipo Panthers de Florida, no se clasificaba al playoff desde su arribo a la American Hockey League (AHL), cuando estuvo bajo la dirección de Scott Allen, quien durante la presente campaña fue asistente del enPresentación de equipos durante la apertura del segundo torneo de Liga Domincal Potranco trenador Rowe. Ahora, como realizada en el diamante Coach Arthur Bain. (Fotos, Sendero Deportivo) gran final de la Calder Cup 2015, que es el máximo galardón en la AHL. Rampage se coronó campeón en la división del oeste con blanqueada al rival Griffins de Grand Rapids, al que derrotaron con marcador de 2-0 con victoria para el arquero Sam Brittain, quien registró su primera blanqueada en la AHL, ganando su primera estrella por haber atajado 22 disparos a gol, siendo apoyado por sus compañeros Garrett Wilson y Quinton Howden, que anotaron los dos goles de la blanqueada. Rampage quedó sembrado en el tercer lugar de la Conferencia del Oeste, por debajo de los Comets de Utica, Nueva York, y Griffins de Grand Rapids, por lo que tendrá de rival en la primera ronda del playoff a los Barons de 3 de 5 encuentros. Este sábado 25 de abril Rampage y el anfitrión Barons a las 7 p.m. se disputarán la segunda contienda, para luego trasladar la serie al AT&T Center, donde jugarán el tercer partido el miércoles 29 a las 7 p.m. En caso de que Rampage y Barons no hayan ganado tres partidos consecutivos, el cuarto encuentro se jugará en San Antonio el próximo viernes 1 de mayo en el horario de las 7:30 p.m. El quinto partido se encuentra programado para disputarse en la pista de hielo del AT&T Center el sábado 2 de mayo a las 7 p.m. Para boletos de admisión y reservados favor de llamar al teléfono (210) 444-5554 o en el sitio sarampage.com. Tom Rowe, entrenador en jefe del Rampage, clasificó al equipo como líder de la división oeste y El campeón Piratas encabezó la ceremonia de apertura del segundo torneo en el que estarán de- en el tercer lugar de la tabla general de la Conferencia del Oeste con marca de 45 victorias, por 23 fendiendo su corona. En su última salida blanquearon 5-0 a Westsiders. derrotas, con 7 reveces en tiempo extra y 1 derrota en tiros de penaltis. (Foto, Franco) 4-B La Prensa de San Antonio Catholic Community Foundation installs members, presents endowment distributions By Jordan McMorrough For Today’s Catholic The Catholic Community Foundation of the Archdiocese of San Antonio and the Catholic Fraternity Fund hosted a Mass and luncheon April 14 for the installation of members of The Good Shepherd Legacy Society and annual endowment distributions. Archbishop Gustavo GarcíaSiller, MSpS, was the principal celebrant at the liturgy, held at Our Lady’s Chapel on the campus of Assumption Seminary. The archbishop described the event as an opportunity of great joy, to celebrate the generosity represented by the many who use the Catholic Community Foundation (CCF) to enrich the ministries, parishes, and schools of the archdiocese. “We all benefit in some way by their willingness to ‘become a little poorer becoming more like Jesus,’” he said. “In this way the work that you do reflects the spirit in the Acts of the Apostles, when the gifts of our benefactors are ‘distributed to each according to their need.’” Archbishop Gustavo told listeners that it is interesting, but not surprising, that the early church would be built on a foundation of love and sharing. “This foundation of love and sharing helped the apostles to understand that the fruits of Jesus’ resurrection should be the establishment of God’s Kingdom in which there would be no ‘needy person among them,’” he explained. “It is obvious that there is much work to be done in order to fulfill that promise, but today is a sign that this spirit of love that unites us is possible.” Pope Francis, speaking about the quality and purpose of stewardship, calls all to be benefactors and recipients, to carry out missions with faith and dedication. The pontiff said: “Set your stakes on great ideals, the ideals that enlarge the heart, the ideals of service that make your talents fruitful. Life is not given to us to be jealously guarded for our- mon was transformed into the best, and all were satisfied.” The archbishop closed by quoting the words of St. Teresa of Avila, “Christ has no body now on earth but yours, no hands but yours. Yours are the eyes through which he is to go about doing good. Yours are the hands with which he is to bless people now.” Prior to the conclusion of the Mass, the San Antonio prelate blessed society inductees Steve and Adele Dufilho and Mark and Cynthia Hoffmann were introduced by Robert B. Aguirre, CCF president/CEO. Another inductee, Rosemary Kowalski, was unable to attend the service. The Good Shepherd Legacy Society recognizes individuals and families who make a minimum commitment of $25,000 through a planned gift, establishing a donor advised fund, creating an endowment fund, contributing to an existing ministry, or making a donation to the ministry of the foundation. Other members of the group include Clifton Bolner, Ray Hannigan, Jeff Jung, Bill and Margie Klesse, Msgr. Lawrence J. Stuebben, and Vivian Vance. Following the liturgy a luncheon was held in St. John’s Hall. Keynote speaker for the event was Msgr. Peter Dai Bui of the Pontifical Council Cor Unum at the Vatican. The mission of Cor Unum, meaning “one heart,” is to carry out the special humanitarian efforts of the church and the Holy Father. Msgr. Bui is a priest of the Diocese of Phoenix and served as a parish pastor prior to his 2011 assignment to the Vatican. During the luncheon, Ruben Escobedo, chairman of the Board of Trustees of the Catholic Community Foundation, presented the 2015 Servant Leader Award to Ruben Hinojosa, chief financial officer of the archdiocese. Before the end of the gathering endowment distributions from the foundation were awarded to a number of entities. For more information on the Catholic Community Foundation, visit their website at www. ccftx.org. selves, but is given to us so that we may give it in turn.” Many ministries are enhanced by the generosity reflected by the donors to the Catholic Community Foundation. “Through their gifts that the foundation will share with you today, faith is shared in the spirit of the New Evangelization,” the archbishop emphasized. “The homeless are given hope, young pregnant girls are prepared to nourish their children physically and spiritually; Catholic values are instilled in our children; the fight for social justice is fortified; and men who are called to the priesthood are prepared to answer God’s call.” He continued, “It is through the loving witness of those who give and those of you who are the beneficiaries of the work of the Catholic Community Foundation that we catechize and evangelize those we serve and those who see us, to see in practice Jesus’ message of love.” In the Gospel reading at the liturgy, John 3:7-15, Nicodemus feigned ignorance of what it means to be born again in the spirit, and Jesus challenges his disbelief. “It is our task to help others to understand that to be authentic followers of Jesus we must also live a life of mercy and love. In this way we are called to live a vocation of unity, “Archbishop Gustavo proclaimed. “It is through your ministries and their gifts that we help others to truly connect with our brothers and sisters who are served through the faithful use of time, talent, and treasure.” The prelate, a Missionary of the Holy Spirit, said that, as missionary disciples, all are entrusted to carry out God’s will and build his kingdom, and he called upon attendees to listen to the words of Mary, the Blessed Mother, at the wedding at Canaan, as she said, “Do what he tells you.” “Some would consider this as a command, but I think it was simply her best motherly advice,” he smiled, “It was then that the water turned to wine, the com- 26 de abril de 2015 “Por hacerla sufrir” Por Carlos Rey En este mensaje tratamos el caso de un hombre que “descargó su conciencia” en nuestro sitio www.conciencia.net. Lo hizo de manera anónima, como pedimos que se haga; así que, a pesar de que nunca se lo había contado a nadie, nos autorizó a que lo citáramos, como sigue: “Tengo veintiún años. Me casé de dieciocho, y ahora me estoy enamorando de una chica por Internet. Dejé a mi esposa y no quiero volver con ella. Ella está sufriendo mucho. Para ella es muy importante el matrimonio, y dice que quiere tener un solo hombre. No puedo volver con ella, ya que dejé de amarla y quiero empezar una nueva vida. ¿Será que Dios me castiga por hacerla sufrir?”. Este es el consejo que le dio mi esposa: “Estimado amigo: “Nos alegra saber que a usted le interesa lo que piensa Dios.... Él lo ama a pesar de los errores que usted ha cometido. “Cuando dice que para su espo- sa el matrimonio es muy importante, con eso da a entender que para usted no lo es. Su actitud no es sorprendente, ya que es común que las personas de su edad crean que el matrimonio es un contrato como cualquier otro que puede darse por terminado en cualquier momento y por cualquier razón.... Pero ese no es el plan de Dios. “Usted le hizo votos a una mujer con quien se comprometió en matrimonio para toda la vida, y ahora ha cambiado de opinión y ha decidido quebrantar esos votos. Ella es víctima del comportamiento impulsivo y egoísta que usted está manifestando.... Nos entristece profundamente el dolor que usted le ha causado. “Ahora mismo usted no lo entiende, pero a lo largo de su vida tendrá que afrontar las consecuencias de su comportamiento. Nadie confiará en usted. Muchos creerán que es un mentiroso, y otros no le cooperarán en los asuntos financieros o profesionales porque juzgarán que es irresponsable e inmaduro. Esas consecuencias negativas no serán un castigo de Dios, sino el resultado de su propia conducta. La Voz del Evangelio Most recently, I found myself saddened and began to comtemplate; How is it that we see so blatantly corruption in our legal system , violence in our schools, and an overall cavalier attitude towards society’s debaucherous behavior, which has become so commonplace. Then, as if God himself answered me, I was given a copy of an article written by Paul Harvey in 1965 titled “If I were the Devil”. Paul Harvey (1918-2009) was a well known conservative radio broadcaster for ABC from the 1950’s to 1990’s. In this article he couldn’t have put it more succinctly! But I’ll let Mr. Harvey tell you in his own words! In a most recent version published by snopes.com, he writes: “If I were the prince of dark- ness, I would want to engulf the whole world in darkness. I’d have a third of its real estate and four-fifths of its population, but I would not be happy until I had seized the ripest apple on the tree. So, I would set about however necessary to take over the United States. I’d subvert the churches first, and I would begin with a campaign of whispers. With the wisdom of a serpent, I would whisper to you as I whispered to Eve: “Do as you please.” To the young, I would whisper that the Bible is a myth. I would convince the children that man created God instead of the other way around. I’d confide that what’s bad is good and what’s good is square. And the old, I would teach to pray after me, “Our Father, which are in Washington ...” “Dame entendimiento para seguir tus preceptos, pues quiero meditar en tus maravillas” Salmo 119:27 CHURCH DIRECTORY EL SENDERO ASSEMBLY OF GOD 5400 Daughty @ Evers Just inside Loop 410, 680-0111 Raúl C. García, Pastor 8:30 A.M. Spanish Service 11:00 A.M. English Service Sunday Evening Worship 5:00 P.M. Wednesday Worship 7:00 P.M. Bible Centered Preaching Active Youth and Children’s Programs Spanish & English Services ¡No culpe a Dios por lo que usted mismo ha causado! “Usted nos pregunta si Dios lo castigará por hacer sufrir a su esposa. Es obvio que entiende que todo pecado merece castigo. El apóstol Pablo escribió que “la paga del pecado es muerte”. Por lo tanto, sí, usted merece la pena de muerte por sus pecados. ¡Y nosotros también! Todos merecemos el castigo, porque todos hemos pecado. Sin embargo, el apóstol Pablo siguió diciendo: “mientras que la dádiva de Dios es vida eterna en Cristo Jesús, nuestro Señor”. Cristo tomó el castigo para que nosotros no tuviéramos que sufrirlo. Pero no es algo automático. Cualquiera puede recibir la vida eterna en lugar del castigo eterno, pero cada uno debe tener un cambio de corazón. Si usted desea recibir ese perdón, tiene que estar sinceramente arrepentido de todos sus pecados y debe pedirle a Cristo que lo perdone. Luego es necesario que siga el camino de Dios en lugar de su propio camino. Usted tiene la opción de decidir si acepta el perdón de Cristo o si recibe el castigo eterno”. LITTLE CHURCH OF LA VILLITA 508 Paseo de la Villita (210) 226-3596 Sunday Worship 11:00 A.M. Cleo Edmunds, Pastor Then, I’d get organized, I’d educate authors in how to make lurid literature exciting so that anything else would appear dull and uninteresting. I’d peddle narcotics to whom I could. I’d sell alcohol to ladies and gentlemen of distinction. I’d tranquilize the rest with pills. If I were the devil, I’d soon have families at war with themselves, churches at war with themselves and nations at war with themselves until each, in its turn, was consumed. And with promises of higher ratings, I’d have mesmerizing media fanning the flames. If I were the devil, I would encourage schools to refine young intellect but neglect to discipline emotions. I’d tell teachers to let those students run wild. And before you knew it, you’d have drug-sniffing dogs and metal detectors at every schoolhouse door. Within a decade, I’d have prisons overflowing and judges promoting pornography. Soon, I would evict God from the courthouse and the schoolhouse and then from the houses of Congress. In his own churches, I would substitute psychology for religion and defy science. I’d lure priests and pastors into misusing boys and girls and church money. If I were the devil, I’d take from those who have and give to those who wanted until I had killed the incentive of the ambitious. What’ll you bet I couldn’t get whole states to promote gambling as the way to get rich? I’d convince the young that marriage is old-fashioned, that swinging is more fun and that what you see on television is the way to be. And thus, I could undress you in public and lure you into bed with diseases for which there are no cures. In other words, if I were the devil, I’d just keep right on doing what he’s doing”. Paul Harvey (1965) “No one can serve two masters: for either he will hate the one and love the other, or else he will be loyal to the one and despise the other. You cannot serve God and Mammon”. Matthew 6:24 Your Humble Servant, Enrique “Quique” Martin La Voz Del Evangelio/Scripture Stall San Fernando Cathedral Daily Masses: 6:15 am and 12:05 pm Saturday Masses: 8:00 am Sabatina Espanol 5:30 pm Bilingual (Mariache Choir Mass) Sunday Masses: 6:00 am (Spanish); 8:00 am (Spanish Televised); 10:00 am (English); 12:00 noon (Spanish); 2:00 pm (English); 5:00 pm (Bilingual) Confessions: Mon-Fri 11:45am-Noon and Sat. 4pm-5pm 115 Main Plaza Downtown • 227-1297 26 de abril de 2015 La Prensa de San Antonio 5-B Mayor Taylor and Judge Wolff announce VIA receives regional air quality award and we are proud to partner with “Each full bus means there Interlocal Agreement for Library Services By Andy Scheidt other public agencies to promote are up to 40 fewer cars on our By Cary Clack Mayor Ivy Taylor and Bexar County Judge Nelson Wolff are pleased to announce a new partnership for the delivery of library services. Keeping with the spirit of the long-term relationship established in 1936, the San Antonio Public Library will partner with BiblioTech to design a new service model to offer library users the combined resources of both library systems. “Although there were a few bumps in the road, today’s agreement is proof that we can work together to provide more efficient and effective services for our taxpayers,” says Mayor Taylor. “Libraries are among our most important services and I am delighted to announce the expansion of our collection through partnership with Bexar County.” “We’ve always intended for BiblioTech to be a complimentary service to promote digital literacy in areas of need in Bexar County and provide support to the San Antonio Public Library,” Judge Wolff said. City and County staff have developed a conceptual collaborative framework which will facilitate the selection and the delivery of digital content and other library resources while keeping their respective brands and presence. The San Antonio Public Library and BiblioTech are committed to working to- gether to provide the best possible library experience to all residents with the goal of seamless use of both library systems. While Bexar County will be reducing its payment to the City of San Antonio for library services over a four year period effective FY 2016, Bexar County is committed to reinvesting those dollars in electronic resources to be made available to all residents of the City and County. The San Antonio Public Library Board of Trustees is scheduled to take action on this new partnership during the regularly scheduled meeting on Wednesday, April 22. San Antonio City Council is scheduled to take action on May 7. Volunteers needed to test genderneutral physical standards By Capt. Jennifer Richard AETC Public Affairs The Air Force is looking for Airmen from the Joint Base San Antonio area to voluntarily participate in one of the two high-vis physical standards studies required to potentially open the last six Battlefield Airmen career fields to women and to ensure gender-neutral standards across all Air Force specialties. The Physical Tests and Standards Study runs from April 13 to July 18 and the Re-validation of Strength Qualification Standards Study runs from April 15 to Aug. 1 The Physical Tests and Standards Study will establish fitness standards for training and operational levels for Battlefield Airmen career fields and will consist of familiar physical tests like running, pull ups, push ups, as well as combat-related simulations like swimming, carrying lifesize dummies, rock climbing, and climbing walls. The Revalidation of Strength Qualification Standards Study will ensure scientifically-based, operationally-tied fitness tests and standards for entry into all career fields and will consist of familiar entry physical tests, to include those that measure strength. Volunteers can come from a variety of backgrounds – active duty, guard or reserve, female and male. All participants must be between the ages of 18 years and 45 years old, must have a current passing physical fitness test (all four components), current preventive health assessment/medical clearance, willing to attempt physical tasks and must complete a safety and medical screening questionnaire. For Airmen interested in volunteering to participate in the Physical Tests and Standards Study, Airmen must be willing to commit for a consecutive two-week period between April 13 to June 13 or for one week between June 22 to July 18. Airmen should gain permission from their supervisors and then contact the AF Fitness Testing and Standards Unit by emailing [email protected] or calling 210487-2043. For Airmen interested in volunteering to participate in the Re-validation of Strength Qualification Standards Study, Airmen must be willing to commit for four hours each day on May 28 and 29; additional opportunities are available between July 11 to Aug. 1. Airmen should gain permission from their supervisors and then contact Katie Linnenkohl at [email protected]. The studies to develop and validate physical and mental standards will provide data for the Air Force’s Women in Service Review implementation plan. Following the 2013 decision of then-Secretary of Defense Leon Panetta and Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Gen. Martin Dempsey to rescind the 1994 Direct Ground Combat Definition and Assignment Rule, each service has been studying physical and mental requirements to ensure they are career-specific, operationallyrelevant and gender-neutral by September 2015. In the Air Force, currently 99 percent of career fields are open to both men and women; the remaining one percent of positions are in ground combat and/or special operations career fields. W. Vestal improvements begin By Melissa S. Sparks District 3 City Councilwoman Rebecca J. Viagran joined City officials and area residents in breaking ground on the W. Vestal project today. The project is adding curbs and drainage improvements, along with widening and repaving the roadway. “This project is giving our residents exactly what they asked for – street and drainage improvements,” said Council- woman Viagran. “We are beginning the transformation as this project will make a difference for our residents.” The project will work on W. Vestal between Commercial Avenue and Pleasanton Road. The street will be widened for 30 feet, and will include new curbs and sidewalks. Drainage will also be improved to withstand a 25-year rainfall event. “Our goal is to deliver this project on time and within budget for the residents of San Antonio,” said Mike Frisbie, City Engineer and Director of Transportation & Capital Improvements. The project is managed by Transportation & Capital Improvements for the City of San Antonio. The design created by Fernandez Frazer White & Associates, Inc. will be constructed by R L Jones Construction. The project is funded with $3.9 million from the 2012-2017 Bond Program. Construction should last for a little over one year. American Marketing Association San Antonio Chapter hosts Marketing Excellence Awards Gala By Marcie Casas The American Marketing Association-San Antonio (AMASA) Chapter is gearing up to host its annual Marketing Excellence Awards Gala on Wednesday, May 21, 2015 at 6 p.m. at the Old San Francisco Steakhouse located at 10223 Sahara St. This year’s theme is “Shine Bright Like a Diamond.” AMA-SA hosts The Marketing Excellence Awards (MEA’s) annually to recognize outstanding regional and national marketing campaigns that were developed and debuted by local advertisers and marketers during the previous year. During the event, AMASA will also honor a Marketer of the Year. Marketing campaign entries in multiple categories are currently being accepted for award Just in time for Earth Day, the Alamo Area Council of Governments has honored VIA Metropolitan Transit with an Air Quality Stewardship Award for the agency’s efforts to preserve demand-response public transportation services in rural areas northeast of San Antonio. “It is truly an honor to be recognized for being a good steward of our environment,” said VIA President/CEO Jeff Arndt. “As an operator of a large fleet of vehicles, our primary environmental goal is the reduction of emissions, the use of public transportation.” The Air Quality Stewardship Award was presented by AACOG to the partners in the Demand Response Transit Project. Following the 2010 Census, the cities of New Braunfels, Schertz, Cibolo, Garden Ridge, and McQueeney were included in a new urbanized area. As a result of this classification, these areas lost their rural public transportation status and were no longer eligible for state funding for demand-response service. VIA partnered with these cities to provide funding for the continuation of this service. roadways,” said VIA Board Chair Hope Andrade. “VIA vanpools account for 19 million passenger miles traveled in the region, and demand-response services replace 16,000 or more personal vehicle trips each year. Simply put, more people using public transportation means cleaner air for everyone.” The cities included in the partnership agreed to match VIA with funds to continue the demandresponse service. Other partners recognized by AACOG include the Comal and Guadalupe County Commissioners Courts and the McKenna Foundation. The 33rd Annual Lowrider Festival Centro Cultural Aztlan San Antonio, Centro Cultural Aztlan invites you to the 33rd Annual Lowrider Festival on the grounds of Centro Aztlan. This year again we bring the Lowrider show home to the Art Deco Building. The Lowrider culture begins at home; Centro Cultural Aztlan is proud to nurture and promote the next generation of Lowriders by developing the Low Rider Custom Bike competition. Our Lowrider Festival is a family focused event featuring local and regional competitors who creatively enhance their vehicles into incredible mobile works of art, elaborately detailed with murals that are personal reflections and expressions of each participant. Gleaming Chrome, hydraulics, and elegantly restored upholstery are but a few of the custom enhanced features in these once factory-standard cars and trucks. All competitors will compete for trophies in over 30 different categories. Centro Cultural Aztlan is a non-profit Cultural Arts organization founded in 1977 to preserve, develop and promote Chicano/Latino Arts and Culture. Music is as much of the Lowrider Culture as are their vehicles, and aficionados will not be disappointed by the lineup scheduled this year. Enjoy the Oldies but goodies as well as contemporary songs performed by some of San Antonio’s most noted musicians. A festival could not be complete without our favorite festival foods prepared by some of the most popular street vendors. This year, along with the Lowrider competition, the festival will feature Arts & Crafts by local artisans, and back by popular demand the Live Art Paint OFF! General admission $7.00 children 12 and under are free! All proceeds from this fundraising event will ensure the continuation and sustainability of our cultural activities and general operating fund. For additional information please contact us at 210 432-1896 or email us at: Malena Gonzalez-Cid, Executive Director: ccaztlan@swbell. net Ruth Guajardo Arts Program Manager: [email protected] Lowriders, classic cars, live music, food booths, Sunday, May 3, 2015, 10 a.m -7 p.m. 1800 Fredericksburg Rd., grounds of Centro Cultural Aztlan. (Courtesy photo) Pet of the week She may not be a fairy or know how to fly, but this pup named Pixie is sure to bring a little magic into your life. This 2 year old Chihuahua mix was transferred from Animal Care Services to the SAHS and now she is on the lookout for her forever family! Pixie is such a sweetheart. She is truly the best of both worlds! She loves to play, but she also loves cuddling. Pixie also enjoys taking walks outside and exploring new sights and smells around her. However, Pixie is still learning how to walk well on a leash. At first she isn’t a big fan of the leash, but give her some time to adjust and feel comfortable and then she does very well. If you would like to spend some time with Pixie and she if she could be the doggy for you, visit the SAHS today! Please remember to spay/neuter your pets to help ensure every dog and cat born has a home waiting for them. San Antonio Humane Society, Connecting Friends for Life. Adoption fees for Dogs: 25 pounds & under - $99 26 pounds & over - $65 *Adoption fees may vary This adoption fee includes: spay/neuter surgery, first set of vaccinations, microchip, de-wormer, flea and heartworm prevention, collar, tag, complimentary wellness exam within the first 5 days of adoption, 14 day complimentary follow up care at any VCA animal hospital, 30 days 24PetWatch Pet Insurance, and a starter bag of Hill’s Science Diet pet food. For more information, visit the San Antonio Humane Society at 4804 Fredericksburg Rd. or call (210) 226-7461. 2014 AMASA Awards. (Courtesy photo) consideration. To submit a campaign and purchase event tickets, visit www.ama-sa.org. Deadline for campaign submission has been extended to May 1, 2015. The public is also in- vited to submit a nomination for the 2015 Marketer of the Year via www.ama-sa.org. Deadline for submission of Marketer of the Year nominations is May 8, 2015. 6-B AUTOS: 2005 JEEP WRANGLER: NEW TIRES, 4 CYLINDER, VERY CLEAN, $13,025. (210) 860-1642. (04/29/15) EMPLOYMENT: Need a Baker specializing in Mexican Bread & Cookies. Good working environment. Please call (210) 226-2979 or apply in person at 2200 W. Martin. (04/29/15) ----------------------Reliable Paving está buscando marcadores de pavimento/ estacionamientos. Montadores de metal de armazón liviano/ soldadores. Trabajadores de asfalto para la pala, la máquina de acostar, la máquina de paver. Aplicar en persona de lunes a viernes de 1:00 p.m. a 4:00 p.m. Estamos localizados en 1903 N. Peyco Arlington. In Business since 1982. (04/29/15) ----------------------Reliable Paving is looking for the following: Parking lot stripers. Light gage metal/metal erectors. Asphalt workers for paving machine. Shovel & rake man. Apply in person Monday - Friday from 1 p.m. to 4 p.m. We are located at 1903 N. Peyco Dr. Arlington, Texas 76001. In Business since 1982. (04/29/15) ----------------------- Cooks, line, tortilleras, dishwashers, servers. 145 E. Hildebrand. Applications 3 p.m. (210) 822-9533. (04/29/15) ----------------------CONTRATANDO AHORA PARA TRABAJO DE LIMPIEZAS DE ALFOMBRAS, MANTENIMIENTO DE EDIFICIO Y ENTREGAS. INTERESADOS NECESITAN LICENCIA DE MANEJO ACTIVA Y LLAMAR AL (210) 828-8082. APLICANTES SOLAMENTE. SAN ANTONIO 78212. (04/26/15) ----------------------¡¡ATENCIÓN!! DDA busca personal DE INMEDIATO ¡Sin experiencia! ¡¡Haga dinero extra!! Entregando guías telefónicas. REQUISITOS: Licencia de manejar, transporte propio y seguro de auto. El pago se hace en 72 horas. ¡¡Llama ahora!! 1(888) 5704402 o aplique en línea www.DDA-SESW.COM (05/03/15) ----------------------Solicito mecánico, plomero, electricista, nivelador, y yardero de México para trabajar en un rancho. (210) 3620875 (04/29/15) ----------------------Immediate Employment Delivering phone books in MIDWEST/DEL CITY Area. Make Xtra La Prensa de San Antonio Money. Great pay and flexible hours. Must have: Drivers license. Auto Insurance, Own Transportation. Call Now! 1(888) 570-4402 www.DDA-SE-SW. COM (05/03/15) ----------------------Drivers, Class-A: We’re Growing! 100% Employer PAID Group Health Insurance! HazmatTank End a Plus$$! www.getmehomedispatcher.com Call Tony: 855-582-4456 (04/26/15) ----------------------Need help to clean carport. Also renting house in Valley Hi area, 4 bedroom. Call (210) 685-1679 or (210) 537-7944 (04/26/15) ----------------------Panadería y taquería necesitan cajera, cocinero/a y ayudante general. 223 Palo Alto, favor de llamar (210) 440-1204. (04/29/15) ----------------------¿Cansado de su economía? Empresa líder busca 2 personas que quieran ganar dinero extra. Irma (210) 264-1340. (05/17/15) HOMES: COMPRO CASAS EN EFECTIVO: We pay cash for houses, fast, any areas and any condition, 25 yrs. Experience. Privacy assured! Call John (210) 300-4000. www.alamohomebuyers.com ATTENTION M/WBE and SBE VENDORS Texas Sterling Construction is requesting bids from Subcontractors and Suppliers for the City of San Antonio – West Avenue Low Water Crossing #40-00333. Bid Deadline is Tuesday May 5th, 2015 @ 2PM. SW3P, Seeding, Hauling, Striping, Electrical, Signage, Traffic Signals, Concrete comprise needs for the project. All inquiries shall be directed to 210-340-2133 Attn: Jim O’Reilly. All quotes shall be in our office by 1pm on May 4th, 2015. Please email: [email protected] or fax: 210-340-8732. Texas Sterling is an Equal Opportunity Employer. (12/30/15) RENT: Own and operate your own floral and/or gift shop in the downtown San Antonio area for as little as $795 per month, $95 equipment rental fee per month, plus $1,600 of existing floral inventory. This shop is located four blocks from the newly developed River Walk and Pearl Brewery areas. We are leasing floral sections and selling most of the floral tools and materials needed to run and operate a full service floral shop. We also own a professional floral school so we can train you for as little as $800 and in one month you will be ready to open your own business for just slightly over $2000. If you are interested or you know of someone who might be interested in owning and operating their own floral or gift business, please call (210) 229-9204 or (210) 772-2900. (04/29/15) ----------------------Se renta cuarto para una persona sola (210) 449-0544. (04/26/15) ----------------------Rento departamento personas mayores, solicito remedios caseros para curar diabéticos. (210) 362-0875 (04/29/15) ----------------------FOR RENT • 4419 Hein #2 1 BED 1 BATH, Part of a 4-plex: Central A/C, WConnections • All Utilities Included $895 monthly $450 dep. Must have GOOD rent history. Call John (210) 4144210 (05/03/15) ----------------------Se rentan cuartos en casa, $90.00 semanales, con carpetas nuevas y aire acondicionado (210) 8898563. (04/29/15) SALE/VENTAS: Mobile Home Park for sale $600,000 or best offer. Close to Toyota plant Hwy 16 south. Only serious inquiries (210) 4301083 (04/26/15) ----------------------Five Mobile Homes for Sale: $4,000 - $6,000 - $10,000 - $12,000 -$16,000 they sit in mobile home park. (210) 430-1083 (04/26/15) ----------------------FOR SALE • 315 Arrid • Owner to Owner • 2BED 1 BATH (House needs work) Across the street from Southside Lions Park $54,000•$3,000 Down • $595 Month. Includes Tax & Insurance . Call John (210) 414-4210 (05/17/15) ----------------------FOR SALE • 838 Keats, Southside•Owner to Owner• 3BED 1 BATH, Extra Large Lot $70,000•$4,000 Down • $850 Month Includes Tax & Insurance. Call John (210) 414-4210 (05/17/15) ----------------------Vendo secadora, silla para salón de belleza y aire acondicionado, llame después de las 4:00 p.m. (210) 5346087. (04/26/15) SERVICIOS: $7.50 SERVICIO A DOMICILIO, REFRIGERADORAS, LAVADOR- AS, SECADORAS Y ESTUFAS. UN AÑO GARANTÍA. LLAME A (210) 291-5431. (04/26/15) ----------------------Corto yardas, pongo tile, azulejo, textura, hago y reparo cercas de madera y alambre; pinto casas, plomería, sheetrock, hago y reparo cercas, carpintería, pongo puertas y ventanas. Habla con Jesús Villa. Llame a (210) 797-6677. (04/26/15) ----------------------Reparamos desde $49 lavadoras, secadoras, refrigeradoras, estufas, A/C’s. Todas marcas, garantizado. Llame a (210) 6059418 o (210) 4890604 o (210) 4880779. (04/26/15) ----------------------Sobador/Masajista para toda clase de lastimaduras (210) 922-9244. (05/31/15) ----------------------Para limpieza de casas o cuido de personas mayores Informes (210) 719-2224. (04/29/15) Miraculous Prayer Dear Heart of jesus, in the past I have asked for many favours, this time I ask for a special one (mention favour). Take it dear Heart of Jesus and place it within your own broken heart where your Father sees it. Then in his merciful eyes it will become your favour not mine. Amen. Say this prayer for 3 days and promise publication and your favour will be granted no matter how imposible E.C.B. S.D E.B.S. 26 de abril de 2015 J.B.F. Gloria al Padre… Acuérdate ¡Oh Niño Prayer to the three Santo! que jamás se angels oyó decir que alguno te haya implorado sin tu auxilio recibir. Por eso con fe y confianza, humilde y arrepentido, lleno de amor y esperanza este favor yo te pido. Pedir la gracia que Beloved Archangel se desea y decir siete Gabriel, Archangel veces. of purity and resur- M.G.H rection, I love you and bless you and Prayer to the Sathank you for what cred Heart of Jesus you mean to me. Load O most holy heart of these my decrees and Jesus, fountain of evprovide me your cos- ery blessing, I adore mic love your help, I you, I love you, and thank you. with lively sorrow Beloved Archangel for my sins I offer Michael, on behalf of you this poor heart the divine presence of mine. Make me of God in me and all humble, patient, pure of humanity, I invoke and wholly obedient your presence and to your will. Grant, your legions of Blue Good Jesus, that I may Angels to protect me live in you and for and my loved ones, I you. Protect me in thank you. the midst of danger. Beloved Archangel Comfort me in my Raphael, Archangel of afflictions. Give me healing of consecra- health of body, assistion, I love you and tance in my temporal bless you, seal me needs, your blessing in your flame heal- on all that I do, and the ing and help me to be grace of a holy death. aware only of perfec- Amen. tion. B.L. M.M.C J.B.F Novena To St. Jude Divino Niño Most holy Apostle, St. Niño amable de mi Jude, faithful servant vida, consuelo de los and friend of Jesus, cristianos, la gracia the Church honors que necesito, pongo and invokes you unien tus benditas manos, versally, as the patron Padre Nuestro... of difficult cases, Tú sabes mis pesares, of things almost depues todo te lo con- spaired of, Pray for fío, dad la paz a los me, I am so helpless turbados y alivio al and alone. corazón mío, Dios te Intercede with God salve María... for me that He brings Y aunque tu amor no visible and speedy merezco, no recurriré help where help is a ti en vano, pues eres almost despaired of. el Hijo de Dios y aux- Come to my assisilio de los cristianos, tance in this great need that I may receive the consolation and help of heaven in all my necessities, tribulations, and sufferings, particularly - (make your request here) and that I may praise God with you and all the saints forever. I promise, O Blessed St. Jude, to be ever mindful of this great favor granted me by God and to always honor you as my special and powerful patron, and to gratefully encourage devotion to you. Amen. R.V.P M.M.V. Prayer to the Infant of Atocha You are the powerful Savious of all people, protector of the invalid and almighty doctor of the infirm. Holy Infant, we honor you. Here you say three Our Fathers, Hail Marys, and Glory be to God. To remember this day I pray to you to answer my requests. Holy Infant of Atocha I ask you with all my heart to help me. Please be with me in thought and spirit when I find my peace and that you will be with me in the Heavens of Bethlehem. Amén Miraculous Prayer Dear Heart of jesus, in the past I have asked for many favours, this time I ask for a special one (mention favour). Take it dear Heart of Jesus and place it within your own broken heart where your Father sees it. Then in his merciful eyes it will become your favour not mine. Amen. J3 Company, LLC J3 Company, LLC Requesting sub-bids and material quotations for COSA PEGGY DRIVE EXTENSION Bid Deadline Tuesday April 28th, 2015 @ 2pm We encourage all certified ABE/DIBE/VBE/ESBE/HABE /NABE/SBE/DBE/MBE/ WBE/AABE/HUB bidders to submit bids 4 hours prior to BID DEADLINES with certifications. Please fax or email quotes to Fax: (830) 995-5199 [email protected] J3 Company, LLC J3 Company, LLC Requesting sub-bids and material quotations for COSA WEST AVENUE LOW WATER CROSSING Bid Deadline Tuesday May 5th, 2015 @ 2pm We encourage all certified ABE/DIBE/VBE/ESBE/HABE /NABE/SBE/DBE/MBE/ WBE/AABE/HUB bidders to submit bids 4 hours prior to BID DEADLINES with certifications. Please fax or email quotes to Fax: (830) 995-5199 [email protected] 26 de abril de 2015 Say this prayer for 3 days and promise publication and your favour will be granted no matter how imposible Divino Niño Niño amable de mi vida, consuelo de los cristianos, la gracia que necesito, pongo en tus benditas manos, Padre Nuestro... Tú sabes mis pesares, pues todo te lo confío, dad la paz a los turbados y alivio al corazón mío, Dios te salve María... Y aunque tu amor no merezco, no recurriré a ti en vano, pues eres el Hijo de Dios y auxilio de los cristianos, Gloria al Padre… Acuérdate ¡Oh Niño Santo! que jamás se oyó decir que alguno te haya implorado sin tu auxilio recibir. Por eso con fe y confianza, humilde y arrepentido, lleno de amor y esperanza este favor yo te pido. Pedir la gracia que se desea y decir siete veces. Divino Niño Jesús, bendícenos. D.N. De La Garza Novena To St. Jude Most holy Apostle, St. Jude, faithful servant and friend of Jesus, the Church honors and invokes you universally, as the patron of difficult cases, of things almost despaired of, Pray for me, I am so helpless and alone. Intercede with God for me that He brings visible and speedy help where help is almost despaired of. Come to my assistance in this great need that I may receive the consolation and help of heaven in all my necessities, tribulations, and sufferings, particularly - (make your request here) and that I may praise God with you and all the saints forever. I promise, O Blessed St. Jude, to be ever mindful of this great favor granted me by God and to always honor you as my special and powerful patron, and to gratefully encourage devotion to you. Amen. J.M.T. Confío en Dios Padre y en su misericordia divina, por eso pido a Él que ilumine mi camino y me otorgue la gracia que tanto deseo. Gracias Padre por oírme. Mande publicar y observe lo que Doy gracias a San ocurrirá el cuarto día. Judas Tadeo por el B.R. milagro recibido. L.L.V. K.R.L. Prayer to the SaPara los casos más cred Heart of Jesus difíciles O most holy heart of Ante ti vengo con la fe Jesus, fountain of evde mi alma, a buscar ery blessing, I adore tu sagrado consuelo you, I love you, and en mi difícil situación, with lively sorrow no me desampares de for my sins I offer las puertas que se me you this poor heart hacen de abrir e mi of mine. Make me camino, sea tu Brazo humble, patient, pure Poderoso el que las and wholly obedient abra para darme la to your will. Grant, tranquilidad que an- Good Jesus, that I may sío (tres peticiones live in you and for difíciles). Súplica que you. Protect me in te hace un corazón the midst of danger. afligido por los du- Comfort me in my ros golpes del cruel afflictions. Give me destino que lo han health of body, assisvencido siempre en tance in my temporal la lucha humana, ya needs, your blessing que sin tu poder di- on all that I do, and the vino no intercede en grace of a holy death. mi favor sucumbiré Amen. por falta de ayuda. La sombra de Brazo poderoso, asís- M.R.G. teme, ampárame y condúceme a la gloSan Pedro ria celestial. Gracias ¡Oh! Felicísimo dulce Jesús (rezar apóstol San Pedro. quince días empe- Singularísimo prínzando viernes). Pub- cipe de los discípulos licar antes de los ocho. del redentor, primer La Prensa de San Antonio ORACIONES vicario de Jesucristo en su Iglesia Católica, confesor de sus dos naturalezas, divina y humana, sencillo pescador a quien dio el Salvador el distinguido título de piedra fundamental de su templo militante; por esas prerrogativas concedidas a tus excelentes virtudes y, especialmente a la de tu Santísima Sombra, pues con ella se libra el que con devoción implora tu amparo a tu sombra se libra el caminante, con tu sombra se auxilia al que sorprende el malhechor, tu sombra refrigera al afligido, al enfermo y a cuantos te piden favor. ¡Oh! Sombra prodigiosa por cuya intercesión obró el Señor tantos favores y tan admirables prodigios, permíteme, Pedro Santo, que a tu sombra los pecadores alcancen el perdón de sus culpas, para que arrepentidos se alisten en las banderas de la gracia y a tu sombra no pierdan el derecho que tienen a la gloria. Amén. amor. Envía, Señor, tu Espíritu y todo será creado. Y renuevas la faz de la tierra. Oremos. Oh Dios, que ha enseñado a los corazones de los fieles con la luz del Espíritu Santo, concédenos el don del mismo Espíritu seamos siempre siempre del bien y gozar. B.L. Oración a la Virgen de Juquila Madre Querida, Virgen de Juquila, El Espíritu Santo Virgen de nuestra Ven, Espíritu Santo, esperanza, tuya es llena los corazones de nuestra vida, cuídatus fieles y enciende en ellos el fuego de tu nos de todo mal. Si en este mundo de injusti cias, de miseria y pecado ves que nuestra vida se turba, no nos abandones. Madre Querida, protege a los peregrinos, acompañamos por todos los caminos, vela por los pobres sin sustento y el pan que se les quita retribúyeselos. Acompáñanos en toda nuestra vida y libéranos de todo tipo de pecado. Amén. Doy gracias a la Virgen de Juquila, por los favores recibidos. Rece los 9 días esta oración y publíquela 7-B al noveno día, nueve Ave Marías durante nueve días. Pida tres deseos. Uno de negocios, dos imposibles. Al noveno día publique esta oración y se cumplicará aunque no lo crea. Amén. M.V. Prayer to the Infant of Atocha You are the powerful Savious of all people, protector of the invalid and almighty doctor of the infirm. Holy Infant, we honor you. Here you say three Our Fathers, Hail Marys, and Glory be to God. To remember this day I pray to you to answer my requests. Holy Infant of Atocha I ask you with all my heart to help me. Please be with me in thought and spirit when I find my peace and that you will be with me in the Heavens of Bethlehem. Amén Notificación de Audiencia Pública City of San Antonio Department of Planning and Community Development Public Notice A Public Hearing will take place beginning at 9 a.m. on Thursday, May 21, 2015 in City Council Chambers, Municipal Plaza Building. This will be a U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) required city-wide public hearing for a substantial amendment to the City’s FY 2015 Consolidated Annual Action Plan/ Budget to authorize a reprogramming action in an amount not to exceed $550,000 in Home Investment Partnership (HOME) funds for affordable housing activities. A copy of the proposed reprogramming summary and budget is currently available for review and comment on the City’s website www.sanantonio.gov/gma through the date of the public hearing. This information also will be available for review and comment at the Department of Planning and Community Development’s, Grants Monitoring and Administration Division located at 1400 S. Flores, Unit 3. Copies will also be located at the Department of Human Services located at 106 South St. Mary’s Street, 7th Floor and the Central Library located at 600 Soledad. Citizens wishing to speak at the public hearing may individually sign the appropriate sign-in sheet for that purpose which will be provided at the entrance of the City Council Chambers prior to 9 a.m. the day of the hearing. Each citizen will have three minutes to speak on one or multiple agenda items. Groups consisting of three or more citizens will be allotted nine minutes total to address the council on any one item. This meeting site is wheelchair accessible. The accessible entrance is located at the Municipal Plaza Building/Main Plaza entrance. Accessible visitor parking spaces are located at City Hall, 100 Military Plaza, North side. Auxiliary aids and services, including Deaf interpreters, must be requested forty-eight (48) hours prior to the meeting. For assistance call the Department of Planning and Community Development at (210) 207-6600 or 711 (Texas Relay Service for the Deaf). Close captioning is available on broadcasts of the Council Meeting on cable channel 21-TVSA. /s/ Leticia M. Vacek, TRMC/MMC City Clerk La Ciudad de San Antonio (COSA), en conjunto con el Departamento de Transporte de Texas (TxDOT) conducirá una audiencia pública el Martes, 26 de Mayo del 2015, en el salón de eventos de St. Luke’s Catholic Church, localizado en el 4603 Manitou Dr., San Antonio, TX 78228. El propósito de esta audiencia es para presentar las mejoras previstas para la calle Callaghan Rd desde la Inter-Estatal 410 (IH 410) a Spur 421 (Bandera Rd) en el condado de Bexar, Texas y para recibir cometarios públicos. Muestras estarán disponibles para su visualización a la 5:30 pm, con la audiencia formal iniciando a las 6:00 pm. Las instalaciones existentes consisten de 2 a 6 carriles con aceras en mal estado y banquetas angostas. El derecho-de-vía (ROW) existente varia de 70 a 140 pies de ancho. El proyecto propuesto mejoraría esta sección de la calle Callaghan Rd de IH 410 to Spur 421 (Bandera Rd) ampliándola calzada a 4 carriles con un carril continuo al centro para giro a la izquierda, instalación de nuevas señales de tráfico en todas las intersecciones con señales existentes, construcción de aceras y baquetas, añadiendo un camino de uso compartido de diez pies, y mejorando la superficie de asfalto y sistema de drenaje fluvial. El derecho-devía (ROW) típico propuesto variaría de 75 a 140 pies. El propósito del proyecto propuesto es (1) mejorar la movilidad y la eficiencia operativa, y (2) mejorar la superficie de asfalto y sistema de drenaje fluvial de Callaghan Rd. Las mejoras propuestas requerirían aproximadamente 0.65 acres de derechode-vía (ROW) adicional, 0.10 acres de terreno para acceso de vía permanente, y 0.45 acres de acceso de vía temporal para la construcción. El proyecto propuesto no requeriría la reubicación de residentes o estructuras comerciales. Sin embargo, adquisición parcial (ejemplo: perdida de frente lineal de la propiedad o estacionamiento) serán requeridos de 31 parcelas. Información sobre el Programa de Asistencia de Relocalización de TxDOT, incluyendo información del calendario provisional para la adquisición de derecho-de-vía (ROW) y construcción puede ser obtenida de la Oficina de Transportation & Capital Improvement. El proyecto propuesto cruzaría un arroyo emifero en Postwood Drive; se espera que el trabajo en esta intersección calificaría bajo el Permiso Nacional 14 sin una Notificación de Pre-construcción al U.S. Army Corps of Engineers. Además, el proyecto atravesaría la llanura de inundación de 100 años. Mapas y otros dibujos señalando la localización del proyecto propuesto y diseño serán mostrados en la audiencia. Documentación ambiental del proyecto también estará disponible para su inspección en la audiencia. Información adicional sobre el proyecto está en archivo y disponible para inspección de Lunes a Viernes entre la 4:45 am y 4:30 pm en el 5to piso de la Ciudad de San Antonio Municipal Plaza Building localizado en 114 West Commerce, San Antonio, TX 78205. Todo ciudadano con interés esta cordialmente invitado a la audiencia pública. Comentarios escritos y verbales del público sobre este proyecto son requeridos y pueden ser presentados por un periodo de 10 días después de la audiencia. Comentarios escritos pueden ser presentados en persona o por correo a City of San Antonio, David McBeth, Project Manager, P.O. Box 839966, San Antonio, TX 78283-3966. Sus comentarios deben ser recibidos en o antes del viernes 5 de Junio del 2015 a fin de que sea parte del registro de la audiencia oficial. La Audiencia Pública será conducida en Ingles. Personas interesadas en atender la audiencia que tienen necesidades de comunicación o de alojamientos especiales, o necesitan un intérprete, se les solicita que se pongan en contacto con Peter Rodriguez en el Transportation & Capital Improvement al tel. (210) 207-8154. Las solicitudes deben hacerse al menos 2 días antes de la audiencia pública. Todo esfuerzo razonable se hará para satisfacer sus necesidades. Si usted tiene preguntas generales o preocupaciones con respecto al proyecto, puede contactar a Peter Rodriguez al (210) 207-8154. La revisión ambiental, consultas y otras acciones requeridas por las leyes ambientales federales aplicables para este proyecto están siendo o han sido, llevado a cabo por TxDOT - en virtud de 23 USC 327 y un Memorando de Entendimiento fechado el 16 de diciembre del 2014, y ejecutado por la FHWA y el TxDOT. ¿Le gustaría empezar una amistad interesante? ¿Está cansado de buscar por donde quiera a una persona especial con quien compartir su vida y sigue sin encontrarla? La Prensa de San Antonio le ofrece una mejor alternativa. Envíenos su anuncio personal, mencione su nombre, edad, peso, estatura, sus gustos. Envíe su carta acompañada de $5. Su aviso se publicará durante dos semanas. Mande $15 si quiere que se publique durante cuatro semanas. Conteste todas las cartas aunque no esté interesado. Una nota de “No gracias, tal vez la próxima ocasión” es muy importante para la persona que le escriba. ¿Desea contestar un anuncio? 1.- Envíe su carta dentro de un sobre en blanco, con timbre postal de .44 cts. y con el número clave que le haya interesado (aparece abajo, a la derecha). Incluya $5. 2. No olvide incluir su número de teléfono, escriba con letra clara es muy importante. La Prensa de San Antonio, P.O. Box 830768, San Antonio, Texas 78283 Hola soy un hombre de 50 años y deseo conocer una mujer de 30 a 60 años, solteras, casadas, viudas o divorciadas sin compromiso. Soy muy romántico y cariñoso. No se arrepentirán. C-221 ----------------------------Soy señor joven de 63. Me veo más joven. Estoy retirado. Busco una dama de peso entre los 175 a los 220. De estatura de 5’3’’ para arriba. De edad entre los 30 a 60 años. No tomo ni fumo, soy cristiano. C-222 ----------------------------Soy un hombre de 68 años. Mido 5’2’’ pulgadas. Peso 150 libras. Católico de buenos principios y sin vicios. Busco una damita que sea hispana, no más de 5’ pies de altura, no más de 110 libras, blanca y de ojos de color. Que sea buena y tenga buenos principios y católica. No más de 55 años de edad. Gracias. C-223 ----------------------------47 años. Mexicano. 5.8. 235 libras. 9 años de viudo. 2 hijos de 18 a 19 años. Busco una mujer sincera, honesta y hogareña que quiera algo serio. De 40 a 50 años. El físico no me interesa. Que sea de México o de aquí, Estados Unidos, de San Antonio TX o de afuera, sin compromiso. C-224 ----------------------------Busco un hombre que sea sincero, solo, que no tenga compromiso. De 60-65 años, que sea mexicano, que sea alegre, que le guste el baile, cine o reuniones familiares. Yo soy una mujer divorciada. Tengo 59 años. Soy muy alegre, buen carácter. Soy blanca, mido 5.2 pies. D-225 ----------------------------Hola, soy una mujer sola y viuda sin compromisos. Busco un hombre que tenga más o menos mi edad, de 68 a 70 años. Soy blanca, ojos café, pelo café. Mido 5’5’’. No me importa si el hombre es más bajo que yo, no más que sea bueno y le guste lo que a mí me gusta. Si es moreno está bien, no más que sea buena persona conmigo. Yo ya tengo mucho de estar sola sin compañero, por eso yo busco un buen hombre. Yo sé que muchos hombres están solos a la edad de nosotros. Necesitamos un cariño de veraz. Si hay alguien que le guste mi carta, pues conteste. Estaré esperando una buena persona para mí. Su amiga. D-227 ----------------------------Soy un caballero de 59 años solo. Soy alto, mido 6 pies, pelo negro, moreno claro. Peso normal. Soy buena persona. Te ofrezco mi atención, mi amor. Sé valorar. Te doy toda mi alma. Busco una dama. 45 a 55 años, sola, sin niños, que su talla sea 12 o 14, peso normal. Que sea buena persona, cariñosa, que desee una relación seria. C-228 ----------------------------Soy un hombre de 68 años. Vivo solo, tengo mi apartamento, mi carro, estoy retirado y trabajo. Busco una señora para una relación seria, no importa el físico. No juegos, ni pasatiempo. Si buscas lo mismo escríbeme. No te arrepentirás. C-229 ----------------------------Soy una mujer de 45 años de edad y soy divorciada, amable y cariñosa. Estoy en busca de un hombre bueno de 45 a 50 años que busque algo muy serio. Si te interesa, mándame tu carta. conocer un hombre de 68 años, alto 5’8”, de peso entre los Te espero. D-230 178 a los 185. Que sea: fiel, sincero, honesto, de buenas ----------------------------Hola, soy un caballero de 48 costumbres, buen carácter, digno, que hable como hombre años alto, mido 1.87, algo y que no tenga vicios con las blanco, cuerpo normal, muy drogas, atractivo, educado, de aseado, trabajador, no tengo buenos principios, respetuoso vicios, me gustan los deportes, y de buenos sentimientos. Que leer, salir a comer, ver alguna sea de Estados Unidos, de San película en casa y divertirme Antonio TX. Si hay alguien sanamente. Busco dama sincera, que tenga todo esto: escríbeme, cariñosa, sencilla y de nobles porque yo tengo todo esto. D-232 valores para una bella relación ----------------------------seria y duradera, la edad no importa, solo que desee ser feliz. B u s c o u n c a b a l l e r o q u e C-231 sea educado, que no tenga compromiso y desee compartir ----------------------------ideas, tiempo. Soy viuda, Soy una mujer de 68 años, católica, 59 años, estatura 5,2. Latina, 5’3”, 142 libras, Peso 130. Morena clara. Me morena clara. Yo tengo buenos gusta vestir con elegancia, sentimientos y soy honesta. Me las buenas costumbres, el arte gusta la música y las diversiones y conocer diferentes países, sanas. Me gusta la verdad, la historia, pintura. dignidad de las personas. Deseo D-219 8-B La Prensa de San Antonio 1130 am www.1130am.net diferente a todas... Igual a ti Oficina: 210-270-8914 Cabina: 210-270-7500 Anúnciate con nosotros y haz crecer tu negocio Llegando a casi todo el sur de texas Austin, San Antonio, Seguin, San Marcos, Uvalde, Laredo, Eagle Pass, Victoria, Kenedy, Del Río, Corpus Christi 26 de abril de 2015 26 de abril de 2015 Navy Day en El Álamo con espíritu de Fiesta 2015 Texto y fotos por Roberto J. Pérez Las fuerzas armadas, al participar activamente en el programa oficial de Fiesta San Antonio, dan un toque único a las festividades. Ese fue el caso de Navy Day, que el jueves 23 de abril tuvo como escenario la Plaza de la Misión de El Álamo en una ceremonia abierta al público que tuvo como número principal el enlistamiento de nuevos cadetes y el reenlistamiento de personal que firma para un segundo término de servicio. Presidió la ceremonia Rebecca J. McCormick-Boyle, comandante de Navy Medicine Education and Training Comand, quien tomó la protesta de los enlistados. El acto empezó a las 11 de la mañana con música, proclamación enviada por Ivy Taylor, alcaldesa de la ciudad de San Antonio, hono res a la bandera, demostración de la ceremonia para plegar la bandera nacional que se le entrega a quienes fallecen durante su servicio y, finalmente, demostración de las fuerzas de seguridad de la armada. Demostración de la ceremonia para plegar la bandera que se entrega a los familiares de personal militar que muere en servicio. Presidió Navy Day la Rear Admiral Rebecca McCormick-Boyle, comandante de Navy Medicine Education and Training Command. Rear Admiral Rebecca J. McCormick-Boyle a su llegada a la plaza de El Álamo. Nuevos cadetes prestan juramento al enlistarse en la armada. Juramento de personal que se reenlista para un segundo periodo. Demostración de las fuerzas de seguridad del Navy. Oficial Santiago Briseño y sus dos pequeños hijos, que presenBeca concedida por Navy para continuar estudios superiores ciaron su reenlistamiento. La Admiral McCormick-Boyle aplaude en la escena. después de prestar servicio. 2-C LA PRENSA DE SAN ANTONIO 26 de abril de 2015 La gerencia general de los Spurs ofreció en el Travis Park una colorida fiesta por la clasificación al playoff del oeste del pentacampeón. Chicas de la porra Silver Dancers y personal de Spurs Sports & Entertainment engalanaron este evento en el que participaron fans durante concursos que otorgaron a los ganadores Los pequeños fans de los Spurs y sus familiares se divirtieron en el emotivo evento que celebró la décimo octava clasificación de boletos para los partidos del playoff. (Fotos, Franco) San Antonio al playoff del oeste. El diseñador de globos Ernie Shown es captado en los momentos de complacer a una niña que le pidió la figura de la mascota The Coyote. La figura le sirvió de “sombrero” en esta magna fiesta que llevó el tema Silver & Black. La plaza del renovado Travis Park, ubicado en el 300 East Travis Street, estuvo concurrida durante la fiesta Silver & Black en la que la mayoría de fans vistieron los colores de los uniformes de Spurs que visten de local y visitantes. Las madres de familia vistieron a sus pequeños de acorde con la playera y número de sus jugadores favoritos, como se aprecia en la gráfica. El disc jockey oficial de los Spurs, “DeeJay Quake”, con su variado repertorio complació a fans que estuvieron bailando y animando el ambiente, porque los Spurs se ponen rumbo a la conquista del sexto campeonato. Aficionados de todas las edades se dieron cita en el Travis Park para disfrutar del ambiente y darle su apoyo una vez más a Spurs. Seguidores vistieron los colores y se maquillaron con el tema Silver & Black. Este fue un ambiente inolvidable que La Prensa logró captar en exclusiva. La noble afición de los Spurs, con todo su talento e imaginación, se dio a la tarea por diseñar su propia tema de Fiesta y de los playoffs en los que el pentacampeón tiene otra oportunidad de ganar un trofeo Larry O’Brien, para sumar el sexto en su flamante vitrina del AT&T Center. La porra mixta Spurs Team Energy encabezó los eventos animando a fans para disfrutar del baile y de otros eventos. Un miembro de la legión de los “Spurtans”, que durante el playoff del oeste pululan en el AT&T Center, se dio cita en este evento para mostrarle su apoyo al pentacampeón. Un seguidor de los Spurs, quien siempre se pone máscara y sombrero alusivo a los colores de la franquicia Silver & Black, anduvo saludando fans y a la vez posó para La Prensa de San Antonio. Los tres buenos amigos: Jesse Ibarra, Juan (Juanito) Rábago y Rudy Barrientez se reunieron en el Rosedale Park, donde disfrutaron de las acciones del béisbol dominical del circuito Tex-Mex Independent Baseball League. A la vez recordaron anécdotas de su club, el trabuco Alamo Kings, que bajo la dirección del clan Barrientez, logró establecer jerarquía en San Antonio. Rudy también recibió felicitaciones por el nacimiento de su nieto Ryan Alexander. Congratulations to Alaya Barrientos Daoud on being crowned the 2015 Queen of the International Black and White Ball (IBWB). As Queen, Alaya will represent IBWB at several local events, including San Antonio’s 2015 Fiesta celebration this coming April. Highlighting Fiesta will be her entrance into the Battle of Flowers and Fiesta Flambeau parades. Alaya not only believes in the goodwill that the IBWB promotes, but she strongly believes in family. She is the loving daughter of Nadine Barrientos-Daoud and Riyad Daoud and the doting older sister of Joseph. Best wishes to Alaya during her reign as the 2015 Queen of the Black and White ball. El partido del Rampage contra el rival de la autopista I-35 (Stars de Texas) fue dedicado a su fundación caritativa Silver & Black Give Back. Los primeros cinco mil espectadores con boleto de admisión pagado recibieron coloridos lentes oscuros. Rampage se clasificó al playoff del oeste y jugará la primera ronda contra los Barons de Oklahoma City el 23 y 25 de abril en calidad de visitante, y el 29 de abril y primero de mayo (de ser posible) en el AT&T Center. La gerencia general del equipo Rampage, como de costumbre una hora antes de cada partido local en la pista del AT&T Center, concedió permiso a fans para que sin costo alguno patinaran durante el evento Silver & Black Give Back Night, con el que se despidió la temporada regular. En la foto aparecen dos chicas patinadoras tomándose una selfie, que inmediatamente subieron a las redes sociales. MEDICAMENTOS GENÉRICOS A PRECIOS TAN BAJOS COMO 26 de abril de 2015 LA PRENSA DE SAN ANTONIO 3-C Fiesta 2015 en el Westside con Piñatas en El Barrio Texto y fotos por Roberto J. Pérez Acción Unida for Entertainment and Diverse Artist (A.U.E.D.A.) llevó la alegría de San Antonio Fiesta 2015 hasta el corazón del Westside con la celebración de Piñatas en El barrio el sábado 18 de abril en la Plaza Guadalupe. La plaza, adornada con numero sas piñatas y motivos de Fiesta 2015, dio al público cinco horas de entretenimiento con música en vivo, y puestos de diversos artículos para el recuerdo. Igualmente, las damas tuvieron la oportunidad de lucir sus coloridos atuendos de Fiesta. A las 2 de la tarde arribó el Rey Feo, Jon Gary Herrera, para coronar a los reyes de Piñatas en El Barrio: Joe and María Guerra. Catalina Benavides. Duchess Mary Jane Parrilla. Presidente de Fiesta Commission, Fernando Reyes, y Miss Fiesta 2015 Alixzandra Peña. Princess Shelby Montanye. Susana Alvarado. Joe y María Guerra, reyes de Piñatas en El Barrio. Cristina Córdoba, del grupo Azteca. Karina García, del grupo Los Agues. Grace Gunther, Princess, y Queen Mikayla Schroeder (San Antonio Lutheran Coronation). Ashley Littlefield, Fiesta Teen Queen 2015 (Women’s Club of El Rey Feo Jon Gary Herrera corona al Rey de Piñatas en El San Antonio). Kamilah Avery, Queen of Soul. Barrio: Joe Guerra. Cientos de opciones. Más ahorros cada día. • No se requiere membresía especial • Sin cuotas de inscripción • Disponible a clientes con o sin cobertura de prescripciones médicas ¡BUENAS NOTICIAS! Para ayudarte a ahorrar en tus medicamentos, tu Farmacia H-E-B tiene más de 260 medicamentos genéricos a precios tan bajos como $4 por un suministro de 30 días*. Además, tenemos disponibles medicamentos genéricos de $8 y $12 en suministros de 30 días*. Para ver qué medicamentos genéricos califican para este programa, visita heb.com/pharmacy o habla con tu equipo de la farmacia de H-E-B y ahorra hoy mismo. *30 días de suministro en un régimen de mantenimiento comúnmente prescrito o en la etapa crónica de la terapia. Lista sujeta a cambio en cualquier momento sin previo aviso. Basado en suministros de 30 días en dosis comúnmente prescritas. ©2015 HEB, 15-0567 4-C LA PRENSA DE SAN ANTONIO 26 de abril de 2015 Mezcalería Mixtli gives S.A. a true taste of Mexico By Lea Thompson [email protected] Price Range: $-$$ Mezcal has long held the reputation as a bad spirit that leads to worse decisions, but Mezcalería Mixtli, a new restaurant and bar opening this weekend, is determined to set the record straight. “A lot people associate mezcal with being cheap or just ‘not good,’ but that’s probably because until recently, that’s mostly what we had available in Texas,” Jesse Torres, the mixologist and co-owner of Mezcalería Mixtli said. “But good mezcal is an incredibly rich Mexican spirit with an amazing history.” Torres and Chef Diego Galicia of Mixtli became inspired to open the bar after visiting a mezcalería in Mexico City last year. After trying several varieties, they decided that the drink experience was exactly what San Antonio was missing. “So much of our food and drink culture has become diluted because of industrialization in the last few years,” Torres said. “That’s why we’re seeing this huge movement in the culinary and bartending worlds to bring back that history and preserve that cultural heritage.” Torres and Galicia were part of the team who opened Mixtli restaurant in late 2014 as a way to bring authentic and delicious food experiences to people. Mixtli’s small interior allows for an intimate and unique dining experience, but Torres and Galicia wanted to share that on a larger scale. “There’s no reservations needed at the Mezcalería, which allows us to reach more people,” Torres said. “Everything we make is seasonal and authentic, but it’s in a place and in a price range that makes it accessible.” As of this week, the mezcalería has 42 mezcales, but the team plans to have over 100 varieties by this summer. Patrons can opt for a copita, or half serving of mezcal, or the jicara, the full serving. Torres has created a wide selection of unique and refreshing cocktails in addition to the large selection of craft beers, agua frescas and Mexican sodas on the menu. The mezcalería’s botanas menu features great eats like the charcutería, made with Spanish chorizo, jamón, and aged cheese, or the house chicharrones served with guacamole. Galicia advised diners to keep an eye on the mezcaleria in the coming weeks, as the restaurant plans will expand to include lunch hours. “We wanted a place that was an intimate neighborhood bar,” Torres said. “We want people to feel like they can ask questions and talk to the bartender about the menu, or they can just have a great time with friends.” Mezcalería Mixtli is located in the Yard on McCullough at 5313 McCullough Ave, with a parking lot available for restaurant patrons. The Mezcalería is open from 4 p.m. to midnight Sunday through Thursday, and 4 p.m. to 2 a.m. Friday through Saturday. Mixologist/co-owner Jesse Torres takes a unique approach to classic favorites at Mezcaleria Mixtli, like the refreshing paloma pictured here.(Photo, Mezcaleria Mixtli offers locals an authentic taste of Mexican culture with a large collection of mezcales. Each mezcal is served with fresh orange slices and sal de gusano. (Photo, Lea Thompson) Lea Thompson) ` 26 de abril de 2015 SAMA introduces legendary artist to S.A. By Lea Thompson [email protected] Being asked to create portraits of historic figures like John F. Kennedy Jr. or Andy Warhol would be a lifetime accomplishment for many painters, but for artist Jamie Wyeth, now 68, there’s still plenty of work to be done. A retrospective of his work, simply titled “Jamie Wyeth,” opens this weekend at the San Antonio Museum of Art (SAMA), and continues through July. Originally developed by the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston, the exhibit spans over 60 years of his career, from his childhood drawings and his time spent with friend Andy Warhol to his more recent paintings inspired by the people and places that surround him. Upon entering the exhibit, Wyeth joked about how the retrospective of his work had come too soon. “It makes me feel like I’m already dead,” Wyeth said with a laugh. “I pretty much always knew I wanted to paint, I just wanted more time to do it.” Wyeth is a third generation artist, following the well-established careers of his father Andrew Wyeth, and his grandfather N.C. Wyeth. However, Jamie has managed to create a uniquely immersive experience for visitors through his realist paintings. “Anyone would have asked ‘Where do you fit?’ I think the answer to that is one that Jamie Wyeth has been triumphantly exploring and demonstrating his versatility,” William Keyse Rudolph, the Chief Curator for SAMA said. Wyeth discussed the lengthy Artist Jamie Wyeth recalls the friendship and influence that he shared with artist Andy Warhol in New York City during the 60s and 70s. A retrospective of Wyeth’s work in addition to a Warhol portrait of the artist can be viewed from April 25 to July 5, 2015 at the San Antonio Museum of Art. (Photo,Lea Thompson) process he takes on each time he creates new work, including his painting of “Bale,” created in 1972. “You know portraits take on their own life,” Wyeth said. “A lot of my so called ‘landscapes’ I really consider portraits,” Wyeth said. “If you look at this, I became obsessed with this bale of hay for whatever reason. To the point that I would cover it every night for fear that it would (stilts), trompos (wooden spinning tops) and canicas (marbles) will also be available for children and adults alike. During the Paseo, guests are encouraged to join one of the three Westside walking tours as Westside Preservation Alliance members guide guests around this neighborhood and learn about its historic, cultural and architectural significance. Walking tour stops include Guadalupe Church, the White Star Building, Casa Maldonado, the Guadalupe Theater, Fite Alley Shotguns and the MujerArtes Studio. Neighborhood walking tours will begin at 9 a.m. and 11 p.m. and will leave from the corner of Guadalupe and S. Colorado. The Historic Cemetary Walking Tour starts at 10:30 a.m. and will go to San Fernando #1. Live music will fill the air as longtime favorites such as Las Tesoros de San Antonio with Beatriz Llamas, Rita Vidaurri, and Blanca Rosa showcase their songs with Mariachi Durango. The Conjunto Heritage Taller will perform and highlight star students during the lunch hour. The youth of Son Semilla will perform their jarana sounds for all community present. Bene Medina and Conjunto Aguila will close out the afternoon with the American Folk Music sounds of the legendary music known as Conjunto. Our Paseo por el Westside event is one of hundreds of events happening around the country in honor of Historic Preservation Month. We partner with various community groups and the local Office of Historic Preservation in an effort to recognize a part of San Antonio that is largely underserved and unrecognized as worthy of preservation. Local partners will be hosting information tables to promote other goings on in the community. San Anto Cultural Arts, Westside Preservation Alliance, MujerArtes Clay Cooperative, Center for Cultural Sustainability out of UTSA, San Antonio Metro Health, Texana Geneology Department from the San Antonio Public Library system and local San Antonio Missions National Historic Parks will be there to share information about their current and upcoming events. This community event is free and open to the public. The whole family is invited, whether they were born and raised in the Westside or simply enjoy cultural festivities honoring San Antonio’s heritage. disappear.” Wyeth shows the same passion and curiosity for all his subjects, and is excited to see what the newest generation of young artists will create, or what they might be inspired by. “Painting I think of all the disciplines is the most immediate, which thrills me, it’s why I’m in it,” Wyeth said. Even after 60 years of painting, he continues to create new work asking, “Why not?” “Jamie Wyeth” will be open to the public from Saturday, April 25 to July 5, 2015 at the San Antonio Museum of Art. Paseo por el Westside Moontower: Latinos in Entertainment By Itza Carbajal The Esperanza Peace and Justice Center will present Paseo por el Westside, a historic and cultural preservation community gathering on the Westside of San Antonio. The event will take place on Saturday, May 2, 2015 from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. with walking tours starting the event and activities beginning at 9 a.m. Each year, community comes together at the Rinconcito de Esperanza (Little Corner of Hope), located at 816 S. Colorado St., to celebrate culture, history, and conviviencia (conviviality). The event will fuse storytelling, music, education, film, and history in one jam-packed day. Some local favorites will be returning to Paseo as well as new additions. Workshops with Jacinto Madrigal and his medicinal plants as well as Enrique Sanchez’s informative plática on Pan Dulce will make an appearance. There will be other workshops on flour tortilla making and how to do genealogical research with local resources in the morning hours. Alongside these pláticas and throughout the day, beloved and old-time children’s games such as zancos Texas comedian Chris Tellez entertains the crowd during the “Austin Towers!” set at the Velveeta Comedy Lounge in Austin, Texas on night two of the 2015 Moontower Comedy Festival . (Photo by Lea Thompson) By Lea Thompson [email protected] Comedian Chris Tellez and jazz singer Margo Rey are just a couple of the Latino and Latina performers found at this years Moontower Comedy Festival in Austin, Texas. Now in its fourth year, Moontower has introduced up-andcoming talents like Hannibal Buress and Cristela Alonzo, and showcased established acts like Aziz Ansari and Maria Bamford. Whatever your style of comedy, Moontower has undeniably cemented Texas’ reputation for great comedy. La Prensa was able speak with Tellez and Rey about their beginnings in the entertainment industry and where they plan on going next. Chris Tellez For Tellez, comedic inspiration can come from anyone or anywhere, whether it’s a story about why dog poop is cute or why society should get rid of the phrase “LOL.” “I’d been around funny people my whole life,” Tellez said. “It’s something I wanted to do since I was a kid ya know, but didn’t get around to it until I was 28.” Tellez hails from Dallas, where he would watch “Mr. Show” with Bob Odenkirk and David Cross, and stand-up comedians like Mitch Hedberg, Bill Burr, and Mike Birbiglia. “Theres just so many that I could name,” Tellez said. (He did name TJ Miller and Brent Weinbach).” “I did my first year in Dallas but I saw how diverse the comedy scene was in Austin, and figured I could cut my teeth faster working seven nights a week so I moved.” Tellez developed his confidence at Cap City before he began hosting a monthly “S*#!’s Golden” comedy show featuring other new comedians at Spiderhouse Ballroom. “It’s all hits no skips, local up and coming comedians,” Tellez said. “I love the comedy community here in Austin. I will end up in L.A. eventually for work, but I have no problem biding my time in Austin.” Although Tellez acknowledges that he is “on the brink of superstardom,” you can still catch him at local shows in Texas or at his monthly “S*#!’s Golden” show with other local comedians like Avery Moore and Rebel Sanchez. Visit www.christellez.tumblr.com for more information. Margo Rey Rey was an accomplished jazz singer long before she married comedian Ron White in 2013, and she’s been in the entertainment industry for more than 30 years. Rey and White are able to balance their careers and personal time by working together on tour. This year’s Moontower featured White as the event’s headliner with Rey as his opening act. see Moontower on page 3-D 2-D LA PRENSA DE SAN ANTONIO Sandra Bullock is world’s most beautiful woman, says U.S. magazine EFE - Actor Sandra Bullock, 50, has been named the world’s most beautiful woman for 2015 by People magazine. The magazine, in an article published Wednesday, bestowed on her the honor, previously held by Lupita Nyong’o, Gwyneth Paltrow and Beyonce. The Oscar winner for ‘The Blind Side’ (2009) said she found the honor “ridiculous” and that it made her laugh, though she posed for the next edition of People to hit stands Friday with her face on the cover. Bullock said that she found true beauty as a mother, to her fiveyear-old son Louis, adding that the most beautiful do not have try to be beautiful. “Real beauty is quiet. Especially in this town, it’s just so hard not to say, ‘Oh, I need to look like that,’” said the protagonist of the ‘Miss Congeniality’ films. Every year People prepares lists of good looking people, men and women, mainly celebrities from the entertainment industry in the United States. This year, the top 10 includes the transsexual Laverne Cox (‘Orange is the New Black’), 19-year- Actress Sandra Bullock arrives for the 86th annual Academy old model Gigi Hadid and actress Awards ceremony at the Dolby Theatre in Hollywood, California, Taraji P. Henson (‘Empire’). USA. (EFE/EPA/PAUL BUCK) 26 de abril de 2015 Paul McCartney named 2015 richest musician in Britain British musician Paul McCartney during a concert at the Movistar Arena in Santiago, Chile. (EFE / Felipe Trueba) EFE - Former Beatle Paul McCartney tops the list of the 40 richest musicians in Britain and Ireland with a fortune he shares with his wife of around ?l billion ($1.07 billion). The veteran artist, who continues to compose and tour at 72, heads the rich list put together annually by The Sunday Times to be published on Sunday. English composer Andrew Lloyd-Webber is in second place with a personal fortune valued at $910 million. Irish rock band U2 with a combined total worth of $431 million and Sir Elton John worth $270 million are in third and fourth places respectively. Placed fifth is Rolling Stones frontman Mick Jagger with $315 million, followed by fellow band member Keith Richards, Irish dancer Michael Flatley, former Beatle Ringo Starr, Sting and Pink Floyd’s Roger Waters rounding off the top ten. Also on the list are Eric Clapton (11), Welsh singer Tom Jones and Rod Stewart (12), David Bowie and wife Iman (15) and Robbie Williams (15). The list of rich musicians under the age of 30 in Britain is topped by Adele with a fortune of over $70 million. She is followed by the members of boy band One Direction with an estimated fortune of $35 million each. Ed Sheeran is in seventh place, followed by Ellie Goulding (8) and soul singer Sam Smith (14). 26 de abril de 2015 Moontower... Rey noted that she is proud to work with her husband, and proud to represent Latinos and Latinas in her work and in the comedy world. “I’ve noticed more Latinos in a lot of different arms of the entertainment industry today,” Rey said. “It has a huge impact if you’re a child and you don’t see anyone who looks like you or if they are only seen as a criminal and that’s really impactful to the child.” LA PRENSA DE SAN ANTONIO (continued from page 1-D) Rey and White entertained a full house on Wednesday night at the show at the Paramount Theatre in Austin. “I think other areas of entertainment have caught up to the music industry,” Rey said. “It’s always been we’re going to make music no matter what. But I just see it as being.” “I think art should always represent the society that it comes from,” Rey said. “Whether I’m singing in English or Spanish, I want people to respond to the work first. If they relate to me as a Latina, that’s great too.” Rey recently released several new songs including “Never 2 late” featuring John Oates (of Hall and Oates) which is already charting on the Adult Contemporary music charts. Check out her tour schedule with Ron White, or her newest music at www.margorey. com. Annual MujerArtes Mother’s Day Sale Special to La Prensa This year, MujerArtes celebrates 20 years of expressing their creative voices through the medium of clay. Starting on Monday, April 27 until Saturday, May 9, the women of MujerArtes will be exhibiting and selling their newest pieces of art celebrating the lives of mothers, grandmothers, tias, and daughters from all walks of life at the annual Mother’s Day Sale. At this annual event, the women focus on creating artwork detailing the various lives of women around the world from a florist selling fresh flowers to a mother carrying her child with a rebozo. Art pieces range from $5 to $300 allowing for a wide range of buyers to experience the beauty of MujerArtes. The sale and exhibit is located at 1412 El Paso with the studio open Monday through Saturday from 10 a.m. - 5 p.m. The history of MujerArtes begins in 1995 as an avenue for working class women to attend art classes at no cost. For many in the Westside community of San Antonio, art classes symbolized an expensive recreational activity that low-income women rarely had the chance to attend. While these women represented a diverse group of artistic narratives, there had to be a way for them to afford materials, instruction, and a place to sell their artwork. Over the span of 20 years, roughly 200 women have walked through the doors of the MujerArtes. “Casita,” the annual Mother’s Day event demonstrates the idea that each woman possesses the ability to share an important story. Many of the art pieces to be sold show the multi-layered aspects of being a woman on Mother’s Day from being an abuela, aunt, mother, or daughter. Through this program, the women strive to honor all women who have nurtured and advocated for their families, friends and community. This sale will also function as a fundraising opportunity for the Esperanza and MujerArtes to raise additional funds for the future adobe studio project set to begin in 2015. MujerArtes will also be preparing for their 20th anniversary exhibit set for September 5, 2015 at the Esperanza Peace and Justice Center. For more information on the sale, please contact Itza at (210)2280201. 3-D “Texas Rising” del History Channel llega para Memorial Day Por Adda Montalvo [email protected] Durante el fin de semana de Memorial Day, History Channel estrenará la miniserie de 8 horas “Texas Rising”, que tratará sobre la Revolución Texana (la caída de El Álamo) y el ascenso de los Texas Rangers. La serie, de tono épico, será estrenada el 25 de mayo a las 8 p.m. C. “Texas Rising” contará con la actuación de conocidos actores como Bill Paxton (Sam Houston), Olivier Martínez (General Santa Anna), Kris Kristofferson (presidente Andrew Jackson), Brendan Fraser (Billy Anderson), Ray Liotta (Lorca), entre otros. “En 1836, el oeste de Mississippi era considerado el Wild West y la frontera de Texas era vista como un infierno en la Tierra. Aplastada en el exterior por el ejército mexicano y atacada en el interior por feroces tribus comanches: nadie estaba a salvo”, la presenta History Channel en su página web. “Pero este era un tiempo de valentía, un tiempo para morir en lo que creías y un tiempo para levantarse muy alto en contra de las crueles reglas del general mexicano Santa Anna (Martinez). El heroico general Sam Houston (Paxton), los rag tag Rangers y la legendaria ‘Yellow Rose of Texas’ lideran esta historia de la voluntad humana en contra de insuperables posibilidades. Al final, las banderas texanas se elevarán victoriosas, afirmando un momento de la historia para toda la eternidad”, anuncia el canal. “Texas Rising” es dirigida por Roland Joffé, quien ha sido nominado al Premio Oscar dos veces por películas como “The Killing Fields” y “The Mission”. Además, es producida por el mismo equipo que creó otras series como “Hatfields&McCoys”. Para más información de la serie y ver tráilers de la misma puede visitar http://www.his- tory.com/shows/texas-rising El soundtrack Por otra parte, la serie incluirá temas musicales como la versión del cantante country (originario de San Antonio) George Strait “Take me to Texas”. Asimismo, música nueva del cantautor puertorriqueño José Feliciano. Y recién este jueves fue estrenado el video de una versión especial para promocionar “Texas Rising” del clásico tema de Tom Petty “I Won´t Back Down”. Esta versión, acompañado de un video con imágenes de la mini serie, es cantada por el actor Kris Kristofferson y es una interpretación sombría de la canción, cuya letra y música orginal son de tono positivo. “Acompañada de piano y una sección de cuerdas, la madura voz de Kristofferson le da a la canción una nueva apariencia, que va de sentir honor y optimismo a estar llena de pesar y dolor, pero con tono de recuperación al mismo tiempo”, describió la revista Rolling Stone. Bill Paxton interpreta al General Sam Houston en la nueva mini serie épica sobre las luchas de independencia de Texas, después de la caída de El Álamo. Kris Kristofferson, Olivier Martinez y Brendan Fraser también participan en la serie. (Foto, cortesía) Works of art available for Mother’s Day. (Photo courtesy Esperanza staff) Banda La Konzentida lanzará pronto su segundo álbum Por Francisco “Kiko” Estrella “Ahora que se están cumpliendo seis años de La Konzentida Banda Sinaloense estamos metidos de lleno escogiendo temas musicales que serán grabados en nuestro segundo disco sencillo. Cuando más pronto sea, será mucho mejor para nosotros ya que nuestros seguidores se encuentran impacientes por conocer nuevos temas grabados en nuestro estilo que es el sinaloense”, comentó Juan Manuel Castillo Ortiz, director musical de La Konzentida Banda Sinaloense, quien además toca la tarola. La Konzentida Banda Sinaloense, fundada en el mes de abril en la ciudad de Matamoros, estado de Tamaulipas, México, se ha ganado su popularidad por su versátil estilo en la interpretación de cada uno de sus temas. Se ha destacado por ser una banda sinaloense en la que su género musical es interpretado a dos voces por los vocalistas Jaime Manuel Barrientos Martínez y Luis Manuel Madrid Resendéz, quienes han echado las campanas al vuelo en su meta por sacar adelante a La Konzentida. Ambos intérpretes se han ganado la simpatía de aficionados (as) al género musical sinaloense, ubicando a La Konzentida en el sitio que le corresponde entre las grandes bandas que tienen gran historial dentro de este género. La Konzentida Banda Sinaloense se prepara con nuevo material musical que grabará para su segundo disco, por igual para realizar giras en México y el extranjero. (Foto, cortesía) La Konzentida, bajo la dirección musical de Castillo Ortiz, ha tenido la fortuna de alternar al lado de la mundialmente aplaudida Banda El Recodo, así como Grupo Duelo, Intocable, Grupo Pokar, la famosa agrupación norteña Los Tigres del Norte, y los excelentes cantautores Joan Sebastián y Espinoza Paz. “La Konzentida con su trabajo, esfuerzo y dedicación se ha ganado el cariño y respeto tanto del público como de empresarios y agrupaciones musicales a las que hemos acompañado, en suelo mexicano y en el extranjero donde nuestros temas se han ubicado entre los primeros lugares de popularidad en la radio y televisión”, añadió Castillo Ortiz. En seis años de trayectoria musical, La Konzentida se ha establecido entre los grandes, interpretando los temas “Olvídala”, “Niña Linda”, “Una Noche Más” y “Vestido Blanco”. Temas que les han valido ser contratados para actuar en grandes escenarios de Colombia, Perú y Bolivia. La base de seguidores de La Konzentida se encuentra en la región de Matamoros y el sur de Texas, donde, de acuerdo al director musical Castillo Ortiz, se dará prioridad para que conozcan el nuevo material musical que será incluido en su segundo disco sencillo. “La Konzentida está agradecida con nuestra base de fans, por lo que en cuanto tengamos listo el material musical vamos a comenzar a presentarlo en nuestras giras de trabajo que ya se han programado para el estado de Tamaulipas y en el extranjero”, concluyó Castillo Ortiz. 4-D Querida Nina: Quiero compartir contigo lo siguiente. Mi esposo y yo tenemos 14 años de casados. Tenemos cinco hijos. Cuando nos casamos decidimos poner cable en nuestra casa. Fue lo mejor para nosotros en el principio. Cuando llegaron los niños los entreteníamos muy bien, pero ya cuando llegaron a una edad LA PRENSA DE SAN ANTONIO era un terror. Como solamente tenemos una televisión era un pleito horrible. Era de cambiar canales cada segundo. Nunca veían un programa porque nadie lo había escogido. Un día me colmaron (me cansé) el plato y ahí mismo llamé a la compañía de cable y les dije que ya no quería el servicio. Mis hijos estaban muy enojados conmigo, pero después de una semana ya no decían nada. Tenemos unos años sin cable. Los niños platican entre ellos. Sus calificaciones son de lo mejor. Mi esposo y yo pensamos que fue la mejor decisión que hemos tomado. Esto no es todo. Entre todos decidimos qué ver en la televisión. Los viernes y sábados rentamos una película. ¿Cómo celebramos un cumpleaños? No vemos televisión ese día como regalo al cumpleañero. Ese día salimos a comer fuera. El que cumple años escoge. Ellos saben los ingresos de su padre y así que a veces comemos en McDonald’s o vamos a una pizza. Hay veces que solo quieren ir por una nieve. Estoy muy orgullosa de mi familia. Ojalá esto sirva para reunir a más familias como lo hizo con nosotros. Familia Guzmán Querida Familia Guzmán Qué bonito es cuando toda una familia se une para compartir por escrito el éxito de una decisión. Tienes razón de estar orgullosa. Que Dios los bendiga a ti, tu esposo y a tu hijos. Que las bendiciones sean como una lluvia que no paren de caer en tu casa. Escriba a Querida Nina, 816 Camaron St. Ste 104, San Antonio, TX 78212 o al correo electrónico: [email protected] 26 de abril de 2015 Women’s Wrench Night By Alyssa Bunting [email protected] The cliché stereotype goes: If a woman needs handy work done, she calls a man. Too many times that has been the scenario in many situations. However, the ladies who organize Women’s Wrench Night, have taken matters into their own hands. Women’s Wrench Night is brought to you by EarnABikeCoop who “is a volunteer driven initiative with a mission to create equitable access to cycling by providing affordable bicycle maintenance, services and education.” “We are a group of female cyclists from San Antonio who want to share all this city has to offer on two wheels, promote women’s cycling, and get more ladies to know how to fix their bikes and ride with confidence. We are slowly beginning to have more events. We will also have rides for all levels,” says the description of the community organization, while their mission statement is “to close the gap.” Cycling has become a major part of San Antonio whether the City wants to admit it or not (please don’t leave us B-Cycle!). The downtown area is an especially high trafficked cyclist area and there are even daredevils all around the city you can catch on feeder roads even over by the Stone Oak area. Their last event was called “Flat Fiesta” where they held an event for women to come out and either learn a whole new set of skills such as how to change a flat or to brush up on rusted skills that may be somewhat forgotten. Their next two events will happen on May 6 and May 9. The first, “All Two women working on a bicycle during Women’s Wrench Night. (Courtesy of Women’s Wrench Night Social Media) Bikes Welcome,” is a meet up at Alamo Brewery at 6 p.m. on May 6 where one could mingle and meet with other female cyclists in San Antonio and learn about different bike resources and have to practice bike maintenance. The second event, “Chiquitas Ciclistas,” brought to you by the Martinez Street Women’s Center, will take place May 9 at Lockwood Park at 9 a.m. and is currently looking for volunteers to help Girl Zone participants on the East side of San Antonio with the opportunity to build their own bike, learn about bike safety and bike maintenance as they try to build up bike culture on the East Side. Apart from the fact that bike culture in San Antonio has been on the rise for the city, it’s exciting to see a group of women recognize the potential to create something empowering and fun. If only we could get the city to recognize the rapid growing bike culture to increase safety precautions for cyclists avid and novice. To keep up with Women’s Wrench Night events, you can like their Facebook page www. facebook.com/wwnsa or check out www.earnabikecoop.org
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