Saint Mary Cathedral, Austin, Texas 29th Sunday in Ordinary Time Weekly Calendar MONDAY, OCTOBER 20 7:00pm... Austin Rosary Crusade, Bishops Hall TUESDAY, OCTOBER 21 6:00pm... Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA), Donahue Cafeteria WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 22 Dear Parishioners, The initial phase of our Capital Campaign is off to a great start. Over the past month, we have recruited volunteers and produced our case statement. Over the next two weeks, we will continue recruiting chairs and volunteers to help with the campaign. Please consider working as a campaign chair or volunteer when asked. If you have not been asked, please offer to volunteer. To reach our goal, we will need the help of the entire parish. If you are interested in volunteering on the campaign, please contact Ric Rodríguez at [email protected] or call the Cathedral office at 512-476-6182. God Bless, Fr. Albert 8:30am... CSSM Mass, Cathedral 12:00pm. CFF Independent Studies Class 5:30 pm.. Confessions for Legatus, Austin Chapter, Cathedral 5:30pm... PTC Officer Meeting, School Upstairs Conference Room 6:00pm... Mass for Legatus, Austin Chapter, Cathedral 6:00pm... Schola Rehearsal, Bishops Hall 7:00pm... St. Augustine Choir Rehearsal, Sheehan THURSDAY, OCTOBER 23 6:30pm…Legion of Mary, Library 7:00pm... Catholic Scripture Study, Bishops Hall 7:30pm... Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults in Spanish, Library FRIDAY, OCTOBER 24 5:00pm... Wedding Rehearsal, Cathedral 6:00pm... Wedding Rehearsal, Cathedral 6:30pm…Spanish Choir Rehearsal, Sheehan SATURDAY, OCTOBER 25 Queridos feligreses, CSSM Fall Festival Set-Up La fase inicial de la campaña de recaudación de fondos ha comenzado con gran éxito. En el mes pasado, hemos logrado reclutar la asistencia de varios voluntarios y terminar la declaración de detalles de la campaña. 1:00pm... Divine Mercy Cenacle, Library 2:00pm... Wedding, Cathedral 7:30pm…Wedding, Cathedral Esta semana y la próxima, vamos a seguir reclutando la asistencia de varios líderes y voluntarios para ayudar con la campaña. Por favor considere servir como líder de uno de los comités o ser voluntario cuando se le pregunte. Si no le hemos pedido, por favor considere ser voluntario. Para llegar a nuestra meta, necesitamos la ayuda de todos en la parroquia. CSSM Fall Festival Si usted está interesado en ayudarnos con en la campaña, por favor póngase en contacto con el señor Ricardo Rodríguez por correo electrónico a [email protected] o llame a la oficina de la Catedral 512-476-6182. SUNDAY, OCTOBER 26 8:00am…Sunday Breakfast (PTC), Bishops Hall 10:45am.. CFF Classes, Classrooms 3:00pm... Domingo de Comunidad, TBD 4:30pm... Latin Mass Community Coffee, TBD Dios los bendiga, Padre Albert Rose Window Sun-Catcher Ornaments are available for $30 (sales tax included). Purchase them during the week in the Cathedral Office or weekends in the Ave Maria Gift Shop. 1 Follow Us: Twitter: @StMaryCathedral Facebook: Saint Mary Cathedral Daylight Savings Time ends Sunday, November 2. Remember to set your clocks back one hour. October 19, 2014 Please pray for: S. Alcala, Jesus Alvarado, Sofia Alvarez, Ryan Arredondo, Hang Au, Baltierra Family, Aaron Carroll, Kathy Casarez, Sofia De Luque, Amanda Farmer, Ramon Galindo, Glenn Gardner, Carmen Gonzales, Rhonda Hernandez, Mary Latal, Ledesma Family, Feliza Lewter, Javier Limones, Beverly Longoria, Juan Lujan, San Juanita Martinez, Consuelo Medina, Raymundo Medina, Stephanie Merenda, JoAnn Pridgen, James Roberts, Jorge Rodriguez, Sr., Loerine Smart, Belen Sullivan, Bill Tarpley, R. Joseph Terra, Nina Thies, Jesse Vielma, Thomas Walker, Carol Young Please pray for our honored loved in the military: 1 LT Kyra Barone Capt. Mary E. Boyle 1LT Cory Houck HN2 Jinuel Jehlen HM3 Joseph Jehlen 1LT Patrick Kuiper PVT Christopher Madere Capt. Thomas H. Marrs Capt. David McGuire Capt. Lawrence McNamara Capt. Chris Morrow Ensign Evan Moses LT Shane Moses Lance Corporal Eric E. Muñoz 2LT Nicholas Spec. Philip Rivera Capt. Sean Snook LT Ladd Spears, USN Sgt. William Speer Spec 4 Chris Trevino Christopher Ty Trevino CPL Rory J. Vielma and for those who have died Today is World Mission Sunday! We are invited today to reach out and help build the Church in Mongolia, the world’s youngest Catholic Church, as well as local churches throughout the Missions, in the most remote areas across our world. Your prayers and generous gift to the Society for the Propagation of the Faith help the work of priests, religious and lay leaders in Mongolia and throughout the Missions who offer the poor practical help and the experience of God’s love and mercy, His hope and peace. Please keep the Missions in your daily prayers. Please be as generous as you can. For more information, please visit ¡Hoy es el Domingo Mundial de las Misiones! Se nos invita ayudar a construir la Iglesia en Mongolia, la iglesia católica más joven del mundo, así como a iglesias locales en las zonas más remotas de nuestro mundo. Sus oraciones y donaciones en la colecta hoy para la Sociedad para la Propagación de la Fe, ayudarán a los sacerdotes, religiosos y líderes laicos en Mongolia y en todas las misiones, quienes ofrecen a los pobres ayuda práctica y la experiencia del amor y la misericordia de Dios, su esperanza y su paz. Por favor, rece diariamente por las misiones y tenga un corazón generoso para la colecta. Para obtener más información, visite All Saints Day Saturday, November 1, 2014, is not a holy day of obligation in the Diocese of Austin. The Cathedral will observe the regular Saturday Mass schedule, and the Solemnity of All Saints will be celebrated at the 12:05pm Mass. El sábado, 1 de noviembre no es día de obligación este año en el diocese de Austin. La Solemnidad para el Día de Los Santos será celebrada en la misa de 12:05 p.m. Marian Mornings: Saturday, November 1, and the First Saturday of every month. The morning begins with Holy Hour in the Cathedral at 8:00am. All are invited. Mass Intentions Monday, October 20 6:30pm………………………Pat Myers† 12:05pm…………………Jeano Porfirio† Tuesday, October 21 6:30am………………….Billie Johnston† 12:05pm……….Martin Esteban Aleman† Wednesday, October 22 6:30am…………………..Madere Family 8:30am………………………Ann DeLee 12:05pm………………….Joseph Gieske Thursday, October 23 6:30am…………………..Madere Family 12:05pm……...Msgr. Harry Mazurkiecz† Friday, October 24 6:30am…………………...Therese Miller 12:05pm……………Rev. Walter Matus† Saturday, October 25 12:05pm……………………..Petra Jalifi† 5:30pm……………….Martha W. Lewis† Sunday, October 26 8:00am…….Msgr. Harry Mazurkiewicz† 9:30am ………………..Rev. Walter Matus† 12:00pm…………Cathedral Parishioners 1:45pm……..Maria Madalena Sinh Tran† 3:30pm………………………Carlos Gort 5:30pm…………………………Ann Fayad† Stewardship of Treasure 29th Sunday in Ordinary Time Each year at tax time, we conscientiously give “to Caesar what belongs to Caesar.” Does my stewardship indicate that I am as faithful about giving “to God what belongs to God”? Budgeted amount needed each week $23,500 Week ending October 12, 2014 Actual Collection……………………$13.219 Over/(Under)……………………….($10,281) Second Collection…………………...$ 3,350 Cathedral Restoration Debt Reduction FY 2014 Year to Date Budget……….$352,500 FY 2014 Actual Collection…………$303,358 Over/(Under)……………………….($ 49,142) Debt Balance as of 7/1/2014………..$821,383 Mass Attendance………………………..1,425 SANCTUARY CANDLE In Thanksgiving from the Madere Family from September 21-October 25, 2014 Sanctuary Candles are available for those who would like to honor their loved ones. Contact the Cathedral Office for more information: 512-476-6182. 2 NEXT SUNDAY’S SECOND COLLECTION (October 25-26, 2014) will be for Cathedral School of Saint Mary Thank you for your generosity! Saint Mary Cathedral, Austin, Texas 29th Sunday in Ordinary Time Baptisms/Bautismos More Cathedral News WELCOME, NEIGHBOR! Foundation Communities helps provide affordable housing to individuals and families. They have built a new 135-unit housing facility, Capital Studios, at 11th and Trinity. We invite you to help us welcome these new neighbors into our neighborhood by providing some of their basic needs which will be included in a welcome basket, sponsored by St. Vincent de Paul of Saint Mary Cathedral in a cooperative mission with First United Methodist Church; St. David’s Episcopal Church; Central Presbyterian Church; First Baptist Church and St. Martin’s Lutheran Church. Clases de Bautismo en español para los padres y padrinos se ofrece el segundo sábado de cada mes a las 9:00 de la mañana. Las clase dina toman tres horas. Para mas información, visite el sitio web en Containers with paper strips listing needed item(s) (shampoo, conditioner, bar soap, toilet paper, bathroom plunger, toothpaste, toothbrush and deodorant) are available in the narthex. Please select a paper strip from containers and return your item(s) to the box in the Bishop’s Hall marked “WELCOME NEIGHBOR” by Oct. 26, 2014. Diocesan Guidelines for baptizing a child: If the PARENTS are not members of the Cathedral, a letter from the parish in which the parents reside or are registered must be presented, giving permission for the child to be baptized at Saint Mary Cathedral. This must be done prior to registration for Baptism. Copy of the state birth certificate or hospital birth certificate for the child being baptized. Single godparents must be practicing Catholics living according to the norms of the Church. All married godparents must be married by the Catholic Church. Parents and godparents must attend a Baptismal class prior to the Baptism. If the class is taken in another parish, proof of attendance must be presented. Godparents must have received all the Sacraments of Initiation: Baptism, First Communion and Confirmation. All Baptism documents must be received in the office before a Baptism date can be set. Together in God’s Love: Catholic marriage preparation program will be offered in November. This four-part series presents an overview of the Church’s teachings on the sacrament of Holy Matrimony. Couples will explore the sanctity of marriage within the four key aspects of faith, communication, sexuality and stewardship. Sessions will be held Sunday: Nov. 2, 9, 16, and 23, from 6:45-8:30pm, in the Bishops Hall. The registration fee is $90 per couple. To register, contact John Paul Perales at 512-476-6182 or go online at to obtain a registration form. Ethics in Ministry All parishioners who desire to minister within the Diocese of Austin are required to complete an EIM Application available online at: ethics-and-integrity-ministry-office/eim-workshops. Dates for Basic Ethics in Ministry Courses available online. Requisitos de la Diócesis para bautizar a un bebe: Si los PADRES no son miembros de la Catedral, necesitaran presentar una carta de la Parroquia a la que pertenezcan, ya sea por residencia o donde se encuentren registrados, dando permiso para bautizar al bebe aquí en la Catedral. Esto se requiere antes de registrarse para bautizar. Copia del acta de nacimiento del Estado del niño(a) Padrinos/Madrinas solteros(as) deben ser Católicos practicantes viviendo según las normas de la Iglesia. Todos los padrinos casados deben estar casados por la Iglesia Católica. Se deberá presentar una copia del acta de matrimonio por la Iglesia. Padres y Padrinos, deberán atender la clase de Bautismo antes de bautizar. Si la toman en otra parroquia, se requiere presenten comprobante de atendencia. Padrinos tienen que haber recibido todos los Sacramentos de iniciación: Bautizo, 1ª Comunión y Confirmación. Antes de que la fecha del Bautismo se pueda fijar, la oficina necesitará obtener el paquete completo satisfaciendo todos los requisitos. Ethics in Ministry Refresher Courses—Sign up online at http:// Monday, 10/20/2014 11:00 AM to Noon Tuesday, 10/21/2014 7:00 PM to 8:00 PM Thursday, 11/13/2014 7:00 PM to 8:00 PM Tuesday, 11/18/2014 6:30 PM to 7:30 PM Thursday, 11/20/2014 6:00 PM to 7:00 PM English *St John Vianney Parish, Round Rock English *St John Vianney Parish, Round Rock Spanish St Julia Parish, Austin English Our Lady of Guadalupe Parish, Austin English St Louis Parish, Austin Baptism classes for parents and godparents are held in English each month on the first weekend of the month at 9:00am. The course is three hours long. For more information, visit the website at *Workshop to be held at new facilities at 8 Lake Drive, Round Rock. 3 October 19, 2014 Lectors Coordinators Natacha Wagner [email protected], and Robyn Diaz [email protected] EMHC Coordinator Jeanne Crawford [email protected] Oct. 18-19, 2014 Saturday 5:30pm Vigil Check the Lector’s Google Document Schedule for the most current Lector Schedule. Ushers Coordinator: Rudy Gonzales [email protected] Saturday 5:30pm Vigil Gary Porfirio (Head Usher) Sunday 8:00am Jesse Vielma ( Head Usher) Sunday 9:30am Rudy Gonzales (Head Usher) Sunday 12:00pm Fernando Cortez (Head Usher) A.J. Jalifi Sunday 1:45pm (Spanish) Jesse Alvarado (Head Usher) Sunday 3:30pm Latin Mass Ed Check (Head Usher) Sunday 5:30pm George Hindman (Head Usher) H2—Joseph Bolot C1—Steve Tomaino C2—Brian Trinque C3—Donna Morris C4—Jim Morris Sunday 8:00am H2—Margaret Myers C1—Steve Dickman C2—Ken Craig Sunday 9:30am H2—Deacon H3—Rudy Gonzales H4—Ali McGraw C1—Lee Smith C2—Mike Nicklaus C3—Alex Pong C4—John Posey Sunday 12:00pm H2—Deacon H3—Rosy Jalifi H4—Jose Poutou H5 Choir—R. Walker C1—H. Crawford C2—L.J. Smith C3—Rachel Cortez C4—J. Crawford Sunday 1:45pm Altar Servers Coordinator Joseph Bolot [email protected] Ministry News H2—C. G. Sanchez C1—Claudia Martinez C2—J. Alvarado Sunday 5:30pm H2—Denise Spangler H3 ChoirC1—Marsha Mitchell C2—F. Fuentes C3— C4— Oct. 25-26, 2014 Saturday 5:30pm Vigil H2—Donna Morris C1—Jim Morris C2—Joseph Bolot C3—Ali McGraw C4—Judith Constantin Sunday 8:00am H2—Sulema Vielma C1—Steve Dickman C2—Margaret Myers Sunday 9:30am H2—Deacon H3—John Posey H4—Jaga Murphy C1—Mike Nicklaus C2—Rudy Gonzales C3—Elda Arellano C4—Bob Baker Sunday 12:00pm H2—Deacon H3—Philip Williams H4—Jose Poutou H5 Choir—E. Guevara C1—JoAnne Arroyo C2—Rosy Jalifi C3—Charlene Morris C4—Larry Morris Sunday 1:45pm H2—Maria Ortega C1—Claudia Martinez C2—C. G. Sanchez Sunday 5:30pm H2—Holly Alt H3 ChoirC1—Kelly Linden C2—Steve Tomaino C3— C4— Spanish-Language RCIA (Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults) Class has begun; it meets on Thurs. evenings in the Library from 7:30-9:00pm. To register or for more information, contact Ignacio Moreno at 512-295-2320. Catholic Scripture Study— Join us as we explore the Sunday readings for Ordinary Time and the upcoming Solemnities. Group meets every Thurs., usually in Bishops Hall, from 7:009:00pm. Contact LJ Smith for more information or questions about meeting location: [email protected]. Cathedral Women’s Group meets Tuesday, Nov. 4, 7:00-9:00pm, in the Library. We invite you to join us. For more information, contact Michelle Estep, [email protected]. Enter campus via the San Jacinto Gate, where someone will let you into the Library. Ave Maria Gift Shop Hours of Operation Wednesday-Saturday 11am-1pm Sundays 10am-2pm H = Host Minister C = Chalice Minister Did you forget your checkbook and have no cash? You can securely donate to the Cathedral by scanning the QR Code with your phone. Thank you for your stewardship! Desea saber más sobre su fe Católica? Le hace falta la primer Comunión y Confirmación? RICA (Rito de Iniciación Cristiana de Adultos) Clase, en español ha comenzado. Se reúnen cada jueves en la Biblioteca a las 7:30 de la noche. Para registrarse o para más información, póngase en contacto con Ignacio Moreno 512-295-2320. A volunteer ministry of Saint Mary Cathedral Readings for the Week of Oct. 20-26 2014 Mon…. Eph 2:1-10 Ps 100:1b-5 Lk 12:13-21 Tues…. Eph 2:12-22 Ps 85:9-14 Lk 12:35-38 Wed... Eph 3:2-12 (Ps) Is 12:2-3,4c-6 Lk 12:39-48 Thurs…Eph 3:14-21 Ps 33:1-2,4-5,11-12,18-19 Lk 12:49-53 Fri…... Eph 4:1-6 Ps 24:1-4b,5-6 Lk 12:54-59 Sat…... Eph 4:7-16 Ps 122:1-5 Lk 13:1-9 Sun... .. Ex 22:20-26 Ps 18:2-4,47,51 1 Thes 1:5c-10 Mt 22:34-40 4 Saint Mary Cathedral, Austin, Texas 29th Sunday in Ordinary Time Movimiento Familiar Cristiano: El Movimiento es Cathedral School Raffle una agrupación de familias Católicas que unen sus esfuerzos para promover los valores humanos y cristianos de la familia, para que esta sea en la comunidad: formadora de personas, educadora en la fe, conciente de su misión evangelizadora y comprometida en el desarrollo integral de la comunidad y de la iglesia doméstica. Invitamos a familias que participen en el Movimiento, un ministerio que los ayudara mantener la familia unida en Cristo. Para más información o para inscribir a su familia, comuníquese con Eliseo o Juanita Tovar, 512-775-4078. $5 for 1 Ticket; $20 for 5 Tickets Raffle Tickets available after Mass or from a Cathedral School student! 1st Prize—Vizio 50” Smart TV 2nd Prize—Tailgating Package (Yeti Cooler, Folding Chairs, $50 HEB Gift Card) 3rd Prize—2015 Valentine’s Day Weekend Get Away Hyatt Lost Pines Resort, Bastrop 4th Prize—7” 16 GB Kindle Fire HDX 5th Prize—$150 Visa Gift Card 6th Prize—Alamo Drafthouse Movie & Dinner for 4 Catholic Faith Formation Drawing held Sunday, October 26. Need not be present to win. Teens: Reserve your space now for Saturday, Oct. 25, 10:30am to 1:30pm. Join us at the Bullock Texas State History Museum, 1800 Congress Avenue, Austin, Texas 78701 – 4 blocks north of the State Capital Building. 40 tickets have been reserved for our Teen Ministry Retreat for Jerusalem 3D in IMAX. This presentation features rare and awe-inspiring aerial footage of the city, and offers remarkable multimedia access to Jerusalem's holiest sites. We will be accompanied at the Bullock Texas State History Museum with Director of the Catholic Archives of Texas, Marian J. Barber, to explore unique Catholic artifacts from the founding of Texas. Afterwards, we will enjoy lunch together at The Story of Texas Café. Save the Date: Sips and Salsa Soirée! 2nd Annual Sips & Salsa Soirée on Saturday, Oct. 25, from 7:0011:00pm , at Maserati of Austin, 12925 Pond Springs Rd., Austin 78729. To purchase tickets at $75 per person, e-mail [email protected]. To learn more about Saint Louise House visit: Texas Early Music Project Concerts: Celebrate the Italian Medieval Renaissance, and Baroque music from Italy with two performances of Italia Mia: Madrigal Mystery Tour, Saturday, Oct. 25, 8:00pm, and Sunday, Oct. 26, 3:00pm, at First English Lutheran Church, 3001 Whitis Ave., Austin. Note to parents: Please arrange to drop off your children shortly before the trip and pick them up shortly thereafter. Qualified chaperones will be present. Permission forms are available on the CFF website and will be distributed at today’s CFF class. Solemn Vespers on All Souls Day: Sunday, Nov. 2, 4:00-5:00pm, at Our Lady of the Rosary Cemetery, 330 Berry Lane, Georgetown,, 512-863-8411. Following Solemn Vespers, celebrated by Fr. Brian McMaster, together with the Dominican Sisters, there will be blessings for the families with loved ones interred at Our Lady along with our annual scattering of wildflower seeds, and refreshments. Eagle’s Wings Retreat Center Day of Reflection: Spirituality of Simplicity, Nov. 4, 9:30am-2:30pm; $35 per person; lunch included. Presenter: Cheryl Maxwell; Director of the Office of Worship and Secretariat Director for Formation and Spirituality of the Diocese of Austin. For registration please visit our website: or call 512-715-0017. 2014 Hesburgh Lecture Series: What Race Is and What It Is Not, a lecture revealing the myths and the realities about human diversity and why this information is very important to all of us, will be presented by Notre Dame Professor of Anthropology, Agustin Fuentes, Ph.D., Thursday, Nov. 6, 7:00pm, at St. Edward’s University-Main Bldg.-Maloney Room. No cost to attend, and all are welcome. Sponsored by the Notre Dame Club of Austin. For more information contact Steve Raich at [email protected] 5 October 19, 2014 Vocations Cathedral Staff Holy Trinity Seminary Discerners’ Weekend: Check-in Thursday, Oct. 23, 6:00pm; weekend goes to 1:00pm Sunday, Oct. 26. Open to interested men aged high school and up. Contact Fr. Jonathan Raia by e-mail: [email protected] Young Women’s Vocation Discernment Retreat: The Dominican Sisters of Mary, Mother of the Eucharist are pleased to offer a vocation discernment retreat in Texas. Join other young Catholic women (ages 14—30) who have an openness to seeking a deeper relationship with Christ and a desire to know the path of holiness to which God is calling them. The retreat begins on Saturday, Oct. 25, at 3:00pm, and concludes on Sunday, Oct. 26, at 3:00pm. Cost is $50/person. Register at Questions or concerns, e-mail [email protected] Come and See Weekend: A visit to St. Joseph Seminary College to experience life at a real seminary! Come and see what seminary’s all about. Open to interested men aged high school and up. Nov. 7, 4:00pm to Nov. 9, 3:00pm. No cost to you. All room and board provided. Contact Fr. Jonathan Raia by e-mail: [email protected] Prayer for Seminarians and Priests: Jesus, I thank you for your gift of the priesthood to the Church. I pray for all priests and seminarians today especially_________________. May they hear your invitation to “follow me,” in every aspect of their lives. Bless them with love and joy as they seek to know you more deeply. Give them courage and zeal as they serve you and your people. Give them wisdom and trust as they discern your will. We ask this with confidence in you. Amen. Our Father…, Hail Mary…, Glory be…. St. John Vianney, patron of priests, pray for us. Please pray for the Cathedral Seminarians, Miguel Flores and Chris Yeager on the 19th and 20th of each month, respectively. 6 Rector……..Very Reverend Albert Laforet, Jr. Parochial Vicars….Reverend Eugene Nyong Reverend Kevin Rai Deacons……………….Deacon Vince Boyle Deacon Guadalupe Rodriquez Deacon Ron Walker Business Administrator...………Greg Vidal Administrative Assistants….Carmen Duarte Judy Henschen Loretta Lozano John Paul Perales Facilities Manager………….Harlan Lawson Facilities Staff……………...Ruben Villarreal Bookkeeper………………………...(vacant) Bookkeeping Clerk…………Yvonne Bedell Director of Catholic Faith Formation……. Jaeson Drummond Director of Music...Dr. Jeffrey Jones-Ragona Organist and Wedding Music Coordinator Dr. Brooks Whitmore School Principal…………….Robert LeGros Phone Numbers Cathedral Office…………….512-476-6182 School (Pre-K through 8th)…512-476-1480 Catholic Faith Formation……512-476-4801 Ave Maria Gift Shop………..512-617-5880 Office of Sacred Music……..512-472-4540 St. Vincent de Paul………….512-476-3750
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