Stand: 10/10/2014 BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCH – CURRICULUM VITAE ULRICH GEORG VOLKMANN MAILING ADDRESS: Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile, Facultad de Física, Instituto de Física, Avda. Vicuña Mackenna 4860, 7820436 Macul, Santiago, Chile. PHONE: (+56) 22354 4468 (office) and (+56) 22354 4497 (lab). E-mail: [email protected] EDUCATION: Physics studies at Justus Liebig-Universität in Giessen, Germany 9/78-9/81; Institut für Physik der Johannes Gutenberg-Universität in Mainz, Germany, Diplom-Physiker (Dipl.-Phys.), 1985; Institut für Physik and Material Research Center of the Johannes Gutenberg-University Mainz, Germany, Ph.D. (Dr. rer. nat.) in Physics, 1991. Ph.D. THESIS ADVISOR: Prof. Dr. Klaus Knorr. COMPLEMENTARY SPECIALTY (in Germany required to obtain the Diploma degree): Nuclear Chemistry / Radio Chemistry. Adviser: Prof. Dr. Günther Herrmann, during my study Director of the Research Reactor at the University Mainz and Director of the GSIDarmstadt (Heavy Ion Research Center, Darmstadt). Specialty includes two labs / practical work at the Research Reactor at the University Mainz. EMPLOYMENT HISTORY: Physics Institute, Pontifícia Universidad Católica de Chile, Santiago, Chile and Centro de Investigación en Nanotecnología y Materiales Avanzados (CIEN-UC), Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile: Profesor Titular, 2/2006 to present; Associate Professor / Profesor Adjunto, 2/1993 to 1/2006. Physics Department, Universidad de Chile, Santiago, Chile: Teacher and Research Scientist, 3/1992-1/93. Sonder-ForschungsBereich SFB 62, University Mainz: Scientific Assistant, 3/1991-2/1992. RESEARCH INTERESTS: Organic films; Bio-Nanostructures; Bio-silicon interfaces; Selfhydrated artificial membranes; Self assembling multilayers of charged polymers (polyions, polyelectrolytes) and cellulose; Selective adsorption, roughness, structure and dynamic of adsorbed long chain molecules (n-alkanes); Artificial membrane formation and characterization (dipcoating, Langmuir, Spin-coating, from the gasphase), DPPC, Chitosan; Si-, SiO2-, porous Si, metal substrates; Proteins; Electrochemical and physical changes toward Biosenesors; Atomic Force Microscopy (AFM); Imaging Ellipsometry (IE); Very High Resolution Ellipsometry (VHRE); thin magnetic films, magnetic superlattices; ACmagneto optical Kerr effect (MOKE). Structural phase transitions in bulk material; critical phenomena: structural relaxation at the glass transition of amorphous solids; elastic properties of amorphous and crystalline materials; wetting of surfaces by monoatomic and molecular films, wetting transitions in adsorbed films, surface freezing, adhesion, anchoring, interfacial 1 Stand: 10/10/2014 ordering, roughness of substrates and films, thermodynamic description of the epitaxial growth of surface films: structural phase transitions in thin films; growth kinetics of thin films, experimental realization of a lattice gas system; optical propagation in multibarrier systems; quadrupolar dynamics in plastic crystals and orientational glasses, thin magnetic films, optical activity of hydrogen charged Pd films. EXPERIMENTAL EXPERTISE: Very high-resolution ellipsometry VHRE; Imaging ellipsometry IE; AC-Kerr (AC-MOKE) and DC-Kerr (DC-MOKE); Optical and UV spectroscopy; Scanning Probe Microscopy (AFM, STM, SEM); Ultra-high vacuum techniques UHV; Cryogenic techniques (liquid helium, liquid nitrogen, closed-cycle refrigerators); Design of superisolated liquid helium cryostats; computer-aided measurement and control; thermally activated laser desorption; mass spectrometry; very high and ultra low temperature measurement and control; pressure measurement; gas purification; physical vapor deposition PVD; flash evaporation; X-ray powder diffraction; transmission electron microscopy TEM, nuclear chemistry and physics (research reactor Mainz and MURR/Columbia); quasielastic neutron scattering (QENS at Intense Pulsed Neutron Source IPNS at ANL, USA); Synchrotron X-ray diffraction on thin films (MATRIX at the National Synchrotron Light Source NSLS at Brookhaven National Laboratory in New York); Elastic constant measurement: low-frequency dynamic torsion LFDT; Dielectric constant measurement; Magnetization in LTC Superconductors; Surface cleaning with Nd:YAG and Ruby lasers. TEACHING EXPERIENCE: University Mainz-undergraduate and graduate physics course and lab instructor, supervised graduated seminar, instruction of physicists during their diploma thesis. University of Chile and the Catholic University of Chile-taught under graduate / graduate physics to students in the Physics & Astronomy, Engineering, Chemistry, Biology, Agriculture and Construction Faculties. Typical teaching charge: 1 to 2 massive service courses and 1 to 2 laboratories per semester (average teaching load: 2,8 courses per semester). PUBLICATIONS IN INTERNATIONAL JOURNALS: 1. ”Towards bio-silicon interfaces: Formation of an ultra-thin self-hydrated artificial membrane composed of dipalmitoylphosphatidylcholine (DPPC) and chitosan deposited in high vacuum from the gas-phase”, María J. Retamal, Marcelo A. Cisternas, Sebastian E. Gutierrez-Maldonado, Tomas Perez-Acle, Birger Seifert, Mark Busch, Patrick Huber and Ulrich G. Volkmann, J. Chem. Phys. 141, 104201 (2014); (September 9, 2014 published online; in press); DOI: 10.1063/1.4894224 This publication was highlighted by the American Institute of Physics AIP-Publishers as “First Synthetic Membranes Made without Solvents”: 2. ”Spontaneous Formation of Nanopatterns in Velocity-Dependent Dip-Coated Organic Films: From Dragonflies to Stripes”, Tomas P. Corrales, Mengjun Bai, 2 Stand: 10/10/2014 Valeria del Campo, Pia Homm, Piero Ferrari, Armand Diama, Christian Wagner, Haskell Taub, Klaus Knorr, Moshe Deutsch, Maria Jose Retamal, Ulrich G. Volkmann, and Patrick Huber, ACS Nano (September 4, 2014 published online; in press); DOI: 10.1021/nn5014534 3. ”Spectrographic phase-retrieval algorithm for femtosecond and attosecond pulses with frequency gaps”, B. Seifert, S. Wallentowitz, U. Volkmann, A. Hause, K. Sperlich, H. Stolz, Optics Communications 329 (2014) 69-75; DOI:10.1016/j.optcom.2014.05.001 4. "Investigation of the ion beam emission from a pulsed power plasma device”, A. Henríquez, H. Bhuyan, M. Favre, M. J. Retamal, U. Volkmann, E. Wyndham, H. Chuaqui, Journal of Physics Conference Series 511 (1), 012073 (2014). DOI: 10.1088/1742-6596/511/1/012073 5. “Thermal behavior of 1,2-dipalmitoyl-sn-3-phosphoglycerocholine bi- and multilayers, deposited with physical vapor deposition under ellipsometric growth control”, Carmen González Henríquez, Ulrich G. Volkmann, María José Retamal, Mauricio Sarabia, Marcelo Cisternas, Karina Lopez. The Journal of Chemical Physics 136, 134709-134714 (2012). 6. ”Inclusion effect of gold and copper particles in a poly(amide) matrix that contains a thiophene moiety and Si or Ge atoms in the main chain”; C. M. González-Henríquez, L. H. Tagle, C. A. Terraza, A. Barriga González, U. G. Volkmann, A. L. Cabrera, E. Ramos-Moore, Maria Jose Retamal. Journal of Material Chemistry 22, 6782-6791 (2012). (Impact factor: 5.1). 7. “Poly(ester)s and Poly(amide)s with fluorene and diphenyl-silane units in the main chain. Effects of iodine doping on the structure and electrical conductivity”; C. M. González-Henríquez, L. H. Tagle, C. A. Terraza, A. Barriga González, A. L. Cabrera, and U. G. Volkmann. Journal of Applied Polymer Science 125 (1), 477-487 (2012). DOI: 10.1002/app.35499 (Impact factor: 1.240) 8. “Thiophene and Silarylene-Containing Poly(ester)s Resonance Effect on Conductivity after Polarization in an External Electric Field”; C. M. GonzálezHenríquez, L.H. Tagle, C. A. Terraza, A. Leiva, A. Barriga González, U. G. Volkmann, A. L. Cabrera, E. Ramos-Moore, M. Pavez-Moreno. Polymer International 61 (5), 810-817 (2012). DOI: 10.1002/pi.4147 (Impact factor: 2.056). 9. “Synthesis of Oligomeric Silicon-containing Poly(imide-amide)s Derived from Trimellitic Anhydride and Amino-Acids. Vibration Spectral, Optical, Thermal and Morphological Characterization”; L.H. Tagle, C.A. Terraza, P. Ortiz, M. Rodríguez, A. Tundidor-Camba, A. Leiva, C.M. González-Henríquez, A. Cabrera, U.G. Volkmann, E. Ramos-Moore. Journal of Macromolecular Science: Pure Applied Chemistry 49, 562-570 (2012). 10. “Structural symmetry breaking of silicon-containing poly(amide-imide) oligomers and their relation with electrical conductivity and Raman active vibrations”; C. 3 Stand: 10/10/2014 M. González-Henríquez, L. H. Tagle, C. A. Terraza, A. Barriga González, U. G. Volkmann, A. L. Cabrera, E. Ramos-Moore, M. Pavez-Moreno. Polymer International 61, 197-204 (2011). (Impact factor: 2.056). 11. "Molecular-dynamics simulation of lateral friction in contact-mode atomic force microscopy of alkane films: The role of molecular flexibility", P. Soza, F.Y. Hansen, H. Taub, and M. Kiwi, E. Cisternas, U.G. Volkmann and V. del Campo. EPL 95, 36001 (2011). 12. “Transition from van der Waals to H Bond Dominated Interaction in n-Propanol Physisorbed on Graphite”, Matthias Wolff, Frank Kruchten, Patrick Huber, Klaus Knorr, and Ulrich G. Volkmann. Phys. Rev. Lett. 106, 156103 (2011). 13. “Position resolution and efficiency measurements with large scale Thin Gap Chambers for the super LHC”; Nir Amram, Gideon Bella, Yan Benhammou, Marco A. Diaz, Ehud Duchovni, Erez Etzion, Alon Hershenhorn, Amit Klier, Nachman Lupu, Giora Mikenberg, Dmitry Milstein, Yonathan Munwes, Osamu Sasaki, Meir Shoa, Vladimir Smakhtin, Ulrich Volkmann. Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research A 628, 177–181 (2011). 14. "Localized diffusive motion on two different time scales in solid alkane nanoparticles", S.-K. Wang, E. Mamontov, M. Bai, F. Y. Hansen, H. Taub, J. R. D. Copley, V. García Sakai, G. Gasparovic, T. Jenkins, M. Tyagi, K. W. Herwig, D. A. Neumann, W. Montfrooij and U. G. Volkmann. EPL 91, 66007 (2010). 15. "Optical properties of Pd thin films exposed to hydrogen studied by transmittance and reflectance spectroscopy", J. I. Avila, R. J. Matelon, R. Trabol, M. Favre, D. Lederman, U. G. Volkmann and A. L. Cabrera. J. Appl. Phys. 107, 023504 (5pp) (2010). 16. "Structure and growth of vapor-deposited n-dotriacontane films studied by x-ray reflectivity", V. del Campo, E. Cisternas, H. Taub, I. Vergara, T. Corrales, P. Soza, U. G. Volkmann, M. Bai, S.-K. Wang, F. Y. Hansen, H. Mo, S. Ehrlich. Langmuir 25 (22), 12962 (2009). 17. "Crystalline-to-plastic phase transitions in molecularly thin n-dotriacontane films adsorbed on solid surfaces", Edgardo A. Cisternas, Tomás P. Corrales, Valeria del Campo, Pamela A. Soza, Ulrich G. Volkmann, Mengjun Bai, Haskell Taub, and Flemming Y. Hansen. J. Chem. Phys. 131 (11), 114705 (2009). 18. "Substrate Effect on the Optical Response of Thin Palladium Films Exposed to Hydrogen Gas", R.J. Matelon, J.I. Avila, U.G. Volkmann, A.L. Cabrera, E.H. Morales and D. Lederman. Thin Solid Films 516 (21), 7797-7801 (2008). 19. "Easy axis magnetization reversal in cobalt antidot arrays", E. Mengotti, L. J. Heyderman, F. Nolting, B. R. Craig, J. N. Chapman, L. Lopez-Diaz, R. J. Matelon, U. G. Volkmann, M. Kläui, U. Rüdiger, C. A. F. Vaz and J. A. C. Bland. Journal of Applied Physics 103, 07D509 (2008). 4 Stand: 10/10/2014 20. "Nanoscale Observation of Delayering in Alkane Films", M. Bai, K. Knorr, M. J. Simpson, S. Trogisch, H. Taub, S. N. Ehrlich, H. Mo, U. G. Volkmann and F. Y. Hansen. Europhys. Lett. 79, 26003, 1-6 (2007). 21. "Pinning energy of domain walls in MnZn ferrite films", V. H. Calle, F. Cuéllar, C. Calle, O. Marín, J. Roa-Rojas, D. Arias, O. Guzmán, J. Prado, M. E. Gómez, U.G. Volkmann, P. Prieto, and A. Mendoza. Physica Status Solidi (c) 4, 4197 (2007). 22. “Magnetization reversal in cobalt antidot arrays”, L. J. Heyderman, F. Nolting, D. Backes, S. Czekaj, L. Lopez-Diaz, M. Kläui, U. Rüdiger, C.A.F. Vaz, J.A.C. Bland, R.J. Matelon, U.G. Volkmann and P. Fischer. Physical Review B 73, 214429 (2006). 23. "Atomic force microscopy measurements of topography and friction in dotriacontane films adsorbed on a SiO2 surface", S. Trogisch, M.J. Simpson, H. Taub, U.G. Volkmann, M. Pino and F.Y. Hansen. J. Chem. Phys. 123, 154703 (2005). This article has been selected for the October 31 issue of Virtual Journal of Nanoscale Science & Technology. The Virtual Journal is an edited compilation of links to articles from participating publishers, covering a focused area of frontier research. You can access the Virtual Journal at 24. "Ellipsometric and neutron diffraction study of pentane physisorbed on graphite", F. Kruchten, K. Knorr, U.G. Volkmann, H. Taub, F.Y. Hansen, B. Matthies, and K.W. Herwig. Langmuir 21 (16), 7507-7512 (2005). 25. "Magnetooptic properties of Fe/Pd and Co/Pd bilayers under hydrogen absorption", D. Lederman, R. J. Matelon, G. B. Cabrera, E. H. Morales, Y. Wang, U. G. Volkmann, and A. L. Cabrera. Applied Physics Letters 85, 615-617 (2004). 26. "Structure and growth of dotriacontane films on SiO2 and Ag(111) surfaces: synchrotron x-ray scattering and molecular dynamics simulations", H. Mo, S. Trogisch, H. Taub, S. N. Ehrlich, U. G. Volkmann, F. Y. Hansen and M. Pino. Phys. Stat. Sol. 201, 2375-2380 (2004). 27. "Studies of the structure and growth mode of dotriacontane films by synchrotron x-ray scattering and molecular dynamics simulations", H. Mo, S. Trogisch, H. Taub, S. N. Ehrlich, U. G. Volkmann, F. Y. Hansen and M. Pino. J. Phys.: Condensed Matter 16, 2905-2910 (2004). 28. "Slow Diffusive Motions in a Monolayer of Tetracosane Molecules Adsorbed on Graphite", H. Taub, F. Y. Hansen, L. Criswell, D. Fuhrmann, K. W. Herwig, A. Diama, H. Mo, R. M. Dimeo, D. A. Neumann, and U. G. Volkmann. "Slow Dynamics in Complex Systems'', Sendai, Japan, 3-8 November 2003. AIP Conference Proceedings 708, 201-204 (2004). 5 Stand: 10/10/2014 29. "Intramolecular Diffusive Motion in Alkane Monolayers Studied by Highresolution Quasielastic Neutron Scattering and Molecular Dynamics Simulations", F. Y. Hansen, L. Criswell, D. Fuhrmann, K. W. Herwig, A. Diama, R. M. Dimeo, D. A. Neumann, U. G. Volkmann, H. Taub, Phys. Rev. Lett. 92, 046103 (2004). This article has been selected for the February 9, 2004 issue of Virtual Journal of Nanoscale Science & Technology. The Virtual Journal is an edited compilation of links to articles from participating publishers, covering a focused area of frontier research. You can access the Virtual Journal at 30. "A Novel Growth Mode of Alkane Films on a SiO2 Surface", H. Mo, H. Taub, U. G. Volkmann, M. Pino, S. N. Ehrlich, F. Y. Hansen, E. Lu, and P. Miceli, Chem. Phys. Lett. 377, 99-105 (2003). 31. "High-Resolution Ellipsometric Study of an n-Alkane Film, Dotriacontane, Adsorbed on a SiO2 Surface", U. G. Volkmann, M. Pino, L. A. Altamirano, H. Taub and F. Y. Hansen, J. Chem. Phys. 116, 2107 (2002). 32. "Quasiepitaxial Growth mode of n-Alkane Films Adsorbed on a Solid Substrate", Z. Wu, S. N. Ehrlich, B. Matthies, K.W. Herwig, Pengcheng Dai, U. G. Volkmann, F. Y. Hansen, and H. Taub; Chem. Phys. Lett. 348, 168 (2001). 33. "Diffusive Motion in Model Soft Matter Systems: Quasielastic Neutron Scattering Study of Short- and Intermediate-Length Alkane Layers". D. Fuhrmann, L. Criswell, H. Mo, H. Taub, K. W. Herwig, U. G. Volkmann, and F.Y. Hansen; Physica B: Physics of Condensed Matter, 276-278 (1-4), 345 (2000). 34. "Ellipsometric Study of Multilayer Growth and Wetting of C2Cl2F4 Physisorbed on Graphite". U.G. Volkmann, H. Mannebach and K. Knorr; Langmuir 14, 4904, 1998. 35. "Growth Studies of Thin Films of BaTiO3 using Flash Evaporation", R.A. Zarate, A.L. Cabrera, U. G. Volkmann, and V. Fuenzalida; Journal of Physics and Chemistry of Solids 59, 1639 (1998). 36. "Thermograviametric measurements of ferro to paramagnetic transition of evaporated thin iron films", A. L. Cabrera, M. Pino-Leiva and U. G. Volkmann, AIP Conference Proceedings 378, 512 (1996). 37. "Thermograviametric measurements of thin iron films magnetization near their Curie temperature", A. L. Cabrera, M. Pino-Leiva and U.G. Volkmann, J. Appl. Phys. 77(11) 5850 (1995). 38. "Modification of the electrical resistance of thin cobalt films upon the adsorption of carbon monoxide", A. L. Cabrera, W. Garrido-Molina, and U. G. Volkmann, Surf. Rev. and Lett. 2 (2), 159 (1995). 6 Stand: 10/10/2014 39. "Studies of carbon monoxide and hydrogen adsorption on nickel and cobalt foils aimed at gaining a better insight into the mechanism of hydrocarbons formation", A. L. Cabrera, W. H. Garrido and U. G. Volkmann, Cat. Lett. 25, 115 (1994). 40. "Wetting Transition of CF2Cl2 on Graphite", U. G. Volkmann and K. Knorr, Phys. Rev. B 47, 4011 (1993). 41. "Order Parameter Kinetics in the Liquid-Gas Coexistence Region of Ar Monolayers Physisorbed on Graphite", H. Mannebach, U. G. Volkmann, J. W. O. Faul, and K. Knorr, Phys. Rev. Lett. 67, 1566 (1991). 42. "Multilayer Growth and Wetting Behavior of Nitrogen Physisorbed on Graphite", U. G. Volkmann, and K. Knorr, Phys. Rev. Lett 66, 473 (1991). 43. "Ellipsometric Thickness and Coverage of Physisorbed Layers of Xe, Kr, Ar and N2 on Graphite", J. W. O. Faul, U.G. Volkmann, and K. Knorr, Surf. Sci. 227, 390 (1990). 44. "Ellipsometric Study of Krypton Physisorbed on Graphite", U. G. Volkmann, and K. Knorr, Surf. Sci. 221, 379 (1989). 45. "Dipolar and quadrupolar freezing in (KBr)1-x (KCN)x", U.G. Volkmann, R. Böhmer, A. Loidl, K. Knorr, U. T. Höchli, and S. Haussuhl, Phys. Rev. Lett. 56, 1716 (1986). 46. "The low-frequency shear response of (KBr)1-x (KCN)x", K. Knorr, U. G. Volkmann, and A. Loidl, Phys. Rev. Lett. 57, 2544 (1986). CONTRIBUTIONS TO INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCES AND MEETINGS: 1. Marcelo Cisternas, Maria J. Retamal, Sebastian Gutierrez, Mark Busch, Patrick Huber, Tomas Perez-Acle, Ulrich Volkmann, and Michael Kappl: “Hydration effects of chitosan on silicon”. DPG March-Meeting, March 30 to 4 April 4, 2014, Dresden, Germany. 2. Maria Jose Retamal, Marcelo Cisternas, Mark Busch, Sebastian Gutierrez, Patrick Huber, Tomas Perez-Acle, Michael Kappl and Ulrich Volkmann: “A prototype biosensor: artificial cell membrane on porous silicon”. APS March Meeting, March 3-7, 2014, Denver, Colorado, USA. 3. Ulrich G. Volkmann, María J. Retamal, Carmen González, Mauricio Sarabia, Marcelo Cisternas, Michael Kappl and Tomás Corrales, “Physical vapor deposition (PVD) of 7 Stand: 10/10/2014 1,2- dipalmitoyl-sn-3-phosphoglycerocholine (DPPC) and membrane formation on SiO2/Si(100) substrate”. Presented at the DPG spring meeting, March 10-15, 2013, Regensburg, Germany. 4. Maria J. Retamal, Carmen Gonzalez, Mauricio Sarabia, Marcelo Cisternas, and Ulrich G. Volkmann, “Study of phase transitions on DPPC bilayers deposited by PVD on top of low viscosity chitosan scaffolds of different thicknesses”. Presented at the DPG spring meeting, March 10-15, 2013, Regensburg, Germany. 2 5. Ulrich G. Volkmann, María J. Retamal, Carmen González, Mauricio Sarabia, Marcelo Cisternas, Michael Kappl and Tomás Corrales, “Physical vapor deposition (PVD) of 1,2-dipalmitoyl-sn-3-phosphoglycerocholine (DPPC) and membrane formation on SiO2/Si(100) substrate”. Presented at the DPG spring meeting, March 10-15, 2013, Regensburg, Germany. 6. Maria J. Retamal, Carmen Gonzalez, Mauricio Sarabia, Marcelo Cisternas, and Ulrich G. Volkmann, “Study of phase transitions on DPPC bilayers deposited by PVD on top of low viscosity chitosan scaffolds of different thicknesses”. Presented at the DPG spring meeting, March 10-15, 2013, Regensburg, Germany. 7. Ulrich G. Volkmann: “Study of Organic thin films and membranes on solid substrates”; Invited Lecture presented at the Max Planck – Chile Research Seminar, 27 - 29 June 2012, Berlin, Germany. 8. C.M. González, U.G. Volkmann, K. López, M. Cisternas, M. Sarabia, C.A. Terraza, “Optical fibers recovered with a silicated poly(amide) matrix and host molecules sensible. Detection of low concentration of H2, N2 and CO2”. Presented at VIII Congreso internacional de química e ineniería química, 9 – 12 octubre de 2012, La Habana, Cuba. 9. Ulrich G. Volkmann: “Organic films and membranes on solid substrates”; Invited Talk presented at International Conference and Workshop on Nanostructured Ceramic & other Nanomaterial (ICWNCN) March 13-16, 2012. Department of Physics and Astrophysics, University of Delhi, India. 10. Ulrich G. Volkmann, Carmen González, Marcelo Cisternas, María José Retamal, Mauricio Sarabia, Rosario Ortega and Karina López. Sebastián E. GutiérrezMaldonado, Raúl Araya-Secchi, Tomas Pérez-Acle. “Physical vapor deposition of DPPC on silicon substrate and studies of phase transition temperature with different techniques”. Presented at International Conference and Workshop on Nanostructured Ceramic & other Nanomaterial (ICWNCN) March 13-16, 2012. Department of Physics and Astrophysics, University of Delhi, India. 8 Stand: 10/10/2014 11. María José Retamal, Ulrich G. Volkmann, Carmen González, Marcelo Cisternas, Mauricio Sarabia, Rosario Ortega and Karina López. “Phase transition of DPPC visualized by Imaging Ellipsometry, AFM and Raman spectroscopy”. Presented at International Conference and Workshop on Nanostructured Ceramic & other Nanomaterial (ICWNCN) March 13-16, 2012. Department of Physics and Astrophysics, University of Delhi, India. 12. María José Retamal, Ulrich G. Volkmann, Carmen González, Marcelo Cisternas, Mauricio Sarabia, Rosario Ortega and Karina López. “Study of phase transitions of thin DPPC films on SiO2/Si substrates adsorbed by dip coating from buffer solutions at controlled humidity and temperature”. Presented at International Conference and Workshop on Nanostructured Ceramic & other Nanomaterial (ICWNCN) March 13-16, 2012. Department of Physics and Astrophysics, University of Delhi, India. 13. Sebastián E. Gutiérrez-Maldonado, Raul Araya-Secchi, María José Retamal, Carmen González, Ulrich G. Volkmann, Tomas Pérez-Acle. “Exploring the ordering of dotriacontane supported on silica surfaces”. Presented at International Conference and Workshop on Nanostructured Ceramic & other Nanomaterial (ICWNCN) March 13-16, 2012. Department of Physics and Astrophysics, University of Delhi, India. 14. Zoraya E. López Cabaña, Carmen M. González Henríquez, Ulrich G. Volkmann, Patrick Huber, Marcelo Cisternas, Rosario Ortega and Mauricio Sarabia. “Phase Transitions in Chitosan/DPPC membrane multilayer as a function of hydration”. Presented at DPG Spring Meeting 2012, Berlin (Germany), 25 March 2012 - 30 March 2012. 15. Carmen M. González Henríquez, Ulrich G. Volkmann, Marcelo Cisternas, Rosario Ortega, Mauricio Sarabia, Patrick Huber and Álvaro Henríquez. “Design and Characterization of a gas sensor system consisting of a Poly(amide-imide) and Cryptophane-A covered optical fiber”. Presented at DPG Spring Meeting 2012, Berlin (Germany), 25 March 2012 - 30 March 2012. 16. K. A. López, R. P. Ortega, C. M. González, M. J. Retamal, U. G. Volkmann, “Estudio de las Propiedades Dependientes de la Temperatura de DPPC y DMPC con Elipsometría de Imágenes y AFM”; Presented at the 1st International Conference on Materials Science for Nanotechnology, Catalysis, and BioMedicine, October 24–28, 2011, Valdivia, Chile. 17. R. P. Ortega, K. A. López, U. G. Volkmann, C. M. González, M. J. Retamal, M. A. Cisternas, M. Sarabia, H. Taub, “Characterization of Phase Transitions and Growth of Organophosphate Molecules using Very High Resolution Ellipsometry and Raman Spectroscopy”; Presented at the 1st International Conference on Materials Science for Nanotechnology, Catalysis, and BioMedicine, October 24–28, 2011, Valdivia, Chile. 18. C. M. González-Henríquez, L. H. Tagle, C. A. Terraza, A. Barriga, A. L. Cabrera, U. G. Volkmann, “Generation of conductivity through transfer charge properties in 9 Stand: 10/10/2014 flourene and diphenylsilane-containing poly(ester)s and poly(amide)s”; Presented at the European Polymer Congress 2011, XII Congress of the GEP, June 26 to July 1, 2011, Granada, Spain. 19. C. M. González-Henríquez, L. H. Tagle, C. A. Terraza, A. Barriga, U. G. Volkmann, A. L. Cabrera, E. Ramos, M. Pavez, “Poly(amide-imide)s containing silarylene and L-aminoacid moieties. Relation with electrical conductivity and Raman active vibrations”; Presented at the European Polymer Congress 2011, XII Congress of the GEP, June 26 to July 1, 2011, Granada, Spain. 20. C. M. González-Henríquez, L. H. Tagle, C. A. Terraza, A. Cañete, A. Leiva, A. Barriga, U. G. Volkmann, A. L. Cabrera, E. Ramos, M. Pavez, “Resonance effect on conductivity of poly(esters)s containing silarylene and thiophene moieties after polarized by application of an external field”; Presented at the European Polymer Congress 2011, XII Congress of the GEP, June 26 to July 1, 2011, Granada, Spain. 21. C. M. González Henríquez, L. H. Tagle, C. A. Terraza Inostroza, A. Barriga González, A. L. Cabrera and U. G. Volkmann, “Generation of Conductivity through Charge Transfer Properties for Polyesters and Polyamides with Characteristic Functional Groups”; Presented at the APS March Meeting, March 21–25, 2011, Dallas, Texas. 22. M. J. Retamal, V. D. Samith, U. G. Volkmann, “Study of pluronic F68 molecules on silicon with Atomic Force Microscopy (AFM)”; Presented at the APS March Meeting, March 21–25, 2011, Dallas, Texas. 23. C. M. González Henríquez, L. H. Tagle, C. A. Terraza Inostroza, A. Barriga González, A. L. Cabrera, U. G. Volkmann, E. Ramos-Moore and M. Pavez, “Structural Symmetry Breaking of Silicon Containing Polymers and their Relation with Electrical Conductivity and Raman Active Vibrations”; Presented at the APS March Meeting, March 21–25, 2011, Dallas, Texas. 24. M. A. Cisternas, V. del Campo, A. L. Cabrera, U. G. Volkmann, F. Y. Hansen, H. Taub, “Thermal Programmed Desorption of C32H66”; Presented at the APS March Meeting, March 21 – 25, 2011, Dallas, Texas. 25. S. Gutiérrez, R. Araya-Secchi, M. J. Retamal, U. G. Volkmann, T. Perez-Acle, “Molecular Dynamics Simulations of Dotriacontane films supported on a SiO2 surface”; Presented at the APS March Meeting, March 21 – 25, 2011, Dallas, Texas. 26. T. Corrales, P. Homm, P. Ferrari, M.J. Retamal, E.A. Cisternas, V. del Campo, U.G. Volkmann: “Coverage and Morphology Dependence of Dip Coated Organic Films on Withdrawal Velocity”. Presented at the DPG Spring Meeting, March 22 – 29 2010, Regensburg, Germany. 27. V. Samith, M.J. Retamal, I. Vergara, E. Ramos-Moore, U.G. Volkmann, and R. Maccioni: “Critical micellar concentration (CMC) dependence of pluronic effects on neuronal cells in culture”. Presented at the DPG Spring Meeting, March 22 – 29 2010, Regensburg, Germany. 10 Stand: 10/10/2014 28. C. Calle, E.A. Cisternas, G. Martínez, P. Pedraza, and U.G. Volkmann: “Construction of an imaging radiation pyrometer for temperature and spectral monitoring in harsh environment conditions”. Presented at the DPG Spring Meeting, March 22 – 29 2010, Regensburg, Germany. 29. T.P. Corrales, P. Homm, P. Ferrari, M.J. Retamal, E.A. Cisternas, V. del Campo, U.G. Volkmann, H. Taub, and F.Y. Hansen: “Self-Assembly of Submonolayer-Coverage Organic Films”. Presented at the APS Meeting, March 15 – 19, 2010 Portland, Oregon, USA. 30. G.Bella, Y.Benhammou, M.Diaz, E.Duchovni, E.Etzion, A.Klier, N.Lupo, G.Mikenberg, D.Milstein, Y.Munwes, O.Sasaki, M.Shoa, V.Smakhtin, and U.G. Volkmann: “Position measurement and triggering with large scale Thin Gap Chambers for the super LHC”. Presented at the 12th Vienna Conference on Instrumentation, February 5 – 20, 2010 Vienna, Austria. 31. Edgardo A. Cisternas, Tomás Corrales, Valeria del Campo, Ulrich G. Volkmann, Haskell Taub, and Flemming Y. Hansen: “Crystalline to semi-crystalline phase transitions in thin n-Dotriacontane films on solid surfaces”. Presented at the DPG Spring Meeting, March 22 – 27, 2009 Dresden, Germany. 32. Valeria del Campo, Edgardo A. Cisternas, Ignacio Vergara, Tomás P. Corrales, Ulrich G. Volkmann, Haskell Taub, Haiding Mo, and Steven Ehrlich: “Study of Alkane Structure and Phase Transitions with X-Ray Reflectivity”. Presented at the DPG Spring Meeting, March 22 – 27, 2009 Dresden, Germany. 33. F.Y. Hansen (Tech. U. of Denmark), P. A. Soza (P.U. Catolica Chile), H. Taub (U. Mo-Columbia), U. G. Volkmann (P.U. Catolica Chile): “Molecular Dynamics Simulation of friction in contact-mode Atomic Force Microscopy of alkane films and nanoparticles”. Presented at the APS Meeting, March 16-20, 2009 Pittsburg, Pennsylvania, USA. 34. S.-K. Wang, M. Bai, H. Taub (U. Mo.-Columbia), E. Mamontov, K.W. Herwig (ORNL), F.Y. Hansen (Tech. U. Denmark), J.R.D. Copley, T. Jenkins, M. Tyagi, (NIST), U.G. Volkmann (P. U. Catolica Chile): “Non-translational Molecular Diffusive Motion on Two Different Time Scales in Alkane Nanoparticles”. Presented at the APS Meeting, March 16-20, 2009 Pittsburg, Pennsylvania, USA. 35. J.I. Avila, R. Trabol, U.G. Volkmann, A.L. Cabrera (Pontificia Universidad Catolica de Chile), C. Romero, P. Lievens (Katholieke Universiteit Leuven): “Hydrogen absorption by a Pd film detected by microgravimetry”. Presented at the APS Meeting, March 16-20, 2009 Pittsburg, Pennsylvania, USA. 11 Stand: 10/10/2014 36. V. del Campo, E. A. Cisternas, I. Vergara, T. Corrales, U. G. Volkmann , M. Bai, S. Wang, H. Taub , H. Mo, S. Ehrlich: “Study of Alkanes Structure and Phase Transitions with X-Ray Reflectivity”. Presented at the 14th International Conference on Solid Films and Surfaces, June 29 – July 4, 2008 Dublin, Ireland. 37. E. A. Cisternas, V. del Campo, T. P. Corrales, U. G. Volkmann: “Study of solid-solid phase transitions in thin n-alkane films”. Presented at the 14th International Conference on Solid Films and Surfaces, June 29 – July 4, 2008 Dublin, Ireland. 38. S.-K. Wang, M. Bai, H. Taub, M. Rheinstadter (U. Mo.-Columbia), J. R. D. Copley , V. Garcia Sakai , G. Gasparovic (NIST), U. G. Volkmann (P. U. Catolica Chile) and F. Y. Hansen (Tech. U. of Denmark): “Studies of the Dynamics of Alkane Nanoparticles”. Presented at the APS Meeting, March 10-14, 2008 New Orleans, Louisiana, USA. 39. M. Bai , H. Taub , A. Diama (U. Mo.-Columbia), K. Knorr (U. des Saarlandes), U. G. Volkmann (P. U. Catolica Chile) and F. Y. Hansen (Tech. U. of Denmark): “Flow Induced Growth of Striped Alkane Monolayers”. Presented at the APS Meeting, March 10-14, 2008 New Orleans, Louisiana, USA. 40. F.Y. Hansen (Tech. Univ.of Denmark), P. Soza (P.U. Catolica Chile), H. Taub (U.Mo.-Columbia) and U.G. Volkmann (P.U. Catolica Chile): “Molecular dynamics studies of the structure and dynamics of ``perpendicular'' layers of n-alkane molecules adsorbed on a solid substrate”. Presented at the APS Meeting, March 1014, 2008 New Orleans, Louisiana, USA. 41. V. del Campo , E.A. Cisternas, I. Vergara, T. Corrales , U.G. Volkmann (P. U. Catolica Chile), M. Bai , S.-K. Wang , H. Taub (U. Mo.-Columbia), H. Mo and S.N. Ehrlich (Brookhaven Nat. Lab). “Structure and Phase Transitions of VaporDeposited C32 Films”. Presented at the APS Meeting, March 10-14, 2008 New Orleans, Louisiana, USA. 42. P. Soza (P.U. Catolica Chile), F.Y. Hansen (Tech. Univ. of Denmark), H. Taub (U. Mo.-Columbia) and U.G. Volkmann (P.U. Catolica Chile): “Molecular dynamics simulations of layers of linear and branched alkanes under shear”. Presented at the APS Meeting, March 10-14, 2008 New Orleans, Louisiana, USA. 43. E.A. Cisternas, T. Corrales, V. del Campo, U.G. Volkmann, H. Taub, and F.Y. Hansen: "Comparison of the Wetting Behavior of Dotriacontane Films Adsorbed on SiO2 Surfaces by Physical Vapor Deposition with that of Films Dip-coated in Solution". Presented at the APS Meeting, March 5-9, 2007 Denver, Colorado, USA. 12 Stand: 10/10/2014 44. F.Y. Hansen, P. Soza, A. Diama, H. Taub, and U.G. Volkmann: "Studies of dynamical layering in adsorbed alkane films by molecular dynamics simulations and quasielastic neutron scattering". Presented at the APS Meeting, March 5-9, 2007 Denver, Colorado, USA. 45. H. Taub, M. Bai, A. Diama, K. Knorr, U.G. Volkmann, and F.Y. Hansen: "Delayering of Intermediate-Length Alkanes Adsorbed on Solid Surfaces". Presented at the APS Meeting, March 5-9, 2007 Denver, Colorado, USA. 46. M. Bai, H. Taub, K. Knorr, U.G. Volkmann, and F.Y. Hansen: "Contact Angle Measurements by AFM on Droplets of Intermediate-Length Alkanes Adsorbed on SiO2 Surfaces". Presented at the APS Meeting, March 5-9, 2007 Denver, Colorado, USA. 47. Jonathan Avila, Alejandro Cabrera, Mario Favre, Ulrich Volkmann, Jorge Espinosa, and David Lederman: "Optical Properties of Pd and PdO films exposed to hydrogen". Presented at the APS Meeting, March 5-9, 2007 Denver, Colorado, USA. 48. V. del Campo, U.G. Volkmann, A.L. Cabrera, M. Pino, E. Cisternas, H. Taub, and F. Y. Hansen: "Kinetics and Structure of n-Alkane Desorption from SiO2/SiSurfaces". Presented at the Pan-American Advanced Studies Institute PASI: Novel Materials for Micro- and Nanoelectronics, January 8-18, 2007, Reñaca, Chile. 49. Edgardo Cisternas, Ulrich G. Volkmann, Valeria del Campo, Haskell Taub, and Flemming Hansen: "Wetting Behaviour and Morphology of Dotriacontane Films on SiO2/Si Surfaces Prepared by PVD in High Vacuum and by Dip-coating From Solution". Presented at the Pan-American Advanced Studies Institute PASI: Novel Materials for Micro- and Nanoelectronics, January 8-18, 2007, Reñaca, Chile. 50. J.I. Ávila, A.L. Cabrera, M. Favre, U.G. Volkmann, J. Espinosa, and D. Lederman: "Optical Properties of Pd and PdO films exposed to hydrogen". Presented at the 13th International Conference on Solid Films and Surfaces (ICSFS-13), November 610, 2006, San Carlos de Bariloche, Argentina. 51. P. Soza, E. Cisternas, U.G. Volkmann, H. Taub, and F.Y. Hansen: "Study of the substrate dependence on the structure and growth of dotriacontane films". Presented at the 13th International Conference on Solid Films and Surfaces (ICSFS13), November 6-10, 2006, San Carlos de Bariloche, Argentina. 52. V. del Campo, U.G. Volkmann, A.L. Cabrera, M. Pino, E. Cisternas, H. Taub, and F. Y. Hansen: "Kinetics and structure of n-alkane desorption from SiO2/Sisurfaces". Presented at the 13th International Conference on Solid Films and Surfaces (ICSFS-13), November 6-10, 2006, San Carlos de Bariloche, Argentina. 13 Stand: 10/10/2014 53. E. Cisternas, U.G. Volkmann, V. del Campo, H. Taub, and F.Y. Hansen: "Wetting behaviour and morphology of dotriacontane films on SiO2/Si surfaces prepared by PVD in high vacuum and by dip-coating from solution". Presented at the 13th International Conference on Solid Films and Surfaces (ICSFS-13), November 6-10, 2006, San Carlos de Bariloche, Argentina. 54. P. Soza, V. del Campo, E. Cisternas, M. Pino, U.G. Volkmann (P. U. Católica de Chile), H. Taub (U. Mo.-Columbia), and F.Y. Hansen (Tech. U. Denmark): “Ellipsometric Measurements of Dotriacontane Films Adsorbed on Au(111) Surfaces”. Presented at the APS Meeting, March 13 - 17, 2006 Baltimore, Maryland, USA. 55. E. Cisternas, P. Soza, V. del Campo, E. Ramirez, U.G. Volkmann (P. U. Católica de Chile), H. Taub (U. Mo.-Columbia), and F.Y. Hansen (Tech. U. Denmark): “Comparison of Thickness and Morphology of Dotriacontane Films on SiO2/Si Surfaces Vapor-deposited in High Vacuum with those Deposited from Solution”. Presented at the APS Meeting, March 13 - 17, 2006 Baltimore, Maryland, USA. 56. Matthew Simpson, Mengjun Bai, Klaus Knorr, Haiding Mo, Haskell Taub (U. Mo.Columbia), Steven Ehrlich (Brookhaven Nat. Lab.), Ulrich Volkmann (P. U. Católica de Chile), and Flemming Hansen (Tech. U. Denmark): “Topography and Wetting of Dotriacontane Films on Graphite Surfaces”. Presented at the APS Meeting, March 13 - 17, 2006 Baltimore, Maryland, USA. 57. Mengjun Bai, Klaus Knorr, Matthew Simpson, Sven Trogisch, Haskell Taub (U. Mo.Columbia), Ulrich Volkmann (P. U. Católica de Chile), and Flemming Hansen (Tech. U. Denmark): “Nanoscale Observation of Alkane Dewetting”. Presented at the APS Meeting, March 13 - 17, 2006 Baltimore, Maryland, USA. 58. J.I. Avila, M. Favre, U.G. Volkmann, A.L. Cabrera (P. U. Católica de Chile), and D. Lederman (West-Virginia University, USA): “Optical Spectroscopy of PdO and Pd thin Films under hydrogen exposure”. Presented at the APS Meeting, March 13 - 17, 2006 Baltimore, Maryland, USA. 59. P. Soza, V. del Campo, E. Cisternas, M. Pino, U.G. Volkmann (P. U. Católica de Chile), H. Taub (U. Mo.-Columbia), F.Y. Hansen (Tech. U. Denmark): "Growth of Flat Au(111) Surfaces on Mica for Ellipsometric, AFM and X-ray Studies of Organic Films". Presented at the APS Meeting, March 21 - 25, 2005 Los Angeles, California, USA. 14 Stand: 10/10/2014 60. A. Diama, M. Simpson, H. Taub (U. Mo.-Columbia), F.Y. Hansen (Tech. U. Denmark), R. Dimeo, D. Neumann (NIST), K.W. Herwig (ORNL), U.G. Volkmann (P. U. Católica de Chile): "Studies of Dynamical Layering in Adsorbed Organic Films". Presented at the APS Meeting, March 21 - 25, 2005 Los Angeles, California, USA. 61. M. Bai, S. Trogisch, H. Mo, H. Taub (U. Mo.-Columbia), S.N. Ehrlich (Brookhaven Nat. Lab.), D. Wermeille (Iowa St. U.), U.G. Volkmann (P. U. Católica de Chile), F.Y. Hansen (Tech. U. Denmark): "Synchrotron X-ray Specular Reflectivity Measurements of Dotriacontane Films Adsorbed on a Ag(111) Surface". Presented at the APS Meeting, March 21 - 25, 2005 Los Angeles, California, USA. 62. M. Simpson, S. Trogisch, H. Taub (U. Mo.-Columbia), U.G. Volkmann, M. Pino (P. U. Católica Chile), S.N. Ehrlich (Brookhaven Nat. Lab.), F.Y. Hansen (Tech. U. Denmark): "Atomic Force Microscopy Measurements of Topography and Friction in Dotriacontane Films Adsorbed on SiO2". Presented at the APS Meeting, March 21 - 25, 2005 Los Angeles, California, USA. 63. J.I. Avila, R.J. Matelon, U.G. Volkmann, A.L. Cabrera (Universidad Católica, Departamento de Física-Santiago-Chile): "Kinetics of PdO reduction with hydrogen". Presented at the APS Meeting, March 21 - 25, 2005 Los Angeles, California, USA. 64. R. J. Matelon, U. G. Volkmann, A. L. Cabrera (Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile), E. H. Morales, Y. Wang, D. Lederman (Dept. of Physics, West Virginia University): "The optical response of thin Pd films in a hydrogen atmosphere". Presented at the APS Meeting, March 22 - 26, 2004 Montreal, Quebec, Canada. 65. A. Diama, M. Simpson, H. Taub (U. Mo.-Columbia), F. Y. Hansen (Tech. U. Denmark), R. Dimeo, D. A. Neumann (NIST), K. W. Herwig (ORNL), U. G. Volkmann (P. U. Catolica Chile): "Molecular Diffusive Motion in a Bilayer Fluid of Tetracosane Adsorbed on Graphite". Presented at the APS Meeting, March 22 - 26, 2004 Montreal, Quebec, Canada. 66. F. Y. Hansen, H. Taub, H. Mo (U. Mo.-Columbia), U. G. Volkmann (P. U. Catolica Chile): "Molecular Dynamics Simulations of the Structure of Multilayer Films of Intermediate-length Alkane Molecules Adsorbed on a Solid Surface". Presented at the APS Meeting, March 22 - 26, 2004 Montreal, Quebec, Canada. 15 Stand: 10/10/2014 67. P. Soza, V. Del Campo, U. G. Volkmann, M. Pino (P, U. Catolica Chile), H. Mo, H. Taub (U. Mo.-Columbia), F. Y. Hansen (Tech. U. Denmark): "Study of Octacosane and Triacontane Films by High-Resolution Ellipsometry". Presented at the APS Meeting, March 22 - 26, 2004 Montreal, Quebec, Canada. 68. H. Mo, S. Trogisch, H. Taub (U. Mo.-Columbia), S. N. Ehrlich (Brookhaven Nat. Lab.), D. Wermeille (Iowa St. U.), U. G. Volkmann (P. U. Catolica Chile), F. Y. Hansen (Tech. U. Denmark): "Synchrotron X-ray Scattering Study of the Structure of Dotriacontane Adsorbed on a Ag(111) Surface". Presented at the APS Meeting, March 22 - 26, 2004 Montreal, Quebec, Canada. 69. S. Trogisch, H. Mo, M. Simpson, H. Taub (U. Mo.-Columbia), U. G. Volkmann, M. Pino (P. U. Catolica Chile), S.N. Ehrlich (Brookhaven Nat. Lab.), F. Y. Hansen (Tech. U. Denmark). "Atomic Force Microscopy Measurements of Topography and Friction in Dotriacontane Films Adsorbed on SiO2". Presented at the APS Meeting, March 22 - 26, 2004 Montreal, Quebec, Canada. 70. P. Soza, U. G. Volkmann, M. Pino (Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile), H. Taub (University of Missouri-Columbia), F.Y. Hansen (Technical University of Denmark): "Study of Octacosane and Dotriacontane with High-Resolution Ellipsometry". Presented at Congreso Latinoamericano de Ciencias de Superficies y sus Aplicaciones (CLACSA 2003), Pucón, Chile, December 7-12, 2003. PDF download: 71. P. Soza, V. del Campo, U. G. Volkmann, M. Pino (Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile), H. Taub (University of Missouri-Columbia), F. Y. Hansen (Technical University of Denmark): "Study of Docosane Films by High-Resolution Ellipsometry and Molecula Dynamics Simulation". Presented at Congreso Latinoamericano de Ciencias de Superficies y sus Aplicaciones (CLACSA 2003), Pucón, Chile, December 7-12, 2003. PDF download: 72. F. Y. Hansen (Technical University of Denmark), H. Taub (University of MissouriColumbia), U. G. Volkmann (Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile): "Molecular Dynamics Simulations of the Structure of Multilayer Films of IntermediateLength Alkane Molecules adsorbed on a Solid Surface". Presented at Congreso 16 Stand: 10/10/2014 Latinoamericano de Ciencias de Superficies y sus Aplicaciones (CLACSA 2003), Pucón, Chile, December 7-12, 2003. PDF download: 73. H. Mo, S. Trogisch, H. Taub (University of Missouri-Columbia), S.N. Ehrlich (Brookhaven National Laboratory), U. G. Volkmann, M. Pino (Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile), F. Y. Hansen (Technical University of Denmark): "Study of Dotriacontane Films by Synchrotron X-ray Specular Reflectivity". Presented at Congreso Latinoamericano de Ciencias de Superficies y sus Aplicaciones (CLACSA 2003), Pucón, Chile, December 7-12, 2003. PDF download: 74. R. J. Matelon (Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile), D. Lederman, G. B. Cabrera, E. H. Morales, Y. Wang, (Department of Physics, West-Virginia University), U. G. Volkmann, A. L. Cabrera (Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile): "Magneto-optic Kerr effect enhanced by hydrogen absorption in Fe/Pd bilayers". Presented at Congreso Latinoamericano de Ciencias de Superficies y sus Aplicaciones (CLACSA 2003), Pucón, Chile, December 7-22, 2003. PDF download: 75. H. Mo, H. Taub (University of Missouri-Columbia), S. N. Ehrlich (Brookhaven National Laboratory), U. G. Volkmann (Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile), F. Y. Hansen (Technical University of Denmark): "X-ray Specular Scattering Study of the Structure of Dotriacontane Adsorbed on a Ag(111) Surface". Presented at the APS Meeting, March 3 - 7, 2003 Austin, Texas, USA. 76. A. Diama, L. Criswell, H. Mo, H. Taub (University of Missouri-Columbia), K. W. Herwig (Oak Ridge National Laboratory), F. Y. Hansen (Technical University of Denmark), U. G. Volkmann (Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile), R. Dimeo, D. Neumann (National Institute of Standards and Technology): "Molecular Diffusive Motion in a Monolayer of a Model Lubricant". Presented at the APS Meeting, March 3 - 7, 2003 Austin, Texas, USA. 77. C. Hidalgo, P. Soza, F. Pacheco, E. Cisternas, E.F. Valderrama, M. Pino, U. G. Volkmann (Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile), J. Swerts, K. Temst, C. Van Haesendonck (Katholieke Universiteit Leuven): "Fe Films on SiO2, MgO, and SiO2/Ag Substrates Studied by the Magneto-optical Kerr Effect (MOKE)". Presented at the APS Meeting, March 3 - 7, 2003 Austin, Texas, USA. 17 Stand: 10/10/2014 78. U. G. Volkmann, M. Pino (Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile), H. Taub, H. Mo (University of Missouri-Columbia), F. Y. Hansen (Technical University of Denmark): "Ellipsometric Study of Dotriacontane Adsorbed on Si(100)/SiO2 Surfaces". Presented at the APS Meeting, March 18 - 22, 2002 Indianapolis, Indiana, USA. . 79. H. Mo, H. Taub (University of Missouri-Columbia), U. G. Volkmann, M. Pino (Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile), S. N. Ehrlich (Brookhaven National Laboratory), F. Y. Hansen (Tech. Univ. Denmark), E. LU, P. F. Miceli (University of Missouri-Columbia): "X-ray Specular Scattering Study of the Structure of Dotriacontane Adsorbed on SiO2 Surfaces". Presented at the APS Meeting, March 18 - 22, 2002 Indianapolis, Indiana, USA. . 80. A. Diama, L. Criswell, H. Mo, H. Taub (University of Missouri-Columbia), K. W. Herwig (Oak Ridge National Laboratory), F. Y. Hansen (Technical University of Denmark), U. G. Volkmann (Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile): " "Fast" Diffusive Motion in Tetracosane Monolayers Adsorbed on Graphite". Presented at the APS Meeting, March 18 - 22, 2002 Indianapolis, Indiana, USA. . 81. L. Criswell, A. Diama, H. Mo, H. Taub (University of Missouri-Columbia), K. W. Herwig (Oak Ridge National Laboratory), F. Y. Hansen (Technical University of Denmark), U. G. Volkmann (Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile), R. Dimeo, D. Neumann (National Institute of Standards and Technology): " "Slow" Diffusive Motions in Tetracosane Monolayers Adsorbed on Graphite". Presented at the APS Meeting, March 18 - 22, 2002 Indianapolis, Indiana, USA. . 82. M. Pino, U. G. Volkmann (P. Universidad Católica de Chile), T. Charlton, H. Shi, D. Lederman (Department of Physics, West-Virginia University): "An Accurate Method for Obtaining Surface Magnetooptic Kerr Effect Signals". Presented at the APS Meeting, March 12-16, 2001 Seattle, Washington, USA. . 83. H. Mo, H. Taub (University of Missouri-Columbia), S. N. Ehrlich (Brookhaven National Laboratory), U. G. Volkmann, M. Pino (Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile), F. Y. Hansen (Technical University of Denmark): "X-ray Specular Reflectivity Study of an n-Alkane Film, Dotriacontane, Adsorbed on Si(100) Substrates". Presented at the APS Meeting, March 12-16, 2001 Seattle, Washington, USA. 18 Stand: 10/10/2014 . 84. U. G. Volkmann, M. Pino (Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile), H. Taub, H. Mo (University of Missouri-Columbia), F. Y. Hansen (Technical University of Denmark): "High-Resolution Ellipsometric Study of n-Alkane Films Adsorbed on Si(100)". Presented at the APS Meeting, March 12-16, 2001 Seattle, Washington, USA. . 85. M. Pino, U. G. Volkmann (P. Universidad Católica de Chile), T. Charlton, H. Shi, D. Lederman (Department of Physics, West-Virginia University); "AC- and DCMagneto-Optical Kerr Effect Measurements on Co/Re Superlattices". Presented at the APS Meeting, March 20-24, 2000 Minneapolis, MN, USA. 86. U. G. Volkmann, M. Pino (P. Universidad Católica de Chile), H. Taub (University of Missouri-Columbia); "Ellipsometric Study of Intermediate-length n-Alkane Films Adsorbed on Si(100)". Presented at the APS Meeting, March 20-24, 2000 Minneapolis, MN, USA. . 87. L. Criswell, D. Fuhrmann, H. Mo, H. Taub (University of Missouri-Columbia), K. W. Herwig (Oak Ridge National Laboratory), U. G. Volkmann (Catholic University of Chile), F. Y. Hansen (Technical University of Denmark), Ch. Woell (RuhrUniversitaet Bochum); "Melting Transition in an Intermediate-length n-Alkane Monolayer Studied by Quasielastic Neutron Scattering". Presented at the APS Meeting, March 20-26, 1999, Atlanta, GA, USA. . 88. H. Mo, L. Criswell, D. Fuhrmann, H. Taub (University of Missouri-Columbia), K. W. Herwig (Oak Ridge National Laboratory), U. G. Volkmann (Catholic University of Chile), F. Y. Hansen (Technical University of Denmark), Ch. Woell (RuhrUniversitaet Bochum); "Negative Slope of the Melting Line of an Intermediatelength n-Alkane Monolayer". Presented at the APS Meeting, March 20-26, 1999, Atlanta, GA, USA. . 89. D. Fuhrmann, L. Criswell, H. Mo, H. Taub (University of Missouri-Columbia), K. W. Herwig (Oak Ridge National Laboratory), U. G. Volkmann (Catholic University of Chile), F. Y. Hansen (Technical University of Denmark), Ch. Woell (RuhrUniversitaet Bochum); "Effect of a Solvent on the Dynamics of an Intermediatelength n-AlkaneMonolayer Studied by Quasielastic Neutron Scattering". Presented at the APS Meeting, March 20-26, 1999, Atlanta, GA, USA. . 19 Stand: 10/10/2014 90. "Diffusive Motion in Model Soft Matter Systems: Quasielastic Neutron Scattering Study of Short- and Intermediate-Length Alkane Layers", D. Fuhrmann, H. Mo, U. G. Volkmann, K.W. Herwig, H. Taub and F.Y. Hansen, accepted for publication in ECNS99 proc., C12. 91. U. G. Volkmann and K. Knorr; “Study of the Growth Behavior and Wetting Behavior of Physisorbed Mono- and Multilayers with Visible Light”; IV. International Conference on Advanced Materials, August 27th - September 1st 1995, Cancun, Mexico; presented in the frame of Symposium 25 "Connection between Structure and Physical Properties in Thin Films". 92. U. G. Volkmann; “Ellipsometric Measurements of Kr, Ar, Xe, Nitrogen, and Dichlordiflourmethane on Graphite”; presented at the Advanced Study Institute (ASI) "Phase Transitions in Surface Films", June 19th to June 29th, 1990, Erice, Sicily. CONTRIBUTIONS TO NATIONAL CONFERENCES AND MEETINGS: 1. M. Cisternas, A. Henriquez, H. Bhuyan, M.J. Retamal, N. Casanova, A. Chandía, A. Alvarez, F. Guzmán, N. Moraga, M. Favre, and U. G. Volkmann: „Formation and study of TiN coatings on titanium substrates using plasma assisted ion implantation”. Primer Workshop Biofísica, 24 a 26 de Septiembre 2014, Campus San Joaquin UC, Santiago, Chile. 2. M.J. Retamal, M. Cisternas, S. Gutiérrez, T. Pérez-Acle and U. G. Volkmann: “Estudio de quitosano evaporado sobre silicio“. III Congreso Nacional de Nanotecnología, 10-12 de Septiembre 2014, Puerto Varas, Chile. 3. M. Cisternas, H. Bhuyan, M.J. Retamal, M. Favre and U. Volkmann: “Formación y estudio de recubrimientos de TiN sobre TiO2/Ti usando implantación de iones asistido por plasma para aplicaciones en membranas biológicas”. III Congreso Nacional de Nanotecnología, 10-12 de Septiembre 2014, Puerto Varas, Chile. 4. Gutiérrez-Maldonado SE, Araya-Secchi R, González Henríquez C, Sarabia Vallejos M, Retamal MJ, Cisternas M, Volkmann UG, Perez-Acle T, “Dissecting the physicochemical properties that govern the interactions of organic molecules supported on silica surfaces”. Presented at the VIII International Symposium, Science & Friendship VIII: The North Meets The South, November 5-6, 2012, Valparaíso, Chile. 5. Marcelo Cisternas, Carmen González, Ulrich Volkmann, Mauricio Sarabia and Maria Jose Retamal, ”Determination of appropriate chitosan viscosity as scaffold in the stability of artificial membranes composed by DPPC bilayer”. V Escuela de 20 Stand: 10/10/2014 Nanoestructuras y II Congreso de Nanotecnología 2012, 1-5 Octubre 2012, Valparaiso, Chile. 6. Mauricio Sarabia, Carmen González, Ulrich Volkmann, Marcelo Cisternas and Maria Jose Retamal, “Thermal studies of an artificial membrane composed by ultra-thin film of Chitosan and DPPC, produced through of Physical Vapor Deposition”. V Escuela de Nanoestructuras y II Congreso de Nanotecnología 2012, 1-5 Octubre 2012, Valparaiso, Chile. 7. Carmen González, Ulrich Volkmann, Mauricio Sarabia, Marcelo Cisternas, María José Retamal and Jeimi Yhon, “Thermal behavior of an artificial membrane, substrate/CH-DPPC, through optical methods and scanning probe microscopy”. V Escuela de Nanoestructuras y II Congreso de Nanotecnología 2012, 1-5 Octubre 2012, Valparaiso, Chile. 8. C.M. González, M.A. Sarabia, U.G. Volkmann, M. Cisternas, M.J. Retamal and J.L. Yhon, “Thermal mesophases studies of an artificial biological membrane composed by DPPC with an ultra-thin Chitosan scaffold”. XVIII Simposio Chileno de Física, 21-23 Noviembre 2012, Universidad de La Serena, Chile. 9. J.L. Yhon, C. M. González, M.A. Sarabia, M.A. Cisternas, M.J. Retamal and U.G. Volkmann, “Formación de membranas artificiales del tipo substrato Si(100)/SiO2/Quitosano/DPPC-Proteínas y su caracterización por métodos ópticos y topográficos”. XVIII Simposio Chileno de Física, 21-23 Noviembre 2012, Universidad de La Serena, Chile. 10. M.A. Sarabia, C.M. González, M.A. Cisternas, M.J. Retamal, J.L. Yhon and U.G. Volkmann, “Determination of the optimal viscosity of Chitosan used as scaffold for artificial DPPC membranes through topographical and optical thermal studies”. XVIII Simposio Chileno de Física, 21-23 Noviembre 2012, Universidad de La Serena, Chile. 11. M. A. Cisternas, C. M. González, J. L. Yhon, M. A. Sarabia, M. J. Retamal and U. G. Volkmann, “Comportamiento térmico para una membrana de DPPC depositada en fase de vapor con espesor controlado a través de Elipsometría”. XVIII Simposio Chileno de Física, 21-23 Noviembre 2012, Universidad de La Serena, Chile. 12. M.J. Retamal, M. Cisternas, M.A. Sarabia, T. Corrales, Michael Kappl, C.M. González, J. L. Yhon and U. G. Volkmann, “Estudio topográfico mediante AFM de una película de quitosano depositada en fase de vapor sobre un sustrato de silicio”. XVIII Simposio Chileno de Física, 21-23 Noviembre 2012, Universidad de La Serena, Chile. 13. S. Gutiérrez, R. Araya-Secchi, T. Pérez-Acle, M. J. Retamal, U. G. Volkmann, “Estudio de simulación molecular de dotriacontano sostenido sobre superficies de SiO2”; Presentado en el XVII Simposio Chileno de Física, Noviembre 10 - 12, 2010, Pucón, Chile. 21 Stand: 10/10/2014 14. M. A. Cisternas, V. del Campo, A. L. Cabrera, U. G. Volkmann, “Desorción Térmica Programada para C32H66”; Presentado en el XVII Simposio Chileno de Física, Noviembre 10 - 12, 2010, Pucón, Chile. 15. T. Corrales, P. Homm, P. Ferrari, M. J. Retamal, E. A. Cisternas, V. del Campo, U. G. Volkmann, “Recubrimiento y morfologia de películas delgadas utilizando técnica de dip-coating con velocidad controlada”; Presentado en el XVII Simposio Chileno de Física, Noviembre 10 - 12, 2010, Pucón, Chile. 16. M. J. Retamal, U.G. Volkmann, and V. Samith, “Estudio de moléculas de pluronic f68 sobre silicio con microscopía de fuerza atómica (AFM)”; Presentado en el XVII Simposio Chileno de Física, Noviembre 10 - 12, 2010, Pucón, Chile. 17. H. Bhuyan, A. Henriquez, M. Favre, M. J. Retamal, U. G. Volkmann, E. Wyndham and H. Chuaqui, “Ion beam emission from a pulsed plasma device”; Presentado en el XVII Simposio Chileno de Física, Noviembre 10 - 12, 2010, Pucón, Chile. 18. María José Retamal, Tomás Corrales, Pamela Soza, Edgardo Cisternas, Valeria del Campo and Ulrich Volkmann: "Estudio de moléculas orgánicas de dotriacontano sobre superficies sólidas de oro y óxido de silicio". Presentado en 1er Congreso Nacional de Nano-Tecnología, Mayo 24-26 del 2009, Valparaiso. 19. Valeria del Campo, Fabian Olivares, Pía Homm, Piero Ferrari, Ignacio Vergara, Jonathan Ávila, Manuel Pino, Ulrich Volkmann, Alejandro Cabrera and Haskell Taub: "Cinética de Desorción de Películas Orgánicas". Presentado en 1er Congreso Nacional de Nano-Tecnología, Mayo 24-26 del 2009, Valparaiso. 20. Pablo Andrés Morales Rodriguez, Ignacio Vergara Kausel, Fabian Olivares, Tomás Corrales and Ulrich Volkmann: "Estructuras fractales en películas delgadas de nalcanos". Presentado en 1er Congreso Nacional de Nano-Tecnología, Mayo 24-26 del 2009, Valparaiso. 21. Jonathan Avila, Raphael Matelon, Ricardo Trabol, Mario Favre, Ulrich Volkmann, David Lederman and Aleajndro Cabrera: "Propiedades ópticas de películas delgadas de Pd expuestas a hidrógeno". Presentado en 1er Congreso Nacional de NanoTecnología, Mayo 24-26 del 2009, Valparaiso. 22. Tomás Corrales, Pía Homm, Piero Ferrari, María José Retamal, Edgardo Cisternas, Valeria Del Campo and Ulrich Volkmann: "Self-Assembly of SubmonolayerCoverage Organic Films". Presentado en 1er Congreso Nacional de Nano-Tecnología, Mayo 24-26 del 2009, Valparaiso. 23. Ulrich Volkmann, Vergara Ignacio, Ferrari Piero, Cantero Jorge, Gutierrez Sebastian, Muñoz Francisco, Araya-Secchi Raul and Perez-Acle Tomas: "Towards bio-silicon interfaces for implantable nanodevices". Presentado en 1er Congreso Nacional de Nano-Tecnología, Mayo 24-26 del 2009, Valparaiso. 24. P. A. Soza, F. Y. Hansen, U. G. Volkmann, M. Kiwi: "Molecular dynamic 22 Stand: 10/10/2014 simulations of the friction forces at nanoscale in an Atomic Force Microscope experiment". Presentado en el XVI Simposio Chileno de Física, Noviembre 12-14 del 2008, Valparaiso. 25. I. Vergara, R. Araya-Secchi, T. Pérez-Acle, U. Volkmann: "C32-alkane films adsorbed onto SiO2 surface: towards organic/inorganic hybrid bionanodevices a simulation approach". Presentado en el XVI Simposio Chileno de Física, Noviembre 12-14 del 2008, Valparaiso. 26. V. del Campo, E. A. Cisternas, I. Vergara, T. P. Corrales, U. G. Volkmann, M. Bai, S. Wang, H. Taub, H. Mo, S. Ehrlich: "Study of Alkanes Structure and Phase Transitions with X-Ray Reflectivity". Presentado en el XVI Simposio Chileno de Física, Noviembre 12-14 del 2008, Valparaiso. 27. J.I. Avila, C.P. Romero, R. Trabol, U.G. Volkmann, P. Lievens, A.L. Cabrera: "Hydrogen sensing by quartz crystal microbalance (QCM)". Presentado en el XVI Simposio Chileno de Física, Noviembre 12-14 del 2008, Valparaiso. 28. E. A. Cisternas, T. P. Corrales, V. del Campo, U. G. Volkmann: "An Ellipsometric Study of Rotator Phases in Thin n-Dotriacontane Films". Presentado en la Escuela de Nanoestructuras, Enero 14-18 del 2008, Valparaíso. 29. Tomás Corrales, Edgardo Cisternas, Valeria del Campo, Ulrich Volkmann: "Estudio de Películas Orgánicas Crecidas de Forma Controlada sobre superficies de Oxido de Silicio en Ambientes de Alto Vacío". Presentado en el XV Simposio Chileno de Física, Noviembre 15-17 del 2006, Santiago. 30. P. Soza, V. del Campo, M. Pino, U. G. Volkmann (P. Universidad Católica de Chile), H. Taub (University of Missouri-Columbia), F. Y. Hansen (Technical University of Denmark): "Elipsometría de películas delgadas de docosano adsorbidas sobre substratos de SiO2 y SiO2/Au". Presentado en el XIV Simposio Chileno de Física, Noviembre 17-19 del 2004, Antofagasta. 31. V. del Campo, E. Cisternas, M. Pino, U. G. Volkmann (P. Universidad Católica de Chile), H. Taub (University of Missouri-Columbia), F. Y. Hansen (Technical University of Denmark): "Análisis de alcanos depositados sobre óxido de silicio con PVD en aire, con Elipsometría de Alta Resolución y AFM". Presentado en el XIV Simposio Chileno de Física, Noviembre 17-19 del 2004, Antofagasta. 32. E. F. Valderrama, U.G. Volkmann, and R.J. Matelon (P. Universidad Católica de Chile): "Estudio de las propiedades ópticas del paladio en ambientes hidrogenados". Presentado en el XIV Simposio Chileno de Física, Noviembre 17-19 del 2004, Antofagasta. 33. J.I. Avila (CCHEN), R.J. Matelon, U.G. Volkmann, and Cabrera A. L. (P. Universidad Católica de Chile): "Estudio de propiedades de películas delgadas de PdO bajo exposición a Hidrógeno". Presentado en el XIV Simposio Chileno de Física, Noviembre 17-19 del 2004, Antofagasta. 23 Stand: 10/10/2014 34. R.J. Matelon, U.G. Volkmann, A.L. Cabrera (Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile) and Lederman D. (West Virginia University): "Magneto-optical and electrical properties of Fe/Pd bilayers under hydrogen absorption". Presentado en el XIV Simposio Chileno de Física, Noviembre 17-19 del 2004, Antofagasta. 35. E. Cisternas, G. Tarrach, U.G. Volkmann, and M. Pino (P. Universidad Católica de Chile): "Estudio de Películas Delgadas de Alcanos Mediante Microscopia de Fuerza Atómica". Presentado en el XIV Simposio Chileno de Física, Noviembre 1719 del 2004, Antofagasta. 36. J. Aguilera, S. Urizar (Depto. de Ingeniería en Maderas, Universidad del Bío-Bío, Concepción), U.G. Volkmann (Facultad de Física, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile): "Formación de monocapas autoensambladas de polianilina sobre superficies de SiO2: Un estudio de Elipsometría y AFM". Presentado en el XIV Simposio Chileno de Física, Noviembre 17-19 del 2004, Antofagasta. 37. C. Hidalgo, P. Soza, F. Pacheco, E. Cisternas, E. F. Valderrama, M. Pino, U. G. Volkmann (P. Universidad Católica de Chile), J. Swerts, K. Temst, C. Van Haesendonck (Katholieke Universiteit Leuven), "Estudio de Fe(30nm) sobre MgO, SiO2, SiO2/Ag(10nm) y franjas de Ag (10nm) con efecto magneto óptico AC-Kerr" and “Fe Films on SiO2, MgO, and SiO2/Ag Substrates Studied by the Magnetooptical Kerr Effect (MOKE)". Presentado en el XIII Simposio Chileno de Física, Noviembre 12-14 del 2002, Concepcion. 38. U. G. Volkmann (P. Universidad Católica de Chile), “Study of Atomic Layer Films with Very High Resolution Ellipsometry and Magneto-Optical Kerr Effect”, III. Flemish-Chilean Symposium on Interfaces and Two-dimensional systems, November 2728, 2000, Facultad de Física (PUC), Santiago de Chile, RCH. 39. M. Pino, U. G. Volkmann (P. Universidad Católica de Chile), T. Charlton, H. Shi, D. Lederman (Department of Physics, West-Virginia University); "AC- and DC- MagnetoOptical Kerr Effect Measurements on Co/Re Superlattices". Presentado en el XII Simposio Chileno de Física, Noviembre 22-24 del 2000, Santiago. 40. U. G. Volkmann, M. Pino (P. Universidad Católica de Chile), H. Taub (University of Missouri-Columbia); "Ellipsometric Study of Intermediate-length n-Alkane Films Adsorbed on Si(100)". Presentado en el XII Simposio Chileno de Física, Noviembre 2224 del 2000, Santiago. 41. U. G. Volkmann (P. Universidad Católica de Chile), “Kerr-effect measurements on magnetic films”; Flemish-Chilean Symposium on Interfaces and Two-dimensional systems, April 14-16, 1999, Facultad de Física (PUC), Santiago de Chile, RCH. 42. Manuel Pino L., Michela Cuomo, Luis A. Altamirano, Hongtao Shi, David Lederman, and Ulrich G. Volkmann; "High sensitive SMOKE apparatus for analysis of very thin 24 Stand: 10/10/2014 magnetic films". Full length article published in the Journal Contribuciones Cientificas y Tecnologicas , No. 121, 1998; and presented at the XI Simposio Chilena de Física, 14 al 15 de diciembre de 1998, Santiago. 43. Manuel Pino L., Michela Cuomo, Ulrich G. Volkmann, and Klaus Knorr; "Introduction to High Resolution Ellipsometry and recent results on growth of N2O on Graphite". Full length article published in the Journal Contribuciones Cientificas y Tecnologicas , No. 121, 1998; and presented at the XI Simposio Chilena de Física, 14 al 15 de diciembre de 1998, Santiago. 44. U. G. Volkmann, F. Claro and S. E. Melo Ibarra; "Propagación de Fotones a través de un Sistema de Multiples Barreras: Experimento versus Teoría". Full length article accepted for publication in the Journal Contribuciones Cientificas y Tecnologicas and for oral presentation at the VII Simposio Nacional de Física Experimental y Aplicada FEXAP 98; 5 al 9 de Enero de 1998, Santiago. 45. K. Knorr, M. Pino L., L. A. Altamirano and U.G. Volkmann; "Progress in Experimental Study of Thin Films with Ellipsometry: From Atomic to Subatomic Resolution in One Dimension (1d)". Full length article accepted for publication in the Journal Contribuciones Cientificas y Tecnologicas and for oral presentation at the VII Simposio Nacional de Física Experimental y Aplicada FEXAP 98; 5 al 9 de Enero de 1998, Santiago. Copy available at 46. Z. Wu, S. N. Erhlich, B. Matthies, K. W. Herwig, P. Dai, U. G. Volkmann, and H. Taub; "Quasiepitaxial Growth of n-Alkane Films on a Solid Substrate". Full length article accepted for publication in the Journal Contribuciones Cientificas y Tecnologicas and for oral presentation at the VII Simposio Nacional de Física Experimental y Aplicada FEXAP 98; 5 al 9 de Enero de 1998, Santiago. 47. A. Zarate, A. L. Cabrera, U. G. Volkmann, J. Lisoni y V. Fuenzalida; "Fabrication of Thin Films Perovskite-Type of BaTiO3"; X Simposio Chileno de Fisica; 27 al 29 de Noviembre de 1996, Valparaiso. Extended abstract published in the proceeding of the Symposium, p. 221-222 (1996). 48. U. G. Volkmann, K. Knorr y M. Pino; "Construction of a High Resolution in Situ Ellipsometer: A Powerful Tool for Study of Ultra Thin Film Deposition and Growth Behavior"; X Simposio Chileno de Física; 27 al 29 de Noviembre de 1996, Valparaiso. Extended abstract published in the proceeding of the Symposium, p. 215-216 (1996). 49. U. G. Volkmann, F. Claro y S. E. Melo Ibarra; "Propagación Optica a Través de un Sistema de Multicapas"; X Simposio Chileno de Física; 27 al 29 de Noviembre de 1996, Valparaíso. Extended abstract published in the proceeding of the Symposium, p. 217-218 (1996). 50. U. G. Volkmann y K. Knorr; "Fabricación de un Criostato con Cámara de Ultra Alto Vacío (UHV) para Investigación de Películas Delgadas"; VI Simposio Nacional de Física 25 Stand: 10/10/2014 Experimental y Aplicada; 9 al 12 de Enero de 1996, Temuco. Abstract published in the proceeding of the Symposium, p. 275-278 (1996). 51. S. E. Melo Ibarra, F. Claro y U. G. Volkmann; "Transporte Fotonico a través de una doble barrera"; VI Simposio Nacional de Física Experimental y Aplicada; 9 al 12 de Enero de 1996, Temuco. Abstract published in the proceeding of the Symposium, p. 374377 (1996). 52. S. E. Melo Ibarra, F. Claro y U. G. Volkmann; "Optical Propagation in Thin Film Multilayer Devices"; II Simposio Franco-Chileno en Ciencia de Materiales; 2 a 4 de Noviembre de 1995, Valparaiso. Abstract published in the proceeding of the Symposium, p. 55-56 (1995). 53. R. A. Zarate, A. L. Cabrera, V. Fuenzalida y U. G. Volkmann; "Propiedades dieléctricas de peliculas delgadas de BaTiO3 cerca de la transición de fase ferro-paraeléctrica"; V. Chilean Symposium of Experimental and Applied Physics, January 1994, Antofagasta. Published in the proceeding of the Symposium, p.91-93 (1994). 54. A. L. Cabrera, W. Garrido Molina y U. G. Volkmann; "Variación de la resistencia en películas delgadas de Co cuando adsorben CO"; IX. Symposio Chileno de Física, Temuco. Extended abstract published in the proceeding of the Symposium, p.171-172 (1994). 55. A. L. Cabrera, M. Pino-Leiva y U. G. Volkmann; "Mediciones de la temperatura de Curie para peliculas muy delgadas de hierro por un método termogravimétrico"; IX. Symposio Chileno de Física, Temuco. Extended abstract published in the proceeding of the Symposium, p.87-88 (1994). 56. U. G. Volkmann and K. Knorr; "Experimental Study of the Growth Behaviour of Thin Films between Two and Three Dimensions with Visible Light", Actas IX. Symposio Chileno de Física, Temuco, Chile, p. 68-69 (1994). 57. U. G. Volkmann, A. L. Cabrera, E. S. Wyndham, R. Zarate y M. Pino; "Evaporatión de metales via PVD (Physical Vapour Deposition)", V. Chilean Symposium of Experimental and Applied Physics, January 1994, Antofagasta. Abstract published in the proceeding of the Symposium, p.68-69 (1994). 58. U. G. Volkmann, A. L. Cabrera y W. H. Garrido; "Caracterización con rayos X de láminas de Ni y Co antes y después de un tratamiento térmico", V. Chilean Symposium of Experimental and Applied Physics, January 1994, Antofagasta. Abstract published in the proceeding of the Symposium, p.11-15 (1994). 26 Stand: 10/10/2014 LONG TERM INTERNATIONAL COLLABORATORS: - Haskell Taub (Department of Physics & Astronomy, University Missouri-Columbia, USA). - Flemming Y. Hansen (Department of Chemistry, Technical University of Denmark). - Klaus Knorr (Department of Technical Physics, University of Saarbrücken, Germany). - Kristiaan Temst (Laboratorium voor Vaste-Stoffysica en Magnetisme, K.U. Leuven, Belgium). - David Lederman (Department of Physics, West-Virginia University, USA). - Giora Mikenberg (ATLAS Muon Spectrometer, CERN and Department of Particle Physics, Weizmann Institute). - Patrick Huber (Institute of Materials Physics and Technology, Hamburg University of Technology TUHH). LONG TERM NATIONAL COLLABORATORS: - Alejandro Cabrera (Institute of Physics, P. Universidad Católica de Chile). - Marcela del Pilar Urzúa Acevedo (Department of Chemistry, Science Faculty, Universidad de Chile). - Marco Aurelio Díaz (Institute of Physics, P. Universidad Católica de Chile). - Tomás Perez-Acle (Computational Biology Lab (DLab) at Fundación Ciencia y Vida and Centro Interdisciplinario de Neurociencias de Valparaiso (CINV) at Universidad de Valparaiso). NATIONAL COLLABORATORS ON APPLIED TOPICS: - Alfonso Otero (Engineering School, P. Universidad Católica de Chile). - PYROS Ingenieros S.A., Rangagua. - Tecnología Integral S.A., Santiago. PATENTATION: U.S. Provisional Patent Application (2014): "Nano-interface for molecular signal transduction" / "Nano-interfaz para la transduccion de senales moleculares". Inventor(s): U. G. Volkmann, T. Perez-Acle, S. Gutierrez, M. J. Retamal, and M. Cisternas. U.S. Provisional Patent Application Number: 62/037,027 (14 August 2014). Patent Request (2011): "Polymeric-metallic nanoparticle hybrid materials". (“Nano-encapsulation of metal embedded in a polymeric matrix that contains silicon in the main chain”.) Inventor(s): C.M. González Henríquez, Claudio A. Terraza, Alejandro L. Cabrera, Ulrich G. Volkmann, María J. Retamal. Application Number: PCT/IB2012/052508. 27 Stand: 10/10/2014 RESEARCH FUNDS: -PI Project Fondecyt 1141105 (2014-2018); “Experimental and theoretical characterization of supported lipid bilayers as biosensor prototypes for applications in nanotechnology”; Co-I: Tomás Pérez-Acle (DLab FCV). - PI in Chile International Project DAAD-CONICYT PCCI 044 (TUHH (Huberlab) – UC (SurfLab); Porous Si). (2013-2014). - Researcher Project Anillo Científico Tecnológico ACT1107 "Integración de la biología estructural al desarrollo de la biotecnología". 10/2012 – 2015. - Researcher Project Anillo Científico Tecnológico ACT1102 "Atlas Andino: Física en el LHC y sus aplicaciones". 10/2012 -2015. - Co-Investigador Proyecto de Investigación Interdisciplinaria VRI-UC (2011- 2014): “Contribución de los bioaerosoles al MP2.5 en Santiago, Chile”. PI: Prof. Dr. Héctor Jorquera González, Escuela de Ingeniería UC, Departamento de Ingeniería Química y de Bioprocesos. - PI Project Fondecyt 1100882 (2010-2014); “Multidisciplinary Studies of Organic Chain Molecules and Biological Membranes onto Solid Surfaces for Applications in Nanotechnology”; Co-I: Tomás Pérez-Acle (DLab FCV). - Co-Researcher Project Concurso de Investigación Interdisciplinaria VRI-UC (20112013): “Contribución de los bioaerosoles al MP2.5 en Santiago, Chile”. PI: Prof. Dr. Héctor Jorquera González, Engineering School, Chemical Engineering and Bioprocesses, P. Universidad Católica de Chile. - Co-Researcher Project Concurso Interdisciplinario VRAID-UC 2008, “Multidisciplinary studies of biological membranes onto SiO2 surfaces for applications in Bionanotechnology” (2008-2009). - Project International Cooperation Fondecyt 7070248 y 7080105. - Project Fondecyt 1060628 (2006-2009). - Co-Researcher in the project Fondecyt 1060634 (2006-2009). - Project PUC (DIPUC), N° DIPUC 2005/003P - Researcher in the project MECESUP PUC 006 (2002-2005). - Researcher in the project Fundación Andes, Grant No. C-13768 (2002 - 2005). - Project Fondecyt 1010548 (2001-2005). - Project Fondecyt 7010548 (2001-2005). - Project NSF-Conicyt (1997-2001). - Project Fondecyt 1980586 (1998 - 2001). - Project Fondecyt Incentivo a la Cooperación Internacional 7980025 (1998 - 2001). - Project Fondecyt 1940715 (1994 - 1996). - Project PUC (DIPUC), N° DIPUC/307/96. - Project PUC (DIPUC), N° DIPUC/209/97. - Co-Researcher in the project Fundación Andes, Grant No. C-12776 (1996 - 1998). 28 Stand: 10/10/2014 ADVISEES: Graduate students: - Sergio Melo Ibarra, USACH, Licenciatura in Physics (1998). - Juan Aguilera Obregón, Co-thesis adviser (Magister student in the program of M.Cs. & Tec. Madera, UBB (2001)). - Guerau Cabrera, Co-thesis adviser, PUC, Licenciatura in Physics (1st sem. 2003). - Pamela Andrea Soza O., PUC, Licenciatura in Physics (1st sem. 2003). - Valeria del Campo, PUC, Licenciatura in Physics (1st sem. 2004). - Enrique Valderrama, PUC, Licenciatura in Physics PUC (1st sem. 2004). - Edgardo Enrique Ramírez Fuentes, PUC, Licenciatura in Physics (1st sem. 2005). - Tomas Corrales, PUC, Licenciatura in Physics (2nd sem. 2006). - María José Retamal, PUC, Licenciatura in Physics (1st sem. 2008). - Ignacio Vergara, PUC, Licenciatura in Physics (1st sem. 2009). - Marcelo Cisternas, PUC, Licenciatura in Physics (1st sem. 2010). - Claudio Cordero, PUC, Licenciatura in Physics (1st sem. 2010). - Pía Homm, PUC, Licenciatura in Physics (2nd sem. 2010). - Karina López, PUC, Licenciatura in Physics (1st sem. 2011). - Rosario Ortega, PUC, Licenciatura in Physics (1st sem. 2011). - Mauricio Sarabia, PUC, Licenciatura in Physics (1st sem. 2012). Master students: - Tomas Corrales, PUC (from 1/2008 to (received) 3/2009). Actually at the MPI-P in Mainz, Group of Prof. Dr. H.-J. Butt, Germany. - Carlos Calle, PUC (from 1/2009 to (received) 3/2011), together with Dr. Gastón Martínez from Tecnología Integral S.A. Carlos Calle worked on the design and developement o fan intelligent optical sensor for measurement of temperature profiles inside of industrial oven e.g. cal and cement). For this sensor, called PyroSpec, Tecnología Integral S.A. received from the ASOCIACIÓN DE LA INDUSTRIA ELÉCTRICA- ELECTRÓNICA CHILE the annual price Premio Mejor Innovación Tecnológica AIE 2010. Actually at Tecnología Integral S.A., Chile. - Gonzalo Ricardo Leal, Co-adviser, together with professor Marco Aurelio Diaz, PUC (from 1/2012 to (received) 4/2013). - Marcelo Cisternas, PUC (accepted; will start in 2nd semester 2012). Doctorial / Ph.D. students: - Edgardo A. Cisternas (from 2005 to (received) 4/2009). Actually at MolyMet S.A., Chile. - Pamela A. Soza (from 2/2004); experimental part of her Ph.D. thesis (the complentary part of Molecular Dynamics Simulations was supervised by M. Kiwi and F. Hansen; received 5/2009). 29 Stand: 10/10/2014 Actually School-Teacher in Germany. - Valeria del Campo (from 1/2007 to (received) 5/2009). Actually researcher at the UTFSM, Valparaiso, Chile. - María José Retamal (from 2010 to present). Post-docs: - Raphael Matelon: Ph.D. in Physics (in collaboration with Prof. Alejandro L. Cabrera, March 2003 to March 2005); Actually at the Engineering School at the University of Exeter, UK. - Carmen González; Dra. in Chemistry (U de Chile); April 2011 to August 2012. INSTRUCTION AND ADVISEES OF STUDENTS IN ACTUAL RESEARCH: • Per Nostell (1993/94); Thesis student; Interchange with University Upsala, Sweden. • Michela Cuomo (Magister student Physics Faculty 8/1998 – 11/1998); VHRE. • Roxana Contreras (Student of the Advanced Physics Lab. (VHRE); sem. 2/1999). • Marcelo Mora (Student of the Advanced Physics Lab. (VHRE); sem. 2/1999). • Patricio Lagos (Student of the Advanced Physics Lab. (VHRE); sem. 2/1999). • Francisco Castillo (Student of the Advanced Physics Lab. (VHRE); sem. 2/2000). • Joaquín Mura (Student of the Advanced Physics Lab. (VHRE); sem. 2/2000). • Sebastian Caballero (Student of the Advanced Physics Lab. (VHRE); sem. 2/2000). • Sebastian Mendizabal (Student of the Advanced Physics Lab. (VHRE); sem. 2/2000). • Elisabeth Kierig (9/2000–12/2000); Interchange student Universität Heidelberg, Germany; MOKE and VHRE. • Jonathan Avila (during January 2001); Student of the intense summer course program; regular student of the Physics Faculty of the P. Universidad Católica de Chile); MOKE and VHRE. • Roberto Lineros (Student of the Advanced Physics Lab. (VHRE); sem. 1/2001). • Felipe Veloso (Student of the Advanced Physics Lab. (VHRE); sem. 1/2001). • Samuel Baltasar (Student of the Advanced Physics Lab. (VHRE); sem. 1/2001). • Javier Jiménez (Student of the Advanced Physics Lab. (VHRE); sem. 1/2001). • Jorge Gómez (Student of the Advanced Physics Lab. (VHRE); sem. 2/2001). • Felipe Muñoz (Student of the Advanced Physics Lab. (VHRE); sem. 2/2001). • Jorge Pinochet (Student of the Advanced Physics Lab. (VHRE); sem. 2/2001). • Maximiliano Rivera (Student of the Advanced Physics Lab. (VHRE); sem. 2/2001). • Marius Schaefer (Student of the Advanced Physics Lab. (MOKE); sem. 1/2002). • Guerau Cabrera (Student of the Advanced Physics Lab. (MOKE); sem. 1/2002). • Francisco Pacheco Rivera (Student of the Adv. Physics Lab. (MOKE); sem. 2/2002). • Pamela Soza Ossandon (Student of the Adv. Physics Lab. (MOKE); sem. 2/2002). • Cesar Hidalgo Ramaciotti (Student of the Adv. Physics Lab. (MOKE); sem. 2/2002). • Edgardo Alfonso Cisternas Jara (during January 2002 Student of the intense summer course program; regular student of the Physics Faculty of the P. Universidad Católica de Chile); MOKE. • Enrique Valderama (September 2001 to December 2002); voluntary student of the course MOKE and VHRE. 30 Stand: 10/10/2014 • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Valeria del Campo (during January 2003 Student of the intense summer course program; regular student of the Physics Faculty of the P. Universidad Católica de Chile); VHRE. Postdegree "Practica Avanzada de Laboratorio", Ph.D. student Edgardo Cisternas, PUC, (first semester 2004). Postdegree "Practica Avanzada de Laboratorio", Ph.D. student Pamela Soza, PUC, (second semester 2004). Loreto Oyarte Gálvez (during January 2004 Student of the intense summer course program; regular student of the Physics Faculty of the P. Universidad Católica de Chile); MOKE. Maritza Hernandez Gaete (during January 2005 Student of the intense summer course program; regular student of the Physics Faculty of the P. Universidad Católica de Chile); AFM. Ignacio Espinoza Bornscheuer (during January 2005 Student of the intense summer course program; regular student of the Physics Faculty of the P. Universidad Católica de Chile); VHRE. Gabriela Miranda Holley (during January 2005 Student of the intense summer course program; regular student of the Physics Faculty of the P. Universidad Católica de Chile); MOKE. Héctor Martinez Neira (during January 2006 Student of the intense summer course program; regular student of the Physics Faculty of the P. Universidad Católica de Chile); Surfactants. Edgardo Dorner Yaksic (during January 2006 Student of the intense summer course program; regular student of the Physics Faculty of the P. Universidad Católica de Chile); MOKE. Carlos Andres Calle Gil (from April 5 to April 19, 2006; research visitor; postdegree (Magister) student of the Universidad del Quindio, Armenia, Colombia); VHRE. Stefan Keßler (March 2006 to July 2006); interchange student from the Universität Heidelberg, Germany; VHRE. Ignacio Vergara Kausel (during January 2007 Student of the intense summer course program; regular student of the Physics Faculty of the P. Universidad Católica de Chile); VHRE; and from 03/2007 to present as a member of the technical support staff for Fondecyt project 1060628. Benedikt Justen (March 2007 to November 2007); interchange student from the Universität Berlin, Germany. AFM / Software. Pía Homm Jara (since 2008; summer course 2009 and project student). Piero Antonio Ferrari Ramirez (since 2008; project student). Fabián Andrés Olivares Legal (since 2008; summer course 2009 and project student). Pablo Andrés Morales Rodríguez (since 2008; summer course 2009 and project student). Mauricio Sarabia (since 2011; project student). Manuel Alamo Ulloa (summer course 2012 student of postdoc Carmen González). Belén Céspedes Parada (summer course 2012 student). Renate Reisenegger (summer course 2013 student). Ari Orlando Ortiz Moreno (VRI summer course 2014 student). Bruno Emilio Marcenaro Villouta (VRI summer course 2014 student). Vanessa Zapeda Capdevilla (VRI winter course 2014 student). 31 Stand: 10/10/2014 OTHER RELEVANT ACTIVITIES AT THE PHYSICS FACULTY OF THE P. UNIVERSIDAD CATÓLICA DE CHILE: Transfer of a Nitrogen Liquifier plant (Philips) from the Universität Saarbrücken (donator) to our Faculty: Installation (1995) and permanent service (1995 to present) of this thermodynamic plant for air liquefaction and nitrogen distillation; this facility provides since 1995 liquid Nitrogen for our research laboratories and for other faculties of the P. Universidad Católica de Chile and interested companies. Production: about 4,5L/hr; 24 hrs/day, average 21days/month. Together with former Ph.D.-student Ramon Antonio Zarate: Design and fabrication of a Flash Evaporation System for deposition of thin dielectric (BaTiO3)-films, multiple sets of capacitors and “Saywer-Tower” circuit for measurement of the dielectric properties of thin (BaTiO3)-films. Design and construction / fabrication of high level experimental equipment for thin film fabrication and analysis (Very high resolution ellipsometer VHRE with support of Universität Saarbrücken, FONDECYT and FUNDACION ANDES; AC-Kerr and DC-Kerr (MOKE) with financial support of FONDECYT. Adaption of Electron beam evaporator for thin film preparation to Edwards Auto 308 PVD evaporator with financial support from FUNDACION ANDES; adaption of commercial Imaging Ellipsometer (Optrel GBR, Germany) to existing VHRE with financial support of FONDECYT. EXTERNAL ACTIVITIES: Referee for international journal “Langmuir”. Referee for research projects (CONICYT, UTFSM). Support to German Embassy and coordination (Physics Faculty PUC, Math Faculty PUC, Engineer School PUC) for exhibition “Matemática, Realidad y Estética; Microchips y Arte Moderno” of the Friedrich Wilhelm Universität in Bonn, Institut für Diskrete Mathematik / Instituto de Matemática Discreta and Museo Nacional de Bellas Artes (9.11.1995– 14.1.1996). 1997-2006: Seminar talks at the Department of Physics & Astronomy of the University Missouri-Columbia, Columbia, USA. 1997-2003: Research visits / diffraction experiments scheduled at Missouri University Research Reactor MURR, Argonne National Laboratory ANL and Brookhaven National Laboratory BNL, USA. 2001-2004: Research visits at Technical Physics Institute, University Saarbrücken, Germany; Solid State and Magnetic Material Group at Catholic University Leuven, Belgium; Danish Technical University , Lyngby, Denmark. 2006: Member of Organizing Committee of “1er Taller Nacional de Nanotecnología 25, 26, 27 de Mayo 2006 Viña del Mar – Chile”. 2009: Member of Scientific Committee of “1er Congreso Nacional de Nanotecnología 24, 25, 26 de Mayo 2009 Valparaiso – Chile”. 32 Stand: 10/10/2014 3/2011 to 3/2014: Member of the research reviewer group “Grupo de Estudio Physics and Astronomy” for the national Chilean research founding agency CONICYT. 2012-2014: Member of the Steering and Program Committee of “Pacific Rim Symposium on Surfaces, Coatings and Interfaces (PacSurf 2014)”, December 7 - 11, 2014. Big Island of Hawaii, USA. 2014: Member of Scientific Committee for “XIX Simposio Chileno de Física 2014”, November 26 – 28, 2014, Concepcion, Chile. 2014: Member of the FONDEQUIP evaluation panel at CONICYT. HONORS: - Invitation by the Federal Minister of Education and Research BMBF of Germany to visit Excellence Research and Development Centers in Nanoscience and Nanotechnology and Nanotechnology Companies in Bremen, Hannover, Würzburg, Saarbrücken and Frankfurt/M, as one of two Chilean representatives from the area of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology (together with Prof. Dr. Jans Humberto Alzate Morales from University of Talca). April 18 to 25, 2009. - 1st semester 1996: Inclusion in "Lista de Honor de Profesores" of the Engineering School at PUC (for positive evaluation of teaching students of the Engineering School). Additional information / Informacion adicional: http:// 33
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