BOAZ VILALLONGA 285 Mercer St ▪ New York, NY 10003 ▪ [email protected] POSITIONS Sept. 2015present May 2014March 2015 April 2012March 2015 Jan. 2008Jan. 2012 New York University Visiting Scholar Columbia University Postdoctoral Fellow École des Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales Associate Research Fellow Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona Junior Research Fellow New York, NY New York, NY Paris, France Barcelona, Spain EDUCATION June 2011 Sept. 2008 Sept. 2007 École des Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales Paris, France Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona Barcelona, Spain Joint Ph.D. in History Très honorable avec félicitations / Excel·lent cum laude grades awarded Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona Barcelona, Spain M.A. in Comparative History Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona Barcelona, Spain B.A. in History Matrícula d’Honor grade awarded (highest honors), UAB Graduation Prize for Exceptional Achievement 2007 (highest GPA), Recipient of the Modern History Undergraduate Research Scholarship HONORS, FELLOWSHIPS AND AWARDS 2014 2013 2012 2011 2010 2008-2012 2008 2007 2006-2007 Postdoctoral fellowship, Tikvah Fund Tikvah Advanced Institutes, Tikvah Fund Catalan Modern History Research Grant, Center for the Catalan Modern History, Catalan Government Research Stay Grant, Visiting graduate student, Columbia University & Spanish Ministry of Education Research Stay Grant, Short-term Visitor Istituto Storico Italiano per il Medio Evo & Spanish Ministry of Education Predoctoral Fellowship, Spanish Ministry of Education Postgraduate Fellowship, Catalan Agency for Administration of University and Research Grants, Catalan Government (declined) UAB Graduation Prize for Exceptional Achievement 2007 (highest GPA) UAB Department of Modern History Undergraduate Research Scholarship 1 ACADEMIC PUBLICATIONS 1. Catholic Modernity. Re-Imagining Catholicism in the Nineteenth Century (under contract with the University of Pennsylvania Press) 2. “The Theoretical Origins of Catholic Nationalism in Nineteenth-Century Europe”, Modern Intellectual History, 11:2 (2014), 307-31 3. “La nación católica: Balmes y la representación de España en el Ochocientos” [The Catholic Nation: Balmes and the Representation of Spain in the Nineteenth Century], Historia social, 72 (2012), 49-64 4. “Compitiendo en españolidad: el nacionalismo español de la intelectualidad catalana del Ochocientos” [Striving for Spanishness: the Spanish Nationalism of the Catalan Intelligentsia in the Nineteenth Century], Alcores, 12 (2011), 75-95 5. “La representació del ‘Gran Dia de Girona’ en el setge de 1809 durant el Vuit-cents” [The Representation of the ‘Great Day of Girona’ in the Siege of 1809 during the Nineteenth Century], Annals de l’Institut d’Estudis Gironins, LI (2010), 501-517 6. “Historiografía y mito nacional: los sitios de Gerona durante la Restauración” [Historiography and National Myth: the Sieges of Girona during the Spanish Restoration], Revista de historia Jerónimo Zurita, 83 (2008), 139-158 7. “La historiografia gironina de la Restauració” [The Historiography of the Spanish Restoration in Girona], Annals de l’Institut d’Estudis Gironins, XLIX (2008), 619-641 8. “Mecenazgo político y estatuaria monumental: la obra de Miquel Blay en Panamá” [Political Patronage and Monumental Statuary: the Work of Miquel Blay in Panama], Diálogos. Revista electrónica de historia, special issue (2008), 2156-2178 9. “Inventariant els instruments científics de l’Institut Jaume Vicens Vives” [The inventory of Scientific Instruments of the Jaume Vicens Vives Secondary School] (joint with Albert Ruhí), Actes d’Història de la Ciència i de la Tècnica, 1, 1 (2008), 129-140 10. “Carles Rahola i el mite dels setges de Girona al 1808 i 1809” [Carles Rahola and the Myth of the Sieges of Girona in 1808 and 1809], L’Avenç, 327 (2007), 36-39 11. “El patrimoni científic de l’Institut Jaume Vicens Vives de Girona: una aproximació històrica” [The Scientific Legacy of Jaume Vicens Vives Secondary School: a historical approach], in Grapí, P.; Massa, R. M., Actes de la II jornada sobre la història de la ciència i l’ensenyament ‘Antoni Quintana Marí’ (Barcelona: Societat Catalana d’Història de la Ciència, 2007), 137-143 12. Rafael Masó a Llagostera [Rafael Masó in Llagostera] (Llagostera: Arxiu Municipal de Llagostera, 2002) REVIEWS 1. “Losing sight of reason,” The Immanent Frame. Retrieved October 9, 2014, from <http://> 2 2. “Figuras de judaísmo” [Figures of Judaism], Revista de historia Jerónimo Zurita, 88 (2013), 332-9 OTHER ACADEMIC ACTIVITIES Member: American Historical Association, Fundación Española de Historia Moderna Research Projects: -“Memoria y Cultura Religiosa en el Mundo Hispánico, 1500-1835” [Memory and Religious Culture in the Spanish World, 1500-1835], (HAR2011-28732-C03-01), Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, 2011-2013 -“Grup de Recerca d’Estudis d’Història Cultural” [Cultural History Studies Research Group] (2009SGR0329), Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, 2009-2012 -“La Construcción de la Memoria Histórica de la Compañía de Jesús en el Mundo Hispánico durante la Edad Moderna” [Historical MemoryBuilding Process of the Society of Jesus in the Modern Spanish World] (HAR2008-06048-C03-03), Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, 2008-2011 -“La Recepción del Hispanismo Europeo y Americano Contemporáneo en España” [Modern European and American Hispanism Reception in Spain] (CEHI04), Fundación Carolina, 2006 TEACHING EXPERIENCE 1. Histoire Politique Contemporaine de l’Europe [Contemporary Political History of Europe]. PhD Program, École des Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales. Fall 2010 2. Historiografia-IV [Modern Historiography]. Undergraduate Program, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona. Fall 2010 3. Historiografia-IV [Modern Historiography]. Undergraduate Program, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona. Spring 2010 4. Cultura i Mentalitats en l’Europa Moderna [Intellectual History and Mentalities in Early Modern Europe]. Undergraduate Program, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona. Spring 2008 5. Història Contemporània d’Espanya-I [Spanish History in the Nineteenth Century]. Undergraduate Program, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona. Spring 2008 CLINICAL EXPERIENCE Sept. 2015present Contemporary Freudian Society LP Adult Psychoanalysis Program New York, NY PRESENTATIONS IN CONFERENCES 2013 I Jornades de Patrimoni Defensiu d’època moderna, Figueres, October (Keynote Speech) 3 2009 2008 2006 2005 III Annual Symposium of the Nineteeenth-Century Hispanists Network, Paris, May (Abstract) III Congrés d’Història de Girona ‘Guerra i poder a les terres de frontera (1792-1823), Girona, November (Abstract) VII Curso de Fortificación y Poliorcética, Madrid, May (Invited Speaker) IX Congreso Centroamericano de Historia, San José, July (Keynote Speech) IX Trobada d’Història de la Ciència i de la Tècnica, Girona, November (Poster) II Jornada sobre la història de la ciència i l’ensenyament ‘Antoni Quintana Marí’, Barcelona, November (Abstract) INVITED SEMINARS 2012 2009 University of Leeds, Universitat de Girona École des Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales PROFESSIONAL SERVICE 2013-present 2010 2008 Op-ed contributor, Diari Ara Undergraduate adviser (volunteer position), Spring-fall Scientific Committee, Symposium “La Compañía de Jesús y su proyección mediática en la Edad Moderna”, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, October LANGUAGES Native Catalan, French and Spanish; Near native-ability English (written and spoken); proficient Latin and Italian; proficient reading knowledge, German, Occitan and Portuguese; basic Hebrew, Esperanto and Chinese 4
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