KARINA CÓRDOVA, PhD CONTACT INFORMATION Programa Universitario de Estudios del Desarrollo +52 55 5622 1888 ext. 82613 Antigua Unidad de Posgrado, Planta Baja [email protected] Costado Sur de la Torre II de Humanidades https://sites.google.com/site/karinaecordova/ Campus Central, Circuito Interior http://www.u.arizona.edu/~cordovak/index.html Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, Ciudad Universitaria Coyoacán 04510 México D.F. MÉXICO CURRENT POSITION Posdoctoral Fellow, Programa Universitario de Estudios del Desarrollo, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, Mexico City. EDUCATION Ph.D. Economics, University of Arizona, 2013 M.A. Economics, University of Arizona, 2008 Licenciatura (B.A.) Economics, Centro de Investigación y Docencia Económicas (CIDE), Mexico City, 2003 Fall term 2002 Academic exchange program spent at York University, Toronto, ON, Canada Diploma in Development and Social Policy in Mexico, CIDE, Mexico City, 2003 DISSERTATION Essays on Labor Economics and Entrepreneurship Committee: Prof. Ronald Oaxaca (Chair), Prof. Price Fishback, Prof. Tauhidur Rahman RESEARCH AND TEACHING INTERESTS Labor Economics, Applied Econometrics, Development Economics, Economics of Immigration, Experimental Economics PUBLICATIONS Córdova, K. (2010), “Remesas colectivas en Mexico: efectos en el mercado laboral masculino”, en Vallejo Gutiérrez, J.R. y A. López Feldman (comp.), Perspectivas sobre la economı́a del desarrollo: Comercio internacional, experimentos de campo, medio ambiente, microcréditos y remesas, Universidad de Guanajuato, Colección Economı́a y Finanzas, Guanajuato, pp. 46-90. (ISBN: 978607-7778-27-1). RESEARCH PAPERS AND WORK IN PROGRESS - “Use and Demand for Child Care Services in Mexican Households, 1996-2003: An Analysis from the National Survey on Social Security” (in Spanish), work in progress. - “Collective Remittances in Mexico: Ten Years of the 3x1 for Migrants Program” (in Spanish), work in progress. - “Stress and Gender Differences in Competitiveness” (with Manuela Angelucci), work in progress. - “Collective Remittances and the 3x1 Program: Local Development in Mexican Municipalities”, manuscript, 2015. - “Collective Remittances and the 3x1 Program in Mexico: Local Labor Markets Effects”, manuscript, 2014. - “Productivity and Choice Under Stress: Are Men and Women Different?” (with Manuela Angelucci), manuscript, 2014. - “The Effect of Birth Order on Education Level and Time Allocation Decisions: Evidence from Mexican Households”, manuscript, 2009. - “Decisions in the Labor Market: Between the Formal and Informal Sector. A Game Theory Approach” (in Spanish), manuscript, 2004. CONFERENCE PRESENTATIONS “Remesas colectivas en México, ¿una estrategia para el desarrollo local?” - Seminario de Altos Estudios del Desarrollo, Programa Universitario de Estudios del Desarrollo, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, Mexico City, May 20th, 2015. “Uso y demanda por cuidados infantiles en hogares mexicanos, 1996-2013: Un análisis a partir de los resultados de la Encuesta Nacional de Seguridad Social” - XV Seminario de Polı́tica Social en México, “Configuración actual del régimen de bienestar mexicano: un balance”, Red Mexicana de Investigación en Polı́tica Social, Mexico City, March 20th, 2015. “Remesas colectivas y el Programa 3x1 para Migrantes: Desarrollo local y efectos en el mercado laboral en los municipios mexicanos” - Seminario Permanente de la Academı́a de Teorı́a Económica, Facultad de Economı́a, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, Mexico City, November 14th, 2014. “Collective Remittances and the 3x1 Program in Mexico: Local Development and Labor Market Effects” - 19th Meetings of the Society of Labor Economists, Arlington, May 3rd, 2014. - XIV Jornadas Latinoamericanas de Teorı́a Económica, Universidad Autónoma de San Luis Potosı́, San Luis Potosı́, October 3rd, 2013. -Colegio de la Frontera Norte, Seminario Permanente de Investigación Económica, Tijuana, May 2nd, 2013. -Banco de México, Seminario de Investigación Económica, Mexico City, March 12th, 2013. -Center for US-Mexican Studies, Seminar Series, San Diego, February 27th, 2013. “The Impact of Anxiety on Productivity and Decision-Making: Evidence from Laboratory Experiments” - North-American Economic Science Association Conference, Tucson, November 12th, 2011. “Collective Remittances in Mexico: Their Effect on the Labor Market for Males” - Second International Conference on Migration and Development, World Bank, Washington, D.C., September 10th, 2009. - IV Workshop for Young Economists, Universidad Autónoma de Guanajuato, Guanajuato, August 8th, 2009. “The Effect of Birth Order on Education Level and Time Allocation Decisions: Evidence from Mexican Households” - XXVIII International Congress of the Latin American Studies Association, Rio de Janeiro, June 12th, 2009. “Decisiones en el mercado laboral: Entre el sector formal y el informal. Un enfoque de teorı́a de juegos” - XIV Coloquio Mexicano de Economı́a Matemática y Econometrı́a, Mexico City, Instituto Politécnico Nacional, November 18th, 2004. TEACHING EXPERIENCE * Instructor Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, School of Economics, Undergraduate Studies Fall 2014 Microeconomic Theory II University of Arizona, Department of Economics Summer 2011, 2010 Economic Development (ECON371) “Ricardo Flores Magón” High School, community of Pamal Navil, Chilón, Chiapas, Mexico Summer 2003 Basic Mathematics and Reading Skills in Spanish * Guest Speaker Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, School of Economics, Graduate Studies Fall 2014 Statistics and Social Indicators. Guest lecture: “Introduction to programming in STATA using data bases from ENIGH” University of California San Diego, School of Global Policy and Strategy Winter 2013 Economic Policy in Latin America (IRGN 409). Guest lecture: “Remittances and Development in Latin America and the Caribbean” Spring 2013 Mexican Society: Development, Institutions and Policy (IRGN 490). Guest lecture: “Development Strategies and Social Programs in Mexico” * Teaching Assistant University of Arizona, Department of Economics Spring 2012 Economics of Immigration (ECON464), Instructor Judith Gans An Economic Perspective (ECON150), Prof. Tracy Regan Fall 2011 Economics of Wage Determination (ECON481), Prof. Tracy Regan Topics in Health Care Economics and Policy (ECON427/527), Dr. Keith Joiner Spring 2011, Fall 2010 Principles of Economics (ECON200), Prof. Amy Cramer Centro de Investigación y Docencia Económicas (CIDE), Department of Economics Fall 2004 Public Economics, Prof. Vı́ctor Carreón and Prof. John Scott Spring 2003 Intermediate Macroeconomics, Prof. Óscar Sánchez WORK EXPERIENCE Instructor of Economics School of Economics, UNAM Fall 2014 Mexico City, MEX Entire responsibility for a class of 45 students. Tasks: prepare and give lectures, design and grade homework and exams, hold office hours. Predoctoral Visiting Center for U.S.-Mexican Studies, UCSD 09/2012–06/2013 Research Fellow San Diego, CA, USA Independent researcher and guest speaker for several graduate courses. Graduate Teaching Department of Economics, UA 08/2010–05/2012 Associate Tucson, AZ, USA Teaching assistant for six courses. Overall help during lectures. In charge of review sessions, tutoring, grading homework and exams. Instructor of Economics Department of Economics, UA Summer 2010, 2011 Tucson, AZ, USA Entire responsibility for a class of 26-22 students. Tasks: prepare and give lectures, design and grade homework and exams, hold office hours. Graduate Research Udall Center for Studies in Public Policy 10/2009–08/2010 Associate Tucson, AZ, USA Collaborator in a public policy report on the economic impact of the Legal Arizona Workers Act. Economic Analyst United Nations Commission for the 05–06/2007 Legal Empowerment of the Poor; Mexico City, MEX Compiler of the final analytical report summarizing discussions and conclusions from focus groups and seminars organized by the Commission in Mexico City. Economic Analyst Instituto Libertad y Democracia 10/2005–02/2007 Mexico City, MEX Coordinator of the Mexican team of Economic Analysis (ILD headquarters are located in Lima, Peru). Tasks: estimation of the economic cost of informality, evaluation of the financial structure of informal firms, and coordination of field work. Research Assistant Mexican Family Life Survey, MxFLS 03–06/2007 Mexico City, MEX Data management, edition of final data sets, coordination of consistency between MxFLS-1 and -2. Research Assistant CIDE and MxFLS 05/2004–10/2005 Mexico City, MEX R.A. for Prof. Luis Rubalcava at CIDE, and collaborator in MxFLS-1. Coordinator and supervisor of pilot field work, logistics, interviewers training, data management, edition of final data sets, website maintenance. In parallel, I worked in a project of impact evaluation of the anti-poverty program Oportunidades-PROGRESA. Research Assistant CIDE 01–05/2004 Mexico City, MEX R.A. for Prof. Vctor Carren at CIDE. Overall assistance in research on the Mexican energy sector. Volunteer Proverbs 31 Ministries 05/2012–12/2013 Tucson, AZ and San Diego, CA, USA Translator English-Spanish for the Hispanic website of the association. Volunteer Southern Arizona AIDS Foundation 10/2010 Tucson, AZ, USA Registration assistant, AIDSWalk 2010. Volunteer Museum of the Antiguo Colegio 05/2006-06/2007 de San Ildefonso; Mexico City, MEX Docent. Tour guide for permanent and temporary exhibitions at the Museum. Volunteer “Ricardo Flores Magon” High School 05–10/2003 Pamal-Navil, Chiapas, MEX Member and collaborator in the Educational Project Pamal Navil. Volunteer FIFE House Organization 10–12/2002 Toronto, ON, CANADA Assistant, Supporting housing program in an association providing services to people living with HIV/AIDS. REFEREE FOR THE FOLLOWING PUBLICATIONS — Estudios Fronterizos. Revistas de Ciencias Sociales y Humanidades (Universidad Autónoma de Baja California) — Revista Mexicana de Ciencias Politicas y Sociales (Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México) PROFESSIONAL ASSOCIATIONS — Red Mexicana de Investigación en Polı́tica Social — Society of Labor Economists ACADEMIC SERVICE — Evaluator and colaborator in the design of the admission test for the Programa Único de Especializaciones en Economı́a, Graduate Studies in Social Development, UNAM, 2014-2015. — Member of the organizing committee for the XV Seminar on Social Policy in Mexico, “Configuración actual del régimen de bienestar mexicano: un balance”, Red Mexicana de Investigación en Polı́tica Social, 2014-2015. HUMAN CAPITAL FORMATION Committee member in the honor’s thesis defense by Miguel Ángel Ramı́rez, School of Economics, UNAM, December 2014. SKILLS Software: STATA, LATEX, Microsoft Office Languages: Spanish (native), English (fluent) FELLOWSHIPS, HONORS AND AWARDS 03/2014–Present Posdoctoral Fellowship, PUED-UNAM, Mexico, D.F. 09/2012–06/2013 Predoctoral Research Fellowship, Center for US-Mexican Studies, UCSD 09/2012–05/2013 National Council of Science and Technology (CONACYT) Scholarship 08/2007–05/2012 Graduate College Fellowship, University of Arizona (UA) 09/2009 Steve Manos Prize, outstanding research, 2nd Year Paper Conference, Economics, UA 04/2009 Travel grant, department of Economics, UA 04/2009 Travel grant, Graduate & Professional Students Council, UA 08/2007 George W. Coleman Scholarship, University of Arizona 11/2007–06/2010 Ministry of Public Education (SEP), Stipend for Graduate Studies Abroad 08/2006–05/2010 Fulbright-Garcı́a Robles Scholarship, COMEXUS 08/2004 Undergraduate thesis defended with honors, CIDE 1999–2003 TELMEX Foundation Scholarship 1994–2003 PEMEX Scholarship
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