MANZANILLO REFERRALS APRIL 2015 AA MEETINGS For information about English Alcoholics Anonymous meetings, Benny 333 3043 Gil 334 7936 Angie & Pompa Alma Yesenia (Yesi – Jessie) Lopez Orozco Accountant, traslator, property management, facilitator (Vehicle importing, obtaining colima plates, drivers’licences, inmigration Visa, and other services) 333 0387 138 0421 044 314 8726230 [email protected] Luis Martin Hernandez Rodriguez 336 6506 044 314 121 8404 [email protected] ACCOUNTANTS ALARMS - House and/or Office Ynser 337 6784 [email protected] Zion Security System 333 3196 [email protected] AIR CONDITIONING SERVICES Martin (speaks English) 044 314 305 0850 Ricardo Nuñez Francisco 044 314 118 4610 Antonio Cobian Lopez 333 1992 Sergio Juan Malagon G (speaks English) 044 314 101 1315 333 3436 Manuel (Speak English) Martin Carrera Reyes 044 314 106 8946 044 313 118 0160 [email protected] 044 314 353 8089 314 1382174 044 314 129 6086 APPLIANCES Colima – Sears, La Marina, Sam’s, City Club Manzanillo – Soriana, Comercial, Walmart & local stores Guadalajara - Tio Sam’s 01 333 810 4223 APPLIANCE REPAIR Herman y Jesus Very Good! 334 0286 Heriberto Castellanos - Valle Las Garzas – Stoves and other appliances 332 1337 Jose Brambila Large appliances 141 24 30 Juan Malagon G. 333 3436 336 7869 044 314 118 0160 [email protected] ARCHITECTS Arq. Alejandro De Alba (Bilingual) 044 314 353 1062 Arq. Arturo Encarnación Arce (Bilingual) 044 314 122 0368 Arq. Carlos Gomez A. (Bilingual) 334-4500 Arq. Eduardo Haro (Bilingual) 044 314 305 8609 044 314 872 6234 Arq. Gilberto Ramirez (Bilingual) 334 1455 044 314 353 0058 Arq. Humberto Mendoza 333 1372 044 314 103 6489 Arq. Joaquín Torres (Bilingual) 333 0688 333 0878 Arq. Louis Cervantes (Bilingual) Arq. Manuel Jesus Medina Avilés (Speaks some English 333 0720 334 0277 044 314 106 5540 Arq. Mario Garcia Ruiz (Engineer - Bilingual) Arqs. Gracila and Javier Sanchez (Speaks some English) 334 2754 044 314 106 2502 333 2369 044 314 358 0240 ART AND CERAMICS José María Ramos H. 044 314 108 1758 ART SUPPLIES (if not found in Manzanillo) ALFA - Sergio Colmenero R. (speaks English) 01 333 827 3985 [email protected] Nextel 145 2524 Ofna: 138 1117 044 314 101 0443 [email protected] 334 6728 01800 849 3347 [email protected] 335 3569 335 4838 [email protected] Alma Yesenia Lopez Orozco 138 0421 044 314 872 6230 [email protected] Juan Pablo Ramirez A AGENCIA ADUANAL 334 6728 01800 849 3347 [email protected] AUTOMOBILE – BODY WORK Automotriz Ramirez Bros. (Las Brisas) Emiliano zapata no. 21 136 4680 044 314 123 7130 Candys ‘334 1775 334 1785 AUTOMOBILE - MECHANICS Servicios Automotriz “CHAVEZ” Armando Garcia – Las Brisas (no english) 333 6153 (Manuel Acuña 1424, Guadalajara) ATTORNEYS (English-Speaking) Jesus Cazares Santana (Bilingual) Juan Pablo Ramirez A Gary Hirsch Meillon Lic. Jorge Enrique Esparza Patiño (Santiago) 334 1606/7 AUTOMOBILE – IMPORTING (NATIONALIZING) David (cars and golf carts) Javier Garcia –G&G auto Blvd. De la Madrid 14475 Multiservicios – Bilingual Off Mgr/Mary lead Hechanic/Noe Libramiento Tapeixtles No. 6 335 1332 336 7992 332 6642 044 314 337 2909 REMA air conditioning Las Brisas “Francisco” Christian - can come to you, pick up and drop off your vehicle. Repair all diesel and gasoline vehicles. Includes brakes, suspensions. References gladly supplied. Just Ask. 333 2657 Cell 314 139 5324 Cell 314 124 5954 Cel 314 131 4094 AUTOMOBILE – MECHANICS - MOBILE Rodrigo Alvarado 044 314 122 3257 AUTOMOBILE - RENTALS Auto Rentas de México - Alan or Oscar Alamo 044 314 333 2580 . Manzanillo 333 1140 Airport 334 0124 Las Hadas 331 0101 Budget . Manzanillo 333 1445 Airport 334 2270 Pick-Up Service 01 800 700 1700 Hertz – Pick up service available Mazanillo 333 3141 Airport 333 3191 VASA - Daniel or Ivan Blvd. - No. 897 Drop off and pick up service THRISFTY 334 3610 / 11 044 314 119 2518 . AUTOMOBILE - STORAGE Bodega Ejidal (West of Naranjo on Vida del Mar road) 335 0688 BANKS Banamex “Manzanillo” 332 0468 HSBC “Santiago” 333 0381 Intercam “Gustavo Aranda” 3310206 Monex “Armando Ávila” (Tapeixtles) 3310190 Santander “Santiago” 333 0738 Scotiabank “Las Brisas” 3310209 BED & BREAKFASTS - Manzanillo El Rancho Perla Negra La Posada Mas alla del Arcoiris La Casa del Artista –Roberto Cerda 3348009 Ext. 2410 332 0050 333 1899 314 318 1216 334 4704 917 612 2894 [email protected] BUS TRANSPORTATION ETN PRIMERA PLUS ESTRELLA BLANCA Eb.html OMNIBUS DE MEXICO LA LINEA 336 4785 01 800 800 0386 336 4801 01 800 375 7587 01 800 507 5500 336 8401 01 800 765 6636 332 0123 CAREGIVERS – IN YOUR HOME LAURA NAVARRO Can stay in your home four nights a week 044 314 144 3803 DR. THOMAS MARTÍNEZ 044 314 110 9464 [email protected] CATERING FREDDIE BAHIA DELI ANGEL Y FAMILIA Mexican Cuisine HERMYNIA Mexican Cuisine CANDY VISZARRA Mexican Cuisine MANUEL BUSTOS RAMIREZ CHARITIES AND NON-PROFITS ORGANIZATIONS CASA HOGAR LIBORIO ESPINOZA Brigitte Cowen CASA HOGAR LOS ANGELITOS Nancy Nystrom LOS ASILO de ANCIANOS (ELDERLY HOME) Maria del Rosario Iglesia MESA (STREET CHILDREN CHARITY) Mapy Seidel PATA (SPAY AND NEUTERING CLINICS) June Silva JUANITOS SCHOLORSHIP Susan Corey 044 314 109 8027 334 7222 335 1544 044 314 119 1816 044 314 106 9767 335 5450 135 0214 336 7648 335 0544 970 402 2272 [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] 336 5410 335 0614 [email protected] 333 0105 [email protected] [email protected] CHIROPRACTOR & KINESOLOGY Dr. Roald A. Moyers 044 314 357 3355 Sr. Martin Murillo Rodriguez Dr. Alfredo Mano Santa Las Brisas 044 314 117 3510 333 1889 CHURCHES - English Speaking "CHURCH OF HOPE" Pastor Lee Gonzalez Located in Santiago next door to Juanitos Spanish service 9 am English service 10:30 am ECUMENICAL WORSHIP Vida del Mar Service 10:00 a.m. adjacent to L’Recife pool Contact: Don & Peg Carstensen 336 4627 333 2499 044 314 102 5293 335 0109 CLASSIFIED ADS MANZANILLO SUN - E-MAGAZINE COMPUTERS AND INTERNET TELMEX/PRODIGY – DSL ALAN 01 800 123 2222 334 6305 ALEX VALEZQUEZ 044 314 337 3841 JORGE LUIS 332 6256 044 314 353 0635 MARIO ORTIZ 333 9191 044 314 358 0844 MIGUEL JIMENEZ 312 318 7121 DANCING BALLROOM DANCING Francine Goldberg 334 0216 [email protected] DENTAL Dr. Alfredo Mendez (Bilingual) Dr. Andres Vazquez Camacho (Bilingual) 332 3306 Dr. Daniel Abitia Hawley 333 3036 Dra. Emma Ruth Camacho C. Dr. Ignacio Cardenas (Colima) Dra. Margarita Saucedo (Periodontist) 333 3036 Dr. Salvador Saucedo 334 2599 Dra. Susana Perez Villanueva Dr. Victor Gomez (Bilingual) Dr. Alfredo Mendez May (Bilingual Santiago) Dra. Cinthia Patricia Rangel Garibay Near El Vaquero in Salahua Dra. Cecilia Hernandez G (Bilingual) 333 6214 336 7020 335 6313 / 332 2190 044 314 103 0552 Dra. Isabel Leonhardt 137 2462 044 314 101 3935 044 314 109 9721 044 314 111 3621 [email protected] 01 312 317 1560 333 1275 044 314 117 8274 044 314 109 9721 044 314 109 8362 [email protected] DOG GROOMING Oscar Ramírez Gilberto Isidro Arana M.V.Z. EPA, C.E.R. UDEG UNAM (ASSITANT STEFANY AND Tomas speak English) 332 3306 044 314 111 3621 333 1199 044 314 305 0196 DOG TRAINING EMERGENCY SERVICES Emergencies 070 Emergency (Municipal Police) MEDICAL URGENCIES Red Cross near to Auditorium Manuel Bonilla Valle 060 International Long Distance 090 National Directory Assistance 040 Fire deparment 335 4585 CFE Electric Company 24 hrs Service 071 CAPDAM Water Company 331 1630 Public Ministry agency 334 0877 Public Security Department 332 1004 Municipal Civil Protection Unit 336 7300 336 6707 Centro de Salud (downtown) 332 1178 332 0084 Civil Hospital Elias Zamora Av. 332 0029 Echauri Medical center 334 1666 334 0444 Manzanillo Hospital (Fondeport) 336 7272 336 7273 Medical Pacifico Hospital (Salahua) 334 0385 333 3047 IMSS (Salahua) 331 1670 331 1690 ISSSTE (Valle) 336 5121 Judicial Police 334 1836 Police 332 1004 PROFECO (Consumer Protection) 332 6303 SEMARMAP (Control Wildfires) 332 0127 065 Tourist Protection and Information 336 5770 336 4333 332 1319 01 800 903 9200 ENTERTAINMENT Marichi Arriba Jalisco Attn Jesus 332 3183 FISHING Hector Rodriguez 3350605 044 314 353 7231 Captain Miguel 336 5659 004 314 338 0812 Captain Ron (calling from U.S. or Canada) Fabien Michael Double Trouble II - Sijifredo Godinez M. 604 905 9555 332 1792 044 314 353 2160 044 314 109 9091 [email protected] Vidal Davalos 334 6524 044 314 357 1044 [email protected] FLORISTS Las Flores de Estela (delivers) 333 1291 Floria Beky 335 3 605 Jazmine Exotic flowers 3330170 Las Primaveras Gil 044 314 116 9070 044 314 120 2719 FUMIGATION Jose Coutolenc - Speaks English, Engineer 333 6081 Froilan 044 314 119 1809 044 314 106 0201 Ezequiel Huerta 333 6335 FURNITURE & CARPET CLEANING TSUNA - Francisco Alcaraz - professional speaks Bi-lingual 138 4966 044 314 101 3735 FURNITURE - HAND-CRAFTED Galería Tonaltecas Jaliscienses - colonial reproductions 01 312 330 7918 044 312 125 1712 Arturo’s (Colima) Equipali Galerias del Arcángel (Patzcuaro) Muebleria El Paraiso del Mueble (Laura) Av. Elias Zamora Verduzco Num. 85 Valle Beds- Wall or “Murphy beds” (Carlos Cornejo Dorado bilingual) Muebles “Talivan” Parota wood furniture Elias Zamora 451, barrio 5 valle de las garzas [email protected] [email protected] 01 312 313 7642 01 434 342 1774 [email protected] 335 4501 01 331 522 1550 045 331 041 5260 045 313 107 8904 GARAGE DOORS - AUTOMATIC Carlos Gonzalez Rizo Puerta Automáticas del Pacifico (Alberto Hernandez) 044 314 338 7862 332 8080 141 9652 nextel GARDENERS & LANDSCAPING Fernando Flores F. 333 6556 Miguel Lopez C. 334 0639 Ricardo Ramirez Ola Brisa Gardens - Tropical landscaping Tommy Clarkson 335 4288 044 314 305-2927 334 0856 [email protected] GOLF Club Santiago 335 0370 335 0410 Club Santiago Pro - Javier 044 314 353 5284 El Tamarindo 01 315 351 5031 Las Hadas 331 0101 x3703 Isla Navidad 01 315 355 5556 Grand Bay Golf Course 01 315 337 9024 El Corazon de Manzanillo 314 133 7940 GOLF CARTS - USED (Jessie) Jacinto Vigueras y Gomez 01 368 910 1011 GUARD COMPANY Consortio SEED (Dan) 045 333 661 3213 [email protected] 044 314 3571012 HAIR, PEDICURES, MANICURES & SPAS Ana Bertha Zarate Ortiz - Massage, hair, nails 333 1272 044 314 106 3288 Anita's Estetica - Hair 333 0454 044 314 103 7489 Ariel Castro Belen’s - Hair, SPA facilities 044 314 142 5243 333 1610 Cecilia - Pedicures and Manicures 044 314 123 6678 Celia (Santiago) Hair, Pedicures, Manicures 336 5240 044 314 858 4842 Diego Castro 333 8029 D&D Gaby Montiel comes to your home – hair, nails, massages (bilingual) 334 4656 Kali Spa 3364928 Mary’s Estetica Unisex (Las Brisas) - Hair 334 1071 Pura Vida Salon and SPA - Erika Ureña Roy – Hair, Pedicure, Manicures - call for new location Clinica de Belleza y Cosmetologia Lazaro Cardenas #175 - Salahua Stenciling/Tattoing eyes Marisol Govea Valle de las garzas 333 7845 044 314 103 0086 334 6309 044 314 106 0638 335 3909 333 0454 333 3602 044 314 106 1345 044 314 353 3373 [email protected] HANDYMAN - Whole House Repairs See below: HOME RENOVATION AND MAINTENANCE HOME RENOVATION & MAINTENANCE General Contractor for Most Renovation Projects: Angel Briseño Ramirez Raul Gutierrez Marquez 044 314 116 2976 333 9272 Martin Santos WE-AR Jaime Banda Eduardo Hernandez V Superior Construction – Omar Novoa Bilingual 044 314 338 4908 334 3806 044 314 357 9305 044 314 123 1646 044 314 143 1653 [email protected] Aluminum Doors/Window/Etc. Aluminio Leon ( Jose Cortes) 333 0045 Aluminum y vidrio Gonzales Octavio 333 3331 044 314 124 3255 Carlos Anzures Cristalum Marcelino Ortiz cloth awnings also 334 4089 044 314 125 2793 Luis Enrique Ramirez (Santiago) 3332045 Miguel Peña C. (Salagua) Pedro Farias Cruz 335 3458 Sergio 334 1846 [email protected] 044 314 103 8205 334 0375 Awnings - Metal and cloth - sun protection GRUPO METAL extensive catalog available Luis Melo 044 315 103 0489 044 314 120 6061 145 2201 nextel [email protected] [email protected] Carpenters Ezequiel Huerta 333 6335 Ismael Herrera (Spanish only) 044 314 122 0398 Javier Bautista 044 314 118 0036 Javier Victorino Anguiano 332 1462 Luis Silva - Work - highly recommended 334 4157 Santiago Bautista 044 314 33 4100 044 314 117 7798 Copper Items for your Home Cóbre El Portón Santa Clara del Cobre, Michoacan Ramon Eliseo Becerra –Artisan- Santa Clara del Cobre Michoacan Electrician/Plumer – Kitchen appliances and plumbing 01 434 0780 045 434 100 8688 Pablo Cabrera 044 314 119 7372 Edgar Meza Botello 044 314 118 3191 Jesus Osorio Lopez 044 314 107 8598 [email protected] 045 331 141 1960 Everardo Rodriguez 314 333 1673 044 314 872 8234 Raul Roales D Ernesto Zuñiga Mayo Priv Prol Diaz Ordaz Num 9 Salahua 314 334 4082 044 314 122 9112 314 334 1068 044 314 117 1502 Juan Ruben Malagon G 314 333 3436 044 314 118 0160 [email protected] 314 138 2174 044 314 129 6086 [email protected] 044 314 106 3600 044 314 100 0632 314 334 0375 044 314 120 6061 Marvin Reyes Bilingual Bilingual Felipe Valencia Aguilar Glass Farias Alu Glass – Pedro Farias bilingual Handyman – Whole house repairs Juan Aguilar – bilingual 044 314 103 9166 Fernando Flores F. – some English 044 314 118 8680 Raul Gaitan M. 044 314 111 1762 Franco Villagomez – bilingual 044 314 143 2763 Armando Luna Almeida 044 314 338 3459 Ismael Herrea Loza Jose Corona 314 334 8595 044 314 122 0398 044 314 146 0462 [email protected]. Hardware Store Triplay y Herrajes de la Costa – Santiago Calle morelos num 23 314 334 0974 Kitchen Cabinet Repairs Ismael Herrera Loza 314 334 8595 044 314 122 0398 Papalas Jorge Rodriguez 044 314 117 3269 [email protected] Painting: Jose Guadalupe 314 333 3705 Clemente 044 314 102 2290 Eduardo Hernández V. 044 314 109 4099 Painting (home, business and artistic): José María (Chema) Ramos H. Felipe Valencia Aguilar 044 314 108 1548 044 314 106 3600 Patio restoration, tile, carpet cleaning: TSUNA - Francisco Alcaraz - professional Bi-lingual 044 314 100 0632 044 314 101 3735 [email protected] Plumber (see “Electricia/Plumber” Jesus Osorio Lopez 044 314 107 8598 Manuel (bilingual) 044 314 353 8089 Tile work: José Alberto Gutiérrez González (goes by 'Beto') 044 314 100 5857 Rey's Tile Setters Felipe Valencia Aguilar 044 314 101 4429 044 314 106 3600 044 314 100 0632 333 635 5222 333 562 1870 01 333 683 0275 01 333 683 5141 033 314 138 2503 044 314 120 3027 [email protected] 314 334 0620 044 314 101 7795 [email protected] Stained Glass Windows: Vitrales Rio Nilo (Guadalajara) HOSPITALS (see "Medical") HOTELS - Recommended Hotel Hacienda del Sol – Tonala GDL HOUSESITTING Ana Piera [email protected] Claire and Gabriel Torres Diana Friedman [email protected] Elizabeth Torres 044 314 103 5216 [email protected] Ian Rumford Housesit Mexico 044 314 106 2255 [email protected] IMMIGRATION INM Secretario de Gobernacion – Instituto Nacional de Migracion Av. Teniente Azueta s/n 332 6258 (dir) 332 6261 INSURANCE SKYMED Jofal Asesores de Seguros (formerly Seguros Morin) Joes Flores Alpizar biliangua Carlos Alberto Gorrocino Sanchez Intercam Financial Services (insurance, money changing, etc.) J. Daniel Castro Galindo bilingual Novamar Insurance Mexico (Americans and Canadians), llc Catastophic Coverage - (Ajijic) Valerie Friesen 01 866 805 9624 314 333 0420 314 333 2720 314 333 6779 044 314 108 3800 [email protected] 314 336 8881 01 800 627 4637 01 376 766 0547 [email protected] 044 314 305 8609 [email protected] INTERIOR DECORATING / UPHOLTERY Cesar Mellion 336 84 18 DC Concepts (Carlos & Cecilia) 334-4500 Dise o Decoraci n Interior Design & Construction - J. Manuel Morán Marian Ring (Interior Design/ Remodeling/ 333 0869 Project Management) 334 1551 044 314 353 0113 335 0225 044 314 117 1640 Nelvin Frias (window treatments) 044 314 352 3750 Rigoberto Haro - punctual 335 0233 Rusticos los Pinos - Lupita 333 2996 Susanna Corey 333-0930 Tapiceria Cristales (Guadalupe) Tapiceria Lepe (upholstery, drapes, bedspreads) 332 2882 Tapices & Decoratiso Reyes – Daniel Reyes 333 6002 [email protected] 044 314 358 6200 334 1908 044 314 119 2693 IRONWORK– Doors, Fences, etc. Enrique Zavala C. (Las Brisas) 333 1921 Ariel 044 314 116 6476 JEWELRY - MANUFACTURE AND REPAIR Miriam Joyeria Av. Mexico, Centro Manzanillo 044 314 119 0929 LEAK DETECTION - Water and Gas FUGA-TECH 334 3335 044 314 103 2148 [email protected] LIBRARY - Free - In Tablao Restaurant Librarian - Shirley Campbell 335 0442 [email protected] LOCKSMITH Mobil Locksmith - Nazaria Ramírez Silva 334 3596 044 314 101 4767 Betancurt Luis Alfonso Santiago 334 4599 044 314 106 6007 MAIDS Eduwiges Mordfin Ochoa 044 314 353 8036 [email protected] MASSAGE Ana Bertha Zarate Ortiz - massage, hair, nails 333 1272 Aurea - your house - bilingual 044 314 106 3288 044 314 119 0227 Belen Spa 333 1610 Cecilia Montano Parra Dirk Estorf – CERTIFIEL – Retired from Wisconsin Will come to your home- first year special fee 334 2099 Jasmin Garcia 335 0407 Kali Spa bilingual 333 4928 Lolita (Las Brisas) 333 2089 Maru Romo’s Clinic & Massage Center Oasis SPA - Holistic Therapy Massage - Katie Pankey 334 3439 044 314 120 1132 044 314 109 8204 044 314 133 4928 Santos Barboza Ramese Moreno y Mariela Saenz, masseuse, joined Diego Castro Salon 044 314 872 2644 044 314 142 7859 044 314 116 9070 044 314 103 7551 333 8029 Gabry Montiel – come to your home bilingual 044 314 125 8078 044 314 353 3373 MEAT MARKETS Perfect Meat –Locate in las Brisas next to the Bahia Deli --- ANDY Black angus beef from the U.S. 333 8162 044 314 100 2369 SM Sonora’s Meat Next to Dairy Queen 334 1008 334 0990 [email protected] MEDICAL - Alternative Sources Reiki - Alma - Minimal English (Hands-on, no-touch, and visualization techniques) Kinesiology /Chiropracty Dr. Alfredo Becerra Speaks English (Applies the study of the mechanics of body movement) Reflexology, Shiatsu, Reiki Ramsés Moreno, Mariela Saenz Health – Health and Nutrition Center Plaza Pacifico Av. La Audiencia num 48 Naturamedic – Dr. Kitzya Guzman L. 333 2559 333 1889 044 314 358 9552 334 6414 138 4237 353 2734 332 8135 314 109 6735 MEDICAL MEDICAL SUPPLIES Enf. Lucero Sánchez R. Central de Enfermeras Nightingale HOSPITALS AND EMERGENCY SERVICES IN MANZANILLO Echauri Hospital and Clinic - Main Boulevard - Sorianna area Hospital Manzanillo - Two story building - el 334 0444 336 7272 [email protected] centro and the port IMSS - Large white building behind KFC in Salagua Medica Pacifico - Main Blvd., Santiago Naval Hospital - Las Brisas OTHER RESOURCES - Recommendations from the community Assisted Living - The Blue Horse - Ajijic - Dr. Roberto Martinez Audiologia (Audiology & Hearing Aids) (Colima) Dr. Eduardo Lopez G. [email protected] (Colima) Family Practice / Internal Medicine Dra. Blanca Alvarez Buylla (Manzanillo) 335 2526 - home Dr. Mauricio Dominguez " " " " Dr. Ivan Ocadiz Ruiz (IMSS, Naval and private practice) Dr. Rodrigo Vergara S. - (Colima) General Medicine and Alternatives Dr. Jose Luis Ruelas L. (Colima Sat. & Sun.) 332 1170 334 0385 333 2740 01 376 766 1256 01 312 330 2250 334 1838 office " " 044 314 305 0114 044-314-358 0567 044 314 117 9607 01 312 312 8811 01 312 312 1998 01 312 307 1061 01 312 315 1302 Cardiology Dr. Armando Velasco V. (Colima) 01 312 312 7206 Dr. Alfonso Bayardo N. (Colima) 01 312 446 7180 Dr. Martin Toscano - Gold's Gym Plaza Dermatologist Dr. Dianella Portilo L. Dr. Homero Mireles R. 044 314 357 0946 (Colima) Gastroenterologist - Colo-Rectal Dr. Rodrigo Vergara S. (Colima) Excellent Obtetrics and Gynecology Dr. Gustavo Michel Ruiz (Colima) HIGHLY RECOMMENDED Dr. Elena Salazar Martinez (ZLO) - limited English 01 312 330 2727 01 312 330 3713 01 312 312 8811 [email protected] 01 312 312 8846 044 312 317 2906 335 6222 044 314 109 7407 Valle de las Garzas #252 Dr. Sergio Cham - Las Brisas Opthalmalogist Dr. Sergio Zurroza (Manzanillo -Johns Hopkins trained) 342 4466 332 6300 Dr. Ruben Anaya (Colima) Dr. Jesus Moreno (Colima) Dr. Joaquin Navarro (Las Brisas) “Manzanillo Optician” Orthopedics Dr. Ivan Gonzalez - Medico Pacífico Salagua Otolaryngology (Colima): Dr. Juan Carlos Gonzales G. 01 312 314 6644 01 312 314 0126 332 0427 333 3047 01 312 332 4333 044 314 357 6624 [email protected] Plastic Surgeon: (Colima) Dr. R. Alberto Corvarrubias R. Bermejo 01 312 312 5098 Psychotherapist: Dr. Carmiba Augcarmiba 044 120 2405 3340 Radiologist: (Colima) Dr. E. Augusto Sanchez 01 312 314 3535 Urologist in State of Colima: 01 333 615 7585 044 333 676 0180 Echauri Hospital and Clinic (Scroll down to the end for list of specialties and doctors) MOVING COMPANY Rainier Overseas Movers, Inc. [email protected] 334 0444 206-522-1982 US 800 422 5440 US 314 119 9296 314 121 5761 MURAL PAINTER FOR YOUR HOUSE Gabriel Solis – Santiago – Sat market Nails - see Hair Nails & Spa PHOTOGRAPHY - All Occasions Jehova Villa FB Jcvilla profesional-photography 334 6823 Oscar Ramíz 332 3306 044 314 111 3621 PLANTS & FLOWERS - see "Viveros" POOL CARE Charlie Romero R. – Pump etc. Repair guarantees work 044 314 116 7476 Miguel Lopez C. 334 0639 Ricardo Anguiano P. 314 332 8842 PRINTING Soluciones Graficas Tommy and Kevin speak English Blvd. Miguel de la Madrid 1516 A 333 0031 044 314 305-2927 334 2163 [email protected] PROPERTY MANAGEMENT (Manage homes for absent owners, pay bills, etc.) Ana Laura Piera Amat 044 314 143 3891 Angie for Bills 333 0387 Jessie Lopez Orozco 138 0421 044 314 872 6230 Lucy Carmona [email protected] Tina Gallagher 044 314 118 3919 RESTAURANTS and Ante Bistro – Las Brisas [email protected] 336 6664 [email protected] Aroma - Las Brisas 336 0660 330 6886 Bristro Café Bar – Freddys – Las Brisas 333 3008 [email protected] Bistro Gril – Marina Las Hadas 335 0900 [email protected] Blueberry Café and bistro Av. La Audiencia Calypso Cafe/Boutique (Melaque) Coffee Bean – Santiago hot and cold drinks some food Costenyo’s (Some food but fabulous coffee house) 01 315 355 7168 Domino Pizza (delivers) 333 3600 Don Pedro Cazuelas 335 2200 El Caballito 334-7245 El Caribe El Gran Rodeo Rest –Bar Tlaquepaque Great Mexican fare and Show El Porta de Italia – Las Brisas – Pizza and Pastas 333 0800 Gauchos – Las Brisas Godzilla’s (fish & Chips / Hamburgers / Specials ) 333 6586 Juanitos 333 1388 La Huerta 334 0648 La Pergola 333 2265 Marbella Spanish Restaurant 333 1102 333 2499 333 9460 01 333 690 0965 333 7010 044 314 130 2163 044 314 122 3699 Messa 40 Monkey’s (will deliver large orders) Manzanillo Centro and 332 7977 Boulevard (across from Comercial) 334 7698 044 314 858 4834 Oasis Ocean Club 334 8822 Poco Pazzo – Marina Las Hadas 336 8536 Portofino 334 1333 Roca del Mar 336 9097 Rock Food Buda Grill - Las Brisas 3336768 Senor Sushi (delivers) 333 0982 Sunset Lounge 333 6400 Toscana Italian Restaurant 333 2515 Trentinos Pizza and Pasta – Las Brisas 333 6010 Vaquero - Las Brisas 333 1654 Vaquero - Boulevard Vito Restaurante – Pizza and L’Arte del Gelato Marina Las Hadas Oasis Ocean Club Plaza Las Palmas – Wings Army Free “Gelato production Tour” at the original rest next to Zar Hotel – call for reservations 333 8005 SCUBA DIVING, SNORKELING, DAY TRIPS Aquatic Sports and Adventures (Terry and Nathan) 044 314 110 0313 332 7135 334 6394 044 314 352 8491 [email protected] Mahi Mahi Aquatic tours – Ivan Livas – bilingual Boat Tours with snorkeling – Kayaks for rent FB Tours Acuaticos Mahi Mahi 333 0115 044 314 358 2121 [email protected] SEAMSTRESS Alina – Las Brisas Ascela Guerrero - 247 Jose Lopez Portillo, Las Brisas (No Eng.) 333 6421 333 2105 Mari C – Santiago (No English) Maria Torres - Francisco Madero #16 Santiago (No English) Susana Ibarra de Aranguré 044 314 108 8293 044 313 104 7226 333 2120 SPANISH - Classes Angie Cabrera Eva Ayala - Euro America close to 5 de Mayo sport center 044 314 117 3746 [email protected] 044 314 106 2255 marthaemartinez_66@hotmail. com 3332794 Martha Martinez - Certified Language Teacher Terranova School – Las Brisas 33 1675 x 112 044 314 133 4017 Theresa Schnell 333 2314 044 314 109 3229 [email protected] Sonia Flores 333 0372 044 314 872 6244 [email protected] Vocablo – Las Brisas 333 6040 044 314 109 0289 [email protected] 044 314 101 7795 [email protected] 044 314 101 1903 [email protected] 044 314 109 3229 [email protected] 044 314 122 4867 [email protected] m SPANISH - Interpretation/Translation Dana Parkinson Gabriel Torres (English/French/Spanish) 334 0620 Monica Melchor Theresa Schnell Teresa de Jesus Gonzalez Contreas (licensed) Cihuatlan 333 2314 315 355 1316 Henry Nelson SPAS Ana Bertha Zarate Ortiz - Massage, hair, nails 333 1272 044 314 106 3288 Anita's Estetica - Hair 333 0454 044 314 103 7489 Ariel Castro Belen’s - Hair, SPA facilities 044 314 142 5243 333 1610 Cecilia - Pedicures and Manicures 044 314 123 6678 Celia (Santiago) Hair, Pedicures, Manicures Clinica de Belleza y Cosmetologia Lazaro Cardenas #175 - Salahua 336 5240 044 314 858 4842 335 3909 333 0454 Diego Castro 333 8029 D&D Gaby Montiel comes to your home – hair, nails, massages (bilingual) 334 4656 Kali Spa 3364928 044 314 353 3373 Mary’s Estetica Unisex (Las Brisas) - Hair 334 1071 Natura Spa Social & Sauna Yoga 335 4715 044 314 353 7586 Pura Vida Salon and SPA - Erika Ureña Roy – Hair, Pedicure, Manicures - call for new location Stenciling/Tattoing eyes Marisol Govea Valle de las garzas 333 7845 044 314 103 0086 334 6309 044 314 106 0638 333 3602 044 314 106 1345 Speech Therapist Juanita ROBERT HILL (see also under “Art Lessons”) (Manzanillo) Ceramica San Pedro (Guadalajara) Rusticos Residencials de Colima (Colima) Constitucion 554 3336421 STORAGE Self-Storage, Bodegas Usted Guarda Norma Gabriela Suarez Av. Manzanillo s/n [email protected] m 334 3165 01 333 647 0038 01 312 314 0974 3369911 [email protected] 01 333 683 0651 [email protected] TABLEWARE NOCHTLI Handmade Mexican Tonala TELEPHONE SERVICE / ELECTRICAL Carlos Gonzalez R 044 314 338 7862 [email protected] TELEVISION – Satellite Instalation Miguel Jimenez Shaw Telmex Dish Network Mexico 045 312 318 7121 01800 834 3474 01800 900 1111 TILE – Colonial – Talavera - Saltillo Alex Sary – Tonala Av. Tonaltecas #136 La Casa de la Talavera – Tonala Av. Tonala #143 01 333 683 0323 El Nuevo Zaguan – Tonala CANTU Tlaquepaque 01 333 683 5256 Artesanias Constructiva 01 333 811 6291 Robert Hill – Manzanillo Ceramica San Pedro – Gdl Talavera Cansigno Jesus Fregoso Cansigno 01 333 535 5981 334 3165 01 333 647 0038 01 333 683 2129 talaveracansigno@prodigy. 336 4040 [email protected] TILE - Modern RIPRE - Owner, Emmanuel Modriz B-4 Valle de Las Garzas - Bathrooms, Kitchens BEAUTIFUL NEW SHOWROOM TIRE REPAIR Mobile Tire Repair Gilberto Villegas/Carlos Vizcarrra 334 0551 044 314 101 3347 TLAQUEPAQUE AND TONALA Great site to find artesan addresses TOURISM, Manzanillo Department of 332 1002, x323 TOURS (English speaking) Amigo Tour – Roberto Soberano Capitan Pablo Cardenas (Some English) Panga boat Tours, Fishing, Snorkeling, Leave from Playa La Boquita at Miramar 044 314 353 2059 Federico Lopez - Taxi Tour 044 314 357 3503 Jorge - Taxi Tour Javier Salomon (also personal security for late night clubbing) Lifeisabeach! Edgar Lopez Cortes / Eduardo Melendes Campos Manzanillo Adventure Tours ATV, Zipline, Waterfall, Turtle & Iguana sanctuaries [email protected] Memo Ortega - Certified Tour Guide (will pick up anywhere and anytime of day/night) 334 0737 044 314 125 2726 332 1189 Nextel 120 2667 044 314 338 8865 Raul Liceaga - Taxi Tour Ricardo Perez - Taxi Tour Savino Ayala - Taxi Tour Sites and Sight – eco/adventure-nature tours Tommy And Patty Clarkson Pepe Tours – Jose Gonzalez and Erika Michell Including airport pick up and drop off Luis Alvarez Lujo Tour [email protected] 044 314 305 0875 335 3616 044 314 305 7511 044 314 119 0602 3364875 044 314 353 1536 044 314 353 0333 TRANSPORTATION "Getting to and Around Mexico" nsport.html TRAVEL ARRANGEMENTS Eco Tours Mexico – Melaque UPHOLSTERY [email protected] 01 315 355 7027 [email protected] See" Interior Decorating and Upholstery" UTILITIES Global Gas 332 0098 Gas Oro 333 0101 335 1777 332 2252 332 0136 336 5014 336 5015 Dr. Alejandro Garcia Guevara 332 7597 044 314 357 0884 Dr. Gabriela Leyva Chavez 333 7621 357 0128 Dr. Javiar de la Pena Dr. Ramon Rueleas Aviles (Colima) 332 1215 044 314 353 7236 312 313 0807 044 312 318 8538 Dr. Gilberto Isidro Arana - Salahua Dr. Dulce Zaira Tellez Gomez FB: veterinaria móvil my pet 333 1199 044 314 305 0196 1352639 044 314 376 0081 VIVERO (NURSERY) – Trees/ Plants/ Flowers Vivero La Central, Luis Hernández (near Naranjo) Ola Brisa Gardens - Tommy Clarkson Tropical landscape design, palms, plants and flora 334 0856 044 314 110 3718 Las Primaveras Santiago Gil – Weddings etc 044 314 120 2719 Water Service CAPDAM Santorini VETERINARIANS 333 0170 centralmedicalveterinaria [email protected] WATER TESTING Biol. Fernando R Ascencio B 334 1977 WILDLIFE PROTECTION PROFEPA MANZANILLO [email protected] 332 9303 YOGA CLASSES Yoga Manzanillo – Shelley Reed Call for locations and dates Echauri Clinic and Hospital Specialties [email protected] 044 314 116 4487 334 0444 Located on the Boulevard across from Tel-Cel Contact Dr. Erika Echauri for information or visit the clinic to make arrangements Anesthesiology Dra. Ivett Garcia Carrillo Dr. Ernestp Grajeda Dr. Jose Luis Resendiz Dr. Oscar Barradas Colon and Rectal 334 0444 044 314 358 6969 Dr. Aaron Bernal Gastroenterology Dr. Julio Cesar Martinez Salgado General Medicine Dr. Miguel Magana Dr. Carpoforo Leyva Dra. Astrid Ramos Dra. Sandra Macario Dra. Carla Mercado General Surgery Dr. Jorge Rivera Dr. Luis Cortes Dr. Isidro Ibarra Dr. Francisco Flores Geriatrics Dr. Rene Pantoja Gynecology and Obstetrics Dr. Carlos Hernandez Dr. Luis Angel de la Torre Dr. Cuitlahuac Velazquez Dra. Beatriz Aranzolo Internal Medicine Dra. Erika Echauri Marroquin Dr. Ariel Gutierrez Nephology Dr. Jesus Venegas Neurosurgery Dr. Valentin Cabrera Dr. Victor Salcido Neurology Dr. Saul Barreto Otolaryngology Dr. Daniel Macias Pediatrics Dr. Jaime Virgen Dr. Raul Gonzalez Plastic and Reconstruction Dr. Jose Cervantes Radiology Dr. Edwin Echauri Traumatology (study of musculoskeletal injuries) Dr. Edmundo Echauri Fletes Dr. Edmundo Echauri Marroqum Dr. Edgar Mercado Dr. Ivan Gonzalez 044 314 358 6969 Urology Dr. Julio Bedolla 334 0444 334 2500 [email protected]
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