Fifteenth Sunday In Ordinary Time Celebration of the Eucharist Sunday / Domingo Mass Times Saturday Vigil Sunday Jesus summoned the Twelve and began to send them out two by two and gave them authority over unclean spirits. 4:30pm English 6:00pm Español 8:00am English 10:30am English 12:30pm Español Monday Tuesday Wednesday 6:00pm 7:00am 6:00pm 7:30pm 7:00am 6:00pm Thursday Friday English English English Español English English Holy Days of Obligation 12:10pm 6:00pm 7:30pm English English Español Holy Hour of Adoration / Hora Santa Mc 6, 7-13 St Edward’s Catholic Church 800 E Tyler St Athens TX 75751 Weekday Masses / Misas Diarias Mk 6:7-13 En aquel tiempo, llamó Jesús a los Doce, los envió de dos en dos y les dio poder sobre los espíritus inmundos. I will praise you, Lord, for you have rescued me. Wednesday 6:20pm English Reconciliation / Confesiones Wednesday 6:30pm — 7:30pm Saturday 3:15pm — 4:15pm Healing Mass 1st Friday 1st Saturday 7:00pm 9:00am Español English After business hours, call for critical situations requiring anointing of the sick. Después de horas de oficina, llame para situaciones críticas que requiem una unción de los enfermos. Become a Catholic Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA) - for those interested in learning more about the Catholic Religion. For more information call the parish office. Rito de Iniciación Cristiana para Adultos (RICA) - para los que estan interesados en aprender mas acerca de la religión Católica. Por favor, llame a la oficina pára mas información. Sunday July 12, 2015 Fr. Nolan T Lowry, STL Pastor [email protected] (903) 675-2509 Office (903) 675-8805 fax (903) 570-3139 Emergency Cell Fr. Freddy Celano Parochial Vicar (903) 203-4668 Emergency Cell Deacon David Finch Deacon Bear Gleason Seminarian Michael Ledesma Janie Boyd Bookkeeper [email protected] Wendy Mendoza Administrative Assistant [email protected] Zoila Hunt Director Religious Education [email protected] Monthly Meetings RCIA / RICA Tuesdays 4th Degree KofC (GBC) 4th Sunday Knights of Columbus 2nd Monday Estudio Biblico 1st Martes Grupo de Oracion Miercoles Youth Group Every Other Wednesday Bunco Night 2nd Tuesday 6:30pm 5:00pm 6:00pm 7:00pm 7:00pm 7:00pm 7:00pm St Edward Catholic Church – Athens TX Fifteenth Sunday of Ordinary Time July 12, 2015 XV Sunday of Ordinary Time Our Pastor’s Page Call to Mission Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ, So they went off and preached repentance (Mk 6:12). In the midst of living in a relatively quiet East Texas community, sometimes we can become very comfortable with a routine. Weeks, months, years go by; we go to Sunday Mass, and nothing really changes. We may feel we are praying enough or we may be cognizant of our need to pray more. We may be happy with our parish experience or we may be hungry to do more. We may think we are doing enough to help Christ in the poor or we may realize that there is so much more we could do. Wherever we fall in these categories, all of us are tempted at times to fall into a routine or simply be “set in our ways.” However, our gospel reminds us today that we as Catholic Christians are on a mission, and a mission always requires conversion of heart no matter what our age, no matter what our gender, no matter what our excuse. Christ, in order to fulfill His mission in the world, is always asking us to be willing to adapt to certain circumstances and to be flexible. When we close ourselves to change, when our hearts become closed to conversion, then we become an obstacle to Christ and His Church. As pastor, my duty is to cultivate a sense of mission in our parish, which can only come about through personal conversion to Jesus Christ. This comes about not only through thematic preaching and the reverent celebration of the Eucharist, but also through prudent administration, planning, scheduling, availability for counsel, and problem-solving. I am very thankful for your receptivity to consolidating the 4:30 p.m. Mass on Sundays into the other Masses on our weekend schedule. However, beginning in August, there will be a slightly revised daily Mass schedule. I will be adding more times of Eucharistic Adoration and Sacramental Confession. This new weekly schedule will accommodate Faith Formation so that when the school year begins, I will offer Adult Faith Formation in English and Spanish (to coincide when our young are in faith formation and sacramental prep). The new schedule will also allow me to be integrally involved in our parish youth group. Some have asked me about the plans for the new church, on which much time and energy was spent before I arrived. These plans have been put on hold for my first year as pastor. This first year I will be particularly focused on the spiritual renewal of our parish. This means assisting all our members to have a personal relationship with Jesus Christ in the Catholic Tradition: through Adoration, devotions, spiritual reading of Scripture, and meditation. As regards my financial priorities, I would like us to concentrate on paying for the beautiful land the church was fortunate enough to acquire. With time and prayer, our Lord will reveal to us how best to utilize that strategic plot. Yours in Christ, Fr. Lowry Father Nolan T. Lowry Ordination Date of July 17 St Edward Catholic Church – Athens TX Fifteenth Sunday of Ordinary Time July 12, 2015 XV Sunday of Ordinary Time Página de Nuestro Pastor Llamados a la misión Queridos Hermanos y hermanas en Cristo, Así que se fueron y predicaron el arrepentimiento (Mc 06:12). En medio de vivir en un relativamente tranquila comunidad del Este de Texas, podemos llegar a ser muy cómodos con una rutina. Semanas, meses, años pasan; vamos a la misa dominical, y nada cambia realmente. Podemos sentir que estamos orando lo suficiente o podemos ser conscientes de nuestra necesidad de orar más. Podemos estar contentos con nuestra experiencia parroquial o podemos tener hambre de hacer más. Podemos pensar que estamos haciendo lo suficiente para ayudar a Cristo en los pobres o podemos darnos cuenta de que hay mucho más que pudiéramos hacer. Dondequiera que caemos en estas categorías, todos estamos tentados a veces caer en una rutina o te acostumbras hacerlo. Sin embargo, nuestro evangelio de hoy nos recuerda que nosotros, como cristianos católicos estamos en una misión, y una misión siempre requiere la conversión del corazón, no importa la edad que tengamos, no importa nuestro género, sin importar nuestra excusa. Cristo, con el fin de cumplir su misión en el mundo, siempre nos pide estar dispuesto a adaptarse a ciertas circunstancias y ser flexible. Cuando nos cerramos a cambiar, cuando nuestros corazones se cierran a la conversión, entonces nos convertimos en un obstáculo a Cristo y a su Iglesia. Como pastor, mi deber es cultivar un sentido de misión en nuestra parroquia, que sólo puede tener lugar a través de la conversión personal a Jesucristo. Esto se produce no sólo a través de la predicación temática y la celebración reverente de la Eucaristía, pero también a través de la administración prudente, la planificación, la programación, la disponibilidad para aconsejar y solucionar los problemas. Estoy muy agradecido por su receptividad de la consolidación de la misa de 4:30pm a las otras Misas en nuestro horario de fin de semana. Sin embargo, a partir de agosto, habrá otro cambio en el horario de misa diaria. Iré añadiendo más veces la Adoración a la Eucarística y Confesión Sacramental. Este nuevo horario semanal coincidirá con las clases de Formación de Fe para que cuando comience el año escolar, yo pueda ofrecer catequesis para adultos en inglés y español (mientras sus hijos asisten a las clases de formación de fe y preparación sacramental). El nuevo horario también me permite ser integralmente involucrado en nuestro grupo de jóvenes de la parroquia. Algunos me han preguntado acerca de los planes para la nueva iglesia, en la cual se dedicó mucho tiempo y energía antes de llegar. Estos planes han quedado en suspenso para mi primer año como pastor. Este primer año me enfocare particularmente en la renovación espiritual de nuestra parroquia. Esto significa ayudar a todos nuestros miembros a tener una relación personal con Jesucristo en la tradición católica: a través de la Adoración, devociones, la lectura espiritual de la Escritura, y la meditación. En cuanto a mis prioridades financieras, me gustaría que nos concentremos en pagar el hermosa lote de la iglesia que afortunadamente pudieron adquirir. Con el tiempo y la oración, nuestro Señor nos revelará la mejor manera de utilizar esa parcela estratégica. Suyo en Cristo, Padre Lowry Father Nolan T. Lowry Fecha de Ordenación Julio 17 St Edward Catholic Church – Athens TX Fifteenth Sunday of Ordinary Time July 12, 2015 Daily Readings / Lecturas del Dia Monday Ex 1:8-14, 22; Ps 14:1B-3, 4-6, 78; Mt 5:10; Mt 10:34_11:1 Tuesday Memorial of Saint Kateri Tekakwitha, Virgin Ex 2:1-15A; Ps 69:3, 14, 30-31, 3334; Ps 95:8; Mt 11:20-24 Wednesday Memorial of Saint Bonaventure, Bishop and Doctor of the Church Thursday Ex 3:1-6, 9_12; Ps 103:1B-2, 3-4, 6 -7; Mt 11:25; Mt 11:25-27 Friday Ex 11:10-12:14; Ps 116:12-13, 15 and 16BC, 17-18; Jn 10:27; Mt 12:1-8 Saturday Ex 12:37-42; Ps 136:1 and 23_24, 10-12, 13-15; 2 Cor 5:19; Mt 12:14 -21 Ex 3:13-20; Ps 105:1 and 5, 8-9, 24-25, 26-27; Mt 11:28; Mt 11:28- Please keep in your hearts and prayers the following people for the challenges they are facing with ill health or other special needs. Por favor tenga en sus corazones y oraciones a las siguientes personas para los retos que se enfrentan con problemas de salud u otras necesidades especiales: Emilio & Anita Aguilar Don & Donna Bread Mary Brewer Mary Bromhall Estella Carranza Dorothy Cochran Gwynne Houlett Clifton Regis Curl Frizzell Family Terri Gates Aida Greer Pat Gregg Jim & Martha Grunenwald James & Shirley Guilhas Evelyn Heibel Virginia Higgenbotham Barbara Houlett Tom Hudson Drucella Hess Wayne Kitzman Ronnie Krysinski Keylee Latham Jaime Martinez Cotton Merrit Charlie & Anne Meyer Maggie Miller Zachary & Bev Molock Mary Jo Magee Janet McKenzie Ciprano Munoy Donna Nivert Kenny Sparks Jim & Gloria Striefel Evelyn Tindle Carolyn Tumlinson Gertrude Wahoviak Names will remain for 30 days unless otherwise requested. Nombres permanecerán durante 30 días a menos que se solicite lo contrario. XV Sunday of Ordinary Time Second Collections / Segundo Colecciones July 12 July 19 Gabriel Project / Proyecto Gabriel Church in Africa / Iglesia en Africa Lectors July 11 & 12 July 18 & 19 Sat 4:30p Kathy Deupree Barry & Gail St Clair Sat 7:30p Raquel Cleto Margarita Pinedo Sun 8:00a Judy Graham Kathi Murphy-Boley Sun 10:30a Mary Westbrook Fran Bardwell Sun 12:30a Cindy Garcia Celia Reyes Mass Intentions / Intenciones de las Misas Saturday / Sábado 4:30pm † Gregory Joseph Carian 7:30p Sunday/Domingo 8:00am † Gregory Joseph Carian 1030am Hernandez-Harris Families living & deceased 12:30pm Monday/Lunes 6:00pm † Gregory Joseph Carian Tuesday/Martes 7:00am † Gregory Joseph Carian Wednesday/ Miércoles 6:00pm † Gregory Joseph Carian 7:30pm Thursday/Jueves 7:00a † Gregory Joseph Carian Friday/Viernes 6:00pm † Gregory Joseph Carian Every Mass is televised to the Parish hall which serves as a “cry room”. Cada Misa es televisada al salón parroquial que sirve como un cuarto para niños. St Edward Catholic Church – Athens TX Fifteenth Sunday of Ordinary Time July 12, 2015 The Gabriel Project offers hope and assistance to any woman experiencing a crisis pregnancy offering pregnancy information and assistance with pre-natal care. Maternity and baby clothes, cribs, stroller, and various baby items Referrals for housing, medical care and counseling Parenting support or adoption information We respect all life and see the birth of each child as a fresh expression of the unfailing love of God. 2nd Collection July 12th See St Edwards Parishioners sign out front affirming The Gabriel Project . Knights of Columbus / Cabalerros de Colon Meetings on 2nd Monday of each month beginning with Mass @ 6:00pm. All men of the parish over the age of 18 are invited to join. Reuniones son el segundo lunes de cada mes, comienzan con la Misa a las 6:00pm. Se invita a todos los hombres mayores de 18 años para unirse a l a r e u n i ó n d e los Caballeros de Colón. . Jointly with God portrays the Patriotism & Unity of the Father Lowry’s 5th Anniversary of Ordination Let Us Celebrate with a Potluck Supper Italian Style Friday, July 17 6:45 pm (following 6 pm Mass) St. Edward’s Parish Hall Please bring your favorite Italian dish or pasta or salad to share and a small dessert is always a sweet addition! If you have any questions, please call Carlita Morris 903.675.3793 or Penny Finch 903.675.3749 Hope, faith and love– you have them all. A Blessed & Happy Birthday on Monday, Fr. Lowry XV Sunday of Ordinary Time El Grupo de Oración se reúne los miércoles después de la misa en la casa blanca. Todos están invitados a asistir. Pláticas de Bautismo / Baptismal Class Las siguientes pláticas de bautismo en español serán el martes, 21 de Julio y martes, 28 de Julio en Edificio de formación de fe de 6pm a 8pm. Si está interesado en bautizar a su hijo(a) necesita comunicarse con la asistente administrativa al (903) 6752509 o pasar a la casa blanca en horas de oficina. The next baptismal classes in Spanish will be Tuesday, July 21st and Tuesday, July 28th in the Faith Formation building from 6pm to 8pm. If you are interested in baptizing your child please contact the administrative assistant at (903) 675-2509 or pass by the office during office hours. Last Quinceanera Class in 2015 Will be held on August 1st & 8th in the Faith Formation building from 10:30am to 12pm. All quiceaneras must attend both classes. Register in the parish office during regular office hours. St Edward Catholic Church – Athens TX Fifteenth Sunday of Ordinary Time July 12, 2015 FAITH FORMATION NEWS / NOTICIAS DE FORMACION DE FE Classes begin September 2, 2015 Clases comienzan el 2 de Septiembre My, how time flies! We’re already making preparations to begin another faith formation year. Dates for Registration are: Sunday, August 2 Sunday, August 9 After all three masses Registration fees are: 1 child - $25 2 children - $40 3+ children - $50 Rates for all late registrations (after August 9) will increase by $5 Como vuela el tiempo. Ya estamos preparadonos para comenzar otro ano de preparacion de fe . Fechas para Fegistrarse son: Domingo Agosto 2 Domingo Agosto 9 despues de las tres misas Cuotas de inscripcion son: 1 nino(a) - 25.00 2 ninos(as) - 40.00 3 ninos(as)o mas - 50.00 Cuotas para todas las registraciones Despues de estas fechas aumentara en 5.00 Anyone interested in helping fund a Child or Children may make a "Scholarship" donation in any amount. Si hay alguien interesado en apoyar a uno o mas ninos, puede hacer una donacion de cualquier cantidad para “Una Beca”. July 19-24 Summer Catechetical Program for Elementary students & for Jr/ Sr High students. Cost $10/child. Costo de $10/niño. Programa de Catequesis de verano para estudiantes de primaria y secundaria. Volunteers are needed to help the teams with activities. Se necesitan voluntarios para ayudar en las actividades. Call Wendy at 903.804.6220. Registrations through Monday . Registraciones hasta el Lunes. XV Sunday of Ordinary Time Community Outreach/Ayudando a la Comunidad Please give to the Food Pantry as much as you can. Place your nonperishable goods in the basket near the parish hall. Favor de dar a la despensa de alimentos lo más que pueda. Coloque alimentos que no caduquen en la canasta cerca del salón parroquial. We ask that you no longer leave items on the Faith Formation porch. Please take all donations to the storage building with easy access via driveway from Corsicana St. Pedimos que ya no deje artículos en el pórtico de Formación de Fe. Por favor tome todas las donaciones al edificio de almacenaje con el acceso fácil vía la calzada de Corsicana St. The Youth Group Tamale Sale Fundraiser was a tremendous success. The funds raised will help finance our trip to the DCYC Youth Conference in Tyler, July 24 On July 24—26 St Edward’s will be sending 11 youth, 2 chaperones & our Seminarian to ... “Within me, there is something like a burning fire shut up in my bones; I am weary with holding it in, and I cannot!” Jeremiah 20:9 "Pero sentí en mi algo así como un fuego ardiente aprisionado en mis huesos, y aunque yo trataba de apagarlo, no podía." Jeremías 20: 9 St Edward Catholic Church – Athens TX Fifteenth Sunday of Ordinary Time July 12, 2015 XV Sunday of Ordinary Time Our Stewardship of God’s Gifts Last Week Attendance / Reunidos General Offertory / Ofrenda Building Fund / Fondo de Construccion Special Collections / Colecciones Especiales Other / Otro 400 $ 4,929.00 $ 1,896.00 $ Commissions, Councils, and Ministries Ethics & Integrity / Ética e Integridad Mark Hannan 903.479.3872 Finance Council Liturgy Coordinator Florentino Guerrero 903.767.5544 Deacon David Finch 903.675.3749 Altar Servers / Monaguillos Laura Garcia 903.670.3258 Pat Hudson 903.338.2664 Music Coordinator Rogelio Escobedo 903.288.2187 Wendy Mendoza 903.804.6220 Music Coordinator Benny Martinez 903.681.3190 Kathi Murphy-Boley 972.467.5092 Lectors / Lectores Florentino Guerrero 903.767.5544 Mel Hebert 903.677.6618 Ushers / Acomodadores Antonio Miranda 903.292.1441 Deacon David Finch 903.675.3749 RCIA / RICA Aurora Miranda 903.288.7015 Baptism / Bautismo Carmen Vasquez 903.368.2018 Olga Torres 903.675.0526 Lupe Romero 903.880.8927 Quinceañeras Mary Forester 903.675.2731 Gabriel Project / Proyecto Gabriel Penny Finch 903.675.3749 Robert Garrett 903.675.3515 Bereavement Hospitality / Duelo de Familias Bereavement Hospitality / Duelo de Familias Knights of Columbus / Cabalerros de Colon Olga Torres 903.675.0526 Esperanza Campa 903.681.5578 Guadalupanos Guille Rosas 903.675.6750 AlbertoSalazar 903.477.1608 Grupo de Oracion Angelica Salazar 903.477.1608 Carmen Delgado 903.292.9237 Youth Group / Grupo de Jovenes Chayo Aranda 903.681.5245 Mariana Vasquez 903.286.3687 Youth Group / Grupo de Jovenes Maria Miranda 903.203.1424 Youth Group / Grupo de Jovenes Wendy Mendoza 903.804.6220 Parish Office Hours / Horario de Oficina Parroquial located in the Faith Formation Building Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Closed Closed Closed 1pm—7pm 9am—5pm 9am—5pm 9am—5pm Weekly Bulletin Deadlines / Plazos Boletín Semanal Submit by Published 6-Jul 12-Jul 13-Jul 19-Jul 20-Jul 26-Jul 27-Jul 2-Aug If you have a special event in your life you would like to share or any information of interest to our church community please let us know. Submit Information online -> News/Events or via telephone, text or email: Si usted tiene un evento especial en su vida que quiera compartir o cualquier información de interés para nuestra iglesia por favor háganoslo saber. Presente la información al sitio> News/Events o por teléfono, texto o correo electrónico : Viviana Campa Yeni Velazquez-Garcia Carletta Morris 903.681.5826 903.340.5010 903.275.5392 [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] Webb’s HOLIDAY CLEANERS Carpentry, Remodeling, Painting Decks, Metal Roofs Servicing All Makes & Models Residential & Commercial Omar Salazar State License (903)675-5200 TACLB29884R 409 S Palestine Athens TX 903-675-7022 903-489-0969 Athens Malakoff 903-203-0467 903-675-6739 Sookies Roma DANNY’S SMOKEHOUSE BAR-B-QUE Italian Cuisine We Specialize in Catering 903-675-5238 903-286-0627 Cell 850 E Corsicana Athens Cleto Concrete & Construction Comfortville Air Conditioning & Heating Danny & Greg Tailor Shop 607 E Tyler Athens 416 S Palestine Suite F Athens (903)681-5632 (903)670-3351 [email protected] BRINSONFORD.COM Charity Unity Patriotism Fraternity Knights of Columbus 2970 E Hwy 31 Athens 877.367.3530 St Edward Council 10524 1951 E Hwy 31 Corsicana Ask a Knight 702 S. Palestine St. Ste A Athens, Tx 75751 Re/Max Luxe 1 9 1 0 E T y l e r At h e n s Osmosis Salon & Spa Gregory F Mondini, Hair * Nails * Massage * Wax Feel the Difference! Ken Tran LMT 903-288-2637 Work or Play… Find it at AUTHENTIC MEXICAN FOOD 505 W CORSICANA ATHENS Hernandez Concrete Construction BRINSON Driveways Sidewalks Fences Slabs Patios SE HABLA ESPANOL Gus & Bernardo Free Estimates (903)477-0658 (903)286-8546 Carroll-Lehr Kathy Martin (903)880-7388 1302 S 3rd #103 Mabank TX [email protected] 1414 E Tyler RESTAURANT & TAQUERIA 903-677-6169 Reigning Jewels Fine Jewelry & Clocks JALISCO’S Fu ne ra l Ho me 903 -675-2211 Residential & Commercial Over 20 Years Experience Anima Christi Soul of Christ, be my sanctification. Body of Christ, be my salvation. Blood of Christ, fill all my veins. Water of Christ’s side, wash out my stains. M.D., P.A. Passion of Christ, my comfort be. Obstetrics / Gynecology / Fertility O good Jesus, listen to me. 607 E Clinton Athens In Thy wounds I fain would hide, (903) 675-7700 Support our Fiesta Queen Candidates N’er to be parted from Thy side, Guard me should the foe assail me. Car Washes on Saturday, Food Sales on Sunday Call me when my life shall fail me. Crowned on September 12, 2015 Bid me come to Thee above, Apoyar a nuestros candidatos Fiesta Queen Lava coches el Sábado, ventas de comida el Domingo Coronada en 12 de Septiembre 2015 Stephanie Miranda LaLY Guevara Yareli Castaneda Maria Ortiz Please Patronize Our Advertisers To thank them for their support of our parish bulletin Por favor Patrocinar Nuestros Anunciantes Para darles las gracias por su apoyo a nuestro boletín de la parroquia With Thy saints to sing Thy love World without end. Amen St Edwards Catholic Gifts in the parish hall. Sundays 9:30am-12:30pm Fridays 5pm-7pm. Althea Schmidt 903.489.2512. Advertise Here! Call Kathi 972-467-5092 Publicidad Aquí!
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