Curriculum Vitae (J D Lynch) # 1 HOJA DE VIDA ( CV ) John D. Lynch Dirección profesional: Instituto de Ciencias Naturales Universidad Nacional de Colombia Apartado 7495 Santafé de Bogotá, DC, COLOMBIA FAX 57-1-3165365 Teléfono: 3165000 ext. 11522 BIOGRAPHIC: Born: 30-07-1942; EDUCATION: B.A. University of Illinois, 1964 (zoology) M.S. University of Illinois, 1965 (zoology) Ph.D. University of Kansas, 1969 (zoology, with honors) PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE: 1964-65 Graduate Research Assistant, University of Illinois Museum of Natural History and Department of Zoology 1965-66 Curatorial Assistant (Herpetology), Museum of Natural History, University of Kansas 1966-69 Graduate School Honors Fellow, University of Kansas 1969-73 Assistant Professor of Zoology, University of Nebraska 1973-80 Associate Professor of Zoology, University of Nebraska 1980-97 Professor of Biological Sciences, University of Nebraska 1971-98 Research Associate in Herpetology, Natural History Museum, University of Kansas Profesor Visitante, Instituto de Ciencias Naturales, Universidad Nacional de Colombia (1985, 1992, 1996) 1997 Profesor, Curso-Taller “Sistematica Filogenetica-Biogeografia y sus aplicaciones en Biodiversidad y Conservacion”, Villa de Leyva, (ICN- Instituto von Humboldt), agosto 1997- Profesor Asociado, Instituto de Ciencias Naturales, Universidad Nacional de Colombia 2000- Curador General, colección de Anfibios (Instituto de Ciencias Naturales) Curriculum Vitae (J D Lynch) # COMMITTEE SERVICE (UNIVERSITY = U, COLLEGE = C, DEPARTMENTAL = D) International Studies Committee, Latin America (U) 1970-76 Curriculum Committee, Zoology (D) 1971-73 Executive Committee, Zoology (D) 1971-74 Chief Adviser, Life Sciences (D) 1976-79 Graduate Committee, Life Sciences (D) 1977-78 Chairman, Section of Ecology, Morphology & Systematics (D) 1977-79 Chairman, Section of Ecology & Evolutionary Biology (D) 1980-82, 1991 Executive Committee, Life Sciences (D) 1977-82 General Education Committee, Life Sciences (D) 1980-81 Faculty Senate (U) 1982-84 Promotion & Tenure Committee (D) 1983-90, 1992-97 Executive Committee, College of Arts & Sciences ( C ) 1983-87 Faculty Fellowships Committee (C), 1983-87 Seminar Committee, Biological Sciences (D) 1987-92 Conciliation Committee (U), 1989-91 Coordinador del posgrado en Sistemática (Instituto de Ciencias Naturales) 1997-2004 Miembro, Comité Asesor del Posgrado en Biología 1997-2004 Subdirección de Docencia (Instituto de Ciencias Naturales) 1998-2004 Junta Asesora/ Consejo Directivo (Instituto de Ciencias Naturales) 1998-2004 Director Curricular del Posgrado (Instituto de Ciencias Naturales) 2000-2004 TEACHING (U. Nebraska) 1969-1997 Undergraduate (1st-2nd years) General Biology 101 [11 times, most recently 1993-95] Honors Biology 104 [3 times] Honors Biology 105 [5 times, most recently 1985-91] General Zoology 112 [6 times, most recently 1984] Undergraduate majors (3rd-4th years) Biodiversity 204 (1996) General Ecology 320 (1973) Comparative Vertebrate Anatomy 388 [20 times, 1975-96] Ichthyology 491/891 [15 times, 1973-95] Herpetology 493/893 [8 times, 1970-91] Graduate students Systematics 498/898 (1983) Macroevolution 898B [2 times, 1995-96] Ecological theory 996 [3 times, 1971-72] Zoogeography 957 [15 times, 1970-96] Graduate seminar 915 [15 times] DOCENCIA - Universidad Nacional de Colombia Sistemática (1985, 1997, 1999, 2001, 2004) Biogeografia (1985, 1992) Herpetologia (1985, 2006) Biodiversidad y Especiación (1996) Básica I (Sistemática filogenética)/ posgrado (1998Biogeografía histórica/ posgrado (2002Cladistica (dentro Prof. II)/ pregrado (1997-98) Introducción a la Sistemática Animal/ pregrado (1999Profundización I (Zoología)/ II (Herpetología) (2001- 2 Curriculum Vitae (J D Lynch) # GRADUATE STUDENT SUPERVISION FAIER, J. M. 1972. Larval anuran teeth and some ecological implications. MS thesis. BILLINGS, J. T. 1973. A partial definition of the fundamental niche of larval Rana pipiens (Ranidae, Amphibia). MS thesis. ISINGO, Y. S. 1973. A study of tadpole survivorship in populations of the Western Leopard Frog (Rana pipiens) and the Striped Chorus Frog (Pseudacris triseriata). MS thesis. HAMMOND. P. T. 1974. An ecological survey of the nymphalid butterfly genus Speyeria. MS thesis. HOGER, C. E. 1976. A biogeographic analysis of a Nebraska Sandhills isolate of the Lesser Earless Lizard (Holbrookia maculata Girard). PhD thesis. HUPF, T. H. 1977. Natural histories of two species of leopard frogs, Rana blairi and Rana pipiens, in a zone of sympatry in northeastern Nebraska. MS thesis. KORKY, J. K. 1977. Geographic variation in larvae of the Rana pipiens group in Nebraska. PhD thesis. EVENSON, E. 1978. The dietary effects of Rana catesbeiana larvae on Micropterus salmoides. MS thesis. KRUSE, K. C. 1978. Causal factors limiting the distributions of Leopard Frogs in eastern Nebraska. PhD thesis. BEACHLY, W. M. 1979. Utilization of larval Rana catesbeiana by Thamnophis sirtalis parietalis. MS thesis. LaMARCA, E. 1984. A taxonomic and systematic revision of the frogs of the Colostethus collaris group (Anura: Leptodactylidae: Dendrobatinae). MS thesis. WOODMAN, D. A. 1987. The evolutionary history of the genus Rhinichthys: Hypotheses and tests. PhD thesis. MORRISON, R. L. 1988. A re-examination of the taxonomic status of Sceloporus undulatus sensu lato in Oklahoma and Texas. MS thesis. KAPLAN, M. 1989.The developmental anatomy of the shoulder girdle in toads of the genus Atelopus and its bearing on the homology of arciferal and firmisternal shoulder girdles in anurans. MS thesis. ROBSON, K. A. 1989. Phylogeny, ontogeny and intraspecific variation in Balsamorhiza (Asteraceae, Heliantheae): a study of evolutionary phenomena. PhD thesis. (codirector with Robert Kaul). RUHNKE, L. L. 1990. Characterization of hybrids between the leopard frogs Rana blairi and Rana pipiens. MS thesis. KAPLAN, M. 1993. An evaluation to the current use of the breast-shoulder apparatus characters in anurans. PhD thesis. HOLY, L. L. 1995. Home range, homing ability, orientation and navigational mechanisms of the Western Box Turtle (Terrapene ornata) from western Nebraska. MS thesis. ROH, B. R. 1995. Geographic life history comparisons in cold-tolerance, fecundity, and offspring size variation between introduced and indigenous populations of Western Mosquitofish (Gambusia affinis). MS thesis. LA MARCA, E. 1998. Biogeografía de los anfibios de la Cordillera de Merida – Andes de VenezuelaPhD thesis. ADAMS, BYRON. 1998. The cology and evolution of heterorhabditid nematodes and their symbiotic bacteria: phylogeny, species concepts, coevolution, and ecological observations. PhD thesis. OSORNO M, MARIELA. 2000. Evaluación del efecto de borde para poblaciones de Eleutherodactylus viejas (Amphibia, Anura, Leptodactylidae) frente a corredores de servidumbre en diferente estado de regeneración, en dos bosques intervenidos por líneas de transmisión eléctrica de alta tensión. MS tésis. SUÁREZ-MAYORGA, ÁNGELA M. 2004. Prueba de la hipótesis de la monofilia del grupo rostrata de Scinax (Anura: Hylidae) con base en caracteres larvales. MS tesis. ARROYO, SANDY. 2006. Test of homology of Condition B: variation in lengths of toes III, IV and V in the genus Eleutherodactylus. MS tesis. ACOSTA, ANDRÈS. 2007. Taxonomía y evaluación de la homología de los caracteres para las salamandras del género Bolitoglossa (Caudata: Plethodontidae) de Colombia. MS tesis. MAHECHA VAHOS, SONIA YANETH. 2007. Aproximaciòn filogenètica molecular para probar una hipòtesis de distribuciòn en los Andes de algunas especies del gènero Eleutherodactylus (Anura: Leptodactylidae). MS tesis. 3 Curriculum Vitae (J D Lynch) # 4 MUESES CISNEROS, JONH JAIRO. 2008. Análisis sistematico de los sapos del género Rhaebo (Amphibia: Anura: Bufonidae). MS tesis. BERNAL BAUTISTA, MANUEL HERNANDO. 2008. Evaluación del efecto de la temperatura sobre el desarrollo embrionario como un factor limitante en la distribución altitudinal de los anuros andinos. PhD tesis. GUTIERREZ, DORIS LAURY. 2009. Tamaño poblacional, reclutamiento, microhábitat y uso del espacio en una población de Bolitoglossa altamazonica (Caudata: Plethodontidae) presente en el Jardín Botanico de Villavicencio. MS tesis. (co-director con Natalia Ruiz). MURILLO RINCON, ANDREA PATRICIA. 2010. Monitoring of a salamander population (Bolitoglossa altamazonica: Caudata: Plethodontidae) in the Colombian Orinoquia region. Georg August Universitat Goettingen, Germany. MS thesis. BARRIENTOS, LUCAS. 2011. Evaluación de los caracteres acústicos de Pristimantis bogotensis (Peters, 1863). MS tesis. PROFESSIONAL SERVICE NEBRASKA ACADEMY OF SCIENCES, Editor Transactions (1973-77), Associate Editor (1977-85) JOURNAL OF HERPETOLOGY, Associate Editor (1993-97) CATALOGUE OF AMERICAN AMPHIBIANS AND REPTILES, Associate Editor [Anura] (1992-97) HERPETOLOGISTS LEAGUE, Editorial Board (1978-80) AMERICAN SOCIETY OF ICHTHYOLOGISTS AND HERPETOLOGISTS, Editorial Board (1979-83), Board of Governors (1981-85) CALDASIA, Comité Editorial (1997STUDIES OF THE NEOTROPICAL FAUNA AND ITS ENVIRONMENT, Editorial board (1998REVISTA DE LA ACADEMIA COLOMBIANA DE CIENCIAS EXACTAS, FÍSICAS Y NATURALES, Comité editorial (2000-2006) BIOTA COLOMBIANA, Comité editorial (2000HERPETOTROPICOS, Comité editorial (2007-2010) HONORS and SYMPOSIA Society of Sigma Xi (elected full member 1965) Organization for Tropical Studies (summer field course in Costa Rica, 1966) Graduate School Honors Fellow, University of Kansas 1966-69 Invited participant to symposium “Evolutionary Biology of the Anurans” (1970) Elected Fellow, Herpetologists League (1971) Invited participant to symposium “The South American Herpetofauna” (1977) Senior Faculty Summer Research Fellowship, Univ. Nebraska Research Council (1977) Fulbright Lecturer, Programa Posgrado en Sistemática, Instituto de Ciencias Naturales, Universidad Nacional de Colombia (fall, 1985) Conferencista Magistral, XI Congreso Latino-Americana de Zoología (Cartagena, 1990) Organizer, “Species Concepts and Cladistics,” Symposium at XI meeting of Hennig Society (1991) Organizer, “A Tropical Natural History: Essays in Honor of William E. Duellman”, symposium at annual meeting of Society for Study of Amphibians and Reptiles (1996). Plenary Speaker, IV Congreso Latino-Americano de Herpetologia, Santiago, Chile (1996) Elegido, Academia Colombiana de Ciencias Exactas, Físicas y Naturales (1998) Miembro, Comisión Permanente de Parques Nacionales de la Academia Colombiana de Ciencias (2002) Mención Honorífica Sobresaliente, Asociación Colombina de Zoología (2010) Homenage de la Sociedade Brasileira de Herpetología, Curitiba, Brasil (17 julio de 2011) Plenary Speaker, IX Congreso Latino-Americano de Herpetología, Curitiba, Brasil (2011) Curriculum Vitae (J D Lynch) # PUBLICATIONS 263 (1962-2011) Véase lista anexada And 23 book reviews, popular articles, reports (not numbered) 5
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