Judge Oscar De La Fuente Elem entary Student-Parent Handbook 2014 -2015 In addition to the Judge Oscar De La Fuente Elementary student handbook, all students must adhere to the San Benito C.I.S.D. policy and the San Benito C.I.S.D. Student Code of Conduct. For District “Student Policy and Procedure” go to www.sbcisd.net Morning prekindergarten session: Prekinder de la mañana 7:55 am. - 11:00 am. (lunch/comida 10:40-11:10) Afternoon pre-kindergarten session: Prekinder de la tarde 11:30 am. - 2:55 pm. (Lunch/comida 11:30-12:00) Supervision will not be provided for students who remain on campus later than 3:15p.m. These procedures are designed for the safety and well being of your children. No se proveerà supervision para estudiantes despues de las 3:15p.m. Esta proceso es designado parasegurar la salud y bienestar de su hijo/a. MULTIMEDIA/TELECOMMUNICATION DEVICES Please do not allow your children to bring multimedia devices (such as mp3 players, pagers, music players, electronic games) to school. WELCOME/ BIENVENIDOS I would like to welcome each and every one of you to this interesting and exciting new school year. We are looking forward to a challenging and successful year with many positive learning experiences. As educators we are committed to providing a good quality education that will allow each one of you to grow, develop, and reach your highest potential. You are our greatest resource. At Judge Oscar De La Fuente Elementary, we believe that all children will be successful with the help of parents, teachers, school administration, and community members. Les doy una gran bienvenida a cada uno de ustedes a este interesante nuevo año escolar. Esperamos que este sea un año con mucho exito y con muchas experiencias de aprendizaje positivas. Como maestros estamos cometidos a proveer una educaciòn de calidad que darà a cada uno de ustedes la oportunidad de crecer, desarrollar, y alcanzar su potencia mas alta. Usted es nuestro recurso de suma importancia y lo que nuestro futuro serà. En la escuela de Judge Oscar De La Fuente Elementary nosotros creemos que todos los estudiantes tendràn exito con la ayuda de los padres, maestros, directora, y todos los miembros de la comunidad. BELL SCHEDULE/HORARIO de TIMBRE First bell rings at 7:45 am. Primer timbre suena a las 7:45a.m. Tardy bell rings at 7:55 am. Timbre tarde suena a las 7:55a.m. Dismissal bell rings at 2:55 pm. Breakfast/comida 7:15-7:45 Timbre de termino del dia suena a las 2:55p.m. Any student who is tardy after 8:00 a.m. must be accompanied by a parent to the office to receive a tardy slip. No adults will be allowed in classrooms without the company of an SBCISD employee. This includes both before and after school activities. Cualser estudiante que llegue mas tarde de las 8:00a.m. debe de ser acompañado a la oficina por su padre para recibir una nota para ser recibido en clase. Also, discourage students from bringing cell phones to school. We are not responsible for lost or stolen multimedia/telecommunication devices. Students may carry cellular phones as long as they adhere to the following rule: 1) Cell phones must be turned off and out of sight during the instructional day. 2) The instructional day includes class time, class changes, lunch, and all after school instructional activities. Disciplinary Actions for non-compliance will be: 1st Offense- The cell phone will be confiscated, parent guardian will be notified, and a $5.00 fee will be assessed. The phone will be returned only to the parent after the $5.00 fee is paid. 2nd Offense- The cell phone will be confiscated, parent guardian will be notified, and a $15.00 fee will be assessed. The phone will be returned only to the parent after the $15.00 fee is paid. 3rd Offense- The cell phone will be confiscated and parent/guardian will be notified. The phone will be returned on the last day of school after a subsequent $15.00 fee is paid. Students who refuse to surrender a cell phone to a school official will be subject to disciplinary action. Any use of cellular phones during state testing could result in the invalidation of the student’s test scores. The campus administration will investigate all reports of inappropriate use of these devices prior to taking any action regarding student test scores. Students shall be personally and solely responsible for the security of their cell phones. SBCISD shall not assume responsibility for theft, loss, or damage of a cell phone, or any unauthorized calls made on a cell phone. JEWELRY/JOYAS Please do not allow your children to bring expensive jewelry to school. It may get lost or stolen. We are not responsible for lost jewelry. Male students are not allowed to wear earrings or studs of any type. Favor de no permitir a su hijo/a que traiga joyas de calidad a la esuela. Se puede perder. No seremos responsables. No se permiten que ninos usen arêtes en la escuela. DRESS CODE/CODIGO VESTUARIO Judge Oscar De La Fuente Elementary requires that all students comply with the following mode of dress. Students will need to wear polo style shirts with pants, jeans, or shorts and tennis shoes (similar to what is required at our district’s middle schools). The required shirt colors can be any of the following school colors: black, white, gray, and baby blue. • students’ dress should be neat, clean, and properly fitting, • shirts must be tucked in at all times In the event of free choice/picture days, the following dress code will remain in effect: • tank tops, muscle shirts mesh shirts, undershirt-cut shirts, halters, and transparent tops are not to be worn • clothing advertising alcohol, drugs, or those with obscene, vulgar, lewd, or offensive messages will not be permitted. Unacceptable statements, symbols, or designs (including inappropriate sexual references) or drug or alcohol advertising are not permitted. No gang symbols will be worn or in a student’s possession. Unacceptable items include references to all racial symbols, unacceptable sayings, and other unacceptable symbols • shirts that display males or females partially clothed are unacceptable (i.e. wrestlers) • leggings may be worn only if the top blouse reaches at least two inches above the knee • clothing that depicts skulls or skeletons are unacceptable • hair should be clean, cut, and neatly combed: (Mohawks, faux haxks, colored hair, {unnatural hair colors}, and shaved designs on crew cut hairstyles will not be permitted) • Students will not be permitted to wear any type of cosmetics including, but not limited to: eyeliner, lipgloss/lipstick, blush, eyeshadow, or mascara. Generalmente el control de como se viste un niño/a es del padre, pero es importante de que se sigan una reglas de la escuela para que el aprendizaje no sea interrumpido. Se espera que todo estudiante venga a la escuela apropiadamente vestido. Polo style shirts in these colors can be purchased locally. It is our hope that implementing a mode of dress will provide an improved environment for learning, help our students develop a higher sense of self-‐esteem, and reduce peer pressure. Working together, we will meet our goals with student dedication, staff commitment, and parental support. No blouses that are Sleeveless, Strapless, or have Spaghetti Straps No se permiten blusas sin manga o con tirantes No sagging/baggy pants No se permiten pantalones flojos o guangos Generally, the control of student grooming is a parental matter, however, it is essential that some school rules should exist so that the learning atmosphere will not be interrupted by student dress. Students are expected to come to school looking clean and neat. No mid riffs. Blouse must be long enough to cover the waist when sitting /standing No se permiten blusas/camisa/playeras cortas. Shirts must be tucked in at all times. Camisas necesitan estar fajadas No torn or ripped clothing No se permiten pantalones rotos No flip flops No se permiten sandalias No hoodies No se permiten Sueteres con gorra not Shorts’ and skirts’ length must be more than 3 inches above the knee No se permiten shorts o faldas 3 pulgadas mas arriba de la rodilla Effective for the 2014-2015 School Year: Any jacket or other outer garment must have either a zipper, button, or Velcro closure and must be worn open while inside the school building. Students will be asked, during warm weather, to remove their jackets and sweaters while engaging in P.E. This is done to prevent heat related injuries. SCHOOLWIDE DISCIPLINE PLAN RULES 1. All students will follow directions at all times in the classroom, playground, cafeteria, and during physical education classes. 2. All students will stay in their designated area at all times. 3. Students will help keep school clean at all times. 4. Students are not to write or mark on school walls, inside or outside. 5. Students will keep from fighting on school grounds or while on their way to and from school. 6. Students will use appropriate language at all times, while on school grounds and while on their way to and from school. No profane or obscene language will be tolerated. CLASSROOM DISCIPLINE PLAN AND RULES: A. All teachers will have a classroom discipline plan to include: 1. Rules 2. Discipline consequences 3. Rewards B. Students will be appropriately informed of all campus and classroom rules and will become familiar with them at the beginning of the school year. Please keep in mind that the rules imposed are for effective student learning and their safety. Rules will effectively help the school climate and make the environment more conducive to learning. Corporal punishment—spanking or paddling the student—may be used as a discipline management technique in accordance with the Student Code of Conduct and policy FO (LOCAL) in the district’s policy manual. If you have any questions concerning the use of corporal punishment please contact the office at 361-6820. CONSEQUENCES: Students who choose not to obey rules: 1. First offense: A warning from teacher. 2. Second offense: All privileges removed for a designated amount of time. Teacher will notify parents. 3. Third offense: Students will be sent to the principal’s office. 4. Fourth offense and continued misbehavior: Students will bring parents to school, to discuss behavior with principal, teacher, counselor, and will initiate corrective measure at that time. REWARDS: Students who follow the rules and have appropriate behavior will be appropriately rewarded. In the event of an infraction defined as a disruption and infractions related to physical, and or threat of physical harm, the SBCISD Police will contacted and a report filed. Disruptions as identified by law, disruptions include, but not limited to, the following: • Interference with the movement of people at an exit, entrance, or hallway of a district building without authorization from an administrator. • Interference with an authorized activity by seizing control of all or part of a building. • Use of force, violence, or threats in an attempt to prevent participation in an authorized assembly; to prevent people from entering or leaving district property without authorization from an administrator. • Use of force, violence, or threats to cause disruption during an assembly. • Disruption of classes or other school activities while on district property or on public property that is within 500 feet of district property. Class disruption includes making loud noises; trying to entice a student away from, or to prevent a student from attending, a required class or activity; and entering a classroom without authorization and disrupting the activity with loud or profane language or any misconduct. • Interference with the transportation of students in district vehicles. All students are expected to abide by the Board Approved Student Code of Conduct. Todo estudiante debe de obedecer las reglas del Codigo de Conducta aprobado por la mesa directiva. CAFETERIA RULES/REGLAS DE CAFETERIA 1. Students are to use the designated doors for entrance and exit. Estudiantes usaràn las puertas designadas para entrar y salir de la cafeteria . 2. Running or pushing will not be tolerated while waiting in line to be served. Correr o empujar mientras esperan en fila para que se les sirva no se permitira. 3. Shouting or yelling is not allowed. No se permite gritar. 4. Everyone is expected to sit and eat quietly during the first ten minutes of lunch. Talking, once allowed, is to be done in a quiet manner. Se espera que todos se sienten y coman silenciosamente. Se permite hablar en voz baja. 5. Use both hands when carrying food tray to table. Usen dos manos para acarrear el plato de la comida. 6. Clear table of milk cartons, plasticware, and napkins. Aclaren las mesas de cartones de leche, tenedor/cucharilla, y servieta. la oficina. El maestro/a determinarà si se ha dado permiso antes de permitir al estudiante que salga de la escuela. Due to health and safety reasons, parents are not allowed in the cafeteria after the first twos week of school, other than to drop off their children. Parents are not allowed to go through the serving line with children. Por razones de salud padres no pueden permanecer en la cafeteria despues de la primer semana de escuela. Permiso para atender excursiones tendran que estar completas, firmadas y regresadas a el maestro/a antes del dìa de la excursion. Notas y llamadas por telefono para dar permiso no seràn aceptadas para que su hijo/a pueda atender la excursion. Sin su permiso no hay excursion! MEDICINE AT SCHOOL/MEDICINA EN LA ESCUELA A student who must take prescription medicine during the school day must bring a written request from his or her parent and the medicine in its properly labeled pharmaceutical container to the school nurse/principal. The school nurse/principal will either give the medicine at the proper time or give the student permission to take the medication as directed. Cual ser estudiante que necesite tomar medicaciòn recetada por el medico durante el dìa necesita traer un permiso de su padre/madre a la directora o enfermera y tambien traer la medicina en el embase original con la receta pegada en el embase. La enfermera o directora le darà la medicaciòn al tiempo apropiado o darle permiso al estudiante que el se tome la medicaciòn como es dirijido. SCHOOL BUS/AUTOBUS ESCOLAR A student being transported in school-owned vehicles is required to comply with the Student Code of Conduct. Any student who fails to comply with that code or established rules of conduct while on school transportation may be denied transportation services and shall be subject to disciplinary action. The Bus Driver will provide a Safety Rules Handbook to each student. FIELD TRIPS/EXCURSIONES Field trip permission slips must be completed, signed and returned to the student’s teacher before the date of the planned trip. Notes and telephone calls from parents cannot be accepted as a form of approval to attend a field trip. No permission slip, no trip. HOMEWORK CONTRACT/CONTRACTO DE TAREA When homework is assigned, it will be given in modest amounts. Please encourage your child to do his/her homework and to take pride in his/her work. Homework helps build responsibility and self-discipline. Cuando haiga tarea, la tarea serà en cantidad apropiada. Por favor anime a su hijo/a que haga su tarea y que tenga orgullo en su trabajo. Tarea ayuda promover responsabilidad y disciplina. CLASSROOM VISITS/VISITAS A LA AULA Parents at Judge Oscar De La Fuente Elementary are welcome and encouraged to visit our school. Visitation should be restricted to the class in which your child is a member and scheduled at a time convenient for the class. All visitors must first sign in at the office. Visits to individual classrooms during instructional time shall be permitted only with the principal’s approval, and such visits shall not be permitted if their duration or frequency interferes with the delivery of instruction or disrupts the normal school environment. Visits to individual classrooms will not be allowed during the first and last week of school. School Entry Procedures SBCISD has implemented the use of electronically locking doors. After 8:00am you will need to present a government issued picture ID to the camera located outside the front door in order to be allowed entrance to the facility. Todo estudiante quien se le proveea transporte en un vehiculo escolar es requerido que cumpla con las reglas del Codigo de Conducta de Estudiantes. Cual ser estudiante quien no cumpla con ese codigo o reglas de conductas cuanto sea transportado puede ser expulsado de los servicios de transportaciòn y puede ser sujeto a acciòn diciplinaria. Un libreto de reglas de seguridad se le proveerà a cada estudiante al principio del año escolar por el chofer de autobus. En la escuela de Judge Oscar De La Fuente Elementary se le da la bienvenida y apoyo a todo padre de que venga a visitar la escuela. Toda visita serà en la clase en donde este inscribido su hijo/a y serà durante un horario apropiada para el maestro/a y el padre. Padres y otros visitantes son bienvenidos y pedimos que visiten otras escuela en el distrito escolar. Se le pide a todo visitante que por favor pase por la oficina de la directora. Visitas durante instrucciòn seràn permitidas con el consentimiento de la directora y no se permitiràn visitas si el tiempo de visita es de largo tiempo o frequencia que interrupe la instrucciòn. RELEASE OF STUDENTS FROM SCHOOL PERMISO PARA SALIR DE LA ESCUELA A student shall not be released from school at times other than regular dismissal hours except with the principal’s permission. Permission can be obtained in the office. The teacher will not release any student without office clearance. Students will only be released to authorized individuals listed on the student release form. Individuals must be at least 18 and present a government issued picture identification card. MONEY AT SCHOOL/DINERO EN LA ESCUELA When it is necessary to send money to school for pictures, field trips, lost textbooks, fundraisers, etc., we request that it be only the designated amount needed (it is difficult for us to make change) and it be placed in an envelope with the child’s name and the teacher’s name on it. It is difficult to trace lost money, therefore, do not allow your child to come to school with large amounts of money (more than $5.00). We are not responsible for lost money. Ningun estudiante serà permitido salir de la escuela a cualser hora sin el permiso de la directora. Permiso para que su hijo/a sea permitido/a salir de la escuela podrà ser obtenido en Cuando sea necesario mandar dinero a la escuela para fotos, excursiones, textos perdidos, otras actividades como para levantar fondos, pedimos que por favor ponga el dinero en un sobre y escriba el nombre de su hijo/a en el sobre. Es muy dificultoso encontrar dinero perdido, asi que por favor haga todo lo posible para mandar billetes chicos. REPORT CARDS REPORTE DE CALIFICACIONES Written reports of student grades and absences shall be issued to parents at least twice every six weeks. At the end of the first three weeks of a grading period, the parent will be notified if the student’s grade average is near or below 70 or below the expected level of performance. If a student receives a six-week grade of less than 70 in any class or subject, the parent will be requested to schedule a conference with the teacher of that class or subject. The report card shall state whether tutorials are required or recommended for a student who receives a grade below 70 in a class or subject. Parents can access their child’s grades on a daily basis by utilizing the SBCISD Parent Portal. For more information please contact us at 361-6820 Reportes de calificaciones y ausencias de cada estudiante se mandarà a los padres por lo minimo una vez cada seis semanas. Al final de las primeras tres semanas de cada periodo, el padre recibirà una notificaciòn del estudiante si sus calificaciones son un 70 o menos. Si el estudiante/a recibe una calificaciòn de menos de un 70 se le requiere al padre que cita un conferencia con el maestro/a. El reporte notarà si su hijo/a requiere asistencia despues de escuela. seguido (más de dos veces durante un periodo de seis semanas), serán transferidos a la escuela que les corresponda según su dirección. Students will be rewarded at the end of each six weeks with a ribbon/certificate. Students who have perfect attendance for the entire school year will receive a trophy the very last day of school. El personaje de Judge Oscar De La Fuente Elementary considera buen asistencia/atendencia y puntualidad entrenamiento necesario para todo estudiante. Un oficial del distrito hará una visita a casa si hay un exceso de ausencias. También es posible que se le sancione legalmente en caso de no obedecer la regla. La creaciòn de estos bueno habitos seràn de gran beneficio para el futuro. PARENT VOLUNTEERS INVOLUCRACION DE PADRES To volunteer at the school’s parent center please call 361-6310. Habra un centro de padres para que vengan y nos ayuden en la escuela tantas veces que gusten. Llame al 361-6310. You can also help your child succeed by: SPECIAL PROGRAMS/PROGRAMAS ESPECIALES The District provides special programs for gifted and talented, bilingual, migrant, dyslexic students and for those with disabilities. A student or parent with questions about these programs should contact the principal; the coordinator of each program can answer questions El Distrito Escolar provee programas especiales: bilingue, migrantes, dyslexia, educaciòn especial, educaciòn para los niño que poseen talentos/dones. Si usted tiene preguntas tocante uno de los programas favor de llamar a la directora; el coordinador de cada programa le contestarà sus preguntas tocante los requisitos/servicios de cada programa que se provee aqui en el distrito de San Benito. ATTENDANCE/ATENDENCIA In order for all students to have academic success at Judge Oscar De La Fuente Elementary, it is necessary to have good attendance and to be punctual to school. The establishment of good habits relative to these items may be greatly beneficial to the student in later life. Excessive absences will merit a home visit from the district attendance officer and possible truancy charges. In order to receive educational credits your child must attend school at least 90% of the school year. Students who do not meet the attendance requirement may be retained. Students that are not zoned to Judge Oscar De La Fuente Elementary and have excessive tardies (more than 3 per six weeks) and/or absences (more than 2 per six weeks) will be withdrawn from our school and be asked to register at their neighborhood school. Aquellos estudiantes que no pertenecen a Judge Oscar De La Fuente Elementary y llegan tarde muy seguido (más de 3 veces durante un periodo de seis semanas) y estan ausentes muy • Encouraging your child to put a high priority on education and working with your child on a daily basis to make the most of the educational opportunities the school provides. • Ensuring that your child completes all homework assignments and special projects and comes to school each day prepared, rested, and ready to learn. • Becoming familiar with all of your child’s school activities and with the academic programs, including special programs, offered in the district. • Discussing with the counselor or principal any questions you may have about the options and opportunities available to your child. • Attending scheduled conferences and requesting additional conferences as needed. To schedule a telephone or in-person conference with a teacher, counselor, or principal, please call the school office at 361-6820 for an appointment. The teacher will usually return your call or meet with you during his or her conference period or before or after school • Participating in PTO • Serving as a parent representative on the district-level or campus-level planning committees, assisting in the development of educational goals and plans to improve student achievement • Serving on the School Health Advisory Council, assisting the district in ensuring local community values are reflected in health education instruction. STUDENT RECORDS ARCHIVOS DE LOS ESTUDIANTES A student’s school records are confidential and are protected from unauthorized inspection or use. A cumulative record is maintained for each student from the time the student enters the District until the student withdraws or graduates. This record moves with the student from school to school. By law, both parents, whether married, separated, or divorced, have access to the records of a student who is under 18 or a dependent for tax purposes. A parent whose rights have been legally terminated will be denied access to the records if the school is given a copy of the court order terminating these rights. Los archivos de todo estudiante son confidencial y son protejidos del uso o inspecciòn por alquien que no sea autorizado para revisarlos. Se acumula un archivo de cada estudiante desde el dìa que el es inscribido en el distrito hasta el dìa que el/ella se salga de el distrito o se gradue. Estos archivos siguen al estudiante de escuela a escuela. Por ley, los dos padres, sean casados, separados, divorciados, tienen derecho para revisar los archivos de el estudiante si el estudiante es menor de 18 años o es un dependiente. Al padre a quien se le hagan quitado legalmente todo derecho no se le permitirà obtener los archivos si se le provea un copia de la corte deciendo que todo derecho se le ha quitado al padre. TEXTBOOKS/LIBROS State-approved textbooks are provided free of charge for each subject or class. students are required to use these books carefully. Books must be covered by the student, as directed by the teacher; a student who is issued a damaged book should report that fact to the teacher. Any student failing to return a book issued by the school shall lose the right to have free textbooks assigned until the book is returned or paid for by the parent or guardian. A student shall be given textbooks for use at school during the school day. Textos aprovados por el estado se le provee gratis a todo estudiante para cual ser curso; se le requiere a todo estudiante que utilize los textos con mucho cuidado. Todo texto debe tener un cupierto; como lo es dirijido por el maestro/a. Si se le provee un texto dañado el estudiante debe reportarlo al maestro/a. Cual ser estudiante que no regresa un texto no se le proveera otro texto hasta que el regrese o pague por el texto perdido. Textos se le daràn al estudiante para que use en la escuela durante el dìa escolar. END OF YEAR AWARDS CONOCIMIENTO DEL FIN DEL ANO Trophies/ribbons/certificates will be awarded at the end of the year in the following categories: Trofeos se presentaràn al fin del año en las siguientes categorias: *Principal’s Award all “A” every reporting period *High Achiever *Most Improved *Sportsmanship *Citizenship *Fine Arts *AR (Accelerated Reader) *Perfect Attendance (must be in school from the 1st instructional day of school until the last day of instruction). Additional award categories will be created when deemed appropriate by school administration. BIRTHDAY CELEBRATIONS CELEBRACIONES DE CUMPLEANOS Should you wish to send a treat for your child’s classmates as a form of birthday celebration, it may be done 20 minutes prior to the end of the school day with the principal’s and teacher’s approval. The celebration must take place on the child’s birthday and is only for the child and his classmates. All birthday treats must be taken to the office. Office personnel will insure that the treats are taken to the classroom. Please send only a limited amount of edibles. Celebraciones de cumpleanos no son recomendadas. Si desea enviar un “cariñito” para cada estudiante en clase se puede ser 20 minutos antes del fin del dìa escolar. Pero primeramente tiene que ser aprobado por la directora y el/la maestra/o. La celebracion sera limitada solamente para los alumnus y el/la maestra. GRIEVANCE INFORMAL PROCESS The Board encourages students and parents to discuss their concerns and complaints through informal conferences with the appropriate teacher, principal, or other campus administrator. Concerns should be expressed as soon as possible to allow early resolution at the lowest possible administrative level. FORMAL PROCESS If an informal conference regarding a complaint fails to reach the outcome requested by the student or parent, the student or parent may initiate the formal process described below by timely filing a written complaint form. Even after initiating the formal complaint process, students and parents are encouraged to seek informal resolution of their concerns. A student or parent whose concerns are resolved may withdraw a formal complaint at any time. The process described in this policy shall not be construed to create new or additional rights beyond those granted by law or Board policy, nor to require a full evidentiary hearing or "mini-trial" at any level. FREEDOM FROM RETALIATION Neither the Board nor any District employee shall unlawfully retaliate against any student or parent for bringing a concern or complaint. APPLICATION Except as addressed by SPECIFIC COMPLAINTS, below, this policy applies to all complaints or grievances from students or parents. SPECIFIC COMPLAINTS Complaints alleging certain forms of harassment shall be processed in accordance with FFH. For more information on how to proceed with complaints regarding: Alleged discrimination, see FB. Loss of credit on the basis of attendance, see FEC. Removal to a disciplinary alternative education program, see FOC. Expulsion, see FOD and the Student Code of Conduct. Identification, evaluation, or educational placement of a student with a disability within the scope of Section 504 Identification, evaluation, educational placement, or discipline of a student with a disability within the scope of the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act, see EHBA, FOF, and the parents' rights handbook provided to parents of all students referred to special education. Instructional materials, see EFA. On-campus distribution of nonschool materials, see FNAA. A commissioned peace officer who is an employee of the District, see CKE. For purposes of this policy, terms are defined as follows: COMPLAINT / GRIEVANCE The terms "complaint" and "grievance" shall have the same meaning. FILING Complaint forms and appeal notices may be filed by hand-delivery, fax, or U.S. Mail. Handdelivered filings shall be timely filed if received by the appropriate administrator or designee by the close of business on the deadline. Fax filings shall be timely filed if they are received on or before the deadline, as indicated by the date/time shown on the fax copy. Mail filings shall be timely filed if they are postmarked by U.S. Mail on the deadline and received by the appropriate administrator or designated representative no more than three days after the deadline. RESPONSE At Levels One and Two, "response" shall mean a written communication to the student or parent from the appropriate administrator. Responses may be hand-delivered or sent by U.S. Mail to the student's or parent's mailing address of record. Mailed responses shall be timely if they are postmarked by U.S. Mail on the deadline and received by the student or parent or designated representative no more than three days after the response deadline. REPRESENTATIVE "Representative" shall mean any person who or organization that is designated by the student or parent to represent the student or parent in the complaint process. A student may be represented by an adult at any level of the complaint. The student or parent may designate a representative through written notice to the District at any level of this process. If the student or parent designates a representative with fewer than three days' notice to the District before a scheduled conference or hearing, the District may reschedule the conference or hearing to a later date, if desired, in order to include the District's counsel. DAYS "Days" shall mean District business days. In calculating time lines under this policy, the day a document is filed is "day zero," and all deadlines shall be determined by counting the following day as "day one." GENERAL PROVISIONS Complaints arising out of an event or a series of related events shall be addressed in one complaint. A student or parent shall not bring separate or serial complaints arising from any event or series of events that have been or could have been addressed in a previous complaint. UNTIMELY FILINGS All time limits shall be strictly followed unless modified by mutual written consent. If a complaint form or appeal notice is not timely filed, the complaint may be dismissed, on written notice to the student or parent, at any point during the complaint process. The student or parent may appeal the dismissal by seeking review in writing within ten days, starting at the level at which the complaint was dismissed. Such appeal shall be limited to the issue of timeliness. COSTS INCURRED Each party shall pay its own costs incurred in the course of the complaint. COMPLAINT FORM Complaints under this policy shall be submitted in writing on a form provided by the District. Copies of any documents that support the complaint should be attached to the complaint form. If the student or parent does not have copies of these documents, copies may be presented at the Level One conference. After the Level One conference, no new documents may be submitted unless the student or parent did not know the documents existed before the Level One conference. A complaint form that is incomplete in any material aspect may be dismissed, but may be refiled with all the requested information if the refiling is within the designated time for filing a complaint. LEVEL ONE Complaint forms must be filed: Within 15 days of the date the student or parent first knew, or with reasonable diligence should have known, of the decision or action giving rise to the complaint or grievance; and With the lowest level administrator who has the authority to remedy the alleged problem. In most circumstances, students and parents shall file Level One complaints with the campus principal. If the only administrator who has authority to remedy the alleged problem is the Superintendent or designee, the complaint may begin at Level Two following the procedure, including deadlines, for filing the complaint form at Level One. If the complaint is not filed with the appropriate administrator, the receiving administrator must note the date and time the complaint form was received and immediately forward the complaint form to the appropriate administrator. The appropriate administrator shall hold a conference with the student or parent within ten days after receipt of the written complaint. The administrator shall have ten days following the conference to provide the student or parent a written response. LEVEL TWO If the student or parent did not receive the relief requested at Level One or if the time for a response has expired, the student or parent may request a conference with the Superintendent or designee to appeal the Level One decision. The appeal notice must be filed in writing, on a form provided by the District, within ten days after receipt of a response or, if no response was received, within ten days of the response deadline at Level One. The Superintendent or designee shall hold a conference within ten days after the appeal notice is filed. At the conference, the Superintendent or designee shall consider only the issues and documents presented at Level One and identified in the Level Two appeal notice. The Superintendent or designee shall have ten days following the conference to provide the student or parent a written response. LEVEL THREE If the student or parent did not receive the relief requested at Level Two or if the time for a response has expired, the student or parent may appeal the decision to the Board. The appeal notice must be filed in writing, on a form provided by the District, within ten days after receipt of a response or, if no response was received, within ten days of the response deadline at Level Two. The Superintendent or designee shall inform the student or parent of the date, time, and place of the Board meeting at which the complaint will be on the agenda for presentation to the Board. The Superintendent or designee shall provide the Board with copies of the complaint form, all responses, all appeal notices, and all written documentation previously submitted by the student or parent or the administration. The Board shall consider only those issues and documents presented at the preceding levels and identified in the appeal notice. The District shall determine whether the complaint will be presented in open or closed meeting in accordance with the Texas Open Meetings Act and other applicable law. [See BE] The presiding officer may set reasonable time limits and guidelines for the presentation. The Board shall hear the complaint and may request that the administration provide an explanation for the decisions at the preceding levels. In addition to any other record of the Board meeting required by law, the Board shall prepare a separate record of the Level Three presentation. The Level Three presentation, including the presentation by the student or parent or the student's representative, any presentation from the administration, and questions from the Board with responses, shall be recorded by audio recording, video/audio recording, or court reporter. The Board shall then consider the complaint. It may give notice of its decision orally or in writing at any time up to and including the next regularly scheduled Board meeting. If for any reason the Board fails to reach a decision regarding the complaint by the end of the next regularly scheduled meeting, the lack of a response by the Board upholds the administrative decision at Level Two. Equal Opportunity The District shall provide equal opportunities to all individuals within its jurisdiction or geographic boundaries. Education Code 1.002(a) No officer or employee of the District shall, when acting or purporting to act in an official capacity, refuse to permit any student to participate in any school program because of the student's race, religion, color, sex, or national origin. Civ. Prac. & Rem. Code 106.001 The District may not deny services to any individual eligible to participate in its special education program, but it shall provide individuals with disabilities special educational services as authorized by law. Education Code 1.002(b) FEDERAL FUNDING RECIPIENTS No person shall be excluded from participation in, denied the benefits of, or subjected to discrimination by any district that receives federal financial assistance, on the basis of any of the following protected characteristics: Sex. Race, color, or national origin. Disability, or relationship or association with an individual with a disability. [See EHB, EHBA series, and GA] 20 U.S.C. 1681 (Title VI); 42 U.S.C. 2000d (Title IX); 20 U.S.C. 1400 et seq. (Individuals with Disabilities Education Act); 29 U.S.C. 794 (Section 504); 42 U.S.C. 12132 (Americans with Disabilities Act [ADA]) HARASSMENT Sexual harassment of students is discrimination on the basis of sex under Title IX. Franklin v. Gwinnett County Schools, 503 U.S. 60 (1992) [See also DIA and FFH] HUMAN RIGHTS OFFICER The District shall designate at least one employee to coordinate its efforts to comply with Title IX, Section 504, and the ADA. The District shall notify all students and employees of the name, office address, and telephone number of the employee(s) so designated. GRIEVANCE PROCEDURES The District shall adopt and publish grievance procedures for prompt and equitable resolution of student complaints alleging discrimination under these statutes. [See FNG] 34 CFR 106.8 (Title IX); 34 CFR 104.7 (Section 504) RETALIATION The District shall not coerce, intimidate, threaten, retaliate against, or interfere with any person who attempts to assert a right protected by the above laws or cooperates with investigation and enforcement proceedings under these laws. 34 CFR 100.7(e) (Title VI), 104.61 (Section 504), 106.71 (Title IX) STUDENTS WITH LEARNING DIFFICULTIES The Texas Education Agency shall produce and provide to school districts a written explanation of the options and requirements for providing assistance to students who have learning difficulties or who need or may need special education. The explanation must state that a parent is entitled at any time to request an evaluation of the parent's child for special education services under Education Code 29.004. Each school year, each district shall provide the written explanation to a parent of each district student by including the explanation in the student handbook or by another means. Education Code 26.0081 SECTION 504 DEFINITIONS A "student with a disability" is one who has, has a record of having, or is regarded as having a physical or mental impairment that substantially limits one or more major life activities. "Major life activities" means such functions as caring for one's self, performing manual tasks, walking, seeing, hearing, speaking, breathing, learning, and working. 34 CFR 104.3(j) FREE APPROPRIATE PUBLIC EDUCATION (FAPE) The District shall provide a free appropriate public education to each qualified student with a disability within the District's jurisdiction, regardless of the nature or severity of the student's disability. A student with a disability is "qualified" if he or she is between the ages of three and 21, inclusive. 28 CFR 35.104(l)(2) An appropriate education is the provision of regular or special education and related services that are: *Designed to meet the student's individual educational needs as adequately as the needs of students who do not have disabilities are met; and *Based on adherence to procedures that satisfy federal requirements for educational setting, evaluation and placement, and procedural safeguards, as set forth below. 34 CFR 104.33(b) Implementation of an individualized education program (IEP) under IDEA is one means for providing FAPE. 34 CFR 104.33(b)(2) EDUCATIONAL SETTING The District shall place a student with a disability in the regular educational environment, unless the District demonstrates that education in the regular environment with the use of supplemental aids and services cannot be achieved satisfactorily. 34 CFR 104.34(a) In providing or arranging for nonacademic and extracurricular services and activities, the District shall ensure that a student with a disability participates with students who do not have disabilities to the maximum extent appropriate to the needs of the student with a disability. 34 CFR 104.34(b), 104.37 EVALUATION AND PLACEMENT The District shall establish standards and procedures for the evaluation and placement of persons who, because of disability, need or are believed to need special education and related services. The District shall conduct an evaluation before the initial placement, or any significant change in placement, of the student. 34 CFR 104.35 PROCEDURAL SAFEGUARDS The District shall establish a system of procedural safeguards with respect to the identification, evaluation, and educational placement of persons who need or are believed to need special instruction or related services. The system shall include notice, an opportunity for the student's parent or guardian to examine relevant records, an impartial hearing with the opportunity for participation by the student's parents or guardian and representation by counsel, and a review procedure. Compliance with the procedural safeguards of IDEA is one means of meeting this requirement. 34 CFR 104.36 HOMELESS CHILDREN The District shall adopt policies and practices to ensure that homeless children are not stigmatized or segregated on the basis of their homeless status. [See EHBD and FDC] LIAISON The District shall designate an appropriate staff person as the District liaison for homeless children. The District shall inform school personnel, service providers, and advocates working with homeless families of the duties of the liaison. [See FFC] No Child Left Behind Act of 2001, 42 U.S.C. 11432(g)(1)(J)(i), (ii) RELIGIOUS FREEDOM The District may not substantially burden a student's free exercise of religion, unless the burden is in furtherance of a compelling governmental interest and is the least restrictive means of furthering that interest. Civ. Prac. & Rem. Code 110.003 [See also DAA and GA] DISCRIMINATION ON THE BASIS OF SEX No person in the United States shall, on the basis of sex, be excluded from participation in, denied the benefits of, or be subjected to discrimination by any district receiving federal financial assistance. 20 U.S.C. 1681(a) The District shall not provide any course or otherwise carry out any of its educational programs or activities separately on the basis of sex, or require or refuse participation therein on the basis of sex, including health, physical education, industrial, business, vocational, technical, home economics, music, and adult education courses. 34 CFR 106.34 SEPARATE FACILITIES The District may provide separate toilet, locker room, and shower facilities on the basis of sex, but the facilities provided for one sex shall be comparable to the facilities provided for the other sex. 34 CFR 106.33 HUMAN SEXUALITY CLASSES Portions of classes in elementary and secondary school that deal exclusively with human sexuality may be conducted in separate sessions for boys and girls. 34 CFR 106.34 VOCAL MUSIC ACTIVITIES The District may make requirements based on vocal range or quality that may result in a chorus or choruses of one or predominantly one sex. 34 CFR 106.34 SINGLE-SEX PROGRAMS The District shall not, on the basis of sex, exclude any student from admission to an institution of vocational education or any other school or educational unit operated by the District unless the District otherwise makes available to the student, pursuant to the same policies and criteria of admission, comparable courses, services, and facilities. 34 CFR 106.35 PREGNANCY AND MARITAL STATUS A recipient shall not apply any rule concerning a student's actual or potential parental, family, or marital status that treats students differently on the basis of sex. 34 CFR 106.40 [See FND] PHYSICAL EDUCATION CLASSES The District may group students in physical education classes and activities by ability as assessed by objective standards of individual performance developed and applied without regard to sex. 34 CFR 106.34 SKILLS ASSESSMENT Where use of a single standard of measuring skill or progress in physical education classes has an adverse effect on members of one sex, the District shall use appropriate standards that do not have such effect. 34 CFR 106.34 CONTACT SPORTS The District may separate students by sex within physical education classes or activities during participation in wrestling, boxing, rugby, ice hockey, football, basketball, and other sports the purpose or major activity of which involves bodily contact. 34 CFR 106.34 ATHLETIC PROGRAMS The District shall not discriminate, on the basis of sex, in interscholastic or intramural athletics or provide any such athletics separately on such basis. SINGLE-SEX TEAMS The District may operate or sponsor separate teams for members of each sex where selection for such teams is based upon competitive skill or the activity involved is a contact sport. However, where a recipient operates or sponsors a team in a particular sport for members of one sex but not for members of the other sex, and athletic opportunities for members of that sex have previously been limited, members of the excluded sex must be allowed to try-out for the team offered unless the sport involved is a contact sport. All students must adhere to the San Benito C.I.S.D. policies and procedures, the San Benito C.I.S.D. Student Code of Conduct, in addition to the Judge Oscar De La Fuente Elementary student handbook. Judge Oscar De La Fuente Elementary Parent Communication (Please deliver or mail this form to Mr. R. Diaz, Principal) Please feel free to offer constructive suggestions that will help the JODLF community to continue providing excellence in education. _________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________ To find a copy of the Judge Oscar De La Fuente Student Handbook online, go to www.sbcisd.net click on Schools, click on Judge Oscar De La Fuente Elementary. click on Handbook. _________________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________ Es norma del distrito escolar de San Benito no discriminar por motivos de raza, color, origen nacíonal, sexo o impedimento, en sus programas, servicios o actividades en los programas educacíonales y de carreras y tecnologia, tal como lo requieren el Título VI o de la Ley de Derechos Civiles de 1964. _________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________ Student’s Name www.sbcisd.net For District “Student Policy and Procedure” go to It is the policy of the San Benito CISD not to discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, gender, or disability in its educational and Career and Technology programs, activities as required by Title VI or the Civil Rights Act of 1964. _________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________ Phone Number All students must adhere to the San Benito C.I.S.D. policies and procedures, the student code of conduct, in addition to the Judge Oscar De La Fuente Elementary student handbook. _________________________________________________________________________________________ Signature EQUAL ATHLETIC OPPORTUNITIES A district that operates or sponsors interscholastic or intramural athletics shall provide equal athletic opportunity for members of both sexes. The following factors shall be considered in determining whether the District provides equal athletic opportunities: Whether the selection of sports and levels of competition effectively accommodate the interests and abilities of members of both sexes; Provision of equipment and supplies; Scheduling of games and practice time; Travel and per diem allowance; Opportunity to receive coaching and academic tutoring; Assignment and compensation of coaches and tutors; Provision of locker rooms and practice and competitive facilities; Provision of medical and training facilities and services; Provision of housing and dining facilities and services; and Publicity. 34 CFR 106.41 Signature page Judge Oscar De La Fuente Elem entary Please sign this page, remove it, and return it to the school. It is the policy of the San Benito CISD not to discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, gender, or disability in its educational and Career and Technology programs, activities as required by Title VI or the Civil Rights Act of 1964. Student-Parent Handbook 2012-2013 For District “Student Policy and Procedure” go to www.sbcisd.net Judge Oscar De La Fuente Elementary has established the Judge Oscar De La Fuente Student Handbook in order to provide information pertaining to our school and to promote a safe and orderly learning environment for every student. We urge you to read this handbook thoroughly and to discuss it with your child/children. If you have any questions about the information provided, we encourage you to ask for an explanation from the student’s teacher, the school counselor, or campus administrator. The student and parent should each sign this page on the space provided below, then return the page to the student’s school. Thank you. We acknowledge that we have received the Judge Oscar De La Fuente Student Handbook for the 2012-2013 school year and that we are responsible for reading it. Student’s Name:____________________________________________________________ (Please print) Student’s Signature: ________________________________________________________ Parent’s Name:_____________________________________________________________ (Please print Parent’s Signature: _________________________________________________________ Teacher: _____________________________________________________Room #_______ Es norma del distrito escolar de San Benito no discriminar por motivos de raza, color, origen nacíonal, sexo o impedimento, en sus programas, servicios o actividades en los programas educacíonales y de carreras y tecnologia, tal como lo requieren el Título VI o de la Ley de Derechos Civiles de 1964.
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