VOL.XXI • NUM 13 A San Antonio Tradition Since 1913 www.laprensasa.com English-Español 9 de diciembre de 2015 Una Tradición en San Antonio desde 1913 LA PRENSITA Hidalgo Foundation gets community boost By Kristian Jaime [email protected] For a over 1,000 families who find themselves in the Bexar County Children’s Court, life is about to get brighter. Thanks to the two gifts to the Hidalgo Foundation of Bexar County, addition financial support will aid Bexar County Children’s Court in a host of programs designed to reunite kids with loving families. The Baptist Health Foundation is contributing $250,000 and the Katherine C. Carmody Charitable Trust of the San Antonio Area Foundation is giving $50,000. The Early Intervention Program will focus on families with children from birth to 3 years old who have become involved in the child welfare system. “10 years ago, we started the Bexar County Children’s Courts and I could tell that the Baptist Health Foundation really worked hard to choose the right area foundations with which to give money,” said Tracy Wolff, president and CEO of the Hidalgo Foundation of Bexar County. Issues like drug addiction, alcoholism, mental health issues and abuse to name a few can all be reasons why Bexar County Children’s Court might intervene. The goal is not to remove the children permanently, but to make the family unit stronger as a whole through education and counseling. The mission of the Early Intervention Program is to reverse the negative effects by reunifying inTracy Wolff, president and CEO of the Hidalgo Foundation of Bexar County explained the impor- fants and toddlers with responsible tance of continuing the mission of early intervention programs in the Bexar County Children’s Court parents who are better equipped to as District Attorney Nicco LaHood (middle) and Judge Peter Sakai of the 225 District Court (right) form a healthy attachment with their children. looked on. (Photo, Kristian Jaime) “Thank you to the Baptist Health Foundation. This is the first time we have received a donation from them. Also, the San Antonio Area Foundation is an incredible organization that truly knows the need of our city,” Wolff continued. The structure of the program will be modeled after the successful Family Drug Court, through which participants receive counseling, treatment for drug and alcohol abuse, and assistance with housing, employment and education. Dealing with the far-reaching consequences of these issues involves not just community resources like addiction counseling and parenting workshops, but also the Office of the District Attorney in their prosecution of criminal cases. “This grant started with a feasibility study [on the Children’s Court]. So the Baptist Health Foundation did its homework and we did ours. We documented the need and urgency for a program like this and why it’s cutting edge,” said Judge Peter Sakai of the 225th District Court. In 2012, there were 26,342 children under the age of 3 years old in Texas who were confirmed victims of abuse or neglect; that number nationally is nearly 200,000 children per year. In Bexar County, there are approximately 1,000 children each year in this age category who are confirmed victims. “We want to help parents while they are in the civil courts so they don’t end up with criminal offenses,” said District Attorney Nico LaHood. “This program gives us an opportunity to help parents restructure their lives, keep their families together and end the cycle of abuse and neglect.” 2 LA PRENSA DE SAN ANTONIO 9 de diciembre de 2015 Líderes internacionales inspiran a mujeres en San Antonio Por Lucy Almanza [email protected] La actriz America Ferrera, la activista de los derechos humanos Yeonmi Park y la renombrada periodista María Hinojosa fueron algunas de las mujeres que llegaron a San Antonio el martes para protagonizar “Women in the World Texas”. La organizadora Tina Brown, presidenta y CEO de Tina Brown Live Media, fundadora de The Daily Beast y ex editora de la revista Vanity Fair, fue la anfitriona del evento junto con el presidente del 3N Group Guillermo Nicolas y la gerente de la ciudad Sheryl Sculley. “Cada mujer tiene una historia y sus historias tienen el poder de cambiar el mundo,” expresó Brown. Cientos de mujeres, incluyendo a la alcaldesa de la ciudad Ivy Taylor, se dieron cita al histórico St. Anthony Hotel para escuchar las opiniones e impactantes historias que relataron las invitadas especiales, incluyendo temas sobre la educación, inmigración, seguridad nacional y derechos humanos. “San Antonio ejemplifica a ‘Women in the World Texas’ ya que tenemos muchas mujeres apasionadas y poderosas liderando a nuestra ciudad, las empresas, las comunidades y los hogares”, dijo la alcaldesa Taylor. “Este año, el evento seguramente elevará e inspirará a todas nuestras mujeres líderes una vez más”. Uno de los temas de mayor impacto durante el evento fue, sin duda, la historia de la joven de 22 años de edad que se fugó de Corea del Norte para contar lo que fue vivir bajo el régimen represivo de la dinastía Kim. Yeonmi Park ahora cuenta su historia de supervivencia y se ha convertido en una activista de derechos humanos reconocida mundialmente. Otro tema de gran interés fue el que compartieron la periodista María Hinojosa y la actriz Ameri ca Ferrera, junto con Lavinia Limón, presidenta y CEO del Comité de Refugiados e Inmigrantes de los Estados Unidos y Celina de Sola, co-fundadora de Glasswing International, sobre los miles de inmigrantes que huyen de la violencia que se está viviendo en Centroamérica. María Hinojosa, periodista y presidenta del Futuro Media Group; America Ferrera, galardonada actriz y productora; Lavinia Limón, presidenta y CEO del Comité de Refugiados e Inmigrantes de los Estados Unidos y Celina de Sola, co-fundadora de Glasswing International, participaron en “Women in the World Texas” en San Antonio el martes. (Foto, Lucy Almanza) UIW celebrates the Fall Class of 2015 Special to La Prensa Last Sunday, University of Incarnate Word (UIW) President Dr. Louis J. Agnese, conferred degrees to nearly 1,000 professional, doctoral, graduate and undergraduate students making it the university’s largest fall commencement to date. The ceremony was held in the Joe and Harry Freeman Coliseum. The commencement address, delivered by Moody Professor, Dr. Elda Martinez, stressed the importance of education noting that in the UIW Fall Class of 2015 60 percent were Hispanic, of those 33 percent earning a bachelor’s degree were first-generation and 24 percent of graduate degrees conferred were to first-generation students. Martinez, a professor in the Dreeben School of Education is a first generation college graduate. The professorship, established in 1971, by the Moody Foundation reflects the recipient’s level of scholarship, teaching excellence and community service. The Moody Professor is the faculty member chosen to lead the faculty and carry the University Mace. The Commencement address to the December graduates is traditionally delivered by the Moody Professor whose address is often considered the students’ “last class.” Martinez serves as Director of Teacher Education and Professor of Education in the UIW Dreeben School of Education. She earned her Ed.D. in Organizational Leadership from Columbia University’s Teachers College and her M.A.T. and B.A. with a special education concentration and teaching certification from Trinity University. Prior to UIW, Martinez taught elementary and middle school students in the San Antonio Independent School District. Martinez was the UIW 2011-2014 Sister Theophane Power Endowed Chair in Education and is the recipient of the 2015 Ben E. Coody Distinguished Service Award presented by the Texas Association of Teacher Educators. The 2015 Alumna of Distinction for Service in Mission was Rebecca “Becca” Brune. In 1991, Brune earned a Bachelor of Arts in Political Science from UIW, graduating magna cum laude. She was an international exchange (Courtesy photo) student in Kumamoto, Japan, attending Kumamoto University and attended Carnegie Mellon University, School of Public Policy and Management. After graduation, as a Woodrow Wilson Fellow, Brune earned a master’s degree in public affairs from the Maxwell School of Citizenship and Public Affairs at Syracuse University, graduating with honors. In 2009, as a Bill Greehey Scholar, Brune earned a master’s degree in business administration from the Bill Greehey School of Business at St. Mary’s University in San Antonio, Texas, commissioned as a distinguished graduate. A Baccalaureate Mass was held for all graduates Saturday, Dec. 5 in the Alice P. McDermott Convocation Center on the UIW campus. Processional and recessional music for both events was performed by the San Antonio Pipes and Drums with musical direction provided by UIW Professor William Gokelman. 9 de diciembre de 2015 LA PRENSA DE SAN ANTONIO Calendario de la comunidad FALL 2015 BFA EXHIBITION— UTSA’s department of art and art history presents wide-ranging works by 19 emerging artists addressing themes ranging from “social and cultural critique to investigations that are challenging and exquisite explorations in creative form and image.” Admission is free. For more information, call (210) 458-4391 or visit www.art.utsa.edu. Wednesday, Dec. 9 from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. at UTSA Art Gallery- Main Campus, One UTSA Cir. MIDDAY NOELS: A DAZZLING DUO— The second of three of our Free Midday Noels Concert Series. Our organist, Dr. Jae Ha, is joined by St. Luke’s Episcopal Church organist Russell Jackson, to offer music composed for two pianos. Come hear pieces such as excerpts from the “Nutcracker Suite” of Tchaikovsky. Always a highlight of our series and not to be missed! Take a free noon break and get into the Christmas spirit. Concert is followed by a choice of “Grab and Go” Lunch for $3 or a full hot lunch for $8. Thursday, Dec. 10 at 12:10 p.m. at First Presbyterian Church, 404 N. Alamo St. THE NUTCRACKER— Jump-start your holidays with the our city’s number one ballet the Nutcracker, the must-see production by Ballet San Antonio with live music by the San Antonio Symphony (SAS). The San Antonio Symphony joins Ballet San Antonio for performances of The Nutcracker, our city’s only rendition with a live orchestra. This enduring classic realizes Tchaikovsky’s original vision, exquisite choreography sets and costumes. For more information, visit tobincenter. org for show times and tickets. Thursday, Dec.10; Friday, Dec. 11 and Saturday, Dec. 12 at the Tobin Arts Center, 100 Auditorium Cir. HOLLY DAZE ROCK— With the historic Arneson River Theater as a backdrop, the Parks and Recreation department’s pre-professional youth band, “Take Note” will present high energy holiday rock and pop favorites to get everyone in the spirit of the season. Come by and join us for a musical night to remember this holiday season. Call (210) 207-3132 for details. Friday, Dec. 11 and Saturday, Dec. 12 at 7 p.m. at Arneson River Theatre, 418 Villita St. BREAKFAST WITH SANTA— To spread holiday cheer all around San Antonio, Children and families are invited to attend our FREE Breakfast With Santa event to take a look at the man in the red suit. We will have breakfast, crafts and an opportunity to meet Santa and take pictures with him. Fun for the whole family and the event is free to attend so please bring friends and loved ones for holiday fun. For more information go to www.CovenantCares.org. Saturday, Dec. 12 from 9 a.m. to 11 a.m. at Covenant Presbyterian Church, 211 Roleto Dr. TOY DRIVE DROP-OFF— Cancer is One Cancer (COIC) support group is now accepting toy donations for children with and affected by cancer. Ages range from infants to teens. Toys collected will be delivered to four local hospitals and also be used for a Christmas event provided by the COIC support group. For more information on the toy drive, call (210) 328-5521. Sunday, Dec. 13 and Sunday, Dec. 20 from 2 to 5 p.m. at 123 Octavia Pl. A Division of Duran Duran Industries, Inc. TINO DURAN Publisher/CEO TINO DURAN JR. VP of Operations KRISTIAN JAIME LUCY ALMANZA Co-Editors ADDA MONTALVO Spanish Copy Editor JOSE FRANCO Sports Editor MARCO LOPEZ Production Manager JOE AGUILAR Production Assistants MILYANKA ROBERT PEREZ Staff Photographers CHRISTINA ACOSTA Reporters ALYSSA BUNTING Director of Advertising & Marketing MARIA CISNEROS Sales Representative REY GONZALES Circulation Manager EFE HISPANICIZE WIRE News Services La Prensa de San Antonio is published two times a week by Duran Duran Industries, Inc., at 816 Camaron St Suite 104, San Antonio, Texas 78212 (210) 242-7900. Subscription price in the U.S.A. $125 per year (52 issues). The opinions expressed in the editorials of this publication represent the positions and ideology of this newspaper; the opinions expressed by writers and guest columnists are not necessarily the opinions of the management staff or ownership of this newspaper; the contents of which they are solely and exclusively responsible for. Letters from our readers are welcome and will be published, subject to space availability so long as they are signed and have a proper return address. All letters will be reviewed and edited for offensive language, libel, slander, defamation, proper grammar, spelling, and accuracy, according to our style. La Prensa de San Antonio is not responsible for advertisements that may be deceitful or fraudulent, and does not guarantee in any way the products or services offered, of which only the advertiser is responsible. All Rights Reserved. Published and printed in the United States of America. 3 Antes de ir de compras navideñas chequeé su informe de crédito NAPSM. Se estima que las ventas navideñas de la temporada 2015 aumentarán entre un 3 y 4 por ciento, de acuerdo a evaluaciones de parte de varios expertos de la industria. Esto es un tanto menos que en el 2014 pero mayor que el promedio decenal del 2.5 por ciento de la National Retail Federation (La Federación de Ventas al Por Menor). Pero antes de sacar su tarjeta de crédito esta temporada, tome control de su situación financiera. Esto significa obtener una copia de su informe de crédito para ver y medir sus obligaciones de pago antes de las fiestas de fin de año. Los consumidores pueden obtener una copia gratuita de su informe de crédito de cada uno de los tres burós de crédito nacionales: Equifax, Experian y TransUnion. Para obtenerlos visite annualcreditreport.com. “Es mejor revisar lo que usted debe actualmente antes de agregar mayores deudas y dañar su presupuesto”, remarcó Stuart K. Pratt, presidente y CEO de la Consumer Data Industry Association (Asociación de la Industria de Datos sobre el Consumidor). “Muchos consumidores se pierden en el espíritu navideño y se enfocan solamente en los regalos que quieren comprar para sus amigos y familiares. Luego llegan las facturas en enero cuando se dan cuenta de que hay que pagar las facturas. Tener un presupuesto para gastos basado en obligaciones de crédito corrientes es una manera mucho más responsable de hacer las cosas”. Otro beneficio de repasar su informe de crédito es para asegurarse de que todo está en orden antes de ir de compras al centro comercial. Si usted ve algo incorrecto en su informe, entonces tendrá suficiente tiempo para corregirlo. Notifique al buró de crédito sobre cualquier problema. El buró le enviará toda la información pertinente al prestamista y luego le informará cómo se resolvió el problema. Pratt agregó que alentar a los consumidores a que obtengan una copia gratuita de su informe de crédito es parte de una iniciativa mucho mayor para los consumidores llamada National Consumer Assistance Plan (Plan de Asistencia Nacional para el Consumidor), implementada por los burós de crédito nacionales. “Ya que solo un tercio de los consumidores obtiene su informe de crédito anual gratuito, nuestra meta es alentar a los consumidores e incrementar este porcentaje. Obtener su informe de crédito es clave para comprender mejor sus finanzas personales”, dijo Pratt. También remarcó que los estudios demuestran que manejar las deudas y otras obligaciones crediticias es un factor clave para la seguridad financiera a largo plazo. La campaña se lanzará en el curso de los próximos años. Auto Loans as low as New |Used | Refinance Apply Today — rbfcu.org 210- 945-3300 1- 800 -580 -3300 The 1.65% APR is our best rate available when applying for an RBFCU Auto Loan to purchase a new or used vehicle, or refinance an existing auto loan from another financial institution based on your credit rating and other factors. Auto loans are subject to credit approval and rates are subject to change. Loan term will be based upon amount financed, collateral and mileage. Longer loan terms are available at different rates. Some restrictions may apply. Contact our Consumer Lending Center for more details. 4 LA PRENSA DE SAN ANTONIO 9 de diciembre de 2015 BARBACOA 9 9 SATURDAY & SUNDAY REGULAR ALL MEAT $ 895 LB $ 795 LB WE RESERVE THE RIGHT TO LIMIT QUANTITIES DORITOS NESTLE MILK CHOCOLATE COCOA MIX 79¢ .71 OZ 1 FIORA PAPERTOWELS 89¢ SEVEN STEAK 1 WHOLE Tripas 3 LB HOG HEAD 1 $ 59 $ LB PORK STEAK LB 3 3 3 3 3 LBS. LBS. LBS. LBS. LBS. SIRLOIN STEAK CHUCK STEAK FRYERS GROUND MEAT PORK STEAK 15 LBS. FOR $ 4700 3350 COOK OUT PAK #1 • • • • 3 LBS. BEEF FAJITAS 3 LBS. BEEF RIBS 3 LBS. FINGER RIBS 3 LBS. MRK MADE COUNTRY SAUSAGE • 5 LBS. LEG QTS 17 LBS. FOR $ 5400 MEAT SPECIAL #4 MEAT SPECIAL #3 • • • • • 1 • • • • • 4 4 4 4 4 LBS. LBS. LBS. LBS. LBS. SIRLOIN STEAK SEVEN STEAK BEEF RIBS GROUND MEAT PORK STEAK 20 LBS. FOR $ 7600 3 $ 19 LB 30 LB BOX 5 LBS. BEEF FAJITAS 5 LBS. BEEF RIBS 5 LBS. FINGER RIBS 5 LBS. MRK MADE COUNTRY SAUSAGE • 10 LBS. LEG QTS 30 LBS. FOR $ LB 2 2 2 2 2 LBS. LBS. LBS. LBS. LBS. 3 3 3 3 3 10 LBS. FOR $ LBS. LBS. LBS. LBS. LBS. 3000 SHOULDER STEAK PORK STEAK GROUND MEAT CHUCK STEAK FRYERS $ 1 $ 99 3 3 3 3 3 LBS. LBS. LBS. LBS. LBS. 3 $ 69 15 LBS. FOR $ 5600 LB CHUCK STEAK $ 369 • • • • • 4 4 4 4 4 LB MEAT SPECIAL #2 LBS. LBS. LBS. LBS. LBS. ROUND STEAK BEEF RIBS GROUND MEAT PORK STEAK SEVEN STEAK 20 LBS. FOR 4500 ROUND STEAK SIRLOIN STEAK PORK CHOPS SEVEN STEAK GROUND MEAT 6.5 OZ AGUJAS NORTEÑAS $ 7400 MEAT SPECIAL #7 MEAT SPECIAL #6 • • • • • 16 FL OZ REDDI WIP ORIGINAL 15 LBS. FOR 9200 SEVEN STEAK RIB STEAK LEG QTS PORK STEAK GROUND MEAT 3/$100 MEAT SPECIAL #1 • • • • • MEAT SPECIAL #5 • • • • • LB SEASONED CHICKEN FAJITAS $149 COOK OUT PAK #2 • • • • 10 OZ BONELESS BEEF RIBS COUNTRY STYLE PORK RIBS $ 59 1 LB $ 39 7UP (TROPICAL FLAVOR ONLY) KRAFT JET-PUFFED MARSHMALLOW 53.2 SQ. FT $ 79 49¢ 3 $ 09 2/$500 10.5 OZ BAG 30 CT 20 OZ LONE STAR CARD ACCEPTED BREDY CORNHUSKS FOR TAMALES ASSORTED FLAVORS HEFTY BOWLS $ 89 SPECIALS GOOD 12-9-15 THRU 12-15-15 • • • • • 4 4 4 4 4 LBS. LBS. LBS. LBS. LBS. ROUND STEAK CHUCK STEAK PORK CHOPS SEVEN STEAK GROUND MEAT 20 LBS. FOR $ 7200 9 de diciembre de 2015 Ad creation/delivery date: Wednesday, December 2, 2015 at 9:54:17 LA PRENSA DE SAN ANTONIO 5 Lucero y Pedro Fernández cantarán para la Virgen de Guadalupe Por La Prensa Telemundo transmitirá un programa especial como tributo a la Virgen de Guadalupe este viernes 11 de diciembre a las 10:35 p.m. En vivo, desde Ciudad de México, Pedro Fernández será el anfitrión de este especial en el cual él, Lucero, Kevin Ortiz, Ana Bárbara y la Adictiva Banda San José se unirán para cantarle las tradicionales “Mañanitas” a la Patrona de México. Asimismo, Lucero y Pedro Fernández interpretarán el clásico bolero de Güicho Cisneros, “Gema”, en la Basílica de la Virgen de Guadalupe en la Ciudad de México. Lucero también estrenará una canción compuesta especialmente para la ocasión. El especial también incluirá segmentos con Jéssica Carrillo y Julio Vaqueiro (Telemundo) desde la estación afiliada KVEA en Los Ángeles. Los televidentes podrán observar la imagen de la Virgen de Guadalupe, en vivo desde la Basílica, a través de la aplicación móvil NOTICIAS TELEMUNDO. En San Antonio También San Antonio celebrará a la Virgen de Guadalupe. A continua ción algunos eventos. Catedral de San Fernando (Main Plaza). Viernes 11 de diciembre. 10 p.m. Serenata a la Virgen de Guadalupe. A las 12 a.m. Misa de Medianoche. Sábado 12 de diciembre. 12 p.m. Misa. Dedicación a Plaza de la Cruz y bendición de la Imagen de Nuestra Señora de Guadalupe. Misión Concepción. Peregrinación por cuatro misiones para celebrar a la Virgen de Guadalupe. La procesión iniciará a las 2:30 p.m. en Misión Concepción; hará una estación en Misión San José y luego en Misión San Juan de 10 a 15 minutos cada una para meditar, y finalizará en Misión Espada para celebrar con la presentación de Matachines a las 5 p.m. y misa a las 6 p.m. La Asociación de Vecinos de Misión San José (organizadora) pide a los participantes utilizar camiseta, bufanda o bandana roja en solidaridad para proteger las misiones. Exhibición Centro Cultural Aztlán (1800 Frederickburg Rd. Ste. 103, San Antonio TX 78201) Vigésima exhibición anual “Cele bración a la Virgen de Guadalupe Exhibición”. Sábado 12 de diciembre. Joyería, pinturas, esculturas en madera, acuarelas y otras piezas creadas por artistas locales alrededor del tema de la Virgen de Guadalupe estarán en exposición. For Information and Showtimes www.santikos.com or call 1.866.420.8626 Making movie memories for over 100 years! MAYAN PALACE IH-35 at S.W. MILITARY 923-5531 D-BOX · BEER · SPECIAL MENU ITEMS · GAMES *ALL 2D SHOWS BEFORE 1PM ARE $5 EVERY DAY (UPCHARGES APPLY FOR 3D AND D-BOX) H KRAMPUS (PG-13) 11:35 AM, 12:35, 1:50, 2:50, 4:05, 6:25, 7:45, 9:05, 10:10, 11:30 H THE LETTERS (PG) 11:15 AM, 2:00, 4:40, 7:20, 10:05 H CREED (PG-13) 11:15 AM, 2:15, 5:20, 8:20, 9:45, 11:15 AVX 10:30 AM, 1:25, 4:30, 7:30, 10:25 H THE GOOD DINOSAUR (PG) 10:35 AM, 11:30 AM, 12:45, 1:45, 3:00, 3:30, 4:00, 5:15, 5:45, 6:15, 7:35, 8:00, 8:30, 10:15, 10:40 3D 11:00 AM, 12:00, 1:15, 2:15, 4:25, 6:45, 9:00 H VICTOR FRANKENSTEIN (PG-13) 5:05, 11:15 THE HUNGER GAMES: MOCKINGJAY - PART 2 (PG-13) 1:05, 4:10, 7:00, 10:10 D-BOX 1:05, 4:10, 7:00, 10:10 THE NIGHT BEFORE (R) 12:05, 2:30, 4:50, 7:10, 9:35 SECRET IN THEIR EYES (PG-13) 11:50 AM, 2:25, 5:10, 7:50, 10:45 THE PEANUTS MOVIE (G) 12:10, 2:35, 4:45, 7:00, 9:30 Lucero cantará el bolero “Gema” a dueto con Pedro Fernández, y también una canción especial para la ocasión del Día de la Virgen de Guadalupe. (Foto, cortesía) H No Passes *Showtimes subject to change without notice Showtimes for December 5 6 LA PRENSA DE SAN ANTONIO 9 de diciembre de 2015 Ballet San Antonio mesmerizes in ‘The Nutcracker’ By Christina Acosta [email protected] This season, Ballet San Antonio has come in full swing to bring both children and adults extra holiday cheer with a show that adds Christmas spirit to all. Ballet San Antonio’s debut of “The Nutcracker,” was an unstoppable show on opening night for all who attended. It is a performance that will not only prepare one for Christmas, but also a time to spend with family and friends who want to take a break from putting up the Christmas tree. The company is now in the second show of the season and one will notice that as Clara, the Snow Queen, and the Prince pas de bourree their way into the show, their technique and routines continue to improve. The story begins with a Christmas Eve party given by Dr. Stahlbaum (Yosvani Cortellan) and his wife (Jenna Stamm) specifically for their children Clara (Kate Maxted) and Fritz (Hans Gloor), their friends and their parents. As guests arrive to a party full of dancing and celebration for Christmas, Herr Drosselmeyer (Jason Cox), a magician and Clara’s godfather, gives her a nutcracker as her Christmas present. Her brother then gets jealous of Clara’s gift and takes it away from her and slings it to the ground, leaving Clara displeased. Her godfather fixes the nutcracker using his handkerchief and guests start to leave. Then, the family goes to bed. Clara, however, does not go to sleep right away and goes back to the living room to check on her nutcracker. She then falls asleep and begins to have nightmares that mice are out to get her until Drosselmeyer wakes her up and begins to do magic tricks of growing the tree and toys. The living room then grows into a battlefield until Clara’s nutcracker fights away the mice and becomes a young prince (Gustavo Candelas). Together, they go on a journey through the Land of Snowflakes and into the Kingdom of Sweets and tell their eventful evening to the Sugar Plum Fairy (Sally Turkel) and the Cavalier (Dylan Duke). The fairy orders a victory celebration and brings out Russian, Chinese, Arabian and Spanish dancers to perform a piece from their country to Clara and the young Prince. To end the eventful night, the Sugar Plum Fairy and her Cavalier come to dance. Once the journey to the Kingdom of Sweets is over, the audience is left wondering whether Clara’s adventure was a dream, her imagination or maybe even a reality. Based on previous recitals, one could notice that Ballet San Antonio dancers have come a long way from their previous show “Swan Lake.” At “The Nutcracker,” one can hear the audience clap their way through the first act only being disappointed that there is an intermission, anticipating what will happen 15 minutes later. When intermission is over and the curtain opens, more dancers come along as their respectful roles and prove to the audience that this performance was one that no one could miss before Christmas is over. Overall, each dancer has shown that they could provide a show full of quality choreography and a stage that will allow the story to float on. Once again, Sally Turkel, who played the Sugar Plum Fairy, wowed the audience as she glided on stage with her versatile fouettés and pirouettes. One of the best parts of the show was the performance made by the Arabian and the Arabian corps. Kathleen Martin and Jason Cox complimented one another as they belly danced their way in their performance on pointe. It was a tough balance; however, both did a notable performance that no one should miss. As the season goes on with their next performance of “Peter Pan”, Ballet San Antonio will be joined by new Artistic Director Willy Shives, who could not be happier to return to San Antonio from Chicago. “I was coming back home. Being named artistic director of Ballet San Antonio is both an honor and a dream come true for me. I am energized and ready to work with the organization and the community to build a better, more exciting Ballet San Antonio, one that reflects the city’s rich and vibrant culture,” said Shives. Ultimately, this year’s “Nutcracker” performance was one that will not only provide extra holiday cheer, but will also make one appreciate that ballet is a form of art that will shape San Antonio. If you are interested in bringing your Christmas spirit to light this year, visit www.balletsanantonio.org for more information about dates, times and ticket prices. One of the best pieces of the performance was the dance by the Arabian and their corps counterbalancing belly-dancing and pointe shoes. (Photo, Alexander Devora) 9 de diciembre de 2015 LA PRENSA DE SAN ANTONIO 7 Gratis* Samsung Galaxy Tab 4 8.0 con un contrato de 2 años en la compra de cualquier smartphone Samsung Galaxy con AT&T NextSM. 866.MOBILITY | att.com/Tab4parati | Visita una tienda *Req. activación de servicio en ambos equipos. Samsung Galaxy Tab4 8.0: Ubicaciones selectas. Smartphone: Req. la compra de un nuevo smartphone Galaxy (no incluye equipos certificados como nuevos o pre-usados) vía un contrato de AT&T Next, con plan de servicio móvil mensual calificado (voz y datos). AT&T Next: Req. contrato de pago a plazo y servicio elegible. Si se cancela el servicio, se cobrará el saldo restante del contrato de pago a plazo. Puede requerir pago por adelantado. El impuesto se paga al momento de venta. Visita att.com/next para detalles. Tablet: Req. la compra de un Samsung Galaxy Tab4 vía un contrato móvil nuevo de 2 años con plan calificado de datos (min. $14.99/mes plan DataConnect o min. $30/mes en un plan nuevo de Mobile Share Value. Si tiene el plan Mobile Share Value, puede añadir la tablet por $10/mes adicionales). Cargo por Activación/Actualización: Hasta $45 en la tablet y $15 en el smartphone. No hay cargo por actualización de línea de smartphone que haya sido comprada con AT&T Next antes del 1/8/15. Exención de cargo sujeta a cambio. Depósito: Puede aplicar por línea. Cargo por cancelación anticipada (att.com/equipmentETF): Después de 14 días, hasta $150 en la tablet. Paquete: Los equipos deben ser comprados a la misma vez y en ubicaciones selectas con equipos disponibles. Restricciones En Línea: El precio de paquete no está disponible si la actualización a un nuevo smartphone se intenta en att.com. Favor de visitar una tienda. Descuentos: El precio del paquete puede que no se combine con créditos, descuentos y ofertas. Límites de Equipos/Exclusiones: Puede aplicar un limite de compra y un limite del número total de equipos financiados por cada cuenta móvil. El precio del smartphone puede variar dependiendo de la ubicación. Devolución/Reabastecimiento: Si el smartphone se devuelve dentro de 14 días sin la tablet, el saldo será: $199.99. Existe un cargo por reabastecimiento de hasta $35 por cada smartphone. Términos Generales de Servicio Móvil: Sujeto a contrato de cliente de servicio móvil. Req. aprobación de crédito. Pueden aplicar otros cargos y un depósito. Aplican impuestos, pagos, excedentes, mensualidades y otros cargos y restricciones. El precio, los términos y las restricciones están sujetas a cambio y pueden ser modificadas o canceladas en cualquier momento sin previo aviso. La cobertura y el servicio no están disponibles en todas áreas. Aplican otras restricciones, y pueden resultar en la cancelación del servicio. Visita una tienda o www.att.com/tab4parati para más detalles del precio. 8 LA PRENSA DE SAN ANTONIO CLASIFICADOS 1340. (KF ESTATES) CALL (01/03/16) FOR DIRECTIONS Need a baker spe- -------------------------- AXIS REALTY 210CASAS 373-1465 cializing in Mexican HOMES (12/09/15) bread & cookies. Good working envi- COMPRO CASAS EN -------------------------SERVICIOS SERVICIOS ronment. Please call EFECTIVO: We pay cash for hous(210) 226-2979 or apply in person at 2200 es, fast, any areas $7.50 SERVICIO A and any condition, DOMICILIO, REFRI W. Martin. (12/30/15) 25 yrs. experience. GERADORAS, LA-------------------------- Privacy assured! Call VADORAS, SECADrivers CDL-A: $2500 John (210) 300-4000. DORAS Y ESTUFAS. Sign-On Bonus! Long www.alamohomebuy- UN AÑO GARANTÍA. LLAME A (210) 291H a u l U S / C a n a d a . ers.com (12/30/15) 5431. Steady Miles! Month(9/30/15) ly/Annual Bonuses! -------------------------RENTA -------------------------Health & Dental after RENT/LEASE Pintura, plomería, 90 days. 855-645I-10 and MLK 2/1 cercas de madera, 7789 (12/13/15) clean, water and gas alambre, textura, -------------------------- paid $595/$500, $20 shower reparación, Ahora ocupando con- application fee (210) sheetrock, carpintería, pongo puerductores, gana hasta 753-3471 (12/09/15) tas y ventanas repa$20 la hora. Aplica en -------------------------- ración. Habla con línea sapizza.com S m a l l 1 b e d r o o m Jesús Villa. Llame a (12/20/15) house, all tile, freshly (210) 797-6677. -------------------------painted, water paid (09/12/15) Panadería y taquería $550/$550, $20 ap- -------------------------necesitan cajera, cocinero y ayudante plication fee (210) Reparamos desde $49 lavadoras, secageneral. Favor de lla- 753-3471 (12/09/15) doras, refrigeradoras, mar (210) 416-8985. (12/13/15) -------------------------- estufas, A/C’s. Todas -------------------------- Large 2/2 apartment marcas, garantizado. Se busca una pareja water and garage Llame a (210) 605para vivir y trabajar paid $700 a month 9418 o (210) 489en propiedad. Tengo 1045 Linde Ave, New 0604 o (210) 488casa privada para Braunfels (210) 823- 0779. (12/16/15) estos trabajadores 0922 or (707) 481-------------------------a cambio de hom- 4608. (12/16/15) Roofing, anivelaciobre que trabaje en la -------------------------nes de casas, puerpropiedad y mujer que trabaje en la casa de Apartamento: 2 recá- tas y side. (210) 363los dueños. No llama- maras, biles pagados 3852. (12/16/15) das después de las 7 $550. (210) 862-3873 -------------------------p.m. Llame al (830) (210) 862-3873. (12/13/15) C o m p r o m a d e r a , 535-4537. -------------------------lámina, plywood, (12/16/15) -------------------------- Rento apartamento carros, troca junkiS o l i c i t o r e m e d i o s chico, una recáma- ados, no título okay caseros para cuidar r a $ 5 0 0 / p o r m e s , ( 2 1 0 ) 8 3 3 - 5 7 3 8 o diabéticos, compro biles pagados $150/ (210) 362-0875. (11/25/15) madera, lámina (210) depósito. (210) 7076774. -------------------------362-0875 (12/13/15) Sobador/Masajista (12/20/15) -------------------------para toda clase las-------------------------VENTAS timaduras. (210) 922Solicito mecánico, SALE/VENTAS: 9244. carpintero, plomero, (12/27/15) nivelador de México. 25 ACRES- All utilities on Site. Two Hunt- -------------------------(210)362-0875. ORACIONES (12/20/15) ers Micro Cabins. Full ORACIONES Kitchen/full bath and -------------------------¿ C a n s a d o d e s u 2 sleeping quarters Dear Heart of Jesus, in economía? Empresa plus additional cabin the past I have asked busca 3 personas que for additional sleep- for favors. This time quieran ingresos ex- ing quarters 201 PR I ask you this very tra. Llame (210) 264- 236 Hondo, TX 78861 special one (mention EMPLEOS favor). Take it dear Jesus and place it within your own broken heart where your father sees it, then in your merciful eyes it will become your favor not mine. Amen. Say this prayer for 3 days, promise publication and favor will be granted. Never known to fail. E.C.B. S.D. J.B.F. May the Sacred Heart of Jesus be adored, gloried, loved and preserved throughout the world now and forever. Oh, Sacred Heart of Jesus, pray for us. St. Jude, worker of miracles, pray for us. St. Jude, helper of the helpless, pray for us. Say this prayer nine times a day. By the eight day your prayer will be answered. It has never been known to fail. Publication must be promised. Thank you St. Jude. M.A.L.V. E.C.B. D.A.R. Novena Los tres Ángeles Protectores: San Gabriel, San Miguel, y San Rafael. Prenda 3 velas blancas en un plato con agua y azúcar y haga su petición. A los tres días publique esta oración. Aunque no crea mire que pasa el cuarto día. I.L.L. A.A.L. 9 de diciembre de 2015 blessings given to my loved ones and me. (A person should read this prayer 3 days in a row without saying what they want and in 3 days they should receive the grace no matter how difficult it is.) Publish When Grace is received. Thank You. Grace Received. T.D. B.I.G. difíciles) suplica que te hace un corazón afligido por los duros golpes del cruel destino que lo han vencido siempre en la lucha humana, ya que sin tu poder divino no intercede en mi favor sucumbiré por falta de ayuda. Brazo Poderoso, asísteme, ampárame y con dúceme a la Gloria celestial. Gracias dul ce Jesús (rezar quince días empezando viernes). Publicar antes de los ocho. Confío en Dios Padre y en su mi sericordia divina, por eso pido a Él que ilu mine mi camino y me otorgue la gracia que Holy Spirit. You that tanto deseo. Gracias clarify everything. You Padre por oirme. illuminate all my paths Mande publicar y obso that I reach my serve lo que ocurrirá goals. You give me el cuarto día. the gift to be able to A.A.L. forgive and forget the PARA LOS CASOS I.L.L. wrong that they do to MÁS DIFÍCILES. An me. And in all the sec- te ti vengo con la fe onds in my life you are de mi alma, a buscar with me. In this short tu sagrado consuelo dialog. I want to thank en mi difícil situación, you and confirm, once no me desampares more that I never want de las puertas que se to be separated from me han de abrir en mi you. My desire is to camino, sea tu Brazo be with you Lord and Poderoso el que las with my loved ones abra para darme la in your Holy Grace. tranquilidad que anThank You for your sío (tres peticiones NOTICE TO SUBCONTRACTORS Capital Excavation Company is soliciting bids from certified SBES, MBEs, AABEs and WBEs to work on Redland Road South (1604 to Jones Maltsberger) #40-00313 that bids to the City of San Antonio on Tuesday, December 15, 2015 at 2:00 pm. We will also have a pre-bid meeting at our office for all interested subcontractors on December 11, 2015 at 3:00 pm. Plans are available for viewing at our office at 2967 Business Park Dr, Buda, TX 78610. Please email bids to [email protected] or fax to 512-312-2050. If you have any questions, please call 512-440-1717. ATTENTION M/WBE/AABE and SBE VENDORS Harper Brothers Construction is requesting bids from Subcontractors and Suppliers for the City of San Antonio – Redland Rd. South Project IFB #40-00313. Bid Deadline is Tuesday December 15, 2015 @ 2PM. Concrete Flatwork, SW3P, Seeding, sodding, Hauling, Striping, Electrical, Signage, Traffic Signals, Select Fill Material comprise needs for the project. All inquiries shall be directed to 210-740-0099 Attn: Carlos Benavides. All quotes shall be in our office by 2pm on December 14, 2015. Please email: [email protected] or fax: 210-740-0056. Harper Brothers Construction is an Equal Opportunity Employer. 9 de diciembre de 2015 LA PRENSA DE SAN ANTONIO HEALTH 9 CTRC, School of Medicine research teams present at San Antonio Breast Cancer Symposium Prevention of breast cancer and precise treatment once an individual has breast disease are ongoing themes of research at the Cancer Therapy & Research Center (CTRC) at The University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio. Several such studies, conducted by the CTRC and School of Medicine of the Health Science Center, will be presented during the 38th annual AACR-CTRC San Antonio Breast Cancer Symposium held Dec. 8-12 at the Henry B. Gonzalez Convention Center. The symposium is a collaboration of the CTRC, the American Association for Cancer Research (AACR) and Baylor College of Medicine. Virginia G. Kaklamani, M.D., professor of medicine at the Health Science Center and leader of the CTRC breast cancer program, commented on the importance of the studies, the exact results of which are embargoed until various dates and times during the symposium. Dr. Kaklamani is a symposium co-director. Prevention by killing stem cells Breast cancers arise from mammary stem cells, many researchers conjecture. In a study to be presented Dec. 9, LuZhe Sun, Ph.D., professor of cellular and structural biology in the School of Medicine, reports that a compound can kill these stem cells. “We are starting a clinical trial at CTRC in women who have pre- cancerous lesions, to give them this medication,” Dr. Kaklamani said. “Through this trial, we hope that one day we will be able to prevent breast cancer.” The compound is already approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration for a different purpose. Prevention by genetic screening Another program, Genetic Risk Assessment for Cancer In All South Texas (GRACIAS), recently gained an additional $1.5 million in funding from the Cancer Prevention & Research Institute of Texas (CPRIT). Gail Tomlinson, M.D., Ph.D., professor and chief of pediatrics-hematology/oncology in the School of Medicine, is principal investigator and presents GRACIAS research findings on Dec. 10. GRACIAS is identifying individuals in San Antonio, Laredo and the Lower Rio Grande Valley who are at very high risk of developing several cancers, including breast cancer. “This is reaching areas that are poor and individuals who don’t have access to genetic testing,” Dr. Kaklamani said. “Dr. Tomlinson and her group are testing women who are at risk of carrying genetic mutations and giving them the opportunity to help prevent their cancers. “It’s a local population and it’s research we are doing with patients here. It directly impacts our area. It shows how the CTRC can help prevent breast cancer, right here in our back yard.” Precision in treating breast cancer On Dec. 10, CTRC researchers will report two studies describing genomic tests that can predict response to treatment in two types of breast cancer. This is precision medicine – predicting which women will benefit from certain therapies and which won’t. In one study, researchers including Dr. Kaklamani studied hard-totreat tumors called triple-negative breast cancers. These tumors are highly therapy-resistant. The researchers analyzed individual tumor features and how they changed in response to chemotherapy. This resulted in a test that can predict which patients will receive benefit from chemotherapy. “Chemo has many side effects,” Dr. Kaklamani said. “Giving it when a patient won’t benefit and will suffer the toxicities doesn’t make any sense.” The other study targeted early stage, estrogen receptor-positive breast cancers and describes a test that can predict which patients with benefit from chemotherapy and the endocrine agent tamoxifen. “At CTRC we are doing the research that is cutting-edge that is helping us to be precise,” Dr. Kaklamani said. Answers from nature On Dec. 11, a team from CTRC will present evidence that com- pounds from fungi isolated in locations including the Great Lakes have the ability to kill cancer cells. Susan Mooberry, Pharm.D., professor of pharmacology and holder of the Greehey Distinguished Chair in Targeted Molecular Therapeutics in the School of Medicine, leads the research team. Dr. Mooberry and colleagues are screening natural compounds for effect against triple-negative breast cancer cells. “These are compounds we find in nature that we are able to use to kill cancer cells, including very hard-to-treat cancer cells, the ones that are resistant to the treatments we currently have available,” Dr. Kaklamani said. Penetrating the brain The CTRC is conducting a clinical trial of a chemotherapy that, unlike others in its class of drugs, is able to penetrate the brain. This can be crucial for patients whose breast cancers have spread to the brain. Andrew Brenner, M.D., Ph.D., associate professor in medicine, neurology and neurosurgery, leads the study, which will be described Dec. 12 at the symposium. Early clinical trials showed this drug is very effective in killing breast cancer cells in the brain. “Here are all these clinical trials that we have available at CTRC, where we are helping people to live longer,” Dr. Kaklamani said. Help for nerve pain Another CTRC study looks at medications that can help prevent one of the most severe side effects of chemotherapy – neuropathy or nerve pain, Dr. Kaklamani said. Researchers including Dr. Mooberry and Kelly Berg, Ph.D., and William Clarke, Ph.D., all of the Department of Pharmacology, conduct this study. 10 LA PRENSA DE SAN ANTONIO SPORTS 9 de diciembre de 2015 Invencibles en casa los Spurs esperan a Kobe Bryant Por José I. Franco [email protected] Con su victoria en casa número 11, conquistada ante el visitante Celtics de Boston en el renovado estadio AT&T Center, los Spurs ahora se disponen a darle la bien venida al guardia y alero Kobe Bryant. Bryant, el próximo viernes 11 de diciembre, llegará con Lakers de Los Ángeles a San Antonio dispuesto a complacer a su legión de seguidores que de seguro vendrán desde el norte de México, el sur de Texas y de la región de El Álamo. El motivo es que recientemente Bryant, de 37 años de edad, en su nativa Filadelfia (donde jugaron contra los alicaídos 76ers) anunció su retiro de la duela tras 20 temporadas en la NBA vistiendo los colores de su único equipo, con el que ha conquistado cinco campeonatos en las campañas de 1999-00, 200001, 2001-02 y 2008-09, 2009-10. Para el capitán de los Spurs, Tim Duncan, la noticia del retiro de Bryant de las canchas en la NBA fue tomada a bien. Indicó además que Kobe dejará muchos recuerdos y marcas en el mejor baloncesto del universo. “Kobe se retirará dejando buenos recuerdos en la NBA”, comentó Duncan durante el final del partido que Spurs sostuvo ante los Bucks de Milwaukee, al que de rrotaron con marcador de 95 a 70. La cita Spurs vs. Lakers es el viern es 11 de diciembre en el horario de las 8:30 p.m. por lo que se espera una verdadera batalla sobre la duela del remodelado AT&T Center que de seguro va a registrar lleno completo. Los Spurs siguen ubicados en el segundo lugar de la Conferencia del Oeste donde el súper líder lo es el actual monarca de la NBA: los Warriors de Golden State que tienen marca de 22-0. Los Warriors están bajo la dirección del entrenador interino Luke Walton que se encuentra en relevo del entrenador en jefe Steve Kerr, a quien por reglamento de la NBA se le adjudican las 22 victorias. Kerr se encuentra cumpliendo programa de rehabilitación tras un par de intervenciones quirúrgicas en la espalda (las cuales le fueron realizadas durante el pasado verano). Warriors van por su propia marca en partidos ganados consecutivamente desde la apertura de temporada hasta la fecha 22 en sus partidos del rol regular en la NBA. Los Spurs también van por su propia marca a nivel franquicia. Con su triunfo ante Celtics con pizarra de 108-105 pusieron su marca en 11-0 en el AT&T Center, siendo junto con Warriors los dos únicos equipos que no han perdido en su casa en la presente temporada. De acuerdo a información proporcionada por el departamento de prensa de los Spurs, la franquicia Silver & Black en la temporada de 2007-08 llegaron a establecer récord de 13-0 perdiendo el invicto ante el visitante Suns de Phoenix con marcador de 100-95 el 17 de diciembre del 2007. La victoria de Spurs ante Boston fue la novena conseguida de forma consecutiva. La última vez que Celtics derrotó a San Antonio en casa fue en la fecha del 11 de marzo del 2011. Los Spurs ante Celtics, entrenados por Brad Stevens, se vieron faltos de ofensiva en el cierre de su espectacular combate, anotando en el cuarto periodo 22 unidades por 34 de su rival; sin embargo, su sorpresiva defensiva los pudo llevar a puerto seguro con el trabajo de los titulares y suplentes, encabezados por LaMarcus Aldridge, que encestó 17 puntos con 8 rebotes. Los Spurs batallaron para derrotar al visitante Celtics de Boston que, con su rotación de novatos y prospectos, los puso contra la pared; pero lograron salir adelante con cerrado marcador de 108-105. En la acción aparece el guardia Avery Bradley encestando uno de sus dos triples. (Foto, Franco) Por Celtics se despacharon con la cuchara grande el guardia estelar Isaiah Thomas con 23 puntos, el alero y escolta suplente Evan Turner, que fabricó 16 unidades seguido por el alero estelar Jae Crowder con 15 puntos. Aldridge dejó asentando que en cada partido se ha venido encon trando con su ángulo para encontrar el aro. El alero estelar de los Spurs, LaMarcus Aldridge (balón en mano derecha), sigue buscando su ángulo para encestar. En la ofensiva Aldridge es una muralla, como se aprecia en la acción contra el poste Jared Sullinger de los Celtics. (Foto, Franco) 9 de diciembre de 2015 LA PRENSA DE SAN ANTONIO SPORTS 11 Spurs reinvent championship formula By Kristian Jaime [email protected] Beating a 1-21 Philadelphia team is not usually big news. Yet, is just how badly the Spurs did it that is garnering headlines. News that Tim Duncan, Manu Ginobili and Kawhi Leonard were all out this game might have been some comfort for 76er fans. Perhaps Philly was still relishing their first win earlier this season against the Lakers. Then came the tipoff. Not only did LaMarcus Aldridge finish with 26 points and nine rebounds, but Tony Parker got in the act with 12 points on the night as well. The disparity between a wayward 76ers squad and a championship contender like San Antonio is no more evident than by looking at the field goal percentage. A whopping 61 percent for the silver and black to a meager 34 percent by Philly makes looking at the scoreboard almost unnecessary. There are solid halftime leads and there are ridiculous ones like the 36-point advantage the Spurs had. A rousing comeback was hardly in the cards, as the Spurs would trounce Philadelphia by 51 points 119-68. The shock of a 76ers loss is a newsworthy as another Spurs win. But it’s how they are winning that is noteworthy. The Spurs have evolved once again under the tutelage of head coach Gregg Popovich and his staff. While the offense no longer simply runs through Tim Duncan, the addition of Aldridge allows for basic post-up basketball that is as patient as it is effective. Knowing there are fewer threepoint threats, making Leonard a viable shooter from any spot on the floor is just the ingenuity they needed. With Pop’s confidence growing in Patty Mills, the Aussie is proving why he was not traded in the offseason. His eight-point average does not tell the tale of his prowess behind the three- USWNT heads to S.A. as victory tour reaches final stretch Special to La Prensa Following its historic run to the championship of the 2015 Women’s World Cup in Canada, the U.S. Women’s National Team (USWNT) has embarked on a 10-game Victory Tour across the country. It has served the dual purpose of celebrating the USA’s third Women’s World Cup title with the fans, while also preparing the team for the 2016 CONCACAF Olympic qualifying tournament which will take place from February 10-21 of next year in Houston and Dallas. After the USA’s match on Dec. 6 in Hawaii was cancelled due to the artificial turf surface at Aloha Stadium was not suitable to hold an international soccer match, the tour was reduced to nine games of which three remain. The USA will now play Trinidad & Tobago on Dec. 10 in San Antonio (8 p.m. CT on ESPN2 and WatchESPN). Then, they will continue on Dec. 13 at the University of Phoenix Stadium against China PR (4:30 p.m. PT on ESPN2 and WatchESPN) and end by playing the 10th and final game of the Victory Tour against China on Dec. 16 in New Orleans (7 p.m. CT on FOX Sports 1 and FOX Sports GO). The USA has won five matches and drawn one on the Victory Tour while running its 2015 record to 181-4, including a record of 8-0-2 on home soil. The U.S. team’s one loss this year came in the first game of 2015 against France in Lorient, a 2-0 setback in early February that the USA flipped one month later when the teams met in the championship game of the 2015 Algarve Cup in Portugal. Fans can follow all the action from #USAvTRI and #USAvCHN on Twitter @ussoccer_wnt and @ ussoccer_esp, and follow the team along its journey on Instagram and Snapchat (ussoccer_wnt). point line. It is not a coincidence that Popovich has them contending once again. For that matter, it was expected of them. But with age comes wisdom and with San Antonio currently on a four game winning streak, it is as much about defense as it is offense. Consider the fact that Spurs allow the least amount of points from the free throw line. While it is still early, appreciate that lockdown defense has kept them perfect on the home court. Lastly, imagine San Antonio quietly enjoying all the focus on the 22-0 Golden State Warriors as they wait in the tall grass at 18-4. The Spurs are not about numbers, but the most important one from now till the end of the season is six—as in a sixth championship banner for the AT&T Center. With Pop reinventing the wheels of title trail, it might not Spurs head coach Gregg Popovich is showing, once again, why he be that long before we need to may be the most ingenious and successful mind in the NBA. clear more room in the rafters. (Photo, Franco) 12 LA PRENSA DE SAN ANTONIO MACY S MONEY 9 de diciembre de 2015 ¡MIENTRAS MÁS COMPRAS, MÁS MACY’S MONEY RECIBES! ¡ÚSALO ENCIMA DE CUPONES Y PRECIOS DE VENTA! INCLUSO EN NUESTRAS MEJORES MARCAS—¡INCLUYENDO COSMÉTICOS Y FRAGANCIAS! COMPRA EN LA TIENDA: VIE. A JUE., 11 AL 17 DE DIC. ¡ES CÓMO DINERO GRATIS! O EN LÍNEA: VIE. A MIÉ., 11 AL 16 DE DIC. GASTA†: $5O-74.99 $75-99.99 $1OO-149.99 $15O-199.99 $2OO Y MÁS USA TU MACY’S MONEY EN LÍNEA O EN LA TIENDA DE VIE. A MIÉ., 18 AL 23 DE DICIEMBRE OBTÉN: $1O $15 $2O $3O $4O †VEA MÁS INFORMACIÓN ABAJO. VENTA DE UN DÍA COMPRA EL SÁB, 12 DE DIC., DE 8 A.M.-11 P.M. TAMBIÉN COMPRA EL VIE., 11 DE DIC., DE 8 A.M.-11 P.M. LOS HORARIOS VARÍAN SEGÚN LA TIENDA. VISITA MACYS.COM Y HAZ CLIC EN STORES PARA OBTENER LA INFORMACIÓN LOCAL. AHORRA 5O%-8O% POR TODA LA TIENDA ENVÍO GRATIS EN LÍNEA AL COMPRAR $25 VÁLIDO EL 11 Y 12 DE DIC. DE 2015. MÁS, DEVOLUCIONES GRATIS. SOLO EE.UU. APLICAN EXCLUSIONES; VEA MACYS.COM/FREERETURNS ¡DOORBUSTERS! ¡OFERTAS DEL DÍA! ESPECIALES DE ÚLTIMA HORA ¡SOLO 6 HORAS! VIERNES Y SÁBADO DE 8 A.M.-2 P.M. ¡DISPONIBLES TODO EL DÍA, AMBOS DÍAS! HEMOS NEGOCIADO UNAS INCREÍBLES OFERTAS DE ÚLTIMA HORA SOLO PARA ESTE EVENTO. ¡LAS CANTIDADES ESTÁN LIMITADAS, CONSÍGUELAS MIENTRAS PUEDAS! O DESCUENTOS EXTRA VIERNES Y SÁBADO HASTA LAS 2 P.M. DÓLARES DE DESCUENTO EXTRA EN SELECCIONES DE ROPA Y ARTÍCULOS DEL HOGAR EN VENTA Y LIQUIDACIÓN AHORRA 1O $ EN TU COMPRA DE $25 O MÁS. VÁLIDO EL 11 O 12 DE DIC. DE 2015 HASTA LAS 2 P.M. LIMITADO A UNO POR CLIENTE. DÓLARES DE DESCUENTO EXTRA EN SELECCIONES DE ROPA Y ARTÍCULOS DEL HOGAR EN VENTA Y LIQUIDACIÓN AHORRA 2O $ LIMITADO A UNO POR CLIENTE. EN TU COMPRA DE $50 O MÁS. VÁLIDO EL 11 O 12 DE DIC. DE 2015 HASTA LAS 2 P.M. NO SE PUEDE USAR CON DOORBUSTERS U OFERTAS DEL DÍA Excluye: ofertas del día, doorbusters, especiales de todos los días (EDV), especiales, súper compras, cosméticos/fragancias, artículos eléctricos/electrónicos, muebles, colchones, alfombras. También excluye: ropa, calzado y accesorios atléticos; mercancía de los Dallas Cowboys, tarjetas de regalo, Jack Spade, exhibiciones de joyería, Kate Spade, locales y mercancía Macy’s Backstage, New Era, Nike on Field, compras previas, relojes Samsung, ciertos departamentos arrendados, servicios, pedidos especiales, compras especiales, The North Face, Tumi. No puede combinarse con ninguna otra oferta de pase/cupón, descuento adicional u oferta crediticia excepto al abrir una nueva cuenta Macy’s. Los dólares de descuentos se distribuyen como descuentos por cada artículos elegible, tal y como se muestra en el recibo. El devolver un artículo eliminará el descuento asignado a ese artículo. Este cupón no tiene valor como efectivo y no se puede canjear por efectivo, usarse para comprar tarjetas de regalo o usarse como pago o crédito a tu cuenta. La compra debe ser de $25 o $50 o más sin incluir cargos por impuesto y entrega. LOS PRECIOS DE LA VENTA DE UN DÍA ESTARÁN VIGENTES EL 11 Y 12 DE DICIEMBRE DE 2015. LA MERCANCÍA ESTARÁ EN OFERTA A ESTOS U OTROS PRECIOS DE VENTA DE AHORA HASTA EL 2 DE ENERO DE 2016, A NO SER QUE SE INDIQUE ALGO DIFERENTE. ‡CÓMO FUNCIONA:con cualquier transacción* individual de $50 o más, hecha en la tienda entre el 11 y el 17 de diciembre de 2015 o en línea entre el 11 y el 16 de diciembre de 2015, le daremos en la caja registradora una Tarjeta de Premio Macy’s Money de $10 (si gasta entre $50-74.99), $15 (si gasta $75-99.99), $20 (si gasta $100-149.99), $30 (si gasta $150-199.99) o $40 (si gasta $200 o más). *EXCLUYE LAS SIGUIENTES COMPRAS: tarjetas de regalo, compra en línea- recoge en la tienda, macys.com, servicios y cargos, impuestos sobre la venta, macybed, ventas de muebles por teléfono, departamentos arrendados, Espot, restaurantes. USA TU TARJETA DE PREMIO MACY’S MONEY entre el 18 y el 23 de diciembre de 2015. NO PUEDE: canjearse por efectivo, usarse para comprar tarjetas de regalo Macy’s ni usarse como pago o acreditarse a su cuenta de tarjeta de crédito. Si se devuelve una compra usada para acumular Macy’s Money, Macy’s se reserva el derecho de cancelar la tarjeta de premio Macy’s Money o rebajar el valor correspondiente. Para obtener más información, visita macys.com/macysmoney
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