St. Jerome Church MULTICULTURAL FAMILY OF FAITH 2402 33rd Street Kenner louisiana 70065 Phone: (504) 443-3174 Fax: (504) 443-5499 Ministry of Concern - (504) 441-5014 Website: MISSION STATEMENT: “We, the people of St. Jerome, share the mission of the Catholic Church to love and to worship God, our Father. We share the peace of Christ and the hope of eternal salvation with people of all cultures, races, nationalities and ages, under the guidance of the Holy Spirit. We are committed to developing and carrying out those programs and activities that will enable us to achieve that goal together”. PASTORAL/ CLERICAL STAFF Rev. Quentin Moody, Pastor Deacon Lieu Tran, Permanent Deacon Mrs. Gail Bordelon, Director of Religious Education Mrs. Martha Narváez, Parish Secretary Mrs. Martha Brown, Receptionist Office Hours: 9-12Noon & 1- 5PM (Mon.-Fri.) PASTORAL COUNCIL Mike Buisson, Craig Comeaux, Linda DiMaggio, Ron Reinhardt, Gail Bordelon, Carole & Ray Schoenstein, Martha Narváez, María Granizo, Kathy Faia, Mari San Martín RELIGIOUS EDUCATION AND FORMATION: Courses/Classes, Retreats/Retiros, RCIA, Religious Ed K-12 Grades (Tues. & Wed.) Neo-Catechumenate, MINISTRIES AND GROUPS Pastoral Council, Finance Committee, Liturgy Committee, Unity-Hospitality Committee, Building and Maintenance Committee. Liturgical Ministries: Altar Servers, Ushers, Choirs, Eucharistic Ministers, Proclaimers, Altar Society, St. Jerome Knights of Columbus-3310 Florida Ave. (469-6736). PRAYER AND DEVOTIONS Eucharistic Adoration: Wed. (9:45 AM-12:00 NOON) Novena: Perpetual Help (Tuesday after 9am Mass) Grupo Carismático (Viernes 7:00 PM) Other Services: Citizenship Classes. _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ SACRAMENTAL LIFE EUCHARIST/MISAS Saturday Vigil Sunday Domingo (Spanish) Mon.-Fri & 1st Sat. 4:00 p.m. (English) 10:00 a.m. (English) 8:00 a.m. & 12:00 p.m. 9:00 a.m. (in Chapel) PENANCE (CONFESSION/RECONCILIATION): Saturday 3:00 P.M. to 3:30 P.M. Monday - Friday 8:30 to 8:55 AM (in Chapel) Anytime by appointment. Can be arranged anonymously. BAPTISM PREPARATION: Parents arrange & prepare for Infants through six years old. Those over 6 yrs old participate in our RICA preparation program. EUCHARIST PREPARATION: For 1st graders and older. Communion to Shut-Ins or those hospitalized May be arranged by calling the church office. CONFIRMATION PREPARATION: For 9th graders and older. ANOINTING OF THE SICK AND ELDERLY: Upon request for the seriously ill, infirm, those undergoing major surgery, the elderly and/or confined to their homes. FUNERAL ARRANGEMENTS Please contact the parish priest to arrange for a date and time BEFORE going to the funeral home. The church is the proper and preferred place for the funeral liturgy although Mass at the funeral home is allowed. MATRIMONY Schedule a meeting with the parish priest or deacon a minimum of six months before the wedding date. Also, call for the possible validation or blessing of a marriage. ————————————————————————— QUINCEAÑERA REQUIREMENTS - Participating in Religious Formation Classes and/or attending Catholic Schools, Please call the church office. Twenty-second Sunday in Ordinary Time August 30, 2015 Humbly welcome the word that has been planted in you — James 1:21b and is able to save your souls. Vigésimo Segundo Domingo del Tiempo Ordinario 30 de agosto de 2015 Acepten dócilmente la palabra que ha sido sembrada en ustedes y es capaz de salvarlos — Santiago 1:21b TWENTY-SECOND SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME TRADITION Tradition is long human memory set, not in stone, but in human interaction. Without this active memory, the bonds of relationship and affection fray and fall apart. Communities dissolve as surely as neglected buildings do. After participating in events, celebrations, and even small rituals, we remark about how good it is to gather and remember. Today’s readings remind us of foundations laid deeper than the human will to relate. Today we hear about God’s will to relate to us—to be our God as we are called to be God’s own beloved people. Today in three readings and three ways we remember the covenant bonds that create us as a people and the obligation and responsibility that express the innermost attitude of soul. You are mine. I am yours. These are God’s words that created a people as surely as “Let there be light” created the sun and moon and all the stars. Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co. SACRAMENT OF RECONCILIATION WILL BE AVAILABE ON WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 9. WE WILL HAVE CONFESSIONS HEARD IN OUR CHAPEL BETWEEN 6 - 8:00PM. PLEASE MARK YOUR CALENDAR. DON’T MISS THIS GREAT OPPORTUNITY ! SEPTEMBER PARTY SATURDAY , SEPTEMBER 12, 2015 - FROM 7:00 TO 11:00 PM AT ST. JEROME KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS - 3310 FLORIDA AVE., KENNER DOOR PRIZES - RAFFLES - GAMES - FUN - DANCE ADULTS $12.00 PER PERSON ~ CHILDREN 12 AN UNDER/ FREE MUSIC BY D.J. DAVE - BUFFET FROM 7:00 TO 8:30 PM - CASH BAR TICKETS AVAILABE: AT THE CHURCH OFFICE The Missionaries of St. Therese are selling raffle tickets for two (2) roundtrip Southwest Airline tickets to anywhere Southwest flies in U. S. All proceeds go toward helping the missions. Tickets are $5 each or 5 for $20. If interested in purchasing tickets please call Linda DiMaggio at 504-287-8732. Mr. Walter Hernandez and Ms. Carla Serrano will celebrate their wedding next month here at St. Jerome VIGESIMO SEGUNDO DOMINGO DEL TIEMPO ORDINARIO TRADICIÓN La tradición es la memoria humana a largo plazo, mantenida no en piedra sino en la interrelación humana. Sin esta memoria activa, los lazos de relaciones y de afecto se debilitan y se deshacen. Las comunidades se separan tan de seguro como caen los edificios abandonados. Después de participar en acontecimientos, celebraciones y hasta en pequeños ritos, comentamos lo bueno que es el reunirnos y recordar. Las lecturas de hoy nos recuerdan aquellos fundamentos que van más hondo que la voluntad humana para relacionarse. Hoy escuchamos sobre la voluntad divina de relacionarse con nosotros —de ser nuestro Dios tal como nosotros somos llamados a ser el pueblo amado de Dios. Hoy recordamos en tres lecturas y de tres maneras los lazos de la alianza que nos establece como pueblo, y las obligaciones y responsabilidades que expresan lo más hondo del alma. Tú eres mío. Yo soy tuya. Estas son palabras de Dios que crearon a un pueblo, tan seguramente como “Hágase la luz” creó el sol y la luna y todas las estrellas. Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co. EL DIA MIERCOLES 9 DE SEPTIEMBRE CELEBRAREMOS UN SERVICIO DE RECONCILIACION LAS CONFESIONES SE LLEVARAN A CABO EN LA CAPILLA DE 6:00 A 8:00 PM NO PIERDAS ESTA OPORTUNIDAD. POR FAVOR MARCALO EN TU CALENDARIO. FIESTA DE SEPTIEMBRE SABADO 6 DE SEPTIEMBRE, 2015 - DE 7:00 A 11:00 PM. SALON DE LOS CABALLEROS DE COLON - 3310 FLORIDA AVE. KENNER RIFAS - JUEGOS - COMIDA - ALEGRIA - BAILE ADULTOS $12:00 POR PERSONA ~ NIÑOS MENORES DE 12 AÑOS GRATRIS LA COMIDA SE SERVIRA DE 7:00 A 8:30 PM ~ MUSICA POR EL D.J. DAVE ~ CASH BAR TICKETS DISPONIBLES EN LAS OFICINAS DE LA IGLESIA. Las Misioneras de Santa Teresa están vendiendo boletos para la rifa de (2) pasajes de ida y regreso en la línea aérea Southwest válidos para todos los estados del país . Los boletos tienen un valor de $5.00 cada uno o 5 boletos por $20.00 dólares. Si usted está interesado en comprar boletos para la rifa, por favor llame al número 504-287-8732 y hable con Linda DiMaggio. El Próximo mes de septiembre, los jóvenes Walter Hernández y Carla Serrano contraerán matrimonio aquí en San Jerónimo. AUGUST 30, 2015 Reflecting on God’s Word Is someone in your house going back to school? If so there are books and supplies to buy, schedules to plan, transportation to be arranged. There is the worry over new teachers and whether everything that was learned last year has been forgotten. But no matter. Most of the time the school year begins with a review. That’s good because sometimes we understand things better the second or third time we learn them. With the scriptures this Sunday all of us are going back to school. The series of selections from the Gospel of Mark and the letter of James that we begin this week will teach us one more time what it means to be a disciple. Lucky for us, since most of us can only learn this lesson if we hear and apply it on a daily basis. Today’s first reading also instructs us to “hear” and “observe” “the commandments of the Lord . . . that [we] may live” (Deuteronomy 4:1, 2). And the psalm reviews the basics: “The one who does justice will live in the presence of the Lord” (15:1a). —Virginia Stillwell Copyright © 2014, World Library Publications. All rights reserved. WHILE IN PRAYER, PLEASE REMEMBER OUR LOVED ONES SERVING IN THE ARMED FORCES. THE SANCTUARY LIGHT IN THE CHURCH BURNS FOR THIS WEEK IN MEMORY OF ALL SOULS IN PURGATORY Living God’s Word They say we learn more from example than we do from words. Today we are blessed to be going back to school with the very best of teachers, Jesus, who was the model “doer of the word” (James 1:22). If we want to know how to “do justice,” all we need to do is imitate our favorite teacher. Copyright © 2014, World Library Publications. All rights reserved. AUGUST 8 - 9, 2015 Recorded Contribution Loose Collection Total $ 2,039.00 $ 2,854.43 $ 4,893.43 WEEK SCHEDULE SUNDAY, AUGUST 3OTH Piano & Guitar Classes MONDAY, AUGUST 31ST Gospel Study (English) (9:45AM) Clases de Liturgia (7:00PM) TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 1ST Neo-catechumenate (8:00PM) WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 2ND EXPOSITION & ADORATION (9:30-NOON) THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 3RD FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 4TH 7:00pm Grupo Carismático. SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 5TH 4:00 Vigil Mass AA MEETING–(MOND-THURS-FRIDAY( 8-10 PM) KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS (#6746) 3310 Florida Ave 504-469-6736/504-352-7107 Friday Lunch Specials(11AM—1PM) Fish Plate, Shrimp Plate, Grill Shrimp Salad, Combo Plate (Phone-in orders available) Pescado, Camarones Fritos, Ensalada de Camarones a la Parrilla PLEASE PRAY FOR: Leslie Wallace, Baby Jack Ryan, Marcos Otero, Patricia Touchet, Idania Montero, Steve Fleming, Perry Juno, Carmen Campuzano-McGhan, Anthony Arbon, Carmelo Castro, Amanda McTernan, David Pembo, Karen James, Kenny Harris, Michael & Joanne Montgomery Clarisa Merle, Audrey Sheuernann, Debbi Aguilar, Paul Sutphen, Nelson Leyva , Owen J. Lacour, Sr., Loraine Delk, Carol Olivier, Arthur Wail, Vita Thibodeaux, Stephanie & Gregory Frazier, Steven D. Murphy & Family, Vivian Guarisco, Lisa Devenport, Craig Dorran, Robert Munter, Julian Largaespada, Andrea Godoy, Brenda Teppen, Jean Garaudy, Vita Elmer, Bárbara Smagacaz, Terry Gleason, Michael Ayala, Grace Wallace, Stephanie Matherne, Lori Freese, Hattie & Steven Bailey, Artie Kirsch, Mr. & Mrs. Joe Du Luca, Allen Weiner, Blake Graff, Brent & Michelle Smith, Nick,Gahchan, Ted Fraiche, Nelson & Wilma Normand, Joseph Thibodeaux, Charles Stansbury, Aida del Carmen Méndez, Katelyn West, A.Varela, Beverly Phelps, Carrie Bourque, Sheila Cadow, Mary Babin, Brenda Becnel, Margarita Mesa, Mitch Leger, Diane Ladner, Roberto Otorno, Christine & Marcia Graff, Allen Jolly, Jr., Angel Ramos, Althea Alcock, Nedime Sherif, Luis Campuzano, Jr., Ismais Rende, Clair Klein, Adriana Stillwell, Audrey Gurtler, Lodge Hensley, Melvin & Marie Barnewold, Diane McCarthy, Deanna Perkins, Mary Ann Mount, Nancy Geraci, June Babin, Claire Ricciardo, Baby Elizabeth Ward, Mary L. Blanchard, Bonnie & Carmen Orillion, Dorothy Gabriel, Roger & Marilyn Bombardler, Sr, Marria N. Madere & those in hospitals, nursing homes & confined to their homes. Reflexionemos sobre la Palabra de Dios ¿Hay alguien en tu familia que regresa a la escuela? Si es así, habrá libros y otros materiales que comprar, horarios que planificar y arreglos que hacer para el transporte. Están también las preocupaciones sobre los nuevos maestros y si todo lo que se aprendió el año anterior ha sido olvidado. Pero no hay por qué preocuparse. La mayoría de las veces el nuevo año escolar comienza con un repaso. Eso es bueno, ya que algunas veces entendemos mejor las cosas cuando las escuchamos por segunda o tercera vez. Con las Escrituras de este domingo todos volvemos de nuevo a la escuela. La serie de pasajes seleccionados del Evangelio de Marcos y la carta de Santiago que comenzamos esta semana nos enseñarán una vez más lo que significa ser discípulo. Esto es afortunado para la mayoría de nosotros, que sólo nos es posible aprender esta lección si la escuchamos y la ponemos en práctica diariamente. La primera lectura de hoy también nos instruye para “escuchar” y “practicar” “las leyes . . . y los preceptos que [nos] da el Señor. . . para que [vivamos]” (Deuteronomio 4:1, 2). Y el salmo repasa lo básico: “El que procede con rectitud, se comporta honradamente” (15:2a). —Virginia Stillwell Derechos de autor © 2014, World Library Publications. Todos los derechos reservados. Vivamos la Palabra de Dios Se dice que aprendemos más con el ejemplo que con las palabras. Hoy tenemos la bendición de regresar a la escuela con el mejor de los maestros, Jesús, que fue el modelo en poner “en práctica la palabra” (Santiago 1:22). Si queremos saber cómo “proceder con rectitud”, o sea, practicar la justicia, todo lo que tenemos que hacer es imitar a nuestro maestro predilecto. Derechos de autor © 2014, World Library Publications. Todos los derechos reservados. ANA’S ALTERATIONS Ladies - Men - Children Custom Alterations & Tailoring 3817 Williams Blvd. Ste. B 443-3824 Please support the sponsors on the back of our bulletin. SUNDAY, AUGUST 30TH 8:00 AM María Brenk (2nd. Death Anniversary) 10:00 AM Living Remembrance Tree Dominick Scandurro (2nd. D. Anniv.) Rene Nguyen. 12:00 PM GOOD HEALTH: Angel Ramos - Michael Galeas Clarisa Merle - Anthony Pierce Juanita & Marco Tulio Pérez. REST IN PEACE: Leopoldo Galván - Eduardo Aguilar Roni Villalta - Amarilis Merle - Angel Díaz Concepción Arriaza – Dagoberto Suazo Cruz Melba Morales - Nelson Leiva Pedro Cardoza - Giselle Cardoza Mejía BIRTHDAY: Blake Brown. MONDAY, AUGUST 31ST 9:00 AM Jim & Marsha Sabell. TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 1ST 9:00 AM Romana Ortiz. WEDNESDAY: SEPTEMBER 2ND 9:00 AM Oscar Dangle. THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 3RD 9:00 AM Carolyn Reech (Death Anniversary). FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 4TH 9:00AM In Thanksgiving to Infant Jesus of Prague. SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 5TH 4:00 PM Brent Smith (Birthday) Joseph & Claire Lazaro. READINGS FOR THE WEEK Monday: 1 Thes 4:13-18; Ps 96:1, 3-5, 11-13; Lk 4:16-30 Tuesday: 1 Thes 5:1-6, 9-11; Ps 27:1, 4, 13-14; Lk 4:31-37 Wednesday: Col 1:1-8; Ps 52:10-11; Lk 4:38-44 Thursday: Col 1:9-14; Ps 98:2-6; Lk 5:1-11 Friday: Col 1:15-20; Ps 100:1b-5; Lk 5:33-39 Saturday: Col 1:21-23; Ps 54:3-4, 6, 8; Lk 6:1-5 Sunday: Is 35:4-7a; Ps 146:7-10; Jas 2:1-5; Mk 7:31-37 • Heating • Welding • Sewer & Drain Cleaning • Building Maintenance • Underground Water Mains • Gas Testing • Water Heaters • Underslab Repairs PLUMBING & AIR CONDITIONING, INC. • Video Inspection Over 50 Years Experience • Fire Hydrant Installation & Repairs 200 N. Woodlawn Ave. • Shop - 4414 Flamingo St. 504-833-1164 WWW.CTTRAINA.COM • Storm Drains Full Service Salon 3110 Williams Blvd. 443-5726 443-3557 Personal & Business Tax Return Preparation & Problem Solving LARRY JAUBERT, E.A. M.B.A. Owner • Parishioner 3623 FLORIDA AVENUE CLAUDE’S BARBER SHOP LLC CLASSIC INSURANCE AGENCY Auto - Flood - Home Regular Haircuts Commercial - Workers Comp Men, Women & Children 4207 Williams Blvd. 467-1453 469-8104 2538 Williams Blvd., Westland Mall Se Habla Español CHINO’S BARBER SHOP “If It Was Any Fresher You’d Be Wet At…” SMITTY’S SEAFOOD Los Latinos Plaza 3521 Florida Ave. - Kenner 2000 W. Esplanade Ave. Before and After School Daytime & Fulltime Open at 6am until 7pm Monday through Friday 4310 Florida Avenue Kenner, LA 70065 Specializing in Boiled or Fried Seafood Take Out: 469-1945 504-782-9180 Please stop by and enjoy our loving environment. We offer monthly discounts and cater to the working family. We offer small classes and a curriculum that is sure to have your child ready for school. (504) 305-0103 468-1647 Ana’s Alterations Ronald A. Curran, D.D.S. Nathan Burns, D.M.D. Pediatric and Adolescent Dentistry Custom Alterations & Tailoring Ladies • Men • Children 3817 Williams Blvd., Ste. B 5036 Yale St., Ste. 302 Metairie, LA 70006 (504) 455-2213 [email protected] 443-3824 Business Hours Monday-Friday 9am-6pm Saturday 9am-2pm Closed on Sundays Come Sail Away on a 7-night Catholic Exotic Cruise. Prices begin at $1045 per couple which includes all port fees and taxes. Daily Mass and Rosary offered. Deposit of only $100 per person will reserve your cabin. Space is limited. Thanks and God Bless, Brian or Sally, coordinators an Official Travel Agency of AOS-USA 504-464-4696 Shay Von J Salon Accessories Designer Suits 504.468.1688 Evening Gowns 3207 Williams Blvd. Prom/Quinceañera Dresses Kenner, LA Wedding Gowns • Jewelry • Shoes Cakes • Cookies • Tarts The Esplanade Mall Pastries Sandwiches and more. 1401 W. Esplanade Ave., Ste 102 Kenner, LA 70065 504-464-4698 Endless Pampering Shay Jones (504) 654-6424 [email protected] MASTER STYLIST/OWNER Reservations available @! 4228 WILLIAMS BLVD., SUITE 210, KENNER, LA 70065 953198 St Jerome Church 860.399.1785 For Ads: J.S. Paluch Co., Inc. 1-800-438-8931
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