El cambio de rines deportivos en el chevy Por: Irving Cruz Antes de decidirnos a cambiar los rines de nuestro chevy, primero debemos conocer algunos conceptos importantes. El siguiente texto fue obtenido del árticulo: http://www.terra.com.mx/Automovil/articulo/122200/ Cambiar de rines no consiste sólo en quitarle los originales y ponerle los más grandes que le quepan a tu carro; por algo, los fabricantes dedican tanto tiempo a asegurarse de que las partes superen determinadas pruebas. Por ejemplo, unos rines inapropiados, que están “salidos” de la carrocería, provocarán que el coche “pise chueco”, y habrá mayor desgaste en la suspensión, y el manejo se alterará. Así que mejor no te “emociones” y busca consejo profesional. Medidas Diámetro.- Es la circunferencia del rin medida desde donde asienta la llanta. Los más pequeños (comercialmente) son los de 13 pulgadas, usados en su mayoría en autos compactos. Los de 15” son de los más comunes, pero pueden llegar hasta 22. Es importante señalar que el diámetro exterior de la llanta debe conservarse similar, de lo contrario, se alteran las cualidades de manejo y la medición del velocímetro se trastorna. Por eso, entre más grande sea el rin más bajo debe ser el perfil de la llanta. Anchura.- Van desde las 4 a las 14 o más pulgadas, y afectan drásticamente la manera en que la llanta pisa. Sin ser una regla, se recomienda que el ancho de la “cama”, sea alrededor de 10% más angosta que la banda de rodamiento de la llanta. Un rin angosto ocasiona que sólo el centro de la huella pise con firmeza, mientras que uno demasiado ancho fomenta que sean sólo las orillas de la huella las que hacen contacto. Además, tienden a permitir que la llanta se despegue de éste al exigirle demasiada tracción lateral en curvas cerradas. Offset.- Es la distancia que existe entre el centro de la cama, y el plano donde se atornilla al disco o tambor de frenos. Un rin con offset negativo es aquel en el que la llanta se sale del centro; mientras que en uno positivo el neumático "se mete". El offset afecta drásticamente la geometría de la suspensión, y por lo tanto el manejo. Se recurre a un offset negativo cuando la cara de la llanta roza con algún elemento de la suspensión. Pero se debe ser muy conservador al modificarlo, porque al hacerlo se castigan otros elementos de la suspensión, reduciendo su durabilidad, y propiciando que surjan fallas. Altura de pestaña.- Es el borde del rin en el cual asienta la llanta. El código más común es J, mientras que los neumáticos de perfil muy bajo suelen emplear las medidas JJ o JK, que son de menor longitud. Una vez entendidos los conceptos anteriores pasemos a analizar los mejores valores para nuestro chevy. El siguiente texto fue modificado a partir del original obtenido de la revista de Chevymanía # 45 en la sección de preguntas y respuestas, aportación de Miguel Angel Borquez Estrada. Si revisamos el rin 13” original de nuestro chevy (se revisó en un chevy Pop 2001) vemos que tiene grabado los siguientes números entre otros: 13x5 ET 49 Por lo que se deduce que es de 13 pulgadas de alto x 5 de ancho y un ofsset de +49 milimetros (mm). Es probable que exista un poco de confusión sobre la forma de tomar la medida del offset y para darse cuenta de que mientras más grande sea el offset, más metido estará el rin. Para ello hagan referencia a la siguiente figura (imagen tomada y traducida de http://www.whalentire.com/faqs.cfm ) Luego entonces, el rin mas parecido al original puede ser un rin de 15 pulgadas con medidas 15 x6.5 y ET de +45. Haciendo algunos cálculos tenemos: El rin tiene 6.5" de ancho, entonces el centro del rin está ubicado en 3.25 " de allí se miden los 45 mm hasta la superficie de montaje. Sabiendo que 1 pulgada = 2.54 cm, tenemos entonces que el rin tiene un ancho de 6.5 x 2.54 = 16.51 cm. por tanto el centro estará a la mitad: 8.255cm. , sumándole los 4.5 cm del offset, la superficie de montaje estará entonces a 8.255+4.5 = 12.755 cm . Si al ancho total le restamos esta última cifra obtenemos la media del rin que le sobra después de la línea de montaje. 16.51 – 12.755 = 3.755 cm. Haciendo estos mismos cálculos para nuestro rin original tendremos que: Ancho: 5 x 2.54 = 12.7 cm Línea de montaje: 6.35 + 4.9 = 11.25 cm Distancia del rin después de la línea de montaje: 12.7 – 11.25 = 1.45 cm. (esta medida la usaremos para calcular cualquier otro rin) Finalmente si restamos las distancias que sobran a partir de la línea de montaje: 3.755 – 1.45 cm. = 2.305 cm. Esto nos indica que el nuevo rin de 15x6.5 con ET +45 estará 2.305 cm. salido tomando como referencia el rin original. Todas estas medidas son bastante importantes de considerar, ya que el chevy tiene un detalle, si no se hacen bien los cálculos, la parte frontal o posterior va a rozar. Si se utiliza por ejemplo un rin 15x7 ET +35 nos metemos en grandes problemas, pues haciendo estos cálculos obtendremos que el borde extremo del rin se encontrara 3.94 cm afuera del lugar original. Por eso, tanto el ancho como el offset del rin son muy importantes. Estas operaciones también son validas para rines de mayor diámetro. Algunos otros cálculos de rines comerciales: Rines 15x6.5 offset 40 Ancho: 16.51 Línea de montaje: 8.255 + 4 = 12.255 Distancia salida de la original: 16.51 – 12.255 = 4.255 cm – 1.45 = 2.805 cm. salido Rines 16 x 7 offset 43 Ancho: 17.78 Línea de montaje: 8.89 + 4.3 = 13.19 Distancia salida de la original: 17.78 - 13.19 = 4.59 cm – 1.45 = 3.14 cm. salido Rines 17 x 7 offset 35 Ancho: 17.78 Línea de montaje: 8.89 + 3.5 = 12.39 Distancia salida de la original: 17.78 - 12.39 = 5.39 cm. – 1.45 = 3.94 cm salido Rines 17 x 7 offset 40 Ancho: 17.78 Línea de montaje: 8.89 + 4 = 12.89 Distancia salida de la original: 17.78 - 12.89 = 4.89 cm – 1.45 = 3.44 cm salido Rines 17x7 offset 42 Ancho: 17.78 Línea de montaje: 8.89+ 4.2 = 13.09 Distancia salida de la original: 17.78 – 13.09 = 4.69 cm. – 1.45 = 3.24 cm. salido LLANTAS Las llantas más comunes para el chevy dependiendo del rin deportivo que le pongamos son: Para rin 13: 205/60/r13 Para rin 15: 195/50/r15 Para rin 16: 205/40/r16 ó 195/50/r16 Para rin 17: 205/40/r17 Para rin 18: 215/35/r18 Recomendable leer el artículo sobre llantas en: http://vauxhallclub.com.mx/taller/llantas.htm PESO DEL RIN Se debe considerar que muchas veces, rines grandes significa rines más pesados, esto es importante ya que el mayor peso de los rines puede afectar en mayor grado la suspensión del auto y el desempeño del coche en curvas. (Obtenido de Mundomini.com). El peso promedio de los rines deportivos ronda como muestra la siguiente lista: 17” promedio 19.8 lb. = 8.981 Kg. 18” promedio 25.0 lb. = 11.34 Kg. 20” promedio 40 lb. = 18.144 Kg. Una lista bastante extensa de rines comerciales se encuentra al final del documento como Anexo. SOBRE LA VIBRACIÓN Para elaborar siguiente texto se tomó como base el artículo del Vauxhall Club México: http://vauxhallclub.com.mx/taller/vibra.htm La vibración de la dirección por cambio de rines es muy común en el chevy, sobre todo cuando se usan rines de mala calidad, recuerden que lo barato sale caro. Para eliminar la vibración hay que considerar lo siguiente: 1.- Descartar fallas en el sistema de dirección 2.- Los rines no deben estar doblados ni maltratados. 3.- Usar centradores. 4.- Buen balanceo 5.- Utilizar birlos más grandes y con centro cónico. Fallas en la dirección Dentro de las piezas de la dirección más comunes que se dañan y hacen que se presente la vibración están las rótulas, terminales de dirección, baleros, hidrobush, baleros del amortiguador, bases del amortiguador, resortes. Rines doblados y maltratados Muchas veces oímos decir a nuestros amigos que su auto esta presentando vibración en el volante cuando no lo hacia, esto se debe a que lo rines se ovalan al pasar el tiempo por el uso y las grandes irregularidades del pavimento en nuestro país. En ocasiones pasamos un bache y nunca nos imaginamos que éste provocó un doblez ligero en el rin delantero; nos percatamos de esto después cuando imprimimos velocidades superiores a los 80Kms /hr o antes en el peor de los casos. Por ello es importante establecer una revisión del estado de nuestros rines e irlos rotando por lo menos cada 15,000 kms al mismo tiempo que le hagamos alineación y balanceo y sí es necesario mandarlos a enderezar. Centradores En la mayoría de los casos (no solo en el chevy), se requieren centradores (algunos los llaman “aumentos”) ya que el rin cuenta con un centro demasiado grande para la masa del disco, es por esto que se incluye un centrador (uno por rin) a fin de llenar este espacio del rin. Los hay de varios materiales como lo son acero, plástico y aluminio, este último es el más adecuado por su peso y resistencia. Centradores (izquierda de plástico, derecha aluminio) Los centradores no son universales, existen infinidad de medidas y para saber cual es el correcto para nuestro auto, debemos conocer el “hub bore” (diámetro de la masa) del rin. En el caso del chevy el rin original tiene un “hub bore” de 56.5 mm. Ahora nos resta conocer el “hub bore” del rin deportivo que queremos comprar, en mi caso fueron unos rines ADR, los cuales el fabricante especifica que tienen un “hub bore” de 73 mm, por lo tanto necesité conseguir centradores de la medida: diametro interior 56.5 mm y diamtero exterior 73 mm. La forma de colocar estos se ilustra a continuación: Se pueden colocar en el rin O bien en la masa, el resultado es el mismo. Imágenes obtenidas de: http://www.wildweasel.ca/j-body/HowTo/wheelinstall.asp En ocasiones es muy difícil encontrar los centradores correctos para nuestro rin, pero estos se pueden mandar a hacer a taller de “torno y soldadura” donde los hacen a la medida y en aluminio, con un costo aproximado de 100 pesos por centrador, casi lo mismo que te salen un de marca comercial. Birlos Los birlos también juegan un papel importante en esta modificación ya que serán los encargados de establecer el centrado óptimo y son pareja inseparable de los centradores. Existen unos birlos que cuentan con un aumento cónico para centrar de manera exacta el rin. Cabe mencionar que estos birlos solo se recomiendan adelante, los posteriores deben ser de tamaño estándar para evitar fricciones con el sistema de frenado. Aunque en la parte posterior pueden ser usados birlos de la misma medida, para comprobar que no hay fricción con el sistema de frenado, al momento de estar instalando un rin en la parte de atrás hay que darle vuelta a la llanta y escuchar con atención si no existe un golpeteo o rozamiento con la balata, si lo hubiera solo hay que recortar un poco el birlo hasta solucionar el problema. La medida mas común de birlos para el chevy que se puede encontrar es de 12 x 1.5. Y la forma es más o menos como la de la figura siguiente (noten la cabeza con el aumento cónico). Un aspecto importante a considerar es también el ancho de la cabeza del birlo, ya que muchas veces los rines traen el orificio para los birlos muy pequeños, por lo tanto si pensabas ponerle los originales del auto posiblemente no entrarán, este aspecto es muy común en aquellos rines que traen doble barrenación (es decir 8 orificios en el caso del chevy, ya que los otros 4 son para otra medida de auto). Recordemos también incluir birlos de seguridad por aquellas personas amantes de lo ajeno, marcas recomendadas por muchos son: Gorilla y Rino, que vienen en paquete de 4 con una llave única. Importante al apretar los birlos: - Los birlos en los rines deportivos se deben de apretar con llave de cruz, no con pistola, esto para evitar barrerlos al darles con demasiada fuerza con la pistola o que sea mas propensa la vibración al ser la presión diferente en los 4 birlos que sujetan al rin. - También es recomendable no poner todos los birlos(16) de tipo de seguridad, ya que estos no se deben de apretar con mucha fuerza porque son de un torque menor y se pueden barrer, solo uno por rin y deben ser apretados con menos fuerza que los otros. Balanceo Muchas ocasiones los servicios "especializados" no conocen la manera de balancear un rin deportivo, donde influyen factores como el ancho, el plano, la distancia y la rodada. Todos estos datos deben introducirse en la computadora de balanceo para obtener el valor absoluto de peso con que debe contar el plomo que se añada (se recomiendan plomos de uña y poco los adhesivos). Es recomendable balancear el rin con el centrador puesto. Aquí es importante señalar que un rin de buena calidad debe de poder ser balanceado por computadora sin problemas. En los rines de baja calidad muchas veces auque se balancee por computadora presentan vibración, debido a que no están debidamente calibrados. Pero se puede reducir en gran medida si se siguen los consejos de usar centradores, birlos y además un balanceo dinámico. Un balanceo dinámico es balancear las llantas delanteras con el rin montado en el auto, encendido el auto y acelerando para hacer girar solo la llanta que queremos balancear, así los técnicos aumentarán y quitarán plomo de acuerdo a la vibración que se presente en el volante al acelerar. Balanceo x computadora Balanceo dinámico Suspensión Para elaborar siguiente texto se tomó como base el artículo del Vauxhall Club México: http://vauxhallclub.com.mx/taller/rines.htm Al cambiar la medida de rines, se tiene que reforzar el sistema de suspensión para no dañar partes de la misma, aquí las recomendaciones: Si pones un rin 15 con llanta 195/50/15 (por lo general es 50) sólo hay que invertir en un par de amortiguadores de gas presurizado (recomendamos Lip, Monroe, Boge) para que la carrera del amortiguador sea más firme y estática (esto puede endurecer más la suspensión de tu Chevy). En si se elige un rin 16" se tendrá que agregar un par de resortes reforzados o más gruesos. Para la elección de rin 17" se tendrá que invertir por fuerza mucho más dinero, ya que se tendrá que incluir un kit de 4 resortes reforzados (existen marcas como eibach, vogtland, sparco, AG) y amortiguadores de gas, o mejor aún adelante 2 “struts” de gas (marcas como tokiko o bilstein) acompañados de los 2 amortiguadores traseros (marcas como tokico o bilstein). Hasta aquí llega mi aportación sobre el tema del cambio de rines, esperando les sea de utilidad. Dudas, comentarios o correcciones: [email protected] ANEXO A. Guía de pesos de rines http://www.superhonda.com/tech/wheel_weights.html Lista obtenida gracias a la aportación de Sergio_co (nick de usuario de fanáticos del chevy) El peso de los rines está dado en libras, para sacar el peso en kg., multiplique la cantidad por 0.454 Peso de rines Acura Stock Car / Style Size Weight 99-01' Nsx 3.0 252hp(us version) Forged Aluminum F16X7 R-17X8.5 16 , 18 99-01'NSX 3.2 290hp(us version) Forged Aluminum F16X7.5 R-17X8.5 16.4 , 18 92 GS Alloy 14X5.5 15.5 94-95 GSR 5-Spoke 15X6 16 96 GSR 6 Spoke 15X6 15.5 JDM Type-R 4-Bolt 15X6 12.3 JDM Type-R 4-Bolt 16X7 16 Peso de rines Honda Civic Stock Car / Style Size Weight 92+ Civic Steel 14X5 18 96-97 Civic HX 14.5X5 11.75 Peso de rines Honda Prelude Stock Car / Style Size Weight 93 Prelude VTEC 15X6.5 22.5 95-96 Prelude Si,VTEC 15X6.5 17 97 Prelude VTEC 16X6.5 19 97+ Prelude SH 16X6.5 19.5 - 39w/tires Fabricante / Tipo / Tamaño / Peso Peso de rines Stock Acura Integra GS 92 Cast 14x5.5 15.5 Acura Integra GS-R 94-95 Cast 15x6 16.0 Acura Integra GS-R 96 Cast 15x6 15.5 Acura Integra GS-R 97 (00+ LS) Cast 15x6 15.0 Acura Integra GS-R 98-01 Cast 15x6 16.3 Acura Integra Type-R (Euro 5-bolt) Cast 15x6 13.0 Acura Integra Type-R (JDM 4-bolt) Cast 15x6 12.3 Acura Integra Type-R (JDM 4-bolt) Cast 16x7 17.0 Acura Integra Type-R (US 5-bolt) Cast 15x6 15.6 Acura NSX Forged 15x6.5 15.2 Acura NSX Forged 16x7 16.8 Acura NSX Forged 17x8.5 20.9 Acura RSX Cast 16x6.5 16.0 Alfa Romeo Cast Mg 13x5.5 9.0 Alfa Romeo 156 Cast 16x6.5 21.7 Alfa Romeo GTV Cast 17x7.5 25.3 Audi A4 5-spoke Cast 16x7 20.0 Audi A4 7-spoke Cast 16x7 20.6 Audi A8 Forged 17x8 21.0 Audi A8 9-spoke Cast 20x8.5 28.6 Audi S4 Avus Cast 17x7.5 28.0 Audi S8 Avus Cast 18x8 27.2 Audi TT Cast 16x7 18.5 Audi TT Forged 17x7.5 21.5 Audi TT Cast 17x7.5 29.0 BMW 320i Cast 13x6 10.8 BMW 328is Cast 16x7 19.0 BMW E30 M3 Cast 15x7 16.0 BMW E30 M3 (BBS RS003) Cast/Spun 16x7 16.0 BMW E34 M5 "Throwing Stars" Forged 17x8 19.5 BMW E36 M3 Cast 17x7.5 22.3 BMW E36 M3 LTW Forged 17x7.5 20.0 BMW E39 M5 Forged 18x8 23.6 BMW E39 M5 Forged 18x9.5 25.6 BMW Parallels Forged 18x8 23.0 Chevrolet Corvette Z06 01 Forged 17x9.5 19.6 Chevrolet Corvette Z06 01 Forged 18x10.5 21.4 Chevrolet Corvette Z06 01 - CCW skeletal mod Forged 17x9.5 17.8 Chevrolet Corvette Z06 01 - CCW skeletal mod Forged 18x10.5 19.8 Chevrolet Corvette Z06 02 Cast/Spun 17x9.5 19.2 Chevrolet Corvette Z06 02 Cast/Spun 18x10.5 21.0 Datsun 200SX 80-83 (16-spoke) Cast 14x5.5 15.0 Datsun 200SX 80-83 (32-spoke) Cast 14x5.5 16.0 Datsun 200SX 80-83 (disk) Cast 14x5.5 14.0 Datsun 280Z 79-80 Cast 14x6 18.0 Datsun 280ZX 81-83 Cast 14x6 13.0 Datsun 280ZX Turbo 81 Cast 15x6 17.0 Datsun 280ZX Turbo 82-83 Cast 15x6 14.0 Datsun 810/Maxima 81-84 Cast 14x5.5 15.0 Dodge Challenger 78-83 Cast 14x5.5 15.0 Dodge Colt 88-90 Cast 14x5.5 13.0 Dodge Conquest 84-86 Cast 14x6 15.0 Dodge Conquest 84-85 (large vents) Cast 15x6.5 14.0 Dodge Conquest 84-87 (all others) Cast 15x6.5 16.0 Dodge Neon ACR 02 Cast 15x6 16.5 Dodge Viper - 01 Cast 18x10 28.4 Dodge Viper - 01 Cast 18x13 32.3 Ford Focus ZTS and Wagon Cast 15x6 15.2 Ford Focus ZX3 Cast 16x6 19.1 Ford Mustang - Roush (made by Prime) Cast 17x8 26.5 Ford Taurus SHO Cast 16x6.5 18.8 GMC Syclone/Typhoon (Front) Cast/Spun 16x8 21.2 GMC Syclone/Typhoon (Rear) Cast/Spun 16x8 21.8 Honda Civic 88-91 Stamped Steel 13x5 16.0 Honda Civic EX/Si 92+ Cast 14x5 18.0 Honda Civic HX 96-97 Cast 14x5.5 11.75 Honda Civic Type R 02 Cast 17x7 20.2 Honda CRX Si 90 Cast 14x5 17.0 Honda Prelude 97-99 Cast 16x6.5 19.0 Honda Prelude 97-99 SH Cast 16x6.5 19.7 Honda Prelude VTEC 93 Cast 15x6.5 22.5 Honda Prelude VTEC/Si 95-96 Cast 15x6.5 17.0 Honda S2000 Cast 16x6.5 17.5 Honda S2000 Cast 16x7.5 18.6 Honda S2000 JDM (BBS) Forged 16x6.5 13.3 Honda S2000 JDM (BBS) Forged 16x7.5 14.3 Infinity G20 91-97 Cast 14x6 15.0 Infinity M30 90-92 Cast 15x6.5 17.0 Isuzu Impulse, Stylus/Geo Storm 90-93 Cast 14x5.5 14.0 Isuzu Impulse, Stylus/Geo Storm 90-93 Stamped Steel 14x5.5 16.0 Isuzu Impulse, Stylus/Geo Storm 90-93 Cast 15x6 18.0 Lexus ES300 97 Cast 15x6 18.0 Mazda 323 7-spoke Cast 15x5.5 15.3 Mazda 626 83-87 Cast 15x6 16.0 Mazda 929 93-95 Cast 15x6 12.0 Mazda Miata 90-93 Cast 14x5.5 12.5 Mazda Miata 90-97 Steel Stamped Steel 14x5.5 18.0 Mazda Miata 92C/93LE (BBS) Forged 14x6 9.0 Mazda Miata 94 M-Edition Cast 14x6 10.3 Mazda Miata 94-97 (semi-hollow spokes) Cast 14x6 10.9 Mazda Miata 94-97 (hollow spokes) Cast 14x6 11.8 Mazda Miata 95 M-Edition (BBS) Forged 15x6 11.0 Mazda Miata 96 M-Edition (Enkei) Cast 15x6 14.5 Mazda Miata 97 M-Edition Cast 15x6 14.5 Mazda Miata 99-00 Cast 14x6 12.5 Mazda Miata 99-00 Cast 15x6 13.4 Mazda Miata 01 Cast 16x6.5 15.5 Mazda Miata Spare Tire & Wheel (includes tire weight) Stamped Steel 14x4 21.6 Mazda Miata UK Cast 15x6 15.0 Mazda Millenia Cast 15x6 11.5 Mazda RX7 84-85 Cast 14x5.5 13.0 Mazda RX7 86-88 Cast 14x5.5 13.5 Mazda RX7 FD3S Cast 16x8 15.4 Mazda RX7 FD3S - PFD Cast (Brittle) 16x8 13.8 Mitsubishi 3000GT VR-4 95 Cast 18x8.5 25.0 Mitsubishi Galant 91 Cast 15x6 17.0 Mitsubishi Galant 92 Cast 15x6 16.0 Mitsubishi Galant 94-96 (5-spoke) Cast 15x6 15.0 Mitsubishi Galant 96-97 (4-spoke) Cast 15x6 14.5 Mitsubishi GSX 1997 Cast 17x6.5 25.0 Nissan 200SX 84 Cast 14x5.5 15.0 Nissan 200SX 84-87 Cast 15x6 19.0 Nissan 200SX Turbo 85-86 Cast 15x6 19.0 Nissan 240SX 89-90 Cast 15x6 16.0 Nissan 240SX 91-94 Cast 15x6 18.0 Nissan 240SX 95-96 Cast 15x6 15.0 Nissan 240SX 95-98 LE and SE Cast 16x6.5 18.5 Nissan 300ZX 84-85 Cast 15x6.5 19.0 Nissan 300ZX NA and TT front Cast 16x7.5 16.0 Nissan Altima 93-97 Cast 15x6 17.0 Nissan Altima 98-01 Cast 16x6 18.0 Nissan Maxima 85-86 Cast 15x6 20.0 Nissan Maxima 87-88 Cast 15x6 17.0 Nissan Maxima 95-99 GLE Cast 15x6.5 16.5 Nissan Maxima 95-99 SE Cast 16x6.5 19.6 Nissan Sentra SE + SE-R 01-02 Cast 16x6 18.0 Nissan Sentra SE-R Spec V 02 Cast 17x7 24.0 Nissan Stanza 90-92 Cast 14x6 15.0 Porsche 911 Fuchs Forged 16x6 17.0 Porsche 911 Fuchs Forged 16x7 18.0 Porsche 911 Fuchs Forged 16x8 19.0 Porsche 911 Fuchs Forged 16x9 20.0 Porsche 914 6-cylinder 5-bolt (rare) Forged Mg 15x5.5 7.0 Porsche 928CS Forged 16x8 19.0 Porsche 944S2 Cast 16x7 18.7 Porsche 944S2 Cast 16x8 22.0 Porsche 944S2 Spare Tire & Wheel (includes tire weight) Stamped Steel 29.3 Porsche 944 Turbo/951 "Flat Dish" Forged 16x7 18.5 Porsche 944 Turbo/951 "Flat Dish" Forged 16x8 20.0 Porsche 944 Turbo/951 Fuchs Forged 16x7 15.0 Porsche 944 Turbo/951 Fuchs Forged 16x8 16.0 Porsche 944 Turbo/951 "Phone Dial" Cast 16x7 18.5 Porsche 944 Turbo/951 "Phone Dial" Cast 16x8 20.0 Porsche 944 Turbo/951 "Phone Dial" - Optional Cast Mg 16x8 16.1 Porsche 944 Turbo/951 "Phone Dial" - Optional Cast Mg 16x9 16.5 Porsche 944 Turbo S/951S Design 90 "Clubsport" Forged 16x7 18.5 Porsche 944 Turbo S/951S Design 90 "Clubsport" Forged 16x9 20.0 Porsche 968 Cast 17x7.5 20.0 Porsche 968 Cast 17x9 23.0 Porsche 993 Cast 17x7.5 18.0 Porsche 993 Cast 17x9 19.5 Porsche 996 Cast 17x7 19.1 Porsche 996 Cast 17x9 22.3 Porsche 996 Cast 18x8 20.0 Porsche 996 Cast 18x10 23.4 Porsche Boxter Cast 17x7 20.3 Porsche Boxter Cast 17x8.5 22.7 Porsche Club Sports Cast 16x7 19.0 Porsche Club Sports Cast 16x9 21.5 Porsche Cup Cast 18x8 26.2 Porsche Cup Cast 18x10 29.3 Subaru Impreza MY98 Cast 16x7 17.0 Subaru Impreza MY99 Cast 16x7 17.0 Subaru Impreza MY00/01 Cast 16x7 16.5 Subaru Impreza MY00/01 WRX Sti Forged 17x7.5 19.8 Subaru Impreza MY02 WRX Cast 16x6.5 16.5 Subaru Impreza MY02 WRX (BBS) Forged 17x7 16.0 Subaru Legacy Stamped Steel 15x6 19.5 Subaru Legacy GT-B (Japan) Forged 17x7 17.8 Subaru Legacy (Enkei) Cast 15x6 16.0 Subaru Legacy Outback (Topy) Cast 15x6 18.0 Toyota Altezza (Lexus IS300) Z-Edition Cast 17x7 22.0 Toyota Celica/Supra 82-84 Cast 14x5.5 14.5 Toyota Celica GTS/Supra P 82-85 Cast 14x7 15.0 Toyota Corolla 86-87 Cast 14x5.5 14.5 Toyota Corolla 93-97 Cast 14x5.5 19.0 Toyota MR2 Cast 15x6 14.5 Toyota MR2 Cast 15x6.5 15.0 Toyota MR-S Cast 15x6 14.6 Toyota MR-S Cast 15x6.5 15.2 Toyota Supra L 85 Cast 15x6 15.0 Toyota Supra 86.5-89 Cast 16x7 23.0 Toyota Van Cast 14x5.5 17.0 Volkswagen Bravo Cast 17x7.5 22.5 Volkswagen Cabriolet Cast 14x6 15.5 Volkswagen Corrado SLC BBS Cast 15x6.5 18.5 Volkswagen Golf (BBS RM 2-piece) Cast/Cast (very soft) 15x6.5 15.0 Volkswagen Golf GTI (BBS RS 3-piece) Forged/Cast 15x7 13.2 Volkswagen Siata Cast 17x7 21.0 562 Fuel Cast 17x7 26.5 562 Kabuki Cast 17x7 27.0 Peso de rines de otros fabricantes 5Zigen 5ZR Copse Cast/Spun 16x7 15.7 5Zigen 5ZR Copse Cast/Spun 17x7 23.0 5Zigen 5ZR Copse Cast/Spun 17x7.5 23.5 5Zigen Becket FN-01R Forged 15x7 10.6 5Zigen Becket FN-01R Forged 16x7 11.7 5Zigen Becket FN-01R Forged 17x8 14.6 5Zigen Copse Cast 15x7 11.0 5Zigen DIV.3 Cast 15x6.5 12.6 5Zigen Fireball Cast 17x7 18.0 5Zigen Fireball Typhoon Cast 17x7.5 21.5 5Zigen Fireball Typhoon Cast 17x8 22.0 5Zigen Fireball Typhoon Cast 17x9 22.5 5Zigen Heidfeld Cast/Spun 17x7.5 24.3 5Zigen Imperio M05 Cast 17x7 19.0 5Zigen Imperio M05 Cast 18x7.5 20.5 5Zigen Imperio S08 Cast 16x7 19.8 5Zigen Imperio S08 Cast 17x7 20.5 5Zigen N1R-SP08 Cast 15x6.5 14.1 5Zigen N1R-SP08 Cast 17x7 17.5 ABT Sportsline A-10 Cast 18x8 24.0 ABT Sportsline A-16 Cast 17x8 24.8 ABT Sportsline A-23 Cast 17x7.5 22.5 ABT Sportsline New Classic Cast 18x8 26.0 ABT Sportsline V1 Cast 17x7.5 21.3 Ace A109 (Formula) Cast 17x7 25.0 Ace A131 (Lola) Cast 17x7 23.5 Ace A134 (Turbo) Cast 17x7 20.5 Ace A137 (Flame) Cast 18x8.5 31.5 Ace A151 (Spade) Cast 18x7.5 23.0 Ace A157 (Monaco) Cast 19x8 27.3 Ace A164 (Desire) Cast 18x8.5 26.5 Ace A204 (Impact) Cast 17x7 19.0 Ace A204 (Impact) Cast 19x8 24.0 Ace A205 (Manta) Cast 19x8 26.6 Ace Desire Cast 18x8.5 27.3 Adler Racing AR05A Cast 16x7 15.7 Adler Racing AR08 Cast 16x7 15.7 ADR 39 (Intercrew) Cast 17x7 20.3 ADR 42 (M-Classic) Cast 20x8.5 29.8 ADR 43 (X-Factor) Cast 19x8 27.8 ADR Cobra Cast 17x9 26.0 ADR DTM Cast 16x7 19.0 ADR Hypertek Cast 17x7 19.0 ADR Kasai Cast 18x8 22.8 ADR Lightning Cast 17x7 25.5 ADR M-Sport Cast 18x7.5 22.2 ADR Reaction Cast 16x7 19.9 ADR Reaction Cast 18x7.5 24.3 ADR Revolution Cast 17x7 20.5 ADR RS2000 Cast 17x7 21.0 ADR RS2000 Cast 18x8 23.0 ADR RS Limited Concept Pro Cast 15x6.5 13.0 ADR RS Limited Concept Pro Cast 16x7 16.5 ADR RS Limited Concept Pro Cast 17x7 18.0 ADR RS Limited Mase Cast 17x7 17.5 ADR RS Limited Mase Cast 18x7.5 19.5 ADR RS Limited Ricochet Cast 17x7 19.4 ADR Version II Cast 18x8 28.6 Advan Model 5 Cast 18x8 19.8 Advan Model 7 Cast 19x9 27.0 Advan Racing RA3-DT Cast 17x9.5 18.5 Advan Racing RA3-DT Cast 18x10 20.5 Advan Racing RC Rally Cast 17x7 18.5 Advan Racing RG Cast 14x6 8.9 Advan Racing RG Cast 14x6.5 9.9 Advan Racing RG Cast 15x6.5 10.5 Advan Racing RG Cast 15x7 11.4 Advan Racing RG Cast 15x7.5 12.1 Advan Racing RG Cast 15x8 12.6 Advan Racing RG Cast 16x7 12.7 Advan Racing RG Cast 16x7.5 13.4 Advan Racing RG Cast 16x8 13.8 Advan Racing RG Cast 17x7.5 15.2 Advan Racing RG Cast 17x8.5 16.5 Advan Racing RG Cast 17x9.5 17.9 Advan Racing RG Cast 18x9 19.0 Advan Racing TC Cast 18x7.5 19.8 Advan Siena Generation II Cast 18x10 25.0 Advan Super Advan Generation II Cast 18x9.5 25.5 Advan Super Advan Racing SA3R Cast 17x8 23.5 Advanti Racing 976 Cast 17x7 21.8 Advanti Racing Battle Z Cast 17x7 22.0 Advanti Racing Jazz Cast 16x7 18.5 Advanti Racing Lightening Cast 17x7 23.5 Advanti Racing Tuner 6 Cast 17x7 18.0 Aerospeed RS-11 Cast 17x7 21.4 Aerospeed RS-12 Cast 17x7 23.5 Aerospeed RS-14 Cast 17x7 20.5 Aerospeed RS-6 Cast 17x7 23.0 AEZ Bimo Cast 18x8.5 26.8 AEZ Paron Cast 18x8.5 27.4 AEZ Radon Cast 16x7.5 19.0 AEZ Simas X Cast 18x8.5 30.5 AFX Ambush 750 Cast 20x8.5 33.0 AFX Wedge Cast 17x7.5 27.5 Akuza 209 Siege Cast 17x7.5 21.0 Akuza 209 Siege Cast 18x8.5 25.6 Akuza Z18 Sublime Cast 19x8.5 31.8 Alba 530 Cast 18x7.5 27.3 Alba 540 (Lexo) Cast 18x7.5 27.6 Alba 707 (Bertha) Cast 18x7.5 33.0 Alba 804 (Delta) Cast 18x8.5 33.3 Alba 907(Blaze) Cast 20x8.5 31.5 Alba Helix Cast 17x7.5 26.5 Alba R-510 Cast 17x7.5 22.0 Alba Wolverine Cast 17x7.5 27.0 ALT 148 Cast 15x6.5 16.5 ALT AT-186 Cast 17x7 24.0 ALT AT-210 Cast 16x7 15.5 ALT AT-213 Cast 17x7 19.0 ALT AT-226 (Ciber) Cast 18x7.5 21.6 ALT AT-228 (Fusion) Cast 18x8 25.8 ALT Seven Cast 17x7 23.0 ALT Slash Cast 17x7 22.3 ALT X-phile Cast 17x7 20.8 Altstadt IV Cast 18x8.5 24.5 Altstadt Mesh Cast 18x8 27.5 AMG Monoblock Cast 17x7.5 27.5 AMG Monoblock Cast 17x8.5 28.0 American Eagle 077 Cast 17x8 22.0 American Eagle 135 Cast 17x7.5 20.0 American Eagle 168 (Cobra) Cast 17x9 24.0 American Racing AR-50 Cast 16x7 17.5 American Racing AR-55 (Spyder) Cast 14x6 15.0 American Racing AR-55 (Spyder) Cast 15x7 15.9 American Racing AR-55 (Spyder) Cast 16x7 17.0 American Racing AR-95 (Estrella) Cast 14x6 13.5 American Racing AR-95 (Estrella) Cast 15x7 18.0 American Racing AR-95 (Estrella) Cast 16x7 20.0 American Racing AR-210 (Zurg) Cast 16x7 19.5 American Racing AR-222 (Pinzetti) Cast 16x7 20.0 American Racing AR-222 (Pinzetti) Cast 17x7 22.5 American Racing AR-245 (Twisted Tuner) Cast 16x7 21.5 American Racing AR-245 (Twisted Tuner) Cast 18x7 24.0 American Racing Libre Cast 14x5.5 13.5 Anterra Type 145 Cast 17x7 25.0 Anterra Type 161 Cast 17x7 29.0 Anterra Type 163 Cast 18x8 33.0 Anterra Type 165 Cast 18x7.5 24.2 Anterra Type 183 Cast 18x8 30.8 Anterra Type 309 Cast 18x8 27.4 Arbet III Cast 17x7 25.0 Arbet V Cast 15x7 21.0 Arceo Eurostar Cast 18x7.5 23.8 Arceo Megastar Cast 19x8 29.8 Arelli Bling-Bling (Type 101) Cast 20x8.5 34.0 Arelli Czar Cast 18x7.5 27.5 Arelli DeLemma Cast 20x8.5 38.8 Arelli Kaz'mir Cast 18x8.5 30.0 Arelli Pulse Cast 17x7 24.0 Arelli Q Cast 17x7 26.0 Arelli Sensei Cast 20x8.5 33.8 Arelli Tranz Cast 18x8.5 26.5 Arelli Type 170 Cast 17x7.5 26.0 Arospeed RS11 Cast 17x7 18.5 Arospeed RS17 Cast 17x7 20.2 Arospeed RS23 Cast 17x7 18.0 Arospeed RS-GT Cast 18x7.5 22.8 ASA EM9 Cast 15x7 19.0 ASA FR1 Forged 17x7 16.5 ASA FR1 Forged 17x8 18.0 ASA JS1 Cast 17x7 18.0 ASA JS5 Cast 18x8 23.0 ASA KA3 Cast 17x7.5 23.4 ASA LS5 Cast 16x7 17.0 ASA LS5 Cast 17x7 17.4 AT Italia Alp Cast 17x7.5 25.8 AT Italia Alp Cast 18x8 27.0 AT Italia Flash Cast 17x8 25.4 AT Italia Flash Cast 18x8 27.0 AT Italia Riva Cast/Spun 17x8 26.0 AT Italia Riva Cast/Spun 18x8 27.0 AT Italia S5 Cast 17x7.5 26.0 AT Italia S5 Cast 18x8 27.0 ATA H10 Cast 17x7.5 28.5 ATA H20 Cast 17x7.5 25.0 ATA H20 Cast 18x8.5 28.8 ATA H30 Cast 18x7.5 28.4 ATP 5 Razze Cast 16x7 23.3 ATP Flashsports Cast 18x8 26.0 ATP PT5 Cast 17x7.5 28.3 ATP Spa Cast 17x7 24.5 ATP Spa Cast 17x8.5 25.8 ATS Cetus Cast 18x8 26.5 ATS Comp Lite Cast 15x7 13.0 ATS Epsilon Cast 17x8 21.4 ATS Planet Cast 16x7 18.8 ATS Planet Cast 18x8 25.0 Autobahn International C2 Cup Cast 17x7.5 21.5 Autobahn International Twisted Spoke Cast 18x9.5 31.5 Axis Mach V Cast 16x7 20.0 Axis Mach V Cast 18x7.5 26.0 Axis Mag-Lite Cast 15x7 11.5 Axis Mag-Lite Cast 17x7 15.6 Axis Mesh Cast 16x7 20.0 Axis Mesh Cast 17x7 22.5 Axis Ne-O Cast 17x7 20.8 Axis Ne-O Cast 19x8 26.3 Axis Seven Cast 19x8 24.3 Axis Speed Six Cast 19x8 26.0 Axis Starz Cast 17x7 21.8 Axis Touring Cup Cast 16x7 20.0 Axis Touring Cup Cast 18x7 23.0 Axis WSM2 Cast 17x7 20.2 Azev Type H Cast 18x8 27.5 Azev Type LS Cast 18x8.5 27.6 Azev Type M Cast 18x8.5 32.4 Azzur Matrix Cast 20x8.5 33.0 BBS CH Cast 18x8 24.0 BBS CH Cast 18x8.5 24.5 BBS CH Cast 19x8.5 26.0 BBS CH Cast 19x10 28.0 BBS DTM Forged 17x7.5 17.9 BBS DTM Forged 17x8 18.3 BBS DTM Forged 17x9 19.6 BBS DTM Forged 18x7.5 19.8 BBS DTM Forged 18x8.5 21.4 BBS DTM Forged 18x9.5 21.8 BBS DTM Forged 18x10.5 23.8 BBS DTM Forged 19x9.5 24.7 BBS DTM Forged 19x10.5 25.8 BBS GTII Forged/Spun 18x8 20.3 BBS GTII Forged/Spun 18x8.5 20.7 BBS GTII Forged/Spun 18x9 21.0 BBS GTII Forged/Spun 18x9.5 21.8 BBS GTII Forged/Spun 18x10 21.2 BBS GTII Forged/Spun 18x11 22.9 BBS LM Forged/Spun 17x9 21.4 BBS LM Forged/Spun 18x8 21.6 BBS LM Forged/Spun 18x8.5 22.4 BBS LM Forged/Spun 18x9.5 23.8 BBS LM Forged/Spun 18x10 25.8 BBS LM Forged/Spun 18x11 26.9 BBS LM Forged/Spun 18x13 29.4 BBS LM Forged/Spun 19x8.5 25.0 BBS LM Forged/Spun 19x10 27.5 BBS RC Cast (soft) 16x7 15.0 BBS RC Cast (soft) 16x7.5 16.0 BBS RC Cast (soft) 17x7 16.0 BBS RC Cast (soft) 17x8 16.4 BBS RC Cast (soft) 17x9 18.4 BBS RC Cast (soft) 18x8 19.5 BBS RC Cast (soft) 18x8.5 18.7 BBS RC Cast (soft) 18x10 19.5 BBS RCJ Forged 18x8 17.9 BBS RCJ Forged 18x9 18.7 BBS RG F1-Racing (Japan Only) Forged 15x6.5 9.9 BBS RG F1-Racing (Japan Only) Forged 15x7 10.2 BBS RG F1-Racing (Japan Only) Forged 16x7 12.6 BBS RG-R Forged 17x7.5 17.0 BBS RG-R Forged 18x7.5 17.2 BBS RG-R Forged 18x8 17.2 BBS RG-R Forged 18x8.5 18.0 BBS RK Cast 15x7 14.2 BBS RK Cast 16x7 15.3 BBS RK Cast 16x8 15.9 BBS RK Cast 17x7 16.2 BBS RK Cast 17x8 16.5 BBS RK Cast 18x7.5 18.2 BBS RKII Cast 17x7.5 20.7 BBS RKII Cast 17x8 21.5 BBS RKII Cast 17x9 22.1 BBS RKII Cast 18x8.5 23.0 BBS RKII Cast 18x10 24.6 BBS RMII Cast/Spun 17x8 24.0 BBS RSII Forged/Cast 17x8 23.0 BBS RSII Forged/Cast 18x8.5 24.0 BBS RSII Forged/Cast 18x10 25.4 BBS RSII Forged/Cast 20x9 27.4 BBS RSII Forged/Cast 20x10 28.3 BBS RTII Delta Cast/Spun 17x9.5 29.2 BBS RTII Delta Cast/Spun 18x10 33.4 BBS RV Cast 14x6 12.7 BBS RV Cast 15x7 15.5 BBS RV Cast 16x7 16.0 BBS RV Cast 16x8 18.2 BBS RV Cast 17x7.5 18.4 BBS RV Cast 17x8 21.1 BBS RWII Cast/Spun 17x7.5 22.6 BBS RWII Cast/Spun 17x8 23.9 BBS RWII Cast/Spun 18x8.5 25.3 BBS RWII Cast/Spun 18x10 26.3 BBS RX Cast 16x7 19.5 BBS RX Cast 16x8 22.0 BBS RX Cast 17x7.5 20.0 BBS RX Cast 17x8 22.7 BBS RX Cast 18x8 24.2 BBS RX Cast 18x8.5 26.1 BBS RXII Cast/Spun 17x7.5 21.2 BBS RXII Cast/Spun 17x8 23.6 BBS RXII Cast/Spun 18x8.5 26.3 BBS SX Cast 18x8 25.0 BBS VZ Cast 17x7.5 19.0 Billet Specialties E1 Cast 17x7 23.3 Billet Specialties SLX 21 Cast 18x7 22.4 Billet Specialties SLX 30 Cast 18x7 26.2 Black Racing Phantom Cast 15x6.5 14.3 Blitz Technospeed Z1 Forged/Spun 18x10 25.8 Blitz Technospeed Z1 Forged/Spun 19x10 28.5 Blitz Technospeed Z1 Forged/Spun 19x9 25.8 Blitz Technospeed Z2 Forged/Spun 18x9 24.0 Blitz Type 01R Forged 16x7 16.8 Blitz Type 02 Forged/Spun 15x7 13.0 Blitz Type 03 Forged/Spun 18x8 22.5 Blitz Type 03 Forged/Spun 18x9 26.8 Bogart 13x5.5 15.3 Borbet Type B Cast 15x7 17.5 Borbet Type C Cast 15x7 16.5 Borbet Type C Cast 17x7.5 24.0 Borbet Type C2T (Porsche OE) Cast 17x7.5 22.0 Borbet Type C2T (Porsche OE) Cast 17x9 23.5 Borbet Type C2T Cast 17x7.5 28.0 Borbet Type C2T Cast 17x9 30.0 Borbet Type E Cast 15x7 17.5 Borbet Type E Cast 17x7 21.0 Borbet Type E Cast 17x8 23.6 Borbet Type F Cast 16x7 19.0 Borbet Type H Cast 15x7 21.0 Borbet Type M Cast 16x7 23.0 Borbet Type M Cast 17x8 27.5 Borbet Type R Cast 17x8 20.5 Borbet Type R Cast 18x8 23.0 Borbet Type S Cast 17x7 21.0 Borbet Type S Cast 18x8 22.5 Borbet Type T Cast 14x6 14.2 Borbet Type T Cast 15x7 18.0 Borbet Type T Cast 16x7.5 21.0 Borbet Type T Cast 17x7 22.5 Borbet Type TD Cast 18x8 25.0 Borbet Type VS Cast 18x8 24.0 Branzach BZ-11 Cast 18x8 28.0 Branzach BZ-12 (Zeo) Cast 18x7.5 24.2 Breyton Inspiration Cast 17x7 23.5 Breyton Magic Cast 18x8.5 28.0 Breyton Softline Cast 17x8 24.0 BSA 248 Cast 18x7.5 23.2 BSA 259 Cast 18x7.5 24.4 BSA Octopus Cast 16x7 19.5 Buddy Club P1 QF Forged 15x7 10.1 Buddy Club P1 QF Forged 16x7 11.1 Buddy Club P1 QF Forged 17x7.5 12.9 Buddy Club P1 QF Forged 17x8 13.6 Buddy Club P1 QF Forged 17x9 14.5 Buddy Club P1 QF Forged 17x9.5 15.1 Buddy Club P1 QF Forged 18x9 14.8 Buddy Club P1 QF Forged 18x10 16.1 Buddy Club PL Racing SF Cast 15x6.5 10.1 Buddy Club PL Racing SF Cast 17x7 17.0 Budnik Gasses Cast 17x8 20.0 Budnik Grid Cast 17x7 21.5 Budnik GT-5 Lite Cast 18x7 23.0 Budnik Pentacle FL Cast 17x8 25.2 Budnik Prism Cast 18x8 21.0 CAM 1 (Challenge) Cast 16x7 18.0 CAM 1 (Challenge) Cast 17x7 21.0 CAM 2 (Trophy) Cast 16x7 16.5 Carlsson Design 1/5 Cast 18x8.5 29.3 Carlsson Design 1/6 EVO Cast 19x8.5 33.3 Carlsson Design 2/5 Cast 18x8.5 33.0 Carusi Type 62 Cast 17x7 28.0 CCW (not hub or lug-centric) Forged/Spun 17x9.5 18.0 CCW (not hub or lug-centric) Forged/Spun 17x10 18.6 CCW (not hub or lug-centric) Forged/Spun 18x10 22.0 CEC Techart Daytona Cast 18x11 27.8 CEC Type 139 Cast 17x7 25.0 CEC Type 149 Cast 18x8 25.0 CEC Type 169 Cast 18x8.5 33.0 CEC Type 185 (Antera) Cast 17x7.5 27.0 CEC Type 971 (Valbrem) Cast 16x7 23.0 CEC Type 992 Cast 17x7.5 21.0 CEC Type H (Azev) Cast 17x7.5 26.0 Centerline Convo-Pro Forged 15x15 14.5 Centerline RPM Forged 17x7 13.5 Centerline RPM Forged 18x8.5 15.0 Centerline RPM Forged 19x7.5 15.6 Centerline Thruster 806 Cast 17x9.5 22.0 Circlar GTA Cast 18x8.5 21.6 Circle Racing Series 82 Spun 13x5.5 7.7 Circle Racing Series 82 Spun 13x6 8.0 Circle Racing Series 82 Spun 13x7 8.7 Circle Racing Series 82 Spun 13x8 9.7 Circle Racing Series 82 Spun 14x7 11.5 Circle Racing Series 82 Spun 15x10 15.3 Circle Racing Series 82 Spun 15x7 12.2 Circle Racing Series 82 Spun 15x8 13.7 Circle Racing Series 82 Spun 16x7 13.2 Circle Racing Series 82 Spun 16x8 14.4 Circle Racing Series 82 Spun 16x9.5 15.8 Circle Racing Series 84 Spun 13x5.5 8.2 Circle Racing Series 84 Spun 13x6 8.8 Circle Racing Series 84 Spun 13x8 9.2 Club Linea Special Cast 18x8 25.0 Cobb Tuning CT-One Cast 17x7.5 22.0 Compomotive ML Cast 13x5.5 13.2 Compomotive ML Cast 13x6 13.6 Compomotive ML Cast 13x7 14.3 Compomotive ML Cast 13x8 14.5 Compomotive ML Cast 13x9 14.7 Compomotive ML Cast 13x10 15.4 Compomotive ML Cast 14x6 13.6 Compomotive ML Cast 15x5.5 16.5 Compomotive ML Cast 15x6 18.0 Compomotive ML Cast 15x7 20.9 Compomotive ML Cast 15x8 22.0 Compomotive MO Cast 14x5.5 15.0 Compomotive MO Cast 14x6 15.0 Compomotive MO Cast 15x6 17.2 Compomotive MO Cast 15x7 18.7 Compomotive MO Cast 15x8 18.9 Compomotive MO Cast 16x5.5 16.5 Compomotive MO Cast 16x6 16.9 Compomotive MO Cast 16x6.5 17.4 Compomotive MO Cast 16x7 19.6 Compomotive MO Cast 16x7.5 21.8 Compomotive MO Cast 16x8 20.9 Compomotive MO Cast 17x7 21.3 Compomotive MO Cast 17x7.5 22.4 Compomotive MO Cast 17x8 24.0 Compomotive MO Cast 18x8 26.4 Compomotive PS Cast 17x10 20.5 Compomotive TH Cast 13x5 11.2 Compomotive TH Cast 13x5.5 11.4 Compomotive TH Cast 14x5 12.8 Compomotive TH Cast 14x5.5 15.0 Compomotive TH Cast 14x6 15.6 Compomotive TH Cast 15x5 16.1 Compomotive TH Cast 15x5.5 16.3 Compomotive TH Cast 15x6 16.6 Compomotive TH Cast 15x6.5 17.8 Compomotive TH Cast 15x7 18.3 Compomotive TH Cast 15x7.5 19.1 Compomotive TH Cast 15x8 20.0 Compomotive TH Cast 16x5.5 20.0 Compomotive TH Cast 16x6 20.5 Compomotive TH Cast 16x7 20.9 Compomotive TH Cast 16x7.5 20.5 Compomotive TH Cast 16x8 20.9 Compomotive TH2 Cast 15x5.5 18.1 Compomotive TH2 Cast 15x6 16.9 Compomotive TH2 Cast 15x6.5 17.9 Compomotive TH2 Cast 15x7 18.1 Compomotive TH2 Cast 16x6.5 18.1 Compomotive TH2 Cast 17x7.5 21.2 Compomotive TH2 Cast 18x8 24.1 Concept Neeper Dagg Cast 20x8.5 33.0 Concept Neeper Fly Cast 20x8.5 32.0 Concept Neeper Haaz Cast 18x8.5 30.3 Concept Neeper N170 Cast 20x8.5 30.3 Concept Neeper Sideburn Cast 18x7 35.6 Concord Racing Cast 15x7 24.0 Cromodora Ego Cast 16x7 22.0 DAZZ Camus Cast 19x9.5 27.3 DAZZ Matrix Cast 19x9.5 28.0 Desmond Rega Master EVO Forged 15x6.5 8.6 Desmond Rega Master EVO Forged 16x7 11.9 Desmond Rega Master EVO Forged 16x8 12.9 Desmond Rega Master EVO Forged 17x7 15.0 Detata DT-105 Cast 17x8 26.0 Detata DT-109 Cast 17x7.5 28.3 Detata DT-111 Cast 17x7.5 24.0 Diamond Racing Spun Steel 13x6 11.0 Drive Mach 5 Cast 20x8.5 34.3 Drive Zila Cast 20x8.5 42.5 Dronell CA-05 Cast 20x8.5 30.6 Dronell D-06 Cast 19x8 27.8 Dronell M-10 Forged 19x8.5 18.5 Dronell TS-05 Cast 17x7 18.0 Dronell TS-06 Cast 17x7 20.8 Dronell Type II Cast 19x7.5 28.8 DTM FS-01 Cast 15x6.5 14.8 DTM FS-02 Cast 15x6.5 14.7 DTM FS-02 Cast 17x7 21.0 Ducatro Daytona Cast/Spun 15x6.5 14.8 Duralight Cast 17x10 18.0 Dymag Motorsport Cast Mg 15x6 10.8 Dymag Motorsport Cast Mg 16x7 13.0 Dymag Callaway Corvette Cast Mg 17x8 12.9 Elite 726 Rockport Cast 16x7 20.0 Elite Barb Cast 18x7 28.4 Elite Indis Cast 20x8.5 36.5 EMO 502 (Ozone) Cast 15x7 22.0 EMO 702 (Obelix) Cast 15x7 20.6 EMPI 5-spoke Cast 15x5.5 20.0 Enkei Aegis Cast 17x7 20.7 Enkei Aegis Cast 17x8 21.9 Enkei Aegis Cast 17x9 22.1 Enkei Aegis Cast 18x8 23.1 Enkei Aegis Cast 18x8.5 23.3 Enkei Aegis Cast 18x9.5 23.7 Enkei Aegis Cast 18x10 24.3 Enkei Aegis Cast 19x8.5 24.8 Enkei Aegis Cast 19x9.5 24.9 Enkei Aka Cast 17x7.5 28.2 Enkei Aka Cast 18x7.5 30.0 Enkei Aka Cast 20x8.5 37.4 Enkei Arashi Cast 17x7 19.0 Enkei Bortex MII (RPM-2) Cast 17x7 16.0 Enkei Bortex MII (RPM-2) Cast 17x8 16.2 Enkei Bortex MII (RPM-2) Cast 17x9 17.9 Enkei Bortex MII (RPM-2) Cast 18x7.5 17.5 Enkei Bortex MII (RPM-2) Cast 18x8 17.5 Enkei Bortex MII (RPM-2) Cast 18x9 18.0 Enkei CDR9 Cast 15x6.5 16.7 Enkei CDR9 Cast 16x7 18.9 Enkei CDR9 Cast 17x7 21.6 Enkei CDR9 Cast 18x7 23.1 Enkei C.R.A.N.K. Cast 17x7.5 27.1 Enkei CTM-3 Cast 15x8 24.6 Enkei CTM-3 Cast 15x10 28.3 Enkei CTM-3 Cast 16x8 27.1 Enkei CTM-4 Cast 16x8 28.4 Enkei CTM-5 Cast 15x8 24.0 Enkei CTM-5 Cast 15x10 25.0 Enkei CTM-5 Cast 16x8 24.5 Enkei Duji Cast 17x7 23.0 Enkei ERO-1 Cast 15x7 17.2 Enkei ERO-1 Cast 16x7 18.0 Enkei ES-Gravel Cast 14x6 12.9 Enkei ES-Tarmac Cast 14x6 8.7 Enkei ES-Tarmac Cast 14x6.5 8.9 Enkei ES-Tarmac Cast 15x6.5 10.7 Enkei ES-Tarmac Cast 15x7 11.0 Enkei ES-Tarmac Cast 15x7.5 11.6 Enkei ES-Tarmac Cast 16x7 13.7 Enkei ES-Tarmac Cast 16x7.5 14.3 Enkei ES-Tarmac Cast 17x7.5 14.8 Enkei Etoria Cast 15x6 17.0 Enkei EUM5 Cast 15x6.5 16.0 Enkei EUM5 Cast 16x7 18.0 Enkei Exocent Cast 19x9.5 31.0 Enkei Fubuki Cast 17x7 23.2 Enkei Gattling Cast 18x10 27.0 Enkei GTV Cast 18x8 24.3 Enkei Inazuma Cast 17x7 21.7 Enkei J-Speed III Cast/Spun 14x5 11.0 Enkei J-Speed III Cast/Spun 14x6 11.2 Enkei J-Speed III Cast/Spun 14x6.5 11.5 Enkei J-Speed III Cast/Spun 14x7 11.7 Enkei J-Speed III Cast/Spun 15x6 12.6 Enkei J-Speed III Cast/Spun 15x6.5 12.8 Enkei J-Speed III Cast/Spun 15x7 13.2 Enkei J-Speed III Cast/Spun 15x7.5 13.4 Enkei J-Speed III Cast/Spun 16x7 15.0 Enkei J-Speed III Cast/Spun 16x7.5 15.4 Enkei J-Speed III Cast/Spun 16x8 16.1 Enkei Kriminal Cast 23x10 60.0 Enkei Liberty Cast 17x9 32.8 Enkei Liberty Cast 18x9 33.6 Enkei NP03 Cast 16x7 17.6 Enkei NP03 Cast 18x7 19.3 Enkei Phalenx Cast 17x7 21.9 Enkei Phalenx Cast 17x8 23.0 Enkei Phalenx Cast 17x9 23.3 Enkei Phalenx Cast 18x7 23.1 Enkei Phalenx Cast 18x8 23.8 Enkei Phalenx Cast 18x9 24.2 Enkei Phalenx Cast 18x10 26.2 Enkei Phalenx Cast 19x8.5 28.5 Enkei Phalenx Cast 19x10 29.6 Enkei RC5 Cast 17x7 18.0 Enkei RCT-1 Cast 15x7 14.5 Enkei RCT-1 Cast 16x7 16.7 Enkei RCT-1 Cast 17x7 17.8 Enkei RF-1 Cast 15x7 15.9 Enkei RF-1 Cast 16x7 16.5 Enkei RF-1 Cast 17x7 18.1 Enkei RF1 Cast 16x7 16.5 Enkei RMR Cast 17x7.5 20.0 Enkei RP-F1 Cast 15x7 9.1 Enkei RPM-2 Cast 17x8 17.4 Enkei RPO-1 Cast 15x7 14.3 Enkei RPO-1 Cast 16x6.5 14.5 Enkei RPO-1 Cast 16x7 15.8 Enkei RPO-1 Cast 17x7 17.6 Enkei RPO-1 Cast 17x7.5 18.0 Enkei RPO-1 Cast 17x8 18.2 Enkei RPO-1 Cast 17x9 20.0 Enkei RPO-1 Cast 18x8.5 20.7 Enkei RPO-1 Cast 18x9 21.3 Enkei RPO-1 Cast 18x9.5 23.4 Enkei RPO-2 Cast 15x5 14.1 Enkei RPO-2 Cast 15x7 15.2 Enkei RPO-2 Cast 16x7 17.0 Enkei RPO-2 Cast 16x8 17.5 Enkei RPO-2 Cast 17x7 18.5 Enkei RPO-2 Cast 17x7.5 19.1 Enkei RPO-2 Cast 17x8 19.8 Enkei RPO-2 Cast 17x9 20.3 Enkei RPO-2 Cast 18x7.5 20.8 Enkei RPO-2 Cast 18x8 21.3 Enkei RPO-2 Cast 18x9 21.9 Enkei RPO-5 Cast 17x7 20.0 Enkei RPO-5 Cast 18x7 22.0 Enkei RPO-7 Cast 18x7 20.0 Enkei RPO-7 Cast 19x7.5 21.0 Enkei RPOM Cast 17x7 19.5 Enkei RPOM Cast 18x7 21.0 Enkei RS Evolution Cast 16x7 17.0 Enkei RS Evolution Cast 17x7 19.4 Enkei RS-5 Cast 15x6.5 15.4 Enkei RS-5 Cast 16x7 17.6 Enkei RS-5 Cast 17x7 19.8 Enkei RS-5 Cast 18x7 21.6 Enkei RS-6 Cast 15x6.5 17.5 Enkei RS-6 Cast 16x7 19.6 Enkei RS-6 Cast 17x7 20.2 Enkei RS-6 Cast 18x7 23.3 Enkei RS-E Cast 16x7 18.1 Enkei RS-E Cast 17x7 19.4 Enkei RSF-2 Cast 15x6.5 16.3 Enkei RSF-2 Cast 16x7 18.1 Enkei RSF-2 Cast 17x7 19.8 Enkei RSF-2 Cast 18x7 21.8 Enkei RT6 Cast 17x8 24.6 Enkei RT6 Cast 18x8.5 26.1 Enkei RTO-1 Cast 16x7 16.0 Enkei RTS Cast 16x8 22.1 Enkei RTS Cast 17x8 23.9 Enkei Shogun Cast 17x7 24.9 Enkei Shutoko Cast 17x7 23.7 Enkei Silverstar Cast 17x9 29.7 Enkei Silverstar Cast 18x9 30.6 Enkei SS6A Cast 15x6.5 15.8 Enkei Suzuka Cast 17x7 21.5 Enkei Tatonka Cast 17x8 28.5 Enkei Tatonka Cast 18x9 30.3 Enkei TBS1 Cast 16x7 18.3 Enkei TBS1 Cast 17x7 20.0 Enkei TBS11 Cast 16x7 18.3 Enkei TBS11 Cast 17x7 20.0 Enkei Tuscarora Cast 16x8 26.7 Enkei Tuscarora Cast 17x8 28.4 Enkei Tuscarora Cast 18x9 32.5 Enkei V-1 Cast 17x8 23.8 Enkei V-1 Cast 17x8.5 23.9 Enkei V-1 Cast 17x9 24.2 Enkei V-1 Cast 17x9.5 25.0 Enkei V-1 Cast 18x8 26.0 Enkei V-1 Cast 18x8.5 26.6 Enkei V-1 Cast 18x9 26.7 Enkei V-1 Cast 18x9.5 27.0 Enkei V-1 Cast 18x10 27.4 Enkei Valor Cast 17x9 30.0 Enkei Valor Cast 18x9 30.3 Enkei Valor Cast 20x9 33.8 Enkei Victory Cast 17x9 30.0 Enkei Victory Cast 18x9 31.2 Enkei Victory Cast 20x9 33.9 Enkei Zenkei Cast 17x7 26.0 Enkei Zoku Cast 17x7 19.8 Enkei ZXC Cast 17x8.5 21.4 Enkei ZXC Cast 18x9 23.8 Enzo Cup Cast 17x8 28.8 Enzo M Cast 16x7.5 23.5 Enzo V Cast 16x7 22.0 Epic Laguna Cast 16x7.5 24.5 Epic Series 73 (Aero) Cast 17x7 26.0 Fast Wheels 13x5.5 14.0 Fikse ARO Forged/Spun 17x10 18.9 Fikse FM-10 Forged/Spun 17x10 18.5 Fikse FM-10 Forged/Spun 18x8 20.8 Fikse FM-10 Forged/Spun 18x9.5 20.9 Fikse FM-5 Forged/Spun 17x8.5 17.5 Fikse FM-5 Forged/Spun 17x10 18.5 Fikse FM-5 Forged/Spun 17x8.5 16.0 Fikse FM-5 Forged/Spun 18x8.5 18.0 Fikse Mach 5 Forged/Spun 17x10 18.5 Fittipaldi 500 SS Cast 17x7 23.3 Fittipaldi 916 SP Cast 18x8 23.3 Fittipaldi Argus Cast 20x8.5 31.0 Fittipaldi AV3 Cast 17x8 27.0 Fittipaldi Avus Cast 17x8 27.0 Fittipaldi Fin Cast 18x8.5 29.4 Fittipaldi Flame Cast 17x7 20.0 Fittipaldi Polaris Cast 17x8 28.5 Fittipaldi Tubolare Cast 18x8 33.0 Fittipaldi Vela Cast 18x8 23.3 FLIK LEX Cast 17x7 18.0 FLIK LEX Cast 17x8 19.0 FLIK LEX Cast 18x8 22.0 Focal F1 (Type 173) Cast 18x7 25.6 Focal F10 Cast 18x7 26.3 Focal F5 Cast 17x7 23.5 Focal F5 Cast 18x7 25.0 Focal G7 Cast 18x7 27.3 Focal R3 Cast 18x7 26.3 Focal SD5 Cast 18x7 26.0 Fondmetal Tech 4 Cast 18x8 27.8 Fondmetal Type 6700 Cast 16x7 22.2 Fondmetal Type 6800 Cast 16x7 22.6 Fondmetal Type 9a Cast 17x7 24.6 Forgeline LS Forged/Spun 17x8 19.5 Forgeline LS Forged/Spun 17x9.5 18.5 Forgeline RS Forged/Spun (brittle) 16x8 17.2 Forgeline RS Forged/Spun (brittle) 17x9.5 18.5 Forgeline RS Forged/Spun (brittle) 18x9.5 22.5 Formula F1 (TE-37 copy) Cast 15x6.5 13.5 Formula F1 (TE-37 copy) Cast 16x7 15.5 Formula F1 (TE-37 copy) Cast 17x7 18.5 Formula F1 (TE-37 copy) Cast 18x7 19.5 GAB Sports Cast 16x7 15.0 GAB Sports Cast 16x8 16.3 Gianelle 5 (Twin) Cast 18x7.5 24.2 Gianelle 6 (Oval) Cast 18x8.5 27.2 Giovanna Akita Cast 18x7.5 20.0 Giovanna Anzio Cast 18x7.5 22.8 Giovanna Anzio Cast 22x9.5 37.0 Giovanna Barletta Cast 20x8.5 46.0 Giovanna Berlin Cast 20x10 42.0 Giovanna Boizano Cast 20x8.5 37.0 Giovanna Chiba Cast 18x7.5 24.5 Giovanna Kobe Cast 18x7.5 24.3 Giovanna Kuji Cast 18x7.5 26.3 Giovanna Kyoto Cast 18x7.5 25.0 Giovanna Mito Cast 18x7.5 22.6 Giovanna Nagano Cast 18x7.5 23.0 Giovanna Rio Cast 18x8.5 29.5 Giovanna Suzu Cast 15x6.5 12.5 Hamann Magnesium Forged 19x8.5 18.0 Hart Sport Diablo Cast 17x10 21.0 Hart Sport Mirage Cast 17x10 21.0 Hart Sport Odyssey Cast 17x10 21.0 Hartge Classic Cast 19x9.5 30.0 Hartge Nova 3 Cast 18x8.5 25.0 Hartge Nova 5 Cast 19x9.5 31.0 Hayashi Street Wheel Cast 15x6.5 13.2 Hayashi Street Wheel Cast 15x7 13.9 Hokuto Racing Miyabi Cast 17x7 21.5 HP Racing Avalanche Cast 17x7.5 23.0 HP Racing Flight Cast 18x8 22.0 HP Racing Fusion Cast 17x7 21.2 HP Racing Hurricane Cast 17x7 18.5 HP Racing Lightning Cast 17x7 19.8 HP Racing Shadow Cast 18x8 25.0 HP Racing Vortex Cast 18x7.5 25.8 HRE 445 Forged/Spun 18x10 25.8 HRE 447 Forged/Spun 18x10 25.3 HRE 504 Forged/Spun 18x7.5 16.5 HRE 504 Forged/Spun 17x9.5 18.0 HRE 504 Forged/Spun 17x11 19.5 HRE 535 Forged/Spun 17x10 22.0 HRE 540 Forged/Spun 17x8.5 23.0 HRE 540 Forged/Spun 17x10 24.0 HRE 540 Forged/Spun 18x10 26.0 HRE 545 Forged/Spun 17x10 25.0 HRE 545 Forged/Spun 18x10 27.0 HRE 546 Forged/Spun 18x8.5 20.0 HRE 546 Forged/Spun 20x9 27.0 HRE 547 Forged/Spun 17x10 23.0 HRE 547 Forged/Spun 18x10 25.0 HRE 835 Forged/Spun 17x10 18.0 IFG A5 Forged 17x8 18.5 IFG A5 Forged 17x9 20.0 Import Development Forged 19x8 19.5 Import Development Forged 19x8.5 20.0 Import Development Forged 19x10 21.0 Impul NS-01R Forged 17x7.5 14.5 InterMilano RG6 Cast 15x6.5 12.0 InterMilano RG6 Cast 16x7 16.5 J's Racing PR 6 Forged Mg 17x7.5 13.2 J's Racing PR 6 Forged Mg 17x8.5 13.6 Jax Light Cast 15x6.5 12.9 Joustmeister Forged 17x7 13.0 Katana Belajeo Cast 18x7.5 26.0 Katana Berlini Cast 18x8 26.7 Katana Concept Six Cast 18x7.5 24.0 Katana Ducati Cast 18x7.5 25.0 Keizer (racing only) Cast 13x8 7.8 Kid's Racing Cast 14x6 9.7 Kid's Racing Cast 15x6.5 10.6 Kinesis K20 Forged/Spun 17x10 20.0 Kinesis K20 Forged/Spun 17x9 19.5 Kinesis K28 Forged/Spun 18x8.5 21.5 Kinesis K28 Forged/Spun 18x9.5 22.5 Kinesis K5 Forged/Spun 17x8.5 17.0 Kinesis K5 Forged/Spun 17x10 18.0 Kinesis K58 Forged/Spun 18x10 24.0 Kinesis K58 Forged/Spun 18x8 23.0 Kinesis Supercup Forged/Spun 17x10 22.0 KMC Alf Cast 17x7 26.0 KMC Gear Cast 17x7 24.5 KMC Street Rebel Spyder Cast 17x7 21.0 KMC Suicide 320 Cast 18x7 20.6 KMC Tarantula Cast 17x7 23.5 KMC Wizdom Cast 18x7 24.0 Konig Absolute Cast 18x7.5 22.8 Konig Antarres Cast 13x6 15.5 Konig Antarres Cast 16x7.5 21.0 Konig Arrive Cast 20x8.5 36.3 Konig Blatant Cast 18x8 22.6 Konig Burner Cast 15x7 16.0 Konig Burner Cast 16x7 17.2 Konig Caffeine Cast 15x6.5 16.5 Konig Caffeine Cast 16x7 19.0 Konig Caffeine Cast 17x7 19.9 Konig Caffeine Cast 17x8 20.1 Konig Caffeine Cast 18x7.5 21.9 Konig Cobra Cast 15x6.5 16.0 Konig Cobra Cast 16x7 19.5 Konig Cobra Cast 17x7.5 22.0 Konig Competition Cast 16x7 18.4 Konig Diva Cast 13x5.5 12.5 Konig Diva Cast 14x6 13.2 Konig Diva Cast 15x6.5 15.8 Konig Diva Cast 17x7.5 19.5 Konig Diva Cast 18x7.5 22.0 Konig Drift Cast 17x7 20.2 Konig Drift Cast 18x8 22.0 Konig DTM Cast 17x7.5 21.0 Konig Elan Cast 16x7 18.0 Konig Elan Cast 17x7 20.0 Konig Elan Cast 18x8 21.0 Konig Five-O Cast 16x8 19.2 Konig Five-O Cast 17x8 20.1 Konig Flatline Cast 15x6.5 17.9 Konig Flatline Cast 16x7 19.8 Konig Flatline Cast 17x7 21.1 Konig Flatline Cast 18x7.5 22.6 Konig Flight Cast 15x6.5 17.4 Konig Flight Cast 16x7 18.4 Konig Flight Cast 17x8 20.1 Konig Flight Cast 17x9.5 27.3 Konig Flight Cast 18x7.5 23.5 Konig Flight Cast 18x8 24.9 Konig Glide Cast 17x7 22.6 Konig Greenlight Cast 15x6.5 15.4 Konig GT-R Cast 15x6.5 16.0 Konig GT-R Cast 16x7 17.5 Konig GT-R Cast 17x7 19.5 Konig Helium Cast 15x6.5 11.5 Konig Imagine Cast 17x7 20.7 Konig Imagine Cast 18x7.5 23.8 Konig Imagine Cast 18x8.5 25.2 Konig Impact Cast 17x7.5 21.0 Konig Kilo Cast 15x6.5 11.5 Konig LiveWire Cast 17x7 24.9 Konig LiveWire Cast 18x7.5 26.2 Konig Monsoon Cast 15x6.5 16.4 Konig Monsoon Cast 16x7 19.5 Konig Monsoon Cast 17x7 21.0 Konig Monsoon Cast 17x8 22.6 Konig Monsoon Cast 17x9.5 24.0 Konig Monsoon Cast 18x7.5 26.0 Konig MP3 Cast 17x7.5 23.4 Konig MP3 Cast 18x7.5 24.9 Konig Nrn Cast 16x8 18.4 Konig Nrn Cast 17x8 21.0 Konig Octane Cast 16x7 19.1 Konig Prowler Cast 16x7 24.0 Konig Rated-R Cast 14x6 14.5 Konig Rated-R Cast 15x6.5 16.5 Konig Rated-R Cast 16x7 17.5 Konig Rated-R Cast 17x7 19.2 Konig Rated-R Cast 18x7.5 21.5 Konig Rhythym Cast 17x7 20.9 Konig Rhythym Cast 18x7.5 22.5 Konig Rush Cast 14x6 13.5 Konig Rush Cast 15x6.5 17.7 Konig Rush Cast 16x7 19.0 Konig Rush Cast 17x7.5 22.8 Konig Rush Cast 18x7.5 24.9 Konig Rush Cast 19x8 26.5 Konig SubZero Cast 15x6.5 12.9 Konig SubZero Cast 17x7.5 16.9 Konig Tantrum Cast 15x6.5 16.5 Konig Tantrum Cast 16x7 17.9 Konig Tantrum Cast 17x7 19.2 Konig Tantrum Cast 17x8 22.9 Konig Tantrum Cast 17x9 23.0 Konig Tantrum Cast 18x7.5 23.2 Konig Tantrum Cast 18x8 24.9 Konig Tantrum Cast 18x9 25.3 Konig Tantrum Cast 19x8 27.0 Konig Tantrum 2 Cast/Spun 18x10 23.4 Konig Temperr Cast 17x7.5 20.7 Konig Temperr Cast 18x7.5 22.9 Konig Tequila Cast 17x7 19.0 Konig Toxxin Cast 17x7.5 18.6 Konig Toxxin Cast 18x7.5 19.8 Konig Traffik Cast 18x7.5 20.5 Konig Tremor Cast 17x8.5 23.2 Konig Tremor Cast 20x8.5 28.2 Konig Tuner Cast 15x6.5 17.0 Konig Tuner Cast 16x7 17.5 Konig Tuner Cast 17x7 18.0 Konig Verdict Cast 15x6.5 17.6 Konig Verdict Cast 16x7 19.4 Konig Verdict Cast 17x7 22.7 Konig Verdict Cast 17x8 23.4 Konig Verdict Cast 18x7.5 24.9 Konig Verdict Cast 18x8 26.4 Konig Verdict Cast 19x8 27.8 Konig Villian Cast 15x6.5 14.5 Konig Villian Cast 17x8 19.8 Konig Villian Cast 17x9 22.3 Konig Villian Cast 18x8 23.8 Konig Villian Cast 18x9 26.5 Konig Volume Cast 18x7.5 26.0 Konig V-Racing Cast 16x7 18.0 Konig Ziege Cast 15x6.5 17.2 Konig Ziege Cast 16x7 18.7 Konig Ziege Cast 17x7 20.2 Konig Ziege Cast 18x7.5 22.9 Kosei GK 11 Cast 15x6.5 14.0 Kosei JGT Cast 18x7.5 24.0 Kosei K1 Racing Cast 15x7 13.5 Kosei K1 Racing Cast 15x8 14.5 Kosei K1 Racing Cast 16x7.5 15.5 Kosei K1 Racing Cast 16x8.5 16.2 Kosei K1 Racing Cast 17x7.5 16.7 Kosei K1 Racing Cast 17x8.5 16.7 Kosei Racing Seneka Cast 15x6.5 15.0 Kosei Racing Seneka Cast 16x7 19.0 Kosei Racing Seneka Cast 17x7 21.5 Kosei ROM Cast 18x7 24.5 Kosei RT MAXi Cast 15x7 16.8 Kosei RT MAXi Cast 17x7.5 19.0 Kosei RT Penta Cast 15x7 13.8 Kosei RT Penta Cast 18x7.5 18.5 Kosei S5R Cast 16x8 23.0 Kosei S5R Cast 17x7 22.0 Kosei Seneka RG Cast 18x8 25.3 Kosei Sniper Cast 16x7 18.9 Kosei Sniper Cast 17x8 23.5 Kosei Sniper Cast 18x9 25.0 Kosoku Sports Turismo Cast 17x7 27.0 Kronix Bio Hazard Cast 17x7.5 25.8 Kronix Insignia 770 Cast 17x7.5 26.2 Kyoho Tracer Cast 15x7 9.9 Kyoho Tracer Cast 16x7 14.7 Kyoho Tracer Cast 16x8 14.9 Kyoho Tracer Cast 17x7 15.2 Kyoho Tracer Cast 17x8 15.6 Kyoho Tracer Cast 17x9 17.6 Kyoho Tracer Cast 18x7.5 17.6 Kyoho Tracer Cast 18x8.5 18.0 Kyoho Tracer Cast 18x9.5 18.2 Lada Cast Mg 14x6 10.4 Lenso VPD Cast 13x7.5 10.0 Lenso VPD Cast 15x6.5 13.1 Lenso VPD Cast 16x7 15.0 Lenso VPD Cast 17x7 17.0 Lexani Amethist Cast 17x7.5 29.0 Lexani Iris 2009 Cast 18x8 27.5 Lexani Krystal Cast 18x8 34.0 Lexani Solar Cast 17x7.5 28.0 Lexani Synergy Cast 18x8 30.8 Lezaro Stiletto Cast 17x7.5 25.4 LimiX Linea BE5-RSK Forged 18x7.5 16.8 Lite Speed Billet/Spun 17x10 18.0 LLTek Competition Cast 18x8 24.0 Lowenhart BR-S Cast 20x9 29.3 Lowenhart BS-5 Cast 18x8.5 29.0 Lowenhart BS-D Cast 20x10 42.0 Lowenhart LD-1 Cast 20x10 32.3 Lowenhart LG-M Cast 18x8.5 26.0 Lowenhart LH-5 Cast 18x8 28.0 Mackin Gewalt Cast 17x10 23.0 Mackin Gewalt Cast 17x7 22.0 Madhi Caesar Cast 19x9 27.4 Manaray SP Cast 17x10 24.0 Manaray SP Cast 17x8.5 22.0 MAS Axel Cast 18x8 25.0 MAS Bi Turbo Look Cast 18x8 31.0 MAS Madel Cast 17x8 29.0 MAS Majestic Cast 18x8 26.5 MAS MGR Cast 16x7.5 22.5 MAS MGR Cast 18x7.5 26.0 MAS MGR Cast 18x8 26.5 MAS Roger Cast 17x7 22.0 MAS Roger Cast 18x8 29.5 MAS Sagitta Cast 18x8 24.3 Maxxim Approach Cast 18x7.5 24.2 Maxxim Def-Con 6 Cast 17x7 20.0 Mazda Sports Forged 16x7 13.1 Mazdaspeed MS-01 Forged Mg 18x8.5 16.6 Mazdaspeed MS-03 Cast 15x6.5 16.5 MHT Driv Cast 17x7 27.5 MHT Qwan Cast 18x8 27.0 MHT V-10 Cast/Spun 18x7 25.0 MHT V-10 Cast/Spun 20x8.5 30.5 Mille Miglia A3 Cast 15x7 23.0 Mille Miglia Action Cast 18x8 25.0 Mille Miglia Action Sport Cast 18x8 23.0 Mille Miglia Avia II Cast 18x8 25.0 Mille Miglia C2T Cast 17x7.5 24.0 Mille Miglia C2T Cast 17x9 26.0 Mille Miglia Cello Cast 18x8 25.0 Mille Miglia Cup 3S Cast 18x8 27.0 Mille Miglia Emotion SSL Cast 18x8 27.0 Mille Miglia Evo Cast 17x7 23.3 Mille Miglia Evo Cast 18x8 27.0 Mille Miglia HT3 Cast 17x8 24.0 Mille Miglia MM 11 Sport Cast 17x8.5 22.0 Mille Miglia MM 11-2 Cast 17x7 23.0 Mille Miglia MM 11-2 Cast 18x8 25.0 Mille Miglia Sfera Cast 16x7 21.8 Mille Miglia Spider Cast 18x8 27.0 Mille Miglia Uno Cast 18x8 28.4 Millenium Kurbkrusher Cast 18x8 34.0 Miller Motorworks RS-R Cast 18x8 28.0 MiM "ScoobySport" Cast 17x7 21.0 MiM Venezia Cast 16x7.5 23.6 MiM Vento Cast 15x7 19.0 Minilite Competition Cast 13x7 13.0 Minilite Magnesium Forged Mg 14x6 10.0 Minilite Magnesium Forged Mg 15x7 10.5 Minilite Sport Cast 14x6 14.0 Minilite Sport Cast 15x6.5 16.0 MK Sport Racer X Cast 17x7.5 26.0 MK Sport Seducer Cast 19x9.5 34.0 MK Sport Sleeper Cast 17x7.5 25.0 MKW MK-5 Cast 17x7.5 27.5 MKW MK-9 Cast 18x8 24.8 Moda R1 Cast 17x8 24.0 Moda R3 Cast 17x7 24.6 Moda R3 Cast 18x8 27.0 Moda R4 Cast 18x8 27.0 Moda R6 Cast 18x8 28.6 Modex Ks-Ce Forged 15x6.5 9.2 Modex Ks-Ce Forged 17x7 13.0 Modulo Euro Performance R5 Cast 17x7 21.0 Modulo Euro Performance R5 Cast 17x8.5 22.3 MOMO Arrow Cast 15x7 20.0 MOMO Arrow Cast 16x7 23.0 MOMO Arrow Cast 17x8 26.0 MOMO GT2 Cast 17x8 26.0 MOMO Racer Cast 17x8 27.3 MOMO Racer Cast 18x8.5 35.5 MOMO Sport Cast 16x7 23.0 MOMO Sport Cast 17x8 26.0 MOMO Superlight Forged 17x7 17.0 Mondera Spyder Cast 18x7.5 26.4 Monocoque RT Cast 17x10 20.0 Monster Sport Type-R Forged 15x6.5 8.6 Monster Sport Type-R Forged 16x7 12.9 Motegi Racing MR12 Cast 15x7 17.5 Motegi Racing MR12 Cast 16x7 19.0 Motegi Racing MR12 Cast 17x7.5 22.5 Motegi Racing MR12 Cast 18x7 27.5 Motegi Racing MR15 Cast 16x7 19.5 Motegi Racing MR15 Cast 17x7 23.0 Motegi Racing MR15 Cast 18x7 26.5 Motegi Racing MR4 Cast 17x7 22.4 Motegi Racing MR5 Cast 16x7 19.0 Motegi Racing MR5 Cast 17x7 24.5 Motegi Racing MR5 Cast 18x7 29.0 Motegi Racing MR7 Cast 15x6.5 16.5 Motegi Racing MR7 Cast 16x7 20.0 Motegi Racing MR7 Cast 17x7 24.5 Motegi Racing MR7 Cast 18x7 27.5 Motegi Racing MR8 Cast 16x7 16.5 Motegi Racing MR8 Cast 17x7 22.5 Motegi Racing MR8 Cast 18x7 26.5 MRT Steel 13x7 17.0 MRT Steel 15x7 23.0 MRT Steel 15x8 24.0 MRT Steel 15x10 26.0 MRT Billet/Carbon Fiber 15x10 10.0 MSD Millenium Cast 16x7 20.3 MSW Type 45 Cast 15x7 20.0 MSW Type 55 Cast 15x7 22.0 Motoform Sekta Cast 17x7 30.0 Motoform Talon Cast 17x7 30.0 Myrtle Shoot Cast 17x8 33.0 Mugen M12 (made by OZ Racing) Cast 17x7 20.0 Mugen M7 Forged/Spun (Brittle) 15x6 13.0 Mugen MF10 Forged 16x7 11.0 Mugen MF10 Forged 17x7.5 14.0 Mugen MF10 Forged 17x8.5 16.0 Mugen MF10L Forged 15x6.5 10.5 Mugen MF10L Forged 15x7 11.0 Mugen MF8 Forged 16x7 12.0 Mugen MR5 Forged/Spun 15x6 15.0 Mugen MZ3x Cast 17x7 17.5 Mugen RG Cast (soft) 15x6.5 10.5 Mugen RG Cast 16x7 13.0 Mugen RNR Cast (soft) 15x6.5 10.5 MVR Magnum Cast 19x8.5 24.0 Nakayama RS 6 Speed Cast 17x7 19.0 Nakayama RS Mach 7 Cast 17x7 19.6 Nakayama RS Phantom GT-R Cast 17x7 19.3 Nakayama RS TS6 Cast 17x7 17.6 NAR Type II Cast 14x6.5 10.4 Niche Bella Cast 17x7 25.5 Niche Bella Cast/Spun 19x8 30.0 Niche E-tune Cast 17x8 25.0 Niche Mecha Cast 18x7 25.0 Niche Pultec Cast 18x7 25.5 Niche Pultec Cast 20x8.5 33.8 Niche Spitfire Cast 20x8.5 39.5 Niche Throttle Cast 17x7.5 24.8 Nippon Racing Advantispeed Cast 17x7 24.0 Nippon Racing Evolution Cast 17x7 21.0 Nippon Racing F2 Cast 15x6.5 12.0 Nippon Racing Formula 1 Cast 17x7 20.8 Nippon Racing Hyperspeed Cast 17x7 22.3 Nippon Racing Indy Cup Cast 17x7 22.3 Nippon Racing Intertouring Cup Cast 17x7 21.0 Nippon Racing Sassy Cast 17x7 22.0 Nippon Racing Scorpion Cast 17x7 21.2 Nippon Racing Taiko Cast 17x7 22.4 Nippon Racing Version 2 Cast 17x7 21.8 Nippon Racing Version 5 Cast 17x7 22.8 Nippon Racing Version 5 Cast 18x8 26.5 Nippon Racing Wishbone Cast 17x7 23.0 Nismo LM GT Magnesium Forged Mg 18x10 17.1 NZO 213 Cast 18x7.5 27.0 NZO 214 Hyper Cast 18x7.5 28.0 Oettinger RE Cast 18x8 24.8 Oettinger RZ Cast 18x8 29.6 Omni Concept GT Champion Cast 20x9.5 29.3 OZ Antares Cast 18x8 25.0 OZ Competition Cast 17x8.5 30.0 OZ Crono EVO Cast 18x8 19.0 OZ F1 Cup Cast 17x7 25.0 OZ F1 Cup Cast 18x8 25.3 OZ F1 Plus Cast 17x7.5 26.0 OZ Mito Modular Cast 17x7 27.0 OZ Prodrive P1 Cast 17x7 20.4 OZ Racing F1 Cast 15x7 19.8 OZ Salina Cast 18x8 28.0 OZ Superleggera Cast 15x7 11.0 OZ Superleggera Cast 17x7 15.2 OZ Superleggera Cast 17x8 15.9 OZ Superleggera Cast 18x8 17.6 OZ Superleggera Forged 19x8 21.5 OZ Superturismo Cast 16x7 17.6 OZ Superturismo Cast 17x8 23.3 OZ Superturismo Cast 18x8 26.0 OZ Superturismo Evolution Cast 17x7 18.0 OZ Vela Cast/Spun 18x8 24.5 OZ Vela Cast/Spun 18x9 25.3 OZ Volcano Cast 16x7 23.0 OZ Volcano Cast 18x8 26.3 Panasport C8 Cast/Spun 13x9 10.5 Panasport FC Cast 14x6 14.0 Panasport FC Cast 16x7 17.0 Panasport FS Cast 13x6 10.0 Panasport FS Cast 15x6 15.0 Panasport FS Lite Cast 13x6 9.5 Panasport FS Lite Cast 13x7 10.0 Panasport Pro Rallye Cast 14x6 14.5 Panasport ULW Cast 13x6 13.5 Panasport ULW Cast 15x7 16.0 Panasport ULW Cast 16x7 17.0 Panther EMR151 Cast 16x7.5 20.8 Panther EMR175 Cast 17x7 24.5 Panther EMR200 Cast 17x7 22.3 Panther EMR219 Cast 18x7.5 21.6 Panther EMR220 Cast 18x7 25.0 Paradyme F206 Cast 17x7.5 23.0 Paradyme F220 Cast 18x7.5 25.8 Paulsen Racing 13x5.5 17.0 PCW Panther Cast 17x7.5 23.0 PCW Panther Cast 18x8 29.3 Performance Industries (race only) 13x7 15.0 Performance Specialties Superlite Cast 13x6 13.0 Platinum FX-2 Cast 18x7 25.0 Platinum Koge Cast 17x7 24.5 Platinum Krees (Type 143) Cast 20x8.5 35.0 Platinum Stinger (Type 141) Cast 20x8.5 41.0 Polo Monarch Cast 20x8.5 39.0 Polo Tornado Cast 17x7.5 33.0 Polo Warlock Cast 17x7.5 35.0 Power Racing VS-01 Cast 17x7 19.5 Power Racing VS-01 Cast 18x7.5 20.5 Power Racing VS-04 Cast 15x6.5 12.3 Power Racing VS-04 Cast 16x7 14.3 Power Racing VS-04 Cast 17x7 16.5 Power Racing VS-05 Cast 17x7 22.5 Primax 618 Tuner Cast 17x7 22.5 ProDrive GC-07C Forged 17x7.5 15.2 ProDrive P1 Cast 18x7.5 23.4 ProDrive P7 Cast 17x7 22.4 Progressive Pro 293 Cast 16x7 24.0 PS Engineering Halibrand Replicas Cast 15x7 16.0 PS Engineering TA II Cast 15x7 16.0 Quantum Tek S-05 Cast 17x7.5 25.3 Quantum Tek S-05 Cast 18x7.5 29.3 Quantum Tek S-06 Cast 17x7.5 26.0 Quantum Tek S-07 Cast 18x7.5 28.5 Quantum Tek S-08 Cast 16x7 24.0 Quantum Tek S-10 Cast 15x7 18.5 Quantum Tek S-10 Cast 18x7.5 24.3 Quantum Tek S-11 Cast 16x7 19.5 Quantum Tek S-13 Cast 18x7.5 27.0 Quantum Tek S-14 Cast 18x7.5 22.0 Quantum Tek S-15 Cast 18x7.5 21.4 Raceline RL-7 Cast 15x7 19.8 Racing Dynamics Pro Race 1 Cast 15x7 13.2 Racing Dynamics RGQ Cast 19x9.5 29.5 Racing Dynamics RGS Cast 17x8 27.0 Racing Dynamics RS-2 Cast 19x10 25.5 Racing Dynamics RS-2 Cast 19x8 24.0 Racing Firrenze RF-Pro Forged 15x6.5 9.8 Racing Gear RG-6 Cast 15x6.5 12.0 Racing Gear RG-6 Cast 16x7 16.0 Racing Hart C2 Cast 18x8.5 21.5 Racing Hart C5 Cast 18x8.5 28.0 Racing Hart CP-035R SSF 15x6 7.9 Racing Hart CP-035R SSF 15x6.5 8.6 Racing Hart CP-035R SSF 15x7 9.4 Racing Hart CP-035R SSF 16x7 10.8 Racing Hart CP-035R SSF 16x7.5 11.2 Racing Hart CP-035R SSF 16x8 11.5 Racing Hart CP-035R SSF 17x7.5 13.0 Racing Hart CP-035R SSF 17x8 13.6 Racing Hart CP-035R SSF 17x8.5 14.4 Racing Hart CP-035R SSF 17x9 15.0 Racing Hart CP-035R SSF 17x9.5 15.2 Racing Hart CP-035R SSF 18x7.5 19.7 Racing Hart CP-035R SSF 18x8.5 20.2 Racing Hart CP10 SSF 18x8 18.0 Racing Hart CP8 SSF 17x7 17.0 Racing Hart CP-F SSF 15x6.5 10.5 Racing Hart Evolution Cast 18x7.5 20.8 Racing Hart Evolution S7 EVO Cast 18x7.5 22.2 Racing Hart Evolution Z5000 Cast 19x7.5 23.3 Racing Hart Hyper Tuner Cast 16x7 17.0 Racing Hart M5 Cast 19x10 28.5 Racing Hart M6 Cast 18x7.5 26.3 Racing Hart Tracer Cast 17x10 18.0 Racing Hart Tuner Cast 15x6.5 15.0 Racing Hart TypeC Cast 17x9.5 21.0 Racing Sparco Cromodora Cast 16x7 20.5 Racing Sparco NS-II Python Cast 17x7 22.0 Racing Sparco NT Cast 18x8 26.0 Racing Sparco NT-R Cast 17x7 15.4 Racing Sparco NT-R Cast 17x8 16.7 Racing Sparco NT-R Cast 17x9 17.2 Racing Sparco Viper R (Japan Only) Forged/Spun 15x6.5 9.0 Racing Sparco Viper R (Japan Only) Forged/Spun 16x7 11.2 Racing Sparco Viper R (Japan Only) Forged/Spun 17x7 13.7 Racing Sparco Viper R (Japan Only) Forged/Spun 18x8.5 16.3 Rage Racing 10 Cast 15x6.5 16.0 Rage Racing Motif Cast 17x7 19.8 Rage Racing Split Cast 17x7 21.8 Rage Racing Vigor Cast 16x7 17.8 Rage Racing Vulcan Cast 18x8 26.5 Raptor Racing GX-T Cast 17x7 24.0 Raptor Racing MZ-1 Cast 17x7 25.6 RD Sport C4 Cast 19x8.5 24.8 RD Sport RS-4 Cast 19x9.5 27.5 RD Sport S4 Cast 19x10 27.3 Real Racing Cast 13x7 10.4 Real Racing Cast 15x7 12.7 Real Racing R-5 Cast 17x7 18.0 Revolution "ScoobySport" Cast Mg 17x7 18.7 Revolution Classic 4-Spoke Race * Cast 13x5.5 8.8 Revolution Classic 4-Spoke Race * Cast 13x7 9.4 Revolution Classic 4-Spoke Road * Cast 13x6 11.0 Revolution Classic 5-Spoke Race * Cast 15x7 18.1 Revolution Classic 5-Spoke Race * Cast 15x8 16.0 Revolution Classic 5-Spoke Road * Cast 15x7 16.8 Revolution RFX Race * Cast 13x6 11.5 Revolution RFX Race * Cast 14x6 11.8 Revolution RFX Race * Cast 14x7 12.5 Revolution RFX Race * Cast 15x7 15.3 Revolution RFX Race * Cast 16x7 17.8 Revolution RFX Rally * Cast 15x6 18.3 Revolution RFX Rally * Cast 15x7 18.8 Revolution RFX Road * Cast 16x7 20.3 Revolution RZX Race * Cast 17x7 18.3 Revolution RZX Rally * Cast 17x7 22.5 Revolution RZX Road * Cast 17x7.5 22.5 Rial MS Cast 15x7 17.2 Rial Viper D70 Cast 15x7 17.0 Rial Viper D70 Cast 17x7.5 26.5 Riverside Trafficstar DTM Cast 19x9 27.8 Riverside Trafficstar DTS Cast 19x10 28.4 ROH Adrenaline Cast 17x7 23.1 ROH Adrenaline Cast 17x8 24.2 ROH Adrenaline Cast 18x7 25.6 ROH Astron Cast 17x7.5 23.3 ROH Azzurro Cast 18x8 28.5 ROH Blade Cast 17x7 25.0 ROH Illusion Cast 16x7 25.0 ROH Reflex Cast 16x7 15.5 ROH Reflex Cast 17x7.5 23.5 ROH Snyper Cast 15x7 15.0 Ro-Ja Formula 5 Forged 17x7 14.5 Ro-Ja Formula 5 Forged 18x7 18.0 Ro-Ja Formula 5 Forged 18x8 19.0 Ro-Ja Formula 5 Forged 18x9 20.0 Ro-Ja Formula 5 Forged 19x8 22.0 Ro-Ja Formula 5 Forged 19x9 24.0 Ro-Ja GT-M Cast 18x8 27.0 Ro-Ja Kruzz Cast 19x8 26.2 Ro-Ja Neo5 Cast 19x8 26.2 Ronal ACT Cast 17x9.5 22.0 Ronal Bear Cast 14x6 18.3 Ronal LS Cast 15x7.5 16.7 Ronal LV (Spider) Cast 15x7 15.9 Ronal LV (Spider) Cast 16x7.5 18.2 Ronal LV (Spider) Cast 17x8 21.4 Ronal LV (Spider) Cast 18x8.5 24.3 Ronal LW Cast 14x6 17.3 Ronal LW Cast 15x7.5 19.0 Ronal LZ (Eleganz) Cast 18x8.5 30.3 Ronal R-10 (Turbo) Cast 15x7 18.0 Ronal R-1001 Cast 17x8 22.5 Ronal R-23 Cast 14x6 14.8 Ronal R-23 Cast 15x7 17.3 Ronal R-25 Cast 14x6 14.8 Ronal R-25 Cast 15x7 17.3 Ronal R-25 Cast 16x7.5 18.5 Ronal R-25 Cast 17x8 23.5 Ronal R-26 Cast 14x6 16.4 Ronal R-26 Cast 15x7 17.3 Ronal R-26 Cast 16x7.5 20.3 Ronal R-28 (Joker) Cast 14x6 16.4 Ronal R-28 (Joker) Cast 15x7 18.9 Ronal R-28 (Joker) Cast 16x7.5 24.1 Ronal R-28 (Joker) Cast 17x8.5 28.2 Ronal R-31 Cast 16x7 21.5 Ronal R-34 Cast 16x7.5 20.9 Ronal R-7 (Bulldog) Cast 17x7 25.0 Ronal R-7 (Bulldog) Cast 18x8 27.8 Ronal RT (Twin) Cast 17x7.5 24.5 Ronal SL Cast 17x7.5 21.1 Ronal T-34 Cast 16x7.5 21.0 Rota Attack Cast 15x6.5 10.0 Rota Attack Cast 17x7 15.5 Rota Aztec Cast 15x6.5 16.4 Rota Aztec Cast 16x7 19.0 Rota Battle Cast 17x7.5 18.0 Rota Circuit 8 Cast 15x6.5 12.0 Rota Circuit 8 Cast 16x7 15.5 Rota Competition Cast 15x6.5 16.8 Rota Competition Cast 16x7 19.6 Rota Formel Cast 16x7 17.7 Rota Grid Racing Cast 15x6.5 14.5 Rota Grid Racing Cast 16x7 16.0 Rota Manta Cast 15x6.5 16.5 Rota Manta Cast 16x7 17.6 Rota MSR Cast 15x6.5 16.9 Rota MSR Cast 16x7 17.2 Rota N1R Cast 16x7 17.7 Rota Retro Cast 15x6.5 14.0 Rota Slipstream Cast 15x6.5 11.9 Rota Slipstream Cast 16x7 14.5 Rota Stage 5 Cast 15x6.5 17.6 Rota Stage 5 Cast 16x7 20.1 Rota Subzero Cast 15x6.5 12.9 Rota Subzero Cast 16x7 14.5 Rota Subzero Cast 17x7 16.5 Rota Subzero Cast 17x7.5 16.9 Rota Tarmac Cast 17x7 19.0 Rota Tuner Cast 16x7 18.0 Rota Velo Cast 15x6.5 16.8 Rota Velo Cast 16x7 19.6 Rozest MF-02 Forged 17x7 13.7 RS Limited Ricochet Cast 17x7 19.4 RS Limited S-Type Cast 18x7.5 28.0 RS Watanabe Forged Mg 19x8 16.5 RS Watanabe Cyclone Forged Mg 15x6.5 10.1 RS Watanabe Cyclone Forged Mg 15x7 10.4 RS Watanabe Cyclone Forged Mg 16x7 11.5 RS Watanabe Cyclone Forged Mg 16x8 12.3 RS Watanabe Cyclone Forged Mg 18x8 14.6 RS Watanabe Cyclone Forged Mg 18x9 16.1 RS Watanabe EightSpoke A Cast Mg 10x6 5.1 RS Watanabe EightSpoke A Cast 10x6 7.3 RS Watanabe EightSpoke A Cast 12x5.5 8.8 RS Watanabe EightSpoke A Cast Mg 12x6 6.8 RS Watanabe EightSpoke A Cast 12x6 9.7 RS Watanabe EightSpoke A Cast 13x6 11.2 RS Watanabe EightSpoke A Cast 13x6.5 11.0 RS Watanabe EightSpoke A Cast 13x7 11.0 RS Watanabe EightSpoke A Cast Mg 14x6 9.0 RS Watanabe EightSpoke A Cast 14x6 13.0 RS Watanabe EightSpoke A Cast Mg 14x6.5 9.3 RS Watanabe EightSpoke A Cast 14x6.5 13.2 RS Watanabe EightSpoke A Cast Mg 14x7 9.0 RS Watanabe EightSpoke A Cast 14x7 12.8 RS Watanabe EightSpoke A Cast Mg 14x7.5 9.9 RS Watanabe EightSpoke A Cast 14x7.5 13.6 RS Watanabe EightSpoke B Cast Mg 13x5 8.8 RS Watanabe EightSpoke B Cast 13x5 9.7 RS Watanabe EightSpoke B Cast Mg 13x5.5 9.3 RS Watanabe EightSpoke B Cast 13x5.5 10.4 RS Watanabe EightSpoke B Cast Mg 13x6 7.1 RS Watanabe EightSpoke B Cast 13x6 10.1 RS Watanabe EightSpoke B Cast Mg 13x6.5 7.7 RS Watanabe EightSpoke B Cast 13x6.5 11.0 RS Watanabe EightSpoke B Cast 13x7 11.2 RS Watanabe EightSpoke B Cast 13x7.5 10.7 RS Watanabe EightSpoke B Cast Mg 14x5.5 8.2 RS Watanabe EightSpoke B Cast 14x5.5 11.7 RS Watanabe EightSpoke B Cast Mg 14x6 8.4 RS Watanabe EightSpoke B Cast 14x6 12.1 RS Watanabe EightSpoke B Cast Mg 14x6.5 8.4 RS Watanabe EightSpoke B Cast 14x6.5 12.1 RS Watanabe EightSpoke B Cast Mg 14x7 8.6 RS Watanabe EightSpoke B Cast 14x7 12.3 RS Watanabe EightSpoke B Cast Mg 14x7.5 9.5 RS Watanabe EightSpoke B Cast 14x7.5 12.5 RS Watanabe EightSpoke CVF Cast 13x5 9.7 RS Watanabe EightSpoke CVF Cast 13x5.5 9.9 RS Watanabe EightSpoke CVF Cast 13x6 11.2 RS Watanabe EightSpoke CVFP Cast 13x5 10.1 RS Watanabe EightSpoke CVFP Cast 13x5.5 10.4 RS Watanabe EightSpoke CVP Cast 13x5 10.4 RS Watanabe EightSpoke F8 Cast 12x5 9.0 RS Watanabe EightSpoke F8 Cast Mg 14x6 7.9 RS Watanabe EightSpoke F8 Cast 14x6 11.2 RS Watanabe EightSpoke F8 Cast Mg 14x6.5 8.4 RS Watanabe EightSpoke F8 Cast 14x6.5 12.1 RS Watanabe EightSpoke F8 Cast Mg 14x7 9.9 RS Watanabe EightSpoke F8 Cast 14x7 14.1 RS Watanabe EightSpoke F8 Cast Mg 15x6 10.6 RS Watanabe EightSpoke F8 Cast Mg 15x6.5 9.5 RS Watanabe EightSpoke F8 Cast Mg 15x7 10.1 RS Watanabe EightSpoke F8 Cast Mg 15x7.5 11.0 RS Watanabe EightSpoke F8 Cast Mg 16x8 13.0 RS Watanabe EightSpoke F8F Cast 12x4.5 9.0 RS Watanabe EightSpoke F8F Cast 13x4.5 10.4 RS Watanabe EightSpoke F8F Cast 14x5.5 14.1 RS Watanabe EightSpoke F8F Cast Mg 14x6 9.9 RS Watanabe EightSpoke F8F Cast 14x6.5 12.5 RS Watanabe EightSpoke F8F Cast Mg 15x6 10.1 RS Watanabe EightSpoke F8F Cast 15x6 15.0 RS Watanabe EightSpoke F8F Cast Mg 15x6.5 10.4 RS Watanabe EightSpoke F8F Cast 15x6.5 13.7 RS Watanabe EightSpoke F8F Cast Mg 15x7 11.2 RS Watanabe EightSpoke F8F Cast 15x7 14.6 RS Watanabe EightSpoke F8F Cast 15x7.5 15.9 RS Watanabe EightSpoke F8F Cast 15x8 16.1 RS Watanabe EightSpoke F8F Cast 15x8.5 20.0 RS Watanabe EightSpoke F8F Cast 16x7 16.1 RS Watanabe EightSpoke F8F Cast 16x7.5 17.2 RS Watanabe EightSpoke F8F Cast 16x8 18.1 RS Watanabe EightSpoke F8F Cast 16x9 20.5 RS Watanabe EightSpoke F8FR (Rally) Cast 15x6.5 17.3 RS Watanabe EightSpoke F8FS Cast 14x6 13.0 RS Watanabe EightSpoke F8FS Cast 14x6.5 13.7 RS Watanabe EightSpoke F8FS Cast Mg 15x6 9.9 RS Watanabe EightSpoke F8FS Cast 15x6 14.6 RS Watanabe EightSpoke F8FS Cast 15x6.5 15.2 RS Watanabe EightSpoke F8FS Cast Mg 15x7 11.7 RS Watanabe EightSpoke F8FS Cast 15x7 16.5 RS Watanabe EightSpoke F8FS Cast 16x6.5 17.2 RS Watanabe EightSpoke F8FS Cast 16x7 18.1 RS Watanabe EightSpoke F8FS Cast 16x7.5 18.5 RS Watanabe EightSpoke F8FS Cast 16x8 19.2 RS Watanabe EightSpoke F8FS Cast 16x8.5 19.8 RS Watanabe EightSpoke F8FT Cast 14x6 12.6 RS Watanabe EightSpoke F8FT Cast 14x6.5 13.2 RS Watanabe EightSpoke F8FT Cast 16x6.5 16.3 RS Watanabe EightSpoke F8FT Cast 16x7 17.2 RS Watanabe EightSpoke F8FT Cast 16x7.5 17.6 RS Watanabe EightSpoke F8FT Cast 16x8 18.3 RS Watanabe EightSpoke F8-RST Cast Mg 15x6.5 9.9 RS Watanabe EightSpoke F8-RST Cast 15x6.5 14.1 RS Watanabe EightSpoke F8S Cast Mg 14x6 9.0 RS Watanabe EightSpoke F8S Cast Mg 14x6.5 9.5 RS Watanabe EightSpoke F8S Cast 16x7 16.5 RS Watanabe EightSpoke F8S Cast 16x7.5 17.6 RS Watanabe EightSpoke F8S Cast Mg 16x8 13.2 RS Watanabe EightSpoke F8S Cast 16x8 18.5 RS Watanabe EightSpoke F8S Cast 16x9 20.9 RS Watanabe EightSpoke F8T Cast Mg 14x6 8.8 RS Watanabe EightSpoke F8T Cast Mg 14x6.5 9.3 RS Watanabe EightSpoke F8T Cast 16x7 15.7 RS Watanabe EightSpoke F8T Cast 16x7.5 16.8 RS Watanabe EightSpoke F8T Cast Mg 16x8 12.6 RS Watanabe EightSpoke F8T Cast 16x8 17.6 RS Watanabe EightSpoke F8T Cast 16x8.5 20.8 RS Watanabe EightSpoke F8T Cast 16x9 20.3 RS Watanabe EightSpoke R Type Cast 13x8 14.6 RS Watanabe EightSpoke R Type Cast 13x8.5 14.6 RS Watanabe EightSpoke R Type Cast 13x9 14.6 RS Watanabe EightSpoke R Type Cast 13x9.5 15.2 RS Watanabe EightSpoke R Type Cast 13x10 16.2 RS Watanabe EightSpoke R Type Cast Mg 14x8 10.6 RS Watanabe EightSpoke R Type Cast 14x8 15.0 RS Watanabe EightSpoke R Type Cast Mg 14x8.5 10.6 RS Watanabe EightSpoke R Type Cast 14x8.5 15.2 RS Watanabe EightSpoke R Type Cast Mg 14x9 10.8 RS Watanabe EightSpoke R Type Cast 14x9 15.4 RS Watanabe EightSpoke R Type Cast Mg 14x9.5 11.0 RS Watanabe EightSpoke R Type Cast 14x9.5 15.7 RS Watanabe EightSpoke R Type Cast Mg 14x10 11.0 RS Watanabe EightSpoke R Type Cast 14x10 15.9 RS Watanabe EightSpoke R Type Cast Mg 14x10.5 11.2 RS Watanabe EightSpoke R Type Cast 14x10.5 16.1 RS Watanabe EightSpoke R Type Cast Mg 14x11 11.5 RS Watanabe EightSpoke R Type Cast 14x11 16.3 RS Watanabe EightSpoke R Type Cast Mg 14x11.5 11.7 RS Watanabe EightSpoke R Type Cast 14x11.5 16.5 RS Watanabe EightSpoke R Type Cast Mg 14x12 11.7 RS Watanabe EightSpoke R Type Cast 14x12 16.8 RS Watanabe EightSpoke R Type Cast 15x8 15.4 RS Watanabe EightSpoke R Type Cast Mg 15x8.5 11.0 RS Watanabe EightSpoke R Type Cast 15x8.5 15.9 RS Watanabe EightSpoke R Type Cast Mg 15x9 11.5 RS Watanabe EightSpoke R Type Cast 15x9 16.3 RS Watanabe EightSpoke R Type Cast Mg 15x9.5 11.7 RS Watanabe EightSpoke R Type Cast 15x9.5 16.8 RS Watanabe EightSpoke R Type Cast Mg 15x10 12.1 RS Watanabe EightSpoke R Type Cast 15x10 17.2 RS Watanabe EightSpoke R Type Cast Mg 15x10.5 12.3 RS Watanabe EightSpoke R Type Cast 15x10.5 17.6 RS Watanabe EightSpoke R Type Cast Mg 15x11 12.6 RS Watanabe EightSpoke R Type Cast 15x11 18.1 RS Watanabe EightSpoke R Type Cast Mg 15x11.5 13.0 RS Watanabe EightSpoke R Type Cast 15x11.5 18.5 RS Watanabe EightSpoke R Type Cast Mg 15x12 13.2 RS Watanabe EightSpoke R Type Cast 15x12 19.0 RS Watanabe EightSpoke R Type Cast 16x8 16.5 RS Watanabe EightSpoke R Type Cast 16x8.5 17.2 RS Watanabe EightSpoke R Type Cast 16x9 17.9 RS Watanabe EightSpoke R Type Cast 16x9.5 18.5 RS Watanabe SMW Cast Mg 14x5 8.6 RS Watanabe SMW Cast Mg 14x5.5 9.0 RS Watanabe SMW Cast Mg 14x6 8.6 RS Watanabe Forged Eight Forged 15x6.5 11.5 RS Watanabe Forged Eight Forged 15x7 12.1 Ruf Cast 17x9 24.6 Ruf Cast 17x10 27.7 Shaper Sunlight Cast 16x7.5 17.2 Shaper Twilight Cast 16x7.5 18.3 Shaper Twilight Cast 17x7.5 21.8 Simmons F-Series Cast 17x10 23.8 Simmons OM-Series Cast 18x9 26.5 Smith's Wheels Highlander Cast 18x9 28.0 Smith's Wheels Infinity Cast 17x7 23.0 Smith's Wheels Twister Cast 18x8 29.5 Sparco Cromodora Cast 16x7 20.5 Speed Star Zxpeed Cast 18x8 27.0 Speedline Competition Cast 18x8.5 24.0 Speedline Prodrive 7 Cast 17x7 22.5 Speedline Race Cast 17x10 19.0 Speedline Routa/GT1 Lite Cast 18x7.5 18.5 Speedline Street Cast 17x10 25.0 SpeedLite Racing Formula Cast 17x7 21.5 Speedy Wheels Atix-5 Cast 17x7 18.0 Speedy Wheels Baltic Cast 17x7.5 22.3 Speedy Wheels G-Force Cast 20x8.5 35.3 Speedy Wheels Longchamp Cast 18x7.5 27.4 Speedy Wheels Nexxus Cast 18x7.5 25.3 Speedy Wheels Octopus Cast 17x7 18.8 Speedy Wheels Race Mode Cast 15x6.5 13.2 Speedy Wheels Race Mode Cast 16x7 16.1 Speedy Wheels Race Mode Cast 17x7 17.6 Speedy Wheels Sports-R Cast 15x6.5 13.9 Speedy Wheels Toskana Cast 17x7 24.0 Spoon Sports SW388 Forged 15x6.5 8.6 Spoon Sports Forged 16x7 11.9 Spoon Sports Forged 16x8 12.9 Sport Edition Fox 2 Cast 17x7 21.6 Sport Edition Fox 2 Cast 18x7.5 23.0 Sport Edition Fox 5 Cast 18x8 23.0 Sport Edition Tekno Cast 18x8 23.0 Sport Edition Tekno Cast 19x8 31.4 Sportiva Liberty Cast 19x8 31.0 Sportiva Modena Cast 18x8.5 26.0 SSR Agle Strusse SSF/Spun 19x12 32.0 SSR De Colte SSF 17x9 19.8 SSR GP-Theta SSF 16x8 19.0 SSR GT1 SSF 16x7 15.0 SSR GT1 SSF 17x7 16.5 SSR GT1 SSF 17x7.5 17.5 SSR GT1 SSF 17x8 17.8 SSR GT1 SSF 17x9 18.3 SSR GT1 SSF 18x7.5 17.8 SSR GT1 SSF 18x8 19.0 SSR GT1 SSF 18x9 19.7 SSR GT3 SSF/Spun 18x8 24.6 SSR Integral SSF 16x7 15.5 SSR Integral SSF 16x8 16.9 SSR Integral SSF 17x7 17.0 SSR Integral SSF 17x8 18.0 SSR Integral SSF 17x9 18.8 SSR Integral SSF 18x8 20.0 SSR Integral SSF 18x9 20.0 SSR MK-III SSF/Spun 15x7 12.2 SSR RF Firrenze SSF/Spun 16x8 18.5 SSR S1 SSF 17x7 16.8 SSR Schumacher SSF/Spun 15x7 12.5 SSR Schumacher SSF/Spun 16x7 15.0 SSR Type-C (called Competitions in the US) SSF 15x6 8.0 SSR Type-C (called Competitions in the US) SSF 15x6.5 8.6 SSR Type-C (called Competitions in the US) SSF 15x7 9.2 SSR Type-C (called Competitions in the US) SSF 15x7.5 9.6 SSR Type-C (called Competitions in the US) SSF 16x7 11.0 SSR Type-C (called Competitions in the US) SSF 16x8 12.1 SSR Type-C (called Competitions in the US) SSF 17x7.5 13.0 SSR Type-C (called Competitions in the US) SSF 17x8 14.3 SSR Type-C (called Competitions in the US) SSF 17x8.5 15.3 SSR Type-C (called Competitions in the US) SSF 17x9 15.6 SSR Type-C (called Competitions in the US) SSF 17x9.5 15.6 SSR Type-C (called Competitions in the US) SSF 18x7.5 14.5 SSR Type-C (called Competitions in the US) SSF 18x8 15.0 SSR Type-C (called Competitions in the US) SSF 18x9 17.0 SSR Type-C (called Competitions in the US) SSF 18x9.5 17.7 SSR Type-M SSF 15x6.5 11.0 SSR Type-R SSF 16x7 11.5 SSR Type-V SSF 16x7 13.0 SSR Type-X SSF 15x6.5 10.5 SSR Vienna SSF/Spun 18x8.5 22.3 Starform Basel Cast 17x7 21.6 Starform Basel Cast 17x8 24.3 Starform Real Racing Model II Forged 17x7.5 13.4 Starform Real Racing Model II Forged 17x8.5 14.1 Starform Real Racing Model II Forged 17x9.5 15.0 Starform Real Racing R2 Forged 15x6.5 9.7 Starform Real Racing R2 Forged 15x7 9.9 Starform Real Racing R2 Forged 17x7.5 14.1 Starform Real Racing R2 Forged 17x8.5 14.8 Starform Real Racing R2 Forged 17x9.5 15.7 Stark MS Forged 14x5 7.3 Stark MS Forged 15x6 9.5 Stark MS Forged 15x6.5 10.1 Stark MS Forged 17x7.5 14.6 Stern Aguzze-S07 Cast 15x7 13.4 Stern Aguzze-S07 Cast 16x7 14.8 Stern Aguzze-S07 Cast 16x8 16.1 Stern Aguzze-S07R Forged 17x7 14.3 Stern Aguzze-S07R Forged 17x7.5 14.0 Stern Aguzze-S07R Forged 17x8 14.0 Stern Aguzze-S07R Forged 17x9 15.3 Stern Aguzze-S07R Forged 18x7.5 16.5 Stern Aguzze-S07R Forged 18x8.5 16.5 Stern Aguzze-S07R Forged 18x9.5 16.8 Stern Axia Cast 19x9.5 31.0 Stern Intertouring Cast 17x8 23.5 Stern Leacher Cast 17x7 23.5 Stern Mach III Cast 15x7 13.5 Stern Mach III Cast 16x7 14.5 Stern Mach III Forged 17x7.5 14.0 Stern Sports Line LIIva Forged/Spun 17x7 21.5 Sti RS-Zero Forged 17x7.5 15.7 Stillen GTV Cast 17x9 22.5 Stillen GTV Cast 18x8 21.6 STR RS16 Cast 17x7 20.8 STR RS17 Cast 17x7 19.5 Superlight 3-Piece Ultralight Cast 15x6.5 14.3 Superlight ML Cast 13x5.5 12.8 Superlight ML Cast 13x7 13.2 Superlight ML Cast 13x8 13.9 Superlight ML Cast 14x6 15.0 Superlite Japan 2-Piece (very rare) Cast/Spun 15x6 16.0 Superlight Sports Cast 10x4.5 7.9 Superlight Sports Cast 12x5 9.0 Superlight Sports Cast 13x6 10.0 Superlight Sports Cast 13x7 11.0 Superlight Sports Cast 13x8 13.0 Superlight Sports Cast 14x6 14.3 Superlight Sports Cast 15x6 17.6 Superlight Sports Cast 15x7 19.6 Superlight Sports Cast 15x8 19.9 Superlight Sports Cast 16x7 22.0 Taylor 13x5.5 7.0 Team Dynamics DTM Cast 16x7.5 17.6 Team Dynamics Monza Cast 17x7 22.5 Team Dynamics Motorsport Cast 16x7 19.8 Team Dynamics Motorsport Cast 17x7 23.0 Team Dynamics Motorsport Cast 18x8 24.0 Team Dynamics Phantom Cast 17x7 21.8 Team Dynamics Qualifier Cast 15x7 15.0 Team Dynamics Qualifier Cast 18x8 21.0 Team Dynamics Raider Cast 17x7 24.0 Team Dynamics Rim 2000 Cast 17x7.5 21.5 Team Dynamics Sebring DTM Cast 17x7.5 22.5 Team Dynamics Super Touring Cast 17x7.5 22.0 Team Dynamics Tornado Cast 17x7 19.8 Team Dynamics Visage Forged 18x8 17.4 Team Loco 142 Cast 16x7 22.0 Team Loco Kai Cast 17x7 23.0 Team Loco Shako Tan Cast 17x7 23.0 Team Toyota Europe GT-1 Cast 18x8 24.0 Tecnocast Corsia Forged 17x7 14.8 Tecnomagnesio Cast Mg 15x6.5 10.9 Tecnomagnesio MT 5B2 Cast Mg 16x7 15.4 Tecnomagnesio MT 5B2 Cast Mg 17x8 16.3 Tecnomagnesio MT 5B2 Cast Mg 17x8.5 17.6 Tecnomagnesio MT 5B2 Cast Mg 17x10 18.0 Tecnomagnesio MT 5B2 Cast Mg 18x10 20.5 Tecnomagnesio MT 6B3 Cast Mg 17x7 19.0 Tecnomagnesio MT 6B3 Cast Mg 17x8 19.4 Tecnomagnesio MT 6B3 Cast Mg 17x9 20.5 Tecnomagnesio MT 6B3 Cast Mg 18x10 22.7 Tecnomagnesio Sport Cast 15x6.5 17.6 Tecnomagnesio Sport Cast 16x7 19.6 Tecnomagnesio Sport Cast 17x7 24.8 Tenzo-R 2-Type Cast 17x7 20.8 Tenzo-R AV7 Cast 17x7 20.0 Tenzo-R Poke-10 Cast 17x7 20.3 Tenzo-R Psycho Cast 17x7 19.2 Tenzo-R RS-5 Cast 17x7 20.3 Tenzo-R Shu-4 Cast 17x7 19.5 Tenzo-R Sinko-R Cast 15x6.5 12.3 Tenzo-R Sinko-R Cast 17x7 21.2 TGF MX Cast 17x7 18.3 TMW GTV Cast 17x7 19.5 TMW RX Cast 17x7 20.3 TMW RX Cast 18x7.5 24.0 TOM's New Action Cast/Spun 14x6 11.1 TOM's New Action Cast/Spun 15x6.5 12.2 TOM's New Sports II Forged 18x7.5 15.0 TOM's S2 Cast 18x8.5 23.8 TOM's S4 Spiker Cast 15x6.5 15.5 TommyKaira ProR SSF 17x7 15.9 TOORA Monotoora (Erebuni) Cast 15x7 22.0 TRD Sports SC430 Cast 18x8 28.0 TRD Sports T3 Forged 15x6.5 11.4 TRD Sports T3 Forged 16x7 14.9 TRD Sports T3 Forged 16x8 15.7 TRD Sports T3 Forged 17x7.5 18.5 TRD Sports T3 Forged 17x8 18.7 TRD Sports T3 Forged 17x8.5 19.0 TRM Sniper Cast 18x9 27.0 TRM Typhoon Cast 17x7 23.0 TRM Typhoon Cast 18x9 26.5 TSW Alpine Cast 14x6 15.5 TSW Alpine Cast 15x6.5 19.4 TSW Avus R Cast 15x7 19.4 TSW Avus R Cast 16x7.5 21.7 TSW Big Deep Cast 17x7 23.3 TSW Blade Cast 16x7.5 21.0 TSW Edge Cast 17x7 21.8 TSW Evo Cast 15x7 17.0 TSW Evo Cast 16x7 20.4 TSW Eurace Cast 17x7 24.3 TSW Fly Cast 15x7 18.5 TSW Fly Cast 16x7 20.7 TSW Fly Cast 17x7 22.8 TSW Fury Cast 15x6.5 16.5 TSW Hockenheim Cast 15x7 18.8 TSW Hockenheim Cast 17x8 23.8 TSW Hockenheim Cast 18x8 25.5 TSW Quad Cast 14x6 12.5 TSW Quad Cast 15x6.5 15.0 TSW Revo Cast 16x7 20.4 TSW Revo Cast 17x7 24.8 TSW SGV Cast 16x7 22.0 TSW SGV Cast 18x8 30.5 TSW Spirit Cast 18x8 27.5 TSW Trophy Cast 15x7 19.0 TSW VX1 Cast 16x7 22.5 TSW VX1 Cast 17x7 24.0 TSW VX1 Cast 18x8 27.0 TSW Zenon Cast 17x7 24.0 Ultra Wheels Cast 17x7.5 24.8 Ultra Wheels Cast 20x8.5 44.5 Ultra Wheels Koge Cast 17x7 25.0 Veilside Andrew Racing eF Cast 18x7 27.5 Veilside Andrew Racing Pasha D Cast 17x7 22.0 Velox Hyperion Cast 20x8.5 29.4 Velox VX-5 Cast 19x8 27.0 Vision 814 Cast 16x7 22.0 Vision 818 Cast 14x6 15.0 Vision 818 Cast 16x7 21.3 Vision 96 Cast 16x7.5 22.8 Volk CE28N Forged 14x5.5 6.5 Volk CE28N Forged 15x7 9.1 Volk CE28N Forged 17x7.5 13.8 Volk CE28N Forged 17x9 14.8 Volk Daytona Speed Cast 17x8 24.0 Volk Gram Lights Cast 17x7.5 17.0 Volk GTA Forged/Spun 17x9 21.0 Volk GTN Forged/Spun 18x7.5 18.5 Volk GTN Forged/Spun 18x8.5 19.0 Volk GTP Forged/Spun 17x9 19.5 Volk SE37K Forged 17x7.5 14.3 Volk SE37K Forged 18x9.5 16.8 Volk Sebring ITC Cast 18x7.5 21.5 Volk SS Cast 18x7.5 25.0 Volk TE37 Forged 13x8 8.3 Volk TE37 Forged 14x5.5 8.5 Volk TE37 Forged 15x6 8.2 Volk TE37 Forged 15x6.5 8.8 Volk TE37 Forged 15x7 9.2 Volk TE37 Forged 16x7 11.2 Volk TE37 Forged 16x7.5 11.3 Volk TE37 Forged 16x8 13.3 Volk TE37 Forged 17x7.5 15.0 Volk TE37 Forged 18x7.5 17.0 Volk TE37 Mag Forged Mg 18x8.5 12.9 Volk Versus Tourismo Spada Cast 18x7.5 25.5 Voxx Argus Cast 17x7 22.5 Voxx Forza Cast 18x9 30.4 Voxx JB Cast 18x8 24.3 Voxx Scorze Cast 18x9 30.6 Wed's Celeb V2 Cast 16x7 19.0 Wed's RS-5 (Original design) Cast/Spun 15x6.5 13.5 Wed's RS-5 Super Street Cast 14x5 8.9 Wed's RS-5 Super Street Cast 15x5 9.2 Wed's RS-5 Super Street Cast 16x7 13.5 Wed's RS-5 Super Street Cast 17x7.5 15.6 Wed's TC-005 SSF 15x6.5 10.2 Wed's TC-005 SSF 15x7 10.7 Wed's TC-005 SSF 15x7.5 11.0 Wed's TC-005 SSF 16x7 12.7 Wed's TC-005 SSF 16x7.5 13.2 Wed's TC-005 SSF 16x8 13.9 Wed's TC-005 SSF 17x7 13.8 Wed's TC-005 SSF 17x7.5 14.2 Wed's TC-005 SSF 17x8 14.9 Wed's TC-005 SSF 17x8.5 15.3 Wed's TC-005 SSF 17x9 15.8 Wed's TC-005 SSF 17x9.5 16.3 Wed's TC-005 SSF 18x10 18.9 Wed's TC-005 SSF 18x7.5 16.8 Wed's TC-005 SSF 18x8 17.7 Wed's TC-005 SSF 18x8.5 17.9 Wed's TC-005 SSF 18x9 18.6 Weld (racing only) Cast 13x8 9.5 Weld (racing only) Cast 13x9 10.0 Weld EVO Forged 16x8 16.2 Weld EVO Espada SL Forged 20x8.5 28.6 Weld EVO R-71 Forged 18x8 23.0 Weld EVO R-76 Forged 17x8 20.0 Weld EVO SL-5 Forged 17x7 20.0 Weld Magnum Import Drag Forged 13x8 8.6 Weld Type 76 Forged 15x7 15.0 Western Turbine Cast 13x6 10.0 Work CR-02 Cast 17x7 17.4 Work CR-03 Cast 18x8 20.9 Work Emotion Forged 17x7.5 15.3 Work Emotion Forged 17x8.5 16.2 Work Emotion Forged 18x7.5 16.7 Work Emotion Forged 18x8.5 17.4 Work Equip 01 Cast 14x7 14.1 Work Equip 03 Cast 14x7 13.2 Work Ewing RS Beta 3-Piece Cast 15x6.5 15.0 Work Meister S2R Forged/Spun 17x7 19.2 Work Meister S2R Forged/Spun 17x7.5 19.0 Work Meister S2R Forged/Spun 17x9 20.5 Work Meister S2R Forged/Spun 18x9 22.3 Work Rezax II Mag Forged Mg 18x8.5 19.0 Work Rezax III Mag Forged Mg 18x8 17.4 Xenex Muse Cast 19x8 26.3 Zen Racing Matrix Cast 18x7.5 24.0 Zen Racing Race Cast 18x7.5 25.3 Zenetti Cast 18x8.5 24.0 Zenetti Cast 20x8.5 39.8 Z-Speed Cast 15x6.5 12.3
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