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It is a time when people will often reflect on the past and make resolutions for the coming year. It certainly has been an extraordinary year. In Laudato Si, Pope Francis challenges us to be part of a "bold cultural revolution." He tells us that everything must change. Our Holy Father continues to challenge us in 2016 with his call for a "Year of Mercy." In this call Pope Francis says we need a "true conversion of the heart" and tells us "our doors-those of the heart-must always be open to not exclude anyone." In both Laudato Si and the Year of Mercy, Pope Francis is calling on us to transform. To transform how we think and how we live. Este domingo es el último domingo del año en el calendario. Es un momento en que la gente suele reflexionar sobre el pasado y hacer propósitos para el año que viene. Ciertamente ha sido un año extraordinario. En Laudato Si, el Papa Francisco nos desafía a ser parte de una “revolución cultural”. Nos dice que todo debe cambiar. Y continúa desafiándonos en el 2016 con su llamado para un “Año de Misericordia”. En este llamado el Papa Francisco nos dice que necesitamos una “verdadera conversión del corazón” y nos dice que “nuestras puertas-las del corazón, deben estar siempre abiertas y no excluir a nadie”. En Laudato Si y en el Año de Misericordia, el Papa Francisco nos llama a transformarnos. Transformar la manera en que pensamos y vivimos. The beginning of Sunday's second reading from Colossians 3:12 reminds us about forgiveness. It says: "Put on, as God's chosen ones, holy and beloved, heartfelt compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness, and patience, bearing with one another and forgiving one another, if one has a grievance against another; as the Lord has forgiven you, so must you also do." We cannot transform as Pope Francis calls us to if we have malice in our hearts. Paul goes on to say: "And over all these put on love, that is, the bond of perfection. And let the peace of Christ control your hearts, the peace into which you were also called in one body. And be thankful." As we reflect on the past year let us ask ourselves; are we acting out of love or fear? Is our language a language of connectiveness, of wholeness of being or of separation? In Colossians 3:11 Paul says: "Here there is not Greek and Jew, circumcision and uncircumcision, barbarian, Scythian, slave, free; but Christ is all and in all." If Paul were alive today and wrote that it probably would say something like 'Here there is not Muslim or Christian, white or black, straight or gay, but Christ is all and in all.' So as we are making resolutions for 2016 let us not think small. Let's not waste time with resolutions about losing 15 pounds or exercising more or going to church more. These are all resolutions about "me". Those are resolutions about what is good for me not about what is good for our common home. Instead, let's think big and resolve to come together to work together to transform the world and be the Body of Christ connected to all creation, not separate from God's beautiful and wondrous creation. Resolve to build the kingdom of God here and now and not wait until we die off to some other place. Have a peaceful, beautiful, transformative New Year. Peace and All Good, Patrick Carolan FAN Executive Director 2 El inicio de la segunda lectura nos recuerda sobre el perdón. Dice “Como elegidos de Dios, sus santos y amados, revístanse de sentimientos de profunda compasión. Practiquen la benevolencia, la humildad, la dulzura, la paciencia. Sopórtense los unos a los otros, y perdónense mutuamente siempre que alguien tenga motivo de queja contra otro. El Señor los ha perdonado: hagan ustedes lo mismo”. No nos podemos transformar si tenemos malicia en el corazón. San Pablo dice: “Sobre todo, revístanse del amor, que es el vínculo de la perfección. Que la paz de Cristo reine en sus corazones: esa paz a la que han sido llamados, porque formamos un solo Cuerpo. Y vivan en la acción de gracias”. Al reflexionar sobre el pasado año reflexionemos; ¿estamos actuando con amor o temor? ¿Es nuestro lenguaje un lenguaje de conectividad, de totalidad del ser o de separación? En Colosenses 3:11 Pablo dice: “Por eso, ya no hay pagano ni judío, circunciso ni incircunciso, bárbaro ni extranjero, esclavo ni hombre libre, sino sólo Cristo, que es todo y está en todos”. Si Pablo estuviera vivo hoy y escribiera, probablemente diría algo como “ya no hay musulmán o cristiano, blanco o negro, heterosexual o gay, sino Cristo es todo y en todos”. Entonces, al hacer nuestras resoluciones para el 2016 no pensemos pequeño. No perdamos nuestro tiempo con resoluciones sobre perder 15 libras, hacer más ejercicios o ir a la iglesia más. Estas son resoluciones sobre “mí”. Son resoluciones sobre lo que es bueno para mí y no sobre el bien para nuestro hogar en común. En su lugar, vamos a pensar en grande y resolver de unirnos juntos para trabajar y transformar el mundo y ser el Cuerpo de Cristo conectado a la creación, no separado de la hermosa y maravillosa creación de Dios. Resueltos a construir el reino de Dios aquí y ahora y no esperar hasta que desaparezcamos otro lugar. Tengan un tranquilo, hermoso y transformador Año Nuevo. This Week in our Parish ... St. Camillus is a Tithing Parish Last week’s collection: $18,975.00 Thank you for your generosity! NEW YEAR’S MASS SCHEDULE Food Pantry CORNER Help Us Help Others Thursday, December 31st (New Year’s Eve) 10:30p.m.: Multicultural Mass Friday, January 1, 2016 (New Year’s Day) Mary, Mother of God 9:00a.m.: English Mass 12:00p.m.: French Mass ************** New Year’s Eve Mass Reception After the 10:30p.m. New Year’s Eve Mass, there will be a reception in the St. Francis Room. Please bring a dessert or hors d’oeuvre to share. Come and join your fellow parishioners. Thanks to your generous donations, we were able to serve 383 families last weekend. Merry Christmas to all and thanks to all of our dedicated volunteers and contributors. We are continuing to witness record numbers of families reaching out to us for help. Over the holidays, please think about how you can help others in need by donating to the Pantry or sharing the efforts of the Pantry with friends and colleagues. Each week, you can bring food items during the offertory and place them in the gray bins to the left and right of the altar. Also, you can place a monetary donation in the collection in an envelope marked “St. Camillus Food Pantry” or write a check payable to the St. Camillus Food Pantry. You can also send monetary donations to the St. Camillus Food Pantry at: St. Camillus Church Food Pantry PO Box 4706 Silver Spring, MD 20914-4706 To provide an online donation, you can go to our Go Fund Me site at: http://www.gofundme.com/trpqnc If you would like to learn more about how you can help, send us an email at [email protected]. Thank you for your continued generosity and support. Follow us at “St. Camillus Food Pantry” Happy New Year! Baptismal Preparation Class The next Baptismal Class will be held on Tuesday, January 5, 2016 in the St. Francis Room. The preparation class is mandatory for both parents and godparents. Registration is required prior to the class. Please, call the parish office for more information. 3 Follow us at “STC Food Pantry” Parish office schedule New Year Our parish offices will be closed on December 31 and remains closed on Jan. 1, 2016. Events in our Parish … St. Camillus Faith Formation 1504 St. Camillus Dr., Silver Spring, MD 20903 301-434-2111 - [email protected] Mon, Tue, Thu & Fri: 9-5pm; Sun: 9-2 pm; Wed & Sat: Closed; Lunch hour: 1-2pm Important Announcements Sunday, December 27: NO Classes. Christmas Break Sunday, January 3: NO Classes. Christmas Break Sunday, January 10: NO Classes. Catechists General Meeting Tuesday, January 12: REQUIRED Parent Meeting for Confirmation 2 & RCIC 3 at 7:00 PM (Camillia Room). Saturday, January 16: 6:00 AM “Feed the Hungry” (Camillia room). Permission Slip will be given during Confirmation Parent Meeting. Sunday, January 17: Regular Faith Formation Classes. Upcoming Events in Greater Washington... Take the Pledge to End Hunger, and support Bread for the World "Now is the time for a change in mindset and to stop pretending that our actions do not affect those who suffer from hunger." - Pope Francis Pope Francis urges people around the world to recognize the problems that contribute to the persistence of hunger and poverty. Please respond to his call by going to pledge2endhunger.org and taking a pledge to pray, give, and act. Please also consider making an end-of-year gift to Bread for the World, at http://www.bread.org/donate. Women's Day of Reflection: "We Have Found Mercy" Fr. Dan Leary will team up with Kathleen Beckman, L.H.S., radio show host, author, and Co-founder and President of the Foundation of Prayer for Priests for a Women’s Day of Reflection at Saint Andrew Apostle Catholic Church in Silver Spring on Saturday, January 16, from 8:30 am - 4:00 pm. Cost is $20. Please visit the Saint Andrew’s website at http://standrewapostle.org/day-of-reflection2016/ for registration and information. ********************************* FaithSharing Group for Parents of Young Children Do you have a child 4-years-old or younger? Are you interested in meeting monthly for fellowship and faithsharing with other parents of young children? This faithsharing group for parents of young children will meet monthly. Email Jill Rauh at [email protected] to express interest in it. Date, time and location will be determined based on the preferences of parents who are interested. “My Soul in Stillness Waits”: An Advent Contemplative Prayer Series Do you feel like you are rushing from one thing to another in a frenzy of Christmas preparation? Do you crave a few moments for silence and stillness to prepare an inner space for the coming of Christ? If so, please join us for some quiet time of prayer and meditation. “My Soul In Stillness Waits” is on Monday nights in Advent from 7:30-9:00 pm in the Meditation room. (No previous meditation experience needed. We have both chairs and cushions available). Where is the meditation room located? It’s on the 2nd floor, down the hall from the Clare center. If you have any questions, please contact Mary Rein or Kathy Galleher (Kathy at 301-455-1720/ [email protected] or Mary at 301-587-0369 / [email protected]) 4 Retrouvaille weekend IS YOUR MARRIAGE IN TROUBLE? If your relationship has grown cold and distant? if you are separated or thinking about separation or divorce, we believe that Retrouvaille retreat can help you. This program is designed to help hurting couples mend and heal their brokenness. Our next weekend retreat is January 29-31, 2016. All calls and inquiries are confidential. For more information please call 301-924-4125, or visit www.retrouvaille.org, or email us at: [email protected]. Marriage Encounter 2016 Allow God to transform your marriage relationship. Strengthen, renew, and rekindle your marriage relationship by attending a Worldwide Marriage Encounter Weekends on April 22-24, 2016 in Rockville, MD. For more information and to apply online visit welovematrimony.org, or call 301-541-7007, or email at [email protected]. Pastoral Care of the Sick and Homebound Please call the Parish office if you or a loved one is homebound or entering a hospital or healthcare facility and would like a visit from the friars or our Eucharistic Ministry volunteers. In bringing the Eucharist to our homebound parishioners, we are also showing them that they are still part of our parish community, and that we pray, remember and care for them. Comunidad hispana … Formación en la Fe de San Camilo 1504 St. Camillus Dr., Silver Spring, MD 20903 301-434-2111 [email protected] Lun, Mar, Jue y Vie: 9-5pm; Dom: 9-2 pm; Miér y Sáb: Cerrado; Hora del almuerzo: 1-2pm Anuncios Importantes Domingo, Diciembre 27: NO Clases. Vacaciones de Navidad Domingo, Enero 3: NO Clases. Vacaciones de Navidad Domingo, Enero 10: NO Clases. Reunión General para Catequistas Martes, Enero 12: Reunión OBLIGATORIA para Padres de Familia de Confirmación 2 y RICN 3 a las 7:00 PM (Salón Camillia). El Formulario de Permiso será dado durante la reunión de Padres de Confirmación. Sábado, Enero 16: 6: 00 AM “Alimentando a los Hambrientos” (Salón Camillia). Domingo, Enero 17: Clases Regulares de Formación en la Fe. El Evangelio 2016 ya está disponible en la Oficina de Formación en la Fe HORARIO PARA LAS MISAS DE AÑO NUEVO Jueves 31 de diciembre (Vísperas de Año Nuevo) Horario Parroquial para Año Nuevo La oficina parroquial estará cerrada el 31 de diciembre y volveremos hasta el 4 de enero, 2016 Catequesis Bautismal La próxima clase de Preparación Bautismal para padres y padrinos será el martes 5 de enero, 2016 a las 6:30p.m. en el salón San Camilo (cafetería de la escuela.) Para inscribirse debe venir a la oficina parroquial trayendo la Partida de Nacimiento de su hijo(a). Por favor llame a la Oficina Parroquial para más información. Inglés para Principiantes en San Camilo La inscripción para las clases de inglés para principiantes tendrá lugar el martes 12 de enero, 2016 de 7pm a 8pm en el salón San Camilo, comenzamos el martes 19 de enero. Las clases son los martes de 7:00pm a 8:30pm y siguen el calendario escolar hasta la mitad de mayo. El costo de la inscripción es de $10 y $20 por el libro si es que aún no lo tiene. Pastoral de Enfermos Si hay enfermos en casa que necesitan recibir la visita de un ministro de la Eucaristía, por favor, no olvide dar la información los domingos después de Misa a uno de los integrantes de la Pastoral de Enfermos. También puede llamar a la oficina parroquial para solicitar la visita de un Ministro de la Eucaristía. 10:30pm: Misa Multicultural Viernes 1 de enero, 2016 Solemnidad de María Madre de Dios Día de obligación 9:00am: Misa solamente en inglés 5 ¿Sufre y tiene sentimientos no resueltos después de un aborto provocado? ¿Siente que Dios nunca podrá perdonarla? ¿No puede usted perdonarse a sí misma? El ministerio del Proyecto Raquel de la Arquidiócesis quiere ayudarle. Ya iniciamos el Grupo de ¿Apoyo “Una Experiencia de Esperanza”. Para mayor información acerca de espacios disponibles por favor comunicarse con Luz Menjivar al 301-853-4565 o puede escribir a [email protected]. ¡Absoluta Confidencialidad! Parish Calendar ~ Calendario Parroquial Monday (lunes), December (diciembre) 28 Room Coro Evangelización 7:00pm Music Grupo de Intercesión 7:30pm Chapel & Grace Silent Prayer Group 7:30pm Meditation Room Escuela de Dirigentes 7:30pm Camillia Tuesday (martes), December (Diciembre) 29 Haitian Legion of Mary 6:00pm Grace Equipo Pequeñas Comunidades 7:00pm Friary Coro San Camilo 7:00pm Music English Charismatic Prayer 7:30pm Chapel Wednesday (miércoles), December (Diciembre) 30 Cristo Joven 7:00pm Upper Room French Choir 7:00pm Music French Legion of Mary (MRduM) 7:30pm Anthony Evangelización 7:30pm Friary Thursday (jueves), December (Diciembre) 31 OFFICE CLOSED 2016 Friday (viernes), December (Diciembre) 1 OFFICE CLOSED Saturday (sábado), December (Diciembre) 2 English Legion of Mary 9:30am Grace Food Pantry 10:00am Friary Youth Legio of Mary 11:30am Francis French Legio of Mary 1:30pm Chapel Seglares franciscanos 4:00pm Chapel French Charismatic Prayer Gr. 4:00pm Friary Pequeña Comunidad Xto Joven 4:00pm Anthony Ministerio Musica Xto Joven 6:00pm Anthony Lumiere Du Monde Choir 6:30pm Music Juan XXIII 7:30pm Chapel & Grace Min. Guadalupano 7:30pm Clare Evangelizacion 7:30pm Church & Francis Sunday (Domingo), December (Diciembre) 3 All Choirs All Day Music Legion de Maria 9:30am Grace Children’s Liturgy 10:30am Friary Coro Cristo Joven 12:00pm Anthony AOPG 12:00pm Grace French Legion of Mary(MMdeM) 12:30pm Clare Youth Group 12:30pm KOC Hospitalidad 2:00pm Friary Utopia Franciscana 2:00pm Clare French Legion of Mary (NDdeV) 4:30pm Francis Mass Intentions Intenciones de la Misa para esta Semana Sunday (domingo) December (diciembre) 27 7:30am ╬ Mary Kunze 9:00am ╬ William J. Anderson, II 10:30am ╬ Tony Bonanno ╬ John Evans Joseph 12:30pm ╬ 2:30pm Souls in Purgatory 5:00pm Monday, (lunes) December (diciembre) 28 7:30am Morry Sielinou—Special Intention 8:30am ╬ Phyllis Campbell Newsome ╬ Summer Campbell Tuesday, (martes) December (diciembre) 29 7:30am ╬ Eileen Connor 8:30am John & Elizabeth McNeil-Wedd.Ann. Wednesday, (miércoles) December(diciembre) 30 7:30am Morry Sielinou—Special Intention 8:30am ╬ Richard Sielinou 7:30pm ╬ Asunción Palacios Thursday, (jueves) December (diciembre) 31 7:30am Morry Sielinou—Special Intention 8:30am Bernadette Palma—Birthday Blessing NEW YEAR’S EVE 10:30pm Multicultural Mass Friday, (Viernes) December (diciembre) 1 NEW YEAR’S DAY 9:00am English Mass 12:00pm French Mass Saturday, (sábado) December (diciembre) 2 8:30am Neil Chang—Birthday Blessing 4:30pm ╬ John Mariah 6:30pm ╬ Narciso Molina Scripture Readings for next Sunday Jan. 3, 2016 – The Epiphany of the Lord 1st Reading/1 Lectura: Is 60:1-6 2nd Reading/2 Lectura: Eph 3:2-3a, 5-6 Gospel/Evangelio: Mt 2:1-12 Pray for our sick – Oremos por nuestros enfermos Patricia Webster, Roberto Molina, Sara de Jesus Jacome, Bill Mudd, John J. Smith, Martin de Jesus Campos. Pray for our Deceased Oremos por nuestros Difuntos Maria Villatoro, Samuel Fadope, Euphemia Blidi, Elizabeth Pota, Michael Masland, Etta Polly Wade, Shane McNeil, Francis Del Bianco, Maria Luz de Perez. A prayer request will remain on the prayer list for two weeks unless we are notified who should remain on the list. Please contact the parish office for information. 6 LA COMUNIDAD CATÓLICA DE LANGLEY PARK 1408 Merrimac Drive, Langley Park, MD 20783 Misión de San Camilo: Beata Madre Teresa de Calcuta Provincia Franciscana del Santo Nombre http://www.cclangleypark.com/ Esperanza Latina Invita a todos los Jóvenes a participar en la reunión todos los Domingos a las 12:00pm después de la Misa en la Oficina 1408 Merrimac Dr. Para mayor información llamar a: Ricardo Pérez Tel: 240 501 6620 Celebración de la Palabra Join us! Franciscan Youth in Langley Park JUFRA, JESUCRISTO HOY Es un grupo Carismático que se reúne todos los domingos a las 8:50 am en la Escuela McCormick. Para más información llamar a: invites youth ages 13-17 to join us. Pedro Majano 240 705-3379 We are an English group of Rosario Reyes 240 505-2638 Hispanic origins following the steps of St. Francis of Assisi. We play, share our lives, go on field trips, Despensa St. Antonio and serve our community. 8102 Tahona Dr. For more information call Sergio Silver Spring MD 20903 Lainez Tel: 240 715 – 7910 Distribución de comida Sábados de 10:00am 12:00pm El grupo de Oración Te invita a compartir la palabra de Dios en sus hogares, como acción de gracias a Dios por las bendiciones que nos regala. Se reúnen los martes y domingos a las 7:00 p.m. en distintos hogares. Carismático Para mayor información llamar a EL BUEN PASTOR Diego Ortega 240-429-1299, Te invita a su reunión todos los Zacarías Cervantes 240 304- 0887 viernes, en la oficina de la Comunidad Católica a las 7:00pm. Grupo Guadalupano Para más información comunicarse El Grupo Guadalupano se reúne con Alex Grande al tel. 240 898los viernes en diferentes hogares 7729 de 7:30 a 9:00 p.m. Para las personas que desean la visita de la virgen y rezar el rosario los domingos pueden comunicarse con Isidra Rivera al Tel: 301 7284366 ¿Le hace falta el Bautismo, la Comunión o la Confirmación? Si usted o algún conocido no ha recibido alguno de estos sacramentos, no es demasiado tarde para hacerlo. Si usted aún no es católico pero tiene interés en saber más de la Iglesia, tenemos personas con quienes puede informarse. Leonel López 301 252-4689 Marcial Quijivix 240 602-9813 7 Horario de Misas Domingos 10:30 am En el Gimnasio de la Escuela Mc Cormick Jueves a las 7:30p.m. en la Oficina de la Comunidad Católica Servicio Social Martes y Jueves 1:00pm -4:00pm Clases de Inglés de martes a viernes 9:30am a 11:00 am. En la noche de lunes a miércoles 7:00pm-8:45pm Clase de Computación Los sábados de 10:00 am 12:00pm Clases de Catecismo los domingos de 8:45am a 10:15am en la escuela Mc Cormick RICA para adultos de 8:30am a 10:15am En la oficina de la comunidad los domingos NO DC SUICIDE #AlwaysDignified No DC Suicide is a broad and diverse coalition of individuals, nonprofits and advocacy groups in the District of Columbia, working to protect city residents from the harmful effects of proposed legislation to legalize assisted suicide. This bill is discriminatory because it would disproportionately affect poor and vulnerable persons including those with disabilities and mental health challenges. About the Legislation: B21-38 would allow doctors to legally prescribe a lethal dose of drugs to patients who have been deemed mentally competent and received a terminal diagnosis. The bill is flawed, unsafe, unnecessary, and wrong for the District of Columbia. GET THE FACTS ABOUT B21-38 1. It’s impossible to predict a terminal diagnosis accurately. 2. Patients are not required to receive a mental health screening for depression before receiving a lethal prescription. 3. No family notification is required in advance. 4. No doctor, nurse, or independent witness is required to be present when the lethal dose is taken, creating serious potential for abuse. 5. People can pick up their lethal prescription like any other drug at a local pharmacy like CVS. There is no tracking of the used or unused lethal drugs. This is not safe or responsible. Get In Touch With Us Today Who Supports the Legislation? B21-38 is part of an aggressive, national effort to legalize assisted suicide in states across the country led by Compassion and Choices formerly known as the Hemlock Society. Who Opposes the Legislation? The American Medical Association, American College of Physicians, American Nurses Association, National Hospice & Palliative Care Organization, National Council on Disability, and numerous other medical, palliative care, and disability organizations oppose assisted suicide. How Can You Help Defeat This Dangerous Bill? Visit www.noDCsuicide.org to learn more information and ways to help defeat B21-38, including 1) joining the coalition, 2) contacting your council member, and 3) sharing this information with your family and friends. Web:www.noDCsuicide.org Email: [email protected] Twitter: @noDCsuicide | #AlwaysDignified Facebook: facebook.com/noDCsuicide - ST. CAMILLUS CATHOLIC CHURCH THANKS OUR BULLETIN ADVERTISERS – PLEASE PATRONIZE THEM WHEN POSSIBLE - Servimax Insurance Agency Agencia de Seguros 301-589-8456 Jenny Meléndez, Agente Auto Casa y Negocios MVA Placas al Instante 9411 Colesville Rd. • Silver Spring, MD Same Day Service HIGH QUALITY YOUR PLUMBER THE ONLY ONE YOU’LL EVER NEED “The Only One You’ll Ever Need” SAME DAY SERVICE GUARANTEED!* *Certain Conditions Apply $25 OFF Auto • Casa • Vida • Pequeños Negocios WSSC #70985 1835 University Blvd E Suite 324 Hyattsville, MD 20783 $35 OFF Faucet or Toilet Replacement It's www.Your1Plumber.com 301-658-7045 (Not valid with any other offer or service fee) ELEGANT EveryOpen Day Except Monday $5 OFF $5 OFF Any Hair Service Above $35 (Saturday & Sunday Only) Agente 301-439-3400 Any Plumbing Service Nails, Hair and Skin Care Juan Carlos Gale Gel Manicure 301-937-2566 www.elegantnailshsc.com 11442 Cherry Hill Rd., Beltsville Call: 410-578-3600 for more information To Advertise Wedding Programs Personalized Full Color • Unlimited Designs Call 410-578-3600 DIGITAL PRINTING Fast, Reliable, Local Service TODAY! 301-960-5335 Fast Turn Around All Types of Jobs Send your file for a quote to printing@ fataonline.com 410-578-3600 SPACE AVAILABLE WWW.COLLINSFUNERALHOME.COM CASH Silver Spring Jewelry $$$ for Gold 11205 New Hampshire Ave. Silver Spring, MD 20904 9421 Georgia Ave. 1525 University Blvd. E. 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Box 4889, Baltimore, MD 21211 - ©2015
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