Boosterthon Color Run Waiver

Permission Forms
Just with every special event on or off campus for students,
parents/guardians must sign a permission form. The Boosterthon
Color Run also requires a permission form to be signed in order for
a student to run in the Boosterthon Color Run event. This ensures
that all parties involved know the type of physical activity students
will be participating in, and it allows parents/guardians to approve.
The permission form is set up as an online, click-through waiver
that parents or guardians must complete when they first log on to to register their student to begin helping their
school. Students who do not have access to will be
provided a physical permission form to be signed by a parent or
guardian and returned to the Boosterthon team before the
Boosterthon Color Run event.
Even if a student is not participating in the fundraising, they still
must have a parent or guardian log in to with
their access code and complete the online waiver if they want to
run in the Boosterthon Color Run event.
Students Without Permission Forms
On the day of the Boosterthon Color Run, there may be a few
students who do not have permission from a parent or guardian to
participate in the Boosterthon Color Run event. Although we hope
all students get to participate, if a student does not have a waiver
completed, then we must respect the wishes of the parent or
guardian. We ask that the school provide teachers with an option
for these students during their class’s scheduled Color Run time.
Please log on to and enter your student’s access code in order to instantly
give permission to your student.* Student Access Code:_________________
*If you log on to and give instant permission, you do NOT need to
send this paper version to your school.
Or, fill out the below form and return to school before the day of the scheduled Color Run.
________________________________ (Participant’s Last Name). ______ (First Name Initial)
________________________________ (Participant’s Date of Birth)
(Parent or Legal Guardian’s First and Last Name)
Booster Enterprises, Inc. (“Booster”) has been engaged by your child’s school to host and organize a
fun run/walk, as well as other learning activities and pep rally type events (collectively, the “Events”)
to be held at the School during school hours.
“The Boosterthon Color Run Events involve exercising and running – a strenuous activity that may
include risks such as, but not limited to, physical exertion, falls and contact with other participants. I
hereby expressly assume all risks, including personal injury and fatality, arising out of my child’s
participation in these Events and related activities.”
“It is my responsibility to ensure that my child’s clothing and equipment are properly fitted and
appropriate for use in the Events. I represent and warrant that my child is physically fit and able to
participate in the Events. My child agrees to stop and ask for assistance if he/she experiences any
symptoms such as, but not limited to, dizziness, excessive fatigue, shortness of breath, pain or any
other conditions that would make it difficult or unsafe to continue.”
“I agree, for myself, my heirs, executors and administrators, to not sue and release indemnify and
hold harmless Booster Enterprises, Inc. (“Booster”), its affiliates, officers, directors, volunteers and
employees and all sponsoring businesses and organizations and their agents and employees, from
any and all liability, claims, demands, and causes of action whatsoever, arising out of my child’s
participation in this event and related activities – whether it results from the negligence of any of the
above or from any other cause.
“The foregoing release and indemnification agreement shall be as broad and inclusive as is permitted
by the State of Province in which the event is conducted. If any portion of it is held invalid, the
balance shall continue in full force and effect. I have read, understand and agree to the terms of this
“I am the legal guardian of the participant, and I hereby consent to his/her participation. I have read
and explained the foregoing release and indemnification agreement to my child, and I hereby agree
to its terms on behalf of myself and the Participant.”
_______________ Date
_____________________________________________________Signature of Legal Guardian*
*The parent with legal custody of minor must sign if parents are divorced or separated
Boosterthon Color Run en la Escuela Primaria Kingsley
Ingrese a con el código de acceso de los estudiantes con el fin de dar
permiso a su estudiante. Código de Acceso de Estudiante: _______________
O bien, llene el siguiente formulario y devuelvalo a la escuela antes del día programado del
Color Run.
________________________________ (Apellido del Participante)
______ (Inicial del Nombre)
________________________________ (Fecha de nacimiento del participante)
(Apellidos y nombres de los padres del participante o Tutor Legal)
Booster Enterprises, Inc. (" Booster" ) ha sido contratado por la escuela de su hijo para acoger y
organizar una divertida carrera / caminata , así como otras actividades de aprendizaje y eventos de
tipo pep rally (colectivamente , los "Eventos" ) que se celebrará en la escuela durante el horario
escolar .
"Los Eventos del Boosterthon Color Run implican hacer ejercicio y correr - una actividad agotadora
que puede incluir riesgos tales como, pero no limitado a , el esfuerzo físico , las caídas y el contacto
con otros participantes. Por la presente asumo expresamente todos los riesgos , incluidos los daños
personales y muerte , que surjan de la participación de mi hijo en estos eventos y actividades
relacionadas " .
"Es mi responsabilidad asegurar que la ropa y el equipo de mi hijo están bien ajustado y adecuado
para su uso en los eventos . Yo represento y garantizo que mi hijo está físicamente en forma y capaz
de participar en los eventos . Mi hijo está de acuerdo en parar y pedir ayuda si él / ella experimenta
síntomas tales como, pero no limitado a , mareos, cansancio excesivo , falta de aliento , dolor o
cualquier otra condición que harían difícil o peligroso para continuar. "
" Estoy de acuerdo, por mí mismo, mis herederos , albaceas y administradores, de no demandar y
liberar indemnizar y mantener indemne a Booster Enterprises, Inc. (" Booster " ) , sus afiliados ,
funcionarios, directores, voluntarios y empleados, y todas las empresas y organizaciones
patrocinadoras y sus agentes y empleados, de cualquier y toda responsabilidad , reclamos,
demandas y causas de acción de cualquier tipo , que surjan de la participación de mi hijo en este
evento y las actividades conexas - ya sea como resultado de la negligencia de cualquiera de los
anteriores o de cualquier otra causar .
"El lanzamiento anterior y acuerdo de indemnización deberán ser tan amplio e inclusivo como lo
permita el Estado de la provincia en la que se llevó a cabo el evento. Si alguna parte de ella no es
válida, el resto continuará en pleno vigor y efecto. He leído, entendido y acepta los términos del
presente Acuerdo " .
" Yo soy el tutor legal del participante , y por la presente consiento a su / su participación. He leído y
explicado la autorización y acuerdo de indemnización con mi hijo , y yo estoy de acuerdo en sus
términos , en nombre mío y del participante . "
_______________ Fecha
_____________________________________________________Firna Del Tutor Legal *
* El padre que tiene la custodia legal del menor debe firmar si los padres están divorciados o
separados .