THE CATHOLIC CHRISTIAN COMMUNITY OF SANGER AND DEL REY Office- 828 “O” Street, Sanger, California 93657 Phone 875-2025 — Fax 875-2618 THE COMING KINGDOM DEL REINO First Sunday of Advent LA VENIDA Jeremiah could see it coming—the Jeremías lo veía venir –el reinado November 29, 2015 kingship of Jesus and the restoration of de Jesús y la restauración de Jerusalén. Jerusalem. But was anybody listening? Pero, ¿había alguien que le escuchara? Is anybody listening now? It must have ¿Alguien escucha ahora? Ser profeta tebeen tough being a prophet, but Jereminía que haber sido muy difícil, pero Jereah was persistent in his message bemías era persistente en su mensaje, porcause he knew that it needed to be que sabía lo necesario que era escucharlo. heard. Persistente en su mensaje tamAlso persistent in his message is bién es Pablo, animando a los tesaloniPaul as he encourages the Thessalonicenses –y a todos nosotros– a vivir de ans—and all of us—to live in accordacuerdo al reino que Jeremías anunció. ance with the kingship that Jeremiah Nos motiva a comportarnos en el camino foretold. He encourages us to conduct de santidad para que estemos bien prepaourselves in ways of holiness so that rados para la llegada del rey. Finalmente, we may be well prepared for the king’s Jesús mismo nos dice que estemos siemcoming. Finally, Jesus himself tells us pre atentos para lograr el agrado de nuesto be ever diligent so that we may gain tro Dios y Rey. favor before our God and King. Jeremías podía ver que se acercaba el reinado de Jesús. Jeremiah could see the kingship of Jesus coming. As Al comenzar el tiempo de Adviento, Pablo y Jesús nos enwe begin the season of Advent, Paul and Jesus tell us not señan no sólo cómo prepararnos para el Reino, sino cómo only how to prepare for the Kingdom, but how to live it vivirlo día a día. day to day. THE ADVENT WREATH LA CORONA DE ADVIENTO The advent wreath symbolizes our eternal God, and the four candles mark the four weeks of Advent. “Purple” symbolizes our conversion preparation for the coming of Jesus and “Rose” symbolizes the joy in the coming of the Lord. Candles symbolize Christ who dispels the darkness of sins. La corona de Adviento simboliza nuestro eterno Dios, y las cuatro veladoras marcan las cuatro semanas de Adviento. “Púrpura” simboliza nuestra conversión y preparación para la venida de Jesús y “Rosa” simboliza la alegría de la venida del Señor. Las veladoras simbolizan Cristo ADVENT PRAYER God of power and mercy, open our hearts in welcome. Remove the things that hinder us from receiving Christ with joy, so that we may share his wisdom and become one with him when he comes in glory, for he lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, for ever and ever. Amen ORACION DE ADVIENTO D ios de poder y misericordia, abre nuestros corazones para darte la bienvenida. Quite las cosas que nos impiden recibir a Cristo con alegría, para que podamos compartir su sabiduría y ser uno con él, cuando venga en la gloria. El que vive y reina contigo y el Espíritu Santo, un solo Dios, por los siglos de los siglos. Amén ST. MARY’S CHURCH, SANGER CA —ST. KATHERINE’S, DEL REY, CA Schedule of Masses Horario de Misas Parish under the Direction of The Rogationist Fathers Saturday (Vigil) “O” street 5:30 pm English 5;30 pm DR Español 7:00 pm Español Fr. John Bruno, R.C.J., V.F. Pastor Fr. Devassy Painadath, R.C.J. Parochial Vicar Fr. Edwin Manio, R.C.J. Seminary-Superior House November 29, 2015 Sunday New Church 7:30 am 9:00 am 9:30 am DR 11:00 am 1:00 pm English Español English English Español Business Manager– Minnie Kirsch Parish Secretary– Julie Mendoza Website: Weekday “O” street 7:00 am English 5:30 pm Español Holy Days 7:00 am 5:30 pm 5:30 pmDR Email: [email protected] Adoration and Benediction Adoración “O” street English Español Español New St. Mary’s Church Thursdays 6:00 pm (Español), 6:30pm (English) Confessions Confesiones “O” street Rectory/Rectoría 828 “O” Street, Sanger, Ca. 93657 P.O. Box 335 Office- 875-2025 Fax- 875-2618 Thursday 6:15 pm—7:00 pm Saturday 2:15 pm– 3:15 pm and 6:30 pm—7:00 pm Hours/Horario Baptisms and Weddings Monday—Friday 9:00 am– 5:00 pm (closed 12 noon to 1:00 pm ) Bautismos, Bodas, Quinceañeras Call Parish office/llamar a la oficina Rogationist Residence Vocation Center Fr. Hannibal House Social Service and Thrift Store 2688 S. Newmark Ave, Sanger, Ca. 93657 875-5808 1501 14th St. Phone– 875-0564 FINANCE CHURCH SUPPORT NOVEMBER 21 & 22 5:30PM $ .00 7:00PM $ .00 7:30AM $ .00 9:00AM $ .00 11:00AM $ .00 1:00PM $ .00 5:30PM DR $ .00 9:30AM DR $ .00 WE WILL POST IN THE DECEMBER 6TH BULLETIN St. Hannibal Chapel Old St. Mary’s St. Katherine’s Church A weekly collection of $7,000.00 is needed in order to meet the daily costs of operations. This does not include a reserve for extraordinary expenses. Please help us meet this goal. Para poder mantener las operaciones parroquiales, necesitamos recibir $7,000.00 cada semana en las colectas del domingo. Esto no incluye un fondo necesario para necesidades no esperadas. Por favor apoye a su parroquia. Bishops Annual Second Collection Thank you and God bless you ! - Gracias y que Dios les bendiga! MASS INTENTIONS PRAY FOR MILITARY: RCIA Saturday 5:30 pm 5:30 pm DR 7:00 pm Sunday 7:30 am 9:00 am 9:30amDR Joel Sanchez, Zachary Brown, Tanya Florian, Ashlee Reyna, Jesus Luna, Trina Donna Reyes, Brigham Cox, Amando Silva Jr., Jonathan Michael Barnes, Jose Ulises Contreras, Manuel Contreras, Jacob Alexander Arteaga, Tony Mercado, Alvin Sandoval, Jesse Sandoval, Diego Contreras, Karisa Garza, Nate Garza, Eric Joseph Martinez and all young men and women from Del Rey and Sanger. Are you seven years or older and wish to receive the Sacraments of Baptism, Confirmation, Communion? New classes will be forming August 9, 2015. Register by calling: Ella Boyle 875-8425 or Spanish Adults call Samuel Velazco 6180271. Parents of children are required to attend. If you are already baptized, register with Religious Education or Agape. If you are an adult needing Communion and Confirmation register here. 11:00 am 1:00 pm Monday 7:00 am 5:30 pm Tuesday 7:00 am 5:30 pm Wednesday 7:00 am 5:30 pm DR Thursday 7:30 am 5:30 pm Friday 7:00 am 5:30 pm DR Saturday, 5:30 pm 5:30 pm DR 7:00 pm Sunday, 7:30 am 9:00 am 9:30amDR 11:00 am November 28 †Ray Duran Zenaida Perez †Luciano Ramirez November 29 Pro Populo †Enrique Magdaleno †Nacho, Dora & Roy Gonzalez †Zeferino & Juanita Leal †Oscar Martinez November 30 †Angie Lena Sandoval Living and Deceased Rogationist Fathers December 1 †Joe Pistacchio Living and Deceased Rogationist Fathers December 2 Living and Deceased Rogationist Fathers Living and Deceased Rogationist Fathers December 3 †Bill & Dorothy Taylor Living and Deceased Rogationist Fathers December 4 Int. of Padilla Family Living and Deceased Rogationists Fathers December 5 Int of Padilla Family †Lupe Cardenas †Rogelio DeLaCruz December 6 Pro Populo †Catalina & Ascencion Valdez †Paulina, Refugia, Lennie Padilla †Victoria Carrillo, Guadalupe Mata †Catalina Guerrero PRAY FOR THE SICK: Please call office at 875-2025 to add anyone to list of prayers. . Chuck Self, Merce Rodriguez, John Gonzalez, Jim Deaver, Savino A., Arminda Martinez, Frances Alvarado, John Rios, Baby Liam Lopez, Roy Villareal Sr., Luis Garcia, Maria A., Angelita Ruiz, Jose Barajas, Savina Takemoto, Christina Brewer, Melody Silva Angelita C. Perez, Alice Vargas, Patty Ramirez, Eddie Beltran, Kristi Bustamante, Kathy Boyle, Maria De la Luz Gonzales, Tomasita Villareal, Arnold Gomez Jr., Hector Pacheco, Joey Rocha Jr., Samuel Gamez, Sonny Patton, Michelle Macias, Soledad Gandara, & Tara Castaneda Villareal. May the Lord lay His healing hand upon them and bring them peace. PRAY FOR THOSE WHO DIED RECENTLY Jesse Aguilar, Francisca Alvarado May their soul and the souls of the faithful departed thru the mercy of God rest in peace. OFRENDA DE LA MISA Ofrecer la Misa por una persona (Viva o difunta, cumpleaños, aniversario, sanación) es el regalo MASS OFFERING To offer a mass for a person (deceased mas grande que pueden of living, birthday, anniversary, heal- dar. $10 es la donación. ing) is the greatest gift you can give, Donation is $10. 1:00 pm ST. MARY’S Religious Education 12050 E. North Ave., 875-6340. Office hours Monday thru Thursday 9:00 am to 4:00 pm. Elementary— Priscilla Bustamante, Agape, Jr. High, High School—Linda Gallardo and Elsa Rodriguez. ST. KATHERINE Religious Education 5375 Carmel Street, Del Rey 93616, 888-2889. Elementary, Jr./ High School and RCIA call Julia Flores 643-7533. Formator of Catechists– Hna. Reyna Maldonado. Elementary, Jr. /High School Spanish—Maria Morales REGISTRATION: Check with Del Rey office. BAPTISMS 1st and 3rd Saturday in Spanish. 2nd and 4th Saturday in English at 10:00am in new church. Bring your child’s birth certificate to the office to begin the process. Donation is $60 per child. ST. MARY’S CHURCH, SANGER CA —ST. KATHERINE’S, DEL REY, CA SANCTUARY CANDLE FOR NOVEMBER 2015 In memory of: Gilbert Gonzalez at “O” street. In memory of: Jim & Juanita Gonzalez at new church. In thanksgiving of: Fred Gomez Jr. family at St. Hannibal Chapel. In memory of John Diaz at St. Katherine’s ST. NICHOLAS BREAKFAST ST. MARY’S ALTAR SERVERS (SMAS) You are invited to support our altar servers in their annual fundraising breakfast Sunday, December 6, 2015 8:00 am to 12 noon. Pozole or American breakfast will be served for a donation of $7.00 per person. Pre-Sale tickets available from altar servers READINGS OF THE WEEK Monday: Rom 10:9-18; Ps 19:811; Mt 4:18-22 Tuesday: Is 11:1-10; Ps 72:1-2, 78, 12-13, 17; Lk 10:21-24 Wednesday: Is 25:6-10a; Ps 23:1-6; Mt 15:29-37 Thursday: Is 26:1-6; Ps 118:1, 8-9, 19-21, 25-27a; Mt 7:21, 24-27 Friday: Is 29:17-24; Ps 27:1, 4, 13-14; Mt 9:27-31 Saturday: Is 30:19-21, 23-26; Ps 147:1-6; Mt 9:35 — 10:1, 5a, 6-8 Sunday: Bar 5:1-9; Ps 126:1-6; Phil 1:4-6, 8-11; Lk 3:1-6 JUBILIEE YEAR OF MERCY November 29, 2015 Besides a new liturgical year, this Advent features an additional “beginning”—next week’s opening of the Jubilee Year of Mercy, a graced opportunity to contemplate more profoundly and live more concretely the mystery of God’s unconditional love. Pope Francis says that mercy, as the bridge connecting God and the human family, opens our hearts to welcome God’s love for us sinners and our eyes to recognize others, especially society’s least loved and most vulnerable, as brothers and sisters entrusted to our PARENTS GATHERING care. Today’s scriptures provide a perThis is truly an experience of God in fect Jubilee preparation. Jeremiah our daily life. Parents are invited to comforts us with come for ONE hour on the following the promise of Thursdays 7:00 pm to 8:00 pm in God’s justice; Paul the CCD classrooms. Thurs., Nov. challenges us to 26– No Class, “Thanksgiving Day” abound in love for all; Luke bids us *More dates to be posted, please keep anticipate Jesus’ future coming as the updated by checking the bulletin. joyful advent of our redemption. But in a unique way, this Jubilee Year’s Advent reminds us that Jesus, whose LADIES DINNER Ladies Dinner—Friday, December coming we await, is already present 4, 2015. Look for the table after mass among us, in those for whom we need on Sunday to buy your tickets or buy a to become instruments of God’s mercy. table of (8). A Raffle will also be held; tickets available after Mass. November 29, 2015 HANNIBAL HOUSE REPORT FOR OCTOBER Thrift Store Sales: $6,451.19, volunteer hours: 278hrs. Social Services: total served: 906 Clothing Vouchers: FHH-12 adults/9 children….value $323.25 Hope Sanger: 12 adults/ 1 child…. $168.75 Volunteer Hours: 43 Food Donation: Walmart: 2,962.50 pounds Public: 31.0 pounds Food Bank: We received 74 Holiday boxes with chickens KNIGHTS 5TH SUNDAY ROSARY TODAY, Sunday November 29 in the new church at 10:30 am just before mass. LOST AND FOUND Someone used the keys to the CCD without checking them out at the rectory. They need to be returned asap! POLVORONES Catholic Daughters is taking orders, $5 a dozen. Contact Helen at 4178591 or Becky at 260-1568 to place your order. Pick up will be Sunday, December 20th 8:00 am to 12:00 noon. ONE LIFE LA Mark your calendar for the “One Life LA,” January 23, 2016 in Los Angeles. More details to come. SEND. O LORD, HOLY APOSTLES INTO YOUR CHURCH. ST. HANNIBAL, PRAY FOR US SAINTS AND OBSERVANCES Monday: St. Andrew, Apostle Andrew, like his brother Simon Peter, was a fisherman. He became a disciple of the great St. John the Baptist, but when John pointed to Jesus and said, "Behold the Lamb of God!" Andrew understood that Jesus was greater. At once he left John to follow the Divine Master. Jesus knew that Andrew was walking behind him, and turning back, he asked, "what do you seek?" When Andrew answered that he would like to know where Jesus lived, Our Lord replied, "Come and see." Andrew had been only a little time with Jesus when he realized that this was truly the Messiah. From then on, he chose to follow Jesus. Andrew was thus the first disciple of Christ. Next, Andrew brought his brother Simon (St. Peter) to Jesus and Jesus received him, too, as His disciple. At first the two brothers continued to carry on their fishing trade and family affairs, but later, the Lord called them to stay with Him all the time. He promised to make them fishers of men, and this time, they left their nets for good. It is believed that after Our Lord ascended into Heaven, St. Andrew went to Greece to preach the gospel. He is said to have been put to death on a cross, to which he was tied, not nailed. He lived two days in that state of suffering, still preaching to the people who gathered around their beloved Apostle. Patron of Scotland Thursday: Saint Francis Xavier, priest Francis Xavier, + 1552 at age forty-six on the island of Sancion off the China coast; from Navarre; one of the founding Jesuits; preached in India, Sri Lanka, Malaysia, and Japan; with St. Therese of the Child Jesus, co-patron of the Apostleship of Prayer and of the foreign missions. Friday: Saint John Damascene, priest, doctor of the Church John, + 749; born in Damascus, a Muslim city, c. 657; raised a Christian yet served as a finance minister or “grand vizier” at the court of the caliph where he was respected for his competence, fairness, and humility; became a monk, later a priest at the monastery of St. Sabas, near Jerusalem. YOUNG ADULT GROUP We are a young adult group seeking the truth of the Church that Christ himself established; all while building friendships from reflecting on scripture to simple fun social gatherings. We meet every Sunday, 3:00 pm to 5:00 pm in room #3. If you are in the ages between 18-30, you are not alone, come make new friends. CONSECRATION TO JESUS THROUGH MARY You can still join us. The goal of the consecration is to hand over to Mary our life, our will, our senses, our bodies, our merits, so that she will present them to Jesus and join us more intimately to her Son. EXPOSITION OF SACRED RELICS St. Mary’s Parish welcomes you to a teaching and exposition of Sacred Relics Saturday, December 5, 2015 at 6:00 pm in the new church. Over 150 relics will be shown, some believed to be as old as 2000 years. Among the treasures will be relics of St. Maria Goretti, St. Therese of Lisieux (the “Little Flower”), St. Francis of Assisi, St. Anthony of Padua, St. Thomas Aquinas, and St. Faustina Kowalska. In addition, there will also be present a piece of a veil which is believed to have belonged to Our Lady and one of the largest remaining pieces of the True Cross in the world. See for more information. ENVIA, SENOR, SANTOS APOSTOLES A TU IGLESIA—SAN ANIBAL RUEGA POR NOSOTROS LECTURAS DE LA SEMANA Lunes: Rom 10:9-18; Sal 19 (18):811; Mt 4:18-22 Martes: Is 11:1-10; Sal 72 (71):1-2, 7-8, 12-13, 17; Lc 10:21-24 Miércoles:Is 25:6-10a; Sal 23 (22):16; Mt 15:29-37 Jueves: Is 26:1-6; Sal 118 (117):1, 8-9, 19-21, 25-27a; Mt 7:21, 24-27 Viernes: Is 29:17-24; Sal 27 (26):1, 4, 13-14; Mt 9:27-31 Sábado: Is 30:19-21, 23-26; Sal 147 (146):1-6; Mt 9:35 — 10:1, 5a, 6-8 Domingo: Bar 5:1-9; Sal 126:1-6; Fil 1:4-6, 8-11;Lc 3:1-6 ANO JUBILAR DE LA MISERICORDIA 29 de noviembre de 2015 Primer Domingo de Adviento Además de un Año NueEXPOSICIÓN DE vo Litúrgico, este AdSAGRADAS RELIQUIAS viento se caracteriza por incluir otro “comienzo”; La parroquia de Santa María le da la bienvenida a una enseñanza y exposi- la próxima semana es la ción de las Sagradas Reliquias Sába- inauguración del Año Jubilar de la Misericordo, 5 de diciembre 2015 a las 6:00 dia, un tiempo de gracia pm en la iglesia nueva. Mas de 150 para contemplar más reliquias serán mostradas, algunas se profundamente y vivir más concretacree ser tan antigua como 2000 años. mente los misterios incondicionales del Entre los tesoros serán reliquias de amor de Dios. El Papa Francisco dice Santa María Goretti, Santa Teresa de Lisieux (la "Pequeña Flor"), San Fran- que la misericordia, así como el puente cisco de Asís, San Antonio de Padua, que conecta a Dios con la familia huSanto Tomás de Aquino, y Santa Faus- mana, abre nuestros corazones para dar tina Kowalska. Además, también esta- la bienvenida al amor de Dios por nosorán presentes un trozo de un velo que tros pecadores y abre nuestros ojos para LOS SANTOS Y OTRAS reconocer al prójimo, especialmente en se cree que han pertenecido a la Virlos menos amados por la sociedad y los CELEBRACIONES gen y una de las piezas restantes más más vulnerables, como hermanos y herDomingo: Primer Domingo de grandes de la Vera Cruz. Adviento Ver manas confiados a nuestro cuidado. Las Escrituras de este día facilitan una perLunes: San Andrés para más información. fecta preparación para el Jubileo. Jeremías nos consuela Jueves: San Francisco con la promesa de la Javier justicia de Dios; PaViernes: San Juan Da masblo nos desafía para ST. NICOLÁS ceno; prosperar en el amor por todos, mienPrimer viernes DESAYUNO tras que Lucas se esfuerza por anticiSábado: Primer sábado POR LOS MOparnos el futuro de la venida de Jesús NAGUILLOS como el alegre adviento de nuestra redención. Pero de una única manera, el DE SANTA Adviento de este Año Jubilar nos reMARIA (SMAS) LLAVES cuerda que Jesús, de quien esperamos Usted está invitado a PERDIDAS su venida, está ya presente en medio de apoyar a nuestros serviAlguien utilizo las llaves nosotros, en aquellas personas para las dores del altar en su del CCD sin regresarlas que necesitamos convertirnos en instrudesayuno de recaudaa la rectoría. Ellas tienen mentos de la misericordia de Dios. ción anual de fondos el que ser devueltas lo mas antes posible! Domingo, 6 de diciembre 2015 de 8:00 am a 12 del mediodía. Pozole o desayuno americano se sirve por una MISA DE ABERTURA donación de $ 7.00 por persona. Bo- DEL JUBILEO letos de pre-venta disponibles de los 7 de diciembre a las 6:00 pm en La monaguillos Catedral en Fresno y misa bilingüe ONE LIFE LA Marque su calendario por Sábado 23 de enero 2016 en Los Angeles. Mas detalles pronto. por nuestro vicariado en Reedley el lunes 14 de diciembre a las 6:00 pm. Pueden ganar la indulgencia plenaria. FIESTA DE NUESTRA SENORA DE GUADALUPE/FEAST OF OUR LADY OF GUADALUPE SANGER DEL REY Diciembre 3 a 11 Nueva Iglesia Novena 7:00pm Diciembre 3 a 11 Novena y Reflexión 7:00pm Diciembre 6 Procesión de la iglesia en la calle “O” a la nueva iglesia Juntarse a las 11:30am 12:00 mediodía a la 1:00pm Todos los grupos de la Parroquia están invitados Con su estandarte. All parish groups are invited with their banner. Diciembre 12 Mañanitas 5:00am Eucaristía 6:00am Desayuno corto 7:00am Eucaristía seguida por una convivencia 5:30pm Misa 1:00pm Diciembre 11 Nueva iglesia Vigilia de Alabanza 7:00pm hasta las 10:00am Diciembre 12 Rosario 4:30 am Mañanitas con los Mariachis 5:00 am Misa con Mariachis 6:00am Convivio en el Salón 7:00am Misa Solemne de Conclusión y convivio 7:00pm Nueva Iglesia “Escucha y deja que penetre en tu Corazón… no te Preocupes o sea agobiado por la pena. No temas a cualquier enfermedad o aflicción, la ansiedad o el dolor. No estoy aquí que soy tu madre? ?No estas bajo mi sombra y protección? (La Virgen a Juan Diego año 1531) “Listen an let it penetrate your heart… do not be troubled or weighed down with grief. Do not fear any illness or vexation, anxiety or pain. Am I not here who am your Mother? Are you not under my shadow and protection? (The Virgen to Juan Diego year 1531)
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