May 31st, 2015 The Most Holy Trinity St. Jude is a Stewardship Parish committed to serving the Lord with our time, talent and treasures. Stewardship - A Way of Life. St. Jude Catholic Community 443 Marion Oaks Drive Ocala, FL 34473-3203 Office: (352) 347-0154 Fax: (352) 347-5211 [email protected] Monday MASS SCHEDULE 8:00 a.m. Eucharistic Prayer Service Wednesday thru Friday 8:00 a.m. Rosary at 7:35 a.m. Chaplet of Divine Mercy after Mass / Tu, Th, Fr. ST. JUDE MISSION STATEMENT Tuesdays 6:00 p.m. (8:00 a.m. Prayer Service or Mass) To know God, To love Him, To serve Him. St. Jude Saturday 4:00 p.m. (English) 8:00 a.m. (English) Catholic Community is a place where God’s presence Sunday 10:00 a.m. (English) is made visible through spiritual formation, 12:30 p.m. (Spanish) community life, service and stewardship. Creole Mass Every 2nd and 4th Sunday at 5:00 p.m. Rev. Bart Garçon, S.M.M. Parochial Administrator Deacon Santos Santiago Deacon Jose Serrano Deacon Edward Wilson Angel Dominguez: Office Manager Music Director: Cathy O’Donnell Faith Formation: Linda Jones, Olga Miyar Parish Office Hours: 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. Monday to Friday Bulletins can be viewed at our website: THE TRINITY IS LOVE Theologians throughout the Christian centuries have spilled much ink (and, on occasion, some blood) in describing and defining the mystery of the Holy Trinity. One of the earliest, most poetic, and beautiful descriptions comes from St. Augustine in De Trinitas, wherein he describes the Trinity as One (the Father) who loves, One (the Son) who is loved, and One (the Spirit) who is love. And these three Ones are also one Three. It might be wisest for us to leave the technical wranglings to the academic theologians, and focus on the fact that the three Persons of the Trinity are indeed persons; they are best known and understood in their love for each other and for us. We are made in the image of those loving persons, and our best relationships are lived out in the context of love. Truly loving relationships are inexhaustible mysteries to be lived in joy. If this is true of our human relationships, how much more so is it true of our relationship with the Trinity. And how much more does it call upon us to be joyful, loving witnesses of the holy mystery of the One‑in‑Three. This is the mystery to which we were called when we were chosen to be God’s own, baptized with water in the name of the Holy Trinity. HOLY DAYS Mass 8:00 a.m. & 7:00 p.m. Saturday 3:00 p.m. to 3:30 p.m. or by appt. CONFESSIONS ADORATION OF THE BLESSED SACRAMENT Every Wednesday 9:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. CHILDREN’ S RELIGIOUS EDUCATION Sunday K-4th grades Sunday 5th-12th grades Wednesday Sacramental Class 8:45 a.m. to 9:45 a.m. 11:15 a.m. to 12:15 p.m. 5:30 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. LA TRINIDAD DE AMOR Una de las más antiguas, más poéticas y más hermosas descripciones de la Santísima Trinidad se halla en le libro De Trinitate, por san Agustín. Allí, el santo describe a la Trinidad como Uno que ama (el Padre), Uno que es amado (el Hijo) y Uno que es el amor (el Espíritu Santo). Y esos tres Unos suman Uno solo. Tal vez lo mejor para nosotros sea dejar las dificultades técnicas de este misterio a los teólogos profesionales, y enfocarnos en el hecho que las tres Personas de la Santísima Trinidad son precisamente personas; se les conoce y se les comprende en su amor mutuo y en su amor hacia nosotros. Hemos sido creados a imagen y semejanza de esas tres Personas amorosas, y nuestras mejores relaciones se viven en el contexto del amor. Las relaciones verdaderamente amorosas son misterios inagotables que se expresan en una profunda felicidad. Y si esto es así en nuestras relaciones humanas, ¡cuánto más lo será en nuestra relación con la Santísima Trinidad! Y, ¡cuánto más somos llamados a dar un testimonio alegre y amoroso de este sagrado misterio de los Tres que son Uno! Este es el misterio que fuimos llamados a vivir cuando fuimos escogidos como hijos de Dios, bautizados en el nombre del Padre, del Hijo, y del Espíritu Santo. COWARDLY To know what is right and not to do it is the worst cowardice. May 31st, 2015 The Most Holy Trinity Page. 2 —Confucius Pray for our sick parishioners & make a visit to him/her Sanctuary candle is lit this week in memory of MARIA BALSCHUN May 30 thru June 7, 2015 Saturday, May 30 Blessed Virgin Mary Sir 51:12cd-20; Ps 19:8-11; Mk 11:27-33 4:00 PM † FRANK RODRIGUEZ Sunday, May 31 The Most Holy Trinity Dt 4:32-34, 39-40; Ps 33:4-6, 9, 18-20, 22; Rom 8:14-17; Mt 28:16-20 8:00 AM † VITO MOTISI 10:00 AM WORLD LEADERS 12:30 PM † MARIA LUNA, † ESTEBAN LUCRES, † GLORIA COLON † MERCEDES TORRES Monday, June 1 Ninth Week in Ordinary Time; St. Justin Tb 1:3; 2:1b-8; Ps 112:1b-2, 3b-6; Mk 12:1-12 8:00 AM EUCHARISTIC PRAYER SERVICE Tuesday, June 2 Ss. Marcellinus and Peter Tb 2:9-14; Ps 112:1-2, 7-9; Mk 12:13-17 8:00 AM EUCHARISTIC PRAYER SERVICE 6:00 PM PEOPLE OF THE PARISH Wednesday, June 3 St. Charles Lwanga and Companions Tb 3:1-11a, 16-17a; Ps 25:2-5ab, 6-7bc, 8-9; Mk 12:18-27 Agatha Alcindor Ed Bassett Fred & Teri Bigl Patsy Brewer Rachelle Byrd Victor Calderon Matthew Charles Pedro Colón Sylvia Fagundo Kenneth Gómez Esteban González Juan González Louis Hafeman Mary Holtz Patrick Jean Melissa Lawlor Ana Lora Tomás Martinez Lillian McLaughlin Bill Notbusch Salvador Padua Carmen Ramos James Recor Berta Rodas Catherine Rodríguez Priscilla Suarez Bob Sturtevant Jerónimo Taveras Adalberto Vazquez Deacon Ed Wilson Sheila Whitfield Edward Pumilia Thomas Ramos Jean Pallatta Nursing Homes Rehabilitation: Brentwood: JoAnne Sulzer Munroe Sussan Antram 8:00 AM † MILDRED GLASS Thursday, June 4 Tb 6:10-11; 7:1bcde, 9-17; 8:4-9a; Ps 128:1-5; Mk 12:28-34 WEEKLY CONTRIBUTIONS MAY 16 & 17, 2015 8:00 AM FR. ROGER GOUASDON Friday, June 5 St. Boniface; First Friday Tb 11:5-17; Ps 146:1b-2, 6c-10; Mk 12:35-37 8:00 AM SOULS IN PURGATORY Saturday, June 6 St. Norbert; Blessed Virgin Mary; First Saturday Tb 12:1, 5-15, 20; Tb 13:2, 6efgh-8; Mk 12:38-44 4:00 PM † JAMES GONZALES Sunday, June 7 The Most Body and Blood of Christ (Corpus Christi) Ex 24:3-8; Ps 116:12-13, 15-18; Heb 9:11-15; Mk 14:12-16, 22-26 8:00 AM † ROBERT KOVACS 10:00 AM PEOPLE OF THE PARISH 12:30 PM † MARIA LUNA, † PANCHITA ROSARIO Thank you ! STEWARDSHIP $ 4,406.57 SUNSHINE FUND 741.00 RELIGIOUS EDUCATION 258.00 ASCENSION 311.00 CHILDREN OFFERING 35.27 HAITIAN EDUCATION FUND 47.00 DIOCESAN COLLECTIONS: PETER’S PENCE CATHOLIC COMM. 10.00 31.00 TOTAL $ 5,839.84 May 31st, 2015 The Most Holy Trinity COBARDÍA La peor cobardía es saber qué es lo justo y no hacerlo. Page. 3 —Confucio St. Jude Catholic Community Schedule Saturday, May 30th Sunday, May 31st 5:30 PM After Masses BBQ Dinner - Ladies Guild Blood Pressure taking Tuesday, June 2nd 1:00 PM Ladies Guild Meeting at Olive Gardens Thursday, June 4th 7:00 PM Pastoral Council Meeting Saturday, June 6th 9:00 AM Men’s Society Saturday, June 6th 5:30 PM St. Jude’s Faith on Film Series (Romero) Tuesday, June 9th 6:30 PM Proclaimers of the Word workshop Wednesday, June 10th Saturday, June 20th 6:00 PM Spiritual Committee Meeting 10:00 AM Knights of Columbus Meeting Sunday, June 21st Thursday, June 25th Father’s Day 7:00 PM Timon - Spanish Prayer Group Meeting Sunday, June 28th After Masses Blood Pressure taking Sunday, July 5th 2:00 PM Spanish Prayer Group Food Fair Tuesday, July 14th 6:30 PM Proclaimers of the Word workshop Thursday, July 16th 5:30 PM Finance Committee Meeting Barbeque and Auction Saturday May 30th at 5:30 PM We will have hamburgers, hot dogs, potato salad, dessert, etc $8.00 per person Come spend a good time with friends and family The Youth Group “Cristeros” meet every Friday from 7:00 PM till 9:00 PM. For more information, please call the parish office Congratulations to our 2015 First Communicants who received the sacrament of Eucharist on May 17th here at St. Jude. They are Sofia Cruz, Alyssa Durning, Henry Martinez, Dianne Nales, Nina Perez, Yeila Rodriguez, Yeisha Rodriguez and Austin Schank. Congratulations to our 2015 Confirmandi who received the sacrament of Confirmation at St. Vincent de Paul Catholic Church on May 3rd by the Most Reverend John Noonan, Bishop of Orlando: Andres Arias, Byron Durning III, Allison Muñiz and Kaylee Muyudumbay. Please support their service project of collecting baby supplies and clothes until the end of May. Barbacoa y Subasta Sábado, 30 de mayo a las 5:30 PM habrá hamburguesas, perros calientes, ensalada de papas, ensalada de col y postre $8.00 por persona Vengan a pasar un buen rato con amigos y familia. El Grupo de Jóvenes “Cristeros” se reúne todos los viernes desde las 6:00 PM hasta las 9:00 PM. Llama a la oficina de la iglesia para mas información Felicitaciones a Primera Comunión que recibieron el sacramento de la Eucaristía el 17 de mayo aquí en St. Juda. Ellos son Sofía Cruz, Alyssa Durning, Henry Martínez, Dianne Nales, Nina Pérez, Yeila Rodríguez, Yeisha Rodríguez y Austin Schank. Felicitaciones a nuestro 2015 confirmandos que recibieron el sacramento de la confirmación en la iglesia católica de San Vicente de Paúl, el 3 de mayo por el Reverendísimo John Noonan, obispo de Orlando: Andrés Arias, Byron Durning III, Allison Muñiz y Kaylee Muyudumbay. Por favor, apoye su proyecto de servicio de recogida de artículos de bebé y ropa hasta finales de mayo. May 31st, 2015 The Most Holy Trinity TRUE RICHES They are rich enough who are poor in Christ. Page 4 —St. Jerome DID ANYTHING SO GREAT EVER HAPPEN BEFORE? From our earliest years we have been told the Holy Trinity, one God in three divine persons, is a mystery, never to be grasped by human minds. For this reason, today’s solemnity might seem shrouded in smoke, like Mount Sinai when Moses met God. Yet it would be a mistake to turn from today’s liturgy as if it were entirely incomprehensible. The three-personed God might be incomprehensible, but this solemnity assures us this same God is not inaccessible. Moses voices our astonishment in the first reading: Who has ever heard of a god who actually speaks to people? The Church becomes even bolder in the second reading: Paul assures us that we are to call this awesome God “Abba, Father!” (Romans 8:15). We are led by the Spirit, adopted as children, heirs with Christ of all that comes from the Father. Surely if Moses were among us today, he would repeat his astonished cry from the first reading. Prayer to the Holy Trinity Glory be to the Father, Who by His almighty power and love created me, making me in the image and likeness of God. ALGO TAN GRANDE OCURRIÓ ANTES? Desde nuestros primeros años hemos escuchado que la Santísima Trinidad, un solo Dios en tres divinas personas, es un misterio que la mente humana no puede comprender. Por eso la fiesta de hoy podría parecernos tan etérea como la nube en el monte Sinaí cuando Moisés se encontró con Dios. No obstante, sería un error abandonar esta liturgia como algo incomprensible. Dios en tres personas puede ser incomprensible, pero esta solemnidad nos asegura que ¡ese mismo Dios no es inaccesible! Moisés expresa nuestro asombro en la primera lectura: ¿Quién conoce un pueblo al que Dios le hable? La Iglesia se muestra aun más audaz en la segunda lectura. Pablo nos asegura que debemos llamar a este Dios asombroso, “¡Abba, Padre!” (Romanos 8:15). Somos guiados por el Espíritu, adoptados como hijos e hijas, herederos con Cristo de todo lo que viene del Padre. ¡Seguro que si Moisés estuviera entre nosotros hoy, repetiría su grito sorprendido de la primera lectura! Oración a la Santísima Trinidad Gloria al Padre, Quien por Su omnipotencia y amor me creó, haciéndome a imagen y semejanza de Dios. Glory be to the Son, Who by His Precious Blood delivered me from hell, and opened for me the gates of heaven. Gloria al Hijo, Quien por Su Sangre Preciosa me libró del infierno, y abrió para mí las puertas del cielo. Glory be to the Holy Spirit, Who has sanctified me in the sacrament of Baptism, and continues to sanctify me by the graces I receive daily from His bounty. Gloria al Espíritu Santo, Qué me ha santificado en el sacramento del Bautismo, y continúa santificándome por las gracias que recibo todos los días de Su favor. Glory be to the Three adorable Persons of the Holy Trinity, now and forever. Gloria a las Tres Personas adorables de la Santísima Trinidad, ahora y siempre. Amen. Amén. St. Jude parish will host a year-long Faith on Film series beginning Saturday, June 6 at 5:30 (following the Saturday night mass). These movies will inspire, comfort and challenge us in our faith, reminding us of the greatness of being a follower of Christ. The first film is Romero, the life story of the Archbishop of El Salvador, who was martyred and was beatified on May 23, 2015. Witness how he stood up to the forces of evil and remained faithful to Christ all the way to the cross. A powerful movie!!! Don't miss it. Food will be served. Please sign up in lobby if you’ll be attending. St. Judá acogerá una un año de Fe en cine a partir del sábado 6 de junio a las 5:30 PM (después de la misa la noche del sábado). Estas películas inspirarán, confortan y nos desafían en nuestra fe, recordándonos la grandeza de ser un seguidor de Cristo. La primera película será Romero, la historia de vida del arzobispo de El Salvador, quien fue martirizado y beatificado el 23 de mayo de 2015. Sean testigos de cómo se levantaba a las fuerzas del mal y se mantuvo fiel a Cristo hasta el final a la cruz. Una película de gran alcance !!! No se la pierdas. Alimentos serán servido. Por favor, añade su nombre en la lista a la salida, si usted estará presente.. Our OCA goal for 2015 is $41,766.00 . To date we have raised $33,777.67. We currently have 626 donor families and have received gifts from 26.2% or 164 families. Nuestro objetivo de OCA para 2015 es de $41,766.00 y hasta la fecha hemos recaudado $33,777.67. Actualmente contamos con 626 familias de los donantes y se ha recibido donaciones de un 26.2% o 164 familias. May 31st, 2015 The Most Holy Trinity LA VERDADERA RIQUEZA Muy rico es el que es pobre en compañía de Cristo. Page 5 —San Jerónimo WHAT ARE WE TO DO? Be careful not to miss the action words, the verbs, in these readings today. Such a feast might imply we ought to stand still or kneel down. But Paul reminds us that we are led by the Spirit. In Matthew’s Gospel we are sent. “Go!” Jesus commands us. “Make disciples of all nations” (Matthew 28:19). Just remember—we have nothing to fear. The Lord has chosen us to be his own. Jesus has promised to be with us always, until the end of the world! He promised to do this by sending the Holy Spirit. He taught us to call God our Father. While the Trinity is certainly a mystery of our faith, it is clear that Jesus did not intend for it to be a secret. QUÉ TENEMOS QUE HACER Presta atención a las palabras de acción, los verbos, en las lecturas de hoy. Una fiesta de esta clase podría significar que tenemos que quedarnos inmóviles o arrodillarnos. Pero Pablo nos informa que somos guiados por el Espíritu. En el Evangelio de Mateo, ¡somos enviados! “¡Vayan!” Jesús nos ordenó, “y hagan que todos los pueblos sean mis discípulos” (Mateo 28:19). Recordemos esto: no tenemos que temer a nada. El Señor nos ha elegido para ser suyos. Jesús nos ha prometido estar con nosotros siempre, hasta el fin del mundo. Prometió cumplir eso enviando a su Santo Espíritu. Nos enseñó a llamar a Dios Padre nuestro. La Trinidad es un misterio de nuestra fe, pero está claro que Jesús no quería que este misterio fuese un secreto. Registration will be taken for the 2015-2016 school year as follows: During the month of May, 2015 $15.00 for one child $25.00 for two or more children Registro se tomará para el año escolar 2015-2016 de la siguiente manera: Durante el mes de mayo del 2015 $ 15.00 para un niño $ 25.00 por dos o más hijos After June 1st, 2015 $25.00 for one child $50.00 for two or more children Después del 1ro de junio, 2015 $ 25.00 por un niño $ 50.00 por dos o más hijos After August 1st, 2015 $30.00 for one child $55.00 for two of more children Después del 1ro de agosto, 2015 $ 30.00 para un niño $ 55.00 para dos de más niños Baptismal certificates needed for each child if not previously submitted. Book fee, if not previously paid, is $15.00 for each child. Please contact Linda Jones, Olga Miyar or Cathy O’Donnell for further information at 352-347-0154. Please register early to save money. If you need assistance with registration fees, please contact the religious education office. GOD’S WORD TODAY In today’s first reading Moses reminds the people of all that God had done for them. The Israelites kept falling into patterns of forgetfulness, not remembering the great things that God had accomplished. On this Trinity Sunday, perhaps we need this kind of reminder as well. The Lord has given us the gift of this community of faith in which we celebrate the sacraments and continually taste and see God’s abundant goodness. We stand in awe on this day of the liturgical year. We are awed by our God who has done wondrous things for us. And for all that this God—Father, Son, and Holy Spirit—has done, we give thanks and praise. Certificado Bautismal es necesarios para cada niño, si no es presentado con anterioridad. El cargo de libro, si no se ha pagado antes, es de $ 15.00 por cada niño. Por favor, póngase en contacto con Linda Jones, Olga Miyar o Cathy O'Donnell para obtener más información al 352-347-0154. Por favor regístrese a tiempo para ahorrar dinero. Si necesita asistencia con el cobro, por favor comuníquese con la oficina de educación. LA PALABRA DE DIOS HOY En la primera lectura de hoy Moisés le recuerda al pueblo todo lo que Dios ha hecho por ellos. Los israelitas se olvidaban una y otra vez de todos los prodigios que Dios había hecho. En este domingo de la Santísima Trinidad tal vez nosotros también necesitemos esta clase de recordatorio. El Señor nos ha dado el don de esta comunidad de fe dentro de la cual celebramos los sacramentos, y continuamente gustamos y vemos cuán abundante es la bondad de Dios. Éste es un día del año litúrgico en que nos quedamos asombrados y sobrecogidos por los prodigios que Dios nos ha hecho. Por todo lo que este Dios —Padre, Hijo y Espíritu Santo— he hecho, damos gracias y ofrecemos alabanzas. CHURCH NAME AND ADDRESS St. Jude Church #006867 443 Marion Oaks Drive Ocala, FL 34473-3203 TELEPHONE 352 347-0154 CONTACT PERSON Fr. Barthelemy Garcon SOFTWARE MSPublisher 2007 Adobe Acrobat X Windows XP PRINTER RICOH G-4320 EMAIL: [email protected] WEBSITE: WWW.JUDEPARISH.ORG TRANSMISSION TIME TUESDAY 12:00 P.M. SUNDAY DATE OF PUBLICATION May 31, 2015 NUMBER OF PAGES SENT 1 through 6 SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS
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