CATHEDRAL OF THE HOLY CROSS TWENTY-FIFTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME SEPTEMBER 21, 2014 C AT H E D R A L O F T H E H O LY C R O S S L A C AT E D R A L D E L A S A N TA C RU Z 1400 Washington Street., Boston, MA 02118-2141 Mailing Address: 75 Union Park Street, Boston, MA 02118 Phone: 617.542.5682 • Fax: 617.542.5926 Website: • Email: [email protected] HIS EMINENCE, SEÁN PATRICK CARDINAL O’MALLEY, OFM CAP Archbishop of Boston CATHERDRAL STAFF/EQUIPO PASTORAL Very Rev. Kevin J. O’Leary, VF, Rector • Rev. Felipe Gonzalez, Gonzalez Parochial Vicar • Rev. Mr. Ricardo Mesa, Mesa Deacon Mr. Robert V. Travers, Jr, Jr Pastoral Associate • Sr. Velinda Sanchez, Sanchez MSW Evangelization • Sr. Ruth Haley, SSND Pastoral Associate Jessica Santiago, Santiago Secretary • Elizabeth Babaian, Babaian Administrative Assistant, Brian Frawley, Gift Store Mr. Leo Abbott, Abbott Director of Music • Mr. William Maldonado, Maldonado Hispanic Choir Director • MASSES IN ENGLISH Saturday Vigil: 4:30 P.M. Sunday: 8:00 A.M., 11:30 A.M. Monday thru Saturday: 9:00 A.M. SACRAMENTS / SACRAMENTOS: BAPTISM/BAUTISMO WEDDINGS/BODAS RCIA/CATECUMENADOS CONTACT PARISH OFFICE / FAVOR DE CONTACTAR LA OFICINA MISAS EN ESPAÑOL Domingo: 9:30 A.M. Martes y Jueves: 7:00 P.M. RCIA (RITE OF CHRISTIAN INITIATION FOR ADULTS) CLASSES MEET ON SUNDAYS AT 11:00 A.M. IN SPANISH Extraordinary Form: Latin Mass Sunday: 11:00 A.M. (Lower Church) Vespers ( Evening Prayer) Sunday: 5:00 P.M. (September – June) Vísperas (Oración de la Noche) Domingo: 5:00 P.M. (Septiembre a Junio) Eucharistic Holy Hour of Adoration First Fridays: 7:00 P.M. to 8:00 P.M. (September – June) CATECUMENADOS DOMINGOS A LAS 11:00 A.M. (ESPAÑOL) RELIGIOUS ED. FOR CHILDREN SUNDAY AT 11:00 A.M. CATEQUESIS: PARA NIÑOS (4–13) DOMINGOS A LAS 11:00 A.M. CONFIRMATION: SUNDAYS AT 11:00 A.M. YOUTH 14–17 CONFIRMACION: DOMINGOS A LAS 11:00 A.M. 14–17 ROSARY GROUP: MEETS ON WEDNESDAY AT 6:30 P.M. GRUPO DE ROSARIO: LOS MIERCOLES A LAS 6:30 P.M. EVANGELIZATION: LET GOD ILLUMINATE YOUR LIFE. COME AND JOIN OUR BIBLE CLASS. CONTACT SR. VELINDA SANCHEZ Exposición del Santísimo Hora Santa y Adoración 857–615–1975 Primeros Viernes: 7:00 P.M. a 8:00 P.M. (Septiembre a Junio) CONFESSIONS: SATURDAYS AT 4:00 P.M.– 4:15 P.M. OR BY APPT. CONFESIONES: SEGUNDO Y CUARTO SABADOS DE MES, 4:00 P.M. O POR CITA. EVANGELIZACION: DÉJÀ QUE DIOS ILLUMINE TU VIDA. VEN A RECIBIR LAS CLASES BIBLICAS. HERMANA VELINDA SACHEZ 857–615–1975 GIFT SHOP: LOCATED AT THE FRONT FOYER OF THE CATHEDRAL HOURS: MONDAY-FRIDAY 9:30 A.M.–1:30 A.M. SATURDAY 10:00 A.M.– 6:00 P.M. SUNDAY 10:30 A.M.– 4:00 P.M. 617-574-4758 TIENDA : LOCALIZADA EN LA ENTRADA DE LA CATHEDRAL. HORARIO:LUNES–VIERNES 9:30 A.M.–1:30 P.M. SABADO 10:00 A.M – 6:00 P.M. DOMINGOS 10:30 A.M.– 4:00 P.M. 2 TWENTY-FIFTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME BOSTON, MA CATHEDRAL OF THE HOLY CROSS Please pray For our newly baptized and their parents: MARC MARIO MAGGIO May you continue to grow in God’s love and faith Cathedral Cares is offering Free Flu Clinics at the Cathedral of the Cross on the following dates. Our goal is to reach out to as many people as possible for this upcoming flu season. The Massachusetts Department of Public Health expects the vaccine to be available at the end of September. Please check your calendars and join us on one of the following dates to receive a free flu vaccine. Sunday, October 5th Tuesday, October 7th Sunday, October 12 Tuesday, October 14th 9:00am — 1:00pm 10:00am —1:00pm 9:00am — 1:00pm 10:00am —1:00pm Pope Saint John XXIII National Seminary Are you a man between the ages of 30 and 60, and have you ever considered a Vocation to the Catholic priesthood? Pope Saint John XXIII National Seminary in Weston could be the place for you. This seminary has been preparing second career seminarians for fifty years. Almost 600 of our alumni are currently serving throughout the world. Learn in an environment attuned to the adult learner with men sharing similar backgrounds and life experiences. More information is available on their website at or by contacting Rev. William Palardy, Rector or Ken Watts, Admissions Coordinator of the seminary at 781-‐899-‐5500. Next week’s second collection supports the retirement, medical and financial needs of priests of the Archdiocese of Boston. These priests have given their lives to faithfully serve Christ, the Church and you.. Please be generous to his important collection. Mass for Public Safety Personnel and Families Today, Sunday , September 21, 2014 11:30 a.m. In Thanksgiving of all actives and retired Police, Fire, DOC and EMS Personnel. All are Welcome His Eminence Sean P. Cardinal O’Malley , OFM Cap. Archbishop of Boston, Main Celebrant. Cathedral of the Holy Cross, Boston Ma. For more information please contact Deacon Jim Greer at [email protected] Samuel Circles For Men Discerning Religious Life. A coalition of Men’s Religious Communities serving in the Archdiocese of Boston will host The Samuel Circles, evening gathering each month for young single men who are looking into the possibility of joining a Religious Community. The name for these gathering is taken from the story of the call of a the prophet Samuel who heard his name called form God as a young man and was aided by the prophet Eli. The first Samuel Circle will take place at Our Lady of Help of Christians Parish, 573 Washington St. Newton, MA on September 23rd for 7:00pm to 9:00pm . Form more information contact Fr. Rocco at 1508– 429-2144 The next Samuel Circle will be October 28th . This initiative is one way to celebrate the upcoming year of Consecrated Life which begins this coming November. Jesus in Boston Young Adult Event All Young Adults and College Students are invited to join us on Friday, September 26 at 7:30pm for our monthly Jesus in Boston event. We will be at St. Leonard’s Parish in the North End 320 Hanover Street. For Eucharistic Adoration followed by Holy Mass and a then a social gathering afterwards. Great way to meet new people and strengthen your interior life. Form more information please go to or email Fr. Matt Williams at [email protected] The Parish Choir Has resumed rehearsals on Thursday. We are always interested in welcoming new members, so if you are interested in joining the choir , please call Mr. Abbott at 617-542-5682 X28 September 21, 2014 3 CATEDRAL DE LA SANTA CRUZ BOSTON, MA Las Misioneras Servidoras de la Palabra en La Catedral de la Santa Cruz ofrecemos cursos de Biblia todos los días y a cualquier hora. También tenemos grupos de jóvenes 14-17, Adulto 18-30, misioneros pequeños 7-12. Rosario meditado en los hogares. Para más información favor de llamar al 857- 6151975 o la oficina al 617-542-5682. CLASES DE BAUTISMO: Para Bautizar a sus niños las clases de bautismo serán los cuarto domingo de cada mes de 12:30 a 3:30pm en la Grammar School 595 Harrison Ave. Con Hermana Velinda, La próxima clase será el 28 de septiembre 2014. Los padres y padrinos tienen que participar en las clases. Los niños no pueden tener mas de 7 años de edad. Par mas información favor de llamar a la oficina al 617-542-5682 Registración Para La Catequesis A partir del primer Domingo de agosto 11– 12:30pm en la Grammar School. $25.00 por un Niño $35.00 por dos $45.00 por tres CONGRESO MARIANO Tema: Virgen Maria y Familia. Sabado 4 de octubre de 9-5pm . Iglesia de abajo. Donación $5. Predicador P. Alfredo Ortiz Desde Orlando Florida. Nuevo a la Catedral de la Santa Cruz o gustaría registrarse? Rosarios en las Casas Todos los miércoles a las 7:00pm. Si están interesados por favor de comunicarse con Luis Santiago al 617-935-9153 Simplemente pueden registrarse en o por Coreo electrónico [email protected] Tambien pueden llenar este formulario y enviarlo por correo. LA CATEDRAL TE CUIDA Nombre:_____________________________ Nuestro objetivo es llegar al mayor número posible de personas para esta próxima temporada de gripe. El Departamento de Salud Pública de Massachusetts espera que las vacuna estén disponible a finales de septiembre. Guarden la fechas en sus calendarios y únete a nosotros en una de las siguientes fechas para recibir una vacuna gratuita contra la gripe. Estáremos ofreciendo Clínicas gratis contra la Gripe en la Catedral de la Santa Cruz en las siguientes fechas. Dirección: _____________________________________ _____________________________________ _____________________________________ _____________________________________ Teléfono: _____________________________________ Correo Electrónico _____________________________________ Domingo, 5 de octubre 9:00am — 1:00pm Martes, 7 de octubre 10:00am —1:00pm Quisiera recibir sobres semanales Para la colecta ? Domingo , 12 de octubre 9:00am — 1:00pm Martes , 14 de octubre 10:00am —1:00pm 4 21 de septiembre 2014 SI □ NO □ BOSTON, MA CATHEDRAL OF THE HOLY CROSS LATIN COMMUNITY Mass in the Extraordinary Form, Lower Church. The Presentation of the lord SAVE THE DATE: CATHEDRAL CARES Free Flu Clinics Join us on one of the following dates. Sunday, Tuesday, Sunday, Tuesday, Propers available in English, Spanish, Portuguese, French, and Italian. Please feel free to ask. Any child who may be in need of First Communion, or any person in need of Confirmation and other Sacrament, CCD is due to start in the fall; please let Kathleen O'Connell-Salisbury or Charles Brusard know of your needs. CCD teachers are also needed. Acolytes Needed. The Latin Mass here at the Cathedral is in need of more altar servers. Any men or boys age ten or older interested in serving at the altar are asked to contact Leo Higgins, Joe Rizzo, or the ushers. No experience is necessary; training will be provided for those who need it. CATHEDRAL FOOD BANK Open to All in need. Every Monday , Tuesday & Thursdays 9:30am– 2:00pm. Located on Msrg. Reynolds Way lower church. For more information please call 617-350-5026 9am– 1pm 10am—1pm 9am—1pm 10am—1pm Union Park Street between Washington St. & Harrison Ave Enter to Lower Church via handicapped Entrance No Appointment Needed Accessible on Silver Line Cathedral Stop 18yrs and Older Sunday, September 21 9:30am Gloria E. Santiago R.I.P Interested in Chant? Schola Amicorum, the chant choir at the Cathedral Latin Mass is always looking for new members; no experience needed, just a willingness to listen and learn. Just let the music director, John Salisbury know or email at [email protected]. Prayer Requests Please remember in your prayers the following sick parishioners and friends: Thaddeus Davulis, Frederick Strom, Kathleen Stone, Sue Long, Joyce Donovan, Patrick Cloherty, Frank Doyle, Sr., Rena Martelli, Jacqueline Gentile, Mike Kliebhan, Father John McLaughlin, Msgr. Ignacio Barreiro, William DeTucci, Angela LoPiccolo, Joan Bunting, John O’Connell, Raymond Crozier, Anthony Palladino, Fr. William Ventura, Fr. John Donovan, Sr. Catherine Granfield, Rob Quagan, Patricia Riley, and Blanche Burns. October 5 October 7 October 12 October 14 Tuesday, September 23 7:00pm Juan Garcia Lopez R.I.P Thursday, September 25 9:00am David Silva R.I.P 7:00pm Rolsi David Liraso R.I.P THE EMMAUS MINISTRY Serving the Spiritual Needs of Grieving Parents Losing a child under any circumstance is horrific. Focusing on the spirituality of the grieving process can help tremendously. Please join us. All are welcome. St. Anthony Shrine of Boston, MA is offering the Emmaus Ministry for Grieving Parents weekend Spiritual Retreat November 7-9 2014 at Miramar Retreat Center , Duxbury, MA for more information , call Diane, Mother of Paul, at 617 -542-8057 or see Men’s & Women’s Cursillo The dates for the weekends are: Women’s Cursillo Weekend October 2326, Men’s Cursillo Weekend December 4-7, 2014 The weekends run from Thursday evening through Sunday afternoon and are held at the Campion Center in Weston , MA for more information Call Office of Spiritual Life at 617-7793640 September 21, 2014 5 CATHEDRAL OF THE HOLY CROSS BOSTON, MA September 21, 2014 Celebrating Fifty Years of Caring for Our Priests “Support your priests with your love and prayers, that they may always be shepherds after Christ’s heart.” It all began with a vision. Fifty years ago, then Cardinal Richard Cushing wanted to build a residence for Boston’s senior priests—a place where these dedicated men could be cared for as they aged—a place of community, fellowship, and fraternity that they could call home. - POPE FRANCIS To submit your special intentions to Since that time, 374 priests of the Archdiocese have called Regina Cleri home. Today’s 54 permanent residents represent 2,800 years of faithful service, 72 of those years contributed by one priest, Msgr. Paul McManus, who celebrated his 98th birthday in May. be remembered by our senior priests during the celebration of Holy Mass at Regina Cleri each week, please visit In the months to come, we will face an increasing need to care for a growing number of priests reaching senior status—some 200 priests in the next 15 years. Through your support of the Clergy Health and Retirement Trust on September 20-21, you can say thank you to these priests and help secure their future by making a generous gift to the collection. To watch a short video on the history of Regina Cleri, please visit our website at On behalf of the 628 priests of our Archdiocese, thank you for helping to ensure the highest level of care and quality of life for all Boston’s priests. For Advertising Information, Please Call 617-779-3770 Clergy Health and Retirement Trust Caring for the Well-Being of our Boston Priests Spotlight Advertising Patrick J. kennedy & SonS inc. Mechanical contractors since 1925 Paul k. kennedy Complete Collision & painting FaCility [email protected] 39 Gibson Street, Boston | 617-265-5535 839 albany street, Boston, ma 02119 | 617-442-6600 website: Funeraria Brady & Fallon YOUR NEIGHBORHOOD GROCERY STORE . Sus necesidades nos muy importa . . Envios de difuntos . 10 Tower St., Jamaica Plain 617-524-0861 1421 Washington St. 1215 Main Street, Unit 122 Tewksbury, MA 01876 (978) 851-9103 Classified • Help Wanted • For Sale • For Rent PRIVATUS CARE SOLUTIONS 617-779-3788 [email protected] Privatus Care Solutions, the premier provider of private care services, is seeking Caregivers for per diem private duty shift work throughout Boston and the suburbs. For all your Classified Advertising needs APPLY ONLINE OR CALL US AT 617-999-5544. For immediate consideration please email your resume to [email protected] PRIVATUSCARE.COM H Y STON BO SAINT JO “Handmade from the Flowers of your Loved One” 617-779-3788 Quality color for your print jobs. For all your Classified Advertising n “Be a Servant” Matthew 20:26 Bulletin Printer Provider Open House Clergy Health and Retirement Trust America’sCaring Oldest Catholic Newspaper for the Well-Being of our Boston Priests VISIT US AT WWW.CLERGYFUNDS.ORG Subscribe: 617-779-3792 October 14, 2014, 7 PM 149 Washington Street, Brighton Advertise: 617-779-3788 Subscribe: 617-779Advertise: 617-779- • Master of Arts in Ministry Degree • Master of Theological Studies Degree Contact: 617-779-4104 Subscribe to | | [email protected] Get the Catholic Perspective and be fully informed. 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Subscribe: 617-779-3792 For Advertising Information, Please Call 617-779-3770 Hours of Operation International Manufacturers 7am - 4pm days a week or by appointment of Fine Leathers Get the Catholic5 Perspective and be fully info Glove Kid, Cowhide, Calf & Deerskin Pilot Bulletins • Tanned goatskin, sided leather, veg tan leather & remnants for your 978-465-3791 Subscribe: 617-779Cathedral of the Holy Cross, Boston, MA
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