Currículum Vitae Dr. Diego Rubi Depto. de Materia Condensada Centro Atómico Constituyentes (CNEA) Gral. Paz 1499 (1650) San Martín, Argentina Tel: +54 11 67727092 [email protected] [email protected] a) Academic Degrees 1) PhD in Materials Sciences, Physics Department, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (September 2006). Mark: Excellent Cum Laude “Premio Extraordinario de Doctorado”, prize to the best PhD thesis in Materials Sciences of year 2005-2006, granted by the Univ. Autònoma de Barcelona Thesis Advisor: Prof. J. Fontcuberta 2) Master in Materials Sciences, Physics Department, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (April 2005). 3) Licenciado in Physical Sciences, Facultad de Ciencias Exactas y Naturales, Universidad de Buenos Aires (June 2002). Average Mark: 9.28/10 Convalidated to the Spanish degree of “Licenciado in Physics”. b) Professional Experience Research From Nov 10. CONICET researcher (permanent position, category “Independiente”) at Condensed Matter Group, Physics Department, Centro Atómico Constituyentes, Comisión Nacional de Energía Atómica (CNEA), Argentina Jul 10 – Oct 10. Post-Doctoral position at Condensed Matter Group, Physics Department, Centro Atómico Constituyentes, Comisión Nacional de Energía Atómica (CNEA), Argentina Feb 09 – Jun 10. Post-Doctoral position at Service de Physique de l’Etat Condense, Commissariat à l’Energie Atomique (CEA), Saclay, France Dic 06—Nov 08. Post-Doctoral position at Solid State Chemistry Department, Zernike Institute for Advanced Materials, University of Groningen (RuG), The Netherlands Jun 02—Nov 06. PhD student at Magnetic Materials Department, Instituto de Ciencia de Materiales de Barcelona (ICMAB-CSIC), Spain Oct 99—May 02. Undergraduate student at Laser Ablation Laboratory, Facultad de Ingeniería, Universidad de Buenos Aires, Argentina Teaching From Sep 15. Assistant Professor, Escuela de Ciencia y Tecnología, Universidad Nacional de San Martín, Argentina Sep 10-Aug 14. Jefe de Trabajos Prácticos, Escuela de Ciencia y Tecnología, Universidad Nacional de San Martín, Argentina Jun 15. Workshop “Thin films growth by Pulsed Laser Deposition”, given at Laboratorio de Física del Sólido, Universidad Nacional de Tucumán, Argentina. Sep 13. Lecture “Crecimiento y Caracterización de Films Delgados”, part of the postgraduate course “Algunas Técnicas Experimentales en Materia Condensada”, Instituto Sábato and Universidad Nacional de San Martín, Argentina Apr 02-Jun 02. 1st Class Teaching Assistant, Mathematics Department, University of Buenos Aires, Argentina Apr 99-Apr 02. 2nd Class Teaching Assistant, Mathematics Department, University of Buenos Aires, Argentina c) Publications in peer-review journals (cites according to Google Scholar) c.1) Regular articles 1. “SBR/BiFeO3 Elastomer Capacitor Films Prepared under Magnetic and Electric Fields Displaying Magnetoelectric Coupling” Leila María Saleh Medina, Guillermo A. Jorge, Diego Rubi, Norma D’Accorso, and R. Martín Negri J. Phys. Chem. C, 2015, 119 (41), pp 23319–23328 2. “Manganite based Memristors: Influence of the Electroforming Polarity on the Electrical Behavior and Radiation Hardness” D. Rubi, A. Kalstein, W.S. Román, N. Ghenzi, C. Quinteros, E. Mangano, P. Granell, F. Golmar, F.G. Marlasca, S. Suarez, G. Bernardi, C.Albornoz, A.G. Leyva and P. Levy Thin Solid Films 583 (2015) 76-80 (Cited 1 time) 3. "Artificial chemical and magnetic structure at the domain walls of an epitaxial oxide" S. Farokhipoor, C. Magén, S. Venkatesan, J. Iñiguez, C. J. M. Daumont, D. Rubi, E. Snoeck, M. Mostovoy, C. de Graaf, A.Muller, M. Doblinger, C. Scheu & B. Noheda Nature 515, 379 (2014) (Cited 23 times) See press release at 4. “Tailoring conductive filaments by electroforming polarity in memristive based TiO2 junctions” N. Ghenzi, M. J. Sánchez, D. Rubi, M. J. Rozenberg , C. Urdaniz, M. Weissman and P. Levy Appl. Phys. Lett. 104, 183505 (2014) (Cited 3 times) 5. "Building Memristive and Radiation Hardness TiO2 based junctions" N. Ghenzi, D. Rubi, E. Mangano, G. Gimenez, J. Lell, A. Zelcer, P. Stoliar, P. Levy. Thin Solid Films 550, 683 (2014) (Cited 6 times) 6. “Two resistive switching regimes in thin film manganite memory devices on silicon” D. Rubi F. Tesler, I. Alposta, A. Kalstein, N. Ghenzi, F.G. Marlasca, M.J. Rozenberg and P. Levy Appl. Phys. Lett. 103, 163506 (2013) (Cited 7 times) 7. “Modeling electronic transport mechanisms in metal-manganite memristive interfaces” F. Gomez-Marlasca, N. Ghenzi, A. G. Leyva, C. Albornoz, D. Rubi, P. Stoliar and P. Levy J. Appl. Phys. 113, 144510 (2013) (Cited 4 times) 8. “β-NaFeO2, a new room-temperature multiferroic material” M. Viret, D. Rubi, D. Colson, D. Lebeugle, A. Forget, P. Bonville, G. Dhalenne, R. Saint-Martin, G. André and F. Ott Mat. Res. Bull 47, 2294 (2012) (Cited 3 times) 9. “Optimization of resistive switching performance of metal-manganite oxide interfaces by a multipulse protocol” N. Ghenzi, M. J. Sánchez, M. J. Rozenberg, P. Stoliar, F. G. Marlasca, D. Rubi and P. Levy , J. Appl. Phys. 111, 084512 (2012) (Cited 10 times) 10. “Magnetism and electrode dependant resistive switching in Ca-doped ceramic bismuth ferrite” D. Rubi, F.G. Marlasca, M. Reinoso. P. Bonville and P. Levy Mat. Sci. Eng. B 177, 471 (2012) (Cited 11 times) 11. “Ferromagnetism and increased ionicity in epitaxially grown TbMnO3 films” D. Rubi, C. de Graaf, C.J.M. Daumont, D. Mannix, R. Broer, and B. Noheda Phys. Rev. B. 79, 014416 (2009) (Cited 41 times) 12. “Epitaxial TbMnO3 thin films on SrTiO3 substrates: a structural study” C.J.M. Daumont, D. Mannix, Sriram Venkatesan, G. Catalán, D. Rubi, B.J. Kooi, J.Th.M. de Hosson, and B. Noheda J. Phys.: Condens. Matter (Fast Track Comm.) 21, 182001 (2009) (Cited 50 times) 13. “Growth of flat SrRuO3 (111) thin films suitable as bottom electrodes in heterostructures” D. Rubi, A.H.G. Vlooswijk and B. Noheda Thin Solid Films 517, 1904 (2009) (Cited 10 times) 14. “Magnetic and dielectric properties of YbMnO3 perovskite thin films” D. Rubi, Sriram Venkatesan, B.J. Kooi, J.Th.M. de Hosson, T.T.M. Palstra and B. Noheda Phys. Rev. B 78, 020408(R) (2008) (Cited 23 times) 15. “Reversible ferromagnetic switching in ZnO:(Co, Mn) powders” D. Rubi, J. Fontcuberta, A. Calleja, Ll. Aragonés, X.G. Capdevila, and M. Segarra Phys. Rev. B 75, 155322 (2007) (Cited 88 times) 16. “Disclosing the origin of the reduced spin polarization in electron-doped double perovskites” D. Rubi and J. Fontcuberta J. Phys.: Cond. Matter 18 (2006) 7991-7998 (Cited 5 times) 17. “Increasing the Curie temperature of Ca2FeMoO6 double perovskite by introducing near-neighbour antiferromagnetic interactions” D. Rubi, C. Frontera, A. Roig, J. Noguès, J.S. Muñoz and J. Fontcuberta J. Phys.: Cond. Matter 17 (2005) 8037-8047 (Cited 12 times) 18. “Electronic self-doping of Mo-states in A2FeMoO6 (A=Ca, Sr and Ba) half-metallic ferromagnets – a Nuclear Magnetic Resonance study” M. Wojcik, E. Jedryka, S. Nadolsky, D. Rubi, C. Frontera, J. Fontcuberta, B. Jurca, N. Dragoe and P. Berthet Phys. Rev. B 71, 104410 (2005) (Cited 8 times) 19. “Ferromagnetic coupling in NdxCa2-xFeMoO6 double perovskites: Dominant bandfilling effects” D. Rubi, C. Frontera, J. Fontcuberta, M. Wojcik and E. Jedrika. Phys. Rev. B 70, 094405 (2004) (Cited 29 times) 20. “Enhanced ferromagnetic interactions in electron doped NdxSr2-xFeMoO6 double perovskites” D. Rubi, C. Frontera, J. Nogués and J. Fontcuberta. J. Phys.: Cond. Matter 16 (2004) 3173-3182 (Cited 35 times) 21. “NMR evidence for selective enhancement of Mo magnetic moment by electron doping in SrxLa2-xFeMoO6” M. Wojcik, E. Jedryka, S. Nadolsky, J. Navarro, D. Rubi and J. Fontcuberta. Phys. Rev. B 69, 100407(R) (2004) (Cited 34 times) 22. “Effect of band-filling and structural distortions on the Curie temperature of Fe-Mo double perovskites” C. Frontera, D. Rubi, J. Navarro, J.L. García-Muñoz, J. Fontcuberta and C. Ritter. Phys. Rev. B 68, 012412 (2003) (Cited 66 times) 23. “Aging of Sr2FeMoO6 and related oxides” J. Navarro, C. Frontera, D. Rubi, N. Mestres and J. Fontcuberta. Mat. Res. Bull. 38 (2003) 1477-1486 (Cited 24 times) c.2) Conference proceedings 24. “Modeling of the Major and Minor I-V Loops in La0.3Ca0.7MnO3 Films Using Asymmetric Logistic Hysterons” W. Román Acevedo, D. Rubi, F.G. Marlasca, F. Golmar, U. Lüders, J. Lecourt, J. Suñé, P. Levy , E. Miranda Proceedings of the International Conference on Memristive Systems (MEMRISYS), Cyprus, November 2015. IEEE Conference Publications, DOI: 10.1109/MEMRISYS.2015.7378398 25. “Resistive switching in Ferromagnetic La2/3Ca1/3MnO3 thin films” I. Alposta, A. Kalstein, N. Ghenzi, S. Bengió, G. Zampieri, D. Rubi and P. Levy IEEE Trans. on Magnetics. 49, 4582 (2013) (Cited 2 times) 26. “Resistive switching in ceramic multiferroic Bi0.9Ca0.1FeO3” D. Rubi, F. Gomez-Marlasca, P. Bonville, D. Colson and P. Levy Phys. B 407, 3144 (2012) (Cited 12 times) 27. “Structural and magnetic properties of ZnO:TM (TM: Co,Mn) nanopowders” D. Rubi, A. Calleja, J. Arbiol, X.G. Capdevila, M. Segarra, Ll. Aragonès and J. Fontcuberta J. Magn. Magn. Mater. 317 (2007), e211-e214 (Cited 9 times) 28. “On-off magnetoresistive sensor based on screen-printed La2/3Sr1/3MnO3 manganite films” D. Rubi, J. Fontcuberta, M. Lacaba, A.M. González, J. Baztán, A. Calleja, Ll. Aragonés, X.G. Capdevila and M. Segarra Sensors and Actuators A 132 (2006), 52-55 (Cited 1 time) 29. “A new approach to increase the Curie temperature of Fe-Mo double perovskites” D. Rubi, C. Frontera, A. Roig, J. Nogués, J.S. Muñoz and J. Fontcuberta Mater. Sci. Eng. B 126, 1-3 (2006), 139-142 (Cited 8 times) 30. “Spin polarized itinerant electrons in Ca2FeMoO6 double perovskite” D. Rubi, J. Nogués, J.S. Muñoz and J. Fontcuberta Mater. Sci. Eng. B 126, 1-3 (2006), 279-282 (Cited 1 time) 31. “Spectroscopic investigation of AS defects on the electronic structure of Sr2FeMoO6” D. Rubi, J. Navarro, J. Fontcuberta, M. Izquierdo, J. Avila and M.C. Asensio J. Phys. Chem. Solids 67, 575 (2006) (Cited 3 times) 32. “Ferromagnetic coupling strength and electron-doping effects in double perovskites” J. Fontcuberta, D. Rubi, C. Frontera, J.L. García-Muñoz, M. Wojcik, E. Jedryka, S. Nadolski, M. Izquierdo, J. Avila and M.C. Asensio J. Magn. Magn. Mater. 290-291 (2005) 974-980 (Cited 3 times) 33. “Band filling versus bond bending in substituted LxSr2-xFeMoO6 (L=Ca, La, Nd) compounds” D. Rubi, C. Frontera, G. Herranz, J.L. García Muñoz, C. Ritter and J. Fontcuberta. J. Appl. Phys. 95, 11 (2004) (Cited 21 times) 34. “Magnetisation and neutron diffraction studies on Sr2-xCaxFeMoO6” C. Ritter, D. Rubi, J. Navarro, C. Frontera, J.L. García Muñoz and J. Fontcuberta. J. Magn. Magn. Mater. 272-276 (2004) 852-854 (Cited 4 times) 35. “Magnetoresistive Ceramics. Recent Progress: from basic understanding to applications” J. Fontcuberta, Ll. Balcells, J. Navarro, D. Rubi, B. Martinez , C. Frontera, J.L. GarciaMuñoz, M. Lacaba, A.M. Gonzalez, C. Fornies, A. Calleja and Ll. Aragones Boletín de la Sociedad Española de Cerámica y Vidrio 43 (3), 627-633 (2004) (Cited 3 times) 36. “Mechanism for Curie temperature variation in LaxSr2-xFeMoO6 and CaxSr2xFeMoO6” C. Frontera, D. Rubi, J. Navarro, J.L. García Muñoz and J. Fontcuberta. Phys. B 350 (2004) e285-e288 (Cited 8 times) 37. “Electric and magnetic field effects on the transport properties of La0.5Ca0.5MnO3 thin films” M. Villafuerte, S. Duhalde, D. Rubi, G. Bridoux, S. Helauni, M. Sirena and L. Steren. J. Magn. Magn. Mater. 272–276 (2004) 402–404 (Cited 1 time) 38. “Structural and electrical characterisation of La0.5Ca0.5MnO3 thin films grown by pulsed laser deposition” D. Rubi, S. Duhalde, M.C. Terzzoli, G. Leyva, G. Polla, P. Levy, F. Parisi and R.R. Urbano Phys. B 320, 86-89 (2002) (Cited 15 times) 39. “Transport properties of pulsed laser deposited La0.67Sr0.33MnO3 thin films” M.C. Terzzoli, D. Rubi, S. Duhalde, M. Villafuerte, M. Sirena and L. Steren Appl. Surf. Science 186, 458-462 (2002) (Cited 5 times) 40. “Correlation between structural and transport properties of La0.5Ca0.5MnO3 thin films grown by PLD” D. Rubi, S. Duhalde, M.C. Terzzoli and M. Villafuerte Appl. Surf. Sci. 197-198C, 536-541 (2002) (Cited 7 times) d) Oral Communications 1. “Dispositivos de memoria no volátil a partir de films delgados de óxidos”(Invited talk) D. Rubi, W. Román Acevedo, F.G. Marlasca, N. Ghenzi, C. Quinteros, P. Granell, F. Golmar, C. Albornoz, A.G. Leyva, U. Lüders, J. Lecourt, E. Miranda, P. Levy VI Reunión Nacional Sólidos 2015, La Plata, Argentina (November 2015) 2. “Dispositivos memristivos basados en films delgados de manganita” D. Rubi, W. Román Acevedo, F.G. Marlasca, N. Ghenzi, C. Quinteros, P. Granell, F. Golmar, C. Albornoz, A.G. Leyva, U. Lüders, J. Lecourt, E. Miranda, P. Levy 100ª Annual Meeting of the Argentinian Physics Society, Merlo, Argentina (September 2015) 3. “Conmutación resistiva en films delgados de óxidos” Invited seminary talk at Centro de Investigaciones en Bionanociencias (CIBION), Buenos Aires, Argentina (May 2015) 4. “Resistive switching in oxide thin films” D. Rubi Invited seminary talk at Laboratoire CRISMAT, Caen, France (February 2015) 5. “Thin films growth and applications” (Invited Talk) D. Rubi 1º Curso Introductorio de Procesos de Microfabricación en Sala Limpia, CACCNEA, Buenos Aires, Argentina (May 2013) 6. “Film Synthesis”(Invited Talk) D. Rubi Exploring Nanomagnetism and its Applications (ENA), Buenos Aires, Argentina (April 2013) 7. “Crossover regime in manganite based resistive switching memory devices” D. Rubi, I. Alposta, N. Ghenzi, A Kalstein, S. Bengió, G. Zampieri and P. Levy At the Frontiers of Condensed Matter VI, Buenos Aires, Argentina (December 2012) 8. “Conmutación resistiva en films delgados de óxidos simples y complejos” Diego Rubi, Néstor Ghenzi, Ignacio Alposta, Ariel Kalstein, Fernando GómezMarlasca, Pablo Levy 97ª Annual Meeting of the Argentinian Physics Society, Villa Carlos Paz (September 2012) 9. “Conmutación resistiva en films delgados de óxidos complejos crecidos por ablación láser” (Invited talk) D. Rubi, N. Ghenzi, F. Gomez-Marlasca and P. Levy XII Encuentro "Superficies y Materiales Nanoestructurados 2012”, Córdoba, Argentina (May 2012) 10. “Síntesis y caracterización de óxidos multiferroicos: de cerámicos a películas delgadas” D. Rubi Seminary talk at Departamento de Física, Centro Atómico Constituyentes, Comisión Nacional de Energía Atómica, Buenos Aires, Argentina (August 2010) 11. “Synthesis and characterization of multiferroic oxides: from ceramics to thin films” D. Rubi Invited seminary talk at nanoGUNE Institute, San Sebastián, Spain (June 2010) 12. “Synthesis and characterization of multiferroic manganites thin films” D. Rubi Invited seminary talk at Laboratoire CRISMAT, Caen, France (October 2009) 13. “Thin films of YbMnO3 and TbMnO3 perovskites” D. Rubi Invited seminary talk at Service de Physique de l’Etat Condense, Commissariat à l’Energie Atomique (CEA), Saclay, France (October 2008) 14. “Growth and characterization of thin films of TbMnO3 and YbMnO3 perovskites D. Rubi Invited seminary talk at Institute of Solid State Research (IFF), Forschungszentrum Jülich, Germany (August 2008) 15. “Magnetoelectric thin films of YbMnO3 perovskite” D. Rubi and B. Noheda European Materials Research Society (EMRS) Spring Meeting 2008, Strasbourg, France (May 2008) 16. “Thin films of YbMnO3 and TbMnO3 perovskites” D. Rubi, C. Daumont and B. Noheda Netherlands Organization for Scientific Research (NWO) Meeting, Lunteren, The Netherlands (April 2008) 17. “Orthorhombic TbMnO3 and YbMnO3 Thin Films” (Invited Talk) D. Rubi, C. Daumont and B. Noheda Indo-Japan Workshop in Ferroics and Multiferroics, Kolkata, India (Feb. 2008) 18. “Magnetic properties of Orthorhombic TbMnO3 and YbMnO3 Thin Films Grown by Pulsed Laser Deposition” D. Rubi, C. Daumont, G. Catalán and B. Noheda Materials Research Society Fall Meeting, Boston, USA (November 2007) 19. “Switching the ferromagnetism of ZnO:(Co,Mn) powders” D. Rubi, J. Fontcuberta, J. Arbiol, A. Calleja, Ll. Aragonés, X.G. Capdevila and M. Segarra 10th Joint MMM/INTERMAG Conference, Baltimore, USA (January 2007) 20. “A new approach to increase the Curie temperature of Fe-Mo double perovskites” D. Rubi, C. Frontera, A. Roig, J. Nogués, J.S. Muñoz and J. Fontcuberta European Materials Research Society (EMRS) Spring Meeting, Strasbourg, France (June 2005) 21. “Tailoring the ferromagnetic interaction of functional materials for spintronics: double perovskites and ZnO-based diluted magnetic semiconductors” D. Rubi Invited Seminary Talk at Materials Science Center, University of Groningen, The Netherlands (July 2006) 22. “Preparation and characterization of Co-doped ZnO samples” D. Rubi Seminary Talk at Surface Science Department, TU-Darmstadt (Germany) (September 2005) (Other Speakers) 23. “Annealing Effects on the Magnetic Anisotropy of FePt/BaTiO3 Bilayers” Maricel Rodriguez, Mariano Cababie, Agustin Lopez Pedroso, Laura Steren, Diego Rubi, Alejandro Butera, Javier Gomez and Martin Sirena Materials Research Society Fall Meeting, Boston, USA (November 2015) 24. “Artificial chemical and magnetic structure at the domain walls of the epitaxial oxide TbMnO3” C. Magén, S. Farokhipoor, C.J.M. Daumont, S. Venkatesan, J. E. Snoeck, J. Iñiguez, D. Rubi, M. Mostovoy, B. Noheda 20th International Conference on Magnetism, Barcelona, Spain (July 2015). 25. “Magnetoelectric films using multiferroic compounds including elastomeric matrixes” Leila Saleh Medina , Diego Rubi, Guillermo E. Jorge , R. Martín Negri 6th International Conference on Science and Technology of Composite Materials, Buenos Aires, Argentina (May 2015). 26. “Domain Walls as Nanoreactors” S. Farokhipoor, C. Magén, S. Venkatesan, J. Íñiguez, C.J.M. Daumont, D. Rubi, E. Snoeck, M. Mostovoy, C. de Graaf, A. Müller, M. Döblinger, C. Scheu and B. Noheda 21st International Workshop on Oxide Electronics (IWOE-21), Bolton Landig, USA (September 2014) 27. “ORIGIN OF STRAIN-INDUCED DOMAIN WALL FERROMAGNETISM IN MULTIFERROIC TbMnO3 THIN FILMS” C. Magén, S. Farokhipoor, C.J.M. Daumont, S. Venkatesan, J. E. Snoeck, J. Iñiguez, D. Rubi , M. Mostovoy, C. de Graaf , E. M. Doeblinger, A. Muller, C. Scheu, B. Noheda 18th International Microscopy Congress, Prage, Czech Republic (September 2014) 28. "Exploring Domain Wall Ferromagnetism of Strained Multiferroic TbMnO3 Thin Films with Aberration Corrected STEM-EELS" C. Magén, S. Farokhipoor, C. J. M. Daumont, S. Venkatesan, E. Snoeck, J. Iñiguez, D. Rubi, M. Mostovoy, C. de Graef, M. Doeblinger, C. Scheu, B. Noheda. Materials Research Society (MRS) Spring Meeting, San Francisco, USA (April 2014 29. “Origin Of Strain-Induced Ferromagnetism In Domain Walls Of Multiferroic TbMnO3 Thin Films” C. Magén, S. Farokhipoor, C.J.M. Daumont, E. Snoeck , D. Rubi, S. Venkatesan, E. M. Doeblinger, A. Muller, C. Scheu, B. Noheda Joint European Magnetic Symposia (JEMS2013), Rhodes, Greece (August 2013) 30. “Resistive Switching in multilevel TiO2 memory devices” N. Ghenzi, D. Rubi, M.J. Sánchez, M.J. Rozenberg and P. Levy At the Frontiers of Condensed Matter VI, Buenos Aires, Argentina (December 2012) 31. “The writing on the domain walls of multiferroic TbMnO3 thin films” B. Noheda, S. Farokhipoor, C.J.M. Daumont, D. Rubi, A. Muller, S. Venkatesan, C. Scheu, C. Magen, A. Lubck, and E. Snoeck Magnetoelectric phenomena and devices, London, UK (September 2012) 32. “Pump and release scenario for the bipolar resistive switching of memristive manganite-metal interfaces” P. Levy, N. Ghenzi, M. J. Sanchez, M. J. Rozenberg, P. Stoliar, F. G. Marlasca, D. Rubi Frontiers in Electronics Materials: Correlation Effects and Memristive Phenomena, Aachen, Germany (June 2012) 33. “Microfabricación de memorias no volátiles” N. Ghenzi, P. Stoliar, F.G. Marlasca, D. Rubi and P. Levy XII Encuentro "Superficies y Materiales Nanoestructurados 2012”, Córdoba, Argentina (May 2012) 34. “Structural characterization of multiferroic TbMnO3 thin films” C.J.M. Daumont, D. Rubi, D. Mannix and B. Noheda European Materials Research Society (EMRS) Spring Meeting 2008, Strasbourg, France (May 2008) 35. “Ferromagnetism in (Co,Mn):ZnO powders” D. Rubi and J. Fontcuberta Invited Seminary talk at Instituto de Magnetismo Aplicado “Salvador Velayos”, Madrid, Spain (November 2006) 36. “Ferromagnetic coupling strength and electron-doping effects in double perovskites” J. Fontcuberta, D. Rubi, C. Frontera, J.L. García-Muñoz, M. Wojcik, E. Jedryka, S. Nadolski, M. Izquierdo, J. Avila and M.C. Asensio Joint European Magnetic Symposia 2004, Dresde, Germany (September 2004) 37. “Understanding and tailoring the magnetic properties of Sr2FeMoO6 half-metallic ferromagnetic oxides ” J. Fontcuberta, D. Rubi, C. Frontera, J.L. García Muñoz, C. Ritter and B. Martínez. “Imagine Magnetic and Superconducting Materials”, Barcelona, Spain (October 2003) 38. “Recent progresses on understanding and tailoring the magnetic properties of Sr2FeMoO6 half-metallic ferromagnetic oxides” J. Fontcuberta, J. Navarro, D. Rubi, J.L. García-Muñoz, B. Martínez, M. Tovar, M.T. Causa, A. Butera, M.C.G. Paseggi, M. Izquierdo, J. Ávila, M.C. Asensio and C. Ritter International Conference on Magnetism (ICM) 2003, Rome, Italy (July 2003) 39. “Magnetoresistive Ceramics. Recent Progress: from basic understanding to applications” (Invited Talk) J. Fontcuberta, Ll. Balcells, J. Navarro, D. Rubi, B. Martinez , C. Frontera, J.L. Garcia-Muñoz, M. Lacaba, A.M. Gonzalez, C. Fornies, A. Calleja and Ll. Aragones “VI Reunión Nacional de Electrocerámica y V Conferencia Iberoamericana en Materiales Electrocerámicos”, Castellón, Spain (June 2003) e) Poster Communications (presenting author in bold) 1. “Electrónica flexible: capacitores basados en compositos SBR/BiFeo3 preparados en presencia de campos eléctricos y magnéticos. propiedades dieléctricas y acoplamiento magneto-eléctrico” L. Saleh Medina, D. Rubi, G. Jorge, N. D’Accorso, M. Negri XI Simposio Argentino de Polímeros, Santa Fe, Argentina (October 2015) 2. “Efectos electrónicos de superficie en films delgados de la perovskita BaBiO3” C. Ferreyra, F. Marchini, F. Guller, U. Lüders, P. Granell, F. Golmar, C. Albornoz, A.G. Leyva, F. Williams, A.M. Llois, V. Vildosola, D. Rubi 100ª Annual Meeting of the Argentinian Physics Society, Merlo, Argentina (September 2015) 3. “Crecimiento de bicapas multiferroicas” A. Román Eyzaguirre, L. Saleh Medina, M. Negri, D. Rubi, L. Steren 100ª Annual Meeting of the Argentinian Physics Society, Merlo, Argentina (September 2015) 4. “Efectos de recocido en la anisotropía magnética de bicapas FePt/BaTiO3 M. Rodriguez, M. Cababie, A. Lopez Pedroso, L. Steren, A. Butera, J. Gomez, D. Rubi, M. Sirena 100ª Annual Meeting of the Argentinian Physics Society, Merlo, Argentina (September 2015) 5. “Mecanismos de conmutación resistiva en films delgados de manganita” D. Rubi, W. Román Acevedo, F.G. Marlasca, N. Ghenzi, C. Quinteros, P. Granell, F. Golmar, C. Albornoz, A.G. Leyva, U. Lüders, J. Lecourt, P. Levy XV Encuentro "Superficies y Materiales Nanoestructurados 2015”, Rosario, Argentina (May 2015) 6. “Cerámicos multiferroicos, depositados como películas en distintos substratos, que presentan efecto magnetoeléctrico” Leila Saleh Medina, Diego Rubi, Guillermo Jorge, R. Martín Negri XIX Congreso Argentino de Fisicoquímica y Química Inorgánica, Buenos Aires (April 2015) 7. “Tuning the net magnetic moment in TbMnO3 thin films” S. Farokhipoor, C. Magén, S. Venkatesan, J. Iniguez, C.J.M. Daumont, D. Rubi, E. Snoeck, M. Mostovoy, C. de Graaf, A. Mueller, M. Doeblinger, C. Scheu and B. Noheda NanoCity 2014, Utretch, The Netherlands (October 2014) 8. “Manganite based devices for resistive memory applications” D. Rubi, F. Tesler, I. Alposta, A. Kalstein, N. Ghenzi, S. Bengió, G. Zampieri, S. Suarez, G. Bernardi, M. Rozenberg and P. Levy 15th International Meeting on Chemical Sensors, Buenos Aires, Argentina (March 2014). 9. “Building memristive and radiation hardness TiO2 based junctions” N. Ghenzi, D. Rubi, E. Mangano, G. Gimenez, M. Barella, F. Golmar, J. Lell, A. Zelcer, P. Stoliar and P. Levy 15th International Meeting on Chemical Sensors, Buenos Aires, Argentina (March 2014). 10. “Transición entre mecanismos de conmutación resistiva en films delgados de La2/3Ca1/3MnO3” D. Rubi, I. Alposta, N. Ghenzi, A. Kalstein, S. Bengió, G. Zampieri y P. Levy XIII Encuentro "Superficies y Materiales Nanoestructurados 2013”, Mar del Plata, Argentina (May 2013) 11. “Simulaciones del fenómeno de Conmutación Resistiva de Interfases Óxido-Metal para su uso como dispositivos con memoria no volátil” F. Tesler, I. Alposta, D. Rubi, P. Levy y M. J. Rozenberg XIII Encuentro "Superficies y Materiales Nanoestructurados 2013”, Mar del Plata, Argentina (May 2013) 12. “MECANISMOS DE TRANSPORTE ELECTRÓNICO EN INTERFASES MEMRISTIVAS MANGANITA-METAL” F. Gomez-Marlasca, N. Ghenzi, A. Leyva, C. Albornoz, D. Rubi, P. Stoliar y P. Levy XIII Encuentro "Superficies y Materiales Nanoestructurados 2013”, Mar del Plata, Argentina (May 2013) 13. “Resistive switching in thin films of La2/3Ca1/3MnO3 manganite” Diego Rubi, Ignacio Alposta, Néstor Ghenzi, Ariel Kalstein and Pablo Levy X Latin American Workshop in Magnetism, Magnetic Materials and their Applications (X-LAW3M), Buenos Aires, Argentina (April 2013) 14. “The domain walls of antiferromagnetic TbMnO3 thin films” S. Farokhipoor, C.J.M. Daumont, C. Magén, D. Rubi, S. Venkatesan, E. Snoeck, M. Doeblinger, A. Muller, C. Scheu and B. Noheda. American Physical Society March Meeting 2013, Baltimore, USA (March 2013). 15. “Simulating Resistive Switching in Manganite Thin Films” F. Tesler, I. Alposta, D. Rubi, P. Levy and M.J. Rozenberg At the Frontiers of Condensed Matter VI, Buenos Aires, Argentina (December 2012) 16. “Growth and electrical characterization of bismuth ferrite thin films” A. Kalstein, D. Rubi, I. Alposta, N. Ghenzi, F. Palumbo and P. Levy At the Frontiers of Condensed Matter VI, Buenos Aires, Argentina (December 2012) 17. “Optimization of resistive switching performance of memristive metal manganite oxide interfaces by a multipulse protocol” N. Ghenzi, M.J. Sánchez, M.J. Rozenberg, P. Stoliar, F. Gomez Marlasca, D. Rubi and P. Levy At the Frontiers of Condensed Matter VI, Buenos Aires, Argentina (December 2012) 18. “Growth and characterization of memristive manganite thin films” I. Alposta, D. Rubi, N. Ghenzi, A. Kalstein, S. Bengió, G. Zampieri and P. Levy At the Frontiers of Condensed Matter VI, Buenos Aires, Argentina (December 2012) 19. “Electronic transport mechanisms in metal-manganite memristive interface”s F. Gomez-Marlasca, N. Ghenzi, A.G. Leyva, C. Albornoz, P. Stoliar, D. Rubi, F. Palumbo and P. Levy At the Frontiers of Condensed Matter VI, Buenos Aires, Argentina (December 2012) 20. “Tuning the net magnetic moment in TbMnO3 thin films” S. Farokhipoor, C.J.M. Daumont, D. Rubi, S. Venkatesan, E. Snoeck, M. Doeblinger, A. Muller, C. Scheu, C. Magén, and B. Noheda Workshop on Oxide Electronics 19, Apeldoorn, The Netherlands (October 2012). 21. “Resistive Switching in Junctions of Titanium Dioxide” N. Ghenzi, M.J. Sánchez , D.Rubi, P.Levy , E.Mangano, L.Malatto, L.Fraigi, Julián Lehl, Evelina Tarcetti , Dante Mercado y A Fascicewiks. 97ª Annual Meeting of the Argentinian Physics Society, Villa Carlos Paz (September 2012) 22. “Total Ionizing Dose (TID) Effects on TiOx based Resistance Change Memory Devices” N. Ghenzi, D. Rubi, C. Quinteros, A. Kalstein, F. Palumbo P, M. Alurralde and P. Levy Joint ICTP-IAEA Workshop on Physics of Radiation Effect and its Simulation for Non-Metallic Condensed Matter, Trieste, Italy (August 2012) 23. "Conmutación Resistiva en Óxidos Simples y Complejos" D. Rubi, N. Ghenzi, F.G. Marlasca, P. Stoliar, E. Mangano, L. Malatto, C. Fuertes and P. Levy. IV Reunión Nacional Sólidos 2011, Tucumán, Argentina (November 2011) 24. "Conmutación de la resistencia en contactos de plata - manganita" N. Ghenzi, F. Gomez-Marlasca, D. Rubi, A.G. Leyva, C. Albornoz, P. Stoliar, M. J. Sánchez, M. J. Rozenberg and P. Levy . IV Reunión Nacional Sólidos 2011, Tucumán, Argentina (November 2011) 19. “Resistive switching in ceramic multiferroic Bi0.9Ca0.1FeO3” D. Rubi, F. Gomez-Marlasca, P. Bonville, D. Colson and P. Levy At the Frontiers of Condensed Matter V, Buenos Aires, Argentina (December 2010) 20. “Thin films of multiferroic materials” C.J.M. Daumont, D. Rubi, J. Kleubeuker, G. Catalán and B. Noheda International Symposium on Integrated Ferroelectrics, Bordeaux, France (May 2007) 21. “On the origin of the reduced magnetoresistance of electron doped Fe-Mo double perovskites” D. Rubi and J. Fontcuberta 10th Joint MMM/INTERMAG Conference, Baltimore, USA (January 2007) 22. “Donor/aceptor defects mediate the ferromagnetism of TM:ZnO (TM:Co,Mn) nanopowders” D. Rubi, J. Fontcuberta, J. Arbiol, A. Calleja, Ll. Aragonés, X.G. Capdevila, and M. Segarra XIII International Workshop in Oxide Electronics, Ischia, Italy (October 2006) 23. “On the origin of the reduced spin polarization of electron doped Fe-Mo double perovskites” D. Rubi and J. Fontcuberta Joint European Magnetic Symposia 2006, Donostia, Spain (July 2006) 24. “Post-synthesis annealing effects on the magnetic properties of ZnO:TM (TM: Co, Mn) diluted magnetic semiconductors” D. Rubi, J. Fontcuberta, J. Arbiol, A. Calleja, Ll. Aragonés, X.G. Capdevila, and M. Segarra Joint European Magnetic Symposia 2006, Donostia, Spain (July 2006) 25. “Preparation and characterization of Co:ZnO bulk and thin films” D. Rubi, J. Fontcuberta, A. Klein, A. Calleja, X.G. Capdevila and M. Segarra Workshop on Oxides at the Nanoscale, Zaragoza, Spain (November 2005) 26. “On-off magnetoresistive sensor based on screen-printed La2/3Sr1/3MnO3 manganite films” D. Rubi, J. Fontcuberta, M. Lacaba, A.M. González, J. Baztán, A. Calleja, Ll. Aragonés, X.G. Capdevila and M. Segarra Eurosensors XIX, Barcelona, Spain (September 2005) 27. “Spin polarized itinerant electrons in Ca2FeMoO6 double perovskite” D. Rubi, J. Nogués, J.S. Muñoz and J. Fontcuberta European Materials Research Society (EMRS) Spring Meeting, Strasbourg, France (June 2005) 28. “Spectroscopic investigation of AS defects on the electronic structure of Sr2FeMoO6” D. Rubi, J. Navarro, J. Fontcuberta, M. Izquierdo, J. Avila and M.C. Asensio Spectroscopies in Novel Superconductors 2004, Sitges, Spain (July 2004) 29. “Electronic effects in Fe-Mo double perovskites” D. Rubi, C. Frontera, J. Fontcuberta, M. Wojcik, E. Jedryka, S. Nadolski, M. Izquierdo, J. Avila and M.C. Asensio III Reunión Nacional de Física del Estado Sólido, San Sebastián, Spain (June 2004) 30. “Band filling versus bond bending in substituted LxSr2-xFeMoO6 (L=Ca, La, Nd) compounds” D. Rubi, C. Frontera, G. Herranz, J.L. García Muñoz, C. Ritter and J. Fontcuberta. 9th Joint Magnetism and Magnetic Materials (MMM)/Intermag Conference, Anaheim, USA (January 2004) 31. “Magnetisation and neutron diffraction studies on Sr2-xCaxFeMoO6” C. Ritter, D. Rubi, J. Navarro, C. Frontera, J.L. García Muñoz and J. Fontcuberta. International Conference on Magnetism (ICM) 2003, Rome, Italy (July 2003). 32. “Electric and magnetic field effects on the transport properties of La0.5Ca0.5MnO3 thin films” M. Villafuerte, S. Duhalde, D. Rubi, G. Bridoux, S. Helauni, M. Sirena and L. Steren. International Conference on Magnetism (ICM) 2003, Rome, Italy (July 2003). 33. “Mechanism for Curie temperature variation in LaxSr2-xFeMoO6 and CaxSr2-xFeMoO6” C. Frontera, D. Rubi, J. Navarro, J.L. García Muñoz and J. Fontcuberta. 3rd European Conference on Neutron Scattering, Montpellier, France (September 2003) 34. “Structural and electrical characterisation of La0.5Ca0.5MnO3 thin films grown by pulsed laser deposition” D. Rubi, S. Duhalde, M.C. Terzzoli, G. Leyva, G. Polla, P. Levy, F. Parisi and R.R. Urbano V Latin American Workshop on Magnetism, Magnetic Materials and their Applications, Bariloche, Argentina (September 2001) 35. “Correlation between structural and transport properties of La0.5Ca0.5MnO3 thin films grown by PLD” D. Rubi, S. Duhalde, M.C. Terzzoli and M. Villafuerte Conference on Laser Ablation (COLA) 2001, Tsukuba, Japan (October 2001) 36. “Transport properties of pulsed laser deposited La0.67Sr0.33MnO3 thin films” M.C. Terzzoli, D. Rubi, S. Duhalde, M. Villafuerte, M. Sirena and L. Steren European Materials Research Society (EMRS) Spring Meeting, Strasbourg, France (June 2001) 37. "Strain effects in La0.5Ca0.5MnO3 thin films grown by Pulsed Laser Deposition" D. Rubi, M. Villafuerte, S. Duhalde and M.C. Terzzoli Workshop on High Magnetoresistance Materials, Brasilia, Brazil (December 2001) 38. "Influence of substrate induced stress on the magnetic and transport properties of La0.5Ca0.5MnO3 thin films" D. Rubi, S. Duhalde and M.C. Terzzoli 86ª Annual Meeting of the Argentinian Physics Society, Rosario (2001) 39. "Influence of microstructure on the magnetotransport properties of La0.67Sr0.33MnO3 thin films” M.C. Terzzoli, D. Rubi, M. Villafuerte y S. Duhalde, 86ª Annual Meeting of the Argentinian Physics Society, Rosario (2001) 40. “Study of structural and transport properties of La1-x(TA)xMnO3/CeO2/YSZ/Si thin multilayers” D. Rubi, C. Terzzoli, M. Pirrera, S. Duhalde 85ª Annual Meeting of the Argentinian Physics Society, Buenos Aires (2000) 41. “Growing and characterisation of CeO2 and YSZ thin layers on Si by laser ablation” M. Pirrera, D. Rubi, S. Duhalde. 84ª Annual Meeting of the Argentinian Physics Society, Tucumán (1999) f) Participation in Research Projects 1. 2014-2015. Project Comisión de Investigaciones Científicas (CIC-Bs. As.) “Crecimiento por ablación láser de films delgados de óxidos con propiedades de memoria resistiva” Main researcher: D. Rubi Amount: $30.000 2. 2012-2014. Project CONICET PIP 114-201101-00291 (Argentinian National Research Council , Argentina) “Crecimiento y caracterización de películas delgadas con propiedades de memoria resistiva” Main researcher: D. Rubi Amount: $36.000 3. 2015-2017. Project ANPCyT, PICT 2116 “Desarrollo de dispositivos basados en el efecto magnetocalórico” Main researcher: M. Quintero Amount: $240.000 4. 2014-2016. Project ANPCyT, PICT 0788 “Mecanismo de Memoria en Oxidos” Main researcher: P. Levy Amount: $420.000 5. 2011. Project Fundación Balseiro (Argentina). “Estudio de propiedades de memoria resistiva en BiFeO3 y óxidos relacionados” Main researcher: D. Rubi. Amount: $9.000 6. 2011-2012. Project Universidad Nacional de San Martín SJ 10/05 (Argentina). “Fabricación y caracterización de óxidos con propiedades de memoria resistiva” Main researcher: D. Rubi Amount: $30.000 7. 2009-2011, Project CONICET PIP 2008-11220080100047 (Argentinian National Research Council, Argentina) “MeMo: Mecanismos de Memoria en Óxidos” Main researcher: Dr. P. Levy Amount: $180.000 8. 2009-2010, Project «MELOIC» (Agence Nationale de la Recherche, France) “Modulateurs électro-optiques à bases d’hétérostructures ferroélectriques et multiferroïques” Main researcher: Dr. D. Colson 9. 2006-2009, Project FP6-03321 (U.E. Specific Targeted Research Project, 6th Framework Programme) “Manipulating the Coupling in Multiferroic Thin Films (MACOMUFI)” Main researcher (RUG): Dr. B. Noheda/Prof. T.T.M. Palstra 10. 2005, Project RDITCRIND04-0153 (Generalitat de Catalunya, Spain) “New functionalities of ZnO and other semiconductors” Main researcher: Prof. Josep Fontcuberta Joint Project with 1 industrial partner 11. 2001-2004, Project MAT20000-0417-P4-03 (Ministry of Science and Technology, Spain) "Magnetoresistive Digital Devices (DIMOS)" Main researcher (ICMAB): Prof. Josep Fontcuberta Joint Project with 2 industrial partners 12. 2000-2003, Project G5RD-CT-2000-00138 (5th Research Framework Project E.U.) “Advanced Magnetic Oxides for a Responsive Engineering (AMORE)” Main researcher (ICMAB): Prof. Josep Fontcuberta Joint Project with 3 industrial partners 13. 2001-2002, Project UBACYT Programación I052 (University of Buenos Aires) "Thin Coatings and Functional Multilayers” Main researcher: Prof. Gerardo Quintana 14. 2000, Project CONICET 2000 PIP 2319 (Argentinian National Research Council) "Pulsed Laser Deposition of Thin Films and Heterostructures” Main researcher: Dr. Stella Duhalde. 15. 1998-2000, Project UBACYT TI26 (University of Buenos Aires) "Optical and Chemical Sensor Devices prepared by Laser Ablation Main researcher: Dr. Stella Duhalde. g) Visits to other Research Institutions and Use of Large-Scale Facilities 1. Stay at nanoGUNE Institute (San Sebastián, Spain) Purpose of the stay: Nanofabrication of memristive devices Date: July 2015 2. Stay as Invited Professor at Laboratoire CRISMAT (Caen, France) Purpose of the stay: Microfabrication and characterization of memristive devices Date: February 2015 2. Diamond Light Source (Oxford, England) Purpose of the stay: PEEM on BiFeO3 single crystals and thin films Date: May 2010 3. Elettra Synchrotron Light Source (Trieste, Italy) Purpose of the stay: PEEM on BiFeO3 single crystals and thin films Date: October 2009 4. Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron (DESY) (Hamburg, Germany) Purpose of the stay: Grazing Incidence Diffraction in Thin Films Date: November 2007 5. European Synchrotron Radiation Facility (ESRF) (Grenoble, France) Purpose of the stay: XRD on Thin Films Date: April 2007 6. Stay at the Institut für Materialwissenchaft, Technische Universität Darmstadt (Darmstadt, Germany) Purpose of the stay: Synthesis and XPS characterization of (Co,Li):ZnO thin films Date: July-August 2005 Stay granted by “FPU Short Stays” Programme 7. Stay at the Laboratoire de Physico-Chimie de l’Etat Solide, Universite Paris-Sud (Orsay, France) Purpose of the stay: Synthesis of thick Fe3O4 films Date: November 2003 and November 2004 8. Institute Laue-Langevin (Grenoble, France) Purpose of the stay: Powder neutron diffraction experiments in double perovskites (Instruments D2B and D20) Date: October 2002 9. Synchrotron Light National Laboratory (Campinas, Brazil) Purpose of the stay: P-EXAFS experiments in thin manganite films Date: April 2002 10. Stay at the Laboratory of Optical and Magnetic Properties of Materials, Universidad Estadual de Campinas (Brazil) Purpose of the stay: Magnetic and transport characterization of thin manganite films Date: April 2001 and April 2002 g) Obtained Fellowships 1. “Beca Post-doctoral de Reinserción”, Post-doctoral fellowship for Argentinean researchers returning to Argentina (Argentinian National Research Council) Work Plan Title: “Synthesis and characterization of oxides with resistive memory properties” From July 2010 – October 2010 Place of Work: Physics Department, Centro Atómico Constituyentes, CNEA Director: Dr. Pablo Levy 2. “Formación de Profesorado Universitario” PhD fellowship (Ministry of Education and Science - Spain) Work Plan Title: “Novel Ferromagnetic Metallic Oxides” From January 2003 – December 2006 Place of Work: Instituto de Ciencia de Materiales de Barcelona Director: Dr. Josep Fontcuberta 3. “I3P” Phd Fellowship (Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas - Spain) Work Plan Title: “Novel Ferromagnetic Metallic Oxides” January 2003. Rejected due to incompatibility with FPU Fellowship Place of Work: Instituto de Ciencia de Materiales de Barcelona Director: Dr. Josep Fontcuberta 4. Project Associated Phd Fellowship (Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas Spain) Work Plan associated to the Project “Digital Magnetoresistive Devices (DIMOS)” From June 2002 to December 2002 Place of Work: Instituto de Ciencia de Materiales de Barcelona Director: Dr. Josep Fontcuberta 5. “Beca de Doctorado”, PhD Fellowship (University of Buenos Aires, Argentina) From Mar 02 to May 02 Place of Work: Universidad de Buenos Aires, Facultad de Ingeniería, Laser Ablation Laboratory. Director: Dr. Stella Duhalde. 6. “Beca de Estímulo a la Investigación”, fellowship for undergraduate students (University of Buenos Aires) Work Plan Title: "Epitaxial Growth of CeO2/YSZ/Si (100) films by Laser Ablation" From October 1999 to April 2001 Place of Work: Universidad de Buenos Aires, Facultad de Ingeniería, Laser Ablation Laboratory. Director: Dr. Stella Duhalde. h) Formation of Human Resources 1. Director of the CONICET post-doctoral researcher Néstor Ghenzi, “Nano-Fabricación de Memorias No Volátiles basadas en Óxidos Multifuncionales”, CAC-CNEA, from July 2015 (in progress). 2. Director of the research internship at CNEA of Jorge Izquierdo (PhD student at Universidad Nacional de Colombia), August-December 2015. 3. Co-director of the Seminary work of Augusto Román, “Crecimiento e investigacion de multiferroicos artificiales, basados en heteroestructuras ferroeléctricas/ferromagnéticas”, FCEN-UBA, from May 2015 (in progress). 4. Director of the Seminary work of Cristian Ferreyra, “CRECIMIENTO Y CARACTERIZACIÓN DE FILMS DELGADOS DEL ÓXIDO BiBaO3 SOBRE Si”, FCENUBA, from April 2014 to September 2015. Mark= 10 (ten). 5. Director of the PhD Thesis of Miguel Rengifo Morocho, “DISPOSITIVOS MEMRISTIVOS BASADOS EN OXIDOS FERROELECTRICOS”, Univ. de San Martín, from September 2015 (in progress). 6. Director of the PhD Thesis of Wilson Román Acevedo, “CRECIMIENTO POR ABLACIÓN LÁSER DE FILMS DELGADOS DE ÓXIDOS CON PROPIEDADES DE MEMORIA RESISTIVA”, Univ. de San Martín, from April 2014 (in progress) 7. Co-director of the work of “Laboratory 6 and 7” of Ignacio Alposta. “Crecimiento y caracterización eléctrica y magnética de films delgados de manganita”, Facultad de Ciencias Exactas y Naturales, Universidad de Buenos Aires, 2012. Mark: 10 (ten). 8. Co-director of the PhD Thesis of Ariel Kalstein, Facultad de Ciencias Exactas y Naturales, Universidad de Buenos Aires. From April 2012 to March 2014 (unfinished). i) Other Merits: 1. X Latin American Workshop in Magnetism, Magnetic Materials and their Applications (X-LAW3M). Member of the Organizing Committee, Program Committee and Chairman of the Oxides Symposium, Buenos Aires, Argentina (April 2013) 2. Jury member of the Seminary work of Mercedes Moreau Linares, titled “Estudio del transporte eléctrico en películas delgadas mesoporosas de TiO2 infiltradas con nanopartículas de Ag”, Universidad de Buenos Aires, March 2013. 3. “INNOVAR 2012”, 1st prize, category Applied Research, granted by the Ministry of Science of Argentina. Member of the team headed by P. Levy. $30.000. 4. Member of the “MEMOSAT” project, headed by P. Levy, winner of the 1st prize of “Programa de Apoyo al Desarrollo Científico-Tecnológico Dupont-Conicet 2010”. USD 25.000. 5. Hirsch index (Google Scholar): h = 12 6. Number of cites (Google Scholar, February 2016) = 589 7. Refereed articles for “Phys. Rev. Lett.”, “Appl. Phys. Lett”, “Phys. Rev. B”,“Europhys. Lett.”, “Nanotechnology”, “J. Phys.: Condens. Matter”, , “J. Appl. Phys.”, “Thin Solid Films”, “J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys.” ,”Appl. Phys. A”, “Semic. Sci. Tech.”, “Solid State Comm.”, “Phys. B”, “Appl. Surf. Science”,“IEEE Trans. on Magnetics”, “Mat. Sci. Eng. B”, “J. Nanosci. and Nanotechnol.”, ”Phys. Scripta”and “Phys. Status Solidi”.
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