1 SEMINARIO INTERNACIONAL SOBRE AVANCES EN NUTRICIÓN DE VACAS LECHERAS “Valor nutricional de la leche en la dieta humana: Pasado, presente y futuro” Dr. Dale Bauman (Cornell University, EE.UU.) Educación BS, Michigan State University MS, University of Illinois PhD, University of Illinois Investigación Bioquímica nutricional Regulación y control metabólico del crecimiento y la lactación Alimentos funcionales Publicaciones destacas Bauman, D.E., J.W. Perfield, II, K.J. Harvatine, and L.H. Baumgard. 2008. Regulation of fat synthesis by conjugated linoleic acid: Lactation and the ruminant model. J. Nutr. 138:403-409. Bauman, D.E., I. Mather, R. Wall, and A.L. Lock. 2006. Major Advances Associated with the Biosynthesis of Milk. J. Dairy Sci. 89:1235-1243. Bauman, D.E., C. Tyburczy, A.M. ODonnell, and A.L. Lock. 2006. Conjugated linoleic acid in dairy products. Lipid Tech. 18:245-249. Lock, A.L. and D.E. Bauman. 2004. Modifying milk fat composition of dairy cows to enhance fatty acids beneficial to human health. Lipids 39:1197-1206. Bauman, D.E. and J.M. Griinari. 2003. Nutritional regulation of milk fat synthesis. Ann. Rev. Nutr. 23:203-227. 2 “Control del consumo y partición de la energía durante la lactancia” Dr. Mike Allen (Michigan State University, EE.UU.) Educación Doctor of Philosophy (PhD), Cornell University Master of Science (MS), Cornell University Investigación Integración de la digestión y metabolismo en rumiantes Regulación del consumo en vacas lecheras Nutrición y Alimentación de la vaca lechera Publicaciones destacas Stocks, S. E. and M. S. Allen. 2013. Hypophagic effects of propionic acid are not attenuated during a 3-day infusion in the early postpartum period in Holstein cows. J. Dairy Sci. 96 :4615–4623. Allen, M. S. and P. Piantoni. 2013. Metabolic control of feed intake: implications for metabolic disease of fresh cows. Vet. Clin. Food Anim. 29:279–297. Brown, W. E. and M.S. Allen. 2013. Effects of intrajugular glucose infusion on feed intake, milk yield, and metabolic responses of early postpartum cows fed diets varying in protein and starch concentration. J. Dairy Sci. 96:7132-7142. Piantoni, P., A. L. Lock, and M. S. Allen. 2013. Palmitic acid increased milk yield and feed efficiency across production level of lactating cows. J. Dairy Sci. 96:7143-7154. Lock, A. L., C. L. Preseault, K. E. DeLand, J. E. Rico, and M. S. Allen. 2013. Feeding a C16:0-enriched fat supplement increased the yield of milk fat and improved conversion of feed to milk. J. Dairy Sci. 96:6650-6659. Allen, M. S. and Y. Ying. 2012. Effects of Saccharomyces cerevisiae fermentation product on ruminal starch digestion are dependent upon dry matter intake for lactating cows. J. Dairy Sci. 95:6591-6605. 3 “Sistemas de producción combinando pasturas y raciones totales mezcladas: consumo y producción de leche” Dr. Alejandro Mendoza (INIA “La Estanzuela”, Uruguay) Educación Ingeniero Agrónomo. 2003. Facultad de Agronomía, Universidad de la República, Uruguay. Magister en Ciencia Animal. 2008. Facultad de Agronomía, Universidad de la República, Uruguay. Doctor en Producción Animal (en curso, desde 2011). Facultad de Veterinaria, Universidad de la República, Uruguay. Investigación Aprovechamiento digestivo y desempeño de rumiantes alimentados con pasturas y ración completamente mezclada Estudio de la interfase planta-animal-suplemento en vacas lecheras en pastoreo Publicaciones destacadas A. MEIKLE; D. CAVESTANY; M. CARRIQUIRY; L. ADRIEN; V. ARTEGOITIA; I. PEREIRA; G. RUPRECHTER; P. PESSINA; G. RAMA; A. FERNÁNDEZ; M. BREIJO; D. LABORDE; O. PRITSCH; J.M. RAMOS; E. DE TORRES; P. NICOLINI; A. MENDOZA; J. DUTOUR; M. FAJARDO; A. ASTESSIANO; L. OLAZÁBAL; D. MATTIAUDA; P. CHILIBROSTE. Avances en el conocimiento de la vaca lechera durante el período de transición en Uruguay: un enfoque multidisciplinario. Agrociencia (Uruguay), v.: 17, p.: 141 - 152, 2013 C. CAJARVILLE; A. Mendoza; A. SANTANA; J.L. REPETTO. En tiempo de intensificación productiva... ¿cuánto avanzamos en el conocimiento de los nuevos sistemas de alimentación de la vaca lechera?. Veterinaria (Montevideo), v.: 48 1, p.: 35 39, 2012 A. MENDOZA; A. HERNÁNDEZ; N. ROURA; H. VALENTÍN; A. LA MANNA; D. CAVESTANY; D. CRESPI Effect of dietary supplementation with fish oil during the transition period on milk production, plasma metabolites and postpartum anoestrus interval in grazing dairy cows. Animal Production Science, v.: 51 5, p.: 481 - 489, 2011 A. MENDOZA; D. CAVESTANY; A. LA MANNA; P. CHILIBROSTE; A. MEIKLE. Estrategias de alimentación energética para acortar el anestro posparto de vacas lecheras a pastoreo. Archivos Latinoamericanos de Producción Animal, v.: 19, p.: 42 45, 2011 A. MENDOZA; D. CAVESTANY; G. ROIG; J. ARIZTIA; C. PEREIRA; A. LA MANNA; D.A. CONTRERAS; C. GALINA Effect of restricted suckling on milk yield, composition and flow, udder health, and postpartum anoestrus in grazing Holstein cows. Livestock Science, v.: 127, p.: 60 - 66, 2010 D. CAVESTANY; C. VIÑOLES; M. CROWE; A. LA MANNA; A. MENDOZA. Effect of prepartum diet on postpartum ovarian activity in Holstein cows in a pasture-based system. Animal Reproduction Science, v.: 114, p.: 1 - 13, 2009 M . AGUERRE; J.L. REPETTO; A. PéREZ-RUCHEL; A. MENDOZA; G. PINACCHIO; C. CAJARVILLE. Rumen pH and NH3N concentration of sheep fed temperate pastures supplemented with sorghum grain. South African Journal of Animal Science, v.: 39, p.: 246 - 250, 2009 4 “Manejo de pasturas para aumentar el consumo de materia seca y el peso del bocado” Dr. Rubén Pulido (Universidad Austral, Chile) Educación Médico Veterinario, Facultad de Ciencias Veterinarias, Universidad Austral de Chile, 1985. Master en Producción Animal, Facultad de Ciencias Agrarias, P. U. Católica de Chile, 1988. PhD, mención en Agricultura, Universidad de Londres, Reino Unido, 1997. Investigación Producción de Leche Nutrición y alimentación de vacas lecheras a pastoreo Consumo voluntario y comportamiento ingestivo en herbívoros Publicaciones destacadas Pulido R.G., R. Muñoz, P. Lemarie, F. Wittwer, P. Orellana, G.C. Waghorn. 2009. Impact of increasing grain feeding frequency on production of dairy cows grazing pasture. Livestock Science. 125, 109-114. Pulido R.G., R. Muñoz, C. Jara, O.A. Balocchi, J.P. Smulders, F. Wittwer, P. Orellana, M. O'Donovan. 2010. The effect of pasture allowance and concentrate supplementation type on milk production performance dry matter intake of autumn-calving dairy cows in early lactation. Livestock Science 132, 119-205. Miguel Ruiz-Albarrán, Oscar A. Balocchi, Mirela Noro, Fernando Wittwer, Rubén G. Pulido. 2012. Effect of increasing pasture allowance and grass silage on animal performance, grazing behaviour and rumen fermentation parameters of dairy cows in early lactation during autumn. Livestock Science 150, 407- 413. Sotelo J, M Noro, F Wittwer, J P Smulders, R G Pulido. 2012. Evaluation of the herbage allowance and type of concentrate on some ruminal parameters of grazing dairy cows during autumn. Arch Med Vet 44, 167-172. Schöbitz J, M Ruiz-Albarrán, OA Balocchi, F Wittwer, M Noro, RG Pulido. 2013. Effect of increasing pasture allowance and concentrate supplementation on animal performance and microbial protein synthesis in dairy cows. Arch Med Vet 45, 247258. 5 “Metabolismo energético en vacas lecheras” Dr. Alejandro Relling (Universidad Nacional de La Plata, Argentina) Educación Doctor of Philosophy (PhD), The Ohio State University Master of Science (MS), The Ohio State University Médico Veterinario (Med. Vet.), Universidad Nacional de La Plata Investigación Metabolismo energético en rumiantes Fisiología del consumo en rumiantes Metabolismo lípidico Publicaciones destacas A. E. RELLING,; LEE K; LOERCH S.C.; REYNOLDS C.K. Effects of Glucose, Propionate and Splanchnic Hormones on Neuropeptide mRNA concentrations in the Ovine Hypothalamus. JOURNAL OF ANIMAL PHYSIOLOGY AND ANIMAL NUTRITION; Año: 2012 vol. 96 p. 648 - 654 RADUNZ A.E.; FLUHARTY F.L.; A. E. RELLING,; FELIX T.; SHOUP L.; ZERBY H.N.; LOERCH S.C. Prepartum dietary energy source fed to beef cows: II. Effects on progeny postnatal growth, glucose tolerance, and carcass composition. JOURNAL OF ANIMAL SCIENCE; Lugar: Urbana; Año: 2012 RELLING A.E.; REYNOLDS C.K.; LOERCH S.C. Effect of feeding fat or intrajugular infusion of glucagon-like peptide-1 and cholecystokinin on dry matter intake, digestibility, and digesta rate of passage in growing wethers. JOURNAL OF ANIMAL SCIENCE; Lugar: Urbana; Año: 2011 vol. 89 p. 168 - 178 LARSEN M.; RELLING A.E.; REYNOLDS C.K.; KRISTENSEN N.B. Effect of abomasal glucose infusion on plasma concentrations of gut peptides in periparturient dairy cows. JOURNAL OF DAIRY SCIENCE; Año: 2010 vol. 93 p. 5729 5736 RELLING A.E.; PATE J.L.; REYNOLDS C.K.; LOERCH S.C. Effect of feed restriction and supplemental dietary fat on gut peptide and hypothalamic neuropeptide messenger ribonucleic acid concentrations in growing wethers. JOURNAL OF ANIMAL SCIENCE; Año: 2010 vol. 88 p. 737 - 748 6 “Adaptaciones fisiológicas y utilización de nutrientes en condiciones de estrés calórico” Dr. Lance Baumgard (Iowa State University, EE.UU.) Educación Doctor of Philosophy (PhD), Cornell University Master of Science (MS), University of Minnesota Bachelor of Science (BS), University of Minnesota Investigación Fisiología Ambiental y Nutricional Metabolismo Post-Absortivo de Carbohidratos y Lípidos Bioenergía Nutrición y Producción de Leche Publicaciones destacadas Baumgard, L.H., A.F. Keating and J.W. Perfield II. 2009. Effects of fatty acids containing a trans double bond on body composition. In: Fatty Acids in Health Promotion and Disease Causation. R. Watson (ed.). The American Oil Chemists Society. Urbana, IL. pp 303-329. Rhoads, M.L., R.P. Rhoads, M.J. VanBaale, R.J. Collier, S.R. Sanders, W.J. Weber, B.A. Crooker, and L.H. Baumgard. 2009. Effects of heat stress and plane of nutrition on lactating Holstein cows: I. production, metabolism and aspects of circulating somatotropin. J. Dairy Sci. 92:1986-1997. Collier, R.J., S.W. Limesand, M.L. Rhoads, R.P. Rhoads and L.H. Baumgard. 2008. Homeorhesis during heat stress. In: Resource Allocation Theory Applied to Farm Animal Production. W.M. Rauw (ed.). CABI, Cambridge, MA. pp 72-88. Collier, R.J. T.R. Bilby, M.E. Rhoads, L.H. Baumgard and R.P. Rhoads. 2008. Effects of climate change on dairy cattle production. Annals of Arid Zone 47:1-12. Bauman, D.E., J.M. Perfield II, K.J. Harvatine and L.H. Baumgard. 2008. Regulation of fat synthesis by CLA: Lactation and the ruminant model. J. Nutr. 38:403-409. Collier, R.J., J.L. Collier, R.P. Rhoads and L.H. Baumgard. 2008. Genes involved in the bovine heat stress response. J. Dairy Sci. 91:445-454. Bailey, C.R., G.C. Duff, S.R. Sanders, J.L. Treichel, L.H. Baumgard, J.A. Marchello, D.W. Schafer and C.P. McMurphy. 2008. Effects of increasing crude protein concentrations on performance and carcass characteristics of growing and finishing steers and heifers. Anim. Sci. Feed Tech. 142:111-120.
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