I n t e r n at i o n a l A u c t i o n 1 - 2 J u ly 2 0 1 5 Madrid Lots are available at our premises: Francisco Gervás, 14 ES - 28020 Madrid Tel.: 915 480 799 Fax: 915 416 070 [email protected] www.iberphil.com Opening hours: Monday to Thursday: 10:00 to 14:00 and 16:00 to 18:30 Friday: 10:30 a 13:30 Summer opening hours (15 July to 15 September): Monday to Friday - 10:30 to 15:00 Charles E. Cwiakala 1527 S. 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Box 105 GB-PE3 9TQ Peterborough Ph: +44 1733268708 [email protected] o AUCTIONS AGENTS: CAPITÁN HAYA - 149 and 11 PLAZA DE CUZCO - 5, 27 and 147 International Auction 1-2 July 2015 We are pleased to inform you that our next world wide auction will be held on 1st and 2nd of July 2015 star ting at 16:00h at our premises at Francisco Ger vás, 14 in Madrid. Auction Program Session 1: 1 of July 16:00h - Europe (Lots 1-547) Session 2: 2 nd of July 16:00h - Other continents (Lots 548-1102) st Place your bids www.iberphil.com @ [email protected] indicating the lot number and your bid +34 915 480 799 - Fax: +34 915 416 070 Any lots purchased via the-saleroom.com live auction ser vice will be subject to no additional commission charge general Viewing dates: Lots will be available for examination on 29th and 30th of June 2015 and the 1st and 2nd of July, just until before the auction star t, in our facilities at Francisco Ger vás 14 in Madrid. 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Un lote con un precio de salida de 1000€ por que el que se recibe una orden de puja de 2500€, no significa que este vaya a ser el precio de adjudicación sino que se compararán con las órdenes recibidas anteriormente y con las de la sala, pongamos como ejemplo que la más alta fuera de 1600€, de este modo el precio de adjudicación será de 1700€. 4-La orden de puja deberá ser remitida por correo, fax, email o telefónicamente, en este último caso le rogamos lo reconfirme por algún medio escrito. 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Into the lots that avenge described by the expression “A EXAMINAR” returns will not be admitted, it is for it that bids ask to abstain from being expressed by them if it has not been checked previously and in addition one agrees in his state and in this condition. 12-Iberphil offers the possibility of examining the philatelic pieces in a particular domicile, for it the possible buyer will have to credit a bank guarantee or commercial reference, taking charge of all the inherent expenses and promising to return the material the following day of the receipt for the same way of parcel used by Iberphil. 13-Any litigation will be submitted to the courts of Madrid, and the buyer resigns expressly any other jurisdiction that could correspond him. 14-The present conditions will be considered to be accepted in the moment of the receipt of the order of bid or of the participation in the auction. 15-Online Bidding: a. 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TERMS OF SALE 1-All sales will be paid in euros (no cheques or charges), IVA included in the purchase price and subject to Spanish taxation on second hand items. According to European legislation IVA tax can not be detailed as all sales are made final inside the Spanish territory. 2- The total price of sale will include 20 % on the price of adjudication. The philatelic pieces will be envoys assured by their total value by means of certified mail or messenger company, the postage and handling and assurance correspondents will be at the expense of the buyer. 3- For the clients who could not be present personally at the room we offer the service of order of bid, the lots sell at the as low as possible price, the order of bid prevails over the room. In case of coincidence with the orders of bid priority will be given to the received one in our offices previously. The increases will adjust as general norm of the following form: Between 0€ and 50€ an increase of 2 is applied € Between 51€ and 100€ an increase of 5 is applied € Between 101€ and 200€ an increase of 10 is applied € Between 201€ and 500€ an increase of 20 is applied € Between 501€ and 1000€ an increase of 50 is applied € Between 1001€ and 3000€ an increase of 100 is applied € From 3001€ a minimal increase of 250 is applied €. Like explanation and in order that this condition turns out to be more explicit we include the following example. A lot with a starting price of 1000€ for that the one that receives an order of bid of 2500€, does not mean that this one is going to be the price of adjudication but they will be compared with the orders received previously and with those of the room, let’s put as example that the highest out of 1600€, thus the price of adjudication will be of 1700 €. 4-The order of bid will have to be sent by post, fax, e-mail or telephonically, in the latter case we request him re-confirm Francisco Gervás, 14 28020 Madrid T: 915 480 799 F: 915 416 070 [email protected] www.iberphil.com BID SHEET International Auction July 2015 Name and Surname: Address: VAT: City: Post Code: Country: Phone: E-mail: Signature: Payment form choosed: Credit Card*: *Look at point 6 of terms of sale Nº Expire date: Cheque to “Filatelia Iberphil, S.L.” Collect personally (Cheque in € of a spanish bank) Bank wire: 0081 2346 64 0001215925 (Banco Sabadell) IBAN: ES19 0081 2346 6400 0121 5925 SWIFT/BIC: BSABESBB Bank wire: 0049 4695 85 2916015490 (Banco Santander) IBAN: ES35 0049 4695 8529 1601 5490 SWIFT/BIC: BSCHESMM Nª lot Bid € Nª lot Bid € Nª lot Bid € Observaciones / Observations Commission (20%) is not included in the bid. See point 2 of sale conditions Nª lot Bid € Observaciones / Observations Nª lot Bid € Nª lot Bid € International Auction 1-2 July 2015 Session 1: 1 st of July 16:00h - Europe (Lots 1-547) Session 2: 2 nd of July 16:00h - Other continents (Lots 548-1102) SImbolos utilizados / symbols ConservaciOn / conservation ** Nuevo con goma original y sin fijasellos / Mint never hinged * Nuevo con goma original y con fijasellos / Mint hinged (*) Nuevo sin goma / Mint without gum Usado / Used Carta, envuelta o frontal / Cover, card or entire Sobre fragmento / On piece, fragment LUJO: Máxima calidad de conservación en todos los aspectos, extremadamente superior a la media. SUPERB:A state of absolute perfection. MAGNIFICO: Gran calidad de conservación en todos los aspectos, conservación muy superior a la media. VERY FINE:Margins all around, well centered, lightly cancelled when used. BONITO: Bien conservado en todos los aspectos, conservación superior a la media. FINE:Margins all around, somewhat off-centered, but perfs clear design, fairly light postmark when used. INDICE / TABLE OF CONTENtS Bibliography 6 Airmail Crash Covers 7 Germany10 Austria15 Belgium16 Bulgaria17 Czechoslovakia18 Denmark18 Finland19 France19 Great Britain 41 Greece55 Holland56 Hungary56 Italy56 Luxembourg60 Liechtenstein60 Montenegro60 Norway60 Poland61 Portugal61 Romania63 Russia63 Sweden64 Switzerland65 Yugoslavia66 Argentina 66 Bolivia Brazil Chile Colombia Cuba Ecuador United States Philippines Guatemala Honduras Mexico Nicaragua Paraguay Peru Puerto Rico Salvador Venezuela Spain French Post Office Uruguay China Egypt Indian Feudatory States-Kashmir Iran Japan Tibet Lots and Collections 70 73 90 93 104 106 108 110 112 113 114 116 117 117 118 121 122 123 124 127 127 127 128 128 128 128 iberphil AUCTIONS Bibliography 1 100 € THE STANDARD GUIDE TO POSTAGE STAMP COLLECTING. Bellars and Davie. London, 1865. 2 40 € REPRINTS OF POSTAL ADHESIVE STAMPS AND THEIR CHARACTERISTICS. E.D. Bacon. Stanley Gibbons. London 1898. 3 30 € GUIDE DU COLLECTIONNEUR SPECIALISTE DE TIMBRES-POSTE. Fernand Serrane. Brussels 1919. 4 25 € CATALOGUE DU SPECIALISTE DES TIMBRES-POSTE D´EUROPE. Fernand Serrane. Bruxelles 1922. 10th Edition. 5 BID PHANTOM PHILATELY. Fred J. Melville. London, 1923. 6 60 € ETUDE SUR LES FAUX TIMBRES D´EUROPE. A. de Haena. Namur 1926. 7 40 € VADE-MECUM DU SPECIALISTE-EXPERT EN TIMBRES-POSTE D´EUROPE. Fernand Serrane. Nice 1927. Copy dedicated by the author. 8 8 BID THE "PROPAGANDA" FORGERIES. A HISTORY AND DESCRIPTION OF THE AUSTRIAN, BAVARIAN AND GERMAN STAMPS COUNTERFEITED BY ORDER OF THE BRITISH GOVERNMENT DURING THE GREAT WAR, 1914-1918. L.N. & M. Williams. London, 1938. 9 BID THE BEST WAY TO SELL POSTAGE STAMPS AND STAMPS COLLECTIONS. Stanley Phillips. Stanley Gibbons LTD, Londres. 10 25 € TIMBREX, SIGNES D´AUTHENTICITE ET DESCRIPTION DES REIMPRESSIONS OFFICIELLES ET PRIVEES DES TIMBRES CLASIQUES. EUROPE. H Schloss. Nice 1944. 11 25 € LA CLASSIFICAZIONE E LA PERIZIA DEI FRANCOBOLLI CLASSICI D´EUROPA. Mario Rigon. Genoa 1946. 12 BID FORGED STAMPS OF TWO WORLD WARS. THE POSTAL FORGERIES AND PROPAGANDA ISSUES OF THE BELLIGERENTS 1914-1918 AND 1939-1945. Williams. London, 1954. 13 250 € THE WORK OF JEAN THE SPERATI (two volumes in their original binding). 2nd Edition. British Philatelic Association. London 1956. I N T E R N AT I O N A L A U C T I O N 14 30 € Auction catalogs from EUROPA BURRUS: Austria (Peter Kaufman, Basel april 15th 1964), Belgium (W.Balasse, march 2nd 1963), Hollan (Robson Lowe, december 10th 1963), French colonies and Romania (W.Ballase, Brussels, october 20th 1962), Czechoslovakia, Poland, Vatican City, Yugoslavia, (Robson Lowe, London april 8th 1964) (including hammer prices from Austria). One volume half leather bound. 15 30 € Auction catalog from BURRUS AMERICA including: Brasil (Robson Lowe, London April 4th 1963), Mexico, Nicaragua and Asia (April 7th 1964), Hawaii (H.R. Harmer, New York, May 27th 1963) and Eastern Turkey and Morocco (Robson Lowe, London May 20th 1964) (including hammer prices from Brazil). One volume half leather bound. 16 BID Two volumes: "THE PRIVATE SHIP LETTER STAMPS OF THE WORLD, PART 2" and "AUSTRALIA-EUROPE-SOUTH AMERICA AND THE SUEZ CANAL COMPANY, PART 3". S. Ringstm, H.E. Tester y Jean Boulad D´Humieres, 1985. 17 BID FORGED POSTAGE STAMPS OF EUROPE AND COLONIES HUNGARY TO UKRAINE. H. Bynof-Smith. Edition 1993. 1 - 2 JULIO 2015 19 3, 7 275 € 1925. 5 cts blue green and 1 fr orange (Morocco). RABAT to THE HAGUE (NETHERLANDS). Seaplane covering route CASABLANCA-TOULOUSE, crashed the 11th December 1925 as a building dome hit it while take of on water in Alicante, making it crashing to the ground. That gave rise to a fire that burned the most part of mail, and the few that got rescued, were sent to their destinations in a cover with the tag CORRESPONDANCE TROUVEE DANS LES DEBRIS DE L´AVION INCENDIE A ALICANTE LE 11 DECEMBRE 1925. FINE AND VERY RARE. Airmail Crash Covers 20 Aéreos 2, 3, 7(4) 300 € 1925. 25 cts blue, 50 cts green blue and 1 fr orange, four stamps. Airmail from CASABLANCA to COPENHAGEN (DENMARK). Seaplane covering route CASABLANCA-TOULOUSE (N25), crashed in Alicante December 11th 1925, rescued mail was put in a cover and reexpedited to destination with tag CORRESPONDANCE TROUVEE DANS LES DEBRIS DE L´AVION POSTAL INCENDIE A ALICANTE LE 11 DECEMBRE 1925. VERY FINE AND SCARCE. 18 250 € 1925. Container cover used to sent mails from the seaplane of the line CASABLANCA-TOULOUSE crashed in Alicante, december 11th 1925, with related mark CORRESPONDANCE TROUVEE DANS LES DEBRIS DE L'AVOIN POSTAL INCENDIE A ALICANTE LE 11 DECEMBER 1925. VERY FINE AND VERY RARE. All prices are starting prices No bids will be accepted under the starting price 9 iberphil AUCTIONS 21 1/3, 5/11 100 € 1928. Complete set (Morocco), except the 75 cts blue (usual conservation). Registered cover from CASABLANCA to BUENOS AIRES (ARGENTINA). This first flight between France and Argentina, had an emergency landing in Villa Cisneros (Cape Juby), most mail could be rescued and continued till destination without any special marks. VERY FINE AND SCARCE. 22 51, 70(2) 250 € 1929. 1 fr on 1 fr lie de vin and 25 cts blue, two stamps. Airmail crash cover from CASABLANCA to MAUBEUGUE (FRANCE). Plane of the line CASABLANCA-TOULOUSE, crashed near Girona, october 4th 1928, pilot and two passangers died, part of the mail could be recovered partially burned, then introduced in a special cover applying the mark ENVELOPPE DETERIOREE / ACCIDENT D'AVION, delivered then to destination. VERY FINE AND VERY RARE. 23 101(2), 110, Aéreo 7 250 € 1929. 5 cts orange, two stamps, 40 cts red and 1 fr orange. CASABLANCA to LONDON. Plane of the line CASABLANCA-TOULOUSE, crashed near Girona, october 4th 1928, pilot and two passengers died, part of the mail could be partially recovered was classified and delivered with the mark ENVELOPPE DETERIOREE / ACCIDENT D´AVION. VERY FINE AND VERY RARE. 10 24 2, 9, 15 140 € 1929. 10 cts blue green, 35 cts pink and 1 peso blue and black. On front BUENOS AIRES to BETANZOS. Airplane from the company Aeropostale facing an emergency landing 90 km from Tiznit (Morocco), the airplane was set on fire by the moslems and mails was sacked, passengers were rescued and repatriated by plane, the very few mails rescued were applied purple mark CORRESPONDANCE AERIENNE / OUVERTE EN "MAURITANIE". VERY FINE AND SCARCE COVER. 25 82(7) 175 € 1929. 50 cts orange over green, seven stamps. THIES (SENEGAL) to GARANOU (FRANCE). Airplane of the C.G.A. coming from SANTIAGO DE CHILE forced to an emergency landing 90 km from Tiznit (Morocco), the airplane was set on fire by the moslems and the mail was sacked, passengers rescued and repatriated by airplane and the few mail rescued, was applied the purple mark CORRESPONDANCE AERIENNE / OUVERTE EN "MAURITANIE". VERY FINE AND SCARCE. 26 181, 207 200 € 1929. 1'50 fr blue and 10 fr green and red. Air mail registered cover from TOURS to BANGAI (ANNAM). Airplane of the line FRANCE-INDOCHINA (C.G.A.) crashed in Sirte (Tripolitania) December 14th 1929, during a storm it crashed against dunes, part of the mail was rescued and sent to destination applying mark COURRIER ACCIDENTE. VERY FINE AND SCARCE. I N T E R N AT I O N A L A U C T I O N 27 139, Aéreo 10 200 € 1933. 50 cts blue green and 2 fr purple. Airmail crashed from CASABLANCA to PARIS (FRANCE). Airplane of the line CASABLANCA-TOULOUSE (Latecoere), crashed in Viladrau (Girona) May 9th 1933, crew and three passengers died, mail was rescued partially burned and forwarded to destination applying postmark CORRESPONDANCE AVION / RETARDEE ET DETERIORE / PAR SUITE DE L´ACCIDENT AERIEN / SURVENU LE. VERY FINE AND SCARCE. 28 200 € 1933. Airmail crash cover from KAYES (MALI) to MARSEILLE. Airplane of the line CASABLANCA-TOULOUSE of C.G.A. company, which had an emergency landing in Malgrat de Mar (Barcelona), burning shortly after grounding. Part of the mail was destroyed and what could be rescued, got applied black mark CORRESPONDANCE AVION/RETARDEE ET DETERIORE PAR SUITE DE L´ACCIDENT AERIEN / SURVENU LE, applied in Toulouse. VERY FINE AND RARE. 29 150 € 1935. Airmail cover from MONTEVIDEO to ROUBAIX (FRANCE). Airplane of the line CHILE-FRANCE (Air France) crashed in Aracaju (Brasil) November 3rd 1935, dying the whole crew. Mail rescued on the beach, it is forwarded to destination using the purple mark COURRIER ACCIDENTE AU BRESIL / LE 3 NOVEMBER 1935. VERY FINE AND RARE. 1 - 2 JULIO 2015 30 150 € 1936. Air mail from JERUSALEM to KITZINGEN (GERMANY). Airliner ORIENT-GREAT BRITAIN (Imperial Airways), damaged in Mirabella Bay (Crete) August 22nd 1936 during an emergency landing. Mail was rescued and sent to destination applying a tag in german to explain the delay. EXTRAORDINARY AND RARE. 31 209, 356 175 € 1939. 5000 reis blue and 400 reis green. Front of Crash cover airmail from PERNAMBUCO to NUREMBERG (GERMANY). Airplane of LATI company, returning from the inaugural flight ROME-RIO DE JANEIRO, crashed in Morocco, December 26th 1939, dying everybody on board, only a small part of mail, partially burned, was rescued. VERY FINE AND VERY SCARCE. 32 171, 178, 179, 209 240 € 1939. 100 reis orange, 600 reis orange, 1000 reis blue and 5000 reis blue. Airmail crashed from RIO DE JANEIRO to MILAN (ITALY). Airplane of LATI, returning from the inaugural flight ROME-RIO DE JANEIRO, crashed in Morocco, December 26th 1939, dying everybody on board, only a small part of mail, partially burned, was rescued. Included the document from ADMINISTRAZIONE DELLE POSTE E DEI TELEGRAFI, from Milan explaining the reasons of the delay. VERY FINE AND VERY SCARCE. 11 iberphil AUCTIONS 35 603, 945 150 € 1974. 25 cts dark blue and 35 cts blue green, two stamps. Air mail from ROTTERDAM to JOHANNESBURG (SOUTH AFRICA). Airplane from Lufthansa, covering route GERMANY-SOUTH AFRICA, crashed after taking off in Nairobi, having 59 passengers died. Part of mail was rescued and sent to destination with red mark RETRIEVED FROM AIR CRASH ON 20 / NOVEMBER 1974 AT NAIROBI. EXTRAORDINARY AND VERY RARE. Germany Germany - Hamburg 33 82 350 € 1956. 6 p black and chestnut. Airmail from LAGOS to LEICESTER (ENGLAND). Airplane of the line NIGERIA-GREAT BRITAIN (B.O.A.C.), crashed in Kano (Nigeria), June 24th 1956, with only nineteen passengers survived. Small part of mail was rescued and sent to destination in a cover with mark ENCLOSED LETTER SALVAGED FROM / AIR CRASH AT KANO (24-656). VERY FINE AND VERY SCARCE COMBINATION OF THE DAMAGED LETTER AND THE COVER WHERE THE LETTER WAS PUT FOR SENDING IT TO FINAL DESTINATION. 36 40 € 1857. ALTONA to ALICANTE. On front red entry c.d.s. 2 / TOUR T. / 2 / VALENCIENNES and handstruck "4 R" on arrival. VERY FINE. Germany - Oldemburg 34 761A, 885 150 € 1974. 10 cts purple and 2'50 g blue green. Airmail addressed to RIDGEWORT (SOUTH AFRICA). Airplane from Lufthansa, covering route GERMANY-SOUTH AFRICA, crashed after taking off in Nairobi, having 59 passengers died. Part of mail was rescued and sent to destination with red mark RETRIEVED FROM AIR CRASH ON 20 / NOVEMBER 1974 AT NAIROBI. VERY FINE AND VERY SCARCE. 12 37 3 40 € (1852ca). 1/15 t black over pink (little defect on corner). BURHAVE to OSNABRUCK. Blue straight line cancel BURHAVE, repeated on front. VERY FINE. I N T E R N AT I O N A L A U C T I O N 1 - 2 JULIO 2015 Germany - Prussia 38 65 € 1856. 2 s blue on postal stationery card. ISERLOHN to BARCELONA. Pen cancel and on front date stamp JSERLOHN, transit mark PRUSSE and spanish handstruck "12Rs". VERY FINE AND RARE. 42 16 75 € (1861ca). 2 s ultramarine on Postal Stationery card from ANKERHOLTZ to STOLP, with complementary franking of 6 p orange. Boxed date stamp KLEIN / ANKDERHOLZ / 16 1"45. VERY FINE. 39 3(2) 50 € (1850ca). 1 s pink on Postal Stationery card from ANCLAM to HALLE, with complementary franking of 1 s black on pink, pair. Numeral cancel "31". VERY FINE. 43 17 90 € 1865. 1 s purple. Newspaper strip from BERLIN to MALAGA. VERY FINE AND RARE. 40 6(2), 16(2) 180 € 1858. 1 s pink, two stamps and 6 p orange, two stamps. BONN to LONDON (ENGLAND). Numeral cancel "155", on front french entry c.d.s. and arrival. VERY FINE AND RARE. 44 17(12) 450 € 1867. 1 s pink, twelve stamps (horizontal archive crease) from ISERLOHN to CADIZ. Rectangular date stamp cancel ISERLOHN, on front several handstrucks and arrival mark. VERY FINE AND SCARCE FRANKING. 41 11 75 € (1857ca). 1 s pink carmine on Postal Stationery card from CANTH to WIEGSCHULZ, with complementary franking of 1 s pink. Boxed date stamp CANTH. / 30 6"5-6. VERY FINE. All phone bidders would contact at least the day before the auction 13 iberphil AUCTIONS Germany - Saxony 45 10 75 € 1860. 3 g black over yellow. LEIPZIG to BARCELONA. Numeral cancel "2", on front transit french mark PRUSSE and spanish handstruck "4 Rs" (reales). VERY FINE. Germany - Thurn and 48 8, 12 140 € 1862. ½ q green and 5 s lilac. HAMBURG to MALAGA. Numeral cancel "300", on front french entry c.d.s. TOUR-T / FORBACH and spanish handstruck "4R". VERY FINE AND SCARCE FRANKING. Taxis 49 12, 16 140 € 1863. ½ orange and 5 s lilac. HAMBURG to MALAGA. Numeral cancel "300", on front french entry c.d.s. TOUR-T / FORBACH and spanish handstruck "4R". VERY FINE AND SCARCE FRANKING. 46 3, 6(2) 90 € 1856. ½ s black on green and 3 s black on yellow, pair. HAMBURG to SANTANDER. Numeral cancel "300", on front blue french entry c.d.s. TOUR-T / VALENCIENNES, and spanish handstruck "8R". VERY FINE. 50 34, 35 45 € 1858. 6 k black on pink and 9 k black on yellow (short margins). MAINZ to CALONGE. On front red french entry c.d.s. and spanish handstruck "4Rs" applied over the mark "P.P.". VERY FINE. 51 35(2) 45 € 1858. 9 k black on yellow, two stamps (short margin). FRANKFURT to CADIZ. Numeral cancel "220", on front red french entry and spanish handstruck "4R". FINE. Germany North Confederation 47 3, 6(2) 50 € 1858. ½ black over green and 3 s black over yellow, pair. HAMBURG to BILBAO. Numeral cancel "300", on front french ambulante TOUR-T / VALENCIENNES and spanish handstruck "4R". VERY FINE. All lots can be viewed at Philasearch 14 52 4, 6 35 € (1868ca). 1 g pink and 5 g bistre brown. Front cover from WESSELING to SEVILLE. Rectangular date stamp cancel WESSELING. VERY FINE. I N T E R N AT I O N A L A U C T I O N 53 16(3) 75 € 1870. 2 g blue, three stamps. METTLACH to MADRID. Rectangular date stamp cancel METTLACH. VERY FINE. 1 - 2 JULIO 2015 57 336, 405(2), 407, 409 20 € 1929. 100 pf lilac, 15 pf red, two stamps, 25 pf blue and 40 pf purple. Air mail from DUISBURG to PORTO ALEGRE (BRASIL). On reverse arrival cancel. EXTRAORDINARY. Germany 54 5, 16 90 € 1872. 2 g blue and 1 g carmine. ELBERFELD to MADRID. Horseshoe date stamp cancel ELBERFELD. VERY FINE. 55 16(2), 31(2) 80 € 1875. 1 g pink carmine, two stamps and 5 p lilac, two stamps. BARMEN to LA JUNQUERA, mistakenly sent to Perpignan. Date stamp cancel BARMEN / 8-12N, on front blue french c.d.s. and handstruck 1P (peseta). VERY FINE. 56 40 € 1875. BARMEN to LA JUNQUERA, mistakenly sent to Perpignan. Date stamp BARMEN / 5-6 N, french c.d.s. and handstruck "6" and spanish "1P" (Peseta). VERY FINE. 58 402, 404, Aéreos 28(2), 30(8) 35 € 1929. 5 cts green, 10 cts red, 10 cts pink, two stamps and 20 cts blue, eight stamps. Airmail from DUISBURG (GERMANY) to PORTO ALEGRE (BRASIL). On reverse arrival mark. VERY FINE. 59 403, 404B, 407(5), 444(2) 25 € 1932. 8 pf green, 12 pf orange, 25 cts blue, five stamps (one with defect) and 5 cts green, two stamps. Cover of the Aeropostale Company from BAD OEYNHAUSEN (GERMANY) to RIO GRANDE (BRASIL). On reverse mark ARRIEE A TOULOUSE / APRES / DEPART DE L'AVION, and arrival mark. FINE. 60 * 479/82 Complete set. VERY FINE. Yvert 2014: 440€ 75 € 15 iberphil AUCTIONS 61 491, 497, 498 100 € 1941. 15 p lilac, 60 p burgundy and black and 100 p orange and black. LATI airmail from BREMEN to BUENOS AIRES (ARGENTINA). On front purple mark RETOUR / POSTVERKEHR EINGESTELLT detailing that mail could not be delivered as United States entered the Second World War. VERY FINE AND SCARCE. 65 40 130 € 1931. 1 m red. Postal Card Graf Zeppelin from BERLIN (25-7-1931) to NERESHEIM. On front postmark PAR AVION ZEPPELIN / LENINGRAD. VERY FINE AND RARE. Germany Airmail 66 * 42A/C Complete set. VERY FINE. Yvert 2014: 1100€ 225 € Germany Souvenir Sheet 62 29, 30, 31, 32 40 € 1930. 15 pf, 20 pf, 50 pf and 1m. Cover of the Company General Aeropostal from HAMBURG to ASUNCION (PARAGUAY). On reverse arrival cancel. VERY FINE. 67 ** 9, 11 150 € Two Souvenir sheets, one IMPERFORATE and one with side overprint. VERY FINE. Yvert 2010: 550€ Germany Feldpost 63 * 38/39 Complete set. VERY FINE. Yvert 2014: 675€ 64 * 40/42 Complete set. VERY FINE. Yvert 2014: 900€ 16 150 € 175 € 68 90 € 1943. Feldpost from RIGA to HILVERSUM (HOLLAND) (letter from a dutch volunteer among the SS Wirtschafter, economic unit under control of "Polizeiführer in Ostland"). On front red mark DER HOHERE SS U. POLIZEIFUHRER OSTLAND / RIGA, c.d.s. with name deleted (RIGA) and censorship mark "AS" from the SS, rests of the censorship belt and arrival mark on reverse. VERY FINE AND SCARCE LETTER WRITTEN BY A VOLUNTEER IN A SECURITY UNIT. I N T E R N AT I O N A L A U C T I O N 1 - 2 JULIO 2015 Ljubljana-Slovenia Upper Silesia 71 4, 8(2) 50 € 1944. 30 cts chestnut on Postal Stationery card from LJUBLJANA to KRAINBURG (GERMANY) with complementary franking 20 cts red and 50 cts purple, pair. VERY FINE. Russia 69 EP54, 300 Yv34, 37/39, 42 2.500 € 1921. 10 cts on Postal Stationery card Registered from GIJON to GLEINVITZ (UPPER SILESIA), April 29th 1921, complementary franking 10 cts MEDALLON, 10 cts UPU and 25 cts MEDALLON and return circulated as registered mail from GLEINVITZ to GIJON, June 24th 1921 franked with 10 pf, 25 pf, 30 pf, 40 pf and 75 pf and unused, with c.d.s. OPPELN / (1).VERY NICE AND EXTREMELY RARE, IT´S SURELY THE MOST IMPORTANT AND SUPERB KNOWN POSTAL STATIONERY WITH NOT PHILATELIC REGISTERED FRANKING ON BOTH DIRECTIONS AND A COMBINED FRANKING SPAIN-SILESIA. THE ONLY KNOWN AND A PIECE OF EXTREME SIGNIFICANCE. Levant German Offices in Turkish Empire 72 2, 3, 5, 8, 10 35 € 1916. 3p, 5p, 10 p, 20 p and 40 p with surchage POSTGEBIET / OB. OST (10 p lightly toned). Registered cover from MITAU (LITHUANIA) to LUDWIGSLVST (GERMANY). On reverse arrival cancel. FINE. West Germany 73 * 9/24 Complete set. VERY FINE. Yvert 2014: 900€ 70 45 € 1879. 10 pf pink on Postal Stationery card from ADEN to CAPRI (Hotel Pagano) and readdressed to ROME. Placed in a german ship, c.d.s. DEUTSCHE SEE POST / OST / AFRIKANISCHE / HAUPTLINIE. VERY FINE. Additional images of lots and collections can be viewed on www.iberphil.com 175 € Austria Austria Bibliography 74 15 € KAISERREICH ÖSTERREICH AND LOMBARDEI-VENETIEN. Dr. Anton and Elisabeth Jerger. Corinphila. Zurich 17 iberphil AUCTIONS Austria 75 26 75 € 1863. 15 k bistre brown.TRIESTE to WURZBURG (GERMANY). C.d.s. cancel TRIEST, on front mark NACH ARGANG / DER POST. VERY FINE. 80 4B, 5B 100 € 1870. 10 s blue and 15 s chestnut. LA CANEA (CRETE) to GENOA. Two lines date stamp cancel CANEA / ..SEPT. VERY FINE. 76 36 75 € 1882. 10 k blue (franked on reverse). TRIESTE to MALTA. Cds TRIESTE / TERGESTED, on reverse transit mark and arrival. EXTRAORDINARY. 77 40 € 1889. Declared value from WIEN to BUDAPEST. Preprinted cover POSTWERTHZEICHEN / PREIS PR. STUCK 1 KR. VERY FINE. Austria Danube Steam Navigation Company 81 18(2) 150 € 1869. Lombardo-Venetian 2 s yellow, two stamps. CONSTANTINOPLE to TRIESTE. C.d.s. CONSTANTINOPEL. VERY FINE AND RARE, LAST DAYS FOR LOMBARDO-VENETIAN STAMPS CIRCULATION IN THE LEVANT OFFICES. Belgium Belgium Bibliography 78 3 65 € (1868ca). 10 k green. Addressed to BRAILA (ROMANIA). Blue c.d.s. AGENCIE / D.D.G.S. / PIQUET. VERY FINE AND RARE. Levant Austrian Offices 79 4A(2) 60 € 1879. 10 soldi blue, pair. JERUSALEM to BOLOGNA (ITALY). C.d.s. cancel GERUSALEMME, on reverse transit JAFFA, ALEXANDRIA and arrival. VERY FINE. 18 82 20 € LA CARTE POSTALE ILLUSTREE. L.Renieu. "Musée du Livre" Edition. Brussels 1924. 83 25 € MEMORIAL PHILATELIQUE. Gustave Bertrand.Volume II, La Belgique. Montpellier, 1934. 84 50 € MARQUES DE PASSAGE. James Van der Linden. Luxembourg, 1993. I N T E R N AT I O N A L A U C T I O N 1 - 2 JULIO 2015 Belgium 89 ** 1262(4) 60 € 40 cts + 10 cts lilac pink, ochre and red, in block of four. Variety WITHOUT OCHRE COLOUR, on the Prince's suit. VERY FINE AND SCARCE, NOT LISTED. Rwanda Urundi 85 15c, 16c 75 € 1863. 20cts blue and 40 cts red. ANTWERP to CADIZ. Numeral cancel "4", on front oval date stamp CADIZ/FRANCO. FINE. 90 * 48 90 € 30 cts over 10 cts carmine. INVERTED OVERPRINT. VERY FINE AND SCARCE, NOT LISTED. Bulgaria 86 17(3) 75 € 1865. 10 cts grey, three stamps. COURTRAI to BOURDEAUX (FRANCE). On front label 15 c value and entry c.d.s. BELG. / ARRAS. VERY FINE AND RARE. 91 * 1 50 € 5 cts black and yellow. Superb centering. VERY FINE AND RARE. Yvert 2014: 250€ 92 * 25 75 € 50 on 1 f black and red (negligible light thin). VERY FINE AND RARE. Yvert 2014: 800€ 87 18, 20 65 € 1860. 20 cts blue and 40 cts pink. ANTWERP to CADIZ. Lozenge of dots "12" cancel, on front oval date stamp CADIZ/FRANCO. VERY FINE. 88 203(8) 20 € 1926. 50 cts olive, eight stamps. RENAIX (BELGIUM) to CASABLANCA. On front manuscript "Par Avion Toulouse-Casablanca", on reverse arrival mark. FINE. 93 (*) 162 120 € 1 l blue, glued on cardboard with PORTRAIT DIE PROOF (folded paper). FINE AND RARE. 19 iberphil auctIonS czechoSloVAKiA 96 23, 24(2) 175 € 1895. 4 ore blue grey and 8 ore blue gren and carmine. HolBeK to Glen ELLEN, readdressed to CHICAGO and finally to PINOLE. On arrival two US 1 ctvo blue stamps are applied to cover internal rate and on front arrival date stamp Glen ellen / cal, on reverse transit cancel and arrival. Very FIne and SPectacular FranKInG. danisH WesT indies 94 * 60 € no value, blue purple.trIal color ProoF, of a unadopted drawing, from the artist alphonse Mucha, on gummed paper. Very FIne and Very rare. Signed Karasek. denmArK denmark 97 200 € 1861. SaInt tHoMaS to FaJardo (Puerto rIco). red mark PaId / at / St.tHoMaS and british manuscript tax and 1/2 (real) on arrival.Very FIne and rare. (SG cc1 500 £) 98 8(2) 150 € 1882. 5 c green and grey, two stamps (lightly shaded). SaInt tHoMaS to Genoa (Italy), and readdressed to Santa MarGarIta. on front red octogonal date stamp St.tHoMaS / PaQ.Fr.B nº2. FIne and Very rare octoGonal date StaMP. 95 22A 45 € 1890. 5 ore green on Postal Stationery newspaper strip from coPenHaGen to HoBart (auStralIa), readdressed to adelaIde and complementary franking of 3 ore (defect) and 4 ore green, trimmed from Postal Stationery (on reverse arrival). Very FIne and unuSual FranKInG. all lots can be viewed at delcampe 20 99 8(4) 350 € 1879. 5 cts green and grey, four stamps (one with archive crease). SaInt tHoMaS to caracaS (VeneZuela). FIne and unuSual FranKInG. I N T E R N AT I O N A L A U C T I O N Finland Finland Bibliography 100 10 € CLASSIC FINLAND THE "SIBELIUS" COLLECTION. Corinphila. Zurich April 6th, 2003. France 1 - 2 JULIO 2015 105 30 € TABLE ALPHABETIQUE DES SERVICES (manuscript). Aministration de Postes, 1838. 106 BID LIVRE DE POSTE. Paris, 1839. (Weathered volume) 107 30 € ADJUDICATION DU TRASPORT DES DEPECHES PAR ENTREPRISE. CAHIER DES CHARGES. Administration Generale des Postes. Paris 1851. France Bibliography 101 30 € Les Routes des Postes du Royaume de France. De Fer. Paris, 1728. (440 mm x 490 mm very rare but with some defects). 102 250 € Les Routes Exactes des postes du Royaume de France. Tobias Conrad Lotter (1750). 103 60 € Atlas des plans et cartes pour servir à l'intelligence des marches et positions du 7e Corps de la Grande Armée, pendant la Campagne des Annés 1808 et 1809. 104 300 € Carte des Postes de l´Empire français indiquant toutes les voies de communication dressée (...), par ordre de Mr. E.J.Thayer. Directeur général des Postes. Paris 1838. 108 250 € Campagnes de la Révolution Française dans les Pyrénées Orientales et description topographique de cette moitié de la chaine pyrénéenne. J. Napoléon Fervel. Fifteen pane atlas. 280 mm x 385 mm. Paris, 1861. Original cardboard. 2 sheets + 15 maps, 4 of them folded. 109 BID EXTRAIT DE L´INSTRUCTION GENERALE DES POSTES CONCERNAT LE SERVICE DES RELAIS. Imprimere Impériale, August 1868. (44 pages) 110 30 € CIRCULAIRE GENERALE ADRESSEE AUX BUREAUX D´ECHANGE TOUCHANT L´APPLICATION DU TRAITE DE L´UNION GENERALE DES POSTES. Ministere des Postes et des Telegraphes, 1875. 111 30 € CIRCULAIRE GENERALE ADRESSEE AUX BUREAUX D´ECHANGE. Ministere des Postes et des Telegraphes, 1877. 112 90 € TARIF INTERNATIONAL INDIQUANT LES TAXES ET CONDITIONS D´ENVOI APPLICABLES EN FRANCE ET EN ALGERIE. Ministère des Postes et des Télégraphes, 1879. (illustrated with post marks used in different cities of the world) 113 30 € CIRCULAIRE GENERALE ADRESSEE AUX BUREAUX D´ECHANGE TOUCHANT L´APPLICATION DE L´ARRANGEMENT RELATIF AUX LETTRES DE VALEURS DECLAREES. Ministere des Postes et des Telegraphes, 1879. 114 30 € CIRCULAIRE GENERALE ADRESSEE AUX BUREAUX D´ECHANGE TOUCHANT L´APPLICATION DE LA CONVENTION DE L´UNION POSTALE UNIVERSELLE. Ministere des Postes et des Telegraphes, 1879. 115 30 € ETUDE DE LEGISLATION COMPAREE SUR LES CAISSES D´EPARGNE PAR LES POSTES EN ANGLETERRE, EN BELGIQUE, EN ITALIE, EN HOLLANDE ET EN FRANCE. M.A. de Malarce, Librairie de Guillaumin Publisher. Paris 1880. 116 30 € ITINERAIRE DES VOITURES. Ministere des Postes et des Telegraphes. Nº402, July 1883. 21 iberphil AUCTIONS 117 30 € CIRCULAIRE GENERALE ADRESSEE AUX BUREAUX D´ECHANGE TOUCHANT L´APPLICATION DE LA CONVENTION DE L´UNION POSTALE UNIVERSELLE. Ministere des Postes et des Telegraphes, 1886. 118 30 € CIRCULAIRE GENERALE ADRESSEE AUX BUREAUX D´ECHANGE TOUCHANT L´APPLICATION DE L´ARRANGEMENT RELATIF AUX LETTRES DE VALEURS DECLAREES. Ministeries des Postes et des Telegraphes, 1866. 119 50 € LA POSTE AUX LETTRES. Louis Paulian. 2nd Edition. Paris 1887. 120 30 € RELATIONS AVEC LES PAYS D´OUTRE-MER. Ministére de Commerce de L'Industrie et des Colonies, 1890. 121 30 € RELATIONS AVEC LES COLONIES FRANÇAISES ET LES PAYS ETRANGERS D´OUTRE-MER. Ministére de Commerce de L'Industrie et des Postes, 1896. 122 BID Reprint of CATALOGUE PRIX-COURANT DE TIMBRES-POSTE. 1st Edition of the catalog Yvert-Tellier. Amiens 1897. 123 30 € RELATIONS AVEC LES COLONIES FRANÇAISES ET LES PAYS ETRANGERS D´OUTRE-MER. Ministére de Commerce de L'Industrie et des Postes. 1897. 124 30 € RELATIONS AVEC LES COLONIES FRANÇAISES ET LES PAYS ETRANGERS D´OUTRE-MER. Ministére de Commerce de L'Industrie et des Postes, 1898. 125 60 € TARIF DE POSTES Nº500-30 (FRANCIA). Postes et Telegrafes 1899. (includes a 7 pages offprint addendum) 126 30 € EXTRAIT DU TARIF INTERNATIONAL DES POSTES. France 1899. 127 30 € RELATIONS AVEC LES COLONIES FRANÇAISES ET LES PAYS ETRANGERS D´OUTRE-MER. Ministére de Commerce de L'Industrie et des Postes, 1899. 128 BID Three catalogues from different editions CATALOGUE PRIX-COURANT DE TIMBRES-POSTE. Yvert et Tellier-Champion publisher from 1911, 1926 and 1929. 129 BID LE TIMBRES-POSTE DE L´EMISSION DE BORDEAUX 1870. Fernand Serrane. 1st Edition Brussels, 1925. 130 30 € NOMENCLATURE GENERALE DES BUREAUX DE POSTE FRANÇAIS DE TOUTES CATEGORIES. Langlois M. et Eug. Veneziani. 1st Edition. Amiens, 1926. Yvert et Tellier. (Weathered volume) 131 50 € NOUVEL ATLAS POSTAL AND TELEGRAPHIQUE DES DEPARTEMENTS FRANÇAIS Y COMPRIS L´ALGERIE AND LATUNISIE. 5th Edition. Imprimerie Oberthür in Rennes. 132 40 € MEMORIAL PHILATELIQUE. Gustave Bertrand. Volume I, la France depuis 1880, la France en Hongrie, à Memel, dans les Balkans, Alsace, Andorre, Monaco, Sarre. Montpellier 1932. 133 40 € NOMENCLATURE GENERALE DES BUREAUX DE POSTE FRANÇAIS DE TOUTES CATEGORIES (1849-1876). Langlois M. et Eug. Veneziani. 10th Edition. Amiens 1939. Yvert et Tellier. 134 30 € LES ETUDES PHILATELIQUES ET ANNALES INTERNATIONALES DE LA TIMBROLOGIE 1942, 1948, 1950 y 1960-61. Didier Darteyre. Paris, published in 4 volumes. 22 135 BID LA HAUTE-GARONNE. MARQUES POSTALES 1698 A 1876. L. Dubus. Yvert et Tellier Publisher, 1945. 136 BID CATALOGUE DE TIMBRES-POSTE DE FRANCE. Maison Arthur Maury. Paris, 1947. 137 10 € LES AEROGRAMMES DE FRANCE (Leur catalogue). Paul Maincent. Rouen 1949. 138 BID LES ETUDES PHILATELIQUES ET ANNALES INTERNATIONALES DE LA TIMBROLOGIE. D. Darteyre. Paris, 1950. 139 BID LES BUREAUX FRANCAIS A L´ETRANGER DU XVI SIECLE A 1817. C. Chase y L. Lenain. Valence, 1961. 140 BID LA POSTE DE L´ANCIENNE FRANCE DES ORIGINES A 1791. Louis Lenain. Edición Arles, 1965 (together with four supplement to the editions of 1968, 1974 y 1981) 141 BID LA POSTE AUX ARMEES ET RELATIONS POSTALES INTERNATIONALES DES ORIGINES A 1791. Louis Lenain. Arles, 1968. 142 BID LES TIMBRES FAUX POUR TROMPER LA POSTE DE FRANCE. Dr. Jacques Grasset. Pierre de Meyere Publisher. Brussels, 1976. 143 BID MONOGRAPHIE DES TIMBRES AU TYPE BLANC DE FRANCE. J. Storch y R. Françon. Yvert et Tellier Publisher, 1977. 144 BID HISTOIRE DES TIMBRES-POSTE AU TYPE SAGE 1875-1976. R. Joany, J. Storch, J.F. Brun, R. Françon. Yvert et Tellier Publisher, 1980. France 145 25 € 1834. SANTIAGO DE CUBA to SAUVETERRE DE BEARN. C.d.s. BORDEAUX / (32) and boxed straight line PAYS D'OUTREMER, applied in Bordeaux to all maritime mail covers (this mark was used in many seaports without city indication, that's why the c.d.s city needed to identify it). VERY FINE. 146 85 € 1836. LIMA (PERU) to ROUEN. Lineal postmark PAYS D'OUTREMER (no city indication) applied on arrival in Bordeaux, NAVIRE / BONNE CLEMENCE and manuscript "10". VERY FINE AND RARE. I N T E R N AT I O N A L A U C T I O N 1 - 2 JULIO 2015 151 1(2), 6(2) 400 € 1853. 15 cts bistre brown, two stamps (defects) and 1 fr carmine, two stamps (one with short margins). PARIS to VALPARAISO (CHILI). Addressed via England and Panama. FINE AND RARE. 147 45 € 1851. GENOA (ITALY) to BARCELONA. C.d.s. MARSEILLE and handstrucks "2 Rs" and "6ms", applied in transit and on arrival, on reverse forwarding agent postmark in blue P.CUMELLA / MARSEILLE. VERY FINE. 148 40 € 1854. PAU to SARLAT. Handstruck "2" and "5" , applied individually to have a 25 cts mark, on reverse unusual transit "Pointillé" c.d.s. CARLUX. FINE. 152 1(3), 6 1.200 € 1852. 10 cts bistre brown, strip of three (short margin) and 1 fr carmine. ANGERS to BUFFALO (USA). Grid cancel and on front arrival c.d.s. NEW YORK / 5 CTS and manuscript "Par Liverpool" (1'30 Fr rate to USA, via England).VERY FINE AND RARE FRANKING COMBINATION. (Ceres: 1(3), 6, 5.000 Euros) 153 2 475 € 1850. 15 cts green. PARIS postal service. Grid cancel, on front red circular mark LEV DE... / PP / K. DOS DE 2 H.S. FINE. Yvert 2015: 1850€ 149 1 200 € 1853. 10 cts bistre brown. Printed matter from MONTELIMART to MARSANNE. Lozenge small number "2079" cancel. VERY FINE. Yvert 2015: 750€ 150 1, 5 600 € 1853. 10 cts bistre brown and 40 cts orange. Registered cover from SAINTTROPEZ to DRAGUIGNAN. Lozenge small number "3296" cancel, on front black postmark CHARGE. VERY FINE AND RARE. 154 3 60 € 1849. 20 cts black (fine, design close to upper margin). OLORON (FRANCE) to HUESCA (SPAIN). Grid cancel, on front two c.d.s. OLORON / 64 (date 22 and 23) and handstruck "R 4" (reales), applied on arrival. VERY FINE 23 iberphil AUCTIONS 155 3(4) 300 € 1850. 20 cts black, strip of three and another stamp. Front cover from ANTIBES to EDINBURGH (GREAT BRITAIN). Grid cancel and on front c.d.s. ANTIBES 1 / JANV / 1850 (first day of the year). VERY FINE AND RARE FRANKING COMBINATION. 159 4(2), 6 500 € 1852. 25 cts blue, pair and 1 fr carmine (short margin). PARIS to BOSTON (USA). On front manuscript "Voie D'Angleterre" and handstruck "5". VERY FINE AND RARE. 160 5(3) 160 € 40 cts orange, strip of three (one having invisible crease). Lozenge small number 898 cancel, from Cognac. VERY FINE. Yvert 2015: 1500€ 156 3(5) 1.500 € 1849. 20 cts black, strip of five (one with short margin). PARIS to SAINTE GENEVIEVE. Grid cancel, triple rate (3rd "Echelon de Poids", for weights between 15gr and 100 gr). VERY FINE, RARE AND SPECTACULAR. 161 5(2) 800 € 1850. 40 cts orange, pair.VERSAILLES to GENOA (ITALY). Grid cancel (80 cts rate to Sardinia). VERY NICE AND RARE. 157 4(2) 120 € 1851. 25 cts blue, pair (one with short margin). Registered cover from PARIS to CAMARES. Grid cancel, on front squared postmark "R". VERY FINE AND RARE. 158 4(2), 6 400 € 1852. 25 cts blue, pair and 1 fr carmine (both with short margins). PARIS to LISBON (PORTUGAL). On front red postmark LEY DE 20 / 4 50 / 10 Rs., applied in Lisbon to all letters above 100 reis franking, together with a portuguese handstruck "210" (reis). VERY FINE AND RARE. 24 162 5(2) 400 € 1853. 40 cts orange, pair (one stamp with short margin). CALAIS to LANCASTER (ENGLAND). Lozenge dots cancel Nº583, on front manuscript "Paid to London". VERY NICE. I N T E R N AT I O N A L A U C T I O N 163 6 375 € 1849. 1 fr carmine (short margins). MACON to CHALONS SUR SAONE. Grid cancel, on front manuscript "20 grs". FINE AND RARE. 1 - 2 JULIO 2015 166 5, 9 600 € 1853. 40 cts orange and 10 cts bistre brown (Presidence). BRETEUIL to EVREUX. Lozenge small number "513" cancel. VERY FINE AND RARE DIFFERENT EMISSIONS FRANKING COMBINATION. 167 11(3) 75 € 1862. 1 cts olive, strip of three. CARTE DU THEATRE DE LA GUERRE DU MEXIQUE PUBLIEE PAR LE JOURNAL LE MESSAGER DU MIDI. C.d.s. cancel MONTPELLIER. VERY FINE AND RARE. 168 13A 40 € 1853. 10 cts bistre brown. Printed matter from VIENNE to SISTERON. Lozenge small number 3573 cancel. VERY FINE. 169 13A 35 € 1862. 10 cts bistre brown. Printed matter from VILLIE-MORGON to LYON. VERY FINE. 164 6 400 € 1852. 1 fr carmine, margin sheet. SAINTES to LE HAVRE. Lozenge small number "2776" cancel. VERY FINE AND RARE. Yvert 2015: 1600€ 170 13A, 14A 40 € 1858. 10 cts bistre and 20 cts blue. MARSEILLE to FREIBURG IM BREISGAU (GERMANY). VERY NICE. 165 6(2) 700 € 1852. 1 fr carmine, pair (short lower margin). MONTMARTRE to ESPALION. Lozenge small number "2116" cancel. FINE AND VERY RARE PAIR ON COVER. 171 13A, 14A, 16 60 € 1855. 10 cts bistre brown, 20 cts blue (short margin) and 40 cts orange. PARIS to HAMBURG. Lozenge of dots cancel DS3 and c.d.s. PARIS, on front prussian postmark FRANCO. VERY FINE. 25 iberphil AUCTIONS 172 13A, 14A(2), 17A 180 € 1857. 10 cts bistre brown (short margin), 20 cts blue, pair and 80 cts carmine (short margin). BORDEAUX to NEW ORLEANS (USA). Lozenge of dots Nº441 cancel and tied in transit postmark BOSTON / 5 CTS . /BR.PKT., on front manuscript "Steamer Liverpool" (1'30 Fr rate to USA, via England).VERY NICE AND UNUSUAL TRICOLOR FRANKING. 175 13A, 16, 17Aa(2) 250 € 1856. 10 cts bistre brown, 40 cts orange and 80 cts carmine, pair. FOUGEROLLES to VALPARAISO (CHILE). Lozenge small number Nº1318 cancel. VERY FINE AND SUPERB FRANKING. 176 13A(6) 120 € 1857. 10 cts bistre brown, three pairs (one with short margin, another with small crease). LAGUIOLE to SAINT GENIES. Lozenge small number "1617" cancel, on front manuscript "25 g timbres insuf" and "6". VERY FINE AND RARE FRANKING. 173 13A, 16 375 € 1862. 10 cts bistre and 40 cts orange, both perforated "Piquage Susse". PARIS to FRANKFURT.Tied with grid cancel and pen cross mark on the cover. VERY NICE AND TOO RARE. 177 13B, 14A 75 € 1856. 10 cts bistre and 20 cts blue (short margin). PARIS to VERACRUZ (MEXICO). Tied with Lozenge dots small number Nº 1495 cancel, from Le Havre, on front red c.d.s. BUREAU-MARITIME / LE HAVRE. VERY FINE AND RARE. 174 13A, 16, 17A(2) 180 € 1855. 10 cts bistre brown (short margin), 40 cts orange and 80 cts carmine. BORDEAUX to COBIJA (BOLIVIA). Lozenge of dots cancel BP1º, addressed via England and Panama, corresponding to a 2'10 fr franking.VERY FINE AND TOO RARE FRANKING AND DESTINATION. 26 178 14A 75 € 1855. 20 cts blue. PARIS to GENEVA (SWITZERLAND). Grid of large dots cancel, on front red light postmark AFFRANCHISSEMENT / INSUFFISANT, and "35 cs" (céntimos) arrival handstruck. VERY FINE. I N T E R N AT I O N A L A U C T I O N 179 14A, 16(4) 450 € 1855. 20 cts blue and 40 cts orange, four stamps. PARIS to NORFOLK (USA) readdressed to RICHMOND. Initially franked with 60 cts (20 cts + 40 cts) so is applied red postmark 15 / AFFRANCHISSEMENT / INSUFFISANT / 15 and to complete the correct franking apply three stamps of 40 cts orange stamps (120 cts) to double the missing franking. VERY FINE AND SUPERB FRANKING. 1 - 2 JULIO 2015 184 14Aa, 16 60 € (1856ca). 20 cts dark blue and 40 cts orange (1849 special rate for trade offices in French seaports). Front cover from PARIS to LA OROTAVA (CANARY ISLANDS). C.d.s. "POINTILLE", on front manuscript "Por Vapor France Comtois". VERY FINE AND RARE DESTINATION. 180 14A(2) 275 € 1864. 20 cts blue, two stamps cut in lines. NEW YORK to PARIS, readdressed to LONDON (stamps applied in Paris for the reexpedition). On front red postmarks AFFR.INSUFF. / P. and MORE / TO / PAY and manuscript handstruck. VERY FINE AND RARE. 185 14B(4) 275 € 1861. 20 cts blue, four stamps (one with original crease). MARSEILLE to ALICANTE. Postmark ESTRANGERO / BARCELONA, applied in transit. VERY FINE AND RARE. 181 14A(2) 75 € 1858. 20 cts blue, two stamps. LYON to FRANKFURT (GERMANY). Lozenge of dots LP2º cancel, on front postmark AFFRANCHISSEMENT / INSUFFISANT and arrival. VERY NICE AND RARE. 182 14A(3) 35 € 1856. 20 cts blue, strip of three stamps (one with short margin). Registered cover from LES ANDELYS to PARIS (big defect on cover left side). FINE. 186 16 50 € 1859. 4 cts orange. Registered cover from AVRANCHES to LEZOUX. On reverse postmark POIDS / CACHETS and ambulants. VERY FINE. 183 14Aa 75 € 1856. 20 cts dark blue. PARIS to HOMBOURG ES MONTS (GERMANY). Insufficiently franked, missing 10 cts, so the red postmark AFFRANCHISEMENT / INSUFFISANT is applied, and manuscript differents rates. VERY FINE AND RARE. 187 16 80 € 1863. 40 cts orange. SAINT MALO to MEXICO (addressed to a Expeditionary French Army Doctor in Mexico). On front postmark AFFRANCHISSEMENT INSUFFISANT and manuscript "Por St. Nazaire". VERY FINE AND RARE DESTINATION. 27 iberphil AUCTIONS 188 16 35 € 1860. 40 cts orange. AGEN (FRANCE) to BORDEAUX. Lozenge small number "9" cancel, on front double shipping charge postmark APRES / LE / DEPART. VERY FINE. 192 16, 17A(2) 175 € 1856. 4 cts orange and 80 cts carmine, two stamps. PARIS to BRESCIA (LOMBARDO VENETO). 2 Fr. rate for Lombardia. VERY FINE AND RARE. 189 16 80 € 1862. 40 cts orange (short margin). MARSEILLE to BARCELONA. Postmark ESTRANGERO / BARCELONA applied on arrival and on front FRANQUEO / INSUFICIENTE cancel and handstruck "27" (cuartos). VERY FINE AND RARE. 193 16, 17A 160 € 1858. 40 cts orange and 80 cts carmine. BORDEAUX to MEXICO (via England). On front transit BOSTON / B.PKT. / PAID, red postmark BR. SERVICE, and mexican handstruck "22" and "4". VERY FINE AND RARE. 190 16 80 € 1861. 4 cts orange. MARSEILLE to BARCELONA. Postmark ESTRANGERO / BARCELONA, applied on arrival, on front manuscript "Por Guadalete" and handstruck "3". VERY FINE. 194 16, 17Aa 150 € 1860. 40 cts orange and 80 cts pink. LE HAVRE to ULLANGER (SWEDEN). On front transit c.d.s. HELSINBORG and straight line postmark FRANCO. VERY FINE AND UNUSUAL DESTINATION. 191 16(2) 120 € 1861. 40 cts orange, pair. PARIS to ALICANTE. Postmark R. CARRETA Nº3, applied on arrival. VERY FINE AND RARE. 195 16, 17B(2) 120 € 1862. 40 cts orange and 80 cts pink, two stamps (short margins). Registered cover from PARIS to ROME. Lozenge of dots cancel JS1, on front red postmark CHARGE, c.d.s. (JS) / PARIS / (JS) and circular JS from "Bureau de Quartier", tied with a 2 Fr franking to Italy. VERY FINE AND RARE. 28 I N T E R N AT I O N A L A U C T I O N 196 16, 17B(6) 275 € 1861. 40 cts orange and 80 cts pink, six stamps. MEXICO to MADRID (Forwarded privately to Paris by ALCAIN AND Cº / PARIS). Lozenge of dots "J" cancel. VERY FINE AND SUPERB FRANKING. 197 16(3) 50 € 1857. 40 cts orange, strip of three stamps (one with short margin). PARIS to LONDON. Addressed to "Legación de España". NICE COVER. 198 16, Italia 3 375 € 1862. 40 cts orange (short margin). CALAIS to BOLOGNA (ITALY), and readdressed to CASTEL BOLOGNESE (ITALY), bearing 20 c blue of Italy. NICE AND VERY RARE MIXED FRANKING FRANCE-ITALY. 199 17A 40 € 1856. 80 cts carmine (design close to right margin). BEAUMONT DE LOMAGNE to MONTAUBAN. Lozenge small number cancel Nº313. VERY FINE. 200 17A 50 € 1855. 80 cts dark carmine. PARIS to ARGENTON SUR CREUSE. Star of dots cancel. VERY FINE. 1 - 2 JULIO 2015 201 17B 240 € 1863. 80 cts pink. MARSEILLE to BARCELONA. Postmark Cart Wheel 2, applied on arrival and on front manuscript "Par le Vencedor de Africa" and ADMON DE CAMBIO / 3 CTOS / BARCELONA. VERY FINE AND SCARCE. 202 18 450 € 1 fr carmine. Full margins. FINE AND RARE. Cert. SCHELLER. Yvert 2014: 3250€ 203 18 1.200 € 1854. 1 fr carmine (short margin). PARIS to DOUDEVILLE. Star of dots cancel. FINE AND VERY RARE COVER. Yvert 2015: 7000€ 204 17B, 22 180 € 1863. 80 cts pink (short margins) and 20 cts blue. Addressed to LA ROCHELLE (flap missing on reverse). Red c.d.s. 3 / AUTR. /3 / STRASBOURG cancel and on front c.d.s. ALT-ORSOVA (Actually Romania) and manuscript "8", on reverse transit WIEN and c.d.s PARIS A BORDEAUX 1º / H. VERY FINE AND RARE ORIGIN. 29 iberphil AUCTIONS 205 21, 29A 45 € 1867. 10 cts bistre brown and 20 cts blue (Laure). LISIEUX to MALAGA (SPAIN). Lozenge large numbers Nº2056, on front red postmark AFFRANCHISSEMENT / INSUFFISANT and handstruck "10". VERY FINE. 206 22 60 € 1865. 20 cts blue. LE HAVRE to SANTANDER. On front red postmark AFFRANCHISSEMENT INSUFFISANT and double handstruck "12", one manuscript. VERY FINE AND RARE. 207 22 45 € 1865. 20 cts blue. BAYONNE to TARAZONA (SPAIN). Insufficiently franked and with no tax applied in origin or destination. VERY FINE AND RARE. 208 22(2) 40 € 1865. 20 cts blue, two stamps with different shades. PARIS to MADRID. Star of dots Nº29 cancel, on front red mark AFFR.INSUFF. / H.S.2., and handstruck "24" (cuartos), applied on arrival in Spain. VERY FINE. 209 22(2) 35 € 1863. 20 cts blue, pair. MARSEILLE to VALENCIA. On front postmark ADMON. DE CAMBIO / 3 CTOS. /VALENCIA and manuscript "Espagne par Sinai", on reverse black postmark ESTRANGERO / VALENCIA. VERY NICE COVER. 212 22, 29A 75 € 1867. 20 cts blue and 20 cts blue (Lauré). AUXERRE to MALAGA. On reverse blue transit PARIS / ETRANGER. VERY FINE AND SCARCE DIFFERENTS EMISSIONS COMBINATION. 213 30 € 1865. 40 cts orange. BAYONNE (FRANCE) to TARAZONA (SPAIN). Lozenge of dots "B.I." cancel (Bordeaux-Irun) and ambulant on front. VERY FINE. 214 23 80 € 1863. 40 cts orange. MARSEILLE to VALENCIA. On front circular cancel ADMON DE CAMBIO / VALENCIA and manuscript "Vapeur Zovane", on reverse arrival postmark ESTRANGERO / VALENCIA. EXTRAORDINARY AND RARE. 215 23 75 € 1865. 40 cts orange. MARSEILLE to BARCELONA. Grid cancel Nº2, applied on arrival and on front circular cancel ADMON DE CAMBIO / BARCELONA. VERY FINE. 210 22(15) 175 € 1865. 20 cts blue, fifteen stamps. PARIS to MALAGA. VERY FINE AND SUPERB FRANKING 30 216 23 90 € 1861. 40 cts orange cut in lines. PARIS to ZARAGOZA (SPAIN). Tied with lozenge of dots "J". VERY FINE AND RARE. I N T E R N AT I O N A L A U C T I O N 1 - 2 JULIO 2015 211 22(2), 23(25), 24(6) 1.200 € 1866. 20 cts blue, two stamps, 40 cts orange, strip of ten, two strips of five, one strip of three and a pair, 80 cts pink, six stamps (some with common defects for this type of franking). Front cover (with rear flap) from BONNAT to BARCELONA. Lozenge small number “432” cancel and on front blue postmark FRANQUEO INSUFICIENTE together with spanish handstruck “246” (cuartos) applied on arrival (manuscript and printed). VERY FINE AND EXTRAORDINARY FRANKING ADDRESSED TO SPAIN, REALLY SUPERB. UNDOUBTEDBLY ONE OF THE MOST KNOWN. 217 23(2) 120 € 1863. 40 cts orange, pair. PARIS to BARCELONA. Postmark R. CARRETA Nº3, applied on arrival and on front circular cancel ADMON DE CAMBIO / BARCELONA. VERY FINE AND RARE. 218 23(3) 60 € 1865. 40 cts orange, strip of three (crease). LE HAVRE to SANTANDER. FINE. 219 23, 24 120 € 1864. 40 cts orange and 80 cts pink. MARSEILLE to VALENCIA. On front black postmark AFFRANCHISSEMENT / INSUFFISANT, manuscript "4 ports" (4 portes) and spanish due "21" (cuartos) (unappropriately applied). VERY FINE AND TOO RARE. 220 24(2) 40 € 1866. 80 cts pink, two stamps. LYON to MADRID. Lozenge of dots LM2 cancel, on front GARE DE LYON c.d.s. VERY FINE. 221 29A 40 € 1868. 20 cts blue. LE VIVIER to TAMARITE (HUESCA, ARAGON). Lozenge large number 3456 cancel and on front "Pointille" c.d.s. SOURNIA, rural postmark "E", and AFFRANCHISSEMENT/ INSUFFISANT. VERY FINE AND SPECTACULAR POSTMARKS COMBINATION. 222 29B(2) 80 € 1869. 20 cts blue, pair. MARSEILLE to IBIZA. Blue postmark ADMON. DE CAMBIO / 3 CTOS / BARCELONA, applied on transit. VERY FINE AND SCARCE DESTINATION TO THE MEDITERRANEAN BALEARIC ISLANDS. 31 iberphil AUCTIONS 229 48 50 € 1870. 40 cts orange, large margins (Bordeaux). TOULOUSE to MONTAUBAN (FRANCE). VERY FINE. 230 48 50 € 1871. 40 cts intense orange. MARSEILLE to MADRID. VERY FINE. 223 29B(2) 100 € 1870. 20 cts blue, pair. MARSEILLE (FRANCE) to CADIZ. Blue circular cancel ADMON. DE CAMBIO / 3 CTMOS / BARCELONA, and on front blue postmark ESTRANGERO / BARCELONA. VERY FINE AND SUPERB. 231 53, 58, 60C 100 € 1875. 5 cts green, 10 cts chestnut over pink and 25 cts blue (Type III). MARSEILLE to BARCELONA. VERY FINE AND UNUSUAL TRICOLOR FRANKING TO SPAIN. 224 29B(3), 30 175 € 1861. 20 cts blue, strip of three and 30 cts chestnut (original defect). LE HAVRE to CADIZ (inside Bill of Lading). FINE AND UNUSUAL FRANKING COMBINATION TO COMPLETE THE DOUBLE RATE TO SPAIN. 225 31 60 € 1870. 40 cts orange. BAYONNE to MADRID. On front red postmark AFFRANCHISSEMENT / INSUFFISANT, spanish handstruck "24" (cuartos). VERY FINE. 226 31(2), 59(2), 60A(2) 375 € 1871. 40 cts orange, pair, 15 cts bistre, pair and 25 cts blue, pair. NANTES to MADRID.VERY FINE AND SUPERB TWO EMISSIONS TRICOLOR FRANKING. 227 31(3) 30 € 1869. 40 cts orange, strip of three. ROUEN to BRUXELLES. Lozenge large number Nº3219 cancel. VERY FINE. 228 38 75 € 1875. 40 cts orange. MARSEILLE to VALENCIA. Postmark ADMON DE CAMBIO / 0,09/ BARCELONA, applied on transit. FINE AND VERY NICE CANCEL. 32 232 55, 60A 120 € 1874. 15 cts bistre and 25 cts blue. MARSEILLE to TARRAGONA (SPAIN). Circular cancel ADMON DE CAMBIO / 0,09 / BARCELONA, on front manuscript "Por Vapor Covadonga". VERY FINE AND RARE. 233 56 80 € 1876. 30 cts chestnut . MARSEILLE to BARCELONA. Postmark ADMON. DE CAMBIO / 0,10 / BARCELONA, applied on arrival. VERY FINE AND RARE CANCEL ON 30 CTS VALUE. 234 57 600 € 1876. 80 cts pink. Registered cover from PARIS to MADRID (sent to "Poste Restante" and returned to sender, addressee did not collect the letter). Postmark ESPAGNE / REBUT / POSTES.VERY FINE AND TOO RARE THE REGISTERED COVERS ADDRESSED TO SPAIN. I N T E R N AT I O N A L A U C T I O N 235 58(10) 240 € 1874. 10 cts chestnut over pink, ten stamps (small crease). MADRID to MEXICO. Circulated by the French postal service Vía Santander and Veracruz, on front date stamp LIGNE B / PAQ.FR.Nº1 and mexican pre stamp "25 cs" (centimos). EXTRAORDINARY AND SUPERB FRANKING. 236 89, 90, 96 180 € 1896. 5 cts green on Postal Stationery registered from BORDEAUX to MADRID, with complementary franking of 10 cts black on lilac, 15 cts blue and 20 cts red on green. Date stamp BORDEAUX PL. ST. PROJECT / GIRON. DE. , on reverse arrival cancel. VERY FINE AND NICE FRANKING. 1 - 2 JULIO 2015 238 121(3), 153 75 € 1919. 1 fr lie de vin and olive, three stamps (one with crease on margin) and 50 cts + 50 cts chestnut. Registered cover from PARIS to LONDON (ENGLAND). On front postmark EXPRESS and manuscript "Expres par Aeroplane". FINE AND VERY RARE. 239 * 122 160 € 2 fr purple and yellow. Superb centering. VERY FINE AND RARE. Yvert 2014: 950€ 240 145, 159, 181, 206 20 € 1927. 2 fr orange, 10 cts green, 1'50 fr blue (on reverse) and 3 fr purple. Registered cover of the Company Latecoere from TOULOUSE to LONDON (ENGLAND). On reverse arrival cancel. VERY FINE. 241 159(2), 160 60 € 1922. 10 cts green, two stamps, 30 cts red and 5 vignettes with several values and colors STE DE PROPAGANDE AERONAUTIQUE / BOURGES 1922. BOURGES to MADRID. On reverse arrival cancel. VERY FINE AND RARE. 237 111 200 € 1909. 5 cts green and stamps trimmed from Postal Stationery card, 1 cts black and 3 cts orange. PARIS to CAUDERAN. Postage was not accepted so is taxed on arrival with 10 cts chestnut due stamp.VERY FINE AND UNUSUAL FRANKING WITH STAMPS FROM POSTAL STATIONERY CARDS. All lots can be viewed at Philasearch 242 * 257A 140 € 2 fr orange and green. EXPOSITION PHILATELIQUE / LE HAVRE. VERY FINE. Yvert 2014: 875€ 33 iberphil AUCTIONS 243 ** 269 1'50fr +3'50 fr green. VERY FINE. Yvert 2014: 350€ 90 € France Airmail 244 ** 15 50 fr ultramarine, margin sheet. VERY FINE. Yvert 2015: 1500€ 325 € 247 29B 2.500 € 1870. 20 cts blue on Balloon Post (origin in Montmartre quartier). C.d.s. from the 3rd October with PARIS STAR. The balloon called Armand Barbes departing the 7th October, once landed in Epineux (on a tree branches), it addressed to TURIN (ITALY) where italian dues were added to complete franking. EXTRAORDINARY AND SUPERB RARE FRANKING FRANCE-ITALY ON A BALLOON POST. Cert. BOLAFFI. 248 90 € 1870. 20 cts blue. Carried on Balloon Post GENERAL UHRICH from PARIS to POITIERS. C.d.s. PARIS / PLACE DE LA BOURSE. VERY FINE. France Ballons Montés 245 23 140 € 1870. 40 cts orange. "Ballon Monte" from PARIS to BOURGES, carried probably by the balloon "Washington", the first to depart October 12th at 8h, and then the"Louis Blane" at 9h. VERY FINE. 246 37 750 € 1870. 20 cts blue. PARIS to RENNES, readdressed to SAN SEBASTIAN, carried by the balloon "Bayard". On front red postmark AFFRANCHISSEMENT / INSUFFISANT, and spanish handstruck "12 ctos" (cuartos).VERY FINE AND EXTRAORDINARY RARE BALLOON MAIL TO SPAIN. 34 249 28B, 36 1.000 € 1870. 10 cts bistre (Lauré) and 10 cts bistre (Siége). PARIS to RENNES, and readdressed to SAN SEBASTIAN, carried by Ballon "Le Parmentier", postmark on front AFFRANCHISSEMENT / INSUFFISANT and spanish handstruck "12 ctos". VERY FINE AND EXTRAORDINARY REDIRECTION TO SPAIN, WHERE BALLON MONTE DESTINATIONS ARE VERY RARE. France Maritime Mail 250 13A(2), 16(2) 140 € 1858. 10 cts bistre brown, pair (one small crease), and 40 cts orange, pair. Addressed to BARCELONA. On front red postmark PAQUEBOTS / DE LA / MEDITERRANEE, and c.d.s. of the paquebot VATICAN / * and handstruck "4Rs" (reales) on arrival. VERY FINE. I N T E R N AT I O N A L A U C T I O N 1 - 2 JULIO 2015 Algeria 251 14A(2), 17B(2) 275 € 1860. 20 cts blue, pair and 80 cts pink, vertical pair (short margins). NAPLES to BARCELONA. Franking applied in transit in Marseille, then ground handling, on front red mark PAQUEBOTS / DE LA / MEDITERRANEE, and handstruck "8Rs" (reales) on arrival, on reverse red seal FRANCISCO II RE DEL REGNO DELLE DUE SICILIE / MINISTERO SEGRETTERIA DI STATO DEGLI AFFARI ESTERI. VERY FINE AND RARE. 252 29A, 32, 59 250 € 1873. 20 cts blue, 80 cts pink and 15 cts bistre brown (Ceres). SANTANDER to VERACRUZ. Lozenge anchor cancel and on front c.d.s. LIGNE-B / PAQ. FR.Nº1 and manuscript "Por vapor correo frances Panamá".VERY NICE AND RARE TRICOLOR FRANKING FROM SPAIN. 253 58c, 57 1.500 € 1875. 10 cts chestnut on pink, pair TETE BECHE and 80 cts pink. SANTANDER to CARUPANO (VENEZUELA). Circulated to Bordeaux, where it was franked and lozenge large number Nº532 cancel was applied, on front c.d.s. BORDEAUX / AFFRANCHISSEMT and manuscript "Voie St. Nazaire". VERY NICE AND RARE FOREIGN FRANKING WITH A SUPERB TETE BECHE. 254 60 € 1846. GIBRALTAR to ORAN. French c.d.s. OUTREMER / ORAN AND manuscript "3". VERY FINE. 255 100 € 1855. GIBRALTAR to ORAN. French c.d.s. ESPAG. / ORAN and handstruck "16" corresponding to a double rate. VERY FINE AND RARE. 256 100 € 1861. GIBRALTAR to ORAN, addressed by spanish post. French entry c.d.s. ESPAGNE / ORAN, in red and manuscript handstruck "6" . VERY FINE AND RARE. 257 40 € 1865. ALGIERS to MADRID, addressed via Marseille. French c.d.s. ARGEL / ALGERIE and mark APRES / LE / DEPART and handstruck "36" (cuartos), applied on arrival. GOUVERNEMENT GENERAL DE L'ALGERIE, transits and arrival on reverse. VERY FINE. 258 29B 35 € 1869. 20 cts blue, pair. ORAN to BARCELONA. Lozenge large number Nº5051. VERY FINE. 35 iberphil AUCTIONS 259 59, 60B 75 € 1874. 15 cts bistre and 25 cts blue. ORAN (ALGERIA) to ALMERIA. Lozenge of dots large number Nº5051 cancel, on front c.d.s. ORAN / ALGERIE and manuscript "Vapor Capricho". VERY FINE AND UNUSUAL DESTINATION. Diego Suarez 260 6 30 € 1cts grey black (small thin). FINE. Signed SCHELLER. Yvert 2013: 265€ 261 8 25 € 15 cts grey black. VERY FINE. Signed SCHELLER. Yvert 2013: 110€ Levant French 262 Francia 14A, 17Ba 180 € 1859. 20 cts blue and 80 cts light carmine, both from France. CONSTANTINOPLE to CIVITAVECCHIA (ITALY). Lozenge small number Nº3707 cancel, on front c.d.s. CONSTANTINOPLE / TURQUIE and transit postmark ROMA / VIA DI MARE. VERY FINE. 36 263 14A, 16 150 € 1862. 20 cts blue and 40 ts orange (short margin). CONSTANTINOPLE to LONDON. On front red mark PAQUEBOTS / DE LA / MEDITERRANEE, AFFRANCHISSEMENT / INSUFFISANT and P.D. pen cancelled and lozenge of dots cancel. NICE FINE AND RARE. 264 17B(3), 21, 23 150 € 1853. 80 cts pink, strip of three (one with short margin), 10 cts bistre brown and 40 cts orange. Registered front cover from CONSTANTINOPLE (TURKEY) to MARSEILLE (small erosions whitout importance). Lozenge large number Nº5083 cancel, on front red postmarks CHARGE and PAQUEBOTS / DE LA / MEDITERRANEE, and manuscript "Pli charge". VERY FINE AND RARE MIXED FRANKING. 265 Francia 21, 23 90 € 1865. 10 cts bistre brown and 40 cts orange. ALEXANDRIA to MARSEILLE. Lozenge large number Nº5080 cancel, on front blue c.d.s POSTA EUROPEA / CAIRO and red postmark PAQUEBOTS DE LA MEDITERRANEE. VERY FINE. I N T E R N AT I O N A L A U C T I O N 266 23(2), 29B 250 € 1868. 40 cts orange, two stamps and 20 cts blue (Lauré). CONSTANTINOPLE (TURKEY) to MALAGA (SPAIN) (Via Paris where the 20 cts stamp is applied). On reverse date stamp REBUTS AND RECLAMATIONS / (5), in blue and manuscript "Affr Obligatoire", later cancelled. VERY FINE AND RARE COVER WITH CLAIMED FRANKING FROM FRENCH LEVANT. 267 Francia 38(3) 240 € 1873. 40 cts orange, strip of three. CAIRO (EGYPT) to SAINT GALLEN (SWITZERLAND). Lozenge of dots Nº5119 cancel, from Cairo. VERY FINE AND SCARCE. 268 Francia 56 80 € 1876. France stamp 30 cts brown. ALEXANDRIA to CREST (FRANCE). C.d.s. ALEJANDRIE / EGYPTE. VERY FINE AND RARE. 269 75 € 1874. SMIRNA to REUS. Postmark ADMON. DE CAMBIO / BARCELONA and handstruck "2 P.25" (pesetas). VERY FINE AND RARE. 270 Francia 57 90 € 1874. 80 cts pink. ALEXANDRIA to BORDEAUX (FRANCE). Lozenge of dots Nº5080, from Alexandria. VERY FINE AND RARE. 1 - 2 JULIO 2015 271 Francia 69 90 € 1877. France stamp 30 cts chestnut. PORT SAID (EGYPT) to MONTLUEL. C.d.s. "Pointille" PORT-SAID / EGYPTE, on front date stamp POSTE EGIZIANE / PORTO SAID, from the italian office and on reverse french c.d.s. LIGNE N / PAQ.FR Nº8 and arrival mark. VERY FINE AND RARE. French Marocco 272 40(2), 41, 42 35 € 1922. 5 cts on 5 cts green, 10 cts on 10 cts pink, 15 cts on 15 cts orange and vignette pioneer GUYNEMER. Airmail from MEKNES to SAINT QUAY PORTRIEUX (FRANCE). On front Franchise purple mark TROUPES D´OCCUPATION DU MAROC / PLACE DE MEKNES, on reverse arrival cancel. VERY FINE. 273 41, 44, 50, 51 30 € 1921. 10 cts on 10 cts pink, 25 cts on 25 cts blue, 50 cts on 50 cts chestnut, 1 fr on 1 fr lie de vin and vignette pioneer GUYNEMER. Airmail from RABAT to PARIS (FRANCE). On reverse arrival cancel. VERY FINE. 274 41, 44, 51 30 € 1921. 10 cts over 10 cts pink, 25 cts over 25 cts blue, 1 fr over 1 fr lie de vin and pioneer vignette GUYNEMER. Registered cover from CASABLANCA to CHALONS SUR MARNE (FRANCE). On reverse arrival cancel. VERY FINE. 37 iberphil AUCTIONS 275 42, Aéreos 2(2), 7 60 € 1925. 15 cts on 15 cts orange, 25 cts blue, two stamps and 1 fr orange. Cover of the Latecoere Company from CASABLANCA to DAKAR. First commercial flight and on reverse arrival postmark. VERY FINE AND RARE. 276 44, 50, 51 50 € 1920. 25 cts over 25 cts blue (origin defect), 50 cts over 50 cts chestnut and 1 fr on 1 fr lie de vin. Registered Airmail from CASABLANCA to ANTWERP (BELGIUM). On reverse arrival cancel. VERY FINE. 277 45(2) 25 € 1922. 25 cts over 25 cts purple, two stamps and pioneer vignette GUYNEMER. Airmail from FEZ to MALEMORT DU COMTAT (FRANCE). On front purple military postmarks and on reverse arrival mark. VERY FINE. 278 47, Aéreo 4 45 € 1922. 35 cts over 35 cts purple and 75 cts blue. Registered airmail cover from RABAT to MARSEILLE (FRANCE). On reverse arrival cancel. VERY FINE AND RARE, THE 75 CTS BLUE VALUE ON COVER. 38 279 50, 76 20 € 1920. 50 cts over 50 cts chestnut and 1 fr blue black. MEKNES to PARIS (FRANCE). On reverse arrival mark. VERY FINE. 280 50, 76 25 € 1920. 50 cts on 50 cts chestnut, 1 fr blue black and vignette pioneer GUYNEMER. Airmail from CASABLANCA to DEUX SEVRES (FRANCE). On reverse arrival cancel. VERY FINE. 281 51, 67, 73 25 € 1920. 1 fr over 1 fr lie de vin, 10 cts red and 40 cts ultramarine. CASABLANCA to BREST (FRANCE). On reverse purple mark 23º BATAILLON DE TIRAILLEURS SENEGALAIS / LE CHEF / DE BATAILLON / COMMANDANT, and on reverse arrival cancel. VERY FINE. 282 52, Aéreo 5, 10 30 € 1922. 2 fr over 2 fr purple, 75 cts green and 2 fr purple. Registered cover of the Company Latecoere from MOGADOR to DELEMONT (SWITZERLAND). On reverse arrival cancel. VERY FINE. I N T E R N AT I O N A L A U C T I O N 283 52, 111, Aéreo 3 30 € 1925. 2 fr over 2 fr purple, 45 cts green and 50 cts blue green. Registered Airmail from SAFFI to PARIS (FRANCE). On reverse arrival cancel. VERY FINE. 284 68(2), 72, 73, 74 30 € 1920. 15 cts black, two stamps, 35 cts orange, 40 cts ultramarine, 45 cts green and vignette pioneer GUYNEMER. Registered airmail from CASABLANCA to DEUX SEVRES (FRANCE). On reverse arrival cancel. VERY FINE. 1 - 2 JULIO 2015 288 116, Aéreos 2/3, 5, 7, 10 60 € 1925. 1 fr chestnut, 25 cts blue, 50 cts blue green, 75 cts green, 1 fr orange and 2 fr purple. Registered cover of the Company Latecoere from CASABLANCA to PORT ETIENNE (MAURITANIA). Returned to the sender and on reverse arrival cancel. VERY FINE. French Marocco Airmail 285 72(2), Aéreos 2, 10 40 € 1925. 35 cts orange, two stamps, 25 cts blue (GC paper) and 2 fr purple (GC paper). Registered Airmail from CASABLANCA to DAKAR (SENEGAL) (June 1st 1925). In June 1925 is established the route TOULOUSE-CASABLANCA-DAKAR of the Latecoere company. VERY FINE AND RARE. 286 75, Aéreos 2, 2a, 3, 5, 7, 10 60 € 1925. 25 cts blue, three stamps (two of Type I), 50 cts blue green, 75 cts green, 1 fr orange and 2 fr purple. Airmail registered cover from CASABLANCA to DAKAR (SENEGAL). 1st flight realized June 1st 1925. VERY FINE. 287 99, 104, Aéreos 3, 7 30 € 1925. 2 cts lilac, 20 cts red chestnut, 50 cts blue green and 1 fr orange. Registered Airmail from OUDJA (MOROCCO) to LONDON (ENGLAND). On reverse arrival cancel. EXTRAORDINARY. 289 1(5), 2(2), 3, 5, 7(2) 60 € 1927. 5 cts , five stamps, 25 cts blue, two stamps, 50 cts blue green, 75 cts green and 1 fr orange, two stamps (one on reverse). Registered Airmail cover from MEKNES (MOROCCO) to LIVERPOOL (ENGLAND). On reverse franchise postmark 2º REGIMENT ETRANGER / MUSIQUE, and arrival cancel. VERY FINE AND SUPERB FRANKING. 290 1(3), 2 30 € 1927. 5 cts orange, three stamps and 25 cts blue. Internal mail CASABLANCA. On front mark PARC D'AVIATION Nº37 (MAROC) / LE COMANDANT, and trim MEETING D'AVIATION. VERY FINE AND UNUSUAL. 39 iberphil AUCTIONS 291 2(3), 3, 5, 7(2) 40 € 1926. 25 cts blue, three stamps, 50 cts blue green, 75 cts green and 1 fr orange, two stamps. Registered Airmail cover from CASABLANCA to ZUG (SWITZERLAND). On reverse arrival cancel. VERY FINE. 292 2(4), 3, 5(3) 25 € 1926. 25 cts blue, four stamps, 50 cts blue green and 75 cts green, three stamps. Registered Airmail cover from CASABLANCA to FLORENCE (ITALY). On reverse arrival cancel. VERY FINE. 293 5 120 € 1923. 75 cts green. Airmail from CASABLANCA to DAKAR. On front carmine postmark AERO-CLUB DU MAROC / INAUGURATION DE LA LIGNE AERIENNE / CASABLANCA-DAKAR / LATECOERE, and on reverse arrival. VERY FINE AND VERY RARE. (Muller 6) 294 6 40 € 1932. 80 cts purple chestnut. Airmail from RABAT to PARIS (FRANCE). On front purple franchise postmark TROUPES D'OCCUPATION DU MAROC / COMANDANT D'ARTILLERIE, on reverse arrival cancel. VERY FINE AND RARE. 40 295 6 40 € 1933. 80 cts lilac chestnut. Airmail from MARRAKECH to STRASBOURG (FRANCE). On front purple franchise postmark HOPITAL MILITAIRE DE MARRAKECH / LE MEDECIN-CHEF, on reverse arrival cancel. VERY FINE AND RARE. 296 6 35 € 1932. 80 cts lilac chestnut. Airmail from BOU DENIS to PARIS (FRANCE). C.d.s. POSTE AUX ARMEES / BOU DENIS, on front black franchise postmark AUTO MITRA / LLEUSES DE CAVALERIE / 27 ESCADRON. VERY FINE AND RARE. 297 6 30 € 1929. 80 cts lilac chestnut. Airmail from RABAT to CAVAILLON (FRANCE). On front franchise postmark COMANDEMENT SUPERIEUR DES TROUPES EN MAROC / LE VAGUEMESTRE and AFFRANCHISEMENT INSUFFISANT / PAR LA VOIE AERIENNE, on reverse arrival cancel. VERY FINE. Memel 298 45/58, 61 45 € 1922. Complete set (missing last 6 values). Registered cover from UERBERMEMEL to CINCINNATI (USA). On reverse arrival c.d.s. VERY FINE AND SUPERB FRANKING. I N T E R N AT I O N A L A U C T I O N 1 - 2 JULIO 2015 304 ** 185/94 Complete set. VERY FINE AND RARE. Yvert 2014: 575€ 120 € 299 45/56, 58, 61 75 € 1922. Several values. Registered cover from UEBERMEMEL to CINCINNATI (USA). C.d.s. UEBERMEMEL / MEMELGEBIET, on reverse arrival cancel. VERY FINE. 300 53/56, 60/61 50 € 1922. Several values. Registered cover from UEBERMEMEL to CINCINNATI (USA). C.d.s. UEBERMEMEL / MEMELGEBIET, on reverse arrival cancel. EXTRAORDINARY. Monaco 301 * 6 75 € 25 cts green. Toned gum, but very nice appearance. Yvert 2014: 1020€ 302 10 475 € 5 fr carmine on green. Bright color.VERY FINE AND RARE. Yvert 2014: 2650€ 303 94, 100 35 € 1897. 90 cts pink and 2 fr lilac pink and chestnut. Declared value from MONTE CARLO to NICE. VERY FINE. 305 ** 200/14 160 € Complete set, margin sheet. IMPERFORATE. VERY FINE. Yvert 2014: 790€ 306 ** 200/14 150 € Complete set. IMPERFORATE. VERY FINE AND RARE. Yvert 2014: 790€ 307 ** 200/14(4) 600 € Complete set, block of four, corner sheet. IMPERFORATE. VERY FINE. Yvert 2014: 3160€ 308 ** 200/14(4) 600 € Complete set, block of four, data corner sheet. IMPERFORATE. VERY FINE AND RARE. Yvert 2014: 3160€ 41 iberphil AUCTIONS Obock 309 53aB 75 € 1902. 20 cts orange and lilac chestnut BISECTED. Postal card from DJIBOUTI to NOTRE DAME DE GRAVENCHON (FRANCE). Blue c.d.s. DJIBOUTI / COTE FRANSE DES SOMALIS, and on front arrival cancel. VERY FINE AND RARE. Yvert 2010: 350€ Polynesia 310 ** 42/45 20 € Complete set. IMPERFORATE. VERY FINE. 311 ** 42/45(2) 30 € Complete set, pair. TRIAL COLOR ESSAY, different colors (not perforated). VERY FINE. Senegal 312 61(3), 86 40 € 1925. 30 cts black and pink, three stamps and 2 fr blue and chestnut. Registered cover from DAKAR to MONTRICHARD (FRANCE). On front blue postmark PAR AVION / OUVERTURE LIGNE / LATECOERE / DAKAR TOULOUSE, on reverse arrival cancel. VERY FINE. 313 63, 74(3), 85, 86 25 € 1925. 40 cts purple and green, 10 cts red and blue chestnut, three stamps (on reverse), 1 fr blue and 2 fr blue and chestnut. Cover of the Company Latecoere from DAKAR to ZOUG (SWITZERLAND). VERY FINE. 42 314 66, 73 80 € 1925. 75 cts grey and pink, 10 cts green and 2 fr orange and purple from MAURITANIA. Cover from the Latecoere Company registered from SAINT LOUIS (SENEGAL) to TOULOUSE. Blue c.d.s. ST. LOUIS / SENEGAL, on front manuscript "1º Voyate St.Louis a Toulouse", return to the sender with a corresponding mark and manuscript on reverse. VERY FINE AND RARE. 315 76 90 € 1925. 25 cts red and black. Airmail from DAKAR to VERSAILLES (FRANCE). On front blue postmark PAR AVION / RAID DAKAR PARIS / VIA TOMBOUCTOU / MISSION / LEMAITRE ARRACHART and AERONAUTIQUE A.O.F / LE COMANDANT, on reverse arrival cancel. VERY FINE. 316 82, 109 20 € 1931. 50 cts orange and green and 3 fr lilac. Airmail from DAKAR to MARSEILLE (FRANCE). Sent by a mechanic of the Company Aeropostale 1, on reverse arrival cancel. VERY FINE. 317 87/90, 94 75 € 1925. Complete set and 5 cts over 15 cts red and purple. Registered airmail cover from DAKAR to VINSOBRES (FRANCE). Blue c.d.s. DAKAR / SENEGAL, and on front blue postmark PAR AVION / OUVERTURE LIGNE / LATECOERE / DAKAR TOULOUSE, on reverse arrival cancel. VERY FINE AND RARE. I N T E R N AT I O N A L A U C T I O N 1 - 2 JULIO 2015 French Syria Great Britain Bibliography 318 59, 60, 61(2), 85, 86 80 € 1923. 75 cts over 15 cts olive and several values, franked on reverse. Registered cover from BEIRUT to CARTAGENA. On reverse transit cancel PORT SAID and arrival (opened for exhibit). VERY FINE AND RARE DESTINATION. French Syria Airmail 321 BID THE JUBILEE OF PENNY POSTAGE. 2nd Edition, London 1890. (includes epoch photograph of Rowland Hill) 322 100 € Catalogs of the eight auctions from the collection IMPERIO BRITANICO-BURRUS, held in London by Robson Lowe in 1962 and 1963 (British Guiana, Mauritius, Australia, Cape of Good Hope, etc.) (includes hammer prices). One volume half leather bound. 323 BID ANTARTIC POST, A "STAMP COLLECTING" HANDBOOK . Dr. J. H. Hervey Pirie, F.R.P.S.L. 324 40 € THE TRIANGULAR STAMPS OF CAPE OF GOOD HOPE. D. Alan Stevenson. H.R. Harmer Ltd. Edinburgh, 1950. 325 15 € NEW BRUNSWICK AND NOVA SCOTIA (THE WARREN WILKINSON COLLECTIONS), CANADA (THE JOSEPH HACKMEY FRPSL COLLECTION). Feldman Galleries. New York March 4th, 2011. 326 90 € THE RYOHEI ISHIKAWA COLLECTION. POSTAGE STAMPS AND POSTAL HISTORY OF HONG KONG AND TREATY PORTS. Sotheby's Parke Bernet. London 1980 (includes hammer prices) 327 10 € JAMAICA. Fred Melville. London, 1910. Great Britain 319 1/3 90 € 1921. Complete set and 1 p on 5 cts green. ALEPPO to ISKENDERUN. On reverse arrival cancel. VERY FINE AND RARE. French Antarctic Territories 320 ** 12/17 Complete set. VERY FINE. Yvert 2014: 262€ 328 1 125 € 1 p black. Large margins and strong color. Red Maltese Cross cancel. SUPERB ITEM. Yvert 2012: 325€ 50 € 43 iberphil AUCTIONS 329 1 120 € 1840. 1 p black (short bottom margin). LOUGHBOROUGH to TALGARTH. Red MALTESE CROSS and on front date stamp LOUGHBOROUGH. FINE. 330 3 40 € 1851. 1p red. CADIZ to LONDON. Numeral cancel "53". VERY FINE. 331 4, 7(2) 300 € 1852. 2p blue on azure paper and 1 sh green, pair. LONDON to CADIZ. Grid numeral "11" cancel, on front red "16R" (reales) spanish handstruck. VERY FINE AND RARE FRANKING (S.G.14,54) 332 5, 15(2) 150 € 1856. 6 p purple (short margin) and 2 p blue, pair. LONDON to ZARAGOZA, addressed via France. "4 Rs" (reales) handstruck applied on arrival. EXTRAORDINARY. 333 6 120 € 1853. 10 p red chestnut. BELFAST to HUESCA (SPAIN, ARAGON), addressed via Francia. On front "10 Rs" (reales) handstruck applied on arrival. VERY FINE. (S.G.57) 44 334 6 120 € 1852. 1 p red chestnut. Directed to CADIZ (stain from age).Via France.VERY FINE (S.G.57) 335 6, 7 300 € 1852. 10 p red chestnut and 1 sh green. GLASGOW (SCOTLAND) to PUERTO DE OROTAVA (SPAIN, CANARY ISLANDS). On front manuscript "Per Mail Steamer" and pre stamp "17 ½" . EXTRAORDINARY AND RARE DESTINATION. 336 60 € 1852. LONDON to CADIZ. Addressed via France with multiple british rates manuscript, some of them pen cancelled, and "11 R" (reales) handstruck applied on arrival and returned to the sender applying mark RETURNED FOR / POSTAGE (on reverse same mark with different format). VERY FINE AND RARE. 337 7(2), 8 675 € 1854. 2 sh green, pair and 1 p carmine. GLASGOW to BILBAO (SPAIN). Grid numeral 159 cancel, on front manuscript "Spain via France", french c.d.s. and "30 R" (reales) spanish handstruck. EXTRAORDINARY AND RARE FRANKING. I N T E R N AT I O N A L A U C T I O N 338 8, 9(2), 19 100 € 1859. 1 p red, 2 p blue, pair and 6 p purple. HARWICH to RIBADEO (SPAIN, GALICIA). Numeral cancel 340. VERY FINE AND RARE, SUPERB FRANKING COMBINATION. 339 8, 19(2) 100 € 1859. HAVANA (CUBA) to SANTANDER (SPAIN) forwarded to London bearing 1 p red and 6 p purple, two stamps (both corner missing). On front postmark FORWARDED BY FREDERICH HUTH AND CO. / LONDON. VERY FINE AND RARE 340 14 40 € 1861. 1p red. LONDON to MADRID, and readdressed to SAN SEBASTIAN. On front postmark SPAIN VIA FRANCE. VERY FINE. 341 14, 15, 22 65 € 1857. 1p red, 2p blue and 6 p purple (small defect). LONDON to MADRID, via France. On front french ambulant and "4 R" (reales) spanish pre stamp, 8 d + 1 d (late fee). EXTRAORDINARY. 342 14, 18, 19 60 € 1857. 1 p red, 4 p pink and 6 p purple. LIVERPOOL to BARCELONA, addressed via France. Duplex cancel LIVERPOOL / 466.VERY FINE TRICOLOR FRANKING All lots can be viewed at Stampcircuit 1 - 2 JULIO 2015 343 14, 18, 19 75 € 1858. 1 p red, 4 p pink and 6 p purple. GLASGOW to TARRAGONA (SPAIN), and readdressed to REUS (the sender incorrectly wrote "Rens" and the postman wrote that correctly Reus, and forward to its final destination). VERY FINE AND UNUSUAL. 344 14, 22 35 € 1863. 1 p red and 6 p purple. LONDON to CADIZ. Duplex cancel LONDON-E / 91 and oval date stamp CADIZ / FRANCO. VERY FINE. 345 14, 20(2) 100 € 1861. 1 p red and 1 sh green, pair. LONDON to CADIZ. Grid numeral cancel 45, on front blue oval date stamp CADIZ / FRANCO. VERY FINE AND RARE. 346 14, 31, 34 40 € 1869. 1p red, 1 sh green and 6 p purple Plate 8. LONDON to CADIZ. Duplex cancel LONDON / 102. VERY FINE. 347 14(2), 18 50 € 1860. 1 p red, two stamps and 4 p pink. LIVERPOOL to CADIZ. Duplex cancel LIVERPOOL / 466, arrival postmark CADIZ / FRANCO on front. VERY FINE. 348 15 90 € 1860. 2 p blue (perforated 14). Printed Matter rate from LONDON to CADIZ. Duplex cancel LONDON / 76. VERY FINE. 45 iberphil auctIonS 349 18(2) 60 € 1857. 4 p pink, pair. lIVerPool to Barcelona, via France. duplex cancel lIVerPool / 466. Very FIne and rare. 350 19, 24 50 € 1863. 6 p purple and 1 sh greeen (archive fold). HaVana to MalaGa, forwarding by the agents Klockmann and Fesser, from london, where stamps were applied, then circulated via France. Very FIne. 351 19(3), 20(3) 75 € 1860. 6 p purple, three stamps and 1 sh green, three stamps (some minor defects). cardenaS (cuBa) to San SeBaStIan (forwarded privately to london, where franking is applied). Very FIne and rare FranKInG. 352 22 40 € 1864. 6 p purple, bright color. lancaSter to Barcelona. duplex cancel lancaSter / 436, on front postmark deVuelta / a Su / ProcedencIa, postmark on reverse no Se Ha PreSentado / a Sacarla / el adMor. Very FIne. (S.G. 84) 353 22 80 € 1864. 6 p purple. neWton-aBBot to JereZ de la Frontera. on front postmark InSuFFIcIently / PrePaId, P.d. cancelled with numeral 50 from london, transit date stamp GIBraltar and british and spanish handstruck. Very FIne. all lots can be viewed at delcampe 46 354 22, 27(3) 75 € 1864. 6 p purple and 2 p blue plate 9, three stamps. london to renterIa (SPaIn, GuIPuZcoa). Very FIne and rare FranKInG coMBInatIon. 355 22, 31(2) 70 € 1865. 6 p purple and 1 sh green plate 4, pair. london to MerIda. Grid numeral 19 cancel. Very FIne and unuSual deStInatIon. (S.G.84, 117) 356 26 60 € 1873. 1 p red Plate 168. Printed matter rate from MancHeSter to MadrId. duplex cancel MancHeSter / 498, on front manuscript "Book Post / Via France". Very FIne and rare. 357 26 60 € 1865. 1 p red. london to tarraGona. duplex cancel london-S / S-20, on front postmark InSuFFIcIently / StaMPed and british and spanish handstrucks, on reverse postmark eStranGero / Barcelona, applied on transit. Very FIne. 358 26(3), 30 250 € 1868. 1 p carmine Plate 96, three stamps and 9 p bistre yellow InVerted WaterMarK. BrIStol to cadIZ. duplex cancel n / BrIStol / 134. Very FIne and Scarce VarIety on coVer. (SG111 o J96d) 359 26, 34 30 € 1871. 1 p red and 6 p purple Plate 9. london to JereZ de la Frontera. duplex cancel london-W / W-22, on front mark l1. Very FIne. I N T E R N AT I O N A L A U C T I O N 1 - 2 JULIO 2015 367 31, 32 40 € 1865. 1 sh dark green and 4 p red Plate 8. LONDON to CADIZ. Grid Numeral cancel 1 and on front oval date stamp CADIZ/FRANCO.VERY FINE. 360 27 175 € 2 p blue. HORIZONTAL PERFORATION DISPLACED, leaving the cartrigde value in the upper side. VERY FINE AND RARE. 361 27, 33(2) 35 € 1872. 2 p blue (archive fold) and 3 p pink Plate 8, two stamps. LONDON to CADIZ. Duplex cancel LONDON/9. FINE. 368 33 60 € 1871. 3 p pink Plate 5. BELFAST to BARCELONA. Duplex BELFAST / 62 on front postmark INSUFFICIENTLY / PREPAID, P.D. pen cancelled and handstruck "4Rs" (reales). VERY FINE AND RARE. 362 27, 34 50 € 1870. 2 p blue Plate 13 and 6 p purple Plate 9, pair. LONDON to SAN SEBASTIAN. Duplex cancel LONDON / 105, on front red mark "L2" (Late fee). VERY FINE. 363 27, 37 30 € 1872. 2 p blue Plate 14 and 1 sh greeen Plate 6. LONDON to MALAGA. Duplex cancel LONDON / 9. VERY FINE. 364 27, 47a 40 € 1872. 2 p blue Plate 14 and 6 dark bistre brown Plate 11. MARLOW to GIBRALTAR. Duplex cancel MARLOW / 518, on front mark "S" and arrival. VERY FINE. 365 27, 48 60 € 1874. 2 p blue Plate 14 and 6 p olive. LONDON to LA OROTAVA. Duplex cancel LONDON / 13. VERY FINE AND UNUSUAL DESTINATION. 366 28, 32 30 € 1867. 3 p pink (defect) and 4 p red. LONDON to CADIZ, addressed via France. On front oval date stamp CADIZ / FRANCO. FINE. 369 34 90 € 1870. 6 p purple Plate 8. LUBECK (NORTHERN GERMAN CONFEDERATION) to MALAGA, forwarded privately to LONDON, probably because of the Franco-Prussian War, where Great Britain stamp is applied. Duplex cancel LONDON / 105. VERY FINE AND UNUSUAL ROUTE. 370 34 50 € 1867. 6 p purple. LONDON to MADRID, readdressed to PARIS. On front french handstruck "5 c" pen cancelled and postmark P.D., on reverse manuscript "El cartero García" and arrival. VERY FINE. (S.G.109) 371 35(2) 90 € 1875. 9 p bistre yellow, two stamps. LONDON to MALAGA. Duplex cancel LONDON / 88. VERY FINE. (S.G.111) 47 iberphil AUCTIONS 372 37 40 € 1869. 1 sh green, plate 4. MANCHESTER to MADRID, readdressed to BAGNERES DE LUCHON (FRANCE). Duplex stamp cancel MANCHESTER / 498, on front red french c.d.s. ESP-ST.JEAN DE LUZ 8 / AMB.A. VERY FINE. 373 47 30 € 1872. 6 p bistre brown Plate 11. LONDON to MALAGA. Duplex cancel LONDON / 87. VERY FINE. 374 48 70 € 1873. 6 p olive Plate 12. LONDON to CADIZ. Duplex cancel LONDON / 14, On front red mark TOO-LATE / C.P.O. and "L2", in red. VERY FINE. 375 52, 53 50 € 1875. 6 p olive Plate 13 and 1 sh green Plate 10. MANCHESTER to REUS. Duplex cancel MANCHESTER / 498. VERY FINE. 376 * 54 275 € 1 sh red chestnut, plate 13 (lightly toned and small crease on the right lower corner). FINE AND VERY RARE. (SG2015: 151, 4750 £). Cert. RPSL. Yvert 2014: 4000€ 377 54(2) 120 € 1 sh chestnut red, pair (one stamp negligible crease). VERY FINE AND RARE. Yvert 2014: 1200€ 378 55(2) 40 € 1846. 2 ½ p pink Plate 2, pair. LONDON to MALAGA. Duplex cancel LONDON / 96. VERY FINE. 381 * 74, 75 175 € 3 d on 3 p purple and 6 d on 6 p purple. VERY FINE AND RARE. (SG 159, 162) Yvert 2014: 1100€ 382 * 84, 85 175 € 9 p green and 1 sh green (both toned and the 1 sh small horizontal crease). FINE AND VERY RARE. (SG2015: 195, 196. 2850 £). Cert. RPSL. Yvert 2014: 2400€ 383 * 87 175 € 5 sh red. SUPERB. (SG2015: 181, 975 £). Cert. RPSL. Yvert 2014: 900€ 384 89 450 € 1 pound lilac chestnut. Superb centering and clean c.d.s. cancel. VERY FINE. (SG2015: 185, 2800 £). Cert. RPSL. Yvert 2014: 2200€ 385 90 675 € 1 pound lilac chestnut. Very fine centering and clean c.d.s. cancel. VERY FINE AND RARE. (SG2015: 186, 4250 £). Cert. RPSL. Yvert 2014: 3500€ 379 * 60 250 € 4 p grey chestnut, plate 17. Superb centering (small repair lower margin in one perforation). FINE AND VERY RARE. (SG2015: 154, 2800 £). Cert. RPSL. Yvert 2014: 2200€ 380 * 61 180 € 8 p orange, plate 1. FINE AND VERY RARE. (SG 156) Yvert 2014: 1500€ 386 * 91/05 375 € Complete set (some values lightly toned). FINE AND RARE. (SG 197e/214) Yvert 2014: 4200€ 48 I N T E R N AT I O N A L A U C T I O N 1 - 2 JULIO 2015 387 * 106/21 350 € Complete set (2/6 sh purple and 1 pound green, both small creases). FINE AND RARE. Yvert 2014: 3650€ 391 ** 183 160 € 1 pound black (gum lightly toned). VERY FINE AND RARE. (SG437) Yvert 2014: 1280€ 388 * 139/56 650 € Complete set. VERY FINE AND RARE. (SG 351/95, 403, 413a, 416/17) Yvert 2014: 3750€ 392 * 187/00 150 € Complete set. VERY FINE. (SG 439/49, 450/52) Yvert 2014: 750€ 393 ** 209b/13Ab 50 € Complete set, eight values. INVERTED WATERMARK. VERY FINE. Yvert 2014: 255,75€ 389 139 60 € 1920. ½ p green and 1 p pink, two stamps trimmed from Postal Stationery cards and 2 p black. Registered cover from STOCK WELL to PARIS. C.d.s. BRIXTON RD 412 / NR.RY.STN.S.W., on reverse arrival cancel. VERY FINE AND UNUSUAL. 390 ** 179/183 280 € Complete set. VERY FINE AND RARE. (SG.434/37) Yvert 2014: 1301€ 394 **/* 226(4) 100 € 10 sh blue black, block of four. VERY FINE. (SG 478) Yvert 2014: 600€ 49 iberphil AUCTIONS 395 ** 283/86 65 € Complete set, corner sheet (Waterlow).VERY FINE. (SG 536/39) Yvert 2014: 360€ 396 ** 283/86 65 € Complete set, margin sheet. (Waterlow). VERY FINE. (SG 536/39) Yvert 2014: 360€ 399 ** 343/48a 40 € Complete set, four values. INVERTED WATERMARK. VERY FINE. Yvert 2014: 200€ 400 ** 351/54 65 € Complete set. FINE ENGRAVING (De la Rue, Crown Watermark). VERY FINE AND RARE. (SG 2015: 595/98, 195£). Cert. RPSL. Yvert 2014: 320€ 401 50 € 1927. Postmark ERI VIII over a "MOURNING LETTER" from BUCKINGHAM PALACE to NEWFOUNDLAND. On front arrival mark HARBOUR GRACE / NEWFS. Letter signed by Edward D. Bacon. VERY FINE. 402 BID (1876ca). Four covers from Great Britain addressed to Spain between 1874 and 1877, with several franking. TO EXAM. 403 2.500 € Interesting collection from Great Britain between 1855 and 1972, mostly mint and some sets never hinged and including many rare varieties of current emissions and tax stamps. TO EXAM, VERY INTERESTING. Yvert 2014: 31750€fi Great Britain Military Post Offices 397 ** 283/86 60 € Complete set. (Waterlow). VERY FINE. (SG 536/39) Yvert 2014: 360€ 398 ** 283/86A 175 € Complete set. FINE ENGRAVING (De la Rue, Saint Edward Crown Watermark). VERY FINE AND RARE. (SG 2015: 536/39a, 600£). Cert. RPSL. Yvert 2014: 850€ 50 404 142(2) 75 € 1921. 2 p orange, pair. Registered cover addressed to LONDON. C.d.s. ARMY COURIER OFFICE, On reverse blue mark INTERALLIED / AERONAUTICAL / COMMISSION OF CONTROL, and arrival. VERY FINE AND RARE. I N T E R N AT I O N A L A U C T I O N 1 - 2 JULIO 2015 Aden 405 142 120 € 1916. 2 p orange. Registered cover addressed to ALEXANDRIA (EGYPT). C.d.s. ARMY POST OFFICE / S.Z., on front purple Registered postmark AUSTRALIAN IMPERIAL FORCE with c.d.s. ARMY POST OFFICE / S.Z.3 and on reverse date stamp BASE ARMY POST OFFICE / 7 and arrival. VERY FINE AND SCARCE COVER. 406 125 € 1916. Registered cover addressed to ALEXANDRIA (EGYPT), sent by a colonel from the Egyptian Expeditionary Force. C.d.s. 1 ST.L.H.BDE. / DETAILS F.P.O., of the 1st Australian Cavalry Brigade, and registered label AUSTRALIAN IMPERIAL FORCE, on reverse transit and arrival mark. VERY FINE AND RARE. 408 * 1/12 160 € Complete set. VERY FINE AND RARE. (SG1/12 1100£) Edifil 2015: 650€ South Africa 409 4, Aéreo 3 60 € 1925. 2 p lilac and 6 p purple. Air mail from MOSSEL BAY to LONDON. 1st flight MOSSEL BAY-CAPE TOWN. EXTRAORDINARY. Australia Jersey 410 106(2) 45 € 1936. 3 p blue, two stamps. Registered cover from CASTLEREAGH to MADRID. On reverse transit and arrival cancels. VERY FINE AND UNUSUAL DESTINATION. 407 **/* 1(2), 2(2) 150 € ½ p green and 1 p red, vertical pairs. NOT PERFORATED. EXTRAORDINARY AND RARE. (SG1c, 2c 575£) All lots can be viewed at Stampcircuit 102 51 iberphil AUCTIONS Cape Bahrain 411 * 18/33 Complete set. VERY FINE. (SG20/37 950£) Yvert 2011: 675€ 240 € Bermuda of Good Hope 415 56 130 € 1911. 1 p pink and 2 ½ p blue, two stamps from South Africa. Registered cover from CAPETOWN to SMITHFIELD (ORANGE FREE STATE). On reverse arrival cancel. VERY FINE AND UNUSUAL FRANKING. Canada 412 * 114/19B 175 € Complete set. PERFORATED 14. VERY FINE. (SG116a/21 1055£) Yvert 2011: 417€ Burma British Administration 413 * 1/18 275 € Complete set (15 r olive, very lightly stained). FINE AND VERY RARE. (SG1/18 2350£) Yvert 2011: 1200€ 416 94 75 € 1913. 2 cts red (crease on corner).VICTORIA to CALCUTTA, readdressed to several destinations COLOMBO, DHARAMTALA, COCHINCHINA AND SHANGHAI. In Saigon it is taxed applying a 40 cts stamp from the French Indochina, on reverse transits and arrival cancel. VERY FINE AND RARE. 417 * 1/7 60 € Complete set (2cts, 20 cts and 1 $ lightly stained). FINE. Yvert 2011: 350€ Cook Islands 414 * 1/14 175 € Complete set. FINE AND RARE. (SGO1/14 850£) Yvert 2011: 475€ 52 418 ** 752/63 150 € Superb combination proofs of the complete set with different progressive colors and the final emission without black color. VERY FINE AND VERY RARE. I N T E R N AT I O N A L A U C T I O N 1 - 2 JULIO 2015 419 * 85/04 240 € Complete set . VERY FINE AND RARE. (SG100/07, 108/119 812£) Yvert 2013: 750€ Egypt 423 8, 11 90 € 1901. ½ p green and 2 ½ p ultramarine. Registered cover from GIBRALTAR to MADRID. On reverse arrival cancel. VERY FINE AND RARE. British Guiana 420 Gran Bretaña 29, 32 175 € 1867. 6p purple and 4p red Great Britain. ALEXANDRIA (EGYPT) to ALICANTE. British Postal Agency B01 cancel, on front GIBRALTAR transit datestamp. VERY FINE and RARE. Gibraltar 424 40 € 1898. 2 cts carmine on Postal Stationery card from GEORGETOWN to MOSCOW (RUSIA), with complementary franking of 3 cts purple (INLAND REVENUE). On reverse arrival mark. EXTRAORDINARY AND VERY RARE DESTINATION. (SG177) British Honduras 421 50 € 1854. LONDON to CADIZ (SPAIN). On front datestamp GIBRALTAR (large size), applied in transit, blue British handstruck "5" and Spanish "1" (real), manuscript "Per Tagus Steamer". VERY FINE 422 45 € 1855. GIBRALTAR to CADIZ (SPAIN). On front GIBRALTAR datestamp (large size), blue British manuscript "1/8" and Spanish handstruck "24" (cuartos), manuscript "Per ligero Steamer" corrected by "Vectis". VERY FINE 425 1.200 € 1854. BELIZE to KINGSTON (JAMAICA). Red postmark PAID /AT / BELIZE and manuscript "Prepaid" and "Pr Pkt", on reverse double arch date stamp BELIZE and arrival. VERY FINE AND SCARCE COVER. Cert R.P.S.L. (SGcc1 4000£) 53 iberphil AUCTIONS Hong Kong British India 426 106 120 € 1932. 20 cts green and purple. Airmail from HONG KONG to MANILA. On front purple postmark SECOND MADRID-MANILA FLIGHT / AVIATOR FERNANDO REIN / BUREAU OF POSTS MANILA and on reverse arrival cancel. VERY FINE AND RARE. 430 20(2), 22, 27 75 € 1876. 8 p purple, two stamps (one stamp filing creases), 2 a orange, 4 a green. KOLCATA (INDIA) to BARCELONA. On front GIBRALTAR c.d.s. applied in transit, and British handstruck "1p". EXTRAORDINARY AND RARE. Jamaica 427 134(2) 60 € 1935. 10 p blue and chestnut, two stamps. HONG KONG to SANTIAGO DE CUBA. On reverse arrival cancel. VERY FINE AND RARE DESTINATION. 428 * 140/60 200 € Complete set (usual conservation for some items). VERY FINE. (SG140/62 1100£) Yvert 2010: 800€ 429 7A 600 € 10 $ green grey (lightly shaded color). C.d.s. HONG-KONG, pen ink. VERY FINE AND SCARCE, AS MOST KNOWN COPIES WITH FISCAL USE. Cert. RPSL. Yvert 2010: 16000€ 54 431 125 € 1787. GREAT SALT POND (JAMAICA) to MADEIRA. Manuscript handstruck "1/3" rectified to "1/-", on reverse date stamp IAMAICA and arrival to London date stamp S.E. / 20 / 87, where is forwarded to destination. VERY FINE AND RARE DESTINATION FROM JAMAICA. Jhind 432 * 120/37 300 € Complete set. VERY FINE AND RARE. (SG109/26 1100£) Yvert 2010: 600€ I N T E R N AT I O N A L A U C T I O N 1 - 2 JULIO 2015 Malacca 437 50 € 1843. ALEXANDRIA to MALTA. Postmark PURIFIE AU LAZARET / MALTE, disinfection cuts and manuscript "8". VERY FINE AND RARE. 433 70 75 € 1901. 8 cts ultramarine and 5 cts lilac and green from Selangor. Registered cover from SEREMBAN to BERNE. On front octogonal date stamp YOKOHAMA to MARSEILLE / L.N.Nº8 and on reverse arrival cancel. VERY FINE AND RARE. Malta Kelantan 438 22, 25 150 € 1866. Stamps from Great Britain, 6 p purple and 4 p red (washed and reused). MALTA to BARCELONA. Duplex cancel MALTA / A25, on front french c.d.s. POSS.ANGL / AMB.MARSEILLE and spanish handstruck "8R" (reales). VERY FINE AND SCARCE MAIL WITH DESTINATION TO SPAIN FROM MALTA. 434 * 36/50 300 € Complete set. VERY FINE AND RARE. (SG40/54 1300£) Yvert 2010: 850€ Perak 435 * 54/72 275 € Complete set. VERY FINE AND RARE. (SG103/21 1000£) Yvert 2008: 775€ Malta Prephilately 436 50 € 1843. ALEXANDRIA to MALTA. Postmark PURIFIE AU LAZARET / MALTE, disinfection cuts and manuscript "8". VERY FINE AND RARE. 439 27, 33 150 € 1872. Stamps from Great Britain, 2 p blue Plate 13 and 3 p pink Plate 8. MALTA to BARCELONA, addressed via Messina. Duplex cancel B-MALTA / A25, On front french entry c.d.s. and spanish handstruck "4Rs" (reales). VERY FINE AND RARE CIRCULATED TO SPAIN FROM MALTA. British Marocco Zone I (Spanish Zone) 440 2A 30 € 10 cts pink (London Overprint) and 10 cts pink from Mazagan (Destined to the correspondence of the British and Italian Consulates), on fragment. Numeral cancel A26 and blue c.d.s. MAZAGAN. VERY FINE. 55 iberphil AUCTIONS Nigeria British Marocco 441 11, 12 40 € 1924. 2 p orange, 3 p purple and 50 cts blue green of French Morocco. Registered cover from TANGIER to LONDON (ENGLAND). C.d.s. BRITISH POST OFFICE / TANGIER, on reverse arrival cancel.VERY RARE AND RARE. Mauritius 444 52 45 € 1941. 1 p red (franked on reverse. SAPELE to OAKLAND (USA). Taxed on arrival to New York with 8 ctvos, applied due stamps of 3 ctvos red and 5 ctvos red. VERY FINE. New Brunswick 442 23, 28 150 € 1864. 1 p purple and 9 p grey. MAURITIUS to LONDON (some erosion on the cover). Numeral cancel 124, applied on transit in Aden. On reverse date stamp ADEN STR.POINT. VERY FINE AND SCARCE. 445 6 40 € 1857. 5 cts green. Addressed to NORTON. Grid cancel, on reverse date stamp SAINT-JOHN / N.B. / 30-5 /1867, circulated after the unification of New Brunswick and Canada. VERY FINE AND RARE. Orange 443 98 50 € 1900. 15 cts ultramarine. MAURITIUS to NANCY (FRANCE). On front octogonal date stamp LA REUNION A MARSEILLE / *L.V. Nº1*, on reverse arrival cancel. VERY FINE. All phone bidders would contact at least the day before the auction 56 446 1, 10, 11(3) 90 € 1883. 1 p lilac chestnut, ½ p chestnut red and 2 p purple, three stamps. ROUXVILLE to AUSBURG (GERMANY). Numeral cancel 13, on front datestamp ROUXVILLE and red handstruck "2 1/2d", on reverse transit CAPE TOWN, LONDON and arrival marks (missing cover flap). FINE AND VERY RARE FRANKING. I N T E R N AT I O N A L A U C T I O N 1 - 2 JULIO 2015 Saint Lucia 447 108 50 € 1939. ½ p green. SOUFRIERE to PENNSYLVANIA (USA). Due on arrival in New York with 8 ctvos and applying four 3 red ctvos due stamps. VERY FINE AND RARE. Trinidad and 450 86 60 € 1891. 2 p purple on Postal Stationery card MELBOURNE to BERLIN (GERMANY), with complementary franking 1 p lilac, trimmed from Postal Stationery card and 3 p bistre brown, on front arrival c.d.s. VERY FINE AND RARE FRANKING WITH STAMPS TRIMMED FROM POSTAL STATIONERY CARD. Tobago 448 50 € 1840. TRINIDAD to LONDON. On front manuscript "Single 1/-" and "P.Packet", on reverse double circle date stamp TRINIDAD, from the Britisht Post Office. VERY FINE. Victoria 449 85 60 € 1893. 1 ½ p on 2 p purple on Registered Stationery Card from RICHMOND to BERLIN (GERMANY), tied with 2p purple and 1 p chestnunt (cut from stationery cards) as complementary franking. Registered cancel "R", and on front arrival. VERY FINE AND RARE STATIONERY WITH THIS NICE FRANKING COMPOSED WITH CUT STAMPS FROM ANOTHER POSTAL STATIONERY CARD. 451 104 65 € 1891. 3 p carmine on Postal Stationery card registered from MELBOURNE to SURREY (ENGLAND), with complementary franking 1 p lilac, three stamps trimmed from postal stationery and 2 ½ p red on yellow, on reverse arrival cancel. VERY FINE AND SCARCE USE OF STAMPS FROM POSTAL STATIONERY CARDS. Greece 452 270(2) 120 € 1921. 25 d strong blue, vertical pair. Registered cover from KERKYRA (CORFU, GREECE) to AVERSA (ITALY). On transit through Albania, a 25 q blue stamp is applied. VERY FINE AND SCARCE MIXED FRANKING. 57 iberphil AUCTIONS Holland Old Italian States - Sardinia 458 150 € 1846. VENARIA REALE to GIBRALTAR. Mark GENOVA / 29 OTT, french entry c.d.s. SARDAIGNE / ANTIBES and spanish handstruck "10 R" in red. VERY FINE AND VERY RARE. 453 8 70 € 1868. 10 cts carmine. HAVESTEIN to REUVER. Straight line cancel AANGETEEKEND (Annotated), on front straight line HAVESTEIN and transit c.d.s. GRAVE, both in red. VERY FINE. Old Italian States - Papal States 459 160 € 1866. 7 b blue, pair (short margin) and 8 b white. ROME to VALENCIA. C.d.s. cancel ROMA, on front french entry and spanish handstruck "4R" (reales), on reverse postmark ESTRANGERO / BARCELONA. VERY FINE. 454 40 € 1916. Registered cover from RIJS to BOLOGNA (ITALY) (written by a Belgian n.c.o. inmate to the foreign soldiers camp in Rijs). Franchise purple postmark PORTVRIJ / FRANC DE PORT / MILITAIRES ETRANGERS / INTERNES DANS LES PAYS BAS, and blue c.d.s. RIJS-INTERNEERINGSDEPOT. VERY FINE. Hungary 460 50 € 1866. CIVITAVECCHIA to BARCELONA. Postmark DELEGAZIONE APOSTOLICA / DI CIVITAVECCHIA, french entry c.d.s. and several french and spanish handstrucks. VERY FINE AND RARE. 455 45 € 1864. VESZPREM to GYOR. Datestamp VEZSPRIM and mark VESZPREM MEGYE (Veszprem county). VERY FINE AND RARE. Italy Italy Bibliography 456 500 € Il Bvrattino verídico overo instruzione. GEOGRAFIA. Michel Ercole. Rome 1682. (Parchment binding and excellent preservation). 457 25 € MEMORIAL PHILATELIQUE. Gustave Bertrand. Volume IV, L'Italie. Amiens, 1934. 58 461 21, 22, 24 120 € 1870. 5 c green blue, 10 c red and 40 c yellow. ROME to SEVILLE. Grid lozenge cancel and c.d.s. ROMA, on front P.P. cancelled with red spanish handstruck "4R"(reales). VERY FINE. I N T E R N AT I O N A L A U C T I O N 1 - 2 JULIO 2015 Old Italian States - Lombardy-Venetia Postal Fiscal Stamp 462 3 65 € (1854ca). 15 cts green and FISCAL black. CREMA to CARAVAGGIO. C.d.s. CREMA, on reverse arrival straight line postmark. VERY FINE AND RARE POSTAL USAGE. Old Italian States - Naples 466 19 65 € 1866. 40 cts pink. TUNIS to LIVORNO. C.d.s. TUNISI / POSTE ITALIANE, from the Italian office in Tunis. VERY FINE AND RARE. Italy Postage Due 463 75 € 1859. NAPLES to PUEBLA DE CARAMINAL (SPAIN), addressed via Marseille by the french post. Octogonal french date stamp D.SICILES S.E. / MARSEILLE, blue and due on arrival to Spain with "4R"(reales). VERY FINE. Italy 467 34 40 € 1937. Addressed to OSIMO. On front manuscript "Estero Zona Sprovvista di francobolli" and purple mark R.NAVE/ *DIAZ* from the cruise ship Armando Diaz (the italian post ignored the manuscript and the Franchise postmark and taxed the letter on arrival with a 50 cts purple due stamp). VERY FINE AND RARE. Italy 464 4, Cerdeña 12 50 € 1862. 40 c red and 20 c blue from Sardinia. Front cover from NAPLES to PUENTE CESURES (SPAIN). C.d.s cancel NAPOLI AL PORTO, on front red french entry and spanish handstruck. VERY FINE AND UNUSUAL DESTINATION. 465 18, 35 150 € 1885. 30 c chestnut and 20 c orange. Registered cover from ORTA NOVA to VALLADOLID. Numeral grid cancel 1836, on reverse transits and arrival blue cancel CERTIFICADO / VALLADOLID. VERY FINE AND RARE DESTINATION. (Sassone T19, 39) 468 40(4) 50 € 1899. 5 cts green, block of four. Addressed to PERUGIA. Written on board of the war cruiser Cristoforo Colombo, where purple c.d.s. INCRE. CRISTOFORO COLOMBO is applied and on reverse arrival. VERY FINE AND RARE. (Sassone 59) 469 76, 104(5) 180 € 1922. 5 cts green and 15 cts slate, strip of five, sheet corner UPPER PERFORATION DISPLACED. MILAN to MADRID. On reverse arrival cancel. VERY FINE AND RARE VARIETY ON COVER, SPECTACULAR. 59 iberphil AUCTIONS Croatia Italian Occupation 470 105 50 € 1918. 20 cts orange. Addressed to VENICE. C.d.s. from the Expeditionary British Forces in Italy (B.E.F.) FIELD POST OFFICE / G.C. and censorship marks on front. VERY FINE AND SCARCE. 473 120 € 1918. Registered cover from SEBENICO to ROME. C.d.s. POSTE ITALIANE / SEBENICO and purple postmarks R.R. POSTE / COMANDO / DIFESA M.MARITTIMA / SEBENICO and BOLOGNA POSTA ESTERA / D / CENSURA MILITARE, on reverse arrival cancel. VERY FINE AND RARE. 471 232 40 € 1932. 50 cts purple. BUSTO ARSIZIO to ROME (addressed to Benito Mussolini). On reverse mark SEGRETERIA PARTICOLARE / DIS.E.IL CAPO DEL GOVERNO. VERY FINE AND RARE. Italy Military Post 474 90 € 1919. Registered cover from SEBENICO to ROME. C.d.s. POSTE ITALIANE / SEBENICO and purple postmark R.R. POSTE / COMANDO / DIFESA M . MARITIMA / SEBENICO. VERY FINE AND RARE. Eritrea 472 75 € 1916. Registered cover from SAN GIOVANNI DI MANZANO to ROME. Franchise purple postmark CROCE ROSSA BRITANNICA / VILLA TRENTO (Villatrento housed one british hospital for the blessed of the italian-austrian front during the 1st World War, it was closed at the beginning of 1917 with retreat of the italian front). VERY FINE AND VERY RARE. 60 475 15(2) 40 € 1900. 10 cts carmine, pair. SEGENEITI to ROME. C.d.s. SAGANEITI / ERITREA, on reverse arrival cancel. VERY FINE. I N T E R N AT I O N A L A U C T I O N 1 - 2 JULIO 2015 Levant Italian 476 100 € 1871. DARDANELLES (Actually TURKEY) to GENOA (ITALY). On front c.d.s. LES DARDANELLES / TURQUIE, taxed by the french post and on arrival to Italy with 30 cts and 60 cts due stamps (cancelled with c.d.s. CHIAVARI). VERY FINE AND RARE. Saseno 477 50 € 1916. Postal card from SASSENO to PALERMO. Purple Franchise postmarks COMANDO DEL DISTACCAMENTO DI SASSENO and DISTACCAMENTO MILITARE SASSENO / CARTOLINA IN FRANCHIGIA, on front arrival cancel. VERY FINE AND VERY RARE. 480 176/79(2) 75 € 1933. Two complete sets in pair on piece of registered cover from SAN MARINO to PADUA (ITALY). VERY FINE AND RARE. Yvert 2010: 650€ Vatican 481 **/* 60/65 275 € Complete set (some stamp never hinged).VERY FINE. Signed BOLAFFI. Yvert 2010: 1300€ San Marino 478 * 8 50 € 5 c over 10 cts blue. Variety "¡" ON THE TOP. VERY FINE AND RARE. (Sassone 2008: 8m 500 Euros). Cert. COLLA. 482 90/93 50 € 1940. 5 cts, 1 lira, 1'25 liras and 2 liras. Registered cover from VATICAN CITY to NAPLES. On front postmark 1º VOLO / ROMA-LOCARNO, transit on reverse. VERY FINE. Vatican Airmail 479 159/63 75 € 1936. Complete set. Registered cover from SAN MARINO to RIMINI. VERY FINE. 483 ** 16/17 Complete set. VERY FINE AND RARE. Yvert 2013: 774€ 175 € 61 iberphil AUCTIONS Montenegro Luxembourg Luxembourg 487 26 60 € 1895. 30 n chestnut. Registered cover from CETTIGNE to MILAN. On reverse arrival cancel. VERY FINE. Norway 484 ** 514/16 Complete set. VERY FINE. Yvert 2012: 550€ 50 € Luxembourg Official 485 * 8 40 cts orange. VERY FINE. Yvert 2012: 225€ 488 25 € 1852. AALESUND (NORWAY) to RIBADEO. On front c.d.s. HAMBURG, red french entry and handstruck "9R" (reales) on arrival. VERY FINE. 489 25 € 1857. BERGEN (NORWAY) to ALICANTE. On front c.d.s. HAMBURG, red french entry c.d.s. and handstruck "4R" on arrival. VERY FINE. 40 € Liechtenstein 490 2, 5(3) 375 € 1859. 2 s yellow and 8 s carmine, three stamps. BERGEN to BILBAO, addressed via France. On front transit cancel and handstruck "4R" on arrival. VERY FINE AND RARE. 486 44B, 47A, 49B, 51A, 52, 53 75 € 1923. 5 rp olive, 10 rp green, 15 rp purple, 20 rp purple and black and 25 rp red and black, two stamps, each with different perforations. Registered cover from SCHAAN to GENF (SWITZERLAND). On reverse arrival cancel. VERY FINE. 62 491 5(2) 75 € 1859. 8 sk carmine, pair (one with small defect). CHRISTIANSSAND to HAMBURG (GERMANY). On reverse arrival cancel.VERY FINE AND RARE. I N T E R N AT I O N A L A U C T I O N 1 - 2 JULIO 2015 Portugal Portugal Bibliography 492 50 € 1865. CHRISTIANSUND to VALENCIA. C.d.s. cancel CHRISTIANSSUND / 1865 and spanish handstruck "124" (cuartos), on reverse several transit and postmark ESTRANGERO / VALENCIA. VERY FINE. Poland Poland 495 100 € ESTUDO DAS REIMPRESSOES DE SELOS PORTUGUESES. Jose da Cunha Lamas. A. Molder. Publisher. Lisbon, 1948. 496 BID 100 AÑOS DO SELO DO CORREIO PORTUGUES (1853-1953). Lisbon, 1960. 497 30 € SELOS CLASSICOS DE RELEVO DE PORTUGAL. Armando Mario O.Vieira. Oporto 1983. (copy number 127) 498 15 € Three volumes from HISTORIA DO SELO POSTAL PORTUGUES 18531953. A.H. de Oliveira Marques. Planeta Publisher. 2nd Edition. Lisbon, 1996. Portugal Prephilately 499 50 € 1833. MADRID to LISBON. No postmarks applied till arrival, where red postmark HESPANHA is applied (LSBOE3) together with handstruck "90" (reis). VERY FINE AND RARE. 493**/* 140 € Complete set, miniature sheets of twelve stamps (lightly age stained). VERY FINE AND RARE. (Michel 2005: 1800 Euros) 500 65 € 1846. CADIZ to OPORTO. Postmark of the British Consular Agency B.C. / CADIZ, in transit through Lisbon, blue mark P. BRITO is applied (LSBPB1). VERY FINE AND RARE. Danzig 501 50 € 1837. LISBON to PARIS. Straight line postmarks LISBON, PACKET LETTER and datestamp ANGLETERRE PAR CALAIS, manuscript "P. Braganza" and several manuscript rates. VERY FINE AND RARE. 494 30(4) 50 € 1938. 15 g lilac chestnut, surcharge PORT GDANSK, block of four. Balloon post from LAWOCZNE to GDYNIA. Special postmark KRAJCNE ZAWODY BALONOW WOLNYCH / MOSCICE, on reverse arrival cancel. VERY FINE AND RARE. All lots can be viewed at Stamp Auction Network 63 iberphil AUCTIONS 507 12 50 € 1859. 25 reis pink. CADIZ to OPORTO, sent to Lisbon by the agents Garland Lardley and Cº (mark on reverse), deposited in the Portuguese mail. VERY FINE. 502 60 € 1847. Registered cover from LISBON to PORTO. Blue Postmarks LISBON and oval SEGURA / LISBOA (LSB23, LSB53). VERY FINE AND RARE POSTMARK ON PRIVATE MAIL, MOST ARE KNOWN ON OFFICIAL MAIL. 503 35 € 1850. LISBON to CADIZ. On front blue date stamp 22 / LISBOA / 8, and straight line LISBON, applied on paquebot to indicate the origin and on reverse red oval mark LEY DE 20 / 4-50 / -15Rs-. VERY FINE. 504 150 € 1835. Registered cover from VILA FRANCA DE XIRA to OBIDOS. Blue postmarks Vª. FRANCA D. RESTAM. y SEGURA (VFX 4, VFX-S2). VERY FINE AND VERY RARE. 505 65 € 1855. ST. JOHN'S (NEWFOUNDLAND) to CADIZ, forwarded privately to Oporto, where it's been carried toward destination by land. On reverse transit TUY / PONTEVEDRA date stamp and arrival cancel. VERY FINE AND RARE. 508 12 120 € 1860. 25 reis pink. LISBON to PUEBLA DEL CARAMIÑAL (small erosion). Incorrectly franked, so taxed then with "1R" (real). VERY FINE. 509 14, 15 180 € 1863. 10 reis yellow and 25 reis pink. LISBON to VIGO. On reverse transits Valença, Tuy and arrival. VERY FINE. 510 41B, 44B 80 € 1873. 50 reis green (corner defect without importance) and 100 reis lilac, both PERFORATED 13 ½. BARCELONA to BUENOS AIRES, forwarded to LISBON by the agents Ricardo Carvalho and Cª, where Portuguese stamps are applied. Carried by the paquebot that was covering the route Bordeaux-La Plata. VERY FINE AND RARE. Portugal 506 8(2), 9 375 € 1863. 100 reis lilac, pair and 5 reis chestnut. Front of registered cover from LISBON to BADAJOZ. Numeral cancel "1" and on front oval postmark REGISTADA, reason taking in Badajoz, as usual in registered cover mail.VERY FINE AND VERY SCARCE THE REGISTERED COVERS IN THIS PERIOD. 64 511 120 € 1851. MADEIRA (PORTUGAL) to CADIZ. C.d.s. PAID / EU and red postmarks Nº / DETAINED FOR POSTAGE and RETURNED FOR / POSTAGE, tax mark rectified and handstruck "11R" (reales), applied on arrival. VERY FINE AND RARE MARKS I N T E R N AT I O N A L A U C T I O N 1 - 2 JULIO 2015 Russia 512 11 160 € 1857. 25 reis blue (short margins). FUNCHAL to BILBAO. Numeral grid 51 cancel, on front oval mark MADEIRA and Spanish handstruck "2Rs" (reales) as it was incorrectly franked. VERY FINE AND RARE. Nyassa 513 * 27/39 160 € Complete set (some values stains usual in these sets). INVERTED CENTER. VERY FINE AND RARE. Yvert 2010: 780€ 516 150 € 1858. RIGA (LATVIA) to RIBADEO (SPAIN), circulated via Prussia and France. Marks AUS RUSSLAND / FRANCO, french transit, PRUSSE and Spanish handstruck "12Rs"(reales). VERY FINE AND RARE. 517 50 € 1859. SAINT PETERSBURG to CADIZ. Mark PRUSSE, for France transit and Spanish handstruck "4 R" (reales), on reverse diamond mark 1859 / ST PETERSBOURG and arrival. VERY FINE. Romania 514 Austria 34 45 € 1870. 5 k pink from Austria-Hungary. ALKENYER (ROMANIA) to DEVA. C.d.s. cancel ALKENYER. VERY FINE. 518 11, 12 40 € 1916. 50 p carmine and black and 1 m carmine overprint POSTGEBIET / OB. OST. Registered cover from KOWNO (LITHUANIA) to LEIPZIG. On reverse arrival cancel. VERY FINE. 519 * 49/58 Complete set. VERY FINE. Yvert 2013: 600€ 515 108(3), 103(3) 60 € 1905. 25 b, strip of three and 5 b , five stamps (franked on reverse). Registered cover from BOTOSANI to MILAN. On reverse arrival cancel. VERY FINE AND SUPERB. 120 € Additional images of lots and collections can be viewed on www.iberphil.com 65 iberphil AUCTIONS Sweden 520 52 40 € 1913. 1 r chestnut and orange. Receipt of parcel post with value declared from MOSCOW to DAVOS (SWITZERLAND). On front transit date stamp ROMANSHORN, in green. VERY FINE. 521 63, 69(2) 35 € 1912. 7 k blue on registered Postal Stationery Card from SAINT PETERSBURG to LIVERPOOL (ENGLAND), 3 k red and 15 k lilac and blue, two stamps, as complementary franking. On reverse arrival postmark. VERY FINE. 522 66, 78, 82 40 € 1913. 7 k blue, 3 k pink and 14 k green, franked on reverse. Value declared from SMOLENSK to HEIDELBERG (Germany). On reverse arrival mark. VERY FINE. 523 127, 163 75 € 1922. 7 r green and pink, 1000 r carmine, four stamps and several values. SPASSK to RIGA. On reverse arrival mark.VERY FINE AND SUPERB FRANKING. 524 40 € 1949. Ensemble of seven russian prisoner war cards, sent by German and austrian staying in the prisoner fields from Russia after the Second World War. VERY FINE AND RARE. 66 525 ** 1/5R 275 € Complete set. REPRINT from 1885 (perforated 13). VERY FINE AND RARE. Yvert 2013: 2000€ 526 * 6/11 100 € Complete set, except the 30 ore brown (toned). VERY FINE. Yvert 2013: 2100€ 527 ** 6/11R 140 € Complete set. REPRINT from 1885 (perforated 13). VERY FINE AND RARE. Yvert 2013: 810€ 528 6(2), 11, 12 1.800 € 1869. 5 ore green, two stamps, 50 ore carmine and 3 ore bistre brown. CARLSKRONA to GIBRALTAR, addressed via Prussia. C.d.s. CARLSKRONA and on front postmarks PRUSIA, FRANCO, P.D., manuscript rates and arrival cancel. VERY FINE AND EXTREMELY RARE DESTINATION. 529 9(3) 450 € 1858. 24 ore orange, three stamps. Front cover from STOCKHOLM to MALAGA (circulated before the agreement Sweden-Spain). On front French entry c.d.s. SUEDE-QUIEVRAIN / AMB.A and handstruck "4R" (reales), on arrival. VERY FINE AND RARE FRANKING. Cert. OBERMULLER. I N T E R N AT I O N A L A U C T I O N 1 - 2 JULIO 2015 Switzerland Switzerland Bibliography 537 25 € Catalog of the auction SUIZA-BURRUS. Robson Lowe. Basel, 1964. (Bilingual text french-english and including hammer prices). Half leather bound. Switzerland 530 ** 12/15R 70 € Complete set, three values (all well centered). REPRINT from 1885 (Perforated 13). VERY FINE AND RARE. Yvert 2013: 410€ 531 **/* 16/26(A) 400 € Complete set. Perforated 13 (Nº25 is a reprint). VERY FINE. Yvert 2013: 2845€ 538 65 € 1830. VAREMBE to LONDON. Marks GENEVE / 15 NOV, SUISSE/ PAR / FERNEY and several manuscript rates and arrival mark. VERY FINE. 532 ** 29/38 275 € Complete set (6 ore purple included, hinged). VERY FINE. Yvert 2013: 960€ 533 ** 41/49A 325 € Complete set. VERY FINE. Yvert 2013: 1230€ 534 ** 50 150 € 5 k blue. Well centered. VERY FINE. Yvert 2013: 675€ 535 * 97/05 800 € Complete set (key values invisible hinge mark). VERY FINE AND RARE. Yvert 2013: 3.764,50€ 536 155b, Aéreo 4 45 € 1930. 5 ore green and 10 ore blue. Postal card from GOTEBORG to HANNOVER. C.d.s. GÖTEBORG / NATTFLYGNING GÖTEBORG-AMSTERDAM, 1st nightly flight Goteborg-Amsterdam. VERY FINE. 539 14A, Suiza 28 800 € 1857. 2 cts (small defect) and Switzerland 15 rp pink. LUZERN (SWITZERLAND) to STRASBOURG. Lozenge of dots SM2 cancel (on french stamp) and grid (on swiss stamp), on front postmark AFFRANCHISSEMENT / INSUFFISANT and "4" manuscript, as franking was not accepted. FINE AND VERY RARE MIXED FRANKING FRANCE-SWITZERLAND. Cert. Von Der Weid. 540 20 130 € 1854. 5 rp blue and red RAYON I. GENEVA to LANCY. Blue grid cancel. VERY FINE. 541 23 120 € 1854. 15 rp red LARGE NUMBERS. RORSCHACH to GOLDACH. VERY FINE. 67 iberphil AUCTIONS Switzerland Postage Due 545 EP27 350 € 1896. 2 ctvs green on postal stationery from HAVANA to BERNE (SWITZERLAND).Taxed on arrival with 10 rp stamp from Switzerland due to missing franking. VERY FINE AND VERY RARE CIRCULATED WITH SWISS DUE STAMP WITH ORIGIN IN THE SPANISH COLONY. 542 43, 45, 48, 50 100 € 1871. 10 cts pink, pair (one short corner with no importance), 25 cts green yellow, 50 cts lilac and 5 cts chestnut. NEUCHATEL to MADRID. VERY FINE. Yugoslavia 543 48 120 € 1868. 50 cts lilac. FREIBURG to VILLABUENA DE ALAVA (SPAIN). Date stamp cancel FRIBOURG. VERY FINE AND UNUSUAL DESTINATION. Switzerland Souvenir Sheet 546 161, 163(2), 171 45 € 1924. 2 d green, 5 d red chestnut, two stamps and 50 p sepia (franked on reverse). Declared value from SUBOTICA (SERBIA) to BERLIN (GERMANY). Origin and transit postmarks and notes, and on reverse arrival cancel. VERY FINE. 544 1 90 € Souvenir sheet, on cover from the Philately National Exhibition NABA (not circulated). VERY FINE. Yvert 2013: 675€ 547 172, 178 35 € 1927. 1 d red and 10 d olive. Declared value from OSIJEK to BUDAPEST (HUNGARY). On reverse arrival postmark. VERY FINE. 68 I N T E R N AT I O N A L A U C T I O N 1 - 2 JULIO 2015 Session 2: Thursday, July 2, 2015 at 16:00h (local hour) America Argentina Bibliography 548 BID BOLETIN DE LA ACADEMIA IBEROAMERICANA DE HISTORIA POSTAL, todos los boletines del Nº1 al Nº13, a falta del Nº1 y el Nº10. 549 300 € REVISTA DE LA SOCIEDAD FILATELICA ARGENTINA. Comprendidos entre 1894 y 1898 del Nº1 al 50 completos y encuadernados en dos volúmenes en media piel, entre 1909 y 1910 del Nº134 al 138 y el 141 sin encuadernar, el año 1911 completo y encuadernado, de 1912 del Nº 150 a 156, sin encuadernar y de los años 1914 al 1935 completos excepto 1927 y el 1934 en los que faltan los Nº 160 a 237, 244, 279 y del 286 al 291) todos ellos encuadernados en tela y en ocho volúmenes. 550 BID EL CORREO MARITIMO EN EL RIO DE LA PLATA. José Marcó del Pont. Edición Compañía Sud-Americana de Billetes de banco. Buenos Aires, 1913. (Ejemplar fatigado en el lomo) 551 40 € SIGNOS POSTALES DEL RIO DE LA PLATA, con 170 ilustraciones. Walter B.L. Bosé. Edición "La Facultad". Buenos Aires, 1938. 552 BID EL CORREO EN LA CONSTITUCION NACIONAL DE 1853, ANTECEDENTES SOBRE LA NACIONALIZACION DEL CORREO ARGENTINO. Walter B.L. Bose. Buenos Aires, 1943. 553 25 € PRIMITIVOS MATASELLOS ARGENTINOS. Jorge del Mazo. Buenos Aires 1943. Ejemplar dedicado por el autor. 554 20 € SELLOS "RIVADAVIA" 1864-1872. José Marcó del Pont. Buenos Aires 1946. 555 100 € CATALOGO DE LOS SELLOS POSTALES DE LA REPUBLICA ARGENTINA Y BUENOS AIRES, CORDOBA, CORRIENTES Y ENTRE RIOS. Víctor Kneitschel. 6ª Edición, 1958. (dos volúmenes, 912 páginas) 557 30 € (1780ca). BUENOS AIRES a PARAGUAY. Marcas BUENOS / AYRES y FRANCA, ambas en rojo (P.E.3 y P.E.5) edición 2004. MAGNIFICA Y MUY RARA, CIRCULADA EN EL PERIODO COLONIAL. 558 30 € (1782ca). CORRIENTES a BUENOS AIRES. Marca CORENTES, en violeta (P.E.1) edición 2004. MAGNIFICA Y MUY RARA EN ESTA TONALIDAD Y CIRCULADA EN EL PERIODO COLONIAL. Argentina Prephilately 559 35 € (1779ca). Frontal de MENDOZA a CHILE. Marca MENDOSA, en tinta de escribir (P.E.1) edición 2004 y porteo "2" manuscrito. MAGNIFICA Y RARISIMA, CIRCULADA EN EL PERIODO COLONIAL. 556 50 € (1776ca). Frontal de BUENOS AIRES a CHILE. Marca BS.AIRS, en negro (P.E.2) edición 2004 y porteo "5" manuscrito. MAGNIFICA Y RARISIMA, CIRCULADA EN EL PERIODO COLONIAL, NO SE CONOCEN CON FECHA. 560 30 € 1807. SAN JUAN a BUENOS AIRES. Marca MENDOSA, en rojo (P.E.1) edición 2004 y porteo "2" manuscrito. MAGNIFICA Y RARA, CIRCULADA EN EL PERIODO COLONIAL. 69 iberphil AUCTIONS 561 50 € (1795ca). SALTA a BUENOS AIRES. Marca SALTA, en rojo (P.E.1) edición 2004. MAGNIFICA Y MUY RARA, CIRCULADA EN EL PERIODO COLONIAL. 562 90 € 1787. Resguardo de la Administración de Correos de Salta, de una encomienda de ciento cincuenta pesos de plata remitida de SALTA a BUENOS AIRES, firmada por el Administrador Don Cayetano Viniegra. MAGNIFICO Y RARISIMO DOCUMENTO DEL PERIODO COLONIAL. 563 25 € (1820ca). SAN LUIS DE LOYOLA a CORDOBA. Marca SN. LVIS, en rojo (corresponde a la utilizada durante el periodo colonial, P.E.1 edición 2004). MAGNIFICA. 564 200 € 1815. PUESTO DEL MARQUES a BUENOS AIRES (escrita en el Campamento General de Yorume, en el escrito se detallan algunos de los aspectos más importantes de la batalla del Puesto del Marqués, en la que las tropas del General Martín Miguel de Güemes, derrotaron al ejército realista durante la campaña por la Independencia de Argentina). Marca JVJVY, en rojo (P.E.3) edición 2004 y porteo "3" manuscrito. MAGNIFICA Y EXTRAORDINARIO DOCUMENTO HISTORICO. 565 25 € 1819. TUCUMAN a BUENOS AIRES. Marcas TUCUMAN y FRANCA, en rojo. MAGNIFICA. 70 566 25 € 1819.TUCUMAN a BUENOS AIRES. Marcas TUCUMAN y FRANCA. MAGNIFICA. 567 20 € 1829. BUENOS AIRES a CORDOBA. Marca BUENOS / AYRES, en rojo y porteo "3" manuscrito. MAGNIFICA. 568 30 € (1830ca). BUENOS AIRES a CORDOBA. Marca RENTA GRAL / DE / CORREOS / DE BUENOS AYRES, en rojo y porteo "3" manuscrito. MAGNIFICA. 569 30 € 1834. BUENOS AIRES a CORDOBA. Marcas BUENOS / AYRES y FRANCA, ambas en rojo. MAGNIFICA. 570 20 € 1857. CORDOBA a BUENOS AIRES. Marca CORDOBA / FRANCA, en negro. MAGNIFICA. 571 20 € 1856. CORDOBA a BUENOS AIRES. Marca CORDOBA / FRANCA, en negro. MAGNIFICA ESTAMPACION. 572 BID (1835ca). Interesante conjunto de dos resguardos de correspondencia cursada en Concepción de Córdoba y Goya, un pasaporte para transitar por la posta (sobre papel sellado de la Provincia de Córdoba) y una planilla de los servicios postales de Higuera (Córdoba). A EXAMINAR. 573 75 € 1860. LUJAN a BUENOS AIRES (dirigida al Administrador General de Correos de Buenos Aires). Marca ADMON DE CORREOS / DE / LUJAN, en verde. MAGNIFICA. I N T E R N AT I O N A L A U C T I O N 1 - 2 JULIO 2015 580 25 € (1833ca). SANTIAGO DEL ESTERO a CORDOBA (dirigida al Gobernador y Capitán General de la Provincia de Córdoba). Marcas S.TIAGO / LESTERO y FRANCA, ambas en rojo y manuscrito ¡¡ROSAS O MUERTE!!, proclama utilizada en la campaña de 1833 contra los indígenas argentinos, encabezada por el Brigadier Juan Manuel de Rosas, que más tarde sería uno de los impulsores del Pacto Federal, fundamental para la creación de la Nación Argentina. MAGNIFICA Y RARA. 574 90 € 1854. PARANA a CORRIENTES. Marca ADMINISTRACION GENERAL / DE / CORREOS DEL PARANA, en rojo. MAGNIFICA Y RARISIMA. 581 60 € 1874. CUARTEL CUARTO a LUJAN. Matasello F.C.O., de la Estafeta Ambulante. MAGNIFICA Y RARA EN ESTA EXCEPCIONAL CALIDAD. 575 40 € 1860. ROSARIO a SANTA FE. Marca FRANCA y fechador CORREOS DEL PARANA / *, ambas en azul. MAGNIFICA ESTAMPACION. Argentina 582 18 25 € 1870. 5 ctvos rojo. BUENOS AIRES a GOYA. Inutilizado a pluma y en el frente manuscrito "Con encomienda Proveeduría". MAGNIFICA. 583 18a 20 € (1867ca). 5 ctvos rojo (margen derecho sin el dentado). MENDOZA a CORDOBA. Matasello lineal MENDOZA, en negro. BONITA. 576 30 € 1846. SALTA a BUENOS AIRES. Marcas SALTA y FRANCA, ambas en rojo y manuscrito "Viva la Confederación Argentina". MAGNIFICA. 584 75 € 1868. BUENOS AIRES to VALLADOLID. British Postal Agency c.d.s. BUENOS AIRES / PAID, red and double handstruck, one manuscript. VERY FINE AND RARE 577 25 € 1859. SALTA a PARANA. Marca SALTA / FRANCA, en negro. MAGNIFICA. 578 30 € 1852. SAN JUAN a BUENOS AIRES. Marca SN.JVAN, en rojo y porteo "8" manuscrito. MAGNIFICA. 579 200 € (1830ca). Interesante conjunto de veintinueve cartas o frontales prefilatélicos de Argentina, Ecuador, Chile, Guatemala, Nicaragua y Perú, la mayoría con marcas muy legibles e iguales a las utilizadas durante el Periodo Colonial Español. A EXAMINAR. 585 35 € 1930. 86 cts mechanical franking. Cover of the Company General Aeropostal from BUENOS AIRES to TURIN (ITALY). On reverse transit cancel. VERY FINE AND UNUSUAL. 71 iberphil AUCTIONS 590 Francia 37(4) 180 € 1871. 20 cts blue, four stamps (archive crease). BUENOS AIRES to BARCELONA (address trimmed). Lozenge of dots cancel, on front octogonal date stamp BUENOS AIRES / PAQ.FR.J.Nº3 and handstruck "1 Pesetas".VERY NICE AND RARE. 586 * 87, 88, 88A, 89 500 € 1 peso blue, 5 pesos ultramarine, 10 pesos chestnut (NOT ISSUED) and 20 pesos green, four key values of the set. VERY FINE AND SCARCE, ONLY A HUNDRED STAMPS KNOWN WITH 10 PESOS VALUE. (Scott 86/88) Yvert 2011: 2280€ Argentina Bristish Post Office 591 Francia 32 120 € 1871. 80 cts pink. BUENOS AIRES to SAN MARTIN DE SASGAYOLAS (BARCELONA). Blue lozenge anchor cancel and on front octogonal date stamp BUENOS AIRES / PAQ.FR.J.Nº1 (Salles 1072) and spanish handstruck "1 Pesetas", on reverse purple arrival mark to Lisboa P.TRANSATLANTICO, (unusual in this color). VERY NICE AND RARE DESTINATION. 587 75 € 1859. BUENOS AIRES to BARCELONA. On front blue handstruck "4Rs", on reverse date stamp BUENOS AIRES, from the British Postal Agency. VERY FINE. Argentina French Post Office 592 18, Francia 57 160 € 1875. 5 cts orange and France 80 cts pink. BUENOS AIRES to RIVADEO (carried by the steamboat Río Grande, via Lisbon). Blue c.d.s. cancel BUENOS AIRES and on front octogonal date stamp BUENOS-AIRES / PAQ.FR.J. Nº6 and postmark ADMON. DE CAMBIO 4 Rs / TUY. VERY FINE AND RARE. Bolivia Prephilately 588 Francia 17B 175 € 1863. 80 cts pink. BUENOS AIRES to VERGARA (SPAIN). Carried by the steamboats "Saintonge" and "Guienne", on front octogonal date stamp BUENOS-AIRES / * and spanish handstruck "4 Rs" (reales). VERY NICE AND RARE NON PERFORATED EMISSIONS CIRCULATED THIS WAY. 589 Francia 32 50 € 1870. 80 cts pink. Front cover from BUENOS AIRES to VITORIA (SPAIN). Lozenge anchor cancel, on front octogonal date stamp BUENOS AIRES / PQ.FR.J.Nº3 (Amazone). FINE. 593 50 € (1777ca). ORURO a BUENOS AIRES (carta sin fecha dirigida al Administrador Gral de Correos de Buenos Aires, en el interior hace referencia a Dª Ana García de Zuñiga, esposa del Alcalde de Buenos Aires durante el periodo Colonial Español. Marca ORURO (P.E.2) edición 2004. MAGNIFICA Y RARA. 72 I N T E R N AT I O N A L A U C T I O N 1 - 2 JULIO 2015 600 30 € 1877. COCHABAMBA a SANTA CRUZ. Marca ADMON DE CORREOS / DE / COCHABBA / 10 CTS, en azul. MAGNIFICA Y RARA. 594 75 € 1800. ORURO a POTOSI. Marca ORURO (P.E.2) edición 2004. MAGNIFICA Y RARA, CIRCULADA EN EL PERIODO COLONIAL. 595 120 € 1792. Recibo de un Giro Postal de LA PLATA (CHUQUISACA) a SANTIAGO DE ESTERO. Marca PLATA (P.E.2) edición 2004 (manuscrito el importe del giro "Son dos Tejos de oro con Pº de 17 grs, dos ads. y un doblón de a 10"). MAGNIFICA Y RARA. 601 30 € 1837. CHUQUISACA a HUANCAVELICA. Marca CHUQUISACA, en rojo y porteos manuscritos, uno rectificado. BONITA. 602 25 € (1870ca). HUANCHACA a ORURO. Marca SUB-ADMINISTRACION DE CORREOS / HUANCHACA, en violeta (con el diseño de un tren, espectacular). MAGNIFICA Y RARA. 603 20 € 1864. LA PAZ a COCHABAMBA. Marca PAZ DE AYACUCHO / FRANCA, en rojo. BONITA. 596 35 € 1793. POTOSI a BUENOS AIRES (ARGENTINA) (dirigida al padre del General Belgrano, que fue uno de los grandes comerciantes del Virreinato de la Plata) (defectitos sin importancia). Marca POTOSI (P.E.1) edición 2004. BONITA Y RARISIMA. 597 50 € 1819. POTOSI a LA PAZ. Marca POTOSI (P.E.5) edición 2004. MAGNIFICA Y RARA CIRCULADA EN EL PERIODO COLONIAL. 598 25 € (1799ca). Frontal de SANTA CRUZ DE LA SIERRA (BOLIVIA) a BUENOS AIRES (manchitas del tiempo). Marca STA. CRUZ (P.E.1) edición 2004. MAGNIFICO Y RARISIMO. 599 30 € 1873. CARACOLES a COBIJA. Marca rectangular FRANCA, en rojo. MAGNIFICA Y RARA. 604 25 € 1864. LA PAZ a COCHABAMBA. Marca REPUBLICA BOLIVIANA / PAZ / FRANCA, en azul. MAGNIFICA. 605 20 € 1867. LA PAZ a TACNA. Marca REPUBLICA BOLIVIANA / PAZ / FRANCA, en azul. MAGNIFICA. 606 40 € 1852. VALPARAISO (CHILE) a TUPIZA, encaminada a COBIJA (BOLIVIA), por DURANDEAU Y Cª. Marca LAMAR / FRANCA, en azul y al dorso marca lineal POTOSI, en tránsito. MAGNIFICA E INUSUAL RUTA. 607 30 € 1861. COBIJA a SALTA (ARGENTINA). Marca LAMAR / FRANCA, en azul y al dorso manuscrito "Encaminada por su affmo S.S.G.J.Solá, Cobija 5 Feb del 61" y marca lineal POTOSI, en azul y en tránsito. MAGNIFICA Y RARA. 73 iberphil AUCTIONS 613 20 € 1864. ORURO a SIPESIPE. Marca de Oruro con la imagen de una "llama" (débil estampación). BONITA Y RARA. 608 70 € 1861. (10-Abril-1861). VALPARAISO (CHILE) a SALTA (ARGENTINA), encaminada a COBIJA, por J.M. ARTOLA E HIJOS. Marca LAMAR / FRANCA, en azul e inusual ruta debido al terremoto registrado en Mendoza en el mes de Marzo de 1861, que aisló esta localidad. MAGNIFICA Y RARA. 614 25 € 1865. ORURO a COCHABAMBA (ligeras manchitas de humedad). Marca ORURO / FRANCA. BONITA. 609 20 € (1940ca). LLALLAGUA a ORURO. Marca CORREOS DE BOLIVIA / FRANCA / LLALLAGUA, en violeta e indicación "From the Mine-Post-Office of the Cía Estanifera de Llallagua the largest tin (estaño) mine in the world". MAGNIFICA Y MUY CURIOSA. 610 25 € 1877. MEJILLONES a VALPARAISO (CHILE). Marcas MEJILLONES / BOLIVIA y FRANCA. MAGNIFICA. 611 20 € 1851. ORURO a SANTA CRUZ. Marca FRANCA, en negro (con adornos). MAGNIFICA. 612 20 € (1825ca). ORURO a PUNO. Marca ORURO (catalogada por Tizón como colonial pero utilizada durante un largo periodo después de la Independencia de Bolivia). MAGNIFICA. 74 615 25 € (1825ca). POTOSI a BUENOS AIRES. Marcas POTOSI y FRANCA, en rojo (catalogadas por Tizón como marcas coloniales y utilizadas durante un largo periodo después de la Independencia de Bolivia). MAGNIFICA. 616 25 € 1850. COBIJA a TUPIZA. Marcas LAMAR y FRANCA, en rojo y al dorso marca lineal POTOSI, en rojo aplicado en tránsito. MAGNIFICA. 617 25 € 1853. POTOSI a TUPIZA. Marca POTOSI / FRANCA, en azul (que incluye un cóndor y unas ramas de laurel, preciosa). MAGNIFICA. 618 120 € 1867. PAMPA GRANDE a COCHABAMBA. Marca SAMAIPATA / FRANCA (en negativo). MAGNIFICA Y MUY RARA. I N T E R N AT I O N A L A U C T I O N 619 30 € 1846. SANTA CRUZ DE LA SIERRA a COCHABAMBA. Marca FRANCA / STA.CRUZ., en rojo y porteo "2" manuscrito. MAGNIFICA. 620 20 € 1849. SANTA CRUZ a COCHABAMBA. Marca STA.CRUZ., en rojo y porteo "2" manuscrito. MAGNIFICA. 621 20 € 1865. SANTA CRUZ a LA PAZ. Marca SANTA CRUZ / FRANCA, en azul. MAGNIFICA. 622 20 € 1867. SANTA CRUZ a COCHABAMBA. Marca SANTA CRUZ / FRANCA. MAGNIFICA. 1 - 2 JULIO 2015 626 20 € 1876. SUCRE a SANTA CRUZ. Marca ADMON DE CORREOS / FRANCA / *SUCRE*. MAGNIFICA. 627 60 € 1865. TUPIZA a SALTA (ARGENTINA). Marcas TUPISA y FRANCA, en azul y al dorso marca RECEPTORIA NACIONAL / YAVI, en azul y aplicada en tránsito. MAGNIFICA Y RARA. 628 200 € (1820ca). Espectacular conjunto de cincuenta y tres cartas o frontales prefilatélicos circulados durante el Periodo Republicano, la inmensa mayoría con marcas diferentes y en general buenas calidades. MAGNIFICO. 629 BID (1830ca). Interesante conjunto de cinco envueltas o frontales prefilatélicos de Bolivia (2), Chile (2) y Perú (2), con marcas diversas en rojo, un sobre con marca de franquicia de Alsada (Provincia de San Luis, Argentina). A EXAMINAR. Brazil Bibliography 623 25 € (1840ca). SUCRE a SANTA CRUZ. Marca FRANCA / SUCRE, en negro. MAGNIFICA. 630 50 € OS OLHOS DE BOI (THE BULL'S EYES). 1938 Edition, by Jose Kloke and published by Club Filatelico do Brasil (cover ripped and with some faults, text in perfect condition). 631 BID CATALOGO ENCICLOPEDICO DE SELOS E HISTORIA POSTAL DO BRASIL DAS ORIGENS A 1890. Special numbered edition (0099). Peter Meyer, Sao Paulo, 1999. Brazil Prephilately 624 20 € 1857. SUCRE a SANTA CRUZ. Marca FRANCA / SUCRE, en rojo. MAGNIFICA. 625 20 € 1862. SUCRE a LA PAZ. Marca FRANCA / SUCRE, en negro. MAGNIFICA. 632 50 € 1865. BAEPENDI to RIO DE JANEIRO. On reverse postmark (ink) BAEPENDY and manuscript "Pg 60 reis". VERY FINE. All lots can be viewed at Stamp Auction Network 75 iberphil AUCTIONS 633 25 € 1850. BAHIA to OPORTO (PORTUGAL).Taxed with "180" (reis), on reverse red date stamp BAHIA from the British Postal Agency, blue circular postmark P.TRANSATLANTICO, applied in Lisbon and arrival. VERY FINE. 639 50 € 1832. OURO PRETO to RIO DE JANEIRO. Straight line postmark I.C. DOOURO P. and manuscript handstruck "50" (reis). VERY FINE. 634 375 € 1838. CURITIBA to RIO DE JANEIRO. Marks CORETIBA (lightly stamped) and black transit PARANAGUA, and ink SANTOS (ink). VERY FINE AND VERY RARE. MARKS COMBINATION. 635 175 € 1835. SANTA CATHARINA to RIO DE JANEIRO (toned). Straight line DESTERRO and manuscript "Segura" and "Pg 60" (reis). VERY FINE AND VERY RARE. 636 25 € 1841. OURO PRETO to RIO DE JANEIRO. Straight line postmark I.C. DOOURO P. (Ink) and manuscript "50" (reis). VERY FINE. 637 25 € 1842. OURO PRETO to RIO DE JANEIRO. Straight line postmark I.C. DOOURO P. (Ink) and manuscript "100" (reis). VERY FINE. 640 450 € 1856. ITAQUI to CONCORDIA. Straight line postmark JTAQUI. VERY FINE AND RARE. 641 35 € 1834. LORENA to SAO PAULO. Boxed straight line postmark LORENA and manuscript "50" (reis). VERY FINE. 642 20 € 1843. RIO DE JANEIRO to TRES PONTAS. C.d.s. CORREIO GERAL DA CORTE and manuscript "40" (reis) corrected to "60". VERY FINE. 643 40 € 1835. SANTOS to SAO PAULO. Straight line postmark SANTOS and manuscript "20" (reis). VERY FINE AND RARE. 638 60 € 1842. OURO PRETO to RIO DE JANEIRO. C.d.s. I.C. DOOURO PRETO / CORREIO GERAL DE MINAS and manuscript "100" (reis). VERY FINE. 76 Additional images of lots and collections can be viewed on www.iberphil.com I N T E R N AT I O N A L A U C T I O N 644 20 € 1834. SAN JOAO to RIO DE JANEIRO. Straight line postmark. S.JOAO DEL REI and manuscript "40" (reis). VERY FINE. 645 30 € 1825. SAN JOAO to RIO DE JANEIRO. Straight line postmark S.PAULO and manuscript "100" (reis). VERY FINE. 646 20 € 1827. SAO PAULO to RIO DE JANEIRO (lightly tropicalized). Rectagular postmark SAO PAULO and manuscript "100" (reis). VERY FINE. 647 20 € 1839. ATIBAIA to RIO DE JANEIRO. Circular postmark SAO/PAULO and manuscript "70" (reis). VERY FINE. 1 - 2 JULIO 2015 648 30 € 1843. SANTOS to RIO DE JANEIRO. C.d.s. CORREIO DE SANTOS. VERY FINE. 649 25 € 1832. SOROCABA to SAO PAULO (lightly tropicalized). Red boxed postmark SOROCABA, and manuscript "20" (reis). VERY FINE. 650 20 € 1841. ITU to RIO DE JANEIRO (lightly tropicalized). Boxed YTU and circular SAO PAULO postmarks. VERY FINE. 651 250 € (1830ca). Interesting set of thirteen pre philatelic covers from Brasil between 1830 and 1880, most with straight line marks (S.PAULO, PORTO ALE, LORENA, S.JOAO DEL REI, RIO GRANDE and J.C. DO OURO P., etc). TO EXAM. Brazil 655 1/3, 6 15.000 € 30 reis black, 60 reis black, 90 reis black and 60 cts black "inclinados", on piece. C.d.s. CIDADE / DE / NICTHEROY (Ayres 1371). VERY FINE, SPECTACULAR AND RARE FRANKING COMBINATION FROM THE FIRST BRASILIAN EMISSION, UNDOUBTEDLY ONE OF THE MOST REPRESANTIVE OF THE FIRST EMISSION FROM BRASIL. Cert. MOORHOUSE. (Scott 1,2,3,9) 77 iberphil AUCTIONS 660 2(9) 15.000 € 60 reis black, block of nine and right margin sheet. INTERMEDIATE IMPRESSION (First big pane, Type B. Positions 16-18 / 22-24 / 28-30). C.d.s. CIDADE / DE /NICTHEROY. VERY FINE AND SUPERB BLOCK COMING FROM THE MOST IMPORTANT BULLS EYES COLLECTIONS, ALWAYS OWNED BY THE GREAT COLLECTORS OF THE BRASILIAN PHILATELY. 78 I N T E R N AT I O N A L A U C T I O N 1 - 2 JULIO 2015 661 3(12) 25.000 € 90 reis black, block of twelve. INTERMEDIATE IMPRESSION and FIRST COMPOSITION PLATE (slot 1 and 13, negligible defects, only for information). C.d.s. CIDADE / DE / NICTHEROY. VERY FINE AND VERY RARE BLOCK OF THE BULLS EYE EMISSION. Cert. BÜHLER (1993) and PHILATELIC FOUNDATION (2001). 79 iberphil AUCTIONS 652 60 € 1855. PERNAMBUCO (BRAZIL) to PARIS, via Lisbon. On front blue forwarding mark J.P. ADOUR AND CIª / PERNAMBUCO. VERY FINE. 653 65 € 1861. RIO DE JANEIRO to BARCELONA. Addressed via England, on reverse British Postal Agency c.d.s RIO JANEIRO, arrival handstruck "4" (reales). EXTRAORDINARY AND RARE. 654 60 € 1870. RIO DE JANEIRO to PARIS, via Lisbon and Irun. On front forwarding mark H.N. DREYFUS / RIO JANEIRO, and french handstruck "19".VERY FINE. 656 1, 2(2) 4.000 € (1843ca). 30 reis black and 60 reis black, pair (one of the 60 reis and the 30 reis have been repaired as they were used as letter closure). ITABORAY to RIO DE JANEIRO. C.d.s. ITABORAY, lightly applied (Ayres 1324). VERY RARE AND SUPERB, ONLY TWO COVERS KNOWN WITH THIS ORIGIN AND UNUSUAL COMBINATION TO COMPLETE A TRIPLE NATIONAL RATE. Cert. MOORHOUSE. 80 657 2 120 € 60 reis black grey (intermediate impression)(negligible light thin dot, just for information). C.d.s. very clear. FINE. (Scott 2a) 658 2 120 € 60 reis black grey (intermediate impression). Cds CORREIO GERAL DA CORTE. VERY FINE. (Scott 2a) 659 2 120 € 60 reis black (large margins and defined colors). Cds CORREIO GERAL DA CORTE. VERY FINE. (Scott 2) Yvert 2010: 250€ 662 700 € Interesting selection of the emission "Ojos de Buey" with three stamps of 30 reis, fourteen stamps and a pair of 60 reis, some with cds ESCUDO DE PERNAMBUCO and one with mark PINDAMI / NHAN / CABA and 90 reis stamp (some with small defects but all very fine aspect), many with different shades. VERY HIGH CATALOG VALUE. TO EXAM. I N T E R N AT I O N A L A U C T I O N Ex 663 1/3BID Superb and very important ensemble of stamps and letters from the 1st Emission of Brazil (bullseye), including letters, stamps and fragments with values of 30 reis, 60 reis and 90 reis, in total six stamps (or multiples or mixed franking over fragments) and seven letters belonged to the biggest brasilian collectors like Santos, Benavides, Alemany or have been sold at auction by Torres or Soler y Llach, but most of those pieces have been controversial subject during the history of the brasilian philately, in many case controversy still unsolved, that's why they are sold as a whole and without any originatly guarantee. 664 6(2) 275 € (1844ca). 60 reis black, vertical pair (being used as closure on reverse, one of the stamps was damaged during opening, but the combination is preserved entirely). GRAMPARA to MARANHAO. Purple double c.d.s. GRAMPARA. VERY FINE AND RARE. 1 - 2 JULIO 2015 665 250 € Interesting selection with several values from 1844 emission "Inclinados", 10 reis, 30 reis, 60 reis and 90 reis, most with different versions of cliché (Re-entry) and some straight line cancel, including two blocks of four 10 reis and a fragment with 30 reis and 90 reis. ESSENTIAL TO EXAM. 666 350 € Superb selection of emissions from 1850 and 1854 perforated and imperforate, including 20 reis black, 180 reis black, 300 reis black and 600 reis imperforate, 90 reis black and 300 reis black perforated and 280 reis and 430 reis perforated and imperforate. HIGH CATALOG VALUE. ESSENTIAL TO EXAM. Yvert 2010: 4550€ 667 750 € Superb collection of 1850 not perforated emissions, standing out several letters addressed to Oporto with 30 reis and 60 reis black and one directed to France with 600 reis black (short margin), also from several blocks of four and strips of 30 reis, 60 reis, 90 reis and 600 reis (strip of three), together with some superb fragment, and several straight line cancel and mute cancels.VERY HIGH CATALOG VALUE. ESSENTIAL TO EXAM AND IDEAL TO START A COLLECTION OF THIS EMISSION. Additional images of lots and collections can be viewed on www.iberphil.com 81 iberphil AUCTIONS 668 22A(2) 200 € 1868. 430 reis yellow, pair (large margins). Big piece of cover from RIO DE JANEIRO to ITALY. Fancy seven arms cancel. VERY FINE AND RARE. 669 75 € 1854. BAHIA to OPORTO (PORTUGAL). Mark COMPANHIA DE PAQUETES A VAPOR / LUSO BRASILEIRA / BAHIA and Portuguese handstruck "280" (reis), on reverse black date stamp P.TRANSATLANTICO applied on transit in Lisbon. VERY FINE AND RARE. 672 23(4), 27(4) 200 € 1870. 10 reis red, four stamps (two with defets) and 100 reis green, four stamps. BAHIA to RIO DE JANEIRO. Oval of dots cancel. VERY FINE AND SUPERB FRANKING. 673 23A(12) 220 € 10 reis red, six pairs, on piece (some defects). Postmark PROVINCIA DE SAN PEDRO / 1866 / RIO GRANDE. VERY FINE AND RARE, PROBABLY THE BIGGEST KNOWN FRANKING OF THE 10 REIS VALUE. (Scott 53) 670 23 50 € 1867. 10 r red on big piece of the Diario Oficial de Brasil. C.d.s. CORREIO GERAL DA CORTE / BRAZIL / 28-8-1867. VERY FINE AND RARE. 674 23A, 13A, 14A 400 € 1867. 10 reis red and 30 reis black and 60 reis black, IMPERFORATED stamps from 1850 emission. Addressed to SANTOS. Grid of dots cancel, on front c.d.s. CAMPINAS / (*), archive fold not affecting stamps. VERY FINE AND SUPERB FRANKING. Cert. MOORHOUSE. (Scott 53, 23, 24) 671 23, 25, 26(2) 600 € 1874. 10 reis orange, 50 reis blue, margin sheet and 80 reis purple black, pair (franked on reverse). PERNAMBUCO to BUENOS AIRES. Fancy four arms cancel and another cancel over the 50 cts value, applied on transit. 220 reis rate for french paquebot.VERY FINE AND SUPERB RARE FRANKING. Cert. MOORHOUSE. (Scott 53, 56, 57) 82 675 23A(2), 27A 400 € 1872. 10 reis red, pair and 100 reis green. BAHIA to FIGUEIRA (PORTUGAL). "FANCY B" cancel, and on front portuguese handstruck "300 reis" and on reverse purple postmark P.TRANSATLANTICO, applied in Lisbon (unusual color). VERY FINE AND SUPERB. Cert. MOORHOUSE. (Scott 53, 58) I N T E R N AT I O N A L A U C T I O N 676 23A, 25B, 28, 17A 250 € 10 reis red, 50 reis blue on blue, 200 reis black and 300 reis black from the 1850 emission. Big cover piece from RIO DE JANEIRO to LE HAVRE. Lozenge of dots cancel.VERY FINE AND SUPERB FRANKING COMBINATION. Cert. MOORHOUSE. 677 (*) 24A(4) 20 reis lilac chestnut, block of four. VERY FINE. 140 € 678 24A 40 € 20 reis lilac chestnut, pair (one with vertical crease) IMPERFORATE and partial inscription AMERICAN BANK on the sheet border. Pen cancelled. FINE AND RARE. 679 24A(2), 14A 120 € 20 reis lilac chestnut, pair and 60 cts black from 1850 (over the pair). C.d.s. CORREIO DE / REZENDE.VERY FINE AND SUPERB. Cert. MOORHOUSE. (Scott 54,24) 680 24A(4) 45 € 20 reis lilac chestnut, strip of four, on piece. Diamond of dots cancel. VERY FINE. 1 - 2 JULIO 2015 681 24A(6) 90 € 20 reis lilac chestnut, block of six, one stamp with marginal inscription "S DE BANCO DE NUEVA YORK". VERY FINE. 682 24A(10) 120 € Selection of two strips of five of the 20 reis lilac chestnut, one with blue fancy cancel and the other with oval cancel ITAGUAHY (Ayres 1326). VERY FINE AND RARE. 683 24A(15) 150 € Selection of three pairs and three strips of three of the 20 reis lilac chestnut with different cancels as red AUS BRASILIEN, A DO C. / ESTAÇAO DA VASSOUARAS, IGUAPE and others not identified.VERY FINE AND SUPERB ENSEMBLE. 684 24B, 25B(2) 600 € 1869. 20 reis lilac chestnut on blued paper and 50 reis blue on blued paper, two stamps. MARANHAO to OPORTO (PORTUGAL). On front c.d.s. MARANHAO / (*) and portuguese handstruck "300 reis", on reverse c.d.s. of the British Post Agency PERNAMBUCO and blue postmark P.TRANSATLANTICO, applied in Lisbon. VERY FINE AND SCARCE FRANKING. Cert. MOORHOUSE. (54b, 56a) 685 25A(6) 1.100 € 50 reis blue, block of six. C.d.s. date stamp. VERY FINE AND SCARCE, ONE OF THE TWO BIGGEST KNOWN BLOCKS, AND UNDOUBTEDLY THE FINEST. (Scott 63) 83 iberphil AUCTIONS 686 25A, 28, 30 400 € 1877. 50 reis blue, 200 reis black and 10 reis red. PERNAMBUCO to FIGUEIRA (PORTUGAL). Circular Segmented lines cancel, on reverse greenish blue postmark P.TRANSATLANTICO, applied in Lisbon. EXTRAORDINARY AND RARE TRICOLOR FRANKING OF DIFFERENT EMISSIONS (Scott 56, 59, 61) 690 * 27B(4) 1.500 € 100 reis green on blued paper, block of four.VERY FINE AND SCARCE MULTIPLE. Cert. MOORHOUSE. (Scott 58b) 687 26, 28 600 € 1869. 80 reis purple black and 200 reis black. RIO DE JANEIRO to OLORON-SAINTE-MARIE(FRANCE). Fancy cancel eight arms and on front blue datestamp BRESIL / CALAIS. VERY FINE AND RARE. 691 27B 250 € 1874. 100 reis green on blued paper. PERNAMBUCO to OPORTO (PORTUGAL). Fancy eight arms cancel, carried by the British Steamer "Boyne", on reverse blue postmark P.TRANSATLANTICO, applied in Lisbon. VERY FINE AND RARE BLUED PAPER ON COVER. 688 26A(2), 19A(4) 400 € 1866. 80 reis purple black, two stamps and 10 cts blue from 1854, two pairs (franked on reverse and letter lightly toned). RIO DE JANEIRO to ITABAPOANA. Fancy cancel. VERY FINE AND RARE FRANKING COMBINATION TO COMPLETE THE DOUBLE RATE. Cert. MOORHOUSE. (Scott 57, 37) 692 27B 250 € 1874. 100 reis green on blued paper (franked on reverse). PERNAMBUCO to OPORTO (PORTUGAL). Fancy eight arms cancel, on front portuguese tax "150 reis" and on reverse blue postmark P.TRANSATLANTICO, applied in Lisbon.VERY FINE AND SCARCE USAGE OF AN AZURE PAPER STAMP ON LETTER 689 27A 600 € 1868. 100 reis green (separated from the letter and hinged, common practice during the half XX century for expertise). PITANGA to RIO DE JANEIRO. Oval cancel A DO C. / BARRA DO PIRAHY (Ayres 1231). VERY FINE AND RARE. Cert MOORHOUSE. (Scott 58) 84 693 28 600 € 1881. 200 reis black, bisected. CAMPOS to RIO DE JANEIRO. Circular cancel of lines (Ayres 595), on front c.d.s. CAMPOS / (2). VERY FINE AND VERY RARE. Cert. MOORHOUSE. (Scott 59 a) I N T E R N AT I O N A L A U C T I O N 694 28(2) 280 € 1881. 200 reis black, pair (one with inscription "American Bank"). RIO DE JANEIRO to YARMOUTH (U.S.A.). Fancy segmented lines circular cancel, on reverse duplex cancel NEW YORK / PAID ALL. VERY FINE AND UNUSUAL DESTINATION. (Scott 59) 695 28(2) 150 € 1870. 200 reis black, pair. Registered cover from PORTO ALEGRE to RIO DE JANEIRO (letter toned and lightly weathered). Circular cancel not identified, on front oval postmark REGISTRADA. EXTRAORDINARY. Ex. Tijuca. (Scott 59) 1 - 2 JULIO 2015 698 29, 27A 350 € 1871. 500 reis orange (archive fold) and 100 reis green with partial inscription from the American Bank Note. Registered cover from MOGY MERIM to RIO DE JANEIRO. On reverse transit c.d.s. SAO PAULO. VERY FINE AND VERY RARE FRANKING. 696 28(3) 250 € 1873. 200 reis blak, strip of three (one on reverse). Registered cover from RIO DE JANEIRO to LAPA. Fancy segmented lines cancel, on front manuscript "P. Calderón". VERY FINE AND RARE. 699 29(4), 27A 1.200 € 1872. 200 reis black on Postal Stationery card of Declared Value, Registered cover from BAHIA to PERNAMBUCO (repaired in the bottom right corner), with complementary franking of 100 reis green and 500 reis orange, four stamps on reverse. Fancy cancel, on reverse manuscript "Vale 100$000", of the declared value. VERY FINE AND SUPERB , SCARCE FRANKING, PROBABLY THE MOST KNOWN WITH 500 REIS FOR NATIONAL MAIL. Cert. MOORHOUSE. (Scott 58, 60) 697 28, 29(7) 600 € 1879. 200 reis black, 500 reis orange, seven stamps (three with defects) and fiscal stamps of 200 reis green, two stamps. Judicial cover from RIO DE JANEIRO to RIO BONITO.VERY FINE AND SUPERB JUDICIAL DOCUMENT. (Scott 59,60) 700 29(3), 27A 1.200 € 1876. 500 reis orange, strip of three and 100 reis green. Cover of Boris Freres from CEARA to PARIS. Circular Fancy cancel, on front blue c.d.s. BRESIL / 2 / CALAIS. VERY FINE AND SCARCE FRANKING. (Scott 58, 60) 85 iberphil AUCTIONS 701 30(3) 120 € 10 reis red, strip of three, on piece. Numeral cancel "4", from Maxabomba (Ayres 1006). VERY FINE. (Scott 61) 705 32(4) 150 € 50 reis blue, block of four (lightly shaded, c.d.s. very defined).VERY FINE AND RARE MULTIPLE. (Scott 63) 702 30, 32, 35 1.200 € 1878. 10 reis red, 50 reis blue and 200 reis black (partial inscription American Bank Note). RIO DE JANEIRO to MARSEILLE (FRANCE). Circular Segmented lines cancel, on reverse date stamp BRESIL / * PAQ. BELGE. EXTRAORDINARY AND SUPERB TRICOLOR FRANKING. VERY RARE ROUTE TROUGHT BELGIAN PAQUEBOTS. 703 31(9) 200 € 20 reis lilac chestnut, strip of four and strip of five overlapped. Circle of eight arms cancel. VERY FINE AND SUPERB. 704 32(2) 150 € 1879. 50 reis blue, pair. PORTO ALEGRE to RIO DE JANEIRO. Blue c.d.s. PORTO ALEGRE / ( C). VERY FINE. (Scott 63) 86 706 * 33(4) 170 € 80 reis purple black, two pairs with different shades. VERY FINE AND SCARCE THE MULTIPLES IN THIS STAMP. (Scott 64). Yvert 2010: 800€ 707 34 120 € 1876. 100 reis green. RIO DE JANEIRO to BUENOS AIRES. Fancy cancel, on front manuscript "P.Elbe", of the Royal Mail Steam Packet Company. VERY FINE. (Scott 65) 708 34(2) 170 € 1879. 100 reis green, two stamps. RIO DE JANEIRO to PROVIDENCE (U.S.A.). Fancy cancel, on front manuscript "Via S.S.City of Para", of the Royal Mail Steam Packet Company. VERY FINE. (Scott 65) I N T E R N AT I O N A L A U C T I O N 709 34(3) 200 € 1878. 100 reis green, pair and one more stamp. RIO DE JANEIRO to VIANA DO CASTELO (PORTUGAL). Fancy circular lines cancel. VERY FINE AND RARE. (Scott 65) 1 - 2 JULIO 2015 713 35, 14B 1.200 € 1877. 200 reis black and 60 reis black from 1866. RIO DE JANEIRO to PARIS (FRANCE). Fancy twelve arms cancel, on front c.d.s. BELG. / AMB. QUIEVRAIN, on reverse postmark BRESIL / PAQ. BELGE. EXTRAORDINARY FRANKING WITH DIFFERENT EMISSIONS AND VERY RARE, CIRCULATED BY BELGIAN PAQUEBOT Cert. MOORHOUSE. (Scott 66, 46) 710 34(5), 31 600 € 1877. 100 reis green, strip of five and 20 reis lila chestnut. Cover of Boris Freires from CEARA to PARIS (FRANCE). Fancy eight arms cancel, on reverse c.d.s. PERNAMBUC / PAQ. FR. J. Nº3. VERY FINE AND SUPERB FRANKING. (Scott 65, 62) 714 35, 45 300 € 1879. 200 reis black and 700 reis red chestnut. RIO DE JANEIRO to ESCOUT (FRANCE). Fancy eight arms cancel and on front manuscript "Vapeur Equateur" and c.d.s. RIO-JANEIRO / PAQ. FR. J . Nº2. VERY FINE AND UNUSUAL FRANKING COMBINATION. (Scott 66, 76) 711 35 170 € 1880. 200 reis black. RIO DE JANEIRO to BORDEAUX (FRANCE). Fancy circular cancel, on front red c.d.s. LIGNE J / PAQ. FR. Nº3 (Salles 1063), carried on packet "Senegal" of Messageries Maritimes. VERY FINE AND RARE. (Scott 66) 712 35, 14B 400 € 1877. 200 reis black and 60 reis black from 1866. RIO DE JANEIRO to PORTO (PORTUGAL). Fancy segmented lines cancel, on reverse red postmark P. TRANSATLANTICO applied in Lisbon. VERY FINE AND RARE FRANKING OF DIFFERENT EMISSIONS. Cert. MOORHOUSE. (Scott 66, 4) 715 36(4), 55(2) 2.000 € 1888. 500 reis orange, strip of four and 200 reis pink, two stamps. Cover of Boris Freres from FORTALEZA to PARIS. Addressed via Pernambuco and Lisbon. VERY FINE AND SCARCE FRANKING, UNDOUBTEDLY ONE OF THE MOST IMPORTANT AND SUPERB OF THE EMISSION. (Scott 67, 85) 87 iberphil AUCTIONS 716(*)/ 300 € Interesting selection of different values from the 1876 emission "Perces en Lignes" including many stamps new, pair, blocks, fragments, standing out a 200 reis letter and eight 500 reis stamps. HIGH CATALOG VALUE. ESSENTIAL TO EXAM. 719 37(2) 400 € 1882. 10 reis red, two stamps. CAZA BRANCA to PIRACICABA. Fancy circular segmented lines cancel. VERY FINE AND RARE SOCIAL PRINTED MATTER RATE (Decree 3443 from April 12th 1865). (Scott 68) 720 37(2) 400 € 1878. 10 reis red, two stamps (franked on reverse). ALEGRETE to SAO PAULO. C.d.s. ALEGRETE / (*) and arrival cancel. VERY FINE AND SCARCE SOCIAL RATE FOR PRINTED MATTER (Order 3443 April 12th 1865). (Scott 68) 717 37(16) 1.200 € 10 reis red, block of sixteen.VERY FINE AND SCARCE BLOCK, UNDOUBTEDLY ONE OF THE BIGGEST KNOWN. (Scott 68) 721 37(3), 38, 39, 47 1.300 € 1880. 10 reis red, three stamps, 20 reis purple, 50 reis blue and 300 reis orange and green. RIO DE JANEIRO to BERLIN (GERMANY). VERY FINE AND SUPERB DOUBLE RATE FRANKING. Cert. MOORHOUSE. (Scott 68, 69, 70, 78) 718 37 400 € 1880. 10 reis red. Complete newspaper EL IMPRENSA from PORTO ALEGRE to PELOTAS. VERY FINE AND RARE. Cert. MOORHOUSE. (Scott 68) 88 722 * 38(4) 20 reis purple, block of four. VERY FINE AND RARE. (Scott 69) 1.000 € I N T E R N AT I O N A L A U C T I O N 1 - 2 JULIO 2015 723 38 400 € 1878. 20 reis purple. RIO DE JANEIRO to SANTA RITA DO TURVO (according to the regulations, the letter corner was cut to show content). Printed Matter rate. VERY FINE AND RARE. (Scott 69) 727 39(2) 120 € 1883. 50 reis blue, pair. PELOTAS a BAGE (RIO GRANDE DO SUL). VERY FINE. (Scott 70) 724 38(6), 34 1.100 € 1878. 20 reis purple, strip of four and pair and 100 reis green, on piece. Oval cancel INSUFICIENTE and octogonal date stamp. RIO DE JANEIRO / PAQ. FR. J. Nº5 (Salles 1080), both in red. VERY FINE AND SUPERB. Ex-Hubbard. (Scott 65, 69) 725 38(2) 400 € 1881. 20 reis purple, pair. RIO DE JANEIRO to BARRA DO PIRAHI. Double rate printed matter. VERY FINE AND RARE. (Scott 69) 728 41(3) 200 € 1877. 100 reis green, strip of three (franked on reverse). Registered cover from LEOPOLDINA to RIO DE JANEIRO. Pen diagonal cancel. VERY FINE AND SCARCE. (Scott 65) 729 41(3) 160 € 1879. 100 reis green, strip of three. Registered cover from RIO DE JANEIRO to AMPARO. Red c.d.s. REGISTRADO / RIO DE JANEIRO.VERY FINE. (Scott 72) 726 39(6) 250 € 50 reis blue on azure paper, block of six. FOUR ARMS circular postmark. VERY FINE AND VERY RARE. 89 iberphil AUCTIONS 733 42 120 € 1881. 200 reis black. LAGUNA to RIO DE JANEIRO. Blue c.d.s. LAGUNA / (*), double national rate. VERY FINE. (Scott 73) 730 41, 26, 31, 35, 37(2), 38(2) 3.750 € 1879. 100 reis green, 80 reis grey purple, 20 reis lilac, 200 reis black, 10 reis red, pair and 20 reis purple, two stamps (one bent as closure), all franked on reverse. Registered cover from SANTA MARIA to LOWENBERG (GERMANY). On front red postmark REGISTRADO and registered postmark on reverse. VERY FINE AND SUPERB FRANKING OF THREE DIFFERENT EMISSIONS, UNDOUBTEDLY ONE OF THE MOST ATTRACTIVE AMONT THE KNOWN ONES IN THE DON PEDRO EMISSION. Cert. MOORHOUSE. (Scott 72, 57, 62, 66, 68, 69) 734 42(2) 200 € 1881. 200 reis black, pair. Registered cover from CHIADOR to RIO DE JANEIRO. On front postmark REGISTRADO and date stamp CHIADOR.VERY FINE. (Scot 73) 731 42 125 € 1880. 200 reis black. SANTOS to WRIETZEN (GERMANY). On reverse arrival cancel. VERY FINE. (Scott 73) 732 42 120 € 1880. 200 reis black. CAMPINAS to CHARLESTON (U.S.A.). VERY FINE. (Scott 73) 90 735 42(5), 47 10.000 € 1880. 200 reis black, strip of five stamps and 300 reis orange and green. Registered cover from ESPIRITU SANTO DA BARRA MANSA to RIO DE JANEIRO. Negative postmark "Sinetes" and on front c.d.s. E.S. DA BARRA-MANSA (date pen corrected), on reverse declared value manuscript "50$000 reis" (negligible archive fold). VERY FINE AND SUPERB FRANKING OF THE DON PEDRO EMISSION, UNDOUBTEDLY THE MOST IMPORTANT AMONG THE KNOWN ONES CIRCULATED WITHIN BRASIL, AND WITHOUT ANY DOUBT ONE OF THE MOST IMPORTANT PIECE OF THE EMISSION. (Scott 73, 78) 736 (*) 43(2) 50 € 260 reis chestnut, pair, sheet margin with inscription AMERICAN BANK NOTE COMPANY, NEW YORK. VERY FINE. (Scott 74) I N T E R N AT I O N A L A U C T I O N 737 (*) 43(3) 175 € 260 reis chestnut, strip of three. Strong color. VERY FINE AND VERY RARE MULTIPLE. 738 44, 46 1.000 € 1885. 300 reis bistre brown and 1000 reis grey purple. Value declared from SAN ANTONIO DE PADUA to RIO DE JANEIRO. C.d.s. S.A. DE PADUA, on front manuscript "Rs 50$000 y 1330". VERY FINE AND SUPERB FRANKING. (Scott 75, 77) 739 44, 61 160 € 1885. 300 reis bistre brown and 100 reis grey purple. Registered cover from DOÑA ISABEL to TRICHIANA (ITALY). Fancy four arms cancel, over the 100 reis and red date stamp RIO DE JANEIRO, on the 300 reis. VERY FINE. Cert. MOORHOUSE. 740 44(8) 1.200 € 1886. 300 reis bistre brown, eight stamps. Cover of Boris Freres from FORTALEZA to PARIS. On front maritime c.d.s. PERNAMBOUC / PAQ.FR.J. Nº2 carried by the packet "Equateur". SUPERB FRANKING AND VERY RARE. (Scott 75) 1 - 2 JULIO 2015 741 45 650 € 1881. 700 reis red chestnut. Registered cover from RIO DE JANEIRO to MOGI MIRIM. Fancy circular segmented cancel and oval mark REGISTRADO, franking of 5 rates. VERY FINE AND VERY RARE. Cert. MOORHOUSE. Ex-Comelli. (Scott 76) 742 45 650 € 1891. 200 reis black on Postal Stationery card registered from CAMPINAS to LEIPZIG (Germany), with complementary franking 700 reis red chestnut. C.d.s. CAMPINAS / REGISTRADO and PARIS / CHARGEMENTS, in red and applied on transit. VERY FINE AND RARE FRANKING WITH 700 REIS. 743 45(2) 2.000 € (1880ca). 700 red chestnut, pair. Value declared from SAO PAULO to CANANEA. Fancy four arms cancel on front and c.d.s. REGISTRADO / SAO PAULO and on reverse manuscript "46$700", amount of the double rate declared value with 1000 extra reis (corresponding to the 2% of 50$000). VERY FINE AND VERY RARE, UNDOUBTEDLY ONE OF THE BEST COVERS FRANKED WITH 700 REIS. Ex-Santos and Ex-Pracchia. (Scott 76) 744 45, 63 250 € 1888. 700 reis red chestnut and 100 reis grey purple (lightly defect in corner). RIO DE JANEIRO to BRUNSWICK (Germany). On reverse arrival and label CONSULAT GENERAL DES PAYS BAS / A RIO DE JANEIRO. VERY FINE AND RARE. 91 iberphil AUCTIONS 749 46(2) 80 € 1000 reis purple grey, vertical pair. C.d.s. CORREIO DE P.ALEGRE / THESOURARIA, purple. VERY FINE. 745(*) 150 € Set of four (red, green, purple and olive) DIE PROOFS of a drawing not adopted with inscription CORREIO / IMPERIO / DO BRAZIL / 1000 REIS. VERY FINE AND RARE. 746*/ 650 € Interesting set of new and used stamps of the emission Don Pedro (white beard) including 50 reis blue, four pair and a stamp new, 80 reis carmine, two pairs and a strip of three used, 200 reis black, two pairs used, 260 reis chestnut, two pairs new and a strip of three used, 300 reis bistre chestnut, one stamp and a strip of three all used, 700 reis red chestnut, five pairs new and 1000 reis, two pairs new and a pair and a strip of three used.VERY HIGH CATALOG VALUE. ESSENTIAL TO EXAM. 747(*) 40 € No value, black. DIE PROOF, from 1940 with picture of D. Pedro (white beard). VERY FINE. 750 200 € Interesting and nice selection of several emissions of Don Pedro and a pre-philatelic cover from 1824, showing a piece with two stamps each of 20 reis lilac chestnut and 80 reis black purple from 1866, cancelled with P. TRASATLANTICO, six stamps of 10 reis red, on piece with c.d.s. ALDEIA / DE / S. PEDRO and a cover franked with 1866 200 reis from RIO DE JANEIRO to PARIS. VERY FINE AND SUPERB UNUSUAL ENSEMBLE. Chile Bibliography 748 46(2), 36(2) 1.800 € 1888. 1000 reis purple grey, pair and 500 reis orange from 1876, two stamps. Cover of Boris Freres from FORTALEZA to PARIS (FRANCE). C.d.s. FORTALEZA and PERNAMBUCO, this last applied on transit. VERY FINE AND SUPERB FRANKING WITH THE MOST IMPORTANT VALUES OF EACH SET, UNDOUBTEDLY ONE OF THE MOST IMPORTANT COVER FROM DON PEDRO EMISSION. 751 100 € SOBRE LOS TIMBRES DE INUTILIZACION E INDICADORES DE MULTAS Y OTRAS MARCAS USADAS POR EL CORREO DE CHILE. M. de Lara (pen-name of Ramón A. Laval). Santiago de Chile, 1897 (this is Nº10 of the sixteen copies from this rare work is made up of). 92 I N T E R N AT I O N A L A U C T I O N 752 60 € REVISTA FILATELICA DE CHILE. Volumes Nº5 and from 8 to 27 published between august 1915 and june 1917 in Tacna as "Organo de los coleccionistas filatélicos de Tacna y dedicado a los aficionados de América". RARE AS A WHOLE. 753 30 € CHILE, AN OUTLINE OF THE POSTAL ISSUES 1766-1919. Wilfrid B. Haworth. London, 1919. (Encuadernado conservando las tapas originales). 754 50 € Conjunto de dos obras: "MANUAL FILATELICO DE KOHL", Redactado por los Dres. Munk y Krause. Santiago de Chile, 1939 y "CHILE. LOS CORREOS INGLESES, MATASELLOS USADOS EN LA GUERRA DEL PACIFICO, SELLOS PERUANOS SOBRECARGADOS CON ESCUDO DE CHILE", Wilfrid B. Haworth. Santiago de Chile,1942. (Encuadernado en un volumen). 755 50 € Three catalogues: "CATALOGO VARGAS 1944-45", 10th Edition. "CATALOGO Y LISTA DE PRECIOS 1943-44", 4th Edition made by the Chilean Stamp Dealers Society. "CATALOGO DE SELLOS DE CHILES", 2nd Edition (Socopo). (bounded in one volume). 1 - 2 JULIO 2015 759 65 € 1852. SANTIAGO a VALPARAISO. Marca SANTIAGO y porteo manuscrito "2 (reales)". MAGNIFICA. 760 25 € 1834. VALPARAISO a SADDLEWORTH (INGLATERRA). Al dorso marca FALMOUTH / SHIP-LETTER. MAGNIFICA. Chile Prephilately 756 20 € (1802ca). Frontal de CONCEPCION a CHILOE. Marca CONCEPCION / DE CHILE (P.E.3) edición 2004 (sin fechar, no podemos asegurar que se haya utilizado durante el Periodo Colonial). MAGNIFICA. 757 50 € (1780ca). TARAPACA a ARICA. Marca TARAP(A)CA, en rojo (P.E.1) edición 2004 (sin fechar, no podemos asegurar que se haya utilizado durante el Periodo Colonial). MAGNIFICA. 758 60 € 1852. SANTIAGO a BURDEOS (FRANCIA). Marcas SANTIAGO / DE CHILE (generalmente utilizada para cartas circuladas al exterior), FRANCA, PANAMA / TRANSIT, en rojo, ambulante francés y porteo manuscrito "21". MAGNIFICA. 761 40 € 1855.VALPARAISO a PARIS (FRANCIA), circulada por el correo británico vía Panamá. Marca PANAMA / TRANSIT, fechador ANGL. / CALAIS / 2, y porteo francés manuscrito, al dorso fechador doble arco VALPARAISO, de la Agencia Postal Británica y marca 3 C.DOR., en rojo. MAGNIFICA. 762 50 € 1856. TOME a VALPARAISO. Marca CABOTAJE y llegada fechador VALPARAISO / CHILE, ambas marcas en rojo. MAGNIFICA. 93 iberphil AUCTIONS Chile 763 40 € 1860. VALPARAISO a BARCELONA. Fechador VALPARAISO, manuscrito "Vía de Panamá" y porteo español "4 Rs" (reales). MAGNIFICA. 764 30 € 1864. VALPARAISO a SALTA (ARGENTINA). Marcas JOAQUIN DORADO / COBIJA (del encaminador) y LAMAR / FRANCA, en azul al depositarse en el correo de Cobija. MAGNIFICA Y RARA. 765 40 € 1865. VALPARAISO a NUEVA YORK (U.S.A.), circulada por el correo británico vía Panamá. Marcas PAID TO / PANAMA, STEAMSHIP / 10 y fechador británico PANAMA, al dorso fechador doble arco VALPARAISO, de la Agencia Postal Británica. MAGNIFICA Y RARA. 766 20 € 1867. VALPARAISO a PARIS, circulada por el correo británico vía Panamá. Marca de intercambio franco-británica G.B. / 1F 90C y porteo manuscrito "24". MAGNIFICA. 94 767 1B 50 € 1856. 5 ctvos castaño rojo "Desmadryl". SANTIAGO DE CHILE a VALPARAISO. MAGNIFICA. 768(*) 2.000 € 5 ctvos , bloque de cien, de catorce, de cuatro y un sello suelto (reunidos con fijasellos, originalmente unido). PRUEBA DE PLANCHA, sobre papel sin filigrana. MAGNIFICO Y RARISIMO, SIN DUDA UNA DE LAS PIEZAS MAS IMPORTANTES DE LA FILATELIA CLASICA CHILENA. 769 9c 50 € 1861. 10 ctvos azul BISECTADO. SANTIAGO DE CHILE a VALPARAISO. MAGNIFICA. 770 50 € 1871. VALPARAISO (MEXICO) to BARCELONA. Addressed via LONDON, on reverse British Postal Agency c.d.s. (small size) VALPARAISO / UNPAID, arrival handstruck "4" (reales). VERY FINE AND RARE I N T E R N AT I O N A L A U C T I O N 1 - 2 JULIO 2015 771 14(2) 90 € 1875. 10 ctvos azul, dos sellos. OSORNO (CHILE) a HAMBURGO (ALEMANIA). Inutilizados a pluma y al dorso fechador VALPARAISO / CHILE, en rojo aplicado en tránsito. MAGNIFICA. 774(*) 375 € Fiscal stamps of different values from Chili, Brazil, Guatemala, Nicaragua and Perú, most from 1929, joined on presentation sheet with overprint WATERLOW AND SONS LTD. / SPECIMEN, without perforation. VERY FINE AND OUTSTANDING ENSEMBLE. Colombia Prephilately 772 300 € 1907. Franqueo de cuatro emisiones diferentes. Certificado de SANTIAGO a BUDAPEST (HUNGRIA) (sobre abierto para exposición dirigido a uno de los comerciantes más importantes de la filatelia de la época, Bela Szekula). MAGNIFICA Y ESPECTACULAR Y MUY RARO FRANQUEO. 775 350 € (1810ca). AMBALEMA a RIO NEGRO. Marcas AMBALEMA y FRANCA, en tinta de escribir (P.E.1 y P.E.3) edición 2004 (no se conocen cartas fechadas). MAGNIFICA Y EXTRAORDINARIAMENTE RARA. 773 43(10), 44(2), 52(5) 160 € 1905. 2 ctvos rojo, diez sellos y al dorso 5 ctvos azul, dos sellos y 1 ctvo sobre 20 ctvos azul, cinco sellos. Certificado de LEBU a BARODA (INDIA BRITANICA) (dirigida al célebre botánico alemán Gustav Hermann Krumbiegel). MAGNIFICA Y MUY RARO FRANQUEO. 776 375 € 1809. BUGA a POPAYAN. Marca BVGA y FRANCA, en tinta de escribir (P.E.1 y P.E.4) edición 2004. MAGNIFICA ESTAMPACION Y RARISIMA, SIN DUDA LA MEJOR CONOCIDA. 95 iberphil AUCTIONS 777 100 € (1819ca). BUENAVENTURA a POPAYAN. Marca DEBE / BUENAVª, en tinta de escribir (P.E.1) edición 2004 (no se conocen cartas fechadas). MAGNIFICA Y EXTRAORDINARIAMENTE RARA. 778 125 € 1801. CARTAGENA DE INDIAS a POPAYAN. Marcas CARTAGEN y DEVE (P.E.2 y P.E.3) edición 2004. MAGNIFICA Y RARISIMA CIRCULADA DURANTE EL PERIODO COLONIAL. 779 150 € 1805. CARTAGENA a POPAYAN. Marcas CARTAGENA y DEVE (P.E.2 y P.E.3) edición 2004. MAGNIFICA Y RARISIMA, CIRCULADA EN EL PERIODO COLONIAL. 780 450 € 1774. LLANO GRANDE a POPAYAN. Marcas LLAOGRAD y FRANCA, en tinta de escribir (P.E.1 y P.E.3) edición 2004. MAGNIFICA Y RARISIMA CIRCULADA DURANTE EL PERIODO COLONIAL. All phone bidders would contact at least the day before the auction 96 781 125 € (1819ca). Dirigida a MARINILLA. Marca MARINILLA / FRANCA (P.E.5) edición 2004 (no se conocen cartas fechadas). MAGNIFICA Y EXTRAORDINARIAMENTE RARA. 782 75 € 1794. Justificante de Giro Postal de POPAYAN a SANTA FE DE BOGOTA, por un valor de "99 pesos en doblones de a dieciseis" y firma del Administrador de Popayán "Eduardo Alonso de Yllera". MAGNIFICO Y RARO. 783 65 € 1802. POPAYAN a SANTA FE. Marcas POPAYAN y FRANCA (P.E.2 y P.E.7) edición 2004. MAGNIFICA Y RARA. 784 90 € 1789. Justificante de Giro Postal de POPAYAN a SANTA FE DE BOGOTA. MAGNIFICO Y MUY RARO, SE TRATA DE UNO DE LOS PRIMEROS GIROS POSTALES CONOCIDOS DEL VIRREINATO DE NUEVA GRANADA. 785 75 € 1809. Justificante de Giro Postal de POPAYAN a BARBACOAS, por un valor de "203 pesos en doblones de a 16", firma del Administrador de Correos de Popayán "Joaquín Gutiérrez". MAGNIFICO Y RARO. 786 50 € 1819. Justificante de Giro Postal de POPAYAN a QUILICHAO (fechado el 19 de Abril de 1819, pocos meses antes de la proclamación de independencia, firma del Administrador de Popayán D. Joaquín Gutiérrez). MAGNIFICO Y RARO. 787 50 € (1819ca). PURIFICACION a BOGOTA. Marca PURIFCN. / DEBE (P.E.2) edición 2004 (no se conocen cartas fechadas). MAGNIFICA Y RARISIMA. 788 275 € 1806. SAN JUAN a SANTA FE. Marcas GIRON y FRANCA (P.E.2 y P.E.4) edición 2004. MAGNIFICA Y RARISIMA, CIRCULADA DURANTE EL PERIODO COLONIAL. I N T E R N AT I O N A L A U C T I O N 789 60 € (1819ca). SAN LUIS a MEDELLIN. Marca S.LUIS / FRANCA (P.E.1) edición 2004 (no se conocen cartas fechadas). MAGNIFICA Y RARA. 790 75 € 1809. SANTA FE DE BOGOTA a POPAYAN. Marca SANTAFE / YNDIAS / FRANCA (P.E.4) edición 2004. ESPECTACULAR Y MUY RARA, CIRCULADA EN EL PERIODO COLONIAL. 1 - 2 JULIO 2015 795 100 € 1838. SANTA MARTA a POPAYAN. Marcas BARBS. y FRANCA, en rojo y ambas de Barbacoas (referenciadas en la obra de Tizón durante el periodo Colonial). MAGNIFICA Y MUY RARA. 796 20 € 1855. BARRANQUILLA a BOGOTA. Marca BARRANQUILLA / DEBE, en azul. MAGNIFICA. 791 150 € 1803. SANTA FE DE BOGOTA a POPAYAN. Marca SANTAFE / YNDIAS / FRANCA (P.E.7) edición 2004. MAGNIFICA Y MUY RARA, ESPECIALMENTE EN ESTA CALIDAD Y CIRCULADA EN EL PERIODO COLONIAL ESPAÑOL. 797 150 € 1836. BARRANQUILLA a NUEVA YORK (U.S.A.). Marca del encaminador FORWARDED BY / RAMON LEON SANCHEZ / CARTAGENA N.G., en rojo y porteo "40". MAGNIFICA Y RARISIMA. 792 75 € 1819. SANTA FE DE BOGOTA a POPAYAN. Marca SANTAFE / DE BOGOTA / FRANCA (P.E.8) edición 2004. MAGNIFICA Y MUY RARA, CIRCULADA SOLO UNOS DIAS ANTES DE LA INDEPENDENCIA DE ESPAÑA. 793 75 € (1815ca). Plica Judicial de SANTAROSA DE OSOS a ANTIOQUIA. Marcas OSOS y FRANCA (son las mismas marcas que las utilizadas durante el Periodo Colonial P.E.1 y P.E.3 edición 2004). MAGNIFICA Y RARA. 794 40 € 1837. ANORI a MEDELLIN. Marca oval REPUBLICA DE COLOMBIA / ANORI / FRANCA, en negro. BONITA Y RARA. 798 125 € 1840. BUENAVENTURA a BOGOTA. Marca FNCA / BUENAVª, en tinta de escribir (Tizón en su obra de Prefilatelia Española indica que no existe constancia de que pertenezca al periodo Colonial, como así lo demuestra esta pieza, que además está dirigida a Tomás Cipriano de Mosquera, que fue presidente de los Estados Unidos de Colombia entre 1861 y 1864, en su interior, se le informa que el Gobierno Ecuatoriano se ha puesto en contacto con José María Obando, el que fuera su enemigo en la denominada "Guerra de los Supremos"). MAGNIFICA Y RARISIMA. 97 iberphil AUCTIONS 799 125 € 1845. BUENAVENTURA a BOGOTA. Marca FNCA / BUNE Vª, en rojo igual a la reproducida en la obra de Tizón (P.E.2) edición 2004, en la que indica que no existe constancia de su pertenencia al periodo colonial. MAGNIFICA Y MUY RARA. 800 30 € (1845ca). BUENAVENTURA a BOGOTA (dirigida al Presidente de la República de Nueva Granada,Tomas C. de Mosquera). Marca FNCA / BUENVª, en rojo. MAGNIFICA Y RARA. 801 40 € 1856. GUAPI a POPAYAN. Marca BUENAVENTURA / DEBE, en rojo. BONITA Y RARA. 802 40 € 1835. BUGA a POPAYAN. Marca REPUB. DE COLOMBIA / BUGA / FRANCA, en rojo (diluido) y porteo manuscrito "1 ½". BONITA Y RARA. 803 50 € 1849. BUGA a BOGOTA. Marca BUGA / DE / OFICIO, en rojo. MAGNIFICA Y RARA. 98 804 75 € 1832. CALI a POPAYAN. Marca COLOMBIA / CALY / FRANCA, en rojo. MAGNIFICA Y RARA. 805 30 € (1840ca). CALI a BOGOTA. Marca CALI / FRANCA, en azul. MAGNIFICA. 806 40 € (1840ca). CALI a BOGOTA. Marca CALI / FRANCA, en negro y porteo "15". MAGNIFICA Y RARA. 807 50 € 1849. CALI a BOGOTA. Marca CALI / DE / OFICIO, en rojo. MAGNIFICA. 808 30 € 1853. CALI a BOGOTA. Marca CALI / FRANCA, en rojo (estampación débil). MAGNIFICA. 809 400 € 1864. Frontal de Certificado de CALI a BOGOTA. Manuscrito "Certificación a Cali sale el 23 de Str de 1864", marca CALI / FRANCA, "0" en las esquinas y al dorso "Recibí", como era preceptivo. MAGNIFICO Y RARISIMO, UNO LOS POCOS CONOCIDOS CON ORIGEN EN CALI. I N T E R N AT I O N A L A U C T I O N 810 45 € 1834. CAROLINA a MEDELLIN. Marca REPUB. DE COLOMBIA / CAROLINA / FRANCA, en rojo. BONITA Y MUY RARA. 811 125 € 1822. CARTAGENA DE INDIAS a BOGOTA. Marca rectangular CARTAGENA / DE INDIAS / DEBE (P.E.4) edición 2004 (igual que la utilizada en el Periodo Colonial). MAGNIFICA ESTAMPACION Y MUY RARA. 812 350 € 1855. Certificado de CARTAGENA a BOGOTA. Marca CERTYFICACION A CARTAGENA / SALIO EN 25 DE ENERO DE 1835, oval CARTAGENA / FRANCA y marcas "0" en las esquinas, como era preceptivo. MAGNIFICA Y RARISIMA CARTA COMPLETA, UNA DE LAS POCAS CONOCIDAS CON ESTA MARCA. 813 125 € 1862. CARTAGENA DE INDIAS a NUEVA YORK. Marca STEAMSHIP / 10, al dorso marca del encaminador FORWARDED BY / W.C. FOSTER / COMISSION MERCHANT / CARTHAGENA. N.G., en azul. MAGNIFICO Y EXTRAORDINARIAMENTE RARO. 1 - 2 JULIO 2015 814 50 € 1846. AGUADULCE a BOGOTA (dirigida al General Joaquín París Ricaurte). Marca CARTAGO / FRANCA, en negro. MAGNIFICA Y RARA. 815 50 € (1840ca). MINAS a BOGOTA (carta completa con fecha sin año). Marca REPUBLICA DE COLOMBIA / CHI / QQUIRA / FRANCA, en rojo. MAGNIFICA Y MUY RARA. 816 50 € (1840ca). MINAS a BOGOTA (carta completa con fecha sin año). Marca REPUBLICA DE COLOMBIA / CHI / QQUIRA / DEBE, en rojo. MAGNIFICA Y RARA. 817 50 € 1850. MINAS a BOGOTA. Marca CHI / QQUIRA / DEBE, en rojo (se trata de la marca oval a falta del óvalo exterior República de Colombia). MAGNIFICA. 818 40 € 1846. ZIPAQUIRA a BOGOTA. Marca CIPAQUIRA / FRANCA, en rojo. MAGNIFICA Y RARA. 819 50 € 1836. CORO a MARACAIBO (restaurada parcialmente (plastificada) al dorso). Marca REPUBLICA DE COLOMBIA / CORO / FRANCA, en rojo. BONITA Y MUY RARA. 99 iberphil AUCTIONS 820 250 € 1792. Frontal de GUADUAS a MEDELLIN. Marca GVADS, en tinta de escribir (P.E.1) edición 2004 y al dorso acuse de recibo "Recibí del Sr. D. Antonio del Valle, nueve cajas de tabaco". MAGNIFICA Y RARISIMA, NO MAS DE DOS O TRES CARTAS CONOCIDAS EN EL PERIODO COLONIAL. 821 50 € 1857. GUAPI a POPAYAN. Marca GUAPI / FRANCA, en azul y manuscrito "5 gramos-5 ctos". MAGNIFICA Y MUY RARA. 826 50 € 1824. MEDELLIN a POPAYAN. Marca MEDELLIN / FRANCA y porteo manuscrito "4". MAGNIFICA. 827 60 € 1830. RIO NEGRO a BOGOTA. Marca REPUB. DE COLOMBIA / MEDELLIN / FRANCA, en rojo. MAGNIFICA Y RARA. 828 30 € 1834. MEDELLIN a POPAYAN. Marca MEDELLIN / FRANCA, en rojo y porteo manuscrito "4". MAGNIFICA. 822 30 € 1820. HONDA a BOGOTA. Marcas ONDA y FRANCA, en rojo (iguales a las utilizadas durante el Periodo Colonial). MAGNIFICA. 823 30 € 1847. HONDA a BOGOTA. Marca HONDA / FRANCA, en rojo y porteo "1 ½". MAGNIFICA. 829 275 € 1838. Frontal de Certificado de MEDELLIN a BOGOTA. Manuscrito "Certificación a Medn. Sale hoy 7 de Mzo 1838" y marca MEDELLIN / FRANCA / DE OFICIO, en rojo (cruces de tinta en las esquinas y al dorso "Recibí"). MAGNIFICO Y RARISIMO. 824 25 € 1847. MARIQUITA a BOGOTA. Marca HONDA / DEBE, en rojo y porteo "1 ½". MAGNIFICA. 825 50 € 1822. MEDELLIN a BOGOTA. Marca MEDELLIN / FRANCA, en rojo (igual a la utilizada durante el Periodo Colonial). MAGNIFICA. 100 830 75 € (1820ca). MOMPOX a ANTIOQUIA. Marcas MOMPOX y DEVE, en rojo (iguales a las utilizadas durante el Periodo Colonial). MAGNIFICA Y MUY RARA. I N T E R N AT I O N A L A U C T I O N 831 200 € 1857. Certificado de MOMPOS a CARTAGENA DE INDIAS. Marcas CERTIFICACION A MOMPOS / SALIO EN 29 DE AGOSTO 1857 y MOMPOS / DE / OFICIO, ambas en azul (cruces de tinta en las esquinas y al dorso "Recibí"). MAGNIFICA Y EXTRAORDINARIAMENTE RARA. 832 60 € 1828. NARE a BOGOTA. Marca REPUB. DE COLOMBIA / NARE / FRANCA, en rojo y al dorso anotación manuscrita sobre el nombramiento del Administrador de Correos de Naré. MAGNIFICA Y RARA. 833 60 € 1823. NEYVA a BOGOTA. Marcas NEYVA y FRANCA, en rojo (son las mismas marcas que las utilizadas durante el Periodo Colonial). MAGNIFICA Y RARA. 834 60 € 1825. NEIVA a BOGOTA. Marcas NEYVA y FRANCA, en rojo (iguales a las utilizadas durante el Periodo Colonial). MAGNIFICA Y RARA. 835 40 € (1840ca). NEIVA a BOGOTA. Marca REPUB. DE COLOMBIA / NEYVA / FRANCA. MAGNIFICA. 836 75 € 1845. OCAÑA a LONDRES. Marca OCAÑA / FRANCA, en tinta de escribir, al dorso fechador doble arco SANTA MARTHA, de la Agencia Postal Británica en Colombia y el de KINNGSTON / JAMAICA, aplicado en tránsito. MAGNIFICA Y MUY RARA. 1 - 2 JULIO 2015 837 60 € 1856. PAMPLONA a BOGOTA. Marca PAMPLONA / FRANCA, en tinta de escribir y manuscrito "Franca". MAGNIFICA Y RARA. 838 75 € 1825. PASTO a POPAYAN. Marca PASTO / FRANCA, en negro. MAGNIFICA Y RARA. 839 30 € 1826. POPAYAN a CALI. Marca REPUB. DE COLOMBIA / POPAYAN / FRANCA, en rojo. MAGNIFICA. 840 45 € 1825. POPAYAN a PURIFICACION. Marca POPAYAN / FRANCA, en rojo (igual a la utilizada durante el Periodo Colonial). MAGNIFICA Y RARA. 841 35 € 1827. POPAYAN a BOGOTA. Marca REPUB. DE COLOMB. / POPAYAN / DEBE, en rojo. MAGNIFICA. 842 50 € 1834. POPAYAN a YURUMANGUI. Marca REPUB. DE COLOM. / POPAYAN / FRANCA, en rojo. MAGNIFICA. 101 iberphil AUCTIONS 843 45 € 1838. POPAYAN a BOGOTA. Marca REPUBLICA DE LA NUEVA GRANADA / POPAYAN / FRANCA, en rojo y porteo manuscrito "2". MAGNIFICA Y RARA. 844 25 € (1840ca). POPAYAN a BOGOTA. Marca REPUBLICA DE LA NUEVA GRANADA / POPAYAN / FRANCA, en rojo. MAGNIFICA. 845 35 € 1842. POPAYAN a LA ROBLEDA. Marca REPUBLICA DE LA NUEVA GRANADA / POPAYAN / FRANCA, en negro. MAGNIFICA Y RARA. 846 45 € 1848. POPAYAN a BOGOTA. Marca POPAYAN / DE / OFICIO, en negro. MAGNIFICA. 851 75 € 1846. JAPIO a POPAYAN. Marca REPUB. DE COLOMB. / QUILICHAO / FRANCA, en rojo. MAGNIFICA Y MUY RARA. 852 150 € 1810. REMEDIOS a ANTIOQUIA. Marcas REMEDIOS y FRANCA, en tinta de escribir (P.E.1 y P.E.3) edición 2004. MAGNIFICA Y RARISIMA, CIRCULADA EN EL PERIODO COLONIAL. 847 40 € 1855. POPAYAN a BOGOTA. Marca POPAYAN / FRANCA, en negro. MAGNIFICA. 853 75 € 1828. RIO NEGRO a BOGOTA. Marca REPUB. DE COLOMBIA / RIONEGRO / FRANCA. MAGNIFICA Y RARA. 848 40 € 1857. GUAPI a POPAYAN, reexpedida a SANTANDER (pequeño corte sin importancia en el frente). Marca POPAYAN / DEBE, en negro y anotación manuscrita "5 gmos-5 ctvos". MAGNIFICA. 849 BID 1860. POPAYAN. Carta dirigida al General Tomás Cipriano Mosquera, que fue Presidente de Nueva Granada entre 1845 y 1849 y de los Estados Unidos de Colombia entre 1861 y 1864 y entre 1866 y 1867, la carta la firma Paula Luque, que fue su amante y con la que tuvo tres hijas. Marca POPAYAN / DE / OFICIO, en azul. MAGNIFICA E INTERESANTE. 850 40 € 1822. JAPIO a BOGOTA. Marcas QUILICHAO y FRANCA, ambas en rojo (estampación débil) (iguales a las utilizadas durante el periodo colonial). BONITA Y MUY RARA. 102 854 75 € 1828. SAN JOSE DE CUCUTA a BOGOTA. Marca REPUBLICA DE COLOMBIA / S. J. / CUCUTA / DEBE, en rojo. MAGNIFICA Y MUY RARA, ESPECIALMENTE EN ESTA ESTAMPACION. I N T E R N AT I O N A L A U C T I O N 855 90 € 1839. MARACAIBO a BOGOTA. Marca REPUBLICA DE COLOMBIA / S. J. / CUCUTA / FRANCA, en negro. MAGNIFICA Y MUY RARA. 1 - 2 JULIO 2015 860 50 € 1844. BOGOTA a LONDRES (INGLATERRA) (depositada en el correo británico en Kingston, Jamaica donde se aplica la marca CARTHAGENA, en rojo y se tasa con "2/3 sh"). Marca BOGOTA / FRANCA, en rojo y porteo "3". MAGNIFICA Y MUY RARA. 861 25 € 1846. BOGOTA a CARTAGO. Marca BOGOTA / DEBE, en rojo y porteo "2". MAGNIFICA. 856 35 € 1826. BOGOTA a POPAYAN. Marca REPUB. DE COLOMBIA / BOGOTA / DEBE, en rojo. MAGNIFICA. 857 35 € 1829. BOGOTA a POPAYAN. Marca REPUB. DE COLOMBIA / BOGOTA / FRANCA, en rojo. MAGNIFICA Y RARA. 862 35 € 1847. BOGOTA a POPAYAN. Marca BOGOTA / DE OFICIO, en rojo. MAGNIFICA. 863 35 € 1856. BOGOTA a GIRON. Marca BOGOTA / DEBE, en negro y porteo "15". MAGNIFICA Y RARA. 858 30 € 1835. BOGOTA a POPAYAN. Marca REPUB. DE LA N. GRANADA / BOGOTA / FRANCA, en rojo. MAGNIFICA. 859 20 € (1840ca). BOGOTA a POPAYAN. Marca BOGOTA / FRANCA, en rojo y porteo "2". MAGNIFICA. 864 200 € 1857. Certificado de SANTA FE DE BOGOTA a BARRANQUILLA. Marcas CERTIFICACION A BOGOTA / SALIO EN 9 DE ENº DE 1857, oval BOGOTA / FRANCA y "0" en las esquinas, todas en azul. MAGNIFICA Y MUY RARA CARTA COMPLETA. All lots can be viewed at Stampcircuit 103 iberphil AUCTIONS 865 300 € 1857. Frontal de Certificado de SANTA FE DE BOGOTA a PAMPLONA. Marcas CERTIFICACION A BOGOTA / SALIO EN 31 DE ENERO DE 1857, en negro y BOGOTA / DE OFICIO, en rojo (cruces de tinta en las esquinas y al dorso "Recibí"). MAGNIFICO Y RARISIMO. 866 20 € (1858ca). BOGOTA a POPAYAN. Marca BOGOTA / FRANCA, en azul. MAGNIFICA. 869 300 € 1859. Certificado de BOGOTA a PALMIRA. Marcas CERTIFICACION A BOGOTA / SALIO EN 11 DE MAYO DE 1859, en rojo y oval BOGOTA / FRANCA, porteos "15" y "25", uno rectificado y "0" en las esquinas, en azul. MAGNIFICA Y MUY RARO CERTIFICADO COMPLETO. 870 250 € 1863. Frontal de Certificado de BOGOTA a SANTA MARTA. Marcas CERTIFICACION A BOGOTA / SALIO EN 9 DE OCTUBRE DE 1863, "O" en las esquinas, ambas en rojo, y "recibí" manuscrito en el frente como corresponde al correo certificado. MAGNIFICA. 867 250 € 1859. Certificado de BOGOTA a CARTAGENA DE INDIAS. Marcas CERTIFICACION A BOGOTA / SALIO EN 13 DE MAYO DE 1859, en rojo y BOGOTA / FRANCA, en azul (cruces de tinta en las esquinas y al dorso "Recibí"). MAGNIFICA Y RARISIMA. 868 175 € 1859. Certificado de SANTA FE DE BOGOTA a LA CATEDRAL. Marca CERTIFICACION A BOGOTA / SALIO EN 8 DE JUNIO 1859 (al dorso "Recibí", del destinatario). MAGNIFICA Y MUY RARA. 104 871 100 € 1860. BOGOTA a NUEVA YORK. Marca del encaminador MANUEL PRETELT / CARTAGENA. MAGNIFICA Y MUY RARA. 872 250 € 1862. Frontal de Certificado de BOGOTA a SANTA MARTA. Marca CERTIFICACION A BOGOTA / SALIO EN 17 DE ENERO DE 1862, en rojo y "0" en las esquinas, en negro. MAGNIFICO Y MUY RARO. I N T E R N AT I O N A L A U C T I O N 873 275 € 1865. Certificado de SANTA FE DE BOGOTA a POPAYAN. Marcas CERTIFICACION A BOGOTA / SALIO EN 19 DE ABRIL 1865, BOGOTA / DE OFICIO y "0" en las esquinas y "Recibí", en el interior tal y como era preceptivo en el correo certificado, al dorso sellos de oblea de cierre con marca ESTADOS UNIDOS DE COLOMBIA / DIRECCION DE CORREOS. MAGNIFICA Y RARISIMA. 874 40 € (1840ca). SANTA MARTA a BOGOTA. Marca SANTAMARTA / DE / OFICIO, en azul. MAGNIFICA. 875 30 € (1840ca). SANTA MARTA a BOGOTA. Marca SANTAMARTA / DEBE, en rojo y porteo "3". MAGNIFICA. 876 50 € (1840ca). SANTAMARTA a BOGOTA. Marca SANTAMARTA / DE / OFICIO, en rojo. MAGNIFICA Y RARA. 877 30 € (1840ca). SANTA MARTA a BOGOTA. Marca SANTAMARTA / FRANCA, en rojo y porteo "3". MAGNIFICA. 878 450 € 1845. KINGSTON (JAMAICA) a BOGOTA. Marca SANTAMARTA / DEBE, en rojo y porteo "3", al dorso manuscrito "Recibida y encaminada por sus Atos. J.A.C". MAGNIFICA Y RARISIMA ENCAMINADA DESDE JAMAICA. 879 50 € 1831. SON SON a MEDELLIN. Marca REPUBLICA DE COLOMBIA / SON SON / FRANCA, en rojo. MAGNIFICA Y RARA. 1 - 2 JULIO 2015 880 60 € 1842. VILLETA a BOGOTA. Marca VILLETA / FRANCA, en rojo. MAGNIFICA Y MUY RARA. 881 300 € (1820ca). Interesante conjunto de doce cartas o frontales prefilatélicos de Colombia entre 1809 y 1847, y posteriores de 1875 y 1884, destaca una carta del Periodo Colonial con la marca SANTAFE / YNDIAS / FRANCA (la mayoría de las marcas con buena estampación). A EXAMINAR. Colombia 882 19 60 € (1879ca). 10 ctvos purple BISECTED. Addressed to CARTAGENA DE INDIAS. Pen cancel "Chinis". VERY FINE. 883 55, 75, A.R.8 60 € 1883. 10 ctvs, 5 ctvs y 10 ctvs. Carta con Acuse de Recibo de MEDELLIN a BARRANQUILLA (sobre con ligera falta al dorso sin importancia). MAGNIFICO Y MUY ESPECTACULAR FRANQUEO. 105 iberphil AUCTIONS 884 50 € 1902. BARRANQUILLA a HAMBURGO (ALEMANIA). Fechador BARRANQUILLA y marca NO HAY ESTAMPILLAS / PAGO $ 0'40 / EL AGENTE POSTAL NACIONAL, en violeta y tasada a la llegada con 80 pfenning y al dorso llegada. MAGNIFICA Y RARA. 887 35 € 1855. HAVANA (CUBA) to MADRID. Forwarded by the Agent EXPORTATION AND COMISSION / LESER JEUNE, in blue and handstruck "4R" (reales). VERY FINE. Colombia Airmail 888 194, Aéreo 5 150 € 1932. 5 ctvos azul sobre Entero Postal Certificado de PUEBLO NUEVO (MATANZAS) a LUBECK (ALEMANIA), con franqueo complementario de 8 ctvos castaño, Aéreo de 10 ctvos azul y sello de Estados Unidos de 20 ctvos verde. Circulada vía Nueva York (donde se aplica el sello de Estados Unidos). En el frente manuscrito "CATAPULT FLIGHT", "VIA S.S. EUROPA, AIRPLANE SHIP TO SHORE" y marcas DEUTSCHER SCHLEUDERFLUG / D. EUROPA-SOUTHAMPTON, en verde y al dorso tránsitos por La Habana, Miami, New York, Hamburgo y de llegada a Lubeck y de regreso a Matanzas. MAGNIFICA Y ESPECTACULAR VUELO CATAPULTADO. 885 (*) 14(4) 175 € 10 ctvos verde, bloque de cuatro. MAGNIFICO Y RARO.Yvert 2010: 920€ Cuba 886 50 € 1844. LA HABANA a LONDRES (INGLATERRA). Manuscrito "2ª Pr. St. Hibernia" y porteo "1/", al dorso marca del encaminador FORWARDED BY / NEW YORK / COLLOMBS-ISELIN y oval AMERICA / L, en negro. MAGNIFICA Y RARA. 106 889 194, Aéreo 5 150 € 1932. 5 ctvos azul sobre Entero Postal Certificado de PUEBLO NUEVO (MATANZAS) a VARSOVIA (POLONIA), con franqueo complementario de 8 ctvos castaño, Aéreo de 10 ctvos azul y sello de Estados Unidos de 20 ctvos verde. Circulada vía Nueva York (donde se aplica el sello de Estados Unidos). En el frente manuscrito "CATAPULT FLIGHT" "VIA S.S. BREMEN AIRPLANE SHIP TO SHORE" y marcas DEUTSCHER SCHLEUDERFLUG / DAMPFER EUROPA-SOUTHAMPTON, en violeta y MIT LUFTPOST BEFORDERT / BERLIN CZ, en rojo y al dorso tránsitos por La Habana, Miami, New York, Berlín y de llegada a Varsovia y de regreso a Matanzas. MAGNIFICA Y ESPECTACULAR VUELO CATAPULTADO. I N T E R N AT I O N A L A U C T I O N 890 204, 205, Aéreo 5 150 € 1932. 5 ctvos azul, 10 ctvos castaño, Aéreo de 10 ctvos azul y sellos de Estados Unidos de 2 ctvos, 3 ctvos y 20 ctvos. Certificado de PUEBLO NUEVO (MATANZAS) a MECKLEMBURG-STRELITZ (ALEMANIA). Marcas DEUTSCHER / SCHLEUDERFLUG / D. BREMEN / SOUTHAMPTON y MIT LUFTPOST BEFORDERT / BERLIN, en violeta y rojo y etiquetas NON RECLAME, INCONNU, INSUFFISANCE / D´ADRESSE, al dorso tránsitos por La Habana, Miami, New York, Berlín, de llegada a Strelitz y de regreso a MATANZAS. MAGNIFICA Y MUY RARA. 891 194, Aéreo 5 150 € 1932. 5 ctvos azul sobre Entero Postal Certificado de PUEBLO NUEVO (MATANZAS) a BELGRADO (YUGOSLAVIA), con franqueo complementario de 8 ctvos castaño, Aéreo de 10 ctvos azul y sello de Estados Unidos de 20 ctvos verde. Circulada vía Nueva York (donde se aplica el sello de Estados Unidos). En el frente manuscrito "CATAPULT FLIGHT" "VIA S.S. BREMEN AIRPLANE SHIP TO SHORE" y marcas DEUTSCHER SCHLEUDERFLUG / D. BREMEN-SOUTHAMPTON y MIT LUFTPOST BEFORDERT / ZENTRAL FLUGHAFEN, ambas en rojo y al dorso tránsitos por La Habana, Miami, New York, Berlín y de llegada a Belgrado y de regreso a Matanzas. MAGNIFICA Y ESPECTACULAR VUELO CATAPULTADO. 892 205, Aéreo 5 100 € 1932. 5 ctvos azul sobre Entero Postal Certificado de PUEBLO NUEVO (MATANZAS) a WIESBADEN (ALEMANIA), con franqueo complementario de 10 ctvos castaño, Aéreo de 10 ctvos azul y dos sellos de Estados Unidos de 10 ctvos azul. Circulada Vía Nueva York (donde se aplican los sellos de Estados Unidos). En el frente manuscrito "VIA SS. EUROPA, AIRPLANE SHIP TO SHORE" y marcas DEUTSCHER SCHLEUDERFLUG / D. EUROPA / SOUTHAMPTON, en violeta y MIT LUFTPOST BEFORDERT / KOLN FLUGHAFEN, en rojo y al dorso tránsitos por La Habana, Miami, New York y de llegada. MAGNIFICA Y RARA. 1 - 2 JULIO 2015 893 ** 1468(3) 75 € 13 ctvos multicolor, tira de tres. SIN DENTADO VERTICAL. MAGNIFICA Y RARA. 894** 80 € Serie completa (Enevoldsen vs Capablanca), bloque de cuatro. SIN DENTAR. MAGNIFICO Y RARO. 895** 150 € 75 ctvos multicolored, block of eight stamps. Displaced perforation. EXTRAORDINARY AND VERY RARE, ONLY FORTY EIGHT STAMPS ARE KNOWN, RELATED TO TWO DEFECTIVE SHEETS. 107 iberphil AUCTIONS Cuba Postal Stationery 899 120 € 1817. QUITO a PASTO. Marca QUITO (P.E.5) edición 2004. MAGNIFICA Y MUY RARA, CIRCULADA DURANTE EL PERIODO COLONIAL. 896(*) 175 € 20 cts azul y negro sobre Tarjeta Entero Postal. Utilizada como muestra con correcciones de los diseñadores cubanos y los impresores rusos (la impresión de esta tarjeta se realizaba en Rusia), para realizar la nueva tarjeta de 1984 (y tomando como modelo la de 1983). MAGNIFICA Y RARISIMA, UNICA CONOCIDA. 897(*) 1.000 € Espectacular conjunto de siete Tarjetas Entero Postales de 13 ctvos azul y negro con diversos diseños al dorso. Se trata de un diseño NO EMITIDO utilizado como muestra para la realización de los nuevos entero postales. MAGNIFICO Y EXTRAORDINARIAMENTE RARO CONJUNTO, UNICO CONOCIDO. 900 120 € 1813. QUITO a BARBACOAS. Marca QUITO (P.E.5) edición 2004. MAGNIFICA Y MUY RARA, CIRCULADA DURANTE EL PERIODO COLONIAL. 901 30 € 1863. Plica Judicial de ALAUSI a QUITO. Marca ALAUSI / FRANCA, en rojo. MAGNIFICA. 902 25 € (1840ca). AMBATO a RIOBAMBA. Marca AMBATO / FRANCA, en rojo. MAGNIFICA. Ecuador Prephilately 898 700 € 1781. QUITO a GUAYAQUIL. Marcas QUITO y FRANCA (P.E.1 y P.E.9) edición 2004 y manuscrito "Con encomienda". MAGNIFICA Y EXTRAORDINARIAMENTE RARA, SE TRATA DE UNA DE LAS CARTAS CON MARCA POSTAL DE ECUADOR MAS ANTIGUAS CONOCIDAS. 108 903 300 € 1844. Frontal de Certificado de AMBATO a LATACUNGA. Manuscrito "CERTIFICACION A AMBATO" y marca AMBATO / FRANCA, en rojo (cruces de tinta en las esquinas y al dorso "Recibí"). MAGNIFICO Y RARISIMO. 904 30 € 1855. Plica Judicial de AMBATO a QUITO. Marca FRANCA, en rojo. MAGNIFICA Y RARA. I N T E R N AT I O N A L A U C T I O N 905 275 € 1850. Certificado de CUENCA a LAMBAYEQUE. Marcas CERTIFICACION A CUENCA / SALIO EN 1º SET DEL 1850 y CUENCA / FRANCA, ambas en rojo (al dorso "Recibí", del destinatario). MAGNIFICA Y RARISIMA. 906 15 € 1855. CUENCA a GUAYAQUIL. Marca CUENCA / FRANCA, en rojo (poco legible). BONITA. 907 BID 1859. CUENCA a GUAYAQUIL. Marca CUENCA / FRANCA, en rojo. BONITA. 908 BID 1853. GUANO a QUITO. Marca GUANO / DE OFICIO, en rojo. MAGNIFICA. 909 60 € 1822. GUAYAQUIL a POPAYAN. Marca FRANCA / QUITO, en rojo. MAGNIFICA Y RARA. 1 - 2 JULIO 2015 913 25 € 1843. QUITO a POPAYAN. Marca QUITO / FRANCA, en rojo. MAGNIFICA. 914 25 € (1845ca). Plica Judicial de QUITO a IBARRA. Marca QUITO / DEBE, en rojo. MAGNIFICA. 915 20 € 1854. Plica Judicial de QUITO a LATACUNGA. Marca QUITO / DEBE, en azul. MAGNIFICA. 910 30 € 1843. GUAYAQUIL a QUITO. Marca GUAYAQUIL / DEBE, en rojo. MAGNIFICA ESTAMPACION. 911 30 € (1833ca). Plica Judicial de IBARRA a QUITO. Marca REPUBLICA DE COLOMBIA / IBARRA / FRANCA. MAGNIFICA Y MUY RARA. 912 BID 1843. LATACUNGA a QUITO. Marca LATACUNGA / FRANCA, en rojo. MAGNIFICA ESTAMPACION. 916 20 € 1867. QUITO a GUAYAQUIL. Marca rectangular DE OFICIO, en negro. MAGNIFICA. 917 60 € (1831ca). Frente de Plica Judicial de RIOBAMBA a GUARANDA. Marca REPUBLICA DE COLOMBIA / RIOBAMBA / DEBE. MAGNIFICA Y MUY RARA. 918 375 € (1850ca). Interesante colección de Plicas Judiciales de Ecuador circuladas entre 1850 y 1860, todas con diferentes marcas en color rojo o negro. MAGNIFICO Y RARO CONJUNTO. 109 iberphil AUCTIONS Ecuador Telegraph 919 1(2) 65 € 1893. 2 ctvos verde amarillo, dos sellos y 2 ctvos violeta sobre azulado, tres sellos UPU-1892. GUAYAQUIL a LONDRES, circulada vía Nueva York. Matasello U.P.U. / GUAYAQUIL-ECUADOR, en azul. MAGNIFICA Y RARA. Cert. ROBINEAU. 925 BID THE BURRUS COLLECTION PORTUGAL AND PHILIPPINES. Catalog Nº5 from Robson Lowe LTD. Londres, may 5th 1964. United States Prephilately Ecuador Bristish Post Office 920 26, 31, 32 450 € 1869. 1 p red, plate 105, 1 sh green in pair and 4 p red, plate 9, Great Britain. GUAYAQUIL (ECUADOR) to BARCELONA. Numeral cancel C.41 and on reverse British Postal Agency c.d.s GUAYAQUIL. VERY FINE AND UNUSUAL TRICOLOR FRANKING. 926 50 € 1794. BALTIMORE to PHILADELPHIA. Straight line postmark BALT-MAR 30 and manuscript "/24". VERY FINE AND NEATLY CANCEL. United States Bibliography 927 200 € 1770. BOSTON to YARMOUTH. On reverse red cancels BOSTON and circular 13 / AV. VERY FINE AND VERY RARE. 921 BID STANDARD CATALOGUE OF POSTAL CARDS AND LETTER CARDS. Scott Stamp Company. New York, 1898. (Weathered volume) 922 25 € THE AMERICAN PHILATELIST. Fabric bind volume, containing numbers between October 1935 and September 1936. The American Philatelic Society. 923 30 € THE ALAN B. WHITMAN COLLECTION OF OUTSTANDING UNITED STATES STAMPS, SALE 968. (auction catalog from one of the most important stamps collection from the USA). Robert A. Siegel Auction Galleries, Inc. New York 2009. (including hammer prices). 924 60 € THE POSTED LETTER IN COLONIAL AND REVOLUTIONARY AMERICA 1628-1790. Alex L. ter Braake. American Philatelic Research Library, 1975. 110 928 90 € 1850. NEW ORLEANS to PARIS. Red datestamp NEW ORLEANS / LA and mark COLONIES / AND.ART.13 and manuscript "30" (decimas). Double rate. VERY FINE AND RARE. I N T E R N AT I O N A L A U C T I O N 929 120 € 1850. NEW ORLEANS to PARIS. Red c.d.s. NEW ORLEANS / LA and postmark COLONIES / AND.ART.13 and manuscript "15" (decimas). Double rate. VERY FINE AND RARE. 1 - 2 JULIO 2015 933 18, 22(2) 120 € 1861. 1 cts blue and 10 cts green, two stamps. NEW YORK to JEREZ DE LA FRONTERA, addressed via England by Italian paquebot. Circular grid cancel and date stamp NEW / PAID / YORK on stamps, red french entry and Spanish handstruck "4Rs" (reales). VERY FINE AND UNUSUAL. United States 930 4 180 € 1853. 3 ctvs red. ALBANY to LONDON, readdressed to CADIZ, addressed by the French post. Numeral cancel "19" and on front several transit and tax manuscript. VERY FINE AND RARE. 931 10, 27 120 € 1866. 3 ctvs red and 2 ctvs black. NEW YORK to CADIZ. "Fancy" cancel flower shaped, on front NEW YORK c.d.s. and arrival handstruck "4 Rs", on reverse arrival postmark LISTA. VERY FINE AND RARE. 932 12a 600 € 1860. 5 cts chestnut (Type I), four stamps. NEW ORLEANS to BARCELONA. C.d.s. NEW ORLEANS with "PAID", on front NEW YORK transit mark and arrival handstruck "4 Rs". VERY FINE AND SUPERB FRANKING. 934 21 140 € 1866. 5 ctvs chestnut. BOSTON (USA) to CADIZ (SPAIN). "Fancy" cancel and on front transit mark LONDON / PAID and hansdtruck "8 R" (reales), applied on arrival and straight line "LISTA". VERY FINE AND RARE. 935 22 120 € 1869. 10 ctvs green (light crease). NEW ORLEANS (USA) to BARCELONA. "Fancy" cancel and c.d.s. NEW ORLEANS / LA, on front postmark "PAID-ONLY / TO ENGLAND" and on reverse transit and arrival marks. FINE. 936 25 225 € 1861. 30 cts orange (negligible defect). NEW YORK to SAN SEBASTIAN, circulated by the French post on the Asia paquebot. Red circular grid cancel and on front datestamp NEW / PAID / YORK, French ambulante ETATS-UNIS / SERV.BRIT.CALAIS and spanish handstruck "8 Rs" (reales). VERY FINE AND VERY RARE. 937 31 30 € 1870. 3 ctvos ultramarine. CINCINNATI to NEW YORK. Duplex cancel CINCINNATI, blue. VERY FINE. 111 iberphil AUCTIONS Philippines U.S. Administration 938 59 2.000 € 1880. 25 cts light blue. HAVANA to NEW YORK (USA), reexpedited to WESTMORELAND, applying 3 ctvs green franking from the US. Duplex cancel NEW YORK / P.O. EXTRAORDINARY AND EXTREMELY RARE MIXED FRANKING. United States Airmail 939 1/3 Complete set. VERY FINE. Yvert 2014: 165€ 30 € 941 204A, 210A 120 € 1926. 2 ctvos green on Postal Stationery card by Airmail from APARRI to MANILA, with complementary franking of 2 ctvos green and 12 ctvos orange. On reverse postmark RAID MADRID-MANILA and MADRID TO MANILA FLIGHT / ACCOMPLISHED BY / SPANISH AVIATORS. VERY FINE AND RARE. 942 204A, 208A, Aéreo 16 30 € 1929. 2 ctvos green, 10 ctvos blue and 4 ctvos carmine. Airmail from MANILA to TAYABAS. On front purple postmark FIRST FLIGHT / CAPT. CALVO / MANILA-LOPEZ and on reverse arrival mark. VERY FINE. 940 13/15 450 € 1930. Complete set, three covers addressed to the USA, all with purple postmark FIRST EUROPE PAN-AMERICA / ROUND FLIGHT / GRAF ZEPPELIN. VERY FINE AND RARE. Yvert 2014: 1600€ 112 943 204s,205s,227/28,237, Aéreo 17 60 € 1932. 2 ctvos green IMPERFORATE in blocks of four, 4 ctvos carmine IMPERFORATE, 2 ctvs, 4 ctvs, 18 ctvs and 6 ctvos purple (L.O.F.). Airmail from MANILA to HOILO. On front purple postmark F.REIN Y LORING / MADRID MANILA FLIER, on reverse arrival postmark. VERY FINE AND RARE. I N T E R N AT I O N A L A U C T I O N 944 205A, 206A(2) 40 € 1929. 4 ctvos carmine and 6 ctvos purple, two stamps. Airmail from MANILA to TAYABAS. On front purple mark FIRST FLIGHT / CAPT. CALVO / MANILA-LOPEZ, and aviator signature and arrival mark on reverse. VERY FINE. 1 - 2 JULIO 2015 948 253 90 € 1936. 16 ctvos blue. Airmail from MANILA to MADRID. On front purple postmark PIONEER FILIPINO / OVERSEAS FLIGHT and VIA ARNAIZ-CALVO FLIGHT and on reverse transit and arrival cancels. VERY FINE AND RARE. 945 205A(2), 207A 30 € 1929. 4 ctvos carmine, two stamps and 8 ctvos chestnut (lightly toned). Airmail from MANILA to TAYABAS. On front purple postmark FIRST FLIGHT / CAPT. CALVO / MANILA-LOPEZ and aviator signature, on reverse arrival cancel. VERY FINE. 946 214A 50 € 1926. 20 ctvos yellow. Airmail from APARRI to MANILA. On front postmark MADRID TO MANILA FLIGHT / ACCOMPLISHED BY / SPANISH AVIATORS, on reverse postmark RAID MADRID-MANILA. VERY FINE AND RARE. 949 262, 269/70, 272(3), 289 35 € 1938. 2 ctvos over 4 ctvos red, 6 ctvos over 12 ctvos orange and different values. Registered cover from TALISAY (PHILIPPINES) to LA LAGUNA (CANARY ISLANDS, SPAIN) (some moth holes). On reverse purple vignette SELLO DE / PROPAGANDA MISIONAL and several transit marks. FINE AND RARE. 947 253 60 € 1936. 16 ctvos blue. Airmail from LAOAG to MADRID. On front purple mark PIONEER FILIPINO / OVERSEAS FLIGHT and VIA ARNAIZ-CALVO FLIGHT and on reverse transit and arrival marks. VERY FINE AND RARE. 950 10 90 € 1926. 30 ctvos grey. Airmail addressed to MANILA. On front postmark RAID MADRID-MANILA, on reverse blue postmark MADRID TO MANILA FLIGHT / ACCOMPLISHED BY / SPANISH AVIATORS. VERY FINE AND RARE. 113 iberphil AUCTIONS 951 15(2), 16(3) 40 € 1929. 2 ctvos green, two stamps and 4 ctvos carmine, three stamps. Airmail from MANILA to TAYABAS. On front purple postmark FIRST FLIGHT / CAPT. CALVO / MANILA-LOPEZ and aviator signature. VERY FINE. 952 USA 123, 124 30 € 1899. (February-28th-1899). 1 ctvo green and 4 ctvos chestnut. Private Postal Card illustrated "The Battle of Cavite", from MANILA to LOTTSTETTEN (Germany). On front transit HONG KONG and arrival. VERY FINE. 957 20 € (1780ca). Frontal de GUATEMALA a LLANOS DE SANTA ROSA (pequeña rotura, sin importancia). Marcas DIRN. GRAL / DEL TABACO / DE GUATEMª y lineal GUATEMALA, en negro (P.E.2) edición 2004. MAGNIFICA Y RARA CIRCULADA EN EL PERIODO COLONIAL. 958 30 € (1810ca). Frontal de GUATEMALA a LEON (NICARAGUA). Marca VIVA F.VII / GUATEMALA, en negro (con la corona real) (P.E.4) edición 2004. MAGNIFICA. 959 25 € (1817ca). GUATEMALA a CIUDAD REAL. Marca VIVA F.VII / GUATEMALA (P.E.4) edición 2004 (sin fechar, no podemos asegurar que se haya utilizado durante el Periodo Colonial). MAGNIFICA Y RARA. 953 USA 111, 112 40 € 1899. (February-11th-1899). 2 ctvos pink and 3 ctvos purple. Private Postal Card illustrated "Recuerdo de Filipinas", from MANILA to LOTTSTETTEN (Germany). On front c.d.s. LIGNE N / PAQ.FR. Nº10 and arrival cancel. VERY FINE AND RARE. Guatemala Prephilately 954 50 € (1818ca). Plica Judicial de ANTIGUA GUATEMALA a GUATEMALA. Marca A GUATEMALA, en negro (P.E.2) edición 2004 (sin fechar, no podemos asegurar que se haya utilizado durante el Periodo Colonial). MAGNIFICA Y MUY RARA. 955 60 € (1798ca). Frontal de CHIQUIMULA a GUATEMALA. Marca CHIQUI / MULA, en tinta de escribir (P.E.1) edición 2004 (uso colonial, ya que esta marca sólo se utilizó hasta 1806). MAGNIFICA Y MUY RARA. 956 50 € (1803ca). Frente de Plica Judicial de CIUDAD REAL a GUATEMALA. Marca CIUDAD / REAL. (P.E.2) edición 2004 y porteo manuscrito "32". MAGNIFICA Y RARA, CIRCULADA EN EL PERIODO COLONIAL Y ESPECIALMENTE CON ORIGEN EN GUATEMALA. 960 45 € (1817ca). Frontal de GUATEMALA a CIUDAD REAL. Marca VIVA F.VII / GUATEMALA, en rojo (P.E.4) edición 2004 y marca DIRN.GRAL. / DEL TABACO / DE GUATEMª (con corona real, lo que indica que circuló durante el Periodo Colonial). MAGNIFICA Y RARA. 961 50 € (1820ca). Frente de Plica Judicial de ESCUINTLA a GUATEMALA. Marca ESCUINTA, en tinta de escribir (igual a la utilizada durante el Periodo Colonial). MAGNIFICA. 114 I N T E R N AT I O N A L A U C T I O N 962 30 € 1820. GUATEMALA a SAN SALVADOR. Marca GUATEMALA, en negro (P.E.2) edición 2004. MAGNIFICA. 963 35 € (1821ca). GUATEMALA a CHIQUIMULA. Marca GUATEMALA, en negro (P.E.2) edición 2004 (circulada en época independiente, se refleja en la eliminación de la corona de la marca). MAGNIFICA. 1 - 2 JULIO 2015 967 60 € (1804ca). TEGUCIGALPA a GUATEMALA. Marca TEGU / SIGAPA, en sepia (P.E.1) edición 2004. MAGNIFICA Y MUY RARA, CIRCULADA EN EL PERIODO COLONIAL. 964 60 € 1835. IZABAL a GUATEMALA. Marca YZAVAL (igual que la catalogada durante el periodo colonial P.E.2 edición 2004) y porteo "2". MAGNIFICA Y MUY RARA. 968 75 € (1811ca). TRUJILLO a GUATEMALA. Marca TRUXILLO, en tinta de escribir (P.E.2) edición 2004 y porteo manuscrito "4". MAGNIFICA Y MUY RARA. Honduras 965 90 € (1820ca). Frente de Plica Judicial de MAZATENANGO a GUATEMALA. Marcas JUZGADO / DE 1ª YNST / DE / SUCHITEPEQUEZ y FRANQUEADO / MAZATENANGO (P.E.5) edición 2004. MAGNIFICA Y RARISIMA. Honduras Prephilately 969 49, 55 40 € 1892. 10 ctvos verde y 75 ctvos carmín. Certificado con Acuse de Recibo de TEGUCIGALPA a BIENNE (SUIZA), circulada vía Nueva York. Matasello OFICINA DE CERTIFICADOS / TEGUCIGALPA HONDURAS y marca A.R. (sobre los sellos). MAGNIFICA. 966 65 € (1804ca). Frontal de OLANCHO VIEJO a COMAYAGUA. Marca OLAN / CHO, en tinta de escribir (P.E.1) edición 2004. MAGNIFICA Y EXTRAORDINARIAMENTE RARA. 115 iberphil AUCTIONS Mexico Prephilately 970 1.000 € 1802. Frontal de Certificado de GUADALAJARA a MEXICO. Marcas CERTIFICADO EN GUADALAXARA / DE NUEVA ESPAÑA / EL 24 DE AGOSTO DE 1802 y FRANQUEADO EN / GUADALAXARA, ambas en rojo (P.E.8 y P.E.9) edición 2004, "Cruces en las esquinas" y "Recibí", al dorso tal y como era preceptivo en el correo certificado. MAGNIFICO Y EXTRAORDINARIAMENTE RARO, ESPECIALMENTE EN EL PERIODO COLONIAL. 973 500 € 1817. Frontal de Certificado de MEXICO a TUXTLA. Marcas CERTIFICACION A MEXICO / SALIO EN 18 DE JUNIO DE 1817, FRANCO / EN MEXICO y R. / YNTENDENCIA / DE MEXICO, todas en negro (P.E.13 y P.E.16) edición 2004. MAGNIFICO Y EXTRAORDINARIAMENTE RARO CERTIFICADO CIRCULADO DURANTE EL PERIODO COLONIAL. 974 75 € 1854. MEXICO to SAN SEBASTIAN (SPAIN). On reverse blue carrying mark ENCAMINADA POR SS. SS. / J.J. DE URIBARREN AND Cº / PARIS, handstruck "4 reales". VERY FINE AND RARE. 971 150 € (1809ca). MERIDA DE YUCATAN (MEJICO) a CADIZ. Marca FRANCO / MERIDA, en negro (P.E.7) edición 2004 y manuscrito "Franca" y "Bergn. Ferndo.7º", este barco estuvo operativo entre 1809 y 1817, por lo que podemos asegurar que la marca es aplicada durante el periodo Colonial Español. MAGNIFICA Y RARISIMA. Mexico 975 4b 150 € 1860. 4 reales rojo BISECTADO. MORELIA a MEXICO. Matasello FRANCO / MORELIA (Schatzkes 901). MAGNIFICA Y RARA.Yvert 2010: 600€ 972 180 € (1808ca). Frontal de MEXICO a NUEVA GUATEMALA. Marca FRANCO / MEXICO (P.E.12) edición 2004 (aunque sin fecha, podemos asegurar que la marca está aplicada durante el Periodo Colonial, ya que va dirigida a Don Simón de Bergaño y Villegas, un importante escritor guatemalteco que fue oficial de la Capitanía General de Guatemala y falleció en 1808). MAGNIFICA Y RARISIMA. 976 22B 70 € 1866. 4 reales verde "cifras de distrito pequeñas". SAN LUIS DE POTOSI a HACIENDA DEL CARRO. Matasello CORREOS / S.L. POTOSI (Schatzkes 1446). MAGNIFICA. 116 I N T E R N AT I O N A L A U C T I O N 977 22B 150 € 1865. 4 reales verde. MEXICO a BARCELONA. En el frente marca ADMON DE CAMBIO / 4 Rs / VIGO y fechador VIGO / PONTEVEDRA. MAGNIFICA Y RARA.Yvert 2010: 600€ 1 - 2 JULIO 2015 981 50, 51 50 € 1872. 12 ctvos blue and 25 ctvos red. MEXICO to MADRID. MEXICO c.d.s., on front manuscript "Por el paquete inglés" and handstruck "8R" (reales), applied on arrival. VERY FINE 978 20, 21(3) 750 € 1864. 1 real azul y dos reales naranja, pareja y sello suelto. ORIZAVA a PUEBLA. Matasello ADMON PRAL DE CORREOS / ORIZAVA. MAGNIFICA Y ESPECTACULAR FRANQUEO, MUY BONITA COMBINACION DE DOS COLORES DE LA EMISION DE LAS AGUILAS. 982 * 89 20 cts blue and carmine. VERY FINE. Yvert 2010: 600€ 979 49(4) 75 € 1872. 6 ctvos verde, dos parejas. SAN ANDRES TUXTLA a VERACRUZ (cartas con ciertas erosiones hábilmente reparadas). Matasello SN. ANDS. TUXTLA (Schatzkes 1772). BONITA Y RARA. 980 50I(3) 50 € 1872. 12 ctvos azul claro, tira de tres (el tercer sello con la sobrecarga omitida). CORDOBA a VERACRUZ. Matasello oval CORDOBA y marcas "O" sobre los sellos. MAGNIFICA. 100 € 983 460, Aéreo 24 40 € 1929. 1 ctvo castaño y 20 ctvos gris violeta. MEXICO a TAMPICO. Matasello SEMANA AEREA / MEXICO D.F., en el frente marca SEMANA AEREA / MEXICO D.F., en violeta (Muller 47). MAGNIFICA. 984 2.000 € (1840ca). Superb ensemble of the Postal History of Mexico between 1840 and 1929, containing forteen pre-philatelic covers, fiftythree franked covers, fortyfive Postal Stationery cards circulated and fiftyfive mint Postal Stationery cards, with some variety, including twentytwo covers of the first emissions, together with some covers of Sonora, multiples franking on cover and on Postal Stationery and some registered covers. IT´S ESSENTIAL TO EXAM AS IT´S A IDEAL ENSEMBLE FOR SPECIALISTS. 117 iberphil AUCTIONS Mexico French Post Office 985 56 600 € 1877. 10 ctvos black. VERACRUZ to GENOA, circulated by the French post service. On front octogonal datestamp VERA-CRUZ / PAQ.FR.B. Nº4 and taxed on arrival with "14" (decimas) paid in full with Italian due stamps of 40 c and 1 Lira. VERY FINE AND RARE. 986 57, Francia 38(2) 1.000 € 1877. France stamps of 10 cts black and 40 cts orange two stamps. VERACRUZ to HAVANA. Octogonal datestamp cancel MEXIQUE/ 1*1, on reverse c.d.s. LIGNE B / PAQ.FR.Nº4. VERY FINE AND RARE MIXED FRANKING. Nicaragua Prephilately 987 50 € (1800ca). Frente de Plica Judicial de GRANADA a LEON. Marca GRA / NADA, en tinta de escribir (P.E.1) edición 2004 y porteo "11" manuscrito. MAGNIFICA Y RARA. 988 35 € (1819ca). Frontal de GRANADA a NUEVA GUATEMALA. Marca GRA / NADA, en tinta de escribir (P.E.1) edición 2004. MAGNIFICA Y RARA. 989 BID (1819ca). Frontal de LEON a NICARAGUA. Marca LEON, en azul (P.E.2) edición 2004 (igual a la utilizada durante el Periodo Colonial). BONITO Y RARO. 118 990 60 € (1806ca). Frontal de NICARAGUA (actual Rivas) a LEON. Marca NICARAGUA, en azul (P.E.1) edición 2004. MAGNIFICO Y EXTRAORDINARIAMENTE RARA MARCA QUE SOLO SE UTILIZO EN 1806. 991 40 € 1808. Frontal de NICARAGUA (actual Rivas) a LEON. Marca NICARAGUA, en tinta de escribir (P.E.1) edición 2004. MAGNIFICA Y MUY RARA. 992 30 € (1812ca). Frontal (sin fecha) de MANAGUA a LEON. Marca MANAGUA (P.E.2) edición 2004. MAGNIFICO Y MUY RARO. 993 600 € (1810ca). Frente de Plica Judicial de EL REALEJO a GUATEMALA. Marca V.LEXO (estampada dos veces), en tinta de escribir y manuscrito del Administrador de Correos "Franca Plazaola" (P.E.1 y P.E.2) edición 2004 (no se conocen cartas fechadas). MAGNIFICO Y UNICA PIEZA CONOCIDA CON LA REFERENCIA A CORREO LIBRE DE PORTE, REFERENCIADA EN LA OBRA DE TIZON. 994 45 € 1812. Frontal de LEON a GRANADA. Marca LEON, en azul (P.E.2) edición 2004. MAGNIFICA Y RARA. 995 45 € (1815ca). Frontal de MANAGUA a LEON. Marca MANAGUA (P.E.2) edición 2004 (igual a la utilizada durante el Periodo Colonial). MAGNIFICA Y RARA. 996 60 € (1802ca). Frontal (sin fecha) de MASAYA a LEON. Marca MAYAYA, en tinta de escribir (P.E.1) edición 2004 (utilizada sólo en el periodo colonial). MAGNIFICO Y RARISIMO. I N T E R N AT I O N A L A U C T I O N Paraguay War 997 50 € (1802ca). Frontal (sin fecha) de MASAYA a LEON. Marca MAYAYA, en tinta de escribir (P.E.1) edición 2004 (utilizada sólo en el periodo colonial). MAGNIFICO Y RARISIMO. 998 50 € (1814ca). Frontal de NICARAGUA a LEON. Marca NICARAGUA, en tinta de escribir (P.E.1) edición 2004 (igual a la utilizada durante el Periodo Colonial). MAGNIFICO. Paraguay Bibliography 999 15 € CATALOGO DE LOS SELLOS POSTALES DE LA REPUBLICA DE PARAGUAY Y SUS DERIVADOS, including prints. Victor Kneitschel. Buenos Aires, 1947. Paraguay Prephilately 1000 30 € (1790ca). ASUNCION a BUENOS AIRES. Marca PARAGVAY, en rojo (P.E.1) edición 2004. MAGNIFICA Y MUY RARA. of the 1 - 2 JULIO 2015 Triple Alliance 1002 Argentina 18 500 € 1869. 5 ctvos rojo sello de Argentina. ASUNCION a BUENOS AIRES (circulada durante la ocupación de Asunción por tropas Brasileñas y Uruguayas, poco antes de la formación del Gobierno Provisional o Triunvirato en Agosto de 1869). MAGNIFICA Y RARISIMA CARTA DE LA GUERRA DE LA TRIPLE ALIANZA. 1003 500 € 1869. 5 ctvos rojo de Argentina. HUMAITA a BUENOS AIRES (circulada durante los últimos años de la Triple Alianza que terminó en los primeros meses de 1870). Matasello Parrilla romboidal "H", de Humaita y encaminada por los agentes SANDINI Y BORDELLI. MAGNIFICA Y EXTRAORDINARIAMENTE RARA. Paraguay 1004 352, 354A(2), Aéreos 88A, 96 50 € 1939. 3 pesos purple (on reverse), 10 pesos blue, two stamps (one on reverse), 102 pesos orange and 65 pesos on 102 pesos (on reverse). Cover of the Condor Company from ASUNCION (PARAGUAY) to MURCIA (SPAIN). C.d.s.TRANSMISION DEL MANDO / PRESIDENCIAL AL GENERAL / JOSE F. ESTIGARRIBIA / 15 DE AGOSTO DE 1939, on reverse arrival cancel. VERY FINE AND RARE. Peru Bibliography 1001 60 € 1854. ASUNCION a BUENOS AIRES. Marca ADMON GRAL / DE / CORREOS / DE LA R. DEL P., en rojo. MAGNIFICA ESTAMPACION Y MUY RARA EN ESTA CALIDAD. 1005 70 € HISTORIA FILATELICA DE LA GUERRA DEL PACIFICO. PERU-CHILE 1879-1883. Angel Puppo. Lima 1935. 1006 50 € PEROU OBLITERATIONS POSTALES 1857 a 1873. Georges Lamy et Jacques-Andre Rinck. Lyon, 1964. (copy Nº108) Peru Prephilately 1007 BID 1791. Dos documentos de la GUIA DE CORRESPONDENCIA DEL CORREO, de las rutas de Valdivia y Cuzco, firmadas por José Antonio de Pando se trata del primer Administrador General de la Real Renta de Correos de Perú. MAGNIFICOS Y MUY RAROS. Ex-Gálvez Naranjo. 119 iberphil AUCTIONS 1008 120 € (1807ca). Conjunto de dos documentos, una certificación sobre el correo de encomiendas y una orden de pago de Giro Postal del Administrador de Puno al de Salta, ambas firmadas por el Administrador de Correos de Puno, el documento de Giro tiene la marca RENTA / DE CORREOS, en rojo (podría tratarse de la única pieza conocida). MAGNIFICOS Y RAROS DOCUMENTOS DEL PERIODO COLONIAL. 1009 50 € (1821ca). CHACHAPOYAS a CAJAMARCA. Marca CHACHAPS. (P.E.2) edición 2004 (sin fechar, no podemos asegurar que se haya utilizado durante el Periodo Colonial). MAGNIFICA Y RARISIMA. 1016 150 € 1829. TRUJILLO a LIMA. Marcas TRUJILLO / FRANCA y CERTIFICADO, "Cruces de tinta", en las esquinas y en su interior "Recibí", del destinatario (ambas características del correo certificado) e indicación manuscrita de la tarifa "12" (reales) de porte y "8" (reales), correspondientes al derecho de certificado. MAGNIFICA Y RARA. Peru 1010 120 € (1821ca). JAUJA a AYACUCHO. Marca JAVJA (P.E.2) edición 2004 (sin fechar, no podemos asegurar que se haya utilizado durante el Periodo Colonial). MAGNIFICA Y RARISIMA. 1011 60 € (1810ca). Frontal de JULI a PUNO. Marca JULI (P.E.1) edición 2004 (según Colareta esta marca solo se utilizó durante el Periodo Colonial). MAGNIFICA Y EXTRAORDINARIAMENTE RARA. 1012 30 € 1830. LAMBAYEQUE a TRUJILLO. Marca LAMBAEQUE (débil estampación) (igual a la utilizada durante el Periodo Colonial). MAGNIFICA Y MUY RARA. 1013 25 € 1849. PASCO a LIMA. Marca PASCO, en azul (Colareta 1). MAGNIFICA. 1014 25 € 1834.TACNA a AREQUIPA. Marcas TACNA y FRANCA, en rojo (iguales a las utilizadas durante el Periodo Colonial). MAGNIFICA. 1017 50 € 1870. 1 dinero verde. LIMA a LYON (FRANCIA). Matasello LIMA, en azul y en el frente marca de intercambio Franco-Británica GB / 1F 90 C, ambulante francés y porteo "12", al dorso fechador CALLAO de la Agencia Postal Británica. MAGNIFICA E INUSUAL CARTA DIRIGIDA A EUROPA. 1018 * 15(6) 750 € 1 pts orange, strip of six. Variety COIL JOINT, affecting two stamps. VERY FINE AND EXTREMELY RARE, ONLY ONE STRIP MINT OF THE SAME SIZE IS KNOWN, OF THE COLLECCTION KLAUS EITNER AND IT WAS BELIEVED TO BE THE ONLY EXISTING ONE. THIS IS CLEARY MORE SUPERB AND HAVE BETTER QUALITY. Puerto Rico Prephilately 1015 150 € 1829. Frontal de Certificado (incluyendo parte posterior de la envuelta) de TRUJILLO a LIMA. Marcas TRUJILLO / FRANCA y CERTIFICADO, ambas en rojo y "Cruces de tinta" en las esquinas y al dorso "Recibí" del destinatario, tal y como era preceptivo en el correo certificado (porte de 3 ½ reales para una distancia de 100 a 200 leguas, según tarifa de 1826, más cuatro reales de derechos de certificado para un peso de hasta 1 onza). MAGNIFICO Y MUY RARO. 120 1019 450 € 1828. SAN JUAN a MADRID. Marca PT. RICO / FRANCO, en negro (P.E.9) edición 2004. MAGNIFICA Y RARISIMA, ESPECIALMENTE CON ESTA EXCEPCIONAL CALIDAD. I N T E R N AT I O N A L A U C T I O N 1020 450 € 1828. SAN JUAN a MADRID. Marca PUERTO-RICO, en negro (66 mm x 7 mm). MAGNIFICA Y EXTRAORDINARIAMENTE RARA, NO RESEÑADA EN LA OBRA DE TIZON. 1 - 2 JULIO 2015 1024 Ant.7 90 € 1858. MANATY a PUEBLA DEL DEAN, circulada vía Inglaterra. En el frente fechador ADMON GRAL. / PUERTO RICO, en azul y marca PAID / AT / SAN JUAN PORTO RICO. MAGNIFICA Y RARO ORIGEN, LA MAYORIA TIENEN SU ORIGEN EN SAN JUAN DE PUERTO-RICO Y EN MENOR PROPORCION EN PONCE. Puerto Rico 1021 Ant.4 60 € 1857. ½ real verde azul LINEAS CRUZADAS. PONCE a VALLADOLID. En el frente fechador PONCE / PUERTO RICO. MAGNIFICA. 1022 Ant.5 450 € 1862. 1 real verde LINEAS CRUZADAS. MAYAGÜEZ a RIVADEO. En el frente fechador P. DE MAYAGUEZ / PUERTO RICO (Tipo I), y marcas FRANCO, en azul (de uso general) y PAID / AT / SAN JUAN PORTO RICO, en rojo y al dorso fechador PORTO-RICO, de la Agencia Postal Británica. MAGNIFICA Y MUY RARA COMBINACION DE MARCAS. Cert. HOLCOMBE. 1023 Ant.5 60 € 1860. 1 real verde LINEAS CRUZADAS. SAN JUAN a CADIZ. En el frente fechador ADMON. GRAL / PUERTO-RICO, en azul y porteo "1 RL" (real) a la llegada. MAGNIFICA. 1025 Ant.7(2) 175 € 1856. ½ real azul, dos sellos. PUERTO RICO a RIVADEO, circulada vía Inglaterra. En el frente baeza ISLA DE / PTO. RICO, marca PAID / AT / SAN JUAN PORTO RICO y tasa manuscrita "5/-" (shillings). MAGNIFICA Y RARO USO DE DOBLE PORTE. 1026 Ant.7 40 € 1860. ½ real azul. JUNCOS a SAN JUAN. En el frente fechador JUNCOS / PUERTO RICO, al dorso tránsito CAGUAS / PUERTO RICO, en azul. MAGNIFICA. 1027 Ant.7A(2) 300 € 1864. ½ real azul oscuro PLANCHA LIMPIADA, pareja. PONCE a CENTURI (CORCEGA), circulada vía Inglaterra. En el frente fechador PONCE / PUERTO RICO, en azul y marca de intercambio Franco-Británica G.B. / 1F.60C, ambulante francés y tasa manuscrita "8", al dorso diversos tránsitos y llegada. MAGNIFICA Y RARISIMO DESTINO. 1028 Ant.7 1.500 € 1864. 1 sh verde. MANCHESTER a SAN JUAN (PUERTO RICO). A la llegada se aplica un sello de Antillas de ½ real azul de 1857 (un margen justo sin importancia), para cubrir el porte español (además marca ½ en el frente). MAGNIFICA Y ESPECTACULAR, MUY RARO FRANQUEO MIXTO. Cert. B.P.A. 121 iberphil AUCTIONS 1029 Ant.7 120 € 1858. ½ real azul. SAN JUAN a RIVADEO. En el frente fechador ADMON GRAL. / PUERTO RICO, en azul y marca PAID / AT / SAN JUAN PORTO RICO, de la Agencia Postal Británica y al dorso fechador doble arco SAN JUAN-PORTO-RICO y llegada. MAGNIFICA Y RARA. 1032 Francia 23(8) 2.000 € 1866. 40 cts orange, two blocks (franked on reverse). SAN JUAN (PUERTO-RICO) to CADIZ. On front blue octogonal date stamp ST.JEAN DEPORTO-RICO (Salles 1368), manuscript handstruck "4" and spanish due "16 R" (reales), on reverse c.d.s. LIGNE-B. / PAQ.FR.Nº4 (Salles 1431/4) and postmark LISTA, from Cadiz applied in arrival. VERY NICE AND EXTRAORDINARY FRANKING OF QUADRUPLE RATE. ONE OF THE MOST IMPORTANT OF THE FRENCH POST OFFICE IN PUERTO RICO. 1030 Ant.15 60 € 1868. 40 cts rosa. SAN JUAN a MALAGA. En el frente marcas VIA DE YNGLATERRA, en azul y FRANCO, en negro y al dorso fechador PUERTO RICO, de la Agencia Postal Británica y llegada. MAGNIFICA. 1031 Ant.22 1.500 € 1872. 1 sh verde. MANCHESTER a SAN JUAN (PUERTO RICO). A la llegada se aplica un sello de 25 cts ultramar de 1871, para cubrir el porte español (además marca en el frente "1" (Real)). MAGNIFICA Y ESPECTACULAR, RARISIMO FRANQUEO MIXTO. 1033 180 € 1854. PUERTO RICO a MADRID. Marca PAID / AT / SAN JUAN PORTO RICO, circulada vía Inglaterra, donde se aplica la tasa "£1/5-" (libra-shilling), a la llegada se tasa con "200 Rs" (reales). MAGNIFICA Y RARISIMA, SIN DUDA UNO DE LOS MAYORES PORTEOS CONOCIDOS PROCEDENTES DE PUERTO-RICO. 1034 90 € 1855. PUERTO RICO a CADIZ. Marca PAID / AT / SAN JUAN PORTO RICO y porteo británico "2/-" (shillings) y español "4 R" (reales), a la llegada. MAGNIFICA. 122 I N T E R N AT I O N A L A U C T I O N 1035 150 € 1861. HUMACAO (PUERTO-RICO) a NUEVA YORK (U.S.A.). Marca PAID / AT / SAN JUAN PORTO RICO, en rojo de la Agencia Postal Británica y fechador de tránsito BOSTON / 5, al dorso tránsito ST. THOMAS. MAGNIFICA Y RARA. 1 - 2 JULIO 2015 1039 100 € (1796ca). SAN SALVADOR a GUATEMALA. Marca SAN / SALVADOR, en tinta de escribir (P.E.1) edición 2004. MAGNIFICA ESTAMPACION Y RARA. 1040 40 € (1796ca). SAN SALVADOR a SAN VICENTE. Marca SAN / SALVADOR, en tinta de escribir (P.E.1) edición 2004. MAGNIFICA Y RARA. 1036 750 € 1861. SAINT THOMAS (ANTILLAS DANESAS) a FAJARDO (PUERTO-RICO). Marcas PAID / AT / ST.THOMAS, en rojo de la Agencia Postal Británica y lineal S.TOMAS, en azul (P.E.30) edición 2004. MAGNIFICA Y RARISIMA COMBINACION DE MARCAS. Salvador Prephilately 1041 500 € 1784. SAN SALVADOR a GUATEMALA (carta completa). Marca SAN / SALVADOR, estampada doblemente y en tinta de escribir (P.E.1) edición 2004. MAGNIFICA Y EXTRAORDINARIAMENTE RARA, SE TRATA DE LA CARTA MAS ANTIGUA CONOCIDA CON LA MARCA POSTAL DE LA INTENDENCIA DE SAN SALVADOR, SIN DUDA PIEZA DE GRAN IMPORTANCIA HISTORICA. 1037 400 € 1808. AHUACHAPAN a GUATEMALA. Marca AHUACHAPAN, en sepia (P.E.1) edición 2004. MAGNIFICA Y RARISIMA CIRCULADA EN EL PERIODO COLONIAL, ESPECIALMENTE EN EL SALVADOR. 1038 50 € (1800ca). SAN MIGUEL a GUATEMALA. Marca SAN / MIGUEL, en tinta de escribir (P.E.1) edición 2004 y porteo manuscrito "4". MAGNIFICA Y MUY RARA. 1042 125 € 1805. SANTA ANA a GUATEMALA. Marca SANTA / ANA (P.E.3) edición 2004. MAGNIFICA Y ESPECTACULAR ESTAMPACION, MUY RARA CIRCULADA EN EL PERIODO COLONIAL, ESPECIALMENTE EN EL SALVADOR. 1043 50 € (1801ca). Frontal de SONSONATE a GUATEMALA. Marca SON / SONATE, en tinta de escribir (P.E.1) edición 2004. MAGNIFICA Y MUY RARA. 123 iberphil AUCTIONS Salvador 1046 ** 449/58(4) 50 € Complete set, except 35 cts and 1 colon, blocks of four. Overprint SPECIMEN / WATERLOW AND SONS LTD and variety TRIAL COLOR. VERY FINE. 1047 ** 460/62(4) 25 € Complete set, blocks of four. Overprint SPECIMEN / WATERLOW AND SONS LTD. VERY FINE. Venezuela Bibliography 1044 2, 4, 12 3.500 € 1880. 1 real rojo, 4 reales bistre y 10 ctvos negro (tonalizado). Sobre Personal del Presidente Rafael Zaldivar de EL SALVADOR a PARIS. Matasello CIRCULOS CONCENTRICOS, en el frente fechador CORREOS DE SAN SALVADOR y octogonal *PANAMA-UNION* / PAQ.F. Nº1, en rojo (año invertido y rarísimo). MAGNIFICO Y ESPECTACULAR Y EXTRAORDINARIAMENTE RARO FRANQUEO DE LA PRIMERA Y SEGUNDA EMISION DE EL SALVADOR, PIEZA DE ENORME IMPORTANCIA E INTERES. 1048 BID Three books as a whole related to the Venezuelan philately: "LES EMISSIONS POSTALES DU VENEZUELA", Georges Brunel, 1931, "ORIGENES DE LAS DOS PRIMERAS EMISIONES DE LAS ESTAMPILLAS DE CORREO DE VENEZUELA", Dr Santiago Hernandez Ron, 1956 and "MARCAS PREFILATELICAS Y ANULACIONES POSTALES EN LAS ESTAMPILLAS CLASICAS DE VENEZUELA", Adrian Hernandez Baño, (1975ca). 1049 30 € ESTAMPILLAS CLASICAS DE VENEZUELA. Dr. Santiago Hernández Ron. Publicaciones del Banco Industrial de Venezuela, Caracas 1967. Venezuela Prephilately 1050 50 € 1838. CARACAS a LONDRES. Marca REPUB. DE COLOMBIA / GUAYRA / FRANCA, en rojo y al dorso marca del encaminador LA GUAYRA 14 DE ABRIL DE / RECIBIDA Y DIRIGIDA / POR / VALENTIN SALBOCH Y Cª, y llegada. MAGNIFICA. 1045 **/* 317(20) 200 € 1 ctvo green and black, complete sheet of twenty stamps (usual conservation). DOUBLE AND INVERTED OVERPRINT. FINE AND VERY RARE, SPECTACULAR. 124 1051 75 € 1840. CARACAS a LONDRES. Marca REPUBLICA DE COLOMBIA / GUAYRA / FRANCA, en rojo y porteo manuscrito "2/3", al dorso marca del encaminador LA GUAYRA 25 DE AGTO DE 1840 / RECIBIDA Y DIRIGIDA / POR / VALENTIN SALBOCH Y Cª. MAGNIFICA Y MUY RARA, MUY ESPECTACULAR. I N T E R N AT I O N A L A U C T I O N 1 - 2 JULIO 2015 1052 40 € 1848. LA GUAYRA a LONDRES, circulada por el correo británico. Marca CORREO DE VENEZUELA / GUAIRA / FRANCA, en rojo. MAGNIFICA Y RARA. Venezuela Postal Fiscal Stamp 1056 180 € 1875. MARACAIBO to GENOA (ITALY), and readdressed to SANTA MARGARITA. Taxed on arrival with two Italian due stamps of 1 lira, on front octogonal datestamp PORTO CABELLO / * and blue postmark F*56. VERY FINE AND VERY RARE. Spain French Post Office 1053 25, Correo 26 75 € 1881. Sello de Escuelas de 25 cts amarillo y sobre este sello, el 25 cts amarillo de correo ordinario. CARACAS a PARIS. En el frente fechador octogonal VENEZUELA / LIGNE.A.PAQ.FR. Nº1 (el sello fiscal solo se podía utilizar postalmente para el correo interno y no fue aceptado para su uso en una carta dirigida a Europa, y por ello se aplicó un sello de correo ordinario del mismo valor). MAGNIFICA Y MUY RARA. Venezuela French Post Office 1057 160 6.500 € 1875. CARACAS to AINHOA (FRANCE). Circulated through the French Post with two stamps of 30 cts chestnut and one 40 cts orange (deteriorated being used as closure) and sent to the forwarding agent Labadens it then sent through Elizondo, where the 50 cts green Carlist stamp is applied, to continue to destination. VERY FINE AN EXTRAORDINARY RARE, ONLY TWO LETTERS KNOWN WITH MIXED FRENCH-CARLIST FRANKING, WITH ORIGIN IN AMERICA. Cert. CEM. 1054 Francia 32 175 € 1871. 80 cts pink. LA GUAIRA to MALAGA (SPAIN). Lozenge anchor cancel and on front octogonal date stamp LA GUAYRA / * and "4" (reales) spanish handstruck, on reverse c.d.s. LIGNE L / PAQ.FR.Nº1 from the steamboat Ville de Saint Nazaire. VERY NICE AND RARE. 1055 53(2), 55(2), 57/(2) 500 € 1875. 5 cts green, pair, 15 cts bistre brown, pair and 80 cts pink, pair. LA GUAYRA to MALAGA (SPAIN). Lozenge anchor cancel, on front manuscript "Via francesa" and spanish handstruck "8Rs" (reales), on reverse c.d.s. LIGNE A / PAQ.FR.Nº1. SUPERB AND SPECTACULAR TRICOLOR FRANKING. Venezuela Bristish Post Office 1058 900 € 1846. CARACAS to SAINT THOMAS (DANISH WEST INDIES). Double circle datestamp LA-GUAYRA and mark PAID / AT / LA-GUAYRA, both red and manuscript tax "1/-" (shilling). VERY RARE AND SCARCE. (SGcc1 3000£). Cert. B.P.A. Uruguay Bibliography 1059 100 € A STUDY OF THE STAMPS OF URUGUAY. Hugo Griebert. Londres, 1910. (including the seven plates and their illustrations). 125 iberphil AUCTIONS Uruguay Prephilately 1060 60 € (1804ca). COLONIA DEL SACRAMENTO (URUGUAY) a MONTEVIDEO. Marca COLONIA (P.E.1) edición 2004. MAGNIFICA Y RARISIMA, CIRCULADA EN EL PERIODO COLONIAL. 1061 70 € 1809. COLONIA DEL SACRAMENTO (URUGUAY) a BUENOS AIRES. Marca COLONIA (P.E.2) edición 2004. MAGNIFICA Y RARISIMA, CIRCULADA EN EL PERIODO COLONIAL. 1066 30 € 1843. MONTEVIDEO a RIO DE JANEIRO. Marca MONTEVº, en rojo y fechador de doble arco RIO-JANEIRO, de la Agencia Postal Británica, por "Paquete Spider". MAGNIFICA. 1067 30 € 1842. MONTEVIDEO a LE HAVRE (FRANCIA). Marca MONTEVº, en rojo y manuscrito "Paquet Anglais" y porteos manuscritos. MAGNIFICA. 1068 20 € 1858. PAYSANDU a MONTEVIDEO. Marcas ADMON DE CORREOS / PAYSANDU / REP.O.DE URUGUAY y FRANCA, en violeta. MAGNIFICA. 1062 275 € 1810. MONTEVIDEO a BUENOS AIRES. Marca MONTVº, en rojo (P.E.3) edición 2004. MAGNIFICA Y MUY RARA, CIRCULADA EN EL PERIODO COLONIAL. 1069 50 € 1842. SAN FRUCTUOSO a AGUADA. Marca TACUAREMBO, en rojo. MAGNIFICA Y RARA. 1070 100 € (1850ca). Interesante conjunto de catorce cartas o frontales prefilatélicos de Uruguay (13) y Paraguay (1), la mayoría con fechadores y lineales y algunas de Correo Marítimo sin marcas. A EXAMINAR. 1063 60 € 1841. COLONIA DEL SACRAMENTO a MONTEVIDEO. Marca COLONIA, en rojo. MAGNIFICA Y RARA. 1064 25 € 1835. MONTEVIDEO a BUENOS AIRES. Marca MONTEVº, en tinta de escribir y porteo manuscrito "3". MAGNIFICA. 1065 25 € 1840. MONTEVIDEO a PAYSANDU. Marca MONTEVº, en rojo. MAGNIFICA. 126 1071 40 € 1847. MONTEVIDEO a LONDRES (INGLATERRA). Marca CORREO DE MONTEVIDEO y manuscrito "Vapor John Cook", al dorso marca SHIP-LETTER. MAGNIFICA. I N T E R N AT I O N A L A U C T I O N 1 - 2 JULIO 2015 1072 25 € 1854. MONTEVIDEO a ARREDONDO. Marca CORREOS DE MONTEVIDEO y FRANCA. MAGNIFICA. 1073 25 € 1856. MONTEVIDEO a PARIS. Marca ADM DE CORREOS / MONTEVIDEO, en verde, al dorso fechador PARIS / POSTE RESTANTE. MAGNIFICA. 1079 25 € 1867. MONTEVIDEO a BURDEOS (FRANCIA). Fechador francés MONTEVIDEO / PAQ F.K Nº1, ambulante BRESIL / BORDEAUX y porteo manuscrito "10". MAGNIFICA. Uruguay 1074 25 € 1857. MONTEVIDEO a SAUCE. Marca ADMON DE CORREOS / MONTEVIDEO y marca FRANCO, ambos en verde. MAGNIFICA. 1075 30 € 1858. MONTEVIDEO a MINAS. Matasello ADMON DE CORREOS / MONTEVIDEO y marca FRANCO, ambos en rojo. MAGNIFICA. 1076 25 € 1862. MONTEVIDEO a MALDONADO. Marca ADMON DE CORREOS / MONTEVIDEO y marca FRANCO. MAGNIFICA. 1077 25 € 1863. MONTEVIDEO a SOUTHAMPTON. Marca ADMON DE CORREOS / MONTEVIDEO, manuscrito "Via Southampton". MAGNIFICA. 1078 25 € 1865. MONTEVIDEO a NUEVA YORK. Marca ADMON DE CORREOS / MONTEVIDEO, manuscrito "Por Steamer Angl" y porteo 24 / CENTS, a la llegada. MAGNIFICA. 1080 160, Tasas 2, 6 75 € 1904. 5 cts naranja, pareja, un sello BISECTADO. Correo Interior de MONTEVIDEO. Tasada a la llegada aplicando sellos de tasas de 2 cts carmín y 1 cts sobre 10 cts azul. MAGNIFICA. Uruguay French Post Office 1081 Francia 17B(2) 150 € 1862. 80 cts pink, pair. MONTEVIDEO to BARCELONA. Lozenge Anchor cancel, on front octogonal date stamp URUGUAY / * and spanish handstruck "8 Rs" (reales) . VERY FINE AND VERY RARE. 127 iberphil AUCTIONS 1086 Francia 32 120 € 1872. 80 cts pink. MONTEVIDEO to AZCOITIA (SPAIN, GUIPUZCOA). On front octogonal date stamp MONTEVIDEO / * and spanish pre stamp "4 Rs" (reales), on reverse purple mark P. TRANSATLANTICO, unusual color, applied in transit to Lisbon. EXTRAORDINARY AND RARE. 1082 Francia 24 120 € 1866. 80 cts pink. MONTEVIDEO to BARCELONA. Lozenge Anchor cancel, on front octogonal date stamp MONTEVIDEO and spanish handstruck "4 Rs" (reales), carried by the steamboats CARMEL and NAVARRE, to Bordeaux. VERY FINE AND RARE. 1087 36, Francia 57 250 € 1873. 10 cts green and France 80 cts pink. MONTEVIDEO to LLORET DE MAR (SPAIN, BARCELONA) (carried by the steamboat "Gironde" via Lisbon). Lozenge anchor cancel (for the French stamp) and oval grid cancel (for the uruguayan stamp), on front octogonal date stamp MONTEVIDEO and spanish blue handstruck "1 peseta" on arrival. VERY NICE AND RARE FRANKING. 1083 Francia 24(3) 120 € 1868. 80 cts pink, three stamps (one negligible defect). MONTEVIDEO to BARCELONA. On front octogonal datestamp */MONTEVIDEO (weak printing) and arrival handstruck "12R"(reales). VERY FINE AND RARE. 1084 30, Francia 32 275 € 1870. 5 cts blue and French 80 cts pink stamp (folded). MONTEVIDEO to BARCELONA. Lozenge Anchor cancel on the French stamp and on front octogonal date stamp. MONTEVIDEO (date stamp inverted) and manuscript "Via Lisboa", carried by the steamboat "Amazone". VERY NICE AND RARE MIXED FRANKING, SPECIALLY WITH THE URUGUAY 1866 IMPERFORATED EMISSION. 1085 25 € 1870. MONTEVIDEO to NANTES. Octogonal french datestamp MONTEVIDEO/PAQ.FR.J. Nº3 and manuscript "10". VERY FINE. 128 Uruguay Bristish Post Office 1088 75 € 1861. MONTEVIDEO to CADIZ. Via Southampton, on reverse British Postal Agency c.d.s. MONTEVIDEO. VERY FINE and RARE. Asia and Africa China Bibliography 1089 BID POSTAGE STAMPS OF CHINA. THE ANNA-LISA AND SVEN-ERIC BECKEMAN COLLECTION 1878-83 THE LARGE DRAGONS SALE 1, 2, 3. Sothebys and Corinphila. Hong Kong 1996 and 1997. (includes the four volumes) (includes hammer prices) 1090 20 € SHANGAI LARGE DRAGONS. The first issue of The Shanghai Local Post. D. Wei-Liang Chow. Hong Kong 1996. I N T E R N AT I O N A L A U C T I O N 1 - 2 JULIO 2015 China Indian Feudatory States-Kashmir 1091 185A, Aéreo 1 50 € 1931. 4 cts olive and 15 cts green and black (franked on reverse). Airmail from HANKOW to SHANGHAI. VERY FINE. China Souvenir Sheet 1092 ** 19 Miniature sheet. Gold surcharge. VERY FINE AND RARE. 1094 36 75 € (1880ca). ½ a red (franked on reverse). KASHMIR to BOMBAY. On reverse purple postmark MADRAS / SHIP LETTER / 18 / BEARING Z, two lines POSTAGE DUE / 1 ANNA and arrival. VERY FINE AND RARE. 600 € Egypt 1095 36 75 € 1892. ½ a red (franked on reverse). Origin in JAMMU. C.d.s. JAMMU AND KACHMIR STATE / JAMMU. VERY FINE. 1093 50 € 1850. CAIRO to ALEXANDRIA. Postmark AGENZIA DELLA POSTA EUROPEA / *CAIRO* (Type II). VERY FINE AND RARE. 129 iberphil AUCTIONS Tibet Iran 1099 12 200 € (1920ca). 1 k green, shiny enamel paint. LHASA (TIBET) to SHIGATSE (text in tibetan and english). C.d.s. LHASA (Type VI).VERY FINE AND RARE. (Scott 1a) Lots and Collections 1096 496(5) 40 € 1926. 3 c green and chestnut, strip of five (franked on reverse). TEHERAN to VERONA. On reverse arrival mark. VERY FINE. 1097 8, 10/13 75 € (1927ca). 1 k, 2 k , 3 k, 4 k, 5 k and 10 k. Airmail from TEHERAN to BENDER PEHLEVI. Purple c.d.s. TEHERAN (DEPART) and on reverse arrival cancel. VERY FINE AND RARE CIRCULATED WITH AIRMAIL STAMP EMISSION. Japan Bibliography 1098 BID THE 1 SEN BLUE NATIVE PAPER, The London Philatelist 1970. Japanese edition with all the panes of the 1 sen blue stamp. Additional images of lots and collections can be viewed on www.iberphil.com 130 1100(*)/ 1.500 € Interesting collection of fourtytwo copies SPERATI mount in the British Philatelic Association album THE WORK OF JEAN DE SPERATI PART IV. On reverse stamps have mark SPERATI REPRODUCTIONS and pen number 354, corresponding to the number of the work. VERY FINE AND SUPERB SET. 1101*/ 275 € Superb collection of philatelic reprintings and counterfeits from the German and Italian States, somes in blocks and most new, including different shades. VERY FINE AND UNUSUAL ENSEMBLE, PERFECT FOR STUDY AND COMPARING. 1102 3.000 € (1840ca). Spectacular set-collection of postal relationships mainly of Spain with its French neighbor, there is also a wide representation in incoming mail in wich covers with French postmarks and entry c.d.s. are predominant. Undoubtedly one unique set that must be the germ of a new collection dedicated to this popular section of our philately. MUST BE EXAMINED. VERY INTERESTING.
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