PARISH STAFF Pastor Sat 2/6: Fr. Angelo Te, x11 (Temporally Away) Parochial Vicar Fr. Moises Leal-González, x19 [email protected] Fr. Amalanathan Irudayaraj (Fr. Amal), x19 [email protected] Sun 2/7: Administrative Assistant Veronica Aguilar, x13 [email protected] Mon 2/8: Business Manager Linda Royal, x12 [email protected] Tues 2/9 : Care Ministry Melanie van der Veen, x14 Wed 2/10: Hispanic Ministry-Ministerio Hispano Maria Solis, Director, x17 [email protected] Maintenance Paulo Gomez, x20 Music Ministry Sr. Celeste Clavel, OSF, Music Director, x18 [email protected] Thur 2/11: Pastoral Associate Sharon Grigar, x21 [email protected] Fri 2/12: Receptionist Evelyn Vasquez (morning) Elizabeth (Ely) Guerrero (afternoon) Sat 2/13: Youth Ministry Kim Petros, x16 [email protected] EMERGENCY TELEPHONE NUMBER: 971-275-5256 - Only for emergencies requiring an anointing (for example is someone is near death and requires anointing of the sick.) OFFICE HOURS Closed Fridays 9:00am - 3:00pm – Monday through Thursday Sun 2/14: *9:30am *5:00pm *7:00pm *8:30am *9:15am *10:30am *11:00am *11:45am *11:45am *12:30pm *2:00pm *8:30am *7:00pm *7:00pm *8:30am *7:00pm *7:00pm Centering Prayer Mass Misa en Español Mass Sunday School Mass Spanish Choir High SchoolYouth Group RCIA Misa en Español Good News People Mass JustFaith Grupo Carismatico Mass RICA Clases de Catecismo Ash Wednesday – Miercoles de Ceniza *8:30am Mass *9:30am Good News People *12:00pm Mass Bilingual *5:30pm Al-Anon *6:30pm Mass *7:00pm Grupo de Parejas *7:00pm Grupo Carismático *8:00pm Misa en español *12:00pm Mass *7:00pm Holy Hour Choir Practice *7:00pm Scripture Study *7:00pm Good News People *7:00pm Escuela San Andres Parish Office Closed *8:30am Mass *7:00pm Hora Santa *8:30am Men’s Group *10:00am Youth Choir-English *5:00pm Mass *7:00pm Misa en Español *8:30am Mass *9:15am Sunday School *10:30am Mass *11:00am Spanish Choir *11:45am Confirmation Group *11:45am RCIA *12:30pm Misa en Español *2:00pm Good News People St. VINCENT DE PAUL FOOD PANTRY HOURS Wednesdays 5pm-6:30pm & Thursdays 2pm-3:30pm (The entrance is located on 76th Ave.) IMPORTANT CRISIS NUMBERS Alcohol and Drug Youth Line: 503-244-1611 Archdiocese Director of Child Protection (Cathy Shannon): 503-233-8302 Franciscan Province Pastoral Outreach Coordinator (clergy abuse): (Angelica Jochim, MFT) 1-800-770-8013 Hispanic Hotline: 503-669-8350 Portland Women’s Crisis Line: 503-235-5333 Pregnancy & Adoption Support: 503-238-5196 Post Abortion Healing: 800-249-8074 Mardi Gras Bingo and Pizza Party for children and their families. Sunday, February 7 Noon - Conference Room Come for fun, food and prizes! February 7th, 2016 FIFTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME Reading I: Isaiah 6:1-2a, 3-8 Reading II: 1 Corinthians 15:1-11 Gospel: Luke 5:1-11 Welcome to Ascension Parish! If you would like information on becoming a member of this parish community, please visit the hospitality table on the third weekend of the month. We Invite You to Read Next Sunday’s Readings: February 14 th, 2016 Reading I: Deuteronomy 26:4-10 Reading II: Romans 10:8-13 Gospel: Luke 4:1-13 Spaghetti Dinner Sunday, March 6th The annual spaghetti dinner is coming up, and each parishioner is invited to attend the dinner as well as volunteer to help with the dinner. This is a fundraiser and a community builder! We are turning to you the community for donations of pies and cakes for that day. In the vestibule there will be a sheet so you can sign up to bring a store bought pie or cake of your choice. You may also call the Parish Office to sign up. Thank you in advance for your donations and if you have any questions or wish to help out please contact Ely Guerrero at 503-481-2664. THE KITCHEN REMODEL IS DONE!! The Ascension Staff wants to convey our thanks, and those of the whole community, to all of our volunteers who worked so hard and so long on this project. It has turned out to be well worth the wait. Please take a bow: Father Angelo Te Father Ben Innes Steve Bauer Mark Gillgam Annie Gillgam Judy Lindbeck Genevieve Fox Larry Laws Gustavo Mercado Very special thanks go to Mark Gillgam and Judy Lindbeck for seeing the project through its construction phase, as well as the initial concept phase. Offertory Collection Received: The fifth week of January 2016: $ 6,395.17 The fifth week of January 2015: No 5th week in 2015 Contact Person: Melanie vanderVeen x14 BLOOD PRESSURE SCREENING Available February 13th and 14th. Watch those numbers, keep your blood pressure in control for a healthy heart. LENTEN DAY OF RECOLLECTION St. Joseph the Worker Parish, 2310 S.E. 148th Ave. February 19, 2016 9:30am-2:30pm For those who minister to the sick and elderly in any capacity. Pre-registration is required, please contact Melanie for more information. CARE MINISTRY CALENDAR Tuesday, February 9 Mass at Mt. Tabor Senior Living – 10:30am Praise and Prayer with June – 1:30 Thank you June for facilitating! Wednesday, February 10 Communion Service at Marquis – 11:00am PLEASE PRAY FOR: Ill parishioners and family members: Carl Beers, Ben Burdett, Kris Bratchers, Frank Byrne, Vi Costanzo, Judy Dennsion, Ron Dove, Bob Douglas, Margaret Dupree, Dale Emmons, Phillis Farrelly, Rodney Gabriel, Harry Gillgam, Madlyn Goucher, Mary Hein, Dan Heitzman, Mary Helling, Vicky Hutchinson, Lori Kaiser, Bill Kemp, Dan Krause, Tina Nguyen, Karla Moreno Olivares, Mario N. Rangel, Luis Rodriguez, Debbie Rose-Weiss, Pam Shirley, Tim Smith and Ken Terho. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Please continue praying for Alissa McCrannand her family. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ILL LIST If you know of someone in our community in need of our presence or prayers, please call or email Melanie. Please help us keep our list current by letting us know when your loved one is better. Thank you! Ascension Catholic Church Lenten Schedule 2016 The Year of Mercy Ash Wednesday ~ February 10 8:30am Mass in English 12:00pm Bilingual Mass 6:30pm Mass in English 8:00pm Mass in Spanish ● Thursday evenings at 7pm St. Francis Rm. Beginning February 11 GoodNews People Faith Sharing Groups Based on the Works of Mercy Select a group: Sunday afternoons, Monday & Thursday evenings, Wednesday mornings. ● Parish Communal Reconciliation Service March 8 at 7:00pm Bilingual (This service provides an opportunity for individual reconciliation.) ● Scripture Study ● ● ● Speaker: Kathryn Ferguson “The Haunting of the Mexican Border” Friday, February 19 6pm to 7:30pm Join author Kathryn Ferguson for a talk about her book, “The Haunting of the Mexican Border,” and the status of immigration at the Arizona border. Refreshments served. Lenten Reflection Saturday, February 27 9:30am to noon in English Noon to 1:30 in Spanish Presenter: Fr. Bill Edens, CSP Rosary following the 8:30am Mass on Tuesdays. Stations of the Cross following the 8:30am Mass on Fridays.(English) Stations of the Cross at 7:00pm on Fridays (Spanish) THANK YOU FROM THE CRAB FEED COMMITTEE AND CATHOLIC SCHOOL PARENTS We would like to thank each of you who attended the Crab Feed, participated in the raffles and 50/50, assisted with working the event or donated food and beverage. We appreciate you very much. Your participation helps families be able to send their children from Ascension to Catholic schools from kindergarten to eighth grade. We are thankful to have this opportunity to have our children receive fine Catholic education. SOCIAL CONCERNS MINISTRY Fair Trade Chocolate Sale Today: $4 each! Jubilee Year of Mercy Our focus for January was: Feed the Hungry & Give Drink to the Thirsty Thank you to everyone who generously donated items for Catholic Charities Traveling Crib! Our focus for February is: KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS PLANT SALE Spring is around the corner and so is the Knights of Columbus plant sale. Order forms will be ready the weekend of February 13th and 14th, all orders must be pre-paid and delivery of the plants will take place on May 7th and 8th. Thank you for supporting this fundraiser. Sat. Feb. 6 Sun. Feb. 7 Mon. Feb. 8 Tues. Feb. 9 Wed. Feb. 10 Thurs. Feb. 11 Fri. Feb. 12 Sat. Feb. 13 Sun. Feb. 14 All Parishioners +Mary K. Petska +Patricio Sanchez +Janet Adolf All Parishioners +Jaqueline Minas Salazar All Parishioners All Parishioners +Joseph Healy All Parishioners All Parishioners All Parishioners All Parishioners +Allan Acker +Janet Adolf +Angel Montenegro +William Ramirez Fr. Angelo Te +Macaria Isabel Gutierrez +Victoriano Baquiax Jesus Rojas, Carolina Rojas & Hermelinda Rojas 9:30am 5:00pm 7:00pm 8:30am 10:30am 12:30pm 8:30am 8:30am 8:30am 12:00pm 6:30pm 8:00pm 12:00pm 8:30am 5:00Pm 7:00pm 8:30am 10:30am 12:30pm ASCENSION SHELTER We will be opening our doors to shelter guests the week of March 6th. Please take a look at the volunteer sign-up sheet Questions? Please call Diana Jenness at 503-254-3898. OPPORTUNITY ELSEWHERE... FREE Dental Sealant Day For children ages 7 to 12 years-old. Saturday, February 13th, Portland Family Dentistry 6439 NE Sandy Blvd Portland, OR 97213. Children will be seen by appointment only, to schedule please contact (503) 284-3588 or [email protected]. Children DO NOT need to be a current patient, DO NOT need insurance, children with insurance are eligible, Other than age, there are no restrictions or requirements. There will be no fees associated with treatment. Clothe the Naked "The crowds asked John the Baptist, 'What should we do?' He said to them in reply,'Whoever has two cloaks should share with the person who has none'" (Luke 3: 10-11). Suggestion: Bring men’s new underwear & socks & new or used men’s belts to Ascension Church. We will deliver them to St. Andre Bessette Church. Serve Participate in the “Underwear, Sock and Belt” drive. Accompany At Dress for Success, boost a woman's confidence through mock interviewing and provide her with resume tips that set her up for success. Defend Educate yourself about where your clothes come from - the kinds of working conditions that are involved with these products. Are we "unclothing" someone in order to clothe ourselves? Live Change your consumption patterns: Reconsider whether you need another coat, another tie, another shirt, another color, another pair of shoes. Avoid the temptation of pornography: “The human body [should] be veiled and treated in a way that does not objectify it sexually and reduce it to an erotic stimulant.” “Pornography is likewise a grave sin against human dignity. … Pornography dehumanizes the persons depicted, making them into objects of use.” Reflect and follow-up: The work of mercy isn't finished when the activity ends. Spend time in prayer, reflecting on where you saw and experienced the love and mercy of Christ. If you did an activity with a group, follow-up with others in that group and share insights or observations. This is a chance to grow in faith - and mercy- together. OPPORTUNITY ELSEWHERE... Philosophy Night at St. Stephen’s, Feb. 18th, 7-9pm. This month’s topic: St. Augustine’s De immortalitate animae (On the Immortality of the Soul). See our event page on Facebook for readings and more information: ( No reading is required ahead of time. You can just show up. Adoration and Confession at 6:30 in the church. Philosophy Night 7-9 pm in the basement hall. St. Stephen, 1112 SE 41st Ave. Portland, OR. Questions? email Fr. Eric Andersen at [email protected]. 7 de febrero del 2016 Quinto Domingo del Tiempo Ordinario Misa en Español Sábado - 7:00pm Domingo - 12:30pm Horario de Oficina De lunes a jueves de 9am a 3pm (503) 256 3897 CENA ANNUAL DEL ESPAGUETI 2016 Domingo, 6 de marzo, 2016. La cena anual del espagueti se acerca y necesitamos de su ayuda. Como todos los años nos dirigimos a ustedes, nuestra comunidad, para pedirles donaciones de postres y pasteles para ese día. En el vestíbulo antes de salir de la parroquia habrá una hoja para que usted pueda apuntar su nombre para traer algún postre comprado en la tienda de su elección. También puede llamar a la oficina parroquial para apuntarse. Si usted tiene alguna pregunta o desea ayudar por favor comuníquese con Ely Guerrero al 503-481-2664. Gracias de antemano por sus donaciones. Confesiones: Sábados 3:30-4:30pm y con previa cita Al-Anon: Lunes y Miércoles - 5pm Grupo de Parejas: Miércoles - 7pm Escuela San Andrés-: Jueves - 7pm. Hora Santa: Primer viernes del mes- 7pm. Misa de Sanación: Tercer viernes del mes - 7pm. Asamblea de Oración: Segundo y cuarto viernes - 7pm. CUARESMA. Tema de la semana: ¿Qué es la Cuaresma? Así como existen diferentes estaciones durante el año del mismo modo como cada ser humano tiene diferentes etapas en su desarrollo físico (niñez, adolescencia, juventud, edad adulta), así también en la Iglesia se celebran diferentes tiempos litúrgicos. Los cuales tienen objetivo presentar las diferentes etapas de la vida de Cristo en orden a darnos la salvación. La Cuaresma inicia el Miércoles de Ceniza y termina el Viernes Santo. No podemos decir que una etapa sea más importante que otra (así como no podemos decir que una estación del año es más importante que otra, aunque sin duda hay una estación que nos gusta más). En los tiempos Litúrgicos, cada uno tiene su importancia y no puede entenderse uno sin los otros. La especialidad de la Cuaresma es prepararnos intensamente por medio de la reconciliación a participar en el Misterio de la Muerte y la Resurrección de Cristo. Durante 40 días o 5 semanas estamos invitados a caminar unos pasos que nos llevaran a la salvación. Por lo tanto los invitamos a participar en el Viacrucis que tendremos en la parroquia los viernes a las 7:00pm. GRACIAS DE PARTE DEL COMITE DE LA CENA DEL CANGREJO Y DE LOS PADRES DE FAMILIA DE NIÑOS Y NIÑAS DE LA ASCENCION EN ESCUELAS CATOLICAS Gracias a todos y a cada uno de ustedes quienes vinieron a cenar a la Cena del Cangrejo, participaron en las rifas, ayudaron y trabajaron en el evento y/o donaron comida o bebidas. Su participación ayuda a que familias de nuestra parroquia puedan mandar a sus hijos a escuelas Católicas desde el kínder hasta el octavo grado. Damos las gracias por tener la oportunidad de que nuestros hijos reciban la mejor y más fina educación Católica. BAUTIZOS Los próximos bautizos serán el 9 de abril, 2016 si hay personas interesadas en bautizar a sus niños y niñas por favor de venir a registrarlos durante las horas de oficina de lunes a jueves de 9am a 3pm. Recuerde que los viernes está cerrado. Los niños tienen que tener de edad: de recién nacidos hasta 6 años, después de 7 años para arriba tienen que tomar clases de RICA. Los padrinos tienen que estar casados por la iglesia si son pareja. Las pláticas serán el miércoles 6 de abril, 2016 a las 7:00pm. Estas clases es un requisito para padres y padrinos, tienen que tomar las clases, si no pueden tomarlas aquí en la parroquia pueden tomarlas en otra iglesia solamente tienen que presentar el comprobante de que ya las tomo. CABALLEROS DE COLON Venta de Plantas La primavera está a la vuelta de la esquina y también lo está la venta de plantas de los Caballeros de Colon. Podrás hacer tu pedido el fin de semana del 13 y 14 de febrero. Todas las órdenes deberán de pagarse al ordenar y recogerlas el 7 y 8 de mayo. ¡LA COCINA DEL SALON TONY RINELLA ESTA LISTA! El personal de la Ascensión les brinda su más sincero agradecimiento a todos los voluntarios quienes trabajaron muy duro y dedicaron mucho tiempo a este proyecto. ¡La espera valió la pena! Agradecemos a: Padre Angelo Te Padre Ben Innes Steve Bauer Mark Gillgam Annie Gillgam Judy Lindbeck Genevieve Fox Larry Laws Gustavo Mercado Le queremos agradecer en especial a Mark Gillgam y Judy Lindbeck por haber estado a cargo de este proyecto desde las fases de planeación y hasta la construcción. Iglesia Católica de la Ascensión Horario de Cuaresma 2016 El Año de la Misericordia ● Miércoles de Ceniza - Febrero 10 8:30am - Misa en ingles 12:00pm – Misa Bilingüe ● ● Confesiones en Comunidad 8 de marzo 7:00pm - Bilingüe (Este servicio da la oportunidad para reconciliarse individualmente.) 6:30pm – Misa en ingles ● ● ● 8:00pm – Misa en Español Estudio de la Biblia En inglés, todos los jueves, 7pm Salón San Francisco Comenzado el 11 de febrero Invitada Especial: Kathryn Ferguson “The Haunting of the Mexican Border” Viernes, 19 de febrero De 6pm a 7:30pm Te invitamos a una plática en ingles con la escritora Kathryn Ferguson quien hablara de su libro, “The Haunting of the Mexican Border,” y la situación de la inmigración en la frontera de Arizona. Se servirán refrescos. GoodNews People Reflexión de Cuaresma Grupos de Fe en ingles Sábado, 27 de febrero 9:30am – 12pm en ingles 12pm - 1:30 en español Presentador: Padre Bill Edens, CSP Basados en los Trabajos de la Misericordia Escoge tu grupo: domingos por la tarde, lunes y jueves por las tardes y miércoles por las mañanas. Rosario: todos los martes después de la misa en ingles de la de las 8:30am. Estaciones de la Cruz, en inglés, todos los viernes después de la misa de las 8:30am. Estaciones de la Cruz, en español, Todos los viernes a las 7:00pm
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